EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 191C BOOMS FOR KENT Conllnurd from rrrerdliif Paer. mnait 1(120 Front rooms, and hnnaegeerjlng pl'j. furnished, Phone, Locust MJ. amuCK. 2022 Furn. com. rooms! lrt, fcjtrit seilnern po t open fireplace. Uvcuit U6I J. jiBiiCB lT2Vurnlhert or unfurnished, ln sT"?" . n null. reference enchanged I ' x - -r- -MttTCK. 1IST Suites with lth single room,; efnceai 'II reaanneble. twiTCR. 1B20- Hultr of S wry desirable rooma ' and bathi furnlahed or unfurnished. VO'Nl'T 39QV fur rnnmi, single or en suite. rl oath board optional Preaton 43ST W VWit 8T N M Clean, large, front rooms. Ilea small ones for housekeeping l R up rnt" R 30 Second floor. consisting of large 1 daubl parlor ml pleasant adjoining room. -;.. with nrlvate haliwar. suitable for rArslctan. dentist, atudlo or living apartmenta) fcrfrate fmlly tVrif N.. MH rum rooms, corner hmise; 12 to IsfuM board Then I'cp. 2511 V. Tin N. SIT Nicely furn second-story roomi ntleman prlv fam . near elevated! phono. VwoTrTJItNIHIinfi UKDUOOM-t vitii rm. TVATB BATH, 130 TEU MONTH. ritKS- TON 4137W. tABOB unf. r illgntskplrXlaixe double o"!.n"y? rP?rfa,5Mntd rrest.4l-T W. Furnished APAltTKENT HOTEI.S Continued from Prrcrdlita Column 'THr.N TOU'Lli COMB BACK TO US" Tha flrat year you came on venture but the remembrance nf thai flrat year will bring you back to ua aaaln. fkW1Sn u anlar Tlin LINCOLN you will find '. "nJn nd etehange ao glorified and, renewed you will eearoelv rrongnlie it a your old Home, (.- . ........ ,.., Hllin JI1U MM. ,IU, INIUi. vm f"?-wlll b- there to welcome you for day or .... ..- nnvre winter season. orr 1 (: "J" 7creir rre-tgnue u aa your oip nomr, jut Ji warren Friar, who took audi etrellent ImJT-I' t" 'l r and are you tha kind of timing room nind service you did not think could wvrBLLENT nOOMSi 8 minutes' "Station 83S S. lSlh at. walk to either BOARDING . ...nnt ltlfi ".!'. i.VTt table! ail conva i near U. of li rata, 75f5 JTlO Exceptional Wi, aunnyi Aral. f clM, tablajSard.Mlaa S. M llanley. rp'ritJcR'tOlO l-rue. aunny rooma. with 8 board, runnlnti water, ateam heat, elevator. .mfitrE-102-30 Second-floor front, furn.: 6Pn"lt nr. unfurn I cholca tab. brd. Wnl. 725.1. Cniiiit-B 123l"2J Furnll.ed rooma, private brba!hl tablV board.Thone Walnut TUl. , 7otiTsT2I1K Furnlahed rooma. with or with. out board! lJLnlnul" clly H,u SANATORIUM tdeally altttated In cltvi home cSoWni" tactful nuraea, rea. pby. or your own; Kin to aulU. O 742, Ledrer Central. Suburban nrnilANTOWN The 8hlppen, Wayne ft Hana. birrr Flrat claaa In appointments and aervlce. BOARD WANTED tAJ WIFF3 and r.vr..old child, rroteatanta. want 2 communlrallnit rooma, 2d floor, with refined family! permanent! etato termat reaa SS.Wei eouth of Diamond at. H 111. 1yd. Olt. K'vator atrvlce. Ttunnlnc room lloOma alngly or en tulte. water In avery TUB l,tNCOT.K. 13TH AND 1CUST 8T3. .The Perfect Apartment Hotel." THE GLADSTONE llTJt AN11 TINR STS. Absolutely Fireproof IJNa AND SHOrtT TSttM LKA3E3 PELHAJI COURT CAnpnNTnn station, okhmantown h Ineat location In auburban Phlla. Hotel apartmenta ot a. 3, 4 and B rooma and bath, neataurant and houe aenlce that will ap peal to people who are particular. Prlcea mod erate. all thlnaa considered. Apply on rr"m Jeea to KUANICI.IN J..Myl.F.n Mr. JfAHKSIDE APARTMENTS McCllade REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Coallard rom rrrcfdlaj rolumn ST Rf. Marlln'a, Chntnul Hill MAIITIN'S lot of almoat half an acre at a oartain price Wat nock fc istnien, tom rnerrJaVrruat liulldlnc. Tlotit WE HAVE TUB HOUSE TOU WANT ......'N TItX OH IXXlAN .., KENNKDT ItAimO. 8J40 tlKflitANTOWN loran HEAL. ESTATE, mortBaaea ind conveyancln. 4 N. llroad at. Mini Minr n SncceMor to Jlr lanaaar. Charles MruTade. ltrIA B.& mt Jlllh m PirtncTi,T opposite kaihmqunt rAnK Four direct llnea to renter of city. Lulilno ot peculiar excellence. All outtlde rooma, furnished and unfurnished. LTelephpnaJlarlnjSI THE CLINTON rBtffw soo nooMs. EVEnr convkniknCe. furnlahed or unturnlshed. either by lease or transiently! aultes ot one or lour rooms, rrttn oatn THE INT COVINGTON Fin mesT iatit nv wrs TOVINQTOV COM PANT. It. F. KNOI.E, e)TII A Vra ft I IT OTM ttf" IIMIUil, III 111 -a , JT a. f 3 lilt' . "- nKST PATIT OK WEST PHH.A. THE SANITARIUMS EAUTIFUI LCATIONi apecll aclentlfla cara: nervous, elderly: every comfort: nurses: book 3D APARTMENTS THE MONTBVIBTA Aiu uvruttp 1M 8ultea of 2 rooma bath i nfurnlshed. from SS'J to J40. bath and kitchenette. I ' w m oino-u mnmi. with rrlnrs hath una kltrh- enrtte. newly furnished. $35 to $40. Includlns .l4! asH IHi Public tllnlnsc room, elevator Brvlce, matt ehuta and ill modern appointments. Thone Overbrook 30-CH CHESTNUT. 10-0 To sublet for October, aecond bathi attractively furnished. Phone locust eMIWoron premises. OBET aAHI.ES.812-14 N. 33d Attractive 8 to 'room apartmenta; all conveniences: terms reasonable. CHESTNUT. 1R20 Dealrable front. 2 rooma and bath, steam. treat, hardwood flqora. . 5eaUTIKU1,1,T furnlahed aultra. private baths? suit t or li kentlemeni erclualve. 115 H. 1'Oth. WEST PllliaUEI.rilLV , THE P0WELT0N APTS. NEW OWNEnsitll AND MAKaqEIIENT P0WELT0N AVE Jrt. Thoroughly modern: each mitte has 3 main bedrooms. 2 baths and nervants bed room J roOmS are .arte mm iiuura ia jmruwotm. Open evenlnss by appointment. Apply at office, 36th and Fowelton ave. Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. 88OUTH40TH 8TIIEET ISiO POWEI.TON AVE. 2 rooma. bath, kitch enette; cheerful, aouthern exposure: refined housn: 25. Janitor or, Richard Taylor, 279 B. K2d. . COR. 40TH el KAHIMOUNT AVE. Unusually attractlvo let & 3d floor apta.. n rma, & bath. TAYIOR&KON, 24 and 20 S. 40th at. i7TH AND nAI.TlMOIlE AVE. (Marline). 002 8. Desirable second-floor apartment, ti rooms, bath, hot-water heat. ritESHlENT AND MANAGE!! AUSO OF ..Till! ENtHXgH5r,;JlEACIlllAVEN. . .' .. DHi-MAri-Mortms Weal rhellen ave . Uermantotvn: 20 minutes from Urond 8t. (nation: furnished or unfur n shed apartments, 1 room and bath or more; also housekeeping apirtmenta THE"OENEVA ... ,!8TI! ST.. A1IOVE WALNUT Hlcb-olass apartments, with or without bath. . Entirely renovated and refurnished. rHE ESMOND ,& corneii wtii m StUTr.3 OP 2. AND4llOp.l.l.ANp HATH "irvino hotel U17 Walnut at. MAmerlcan plan 12 iiot European 11.00 up. . THE TRACT " PERMANnNT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS TH AND CHESTNUT NEWPORT SPRUCE AND 10TH STS. REAL ESTATE JFOR SALE 2131 N. 22d t dwelling. 2239 N. lHih at., dvielllnz. -1 1 IS. mm at... ilwillInK. 2732 MontRomery ne., dwelllna". 2734 MontKomery ave.. dwelllna. 212.1 W Dauphin at., dwelling. 2121 W. Dauphin at., dwelling. GUARANTEE TRUST 4 SAFE DEPOSIT CO.. 310-318 Chestnut st. I'SAClliriCE ny widow, beautiful, North llroad si. nome. if rooms, a Datns. eiectria Hints. automatlo hot-water heat; A-l condition: cost tr.MKiu: sell for 19000; make ofTer. Consult my acents FLOOD ft QUINN. INC. 10TH AND CHERRT NORTH and West Phlla. and Oermantown homes. 11800 to 10U0U. First pssment only tlliu to mm. MERCHANTS' UNION TnUST CO. 'i 13-717-710 Cheatnut al. Pennsylvania mmunnAN ALDAN IT'S EASY TO GET HERE 4 Either by Market fit. Subway (3o from 00th mi I ne lentil fl. It In I llftnn Htntlon.. Just take a pleasant car ride for a few minutes and you are at ALDAN, an established com munity, with schools and every city con. sentence; new detached bouses, with lane Iota for sale at ISJ30. ELM AVE.. POUTH OF PROVIDENCE OJIver S. Keely 4 Co. 4ST0 Main st Mvk. RROOKLINE Urand-new detached dwslllnrs. T Jms. and bath, water heat electricity. sOiVSS, IStiOi only ItSn rash riqiilrrdi will enchants. J. ELMER WATT8 opp. Ilrookllne Station, COI.t.IKODALE 31 new suburban homes, 2 fin ished! 2S4 atory, hot-rater heal eiec I 17' -1J3 near trolley to 00th st.i $3000, Swope A Sons Darby. OI.ENSIDE HOMES and building sites, every description. RENNINOER ft TlENNINClER. Olenslde. !. WILL SACRIFICE Macro country, feat, near Amoier, tor quick sale! new colonial ma-:-n. 13 rooma, 8 bathsi disltned hy Havery, Sheet! . naveryi remodeled Colonial farmhouse, with Revolutionary War associations! 3 tenant houses, large barns, poultry houses, i a rare, with living quarters, etc) lawns, shrubbery, ehada and great abundance of frultl a rare bargain: full details on requestl will show by , arpolntment.H J. DAOER lnc..Aml'lee,Pa, 8TONE DWELLINO and garage; 1 acre"over looklng beautiful estate: price) 130(10 below real value CHESTER OSHORNE, Oltlces, I.ANSDOWNE and PHIIJVDELPHIA. REAL ESTATE X OR R-TTT omcru! husinkSh booms kto. ronllaued from PrtcecUti Celnmii HEED rtUILDlNO 1211-17 niDsri si. rants at M 8UUUIIRAN TOWN COUNfRT 6end for catalogue. I1ROWN ft CLOUD. Norrlstown. Ia. BUnURUAN HOMES FOR PALE OR RENT WENDELt. ft MASSEY Real Estate Trust lliilldlnr. CHOICE ni'II.DINO SITES and acresae. . ARTHUR P. TOWNSENH. Langhorna. J. SUDURI1AN REAL ESTATE An price. All locations, sata or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD A ro. MorrlaJTI Ut . LA HOIS LIST OF SUIU'RHAN HOMES, sale or rent WM II on the Main T.tn ne ltesctlnv? Tl. R. -- iii.'v. -;",- -- !. -... vii.son it . Morris iiiiuaing BUmmnAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent: attractlvo locations: prices right. Maurice J. Hoovsr Real Eetate Trust Rulldlng. Ruhurban Ixits t HAVE HAIIOAIN LOT for sale: greatest value in 1'eiawara couniyi ntgn. level grounai an Improtemonts: Re fare from 00th et.t one-flfth U 114' acre: price 1050. uenirai. caay terms. Ledger MAIN LINE. P. R. R. FURNISHED APARTMENTS GIRARD AVE . 1 312 NEWLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS: ELECTRIC LIGHT; PHONE. WEST PHILADELPHIA TWO ROOMS, bath: porch; optional: private lamny furnished: board private family; owner: near 43th and Pine: full Information at M 341, Led.Cent. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS "there are .several ways of sequring an apartment Rut auppose. Instead nf trying all these dif ferent vhi, you Just call at this office the largest, most attractha and beat equipped In Philadelphia. deotcd exclusively to securing lust what they want for particular people. Tell us your requirements. Every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with or may be rented tbrou.h us. Our automobiles are v.attlng to take you to the list of prop erties ou designate, and with the least possible effort you will secure the one apart ment In Philadelphia which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. . t Spruce 3971. Race 3023. ,. VOlt TANNOT FIND A IlETTEK APARTMENT N. E. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STB. The housekeeping aultes are perfect In their plan. 3 large bedrooms, each having bay win dows, flno largo living-room, dining-room. Kitchen, maid's room and three bathrooms aa well; ideal winter and summer apartm-nts; also suites of 2 rooms and bath, free uae of sundry on top floor: jour Inspection cordi ally Invited. Phone Walnut UU20. MERTON W, OREIMS Franklin Bank Building. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Building Aaaoclatlon and Trust Funds , TAULANE.tiOQ Walnut st. 323 NORTH TIROAD ST. 1730 North 23th st It. P.. LLOYD. 714 Walnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES or rale or rent. YARROW ft VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT BARBER. HA HTM AN ft CO. !-.? Chestnut. WARD'S 8TH ST. HOMES, north of HuntTng Tark ave.. .-ire complete In eery detail. HETZEL ft HON; agents. FOR SALE Apartment house site, 8080, In the center, for $30 000: another one smaller at 2.1,00. J. A. PATTERSON. ISO B. 13th 2723 HICKS ST. 7 rooms, brownstone. is'. aeased 11000: rented at 114: price only 11760. WM. Q. OLENN. 1317 Columbia ae. n"!MlP Lots. Factory Sites, etc. RRYN MAWR Houses or building sites for sale; scleral de.slrabls houses for rent. MAURAN. DOIJ.IAN A CO N. E. cor. Broad ai)d Cheatnut. Centrally located! ail eonvenlencetl traetlvelr Inwi aervlce continuous. nf r-... nifnn ntltf rtXffl IStg Welnilt It. Desirable offices, centrally locajed, with ...rood, light. Edgar njrnasljll Walnut st. no s, eTII 8T,e-secona noor eunoi inwii" rent. H. 11 Frits. 718 Walnut. Professional Offlcf . TROFESSIONAI. BUILDINO. 18M-SS Cheslnut t A few sullea for physicians or ojmisis. J..T. JACKSON TO .Chestnut and lth. SPRUCE. 1817 Offices; steam heat, electricity; good aervlce. morning and afternoon hours. SPRUCE." 1732 Desirable 1st and 2d floor offices for ptoalclan or dentist. WEST PlIIIAllKI.rniA S40 5810 WILLOWS AVENUE i:tirec-story semldelathed house, conlnlnlng J arge rooms and bath very wide street and rg porch, ttlth a large terraced lawni close to noree. churches, schools park and boule vanli. will repaper and shel ari.thnoors for a tlrslrahlo tennnt PEtMHERTON EriTATF-;. 141S South nsth St. Phono Woodland 4(87. Open eenlngs $305838 WILLOWS AVENUE .... -... .. n 4 V.M.I. i.r wldo nvenue. nlth beautiful terraced lawni sur rounded by every necessary conjenlencel this house la now being nealy paperet In attractive nrni colors, ano win ne nut in nni;ci nj .ilti..- niitiHnTn phtatits. 143s. South fith st Phone Woodland 4787. Open ee- rings WE ARE OFPERtNO th Iirrest and best selection of houses and apartments in west rnimaeiimi. WM. II. W UUH'K illlO.i INC. aS, ,oth at 521 SCIt'TH 44TH ST, 3-etory, porch-front residence, 10 rooms, hatha rent 4T per month, , WM T DICKSON ft CO . SUB Market. SEMIDETACHED, perch front. 12 rooms! good condition! 13.1 per month. Inler-Clty Realty Co . 147 8 llroad st. Btires and Dwellings 03TH and Haverford Large store and apart.. K(?.wl,-li,l'Sh',, 3. Casper. 03d ft llavsrt d. n F.IIMANTOWN side to 2 AND 3 STORY. nWELLJNOS! some with e lards! prlcea. 12.00 to 10,000 rents, HI VoNTlNENTAL-EQUITAnLB TRUST CO. l.th st above Chestnut. H1 UPWARD Send for list. S. C. Tourlson. 7014 Hoyer etreet. Oermantown. - l'KNNSYI.VANIA SlllimnAN MOYLAN Attrarlhe country residence at Moy Ian. Rose Valley: ample ahade and lawn: about 3 aeree; house stands on high eleva tlon. commanding eitenslve Mews; has ill rooms 4 bathrooms hot-water heat, electrio llghtj etc . chauffeur's dwelling, with garse attached: rent $1000 per annum wnitesme MoUinahan 13th .and Pine sta MAIN I-IJN'KiI rt.n AnmtonE SO St. Paul's roaa. 12 rooms! HOI ? lis tha: large lot. n-..i,-it W. H SMITH 00113 Drenel road. Overoroen. HAVERFORD STONE AND FRAME HOUSE 13 rooms. 2 baths With about '4 acre of land In best location. This property can be hid nt an altractlte price If purchased now, Ineotlaale WARNOCIC A EMLEN Commercial Trust llldff , NAltnrcin II A new house. "Montgomery ave.. near tciigate, witn an conveniences. W. R. RMITH. I082 Dreiel road. Oerbroolr BURURRAN HOMES, country places and build ing altea to suit all requirements; Main Line. 11. C. HUNTER. Wayne. Pa. NEW JERSEY Bt'nCltnAN LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON HEIOHTS, N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT FARMS FARMS AND COUNTRY SEATS S to ano acres. Applv for catalogue. C. P. rETERS ft SON. OPS CHESTNUT ST. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 121 ACRES, stock and dairy farm, on the Brandywlne: 01 per acre. J. n. THOMPSON, Weat Cheater, Pa. 40 ACRES, near Lansdale. Montr. Col atone buildings; stream of water: mut bo sold: 14200. A. H. TYSON. Lansdale, Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS WE HAVE EOR SALE AT H7TH AND FLOR ENCE AVENUE 73 Building Lots ripe for !mproements. Can be divided If necessary. 1'KMnKRTON ESTATES, 2 South ISth St. LAROE LIST OF SITES ALL SIZES AND LOCATIONS MORRIS ftca, llldue, tt Droad. CHOICE IIUILDINO LOTS and largetractii Krouna in all pans cur; nisn over uu mig. sites. Melvln. 1813-10 Real Est. Trust Bidg. Stores ond nwellln g s STORE AND DWELLINO New. and In a new section, greatly boomed by the Frankford elevated: suitable for any busf. ness. Apply 3031 frankford ave., between J2 and 4 p. m. WEST PHILADELPHIA THE NASH 1527-29 SPRTTCE ST. 231 8. KITH ST. DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING .APARTMENTS IIOU8EKEEPINO "XPATtTMENTSAirparla of city, s rooma and bath to 7 rooma and bath, J: S to S70 per monthi call, phone or write for Information. . SAMUEL STKRN.1201 Chestnu at. )2L,EUANT SUITES, newly appointed, electric light, steam heat. Janitor aervlce: 2 and 3 rooma, bath and kitchenette; 2 blocks from . Park. VUfi Spring Garden, 14U1 14. 10T1! 2'rootn housekeeping suite-, $5 up. i-arge rooms, furnished. I'j.nu up. CopKRN APARTMENTS, all aires and prices. ri -T write for complete directory, free. r-EiPIMENT BUREAU. Frankllnjlankjlldg "?'!l b. . 828 Ideal apartmenta. 1. 2, 3 rma j bath, kitchenette, furn or unfurn t electricity, .r-wr jirai. rrnnca eurrouiiuius-, iuun. ePniJCE OT , 2110 Excellent corner housekeep m apartment. also doctor's offlcei modern WK.ST PHILADELPHIA IIEVERA KINOSCOORT 8TI! AND CHESTNUT BTS. liuuDtiKnuripu 5800 Three-story Residences Seml-detnched, 11 rooma and attic, HOT WATER IIEATINO. Electrio and gas light ing. LIVING HALL or parlor. White enamel or natural finish. These residence are sit uated In a restricted aectlon surrounded by higher aluea and all regarded amons the very beat offered at this value 13800. EUGENE L. TOWNSEND 8. K. COU. 49TH AND BALTIMORE AVE. Pliona Woodland S200e and raa Itnllan Thin houpti U $70005865 HADFIELD AVE. The northeast corner of the Boulevard and Hadfleld ae.. overlooking Cobb'a Creek Park: a, new, modern house, containing S rooms and bath! finished papering this week: breakfast room and glass-inclosed sun parlor or sleeping Corcn, noi-wmwr iii, rict-'iricjiy asrment laundry, hardwood doors: minlcen garden In tha rear. Thla ready for Immedlato occupancy, PEMUEHTON ESTATE'S. 1438 South ftath st. Phone Wood. , fanq -tlBl, upen evenings. $42005835 HADFIELD AVE. A new, modern, two-story house, containing- 8 rooms and bath, with very attractive decora tions, hardwood floors, electricity and gaa, hot water heat, basement laundry, breakfast room and glass-Inclosed aun parlor or sleeping porchl beautiful terraced lawni Italian sunken garden In the rear: flneat neighborhood, closely surrounded with every essential convenience, and Is the last of our Interior houses I'KM Ili?RTON ESTATES, 143H South 58th St. Phone Voodland4ih7 Open evenings. HAMMONTON. N. J. 3-acre farm, fruit and berries: It-room house: 12000; liberal discount for cash. Address WILLIAM RICHARDS, Hsmmonton, N. J. MAPLE SHADE. N. J. One-Jtcre farms, nearest to I'm:.; train ana irouar, u"" uu- ,." 13 monthly paja for It. Write for pamphlet. IIARIXW A CO., Maple Shade. N. J- REAIi ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBUnnAN properllea for aale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Tit l Building, Philadelphia. Pa. COLONIAL RESIDENCE. 14 rooms. 3 baths. 1 ntre: modern: SI2.1 per month. . nM HAHI1ERT CLAQ1IORN. 201 Bailey Bldg. FOR full renting, desirable properties, some with Berenice I 18.1 month upward J. if I-RONEFIELD. Wayne,ra. MA JA'N LINE Rest I'ne ot Main J.lne houses. Either for sale or rent, at all prlcea. HIUST . McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg MORTGAGES TO SECURE A MOUTOAOE He It llrst or second If, you desire) efficient aervlce. quick and satisfactory reaulls and "'JaLL.PiTo'nE OR WRITE TO US "Your mortgage will bo aa good as placed." NORMAN S JRHERVWD.14llValnutjL, $100,0005 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST FUND ooon rinsr moiitoaoes Horace H. Fritz 713 WALNUT ST FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH ANDBPRJNq HARDEN 130 TO J2400 ,.,... To loan on real estate, security; Immediate aettlement; PJW? as dejjred. tan s! i-TH ST, FIRST AND jo8KCOND MORTOAOE FUNDS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS 11. REDNER T-7 Walnut etreet. FUNDS for first and second mortgagea. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. MONEY AND MORTOAOES .qUICK. ANSWERS, LARGE AND SMALL SUMS UUIUlv. Ar.ivn W. H. HOODV812 W-NOltnlS ST. BUlLDKVtaD&?raFEfI!'CLTT BRUMUAUQH ft I'ARKEll. INC, H31 vvai.vj ". CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For sale and rent. JAMES nW!NCHELLj17th and Panaom ats. 2014 TIOQA ST., la'rooms, side yardTlot 223 feet to street: room for garage. MYERS ft BARTH. Ridge aye, and Tenth. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BALA-CYNWYD Large list houses, aale or rent, at all prlcea. Samuel C. Wagner. Jr.. Commercial Trust Bldg., 18th and Marlat. REAL ESTATE TOEXCHANOE WILL EXCHANGE first-class, well-established boarding house at Ocean Orove, New Jersey, for large house weat ot Broad, north, ot (Jlr Brd ave. H 40. Ledger Central. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE bought, aold. rented, rente col lected, mortgage loana for a term of yeara or on building association plan, AltTHUR HOHWELL. 233 N. 13lh at. WEST PHILADELPHIA WE CAN SELL your house! buyers waltlngi list with us. HestODVllle Real Estate Co., 4823 Lancusler ave. $40005816 PENTRIDGE TER. New, modern, two-story house, 8 rooms nnd Lath, combination fixtures, ras kitchen, baee ment laundry room, hot-water heat, terraced iv.ni on a wide street! Cnbh'a Creek Park and Boulevard at the end of the block: 2-cent fare to the center of the city, Ask for 8. J. IIUCK. JH.,on the premises. WEST PHILADELPHIA Norlti Sltli st . nN tractive, commodious corner residence! fine neighborhood, no car tracks on either alreet. convenient to several lines, unentelled dining and living room with eoulhn eiposure, rea aonable Pr..JACKS r.OJIpANV Chestnut and 13th eta. APARTMENTS FOR RENT! ELECTRIC ELE VATORS. PUBLIC DINING ROOM. APPLY C-?-! THOS. M. SEEDS. JR.. 1207 RACE -T. THE WYNNEFIEI,rJ76th and Lansdowne ave. -Five rooms and bath, front and back POrchcat aood tanllor aeevlci this la a nice L' Place to live and the cheapeat apartmenta b nn!.hna cl,l' t the price) 128 and ISO, Apply k" THrTVloeVDEN. 40th and LocusrstT.5outT .....m and bathi furnished If desired! oB.to Kb. SEX Btlli and'Cheatnut'l Monterey. 48d and ( neater; Belmont, 84th and Spring Garden, Inqulr Janitor, or CBE83B, 08 Hale Bldg, TKB IVAN. 47lb and Baltimore A rma.. bath; Js. 8 baths Janitor or J M. Ettlnger.Phone. 1KR1NTOWN i.9RBENK BT. apartmenta. 8 rooma and bath tarhi rent 145 upward ''.- IILDlblt . 0W.1 6612 Oermantown ave. SHMANTOWN Vacancy In the School Laps Apartmenta; Individual porch; rent 100. UsTkH ft BON. 3013 Oermantown ave. APARTMENT HOTELS Spruce at Eleventh St. HOTEL COLONIAL A BUtCT FAMILY APARTMENT HOTEL lU, OPEN MONDAY, OCTOBER 2D " it?0,"r"Untl)r J-Jroted In the center of the fiiy and within a few squares of the principal ttt!lV nd shopping dhtrlct. One. two or l"e 'TOiim with private Lath. Cuisine and aarvo of s hktbeat standard. rlWMAfiKNT OH TRANSIENT 0UE8T8 ALDINE HOTEL TnVh0 Tlje tet room nt suites, With the beat table, In Phlla. Pay, Week, Month, Season, Year h00 SOUTH RUTH ST. 2-story corner property at reduced price; 4 bedrooroa Second lloor, billiard room In oaaa. ff..,?Wu"rVV. hrei,r,ce.'e,d".'e0t,','oe,,;.t "d m" Un'.V WU.CKft BRO.. INC. I-BTORY HOMES ntu(;H nr wvnT.iidivE "fi-rll nuixiw SP1 - -.- L-- r.-i...T- m rs . . S.story, conva. i in an eiciusive o-atory neigh arh'di unusually attiactlve, breakfast rooms, i,St"ea pantaeciji.rlceJiauu.joo cash) BEE TIIENEW SAMPLE HOUSES. BSJT and D i and i Walton ave : Ipp-ft. lots. CSJJ "aOUENll6RO.Bulldsr. Iioa "EACH. modern. 2-slory j)room houses; '-:.; rllsOO; rent ll: will gall part or all. Aiifil.PIl H CABI'AU. ouJ unmowm ave. OEUHANTOIVN hten'TON Detached dwellings at at p... Krlrat l-aya ODSll! trains ti Lriion Station. Cheslnut Hill JJIvlsion t...i ne jiaiiHa. -l'-'r. iva to e"d north. M MAN ft CO., M fc. t ii Chestnut. out Htenlon AU1IAN. DOL- uruaa ana AS, all aectlona, -:7-.-v-SiSluij 1IHMEI ai:il""Jii.LIW t BARRY Franklin Biajulblngv. . w'"!? . TJnifljEW BENT and aale.llst of Oermantown 4n Chtiiut Hill propertlea ajnt on applies. fi m fl M. ! Llstsr ft Son. 6B12 Oennantown sv, .VirATrESfAfETBTJLLEflN will b. a"snt OUR , ,n.Coa application. Oermautown TrosjS5,ii?!lt-!2-0IS' i3towpavea. rrv-wiif ARK liOOIVlPil rii iur, in uti. cTLrr'nnViAD'WitfK t' 8k: 6WJ aerroantowB y. TcSiu liVyfACHED DWKLLlVa-, ll SOU UP. i-Mri. a. & TQURisowTjuit wotbb st. Ml. Alrr. Ceraaautown n..A?ffcfc..BtTutR,?.r JjHJTRUX3- Hi" Oerm-nlowB ajre C-MtBUt HIU lIBAliiJC.PafriUBlsTlatal REAL ESTATE FOB BENT CITY VILL SACRIFICE, rent or asll 12-room, ssrnl 4ttached. absolutely modern home: 2 baths, hot-water heat. Owner living In at preasnt. Tnla Is a decided opportunity; blocka above Oermantown station, Reading R. R. Apply 48 E Walnut lane, Oermantown. STORES AND DWELLIN03 In all sections of city, bee our list In ths Ledger Saturday. ""' SAMUEL T. FOX ft.CO ,. B. E. cor, nth -id Callowhlll. SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llroad and Chestnut ats. " ato s. ir.TH st. 11 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS MEARS ft BROWN. 202 B. ISTH BT. Sid SOUTH 10TH ST. Kultanie tor a unctor, SAMUEL W LEVJS.Jteal Estate Trust Bldg. 218172730 N'llOPH ST. 2 atory, 4 rooms; $10 good order: kya there, Wm, L. Craven's Sons. 164" N. 71h st. Itnlldlng Iits. Farlory Sites, etc. ' RIVER-FRONT PROPEHTIES 13i4WALNyT.ST. Jnslnaarro;ertletid S lores J. R. MA8SEY, ft SON FlRSTJCONDffaAOES llOll.DINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS -a ,.nA rr luirtFCT 1m O.at mnrlclfll. iuu.uuv " .'"""-. . L-'L-.TiImiA- ..irl.llnn eums irum imw uy, w m, .... -v-.--. . money for second mortgages. .... O, IV SEim:i0.4thandCallowhlJJLata. TX'rfTJTriTT T FUNDS FOR FIRST AND YMKHt.ijX- SECOND MORTOAOES BBft N. 17TII ST. 1100, 1200 TO 13000 TO LOAN L,liYYJB ec WV. 1227 W. Olrard ave. $50 MONEY for mortgagee; Bucks County property. Lincoln Building, i Philadelphia. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOES HERKNESS ft STETSON LAND TITLE UUII.UIWU ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick anawer. MAURICE II. MATBINOER. Rl. Est, Tr. Bldg. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES flUUU iU llV'JiWVU BlTZ.15.,Lil'1-Stl-J"ar IlUlLDINa ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT 8T. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Art! AUU, POTTS ft THOMSON, 2521 Frankforday. FUNDS f"OR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES HfDIlTnAOES FOR SALE THEO. E. N1CKLE8, 2818 Oermantown ave TdONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES T. A. REDDINO ft SON 700 WALNUT ST. 6205 SPRUCE BT. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES n...Anahlit Phareea JOHN A. HARRY. 607 Land Title Bldg. TRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS 11000 to 150.000. J. HDWAHDLUjrZ.2404N.I7th at. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY AUVA"V HAZLETT ft MOSS MS WALNUT ST; STORE AND BASEMENT, 000 Chestnut st.i te?' irKSTnAk,7io,.orm g w"; "NAS!K"N!i','t",ot"'1p,hron... Stores and Dwellings PLAZATllLDa.. 1B09 Arch Well-llghted storeT TWO aq. lti excellent opportunity. WILSON. FOR RENT Store and dwelling 822 and J" eeGJLrrdvs ijrjmtJM. Vaetcrlea. Warehouses. Mfg. floors CohockBink Mills AIbDl?r,w Metropolitan Building W2&igs Kl35oir" SPACE IN MODERN UUILDINO N. B. tr. 11th and Washington aye.! Ta. R. aiding! eub-poetoltlcej auperror Iljghtj lnsur. ance rate4olMi?ne Dickinson 1410. i THREE) 8TORY7"40xcTioti good "light : terms to silt. J. A. MIDDLETON. Factory -peflallst, Wldenef. Build ng. Philadelphia. r ' Tlf HTrtUKT. NORTH. 110.9.1 Manufacturing, floors i steam jieat and power, Apply Pennsylvania Co.. 817. Cheatnut at. HAVE PARTY who will erect building, central or otbsr location, for aatla.factory tenant. ";""DIETEKICIl7it7 Walnut at. KHNTAI. LISTS FIRST and 2d tntges.i bldg. and private fundsi nulck and satisfactory results: mod. charges. CAMEHON ESTATES. 2811 Kensington ave ANY SUM ANY AMOUNT . Placed at once. Ixest rates I'. X DELANY. 1112, Lincoln llldr. TiTREB-HUILDlNO ASSN'S MEETINO THIS ..Ki itVi nlentv of money for mortgages. WM. J MEjlF.OOILf.00 Land Tills Bldg. ANY AMOUNT, B0 to 15000. to loan to real estats owners: not or mortgage. ARTHUR L LBUPOLD, 1218 Chestnut. NERS If your mortgags naa been causa, i 111 take It up. also :d mortgage money. HESTER D i ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut St. OWN BUILDINO A.SOcIaTION funds on hand for first and aerond mortgages. Send applications, FREDERICK HERMANN, TOiH, ad, WW WANT MORTOAOES. llrst. second or apllt; funds for collateral and short-term loans, ABERNETHY..188 8 12th. 2724 N. Bih. MONEY FOR IS AND 2D MORTOAOES, prP vate funds and building associations. WM FRLEDICHft CO. "01NJ2that. READY FUNDS for good first mortis res bring CHASLii!2VN. ft CO 217 8. Bro.t. LOANS I-arge or amalTsuma pit rsal estats, iudgmsnt notes or mortssgesi loana on unset- tbil-J!fiMrS5i .. 27 S, 18th. MONEY for first and second mortgages! building association iu ,iii,it'.--..v ...w. i.iii.e- Wlncheater Company. 1001 Cheatnut st jrUNDSor flrst and second mortgsgest any amount; quick answer, CHA8, w MILLER, 401-4l!Commonwealth Building. ilA'K-l2000 ANI"ilf.00 FOR F1R8T MORtf OAtlES. V 08. LEDUER OFFICE. x PafL MJV: rls'leul BUILDINO. N W, corner IBth and Ingersoll. Stable, l.th and Ingsreoll , f a:u iiarina fsos Winter 4108 Merlon st ' ALKREI) H OFFICES. HU81NFJIS K0MS, KTC, MOHW'.'a Ingeraoll . 21.1131 Halmon . lOr.MUB Catharine WiLLIAMS, C22 Walnut at . 14 u pilrsxtsb m.uu urr ucs Annual rentaij Slngla rooms, tipo llio. IIBO, Ml!, f6, iJlM MONEY TO LOAN READY MONEY AT ONCE " TO HOUSEKEEPERS This new LICENSED AND BONDED COM PANY will make you a loan quickly, privately ind without red tape. If .you are housekeeping. Your moplhly payment on fs on y i Your monthly payment on 872 Is only Id With Interest at 3 per cent, Your monthly payment on 182 is only 811 Your monthly payment on 1204 Is only 811 " With interest at 2 per cer.t. ' Call TODAY, write us or phone Walnut 488J, HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 131 South Broad Street Second floor. 't to Forrest Theater. Open H.. m. Jo.tLfc JPi i,turdaylo.p. m, "" YOU CAN HORROVV MONEY ON DIAMONDS JEWELS. ETC. .iisu : .: IS IS,tiVD AVE, t MARKET Si eMfww inn nvronn st 2JD AND JBOUTH UTS Jet Ei1 LOANED to heirs pt upsetlled eetates; tereata Uujstit. , FRANK IvrKAtriN lit- U Steiiei, Ulrari Vulldlix, it t, 12Hi nL -- - - . 1 .. 1 11 -" - f -.,.. , l 1. , f.. . ,m. , lielaayi .' SCRAPPLE j'- The YouriB Lady Across the Way THE PADDED CELL 1 ' .-a !. -lllll-l Wr ! I IBIHI yffeftl-aB-. A. r . r - J . - tytfflfifa ) - OBJECT MATRIMONY. I 7 -ri l' fin(- I lift I 5f '.7V r l . i&o. V)T III . I u c-rvr 7 .iv,- .c 1 e 1 in.xvt s i.jwiii 1 -v mMHssR y w ws-x mWtis5 w m,m imm'v.- jx ' l v( m TtL Ml lVrV I'&Ji. 1rTfta I fM? I V l-id J b J I hL, Thei vdunir ladv acroaa tha wav aava . 3 1II . I I 11' ohe luppones the Lieutenant Qovernor S " lllll I 4 i.W II 1 1 III 1 1 I of New York mutt be pretty busy net- "v " II' 'II I ' I Il7 ' I Ing as Goernor white Mr. Hughes Is n II I I I I II V oft on his cpeakln trip. , 0 I I I I I 11 ' ZT. I J J .. U 1 1 I P V ino mener i i ' ji 1 y uiscontcnica wire several or the ' ' I jlS . ) I men whom I refused when I married y rl " S aTT you nro richer than you are now. - Lj "f u f Husband That's why. . I rlAtVABrj I Good Advice J -,- ' - - , Life Is like a pano of glass If you Ir S . . v .n.-e BHA . V. ...... r1. I. .I..' I.Bnl. A M X f vail pve imuufeii v, UUIll uivun 11, w w Y wash It. Jack O'Lantcrn. ' MODERN HEUOES The Scrapbook I "Does your husband keep a scrap- LIGHT OCCUPATIONS ---r5iE1aMt,i5f book?" , nmiNG m pq otWs "t l r-ct,,y-He ktep a ch,rk- THE M Vjusmm I Ji J '! ' 'PWiEv. book, and we have a scrap every time DEAr gSmL - y'l Win I W0vJ l 4llHrSS. 't i used for my benefit." Boston jBmA?' I'ivltECIPE T0DA'Y l'l'wWieeK Transcript. it?sRs-i-- ' saip.e of that I - "fifflfwiBBiv ,fnv-yi ( ( iXWvJicvv.- "..---J-) iiwriis- jmwa. m mJJB7 1 1 xal I WmMm&Lm v i W awXrM"f '" The Tattler. v 7 1 I 1 j "k(7rJ4i. she My Bwy Jai"sTe, what's In the rl I Qtf'v NJLrlsif navy, has cot a mlddlln' risky lob, I "J J " W InTtrJjlill reckon. They've put en on wan of THBLAbYWHO aBBVWra IIIttKmS thee, yer torpedoes! MAKES THfraE&Kfli tti FrA'-' SHOW ALL THE- 3l lJT-I' Rather Rough on "Willie GOODaSHE HA"-. rfcrrl I A teacner ,n tne Howard schools. 17 'N THE STORE- flii--------l 3 SIDNEY&Mlmi according to the Elk County Citl-en, ANO TH&NAJ.KS t55ie -, 6",tTio addtessed her class as roiiows, 'ov, FOt A RArrPLP.-g.L7tii cotrSM namB 80me ot the l0Wer anlmals' 'gj-ysry Btartlnn with Willie Jones." Kansas ' City Star. How He Got Them ABUTTER IMPOSSIBILITY I V . ,. .M m --!n ,t--5S5e L . , i f7e- a gnn 1 . ' r1;- Strangerv Are the fish biting now? Boy Yes, but you ain't allowed to catch 'em. Stranger Well, then, how do you get them? Boy Well, I don't fish, but If one comes along and bites at me I do me best to defend meself. London Opinion. "Remember, nurse, you must keep the patients cheerful, and not let then) get downhearted," "But what can I do, doctor? Sis of them have proposed to me 'already this morning." IN ORDER TO SIGN UP A PITCUER OF MICKEY'S REPUTATION . 1 . ' 11 An Altogether Different Sterjr For 3U0 P'.na, it m lnueruti that the 0r-3iiiKei'ii ej ti iliMin. 'the, tcu. TH 1 kef Waal y Mt Hd by her ejrowe. , ' Var &t t k ea-e4 no krt f.1 'Hut yMt lefver o Juste f the depth flf tie lar Of v: ky UaiTh of Mr ketrl lj 1U 1T?I