Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 27, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Jiungesser Brings Down Two
Gennan Aeroplanes and Cap
tivo Balloon Other Planes
PAntS. Sept 17.
Spectacular dueli In the nlr and raids on
german military works behind tin front
Marked Iho lost twenty-four hours on th
western front. One French aviator. l.Vn.
tenant Xungesser, shat down two tier nun
aeroplanes and n captlvo balloon, mala ;g
seventeen machine broueht down by him.
A Fokkcr and a captlvo balloon wtro do
stroyed and two Herman aeroplanes wcm
tttdiy damaged.
The War Office Issued the following
statement on aviation:
On the Somme our aviators fought
numerous combats. Yesterday Lieu
tenant Nungesscr brought down alono
two machines anil a captlvo balloon,
which fell In flames lit the reslon of
Neuvllle. Tlieso three victories brought
the number of machines shot down by
him up to Bover.teon. Two other Oer
man machines wtro snrlously damaged.
In Champagne a Folcker attacked a
short distance near Vrlllo crashed
vertically to the ground
During- the night of September zs
fourteen of our aviators threw 110
bombs of big; caliber on tlino railroad
station tracks and batmcka at Appily.
During the night of September 25
twenty-two toombs wore thrown on the
station at Lnona and seventeen on the
bivouacs of Montefaucon.
PAIUB. Sept. 27.
Norman Prince, the American aviator,
today holds a -new record 'if "bagging" Ger
man flying machines on tlm wetttorn froftt,
Last Monday, It was unnouncsd today, he
emerged victor from spectacular air duels
In Aisaoe with two tjcnnnn loklccra, shoot
ing down both, and shortly afterward he
brought down -a Herman observation balloon.
Continued from Tate One ,
' It Is between eleven and twelve miles south
west of Combles and eight miles from
Peronne. Barleux Is northeast of Vennan-
t. dovlllers and six miles from Peronne.)
Reports recolved early today emphasised
the magnltudo of the spectacular victory
' won by tho Allies on the Somme front on
The capture of Combles and Thlepval by
Anglo-French armies has compelled the
Germans to retlro from two to four miles
between the Ancre and Somme Rivers.
Using batteries of their ponderous guns
the Germans began a powerful bombard
ment of the new positions of the Allies on
the Thlepval-GueudecoUrt-Freglcourt-nan-court
line, but despite this fire British and
ft French troops were kept at the task at
; ; i night of consolidating their new line and
t building fortifications against the counter
?: attacks which the Germans are expected to
f launch.
i Thlepval was the last of tho original Ger-
. ' roan positions on the Somme front to fall
before the glgantlo thrust of the Allies.
I For nearly three months It had been holding
out while It was pounded day and night by
i isruisn naileries, wnen it was lost the
Germans had to abandon also the strong
defensive work known as Uohenzollern re
doubt, one of their most powerful positions
on the north end of the line.
By their victory tho Allies hnve now
pushed forward their line from eight to ten
miles. Not only has German resistance of
the most stubborn kind been crushed, but
fortifications which the Germans deemed
Impregnable have been stormed with com
paratively light losses for the Anglo-French
The fall of Combles" seriously menaces
the German hold on Peronne and Bapaume
and It Is bellevod that the next operation
of tho Allies will be directed with a view to
encircling one or both of tliese key towns.
The Allies have now captured approxi
mately seventy square miles of ground
from the Germans on the Somme field and
have captured about 35,000 prisoners since
they began their drive.
BERLIN, Sept. 27.
The ten-day battle in western Macedonia
between the Bulgarian right wing and the
French and Serbs ended In a complete vic
tory for the Bulgarians, according to a
Bulgarian War Office announcement reach
ing here today. The Allied forces have been
driven back along the whole front under
great losses, the statement declared. In
the Dobrudja the Bulgarians are engaged
In fortifying the positions wrested from
the Russo-Rumanlan forces, the statement
The text of the statement fellows;
On the Staramorcshka plain our col
umns surprised a battalion of the 2d
French Regiment near tho village of
Bresnlca, The French were dispersed
and several dozen prisoners were taken.
One mnchjne gun was brought In.
In the' vicinity of Chlassodorl and
Armensko we counter-attacked three
hostile battalions, who retired In dis
order. East of Fiorina we repulstd three
successive French, attacks. The shaken
enemy fell back under great tones.
After ten days of uninterrupted fight
ing, during which the entire Serbian
Drlna'dlvlslon carried out most strenu
ous attacks against tho height ICulmak
calan, our troops today- successfully at-
factory of
t T
X. Btli St.
MANN produeta ore exactly
u represented and guaranteed.
For it yean we have been
Mfivlmr to please our patron
-evidently we have suooesded,
'L bve become TUB LAltci
Wln-n placing orders with us
our patrons do so with the surety
tM( tti product will be as rep
resented, Phot Murkft 1$0 far all
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Industrial Lender WillMovo
Vote of "No ConndenceV In
BBRLIN. Sept 27 The stormiest session
of the Reichstag since the beginning of the
war was foreshadowed today In discussions
In the Berlin hotels by members who arrived
for the opening session tomorrow
Doctor Coertlng, nn Industrial leader from
Hanover, will movo a vote of "no confi
dence" In Chancellor von Bethmann-lloll-weg.
Doctor Coertlng represents one of the
Centre party groups waging war on the
A vote of "no confidence" In the German
Reichstag does not carry the significance
attaching to similar action In most
European Parliaments, where such an ex
pression of displeasure Is followed by the
resignation of the Ministry.
Tho absence of Doctor Llebkneoht, radical
Socialist, arrested some time ego for taking
part In a disturbance In Berlin, will cer
tainly not contribute to a calm session,
though Llebknecht was probably the Reich
stag's most disturbing member. Other op
ponents of the Government are ready to
launch nttneks as soon as tho bars are let
down for debate.
The Chancellor will address the Reichstag
at 1 p. m. on subjects not yet revealed. The
voting of war credits and Germany's
future policy toward England will be the
chief topics of the three weeks' session.
The conservatives are highly pleased at
the results of the latest Zeppelin raids and
will demand an even more severe anil
English campaign.
1' r!llli-n n fnw ,1n,a nn,i nnlnl.A-..1 !... .l1!..-.-....- M l. 11 1
-..... w - .. "-j" "6 unuiunu ;r uiiivt-ruiicu irum vne inrenxcnca
German cnKUlfment of the country two years 'ago by dedicating a
monument to the men who fell on the River Marne, where General
von Kluck was checked and thrown back. This is tho first picture
that has arrived in this country of the stono pile unveiled at Barcy.
tacked with great vigor and compelled
tho enemy to retire on the whole- front.
The combat Is progressing favorably
for is.
In tho Moglonlca Valley there was
nn artillery duel, during which numer
ous hostile batteries were sllenqed.
Rumanian front In the Dobrudja
this morning our 'troops fortified the
positions conquered by them.
AMSTERDAM, Sept 27, Not only ias
tho German-Bulgar offensive In Dobrudja,
Rumania, been checked, but Field Marshal
von Mackensen's forces have been thrown
back within twelve miles of the Rustchuk
Varna railway. The dispatch reaching here
today conveying this Information added
that the Rumanians and Russians are still
pursuing the German allies. (If the fore
going Information Is true, tt means that
the Teutonic forces In Dobrudja have re
treated from fifteen to twenty miles since
their offensive was halted.)
LONDON. Sept. 27.
Relieved of "the threat of Mackensen's
advance In the Dobrudja, the Rumanians
have successfully opened another offensive
on a large scale In Transylvania.
Swinging forward to the north from the
Rumanian border and west from the Iler
mannstadt sector In a broad encircling
movement, King Ferdinand's troops have
forced the enemy out of both the Vulcan
and tho Szurdjk passes, important links n
the Alpine chain ln the southwestern cor
ner of Transylvania. FoIlong this suc
cess, they swept on In the Jlu Valley, south
of Petroseny, and In the Szeben sector, west
of Hermannstadt,
At several other points on the Transyl
vanlan battle line the Rumanians renewed
the offensive with attacks of great vlo'encc.
particularly bitter fighting Is proceeding
south of Siekely-Udvarhely, In eastern
Transylvania, and In the triangular salient
to the southwest of Dorna Vatra, where
the Czar's troops are co-operating with the
Rumanians In an effort to clear the entire
Kelemen district.
The recapture of the Vulcan' and Szurduk
passes, once more relieves the Austrian
pressure on the flank of the Rumanian
forces operating around Hermannstadt and
paves the way for larger movements In the
Streln Valley and to the north. It should
result In further successes for the Ruman
ians In the whole southwestern part of tho
mvaoea province.
In tho Dobrudja tho battle has dlmln-
are still trying to wrest the offensive from
mo jiumamans ana Hussions and renew
their thrust against the Constanza-Cerna-voda
railroad line and the Danube approach
Into Rumania. Three strong assaults were
launched by tno Bulgars against the right
flang of the Allied nrmy northeast of Sills
trla. According to Sofia, these attacks re
sulted In tho withdraw of the Rumanians
and the seizure by the Bulgars of the Amza-rech-PervcU
Bucharest announces that nil three at
tacks were repulsed, and as the Rumanian
statement Is dated several hours later than
the Bulgarian report observers here be
Hove a counter-attack won back for the
Allies any ground they had lost.
The Rumanian lines In tho Dobrudja are
In little danger of being turned, as both
flanks are strongly protected and the Allied
armies are In strong force, with unexcelled
means of communication and supply. Ap
parently the Mackenfen menace has been
effectually crushed.
On the Macedonian front tho day passed
without any Important Infantry operations
on the part of the Allied troops. While the
Sorbs and their allies were resting or were
engaged In hurling back the attacks of the
Bulgars the artillery along the entire front
pounded unceasingly at the enemy's de
fenses, preparing the way for wide In
fantry operations.
Ends Life Despite Woman's Pica
DANVILLE. Pa., Sept 27. Timothy Bnr
rett, fortyjflve years old, of this place, choso
his birthday anniversary to commit suicide.
He lay down In front of a Philadelphia and
Reading Railway train near here and was
cut In two. Mrs. Lewis Retck, who was
walking nearby, nnd seeing Barrett place
himself on the rails ahead of the approach
lng train, first pleaded with him and then
tried, she says, to signal tho engineer with
a bright red sweater, but tho engineer could
not get the train stopped.
Saturdays SS8Sn.Vi. t.
Wednesdays, Oct. 11, 18, 25
(fcO en ROUND
(Includlni Trip Orer Swltehbsek)
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Autumn Sports
THE man at home in the
saddle will feci at home
in Lakevrood. Good saddle
horss are always available for
8 canter through the pine
sweetened woods and there
are frequent polo matches i
the famous Geerge J. Gould
Estatt to enliven oae's stay.
Yea om plan a Boro delightful
emtio: (or tie autuota than a visit to the
Laarel Hewee, Lakewood's lesdlog
Ft PaMcsM trala om tho Ce.
tral Relink ! Ne" 1"7, briefs It
wiia m h 4 W1 Un York,
Mmv saakt tfca hepl tbeir pewnsamt
trio? Iwsm bet kWNH k is so o
YtalMt. TWs.fM mr
taaott wi8 aW W m oomlort sad
art reads. ' f
GH, fauU, tnN-tootJo. tMterbt;.
beetioi sad fctUa wd out Ntt I
open air MMteaaeaU. BoekWt u
Of QteW 7
One Family Lot
in Philadelphia's
Most Beautiful
Park Cemetery
l&BSi 'mt ls wat WN buy 2 large
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(8 graves 10 interments) with
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IfyoawlU call ueupws shall be tld lose ndoneofourautomobllrt to yoor home totske
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the ipoce for ioureir. divide or rle one lot to your friends. DonotmlMthlsbicoppor
tunlty. Call up Spruce 2US at once and arrante for the auto. No obllrations to buy.
Memorial Parks and Mausoleum Co. l'S'fiSa'.Si
Goes to Press
October 5th
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A Quest'Ora ForseRe Coatnnlino
Avra' Gin' Dichlnrnto. lo
Ostilita Contro la
nOMA. 27 Settembre.
Corre voce dl nuovo qui, ma come o'
naturale e' Imnosslblln vrrlflcnme l'atrten-
tlclta. la voce che lo autorlta' mllltnrt
nustrlache hanno ordlnato alia popolazlone
clrlle ill evacuare lo cltta dl Trenlo e
llovereto. tordlne sarebbo stato dato In
segulto nlla mlnaccta cho si presenta dl
nuovo contro le due citta'. E' da notare
che I bollettlnl ultlml del gencrale Cadorna
non accennano nd nlcuna nuova nilono of
fenslvn sulla fronto del Trcntlno, ad ec
cexlone delta xona del Caurlol e della Val
dl Flemme, sona che o" ancora ben lontnna
da TTento per costltulre una mlnaccla tale
da Indurre le autorlta mllltnrt austrlnche
a rar evneuare la cltta'.
Telegramml da Atene dlcono cho re Cos
tantlno dl Orecla eta, per dlchlararo la
guerra nl bulgarl. E posslblle che egll la
abbla gla' dlchlarata a quest'ora, glaccho'
I telegrammt parlavano dl azlone Imme
diate St sapeva da dlspaccl gluntl terl datla
capltale greca che II colonnello Moscopulos,
capo dollo Ststo Magglore greco, e BOO altrl
ufTlclall avevano flrmato una petlzlone do
mandante at re dl nbbandonare la neutra
lity ed Intervenlre nella gucrrfi contro la
Bulgaria. 81 dice lntanto che e' probabile
che' un accords sla stato ragglunto tra la
Orecla e le potenze dell'Intesa per I'lnter
vento. K' chlaro che la situations In Orecla e'
mutata ncljo ultimo ventlquarto ore. 1ln-
terrento della Orecla ' ormal QuUtlone dt
gloml, a pare che ro Costantlno 'avra' le
condltlonl da lut chleste doe' la garanila
dell'lntegrlta' del regno dl Orecla ed un
prestlto sufficients per te spese della guerra
ail alleatl avevano raglone dl dubttare della
slncerlta' del re e della sua disposition ad
Intervenlre nella gtierra.
Quello che dove aver declso re Cos
tantlno ad abbandonare un attegglamento
che portava la Orecla dlrettamente nlla
rovlna e stata la eerie dl nvVenlmentl che
st eono verlflcatl In quest! ultlml pochl
gloml. I-a partenza dl Venlzelos alia volta
m Creta per mettersl alia testa del movl
mento naslonale, che In realta' non sarebbe
stato che una Inaurrezlone, la rlvoluzlone
scopplata In Creta e nella Macedonia e
dllsgante nelle altro provlncle ellenlche ed
II fatto che gll alleatl hanno ormal In
chlodato II blocco teutonlco sulla dlfenslva,
tracclando fin d'ora la Inevltablle sconfltta
della Oermanta e del suol Alleatl. I
Orecla era sull'orlo del preclplzlo e nessun
kaiser avrebbe ormal plu' potuto salvarla
ora cho II kaiser -vedeva sfugglrsl dl mano
la vlttorla. lie Costantlno percto' ha de
clso cho non poteva sacrlflcaro II suo regno
al legaml dl parentela che non avrebbero
protetto no' lul no' la Orecla.
Venlzelos e' sbnrcato questa matttna nella
' " - isf
bala di ftid.i, Creta, II glornsle Patrik
6rgano venlsellsu dl AtM, nubblloa M
dlehlafazlonl dell'ex preeMente dI OH
slgllo. Questl dice che elt al reca In Crstt,
cd n Salonlcco per raetterM alht feet del
movlmento national, non Mr corsHttee
contro i greet m contro I nemtc 4tta
Orecla, In allrs parole per creare ttn eoer
clto per la dlfese, della Macedonia corrtre 1
Mandano da Amsterdam che ilfsfriwl
gluntl cola' dlcono che non soltanU 1'of
fenslva bulgaro-tedesos, nell Domgla, A
retta dal mareselallo von Mackensen, '
completamente Rrreatata, ma che qwwte
forse del famoao mareselallo germiutteo
Vono state resplnte o rlcacclate flno a clrc
dodlcl mlglla ferovla rtutscluk-Variwi e soivrf
ancora Insegulte dalle forza raeso-nimeM.
Found on Sidewalk, Dies Seen After
Prank J. Sullivan, forty-five years eM.
of Pennsgrove, K. J., was found by a
llceman early today lying unconeckme an
the sidewalk at Sixth nnd Manning. street.
He died beforo an ambulance reached Penn
sylvania Hospital with him. Phystetam
said his death was caused from heart die
ease. He was Identified by letters In hi
.37 N.IaT.(Betnibtrt&Arch)
no Cor.9&Buttonwood JU
, pearl5 and
Diamond Necklaces '
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