Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 02, 1916, Night Extra, Image 6

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swttfor Tbtsvdv to Fire CItv
Quarter by Qumrtvr Sooner
Thn SBrrwidw
..in 1, 1 1 1 i i
tRsoimcwruL in action
f&Mp-t1njr. With Joffre,
Had Troop at Front to
Mttet Fo'8 Advance
IfMM KHrttntHHv f Yac
fttotrtrM, JIKl
JA1U, . . Tw8 yr mo to th
ty saw a stlrrlnc event In J'f'Tlh
: second taxis el roe capnsi 01
I'wlthta ftty.fr yar by a vie
i desman umr.
la tha ruliima of Mm, th Intimate Inner
a4H t tbta HxmA In history will ) r-
I In WMiiMtt form now mmsioi.
duels th duration of th war It
K 1hi4 Imne-lKla by tha French
remment to maka ubHc tha dossier con-
tMc It
It u my rood fortune today, however,
to asm In contact with a trained military
Isjmnref of th momentous event now re-
rd(n K second anniversary! an orncer
the French army who wa the personal
JHtid and under tho command of General
atlranl, tho military rorernor of Paris at
, tart time. 1II nam, perforce. I cannot
,aiOon. But hi Intimate knowledge of the
wy through which this article I com
fttted I cah vouch for from my pemonal
taiowleds of the man. I may add a well
sat, tils Intimate Mlatlnr. of an historical
IwkVrformanc haa never been printed In
fate American preei.
Tha month preceding Beptember 4, 114,
bad een a rapid and bewildering succes
tea of events) declarations of war. en
tthttMattlo French mobilisation ora-anlied by
Generals Joffre and Caatetnau. the ruthless
Savaalon of lleliclum by Oermnn armies, the
i -fall of Liege alter an heroic resistance, the
.fall of Namur. tha capitulation of Brussels
Vj Mwitrv tinnn nsrade by the ffrnr
.r,Jten'of tho Kaleer, followed almost lm-
asjitery oy tne rrnc muno -JeraH
and the trlmphnnt advance toward
Jparl by tha dermans as per the lonf-lald
.' of tha military staff, save for a tern-'yee-ary
check at aulse. Then almoet simul
taneously with the appearance of Oerman
Taube over the Place de la Concorde,
.Tarl knew the enemy wa at tho very nates
'X the city.
Rumor flew In all directions. This or
that would be the plan of defenee. Paris
must not capitulate, realstanc at any cost
and any price muet Uo maintained, the
' eat of fovernment would be removed to
'ordeaux, that It would not, that President
s4ncar opposed the Idea of KOlnt that
me of tho tnlnletera agreed and others
Then quickly the pubilo learned the car
rying by General Joffre of his point that
tka Government would bow to military view
mud go to Bordeaux upon the ground that
'the preaenco of civil authority would em
tVarraas military authority In any plan of
defense U be n'irsued. Immediately fol
'Jewlng, M. Ilrland assured the Parisian
wtfalte through IU representatives In the
Chamber of Unputles that the military plans
assured a !! mined defense Of Paris, a
defense worthy of Its anctent traditions.
Upon the morning of September t, den
ral rjalllenl, my Informant tells me, went
in hi official capacity as Military Oovernor
I the caplul to the Ministry of AVar to
' receive, formally and Anally, Instructions
as to tho defense of the c ty The Minister
ec War, M. Mlllerand, with two of hla col
leagues, MM. prland and Thomson, were
waiting for him. An Interview that will
mo down In history occurred. At Its close
tfee four men stand.ng. denerul rjalllenl
, Mid:
yWlth the garrison of Paris and the Afrl
'' an Uroops at my command, I can defend
the apltal section by section, street by
treef. house by house. Shall I do Itr
"Yee." replied M. Mlllerand.
"ABd." continued the General, "If I am
foraed to rotreut to the other side of the
' BetneT'
Then you must destroy the bfligea," an
: vwered tha Minister.
, "Cast blen," was the reply; "It shall be
ec sjsmw at Ms tbimsaala t m to sM
tka arsay of Joffra, thus talnng with tre
saosMtoa asrott on tin ormn flank, tfcat
tonMI the IMe. it w 0fml OalHenl'a
Instant tMs Mrantac et tho htexplleable
Gorman oMfqu that saved Parle, per
mitted joffre to save France, and with
Franea the Allied cause,
rresently Tails heard tha news. A
period of anxiety turned to Joy, and then
to a rrrltable Intoxication or happiness at
tha saving of the capital from Oermany
and i destruction. It seemed, too, as If
nature hentetf rejoiced, The whole month
w.viiivw Tmm nuiN.umi .an vn
there had been a sun ef Auaterllti mora
than JW years before, so there was the
tMi of the Marne shining over the capital
of Franc. Strangers smiled upon each
other on tho streets J men and women un
known to each other shook hands; ac
quaintances embraced publicly, kissing
cheek and cheek In the Latin fashion. The
sun shone on for twenty-six consecutive
days, shone gloriously, and the Joy of the
people was bathed In Its glory.
The battle of the Marne was on. The
armies of Von Kluck were being driven
back, leaving their dead and French dead
In thousands, but the blood-soaked ground
exemplified a Paris saved, and a section of
Franco redeemed.
With the Marne, tha aspect of tha war
changed, From a war of quick Invasion
and subjection following the plans of the
German Military HtafT, It developed through
Oalllenl's Inspiration and telephone mes
sagn to Joffre Into a successful repelling
of the Invaders, The Government presently
returned from nordeaux the normal life
of Paris resumed.
Today It sees a soft September sun
shining over Its thousands of monuments,
knows the Intrenched Germans eighty miles
away are being surely, If slowly, forced
out In the Allied drive. The long line of
battle on my map of the front, changed
dally with tiny pin French, English nnd
Ilelglan flags, shows constant gains, con
stant bits of Invaded France being
bitten back from the armies of Germany.
Uy and by they will be driven from French
soil. Joffre Is seeing to that. He Is the
Idol of France and deservedly so.
Hut aalllenl dead and burled with
honor holds Inviolate for all time In the
history of this war his proud position as
tha Saviour of Paris, his name nn Im
mortal memory In the minds of all French
men. All the world save Germany Is debtor to
this fine old dead soldier, who made pos
slblo through his military genius tho re
the second anniversary of the glorious
cording thta beautiful September day of
battle of the Marne.
Both question and reply were dictated by
tho gray-muatached soldier's knowledge;
Indeed, it was common knowledge that the
Germans knew Paris was the heart of
France, and to dominate France and force
her to surrender, Von Kluck would delib
erately burn section by section, street by
street, monument by monument. Tho on
ieni and artlstla architecture of the most
,.' beautiful city In tha world, bu'.ldlngs rich
let tradition, wherein much that In, the glory
f history has seen the light, would be piti
lessly destroyed. It were better for Oeneral
OalllenI, better and nobler, to demolish the
aolul with the tricolor flying than to
esWlt to the shame of a surrender under
.partially burned Paris, lletter In all
enees. but particularly for the glorious tra
MUons of France.
8o It was decided. So aalllenl grimly
r swea nu assent to uo, it was to ne resist-
rsi ejt tis-li raxsilal inna tf Irish afaS list nth n
.sTrsfteh. rather than tha Ignominy of a Ger-
"saan destruction of Paris, If the city of
: fwauty was to become a mass of ruins. It
a nil 111 ka ss tha Viands t Ihass' uKn lnu.4
, wKh tha flag flying.
.WKh tha public announcement through
sammar ransian piacara, tne populace.
4y women and children, crowded the
sy stations leading to tha south. They
i on foot. In all sorts of vehicles, with
I without personal possessions. Even so,
were but a tithe of the millions who
to remain, not unconscious of the
, but rather In a supreme Idolatrous
In Oalllenf and hla army of
Germans were on the Parisian side
"C Chateau-Thierry and approaching Maux,
pwwttin miles from the city. On the morn
Isar of geptemfeer 6 Gsneral aalllenl s'gned
th , order requWUo4ng svery automobile
Ml Paris. Uy I 'cleetc In the afternoon
fi fssry isxkmd, ana private automobile was
l sssaporsruy unoer ie aireetioH of the array.
' Qkrs bad been stopped In the streets, and.
sr iHMocupiea, sent to stations; it occupied,
pass angers were compelled to descend
M tha chauffeurs, dlreoted where to report,
Mars as perhaps KM gasollne-drlven ma.
Maes la th capital, Hy nightfall, laden
Wood capacity, with soldiers In full ao
ssmtrasasst, they wars tmrnlag tha road"
IIJkrvCh dlreree rout, through Dsmmartln,
Vvrsa-Uvry, AubervlllUrs and many other
Mats to th border of tha Rlrer Church,
Ms thirty Hit x hours thev mmA trin bh
trip, carrying about 10,M ao Uw arrl.
mm or Parts and Um African anntls nt that
tM4 arrived In Pari shortly betor.
an th morniag at Hemb T, my .in.
mm, Hieur nsorua to
I CMttUal that Vn JOuok's anBreaah:
t Mfmrwtm saisslSjgty kaaMag an cbHou
law) imsms. mawteen mil
A "um wiCMiluiiirMUyesH
I'ootlniifd from Pes On '
mans compelled the British to relinquish
part of a trench In another section of the
Somme front where hard fighting has been
In progress for twenty-four hours.
The text of the report follows:
During the night, south of tho Ancre,
we repelled an attack against our ad
vanced positions. We have now estab
lished our front east of Faucourt
IAbbaye. All the bluldlngs In Fau
court L'Abbnyo hao now been cleared
of the enemy. Further west, during
tho night, we established our line from
a point 1200 yards north of Cour
celetto In the direction of Hessian
trench. A counter-attack forced us to
relinquish a portion of a Eeglna trench
Rained to the northward of this area.
Thero hns been stubborn fighting In
that sector for tho last twenty-four
hours. Elsewhere on the front tho
night was calm, except for successful
trench raids carried out north of Neu-vllle-Kt.
Vaast and east of Ijiventlc.
Tha British losses In yesterday's victory
at Eaucourt-l'Abbaye, when tho Germans
wer driven back on a JOO-yard front, wen;
unusually small. It was learned today. The
new "tanks" played an Important role In
the advance and helped make It possible for
Halg's soldiers to win Oerman trenches
with slight losses.
The "tnnks" lumbered forward and
weeded out German machine-gun nests.
The British Infantry, advancing behind the
new armored monsters, found enemy
trenches cleaned by fire from the "tanks"
and suffered slight casualties.
At several places the British have
reached the Geudecourt-le-Sars nlghway,
running through Flacourt-l'Abbaye and
crossing tha two highways leading to
PAIUS, Oct. I. French troops are at
tacking the German positions only four
miles from Peronne, one of the chief ob
jectives of the Allies on the Somme front.
Tho official communique Issued by the
War Office today stated that the French
have advanced In tho region of Boucha
vesnes. where many prisoners have been
taken In the fighting.
(Bouchavesnes Is three miles southeast
of Combles and four miles from Peronne)
The text of the official report follows:
North of the Somme, a consolidating
operation enabled us to tako German
trenches east of Bouchavesnes, taking
some prisoners.
Everywhere else the night was calm.
Adjirtit Woe shot aWn a capttva
balloon Hmi of rnpattm, making th
Rfth to h hrought down by him.
PETIUXJnAD. Oct. tiA great battla
Is now developing along a wide front In
Osl.cls, where the Itusslsns have resumed
their drive on Imberg,
The War Office today announced that
th fighting is particularly stubborn along
the Illver Naraluvka, northeast of Italics
and also on the tight bank of the Zloia
Wpa Illver. Enemy counter-attacks hav
been repelled with great losses for tha
Austro-Oerrnan and 1(00 prisoners have
been taken,
LONDON, Oct. J.The Russian drive for
Lemberg Is In full swing again. Both from
the northeast, along th railway from
Drody, and from tha southeast, along the
railway from llraetnny, IlrussllofTs troops
are pushing forward toward the Osllclan
In both thrusts tne Cxar's forces made
Substantial progress yesterday and captured
more than 4000 prisoners On the Brody
Krasne line they fought their way forward
for a considerable distance, while near
Brxexany they succeeded In winning heights
on the right bank of tha Zlota Plpa
The capture of 4198 Austro-Oermans on
the Gallcla front was announced In last
night's Russian official report.
The new nusslan offensive comes nt a
time when Falkenhayn was preparing for
an Invasion of Itumanla from the Tran
sylvania line. Ileports from the front In
dicate that many German troops have been
withdrawn from the eastern front to the
Hungsrlan. Falkenhayn's success In the
three-day battle was due largely to these
BrussllofT, whose attack hsd been
stemmed by the large forces Ilndenburg
had sent east to reinforce tho lines de
fending Kovel nnd Lemberg, waited until
tho enemy's line had been weakened by
withdrawals to another front. Falken
hayn's counter blow In Hungary apparent
ly has given Brusslloft this opening, and he
has resumed his offensive.
BEItLI.V. Oct. 2.
The llusslans gained succesici nt two
points In tho renewal of their attacks east
of Lemberg, a statement from tho Austrian
War Office ndmlttcd today, but elsewhere
lolent Slav onslaughts were repulsed.
The llusslans captured lens than 100
yards of trenches In violent hnnd-to-hnnd
fighting north of Potutory, South of tho
Brody-Sochsov road enemy forces pene
trated the sector held by one Teutonic regi
ment. The Teutons are counter-attacking
and already liao regained part of tho lost
General Falkenhayn's victory over tho
Rumanians near Hermannstadt hatt halted
tho whole Rumanian Invasion of Transyl
vania, said Budapest dispatches today,
Tho Rumanian left wing was so badly
demoralized by the blow that It has be
come necessary to regroup all the forces
on the Transylvania front. Tho fighting
In tho region of Hermannstadt has lrtually
ended with about 4000 prisoners and large
quantities of booty In the hands of tho
Teuton allien.
PERONNE, Oct. 2.
Naval forces have Joined the Allies here
In tho great land battle of tho Somme,
seventy miles from the sea.
Ironclad monitors, utilizing Franco's
magnificent network of canals along the
Somme, centering at Peronne, are partic
ipating In tho dally bombardment of Mt.
St, Quentln, which dominates Peronne from
the east. They advance slowly on the
Oerman stronghold as the land lines creop
forward and have done much cffecetlve
Mount St. Quentln, constituting the key
to the defense of Peronne, Is slowly and
steadily being encircled by tho French In
the same manner that preceded the capture
tt ComWe. Tn position, a strong .
stand at th summit of ft hill overtook!
Marin gunners, who serr th pieces
aboard th monitor, go sbout their hu
Ines In thf same methodical, clock-work
manner s ordinary workmen beginning
their cay's labor. After their morning;
plung In th canal and breakfast they
begin tuning up the guns.
On land, th earn mechanical process
goes on. The artillerymen "wash up," eat
breakfast and then, apparently without th
hecesslty of Ui officers' presence, begin
serving the guns on scheduled tlm like so
many factory employes beginning work on
th whittle.
LONDON. Oct. 2.
Bulgarian counter-attaiks against tha
British lines on th Struma front In Mace
donia have been repulsed, the War Office
stated today. Two villages and 2S0 prison
ers were csptured by the British, The com
munication -an the Bulkan operations fol
low: Portions of the Bulgarian line on
the Struma Illver, which w captured
on Saturday, Include the villages of
Karazakolbala and Larasakolxer,
Enemy counter-attacks wera beaten
off with heavy losses. All the ground
won has now been consolidated There
has been no sign of a renewal of hos
tilities on the part of the enemy, who
Is now soma dlttanca frcm our lines.
In addition to the heavy casualties wa
Inflicted wo took 260 prisoners. Our
casualties were comparatively light.
Wo capture three machine guns.
PARIS, Oct 2. Tho capture of Kotcho
vle, from the Bulgarians by tho Serbians,
was announced today by tho War Office In
a communique on llalknn operations. Kot
choile lies north of Kalmskcalan heights,
where tho Seros continue to make progress.
Strong Bulgarlnn counter-attacks In that
sector were repulsed.
LONDON. Oct. 2.
Following their defeat by Falkenhayn In
Trans) hanla, the Rumanians have reor
ganized their forces, nnd are hitting back
nt the enemy with powerful blows. The
Austro-German troopi have been thrust
back at thrco points In the eastern part of
the province and havo been unable to ex
tend their gains south of Hermannstadt.
Meanwhile the Russians are concentrating
In tho Dornnatra region, on the northern
Transylvania border, to launch an offensive
to relieve tho pressure on their ally's lines.
It Is now clear that Falkenhayn's coup
In Transylvania presaged a general of
fensive against Rumania. The attack. It Is
believed, will be pressed on all sides of
Rumania. This Is Indicated by the carry
ing out on Saturday of n strong naval as
sault on the Rumanian Danube port of
Carabla. Austrian river forces succeeded In
silencing the defensive works, penetrating
tho Inrter harbor and Inflicting severe dam
age on the military establishments and rail
road facilities of the town, besides rescuing
nine captured Austrian tugs.
ROME, Oct. 2. "In the Trnvenanxes
Valley Italian Alpine troops attacked nnd
drove out oncmy detachments which had
entrenched themselves on the southeastern
slopes of Monte Lagazout and of ' Plzzo dl
Fanls," says last night's official announce
ment. "In his flight the enemy left a
large amount of war material and somo
prisoners In our hands.
"On the Julian Alps front thero were only
Intermittent artillery actions.
"Enemy batteries bombarded Mema nnd
Vertolba. A few Bhelts also fell on Gorl-zla."
Buenos Aires Refuses to Bo Dry
BUENOS AIRES, Oct. 2. The first seri
ous nttempt to force a 'Wry" Sunday In
Buenos Aires, gay capital of Argentina, was
a failure. Tho authorities made no effort
yesterday to enforce tho law prohibiting the
Bale of all alcoholic liquors, except beer.
ijvm uuiupiat utuHM-vaUou (root
rtmmmur ! mmtA that
battls 9mmm
ssnsUssil fslaidiiasl flsMmi
PSnlj SSWW mmwmm mmmmm WJT V VWSl
WiwB, bcaa what his.
IM th Saute of tk atom.
lit for th arm of Ftaac
hi told With iu endlog
rstsat tu the tin I.
I Jtoim hn, In superior
isssrv Una, ta.j
WS ? Maynd
sji i sj
stsV EZsljKSrC B
(j Soap
m fl B m
BBBSSSs! QLssfe. r - mfZ JmTmW
H A Wa-niirfrJ Key FiftkUw1 H
H AMWWu4Fjinwtiire H
L You ean Awd a apmi pUoe B
M In your'howv to' um1 Lucas m
Vatva-TMM VtaUh, It will
1 nb'your',eU fratuf leak fl
M Bass' ern. yw w4wrkpt m
M 41 Md bwwHliW twi M
V-S-SJ vajgs)B)B ssjBBn g4vS a ssbb
H soft, rijk, nM nsWud U
H toot llks thl mJm ak ,
H slngl asuttkii; Mm th
H plaofstalniag.'vansUihlng
fH aud slow and npendr hand.
rubbing.. Any one can um
it i no skill Is nosry. Try bbbbI
it vournlt f '
I "iiri' I tfSk
Do you want
a clear skin?
Many an otherwise attractive man or
woman is a social failure becauso of a
poor complexion. If your skin is not
fresh, smooth and glowing, or has suffer
ed from an unwise use of cosmetics, let
Ilesinol Soap help nature to clear it, in a
normal, healthy way.
Hlmply ua lleHinol Kusp rtgularlv ones or twice
s day. and see If It does not quickly tooths and
cleanse the pores leaien th tendency to ptmples
and leave the romplexlon rlesr. frenh ftnd vlvet.
When the kln Is tn really bad condition, spread
on Juat a little Itealnol Ointment for ten minutes
before mini IUlnol Honp. Itulnol Hop and
Jleilnnt ulntment are boM by all drusvUU, For
eampiea, iree, wmi 10 Aept. 23 If. Kealnol. lial-
also, flftam
tlraore, Md. 11 tn llkt Kttlxol
ttna BtUle.
The Philadelphia Art Galleries
S. E. Cor. 15th and Chestnut Stt.
REED H, WALMER, Auctioneer.
FOLLOWING FIVE DAYS at 2:30 o'clock
Chinese and
Persian Art
Authrid Agwt for m of th largest Importing Firms in this country.
,. who m liquidating thir affair.
w turn ooctwruw will mi found bakk hvo mou
qo WW ksf MaM Mass Up n'r'
i i mmmtmmmmmm
Superdreadnought Crashes
to Earth With Crew of
13 in Raid
1VONDO.V, Oct I.
Oermany's latest Zeppelin attack on
Hngland was a complete failure, one of the
auperdreadnouKhts of tho air telna:
stroyed with the loss of the thirteen mnv
bers of Its crew.
The War Office announced this afternoon
that there were but two casualties, one man
belns; killed and a woman Injured. The
damage was Insignificant.
The Zeppelins made threo futile attempts
to attack London.
Tha mVit suner-Zemielln crumpled UP
and broke Into several pieces ns It plunged
rarthwnrd beforo the eyes of thousands of
The commander of the destroyed Zep
pelin was found In a field near part of the
wreck this morning, still alive, but terribly
Injured, He had been driven Into the
wreckage with such fore that the Imprint
of his body was plainly visible when he
was picked up.
Fragments fell from fifty to sixty yards
apart nnd with them mangled bits of
Unllko previous rnlds In the vicinity of
London, last night's attack was signaled
by no tremendous gunflrlng. A few shots
from anti-aircraft guns brought thousands
to the rooftops or to the streets throughout
London, They gased toward the star-lit
heavens while searchlights converged their
silver shafts on a Zeppelin, the whir of
whoso engines could bo heard very faintly.
The Zeppelin was lost to view for ft moment.
Then suddenly n small red speck nppearod
In the heacns, gradually growing Into a
red ball of fire.
Tho flames spread like lightning, lighting
up the country for miles around. The Zep
pelin seemed to stand nt 111 for tho moment,
presenting an Indescribable spectacle. Its
biasing, flaming fabric silhouetted the alum
inum framework, livery detail stood out
as If limned by some artist depleting n sceno
from hell.
For several seconds the burping airship
rested on een keel. Then It tilted down
ward and shot toward earth lllto n rocket.
Pieces of flsmlng material separated them
selves from the main mass, dropping along
the side In long, flaming tongues that gave
th plunging fiery mass the appearance of
n comet.
An nwe-lnsplrlng silence settled over the
crowd ns the Zeppelin fell. Thero were no
explosions, nut with the dying afterglow
a mighty cheer rolled up from north Lon
don nnd swept the entlro city, registering
England's triumph.
The Hxchango Telegraph dispatch from
Amsterdam says that Count Zeppelin had
intended to tako part In tho raid, but at
the eleventh hour changed his mind, being
dissuaded by hla family.
Nuova Vigorosa Offensivn
Contro lc Llncc Austro-
Tcdeschc dl Lemberg
strA s Oltobre.
niernn sono stste
H. H. Battles
114 South 12th Street
has arranged a unique and
attractive Shop two doora
below his former place on
12th Street below Chestnut,
one door below his
Century Flower Shop
Con decreto rcaie "1 1, 0,ia daase
"TMlnlstero de.la WJgSE
darr..Srn, nt. Italo
austrlaca: .,..
Nella valla del irmWJ ndto
sona dell'alto Ilolte. le l',ln
Italian. ,"", "ffirTll
parti nemlcl che II 'r"n.M' .. t-.
suite falde sud-orlentall del Monte La
s-Btuol del I'liio dl Fanls. Nella sua
fuga precipitin II nemlco U.ciV neM.
no.tr man! una nde quantlta m
materlale da gucrra ed alcunl prigio
"'"una fronto dell. AIpl OWI. rt
axute soltanto ailon '""'""'
artlgllerla. 1 batterle nemlche rmnno
bombnrdato Mema e Vertolba, o pocne
grenatc sono cadute in uoi-
k-.i .n mmunlcato ai "'"
sera II
gerTeVal C.dorna deva ch. s. jr.no avute
wltanto n.lonl dl minora important . o che
anch quest erano state o.tacolate dal
'T&lZZi da Petrograd e da Der.lno
annunclano che lo forxo russe del Bcneralo
IlrussIlolT hanno Inlilato una nuovn. pode
rosa offenslva contro le line U"triehe
e tedesche che protteggono Lemberg ed
hanno guadsgnato terreno o catturato clrea
4000 prlglonlerl. Queita nuova offensUa
russa e' Inlxlata alio ecopo dl alleggcrlro
la prcsslone che le forxe teutonlch -anno
esercltando da qualcha glomo sulla fronts
rumeno della TranslUanla.
Tedeschl ed atistrlacl Infattl hanno
Inlilato una offenslva contro I rumenl dal
nord, approflttando del fatto che I rumenl
kVM in CTTO mom mnonmo
mm m Transllrarila alio sopo
'2ITZ. kits manovm dl yon Ma,
?7Jr. rv.hrtila. Ma 11 tetwrale Br,
L.t.i eh I tedeschl averano fr.
rnn. ,i.ila fronto della Oallxla a ..
Yi,i.tT.hri. probabllmente asrt.
un evehto simile, ncn b perduto terns .
ha portatO ui nuovu m minaccia cq
i. Aiberg )
Vella Tramllvanla le font rumen hkaall
aublto un n;- -- - ""'mo
l nemlco un passo ch cssl averano i
conaulstato. Per ora pero- si tratu soit
dl un rovescio ai poca importansa,
arebbe sintomin.-v m m ubbis non :
Vi-nula In tempo per alleggerlre
nresstone e per arrcstare fescuiIon ,
Li,.n Austro-tedesco Inteso a prender iu
morsa le Rumenlo, come un anno fa rl e5
stata prcsa i . ".
of the
M Novel
M A success M)
k from th-e M
s-tart Jr
It breathes of the sea. QuainV
Provincetown narrow Btreets
-big hearts love, laughter,'
and (a few) happy tears.
You will like Georgina. Take heti
UUliiO vvikii jvy ,wi j
$12S mnyiahmrm bkm mrm V
V, P. Th Jirt"tlitn contains a friefwrv (",
ka two i-tT(rFM v wtwrm,
IT 3
I yv-iviyt-1 'vv.xi ra r
QMART Alecs may be all right but
for a good, honest workin partner
give me a man that's got his learnin'
slowly an' naturally.
VELVET gets lta sood
' ness that way two years
natural Bselng.
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4it -
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