Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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Go Down as Coat Goes Up.
Juniors Plead Rise In Other
Products as uxcuso
r drink are ItotnR up. Therefore fewer.
g down. Hrrs themselves stnrtedBHoworth . fSJJO; Isabella
. - .u..la Sjalja ask.4 a Jt a,. T ISAAC Ala at -
Will Dgp3ss of His Property in
Private Bequests
lhSI"f m,M1 ,0 ! today were
m, r!1"' ,n Pr,vat biut. die-
m M,iM.llrVU "m. Atlantic Cltr.
lum infcf,2 ?:.Wm. Friends' As
t nlin.h.l?VT'nU8' J.": William
Iteoo Corbt. rresbyterlan Hospital
ciS,ABRI,7LlhA !.
.. .:. """" nppraieeu at iv.-
Ck ..r'1111' tsm.ei: wniiam
i an aeroplanlo trend a few days ato,
'cml' to know why. Therei are
; SB n1J ....,...... ........ . "t v-
p to euouroan statisticians, and
i expreMed no desire to join the New
: strikers.
'cwelderable 'enlightenment" ws thrown
the (t! situation louay oy a ueaier.
i5St v
r y
t'a eoln' up, ain't It?" he said; "well,
eggs Is Koln' up, too."
tows or pigs do not lay eggs, and
oed beet doesn't come from chickens,
plte the fact that they eat corn. It was
.what difficult to see the logic of the
richer man's philosophy.
The chief work of thoso who are con-
rted with eggs in any -way seems to be to
the buck." It- of course, reverts to
(farmer, that Indefinite Individual, who
i too far away for us to Inquire about.
i make matters worse, nil kinds of eggs
Sre going up "fresh selected," "extra
ires." "nearby selected," "strictly fresh,"
even the honcat-to-goodness. ordinary.
td-looklng eggs, which always seem to
i around.
"The real classy fellows, which look as
eh they Just came from the barn, and
hat at you with a superior touch-me-not
attitude, are not In tho least dismayed at
erty-elght cents a dozen.
Right here Is a quick Illustration of how
scarcity of eggs causes an Increase In
i price of milk. The Philadelphia drink.
g and milk," used to bo content to go
iter ten cents a class, but with tile price of
Ute at four cents each (retail) the drink
a lumped to fifteen cents. Which means
'Utat to be thoroughly consistent the cafes
ought to selLmllk at eleven cents a glass
tut they don't.
If milk Is Ave cents n glass a'nd an egg Is
our cenu, wny not buck to tne ten-cent
ure and be satisfied with one cent a glass
brofltT Ah. no. For fear of loss the drink
alers shifted the price to the figure
ned with the result that the Increase
Rill help tliem reach tho millionaire class
tat bigger leaps and bounds.
But that Is not all egg end malted milk
i bringing twenty cents a glass, and there
are no medalB on the -egg end of It at that.
, some fellows, to show their appreciation
their heart s choice, may elva eera, as
drlhday presents. On the Bhell the fair
aiden's Initials could be scrawled. At-
ached to a strlnir of beads thesa tecs
would make a good lavalllere.
u would be necessary, or course, to be-
prare against wearing the eggs In crowds.
P- Incidentally, It has been not ced that be-
Ijause eggs are dear many maidens, who like
Hings wncn they cost a lot, are casting
nging eyes nt placards, which announce
new CKfir drinks at flftpn twontv. vm
Bd twenty-flve cents a swallow.
All of which proves that the egg Is the
ather of the best shell game ever.
oys In New York Who ChopWood Win
Marks in Physical Training
ALBANY, N. T Sept, 28. The physical
aming requirements for pupils In the
onaary schools of New York State have
en announced by Dr. John II. Wnlev.
'Commissioner of iBducatlon. Coaches
trainers In all branches of athletics
Bust be teachers In the schools, and train-
k rauit not exceed six hours a week.
work done at home Is to be accepted as
lujvalent for the schoolwork. Thus the
ys who chop wood at home out of doors
w receive credl( for the work, as will the
.uciub wno piow, pitch nay, ao rpad worn
surveying. The reaulrements nDnlv to
ys and girls.
Jand City Reported to Be Named by
the Farm Board
WASHINGTON, Sept., 19. According to
"vim iniormation, an imana ronnsyi-
oia, city is scheduled to be made a farm
w district. The Federal Farm Loan
ard has returned to Washington after
tour of the country, In "which hearings
re neia to determine the boundaries of the
lve farm loan bank districts. These
arlngs wilt be continued In the Atlantic
t and southwestern States before the
to before the districts and farm loan
i are determined. The banks Under the
must be opened for business on Jan-
lcr and Former Congressman Dead
U.ENVILU3. N, Y ept i. Iaaao
lox. president of the Home National
C or Ellenvllle, Is dead here In his. ev
h year. lie also was a trustee of the
nvllle Savings Bank and a director of
Orange County Trust Company, lie
a as receiver for the Borough, .Bank of
kirn during Its difficulties. In 18S8
t Wsa annilntf! n rnmmliiiilnntrhv Prl.
("Cleveland to examine the condition of
w Northern Paclfla Railroad. Two years
tttf lie was elected to Congress.
Telie Your Ytt Of Your Mln4
For Sore, Aching, Td- Ft
ruiM here by Mw reot BpeelallHi
MmA In klB.lr m, 4an. Vtl ItLd mnA uia.
"tl clfl,in, with siHilp oE.la. m
Bihtr. ftt a tut ti aobr M. Ml. r.
"wt. fi'fiV iBruiilwd. Mall uitn
weflvn our tu.t apcclalwt' ixrftoaal ant), In-
rttf Shorn at BMitMrf. rVfciW
IH. W. Car. UmAmt A tllk list
I ILnM IHatr -J al..A. MtmJ T i
tunic nt. ; v "bii i. Aicnaae,
Pi? i,l h r? r- a"mn. $2790.80, and
Elizabeth Clarke, ISIOS.ll,
Cleveland Jailbird Arrested as
Mine Swindler Tried to
Be Honest
NKW YonK. Sept S9.-James r. Mc
rlchols. alias n C. Wallace, who escaped
m Pnson In Cleveland. O., on March 7,
ibis, wns arrested here today, after a.
chnse wh'ch led the police over three con
tinents. He Is known to the police as one
ot the clererrat mining promoters and Is
said to have swindled -victims out of more
than S200.000.
McNIchols was traced through England
ana France and later was seen In South
While In this country since his return
rrom South America. McNIchols formed the
Adometer Company In Baltimore, capital
S.. Bt BO.O0O. and stnrted supplying
adding machines for the Italian Oovern
ment. Ho said he was trying to earn an
honest living.
Henry Wing Ip Will Marry Miss Bea
trice McCarthy Other Marriage
Licenses Issued
Henry Wing Ip, twenty-five yearB old, a
Chinaman, today obtained a marriage II
cente to wed Marguerite Beatrlco McCarthy,
twciHy-three years old. Both of the ap
pllcants resldo a 2S4 .South Thirty-eighth
street Ip was born In China and gave his
occupation as a student. His father is a
merchant In Shanghai, China. Miss Mc
Carthy's father Is retired.
William d. Shelton. an electrical supplies
manufacturer of New York City, today ob
tained a marriage license In the City Hall
to wed Kllrabeth N. Bmlth, also of New
York. Mrs. Smith will be Shelton's third
wife. Ills flrst wife died a number of
years ago and his second wlfo was divorced
In the New York courts. Shelton's Intended
third wife had also been married before,
her husband hating died two years ago.'
Shelton Is forty-three years old and Mrs.
Smith thirty-three years.
Others who obtained marriage licenses to-
uy were
and Catherine
and Pearl
and Anna O.
Marian !.
Willlam O.
MarthA Mnl
Jan j.udwlnikl
John Ittmpfer. 1741 N( 11th t,
Cohan. 11W1 w rn.l..i .,
JaK'Vu- ""me. 2S2 B. Aahme'ad at.
.M. .Iloae. Wltr-at.
Ell- M. I.anyon 127 N. 21t at..
MArAttuma Phrumlvbltl t
Jotin J. O'Neill. B850 Marvlna 'at., and Mary n.
Joos. 885(1 llarvlne at.
DV,y. 1l',"c! JM0 Cellar at., and Emllr Herd.
2431 N. Orkney at.
Paachal J, Yaao. Trenton. N. J. and Marsaret
A. 7.armtehlell. 124S 8. Carllals at.
Oeore Allen. H09 N. Alder at., and Mattle
Jackson. 828 N. 15th t
Thoraaa J. Iternolda 147 W. Wilt at., and Mary
V. Morrla, 1440 8 Duncan at.
Oeorr II. llunr. 4020 Keyarr at., and Beatrice
11. IIofT. 4009 Knox at.
Ralph II. Kllle. R713 Catharine at., and Mar-
rarlte M. Wheeltr. 2307 S. Mildred at.
William rurnelt. 724 U. 12th at., and Hannah
Holmes. 40R fl. Quince at.
William Jenkins; 2413 Oordon at., and Henrietta
Scott, I'M ft Gordon at,
JohnS. Mcfalllater. Jr., 1747 S. 10th at., and
Mrv K. Mercer. 1821 8. 12th at.
Oiwild Hettlch. 2.127 N. 4th st... and Gertrude
, O. Musselman. ?32i?N..4(h at.
James Orloln, 1617 ftalnbriose at., and Carrie
R. Johnson, 781 CnrncA at.
William II, Cobb. '1118 E. Oxford St.. and
lCmma. M. Durrwachter. 207S Martha st.
Peter Mnore, Haverford, Pa., and Annie Davis,
101(1 8. Ilallev st.
Sara Goldman. 222s. a. 6th at., and Anna Fried
man. 42U Christian at.
Howard W. Klklnton. Jlojlan. Pa., and Kath
arine W. Masen, n22 Locust ave.
Harry Paul. 417 Cantrell at., and Minnie Belss.
812 league st.
Edward McDonald. 1209 N. Hancock at., and
Msry A. Tterney. Port Kennedr, Pa.
William T. Mteveneon.i Ardmore. Pa., and Edna
M. Hath, llrrwyn. Pa
Stephen It. Plerson, 1785 Park aye., and
voat, 14T w. Lrfiuden ,st.
Sttha, 2A47 N. Kranklln at., and
ill. 1221, W. Cambria st.
kl 2348 Salmon at., and Walarva
ivnrwirKK. ii iinmoni at.
William a. Shelton, New Tork city, and Eliza
beth N. Smith. New Tork city.
James P, Cartln. 1224 Ellsworth at., and Mary
T. Xllleen. 222 N, 10th at.
Wilbur Nelll. 2231 Leonard St.. and Mamie
Carson. 2441 K. Itterlr st.
Arthur Nelson, 1441 N. 10th at., and Bertha
Miller. RSI N. 6th at.
Genrm Button, 1824 N. Woodstock at,, and
Catherine Field, 1820 Waverly at.
Ira V. Kuhrmann. RIOO Chester ae,, and Verna
VS. Itetdnowr. 1841 N. Proad at.
Harry A. Uerwsna, le84 Poplar at., and Carrie
C. Shronk, 123 Poplar st.
Henrr K. Hill, 2401 N, Maraton st., and Mary
T. McKelvey. 2718 W, Susquehanna ave.
Giuseppe Andrlano, 1102 Pierce at., and As-
sunta Ttottlno. 812 Kater st.
John J. Over. Oionts. Pa., and Emily II. Grill.
1431 N .Hollywood st.
Elliott I. Geonres. Tampa. Fla and Ada E,
Baullsbury. Lincoln University, Chester. Pa,
Frank Uurhlnsky. V13 Winter at., and Victoria
justis, ui sieion si. r
Harry J. White. Jr.. 01 84 Hansom st., and
ence ai. atvnumore. ujnn jenerson si,
Michael J. O'Brien. 4T4S N. 18th st and Made
line K. I.uecke. 1423 Itockland st.
John V. Farley. 810 N. Preston St., and Marie
Macahan, 4209 Aspen at,
Ruling on Inheritance Tax Law
WASHINGTON. Sept. 29' The first de
clslon In the execution of the new inherit
ance tax law has been approved by the
Treasury Department. It Imposes on the
beneficiaries of legacies or wills In cases
where there are no administrators or execu
tors the obligation to file within thirty days
, notice of the fact of the Inheritance,
Britain Commandeers Hotel
LODO?f. Sept. . Grand Hotel, In
Trafalgar Square, has been commandeered
by the Government The hotel at present Is
fulj of visitors.
Soclnl Workers and Others Who
Believe Offenders Should Have
Chnncc to Reform Inter
ested in Project
Philadelphia will soon have a unjque
tribunal, the like of which no other city
can boast. Not far from City Hall, where
each day crtmlnnla of all .stripes are put
through the grind together with thoso
whoso offenses nre trivial In comparison,
will be a morals court for tho regenera
tion of unfortunate women caught within
the dragnet of the police or vice squad,
Social workers, charitably Inclined wo
men, Judgos and others who believe such
women should be given nn opportunity to
ice the error of their ways rather than be
railroaded to prison, have Indorsed the Idea
ot the new court.
The new tribunal will occupy the re
modeled Roberts Vaux School, Seventeenth
and Wood streets, which was abandoned
by the Board of Education several years
ago. The operation of remodeling tho
building has been going on for almost a
year. It will bo completed within three
weeks. The cost of tho Improvements Is
approximately $50,000.
Meanwhile, President Judge Qtawn, of
the Municipal Court, who will preside over
the morals branch, his associates and
others Interested In the Innovation, nro
working out details for caring for women
prisoners. It Is proposed to deal with the
problem of vice scientifically through the
new curt
Women brought there will be examined
mentally and physically, nnd those suffer
ing from disease of any kind will be Im
mediately sent to a hospital, whero they
will remain until oured. Social workers
will thoroughly Invest Write the living con
ditions of prisoners and other points which
will aid the Judgo In parsing sentence.
One of the Interesting points to the now
court, nnd one not In opcratlpn In any other
city, Is the proposed parole system. Under
this system women not old offenders will
be released on parole, but must report
regularly to a probation ofllcer until the
Court bellevoa they are reformed.
'The now courthouse will be well equipped
for the work It Is to perform. The first
floor will contain the Judge's court, a room
40 by 30, feet. There will also bo a large
waiting room, n Judge's room, clerk's room,
keeper's room, two cells and a lavatory.
The second floor wllU contain n general
ward, two clinics, nurses' room, two pri
vate rooms for treatment ot patients, rest
room, matron's rooms and treatment room.
A dormitory, sitting room, kitchen, store
room, dining room, pantry nnd four private
rooms will occupy the third floor. The base
ment will contain a large storeroom, cells
and a steam-hentlng apparatus. A steriliza
tion plant Is housed In a newly-constructed
The misdemeanants' division ot the
Municipal Court was established June 25,
1915, under an act of Assembly.
An i advisory committee, of which Theo
dore J. Lewis Is chairman, will aid Judge
Drown In tho organization of the new court.
Associated with Mr. Lewis In this work are
Mrs. R, T. Stotosbury, Mrs. Robert M. I.es
ley and Mrs. Leon M, Hagedorn. Dr. Fran
cis C Van Gasken. a member of tho Court
Aid Society, will head the medical depart
ment of the new court.
Colllngswood Stoncmen to Parade
COLL1NGSWOOD. N. J., Sept, 20.
Under the leadership of the Itev. II. C.
Stone, founder of the Stonemcn's Fellow
ship, the local branch ot the organization
will hold a parade and rally tonight In
the auditorium of the First Methodist Epis
copal Church. The Itev. Mr. Stone will
come here with several delegations from
SCHOOL days I To the
ChiM they're as empty
as the holo in Keebler's
Fountain Wafers.
Few things come un
scathed through the
Years and look as cood
to the grown-ups as to
the school kiddles.
But Keebler's Fountain
Wafers dot
At the Grocery Shops
' " ''''' ' "'
Fabric Top
Boot .
That at Bre
pace cannot be
d I a tlnculshtd
(rout buck a
Qsutlne; crea
tion at
aaak aaaaaaaaaatk
The Geuting organization
has duplicated the season's
most expensive buck topped
boots in fabric-topped models
that in every expression, are
identical witli the high-priced
models. Dainty dace kid or
patent boots, button or lace
with rich neutral grey cloth
tops at ?6.
S7 ' j afI0
1 JtAS-
TK Stares of famovi Shoaa
Tie flsutma Id
fees tsvd SUcldags for the fatally
Hwy Ft PrfHklly FUti-r
Tkm Qmkmg rMWi tStipwvjiiHt K
Celebration of Founding of Denomina
tion In 1616 to De Feature of Program
Qt'AliRrtTOWM. Bept 29. Arrange
ments have been completed for the opening
of' the 170th annuat meeting of the Eastern
Rynhd nf the rte formed Church In the
United States, which convenes In the First
Ileformed Church here on October I to 18.
The congregatona of Christ Ileformed
Church, of Trumbnuersvltle, nnd St, John's
ileformed Church, of nichlandtown, will co-
operate In the entertainment of 'the
ministers and elders who wilt attend.
The Hastern Synod Includes nil the ter
ritory from the Delaware nlver on the east
to the Susquehanna niver and Its branches
on the west Within this territory are J0
ministers, 115 charges, consisting ot ECS
congregations, with a membership of 134.
057, constituted In twelve classes. While
160 ministers and one elder from each of
the 315 charges are the duly constituted
delegates, the actual attendance Is usually
about 200 ministers nnd 100 elders. A
feature of the gathering this year will be
the celebration ot the 400th anniversary ot
the founding of the Tleformed Church by
Ulrlch Zwlngll In 1610.
New Yorker Commits Suicide Rather
Than Fofco Trial
NEW TOniC. Sept. 2. Facing a charge
of attempting to murder his bride of two
weeks by pushing her out of a sixth-story
window of an apartment building, Isadore
Mlllrntl hanged himself today In his cell In
the Ilronx County Jail, lie used a strip of
bedding attached to the bars at the top
of the celt.
Mrs. Lena Mlllrad, the suicide's widow,
I"i1,"t4s i.iy.
fier rx-sry tfimfej rMrtr. M M
he mrsreMl her ovt of the wHatew. A estatisel.
line Mretctreel aeroM thefomrrt of tin Mr
merft building broke her fall aM she M
suffering from bruises only,
Held as Speeder In NsrrMewii
Byron Gllmore, of 14 South Twentfe
street, was arrested yesterday on a wt
rant from a Magistrate of NerrtewW
charging him with reekleseiy operattnc em
automobile and aggravated assault ami
battery In running down a man. Ollrrrore
was held under 1400 In tmH lit the City Hall
police court for a hearing at Norrletown.
Mavv'sori & DeMarty
1 1 15 Chestnut Street
(Opposite Keith's)
Till Five
: yis&yi we
V8) ' The
vtSfiJU. Mil Prices
LOm One
CW Minute
Past Five
, Tomorrow morning at 8:30 we open our doors to the last opportunity you
will have to buy the furs you have in mind
At a Saving of 20
Tomorrow afternoon at 5 we will, as advertised, raise the prices on every
tag of every fur piece or coat in our establishment. These are statements of
fact. The proof will be in the disapp ointment, should you not make your
Before the Sttoke of Five
' -4
A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our
Storage Vaults Until Desired
Five o'Clock Saturday Ends the 20 Off Marked Prices
Fur Coats
Novmbtr Saptembtr
Rtg. Price ' Salt Price
95.00 Natural Muskrat Coats
(Hudson Seal Collar. Cuffs and Belt)
n deal uouar, cutis ana ueu, .
120.00 Hudson Seal Coats. .. 96.00
140.00 Rnccoon Coats 112.00
150.00 Caracul Coats 120.00
160.00 Leopard Skin Coats. .128.00
(Collars of Itaccoon and Badger)
190.00 Nutria Coats 152.00
190.00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..152.00
(t-ln. Border and Collar ot Skunk)
200.00 Sable Squirrel Coats. 160.00
210.00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..168.00
(8-ln. Border and Collar of Skunk) v
300.00 Hudson Seal Coats. .240 00
(-ln. Border and Collar of Skunk) w.ww
315.00 Hudson Seal Coats, .-252.00
((In. Border and Collar of Lynx)
350,00 Moleskin Coats 280.00
tDeep Border and Collar of Skunk)
475.00 Natural Mink Coat. ,.380,00
& w "
LaataTaal tBaaaaaaaa
VaaaaaaaL TKaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf
f? asas9L2rrfT eaataaaaaaaaaaral aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaara
Fur Sets
November September
Reg. Price Sale Prie
30.00 Natural Raccoon .... 24.00
32.50 Black Fox ...... . 26.00
32.50 Skunk 26.00
45.00 Beaver 36.00
55.00 Red Fox 44.00
75.00 Kamchatka Blue Fox. 60.00
75.00 Battleship Grey Fox. 60.00
80.00 Black Lynx 64.00
110.00 Fisher 88.00
110.00 Mole J38.00
110.00 Kolinsky 88.00
1 20.00 Crow Fox 96.00
1 20.00 Slato Fox 96.00
1 20.00 Dyed Blue Fox .... . 9$.00
325.00 Hudson Bay Sablti. . 260.00
850.00 Silver Fox ......... gOOQ
Your Furs for the Fall and Winter Season Should Be Purchased JVtw Bscarne
f Prices tomorrow cannot be duplicated after
S o'clock.
J A amall'dlepoalt will reaerye your purcbaae
for fall delivery.
J All Fura purchased tomorrow wilt appear
on statements rendered December 1st,
upon request.
J Patron opening Cbarge Account may
hare bills rendered December 1st.
aJCheUe Is praotUaHf MKseetod fctlaaU
en or ', year.
q Every arUeW beea ew lbai
you ef Hualtty. Hs4j ad leewjasi
NOTE Due to lack ef Space, We Quote Only Specimen Value. Aitertmente t SW, From 4n
Every Kind ot Fur. Mhf' Coot nmd Extra Large She Ceatt Up to M But. ,