Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 30, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Director, in Defiant Mood,
, Scorns Accusation of Alleged
Failure to Put Down
Vice Here
Mayor Smith and Director Wilson refuse
' to talk about the criticism they are tub
Jected to In the report Aled by the Septem
ber Grand Jury, but they are expected to
. J confer today over the presentment and de
cide on wnat woy nau Denor sny.
The report Is a frank open crUlclrrn of
the administration for ltif plleged failure to
keep vice down, aa It started to do last Hum
mer Director Wilson vras oa short as he has
been since he was aVpblnted to his place.
Drector Wilson admitted that ho had
heard of tho findings of ths Chrand Jury,
but raid ho had nn comments to make.
"1 am runnlnjr my pftlco and I nm doing
It to suit myself." he said.
Ct- "Then you nro going to ignore the
m ' rfirees7" ho was asked.
v T aald before. I am making no com
merits npd have nothing whatever to say
about It"
Mayor Smith, when asked what action ho
ran coin to tako concerning tho request
I - of the Grand Jury for a continuance of the
Ifc investigation or vico conditions nere, sam
if tht he had no comment to make.
. .......
"I have not seen me roporv ne sam. ana
until I do so I am not colng to speculate
about the Grand Jury's findings."
"Are conditions In this city as bad as tho
Grand Jury has said It finds things?"
"I do not want to discuss that or any
other phase of tho report. The Grand Jury
may know a whole lot that I do not, but
I know some things that the Grand Jury
dors not When I read tho report I will
think It ot er and then, perhaps, I shall have
something to say."
Tho efficiency of tho Police Department
alio Is attacked in the statement that ths
Jury regrets that, although the July body
found that disorderly houses existed, this
condition Is virtually tho same today, and
It that It Is tho belief and knowledgo of tho
II Jury that these places arc known to the
I' rolice Department as n matter of report
and record. Another fling Is taken at Di
rector Wilson's department when tho re
port states that during tho last term tho
evidence given by policemen in disorderly
house cases was Insufficient, and recom
mends that tho magistrates and police pro
duce more convincing testimony In the fu-
R ,lu-
as runner evidence ora iacK 01 conn
denco In the police, the jury recommends
that some one "welt informed upon tho
subject and without affiliation In any way
with the Police Department" tako charge
1 and co-operate with the District Attorney
v in a widespread Invesatlon of the condi
tions hero. In excusing their attitude In
, taking tho vice matter up, tho jury, in a
public-spirited manner, declared that It felt
the report would be Incomplete without a
strong and specific referenco to the ques
tion of lce and the open operation of
gambling and disorderly houses and speak
easies. Chartered clubs are also taken to task.
The Jury finds that a number of them are
nothing more than speakeasies, legalized'!
by a charter, but operating in nn illegal
manner. The report says tho Jury be
lieves that this Is contrary to tho law and
i morality or me community, ana is a aan
C gerous special privilege. The report in
4 part says:
B ij 1, allien ui Vila iiuinu murium niium
ft tho Jury say should be tried before the
puuirrj uuuiu uiu itui iiiciiuuueu ill ine re
port, but those Implicated at the time were
K) superintendent Koblnson. Police Captain
Kenny and Lieutenants Stinger and Van
Horn, Robinson was never brought to trial,
on the ground. It was said, that ho had no
superiors In tho department who could act
ti as his Judges. Kenny, Stinger and Van
i Horn w ere reinstated. This Is tho personnel
i 41.A 4tm. V.nr ,11-. .VtA -.--.A...
vi nig jui uicifc unu ma .Bfcivik.
M. Bolgar, clerk, 911 North Warnock
street; Z. IC Dannenhower, cabinetmaker,
1218 South Falrhllli street ; Joseph Kline,
knitter, 3009 Wlttee' street; Albert Laurey,
molder, 24 South Thirty-third street; Alexis
Llmeburncr, publisher, 2325 North Twenty
second street; Alexander J. Martin, spring
finisher, 3915 Homestead street; James
Owens, laborer, 1219 South Thirty-first
street; Edward Palmer, weaer, 3062 North
Hartvllle street: Harry Pote, carpenter.
E 1031 East Montgomery avenue; Samuel It
.Rosenthal, telephone operator, 2447 South
h Sixth street; Robert Smith, candy maker,
zu:u aierncr street; 1'oter J. Stewart, sales
man, 421 Locust street; Alexander Taylor,
liveryman, 1619 North Opal street; W. 11.
i Miiurne uuremtin, no occupation, uuz 2'ine
etreet; Paul K. walz, real ettate, C401 Law-
x rence street: William WatBon, salesman.
us isortn irirty-rourtn, street
niKS??? .? Bt'SAN. dautnter of lot
linf" t?.?. rl$cvt l'0'' formerly ot Chestnut
HiihRi,Anilc. "f funeral will lvn
aiiiiVrUi "'',! H? ltnly at os fiansom
Ji,Yi,I,lii!IPnu"bn,.cf .Sarah Hraflin ne
lnS".lL,.,, "S,".0' A1n, T " ' John
iinKliMVVf Notice ef funeral later.
K-L'Ji1. JATKlt. 5eI CHA.tl.KM hus
?rnli.,r,Mt7 A. Ureltmarer ftelatlvea and
!!! ,5'omon Lodae, No. 114. I', and A. M ,
Wi!l .. '"If."! KIT.'"1 .Mon-s m-
Itemaln may be viewed from 8 to 10 p. m. Bun-
tK'9,'yNf't't27 MATtCIATlET, widow ef
ri?-rw.n ", rtjrry). Relatives end friends
ISSw".!? ,uEr Tu T 80 a. m , 1720 Pass.
RiTJi.-ll!-.. en -hUth rnaas of reoulem St.
vSAXS n.KL I'l" 28 HANNAH, wife of
riTMi'.i cf.7,I,!,,li' .Br B1 R .Itelatlrn
and friends, Vlritlnla. Dare Council. 74. l ot
L. Invited to funeral, !on , Oct. 4, 2 n, m,
reildence of ton Joeerh l, OampWlf, 844 1'opl
i!l f--' r",u.'I'n. N i. Int private, Arllns
t09 i-11-,l"nin" mr b viewed Sun eve.
widow of Kdward C. Carroll, daughter of Rol
ana and late Jamea J, Farley, aird SO n.la.
!!)' and frlenda. 11. V M Sodality Church of
iifL11!!0", "vltei to funeral, Mon H no a m.
S2?i?Jrf.V,"l,ft- H,,h r1l"n. ! Church
SCUAItK 8ert .20. at nlece'a readenpe. BIOS
heatnut at , llANNAlt B. CUnk, of 4M8
heatnut at , widow of J arm-a Wllion Clark.
Reletlres and frlenda Invited to funeral aeri.
ires, Mon., a P. m , Oliver 11 llalr Illdfe . 1850
Cnt;,.1V.,."t Int. private
l't,v n1 ff'enda InvltM to funeral Mon.,
Y.il .; ,m son's realflence. Warren Clifford,
1840 lirldre. at . FrankforU. lllah mass St.
Joachim's Church. 11 a. m. Int. rrlxate.
CpYtti.SeM. 17. ttdSB A . widow of John
Cojr. Hetattrrs and friends Invited to funeral.
Mon. 8 SO a. m. 22 Bharswood at. lllah mais
St. Elizabeth's church, lo a, m. Int. Hoiy Croas
COSOrtOVR Sept 28. F.UN1CB A,, wife of
James corove and daughter of late lluah and
Mary Noye. ared ?3. llelatlyea and frlende In
vited to funeral. Tuea.. 8 30 a. m . 427 Tren
ton nvr... Camden. N J Maaa at tmmaculate
Conception It C. Church, eth and Market ats ,
Camden. N. J , 10 a, m. Int. Mt Carmel Cem.,
Mooreatown. N, J,
CRAWFORD Bert. 28. ANNA, wlfi. of David
,. Sr?wlora- wj 44. llelatlvea and frlenda In
vited to funeral services. Mon.. 2 p. m . 2042 N.
Franklin at. Int private. Northwood Cem. Ite
""W.nlffjr.oo'wed Sun , after 8 n m,
CtjnrtAN Sept. 2I, MAHY CUItnAN (nee
Comber), widow of Bdward Curran. ItetatUea
and frlenda InvltM to funeral. Tuea , 8 Jo a. m .
Jrom eon's reeldenco. Jo&n J. Curran. 127 8,
f,t.d "t. Solemn requiem maee. Pt. Charlea1
Ch.?.rr.hi, " ' Cathedral Cem.
IJinNBn. Sept. 27, I3UI8. aon of late Teter
and Caroline Dlener. Ilelatltea and frlenda In
vited to funeral service. Mon.. 2 p. m . real
dence of aon-ln-law, Wllltam Lukene, 4421 N.
Oth at. Int atrlctly private.
DOlTOItKIVrr. Rept, 28. IlttlDOBT, daugh
ter of the late Owen and fluale Dougherty, of
County Donetal. Ireland. llelatlvea and frlenda
invited to funeral, Tuea. 8 JO a. m . realdence
of ileter-tn-law. llrldiet Doutherty. 307 N. t)th
at Darby Solemn requiem maaa Lady Pro
tector of Health Church. 10 a. m. Int. Holy
Croaa Cem.
FUIBU Sept. 28. MAItY J , daughter of
late Charlea and .Mary Frlel Relatives and
frlenda, employes of Oeneral Electrlo Co , In
vited to funeral, Tuea , 8:30 a, m., residence ot
I!?' . Mr. Maculre. 5fl Westminster eve .
JJest I'hlla Solemn requiem maaa rhurch of
Our Lady of Mctory 10 a m Int Holy Cross
oniFrrnt Pert. St), suddenly, at New Tor
city, MIS' ELly.AIIETlI tllllFKlTll, nf Urook
Ivn. N Y Relatives and frlenda Invited to
funeral aertlcea, Hun, 2 JO p. m, realdenee
Jamea 11, Mlnrus, 1543 N Oratl at. Int. pri
dauihter of late Malhew and Marsaret Hai
eriT iieiaiivea inn rpunni inviifM! in lunera
Alnn . ujll a. tn frnen laltt pealdanee. 338
Jefferson at. Solemn requiem maaa at bt.
Klliabeth'a Church, 11 a m. Int. New Cathe
dral (m Auto aervlce.
HArn Sept. 28. at Nortlttown. ra . AN
DIIKW D . eon of late Jacob and I,eah Itert
aired 60. rtelatlrea and frlenda. Conahohocken
Ile. I- O O Xf , No. 28Si Knlahtt of Oolden
Eaile No 103i Klndron Circle. No. 82. Il of
A . Invited to funeral residence ot nephew,
Ktwood I,. Hart. 0 K. Ilaaln et , Mon.. 2 p. m.
All eervtrea at house. Int Darren Hill Cem.
Itemalna may b Mewed Sun., after 8 P.m. .
..IIAYIIECK Sept. 28 SOl'HIK, wife ot I'hlllp
Itayheek nired 0 llelatlves and friends. Camp
No S1. P O, 8 of A , Invited to funeral. Sun ,
10a m , parlors of Morris floeenbera Son. 2n
N Droad et Int prhate. Adath Jeanurun
Cem itemalna may be viewed Sat, after 8pm
iiAVK tfept, 2. r.UHA wuou, wire oi i.
Mlnla Has. Funeral eervlcea Mon, 11 a. m.
nr;r t iik i aepi. ra. Anntu i; , who o
Michael Heffren (ne Dracelln) llelatlvea and
He of
a and
frlenda lnttted to funaral. aton.. 8JIO a m.
from huaband a residence, 4117 Kenelnaton ave ,
Frankford. Solemn requiem maaa St. Joachlm'e
Churrh 10 a, m. Int. St. Dominic's Cem.
HRMPLR At Palmyra. N. J . Sept. 2.
fOsnrif husband of Anna laaeelte Ifemple.
llelatlvea and friends. Covenant Lodge. No. 181,
F and A, M and all oelellcai ot which he wai
a member. Invited to funeral eervtcee, Mon.,
11 p. m , llroad at and Washington ave.. lal
myra, N J Int. private Train leaves Market
St. Kerry for Palmyra 1.50 p m.
HENDntCKSON. Sept. 37. CHAnt,R3 T.
ItKNDItICKSOt, aon ot fate Henry and Esther
Hendrlckaon. formerly ot 1221 11, Moyamenalm
ne. llelatlvea ana frlenda. Lodre No. 2,
D P. O. 1- I oftlcera of Thirty-third Dlntrlrt
police atatlon, members of 1'ollce Fenaion Fund,
Twenty sixth Ward Stonemen'a Club and mem
bers ot St. I.uko'a Illble Claaa. are Invited to
funeral eervlcea, on Mon . at a p. m.. at 1507
Porter at. Int. private. Frlenda may call Sun.,
8 to in p tn.
HENIlT At Boverly, N, J., Sept. 28, AL
C11EY MYRA, daushter of late John and Mary
Henry, llelatlvea and friends Invited to funeral.
Itlver Dank, Ueerly, Sun., 4 p. m Further
eenlrea Ileechwood Cem. Chapel, Hulmevllle,
Ta . 1on . 11 a. m. Int. Ileechwood Cem
JAOOAIin.--8uddonly, Sept. 27. JOSErit,
a tod 73. llelatlvea and friends Invited to fu
neral, Sun,, 1 p. m., from lata residence, near
Almoneason N, J. Services at home. Int. Al
moneaaon, N. J.
johnson Sept. 28, nnmanT JOHNSON
(nee Henry), wife ot Charlea Johnson. Ilela
ttxee and friends Invited to funeral. Tuea.,
8 30 a. m . 2131 8. Carlisle at. II 1th requiem
mass. St. Monica's Church, 10 a. m. Int. Holy
"rjONKH?-Sept, 20. MAHI.ON P.. husband of
late llarrlette Jones and son of late lMward
and Sophia Jones, aged 72. Relatives and
frlenda Invited to funeral services. Mon., 2 p.
m , at realdenee of niece, Mrs. Clara Stansell,
2020 Huron ae Camden, N. J. Int. Old Point
Comfort Va
KEECII. Sept. 20. JOSEPH L. KCECH, 8r.,
husband of Mary Dixon, In hie 74th year. Ilela-
Uvea and frlenda, Odd Fellows' I-odje, 210, In
Mted to funeral Mon., 2 30 p, m , Hladwynne.
Pa. Int Odd Fellows' Cem Carriage will meet
113 p m train from llroad Ht Mia at Ard-
I.1SNUKNZ (ne . Melnhardt). wife of William
Kinlenbenx. arrd 40 llelatlvea ami frlenda In
vlted to funeral. Tuea.. 2 p. in . 2823 N Hope
at Int Oreenmount Cem
NEDY, J 08 llelatlvea and frlenda Invited
to funeral aervicee. Mon 2,3n p m , at
nleee'a realdenee, Mrs ( W llrldteman, 2447
Hide ave. Int Arrtmor Lutheran
KERNS Sept. 28. JOHN J , husband of
Xella Kerna (nee Fahy). llelatlves and friends
Invited to funeral, Tuea, 8.30 a, m, 2032 S
Norwood at. (cor Snyder ave ). Solemn mas
ot requiem, the Church ot St. Kdmond a, 10 a.
m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.
widow of Carl Kersten Relatives and friends,
aleo Altar Society of St Aloyslua'a Church and
all other societies of which aho was a member,
tmlleit to runeral Mon , 8 30 a, m , from 1713
8. '.'nth st Solemn requiem maaa at Si
Aloyalua'a Church. 10 a m Int. Holy Cross
Cem Omit flowera
(nee Wlllct). wife of Joseph Kraua ared SI
llelatlves and friends InvltM to funeral services,
Sun , 1 p m 2U0H u, Haxiard at. Int. pri
vate Northwood Cem
VEH. wife of John Llehtcap and ilauohler of
late Henry and Susan Wlsmer. aced 0.1. llela
tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral services.
Mon . S p, m., 160 Meehan av.e , Mt Airy. Int.
"WNttaRMAN Bert. !8. MARY E . wife ot
John K Llnaerman (nee Fulmer). Relatlvea
and frlenda Invited to funeral services, Mon,
2 p. m . 8104. Welsh road. Holmesburc. Thlla.
1M private. William fenn Cem
. MAQVIRK. Sept. 20. FRANCIS J., eon of
Jamea E. and Maraaret Mnjutre (nee Lane), aced
10. llelatlvea and friends. Dlv. No. l0, A. O.
lf.l employes Instrument dept. of 8. 8. White
Co., Invited to funeral. Sat 8 p. m.. from pa
rents' residence. 1311 S. 18th at. Solemn re
qulem mata at Et. Thomas Aqulnaa Church. 0 30
a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem.
MALJ.OMSON. Sept 23. WILLIAM J . hue
band. of Susetta Malcomson, aaed 8V Relatives
and friends. Eirelslor Lodec, 481. F, and A M i
I'acino Lmlre, 200. I. O. O, F.; Harris Fncamp
ment, 22. I. o O r.i Veteran Odd Fellows'
A,!S- Jf.Ponn 1 Phlla. Active Odd Fellows' Aseo .
Invited to funeral services. Sunday. 8 p. m , (133
Olney ave. Int. private, at convenience of tarn-
.JfJfj'JJ,AI. 9rt. 27 at Mllford. Conn.,
JILLIAM. son of William and Catharine
McKernan. llelatlves and frlenda Invited to
funeral. Mon.. 8 80 a. m.. from brother-in-law's
residence. Edward Kelly, 800S Falrmount
ave. Requiem hbih mass St. Asatha'a Church
10 a, n. Int. Holy. Cross Cem.
illLLCn Sept. 28. HAMUKL T. MILLER,
aaed 68. Relatlvea and friends, airard As
sembly, No. 0. A. O. M. P. Invited to funeral
?SE)C,ci5' Mon., 2 p. m., at Oliver If Pair Illdar
1820 Cheatnut et. Int. Hillside Cem.. Williams.
Polls. J i P"fers please cony.
-.H9SR13 ?e' :-t. MARaOERITB. dvushter
pL'!llm Jt and Mary Moore (nee O'llrlen),
;ed 21 months. Relatives and frlenda Invited
to funeral. Mon . 3 p. m . from parenta" real.
?.'n.5T 82.7N 48ln " Wrt Fhlla, Int. New
Cathedral Cem
n tRJ:'Trs""' 20A. MARY A., widow of
?iZTVt ?h?or' I1 4?.?8..N' ,3,h ' Duo no
tice of the funeral will be given.
Jacob Seeds' Sons Install System in
Their Store
An artificial daylight by means of which
a purchaser may see the exact color and
quality of any goods he buys just as they
will appear out In tho sunlight of the
street has at last been made practicable
for u,se In stores. Vy pressing a button
this artificial daylight Is effected by means
of a semtopoque globe that Altera out the
fifty per cent excess of red and orange
lays from a normal 660-watt incandescent
light which ehlnes through It, leaving only
pure white rays of natural daylight
Jacob Heed's Sons have obtained the ex
clusive rtahta fn fbla nvatem tn ThnniAl-
Kphla and have Installed It for the exhibit of
clothing. They are planning also to install
It in furnishing cabinets on the hosiery
and neckwear counters, etc
Sees, 300,000 Hughes Plurality Here
NEW TOnK, Sept JO. At tho Hughes
Alliance headquarters In Now oYrk city
vord has been received from George D. Por
ter, secretary of the Keystone Mtate Al-
nance, that Hughes would carry Pennsyl
vania by 800,000 plurality. He aald that
, harmony existed between Republicans and
r Progressives in Pennsylvania. The Hepub-
ncana are looking forward to the Hughes
Meeting to be held In Philadelphia on Oc
tober ,
Prohibition Leader Dies
DUnilAar. N. P.. RonL 30 Jamea II.
touthgate, former vice presidential candl
t pn the Prohibition ticket. Insurance
tsent, and former president of the National
Muurgnce Agents' Association, Is dead.
WlKtT Th aaeief. anj tnarlnar ramamKranria nf
J0fKPHF, WANK, who died Kept. 80, 1D12.
04 but not forEotten, ..
aiemtit, UKUitiiiJiB apiu acruisn.
UHAK. In BrUUepuL Montconery. Co.,
1 ' aept. 28, shanuku nuiuno or cna
a v I . ..,, .a ..nKvai e a-m , 'MM axt
t ,BrldeWli F- Mo., 2 P. a. Int.
fTH p widow" oT"ci)rle.her d. ftabb.
b. axed
Ive and frknla tevKed to services.
. Traoton, N, J., Km., p. . Jut. River-
eaew -em.
Bit gent. 98, NKLL18 M., widow, of
sat T. jKtbblt and dausbtcr ot late
Js H. and Mllne K, Maaulre, Ilela-
aud frlml tnvltad to funeral aarvlcea.
PJ. V. m David H. Schuyler Ml-, Broad
I pUiuor.d sis, Int. private, ooneuleoe of
' "' 1 ot Haater. Melatlves and. frlenie.
i Tmn. . 411. LaOIca of UoMao Eaale CUc4a,
vrrlatiur p&.. ftnvitafll tu runaral aervtaea.
tiei(K)i,(vi at uuuslu, Joaeo
Jlrara ave ueiri.
ivel M I II i
M W Utjrar4 avj
al aei
ai Km.
Uiiuj-r. M
liuiu from I" n
' I
r "
. -a . r
. J-"
1 " ll
tf.T.K!s "p . s jacoiT n mykus?
rS."",,'. erylees Mon, 11 a. m, 0015 Wayne
ave . din Int private
M.:ilJ,fei:.B?'."-s",i -2- AlJlfl, husband of
vrV2i.ii 'I5rl 8o- Relatives and frlenda.
tr.",l!,i,,, c,.re'f- H of A , and employee of nit
terilroa. Invited., to .funeral services Sun S
Pr.. m ,'? W Myrtlewood ave Cheltenham.
K.,rilvJ',,.0r"nnw,unt Cem Itemalne mar
eJiAiWi 2t,tvo. Auto service.
If AlivI?fl',llT-,l, .rhoenltvllle Va Bept SO.
iVSS'?A"e.,y., wl" of Anthony A Nichols.
2ri-l nelatlTra and frlenda Invited te funeral
JWn'M' ISlld- PS ' "onln-law. J. Alan (Ireen,
rv.H-iKt"",.,ln .' Wan. Mon, s'p m.
itT.Vi-Sri'1 .".t,"'."' A,"5:1 ' . K. Church.
idlolJln's reln5r'" C" Tu" " m' ,nt
.9"1.NN. Suddenly, at lale residence. IMS
haiSe'-r ."' rt"i WILLIAM HKNIIY, hue
win 1 .llilr "' Qu'nn' Uu, no,lc funeral
PaVeWitT'L' !' WILLIAM P. aon of
i.fli'rA5d. cJ,hl.t,n Ke'l'r. ed 21. Ilela-
ot. W .Churcht hlv. 8. A O 1., and em.
S-.?..' J'l?iVU 8,M.' Works. Invited to funeral,
Tuea . IMa.n, from parenta' realdenee, 4St
yrtrn.8 TX elnn requiem mass 8t Francis ot
Ce'SlfAutJunVri?. ' m In, 1Mr 8'PUlCnr
tv?it.TlSFIi.Ts,,.,!,1",', I?"1' !.r. r residence,
vi i'r i, f. "rwnj ' U1DKON T. llITi
t5LIjn,"ii,iW n-f,!nd. Thomson i.odta.
ii2; ai2:.' V.A' il- milted to funeral serf
l5h,Vh8Unint,2-p?,v.Pe m- ' """""
t,Pll?S!?:i'1?V.x 2'. At-P.F.nT P ..huahand
n.i ,.u.i. '"" -on i nee vviiaoni. llelatlvea
ii i i i" rn"nb Ottawa Trlhe, in. 1 u.
"- -- s rv ie,Tteru sUU.a i 0 V
oldest daushter of Michael and Catharine Sam.
P'"rnHhnJ"I!).i.,lf,,"v.M anJ friends. II,
J M. Hodalltr, Invited to funeral, Mon , 8 si
a ro.. from parents' residence. 42(kj OlraM
ave Solemn requiem mass at 6ur Xlother of
t-orroTre' Churrh, in a m Int Holy Croei Cem
KIIICK. huaband ot Anna. Schneider (nee Con-
ard at funeral from S222 N?Ifoiy.
5S?:-,.a vr;r.ra-0i?. '",.. T"o.r, mt:
'"- ?'-- i-i iu .em. jveniaina mar
U viewed Sun., between 8 and 0 p. m.
ept. 20. CHAIlLEp. eon o
rllllam BeyfTert. Relatives ei
funeral eervlcea, Ik" Jnereon
. SRTFrnnT pei
Ttulaa anil lata W
frlenda Invited tn runeral eervlcea, Ik" Jeuereon
t Uaa 11 ail m In, lit V-maii m
ared 81. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to
funeral lion Oct 2 10 a, m, from son a resi
dence, L. v Snyder. Illlitop. N J. Service
at the home Int. Itarlrlah (Jem. Train leaves
Cheatnut Ht Ferry 8 n. m .
uritAUUK Bept. T8, ki.i.iott A . nusoana
f Mary L. Bprarue, seed 47 Relatlvea and
frlenda Invited to runeral. flun.. 9 r.
280 K. Winona ave , Norwood, Del,
ini vvorceater. iuasa aion
Co., I'a.
f A., aon et Ole
aicare). In 2ntn
Tt-.eMTio qrrv
asiaBwaa. BkBkA. si arrr ti m ar
has et ft rew stanc
oi aernce.comionjtibeau
oawHiTcyr;; "CSqI
rh lEADfffO Resorrr hoiclot the wown"
BTAHtlACH Sept. ST. at Atlantic City, N,
J , JOHN A. .BTAMIlACll. .llelatlvea anil
friends Corinthian Lodre, No, 888. V. and A,
M , Invited to funeral eervlcea, lion., 2 p. m..
at insu rairmoum ave, ini. private,
8TKBN Sept 28. ALllBllt A..
en inea (iiearai. in
frlenda Invited lo funeral
law. Frank Iloedlter, 2434
THoltrB Sept 28. nF.nNARD J . beloved
huaband of Kmma Thorpe, llelatlvea and
friends. Kenalntrtnn International Ileneflclal
Asso., Oermantown Itrlttsh-Amerlcan Asso., In
vited to funeral eervlcea. Bun , 'J p, m , at his
late residence, 028 W Cambria at Int. Oreen
mount Cem.
C 1. and Mary Bteen
vr Itelatlvea and frl
eervlcea flun , 2 p m , realdenee of brother-ln-
n tnauwica mu
J?ALtacjC.-l.H..tTi at !!
vil,l,lAai PL WAI. A' , say,
WALSH FH net,l
Rlleaheth WaHrkea (
0 ZHffifi
Servroee aa4
i 3
'Jim. 'idsas
and frlenda. rlAly Kern aVwIle- and T. A.
vmcent e raui cayrvft, laviied w
Mon.. 8 80 a. ra.. ll W. Prtca su
town, Bolemn imm M. VlfeeeeH'a Okt
a. m. int Holy Be w wore cewir
WALTER. Nlnl Moatti 24h, ULLIOTT P ,
eon et the late William Ream new a4 ItsnellM t.
Walter, aced 42, Relatlvea and frtewes are In
vited to funeral earvlceei Rerond-day, I1M e
ra . at residence of brother, J Hence Rtaltefc '
80S Cedar lane, Bvrkrthaaore, I'a. Tram leenlM
llroad fltreet Station .J and 10:t a. ra. will
be met at flwarthmore. Im, private.
1NUTON, son ot late Jamea and Sarah
woorilnston. ared M. Retatlree and frlenda,
employes of the repair shop ef the Fir Depart
ment and vTlnsohocklna Tribe. No. M, Imp. IV
are.invuea io runeral service, bhb- t
Paul at., Frankford. Int. at eow-
vcnlem-e of the family. Omit flowers.
wunuisiiLicii. sept,
a. jirxu.rw u.
band pt late. Pauline Wimdertloli (nee rVM),
ared 88. Relatives and. friend. Aeevier wurei
Falrhlll Yearly Den. Socletlea, InvltM ten
neral. Tuea., 1 p. m... 212 N. Falrhffl sL Iwt,
auio service.
Oreenmount Cem.
rSale or Rent Old York RoacLr,
New Homes
With Garages
nfHBK aaaaaaaaBaeaK'fefe'yffJB
f tR !B9HsaaaBlBaBaaaBNPMff Cj-lWtsSsaal
Five new houses, each different, situate' on Old York road at Meetlnc Mouse lane,
Osonts Hill. Houses that are different. HI a lots, eptclous porches. S and 4 hatha.
J. T. JACKSON, Chestnut at 13th
aatiWaaBeU. .JvSCS. .usajiaBMsBsfll)
HKIvHsaWu. SrSVw JTKT2k. IslslsaaaaaariBsBsBsaWr
I tTfHa TAi"y r ?WHfcsa?rBWJ'aaB S 3 R BHsaaBBraBBaB SBbbH BlvSB aBBaBBsaBsallBBBBlB-' Fif&m9!m. Tt
vFWKjBBMpBPfflf" fti.W Kszffifi 'gjjMi Qm (MJlB IfMtf El tSa0l pkiji rfiiw9cPlliSBilBi
1 7tM nnSr"S -PW W nM MBM 3tP!J InKfil iSSS llfil Wr. rST ibS&l SlSaVlBHff
jVaBBaMBBaf48atWyraaBeMBiipp8JlfcaMgj klte EbB Isjf f BlSlBt ,Tfc 'bIbV&VsVHSbvHbSN'ImHUE HbPb: B
MraXS I1H!1b1.bBBh bBBbbUbBbRVB BBBBBBBBHlBBBBBBSHBBHBaBriAr ' j jftttl-i TtHfJ P9Bb11 aftsiiiftflBBpB
bMbbI tBahBtSESMB VXfiSiJlkWBmujSlmt ku!L aVMII WiS?&0SSBmm3mtSfcmmMLFiSLrK
No Change
of Cars
18 Minutes to
City Hall
One Five
Cent Fare
$6350 to $7100 .
All Stone, Including Garage
At 69th St. Station of the Market Street Elevated 18 Minutes from Broad St.
The above photograph illustrates a house on a lot 50 feet wide for $6350, which
equires only $650 cash, and after that
Carrying Charges Are Only $32.50 a Month
An Innovation tn
House Construction
Think of an All
Stone House
Realize That Home'
Owning Dream
Similar Houses on 72 ft. lot for $7100
'The tbove photograph represents the front of one house, with a cement porch IS feet
long;. House open In front ana both sides. The rear of the house Is built with a Sl-lnch
stone party wall between It wid another house, which faces on another streeL
Picture this house 18 minutes from City Hall, one Eo fare by' straight rapid transit.
Imaalna livlnic room, dining room and sleeping chambers all fronting the street all
sunlit and airy In fact, every room, facing spacious open plots.
See McClatchy, know all tho new features to be Incorporated In these homes, arrange
to take advantage of a- home-buying opportunity not likely to be duplicated. Bgmo of
these houaea are nearly completed, and many have already been sold,
Builder and Ownr, on Premise, or Land Titk Building
jlaeasygppjBEB3WWpBT4BM ini iwij 1 1 1 iisfci BO$K3BQQBgfUt Jf i' t iTX!SBS8SBSXWiLVtlkWtB&ff2BBnmWBtB&t
gMBpfcsll Hliiii 1H Tig is ' Mmm0timJM i 'mi.n. n" ' -Aj-'J LjrziXZ SBg-Wtffc i ,' II i riiaJfcpftCdV. J. , ,A J!Jf C.KIT1' ' AlJMM'lLn&Zrfitft tj 'MM
Here Are Some of the Features
in Sunday's Public Ledger
The Servant Problem
Bv Fanny Hurst a novelist and magazine writer who has made a
special study of the domestic help situation. She has served as sales
woman and waitress, knows the problems that the average woman faces,
yet does not despair of their solution.
Fighting Infantile Paralysis
in Suburbs
Paralysis in the epidemic stage is no job for a local health official. It
calls for instant and persistent attention of the expert. Charles Phelps
Cushing tells how energetic commuters have quickened the activities of
local health boards in fighting the dreaded plague.
Ballots and Bayonets
One of the interesting series of Kaufman articles. Others in Sunday's
issue are "Quit It" and "The Last-Minue Man." Every one of them is
an inspiration in itself.
American Lightweights Past
and Present
"Billy" Rocap, the Public Ledger's Sports Editor, compares Leonard,
Welsh and White to McAulilTe, Gans and McGovern. How do you think
the present-day men show up 7
Polo Enthusiasts
The Picture Section contains a full page of pictures taken at the National
, Championship Polo Games held at the .Philadelphia Country Club,
Bala, Pa.
The Social Whirl
Peggy Shippen delights in telling her readers what's happening in the
whirl of society. And there's no one woman in the country who does It
so charmingly. In addition to society gossip, woman's interests have
not been overlooked in the make-up of Sunday's Public Ledger.
The Children's Hour
, You'll find lota of interesting reading for the children in the page ediUd
by Ruth Plumly Thompson- good, bright, amusing gtorie that
"kiddies" delight to read and learn. v f" ' . "
Sunday Public Ledgers sell out early. Keep that hi ritind!
Order your copy TODAY. - i-;