' imoNG at horse; SHOW ; DRENCHED BY RAIN AS ! H DRIVES UNDER TENT i Spectators Fleo From Field to ', Boxes, Then to Clubhouse. Break Gives Prospect of Clearing 6- CAWAliD FOR MISS POWELL BRTN MAWIl, Pft.. Stpt 29. Tlaln ana wind blasted the Horse Show here for a vlf hour this afternoon. Spectators ned iroin th flc,(1 boxe8, na,n dfv 1 un ttr tho Awning and scattered them to the 'stand that seemed safe foi n, time while tools of water gathered n the sagglne can its above thilr heads. Outside In the ring the judges moved toiether Into a knot qt the center of their ihelter. and the riders and mounts In clxss llll loped round and round In a blinding idownpour. Then a gale of wind ripped Into the awning of the stand. Tont poles 'swayed and tho canvas spilled water down m the heads of tho shivering spectators. !l the same tlmo the temperature dropped IreYeral degrees. When all the water had been run down off the awning tho light , 'canvas, relieved of the weight, flopped .wildly In tho gale. Heavy poles were loosened. They bumped about dangerous 'jy. frightening every one. i Finally, during a lull, tho throng fled to tho clubhouse. Some wero cnught at the rear end of the box row. They gathered ' In a knot under a sagging piece of awn Jig and wero slowly drenched. After a half hour of tho storm there appeared n break to the south and the prospect of clearing. QlttLS WINS PRIZB A blue ribbon for the horso she drove In the harness class was the birthday present awarded by Judges today to Miss Frances Powell, daughter of Dr. Edgar W. Powell, of Dryn Mawr, who Is sixteen years old. Her birthday anniversary came at an opportune time, for tho Bryn Mawr health board has a rulo against admitting anyone under sixteen years old to the grounds. Miss Powell wns not permitted to Tenter the grounds yesterday. Today, however, b'lng sixteen, she walked In promptly and took her place In a runabout behind Iloan Anne, of Dclchestcr Farm. Miss Constance Vau claln And Miss Isabella Wanamaltcr also drove horses In this class. VISITOIt DECIDES AWAItD 1 Sir Adam Beck, of London, Ontario, was called upon this morning to decide a close question as to tho qualities of Red Oak, owned by F. Ambrose Clark, and Sugar Plum, the property of Miss Constance Vau claln. The judges, II. S. Page, F. S. Von Stade and Lewis E. Waring, could not decide whl?h horse deserved the blue ribbon. This was In tho class for novice hunters and Jumpers. Sir Adam, an authority on this style, was asked for n decision. Ho looked over both horses carefully and finally gave the first award to Red Oak. Miss Vauclaln got the red ribbon, A thrilling spill, from which the rider escaped unhurt, occurred during tho show ing of Class 110, for lightweight hunters, early In ,tho afternoon. A groom, riding J, Stanley Reeve's Hnppy Creek, was pitched over the horse's head when tho ani mal stumbled after making a jump. Thq man picked himself up unhurt. CONTESTANT IN ACCIDENT The groom's fall was followed a few minutes later by an accident to A. J. Antclo Severeux, riding .his own horse. Tho ani mal took the north jumps In the oval neat ly, but flipped the top bar with his oft hind foot.' This threw him out of balance and he struck the ground at an angle. The landing was bad. Horse and rider sprawled In tho tnnbark. but the throw put .a safe distance between them. Sir. Devereux got to his feet and remounted. MANY IN SPORT ATTIRE Warm weather that made fall clothing too heavy for comfort at the opening of the show yesterday lured out many a sport attire that had been discarded when It seemed cool weather had arrived to stay. The result was a spread of bright color throughout the stand and wherever women spectators assembled. In marked contrast with yesterday when recollection of the re cent cool wave and the belief In prepared ness brought out much fall clothing of darker hues. Horse shows gather force as they pro gress. The morning crowd today waB much larger than yesterday, and the prospect of big throngs for this afternoon were bright as the show opened. ' Precautions taken by the Bryn Mawr Board of Health against Infantile paralysis have disturbed the show schedule to a con siderable extent. Np child under Blxteen can possibly get Into the grounds. "NEWSIES" HARD HIT This hit the newsboys hard,, for their best business Is done lnsido. Instead they gather at tho gates apd sell what they can to spectators entering and the crowds leav ing at the end of the day. The regulation Btopped the pony events In which children were to drive. There were three ot'these scheduled for the .first two days. The Health Board rules are off on Sat urday, however, so the managers of the how have rearranged the program by substitutions and the chlldreifs events will be run off Saturday and on Monday and Tuesday, The heaviest-entered event for today Is the hunters of the Corinthian class. There are eighty-one in this event and the fea ture will be Interesting. The mounts nre to be ridden by hunt-club members In the Pink of the chase. The winner will got a cup and In addition a prize of f 100. There Is a second prize' of J 60. Tha summaries follow! fever been hunted nor won n prize nor a rib na mow won uy i. Arnuroaa second. Mlsa Conatanca Vau iwrq, lllgmaua rarm'e 1SVJ-3.NIN( XiEDGrlDK-rHlLAJLiJLPHlA, JbUttDAtt, fcJEiiJiMBJb.ii '2d, 1910 inn previous to this al CUrk'a Ked Oaki aeco claln'a Husar Plum; Mlm.i..,...,1llltmllJ 3 Fine White) & Brilliant in New 18-k. Gold and Platinum LaValliere, $48 Many beautiful Gold LaVttl- UetM with full er? rr cut dUtmonda, tO.IIU a low aa , , . , w w w Thompson fth 3BK So. 8th St. Your Personal Appearance Can De Made Your Most Valuable Asset Dr, Montcomerr traata you pronally for Krowna, Flabby filcln. Imperfect N'oaa, i'ocK 1'lttUua. Stars. I'lm. pjaa. Dtrth.m r W a, Warta. Moles. lti Veins, Superfluous llalr, Freckles and un refined complexion. Consultations (res, moderate inta. DR. W. H. MONTGOMERY rare Specialist I'kone, (Sprue IS 13 07 rtandrr Hide. H'alnut at inth M ljpfttT9tmmmn9rpvrf3n3r7'ypiJi ASK FOR and GET V HORLICK'S I i THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK y- Cas 4ilw$utr ( YOU AW tM MY MARRIED LIFE' new fture, distinctive and unusual, win begin on the WOMAN'S PAGE MONDAY ostIr i". '"!? oa9 of a number of Inter Mr In Tt,d'VrtmnU wh!ch w D beefnniVw 5T"" L"aim dally, Binnlng Monday, October 2. Ar v- . a. valley Porr. Farm'. nral ffi? & to" "hl. nr lous 10 this Hoan Anne i i rirKTvii an rm-VJriV!" in.narneea to be Uinwn h.rn Parm'a !',.:-"., ""'cl won by Wl lafarook Hamilton's Fir. l,2L.A,ral,. cond. . Charles n. Ilton's l" tm iffiV ,n'r, Ch'l" It- "" atMHon. " Jltahle'Vn in.A .-"-". MioiwurtihrWI IH'rVS..' V hunters Won by Mra. farm's Bwlie, mil JI?.T u,Wnd" DUrk 0" rtr'i l'anaJ! ' ,ultlh Beaver Htratibur- Aa'iuMIii.k'.''u5t.,ii; a.1d Jumpers Won by Plr V. it fi n,,i..ihlBh VMItjn Stables' Oracle! Clisi T'd S,fld.m V Melbourne. by Uroiji.,?i'',r.p"T ou,"?. ,n" "now Won Charles H aiinifr.m i. Belladonna! second, CI... iii ''"""ton's Caaa Melbourne. rrJ hmL1""" ".? 'omwra. mldolewelaht Kthflnd??. ILrVoS. by llrandywlne Stablrn' thlr5 cSmSri P'r, Adam Iieck'a Mohawkl kc,5.iu'';blCvi,yr,w,.cgo'n.v- " c-A-j- MIN SPOILS THE PROMISE OF C0L0RFDL AFTERNOON Rain during the early part of tho after noon spoiled what promised to be an In teresting contest between sunshine and so ciety to make colorful the Dryn Mawr Horse Show. Of course, Mr. Ileglnald Vanderbllt was ono'of the first to appear, Mrs. William Hirst, whoso old-rose sweater and green volours hat are most bo coming, came early. Miss Isabella Wana maker appeared In a stunning green riding lvablt and camo In for a fair amount of applause as she drove around the oval. Mrs. Robert L. Gerry and Mr. Foxhall Keene, on horseback, wero eagerly watching the show. Mrs. Wlkoff Smith selected peach pink for her costume, which consisted of n, silk sweater cast over a smart white skirt and hand-embroidered blouse. Her hat was a broad one of Angora wool, faced with navy blue silk. Mrs. Charles E. Coxe watched tho morn ing classes from a box. She wore black georgette crepe and a small black hat. Mrs. Samuel Riddle, wearing gray crept, de chine, had with her Mrs. Caesar Sturanl, whose gray cloth suit and blue hat brought out her rare coloring. A gray fox scarf completed this attractive costume. Another ardent admirer of the Horse Show doings Is Mrs. John Valentine, who appeared thla morning In a white sports suit and mustard-color hat CITY SEEKS SOLUTION OF BREAD PROBLEM Inspectors of Bureau of Weights and Measures Begin Offi cial Investigation The first thorough omclal Investigation of the bread question in Philadelphia Is being conducted this week by four of the most reliable Inspectors of tho Bureau of Weights and Measures under John Vlrdln, supervisor. Loaves In virtually all stores and bake Bhops of the city have been weighed and tested, and all changes of price or size of loaves have been recorded. This bread question Is ono of tho big gest Items In the cost of living and de mands a thorough Investigation," said Mr Vlrdln this morning. "I think the exact determination of the truth In regard to bread has not been made heretofore, and there has been too much wild talk on both sides. This Inspection we have been mak ing this week may lead to other Important items of the commodity problem In Phila delphia, which Is, In fact, the biggest prob lem In the everyday llfo of every family. "Under present systems there Is too muoh hold-up between the producer and the con sumer of food products. The rroduccr does not get the bjncflt of eomo of the big prices that now prevail ; It Is tho middleman who takes advantage of the hlgh-cost-of-livlng agitation to reap riches for himself. He thinks .the public, will stand for anything. WILSON BID FOR VOTES TO BE BASED ON PEACE AND PROSPERITY WORK Adnmson Law and Business Preparedness for Time After War Will Also Be Mado Issues I&E WIPE WILL MAKE TRIPS By ROBERT J. BENDER . ASnunr PAniC, N. J., Sept S9. Four Issues peaco, prosperity, business prepar edness and the eight-hour law will bo held paramount by President Wilson when he goes Into the country to finish his cam pagn for re-election, It was learned today. These Issues he regards as the ones upon which tho voters will vindicate or repudiate his Administration. The President la feeling fit, appears a trifle heavier and says he's In great trim for tho trips West. He Is enthusiastic about going as Is Mrs. Wilson, who will accompany him everywhere. It will be Mrs. Wilson's first taste of a real campaign and she Is preparing for It with zest. THE MAN ON THE STREET The man on tho street, tho President be lieves, Is thankful first of all that his coun try Is at peaco. For that reason his fore most appeal to tho voters will be nolto accept what tho President terms "radical changes of policy, which may alter the whole aspect of the nation's life" and "endanger the present terms of peace and good will with the world." Secondly, ho will point to tho prosperity of the country and tell how tho Adminis tration has placed a legislative bulwark under this to preclude tho possibility of financial depression at the conclusion of the European war. CONSTRUCTIVE POLICT Ho plans to offer a constructive policy to meet the unprccendented economic condi tions which, will arise when Europe again Is able to enter the competitive markets of trade. In this ho will appeal particularly to tho young men and those upon whom "tho future development of tho country depends In an unusual and peculiar degree." He will urgo tho "cultivation of Imagination, vigor, vision and enterprise" to meet the new era. Finally the President will challenge his political critics to meet squarely tho eight hour day Issue and state what they would have done In a situation similar to that confronting him recently, when a great rail road strike was threatened. "Would you now. If In power, repeal the Adamson law?" Is a question which may be expected by Hughes In tho" near future. Hello Girls Unmoved by Fire Smoke and flames did not drive girl tele phone operators from their switchboards In the Keystone Telephono Company's build ing at 135 South Second street, last night. Tho fire swept the second floor of the furnlturo warehouse of Stern & Co., at 147 South Hancock street, across tho street from tho telephono building. The damage Im estimated at about $2000. The flro Is be lieved to have boen caused by spontaneous combustion of oily rags which aro used to polish furniture. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB I Kee-rd tka. most beuvtirvl music tochty I liked it ao mvck "tYiiX. I cried I couldn't express my errvcrfcions nut. nk 1 felt SO Si inside. L0, iv.rvr mn BONW1T TELLER. &XO. CHESTNUT AT 13th STREET FOR SATURDAY 1 THE INITIAL SHOWING OF i Autumn Waists and Blouses v EXCLUSIVE AND UNUSUAL TYPES ' EXPRESSLY MADE FOR THIS SHOP A most unique assemblage, emphasizing many new 8tyle-theme3 heretofore .not shown and not to be had outside of this collection. . EXCEPTIONAL SPECIAL VALUES Women's Blouses & Shirts 11 ' ' " ' i I aaa i , ., Crepe de Chine Shirts About ten different types nre presented in white and flesh pink. Featuring quilled edge frills, hemstitching, tuckings, self- R CJO stitching and revere styles. JxJJ Georgette Crepe Blouses A variety of styles in white and flesh pink with dainty touches of embroidery, filet O JK Jace and frilled edges. O. O Georgette Crepe and Safin Blouses An assemblage of the season's prettiest blouses, in white and flesh and all the new suit shadings, including navy, brown, "I p Cf burgundy, plum and green. LijJ Annual Advance Sale of Women' At 25 to 33 Lesg Than Regular Season Prices After tqmorrow (Saturday) all garmentsiwilj be returned to their regular Reason's prices. . MMHIM :vta ESfi -. Js? a "-e. m r . "BRYN MAWR HORSE SHOW FASHIONS and 'fhe FURNISHERS "' ' -I'M '! r iiatfiyriTffp IHr W iLLB ' iTBfcl lrtaafaaaaLLw 9 A.t the Horse Stow Femininity Reigns sf".'"F2a 1 '1 ' Vlv3laVBala&. The naw; fall low-heM walklnr boot In tan nusala calf with brown kid top. nlao an alt-kldakln model In rlum, brown or battteahlp Cray, 10. And, nj at nil other timoj, her footwear is tho index of n woman's taste in dress, and mokes or mars tho costume or appearance. The distinctive good form of Dalsimer shoes is a safeguard to those who want designs of the newest mode and work manship of tho best. 'Tis a Feat to Fit Feet Shoes, and Hosiery 1204-06-08 Market St. I ID ' 1302 WALNUT ST. flHRHPf vr i- For th month of October announces . raHHGmb " ;?-. B SPECIAL SALE Bpj g$i nt a reduction of from 110 to IIS on each. AMBre&' GloveskiK Twill Domino Glovcskin vfflBBJPV Svlvett'e Gloveskin Cloth WStmi .y Tricot Gloveskin Marengo Suitings JHHB)'1' !$; ScotehPandaEnglShTweedB iWBmlM'i & Skating Cloth Crystal Velours jflMffi5gfTO? Va Our Norfolk Sulfa nnd Sport Coats UBKB&KS&fi$ feC known by the leading sporting poonio of vBaaaaBHybSITSi X. a'v! SfckS' ,no country comprise the latest exclusive iaaw5SfcS8'i;'!"& m Th,s SPrt Suit Illustrated made to aaaaaflLLflHaaVi ' ' 'JjSS order, sold regularly at SC5 to $75 J5. JeeDMBffil ' i4W nOHIKIO cut, fit and pcrionatlv urT(n. HLaaalaBHHtlHU '' Viiy Irnd (fit making of tacli and rvcrv oarmtnt, ltRwC& it&i pi B i aHIHT-MAKINO ,E&C, tesnembcr oi its years v of sarweei Three (' Points of Service for Well-Dressed Men Furnishings, shirt mak ing and a laundry service are our offerings to men who must bo "better dressed." ESHLEMAN & CRAIG CO; "Thrte-Plv Bervtct to Hen" 1304 Walnut Street Desirable Distinctive Dependable Furnishings for Men MARSHALL-BUSH,Inc. llhuit fat CSntUmtcn h 11 3 S. Thirteenth St. Laroft ntHbutora of , MANHATTAN S1I1KTS n I'hUadtlvhlo, L George A.llen ! 1214-CktnutSt.-1214 Smart Millinery Especially Designed for the Hone Show We ask your inspection Co fTTi ""'tawmW. iuuuawMwjiuiiiwuH ikS' Lihapea ama-m mr -i a &mjr dA ux utomne trio. . e5tCfjMt tf TSttte Qroda. 1426 Walnut St. John A. Foley lllllllllilii c3UKUc)lc)orlUE.et t-J-tA-t-fwtXAfA J MAMAt- ANNOUNCEMENT MKS. G. S. BASSETT ANNOUNCES THE REMOVAL OP THE SPORTS CLOTHES SHOP TO ITS COMMOQIOUS AND PERMANENT HOMB 1630 WALNUT STREET You are cordially invited to Gee the new and dis tinctive Pall nnd Winter Models In Golf, Tennis 'and Country Suits, Sports Shirts and Top Coats, In exclusive creations as well as our former popular-priced lines. Hiding Habits for Women, Misses and Children In treat variety of Styles and Materials, and all the ac cessories. These are shown under the expert supervision of an experienced horsewoman, who will be clad to advise In the selection of suitable models. A New Features Silk shirts and pajamas of superla tive quality for men of luxurious tastes. An Ideal gift for men. AIbo men's riding breeches. SPORTS CLOTHES SHOP, 1630 Walnut St. iTVtVi r T I t i Use American Taxicab Service to the Horse Show, Theater, Shopping, Etc. Coj AHAQC 11 V Phones Bell, Spruce 65; Keystone, Race 245. Our service will be at your door quickly. Touring Cars, Limousines or Taxicabs instantly. Any time day or night. Lowest rates. Special town car shopping rates, $1.50 per hoar. Our chauffeurs' ate always efficient, reliable, respectful and well .informed. American Taxicab Co. 1411-13 LOCUST STREET ' CAMH.K OMMJWl. Mav, 1 " i'L . ' "'"I imiiiii tmmmmmmmimiim ""'''aaaaaaaaaiSifcBaaaaaai JWANHEIM RIDING ACADEMY Juat how ions' It takea you to laarn to ride properly depanda upon th. efncloncy of the Instruction yon rerelra. Tha ax pert tuition wo clva qulrkly makes you proMclent. reraonal attention, aaf. mounts. Write for terma and partlcu lra. IToraea delivered to tba Uppar Wlaaahlckon. lllgb-elaas aaddl'e horaea for sal. rrlrate dreaalnr rooms 5434 Germantown Ave. "The Cand of JExcellence" i We mado it 42k 5eors ago. Wo make it better today. A product worthy of the World's choice. Choice Soda Fountain Specialties PAGES-SHAW 1228 Chestnut Street ,4"1 Announce ments of Fall apparel are being made by a number of Philadelphia merchants. The woman who aims to be attractive replan-' ishes her wardrobe through Public Ledger Evening Ledger adver tisements. She also gU 1 modern ideas for tl home from the wongtt!i pages. """"'. I I - -wj ?gf -.LjMU' k t&frd&xkl'h '$&