GUARDS' WELCOME MAY FOLLOW PLAN OF PEACE JUBILEE Committee Which Made 1898 .Event Memorable to Have Charge KIET MAYOR TOMORROW EVENING LEDGER-lpHirABELPHlA; THtm&DAY SEPOTtaEll 2& 1015 Tha oouncllmnntc committee which, had afcafae of the peace Jubilee, held In horfcr at returning Pennsylvania soldiers from the Jrpanlah-Americaii War. In 1898, will rt arangcmentA Immediately for a big hotite-comlng reception to Pennsylvania troops when they return from the Mexican . Wder. Thin commltle will go Into with Mayor Smith tomorrow and a com prehensive plan for a big Jubilee, will be mttllned. It wan (aid on sood authority today that the Mayor would rather have this committee handle the arrangements for tha home-coming reception than a citizens' enwnlttee without experience In such mat tera. The chairman of this committee Is lsao3 D Uetzel, anil the secretary Is Charles B. Hall, chief clerk of Select Coun cil. Mr. Hall said today: "A blc responsible city like Philadelphia could not alford to allow the boys to come back from the bor der without giving them a rousing recep tion. "Patriotic citizens of Philadelphia can rest assured that the returning troops are, going to be warmly received. Our commit tee will confer with the Mayor Just as oon as he returns to outline a plan for the reception. "Our committee ni In charge of tha peace Jubilee In 1898. and It was a tremendous success. We had a parade on Broad street which was witnesses by more than 200,000 persons, and we had patriotic exercises. We also gave the boys a feed they did not soon forget." CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO AID Speedy action by Mayor Smith In the ap pointment of a citizens' committee to co operate with that of Councils is also advo cated. City officials, big and little, today warmly Indorsed the plan to give an enthusiastic celebration to Pennsylvania troops coming home from the Mexican border. All urged that a resolution be Introduced In Councils appropriating funds for the proposed Jubi lee. Speedy action by Mayor Smith in the appointment of a citizens' committee was advocated. Sheriff Harry C Tlansley said: "No one with a spark of patriotism could fall to indorse this splendid plan to hold a Jubilee In honor of homecoming Pennsylvania troops. I heartily approve of the plan and stand ready to give it-rriy earnest support. Our soldier boys deserve a welcome that will long be remembered." Judge Rogers said: "Philadelphia, the birthplace of American patriotism, would he neglecting her duty if she did not give the soldier boys a homecoming in line with the grand traditions of America's third largest city, I am strong for the Jubilee." TRIBUTE TO SACRIFICE Franklin Spencer Edmonds said: "I heartily approve of the plan to give the re turning members of the Pennsylvania Na tional Guard a welcome which will be full of genuine warmth and appreciation. Dur ing the summer months these men have sacrificed business and pleasure in the serv ice of the nation. Those who have stayed at home should unite In giving the boys a reception that will be long remembered." Louis Hutt, former Select Councilman from the Twenty-ninth Ward, aaid: "I am willing to labor night and day In my ward If necessary to work up Interest for this celebration, Philadelphia cannot afford to Ignore the homecoming of the men who have been serving the Stars and Stripes on the Mexican border. Let us give these men a homecoming which will show that we appreciate to the fullest extent what they have -iono for the nation." PARADE FAVORED Herbert I,. Marls, former Select Council man from the Thirty-fourth Ward, said: "Councils should act right away and ap propriate money for this commendable project." William R. Richer, former Select Coun cilman from the Forty-second Ward, said: "We should have a parade and patriotic exercises. The Mayor should act and Coun cils should provide the sinews of war for this Jubilee. There are hundreds of patriotic citizens In my ward who are ready to put their shoulders to the wheel. Let us wake up a little patriotism here in Philadelphia and give the returning soldiers the glad hand." BBBBBBBBBr sj BBSSBBBBBSBBBBHBBSBmSBBBBSBBBBBbI ILsssssYH-JsssHasssssSalXLssssssH BSSSSWBW '!w iSSSSKSSSSSSSSBSSBSHSSSSSSSSSa &amr&.MiiF HssnesnasBBssncBsssssBBmBssi ! f w r. J WOMAN KILLED AS AUTO DROPS INTO CREEK; HUNT TRUCKMAN Delivery Car Said to Have Crowded Machine Off Bridge The police are searching for the driver of a delivery truck who. It is alleged, crowded an automobile off the Lincoln , Highway Into a small creek near Oxford Valley, Bucks County, with the result that Mrs. John S. McCaffrey, of IM4 Qlrard ave nue, was killed and Mrs. Arlington Temp tin, of Glrard avenue near Twenty-sixth street, was seriously Injured. The accident happened last night. Templln and McCaffrey, with their wives and Miss McCaffrey, sister-in-law of the woman who was killed, were returning from the Interstate Fair, at Trenton. McCaffrey was driving, when the truck, coming at a fair rate of speed, is said to have forced the smaller car oft a bridge Into the creek, Mrs, McCaffrey died fifteen minutes later In the office of Doctors Lovett and Ridge, at Langhorne, while Mrs. Templln is in a sort bus condition In the Langhorne Hotel. Tha ether occupants of the car suffered minor Injuries. JUIRINERS OPEN FAIR AND JOY CARNIVAL NEAR ARDSLEY Lu Lu Country Club the Scene of Unique Entertainment A fair that attracted an attendance of everal thousand persons began today at the Lu Lu Country Club near Ardsley and will continue until Saturday night The un. rierUklng la called the "Lu Lu Shrlners' Country Fair and Joy Carnival," and the latter appellation is said to be an accurate crlptlon of the affair. There are, uch feature as "English n Trenches," "Potentatean Joy Cyclo. SMOa ami Menagerie," Fltzwatertown Hula Wtiea High-Jinks Teat" and the "Dublin UftsWIfhl-gq-lang-wart-Way " An advance MsJwneemeflt of the fair described It as "t)M joosjt unique 'event ever held outdoors.'1 A ewmmtttae of which John Llvesey Is WsssMint. provide transportation to vll. tewsv The fair grounds are aecsble by tha OUrW-W)How Grave trolley line, and NtaeMbilee run under the atteiryttrlen of kls aammMaa meet all tr4teys awl trains. WfMM BwrW ia Kereaeae Explosion Mrs. Theresa Huaara. thirty-eight years at, at 1M JTi street. West Ma , to aria at ft. Timothy's Kcwettal ,4tHn burn wfck she ter4 wUh a can M krun nkwlMl In Her fcM. ma ajpis fcttu the t d (k lire was beats Ma) tmigaitora. Mki SUUr Hwftte Jfaylwien nUru(ioerit ia . clamp f Berr, waller years old uou .:rwVSkW"d anal SMrlied a match. saeasnai nwv ws m inn it) faulty injurs aud hut m4 ut, 1 ui a kvraavM twsXtMasa Ovtnar. toarv old pom ih oenteata sa the WELLINGTON KOO Chinese Minister to the United States, who has resigned. CHINESE MINISTER ILL; SURRENDERS POSITION Dr. Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo Unable to Sec Visitors Cor Months WASHINGTON. Sept. IS VI Kyuin Wel lington Ko'o. Chinese Minister to the United States, has sent his resignation becauso of Illness to the Chinese Foreign Offlce, It was learned today. The resignation wns sent by Dr. Koo severnl weeks ago. It was ndmlttcd by the Chinese Legation, but no action on It has yet been made known. The Minister has been unable to recclvo visitors for more than two months. Private advices from Pekln today raid acceptance of the resignation was expected. CONFIRMS STORY OF INFERIOR SHELLS FOR BATTLESHIPS Made by Inexperienced Friend of Dan iels, Says Assistant Secretary of Navy Uu n Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Offlclnl confir mation was obtained hero today of the re port printed exclusively In the Kveniko J.edorr that big-gun ammunition pur chased of an Inexperienced munitions man ufacturer In Raleigh, N. C, the home of Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, had proved worthless In target practice. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt admitted that shells purchased of the Raleigh Iron Works Company had failed to give satisfactory results. He confirmed tho report that the shells. Instead of carrying to the target, miles away, had exploded shortly after leaving tho guns and the pieces of iron had dropped Into the water only a few feet away from the ship's sides. This, It Is believed, accounts In part for the low scores made by some of the big guns In recent battle practices. Roosevelt also confirmed the report that the Raleigh company, prior to being award ed a contract for battleship munition under the Daniels' administration, had never been in the munition business. WILL BENEFITS CHURCH Samaritan Church Also Beneficiary of Testament of Stephen B. Colladay Requests of jlo.000 to the Oxford Pres byterlan Church, Broad and Oxford streets, and $2000 to the Samaritan Hospital, are a part of the will of Stephen li. Colladay, of the millinery firm of Hensel, Colladay and Company, which was probated today. Mr. Colladay, who died at Atlantic City on September 17, left an estate valued at $150,000 to his widow and other relatives. Other wills probated were those of Mar tha E. J. Hortter, 139 Pelham road, which in private bequests disposes of property valued at 330,000; John Ullman, 1930 North Thirty-second street, $4000: Joseph Gordon, E120 Dufileld street, $3200; Cath erine M. Moran. 811 McClellan street, $3050; Neil Devlne, 1931 Carpenter street, $2500, and Emanuel Flte, Long Branch, N. J., $2150. An Inventory of tho estate of C. Cresson Wistar, filed with Register Sheehan by William B. Bullock and John W. Cadbury, Jr., places tho valuation of the personal effects at $104,525.67. Included In the ap praisement are 875 shares United States Steel Corporation, which are valued at $75,250. City News in Brief AN 1'ASY 1TN1SHMKNT for the bor who had attempted to rob her house was nsked by Miss Catherine Taggart, 2717 East Lehigh avenue, In tho police court at the Belgrade and Clearfield streets station this morntnr, when lUrry Bright, sixteen years old, 23IE Ann street, was arraigned on a charge of larceny Magistrate Wrlgley held the boy far a further hearing under $(00 bait. Tha police testimony showed that Bright was arrested nt the end of a chase of about n mllo after he had been discov ered ransacking Miss Taggart's houso in her absence. Miss Taggart nald nothing had been stolen, although she admitted things had been turned topsy-turvy by tho Intruder r.STI.MATi: 'OK highway Improve ments Involving an expenditure of $200,000 were received today by Director Datesmnn, of the Department of Publlo Works. The money will come from loans already negotiated, lllti: TODAY DKSTIIOYKI1 a barn stored with hay on the farm of Oeorge K. Sale, n real estate man, living nt 0121 Marsden street Tho farm is at Comly street and Frankford avenue In Wlsslnom Ing Firemen hnd to uso boys In the neighborhood In order to pull down n wall of tho barn after the roof fell, so that they could turn their streams on the hay. They had trouble, too. In getting water. having to stretch their , lines more than a half mile. Tho damage Is estimated at $1000. Tlin BTATK Sl'I'Itl'MI! COUItT will give a hearing In Pittsburgh next Monday on a rule to show cause why Ellis D. Frl gar, accused of shooting Kdward Boland In Falrmount Park on August 23, should not be released on ball. Frlgar has been In prison since he voluntarily surrendered himself to the authorities. Till: JOLT UIir.N Ids wagon lilt n rurli threw Joseph Duffy, 24 years old, 1219 Hddy street, to tho street, where a wheel passed over him. He died this morning at tho Woman's College Hospital. William McCarron, who was with Duffy at the time of the accident, was arrested, but later re loaded when Duffy exonerated him In an ante-mortem statement. XinV YIIAIS CANDLI'S left burning In honor of the Jewish holiday caused a firo in tho home of Morris Rudmen, 441 Can trell street, early today. Rudmen assisted his wife and family to the street. The dam age was $150. nuWAKD T. STOTnSIIUllY'S gnnlcti at Chestnut Hill produced a long lUt of perfect vegetables that were awarded prizes at the tenth annual (lower and vegetable show of Henry F. MIchell Company, 618 Market street. First prizes for beets, wax beans and cabbages went to John Little, the gardener at the Stotesbury residence. The award for the largest collection and the second prizes for carrots, lettuce and leek, were also won by Stotesbury entries. COXSI'IKACY IX TUT, larceny of gnodi from Pier 2. North Wharves, of tho Clyde Steamship Company, Is charged against Harry Hall, 1925 Passyunk avenue, a team ster, and Thomas Hlndy, Fifth and Raco streets, a shipping clerk, both employes of the company. They were each held under $600 ball for court today by Magistrate Wrlgley at the Belgrade and Clearfield streets police station. TIIK FIRST contribution for the fond being raised by women soclat prominent for the care of Infantile paralysis convalescents In this city has, been made by Mrs. Kd ward T Stotesbury, who presented $1000 to Mrs. J. Willis Martin, acting chairman of the Emergency Aid. The personnel of the committee that will look after this work will be announced In a few days by the Home Relief Division of the Emergency Aid. Till: AI.UMXAI3 ASSOCIATION of the Girls' High and Normal Schools will conduct a sale of homemade edibles, fancy articles and the like on Saturday, from 10 n, m. to 10 p. m. at tho home of Mrs. Edgar Cope, 5920 Wayne avenue, Germantown. Tho pro ceeds will be for the trust fund which nlds teachers and ex-teachers In need of financial help. Miss Craven, Mra. Copo and Mrs. Heldreck form the committee In charge. A RESOLUTION Indorsing tho candidacy of Woodrow WIlRon to succeed himself as President of the United States, offered at the bimonthly meeting of the Central Labor Union, in its quarters at 232 North Ninth street last night by tho Federal Lodge of Machinists, was defeated after an exciting debate by a vote of 106 to 16. A Itl.AZi: that ruined a Ioaa rutlinntrd at $3000 damaged the Interior of tho three story brick buildings at 5821 nnd 5823 Ger mantown avenue last night. LA HOE EXHIBITIONS of Tegetnbln at the seventh annual show of the Devon Hor ticultural Society will bo Judged today In the gymnasium of the Radnor High School at Wayne, Nine first prizes In the dahlia classes were won by Mrs. J. Gardner Cas satt yesterday. It Is said that the exhibi tion surpasses any previous one In the history of the organization. ANIMAL INHTIXCT I'HOIIABLY pre vented serious loss from fire at the home of Harry Wlsker, Stone House and Stein's lanes today. Mounted Policeman Mc Laughlin noticed that hlB horee was acting in an unusual manner. Then ho detected smoke some distance away. He turned In an alarm and firemen checked the blaze before it had made serious headway. The loss was trifling. JEWISH NEW YEAR SERMON ON RELIGION Rabbi Berkowitz Telia of Dark War Period, but Predicts Betterment Rabbi Henry Berkowitz, speaking before the Congregation Rodef Shalom, at Broad and Mount Vernon streets, today, devoted his sermon on the Jewish New Year to a re view of the last year from the viewpoint of religion. "One of the darkest years In the history of the human race," he said of It. The world war, the Industrial contests In this country in the last year all these he cited, but went on to say that despite them one could se under the gloomy surface of things mighty forces at work for the bet terment of human conditions. He said In part: "Israel's function now Is to act as the prophet-people and re-emphaslse through the New Year's observance the message of hope proclaimed by our Inspired seers of otd. The oldest people In history, we bAu witnessed the collapse of many an earn? civilization and endured Inquisitions, exile and massacre, lived through tha Thirty Years' War, the One Hundred Years' War and all the other wars, but never lost faith In the ultimate triumph of right and the vindication ef the divine law the Creator has Inscribed In the souls of men, as clearly m He bas stamped the nhysisal lawa on tho universe.'' ( is. Tha fcjrLj&fer Uu Mm- MrKtVIi '" ft Mia tm Convention Hall Ssett Dtreeier Datesman, of the Department ef Public Works, baa aaiKHiBCed that pro pouaia tor Ut areesian at tha oeflveiitloa hall, at Tway-tid and CoJIewWIl Matt alMW far tMi virtually have baeai aWMtitlsl krMi T. WlairfcM, asffeUect, WW w eaoai mi n i, n a, Mat $l.4ll,f will U avail- work. Tha hall will ba built from tha municipal luaaa p- mwf Mwiiiatis, VANDERLIP PLEADS FOR PREPAREDNESS "Greatest Need of the Day," He Tells American Bankers' Association KANSAS CITY. Mo., Sept. 28. 'The greatest need of the day Is tho need of universal military, Industrial and economic preparedness," declared Frank A. Vander lip, president of the National City Bank of New York, ln addressing the American Bankers' Association here today. "I once thought you could count universal military service as an economic waste. I feel confident In the light of the events of the last two years that It Is not only a military necessity of superlative import ance, but that our national life would draw a unity, our democracy would receive a regeneration and our youth would obtain a physical training and comprehension of the value of obedience and a patriotic de votion to the welfare of the nation which could be obtained In no other way." 1 i " i . i REGISTRY PROBE AFTER OCT. 7 -! i Police Will Canvass Lists for Fraudu lent Votors Arrangements have been completed for a pouce canvass oi me registration lists, to start after October 7, by Director Wil son and K. L. D. Roach, secretary bf the Committee of Seventy, Announcement was made yesterday by me tviMHuuwi mai u nas ueen discovered that many persons have registered who are net entitled to vote at the November else. tlon for yartottt reasons. Many areun known at the a44rits from which they r-Mr, snaramg M tM eommntu, sn4 others fcV4 t lived at ptoses from wbleta t)My ris44 tor sserV than Hat faamUm. Tha oomsalUe appld te cltlaaai to rur. nlaii $y anlstmsMen tfesy way have r- ganUng th rffcaUton of irous nsi asv HIGHER WATER RATES UNDER DEBATE TODAY Objectors to Increase and Meter System Free to Discuss Issue The first public hearing on water meter rates as proposed In the ordinance Intro duced In Common Council last Thursday was held In Room 496, City Hall, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Philadelphia manufacturers and house holders responded to an Invitation to attend. All phase of the water question, but espe cially points dealing with the Increase In meter rates and tho compulsory Installation of meters was discussed. The meeting was nttended by Director of Publlo Works Dalesman, Chief Carleton B. Davis, of the Bureau of Water, and members of tho special Councllmanlc com mittee which drafted the bill. It had been announced that all thoso wishing to opposo the measure would be heard. If that can bo accomplished In one afternoon, the bill will be reported back to Councils on Thurs day, October 6. If necessary, other public hearings will beheld. As yet, however, few protesfs against the proposed changes have been received. J1IIS. TIIKKESE D. PATTERSON, SOCIETY W03IAN, DIES AT 01 Widow of Late J. M. Patterson Suc cumbs at Daughter's Homo Mrs. Thereso Bouvier Patterson, one of Philadelphia') oldest society women, died of old age at her home, 28 South Twenty-first street, last night She was In her ninety first year. Mrs. Patterson was related to several of Philadelphia's families that are prominent socially, and to the well-known Bouvier family of New York. She had been III for a long tlmo and her death, while a shock to her friends, was not unexpected. Mrs. Patterson was the widow of Joseph M. Patterson. At the time of her death sho waB making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Stuart. Mrs. Patterson Is sur vived by two sons, Henry Patterson, of Tor resdale, nnd John Bouvier Patterson, of 123 South Forty-sixth street. Mrs. Patterson was the nunt of Mrs. Kdward DeV. Morrell, of Mother "Catherine Drexcl, of the Cornwells Convent, and of the lata Mrs. Walter George Smith. Joseph M. Patterson. 2d, n son, died four years ago. It Is possible that Mrs. Patterson's death will Interfere with the arrangements mndo for the marriage of Miss Mac Patterson, daughter of Henry Patterson, to Spencer Downli.g. The date set for the wedding' Is October 3. I. W. W. SUSPECTED OF ARSON IN MINING TOWN BLAZE $0000 Firo Destroys Houses at Sebas topol, Near Pittston PITTSTON, Pa., Sept. 28. Police author. Ities are Investigating the theory that I. W. W strike agitators nre responsible for tho destruction by fire of four houses on Mitchell street, Sebastopol. last night, with a loss of $6000. One of the houses burned was that gt Anthony Barkmln, which was partly wrecked by dynamite during tho I W. W.atrlke, nnd another was that of his neighbor, Paul Kobuchle, which was damaged by a mysterious fire on Sep tember 20. The blare started on the rear porch of tho Barkmln house and had gained con siderable headway before It was discovered. Sebastopol Is a suburb of Pittston and has no fire protection. The Pittston department icsponded and prevented the flames from wiping out a whole street In the mining community. $50,000,000 LENT TO PARIS 1JV NEW YORK RANKING HOUSE French Capital Places Fivc-Year War Relief Bonds NEW YORK. Sept. 28. The sum of $60,000,000 has been borrowed In this coun try by the city of Pnrls, France, It becamo known today. The banking firm of Kuhn. Loeb & Co. announced that It had closed negotiations with the municipal government of the French capital for a five-year loan to that amount in six per cent bonds. The firm's announcement says the loon Is made to reimburse the city for heavy ex pendlturea mado by It for alleviation of suf fering caused by war and to provide for additional similar expenditures and other municipal purposes. GERARDS SAIL TODAY Ambassador Will Be Accompanied by Wife on Trip to United States COPENHAGEN', Sept. 28. James W. Gerard, American Ambassador at Berlin, and Mrs. Gerard will sail for the United States today. The Ambassador goes home to Inform his Government of conditions In Germany and will return to Berlin in six or eight weeks. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. Secretary Lansing has announced ofllclally that James W. Gerard, American Ambassador to Germany, was en route home for a belated vacation, probably to stay about two months. Secretary Grew, of the embassy, will be In charge at Berlin. The State Department gave Mr. Gerard permission several months ago to take a vacation, but he deferred leaving, and has been constantly on duty for two years. He left Berlin for Copenhagen with Mrs. Gerard Tuesday, ( REAR ADMIRAL VREELAND DIES Retired Naval Officer Victim of Heart Disease at Shore ATX.ANTIC CITY, N. J.. Sept. 28 Rear Admiral Charles Kdward Vreeland, U, S. N., retired, died at a hotel here from heart disease. He had been III for uome time and came to the seashore about a month ago In search of health. The body will be taken today to hla late home In Washington, where funeral services will be held later in the week. Interment will be in the National Cemetery at Arlington. Rear Admiral Vreeland waa a native of New Jersey He waa born March 10, 1852, and was appointed to the Naval Academy on July 27, 1106. He served twenty-five years on the sea and was appointed a, rear admiral In December, 1(09. He was retired In March, 18H, upon 'attaining the age of sixty-two. t vste. i". Locomotive's Cylinder Head Blows Out Many persons waiting for trains at the Wayne Junction station of the Reading Railway about 6:46 o'clock last night were frightened when a cylinder head blew out of an englno of a train which left New York at 6 o'clock. The rush of steam tore a hole In the roadbed, scattering the loose atonen with such force that many windows were broken In the station. No persons were Injured and the train proceeded to the Reading Terminal within fifteen ml utts after another engine had been at tached, Sailors Try to "Clean Up' Tenderloin Five sailors attached to the battleship MIohlgan started out to clean up tho Ten detrain last night, according to the 'police ei Ike Eleventh and "Winter street station. They began with a fletlc demonstration In a satoMi at Tenth and Race, streets, Po lleeoten Hunt M Dutfy ) an three U Use iar wefe nt4 bfaf MaalstraUi Ctt this warning, Sah received a, . teace ot ua days in th County prlS. aud Charles J, Jane. News at a Glance SEW YORK, Bept. IS. The woeden so perstructure holding up the walls of the new Seventh nvenuo subway, between Forty-ninth nnd Firtleth streets, was threat onted with destruction today when a quan tity of waste, gasoline, near a storage tank caught fire. After an hour It was put out. Dense clouds of smoke rolling up through the shoring over the subway ex cavation attracted n crowd so big police reserves had to be called out. llWU.IN, Sept. 28,-i-New war loan sub scrlptlons, totaling 27,000,000 marks ($6,750,000), were announced today. The Charlottenburg Saving Bank subscribed $3,500,000, the Savings Bank of Halle $2,000,000 and the plc-lron syndicate $1,250,000. AAI.HHCNI), Norway, Sept. s. The American schooner Salisbury, which left New Ydrk on July 19 for Slglefjord, Iceland, arrived here and reported tho loss of her snIK As no tug can bo obtained to tow her to Slglcfjord, her cargo will bo sold here. N1JW YOItK, Sept. . Two turrets of Ihe battleship Nevada, which carry three fourteen-lnch guns, nre to undergo changes that will make tho firing of the battleship more elllclent. Improved gears are to be put In the gun carriages. It Is said the work will take about tw weeks. 1IALTI.MORK, Md., Sept. !. Buffalo was selected as tho meeting place for next year's convention of tho Grain Dealers' National Association, nnd these olllcers wore elected at tlid closing session of the convention hero: President, K. C. Elken berry, Camden, O : first vice president, T G. Mooro, Fort Worth, Tex. : second vice president, John D. Baker, Jacksonville, Fta. Charles Qulnn, Toledo, O., was re-elected secretary-treasurer. WASHINGTON, Sept. Is. Arabasnador Klkus at Constantinople, has advised the State Department that he has 'presented to tho Turkish Government the request for permission to transport several hundred refugees from Jaffa to the United States on the cruiser Des Moines, but so far has received no reply. WABHINOTON, Sept. 2S. Tho South ern Commercial Congress, In addition to di recting attention ot the conferences of Mobile, Muskogee nnd Charleston to the Importance of adequate preparation for foreign trade after the war, will devote a special session to the subject at Its eighth annual convention In Norfolk, Ya , Decem ber 11 to 14. Dr. Glen? Levin Swlggett, as sistant secretary general of the Second Panaman Scientific Congress, will preside. NKVV YOItK, Sept. 28. UnialUfartorr testimony by witnesses for the Government and Importers has led the Board of General appraisers to overrule a protest filed by F. B. Vandegrlft & Co., Philadelphia. The merchandise consisted of emulsified wool, ellne, light-colored grease oil and sim ilar oils, claimed by the Importers to be low grade. The collector took twenty per cent duty, under the provision for distilled oils. The Importers' contention at the trial was that the merchandise was of such a low grade that It was not In the same class with high-priced oils obtained from distill ation. ' IIARIIISnURO, Sept. 28. The number of Infantile paralysis cases reported since July 1 to the State Health Department from throughout Pennsylvania now total 1501. with 392 deaths during tho same period of time. Of these cases, 811 occurred in Phlla-, delphta and 690 from the State at large. ' SOUTH llETHI.i;iIi;.Vr, r., Sept. 28. Sales agents of the Bethlehem Steel Com pany to the number of nearly one hundred, and coming from every section of the United States, met at the local plant today for a conference which wIlKbe followed by a three-dny Inspection trip to the sub sidiary plants at Steelton and Sparrows Point, Md. ClIKSTMR, Vn.f Sept. 28. rait Eralled Ruler A. D. Anderson, of the Chester Lodge of Elks, has been appointed District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler fpr south eastern Pennsylvania, it was announced today. Lodges Included in this district are In Philadelphia, West Chester, Bristol, Nor rlstown, Lancaster, Harrlsburg, Middle ville, Chester and other places south ot Harrlsburg. XOItMSTOWX, Pa., Sept. 28. Harry Davis, eighteen years old, was Instantly killed at Swedeland when he touched an electric light wire. The boy climbed to tho top of a.flfty-five-foot pole in front of the Swedeland Publlo School. He was thrown to the ground and when picked up was dead. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. The Interstate Commerce Commission today further sus pended, from October 4 to April 4, proposed Increased carload rates on packing house products. Including fresh meats from Chi cago, Omaha and other producing points, to Oklahoma destinations. XKW YORK, Sept. 28. Twenty-six new cases ot Infantile paralysis, the same num ber as yesterday, and ten deaths, an in crease of five, were reported today. Negro Held on False Pretense Charge James Miller, a negro, 1321 Rodman street, charged with obtaining building supplies from I'. 11. Falrlamb & Co., 115 South Thirtieth street, by false pretenses, and selling them at reduced prlcea to small contractors, was held for court In default of ball by Magistrate Harris In the Thirty second street u'nd Woodland avenue police court today. Vlto Tlrglanl, 6722 Vine street! Melvln Banks, 235 South Fifty-eighth street; Harry King and Harry Badjaln. of Fifty-seventh and Vine streets, were held for court In J4U0 bonds each, on charges of having bought tho supplies from Miller. .rBBBBBBBk VIBBBBBBBBBBBB I BBBBBBBBBBBm jL BBBw KATHERINE KRAUSE KILLED BYAUTO AS SUE HUNS TO GIVE CANDY TO MONKEY Driver of Car Takes Girl to Hospital and Surrenders Herbert Flss, of 84 East Logan street, Germantown, driver of nn automobile which ran down and killed Katherlne Krause, five years old, of 1819 Brunner street, last night, had a hearing nt the Central Police Stn tlon today. Her death makes eighty-seven automobile fatalities this year. Katherlne had purchased candy when she noticed an organ-grinder, with a monkey, nt Wayne avenue near Bonltz street She started to go across Wayne avenue to give the animal some of her candy, when she la said to have run directly In front of the machine. Sho was dragged severnl feet be fore the vehicle waa stopped. Flsa placed tho girl In the car, drove to St. cuke's Hospltnl and then surrendered to the police Walter Sweeney, eight years old, of 2118 Lambert street, nnd Edward Lawnton, thir ty years old. of 427 North Fifty-third street, nre In the West Philadelphia Homcopathto Hospital, the result of automobile accidents. Sweeney Is suffering from cuts and bruises. Ho was struck by an automobile at Dia mond and Woodstock streets last night. I.awnton suffered a fractured leg last night when his motorcycle was struck by an au tomobile. BOOTBLACKS ARGUE AND GET PAID FOR IT Two Italians Merely Transfer Bickerings of Their Trade , to the Stage Two Italian bootblacks arguing on a street cornerl Who would pay to see It? Five years ago two Italian bootblacks argued so well on a street corner that a theatrical producer put them on the stage, where they are now; and people pay to see It. Arguing proved lucrative to them nnd that's probably why Clark nnd Verdi, In nn Italian character sketch at Keith's, still make t business of arguing In tha "McAronl Ballad" dialect made Immortal by "Tom" Daly. While they were shining shoes on Broad way Clark and Verdi noted that a certain group of theatrical men paid them a quarter for a shine. Rivalry, scrambling and argu ment followed. The rivalry and scrambling ended when they were paired and "tried oh the dog," but they kept on arguing. It paid. Their act. In which a newly arrived son of Italy Is offered a "goot Job manicuring da boulevard" by an Americanised com patriot. Itself is a lesson In American op portunity and (he force of argument. FRENCH PLEAD FOR DOCTOR Emissary Asks Return of Frank C. Abbott to Hospital Work Cltliens of Vendome, France, sent Madame H. Du Mont as an emissary to this city to request that Dr? Frank Cook Abbott, a sur geon of Germantown, who waa sent to France by the French committee of the emergency aid, be reinstated for another year, to continue the work in the hospital at Vendome. Doctor Abbott is 'expected to arrive within a few days. Madame Du Mont, who formerly lfved In Philadelphia, offered her services as a nurse, and has been working aa an assistant to Doctor Abbott for many months. She arrived hero Tuesday with testimonials which attest the deep appreciation of all classes in Vendome for the untiring efforts of the surgeon and his devotion to the wounded, and to tho civilian population who have met misfortune through the war. BREAD PRICE BOOST DEFENDED Forced on Bakers by High Prices, Say Chicago Flour Men i CHICAGO, Sept 28. Defense of Chicago bakers, who have announced a rise In tho price of bread to take effect today, Is made In a statement by a special committee of the Flour Men's Club. "When the price of wheat advanced fully sixty cents a bushel from the nominal aver ago of other years. It Increased the cost of flour from $3 to $8.60 a barrel," the state ment said. "This was due to the shortage of the wheat crop as evidenced by tho Government report,whlch shows a short age of 400,000,000 bushels. Almost every commodity used In the manufacture ot bakers" products had advanced materially. The baker mutt advance the price of bread to stay In business." MLK MAY COST MORE AND BREAD SIX CENTS Dealers in Both Products iMeet and 'Discuss Increase in Prices While small bakera are reiterating tha the price of bread must b,e increased to six cents, there comes a similar story from milk dealers, who are considering charging an additional cent on each quart of milk. At a meeting ot the Philadelphia Milk Exchange yesterday, In the Chamber of Commerce rooms, the question of charging a cent more for each quart of milk was dis cussed, There was a marked minority op position to the proposed action and the meeting adjourned without doing anything definite. The riembera .will convene again. next week and take the public Into their confidence -aa to ihelr Intentions. The discussion of the price of bread came up at a meeting of tho Philadelphia Master4 Bakers' Association, In Teutonla Hall, 1701 North Woodstock street. Richard Ryley, a Tacony baker, said the probable IncrcVue to th housekeeper n the cost of higher' priced bread would be about twenty-five cents each week, averaging a consumption of about two loavea dally. This Increase, he pointed out, would be merely a measure to save the bakers frm failure, and could not compare with the recent Increases In meats aad prdu. Announcement wa made that the m dividual bakers couM o longer maintain a business If the present eondltiona eonUaued, although no, concerted movement wa na Sor a general raise in irlc. A wawu tlon waa ahw a4oirte4 favoring m tp PreJdet Wltow tor an P wheat sra. Tha bir ls ttf with aatlMi Uk tM t CkrecMMot would reduce IM $ at tVur ta Mli U ywww from to M wr ' nJ Iki rto. per hwrel wU t- MAN AND GIRL MISSING AFTER NIGHT AUTO RIDE Father Sent Load of Buckshot Into Machine Daughter Gone Next Day WEST CHESTER. Sept. 28. The police of all the cltieo within hundreds of miles of this place have been notlfleed to keep an eye open for Is'ttf Sheehan, of Downing town, and Miss Bertha Crlswell, sixteen years old, ot West Union street, this place, a daughter of George Crlswell, a wheel works employe. Both having been missing since Monday evening, when Mlii Crlswell received a mysterious telephone messagi at her home and at once left. On Sunday Shaeehan came here with motorcar and he and Mr. Crlswell, hi friend, spent the day touring the country. On their return Sheehan Invited the daugh ter to take a ride and they did not return until after midnight, when they were met by Mr Crlswell, who sent a load of buck shot In the oar without causing much harm. Sheehan drove away. A. telephone message on Monday evening to the girl resulted In her departure from horn a.nd since that time no trac of her has been found. DOCTOR BLAMES FEU.OWS Federal Bureau Chief Says Textbooks Aid Patent Curea "Bmlnently, respectable" members of the mtdleal profession art responsible In a large gre for the prevalence of fraudu lent .patent medicine ''cure-ajl'' according t Dr. Pari J.. All,.r, .ij. '-. .XT. . . ---. .. --. ..wwv, B, vfiv& vi ie ea T- ..w.w v. Mnmimi j, tbJ ral Bureau of Chemistry. -1! l?rr ! members of ia . Phlladlullm rvum.u 1j.jt.T. ; ;' ZkJ. i-iZTZZL. 7""' .V?! ."! a? i iiM.r; xt-"'?f. ' - - w-- .v Ml" W lirupneuu-y MiiMnjsj aaut$ti NEW YORK UNIONWT" KHi.Ni "II WAIUffln. -" ""wivill , INAIDOFCARSIWRE Bare Handful of Workers rJ DHw..v. ., vjun mm leaders Said Would Make 800.000 Quit OTHERS TO VOTE TODAY! Most Reliable Figures Number Strikers at 25,m Carmen iin" Machinists .''" "ffi Other metal workers .' b,?XX, Hebrew trades ' , 1 Laccmakcrs " ffi One painters' local '.'' Ti Italian painters jn' Total tlcB 25,190i tMT fs-tn -.-- -.- . .-r... lunr. ocpu :b. The second At?, of what was to have been a general strllJ of union workers In New York out of ays? , . u nicu revealed at change today In the situation, m.-w.. -. terday by virtual failure of men , -- to whom the call was directed to rMponfil i um snowea mat a bare hanfl Jul of workers went out on sympth,t brak them; " ' "" " amutM Interest today centered In the powlbllltr that subw.iv nnd cUvot.,1 , V'i have heretofore refused to join the tracUon strike, will be called out. A. 1 Qrldl.. organizer of the Brotherhood of Locomi.1 tlve Engineers, with which some of th motormen nre nfflllnti-r! i.... ' ! the street car union, and declared omclals ml ma iiucruurougn wompany would bl canea to. account ror their refusal to treat"! with representatives of the brothfrh sj LEADERS CLAIM 180.000 Leaders Insisted morn than t?innn '. ers "walked out" ycBtcrday. but aomlttea most of these warA Jewish ..b... .a. would have remained away from work anyTW While unions hnvlnc n. tntnl mnv....Ltr of 164, COO wero preparing to vote todayfl nn tf o tlr -nut In BiiMnnilm lax. a ' Hl AMAMltf ...HHl.ftMa At-A... ...... . ... A . .. unvuuii nuincrs, mere wero DUrSIS Ot not ing In the streets and many persons were nuru TRAINS BOMBARDED AGAIN Surface and elevated trains were bom-H uatucu. jh. fiuiuu points vne pouce nad te draw their revolvers to restore order. Many' The unions voting today Included the New York Bulling Trndes, with about 115,004 memDers; tne teamsters, 20,000; the ma' cnimsis, 4E,uuu, ana otners. A general strike. It was declared, could not assume alarmlnir nrnnnrtlnna wiika... the building trades, and strong pressure wai caerieuv on me icaacrs in mis orancn of woric DATESMAN EXPECTS VICTORY FOR DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENTJ Public Works Chief Says Development! Will Be Pushed Work on the great municipal scheme fori the development of South Philadelphia andl the upbuilding ot the port is to be pushed. forward by the administration with sttllu greater vigor, Director Datesman, of th Department, of Public Works, has aij-W nounced. n rn Director Datesman based his statement,.;, he said, on the confident opinion that Judgsfc Rogers, In a decree to bo handed down lfl;Vj morrow, will dismiss the taxpayers' bill lajjg equity to enjoin the city from proceedlnf(W VU. UIV .lllflUVCMBIIl 1IIUJCI.I. A., a VAOTI was on trial before Judge Rogers last Tue-( day. .- Francis B. Bracken, counsel for the tax.J payers nnd land owners in the equity aultl for an Injunction, said now to be Incorpe rated as the Greenwich Terminal ConMi pany, said last night that If Judge Rogenit decree is against them the case will m at once appealed. . -J City Solicitor Connelly, In asking for all-, missal of the equity suit at the trial latt Tuesday, quoted legal authorities to shor.' he said, that it was In the discretion of Judge Itogers. where rults were brought to enjoin municipalities from carrying out pub lic Improvements, to make hi, decree final without appeal on the part of plalnuai either to a court In banc or any hlght'2 court? Washington Party Advises Voters A committee representing the Washington party committees of the Twenty-second anas Forty-second Wards, appointed to oonilaerl methods of conducting the ctftnpalem of thei nartv candidates for offices to bs filled at ji the November elections, has reported! that all Washington party voters should! be urged to mark their ballot with two! crosses, one for the presidential electors MJ the national party of their choice and thti other In the straight Washington panra square. TOO T.ATB Tt)B CfASBIFICATlOH . DEATHS TH PATTEnBON Sept. 27, THEBESB HOT IEK. widow of Jonathan PatUrion. I Funeral H.t.. O a. m.. 28 B. Zllt it. M requiem roan at Bt. Patrick's Church, .19 JWj m. Int. private, St, DominloV .jlolmtiliw moi. IIKU- WANTED FEMALE . Oim.H WANTED for errand. In drima imiuiiiqin. m.u pytuv. n iiAtmv.unDir v.... . .1..LJ... l-l ft. 'houiawiirlii cantral city iocatlonl two. add youns baby) 7-room houaaj mast M rook) beat raftrancei. Call Lombard "' tore is TTiqay. Ill'.r.P WANTKO MALE HOT. over IT. wantad for stock room n4 rands In drenmaklnr establishment, 11 Sprue at. ff IITlIstlstaE ONE-DAY OUTINGS FHOM MAR.KCT STRUT "' twtui u starts H, III? Own city, s Isl Cltj. AfsUs, bans Marker 1a . Iwtyi la Ottatar 1. I , M1 Wild wood riaeb - I'SKZ OlUr Heaeria 1 AC Bern.eet Plw. a JJft 91.10 slntKeeeent. ManawW" Jh.ui a (Wesar M, iat. ',w ,'Srao. J1 cn Asburr rars, vnt "" . tttilV Len raiMh. Burner, Bin. " Uka , nst;t aai Cttt rl, 1st. '? '2)00 !' Caal-uy W.50 S?)W ' ' ttafcf t, 0t I, It, H, HH. . 'J Broad W. T.MtifVVoet jUa.7. $2.50 JlJnrte aast aWad B4. TM KMtb, liihii Meetf II Ms e Pwtmy.vtnttR.lfc 7.3'TVliil 7.01 rw- TT. ' 7.H.