EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. OCTOBER 2, 1016 11 FOR SALE Coollntrd font VrteH0 Pag?. : nfiOIRTKna beutnt. e-irhaneeil. repaired. iltd, uptllea. new anil faetory rebuilt! w 1011 aaner low aa ian. . i.aii ana our new moriel Itegtsrer ela by ut on feeer payment una run- p-uaranieea. .i vliTtfif mail iiLHI!TI.Ml ff MU CHESTNUT SfllUBT ' Encyclopaedia Britnnnicn H.linViiwlr etui Cambrlilee Rtlltlane. ey terms. l th otOr of Bm-if lepavlla Hrl tannic Co. at No. ISO 8. 1Mb, tor. Walnut. Philadelphia. &TOn fi&TlANaB k: K mr, Oth ami Vine. l T?"Bp?;r?r.r- .f".?.N.'7;"R" , Frerytning imiiinamc in . .". -".. ":' if Iti best assortment and best values In rnil..frs? ..2..,lJ.'."r.f.nKJrtR,vnr. '"vt.?! IIUOlll EB, 11TU AND HUtTi OOD MACHINERY AND TOOLS J TitTT Bri.IT COLLATIH and TOCOM "AK'NURns and lMLlrOW HljOOrfH. wllh.lln. JnVa ball and eocket tearing. " " K? for all shafting- purposea HHAKTINU AND " roWKItrLANT KQUlPMnjJT nrnamoa. motor, boiler, ilittn and oil n- i",VtAN0Kn,SorBf"?nPcr.",lYfN 3.1 street. , Fo-ll r I I Vergne oil engine. In rood. ron. ' Villon. Immediate delivery! can be wenrun. nng. Applr Commercial Truck Co. of Amer ica. 21th and llrown at. Tin. cOltl'IlKsaOUS Kour Hand" 2:MxS0 s A in, etraleht line, eteani 'driven ready for de livery pe,ieri. - - " -' . - BtNAMOS. motor and machinery bought. j" and rented a mature repaired Mln t. Market J0W Tea raley Co.. 224 N 3.1 l TwMNCH Hl'LLAtlD boring inllll . t0. I'-'O Inch Bella boring mill f NtTTTAI.I., Itt N nth. ( StKKI. jOlAFTINd All lea In stock ' OHAIILKHJIOND COllMSTJSn Arch M KpRYVlTTlNfls. all sllee. rillljA 2U-IIANU flPB SUITLT. JOOS N. Tin. Hnth phonea. MUSICAL INSTHUMENTS JIj-cicrcKEiuNcT urniaitT piano HOWAtlDJVlNCENT. R3 N.JITII OCTOBER V1CTOII KECOItDSNOW ON SALU. DELLAK. 1129 CIinSTNUT ST. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMKNTS . Conitnutd rem PrtettHno Column t0 cannot find a Iiettkii apaiitmbnt N. K. C6n. flTTlt AND WALNUT STS. The. housekeeping autte am perfect In Ihelr Plant 3 large belrom. ech having bay win V?w: fine large living room, dining room. kUfheni maid' room and 3 bathrooma a weiii Idenl winter and aummer prtment; lo aultea of a roomi and bath: free uie of "u.ndfy on loo floor, your Inipectlon cordially innted. Phona Walnut 6910. MF.rtToN w, nnr.iMs Kranklln Iiank liulldlnr TlirnVTNNBFIKLD. Jlh an! Ijinidown are? Five room and bath, fronl and back porche: rw1 Janitor aenlce Thl la a file Ware to lira and th eheapent apartment n the rlty at the price, 125 and I3U. Apply Janitor. llOl'ffKKKRPIKU APAIITXIKNTS All Part of S'i rnome ami pain i rAMi.r.u rKit.. cllyi 3 rooms and bath to t room and bath. call. PI"1!!' w niur. 1J111 VI OLD Q OLD OLD OOI.D Cah raid for old Bold, allver. anll"ui clock-, will call. Dell phone. 1-ocu.t l5lv. nOtlKflS. ST 8. 17th at. , Sl.D OOLD, allver. platinum, plated ware, old- atvl Jewelry, teeth plate bousht for rah. Fit. 1S70. J t- Clark, roflner. 807 Hanaom. STORAGE TENN STORAOB AND VAN CO. 21SII MARKET BT. rhealnut at. K1K1A.VT RIMTBS. newly appointed, electric llaht. tem heat, janitor itrvlce; 3 and 3 room, bath and kftrhenelta. 2 Uoeka from j'ark 2M2 Pprlnr Harden. 1IODKHN APAUTMKNT8. all aliea and prlcea. Call or write for complete directory, .free. APAIITMUNT lll'ItKAV. Franklin Hank U)d. 1S30 8. lUTTENIICJPSB sqUAIHf "" , A Fi:V VACANCI1 .... For particular, apply to auperlntendent. 18TII, 8., 358 Ideal apartment, f, 2, rm I bth, kitchenette, film, or unfurn.i electricity, hot-water heat, refined aurroundlna. phone. 1401 N. lflTH 8T. Two room, houwekeeplnr. autte 13 up. Large room. fumKtml. 2.60 up. HPIlUCn flT 211B Kirellent corner houkep Ing apartment i alao doctor a oltlc .molerni WKST I'lllI.tnF.LrilJA JVItT. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WKST PIIIUMIEt.PIU. ronllaHcd from rrrceifl Colama $70006865 IIADFIELD AVE7 T.K..n.',rht corner of th Poultvard; and jiannem ave overlookln Cobb' Creek rarki a new. bathi fin dern noute. containing room and RM tUir.lnw Ih1 tf1, KrMlrfa. rootn and gla-lnciord tin twrlor or aleeplng Inlth.! d gl: porch, hot-water heat apement laundrr. eunpen raroen 1 heat , rtiii -inly an.) raa. r. hardwol ilnor: Italian n the rear. TM nojiee la ata nrrpaiKT. PKMI1RHTON itV for ln.tnM4iat STATUS. I411 H, nlh and 4 .ST. Open evening.. iw B' nth ath et. Phono Wood ?4000 581G PENTRIDGE TER. Nw, moilem. two-elory hoime, 8 room and , ,,. .-.MiiiHnaunn nxiure. aaa Kitcnen. nave ment laundry lawns on a wl and liouierard room hot -water heat terrarr.1 rid rtreeti Ool.li' Creek .Park . .- .ki ;- r- "-" .vv- r- -".".r-i-- -- i iio in. nmer o( xno city. IIUCK. Jlt. on the premleea. Atk for 8. J. IIKR.MANTO.V.N VATOIIM PI'llLIC nl.MNO ItOOM. , ARPJiT KST TllOP 11. HBKUS. J 11 l.lH HA.ti i'l ttPil!X 3llh and Cheitnuti Monterey. M and Chetteri Ilelmont. 31th andSprlng Oard;n. Jnaulre Janitor or CIIE.SE Son Halo llldg. IIAl.TIMOItlJ AVK . 4301 Attrac. mod. apt, , 8 fl.no outalde rmi.i opp.Clark Pk. flaring 7bJ1 J. APARTMENT,HOTELS THEN TOU'LI COME DACK TO U5" The flrt year you came on a venture but the remembranc of that flrat year will bring you back to u again. When mi enter THE UNCOT.N you will find i r a . . , I.IA.I aaviit fana-rail the nffln and etchange ao glorified and renewed ou will atarcely recognlie It aa your old Home, hut J. Warren Fxlar. who took auch excellent are o llnlnrr ie tgl tor the whol winter aeaion care of jou iat year and gave you th Mnd of dlnlnir room and ervlco .you did not think could be will be mere lo welcome you iur WANTED ANTIQUE- Fl'nNITUHE. f alio .teeth, feather bed broken Jewelry, gold. ller. diamond KughtfjS3Walnut.lWalnut 7020. Eat. lSUtl. EnOKEN JEWEUIY. antique. Pltol colna. coin book, with prlcea I pay. mailed 15c. J. II. BoaLlPeople1 Store), 200 8. 11th. Wal. 4430. CASH regleter and meat allcer wanted. gl n,ake 1108 CJermantown ave. Park 4417 A. FuBNITUhn. pianos, carpet, antique, entire or part bouser bought for caahi no matur how large; J Mernateln. 1334 Hldge ave. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO "VIU pO'lttvelV pay hlghrit prlcea for gentlemen' discarded cloth ing. full-dre and Tuxedo ult. ladlea' atreet and evening rown. hat. hoe. fur, etc.; uet my estimate before other: will coll, day or evening, city or country. Call, write or phono Bell, Toplar ri771.Hlacker.1239 Poplar. rIEN"8 DISCADED"CI.OTHtNCr WANTED W par extra high price. Write or phone Walnut 6305 and our buyer will call. Stark. 241 N. th at. PRICKS PAID FOR URN'S CAST-OFF CI.OTHINO. KI1UKH, ETC. HAUL. COOPKR. 1010 OIRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR C3I2. ROOMS FOR RENT F.levlor ervlc. Tlunnlnc water In every ronm- , , i. Room singly or en suite. THE I.INCOI.N, 13TII AND ICU8T STS. "The Perfect Apartment Hotel." 8TENTON .Detached dwelling at at tractive price, always open: train to Rtenton Station. Commit Hill Division Reading Railway, or drive out Stenton aye. to ojoo north. M.VURAN. DOl MAN CO.. N. K. cor. I! road and Chestnut. wai!d:tac,,8d w''5'fl8'S5o' Vv- . 'c. TounisoN 7014 HOYnn ht. OERMANTOWN HOMRS. all eecllon. ,., PMI'I.I.HS' A I1A11UV . Franklin Hank Ilulldlng. Walnut 3337. ' YOU ARE tOOKINO ron mantown. Ml. Alty or Che REAL ESTATE! OR REST Fartorle. lVrehof, Mfg. Hor CoafHtkril from rrrttiltno Coli nofi for nufJtNKAs pimpoesa WITH OR WiTIIOUT PUWRR fllO Cherry at, eeeond floor fronl. 41x31. BIO Cherry l . second flaor rer. 4xB4. tllo Cherry at., second floor. lOSilt. Kletntor awl heat. 107 Mrh.ll t , fourth floor front, l'xlfk. 107 Marhalj t . fourth floor rear. llHxl'1. I.'V. 107 Marshal tut Marahaj 1UT At thlr.1 floor re.tr 14l4afl. flrat floor rer. I4'4 10. 1.X14. St at t flnt ftnnr frnnl nrahat 014 Cherry at,, third floor frunt. 2Vxl3. an attic. 13x23 JM Marahall t.. bsement. 4x.. 107 Marsha I at . basement, llUH'4. 107 Marshall sl. basement. lNxISH. 010 Cherry St.. basement 3lx1 OifAlU.rtS HON II COMPANT 320 Arch st . Innulre for Mr t.lpplneolt IF YOU AHrTtOOKINO r mantown. Ml. Alty or Chei " A. It. Meehan. 0,47 ,lermantov,n ave.. A HOMU In Oer- tnut Hill consult CHOICE HOMES. Tulpehocken et east of Oer- insniown ae, j, h, uii o- uermanionn a. OCR IlfcTAI. ESTATE nrf.I.nTIN"wlll t sent Jo you by mall on application (lermantonn Trut Co .Chellen and Oermanlown ae. OCR NEW RENTnnd aale Hal of Oermanlown and Chestnut Hill nropertlea sent on applica tion llun. I.lster A Bon.S0l2 Oermanlown . I4S0O l.roomlious9."aselectrlc tlht. hard . wood floors; good condition. 134 Hansberry st. rhcttnnt Hill SEVERAL pR8inA.ni.Tl PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRIOHT CO. Morris Building Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE TOU WANT IN TIOtlA OR LOO AN KENNEDY A RAMBO. 3740 UKIIMANTOWN Tgan HOTEL COLONIAL 8PfU,S..v,nth Street A SELECT FAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL Conveniently located In the center of the rlty and within a few aiuarra at the principal theater and shopping district. One. two or three room with private bath. Culslno and service of the highest atandard. PERMANENT OR' TRANSIENT OUESTS Wm. P. Kenney. Manager . CHESTNUT AND NINETEENTH Aldine Hotel THE UEST ROOMS AND 8U1TE8 WITH THE UEST TABLE IN VlULA. DAY. WEEK. MONTH. 8EAS6N. TEAR HEAL ESTATE, mortgages and conveyancing. w.m. u. tHAMiitam 4033 N Rroad at. PENNSYI.VANIA8l)niIRIlAN COLLINGDALE 21 new suburban homes, 2 An lied: 2'x storv. rot-water heat, elect .1Tix 123: near trolley to 69th at.; I3C00. 8wop & Pons, Darby. bl.ENSIDn'llOMKM and building sltee. iwery description RENNINOER A Itr.NNINUT:it. Olenslde. P. "WILL 8ACRIF1CK 05-scre country seat, near Ambler, for quick aale. new Colonial mansion. 12 rooms, a baths: designed by Savery, Sheetz A Wsvery; remodeled Colonial farmhouse, with Revolutionary War assoclatlona, 2 tenant housea. large barns, poultry houses, garage, with living quarters, etc ; lawns, shrubbery, shade and great abundance of fruit, a rare bargain, full detail on tvquest: will ahnw by appointment. II. J. DAOER, INC , Ambler, Pa " sunumiAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for catalogue. miOWNJi CI.OUD. Norrlatown. Pa. sununiiAN real" estate Any price. All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD CO .Morris Hjdr. SUIH'RiTaN REhIdeNCEH for sals or rent! atlractlte locations; prices rleht. Maurice J. Hooer,Ileal Estate Trust llldg. LAROE LIST OF fltJIItmitAN HOMES, sals or rnt. nn Hie Main Una of Headlog R. It. WM II. WILSON & CO . Morris Hulldlng. : 5IAIN LINK. P. R. K. Alirit AND 33D 8TRKBTS 14.000 SO. FKET' IN 'mOi'kRN FACTORY Steam and electric power, 2 elevator, low Ijsurane. automatic sprinklers, watchman. H. H. aiding, extra large window and high wiling. Owner management. Apply O. r. FIM.INd A BON CO. NRAH IIROAD Soring (Hnlen. TlOOO ft. floor; light on 3 sides steam heat, elevator, power If desired MOItRIH A CO , Illdge atllroad oPi'in:s. ih'sinkss rooms, etc. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET IIVTMII- IMOOII kkaa COfiiin t.U"r-o FIIIKPUOOF 11LD0, IIBASONaiiLU HUNT vicars & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. DRXXKI. IILDO OFFICES. Annual Rentals Single Ilonms, 1120. ISg, tf.n, 23O,4An,l30i Suites a Rms, 1144. 1 1. Ml, IU.Vt:0l.l22S.l23tl Suites 3 Rms . (273! lion. i30.Aon.ia7.'l 17,10 Corner Hulta, I lo ) Rooms. JiWO to 1 10.10 ISI.I.ia D WILLIAMS. ili) Drexel Hulldlng HEED IH'ILIHNtl 1211-17 Filbert et I enlratly located, all convenience: rent . ttrrtlvely 1o, aervlce cvnllnuous WAIA'UT HT , 1211 Putt of rooms, s-cond floor, newly painted and papered, suitable for any bualness. Wal eon A lluckrl, on premises. UELLEVUE COURT RUILDINO, 1411 Walnut st. Desirable ntnees, centrally located, with goodjight. Kdcar 1. Crosa. 1411 Walnut at.. WAttrr ST., ,430 (Penn IlulldlngV Ijvrge ofllces, low rents, for Insurance brokera and . agenl LEA ESTATES, Too Sansom st. l'rofesslonal Office PROFESSIONAL Ht'II.DINO. IMI-SS Chestnut si. A few suite for physicians or dentists. . J.. T JACKSON VO. Chestnutand J3th SPRUCE. 1337 Offices; steam heat, electricity: ,. 'SjL 'h morning andjsfternoon hours. . , Desk Room DESK ROOM or half desirable office. Call 50 Melghtman llldg 1324 Chretnut (. WEST i'iiiKnr.t.riii. $40 5810 WILLOWS AVENUE Three-itory in?miil4tafhtHl houi, contftlnlnc C lftrftft rooms n1 hatht vtry wid street unit Urn porch, with a law terrace! lnwni rlote lo loren. churche, urhnojd. park and boule ohli will rtpapt-r an-l nhMlan tha floors for n flMlrablft tenant. rKMUKHTON RM VAT VIM, ii.ia -ouin asm at. rnon oouiana .at. Open venlnn 305838 WILLOWS AVENUE Three-story house, 10 rooms and bath: a very wide atenue.wlth beautiful terraced lawn: sur rounded by every necetsary convenience: thl houee Is now being newly papered In attractive iisni cunirs. anl win oe vill in nrsi--iaei. .-uii' nition. I'JiMIIKHTtl KM f,?th st. ningi STATUS. Phona Woodland 4787. I4.1H South upen eve- AUCH. 1829 3 large third and fourth floor rooms, rurmanea or uniurnisnca, running water; no housekeeping; references. BROAD AND PINE, S.E. cor. The Carroll Handsomely furn bedr'm. parlor: run. water. CHESTNUT, 2007 DESIRAI1LE ROOMS, PEH- IIAHUHT UKlltAKlt;i. 1. CHESTNUT. 1904 Attractlvelyfurn. rooms, tngle or en suite: etvam heat, electricity; rcf. CHESTNUT, B210 Nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences;! block from 'L"; phone. CIRARD AVE.. 1423 -Large 'attractive unny rooms, single oren suite; convenience. IjOCIMT. 1S18 DESIRABLE ROOMS; EXCEL LENT LOCATION. PINE. 0 The Dresden, turn, alnale. double rooma; prlv, hatha, elec. llght ateam,heat. PINE. 1020 Front room and housekeeping . apt., furnished. Phone Locust 6813 J. BFnuCE, 1837 Suite with bath; single room; office: ateam heat; reaonable. SPRUCE. 2022 Furn. "com. rooms: prf. bath! southern expo.; open fireplace. Locust 1003 J. SrnilCE. 10:o Large, attractive apt.," ilng'a or en suite: private baths; phune locust 0733. 6PRUCE. 1328 Suite of 3" very"dcslrable rooms . and bathjL furnished rjinfurnlshed. WALNUT. 3103 Fur rooms, single or en suite! prlbath; board optlonal.Preton J237 W. ilTII. a.. S22 (THE CARLTON) Well-furn? single or double rooma near bath, contlnuoua hot water, ateam heattj"eference: phone. UT1I ST . N 839 Clean, large, front rooms; also ,amall one for housekee)lng. J1.50 up. FfiTH. 8.. 330 Second floor, consisting of large double rarlor and pleaaant adjoining room, connected with private hallway; suitable for physician, dentist, atudlo or living apartmentai private family. . BIST. B.. 251 Desirable 2dand 3d etory fur- . nisnea rooms; private ram : gentlemen; pnone. ft-'D. N,. 217 NlceTy furn. aecond-story room; gentleman, prlv. fam.i near elevated; phone. SlifST MARK'S SO. (42d and Locuet) OneTor 2 rooms, with or without private bath; private family; Jiom comfort. RENT and light free for llgnt aervlce. Apply 1401 N 16th. BOARDING BALTIMORE AVE.. 4410 Large, well. furn. r.; excellent table: all con vs. i near U, of P.: ref. BPnUCE. 1028-30 Second-floor front, turn.; nrst noor. upturn.; choice tab, brd. Wal. 7255. bl'UtiCtl. 1224-20 - Furnished room, private balhs: table board. Phona Walnut 7171. SANATORIUM Ideally altuated In city: horn cooaing. lacisui nurses, res. pny. or your own; rales to suit. CI 742, Ledger Central. PELHAM COURT CARPENTER STATION. OERMANTOWN Finest location In suburban Phlla. Hotel apartments of 2, 3, 4 and 0 rooma .and bath. Restaurant and house service that will ap peal to people who are particular. Prices mod erate. all thing considered. Apply on prem ises to FRANKLIN L. MILLER. Mgr. THECLINTON " 200 ROOMS. UVER CONVENIENCE Furnlohed or unfurnished, either by lease or transiently; suites of one or four rooms, wlthjbath. "THE"" GLADSTONE 11TH AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof I.ONO AND SHORT TERM LEASES DULMAR-MOHRIB . , West Chelten ave.. Oermantown; 20 minute from Broad Street Station; turnUhed or unfurnished apartments j one room and bain or more; also housekeeping apartments. THE COVINOTON. 37TH AND CHESTNUT-; IN THE BEST PART OF WEST PHILA. THE COVINOTON CO.. It. F. liNOLE. PRESI DENT AND MArTAURH. ALSO OF THE KNOI.ESIDE. HJiACH HAVEN. IRVING HOTEL w American plan 12. European II up. HIT ,'ALNUT STREET TrT17. R5MflNlI S' E- CORNER 12TII SUITES OF 2. 3 AND 4 ROOMS AND nATH. THE TRACT PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT OUE8TS 36TH AND CHESTNUT OPEY CABLES. 312-14 N. 33d Attractive 3 to 7 room apartments; all conveniences: terras reasonable. BRTN MAWR Houses or building sites for sale: several desirable houses for rent. 1,A?4. UUUMA.-M i:u. cor. Broad and Chestnut. MAUR N. E. co SUBURBAN HOMES, country pieces and build ing site to ult all requirements. II. C. HUNTER, Wayne'a NF.W JKRSEY flUIIURII.N I.IPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES 1IADDON HKIrtHTH. N J. WILLET I.IPPINCOTT IT-NNSYLVANIA FAKTIS FOR GOOD, NEAHY FARMS APPLY FOR CATAIXHJUE C P. PETERS A SONjU8 C1IE8TNUT ST. 180 ACRE'S, stock "and dairy farm; price only 10000. J. H. THOMPSON. West Chester.. Pa. Nr.TV JF.nSEYFARV8 . HAMMONTON. N. J. Flra-acro farm: fruit and berries: five-room house: price 1200O; liberal discount for cash. Address Wm. Richards. Hammonton. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OB RENT CITY AND SUIlJnilAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Hulldlng. Philadelphia. Pa. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL LOCATION! gpeclal clentinc care; n-.vpus, eioeriyi every comsort; nurses: :oog let. Dr. Randal, City Line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS IF YOU ARE desirous of securing a centrally locateu nome in one or Philadelphia a many new and attractive APARTMENT or APART MENT HOTEL building, you will of cours consult APARTMENT HEADQUARTERS where full Information, arrangement for In pecllon and reservation for virtually every f fft1,.'flr-'.uhe(1 1""1 unfurnished apartment Sa:ihlLd,,h!' "K1- mad wlth ,h ! ufu I to n mo,t t','"trJ' re- N0RMAN S. SHERWOOD ,, ,.,. HU WALNUT ST. -.HSi8"! Rice 3023 ..T,yf..M0NTKV1TjC " re.,l,3D AND OXFORD TS, .ifK?,wl '.n on of lha mot exclusive real indUirt.MC,,.on ?f !h c,ty high and healthy kit ?,hT?f ?.5 mlnu,'" St City Hall via Mar iLVi.S 1. anJ eu,h at. rrosstown line. rMS",f, ?L"ct i". ,,h?. hulldlng. Suite, of i40M'.',i!ath. -Uchntte. from 30 to Jfelclnf06r8?m "" '" bU,1J""' . THE OEVBVA Vi.h .i.,8TU 8T- ABOVE WALNUT PnT-ip",men!,!."ln. without. taA. xvp- Entlrelyrenovaled and refurnished. and 'Cf.U,T .""r-'DMlrabuTrront."" " roims nd .buhjtMin heat, hardwood floors. ulVT:IF.y!;LY 'V"-hia"lflU. private bathi".' . uu i or gentlemen, exclusive. 113 H. aoth. WF.ST IIIIMPKUIIIA oOU-33-SI Ludlow st, ln? R.,,l"l'.th" 8l a '"U nd bath. fSil luenlaV,J .l.--i. -.!. mW' " ' KM WASHINGTON PARK OPERATION ALLEGHENY AVENUK 20TH TO 28T1I ST. HOUSES ON 20TH STREET COMPLETED AND OPEN FOR INSPECTION CONTAIN LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AND CONVENIENCES JT00 VERT ACCOMMODATING TERMS A. M. ZANE 27TH ST. 'AND ALLEQIIENY AVE. 2131 N. 22D ST.. dwelling. 2230 N. lth st.. dwelling. 2244 N. 18th t.. dwelling. 2732 Montgomery ave.. dwelling. 2734 Montgomery av., dwelling, 2123 W. Dauphin St., dwelling, 2123 W. Dauphin st , dwelling. GUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DEP. CO. aifl.SlS Chestnut at. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE 2006 Mt Vernon 12 room. 2 bath: bot- luruueuuui, ri owner tnd open ror inpeciion at any iiiue. Phone Poplar 3702 J- , MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Association and Trust lruna. TAULANE, B00 Walnut t T-u-nAT-vf WVVH. HAT.lt OH )K. SALE OR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE OR III ' BARBER. HARTMAN k CO. WARD'S 8tbif.home, north of Ilunllng Park 2v". ara complete In every detail. " HBTZKL BON, agents. ALCE(1HENTAVJ3.. west of 20lh 0 room. Dorch hot-water heat, only 13.100. . porcn. not w.. BNfa" tttt CoTumb la ave. llulldlng JLIJKxJMt ! OODO. .10 35TWJ ya .... ... tii.ui mfrttm j. Aim uiaaieion. riciary v v .r" -r".T'i - .nn ., iij.::.: ...j.:- speeialist ana enginssr. nvif-i niunivr jhui,, l'hlladeipnis. CENTRAL PHILA. ,! from 8000 to 3ST sq. ft I suburban all4.wlln aiding, H acr lifl acrea; site q all ectlor,s of th U. up to loJo acrea. J. Alan Mlddleton. Facto ClIOtcM BUILDINO lOT8 and large tracts ina in mi ).,. w,,7. """ . v , t"- laifl-io linn ioii i.u.i iiiua. groun alle. Mtlvln. Farlorlea SKH A partial list under It. K. tor rent, and altaa Zor sals, J. Alan Mlddleton, Wldener liidr., Phil, l.i- Sy'loliOnpreailse. IVNUIUAt, OPIVRTUNITY 2 uTteii2in"d5 h hood'ilhUI,iih,, ?rtvt mlly! neighbor ly -I---.":-' ""- W..W-...U4, lur eiuuio, yroiea- It K?aii'","tor l?,vt H 411. Ledger AfA&TMENT8 W. Tt2S?b' WMh eV,v?'? hatir; central loca. Ti U.T" "r -acfieior rererencea; prl-&.-''?- Vt I lU prtc. IIs fl3. hair eenli SOOMS and balh. between llth. rin. H MS. Laocer Centra ?."' , Mar- jgSjnaOagTjfC. APARTMENTS THE NASH ftMIBaBLw ItOtMBIUIgFIMQ ATAftTUJaMTfl TVKSTjgiILADEI'I',J,A $42005835 HADFIELD AVE. " a . .. MM -. ItHA.alneif tn fill as at aetxt sa Itslaaasi M A llW IIIUUWI-II ,,V."w,T Mwaa-iW VYHIOIHIiW 0 CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES D. WINCHELL. 17th and Sansom sts. rF.NXSYI.VANIA HUnCltnAN BAIJt-CYNWYD Largo list houses, sale or rent, at all price. .Samuel C. Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Truat Hldg.. lot h and Market. 221 SOUTH 44TH ST 3-alory, p.rch-front realdence, 10 rooms, 2 bath- rent 143 tier month. . WM. T DICKSON t CO.L 5413 Market. 711 NORTH 30T1I ST.. WEST PHILA. S story porch-front dwelling. H rooms, fine order; large ard, 110. Key .13. Wm. I Craven'aSons, JH10S. fj8thst 3'STORY. 11 rms . 43d st. south of Cheatnut. 133 per month; Snnsom st. west of 43d. 128 per month. Talor Son,2 20 S.40th at. SEMIDETACHED, porch front. 12 rooms: good rendition; 133 per month. Inter-City Realty Co . 147 S Broad st. OKIIMANTOUN DESIRABLE DWELL1NOS In best part of Oer mantown at 150. 10 and IBS: particular) upon request. MAURAN. DOLMAN 4 CO.. N. B. cor. Broad andChestnut. . , 13.1 UPWARD Send" for "list S. C. Tourlson. 7014 Hoer st . Germajntown. PENNSYLVANIA SlllICRBAN MOYLAN Atlractlvo country residence at.Moy Ian. Rose Valley; ample shade and lawn, about li acres: huuse stands on high eleva tion commanding extensive Mews: Mi II rooms. 4 bathrooms, nol-water neai. eiecirio light, etc ; rhafTeura'a dwelling, will; garage attached: rent. $1000 per annum. Whiteside A Mcl.anahan. 13th JO pe and ! Pine sta. Handsome residence of 10 rooms. A balhs: garage: 3 acrea of high ground, overlooking Huntingdon Valley golf courae VARNOCK AKMl.tJINI. yommerciai ini.i iiuuuiim. B1A1N LINE, r. It. II, NARBERTH 140 per month for new 14-roorn house; all conveniences, electric lights, hot water heating; 2. baths. R largo bedrooms: 2 porches, one Inclosed and heated: open Are place; corner properly, near Montgomery pike. tleorgo Wurst. builder. Woodbine ae., Nar berth. Oarage If needed. FOR RENT FURNISHED vnsT rini-pni.riiiA OSAOB AVE . NEAR 4STH ll-room furnished house; light, sunny, large "hv-hol-wfter beat; 533 month; bargain. 11 235. Ledger i-enirai. MAIN LINK. P. It. R. MAIN LINE Beat line of Main Line houses, either for sale or rent, at all Prices HIRST b McMULLIN. West Knd Trust Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of exchanging what ou nave ror wnat ynu nam. W..AJ. KERSHAW 4 CH0 B21B Cheatnut. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE bought, sold, rented, rents col lected: mortgage loana for a term of yvare or on building association plan. AlwllUJl uuan EiljiA man ., la.iiai. WILL BUY cheap real eatate. any section, Fhlladelphla: Immediate anawers: brokers pro tected. Chester D. Hotln-r. H-0 Chestnut. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY WILL SACRIFICE Rent or sell. 12-room emt. detached, absolutely modern home. 2 baths, hot-water heat; owner living In It at present; this Is a decided opportunity: 3 block above Oermantown Station, Reading R, H. Apply 4SJ E. Walnut lane, Oermanlown. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list In the ledger Saturday " SAMUEL T. FOX CO. B. K. cor. Oth and Callowhtll. 55 S, 10T11 ST , 10 rooms and 2 bath. 20 H. 21st at.. 13 room nnd 2 bath SAMUEL W. LEVIS. HeaMiltula Tru Trust Bldg SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TnUST CO. llrod and Cheatnut at. "to 8. 2SD ST. 9 rooms, all convenience; ooen by appointment. Both phone. Nealls, 10 S.J2thst . . " T86S TRENTON AVK -MS. 7, room, all con venlences. Lamon, 2030 N Front lb 053" N, FRANKLIN, store and cellar, NEALI8.II0H. J'.'thjt. B0th phones. 287 MOlTNTAN" ST. 18; 4 room "(3d and Mor rial, hfealls. ,010 8. 12th. Building JlFa5l?JX-l,Itx ItlVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II. II MeCOLLUM 1314 WALNUT HT. Huslness Properlle and tiloraa , CENTRAL STORES 1808 Chestnut t. 114 8, llth. , liilH. llth. 804 Market. 001 Walnut. "I-ASTTERSPN. 130 8. 15lh i. MAIIKUT ST.. U31 Entire building through to Commerce St.; . suit retail or wboleaala business; Immediate 'Apply PENNA CO., BIT Cheslnut t. Blare ,nd Dwellings fooma and ballu with very attractive decora tlona. hardwood floors, electricity and gas. hot water hl basement laundry, breakfast roon and glass-inciosea sui LSI room sleeping , baseme inclosed porch: beautiful terraced law nt Italian sunken garden in tba.reari flneet nelghborliood, closely surrounded with every essential convenience, n.l is tn last Bi..VV 'rrx . " ."i. Ah . H O.H.I. tin narlor rlor houses. I'EM- a Doutn datn St. llAZBL .AVE.. Open evenings Semidetached house. 3 story. 11 rooma; nol-water iieai. eioc, ana klSher v'lWjy.Bfr .,"1TO',158'rIAD',r",,, 8. B. cor. 4th and Haitiinar v, " ' rnone Woodland iiOO. 7"HOUSK8, always rented la Brst-ctaM whlU tenants at 1121 new roofs, good condition; .J.-k lill a n. T.Trl. MAUINNIS8 ft SON. 8000 Baltimore av 48WALT6Tay"e. -S-trjXIUY. aUUE&rAHD. M rooon; good. location t puly,. w huadred 45? Arm?. .ita r -ITIR THH NKW HAMrUB THK HEW Da uaai Titiw ! ultu, Uullder, HOuan. . 87 I - 8. E. COR 10TII AND nODMAN BTS Stor and 12 rooms; rental 800. ' MYER8 A BARTHjL Ridge a. and 10th. p)VZA BLDO.. 180 Arch Well-lighted store. 1000 q. iqjcJJU iportunUt WILSON. BiinunnAN COMMODIOUS HOME, 1 l. from train; nom Inal rent for fall or winter months, CHESTER : OSBORNE. lNSDOVNB On PHI LADEt.PIHA. MAIN T.1NH. P. R. It. ST DAVID'B Beautiful home, attract'y furn : several chamber. 3 bath: central plant het; 1100 month. J. M. Fronefleld. Wayne. Pa. MORTGAGES "$100,000 5 'FLAT SPECIAL THUBT FUND FOR OOOD FIRST MORTflAOES Horace H. Fritz 7I3IJUT8T, TO SECURE A MORTOAOB Be It flrat or eeeond If you deslro efficient service, quick and satisfactory results and moa tIl!uC "PHONE OR WRITE TO UB "Your mortgage will be a good a placed," NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut t. MORTOAOF.B SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUGH k PARKER. INC. 1487 WALNUT ST. FUNDS for first and second 'mortgage. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut t MONEY FOR MORTOAOES IJtllUU AND SMALL AMOUNTS QUICK ANSWER W. 1LJIOOD.B12 V.: KOHTtlB ST. 7o07o")"0TO INVEST in "Srt mortgage, In uin from 11000 up: also building association money for eeeond mortgages. . U C. BEIDEL U CO,. 4th and Callowhtll sts. " " 310071200 TO 15000 TO LOAN dCft LEWIS - CO. ?OU 122TWpirardAv. ALirAMOUNTS. 1ST AND 21) MORTGAGES Quirk answer. uimicHjilATjyNmyi.jiiEst t. 1114. " TRUST PHNDH FOR FIRST MOIlTGAOE !ffiWiS WEYTlHTDANrTMTgtTOAGE8 700 WALNUT ST. B203 BI'HUCH ST ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY "' HAZI.KTT AMOa Din vvALnu 1 hi -BUlLDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE nojRT.XiNABlL lOOU'HEBTNUT ST. WE WANT MORTOAOES. IJrst, eopnd or"pllt; fund for collateral and hort.term loans, AUKHNr-MU. 11 o. i'i;i -us n. qui. Factories. Warehouaee. Mfg. Floar TtOOBQ. FT,. 5H tly- corner lot. 14000 . ft., J ty.. concrete, siding. 24100 aq, ft., S-ty warehouse, central. 20000 aa. ft.. 1 sty., brick and ateel. siding. 4.1.100 q. it.. 1 and 3 ty., aaw-tooth roof. 11,(100 q, ft.. 1 and 4 sty., aiding and canal, lloooo sa. ft . f uud , ty-. ooncrel. ldlns, ioooon mi. ft.. S -od4 ty.. brick. 1000000 q. jt., I , to sly., brick and concrete Idln a.nd dock; larg power plant) good li. ton will divide. . . . W handle factorle and warehouses si elusive!, from the standpoint of engineering, manuiaciurinjs. , '- it",-"" vu. to catloii lo n ctlon. all else. S. TLAW SllD7fON , VacW pcill.t la KnilnNrL eV-ll Wldener WaU.e rCH. CohockBlnk Mills 9T1itvN.DcfiSby8' masiSim TiTpi?:i ThoK spa VI at! rainr 1 lldlnil ublotolc iCE IN'&ODjfRN'UUILDINcr llth and Washlnatoo ave., R. Jj. KSSIfWiiL53 1ST and 2d mlgs.i bldg and private funds; quick and eetlsfactory results; rnoderat charges. LMlOiiJEStATE, 2811. Kensington ave MONEY for first and second raortgagea, private frnd and building associations WM.FRHtDR.tCH A C M N- l?h! FIRST and 2d mt. or on note, any amounti low rate.! immediate answer. V. X. Delany.' 1112 Llnooln Bldg., Broad and Penn Bguare READY" FUNDS for good flrat mortgage; bring us your application C1IAH. I- llROWN CO ,21J fl. lVroad s BUILDING ABBOCIATION fund, on hand for flrt and eeond mortgsge: fend applications. Frederick Hermann43SN. ajd. . i. MONEY for 'first and second mortgages: building aasoclatlon nnd Installrnsnt mortgage. Willi- Winchester CompanyJOOl Chestnut at. FUNDS for tlrsL arid second mortgage; any amounti qulci an.wer. ClIAB. W. MILLER. 40M0T Oommonwealth Hulldlng, I)ANB-.I.ar or malf sumaon real estate, Judgment no'.ts or mortgage tloans on unset- tleTtile"DEMiaif CO 27. 8. JOlh. AI.LrAMOUNT8toTlon on let and 2dlite. Cba. Z. P Young. 400 W. Knd Tru.t Wag. MONXY TO LOAN -lit PAN HORHOW UHMKV nf DIAMOND8, JEWKLB, CTa v28 AND UP .,.,..." . 2 .ES iSh ft:.:.::::: :: IS RIBUKR'M , UP AjaTaWUTH BTH. b. SCRAPPLE asMaawas.-h 1 1 i A iia s , ii-uh.1 The Younp; Lndy Across llio Way THE PADDED CELL ' i ' ' I mTTTnT - ! as. Tliu youns lady ncross tha way snyH the moderate use of roemetlcs may be helpful In gome cases, but after all there's nothing; like plenty ot water and a good soporific. Sliortenlnrj His Days A south M(ssourl man, ninety-eight years old, has smoked over slnco lis was fourteen nnd says ho expects to live to be 160. Any physician will tell him that If ho docs not cut out smoking; ho can't hopo to last more than ten years longer. Brookflcld (Mo.) Ga-etto. I - ) OBJECT AAATRIMOMY ( This is e (- fierce, but , ( a PEBF&T ) 5H,sL0STiTB 1- WASTED ENERGY I t I'M CMrf TO SAVE. EVERY CENY I &AfrKF PK Wttl 'l CUt p f 1 I'Ll. POT SOrAPTHINb IN TMe X00R aAr-) OS THIS wets I I .iii.J.JJ, BANK && TMrioAX RE'iir L " W oT" A. NtCKtL-. IT'i THE ONLH WA.Y t ''J iTHfc BAHK J eHK VHIYM THi,T J V TO EVER. WAVE- KH THIN Cs. ' I ) ff " LT " WJ i s ---" )D,WI n 1 calIviM(i ni (i- " Jf lAbOLLAR. j SM 1 1 now? y rJe'ir.. grm maVji j TMi-vjett rtL aBH I h&. m dAiiK A More to Incorporate She I shall have to be a little firm with you. Ho Fine! Let us make It a partnership! Getting; It Over With '&'''"' 'A? i rss a l -T TLi II Tfir -wlg!-W tcC1 rraU ataLftLa-nllN er Cat t PP? ?zz$u&zs: T'z- SX&'ZZ, jOSjZ- 'ssssrs's j S ?m j-. rr Ijndon Opinion, Typist (newly arrived at War Office) I suppose we begin aa usual? Staff Officer I suppose so. Typist Then hurry up and kiss me, I want to set on with my work. A DIFFICULTY ON THE CLYDE Wm ,-il2"'lr rs;,j SKai NV-e-i-" -77- '4 jnHaeastei ai2 en l'?Fte3& hi aBUe Mci ata5i H HS5ii5-' avx. C'CiXacL1 fWLxvr w,i, .Pis? t Passlqr Show. Steerace Passenger (unaccustomed to steamboats) Could ye tell me whit end o' this boat gangs tae QreenockT Just for a Change "Drldol couples," remarked the man on tho car, "are forever tramp, tramp, tramping; to Mendelssohn's and Wag ner's music. Wonder somo of thorn don't try 'Marching Through Georgia.' "Toledo Diode. AND TO THINK IT WAS THE ONE AND ONLY TIME HCttO! YOU WANT TO SPCAtf TO WIILIC? WHO U THIS? - WCLC, GKACiE.Vf-llUE'S IN THE. BATH TUB, now. IUtcu HIM YOU CALLED' WOOBYC f A '? y ft ' WyjP'j'g'y pisiisTJi I im i s m0tj , -, J)"3c Ter ' tj ' "-" A Distinction "What Is the difference between Id vestment and speculation, fatherf "When you win, my son, It's an In vestment. When you lose, It's a spec-ulatlon," DIGGW& BUrrOH HOLES istruo; OIL. . t.rbl WEEKv Wl vi Ti" ' i ml. V iM itf is 1 kWlj r pCm "H -tUl yutia' firl cU-'iuo uji.