16 'j EVENING LEDGBK PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, VM PBILADELPHIA MARKETS 1 GRAIN AND FLOUR UnKAT Receipts. -.00,434 bonh. Demand Vs fain but, with easier western advices, prices declined 2e. Quotations; Car loin. In ex crt elevator No. 3 red. apot, 11.8311 50i No. t seruthern ltd. II. MO). nil steamer No. 3 red, fl,tei.3i No. a red, $1.4M.ft2. rejected A. tl.4Sl,4S: rejected H, ll.4IUl.4t. CORN Receipts. 40OO bushels. The tnarkst ea siutet bat steady under moderate ofTerlnee, Oeetattnnel Car lota for local trade, aa to loca tlon Weatern "No. 2 yellow. 7tPSci weatern steamer yellow. Klf7ci western No. 8 yellow. MOtftt western No. 4 yellow. 81 CMC OATfU.RMtnti. 9K.401 biiatiela. Vein, wera steadily held, but therewas llttia trading. Quo. lt'JP""'. o. a wnue. na w.nc, stannaro wnue. 'i?itr,l No 3 white, I'JOMliCj No. 4 white, &IUn) iiimiIa mm iiu nitUn. LOUR Receipts. 1710 bbla. and 1. 0.18.002 lb. In sack. Trad waa aulej, but mill limits jrere well maintained. (Junta. inna, tier I0" It'". 1 wood! Winttr. clear, inoa.r.m do. straight. f.7S7.23: do. patent, if.MSOY 7St, Kanaaa, eir, couon ancKs, livi.au: ao. siraigni, tan sacks, $7,8018: do, pslrnt. nva.: tot . .liDVVDi w., CBir.i.. .vimii nvnv. !. -.. .!. .av ,i. .,. . ravO'.wj -timiiui, urai cii-.r, ,i.uij uu. ira- vnt. I8e)8.60 do, favorite brands. tS.7S06.SSi uur nina. cnnice ana rancy patent, in.iavv ::.. Cltr mills, regular grades Winter, clear, CM; do, straight, J6.7507.:3; do. patent. 7.23 . RYK FLOUR waa In small supply and firm WK quiet. W quota at I0U7 per bbl., aa to ur' provision; The market ruled firm wllh a fair lobbing 1 Inquiry. Ouotatlona follow) Cltr beef. In sets, emoked and air dried, 03c: western beef. In sets, smoked, S..es city beef. knuckt-a and tenders, amoked and air dried. S4c: veetern beef, knuckles and tender. smoked. .He: beet bama, 128030: bark, fs'tilly., I23O29.00: bama. 8. P. cured, loess. 2fi0Uc: do. aklnned, loose. 21021Hr: tie, do. amokM, 22022.tc: other hams, amoked, cltr cured, aa to brand and nveraira, SI tye: bams, amoked, waatern cured, yl'-Ct do, boiled, bone leas. 8$et plcnle shoulders. 8, P. cured, looea. UHr do. amoked. 15V4ci bellies. In plcltls, ficcordUm to a venae, loose. 17tto; breakfast jacon, aa to brand and average, cltr cured. S2ttc: breakfast bacon, waatern cured, 22V cs lard, western, refined, tea., 10M et do. do. do, tuba. 10 c: lard, pure cltr. Kettla rendered, in tcs.. IhVc: lard pure cltr, kettla rendered. REFINED SUGARS ., The market waa quiet but steady. Refiners' list prices: Extra (Ins granulated. H.70O0.7.V: powdered. 0.80O0.S.V; confectioners' A. 0.C0O 6.65c; soft srades. s.OSOO.COc DAIRY PR0DUC3TS TJUTTnn Demand waa fairly active and sun Vllea wero well cleaned up at the lato ad vance. Quotations: 'Western aolld-nseked cream err, fancy specials, 37c: extra. .ViSfJOc: extra flrats, 34034V.C; firsts, 33033Vsc: seconds, 32032Hc: nearby prints, fancy. SRc: do. nv rram extra. SOOS'c: do, firsts. 33034c: do. aeennds. 32&32Vic: .obblna sales of fancr prints. 4144r. EOaH Tnere waa a, rood outlet for the 11m Ited receipts of fine ncw-Iald ckcs and values ad vanced OOq per case, or 2o tcr dozen. Quota tions: tn free cases, nearlir extra. 37o per dos.; nearbr firsts. tl0,r0 per standard case: nearby current rccelpta. (10.20 per case: western xtras. 37c pr dox.t western extra firsts. S10.&U per case: do firsts. 10.00010.20 per case; re frlrerator rzes. extra, 10.00 per cane: do, firsts. S8O9.30: do aeconds. $S. 1008.70 per esse: fancr selected candled fresh ckks wcro jobbing at 42W44C per dox. CHKF.Si: Tbe market ruled firm under lleht ofterlnirs and a fair demand. Quotations: New York full cream, fancy, 20(p20,ic: do. do. fair to rood. IDOIUVic: do, part skims, HOlSc. POULTRY $100,000,000 U.S. LOAN PLAN TO HELP MEXICO Conferees Fix Schemo for Re public Bankers Require Washington Guaranty NI-W LONDON, Sept. 2C Satisfied of tha 'ability of. the Mexican comm(Bslon to Induce American bankers to float ft loan of $100,000,000 or more, tho American com missioners are prepared to submit a pro posal for the establishment of n practical financial protectorate over Mexico. The plan Is this: To guarantee tho payment of the In-' terest and principal on a Mexican loan. To establish as a collateral Issue a slon to supervise the expenditures In the rehabilitation of Mexico. To establish, ns n collateral Issue a constabulary tinder the partial control of this commission for patrolling tho northern section of Mexico and for tho protection of tho border. This border patrol, under the present plan, would be officered for the most part by Amer ican military men, and made up of Mexicans qualified for the positions. The Mexican commissioners still are hopeful of negotiating n Mexican loan In this country, but the American commis sioners arc positive American bankers will not attempt to Rell a Mexican loan, unless payment Is guaranteed by the United States Government. FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHN C. BELL Services Held Today nt Radnor, With Burial nt Devon Dead After Long Illness Funeral services for Mrs. John C. Dell, wlfo of tho fofmer Attorney General -.vere held at 11:30 this morning In St. Martin's Kplscopal Church, Itadnor, the Rev, Dr. Georgo W. Lamb, rector of "the church, offi ciating. Interment was made In the ceme tery of Old St. David's Church. Devon. Sirs. Hell, who was an Invalid for tho last two years, died Sunday nlfjlit at her home, 229 South Twenty-second street. She was critically stricken last Friday and was re moved from her country home. Blytho Wold, Itadnor. to tho Bell residence In this city. On Saturday she suffered a stroke which terminated In her death. Mrs. Bell possessed an unusually gen erous character, maintaining neeral pri vate charities. She also took great Interest In tho crowth of tho University of Pennsyl vania. Sho Is survived by her husband nnd two sons, John Cromwell Bell, Jr., and Do Bcnnevllle Bell, both of whom are stu dents at the University of Pennsylvania. LIVE Offerlnra of deslrablo stock wero mod erate and values were well maintained with trade fair. Quotations are aa follows: Fowls. u to quality. iOGU'-'c: roost ers. I4vl3c: spring' chickens, accordlna to qual ltr, S0W-c: White Leghorns, according- to quail tr. 1802uc: ducks, as to six- nnd quality. 15(9 18c: pigeons, old. par pair, -OW-Sci do. young, per nslr. IxQU'-'c. DRESSED Tbe market ruled firm wllh do fnand readily Absorbing the offerings of deslrs hie stock. Quotations: Prc.h-kllled, dry-packed fowla. 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy aelected. 24c; do. welahlnr 4tt flf lbs. aniere. !aUt?: ,lo. weighing 4 lbs. apiece, l'3c: do, weighing 3VV" ina. apiece. 2.c: aot weigning a ids. npieco. O0Slci fowls. In bbls. ice-packed, fancy, dry- r ticked -Northern Indiana and Illinois, welco me 41(5 lbs. apiece, :.1c; Southern Indian and Illinois, welzhlnr 4W& lbs. apiece, S'JVsc; smaller slits, lOWSSc; old roosters, dry-picked, 10c: roastlrur chickens, western, weighing 7 lbs. and over, per pair, 3tCP2r,c: broiling chick ens, western weighing 3 $4 lbs. per pair, -5c: chickens, weighing 6tl5H lbs. per pair, 2lti 22c; do. mixed sixes, L'U'Wllac: broilers. Jer sey, fancr, 30032c: broilers, other nearbr. weighing 1WK2 lbs. aptc-o. 'Jlfonc; broilers, nearbr. smaller alxcs, l!0O27c: ducks, nearbr, spring. 22c. aciuabs. per dozen white, wlvn Ing 11012 lbs. per doxen. J3.7.'ii(l. do. weigh ing IMS in lbs. per dozen. tt.N1.".. CO; do. weighing 8 lbs. per dozen. 14 0 4. 33, do. weigh ing 7 lbs. per dozen. 1.1 nfltrX 75: do. weighing 0H lbs. per dozen, t2.7rie2.0: dark. 12.50 trS.Ou; small and No. 2. 0ucOll.25. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and values renrally ruled ateady as follows: Apples, per bbl.- Jonathan. 40!il Blush. 3,S0t4.r,u: Northwest ern Ureentrsr. S3Q3.50: (lrimes Uolden. 2.73f n.r0: Hmokenouse. (2.7543.50; Wealthy. S2.7nec S.2.1: York Imperial. I2.75&31 Duchess. 2.25fs 2.75: Ben Davis. J2.23W" 50: fair to good. 12 U 2.50: aovlea. Delaware and Maryland, per ham per Fancy. .I1&1.25: fair to good. 33W73c: lemons, per box, tr.tpO: plneapplca. per crate, l'orto Rico, 43 4.23: cranberries. Cape CM, per bbl.. tiCO.50: do. do. per crate. $22 40: jlo. Jersey, per crate. I2O2.40; peaches. New York, per basket. 40075c: do. do. per bushel basket. S1.SAO1.B0: peers. New York, per bushel-hamper Ilartlett. No. 1. Sl.3002: do. bbl.. Ijies; grapea. Delaware Concord, per crate. 75OD0e: do. ter 4-lb. baaket. 12013c; Iluma. New York, per basket Damson. 23030c: Tuna. 25030c: dreen Odtst. 23030c. VEGETABLES Potatoes wera milet. Other vesetablea were in fair request and generally firm. Quotations; whlta potatoes. Pennsylvania and New York, fancy, per bush.. Sl.120l.13: whlta potatoes. Jersey, per basket. 70Oh0c: sweet potatoes! 5V,itf,?Shore'-'per bbl. No. J. J1.1302: No. 2 S1O1.60: sweet potatoes. Delaware and Mary land, per hamner, 75 O 90c: sweet potatoes. Jer er. per basket No. 1, eoOTuci No. 2. 30O4Oc: ?n,on!i-Kr.hi'mP'r- JIO1.10: do. per 100-lb. pair, I2O2.40; cabbage, domeatlc. per ton. J50. ' LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII Jim nutler ,kd Aiacjiamara U5 a? Montana . k...... 24 Worth star ........; 17 Yonopah llelmont i 4'A Tonopah Ext 6tJ Jonopah Mining e'i Mcroe Euta. T West End 1 7 nnr.nffiRr.n Atlanta .......... llu .Hull Moot!) Xulldo Midway V(.H. i--. -' -.tlm,. fc ......... Asked. .00 .ml .2.1 .24 .27 to .10 .02 .111 .01 .0.1 .0(1 .02 .02 .4U .... ...f. ............ .U7 .................... ,Or) ...t................ .OS ................a.. ,04 uuciog ...................... J4 '.-............ ......... iomn Frao .......... DUmondfleld 11 11.... 3jJsr ............. ...... . JT'orenca .......X...... uuiminu vi ........ tioioneia iers Jumbo Bit .. Xswanas , . . . TV ........ Lp silver PJdt . . ..... MISCELLANEOUS Nevada Tilll yda. Wonder , 2 Seeeps. Mining .28 .80 It. .ii.l .12 .02 .01 .07 .03 .04 .43 .77 .OH .40 .10 .11.1 .01 2.20 .13 & I BAK SILVER - -a Commercial bar sliver was emoted In New York today at f9Uc, unchanged. ' In London bar sliver today -waa quoted at tS 16-ltd, unchanged. .THE WEATHER f Official Forecast "" "vfASinNQTON, Sept M. Tor Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer. L-liwy: Partly trrercast nnd warmer tonight f't and Wednesday: ventla varlaxttn wlnria h- oomlnr soutlu IJght rains have occurred over small and widely Mattered areas In the State sUoiitT On northern border and In Canada eluriixr th last twenty-four hours and have xaUnud over a targe portion of Texas. ITalr weather has prevailed In more than three-fourth of the country. The temper. two have remained betow the normal In the WMlv and Worth Atlantic States, but - ia;e--rfefi evmsHeraWy Uiroug-hout the WaW WeetxasvJ are uMHly somewhat twemlvii la tfcaee ehVKrleta. f . tM B A. M. a f ) a f && sip.tfifiti4iWMt, 4oHh RPPnM ttlM)fMtt(M V I.W.t Be'Llgfrted Jffy slaf slaM ttsBsse Wwiw. vow fucHttana ,,,,,,,t,,.,,l,r mi s.aj. .fi WtT 1 Jg B cmiMTMUT rnuaar mptr ' ,s'f nwcitmi.a. .- . . .ntt fat afi. WMBVt UIAWD w. !. .i,i l(i.ra, i-..,,.. Jl u.m, 444 V as, tKtAMuariea Tlllk ::::.:;: tt whr water watet ! ! . 2d st. -fV , Wilmington, Del. 3803' Market at. B203 Tjirchwood ave. J, 4653 Fenn st. AT.Ttnrr'iiT. LOtltaA. (IB vrs. AHAY, I.YDIA ANN. Sykesllle. N. T. Jir.l.l. t1 J.I.UItr. i 1 r. L u., , w. ltliNCKKRT. HANNAH L. I1I.AKHS, CHAHL.K8 K., 20 yra 11UYCII. JAMl'.M II.. 71 srs. HKKNNAN. MAIlOAr.liT. 11UCKI1Y. lIKTTIi: K., 47 yrs, CARNBLI.Ur. FRANCES M. I'ATlll KI.17.A It. CHAMRKHS. JAMES XT. CONNOR, WILLIAM Ev CONWAY, JOSKl'lI A. r CROSBY. JULIA V. DAI.V. KDlVAltn A. DAWSON. EMMA O.. (17. DEACON, VIltQINlA .r lib Holly, N, DEMPSTER. ANIlItnW. DKNNIS. SARAH W SS31 Raring st, DIAMOND. JOHN. DITTRICH, ULI.A. Arrlmore, Ta. DOUGHERTY. JOHN II. 11WVKI1. MAIIY. EMllERY. EDYTIt M., 7. KMIIAKT, MARY. 72 jrs. KHl-iY. IIUIIAIJI-; J. OKHNKT. HARRY, 31 yrs. CRAHAH. ANNIE O. OREOO, MARTHA A.. 71 Jrs. UROFK, WILLIAM ALUERT. 0 yrs, tlUTEKUNST. MARY A., Bl r. HAMILTON, MARY P. HAMTi:i.E. CATHERINE. IIAI1KINH. JOHN. HARMSTAD. ANNIE TELEAnER. 84 yrs. 11 KNOX. PAUL J.. Hr., 1423 llltner st. HENRY. JAMES F. HOFFMAN. 8ARAU JULIA, Colmar, Ta. HURLEY, SUSAN. ICUUlins. MARY J.. 65. Cheltenham. JACKhON. WILLIAM 13. JOHNSTON. MRS. KATE. 03. Indigent Widows and Single Women's Asylum, JOLLEY, MICHAEL. KF.LBO. DAVID. KECK. TIUHMAN J. KELLY, Dr. II. LOXLET. KELLY. JOSEPH. KILROY. UERNARD. KRAUSE. FRANK W.. CI yrs. LANE. ANNE SUTTON HANSELL. LUDIX1W, ALFRED. 74yrs. MacRRIUE. CHARLES, 05 yrs. JIcCALL. JENNIE A. &'. MotlEADY. MARY A.. 1431 Lycomlns st. (S! McI'ARLAND, LAURA C 2S yrs. .(?V MAllEDY, WILLIAM. MAJOR. MARTHA. (17 yra. MART1NDALE. THOMAS. 70 ITS, MITCHELL, NORMAN K. MOIlltJbON, ALEXANDER. lutivTi rrtiAii a ti i itr 1'IUltl lliViMf0 IV. v a MOX1.EY. ELlZAHETIf O. MURPHY, JOS. FRANCIS. SO, 1547 N. 11th at. NELSON. ANNA C. OECIISI.nJOlIN J., r.l yrs. OUTTE11KON. CHRISTINA, 00 yrs. PEARSON. OEOHOB S.. 78 yrs. POST. WILLIAM. SJ yrs. RAMSEY, ELLEN D.. 07. Norrlstown, Ta. RAIN8F0RD. 'WILLIAM H.. SO yrs. REESE. MARGARET, 4D ITS. REDMAN. ELIZA I1ETII. 07 rs. ROBERTS. laltAl-L, oh, Moorestown. N. J. HCHOFIELD, ALICE. 7J yrs. SCHMALZRIPT. ANNA BARDARA, 82 yrs, HCOTT, ROIIEKT. ' SETLET, OAITAIN ARRAM. 77. 110 N. 52d. SI8K. j6hN A., Ml yrs. " SUPER, LYDIA HOTTEL, 8T yrs. SMITH. MATTHEW. - HPKRRY, AARON, SO yr. V SPRING THORPE. JOHN. STEWART. ANDREW J.. 8r CS yrs. STUBS. MARY A.. 71 yrs. TAYLOR. EFFIE L B4. 2138 N. florlon St. THOM)aON. ELEANOR JL, a. 51115 Osage ae. TIECK. JOHN. Norwood, l'a. Willi, .ri, ,i,,ii,i,rji v., WALKER. HERHERT. 01 yrs. WAUSH. DAVID L. WEINHTOCK. CLARA, 60 yrr. WELSH, JOHN T, WIST. ELLEN, 7(1 yrs. ivouunuuoiv AIIA. YEAOLE. SARAII R-. 70 rrs. YEAOER. 11KNJAMIN C 13 days. ZELU ANDREW J 63 yis. S5LV fBQ 't' OR1TUAUX MRS. ANNE HANSELL LANE, widow of Alexander T. Ulbb, of the Ilartram, Ihlladel plila, died at Ocean Drove. N. J on September 24. 8he has been In III health for eight months. Sht belonged to. an old Philadelphia family and was a member of tbe Pennsylvania Society of tha Colonial Dames of America and also form erly a member of tha Philadelphia Chapter. Daughters of tha American lletolutlon. Sha Is survived by her sons, Mr. Alexander Henry I,ane and Mr. Albert Lane, and ber daughters, Mrs. John Srollay, 4020 Walnut at., and Mra William It. Miller. The latter resides at Upper Mont, Clair. N, J, f.ceftfta. 3Beatfjf TJENCKERT. Sent. 25. ter of James and tho HANNAH L., daugh- isie ary jteoecca Henckert. Relatives and frlenda invited to lunrrai aervicea, -inurs llcnckerL p, m.. at aunt a pivo xi Llaltlmora residence, Mary E, ave. int. private, 11RENNAN (nee Mundy). Sept. 2S. MAR GARET, wife of Patrick llrennan. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral. Tburs., Sept. 8, 8:30 a. m., S831 Melon.st.. West Philadelphia. Solemn high mass of rcoulem Et. Agatba'a Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem, CHAMIIEHS. At Wilmington. Del.. Sept. 23, OlCOilGE . CHAM1IKRS. Relatives and rlends InvUed to funeral services, at 13iJ Irooma at., Wilmington, Del,, Wed.. BtpL 27, 2 JO p. m. Int. prlvits. DALT. Sept. t24. EDWARD R., aoa of ana ina isie onn x". xaiy, iunerai TfivrASa I1 Thurs.. MU 17 1 M. 22d sL ward's Church. Auto lunerai. m from mothers residence. Solemn Requiem Mass, St. Ed 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Ceo. I)AWON. Sent. 24. EMU A O.. widow of t w, Dawson, aged 07. llelatlvea and frlenda invited to xunerat services. wq 11 a. ra., o.va ijircHwiNH v. Am. iriuiMiiuu nui MlB.sept, aj. DAnAJt vy., wioow or iteiatives ana irienas invited DBSJN1B. tteDt. c:tinstian ijnnia to fuseral sarvlose, on Tburs., at p. bl, at m TSSw j785u n)aa- ......... iilAKuny i i. . .fyT. uvmTMn m wile Bridget Diamond (nae Campbell). Relatives and friends, alao fnWya of Moors L Whlta Com pear foundry, Invited to funeral. Wed.. 8.30 a. a., from reaideiwa of Thoowa Btturson, 481 W. Indtana av. Hetecnn rewitem mn Si. Xd- ra s iv ni. ni. 1BWI7 Hymcw tein. iter of Dr. Frank aud Marlon Kasbery. T. Relatives ae4 frwaoe lavlted to fuoeral toes, wad., 0 p, so., st parents- real ., 4euTepa S4.. Kraskford.'jBt. private, M,r bwband et rivaas. , 4M Peoa at., I Osdar Hill Cess. tnnr. awi. . j. arr- laso I-yoafc). sUlsllves WK i, JAMK sjTls.1 and IrU dwla LaOfMjIBOilVsl Wnrtii In. AU's Church IS a. at. U. ittir.itngiiz aa&sHbi f. Sept. S. Mrs. KATB JOHM. MUsf. stead H. Ralatlves and frleude In Hud to f i. tmATIIR Thomfs the, Funeral services on Wed., at 11 : m.-,V,,t Olrer II, flair Uldg., 1820 Chestnut at.. I'hlla. Jnt. private. MAJOR. Sept. M. JtARTHA, wlfa of John Major, aged 07. Relatlvea and friends Ited 10 lunerai services, wed., 2 p. m at real, dence, 742.1 dlenmore ave. Int. Fernwood Cam. Friends may call Tuea. eva. Tues, eve. MARTIN. Sent. .!. JOSKrH S. MARTIN, husband of Fannie Martin. Helstires and frl-ndj Invited to attond funeral on Frl Sept. 29. 1 n. m., 310 N 0th st Darby, Pa. Int. Kden Lem. MlTCnKr.T, .. Sept. S3, NORMAN H. MITCH. ELL. Relatlvea and friends, Oeo. Chandler Council. .Royal Arcanum, invited to serv ices, Wed., a p. m.. at 408 W, Olney ava., Olney. Int. private ML Vernon tiem. MORAN Sept. 2S, at the Aimistlnlan Mnnss. ten. Vlllanova, Pa., Rev. JOSEPH A. MORAN. O. H. A., aged 50. Relatlvea and friends, also reverend clergy. Invited to fimeral. Wed., M, Thomas' Church, Vlllanova. Divine office tt'30 p. m. Solemn requiem mass lo a, m. Int. Monastery Cem. MOTT. ent. 24. THOMAS R. TV., husband of late Mary E, Mott. Relatives and friends In Jlted to funeral nervlces. Wed., 2 p. m., at 2000 Chelten ave. Int. private, Chelten Hills Cem. NONES. Suddenly, at Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 23. SARAH V. NoNF.S (nee stlcklandl. Fjineral anlces Wed.. 2 p. m., at tha Ol ver If, Ralr Illdg., 1820 Chestnut at. Int. private at Fernwood Cem. OtITTERSON. Sept. 23, CHRtSTINA. widow of John Outterson. aged on. llelatu-cs and friends, the Lndles' Aid Society and mem I5rs 3l ."' . Stephen's Protestant Erlsropal Church, rra nk ford. InMted to funeral. Wed.. 2 P. m.,froin eon's residence. Clarence E. Outter son. 4727 Northwood St., Fkd. Int. Oakland Cem. RAMSF.T. At, Norrlstown, Mont.r Co., Pa,, on Ninth Month, ,23th, ELLEN D. RAM sur. widow of William W. Ramsey aged US. ltolstltes and friends Invited to funernl. from, son's rcMdenpe. Ilirnld A. Rnmsey, 130J Powell st., Flfth-dsy, Ninth Month 2(tth Inst, 1 p. m, int. private at Valley Friends' Dur ins Urnund. ..ROllERTS. At Moorestown. N. J.. Ninth Month 25th. ISRAEL ROBERTS, aged 68. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral,. from friends' Meeting House, Moorestown, N, J.. 1 ourth'day 27th Inst., 2 p. m. SKTLEY, Sept. 21. Capt. A tin AM. husband of Elisabeth K, Setlev, aged 77. Relatltea and friends, employes of United Btntea Mint of Phlla., and aurMvore of Co. A, llllth P.rgt., In llel to funeral sentces. on Wed., 8 p. m. at 1710 N, A2d st., W. Phlln. also senlces nt Trinity Lutheran Church. New Holland, Ta., Thurs.. 10 a. m. Int. adjoining Cem. , SISK. Sept. 22. JOHN A. 8ISIC. husband ot tho lata Lurv Slsk (neo Ilutler), aged 01. Rela. thes nnd friends. Electrical Aid Socletv and Hiro Tribe, No. SOU. 1. O. R, M Invited to funeral. Wed.. 7:3(1 a. m.. 217 De I.ancey st. Maes of rcoiitem nt St. Joseph's Church. 1) a. m. Int. New Cathedral Cem. SLtriiR At residence of dau-thter. Mrs. Theodore Ualley, 218 Cornell ave., Swarthmore. Pa.. Sept. 24. LYDtA HOTTEL. widow John Sllfcr. aged 87. Relatives and friends Invited tn funeral serUees, Wed.. 2:.bi p. m pt Oliver II. Iialr Building. 1S20 Chestnut st. Int. pri vate. WALTON t Ventnor City. N. J.. Sept. 24. MARTHA ADELINE. Infant dau-thter of chas. S., Jr., and May Potts Walton, of St. David's, Pa. Int. private. WARNER. Sept. 23. rRANK. husband of Marv A. Warner. Relatives and frlnds In vited to funeral, Thurs.. 1 n m 1819 S. S2d st. Remains may be viewed Wed.. 8 to 11 p. m. Int. Eden Cem. LOST AND POUND AUTOMOBILE Reward 25: stolen Ford tour ing car, 1010 model, mfg. No. 104131.1. Pcnna. license No. 05(142. Notify Maryland Motor Car Insurancn Co., A. P. Devereux, manager, 82 1 Walnut st, BAO Lost, black traveling bnpr from automo bile, containing clothing, on Sept. 13. between lloulcard nnd ltrond St. Station: liberal re wnrd and no questions asked It returned to 015 Northeast Boulevard. BUNCH OF KEYS lost, between Ambler and Philadelphia, containing key to Vnsssr Lock 308274. Mall key to Albert E. Engel. 217 Atlantlo ave.. Camden. Reword. ' COLD PIN Lost, gold pin. mounted with two snrss of red coral, either In Gcrmentown or downtown, Saturday. Return to 5301 Wayne inc.. Apt. D 4. PURSE Lost, by poor rdrl small mirn. fnn. tsinlng lit, on Baltimore avenue between 40th and Mth streets: Under suitably re warded. 5450 Baltimore aenue. 1UNO Lost, diamond and pearl ring between 1033 Spruce nnd 1703 Rlttenhnuss st.: liberal reward It returned to1703 Jllttenhquse. SUITCASE Lost from automobile on 10th be low Chestnut yesterday morning, dress suit case, marked If. F. Walton. Jr., Torresdale. containing school books; llbernl reward, no questions asked. If returned to 501 S. 15th st. PEHS0NA1S MRS. JAMES E. BI1REVE. maiden name Katla (". Kohberger (sdnntlon Herry), wishes Infor mation regarding the whereabouts of her fam ily. John Kohhercer, Hr.. John. Jr.. end Mrs. I rsnk Coeherl. or other relatives. Address 1005 W. Madison st.. Louisville. Ky. UNCLAIMED TELEQKAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CO., 1301 Chestnut St. Mrs. Adolph Greenfield, Mrs. Alice Jorgenson, Clancy c. Rons. H. C. Smith. J"'' ', w."31".', '. llarnard. Flint 4 Ches ter. If. A. Miles, Capt. Morris. Henry K me nu r, Jos. J. Ilradway, Miss Wilson, H?Ma- '"... N?,"nPn?.. 4,ira5 M"-. Alex, Riddle, Mattlo lloyd. Standard Gum Co., Miss Ethel lllake, Rev, Thos. T. Lake. Blanche Parker, Mrs. Anna Coyle. John W. Brlndell, John Ambrose., John Williams, Max Casper and family. Alder. Cam. Peter rumdrv ur. e llofimn. Miss II. Houghton, Mrs. J. Tunlck, firs. u. ji. ,unsun. jiubi warnerjne Mtenson. POSTAL TELEGRAPII.CAULE CO., 1420 Soutli Penn square Edwin Plnkstone, Fbllln Cap Ian. Francisco Morml. Elizabeth Waully, Mrs. Esle Fegan. Raymond Williams. Mrs, O. Mey ers, Miss Florence Wlslssenburg. HELP WANTED FEMALE BUTLER or butler maid wanted Immediately: also chambermaid; also cook; all thoroughly competent, perfectly experienced and well recommended: permanent positions: for small family, residence city, winter: auburbs. sum mer; state wages expected, alao references In complete detaJblioIgcOMrar CHILDNURSE. experienced. 'Swiss preferred. lV..onJL "Si'., J'h(!n6 1T03 J- Chestnut Hill, 7711 St. Martin's lane. CLERKS to keep books and stock In dressmaking work, room; accurate at figures and with workroom experience preferred. Applv before 10 a. m.. Dressmaking Shop, fifth floor. West Utore. Market rt. UTRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER COOK Reliable woman, first cook In small ho tel western .Pennsylvania: 140 per month and transportations reference required. M 103, ' , ... DRESSMAKF.RS niP'rL"'lrt drapers, waist drapers, finishers, embroiderers and Improvers: cood wages; short hours: long eraaon: also lacanctea for ap prentices In dressmaking. Apply before 10 W.i"t-S.,orr'e"CM.,rker'.n,:kV" bEP' fl"b fl00'' UTRAWJJRIDCJE & CLOTHIER U1RL needed at telephone and credit exchange desk: good opportunity for bright, active, neat appearing worker: inuat be 10 ears ofd. 11. F. Dewees 1122 Chestnut St. 411111 general housework, for young ,ouriir small Tiouse In West Philadelphia: Sood ?SFer: ences required. M 028. Ledger Office. ""' OIRIr Experienced, white. girls no washing 77l"l"st.OMaaf.ln?,h0.naneS!i J' ""' llM.' "nogrigiiy'lY.ng'wS'one".!'''7711 "VlVV y?3V.r.ntnngio'n tl.vTW0,ti '"""S OIRLS WANTED IN YARN PACKINfl DF .IKT.I, IVn llllllTlmM o-n """"'l ..l 25TH AND HAMILTON ST8. INC., U1RLS In lace curtain finishing room. Aoniv John Uromlcy.f Son. IhlghaveVan.l FronL UIRLS over 10 yeara wanted for lightworP no experience necessary) 15 week paid whlia . learning. Apply H N.' 32d at. p a wl"" OIRLS, experienced and learners, on calendar work. Apply third floor. Wolf CoV. 12th and CallowhllL fcH GOVERN ESS. Protestant: Kngllsh preferred: elementary studies, also music; child of 7 and assist with younger children: reference. Write or apply Wednesday. September 27. a D m 1804 Pine rt , for place In country p' ro" GRI3W0LD WORSTED CO. DARBY, VA. Blartlng up new machinery, wants glrlit good wosts; sttady'work and will pay while learn, log . aft it- v 1I0IERT LEARNERS WANTED on topping, knitting, mending and on siring machines. TVe furnish first-class Instructors, and pay girls, while .learning. no navs piemy or work Wnrlr Iter tbey bavo Tear ava ' all tbe time alter tbey nave learned. This Is a fine opportunity. WALLACE-WILSON HOSIliRT CO. 4355 Orchard St.. FraoUord. HOUeHClikU'Ett Reilned woman fo.- family of 2r sood boms for coaipatent xtaraaa. Anrjv 1711 t. LXO at. " TTTiuXah' " 1'" 1, . '" - J I - nuuoknun. Biivri. twin k.-wmi, ror'Clergy. saan'a Jt&M saoylng to New York auburbs; Sa5hyh2ioWSt. KUW1" -r MAID, who pnderalands nurslag. er Willi Ium in tat. ear Inall.l .Ji ka . eu-.l Ust rsferencM rrswsrd. Address Mrs! HELP WANXED--FEMAL Cosflstied' from rrtcerftse Colsmw NURSERY governess: rsrs of 4 children, ates 11 to a yesrsi salary tao per month: reference required. Address 42. Ledgr Branch, 8358 Oermantown ae,. Chestnut Hill. OPERATORS . , . . on power michlnes. for fine prlrals dressmak ing: references required: long searon. Apply before 10 a. m.. Dressmaking Shop, fifth Boor, West store. Msrket st. STRAWBRIDOE A CLOTIUCR PRESSERS, white, leamera and exp, atrle wanted. Apply A. F. nornot Hro. Co., 8. K. ror. mn ano fairmount. oat eat.imr Rlauner's requtr s'sleslsdles In vsrlo'ia de . psrtmenls. Apply Burt. Office, fourth floor, STENOGRAPHERS F-xPERinsTEn. Aprr.Y nimEAU or em ployment, 4Vi FLOOR, 11EFORE 11 A. M. STRAWDRIDQE A CLOTHIER TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone i-ompsny oners positions lis opersiors io in telligent yoong women lietween 18. and 22 jeira old; salary 10 a wek while learning, wllh rapid advancement i, a ateady position as. surrd, with pleasant surroundings and unusual opportunity of promotion.; Apply In person to the Hell Telephone Company's "operators' school, 400 Market st dally, between Jj80 a, m. and 5 n, m.l Monday, Tuesday and Fri day etenlngs between 70 and 8.30 o clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dls. ranee: experiencea, Appiy itysione icirpuuu, CO., 183 S. 2d St.. Room 403. WOMAN wanted, reliable, white, for general housework on farm, or will lake man and wife. Writ for rartlculara to Mrs. W. P. Thompson, 10 N, Dorset ave., Atlantlo City, N, J, . WANTED, 2 Protestants, chlldnurse and cook: must bavo bestreferences. Ph.Ardmnre 41)7.. YOUNOLADT. about 23 ea"rs of age. for office work: one acquainted with city streets pre ferred; sslsry 8. M 237. ledger Central. A LARGE FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY store requires a second trimmer: must bo thorou7hty experienced and capable; earlv position to a competent person. M 108, Lidger Office. A LAROE TIRST-CLASS MILLINERY store requires a flrst-cltss A No. t trimmer: only one who bos hndfrst rlass retail experiences he position Is a very desirable one. U 100, Ledger Office. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE BODY BUILDERS ON LIMOUS INE WORK: AI0 DOOR-HANOERS AND HARDWARE FITTERS: BEST WORKING CONDITIONS: HIGHEST WAOES AND STEADY WORK. HALE & KILUURN CO.. 18TH k OLENWOOD AVE. BENCH HANDS .-... ON SHEET METAL WORK FOR ASSEM BLING DEPARTMENT. EXPERIENCED ON AUTOMOBILE MODIES PREFERRED. nUT NOT NECESSARY: GOOD PAY AND STEADY WORK. APPLY. READY JX)R WORK WITH TOOLS. 8 A. M.. HALE 4s KILBURN CO., 18T1I & GLENWOOD AVE. BOOKKEEPER Toung man. IS to 20.years old. to assist on books; one with knowledge stenog raphy and typewriting preferred: good chance for advancement to right pdrty: reply, with full particulate aa to ability, experience, ryfer encea and salary expected. B 15, Ledger Office, BOOKKEEPER MIddle-aeed man.. BO to 80 years old, for steady position, wllh moderate salary to right party: must, have good refer ence: reply fully, stating ability, experience, references and salary expected. U 10. Ledger Office. . BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly reliable and com petent man wanted by a large grocery con cern: capable of handling large force: good po sition: splendid opportunity for the rlsht msn. Address. In own handwriting, stating age, exp . salary expectd. etc. 11 0, Led. Office. ROY ACTIVE. AMBITIOUS. FOR OFFICE WOniC WITH CORPORATION: MUST HB OVER lft AND HAVE GOOD SCHOOLING: GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE MFNT. CALL LEDGER OFFICE. 0TH AND CHESTNUT STS. ASK FOR MR. BOUR- liAl'.K. BOY wanted for automobile manufacturing con cern: must be over 10 years ot ago and be bright and intelligent: good opportunity for bright boy. .,. , . , Jl Q.i. Iui" n...... 'BOY. over 10 years, for general office work, fac tory In Weat Phlla.: must be neat. Intelligent ami writ legible hand. Apply Oerbrook Car- r... r.A.i. ..., Twifmmtr av. IieL l.,.. ..".,. """ --." BOY. about to years old. to learn good trade: " "J ,-Zi ri,ll. larnn.! irnnd nnnortunlty tor a strong" ictle lad. Ferguson. 15 n; 7th st. . BOY wanted to work In a. library. Apply at Mercantile Library. HI 8. loth at., at i a. m. BOY for general otflce work: "''","" na WBKr", yuuisrej j-s ss "'m,; ilOY around office and factory. Apply Wolf & fiMni "Qpr- l-'th and CallowhW. BOY wanteTln pattern room. Apply It. Jacobs. " i. ... lla,1 and Knilfh. Il. VV. UUl . ,m- ' ROY wsnted. wholesale business. Apply Box 1077. Phllsdelphla.Pa. BOY-for' generarofflce duties. Address G 710. Ioniser ig.ii..... BOY wanted to work In store. gneny 1805 E. Alle- IJ1IC1IJ' sr. UOYS Joseph O. Darlington & Co. require bojs. 10 years of age. for office work: permanent -. mrmi,"c"n .- .. -- UOYS wanted to work. at night! must be 10 viars old: opportunity for adtancement. Apidy after 0 p, m. Publlo Ledger Office. Oth Bnu tiiiratnu , BOYS. S, wanted, around 17 yfara of aire, to learn automobile truclc watrinr. Apply ln .ernat.onnl Motor Co.T 2302 Cheatnut at. itnYri lft sears of ae. to run errands and make tnemaeUea uaeful. Supl Reeve Wblt- lnir Co.. l"th ana cnerry. inn -. . ;" I liOYa wanted, 10 yeara or over, to work In wall paper lacvu-, i';v . ...- - sire..af. nnd Rtivder RVC. BUBHKUMAN One who can ooerate a Iloff- "TLT .. iwtac nr. mnchlne. O 041. tA. Off. man ni " ----- ruiPPEHS. air nnd hand rhUtl: cood wages 1-IIIlsa. iwi ...-... -. 1 CLERK wanted. 20 to S3 yeara old. In railroad office: must write a. fair hand and have a working knowledge of stenography and type writing. O 7411. Ledger Central. CLERKS FOR OFFICE WORK: YOUNO MEM WITH JIIOII SCHOOL TRAININO PREFERRED: EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. APPLY JtilREMI OF EMPLOYMENT. 4W FLOOR. BEFORE 11 A. M. 8TRAWBRIDaE & CLOTHIER . CUSTOM TAILOR Who desires to consolidate, or cutter or sales, man with good trade, to associate with well, established firm: may make iery advantageous arrangementl atate In confidence your own proposition and approximate amount ot trade. O 040, Ledger Central. DENTIST wanted, experienced! registered In Pennsylvania; permanent position and good salary te ths right man. Dr. Whltten, 627 Ma In at.. Johnstown. Pa. DRUO CLERK. It. M.. at once. Butler's Thar- macy. sun anu inrmiipr aye. DYE and tool makers wanted. American Metal Works. 1114 Armat at. FITTERS and mechanics wanted; boiler and lang worn. -ruwivcniiiT -o., Amoier, pa, O.ENTLEMEN of rsOnement end rood sppear" ence to Interview business men In Phlla. An ply fi tn 7 p. m.. 010 Block F.sehanga Building. HOUSEMAN and wife as cook, white, espefl encedl rood reference: good borne: every com fort) suburbs. R 8, Ledger Office. INSTRUMENT 1IAKKRB. 13.54 XnXzTlfTlsii of bou's: tool makers. M.52 to IS: Z Jnlnlsls. 11.70 to III assistant machlnl.t.CTli to W.IW), based on experience and capacity; aiu tomatlo turret lath, ."neralora. Cleveland. TtrownJ A Sharps. I4.B0; Tolter t Johnaon jl.na; hand turret lathe operators. Is to 13.10: higher comnen.atloii when on piecework: .killed laborers. IS to I. S4 solderers. tiVaJ' 2&S28F A"""'' t'ef,rtt!",, ,n : IRON WORKERS We want S00 strong men. between JJ Rna 4n years of r,ss. njt under S feet 7 Inch "..loo pounds wslsht. for night workt wages lis t start) pieceworkers earn much more: steadv work Indoors: best of conditions: no 'trojbul real Jobs for men -wsntln to Inoale iSmll nentlr) ejat. ag. nationality an.W,VrUnr5 Address A. W I'oatofftce jjog J1S4, StstioS fj" . KNITTERS, experienced1 n rlrcutsr srl loard ' maenlneaj , Mretenlc FleeeedUsS Kl.wesr Coaasanr. S410 NMnJjy18 UB' TjlWORBRS for oirlslde. work. l5.!i"Sr5Trs H hows. Ajpiy Frankford Arsenal! RrMaVburg S&Nr4"t to W. to tk chares of fore at lani: tUtHeT' r"gl."ti1aJ-0c7 "" " M4 IICM waatad for rAUlntf mill .ie. -..-.' UKH eaualaatavil fAP VAlllair fnalll .!.. . . . ,' ssaaa-s "vwvirsi i eviasaata aeaaia wnrai BBiahau -) HELl? WANTEC MALB ConlHurd froth Prttttlnn Column MEN. 10. wanted la learn the tausara and porfc packing business; 20 per hour. Apply y-j mjim o wra vo. MOLDERft Wanted, several good loam molderet fiesay work, goo.1 living conditions. Aaaress ."'. i.: JOjJtox riECERS on woolen mules. Apply J?1".. .Ismes Dobson, Inc., blanket mills, Scott's lnne, Falls nt Schuylkill. rLUMRKRS wanted, first class. Apply II. At-Sbfl TjJe nltlntown. Pa, P PRES8ERS, experienced. Apply A, S. Rornol Hro. Co., 8. B. cor. 17th and Falrmount. oUlLt.Fn.qw.n,..T John a James Dohton Appli ion. 1 r to James Dean, care ni. -i7.,"".,;.t'",,.t..,.po- ! " -nun, ,.n, ni nrnuxKllf. SALESMAN Wanted an experienced salesman for an Installment furniture store: must be a men well acquainted wllh this business, sober and Industrious snd come well recommended! none but those having a good trsda In this line tided apply; good pay to right party. Apply In person to ouakertown Furniture and lied dlngCo., ilhjfe Juniper sis., quakertown. PaA SALESMAN Experienced pearl button " sales, msn for eastern territory: must give exclusive time to our line of fresh-water pearls, in bulk or carded; only first-class men wsnted by largest western factory. Lock Box 508. Dept. . RvMmcatlne, la. .. SALESMAN Shoe salesman, thoroughly ex perienced; state referenc and experience: good aslsr;.M 347. Ledger Central. SALES MANAOER We need a man who can sell and who can qualify to handle sales forcet must hate exceptional ability, force and en ergy and be able to get out of other men the best that la In them: to this msn. whose char acter must equst his ability, we offer an un usual opportunity: commission with drawing . account. O .8. I.edger Central. . o t FSMFN THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA HRtTANNIfA NHKDS A FEW Itlnil.URADE SALES MEN TO WORK ON LEADS ONLY. JIOTH IN THE CITY AND TO TR1VEL. TO SALESMRN OF OTHER LINES SEEh'INO WORK WH CAN SAY THAT ITIUR-FIFTHS OK 1)011 SUCCESSFUL URN ARE MEN WHO HAD NEVER SOLD HOOKS IIKFORE. . WIS PARTICULARLY WANT MEN WHO ARE NOT ONLY OOOD SALES MEN. HUT WHO HAVE SUFFICIENT EXECUTIVE- ABILITY TO HANDLE OTHER MEN. THOSE WHO QUALIFY IN THIS RESPECT WILL RECEIVE EXTREMELY RAPID PROMOTION TO PIOSITIONS IN A PERMANENT ORGANIZATION WHICH WILL PAY THEM FAR MORE THAN IS MADU BY THE AVKRAUI1 SALESMAN. IF YOU ARE A REAL SALESMAN. REGARDLESS OF WHAT LINE YOU HAVE HERN OR ARE NOW SELL ING. COMB IN AND TALK IT OVFI1 WITH t'S. WE TRAIN YOU THOU OUOHLY. COMMISSION AND DRAW 1XO ACCOUNT. DEXTER UITILD1NO. 15TII AND WALNUT STS.. P1IILA.. PA. SALESMEN wanted: attraclRe proposition. The United tins Improvement Company, Mr. Car ney. Mctxger H!dg., N. W. cor 13th and Cherry eta., ninth floor. STENOORAPHER Young man: opportunity for adtancement: manufacturing business) state ese, experience and reference. U 17, Ledger OfOce. STOCK BOY wanted In ladles' ready-to-wear depnrlmcnt: excellent opportunity for adtance ment. Appl M. Silverman & Son, north west corner 0th and South sis. STOCKKEEPER wanted In wholeaale clothing bouse. It. Jacobs. N. W. cor. Ilrpsd & South. TEACHER. 25 to 30. preferably principal or superintendent, to travel In Pennsylvania for school-book publisher: wecklv trips: salary and tratel expenses paid. Address I.ongmans, . tlreen A Co..44D 4th ave.. New York. WAITER AND COOK wanted forrcstaurants man and wife preferred; night work: place un dcr new management. UlL't Rldae ave. WANTED FIRST.CLASS MACHINISTS ramlllar wllh power and hand milling machines and profllera who can Instruct men to uper at thess tools. Apply In person, or write ths New England Westlmrhouss Employment Hureau. Walnut at., Chlcopee Falls, Mass. (Office open dally, except Sat urday afternoon als.i Tueariav no -inursaay evenings u o clock. 1 J. until ,-, &imm&pm ( WANTED a number of good TWIHT IIANMIM for flothroucli lace machines STBADY WORK GUARANTEED Earning conditions exceptionally good. AL1J. & E. HBNKELS. INC. " Bridgeport, Conn. YOUNO MAN in laoe curtain stock room. Apply John Bromley & Son. Lehigh ave. & Front at. YOUNO MEN. handy with tools, to learn good trade: paid while learnlnr. Apply Belber Trunk and ng Co.. 1(141 N. Hancock. FIRM of tnaurnnce brokers want a young man for office nnd general Insurance work: must hate knowledge of lnauranca business; no oth ers need spnlys atate reference and aalary ex pected. 11 14. ledger Oltice. (Senrral BPRINO GARDEN INSTITUTE AU10MO11ILE SCHOOLS COR. BROAD AND SI' JUNG OARDEN STS. Opens Sept. II. Students enrolled now. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLS Day clssses Tuesday nnd Thursday. 4 p. m. A combined U"-trlcal and Mechanical Course 0 lessons 140. Night Electrlcnl Auto Course Tuesdsy and Friday at 7:30 p. m. 20 lessons 25, Nlg'it Mechanical Auto Courae Monday and Thursday, 7:30 p. m. 20 lessons 125. SITUATIONS WAITED PEMAr.E BILL CLERK, experienced on Moon-Hopkins machine: knowledge of comptometers salary 112 per week. U 743, ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER COMMERCIAL, COST, CON. STRUCT.: EXP. OFFICE MANAGER. COR RESPONDENT: EXEC. ABST.I FAMILIAR WITH MODERN MI5T1I. M 020. LED, OFF. BOOKKEEPER. 4 years' experience. 112: gen- eral office work. Q 447, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, etenographer, n'yra.' exp,; best references: 112. McGinn. 1340 Diuphln. CHAMBERMAID nnd watting; neat, willing and obMglng. lfljfl Filbert st. CHILDNURSE. experienced, Protestspt. wishes position In Oermantown or Chestnut Hill, Ap ply 0232 Clearvlew at., Oermantown, i CHILDNURSE. German Protestsnti experienced! references, p B1U. Ledger Office. COOK and chambermaid, with positions together; ...I. 1.-11 lit M t.llrtn III, m,.i.i .. WM ... . W..M... COOK. good. Catholic, wishes housework with poarul can ncip nticr scnooi. otti Aramors ave.. Ardmore. Ta. COOK, competent. Enillsh Protestant, desires position; good refa. 1235 Falrmount ave. COOK. competent. German-American woman, wlieHspoltlon as cook. 2504 Christian at. COOIC-and downstairs work) rellabls, with ref erence. J003 Earp st. COOK, cood, wants situation, city. atreei. 2182 Pins COOKINO or housework: references good waxes. Telephone10 to 12, Poplsr 8:03. DRESSMAKER, thoroughly up-to-dsle, will en. gage by dsy: only best work solicited, a 747, Ledger CentrsL DRESSMAKER Experienced fitter wishes poiU Hon In prominent sown shop as filter, U 740, ldger.CentrL DRESSMAKER. taVhclaas, wants engagements! advance, styles: say g gowns sptc. Ph. Wal.OlSg. GOVERNESS jtreaeli. German, English: prl. vate lessons) will eanslder a partnership In school, a 4i, lee-tsfir Central, UOVERNESB, rff.. exo., VISll'V goyss) uesv ;. wants position M 103, Ledger Off. aOVERNESS. visiting, German, speaklne Fr., deslreaengags'tiji best ref. IIarlng,7140Wi HOUSEKEEPER, working, German, wishes po- sltlon wltb girl 0 years. O 430, Led. Central. LAUNDRESS, colored. flritT'lass, wants bsm" per wash or waab by the doxen, 1'boue Dick !... V.,,, ,AI. -l.lB,laH lnSOII U-dlj, -WV- VHII.II.Mi NURSINO.e'prac bkpg., companion or mother's helper, woman desires pos. 1U30 Bharawotid. STENOGRAP1IBK and bookkeeper, capable of taking full charge of of Bool 5 years In recent placej best of reference. M B4T. LedgefCejit. STENOGRAPH HR desires ad"Wlslng"dept. or rirst-clsss pashloni 116. A..t40 Daupliln. WAITRKSS. flrat-class Main Una preferred. WOMAN, flrstlajuTlauodreaa. Waal's peaiflon" S e4 d)J,s a week. B 4, L-deer OMae. WOMAN, colored, wanls oay wery any lhe .-., ,ai aw Prot,; beat references Mas prvauTwiM a. Peajuiyrvaniaa. wlsbas ooak. rru.X ., ..1 ' T llll-l .-. SITPATIONS WANTED;;-!. ContfasM trim meeting Celsmn KKKf.T!mLVlaft"lc- ng? edreol.tionynd"cofre.P.ndence: best reference. M 140. .cdrer Centrsl, BOOKKEEPER. casMer and office man ow" ,(!J engagement Nov, l.h yeara .. lion: A No. I reference ana ii ) in. Ijcoger ui nce BOOKKEEPER 20. msrriea. in "-5 -: mfir.wlshes position) ref. O 2.14. Ledcent! BOOKKEEPER or assist.. el.C. It. ". ffj!;; ,r wishes to make chsnxe, IA20,J?dgej BOOKKEEPER, age .SWlih arade. lh.o"lftly exp., IIS. r. Ilger nronch.J(llhft IJaupnin;, BUTLER and valet, first class. eHshesposlUon with small private family: good references; Armnlan. A aim. Ledirer Ofllce. . CHAUFFEUR, mtrrleil. English. 0 rears' pri vate, driving, doea all repairing, wants Posi tion: country preferred) give full Jr',:u'"i no postcards. Wllllamst gen. dellv-..Bryn .MawTj CHAUFFEUR. Ennllsh. wishes position In pri vate family: rnn furnish "ood. '"nc' Oeorge Halls, Casey Hotel, Eddi stone. Pa. CHAUFFEUR, presently employed, would like, to change: 12 5'ers exper enrej 7 JTara best reference. ftiaufreur. n2li.Woodblne ave. ClfAUFFEUR. colored, wishes position wllj P'1; vate family: Al 'reference! don't drink or smo'e. 1 4-iIt fdger Central.. . CHAUFFEUR, single, bonest. aohr, ",p2'r e .!. ..,. uaiiinn ttt-ivaiA family nrea PIlTfl Wt IIIHII'-IIL iiviriuv-M .,.---. ferred, f44!.Ledeer Ccntral. CHAUFFEUR, single, first-class: yrs; eP.i very careful city driven can '"I"''..!?,1"1 prlste references.tl 44S.U-dgr Central. CHAUFFEUR Refined youns man. ' SJ, a" ?'') desires posltlnn with nrivate fsrnlly: best ref- erences. M 344f ldxer Central. . CHAUFFEUR, practical mjn. wishes Mslllon about O.ctlljeferenres. 0 1R4. Ledgerent. ClIAUFFEUR-mechnnlc. 34. nngllsh. in.y."""' cip.:good refsall repairs. Diamond (118(1;, CHAUFFEI'R. married. 23. while. H yeara' prl;. exp.. deslrespoaUlon, O l7ldger en,ralj CHAUFFEUR, exp., wishes position with prl vateJ.mllyjgood refs r.03 Oermantown ave. COOK. Japanese, wishes Position cookmir and downstairs work or In public place! good ref erence. M lO-VLedger Ofllce. COOK. Jnpanee-. .first class, wants pos.: publlo or private famlly;bcst ref. Sal. 308 N,18th. COOlC'-Iapsnese. reliable, long exp.. thoroughly rajwbJejioJjexj!onat,jfll CORRESPONDENT Toune married man wllh oter B jeara" experience ns sales correspondent with well-known wholesale and manufacturing concern deslrea to change present position: good detail man. familiar with modern office sstems: references from past and present emplojers. M 22, Ledger OfOce. EXECUTIVE Having had a err extensive and successful experience na a manufacturing executive, operating msnoger. salea and sales manager, aa welLaa mechanics, would UKe to Identify wllh a largo manufaclurlna; con cern In any of the above-mentioned ca pacities. , Will consider acting as eastern represents tho of a blgh-Brado mechanical product of aufflclent sire to be worth while. High-grade qualincatlnns easily proven. Am energetic, sober, progressive. Intelligent. Onlv proposition ot cood standing considered. M 110. Ledger Office. GARDENER. Protestant, married. 2 children, wishes sit. taking charge gent's place: green- houso or without. 0(140 Crowson St.. Oermtwn. GARDENER, single, thoroughly understands nil branches: care nf private place; reference. G 441. Ledger Central. GARDENER, COACHMAN: single. Eng.. romp. both branches: care auto ref.A220. Led.On MAN German Protestant, single, expd. In gar den nnd housework, reliable and willing, wishes pos.: writ- present place. J. L., 7201 Greene st., Oermantown. . SECRETARY Accountant or rrhale secretary can ghe 3 or 4 evenings weekly: Al references; bond If required. O 741. LcdgerJOfflce. , STENOGRAPHER nnd bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced and educated joung man, aged 22 3 oara.G 845, JCdger Central. , STENOORArHER-ofnce man. (1 years' experl ence. desires pos.; 418. H 18. Ledger Office. YOUNO'MAN. 22. desires position In claim de partment of casualty Insurance company, thoroughly experienced nnd can furnish best references. Box 439. Central Y. M. C. A. YOUNG MAN, 20. seteral cars' atudy at law, desires position In law. real estate office, claim or legal department: 8 years' business experience. F 058. Ledger Central. t YOUNG "MAN. nge 20. hating clerical experl ence. wishes position of any kind with ad tancement. u744, Ledger jCentral.C YOUNG MAN. 20, experienced, nulck and'accu rata nt flgnrrs. desires position; has bst ref erences. H 13. Ledger Office, COLLEGE MAN 7 years' office and sales experience, desires tn make permanent business connectlonuoUHng lo Invest some capital In the business if i our referent es are satisfactory. O 730. Ld. Cent. JAPANESE wishes position as butler. ialet7 cook: take full charge; excellent reference. J. M 1A34 Vine St. EMPLOYl:ENyAQENCIES MRS. HARVEY, 11)10 Rlttenhouss sq.. has regis tered housekeepers, governesses, linguist, ex ceptional Europe-American referencca: Infant nurses, French, other nationalities; German American, governesses, large additions, well lecommcnded help: sll nationalities wanted for every capacity: butlers, second, third valets, chauffeurs, housemen, couples. 150 to 1100; first-class colored couple, or 100k nnd butler, for Hnrrlsburg; cooks, ..) to 100; trained waitresses, parlor maids. 30 to 140: nurses, laundresses, lsdles' maids, several sets, gen eral maids for apartments, housework and kitchen. NICIIOLLS. 1920 BAINI1RIIK1E ST. Have first-class butlers, second meu, housemen, Swedish and German couples, cooks wait resses. chambermaids, laundresses, etc., all nationalities: vacancies for butler, valets, cooks, chambermaids and waitresses, nursery novernesses, ladles' maids, kitchen maids, liousemslds. Phone Locust 2130. WANTED Several young cooks, waitresses, parlor maids, chambermaids, laundresses, nursery go.ernesses: vacancies for 2 maids to gether! butlers, couples, watchmen, k irOcners. etc.: ref. required. Phone Spruce 3027. WANTED Swedish second cook, 183: kitchen maids, 10 nnd 171 Protestant chambermaids, parlor maids, waitresses; French and Swedish oqks, 150 and loo: butlers, housemen, cbauf feurs. couples. ..13 B. I'lllh, SWEDISH COOKS. German child's nurses, cooks, chambermaids, housework girts, want positions; halt grown colored girl wants house work In embolic family. Mies Itoso Dough- J MRS. KANE. Btl S. lDlh. wants and supplies all kinds of first-class white belp. male and femaletiwlth reference. , Spruce 3.01. MRS. HUSTON. 1010 Balnbrldze Wanted, first class waitresses. IS to 110;, also assistants; first-class laundresses, chambermaids, cooks. Lit chenmal ds; refcrences.rcuul.ed. EDUCATIONAL and Doraestlo Employment Club. 223 S. Sydenham (1-tli and Walnutl--Wanted, iiuuicii-i mii. i.iwii k who. vwjKH.iiouaeman. JONES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Male and fe male help secured; white and colored. Prea ton 5771. 1 0 H, 31)Ui at, WANTED, at Episcopal Office, 312 H. 12th et. Cooks, waitresses, purses, kitchen maids, house girls, MADAME" rLATZ. moved to 803 S. 11th White help wanted and supplied. atjtomobii.es Tor Bale NEW AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS ANY MAKE MARKET PRICES WRITE FOR PARTICULARS W. J. MARKELL. MANAGER 010 FRANKLIN BANK BUILDING HELL PHONE FILBERT 8025 .vie V-IIRMIHH" TEACHER, tuters. wbo "fit": no eharse to employeMl Ssou-lesea ,a wnwui in i Pw- 2Ti. WetSital Iw-w. TUAriOJf.WAXTWJ-MJl.I.K ACCOUNTANT. ef oubllo eoeountina. rasU JjSMrjgSMjiMjJB AUTUlTKCTi; oaiaisrr, e ; ?. DUAf s-d-t k wct&msiQkrmpwz We have a few cheap cars of which tha chassis would be very aultsbla for truck or delivery work of any kind. Don't fall to coma In and look them over If you want aomethlna at a- bargain JfJfggtry purpose.. " 2314 Market at. Locust 450. IT. A. J.'S'KH. Mar. I.Trh.r... .; n. CADILLAC 1U14 touring car. overhauled and repainted; full equipment! price 1830. AUTO BALES (Joitl'ORATION. 14i N. Hroa. at. ini V 1fllOYl9-ht " . U. , IIUWEUH CO, v- n. iiroaq at. UUDSONS Phaetons, roadsters and cabriolets, equipped with electrln lights and starters 3LBK,aIr'BTe'l N.j'road st. T-aToB, Falrftefd" model, la"flrst-clas tonlH tlon: guaranteed. ' -, lnn lrtl..l.ll l.nv llOTOn tr a. . (U"J" ""-Hi .v. .. v ' P "roaa. PULLMAN 0, 7-passenger. 48ll. p.". 1014 model; -eaulDtntnt comDletei nrfw mm.iiie.ni ...! run lLUOp mliesiJO. 1038 Market at. WlUTE4.0-H. I.,.7-passenger"fourlngT100oT rt V tT . ll"" -7rT 1 ni neiinii!! 1 .V s. FREEi-tlO FORD STARTER. If rouwlll dem' onsiraio, opina moior irom aeat. Get ex- ciuaivw couiuy prvposuioa. i STARTER CO., Buffalo, Dept, 7. HUDSON PARTS OORSON S-MND FOR FRF.B BI1L: Avw&mste-. Schober 8350-48 MARKET PARTS FOR SCHOHBR. 88M-48 UARKBT. !i.Bc.l'"'"'" 3M N. BSOAB. LOCO SO Autocar-r-fruck--Part5 SCHOBgy. M41-48 lAKKBT ATJTO LJVBKf AND OARAOBS INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO.' AUT-JftOBUW . pfaanuia 4SH. ru-oni r 'Al T-al Never cloaesl Foruai-ty .rr.r ,...iT w , . , 1. alia ti ? ' ; Btn H . :& : '-, mwm 11 mm w i r,iii;"' 'v'V '?:. H hiiM uaw T.isi n.T..i:i u?t!&EJi!!'ivr i7i.-tlrr: iaL - j APT PAIKTnj " AUTO PAINTINtToF'TUB nr-r-rr: 1 Jt lower prices. OM VtJTB'CUs 1821 Alrdrl, .t Phen T,.y.TiP ATJTO nEPATHTMn SSa CLTINDERS ni'.PORED nZU.T ' furnished: weldlpg and br7l 'u I1 ! wood ft Co.. 102.1 llamllfon'af' ft..?- USK ATJTO BUPPLlEa JF YOU WANT to self your old ..' . Sa ?17 N 12th St.PiVk 114 TIAIKICN.nManivr v.r. iw ..in i, i't 'ki:n-bh niNfls MYA1-. " - N','. neparture Service Hli.-r", ,aLp, ltt -J Walnut .1tT. rI"!1 Lf-i PAtlTfl -,ti rhiia. AuiaPh.A'.d co.fyj'jT.rg,,, AUTO TIRE3 Til? a - . Ouarantsed 8dV mllVs. Comoae. ORrB. 230 Nl Br.!fV trtni- POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 10 WlllTH LEGHORN puiletsand 1 ni," for sals cheap. 4527 Lancsster. "ten BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES JfAi-ii-NTH .n?.n,ror " free bT W. will help you'Seop'rVvVa FOSTER & WERSTRP sum n. Ln'Pstnut st. Bell phone Wal.M ,. WArrr?ri , .."?. ... . ' - M reasonable sum In R. ..2."1 ""H facturs of a device of almost nl.efsl.J among merhan es. Expert savs ihi h-JJ!' "possesses both novelty Vrfd utllly ,hd ?Yi. opinion Is not only patentable, bit stm.i.e iJ construction and more efficient ; In op?ril S!?..nyi" ",?h,ne or Mwrata hiretehr, in tended for the same purpose," ritent ail tain .aluable contract or Interest. Ivlc r be seen and full Information oh.fflS, ' '"". A- H. Itepette. Attorney, 7lf VlaX Phllada .. for npnoln t ment "smat WANTED Working rspltal: have geerrsf naency In rhlhut 3 years' contract from rain!' ufacturlnt corporation rated ll.fHTo.w. tB contract should produce ISo.oon pront. t waat 112,000 will dlldenronts. o 8 4 1. lid. cen1' riCTURB THEATER, completely equleped7lM month rent, n, ..e...i .!r'Tul ' .;.. --.--. " ."-.. .iiii iiiwn; no com. petition; real bargain. Barrlst. 201 N. nroad. WANTED Partner with 12000 to IJWHf U In- : In ntUrt Inveeit..! -..ii T. nT mechanical preferred. A : 4 iVili " ,W'L ,'n2.V" .!."." n wart.. ...j, i-eager office. , Wanted WILL INVEST ABOUT 810 000 In some tolnc buelness: mart bo established and tear im careful Investigation; what I seek Is an Sethi partnerahlp where congenial and mut.l'J profitable association will continue; I am 32 b .ears. 40 in experience, well educated and rlcc'f ' ,n ,n" ' hne attempted; ani i red! blooded American nnd thero'a Iron In me. too' can handle men nnd nm proud of a sales reel ord In many lines; will treat replies s im. lldentlal. but DETAILS MUST Ilfi aiVEVor no attention paid, O 2.V.'. Ledger Central BUSINESS PERSONALS . . . DIAMONDS BOUGHT . Bank references. Apnralsrment. 1 perN HARRY W. RMI'III. TI7 S.r... W , EVENING CLOTHES TC niRB Lslest stvles. Phone poplar 233. Open 1 LE1DNER-S luth and Olrard sw . W. ,r.' SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolvsi'a' ' the onlv permanent way. Eyebrows arched ' 51XSSJjnTir,4n2JKeltyThierITlld . HUNTS' CAST-OFF CLOTHINO BOUQIIT. 12 N. OTH BT. FHONE WALNUT 18(10. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANINO HOIISH 20TII ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Hell rhonej Locust 1011. WESTPHILA. WESTPHILA. WEST rill LA. MONARCH STORAOB (XX. C !'.!( YAKil 8870-72 LANCASTFt AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINER. Mcdowell dressmaking school inai. tdual Instruction: day and evening sessloa. 307Dcnol.!aRldg.,llthand Mjirket sis. COLUMBIAN SCHOOL. 1738 Columbia ave Our 20th century s)strm Is easily learned, day and evening classes; circular. POR SALE 538vIARan TALKING MACHINB Edison wllh cabinet for holding 200 records: finished In a beautiful quartered oak; co.t new 184; can be paid at the rate of 7 cents weekly: an excellent bargain: tn good condi tion: enual to new: write for cnmnleta lilt ef bargains and eptclal 30 da) a" free trial offer, . HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. fllh and Thompson ats. BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged; renalrdn. supplies. Lata ICeafer, American rnufc turer. 320 Glrard ave. Phone Kens. l, BILLIARD, pool tables: new, second-hand botvl. Ins alle.s; easy payments. Hosatto-Barri Street Co.. 22.' 8. Hth St. Phono Wal.gl BILLIARD AND POCKET TAnLES A.J bowline alleys; eaav payments. HRUNSWICh-HALI-E-COLLENDEH CO.. 1002 Arch. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged. repslreA ren'ated: SUnDltrSt Oetv anrt (,.lnrv rehut t new total adders as low n tan. Call Rf "J see our new models. Registers sold by us . -4 r-flvv iiNviiirnts nnti imiv piinrnnieen THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET , rOLDINO CHAIRS NEW AND IUI1D SOLD AND r.ENTE( CIIAIR EXC1IANGE,S.E. COR. OTH VI.N MULTIORAPHS at 1.3 cost: new; gusrsnte Phone Iim. 48 0. Russell Haum. Bourse SAFES, flreproofi closing out 00: slightly lis all sizes and makes: blz bsrgslns, 210 - Fouith st. (bejlweennace and Vine.) . HUCHKS, 11TH A BUTTONWOOD Has the largest nnd beet assortment ol us-d office , furniture and fixtures In this part of the country. An thing to equip an office, st prices thst will Please, you. Free delivery anywhere. l. HEATING Hn.Tr.K, ranges, boilers: bsrgslns In nrn, ; rebuilt ll makes. Ai;iN.lLEr CO... o i'liurrt Pie J 1 INS-.RUCTION FRENCH LESSONS by new ment free trial lessons will demonstrr of method: Parisian professor. A r i iicess: ; fjlenrs. -d.08. MACHINERY AND T. i, IT IS THAT denendahle nualllv .,( il)C(l( ANTI-FR1CTION METAL that maker It b-S possible, f6r imitations to be "Just ss good' lining lor mscnine oearings, iiiu. aa , U1VAUS FOUNDRYS. 145 North Second. . Ana -ij(.;ui ri-t. iuiiiii-Ani ii.ui- !. , . Dynamos, motors boilers, steam and ell es I gines, pumps, air compressors. . FRANK TOOMBT, Inc., 127 N. 8d street. BEMENT MILES HEAVY DUTY PLANER. TJi4 . " ""' ""..JiTTALL. 1748 N. Mh. nrUiUOU .,- n M,.hln.rw hmi-ht- Sli -ind rented; armatures repaired. Bain L itl .. Market, 3003. YearsleyjCo.. 224 N. Id St. 'S tCNUINt. LATHES. 13-ln. to. 20-10. '" strictly modern un-to-data tools. L. F, 0f- irti w oiiiib, ao, iy. on pi. WOOD PULLEYS (Ollbert): thoussnd; In sterll ; sii aiametera. ciiAULtso nunu urn ou Arcn atreet. PIPB : FITTINQS, all alzes. P1IILA. :p-HA! PIPIT SUPPLY, 1003 N. 7tb. Botn pnow. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS SEPTEMBER SALE jiErrca xjptown sTones The aummer rental pianos are rspldlyejjfc . , Ing back. Macy of the finest llepps. MereeHJJ. , Jules and Mcbomacker planoa. aa good ss msj. win e sold ai reaucnons 01 e-v 'JS" ." , tbs new pricea. Guaranteed for 10 s 1 1 . a 1 n-a.4a.lu SI HflUrird. .ml. 'bo-t'lop'rlght-'plaa-by ."& 3 Chlckerlng. Maaoo. Mamfln. , LeMsr. 0JJ part payment fc" ptanoIa-pUnos. vl'5',lTO a 1 have been marked, down to 175. " "" J 4)00. .. .?. "."' ..,.1 aad t. neversi pisrr-iii-iiiua,.ii.... --- -a duced l-OO and J3U0 below resuisr """ H5i is?JrVr s,atr. . 98 rnlla f mualo 8uo new pianos, Schomack-r, F.raucesca, tr. TO fit anyplaio. " s. Hepp-. Marwllua. J"J loeaca. at one uallofitt We" Cowprta,iVne' of vtctrolae. records. eW,, Call or wrHe for, complete list. "f i,, cataieeruse aaa special iw w ,mt- .... i.e. ..--r.i. .-.-i 1 ' BTft. I . i.s" m 0t t .1 1 . AttmtfKM ISA PsA .aalUt 4Rt foe aB Who IS looking. ' good.mae4M at a rea LSI! Aufr-feKltf Wrilel .tWF TTZm TrJiriir s. nnmnlW-l asfrss Cor, fca aed fr-ry-- '- WAHOOANT VJCTH41LA OtIT"JTi Beautiful Mabnwar VletroU IV wNk etirt.t IIIIMBB4 a ; euu-Fsu.. si.av. jcatire vh.ov t It.tlO weekly, CM J rll JJJ reuu-. II.M. -Entire nrswiii si.iw wees arrioUa-i and Urge ' r ? ...,f IlliVa.ral.d cak t Piano ecerpted as wrt payui ss. as. No charse tvt Mtlmats, UBfVK'a ymowii U'k. Ceraer ath sa4 Th.p-wn st - i-