riv yA WW EVENING MD0EH-PHIADEU'HIA, FRIDAY, SEPTJLMBKU- -K, 1916 ITALIANI AVANZANO MLAZWAMONTUOSA' H AD ORIENTE bl GOUKIA HAk.ll - tl . Marasclallo Von Mackenaen E ScdhfUto dat Russo-Itu-Unenl nella Grande Bat Uglltr del la Dobrilgfci JC SERDt VERSO AtOttASTiK JtOMA. 52 s'ellambr. ,t truppe ftallani dberantl helta fcotia MW8I Uof Ula hanfta occupato una hutiv eleUne cacctandone Kit aulrtacl did In MWaaHvaho, - quelle operantl ptu' ft Bud, 'ut Carso. hahnd recutita Tftrll httaechl tenUlt dalle forte nustriache. Bulla fronts 41 TreMIno contlnua la presslone delle "forte tUtlnne. sileclalmente nella reglone ft nori-est dl Trtnto. ICcco II lento del raotln del generate Cadorna pdbutlcato MH tra dal Mlnlstero delta Ouerra: Vm hostre tahriwilere del Iago dl OfcrAa, ono state attaccate Ihutllmente flail betlerle nemlcho. Nell'aspra, zona mohtuost compress tr to Valll dl Vnnol, del Clsmon e del VAatlco, npl ribblamd vohtlnuato oatl- fMtartitnte M tibdtra otfcnslra nonolante hi fort I nnlcate. Net pomcrlggto dl martedl' un'ttnlatlvo del ticmlco dl at taccaro lo rtfetre poMtlofll dl Monto Col Brlcon fallt' cnmhlctamente gruzle j M vlporoso furajo delta no-tro batterie I ,e delta nostra, nieiierln, i Lungn la frdntS'delfe AIpl aiulle. nd et dell'Isonxo, l'al(lta' dclt'artlgllerla j' atata llmltata a raUsA delle fortl pi iKl cho al sono aVate per due glornl ll segullo, srnza interruzlons. Sulla , failure ad eat dl OorltlAOo nostre truppe attrtwarono ed occuparbno una nuova positions nelle vlclnanaer dl San Cate- lna. - Sutl'altoplatio del Carso rcpartl ne -JtilcI tentarono dl attaccare dl aorprcsa iHl Quota 200 a sud dl Vlllanova, ma fu Jeono prontantehte rcsplntl con perdlte fY-onslderevoll. 1a Brands batlaslla Imprenata nella t)6bniRla tfa lo forte bulgaro-turco-tWesclio del Inaresclallo von Mackensen o l,forzo russorumcne c' atata vlnta da l H&e to ultima,- It Mlnlstero delta (Jucrfn tomeno pubbllcava lerl- sera II Beguente iunlcnto urttUalet "V 1a bnttaglia. delta Dobrugta. Infzlata ,11 15 corrcntc?; termlno' mcrcolcdl', 20, "Son la -coniltta deU'esercltd nemlco omposto dl bulgarl, turchl e tcdeacht, che at rltlro' verao sud lncendlando 1 , Vlllaggl nela Btla rltlrnta. Ancho aullo altre frontl balcanlche la jotta oee a furore degll altcatl. Nella Tmnaltvanla sud-occldentnle la controffen 'va austriaca e' stnta arreatata o sta per ticre ripresa lnece t'orfenslva runiena. Nella Macedonia gtl alteatl contlnuano a fa Co lenta ma forte prefislono aullo lines tiemtche. Davantl a Monastlr, oblettlvo delle forze aerbe, al propara una grande bat taglla. Uulgarl e tedeschl stfinno trlncer avlidosl davantl alia cltta' nella speranza 'Al poterta dlfcndere contro le masse nerbe. la. sconfltta dl von Mackensen e canal aerata corns dl grande Importanza non sol tanto per l'effettu morale ma anche perche' tssa. preparn la via per l'lnvaalone russo rumena delta Bulgaria. Sofla Infattl am tnctte phe II nemlco mantleno le sue fortl poalztonf. , tA Bltuatlono In Grecla Intanto va facen ot aempre plu' grave, all allcatl non hanno volutd aver nulla a che fare con It nu evo mlnlstero preMeduto da Kalogeropulos, iortbf.tuhte elm quetl abbia dlchlarato che intends dl segutre una polltlca delta plu' lieheSola ncutrallta' verao gtl alleall. It fatto e' chn la rlvoluzlone e' scopplata net l'lkolk dl Creta che dl rlvolto n mnpstrn. 'NotltH da Salonlcco dlcono che nell'tsola e' jfatata ltistltitltri tin goVerno rlvoluzlonarlo JproTVlsorlo) che ha depostd to autorlta' larteche ed ha rluudlato re Corttnntlnn. Mi ,IS HvoHa si eatendo anche ad altre reglonl" tMHia, urecia, o au Atene eteasa si teme tapto cho 11 palazzo reale e' protettd da tre Jlnc dl trlncee e dlfeso da fldate truppe. 'J. rlvolta cova epifclalmente nella Mace Aonla greca. TURKfiY IN HARD RTRAITft tALtlED ARMIES SCORE ON FIVE EAST FRONTS JCnlInud from race One (20th), with the defeat of the enemy, composed of Gerrnatf, Bulgarian and , Turkish troopa, who returned south ward, burning vllagea In their re treat. The, defeat of Mackensen la considered f paramount Importance. For one thing, there Is the moral effect that comes with a 'Vleiorj' over the field marshal who led the drive through Serbia. And for a Becond, 'the Humanlun-ltusjlun aucceta prepares the way fbr the drlvo Into Bulgaria frpm the 'north. That thrust depends on the strength 'of the Itusalan forces ahd the numbers Macktmeeh cftn gather to withstand It, Compared with the Kaiser's character taction iit the Dobnldja fighting aa a de cisive Victory for Mqpkeneen, Soda's ad mtMlbit that "the enemy has maintained .hleistrongly fortified position" must come aa a damper to German expectations. ilUtOAftS CONSOLIDATE .POSITIONS IN DOBItUDJA DEFOItE ALLIES' ATTACK SOFIA, Sept. 2!. Further evidence that 4t6 nbsso-Ilumantan forces are pounding 'tck,the Teutonic allies In the fierce fight Jng In the Dobrudja waa given today when, tha Bulgarian War Office admitted that th SUlgara had consolidated their positions In ttetdtetrlct, Oerman aeroplanes bombed he railway ,at Cemavoda, causing dahtage. A bom bardment of the heights north and east of ll'ervetla bjr a Itusalan squadron was unsuc TM official text follows; ( Macedonia Situation (in Vardar and v. tttnima, fronts Unchanged. Rumania In the Dobrudja, we con- Mlldated our positions. Uerman aero plane bombed thfe railway a,t Cerna, voUir causing some damage, A itus alan squadron .unsuccessful! bombard 4 the heights north and east of J'er vella. !j4j80-KUMANIANS ATTACK' DwMMUDJA LrNtrnVlTH 0REAT VIQQIC TJEklJN 11EP0KT8 '"; J aMCWWX. Sept. tt. ItiiMlan tfoons kra kitekliur the (1-rmnti Bulgarian line lri tlm jMftMlJA with great 'vlorr It Was offlclaJtrMHtopnced this aft ernoon. Mevera taMlwfc U going on along the whole Wat)4 humtv' outhwaat ffJPaptUfMf j- German en circling attaajplJlM,'MMiianlttn flank rear drova- ftt nmy.. Uck In dla- wmm iifcnt,v.'V fry, " ) b wJil(VVlr'filliade fights dirfl. . '-. .' . - l &maimiiiviiJU iFlIK ill ) fwi ' . vnJr VrU M rar,J ,., t or Aden '' ,.' ' v'' Tho Turkish empire In Asia Is under assault by two forcifjn enemies Russia in northern Armenia and Grcnt Britain on tho Tlj-ris. But hardly less thrcatcnlnR are the internal revolts in the Arablnn penin sula and at the sacred Bhrinc of Knrbcln, near Bagdad. Both arc led by Mohammedans. On the shores of the Red Sea the Arabian Grand Shereef controls both Mecca, where Mohammed was born, and Medina, where he died. The Arabs have merely endured Turkish rule, nnd since Turkey has allied itself with Germany, they arc fired with n dream of a restored Arabian empire. Some observers sec in these signs the eventual break-up of the entire Turkish empire and artillery duels have occurred on the Somme and Verdun sectors. The official statement follows: Western theater Apart from artil lery and hand engagements In the Somme and Meuse regions there la nothing to report. Kastern front Army of Prince Leo pold West of Lutsk Russian attacks fatled. Near Korytnlza the enemy Is still oc cupying portions of our positions. As a result of 4ho fighting on Wednesday wo took 780 prlsopers and several ma chine guns. Between the Sereth and Strlpa, north of Zborow. enemy attacks failed. Army of Archduke Carl Lively In fantry ftro at Naralovka. Infantry activity In Carpathians. Smotree sum mit again lost. Efforts of tho Itusslans to advance on Babaludowa were un successful. Attacks In the Tatarla sectors north of Dorna Vatra beaten off. Nothing to report Slebenbuergen sector. Army of Field Marshal a on Macken sen Rumanians attacked In the Do brudja sector southwest of Toprosarl as a means of encircling the counter attack by German-Bulgarlan-Turklsh troops against the enemy's rear1 attack. The Rumanians were driven back In disorder. On tho Macedonia front fighting has been renewed east of Vardar. RUSSIANS AGAIN IN BATTLE FOR STRONGHOLD OF KOVEL; TURKS DEFEND RIGA FRONT LONDON, Sept. 22. The battle for Kovel has taken on new fury. Along a twelve-mile front the Rus sians aro advancing In heavy formation, while the Germans, In turn, are Counter attacking repeatedly, striving to break down the Czar's offensive. With tho battle still raging, little progress has been made by cither army. The Russian Guard, the flower of the Czar's troops, Js taking part In this attack, which alms to' flank the Austrian positions at Kovel and so force Its surrender. Ap parently tho Rusilan generals have massed large numbers of troops for this new as sault. They are suffering huge losses with out auccesa, Vienna asserts. Meanwhile, In Gallcla, the Hallcz battle continues on the same scale, with the tide turning slowly In favor of the Russians, al though the advantage fluctuates. Tho Czar's commanders, unable to force their way through to Hallcz, evidently have shifted the attack to Volhynla In an attempt to weaken the German line In Gallcla by forc ing a transfer of troops. In the Carpathians snow Is hampering the operations, but the Russians have at tacked again at the Panther Pass, near the Rumanian border, and won sofno success, carrying a series of heights. Vienna ad mits a retirement from a salient in this sector, where the Russian purpose Is to establish a Junction with tho Rumanians. The Reuter correspondent at Petrograd sends an Interesting report that Turkish troops have appeared on tho Riga front This has given new force to the specula tion that on Hlndenburg may purpose a drhe for Petrograd and is massing troops for the effort. While Falkenhayn was urging a move Take Your let Off Your Mlndl EDUCATORS FOR MEN For Sore, Aching, Tender Feet fitted hero by jp-rt foot. Bpeelallst. Made In black or tan. Vlcl kid and sun m.?,al ealfskln. with a-nulne oak apl-a, In all leather-, at rn-t of only S, I'll, wear, comfort, fully stiarant-rri. Jfall ordera WcrJV9.our. fo?.t specialists' personal and In. dividual attention. Royal Boot Shop FOR MEN "Better Shoes at Basement Rices" N. W. Cor. Market & 13th Sts. Open Kierr Friday and Saturday Ktenlnts. Increasing Business. New 10-Story Building mm- Rmr UHwraewlfle r Many- otiur May til ful.d-alaas at uo4r THOMPSON L..1' m . . m .,: 1.,,. opm. .. l. I $mfmiitunmitwmm -l"IFr'"-SHl-J u 1xiers jams jn6WidnutStreet m ' iBJaaW ! 'TOW TrtEJfftt aaKSi?:.K lC2rH - I a- Lir . f The new home at 20 and 22 S. 15th Street, which opens about May, 1917, marks public confidence in the careful and conservative banking methods of the Firanklin Trust C9- 15TH & MARKET STS. It is logical that the orig inator of the "Day and Night Service" i n Philadelphia should need the new and pre tentious building which it opens early next vear. Pro gressive Philadelphia busi ness men have given ready co-operation to .the institu tion that has served them 0 well. Panll1 itfi.ie.fi.- 4 Rml lr&8U ' M60.O0O.OO DcpeaJU, ever,,.,.,,, $2,700,000,64 Retwiima ,,. . $3,800,040.00 Cftivett Mi KrMlti0 ftlHH ft'Mtt .:V A. M. till Mligkt. S against Vetdttn ro HhJht-g ttfr-selle N Heavy offertalva on the ett front, VoH lllndtnburg, in chief tfemthaM, em carry 6ul that Mart how Recently great airman headquarters were reported to hAve been shifted from the west to the eaat front, Uut military observers here are skeptical 6f any such Intent on von lllndenburg'e part. With winter closing tti, ttbirallohs along the Uttna will soon become Imfjoa alble. Moreover, the ItuasUn thfuHl for Kovel and timbers requite every available rev-erve. For these featoha Ih fetrogfftd drive l acouted a Impossible. Tits TUfk rein forccmehta on the north tnar aerve merely to hold the line, so thAt 0fn1h troops can be released for duty Ih the Sftlofa where tha Russian threat Is greater. SEMIS CONTINUK PllItSUIT OF BULOAIIS IN MACKDONtA, 1'AltlS WAR orglCtt SAYS fArtW, Bept, It (living Ih retrrallhg fiulgartans t time to re-form their llhes, the Serbian forcts lri Macedonia are contlhullig Ihelr liurKiilt Of the foe and have reached the outskirts of Vrbalil, the French War Office ahtlbuhced today. Vrbahl la hoflh bf Fiorina, Violent Bulgarian attacks on the Zbrosko and Fiorina were repulsed. French troop cleared the entire region northwe-t nf Armensko of the tldlgarlans and progressed after heavy fighting to the heights dominating the Fiorlna-Popll road. The ofllclftl ronimunlqUd fnllowitt On the Struma froht, In the region of Lake nolran. there has ben the Usual artillery conflict. Drtneeu the Vardar and the ltcherna (Cerna) a lolent lluigarlan attack at Zbrosko suffered a sanguinary check. In the region of the Broda tierblan troops, pursuing their advance, hate arrived as far as the outskirts of Ver ' benl. one hundred prisoners were taken. North of Fiorina an attack by tho enemy was broken by French Infantry fire. Our troops have occupied all the terrain northwest of Armeneko and their progress continues. Htubhorn con flicts hae been going on In the heights dominating tho Florlna-t'opll road. Fog has hindered operations along the whole front, X0 MRUS ELECTION' IUItIX(. COUUSE OK WAR, BERLIN PAPERS REPORT Ui:itl.I.V, Sept. 22. No Reichstag elec tions will be held In Germany during the war and the present grouping of political parties, therefore, will remain unchanged, Influential Berlin newspapers asserted to day. Tho Vo8slsrhe Keltung said that the Bundesrat had voted to prolong the pres ent Reichstag for at least a year on the ground that an election during the war I out of the question. Chancellor von Uethmann.Hollweg pre sided at a spcctal meeting of tho Prussian Ministry and party leaders yesterday and within the next few daya will have confer ence with Foreign Secretary von Jagow and other Government heads. It Is likely that tho Chancellor will make an address at the opening of the Reichstag session next Thursday, outlining the military and politi cal situation. I.RIT.8I. WIN MILE OF NEW TRENCHES BETWEEN FLERS AND MART1NPDICH, LONDON SAYS j LONDON. Sept il. British tioops advanced on a mile front south of tho Ancre last night, capturing two lines of German trenches between Flers and Martlnpulch, General Halg reported this afternoon. The gain thrust the British line forward laBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBli PtaaaaaaaMiiatM"laa ' IkaaLi B1-fyLsaH ' It BBBBBBBBBF ': , f flH . H BBBBBBBBBKh.' ".i ,J...... ' ? aPPH : nBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr Dl SaaBBBBalaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF H aBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBKri HMIlBaBBBBBBBaaltBaBBBBBBKiv iaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaK OAPTAIM OSWALD BOELKE German nvlnlor who hns broUsht down two more Entente machines, making his totnl twcnty-elRht. In the direction of Hilt 15- and drove tho Germans still further hack toward the I.e Sars-Guedecourl highway, their strong line Of defense beforo Bapatime. The Brit ish line la how aproxlmalely directly north of Flera and Mnrtlnplilch, General ltalg reported. South of Arras British detachments en tered German trenches, and north of Neil Vllle St. Vaast other detachments exploded a mine and occupied the crater. Tho official statement follow! South of the Ahcre, during the night, we advanced along a front of about a mile, capturing two lines of enemy trenches. Between Flers and Martlnpulch our front now runs approximately In a direct line. North of Flers and Martlnpulch enemy's trenches wcro entered during the hlgtit! as w" 2uiV,Mfl,ur. Prisoners were la Hi etMWultH nv "North of NuW pAv Y Ww up a mine and occurred Ihe crater eTtnhermm0na.ong"lh? I "le.'R.ncoutt front waa slbpbed shbtt by F rtitch '' nrea last hlght, It waa cUUy "houn cti today th Germahft were drivjn back to their own lreriche. JO'lpK.fV.'w-. The bifida! communique follow-t North of the semhie. tho enemy latinched h. atrong attack this rrtoffllhg against bUr tourt our barrage flro chckfta tH6 at-- man assault sharply and fott-ed the enemy to retreat ahd reenter hla trenches. The attack cost hint Serious lo'ses. Kvefywhere ejse the nISht HAa calm. KURD DETACHMENTS ROUTED BY RUSSIANS IN CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS SOUTH OF MUSH r,ONDOtf, Sept, J2.Th advanea frdtrt Mush, In the Caucasus, continue, accordlhg lo a ItUMtan statement issued here last hlght, which saysi Our detachments dislodged KUrda from the Koinchanutdag Mbutitaln ridge southeast of Mush. We are ex periencing fog amf snoVv In out" position and In some place fierce snowstorms are raging. . .1?, A surprise attack undertaken by the Russians lit Turkish Armenia tesutled In failure, sa)a the Turkish official announce m-nt. whlrh adds' On the Fclahle front (on tho Tigris, In Mesopotamia) the enemy bombarded nur positions again yesterday with heay artillery, Inflicting no damage. ITALIANS TAKE NEW POSITION EAST OF GORIZIA BEAT RACK FOE'S ATTACKS ON THE CARSO HOME, Sebt, 22. Italian troopa hate oc cUpled a new position east bf Gorlsla, on the tsonzo front, mid reoulsed ian Austrian attack In tho Carso sector, says the state tnent Issued here last night by the War Office. The Italian offensive In the moun tain region northeast of Trent cohttnues. The statement follows! Our gunboats on Iake Gdrda were shelled Ineffectively by the enemy. In ftnrnmmiTimiTVTunmiTi HARMONY .A. PIPE BLEND Ifavmsity The tobacco with a flavor so delicate yet "full" that it might be called ''rich mildness" jK Dtoa nr i-am - j.r'" , s st. u 1 1 ittrr urnf cfjmportedatiffn mesne rnneyrr.L. r i t j ' '-"w-fc44t '("""one havmq ' i -s --" I una natiimr. tftft..A it- A. . . ".,,,.. mr cv..s. . est harsh cfyrtt-< 1 fifteen Scents miht creameolorti nut brxfun tin .TjjjL-aFftgVJag 7 PaBaaaaaaaaB?" Fkom Bedford Sprihgs l World ramous Even Abroad, physicians recom mend the mineral water of Bedford Springs as the best treatment for rheumatism, gout, chronic indiges tion, constipation and many dis orders of the liver, kidneys and stomach. Carlsbad has been its only rival and now Carlsbad'is inacces sible. American tfhyelclanB have prescribed Bedford Mineral Water for over one hundred years But Americans don't have to go to Bedford Springs for the pleasant, effective Bedford treatment. A 'phone call to any leading druggist will bring it right into the home, where It will accomplish Its work without inter fering with your business or pleasure. BEDFORD MINERAL WATER is bottled direct from the Bedford Min eral Springs in the mountains of south ern Pennsylvania It cbmes to you in exactly the same form in which it is taken at Bedford Springs and Bhould be used as a daily water treatment. If you are run down. or your digestive sysf em is not functioning right, or if you have coated tongue or bad taste in the mouth, it's-time to use Bedford Mineral Water. 1 If lrt doubt, ask your physician. toUr drtiiaUt c. ioMj phone or uriu tit set that you are tUppUed. . ..mT.im.gtmg HjMJL a. am L WSamEBm dl II ill fflSaa .asVunUii, SK WfilinfMi' uaur drUiaM cannot iUdbw .3 Sbd , -. ' ' lOWip joW, phone or Utrito u ahJ tve will U S M rfJBnm ' " you ari Uiied' m S ' rA Daily Wator TrtabMnl fiJr. A e. n S 1 Bedford Springs Co., utu I 3 132S Wl.Hr HlIKt Pklla. B fSrni Ik MMi.ll W " ...J.. I our HteMM Km fc eewwLjyT atlnattly, WtllhaSKJT falls. On Tu-iv 4MM327,a,w1 terntlt by tha enemy tb atUefc a. fh "" t Kuf m ""'H l toM Col SrhSM Alnnfe lit iiillas-A ! . -. Jsonaa (rbnt, rtlllw ,tUt yWw limited by the heavy rain wi,iel.V?.'. i throughout two daya. In th hinV J11 of Oorltla our troops attSevia . VI occupied a new hot tton rTsiJ . -l"J ' oaterina. orttht Carso deUmt tho enemy attempted to aurM promptly drltert oft with lattes. rt . CONSCRliElGHT EETTALL British Military Authbriua PuwleJ U Helghlrfa!ant h I.ONDO.V, fiepl. Si-flie mlllUr, ... thoriliei In Wiltshire Hud him..les V.J with a problem In the person of a -J!" contcrlpt ihhkeeper, eight feet two and en. half Inches In height and still growl-, lu Is twenty-lwo yearn old and weltha LS than :0 pounds. When he lakes 1 r,iil.r' Journey lit) has tq travel IH the baAi. Iy As the military' authorities do Tel tIl what to do with htm. he remains at 'tb H - In this connection, the Tlmea ret.li, uiV TAtrltk Cotler, an Irishman, who Jim II tirlMol in 1102, was eight feet mb inchM r When Your Friends Drop In Unexpectedly ji You will not wonder how.'!. you are going to entertain them v f if you have a player-piano. It will give you instantly ah 1 kind of mUsic desired. If yoU"' 1 have not experichced the joy" of personally producing good music the feeling cannot be described or understood. PLAYER i PIANO 1 375 Full-size piano, with fuUs flfl-nntft. un . to . Hsitft action".' . , ,- . Well made and handsomely fi finished. Bench scarf) yeaftfj tuning and 12 rolls of miwk -a. )'j . vJI F. A. North Co. 1306 Chestnut Street , Please send me a complete descrlp Hon of your . Player-Piano, ak details of easy-payment plan, without Interest or extras. v Name , ,t..it ..i,u .4 .it,,ff Aadre" ' WtMi't" Branches Opin Evening -n uf SOI 1 tti west pitiLA.t sos s. etd el. KKNBlfcOTONI Hit Kentlngtoa A- ) bAMUKKt ltD Ilroadwaf, ;, KOHRIS'TOWNI til yV. iJala tU - VAmt And oAitUxif HUDSON AspKaU ShinfUi laUi n .JM .(.... "l"l,t ?B&SE& urn roiniiiHDa auk kq, MP H..,gr,'Lil