Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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-, .,
Xa Sommita del Monto E' Pero
iff Sotto Una Cortina di Fuoco
delta Bntteric del Gen
erate Cadorna
J npMA, tt SetUmbre.
Glunge notlxla. che non e' data pero" um
llmento. cho gil Itallanl hanno tatllato )a
'conduttura deiracq.ua potablle che fornixes
.Trleite. it notlila non da' nlcun portico
kre non si sa con1 Vlmprtsa sarebbe
4Ata compluta. n' nrob&blta che si' trnttl
61 una Impress. condotta,a termlne da un
rnarto ill truppe In rlcogntzlone, ma flnora
A non e" posslblle stablllre nlcun che di con
P ...
ail austrlacl aono rluscttl a coatrlneera
di itallanl che occupaano la sommita' ill
Mont Clrrtono ad Indletrogirlare dl un cen.
tlnalo dl metrl, avendo- fatto esplodere dtlla
mine, ma non hanno potuto ocegpare la
sommita' stessa essendo quosta sotto un
tlolenlo fuoco dl artlgllerla da parts delta
batterle Itatlano. Kcco II testa del rap.
porto del Rcnerale Cadorna pubbllcato Inrl
jwra dal Mlnlstero della Querra
Fronts del Trentino: II nemlco tenta
ancora dlycralonl. In Vat dl Ledro
vensrdl ecorso pol retplngemmo un
reparto nemlco n nord est dl Lenzumo.
Nella Val d'Astlco all'alba dl lerl
(abato), dopo un Intenso bombarda
mento 1,1 nemlco fee esplodere mine
iul Monto Clmono, .obbllgando coal' le
noatra truppa. a rlplegaro dalta som
mita' per circa un centlnalo dl motrl.
La posUlone abbandonata e' pero sotto
una fltta rortna dl fuoco da parte
dell nostra batterle.
Nella Val Sugana venerdl' sera 11
nemlco rlnnovo', I auol attacchl nu
Morite Clvaron. ma fu prontamente
Nell'alta vnlle del Cordevola un for
tunato attacco dl sorpresa operato dalle
nostra fono cl dledo II posseaso dl una
positions nvantata verso la sommita'
del Monte Slef. Sul restp della fronte
al aono avute sotnnto ailonl dl artl
Kllerla. i. Avando l'artlftllerla nemlca bombar-
dato Cortina d'Amjieizo e la tona dl
Mlsurina, lo noatre batterle per rap
presaglla bombardarono la stazlone dl
SUllan o la ferrovla dt Val Pusterla
(Val dl Drava).
lerl sera sul Carso il nemlco opero'
nuovl violent! attacchl contro lo nostre
posUlonl dl Quota 208 e Quota 144. Gil
attacchl furono pero' completamente
frustratl dalla reslstenxa della nostro
E" stato nnnunclato da un'agenzla tele
ITafica svlzzera'e riportato pol dalla tedes
ca Overseas che 11 Vatlcano ha protestato
contro la conflsca dl Palazzo Venezla fatta
dal eoverno Itallano. 11 Palazzo Venezla
era proprleta' del govcrno austrlnco cho M
ayeva la sede della sua umbasclata presso
11 Vatlcano.
II Cardlnale Gasparrl avrebbe indtrlzzato
una nota ni rappresentantl diplomatic)
dell'Intesa, nella quale nota I) segretarlo dl
Etato pontinclo dice che II Roverno Itallano
dlchlaro' sua proprlea II Palazzo Venezla 11
IS dcllo scorso mcce, un glorno prltfta che
II pontence ne fosse lnformnto ed agglunge:
"La Santa Sedo si vede obbllgata a far
rlleare la lolazlone del plu' -sacrl dlrlttl
del Santo Padre. Infattl II palazzo era la
resldenza abltuale dcll'ambaaclatore d'Aus
trla presso la Santa Sede.
1 "La conflsca delta resldenza dl un am-
buclatore accredltato presso II Vatlcano
costltulsqo un Insulto alia Santa Sede ed
una vlolazlone del UrUo d rappresentanza
basato sul trattatl QUesto atto fornUce
una nuflva proa delta poatzlone anormale
. dtlla Santa Sede, a perclo' il Santo Padre
tl vede costretto a protestare."
Continued from Fare One
failed and was not hindered Ir. any -way by
the work of the aviators, who can now re
port every movement made by the enemy's
' -
LONDON, Sept. 25. A Homo dispatch
declares that the water supply of Trieste
has been cut.
No details accompanied the sensational
statement. It Is considered highly Im
probable here that the feat can hae been
accomplished by the Italian forces operat
ing on the Isonzo Plateau, who at their
nearest have not 'hewn their way closer
to the objective of their great offensive
Uhan twenty-five miles.
HOME, Sept. 25. The withdrawal of
Italian troops from the summit of Monte
Clmone on the Trentino front, after the
explosion of Austrian mines, li admitted
. In the Italian official reDort Issued last
.'night. It is added, however, that the bom-
-corded position is under a curtain of flrt
' 'from the Italian artillery. The text, of the
statement aaya:
t Trentino front: The enemy still Is
attempting: diversions. In tt)e Ledro
' Valley or) Friday we repulsed a hostile
detachment northeast of Lepzuino.
In the AbMco Va.ly at d.aybrealc
-yesterday after an Intense bombard
ment the enemy exploded mines on
Monto Clmone, obliging our troops to
withdraw about 100 yards from the
summit. The abandoned position Is,
however, under a barrage fire of our
' LONDON. Pep. 25.
' German defensive work north qf Neuve
Chapelle and north of Ilulluch have been
heavily damaged by British mines. Bays the
jfflclal report of the' British War Office
today, Eait of Ccrtjrcellejto, on the Sorame
, roni, a uerman auacu was rspuisea. nq
Aftlclai report follows;
uoutn or te Ancre, n jnepiy at
tempted an attack against one of our
outposts but was repulsed. We ex
ploded mines during the night north of
. Neuve Chapelle and Jlulucb, much
'damage bolpff done "to enemy works.
Kntmy trenches went raided.
. WediwwUys, Oct, 11, IS, S
$2.50 ?p'
' f(lBalu4B Tr Orr 8wUfiUkl
pl TrfSfi Htf
Ka4inc TffsA4 IA.V.
ssssssssssNJHSiJflsssssssssssB MVVK
Plan Reinterment of Edward Joseph
Keljey Here
An effort will bo made by the family of
Edward Joseph Kelley. twenty-seven years
old, of (918 Glrnrd avenue, who was killed
by a shell In a dressing station at Marrc,
near Verdun, whllo serving with the Amer
ican Ambulance Corps, tp obtain the body
and bring It to this city for reinterment.
Word of his death was received last night
by his Ulster. Mlsi Marnaret Kelley, from
A. Piatt Andrew, In charge of one of the
squads of the American Ambulance Corps.
Kelley sailed for Paris on the 1'rcncli
liner Lafayette on August 26. It was his
Intention to remain nt the French capital,
but there was a call for men nt the Ver
dun front and he responded. He was the
son of the late Joseph It. and Mary U.
Kelley, and wa employed In tho service
department of an automobile manufactory
Mra. Klipper, on Verge of Col
lapse, to Testify nt'Butler
Mrs. neglna Klipper. of Philadelphia, the
Government's star witness agalnt the ar
rested Alleged members of the Jt.000.000
blackmail syndicate, probably will be sum
moned lo the Federal llulldlng tomorrow
afternoon at the further hearing of William
Uutter, who has been held In Slt.000 ball.
Ihitler, accuned by Fedral authorities as
one of the leaders of the syndicate, will be
arraigned before United States Commis
sioner lldward Long, Mrs. Klipper Is ex
pected to testify against him and tell of
the part he is alleged to liave taken In
blackmailing her for 11600 In New York
and this city.
Mrs. Klipper, whose Information to the
Government started the wholesale ex
posures, returned from Chicago Baturda),
accompanied by Todd Daniel, special agent
of the' Department of Justice. She Is said
to be almost on the verge of a nervocs
breakdown owing to her experiences. Mr.
Daniel said that her whereabouts In Ph'l
ndetphla Is known only to agents of the
Department of Justice and thnt sho Is keep
ing In seclusion.
Mr. Daniel was emphatic In saying that
any Interviews published ns hating come
flrom her since her return wire falso.
While the Government's case was strength
ened by the arrest of two more alleged
blackmailers In ChTcago. their arrest, Mr.
Daniel said, had no local significance. They
were wnnted for operations 4n Chicago, lio
The men arrested were Homer T. French
and James Christian, both of whom have
many aliases. Their comrades, who are
said to have blackmailed A. It. Wesley, a
nromlnent buslnoi man of tho West, nnd
Alice Williams, supposed to be a young
married woman, were George Irwin nnd
"Doc" Urady,
According to the story, French, Irwin
and Urady, representing themsehes to be
officers of the Government, gained entrance
to n room In n New York hotel, and there
found Wesley and Mrs. Williams. Irwin
Informed the couple they were under arrest
for violation of tho Mann white slave act.
"I am United States Marsnat Mark A
Foote, of Chicago," tho Department of Jus
tice snyq he told Wesley. "These men are
my officers, and wo hae come to take you
back to Chicago for prosecution on a war
rant we have here."
Irwin, the Government says, then read
Rehearses KIbbcs for Judge
BOSTON, Mass, Sept. 25. The three
mlnuto embraces and stolen kisses, which
.played an Important part In the divorce
which Major P.alph G. Carpenter, of Wolfe
boro, N. IL, nnd Boston, won from Mrs.
Marguerite P. Carpenter, wero rehearsed
at Magnolia before Judge Klel, who heard
the case In Cor cord, N. II. The rehearsal
was part of Mrs. Carpenter's appeal from
the Judge's decision. Through her counsel
she has dented that she sat In n man's lap
on the piazza qf the Gables Cottage, as de
tectives testlUcd. or allowed hesclf to be
Cor. 13th and Sansom Sts.
SUITS, $25to$50
ScKA j 3S"
A Novel
for old and young
AuthT of -7f LHtlm Cmltntl"
Here ja a story brimming with love, laughter and
happy tears. Taking you to old Provincetown with
its quaint neighbors, apd narrow streets Bwept by
the breath of the sea. You'll like Georgina,
She'll "put a rainbow round all your troubles."
Take her home with you today.
All booksellers, S1.25 Net
Rginol Soap
a friend to poor complexions
Retlnol Soan Is not onlv unusually
cleanitn? and softcnW, but its reg
ular use helps nature give to the skin
and hair that beamy of perfe ct health,
which it Is impossible to imitate.
Tendency to pimplei is essened,
redness and roughness disappear,
and in a very short time the com
plexion usually becomes clear, fresh
and velvety.
The soothlnr. restorincr influence
that makes this possible is the fysinol
which this soap contains and which
physicians haye prescribed for over
twenty years, in Jleslnol Ointment,
in the care of skin ald scalp troubles.
( the iVtn la In bad condition through neglect
or an unwtie use o( coamf tict. y te a little Reelool
Ointment it firit. Keilnol Sop n4 Qlstpunt
art u!d br H drusrlite. For templet (ite, write
tq Dept. J0-R, Kwioo), Belttaore, Wd.
One Family Lot
in Philadelphia's
Most Beautiful
Park Cemetery .
$Mwct Tlm.t s wlmt Avl11 buy 2' lare
B sf farnjly lots of' 4 (fr&ves each
BHsssaiaLaMai (8 graves 10 interments) with
lsjfl SSlfi'v perpetual care in Philadelphia's
tx'U'L Moet beautiful Park Cemetery
Forest Hills
l styWry Rd .uul iaxtUf fU&WuL Ht feeetffN
1yoawmcevU tupweiuateiivoTotirUieWello
.milt tb4fmatvy towof lutescite. N vUliutlou Ubur. ,U
c. wsa.
Great German Drive
Into Rumania Expected
LONDON, Sept. 25.
THEUE is strong evidence that
Field Marshal von Hlndontiurj?
plans to begin his crnnd offensive
against Rumania soon. Tho first
movement probably will proceed,
from Danat across the extreme
southwestern point of tho Rumanian
frontier. If such nn offensive is suc
cessful, it will causo tho withdrawal
of the Rumanian troops in south
western Trnnsylvanin nnd will cn
nblo the Bulgnrs to invade Rumania
by traversing the Danube at Vidcn,
from which point n railroad runs
to Craiova.
and showed to Wesley a forked warrant,
ouhi'vbvuix io"ru in u uuucu aiaies court.
Neither of tho couple doubted the author
ity of tho "Federal olllcers." On the next
day they were taken on a train and brought
to Chlcnco.
Wesley and Mrs. Williams were token
to a hotel In Chicago and while "prison
ers" there were told definitely that Com
missioner Kooto "would listen to reafon."
Wesley gae up J 11,500 In currency, all ho
had, It is slid.
,Thcy wero stilt held, honctcr. and a.
few days later the woman obtained J2500,
which Bho turned over to the "officers."
War Secretary, With Unfavora
ble Reports From Mexico on
Bandit Activity, Consults
President in Baltimore
WABHINOTON. Sopt S5 The first offi
cial admission that the Mexican situation
again Is "crowing serious" ume today when
Secretary of War llaker left Washington
to confer with President WUson.
Mr. llakcr planned to sen the Treeldent
while tho latter Is In llaltlmore this after
noon and present to him thb latest details
of the situation In Chihuahua. It was said
that he might accompany tho President
back to Shadow 1-nwn.
The War Secretary's Istt to the Presi
dent followed tho refcrenca to him of a
batch of ditpntchen from State Department
agents on tho border and In Mexico. These
dispatches are of n conflicting nature. Sec
retary Lansing said, but a (treat many of
them boro out tho report made by General
fdeorge Bell, ir,, comitMindltHt at Bt Pas.
that Villa "not only kept his promlee t8
enter Chihuahua City, hut did more thai)
ha said he would do there."
There Is no longer doubt that the bandit
movement In Chihuahua, whether led by
Villa personally or not, has grown for
midable. The loyalty of the Carranslsta
troops Is admittedly doubtful and many of
them nro known to have deserted to the
bandits during the last week.
Omclnls het'e are apprehensive that the
bandits, who are well armed and equipped,
may nt any time attempt an attack either
upon General Pershing's troops or Uon the
American border patrol. And In either In
stance the outcome would be serious.
Unassailable evidence from competent
sources reached Washington Indicating that
the Carranslsta soldiers In northern Chihua
hua are making no effort to Interfere either
with the Vlltlata or Legallsta bands operat
ing there.
A supplementary report from General Dell,
received today, gives detailed Information
along this line. It flatly charges that the
expeditions sent In pursuit of Vllltstas by
Qeneral Trevlno have made no effort to
Interfere with the bandits.
Ardmorc Boy Held as Thief '
Joseph Masslno, a boy, living In Ardmore,
was held under SHOO ball yestorday by
Magistrate Stlllwagon on the charge of lar
ceny. According to members of the Lower
Merlon police force, after being arrested
Saturday night, he confessed to tho theft
of a pocketbook containing 1110 belonging
to Vmbcrto Santonlo, proprietor of a blccle
shop on I.ancaster piko.
i etiiiii
ftELf 1MAH CArTAtfr IK V. .
WiU Report to jMtM, Kmksy Outtt
of SMjt'spwtractfeit
NKW TORK, Be. M, Captain Jofca fe
Melckle. bt the steeMMfcta Kelyini. wMofcj
went dowrj In the HrWol Channel eft SeK
tember t. nrflted here on the Anchor itnew
uaurornia loaay Twenty-seven
members or the Kelvlnla'a crew Mat apfit
lives In the sinking of the DonahteaM HsMr.
Captain Metckle refused to reveal wat
he believed to be the mum ot M vmpaVa
destruction. He will make a full reeert w
the British embassy, -
is of vital IMPORTANCE to m.
Will it IJURN-RUN n tlw
What ii the WEIGHT on your
rafters 7
IIIITKI) TIN is llthtnlncproof. will
not born, cannot ran and la Um
nintetl lorra oi roonng.
Atiaoiitnra Jtis
I v VVSVw LTfrirfrrrr
i i
' Qfffflfc JWfedriesdw
VpyPjlj Saturday-
jsa'i. --0
This Opportunity
Ends Saturday at Five
And with it there will be many disappointments. As usual, there are
always many vyho are just "too late." They often have excuses. But
in this sale our liberal terms waive every excuse. We emphasize this:
You Needx Very Little Cash teTZSdZfSFtZZtt. HS -
At 20 Off Marked Prices
Fur Coats
November September
Reg. Price Sale Price
60.00 French Seal Coats.
70.00 French Seal Coats. . .
(Bkunlc Collar)
95.00 Natural Muskrat Coats
(Hudson Seal Collar, Cuffs and Uelt)
120.00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..
Raccoon Coats ..... J 12.00
Caracul Coata 120.00
1 60.00 Leopard Skin Coats . . 1 28.00
(Collars of Raccoon and nadger)
190.00 Nutria Coats , 152.00
190,00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..152 00
(.ln. Border and Collar of Skunk)
200.00 Sable Squirrel Coata. 160.00
20.00 Hudson Seal Coats. .
((In. Border and Collar of Skunk)
300.00 Hudson Seal Coata. .
((In. Border and Collar of Skunk)
3)5.00 Hudson Seal Coats. ..252 00
(6-ln. Border arid Collar of Lynx)
350.00 Moleskin Coats 280.00
(Deep Border and Collar of Skunk)
475,00 Natural Mink Coat... 380.00
Fur Sets
November September
Reg. Price Sale Price
30.00 Hudson Seal 24.00
30.00 Natural Raccoon .... 24.00
32.50 Black Fox 26,00
32.50 Skunk 26.00
45.00 Beaver 36.00
55.00 Red Fox 44.00
75.00 Kamchatka BIu"e Fox. 60.00
75.00 Battleship Grey Fox. 60.00
80.00 Black Lynx 64.00
95.00 Baum Marten Fox. . . 76,00
'110.00 Fisher 88.00
110.00 Mole Sff.OO
110.00 Kolinsky 88,00
1 20.00 Cross Fox 96.00
120.00 Slate Fox 96.00
120.00 Dyed Blue Fox 96.00
325.00 Hudson Bay Sable. . ,260,00
360.00 Nfttural Blue. Fox . . -288.00
850.00 Silver Fox -.680.00
A Small Deposit
Will Reserve Your
Purchase in Our
Storage Vaul't
Unti Desired
' '
Your Furs for the Fall and Winter Season Should Be Purchased New Because
Price during tba September Fur Sal can Patron opening Cbariio Account may
pot bo duplicated after September 30th. have bill rendered December 1st.
q A "fauTeHt" rp"rV T0Ur i",rChM" Ch',e- h PCI"X unlimited at thl. ....
-... J. . I . , .. e. . t " t tl y"
JAU Fur purchased during tba September '
Sals will appear on statements rendered tlEyary article bear our label, which iitnm
December lt, upoq request. you of quality, style and workmanship.
NOTE Due to Lack of Spcce, We Quote Only Specimen Valuers.
4or(rrtnf to Select From in Every Kind of Fur. Mlttft'
Coatt and Extra Large Site Coat$ Up 'to SO Mutt,
& DeMaivy
Oppo.it Kth,)