; EVENING LEDGER-PHIIiADELlHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1916 t,$. FINANCIAL NEWS BUYING WAVE IN STOCKS INCREASES; MAJORITY OP INTEREST IN U. S. STEEL - Leading Industrial Advances to Another New High Mark. News of Foreign Contract Makes Copper Group Strong and Active High Points in Today's Financial News Stock market strong. United States Steel common at new high, being mott active. Wheat prices higher and cotton lower. Foreign exchange) ?'uiet. New York bank statement showed increases in average and actual oans and reserves. Foreign order for HS,000,000 pounds of copper placed for delivery in first six months of next year. Bank cleartngs throughout the country increased i5.8 per cent. Price of bar silver unchanged. Advances in steel prices expected. NEW YORK, Sept. 23. The buying wave, which has been the most prominent feature In the stock market since tho beginning of tho month, seemed to Increase In vigor In today's trad ing, with most of the banking and outstdo Interest concentrated In United States Steel common and making that stock advance moro than 4 points In a little moro than an hour to tho new high record of 117, bringing It within little, less than C points of the prlco of the prcforrcd stock. With this appreciation In prlco adding eo largely to tho asset valuo of this leading Industrial, It was natural that It should exert an Influence on other securities, but special reasons prevailed for advancos In a number of Important Issues outside of this display of strength. Tho news that tho foreign contract for 448,000,0,00 pounds of copper, deliver able In tho first half of 1017. had been closed made the copper group actlvo and strong, with Anaconda, advancing to 90, a now high record, whllo other copper stocks, Including Utah, Inspiration and Kennecott, all mado substantial gains. Thoro was buying of International Nickel from the samo sources which wero active on tho bull side of United States Steel common and Anaconda, and that stock alsomado an advanco of moro than 1 point. Central Leather was another record-breaker, selling at 73, a gain of 2 points. Maxwell Motors was tho strongest of the motor group, moving up moro than 1 point, with most of the buying representing accumulation by Interests that havo long been Identified with affairs of tho company and often been concerned In market operations of this stock. American Can made a gain of moro than 2 points, and was tho most actlvo of the minor Bteet Industrials, The railroad list was again forced into neglect becauso of the devotion of Interest to Industrials, and although Union Pacific con tinued In demand, Its movements did not extend over a wide rango. Unued In demand, Its movements did not extend over a wide range. It was tho biggest two-hour session slnco 1908. New York Stock Sales High. Adams Express. ..186)4 Acme Ten 1st pf. to Ajax Ilubber .... 65 Alaska Gold Mints IStt Allls Chalmers .. sou do pref ....... 10H Am Ag Chem .... 82 Am It Sugar .... to Am Can Tfc do pref 11SH Amer Car & Fly. 8Vi Net low. Closs. ehgs. isou isott W 08 1 14 ISM, H H 70 fl 1 yi I 05 eii H. 11SV4 113tt OlVi 87V4 00 0H 18 tuy, 70 04 tt osy, Am Express ....121. 1S7V4 127 V4 ' M 03 H 28 82V4 70H it u 4 1 Att H i3H 62tt V 70 WHEAT GOES HIGHER OS BUYING CONTINUES Liberal Sales for Export Help Force Prices Skyward Con fidence Better GRAIN BELT WEATHER FORECAST CHICAGO, Sept. 28. The weather fore taut for 24 lioura follows I llllnelK Fair tonight unil Sunday morn ing, followed by shower Hundnr afternoon r mini! slowly ruin lemperniure, Missouri inrr .Doners late tonl nliht. Wisconsin Fair -Increasing cloudiness, with miiut or sunuari warmer io- and somewhat warmer 'tonlihtt Hunday. Increasing" cloudiness, with pretulle sbowers In west portion, iiunnenoia 100 proDnuur nnmeta. FJlinOuy. P northwest. lown Increasing era Hnndar and In warmer toniiut. Jloadjr and warmer tonlihtt anowers. wuu cooler in cloadlneas. .with show west portion tonignt; MIDVALE STEEL GOES TO NEW HIGH ON CURB Other Issues in Good Demand, but Not as Strong as Ex change Stocks CHICAGO, Sept. 23 Further buying of wheat was stimulated today by the liberal ealcs for export In the last twenty-four hours, and the market showed additional strength. ' 'There was ntbre confidence In the buying side than for some time. ' More emphasis was placed on tho lack of good milling wheat In tho Northwest and less" favorable crop advices from Argentina, ylMto drought continues. September started at $1.55 U to 81.62. against J1.61T4 at the end yesterday: De cember opened at 81.64 to 21.64U. com pared with 21.63, yesterday's last prlco; May ranged from 81.65 to 81.64 at tho outset, with 81.63 at tho closo yesterday. The market at Liverpool was firm, in fluenced by the upturn hero and scarcity of export offers. The Indications wero for small world shipments for the week, an Important factor In the English market. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 4S7 cars against 1Z0S cars a year ago; at WInslpeg 460 cars compared with 1351 cars last year; at Chicago 63 cars contrasted with 227 cars a year ago. .Corn and oats wero firmer with wheat and on a moro active demand. Scarcity of export offers was noted at Liverpool, where prices moved upward. leading futures ranged as follows Wheat nnffn. Iflvh. Bept... 1.6414 l.M 0.... l.Mi 1.68 ay... l.BB l.BS uorn inaw aeuveryr est ?7& Tw. Close. 1.62 l.&W 1.S4VI M.03J 1.54V4 ai.r3t Yes'day's SsM.. 88K Deo.... 74 ilir. . . 71U Oata flpt... 46H Dec,... 44 May;., ll'l Xard Sept.. 1 14.70 Dot,., 14.60 Jan... 114.10 Rlbi Sept.'.. 14.43 Oct,,. tU.M Da,,.. 12.73 1'ork Best.. '28.07 ! Oct.-... -.B5 : Poo.... 23.no - Bld. TAsked. clone 1.31 l.BStt '1.S3S Rtm t8H t89 781 73H -! 77H tTTW 177 40 40H 48W 48 4BU 4 tlUU t4SK B2H 62 B2tt 61 14.77 14.70 tl4.70 14.70 14.07 14.00 '14.00 tH.60 14.12 14.07 tl4.10 tl4.U2 14.02 14.43 14.43 14,12 14.23 14.17 114.22 M4.17 12.77 12.72 12.73 12.03 28.20 28.12 28.20 28.03 20.00 211.85 20.011 120.80 23.U7 1'3.1U 3.V3 23.87 INomlnat. Spot Wheat Firm at Liverpool TJVEItPOOL, Sept 23. Spot wheat was tlrrn today, with No. 1 Chicago quoted at 1 2d, and No. 2 hard winter 13s 10 'jd. an advanco of 2d. No. 2 Western 13s 7d, a gain of 3d; No. 1 Northern: Manitoba 14s 4d. an upturn of 2 lid, and No. 2 North ern Manitoba 14s 2d, up Id. Corn was firm with American mixed 2d higher at 18s 3d, while plate showed an advanco of'Sj! at 10s Id. Flour was unchanged at Ms 6d. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOniC Sept. 2J. As was the case rlne the greater part of the week tho Foreign exchange market dealings today waa conspicuous for apathy. There wero im changes of importance or developments t Interest, Rotations: Demand sterling 4.7B14, avblM, 4.78 7-18; long sterling, nominal, at 4.UJ4 for sixty days and 4.89 K for ninety stay; franc cables 5.85H. checks C.88i; BVll4er cables 4016-16. checks 40; Maottamarka cables 70 K. checks 70 H; lire cables, 8.4BH, checks 0.48; Swiss eattlM 6.S2H, checks B.33W; Vienna cables 11.01, checks, 11.01; kroner cables, 21,70, I zs.&o; pesetas caDies zs.is, checks rubles cable 32.32, checks 12.28. NEW TOniC, Sept 23. There was a good demand for stocks on tho Broad Street Curb, but no Issue of that market showed tho strength which was displayed In tho market leaders on the Exchange. There was a good demand again for Mid vale Steel, which late In the forenoon ad vanced to 76, a new high record on this movement Zinc Concentrating, which for some tlmo ranged around 4, was In Increased demand as a result :t the announcement that tho plants of tho company at Cuba City and Linden, Wis., ore working i,t full capacity and that the company Is now negotiating with several ztne-producing concerns for the Installation of Its process. Buying based on these etatcments car ried the price up to 6 during the trading In the forenoon. Submarine was also In good demand, selling at 40. In tho mining stocks. Magma was the feature, advancing to 18'4, a new high rec ord. United Verde rose to 43 and thero was a strong tone shown In Hay Consolidated, which sold at 4. Butto Copper and Zinc was tradod In at 7?i. Rex Consolidated opened at 33, but later reacted to SOW cents. The Independent oil stocks were quiet and without special feature. United Motors, after selling at 67 H. reacted to 67. INDUSTRIALS Aetna Explosives 10 1014 Amerlcan-Ilrltlsh Mts 10 20 American Marconi 8Vs 8K Canadian Car Co 40 SO Can Car ft Fdy pref 70 80 Chevrolet Motors 202 208 Curtlss Aeroplane r....... 25 S3 Kmerson Phonograph 0 10 Haskell A Darker Car 40 41 Hendee Manufactures' 23 SO Kathodlon llronze pref 134 17 Maxim Munitions aK 6H Manhattan Trans 7 Mldvale Hteel 73H 75K Otis Elevator 00., 71., Peerless Motor 23U 2H Poole Knslne V4 08 8 8 Kresse w 1 It "4 12H Rtandard Motor 0V 7H Stromberc Motor 42 44 Submarine 3U4 4U Trlanxle Film lfl 2 United Motors 07M 07 Ji tinned I'rnnt Sharln 1., l'4 II B I, A H com 24 21 IT S U ft II pref 4V4 S White Motors S3 B3.4 World's Film 1H IVi STANDARD OIL Illinois 100 202 Ohio 27 270 Tralrle Pine 278 281 Htandard Oil California 208 R02 standard Oil New Jersey tiSS B40 Standard Oil New York 223 227 . OTHER OIL STOCKS Cosden Oil 2S 12K Cosden ft Co 1S 10 Inter Fetrol JOVi 11 Houston Oil 14 13 Midwest lief - 01 00 Sapulpa Ret 1 8U uU MININQ STOCKS Am Hide & Lea.. 12 do pref 04 Am' Ico 20 Am Linseed HH do pref ....... fttifc Am Locomotive... IBli do pref 108V4 10Va 'OOVs '.4 Am Smelting ....112 110 112 H do pref I1H 11SV HSU do pref A O.IVi OSii 03 4 Am Sugar 112V H1U HIV "i do pref 1I0V4 1IDV4 IIOH H Am Steel Kdy ... 88 87W 88 Am Tel & Tel....l83K 13314, 1I3U Am TobncCO 223 22S 223 ATI Woolen 4811. 4HV, Am Writ 1'ap pfd. 83Vi Am Zinc 41 do pfd 76 Anaconda Copper. 00 Atchison 1034 104 103V4 Vt do pfd lOOVi 100U 100V4 V At Gulf & W I.... 87 87 do Pfd C0V4 60 Baldwin Loco ... 80 do pfd 100 Bait & Ohio 881 do pfd 78 Both Steel 830 Barrett Mfg 151 162ft 132ft Brkn ltp Tr 83 85 83 Bush Term 100 loo 100 1 Butto & Superior. 03 fllft 04ft ft 33ft 42 ft 78 07ft 80 100 88ft 78 043 48ft ft 33ft 42 ft 1 7(1 2 00 2 ft 1 lft 1 87 08 87ft 100 .... 88ft 78 .. . 688ft lft ft California Pet do pfd . . . Can Pac Cent Leather Chandler Motor 23ft 22 28ft ft , 60 80 60 1 .178ft 178ft 178ft ft 72 .103 101 110 18 23ft Bft S3ft Chea & Ohio 63 Chi Great W 12 do pfd A 36 C M He St P 00 do pfd 120ft C C C & St L.... 63 Chi & North W. Cont Can do pfd Chlo It I ft Pao Chill Copper .. Chlno Copper . Col Fuel & Iron Col & South 1st pf 00 Control Gas . Corn Products do pref 01ft Crucible Steel ... 04 ft Cuban Cano Sugar 02ft do pref 03 Deere & Co pref.. 03 Del & Hudson ...132ft Distillers Secur... 47ft Dome Mines 25 Detroit Edison... 130 Erie 30ft do 1st pref .... 64 do 2d pref .... 44 Fed Mln & Smelt. 22 General Electric. 74ft General Motor pf.120 Goodrich Co 72ft Granby ConBol . . 03 0ft 71 2ft 10.1 108 03 05ft ft 12 12 35ft 80 05 05 ft 128ft 120 63 63 ft 180 128 120 ft 18 23 68 55 00 ,138ft 138 . 10ft 13 01ft 02ft 00 04 03 101ft 103ft lft 110 110 2ft 18ft 23 ft 80 5ft ft 00 1 138 ft 16 ft 01ft ft 02 lft 60ft 1 06 03 151ft 162ft 47 23 130 38 64 44 22 74 ft 120 72ft 02ft 47 ft 23 130 30 64 44 22 74ft ft 120 lft 72 ft 02ft ft ft ft ft ft lft ft i lft saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE"F7 asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar (. V ' VsaaaaaaaaaaLl " ' " aaaaaaaH I aBBBBBBBBBfSa z teerJi 1 Jfs,siaaaaaaK-W-4Br'i", aaaaaaaaaaaK'V' Ilk... 'J, l saaaaaaaaaaaisdBpfW'W .A. . 'saaaaaaioJ;- f saaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 1 aaV WILLIAM A. NICKERT Mr. Nickcrt, who Is connected with the Eighth National Bank, has been elected to the executive coun cil of the American Institute of Banking, in convention at Cincin nati, He has Bervcd on all of im portant committees of the Phila delphia chapter, as well as being its president. v New York Bond Sales Htsh. Low, Close. 11000 Adams Unpress 4s.... S4W 84 i 84 1000 Alas Gold cv Hs er A lioU jtf 'S 57000 Annlo-Fr 5a 5H 03)4 05 4 7B000 Am Foreign Sec 6s. . . 08H 84 08H 33000 Amer Smelt Hco 0s...H4V4 114H 114Vi 10000 Amer Tel clt L'ooou Amer Writ 1 41HHI Armour Co -tMi 4s. Il: ns ' 14UU0 Atchison Aril 4Ui AOVt suuu nail a unio Da juuti 1500H Halt ft Ohio 4s 01, 1000O lleth Hteel rfd 6s lOOS UIIUII llruoklin It T Bs 1918. 100S r.uun urookiyn u u 1st D..iuiv. ltimi tan tiov cs 1021 htlUU OO 1V2U 2UOUO do 1931 2000 Cent Iuther 1st zehhmi t nut copper is ... 8000 Chea ft Ohio conv 6s ftOOO Chi Ut West 4s inn S 02., V3H 10(1', cot, llHIS iooS 101ft till. lOOVi lOOjk . 03H SSVi . il 60H) Chi 11 ft Q Joint 4s . 07 1' CV OS.IUOT 1UW 04H 68 ? Jl Great North pref. 118 118ft 118ft ft Gt North Oro ctfs 43 Greene-Can Cop.. 80 Gulf State Stool.. 03ft III Central 103 Inspiration Con . . 0.1ft Int Agr Corp pref 43ft Int Harv Corp ... 78 Int Harv Corp NJ.l 18 43 40ft 02 102ft 04 ft 44ft 78 43ft 40 ft 03ft lft 103 05ft 44ft 78 17 78 20ft 04ft 63ft 63 83 ft 40 81 .1 "-i Atlanta llutto Copper and Zlno liutte N Y Cerro do Pssco rlrat M.ttnnal ....'.... Florence uoianeia .,. a Ooldfleld Merger 7 Hecla Mining 6H Hows Sound 6 Jim Butler f8 Jumbo I2x 40 McKlnley Darrah 60 Magma Copper 18H Nlplsslnr 8H Ban Toy 18,. St Joseph Lead 17U West End Con 78 White Oaks 5 BONDS Cerro da Pasco s 11!., Mldvale Steel Ba IS Russian Govt Hs 100S a 63 0 oft 63 3 20 1I 83 O 118 iooK Interboro Con do pref Internatl Paper do pref Int Nickel Int Mer Mar t c. 43 do pref 110 Jewel Tea 88ft Kelly Spring Tire.. 84 Kcnne Cop Lackawanna Steel Lee Rubber Lehigh Valley . . . Louis & Nash 132 Mackay Co pref. .. 00 Max Motors 07 do 1st pref 87ft do 2d pref 58 May Dept Store... 03 Mexican Petrol... .113 Miami Copper 30ft Mo Pac w 1 23 Missouri Pacific... 4 do t c 4ft Montana Power... 04 National Biscuit. ..122 Nat Cloak ft Suit.. 83ft do pref, Nat Enameling. Nat Lead Nevada Con . . . . N Y Air Brake., N Y Central.... N Y N II ft II.. N Y O & W Norfolk & West. North Pac 112ft Ont Silver 7 Pacific Mall 26 Peoria & East.... 10ft Penna It It 67ft People's Gas 110ft Phlla Co 46 Pitts Coal t c ... 82 Pitts, Steel pfd ... 102 Pressed Steel Car. 61ft do pfd 103 Pub Serv Crp N J. 130ft 117 118 ft 17 73 20 03ft 84ft 44ft 118 88ft 82 53 84 0 46 80ft 132 68 02 87 ft 67 ft 03 17 73 20ft ft 04 64ft ft 44ft lft 118ft 2 88ft 1 82 83 ft 85 40 81 132 00 05ft 87ft 68 03 3 ft Uft 112ft ft SO 23 4 4ft 01ft 122 83ft 30 ft 23 ft 4 ft 4ft 04ft ft 122 ft 83ft 110ft 110ft 110ft 80ft 20 20 lft 72 72ft 21ft 22 ft 142ft 143 ft 107 108 ft 00 00 26ft 20ft 73 22ft 143 108 60 26ft 131ft 131 11 1000 Chi Mil ft Ht Iinmi do sen 4n 10000 do 4s 1023 ir.llllli C II U I1 S soon Cnl Industrial ns . . OUUU I.OI CE OU111I1 171 .... C11T1 innn Tint nn,1 IIiiA ennv 4sll)3V 1000 Dwn ft Rio Or 4 7H& 7000 Krle conv 4s Her II . . 73U 1000 Krlo conv 4s Kor V .. 80S 20UO Uon Klec deb Ss . ...105Vi luuo Hud ft Man In 6s 27 10000 III Hteel deb 4 Vis .... 02 l.VMKI Interb II T ret 6s VTH. 5000 Inter Mer M ct 4Vis . 230OO do W I 0s '.'S00O Japaneso 4Via 2000 Kentucky Cent 4s .. 1000 Kings Co Kiev 4a .. 25000 I.k Hh deb 4s 1U28.. 2000 Lis ft M T Bs 20011 Ixmls M Nash 4s 10000 Manhattan Sta 4s . '.'000 Minn Birss M 4s. ioS Sales in Phila delphia Net engs. n iti.h. lxw. Closa, 108 Allls Chal, 25 S 8 10 Am Itys Pf 04 Bft 4 80 Am Can... 84 64 84 tt HAS t opt 6 88 68 ... lit Chlno Cop. 66 86ft 88 1138 Eleo Stor., 71 71 71ft tn Inanlr rnti ant. it 114 647a -r S3 Ins Co N A 17ft S7ft 7ft H 60 Kenne Cop 53ft 88ft 68ft ft 610 Lk Sup C. 14 13 14 ft 228 Lh Nav.. 76 70 76 ..... 100 Nev Cons, ttft ttft V4 ft 8t Penna It It 87 87ft 67ft ..... ltO Pa Salt M.lOOft 100ft 100ft ft 204 Phlla Eleo. 28ft ttft 28 ft 1013 ntT tr cfs tl tl tl ..... 400 Heading. ..111 111 1"H !H IB Ton Bel... 4 4 4 ..... 1800 Un Paclflcl48ft 147 14ft H 140 Un Trac. 48ft 45 45 60 Un G Imp. to 80 80 0888 U S Steel. .117ft 114ft 117 OS W N YAP 16 16 16 10 War I & S 0 0 0 10 Cramp.At S 83 8t 8S 10 York ftwy. lt 13 13 40 do pref.. 37ft 87 ft 37ft 1 ift 3 1 allh 108.813 Total ssles. 10.000 shares. . romnarnl 22.070 shares lost Hetnrdayi this weea. snares! last week, lti.tiz snares, "81K? low. Close, efte. $1000 B L 1st Es.lOtft 104ft 104ft 1000 L V C Es.. 104ft 104ft 104ft ..... 10000 Ph Elec 4s 85 84 85 ft 1000 Head gen 4s reg.,. 04 04 04 1000 S-Am I 68.102ft 102ft 102ft 8000 Un Itwy Inv 6s.. 70ft 70ft 70ft ft Decrease. Increase. Total 'sales. SI0.000. compared wllh 35.00 last Hatordsri this week, ft 82. WO l last week. 8324,800. Local Bid and Asked Butt ft Susc t o dn pref Drill J i Baldwin Klec Storage . , . Oencral Asphalt do pref Kcyatono Tel .... do t e do pref I.ako Sup Corp Lehigh Nav Lehigh Valley . . . Lehigh Val Tr... do pref ........ Penna Phlla Klectrlfr ... Phlla Co do 3 p c pr .... do 0 p c pr . . . . Phlla ItTlc ... Heading Tonopah Belmont. Tonopah Mining:. Union Traction. . U Gas Imp.. II H Steel York Rwy do pret Cramp t c. . . Wm Today Testerday Hid. Ask. Hid. Ask. 33V4 31 B4 63 B3 BB no DJ 88U 40 S8V4 40 88 t8j 89 H . .. 71tt 71i 71 71 Vi ..... 8ii so so :y4 70 70'4 70 70H 13 13V4 13 JSVi ..... 13 13i 13 1H ;::::?5h J8 ?3 ?! 204 21 20 21 4!f4 43 42I 48., :::::Si8 1W S 40 4t 40V4 41 87 30 37 80 I!... 42 43 42 43 20 21 Sl 214 ... .111 112 U2U 1124 ..... 4V 4'A 4V, 4 7-1tl 5V 6 5i 6 44 43 43V 4U tttl 80V4 KNi Rtltj : ; iir.T4 117. use nai ..... IS 181 13'1 14 36Ji 37V4 87 88 82V 83 82 83 MARKET FOR STEEL IS NOW SHAPING ITSELF FOR AN UPTURN IN PRI( Billets and Sheet Bars Will ProbablyBe Leaders in J ward MovementuuiK 01 x raaing on Local 'Change in Steel Common Tho forolgn demand for aiMi ,v signs of letting un: In .....?! ,ht 1 that considerably iRrger " " fWsg1 could be taken If the mmaSSSl 5i position to make the shlpmem. 511 i It is. this foreign ytoafSSJS Although no advances Tn steel pr'";8 have been announced as yet, the market la shaping Itself for an upturn, and each week gives more Indications of higher quota tions for some products which are In In creased demand. Billets and sheet bars will probably ba the leaders In the next upward movement and will be followed by various other articles. . In connection with tho lyge demand and substantial orders that ar being placed, steel plates and tin plate also must be mentioned. The demand for these prod ucts, especially tho latter, Is actually clog ging the mills qf tho makers and there will be large carry-overs Into next year of orders which were expected to be filled during tho current calendar twelve months. That the consumers In this country are now convinced that higher prices will be established Is shown by the fact that they are wilting to place their orders at the present levels and aro asking for larger tonnages than the manufacturers aro look ing for. This has again resulted In re fusals, but these are due mainly to the fact that the deliveries requested cannot be given because of the pressure of business already on the books of the makers. a As will come to tho ! t,?! deliveries which mn 1,. T?an,e '' 1 Railroad buvlno- nf -i'..i .... ...!..... 1. ..." ''" the ml.1 du,.,.c... ,,. onuwing signs of Inersll and some abnormally large forelrn J'j nr nnnrllnir MM, .T '""'m erfes.! ... B-.-....-n, .- nvmm mr .n ,v- -il ent outlook, will be closed shortly ' United States Steel common orrrrtialJ owed overythlng else In the twc-Wrl slon of the Philadelphia nW.M today. The price soared to 117H . of 4 nolnts, establishing a . ...?.' The demand for the stock was Ian. .t?l sold In blocks of 1000 ahai-.. """t The remainder nf tr. .... exception of a two-point advance In w? ern New Yorlc and Pennmrlv..i. J:' sold at 16, was narrow and ..?? 1 tlcular change. Philadelphia lUnlH TV i sit trust certificates held firm at jivJI rhnnc-etl. while Union Tr.Mi. ' ' U( ..I.. Altn-.1 IA A t.t 1. . D" t CIICS, v,....u 7, 41 UIOCK Ol 1O00 Transit certificates sold at 21. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 103,1i 7sy. 78 8 OH 1034 60 us 10OOO Xfo Pun rv rt ns r.tUtn KTa. l,?nam It, Mln Rfl 1000 Nat Tube 6a 101H 101H 1000 N Y Air Ilrako evt Os.lOSW 10.H4 65500 N Y C ft II 6s , 113S 113 11000 do S'.is 82I 82K 10000 do 4s U1V. B1U 11100 M Y Rwr adl 6s CO SO 11O0O N Y Tel gen 4Ha. 27000 Nor Pac prior 4s . . 11000 do tren Ss IIiiiiki Ore Short Line ref 4s luuu t'enna en 48... innn tin JU. 11.1.. 4000 Public Serv N J 6s.... 82S lOVll Rep Ir ft H ns hum UOOO Ht L48 V rfd ct sta 4s 74., 6000 fit L 8wn 1st 4s 7g4 2000 Han A ft Aran P 1st 5s A6K i'000 Seaboard A L sta 4s.. 70 ..Ufcl Hniilh ltll R. 11)1 TSOOO South Pac cv 4s 87H 08 ...104K 101 101 1UJ 1U1. 1U1V N7K 3000 do cv ret f p Ss 104 104 71 1000 riouth ltwy con 6 100J4 100 100T4 1000 Hnarta 4s . . . , 2 024 2VS 4000 Toiaa Co cv Oa 104 HHK-lOlt luoo South Rwy uen 4s 71 nana Texas ft Pan 1st Bs... 07W 0714 07 0000 Third Ave ref 4s.... t 81 81 781X10 U H Steel a f 8s ....100 100 106 88000 U K Q 11 4 I 5s,.. SDH 00 1-16 00 1-16 1000 Union Psg ft 1 B 91 1 01 1000 Union Pao 1st 4s.... 06 00 06 I'OOO union rac ria ss.... u 2000 Un llwys S F 4s.... 82 1000 Vs Hwy 6s 00 6000 West Shore reg 4s. . 88 1000 West Union 4Hs 05 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS Jim Butler MsrNamara Midway Mlspah Extension . Montana Northern Star Tonopah Belmont . . Tonopah Extension Tonopah Mining . . . ltescue Eula Weat End Bid .80 .03 .83 '.24 .17 4 J4 ik .27 .78 OOLDFIKLD STOCKS Atlanta JO Hlue Hull 02 liooth 1 Ilulldos pi C O D 03 Combination Fraction 00 DlamondSeld n U 02 Daisy 02 Florence ........................ .41) Ooldfleld Consolidated 73 Uoldfleld Merger 07 Jumbo Extension as JCewanas 03 ro .04 Sand Ken 01 Sliver Pick 20 MISCELLANEOUS Nevada Bill , .23 Nevada Wonder 2.10 Tecopa Mining 10 Asked .00 ,06 .25 .24 .27 .10 6 6 .28 .80 .11 .03 .12 .02 .04 .07 .03 .04 .43 .77 .03 .40 .10 .03 .03 .22 .20 2.20 .12 GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Itecelpts. 100.802 bush. Demand was fairly active, and with stronger outside advices prices advanced 2c. Quotations: Cnr lots. In export elevstor No. 2 red, spot. 11.580 1.60S No. 2 southern red. 11.01 trM. 34! steamer No. 2 red. 11,6001.881 No. 3 red. f.601.53t rejected A. 41.4701.30: rejected U, il.44Ql.47. CORN Receipts. 2100 bush. Trade was quiet, but offerings wero light, and the market ruled nrm and lc higher. Quotations: Car lots for local trade, as to location Western No. 2 yellow. 87U08ci do steamer yellow. 0O07c; do. No. 3 yellow. 01003c! do, No. yellow, 010 02c. OATS Receipts. 12.405 cars. . Trices further advanced le. with demand equal to the limited offerings. Quotations: No. 2 white. 034 eiHe: standard White. 53 tt B3Vk c: No. 8 white. 62W 02ic: No. 4 white, 60ViO61Wc: sample oats. 474 0484c. " FLOim Receipts, 1720 bbls. and 703,841 lbs In. sacks. There was little trading, but values were largely nominal. Quotatlona. per 106 lbs. In wood: Winter, clear. fnOA.33: do. straight. 16.7507.10: do. patent, $7.1B7.i5i Kansas, clear, cotton ascks, tn.HOW 7.1U: do. straight, cotton sacks. J7.UOW7,80; do. patent, cotton sacks. I7.80O8.10; spring, first clear. 10.73 W 7.25: do, patent. J7.7SW8.23: do. favorite brands, IS.ftUUV; city mills, cnoice ana inncy rateni. fS.noejOi city mills, regular greues wi clear. 0itl0.23: do, atrnli patent, rt.inu' ,u.i. nxn rx.uuit an&ai fr tflt.Ata4 saasUls ss A A . extras. 3c per dox.: western extra ftritl uMl per case: do. Crsts. .8on.60 Btrli'J' frtgerMor rags, extrn. Jtl.Sn per cent i!, CS'a 18.7000, do. seconds, I7.80O8.40 w, 1 fancy selected candled fresn esse ... V51 at O..UW.,, uu, eeronus, II.0UO8.40 per eul ancy selected candled fresn eggs were huS it 40042c per doi. " Mt ciikkhis rne market ruled firm tmdtr r.rlnirB anil a fal. sm-n n......."uc to good. 100184 c v atrnight! quiet, but fTsues winter, 0.037.10i do. steady under light offerings. We quota I6.50O7 per bbl. Financial Briefs 110 00 32 62 UO 09 87 88 03 D3 Total sates, 82.201.000, compared with S2.42S.- week. 000 last Haturdart this week. S25.42v.O00i last siu.vou.uw. 1 28 10W 87 131 1124 7 20 10H 87 V, 1I0V4 HOVi V 40 40 K 31 32 101Va 102 -fl 0014 oom; 103 108 136 ISO 3 31 DStf 5SU V 101 101 23 26 H Local Reserve Bank Statement The statement of the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Dank for the week ending September 22, 1016, Is as follows; RESOURCES Sept. 22, Cold roln and cT n tlflcatea In vault.110,302.230.00 Gold settlement fund bslsnca 17,170.000.00 Gold redemption fund 80,000.00 Legal tender notes. ... silver, etc 808.860.70 t RATES FOR MONEY J X"" ....4..... X 8U&4 ,or. three to six montha. K per cent. Tims. u in' 2 04 4416 l f 4 44 ia. Pbllal BANK CLEARINGS oUarloM today, compared with a oay. Hje4r,la WRTt-: n two years: ivio. tyif. A IM.7J0.OJt3 I20.8I8.T89 .Mb 84,180.183 17,843,140 li.SfO 4t,4O9,M0 167,214.687 Sept. IS. 18.621,440.00 16,800,000.00 60,000.00 237.318 83 .127,000.006,70 125,701,768.83 . 1440.088.82 1485,141.56 . 11.423.033.20 ll.781.SUil.43 Total reserve.., Commsrclal paper, Ilank acceptances, Total bllla discount ed and bought... $11,888,091.63 ir. 8.' bonds ft notes, 13.643,000.00 U. 648,000.00 Municipal warranta. 2.481.184.10 3,481.184.10 Tot'l Investmsnta 16.074,134,19 Federal reserve notes on band ......... Notts of national hanks and other Federal reserve banks ,........ All etbsr resources. UOd.S80.00 1544.8(0.00 40.000.00 867.488.10 20.103.00 802.088.06 GOVSRMMENT BONDS off , 0 ftf l4W.es.fi-14H8.rA,, 3 HB'MlMtt 1li ffW YOBfi BUTTEB AKP 1WC Y'jstK aWt. ! Total resources. ,146.842.600.87 144, 078,821. 0 LIAUII.ITIEH Owsmmant depoalta 6.V74.0U7.OO C872.25il.Cl W 10 ouwr fu. ...1 Murv. banks (nst) ..,..-., 6.627.804.34 2,276.08t.08 all other liabilities, 223.00 20.0U.82 IriAlltblUUI Capital paid in.,.. 13.222.450.00 19,22450.00 Profit and loss..,. 42.48S.23 42;482.23 ftis deposits tn.ti. 80.073422.60 Bl.oJslOsl.Eo lUt ToUl liabilities. 140,842,60.57 M4.07B.321.B0 gugar Futures Market Quiet JiRW YORIC Sept 3' The market lor u"ar futures opened quiet but steady to day, with first sales showing the market uu4ttti4 to an advance of one point. lnss on the call awovinted to 560 tons. Walk Ma, raw and rsn sugar markets tor (M y, oarors ap4Msr4 ilivasnjwantj tr 4K Quicksilver ...'... 3 Itwy Steel Spring. 64 H do pfd 101 Itay Cons 26V4 Reading 112 111 111 Repub Ir & Steel.. 68 67 07 do pfd Ill 110 110 Shat Copper 31T. 31 8I7a Saxon Motor 84V6 83 83 Sears Roebuck... 208V6 208 208 Sloss Sheffield ... 80 68 58 Southern Paclflo.,101 100 101 Southern Ry 25 28 26 do pref 08 07 67 Standard Milling, 0714 07 07 1 do pref 02 32 02 St L & 8 Fran w I 16 10 16 Studebaker 182 131 131 Stutr Motor 77 76 77 1 Tennessee Copper. 28 23 28 Texas Company., 224 222 223 Third Avenue .... 61 61 81 Tobacco Prod ....68 62 83 2 Underwood Type. 107 107 107 Un Sag & Paper. 0 0 0 do pref 80 85 86 ..... United Clg Stores.104 101 104 Union Paclfla ..,.148 147 148 do pref ....... 83 81 88 U 8 C I P and V. 23 22 28 U 8 Undl Alcohol 120 126 120 U S Rubber 80 80 60 U 8 Smelters 78 78 78 H do pref, ,. 68 68 82 -f- U 8 Steel 117 114 117 8 do ru-ef Jl 121 121 Utah Copper .... 06 03 eo 8 Utah Sea 10 10 18 Va Car Chem .... 44 44 44 Wabash 14 14 14 do pre! A so 50 80 do pref n ..... 28 28 28 ... Western Union... 102 101 101 Wcstlnghotise 121, 61 63 64 West Maryland 28 28 10 Willys Overland . 48 48 46 ..... Worthing Pump .83 82 88 Total aales. 1.181,700 shares, compared with 831.600 shares last rjatunlayi this week, 7,401,. 4U0 shares I last week. 7,606.100 shares, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS Sept. 28. 1IOC1S Receipts, 8000, lOo hlghsr, l'"4.and butchers'! iisi.i(ai rougn erii.svi pigs. HIG FOREIGN COPPER ORDER BREAKS ALL HIGH RECORDS Amount Is 200,000 Long Tons for Six Months' Delivery NEW YORK. Sept. 23. The much-talked of big foreign order for copper was placed this morning. The quantity Is 200,000 long tonB, or 448,000,000 pounds, to be delivered over the first six months of 1917, This business Is unparalleled In the his tory of the copper trade. No such pur chase for delivery over any length of time has ever been made, and the quantity, 70,000,000 pounds a month. Is about equal to the maximum tonnage ever exported. The business wll bo divided among the principal producers, the United Metals Sell ing Company and the American Smelting and Refining Company, on account of their volume of business, taking tho bulk of the order. The total amount of money Involved In the transaction Is about 8126,000,000, and the prlco Is understood to approximate the present market price, probably between 28 and 17 cents, but none of the producers this morning would state the actual figures. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOnK. Sept. 23, Tho market for coffee futures opened steady this morning, 1 to 3 points higher, with sales on the call 6760 bags. The market became fairly active after the call, with Wall Street giving support to December, March and May, prices showing net gains of 4 to 6 points, with sales of about 11,600 bags. The market was with out fresh news of any kind because It Is still showing a disposition to offer coffee freely and the spot markets here con tinuing dull and normal. Todsys opening, rteptember. Gross earnings of the Northern States Power Company during August wero 1443, 982, an Increase of 166,639, as compared with August of last year. Net Increased $30,360 to 3228,098. August earnings of International Mercan tile Marine Company, as officially! an nounced, were 83,959,000, comparing with $4,873,000 In July and $6,000,000 In June. Commercial failures this week In the United States were 289, against 264 last week, 243 the preceding week and 329 In the corresponding week last year. Failures In Canada number 16, against 39 last week, 17 In the preceding week ana 46 last year. Thirty railroads report gross earnings of $13,701,400 for' the Becond week of Sep tember, an Increase of $1,620,872 as com pared with the corresponding week of last year, A call for a statement of the condition of New York State and private banks and trust companies at the close of business on September 20, 1918, has been Issued. Bradstreet's says: "Propelled by extraor dlnary expansion In buying power and undismayed by high prices, trade, In a col lective sense, has risen to very high levels, a veritable groundswell of new buying hav ing been experienced at leading centers this week." Tho Iroquois Iron Company has Increased Its stock from $6,000,000 to $6,000,000, to take care of Improvements. Banks gained $1,944,000 from tho New York subtreasury yesterday. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Lonns, Demand Deposits and ReserveR Show Increases NEW YORK. Sept. 23. The New York bank statement this week shows an In crease of $727,000 tn the average loans and $13,266,000 In the actual. Demand deposits and reserves Increased In both statements. Time deposits were smaller. Details follow; AVERAGE PROVISIONS Tho market ruled firm, but there was little trading. Quotations: City beer. In seta, smoked and air dried. 83ci western beef. In seta, smoked. 33c: city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air dried. 34c: western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked, 84c: beef hams, I28O30; pork, family, 2V20.5O: hams. S. P. cured, loose. 20U204c: do. skinned, loose, 21t?2l4c: do. do. smoked, 228224c: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and nverase, 214 c: hams, smoked, western cured. 214 c; do, boiled, bone less. 33o: picnic shoulders. H. V. cured, loose. 144 c: do. smokd, 134 c: bellies, tn pickle, according to average, loose. 174e: breakfaat bneon. aa to brand and average, city cured 224c: breakfaat bacon, western cured. 224c: lard, western, refined, tea.. 10 c: do. do. do. tubs. 16 c; lard, pure city, kettle rendered, tn tea., 10c: lard pure city, kettle rendered In tubs. 10 c. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but firm, Ite flnera' list prices: Uxtra tin granulated. 6.76c: powdered. O.H3c: confectioners' A, 0.C3c: soft grades, 000.00c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTEn There waa little wholesale trading, aa usual on the last day of the week, but offer ings were moderate and values were wsll main tained. Following are tho quotations: Western solid-packed, creamery, fancy specials, 304 c; extra. 844 0334c: extra llrsts. 8334c; firsts. 82324c: seconds. 310314c; nearby prints. rancy. anc; an. average exira, ouw.n: , w. Arms. 83034c: do. seconds. 3lOB2o: lobbing sales of fancy firsts, 41044c. 1SUGH Choice fresh eggs were kept promptly cleaned up at nrm prices, but unattractive atock was dull and weak. Following are the quotations: In free cases, nearby extra, 35c per dox.; nearby firsts. $0,00 per standard case; 1 , a offerings and a fair demand. QuotttlonV' IS York, full cream, fancy, 20tj!04ei do? ik Wl luvic: ao. part aklms. Hlir4 pniiirnv 'i LIVE Offerings of desirable stwlr w erats and values wero well maintained, km Z was little trading. Quotations: Fowls, as toiu2 Ity, 20O22ci roosters, 14013c; spring ehlcW Becoming iu pim, .m.--cj wmie Ler&ent according to quality. J820o; ducks, as teiai snd quality 10018c: pigeons, old. Mr iTw "5&28c: Jo. young per Bale. 18ar V DHK.HSKU The market ruled nrm. lth'i mHiiu ruai iu inn wuvdiiMa ut uesiriDItst Following nro the quotations. Freih-kil dry-packed fowls, 12 to box. dry-picked, f.i selected. 24c: do. . weighing 44 O lbs. sewf ?auct no. -"ina 4 ids. anise 9 at weighing 84 itis. "Piece. 22c: dn weighing 3 iff-,1 fancy, dry-picked -Northern Indians ana ti nnls. neighing 40B lbs apiece. 23c: aouthera Indiana and: Illinois, weighing 403 lbs. tekeT 224c: smsller sixes. 10022c. Old rooittn.lr picked, 10c. Itoasting cnlcsena. western, vtist. Ing 7 lbs. and over per pair. 23!(ic. Drollm chickens, western, weighing 3M4 IU. per tS 25c; chickens, weighing 3034 lbs. per 'm 22U23c: do. mixed sixes, 22 rac. "rollers, tn'. sey. fancy. 3IIBS2C. Broilers .other nesrti. weighing 394 lbs. per pair, 28030c, Brottert! mvViu amalla as I Teas ''IXUflfirt IIkaVs .i .' spring. Jlc. Hqunhs. pr dozen White, wdrt-:1 1MB 11 IU is. iuo. !- mvmus fu.iuwu.ug, WHHa ' I rise fi tn 10 lhs. DPr dnZPtl. 14. Mr.fi! SO . we.tTh.nic 8 lbs. per down. S4Q4.83; do. wttSii in 7 lba. Dtr dozen. S3 B0lfS.?!kt drt- -'? J nft4 lbs. per dozen. S2.7.a.O2.t0: dark. trSII Kta.uu; aiucs.il aiui .i. ,, vucitfii,., FRESH FRUITS V Chotco stock was In fair reaueat aM y1wi 1HK. 'i"0.i"i, uiuou, fu,wiwi en. I2.753.&0; Smokehouse, Imperial, $2.7Rs8.a5: Weal generally were well suatainer aa tollowi: Aprte. 4.1 per bbl. Jonathan, $43" 5; Northwestern GntZ J int;. itn..su; uiuin, o.jir'-t.uu; unmta QtM. thr. fnihi il - .. n nffcAO Till 4eal ta wrrA tOss IA TT1 'A UUVIiraaSj. f.,.U V a.s M S4 IV VWI falJa.vU, AK ( PICS, UflUlfHir Fa DHawnrp and Maryland, rr hampw-tH 'ancv. livpi.wi fair to eood. 33U7.V Im"ni.;.-.l per box. 50. Pineapples, per crate, Porto Eleo, M fl5o: do. do. per bush-basket. Sl,J3tM.:in 'Pejf.,1 iViw York. Der bush-hamnor RartW v 1-4 $1.5062; do. No. 2, 11.25. Peart. Niw TaHL-il lla.itail r lihl . ISit.i (Tl . a. .... . . .IT II Concord, per crate. 7SWD0ct do, per l-jb. ttaaj 10CC12C. Plums. Nw York, per basket t)Nma,S ;'3UvUC. rruno, ..aitfauc. ureenGaae, 4V7VC VEGETABLES ThA tr en era 1 market was aulet and wltteet9 Important change. Quotatlona: Whlta potatort,,;! Inna v trntiln ft nil Naur Vnrtt. fsirtftf. rwr Kiwk ;1 i.,-"v-v:v"" ..l..!":..:":" ,. ?- t":."?. l.WV l,H'. mie iKitaioto, jriev per raaiflit-a 7098Or. Sweet potatoes. Kastem Snore,ifl bblT No. 1. fl.fiO&l.R.1.; No. .', ItOl.U. 8wt itatoes. Delaware ana naryiana, per natst!! naioea, jersey, per oasKM v. ;iii irr. iKiinni. i per 10O.lb. hit. Sifill uaDua&re. aoraesun. per ion, ou. noi.-. is t.o"idv .o L potatoes. Delaware an 71.090c. 8 weft potati No. J, C0V7.tr: No. : hamper. 91(91.15; do. COTTON GETS WEAK ON HEAVY SELLING Increased Hedging Also Has Had Influence Good Weather in South COTTON nEI.T WKATIIER CONDITIONS NKW YOIIK. Scut. 23. Thefollowlng lemperaturea were recorded la lue cotton belt this morning! m . , Aslteynie.. 6ti Nashville. ,B8 Memphis. B8i KnoxvUle and rort Hmlth, 0i Utile Hock nnd Oklafionia, 62i Chattanooga, Maron. Meridian. Atlanta, clan Antonio, and KJe! it Del ThomasTllle 01 . re i tlanta, All AhUe ilmlngton, jri.i..nvm.. All Ahllene. Illrmlnsham r.'"m."r,v 't -v.:j ,i:r . - lC..- - vol Rurnriivii, y ii irlntl end Tampa. 74. and Oalreston, 78, There was .yi. incn . r. smnrl ll'llmlntTtj o. Vlrksbunr. Mon(wnieiT,,Aiwut, ona navijnnan. opi LimnrBwii. vrat irki enssrcohi. 72 1 New Orlep Corpus fns, conn re.tan. 7H of nreclnltatlon at Little Itorki .02 Inch at IlatrlgUi .04 Inch XasnTluej .UB inrp ai niuviaiiwsit, .uu , . . ... "' gasaMsl for tM 4Uy, aMrateri s October November.,, IJecerober January. .,., .... February. .... March 8.0 April,, t. iay JU eoie8.83 8:6809.00 June.... w.usfPU.PO 0.04 1 35........ :6o.ot 9il.o :o7i August..,, .11,U ,.,, Today's CIOSB, 0.05&U.10 v.us 8.8d 8.84 4 im H.PIM B.I U.I e.04 4 Yesterday's close. 8.03OS.0" h H. IH.9I1 pe.oo 1)0.011 tf.VV 9.6 8.8BI 'H.8o 8.801 S.D 8.83 .0 8.A0I 8.02 8.88 8.UB 8.021 -b'm :oo 0. OS 0.04 .1,. Total aales, 28,000 bags. RAILROAD EARNINGS SOUTHERN PACIFIC llB.lSS.4f2 heavy, tv.aot 15 10.231 lWL 10.10 ....it, .In KfiAill IK vyv. M aiaraec ateaa Kic.lpts. stockers and teedsrs, IS BO 6.7B. ! ''rv:.---. i-r. 'ii.i'a a. raTIiam DU. LBI1CCI UilVWi'i III. SHEEP Receipts i. ZM0. Market week. 6 signs, Deevcs, I0U11.IU'. cows ana iieirers. ib.70 'V , . W .1 tlv. and wMlsrn, hii.wi ism us. owju..o Na, Rank ef Bngknd Currency Lesa IXJNDONi Sept. 2-The Bank of Kn. land reports the amount of currency note, tUMlnC a ni.9i,ll, atvlaM fit. 4M.WT iMt e . saay tts BassaaaUBiaBBl est )" "jjgV - - "" IsMasvv s aStSSBBSBBB. AugUSt grOSS "S'ABnlJ? 'J'RSS'??! M onihi'-gVoM.'.:::: AJJfcl l hmm Year ending June SO. . Total oper. rsv., .,,,,... IJ0.622.BflJ Net attsr taxes..,..,... o.pao Total incom. ,,,,,, alter cogs.,... Vjsns ......... emand deposlta rime aeposus iiiiiiiiiiii ACTUAL I .oans ................ Net demand deposits . , Time aeposua Reserve Decrease. ............ Incress. , 1727.000 , 80,280,000 , 1.650,000 , 28.745,600 .I14.25S.000 . 49,107.000 . 2.040.000 , 23,180,000 LOCAL CLEARINGS LEAD B.VO S.oo .om. Prsfer Prsfsred dlv. Surplus , , . . . 1,20 IB 1B LEIUQIt VAU.KY oper. rev. ,..,,,.., 14.48 Aug. Net pper ..r.v, 11,881,214 .??' 821.418 10 T8a.7iS 9,4S S.04T mm m Two months' oper, rsv.. Two months' nst ..... i CHICAQO AND NORTHWESTERN Year ending Juns BO Total operatiua nsi . , Total Income fVflta rr.vlous sarvlus ...... U.I 1 Britve f. s.i TU1 ::..::..: nffli Uim 6:P5: i ?:"::!: '.M VUUUJNa JMO LAXXBMI is- : m m Banks Throughout Country Transact More Business Banks throughout the country trans. acted a greater volume of business this week than last, and the transactions-totaled 46.8 per cent more than the corresponding week of last year, The total for the week Is 5,UM20,71, compared with 15,212,. 866,878 last week and S8,(MM0a the same week last year. Philadelphia leads all cities for the percentage of gain over last year, the Increase here being 58.8 per cent. Details follow.! at NashTlllet .08 Inch ut Chattanooga, and ,28 Inch at Memphis. NEW YORK, Sept. 23. An accumulation of overnight selling and Increased hedging caused an easier eone to the cotton market this morning, which resulted In declines of 8 to 16 points on tho call. There was only moderate buying power, which' was not reached until prices had been put down to tho lowest levels. At these points, however, commission houses and room traders started purchasing and the market had rallied 3 to 7 points be fore the end o' '.a- nrst ten minutes. The l.U-c luol market waa closed, but brokers usually acting for foreign Inter ests were buyers of January, Weather conditions In the South were favorable for picking. Thero were only small scattered showers and temperatures were considerably 'higher. Tho rally .from the early decline carried prices about 1 to 4 points above last night's closing figures, but demand tapered off on the advance, suggesting that It had been largely In the way of covering for over the week-end ; prices later eased oft again un der general local selling. Some little southern hedge selling was reported on the early advance, but offer ings from that source were not heavy and the talk around the ring suggested that sentiment was wavering between the bear ish Idea of accumulating supplies and the bullish view of the ultimate outcome. The cotton receipts at the ports for the day were estimated at 34,000 bales, com pared with 33,208 bales last week and 18, 568 bales last year. BIG WAGES MAY CUT TJATTTJAATI TT-rrTni7TnaJ Llrat, UlhVAXiy XJ . J X JXJaVl ASkJ ! English Investors Fear Dimu)vf ished Traffic After Peace Comes Money Scarce By FRANCIS W. HIRST . i October December January March May .... July . ... DPOl .,... Yes' day's close. Open. High. Low. ... ,10.84 1B.78 1B.8T 1B.T8 ....10.01 1B.02 19.07 1B.8U ,,,.lJi 10. 01 1, IB 16.U6 ....16.25 16.14 18.S1 18.11 ....16.43 10.82 10.40 10.27 ,...18.54 16.00 16.07 16.48 ,,...16.03 , ., Close, 15.84 Ifl.Oi 16.12 IB. 21 1S.40 1S.BS 1B.V3 lain, ateft mittshh 8V'dayslU.."l.W0..80 2.8.).I1 42.1 Othsr cures, 6 days .. 780.O4X.4U B80.241.784I M. TX.eUri fi4t-,'i I m aaj VM AaU " Jl-J- JJa a fyrrp? immmif i aep 'fllPMvW Cotton Buyers and Sellers NEW YOnK, Sept. 23. October II. Hubbard, Ucnts and Cone bought; Hchlll and Cohen sold. December Q, Oumoens, Fllnn, llartcorn and Mohr bought; R. Hubbard, Hopkins, Norden, Keifter and C. Hicks sold. January llagedom, Bellar, II. Hubbard. Shay, fleer and Orvls bought; Hopkins, Wlggln, Cardoia, Bartlett, 0 lover and Schill sold. March Fllnn, Oumoens, McEnany and Schley bougnt: Oris, Schill and deer sold. May rtageaorn, tienis, uashrord and WMklns bought; Fllnn, Schill, Kelrter and O'Connor -sold, . July Kellfer bought; lowensteln sold. Special Cable fo the Burning Ia&Q LONDON, Sept. 23. The rallwsy setUVf ment which nrnvented a. strike 'and tail doubling of the war bonus have relii the publlo mind wlhtout assisting the nsex m prices and the fallen purchasing power Jt money slnco the last arrangement Invest! fear the increased wage bill ana. auss;. Ished railroad trntTlo after peace Is declare will rut Intn rnllrnnd dividends. 1. When prices fall and the shortgl labor gives place to redundance it wili-w much onnler fnr nmnll .emnlnvors than laTf4 corporations to reduce wages prPOr"?l ately. An Ideal plan would bo me i number and tabular standard currency TCMinno.A mnt'Am.ntq ninatlV fflVOT 1 don. Yesterday's bank return showed. j Important change. Floating money re rather acarre. Imt the. new French Tl ury bills, yielding nearly OH per nt' in demand. The Treasury n ' molilllzlnir securities for exchange put Mftrrh.inta nnil fihlnfiera are we'l pl with the easier tendency of homs freights . except from the Mcdlterrsn! Th. Ufn. ntinnrAntlv hnn nrOdUCed ltl.n4- mum effect hero and the stimulus flvesil neutral shipbuilders by exoruiutnf y owner profits has Increased the WP'r'l nil. InA-.aa. rl.lr. unit lnRSSS. A IS11 1 freight might check rather than '.' . .- -. 7- . ..! fractions ircBll riao ill pricvD, mi w - m tho Increased wheat and meat prices due to freights. . A -UA-a. In InttA. tn milttnnDr00U Ali.tpntlo nsnnrln nnrl nther neW COUntrj has reduced the overseas meat supply remarkable results here. Thus young tVS worth nfteen shillings before the war I . u.rih lkl.lv eiiirireKtlng tnSt .-..- .,i-,H.i-M M.,.h Nearer baOli; next year. Fish fetch record price m timii .. ni. ,. h.m thanks ; willuis.S.V.) t lulu, m.v .. r. . i..A i..A . tinm and a ISSVi of suarar to nreserve the fruit. Und protection of government monopoly has risen more than any other Imponaa. , .ii... .. .1.. l.tHhlltlOO peara to be exceedingly bad. Kal" 2; Philosophy should come into Its own J me war. DIVIDENDS DECLARED a .American lea Company. Hf4ftLPmTbSlHal S' .K'f??t.0.n.P'rn.Sbllxtliwl1 American Ir. Brcurltles Company. , ouirtsgj Indiana Pip. Lfn. Company., ususiqujfig of ) 2 pe shire., payabl. November It to ot racora uctoocr so. . -..,... .nh as Auxiliary Klr Alarm and . Teierrspa ws pany. one-half of ons per cent w a. stock, payabls October ,1 to stock of JfMran tsmbir 2S. Also, regular url"'L.t'"lsy iu ner cent on the prsfsrred ploc. ?a" Dsc.mber 1 to stock of record Wg'. , ;. payaBMJ Cotton Statistics urcYJt&SowV8'--' ututi' lots lAst Last sn5rt,.,VritaJ,rr.. ihlh Am.rLir, iiai U VXiVSSS VeH'ii Total in sjjiBt See. o,i. tsWrsr X ...... 1.M0.8O8 X.8W.813 l,84X).g Total visible supply il'. m BAR SILYKR itVr ta)4jr wv mtgHsai Miinnii i:irnon i,aiaiDMiix n, ' tun Mnl nn Mmmon it OCX or.r,Vefp.orob.rlo'1VtMr, "aJner.l Baking Company, regulsr WjjHj of 1 per csnt on the preferrwl '.'KJi'Jl , October 1 to stock of record ?"m'rt!rlr Kolb Baksry Company, . regular, evarwjS. .. ..a. Ik. KrarraU1 asLOLaW 6 ctobsV X ti"stolk of r?fd"B.ptsmUr Charles J, Bender & Co INVESTMENT BONDS MenUra Philadelphia Bsock Bch NORTH AMERICAN, PU