EVENING LEDGEB-PHnTADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEFDEMBEE 25, 1016 (AYTOBSUE CHAPLIN REVUE SOON LUHan Walker Injured in Acci dentDirector O'Brien Goes to Metro Paralysis Ban Upon Movies May Be Lifted IT IS reported unofficially that tho ban on children attending motion picture theaters will bo modified on nxt Saturday, and, perhaps, en tirely iiftetLlrt soma districts. While wT authoritative ruling on tho sub ject has been issued by the Depart ment of Health, it is being rumored that some of the photoplay houses in the central part of tho city will be permitted to admit juveniles after October 2. Br the Photoplay Editor Many a time and oft has ths revue Mothed ths rubber-tired business man In the) legitimate theater. But heretofore there has been no such picture production, "barrlnc a few wild-cat entures to which Hie stigma ot piracy was easily attached. Now comes President Spoor, of Essanay, with an announcement that he will present Charles Chaplin In the LVisanay-Chaplln Ttovue- of 191G. It will bo In the reels, and released through the General Film Service. Three films have been drawn on for the ret tie! "His New Job," "The Tramp" and "A Night Out." Just how they are to be Interlocked In the "new" feature Is not ex plained. Within the last two years there have been several hashes of Chaplin pictures served up In various eastern theaters, and finally the prevalence of pirated prints, made from positives and marketed by Captain Kldds, became so great that tho law was Invoked. Lillian Walker, Vitagraptt player, was Injured In an automobile accident last week. She is reported to be Improving. That banging noise around the Metro studios is John B. O'Brien's trunks being delivered. The former director for Famous Flayers and Fine Arts, and of Mary Pick ford, has been signed by tho Topular Plays and' Players, lie will coach Emmy Wehlfn In the gentle art of registering. Mr, O'Brien ' Is remembered as producer of "Hulda from Holland." with "Little M.," and of the battle scenes (very good ones, too) In 'The THylng Torpedo," with John Emerson. Henry B. Walthall, who has been notable by his absence ot late, will start work Im mediately on a feature of seven acts for Essanay. It Is "The Truant Soul." by Victor Rousseau, a novelist. Harry Beau mont will direct Walthall's role will bo that of a surgeon, world-famous, but tho prey of a mysterious weakness. Sounds ptqulngT Some of the reissues of old Blograph films are excellent bits of testimony to the early talent of D. W. Griffith. Others tes tify only to the vast advance In general directorial skill in the last few years. "The Sunbeam." which Is on Market street to day. Is an amusing and human little story (or at least it seemed so when It was re leased long' ago). Claire Macdowell, now with Universal, and Dell Henderson, at present a Famous Players producer, have the principal roles. La Belle Otero, the noted dancer, will be filmed abroad. The Spanish artist will be "shot" in Madrid, Barcelona and Seville during the taking of the picture. The feature U1 portray Incidents In her life. She accepted 60,800 francs for her work In it. Now It's reported that John Emerson will sever his connection with the Artcraft after completing "Less Than the Dust." the first offering of the company. Mary Pick ford Is the star. R1OTBNT "THB GILDED rAtlK." with Allre Brady, .. radr-Wnrld film first half ot the week. Tflh tt'MKM, THH UIV,1' with Emily Stevens, a Metro future. Utter halt ot th week PALACE "TIIE BtO MSTKR." Willi Mae Mur ray, a Paramount production. flrat half of I'm week ."TIIK I'AHSON OK PANAMINT." with Duatln Farnvrm, a Pallas, latter bait ot tha week victoria ."the nmt rut.-cn." with Clara Kimball Toung, a World photoplay, tlrjt half of th week "THE WHEEL OF THK J-AU,1' with Kmllr Stevens, a Metro, latter half ot tha weak VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S "Tha Garden of tha World." with AdlaMa and Hughes; Cecil Cunnlneham. Car mala and Itoaa Pomlllo. "The Prediction" Kmmalt Welch. At Gerard and Sylvia Clark. Clark and Verdi; t.ttllan Uonne and llert Albert: Jack and Kitty Demaeo; Ernette A no. rlo and company, and tha Sellg-Trlbune news weekly. GLOBE. "Sona of AbMhanT'r tha Oreat Lam hertl and company! HerrlcK and Hart. In "At the Movlea"i Kelly and Sawtellei Kelly and Sauwalnj Baker, Lynn and company! Billy Klnkald- Blxley and Lcrneri . Lillian Doherty; Uob Tip and company, and tha Laf fertys. Wtt.LtAM rENN First half of week! Lew Wlnech and companys llllly Wllaon, In "In My Neighbor's Garden"; George llalnea and company, Fred 1 'elder and Nettle Itackert Wayne and tha Morrla alatera, William H Hart. In "The Patriot " Latter half of week! Harney Williams: tho Uordon Trios Ward and Vans tha Club Trios "The Little Liar " CROSS JCKY8--Flret half or week! Rtengall and Mile. Helento. Davla and Warren; Snow la Mayhelle: "Tha Mysterious Will", North and ICcliyi Laypn and Benjamin, letter halt of week: Svengall and Mile Helento: McDon- aia ana jtowianat rveuio aii hrothera: Wlenars and Murk omiin. GRAND Bobby Walthour; Inglla and Redding; Cole, Russell and Davis. In "Waltera Want ed": Sadie Do Lena, tha Kanaxawa Japa, Mutual comedlea and Paths newa plcturea, MINSTRELS DtlMONT-S "The Opening Btora. or No Mors Bergs." d and Rowland: rveuio Monaham and (Jordan and Bcliwartx of Earl's Na new burlraque. Metropolitan Moves Office The Metropolitan Opera House Company announces thit subscriptions for tho grand opera season wilt now be received at the downtown subscription department at 1108 Chestnut street, directly opposite, the for mer location. The office will be open dally from 9 a, m. to 5:30 p. in. Subscriptions will bo received for tho season by tho Met ropolitan Opera Company, of New York, Glullo Oattl Casa.ua, general manager, comprising sixteen Tuesday evening per formances, the first performance being scheduled for November 21 The Boston National Grand Opera Com pany, Max Ilablnoff managing director. An nounces the appearance of this organisa tion at the Metropolitan Opera House" dur ing the week beginning November 13. Eight performances will bo given during the week. Subscriptions vlll be received for three per formances. Subscribers have the choice ot two nights and one matinee, A number of good locations are still available In the different sections of the house. LOST AND TOTTND AUTOMOBILE naward IJS: atolen Ford touring car. 101" model, mfs, No lntlftlS. Penna. license. No 65042, Notify Maryland Motor r.r insurance Co., A. P. Devereux, manager, 821 Walnut at ! 1IAO Loat, black traveller baa; fromautomo bile, containing clothing, on Sept. 13, between lloulevard and Urnad St. Station: liberal re ward and no questions aaked It returned to 915 Northc.it lloulevard. OOt.t) riN Lost, on Sept 11. In Phlla. or on a Delaware road train. 1 atrial! sold pin In ahapa ot rreacent and start engraved on back are II E. H, II It, lHlti on front In enamel HE. Reward of 14 If returned to E. Elmore Smith, llarrlaburg Academy, llarrlaburcr. Pa GOLD PIN Lost, cold pin, mounted with two epra.a of red coral, either In Uormantown or downtown, Saturday, lteturn to 0501 Wasne ae , Apt D 4 BUNCH OP KEYS loat. between Ambler and Philadelphia, containing Kay Vaaaar. Lock 80.S.74. Malt key to Albert 13. Engel. 217 Atlantlo ave.iCamden Reward. STOCK Loat. 12 stiarea Pennsylvania Railroad inmna in inn mmo i tiflcate 3R01BI. Tha Charlotta L. Prout, finder will r-cel Hh pertlflcala 3R1RI Iheral reward by returnln- aama toizi'w,jiinon ai , -jiokii. WATCH I-oat, aold brareTef watch, Elaln: In- Itlala M. L. W. Liberal reward. Phona Oer- mantown 85B W. 228 Wlater at PItSONAS MUS. JAMKS E. SUtlRVE. maldan nama Kjtla t. Konperaer taaopiioxi mrn. m,n itj i' HELPJVv ANTED rEMAIiB COOKheTlabla woman, drat cook In amall ho tel Wealern rennaylvanla: 140 per month and tranaportallon, reference required. M 103, Ledicr Office. ... - COOK wanted for cooklnc and downatalra work: Swede or Herman preferred; 2 In family. 3224 Diamond at. KxiiraniK i.raiiHffliiH.rai.FiiraE' Prominent Photoplay Presentations uonwinaB om Botim Qrnpamu TIIK following thentera obtain their plcturea thrniich tho STANLEY Hooklns Company, which la a suarantee of eorlr ahowin of the finest prodnctlona. All plcturea renewed beforo eahlbltlon Ak for ths thenter In your locality obtaining pictures throush the 8TANLKY HOOKING COMPANY. AIUAWIDDA 12'b. Morrta ft Paisyunk Av. ALHAlTlDKA Mat. Dally at 2; EVgs. 0:43.4 0. Pal amount Plcturea FANNIE WARD ln ,,,3AC,IXSSi CHESTNUT BELOW 10TII ARCADIA dorotiiy Da-tori & ,,0WABD Hickrrjan Inv'THE JUNGLE CHILD" ADriT 1 f f"D AND THOMPSON ArULAJ MATINEE DAILT t r iril 11 m nenxy . vv tuuiou PILLARS OP SOCIETY" GLOnlA'S nOMANCE" No. 13 ' .a-v mrj-a-kt-n 62D ABOVE MARKET iJllVl-rlN 1 Mate.. 1:30 & .1:30. 10o r;vsa.. Pauline Frederick ,n n io. 8 n v. ibc THE WOIIAN IN THE CASE" pr rx A X C0TH AND CEdXu AVE. LlUAK a t a if ntvr theater HOUSE PETERS in THE RAIL RIDER" Theatrical Baedeker BROAD "A LADY'M NAME." with Maria Tampeat aa a woman novellat In a, comedy by Cyril Harcourt. author of "A Pair ot Silk Stocklnca." Opening Saturday evening, FORREST "SYBIL," with Julia Sanderaon. Donald Brian and Joaeph Cawthorn. Flrat local production of an important operetta. Opening thla evenlnr. GARRICK "THE HOUSE OF flLAHS." with Mary Ryan. A new drama by Max Marcln never before aeen In thla city, but which had long run ln New York. Opening tonight. AT POPVLAR PRICES kNICKERBOCKER "PKO O JIY HEART." with Carawo CarveL Flrat local preaentatlon at popular prices of J, Hartley Mannera'a comedy, aaen two aeaaona ago at tha Adel phl. WALNUT "FOB THE MAN SHE I.OVF.n." a. new melodrama, with lieth Merrill, Others In tha caatt Florence Plncknay, Francla Saylea and Edwin Walter. ' CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "THE IURTII OF A NATION." with Henry B Walthall. Mae Marah. l.llllan alah and oth era. Last week of the run at popular prlcea here CONTINVINO PZAY8 LYRIC "ROBINSON CRUSOE. JR.." with Al Jolson. lwranca Doraay and Kittle Doner. A Winter Garden ahow with a plot and all tha other thlnga. AI Jolson at his beat. ADELPHT "KXI'ERIENCE." with Ernest Ulendlnning. William Inseraoll and a large cast A "modern morality play." with mora reality and hununneaa about ft than graoad "Everywoman." Glendlnnlng- acta auperbly, NEW FEATURE FILMS STANLEY "ASHES OF KMBERS." with r-aul-tna Frederick, all week. The atar haa a dual role, that of twin alatera. "Soma Tropical nirda" and "Tha Spanish Pyrenees" alaq on tha bill. AJICADIA "THE J UN OLE CHILD," with FAIRMOUNT 20T" AIJ?,- AVE. LUCILLE LEE STEWART in "HIS WIFE'S GOOD NAME" T"I CX THEATER Matinee Dally DO I ITl O 1 . llrlnw Rpri, Kvers. T to 11. VIVIAN MARTIN in 'THE STRONGER LOVE" FRANKFORD raANKIvCSuE MAE MURRAY in THE DREAM GIRL" JEFFERSON 9Tn atnrdeetaup"in OlgaPetrova'-'w'pFiRE'' BILLIE BURKE In "GLORIA'S ROMANCE" Market St. Theater DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in SS3 MARKET STREET "THE HABIT OF HAPPINESS" PAI APr; lsl MARKET STREET MAE MURRAY in 'THE BIG SISTER- DA DV RIDGE AVE. 4 DAUPHIN ST. sT-AIM- MAT. 2:in. KVO , 0:45 to 11. RITA JOLIVET in "AN INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET F. X.- Bushman and Beverly Bayne In "PENNINGTON'S CHOICE" DCT'CMT W3 MARKET STREET rV..H.lN 1 HUMAN VOICE OROAH Alice Brady The Gnd Cage HELP WANTS- T-KAL- Cealtnsed from jreffeHntf Colwma FEEDERS Glrla to feed cylinder preaa! muat bo eip.i modern ahop conditional poaltlona with advanca't. Mr Oenttach, 240 w Somerset aim,. . general housework, for roung eourlej amall heuao In West Philadelphia: rood refer- encee required .M MJt Ledger Office. , GIRLS on men'a felt hataTperlened trlramers. operatora and learnera who are familiar with hand-needlework. Apply Frank Schobla Co., 10th and Oxford OIRL8 over 19 years wanted for light worki no etpeflence necessary: 111 week paid while learning Apply aiv ft. ou si. GIRLS, eTperlenced. and learnera. on calendar work. Apply Wolf Co., 12th and Callow hill, thlrdjloor Oinl.S. light, clean work, Peerleaa Silk Hosiery Co , Jasper and Wlllard ata, GOVF.RNES8. Troteatantt English, preferred elementary atudlea, also musics child of J and aaalat witn younar children! reterence, Wrlla or apply Wednesday. September 27, 3 p. m,, 1804 Plna at , for place In country. HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED on topping, knlttlnr. mending, and on atrlng machines. We furnish flraKlaaa Instructora, and pay glrla while learning, and have plenty of work all tha time after tbey have learned. This la a fine opportunity. WALLACE-WILSON HOSIERY CO. 4335 Orchard at., Frankford, HOUSEKEEPER Refined woman for family of 2: good home for competent peraon. Apply 1711 8. 13th at. KNITTERS, experienced on circular aprlng beard needle machines. Higlenlo Fleeced Un derwear Company,241.1 N. Howard MAID, colored, for general housework! amall family washing: good reference required. Phone Preston 6341. , MAIDS. 2, experienced! one conking and down atalra work: second, waiting and chamber work. Call after 11 a. m. Monday, 328 S. 40th at. OPERATORS, experienced, wanted on allk dressea. A. lf.Caplan - Co., 010 Wajnut at. OPERATORS on single-needle machines; ateady work. Apply Greenwald Broa , 247 B. 3d. PRESSERS, white, learnera and wanted Apply A. F. Bornot Bro. cor 17th and Falrmount. exp. glrla Co., B. E. SALESWOMEN FOR REGULAR AND EXTRA POSITIONS. APPLY ALL WEEK BEFORE 11 A. M. AT BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT, 4W FLOOR. 8TRAWBRIDaE CLOTHIER help wanted: crownera SHOES Packlnr room and packers. 7th floor, 315 N. 12th. STENOGRAPHER, quick and accurate, with ex perlence on dictaphone: atata age, aalary and experience. P 030, ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, com., office exp : aalary f 10 begin.: typewrite our appllca. A 815, Led.oif. STENOGRAPHERS EXPERIENCE I'lAJ X3IKNT, CED. APPLY BUREAU OF EM '. 4l4 FLOOR, BEFORE 11 A. M. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER TEACHER, native French, wanted for private school: desirable place. National Teachera' . Agency. D. It. Cook. MgT.. 327 Perry Bldg. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions aa operatora to In telligent young women btween 18 and 22 jeara old: aalary to a week while learning, with rapid advancement: a ateady position aa aured. w th pleasant aurroundlnga and unusual opportunity for promotion. Apply In peraon to th; Bell Telephone Company'a operatora achool. 400 Market at., dally, between 8 30 a. m. and S p m.: Monday. Tuesday and Fri day eventnga between 7.30 and 8.30 o'clock. , TELEPHONE OPERATORS Experienced. Apply Bureau of Employment, 4ft floor, 1 STRAWBRIDOE A CLOTHIER TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dla tance: experienced. Apply Keystone Telephone Company.133 S.2d at..Room 403. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dls I?nce,..V'rlSncedl Apply Kevatons Telephone Co , 135 S. 2d at.. Room 403. Rl I Trt GERMANTOWN AVE. 1l 1 V7 AT TULPEHOCKEN ST. Louise Huff "DesbWs Tov" 15yd". ucsuny s 1 ojr 1 -0uno lady, b RITD V MARKET STREET U I BELOW 7TJI STREET THEDABARA .The &-,,,, I C AHPD FORTY-FIRST AND ' I--V LANf"-EU AVENUE VIVIAN MARTIN in "THE STRONGER LOVE" I D D T V BROAD ANIJ J. K. 1 I COLUMBIA "HOME" Bessie Barriscale I ""I-" I ICT 62D AND LOCUST LUlUu 1 Mats. 1:30 and .1:30, 10c Eves. It .10. 8. 11:30. 13c WILLIAM FARNUM A KATHRYN WILLIAMS In 'THE SPOILERS" XNVxeVV NORTHEAST SA VI1V 1!11 MARKET X V V I STREET ROBERT WARWICK in "FRIDAY THE 13TH" p I Q Q A 17TH AND VENANGO STS. WALLACE REID in THH HOUSE OF THE GOLDEN WINDOWS" VIPTORIA MArtK- st. VI"-el '.! ABOVE NINTH CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in 'THE DARK SILENCE" pin ADD OIRARD AVE. Below 7TII C..J DAILY. 2 :18. EVGS., 7-0, I'audVrvine rhotoplais THEDA BARA '" "awjg .. WKST rlHLADELPinA EUREKA 40TI1 UAnKET 8TS MYRTLE GONZALES in THE GIRL FROM L08T LAKE" CTANI FV MARKET ABOVE lflTII )1A.1I i il II -IS A. M to 11:15 P. M. PAULINE FREDERICK in "ASHES OF EMBERS" M1UTII l'llILADELPIIIA OLYMPIA BA-ND NO P.RFORfANCE TODAY. TUESDAY CHAPLIN In "Ono A. M." "AN AMERICAN GENTLESIAN" "MYSTERIES OF MYRA." When You Want to Know Where to Sea GOOD riietoplaya Read Thla Dallyrhotoplay Guide In the Evening Ledger. WOMAN wanted, reliable, white, for general housework on farm: or will take, man and wife. Write for particulars to Mra. W. P. Thompaon, 10 N. Dorset ave.. Atlantlo City, WOMAN OF EXECUTIVE ABILITY aa manager , iiuuiv.auuii vuivoi iuw caan required: aal- .'u nrar. inree months: 125 thereafter. central. abOUt 1!S M Of tnm nn. work: one acquainted with city atreeta pre ferred: aalary IB. M 257. Ledger Central. YOUNG WOMAN wanted to clva flrst-ald In factory In northeaat Philadelphia and assist on cost records; hours. 8 to 5 30: training not neceasary but dealrable. 8. l.edier Branch. Howell and TorresdaJe un . Philadelphia! A LARGE FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY store) requires a second trimmer: muat be thoroughly experienced and capable: ffViS !wllon to a competent peraon. M 108, Ledser Office. A LARGE FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY store requlrea a flrat-claaa A No. 1 trimmer: only one who haa had flrst clasa. retail experience; the position la a very desirable one. M 109, Ledger Office. X-L WANTED MALE Conflaaed from rrrceiHw Colamn OFFICB JBT un 0VF.11 Id inn liiVn noon BCHOOlaNOi HOOD OPPORTUNITY FOn .ADVANCB- wbnvc wit'Ii FOR. MENT. CA CHKITN 8TS, vyi,K. AMUITtOUS. COMPOUATIC PoKTllNlTY JtonADVANCB LL LEDUER OFiTCB. Tlt AND 1ER I ASK FOR MB. BOUR- aalearoom hOr , mwmA -W... m ' Z?T h 14 of factory within i aqusrea of City Halll mnat wm nri n, mi- ,,b& ..,. , nn n.iinn, ui. - r". -- "...-.-. uhU.,..w -viAI. mi I ;jvi to v, fotlnfa mnA wrlllln. ,a v 1 from chanc to learrubuatness and become salesman! wajrfs lo 340J4gtr Central BOY, over 1 yeara. torgeneral offlta work fac tory In West Phlla.i must be neat. Intelligent and r lie Irclbla band. Aroly Orarbrook tar- petCo , 80th and Lancaster are. BOY, must be Id, for errand "and general work in wnoieaaia nouset good opportunity. Aiaravi n(. 033 BOY wanted to feed Gordon press: must ba 18 yeara old, strong and willing. A 225, Ledger uince, offlca work! atata ap wox B10 e and BOY for general wages. Address A. T.. P. O, BOY. bright, educated, ared" In. for offlca workl i-roiesiant. . abh, logger urnce, BOYS wanted to work night orki must ba 16 yeara oldi opportunity for advanr-ment. Apply after 8 p. m , Puhlle Ledger Office, 0th and i.nrsinm ais nun noor. BOYS handy with tools to learn good trade! paid while learning. Apply Belber Trunk and Bag Company, lrl4( N. Hancock. 3Y wanted, about 17, tor general office work In large corporation. M 100. Ledger Office. BOY for general office work) state age and wages, Address A, T.i i'. u. nox at-. BOY around office and factory. Apply Wolt -Co.. second floor, 12th and Catlownlll. BOY, wanted to work In store. gnenrave. 1S05 K. Alls- BOYS. NEAT, FOR FLOWER STORE: MUST FURN I BH REFERENCE. 112 12T1I ST. BU8HELMAN One who ran operate a Hon. man or Amer. press, machine. Q 04T, Led. Off. Experienced 4H floor, , CAKE BAKER . Apply Bureau ot Employment, STRAWBRIDGE - CLOTHIER . CLERICS FOR OFFICE WORKl TOUNO MEN WITH HtOlt SCHOOL TRAINING PREFERRED: EXPERIENCE NOT NErESARY, APPLY BUREAU OFV EMPLOYMENT, 4H FLOOR, BEFORE 11 AV M. STRAWBRIDGE k CLOTHIER CUSTOM TAILOR Who desires to consolidate, or cutter or aalea man with good trade, to associate with well established firm: may make very advantageous arrangement: state In confidence your own proposition and approximate amount ot trade, a 040, Ledger Central. DENTIST wanted, experienced: reglatered In Pennsylvania; permanent position and good alary to the right man. Dr. Whltten. 327 Maln at., Johnstown,. Pa. - DRAFTSMAN ArchltecturiTdraftsmsn of abil ity and exp. to design and detnll business buildings for tho United Oaa Improvement Co. wanted at once. Apply 010 Fidelity Bldg. DRAFTSMAN, bright, young man. technical edu cation, experienced, wanted by Aeroplane Mo- tor Manufacturer. O 840. Ledger Central. . DRIVER Wanted, good pork route driver. Ap ply 3045 Oermantown ave. DYE ANDTOOI, MAKERS wanted. American Metal Worka, 314 Armat at. . TITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted: boiler and tank work. Cruac-Kemper Co .Ambler, Pa, OENTLEMEN" of refinement and good appear ance to Interview business men In Phlla. Ap ply C to 7 p. m.. 010 Stock Exchange Building. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. 13 24 to 15 per day of 8 hours: tool makers. IS 23 to 15: ma chlnlsts. 2 70 to 15; assistant machinists. 2 to 12.00. based on experience and capacity: automatic turret lathe operatora. Cleveland. Brown ft Sharpe. 14 50: Potter ft Johnson, 13 59: hand turret lathe operators. IB to 18.1(1; hlaher compensation .when, on piecework; skilled laborere, 12 to 12 24: solderera. 12.24. Apply Frankford Arsenal, preferably ln per. aon. Brldesburg. IRON WORKERS We want 200 strong men. between 23 and 40 yeara ot age. not under 6 feet 7 Inches 1B0 rounds weight, for night work: wages 115 at atart: piece workera earn much more: ateady work Indoors, best of conditions: no trouble; real loba for men wanting to locate perma nently: state age, nationality and experience. AlreaeAW.. Postofflco Box 3484. Station O. KNITTERS, experienced on circular aprlng-board needle machines. Hjalenlc Fleeced Underwear Co.. a41u IN. iioffani LABORERS for oiltalde work. 12.24 per aay 01 8 hoJraV Apply Frankford Arsenal.Brldesbure. EaBORERS wanted. Shelp ft Vandegrift, Inc., 814 N. Lawrence. . LABORERS. 50. wanted. Cruse-Kemper Co., Ambler, Ta. . MACHINISTS, erectora and floor men. experi enced on textile machinery. Apply rcady for work. Smith ft Furbush. Hancock at. en trance, aboveLehlgh ave. MAN. 40 to 50. to take charge of force of lanl tori and responsibility o? Ueejln butrainar cleaned; must be an executive and have Inl tlatlve.A S3L, Ledger Office. . MEAT CUTTER, experienced, used to flrst-clsss trade! Tateidy position. Bouthwest corner 02d ana LansaowTie MECHANIC to work on Autocar: must be a married man, experienced and competent to Sk reoalra on this type car; this Is a -npbdld'PoP"ln.nfor a r.Juble ateady man desiring to change his position. Apply to nrlvatK Owner. I'. U. BOI iO. ' ffiBSl!.rV J-a HELP WANTED MALE fhono-offlca ASSISTANT HALE!) Uiwinwi Young man thorouchly trained in ,h- craoh business, havlni sales mil - . .1 experience, for Ohio corporation, tnn- .. 'r asslatant aalea manager; good aalary and splendid opportunity for advancement! glvs references and experience. Address M 31. Ledger Office. ' AUTOMOBILE BODY BUILDER ON LIMOtTS INE WORK! ALSO OOOIt-HANUE! H AND HARDWARE FlTTEItSl UEHT WORKINO CONDITIONS! HIOIIEST WAGES AND HTEADY WORK, HALE A K1LHURN CO 18TH AND OI.ENWOOD AVE? " BOOKKEEPER and caahter nantedTgood safari raid: reference required. Call Delhelm'a Meal Market, 8521 Oermantown ate. - EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVERY MONDAY SUBJECT TO CHANGE WBHK OP SETT. IS U SO ALIIAMBRA APOLLO ARCADIA BELMONT C1DAB . TEDKKKA FAIRI0UKT FRANKFORD MTH8T. JlFF-RfOX UADUt -r ; Uuv AurritjttT Hfwe MONDAY Fannla Ward. In Each Pearl a Tear , Plllara of Society Glorla'a Romance, No. IS Dallon and lilckman. In Tha Jungle Child Paulina Frederick. In Th Woman In tha Case House Patera. In Tha Rail Rldsr Myrtle Gontales, In Tha Girl From Loat Lalra Lucille Lee Stewart, ln Ills Wife' Good Nama Mas Murray, la Tha Draam Girl Vivian Martin. In The stronger Low Playlac With Fir Gloria' a Romance VIvUui Martta. In Tha Mrocr Leva rrleeala, la FarauufandWrniai Williams, In Hxar JNuMciii' lw iaiiSo- IRIA 'm&iM&ir Mm r'-. " TUESDAY Fannla Ward, In Each Pearl a Tear Rtdgley and Raid. In Tho Selfish Woman Dallon and Hickman. In Tba Jungle Child Paulina Frederick, ln Tha Woman In tba Case Rita Jollvet ln An International Marriage Footlights' of Fata Childers and McDermott Murray and Roberta, In Tha Dream Qlrl Hsiel Dawn, In Tha Heart of Jennifer Vivian Martin. In Tba Stronger Love Waltar Law. In Unwelcome' Mother Return Engagement of Tha Spollara Robert Warwick, la Friday tba lath Farnum and Williams, In Tha Mtioilera Mabel Taliaferro, ln Sod's Half Acre Aerloan Oatttjf-iaa Mysteries of Mrra latUnwtfaSST MWIm Ji&xjxi8?: WaWbS. aWfrV rrattk, 1 ! T5Tig-y 'rtt JTf Sker" Barftaaale and Ray, Haaaa I &nir.r. WEDNESDAY Fannla Ward. In Each Pearl a Tear Edmund Breeae In Tha Weakneaa ot Strength Dalton and lilckman. In Tha Jungle Child Pauline Frederick in The Woman in the Case Cyril Maude, ln Tho Greater Will Kitty Gordon, In Tha Crucial Teat Tha Light at Dusk Liberty Kathlyn Williams, In The Valiants of Virginia Anita Stewart. Tha Combat In Emily Wehlen. In Tha Pretenders Lucille I,ee HHwOt. In ills Wifa'a Good Nama Rita Jollvet. In Her Redemption Robert Warwick in Friday the 13th Walter Law. in Tha Unwelcome Mother Bernard and White, porting Blood la Mae Vurrsy. In Tfte Wt Water THURSDAY Tha House "With the Golden Windowa Caprice and Hllllard, In Miss Happiness Lillian Glsh. In Diane of the Follies Mary Plckford. In Hulda from Holland Edmund Breese. In The Weakneaa of Strength Nanca O'Nell. In Thoae Who Toll Dawn and Moore, In Under Cover Anna Stewart In Tha Daring of Diana . The Patriot Gloria's Romance Nance O'Nell. In Fires of Johanla Viola Dana, In The Light of Happiness rniDAY The House with the Qolden Windows Dilstln Farnum In Davy Crockstt Lillian Olsh. In Diane of, the Follies Mary Plckford. In Hulda from Holland llsxel Dawn. In Under Cover Theda Bare In Under Two Flags Viola Dana. In The Light ot Happiness Theodore Roberts. In Tha Clrcua Man Blanche Hweet. In Public Opinion William Farnum. In End of the Trail Blanche Hweet. In A Public, Opinion SATURDAY The House With tha Qolden Windows Barriscale ,nd Ray. Home In Lillian Olsh. In Plane of the Folllee i.Mrr Plckford. In Hulda from Holland Storey and The Shoo vairl Lhr.c'urtr.h.n J,TW.rni.Kf"lWn. In The Beckoning Trill c.cir AJT All-around tailing machine mechanic, with a thorough, practical knowledge, to take rare of talking machine plant In Ohio: pood aalary and iplSdld opwrtunltv for advancement. Address M D33iLedger Office. MnNwnnted"for rolling mill work: finishers. rougheri. stlckers-ln. stra ghtenera. heater Rlpera and laborers. Apply at once. John inin.wor"h Stiel Co.. Lewis and Tacony. Fkd. pV-iVANTED Boilermakers, locomotive ma- M?h1nl.ts. ?" reilrmen.' laborer. ' fgnjoilve cleaner.. Pennajjl. lCall17IX 1 liue rt si. ,,Fv handy with tooia to learn good trade: ilpaM whllJ learning. Applv Belber Trunk and llac Co.. 1041 N. Hancock. MWtowanted to learn the aau.agf and pork MnNc'kIn. builneas; 22c per hour. Apply 3015 Germantonae. , MOt.dEyn57rgo'od- ..X'cSnllfe TtiSZX P. O. Box 709. Lynchburg-. a. miKn8ALE8MEN, solicitors and flnlhera Department. 1017,Chstnut st, PIAJMIIERH. v. anted, flrat-class. Apply II. t 1 A Shaffer. Jenklntownra. && sV .rtSKd-HfiPl- 1 -Mr' .on5r1obA i3?pifiss: ,TrWHK H. IX.-1.t""". " H-LF WAXT-I) XALg Ccmllatied rem freceaSaie Column W A NT K D FIRST-CLASS MACHINISTS -.iit-e wun rmwsr ana nana milling machines and proniera Familiar ' who can Instruct men to oper ate these tools. pply In person, or wrlla the r5 Knilsnd Westlnshouee Employment Bureau. Walnut at., Chlcopee Falls, Mass, tv (Office open dally, except Sat urday afternoon: also Tuesday and Thursday evenings until a o'clock.) WANTED A number' of good TWIST HANDS . , for Oothrouah Is ce machines STEADY WORK GUARANTEED Earning conditions exceptionally good. ALB. ft K. HF.NKELS. INC. Bridgeport, Conn. YOUNO MAN. 17 to 20, tor permanent position In Oermantown real estate office! chance of advancement for right party. Call Monday, lla.m., 5721 Oermantown ave. YOUNO MAN. 18 to 10. Jo learn wholesale bus : advan.andppjwrtunltjf.P604JrfdgerOrt YO'UNO MAN In of flee, nne nblj to rmerate typewriter preferred. A 312. Ledger Office. YOUNO MEN wanted to work at upholstering. 420 S. 20th. J JAPANNER wanted Must, be flrat-claaa, man: those lamuiai vaaH twftslllnn (n- A,ur-(af.l nf Uf, . ate and E Logan at , near Wayne Junction. liar with spraying method preferred; on for right man. Apply 0 o'clock. ,twater-Kent Mfg. Works. Stenton .. . Far fu ' ' " Ooaflaued rm rreced(- iftletM iSIt - m- "m " 2 AUTocAit .i,Ty :?? -T, 2 AUTOCAR (leirre'rVin L .'.9rla. nai z OJNBAi; 2feN"( e0a,ll 'J FREE tin ronn bt.i,. ., i-H onstrate. Spina motor from " HI elusive county proposliioJ ?m tt Oat"' -X-ull'Jft'b? Dt 7 0n' STaUt HUDSON PARTS &hoUT ""MAjllr SEND FOR FRKij ... . zr OORSON A,rrrrRA,'Pt,M PARTS "T89 SCHOHER. 3S1B-4 XtAnt- . UU 9t) , General SPRING OARDEN'INSTITUTn AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS COR. BROAD AND BP11INO OARDEN STS. Students enrolled now. O. I OK, r,V KIt X-TflllT Rrllnflf-S Day classes Tuesday and Thursday. 4 p, A combined Electrical and Mechanical Co zu lessons "u. m. lourse Nl.ht Electrical Auto Courae Tuesday and Friday at 7.30 p. m. 20 lessons S2.1. Night Mechanical Auto Courae Mondayand JjThiirsdayJL730 P m. 20 lessons 2, . BOOKKEEPERS Several attractive bookkeep ing poaltlona open: stenographer, must bo niled Immediately, UBS clerks, excellent openings for bright, energetic joung men: other coal, lions open for hli-yrade tn". "",',""" Service Company. 1301 Land Title Building. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER rOMMERCIAL, COST. CON STRUCT. t EXP. OFFBJE MANAGER. COR RESPONDENT: EXEC. ASST,; FAMILIAR WmiMODlNMETHJL M 020. LED. OFF, BOOKKEEPER. 4 yeara'Jexperlence. 1121 gen ealofflceworlp447. LedgerCentral. CHAMBERMAIl? Girl wishes position aa cham bermaid, wages 17; also cook, wagea 110; call: reference. 1040 8. 10th at. COOK, competent. aerman-Amerlcan woman. wishes position as cook. .2304 Christian at. COOK, competent. English Protestant, desires posltlonjfoodrejtrences235 Falrmount ave. DRESSMAKER and good hand aewer. German. wishes steady work In private .family or 8 davs In week, city or country. Branch. JOth and Christian. DRESSMAKER wanta engagementa: 12 50 dally; reference. 8609, Ledger Branch, 00th and uirara ave. G1RLS72. exp. cook, chambermaid and waitress, wish placea together with amall family: refer ences; no washing, O IKS. Ledger Central. GOVERNESS French. German. Engllah; pri vate lessons: will consider a partnership In achool. Q 449. Ledger Central. LAUNDRESS, colored, flrat claaa. wanta ham- fper wash or wash by tho dozen. Phone Dlck- nson533(K1001 Clirletlan. , MOTHER'S HELPER or invalid nurse desires posit lonexp.LreJejnc0245.J'dgerCent. STENORAFHERand bookkeeper. capableof taking full charge of office; 5 yenra In recent ylace: beat of reference. M 247. Ledger Cent STENOGRAPHER. 8 jetrs' experience banking and atatlstlcal work, desires permanent posl- tlon. O .847. Lcdgcr.Ccnlral. WOMAN, colored, 31. daughter. 17. wish posi tions together: cook, maid, waitress- and gen eral housekeeping; reference. 712 S. 10th at. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE BILLINO CLERK curato. dee. pos.i -Yflunor man. exp.l 118. O r,t9. ld BOOKKEEPER, 29, married. 10 yeara' exp. mfg.. wishes position; ref.O 254, Led. Cent. BUTLER and vatet. first class, wishes position with small private tamiiy; cooa reterencca, , Armenian A aim, wairr ustice .edarr i rdi:., CIIAUFFRUR. married. .Ish. 10 jfara pri vate arivinr aora aiiivu.irinK'. wann roai tlnn: country reirrrtitv full Darttrulars: no poitcarda. William-, gen deUv..Uryn Mawr, SSsvw ----- --centlonal auiiity. iprcw idu r,,- rou,t -Vh. able to get out ot other men the &.f thai 1. iS themi" tbla manwhoM char ..!,,? aaual his ability, we offer an un, uauVl wSrt3Swi rommlailon- with drawing "ount. Q 438. Ledger Central. Hel Dawn, la Under Cover Blenohe sw,,t , ubllo Opinion '"-rh-" W? K'ne. In The Velvet Paw Henry Walthall, ln Plllara of Society Robert Warwick In. Friday (he 13th Fannie Ward. In A Gutter Magdalene Jackie Saunders. In The arte of Evil IIery H. Walthall, la Pillars of Society Tuarce5. wvKir- mle MarrtsaaW. tsi '- PL ?Si 5sBs Tfce "wwr ?&&& Kmmy Wbelea. la The Pretenders TM OtMed Cace lMgp$tW r f late - yfcr' . -f xata 'smstif 3&fvriiiz& "Wajes Dual In Farnum. In The Fighting Paraon Marie Doro, In ComgMin Ground CJexlon and Hllnn, In itveeaiKi ana tvifs Bmll Staveas. In The Wtwei of Law and Money. t Regaaeratlen la Mft fleUnd ot TtTft-Ii,,ri mi38nTm' Peultae SiCBfc.' MtsT ANtmEwa. rMt- Llonel Barrymore, The Upheaval In Viola Dana, In. The Light of Happiness House Peters In The Velvet Paw Far From Mad'lng Crowd Secret of tna Submarine nusttn Farnum. ln The Fighting Parson WIVUanvf and Oakaaan n The Ne'er Do Well ' An AU Star Cast. In U4er iHeavicion la fW5KTi Law "TltWMMr- la (Maria's JEaiwe. N. IT Haasf.MaeLaraas, la Blanche Hweel in Public OdIVo'- ,n KIor f ia i- . " ZSJJl!o?B?itlnny l!AD.-fn!i.pp '..?!:. Warner, pplness a2.ws jlo? lte'ftrA !&WwVa B!nw,.,i;?""'. u JW&WtA v' ( bb U'hv, Ths la LyggT " SAT.F.SMEN .... SNwoT"rK o1a43?v TRAVEL. TO 'SALESMEN OF OTHER t INEfl BEEKINO WORK WE CAN BAY THAT FWJR.FIFTHS OV OUR HllrCF.SSFlIL MEN ARM MEN WHO MAD NEVER SOLD BOOKS BEFORE. "WB PARTICULARLY WANT MEN WHO ARE- NOT ONLY OOOD HALES MEN. BUT WHO HAVE SUFFICIENT EXECUTIVE ABILITY TO HANDLE OTHER MEN. THOSE WHO QUALIFY IN THIS RESPECT WILL RECEIVE EXTREMELY RAPID PROMOTION TO POSITIONS IN A PERMANENT ORGANIZATION WHICH WILL PAY THEM FAR MORE THAN IS MADE MY TIIK AVERAOE SALESMAN If YOU -ARE A REAL SALK.8MAN, REOARDLE88 OF WHAT UNE YOU HAVE- BEEN OR ARK NOW SEI.I NO COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH US. WB TRAIN YOU THOR. OUGHLY. COMMISSION AND DRAW- CHAUFFEUR, gardener! single, sober man: age 34: Irlah Catnollci 10 ears with prominent Philadelphia family: best references, 42. Ledger Branch. 1407 filbert at. CJIAUrrEUR Married, good, sober, reliable man, mechanic, best of ref., tvants pos. with prlt. fom. Addrese A. 8., Chester, N. J. CHAUFFEUR. Er.g . mar., seeks sit. with prl. fsm.; careful driver; sober, rel : 7 years' exp,; good reL W Itoser, Box 770. Narlterth, Pa. CHAUFFEUR. Engllah, wlahca position In pri vate family; can furnish Rood reference, George Halls, Casey Hotel, Eddrstone, Pa. CHAUFFEUR, preaently employed, would like to change; 12 eare experience; ,T jeara' best reference. Chauffeur, 0290 Wdblne ave. CHAUFFEUR wanta steady position; 12 jeara driving: good, careful driver; on Cadillac car, good referencea. O 65S, Ledger Centra 1. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wishes position with" prU vate family: At reference? don't drink or amoke. O 432, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, alngle. white. age"32, desires position, first-class mechanic: careful driver; 8 years' experience, G 250, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, alngle. honest, sober, age 22, de sires permanent position; private family pre ferred. G 44A Ledger Central, CHAUFFEUR, married, 21. while, 8 jeara' prl. ctp .dcelree position. O 547, ledger Central. COOK," Japanese, wishes-position cooking and downstairs work or In public place: good ref erence. M 102. Ledger Office, COOK. Japanese, flrat class, wants pos : public or private family: beat ref. Sal, 308 N, 18th. COOK. Japanese, reliable, long exp,, thoroughly ir. cfpablo. aoier, liohestiref. U. 11., 03 N. 18th. HOTEL ROOM CLERK Clean record: 7 yeara in 2 ot Phlla. leadlnr hotels; single; excellent following and PMadelphla. 0 greeter; position In or near ;so. eager t;ejurai, MAN. 50 YEARS OLD, WITH EXPERIENCE CH-" Hn YKAHM IN KXV'I'.'rTIVB POHI novpi OF LARGE RESPONSIBILITIES, DESIRES CONNECTION WHERE INTELLIGENCE AND MATURED JUDGMENT ARE RE. QUIRED; CAN REFER TO MEN WELL KNOWN IN HANKING AND INDUSTRIAL iiu.o. v ooo. jt.jjur.si urrjtflf. had, a, euucsica on- 7th MAN, N. 25. educated sailing ability! salaryYec". ndary to opportunity. L. W Ledger Branch, th and Oxford. TJ SS vn,rlnr,J --I am-n l.lil,..u." 17 ,yara one Phlla. firm, wanta permanent position of any kind. M 258. Ledger Central. OFFICE MAN. 80. well educated, with executive ability and a good correspondent; 7 yeara' ex perience with large corporation) dealrea office poaltloni knowledge ot bookeeplng and ate nography. a 840, Ledger Central. AUTO LIVERY ANTjIaIt' INDEPENDENT TAxlcABcK I ..Diamond Otoe. N.,?jS7 V., AWLXlVfe" V frt.'a i""-'-, "" fcp.?,'to,,!:! .'55 K--i to.."-:wi.to,. -.j.--.." ,- - -tiapiin iunerai, 171 VW BUY MOISTER . PorUbl.'n.errr-tS atucco. on dlaplay 3831 H ati,.rtSHLF AUTO PAINTIKQ AUTO PA1NTINO OF THE h7tt-o i at lower prlcea. GEO to n7F.n CL 1321 Alrdrfo Si, Phone Tie., o18- AUTO HEPAIRINn T 8PEEDO.METER TROUnt T T- j:i(.a&S ;, furnished; welding and hming ' n' -5M,' WOOd ft Co . 10215 H.mll.-- .?' iV..B t' v" '. nua, AUTO SUPPT.rr- IF TOU WANT to aell your old caToT-TnTtl parte to repair, call. write or Jhon.' F,M "' RlR'tT w'.t!.TO, FARTS CO 12th at. Park 1140 Tl.MKEN-UBARINaS HYATT New, Departure Service sta. The Owllllsn i 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walntfja'JT1'.'" I, A T, Q . . to build nr repslr nnv car .' Phlla. Auto Parla Co.. 828 N. lath r.m jl , AUTO TIRES nm T1I1U n,n-.M Guaranteed 8B00 miles. Compare r,w. 4 QRIM'S. 280 N. Broid st! """ J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES '" PATENTS s'na 'r r"L ... . . 'Patenta ai ,7n. .1 i -1 OOtV -w -, ,ni h.i- ...5" ""?..-"."".' i vice free: rt?ronhl rnn unes.-'T niniri until 8.S0. . ' ' ,TTI FOSTER & WEBSTER m mil LjiMini st. lien pnons Walnut 1M4, WANTED party of standing who will latest' reasonable aum In the development and masai "u'o , r,ivw ui almost univerm among mechanics. Exnert saa fh- a. 'nossess-a both noiltv and ntllliv -nA i- oplnlon Is not only patentable, but simpler IUI1.IIUI.1IUII hiiu muro viiicient in orersl than anv machine or apparatus heretofar. tended for the same purpose Patent r imicu ,vi. iiiiiii iinriy Hciiner prompiiy csa tain valuable contract or Intercat. Device be aeen and full Information nht.l... vrrltlnc A. II. Repettc. Attorney. 717 Wlm at.. Phllada.. for appointment. ,B WANTEb Working capital, ha nnerii asency .n x-niia.; a years contract rrora lata- ufacturlng corporation rated tl.Ofln 000, IM A nmireci snouiu proauce .siu.uuu pront. I vail 12.000 ft will dlvldeproflta. O OILLed. 0t. PICTURE THEATER, completely eoulonedi Ua3 month rent; good manufacturing town do cesvii petition; real Dargain. tiarrist, 2UI N Dnaj-s WANTED--Partner"wlth 12000 to MOOO'to iv4 vest ln newly Invented transmission tesrlaiv mochanlcal preferred. A235. Ledger OIBb, J LADY, retiring, will rent turn, boarding bwfcl nrsa with boarders; central. Phone am. 2075 W J BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT "3 usnic rererences. Appraisement, i per dot. :: 1IARR Y W. SMITH. 717 Sanson st. 1 EVENINO CLOTHES TO "inE Lstest styiea. Phone Poplar 235. Open tvfaJ i.uu.nr.u n, ti'in Rnn ,iirara nve. o. . I SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by elcctrolrtiitf the nnlv permanent way. Eyebrows arcneavi MISS SMITH 402 Keith Theater nulldlng.j uhsarw' t;Ar-tir"r' t'urriiiiNti iiuijuiit. jse. K I'Tlt HT. 1'HU.NK WALNUT 1M1S. TIRESSMAKING AND MILtlNE-TJ MCDOWELL DRESSMAKING- SCHO0I--Invi vidua! instruction; day and evening smia 307 uencKia uidg., nth ana Market m. FOR SALE JSS LA,nQE TALKING MACHINE Edison with cabinet for holding- 200 recorst finished in n beautiful quartered oak; casta new 1811 can be paid nt the rale ot 7)eeli" u lilvf an ire!lnnt hasin! in ennd CAaSUI tlon! eoual to new: writft for ran inlets lilt of bargains and special 3Q daya' tree trial offer. fa HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. Oth and Thompson sis BILLIARD. 'POOL, combination, second Baal bought, sold, rented ex hanr-, reoslriuHi auppliea I-afe Keafer, American mamifea, turer. 82U Ulrard aye. rhone hens. Zdie., Hlt.l.lA! I. wool tables, new. second-hind bowl, I lng nlless: easy payments. I(osatt41arafJ Strer i'o . 2.'2 H. nth at. Phone Wat, -1 IIII.I.IAIU) AKU I'UtKBT TA111.BH A bowllnz nlles: eisy payments. BRUNSWIO HALK N-t-UI.I.KrHJKItfO . 1UUJ Arm. CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repair reu ated: aunnllea: new and fnrtory rebus new total adders aa low aa 30 , Call an ere our new modrla. Registers ao'd Dr us l PMie navinenls ntwl fnllv enarMTiteed THE NATIONAL HASH RKGlSTElt CO. ! ,au uibaisNui niiti FOLDING, CHAIRS NEW AND USED SOLD AND RENT! CHAIR KXCHANGC, B.H, COR. OTH 4,-V a t Vr(l fMnMAf, -ln-ln n.. ItO -11vh,l ,1 all sizea and makes; big bargains. 3U Fourth st. (between Race and Vine ) . HUGIirS I1TII X. BUTTONWOOD Haa tha Wraest and beat assortment of used office furniture and fixtures in this nart of the country. Anything to equip an office, at prlcea that w til jj ii-n,i uu. rren urnvcry aurwvciv- HEATING HEATERS, rangea. boiler.: bargains In nast J rebuilt all 'makes. MAKIN-KELS-I 1627 Filbert at. INSTRUCTION FRENCH ESSONS by new mental pro e frt-l I An twill riamnnriritl !,. of method; Parisian professor. A 803, Lati MACHINERY AND T00LS COI.T.ARR and Yl HANQERH and PILLOW BLOCKS, wit SAFETY SPLIT SALESMAN, -aal eat., exp'd. open for eng'm't: Just closed sue. opern. Salesman, 210 8, 47th. 8TENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced and educated young man, aged 22 yeara. O 645. Ledger Central. 1NO ACt-HJir'nr, . ,,. ,UPI,ff tOAJl ADU t,Al, flllLA., t'A. . nrcxTSai BIIII BTS. SALS-MEN For jtgular and extra positions In many de partmSts. Apnly all week before 'l a, m. at, Bureau of Kta ployment, iSi Door, STRAWBRIDOE ft CLOTHIHR SAWYHR" wanted on iclmr box work. Shelp ft ft. Inc.. 814 Lawrsaeoy. 8'rjaHC-BHAPHrMt. eemprtent. wanted who pan a?S atteavd to of nee Bias. A Wf Led-y Oft., BTETWARD Wanted for jBBall J4bl exweteat to take CQHiplete ehareei -met hv aad refs. ApSy bet. 10 aari3tajv, eV It at. ACHHR7l7u f . pre-eraMy or etueeUitendeMti . to travel la 1'euwrleMU tar seKpnl-iieok pWifcri weekrV trwe; aaWry and travel uneaeea MUL A44reea Ijasmsas, Qre ft Ca, 4 ijh.avs.. Wear YeA. ' unta el H-W-Stt-A, xJWBjnnb. I Tjjnw-r-vfct, SX 1Kj.ta faiUM Fredwkk. la " la last Ca Case T&vurvnb &m maki leele fyr aere- TOOLMAKKR who ear, ibi ira.lli-.nffLHr As were; . astsaTsiss- . praSFaB EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HUSTON. 11 BalnbrldgWanted. flrat claaa waitreeeee. 8 u 110; alao assistants: flrat-claaa laundresses, chambermaids, cooks. iUtcbenmalds; references required. v , J3NU8 EllPIAIYaiENT AuENCY-MalVTHdTi; ron'v" xsvtiy! .y ""- WANTED, at Episcopal Office, 812 s7T2th"sC house' IrTs '""' nur"e' kl":hn maids, AUTOMOBILES Fsrgale NEW AUTOMOBILES SOLD ON INSTALLMENTS 018R,KNiVKA,ruA.V.DVNO BKI.L PHONE F1LBHHT affiiS VIIAOBIB ehsalalVwo!l', iS.'U'.'. 5 whl"uthe Sr'-i? 1,iicIil,r ia and leel thein orar If you wast .omJtfiSZ at a "ffejverv Sea!"" : -"ti?, K A""!'10'. .OvevhaTrted1. 'I if 99V, AUTO OtUa.'l.iaj ad w. BRr MUDaVONf r nshed ball and aocket bearlnga. are tba I or all anarting purposes nitAe.i OAClllNK WORKS, 14S Nortn Becono. jAitsa jtuy" ; noiirun n, . k,- r-r,,,, t,l 1TMT a ,vnjv.-.,ii , .w, . . . Dynamos, motors, boilers, ateam sod en ' glnea pumpa. air compressors . FRANK axMBY, Inc., 27..rLajfas, uirtAMUB, motora ana macain.rr w.-j..- and rented: armatures repaired .!"" r Market 30U5. Yearsl.y Co.24N.Wat MILI.lNU.MACItlNIS NO 3 "50,,. drive. 1. V KavfertTa Sons. 437 N. ad at 4IUAVY ling A matter guiiio." direct engine driven, cut 4x4 aquares. r tan, l(f,c n, otn i PJPB ft FIl-rl.NOS. all aUes.PIIILA., riva gtU'l'Lv. loos N. itn.uo'4.' bti:s-;l, hhaftinoaii siiea in . , CHAItLUS BOND COMPANY B20 Area at. TiTTT BTn A T. TMOTD TTMENW ? T PIANOS ,. SEPTEMBER 8ALK HEPPE'B UPTOWN STORKS l . The aummer rental pianos sra rtj lng back Many if t he flnest llenpa. will be sold at reductlona of to l lbs new price.. Gusrsnteed er Payments of (ft monlbly and usee ,About 20 uprlibt pianos by suo Cblckeilnr. Maaon A Ilin,l1tn:iua iiinauam-u-iraro, xtaiuaa,, r, part payment on planola-planos, vietj have been marked oown to e. - I1W. etc, IS month. ., a 1 Several olayer-ptanoa. a Ightly duced laotl and WOO below Terms of, 18 monthly and " in ve stano-playeia at ... Irl JVi M roll- ot nauelo free. Wllj S'liTi m m new iBnos. Heppe. M""'. ' aehowacfc.r. Franc ca, at one uoi 'Mete'lS-'of vtotrelas. reco'Oa. CalTor write for. oomplete II VH oatalegues and special plana Pi vsre" -fx& crpoSraVi.. w-.-- ". ,-.-.-!,. 4,tl?1l!iV".r .irrlaUts, M, I-rMnsM ...- .' r uoToa oo., m k. bcm. VICTJsOLA. OUTFIT. i T fal iollW at araon.bl wk-. JJ. T-'ta."ffll3S nS imb s ajjgJiini is T PulWNrt o