(3UFWTH TO RETURN TO 5-RHL FEATURES Prodttcw of Spsctaclea Willing to Make Simpler Films Than Hia "Intolerance" Br the rheteplay Editor According; to a. New TorJc Interviewer, who ha a Ion talk with D. W. Orimth, producer of "Intolerance," now running In the metropolis, and of "The Birth of a Nation," at the Chestnut Street Opera Hoiwie, thla city, the director Is going: In for shorter motion pictures than those two )flcs which added lustre to his name. Asked If his next production would be another supreme effort, he replied: "I hope not. I'm willing that some one else should try the experiment. I prefer to make some simple five-real pictures; they do not tie up larg-e sums of money." Before "The Birth of a Nation." Mr. Orimith made snorter features, such as "Avenging; Con science." "The Escape." and "Home, Sweet Home." Ills action In returning to less elaborate films may have a compelling In fluence on other directors, and may result In a general trend away from the speo tacular and glgantlo in cinematography. Path win release next month "The Light That Failed," the first moving picture based on a Kipling story. The celebrated Itud yard Is said to have written all the leaders for the film. Robert Edeson will play the blinded Dlok; Lillian Tucker, the ambiti ous and selfish Malxla; and Jose Collins, Bessie. Bessie Barrlsoale, Ince-Trlangle leading woman, la In New York for a vacation, after three years of work In California, She Is halving business and enjoyment by conferring with Thomas It. Inca, while in the East. Phlladelphlans remember Miss Barrlscale In the flesh from her perform ances In "The Bird of Paradise" and "We Are Seven," some seasons ago. Sidney Ayres, one-time Idol of the femi nine photoplay fans. Is dead In Los Angeles. Before the flood of stago stars Inundated the motion-picture plain several years ago, Mr. Ayres was exceedingly popular. He played with Sellg, Universal and American. Los Angeles has welcomed John Barry more, a visitor there. He may play In an Ince featuro before returning to New York. Names of national prominence are asso ciated with the Photoplay League, In pro cess of formation In New York city. This association Is designed to unite patrons of the films In an organized effort to create a demand for wholesome, attractive and In structive plays. Included In tho advisory committee are Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson. E. H. Sothern, Julia Marlowe, Norman Hapgood. Cornelius Vanderbllt and Mrs. Charles H. "Whitman, wife of the Governor cf New York. Mlzzt Hajos, the llttlo Hungarian oper etta star, has gone Into pictures. She wilt take the role of nn Austrian girl In an eight-reel feature, "Hyphenated." which the Sunbeam Motion Picture Corporations will release. Naturally, the film discusses tho problem of the hyphenate. Perhaps veteran movie frequenters re call Pathe's old trick picture, adapted from Jules Verne, "A Trip to the Moon." An other of his novels. "Around the World in Eighty Days," la to bo visualized In six reels and distributed by the Herald Film Corporation In October. Phlleas Fogg, tho " hero, visits London, Suez, Alexandria. Hong Kong. Vancouver, New York and Cherbourg. This ought to provide a cosmopolitan back ground. "Fatty" Arbuckle has completed a new Keystone, in which a theater scene neces sitated 'a large orchestra, and a stream of water running down a papier macho mountain. EVENING LBrKSrEIVPHILADELPHIiV, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER St 1916 Pmhi4 UnwHgelew on Street Th eondttfon of James Farley, twenty. Mx years oM, of !.8t Sharp street. Is pui wtag physicians at the Northwestern Gen eral Hospital. n was found unconscious at Twenty-third street and Ridge avenue and was sent to the hospital. After being admitted to the institution he was seised with convulsions, Farley was recently operated on for appendicitis. His condition Is said to be critical. Funeral Of A. P. Broadbcnt Funoral services for Alonzo P. Broadbent, who died lost Tuesday after a long Illness, wilt be held this afternoon at his home, 12.7 Adams avenue, Frankford. The Inter ment will be mado at Ureenwood Cemetery. Mr. Broadbent was seventy-one years old nrt tnvln.ip a. ft, T a.w.k..a.i . b...-. . .i,inwi a., iiiv uaiuiici a M. unit iump lnr fifaftlAn II- ni...,l .. mii.i.ik.i -.- -...v... .... v.livitru IIO HIUIIIUIIM service March 12, 18S3, and since that time ua ucoji continuously in ino water uureau. He was a member of the Pennsylvania mllltla and served through two enlistments as an emergency man In 1163 and 18G3. BMTM Ltvbigstaa st. PANCOAHT. SUBAN p.. 88jrrs. . PAPOIIHCHEK. ELIZABETH kARIB 4 PKTKR8. Wl. WM. CT87 jrre. POPPLE. JOSEPHINE I Illl.llivr., 11.1,11 JMIL7, RULEFF. PllANCIB DUDLET. ITS, IITAN. MART T., 62 yrs. HF.RMbM.lcii. ixUiaB It, W. Cellini fill, l., IIAKIIAI.A! SlJtlHTKIl, THOMAfl P. SIMPSON, WILLIAM II., JO yrs. SINIMC, ItENltr C, 40 Tin. SNYDKR MART ANN FINNET.88 TT. STENfKNUEMlfcn. MARY MAODALfcN.74 yrs stkrni;r, HBi.nN jones. STEVENS. JESSIE dV 11, FrenVltntllte, N. J ColllngswMd. htii.z, iaiuih i: , 03 yrs Theatrical Baedeker BnOAO "The Two Janes." with Harry Fisher. An Impossibly amateurish musical fare. Xt)RRE8T "Miss Sprlngtlms," with Sari Petress. John 13. Hsxsard and Oeorao MacFarlane. A Vlctrolaful of delirious Vien nese music, with sood comedy added. GARRICK "Sport of Law." with Mary Poland and Frederick Truesdell. A drama by Stuart Fox. based upon tho motive of revenge which takes possession of a yours woman's mind. The first metropolitan production of a pro vincial and Incenuous thriller. X,TRIC "Robinson 'Crusoe. Jr.," with Al Jol son. Lawrenco D'Orsay and Kitty Doner, A Winter Garden show with a plot and all the other things. Jolson at bis best. ADELPHI "Experience." with Ernest Glen dinning. Wlllsm Insersoll and a lares cast. A "modern morality play." with more reality and faumanness about It than traced "Every woman." Olendlnnlng acts superbly. AT POPULAR PRICES WALNUT "The Eternal Masdalene." with Ku senle Blair. A dream-play of the red llsht dis tricts, written on old-fashioned lines, but en hanced by the striking- actlnr of tho star. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE "Th Birth of a Nation." with Henry B. Walthall. Ma. March. Lillian Qlsh. Bobble i Hsrron. Wall lac Reld and tho well-remembred cast. D. w. Griffith's pbotodrama'ot tho Civil War. jeen last year at tho Forrest and now re turning to th city for Its nrst allowing at popular prices. Limited enlevement. KNICKERBOCKER "Tho Olrl II Couldn't Buy.'-wltb. Mab.ll Kattlls and others. A comedy-melodrama, already familiar to the city. In which a forlorn young girl resists th. temptations of a man who has ruined her father. NEW FEATUREl FILMS TTANLBT Last half of week. Th Reward of Patience," with Louis Huff snd Lottl Plrktord. a Famous Playtrs-Paramount fllin. and others. ARCADIA Last half of week. "Th Social Secretary." with Norma' Talmas and Glad den James, a arimth-Trlanslo Dim. and others. VALACE Last half of week, "Th Victory of Con.cl.nc." with Lou Tellegen and Cleo Rldgley. a Lasky-Paramount production, and others. REGENT Last half of week. "Mister 44." with Harold Locltwood and May Allison, a Torke-Metro production, and others. ICTpRtAT-Last half of week. ("-Mister ." with Harold Lock wood and May Allison, a Torke-Mstro production, and others. VAUDEVILLE Tjcii h-8 Florens Tempest and Marlon Sun- Broaaway jiounut"i Harry ahln In sereeiora in "Twenty Odd Tears"! Kelix Adler. Maurie Hrlerr and Oraca Klrur Mabell Ossood and Emma IUua: Ducan and Raymond In 'Th.y Auto Know natter"! th Itoratnl Troup! Klna and Ilarv.y In a comedy aketont Jtoberto. and Verera. and Sells Trl bun Pictorial New. SLOBK-r-Tb Golden-Orloft Troop of Russian JlrKrn.Vd-SefiC5V'.V.:-Wlfdlsh In e swiiuj nvuuiri sTKKx,ni &amUMI nd iMdom In Ooio to lh Weddinc", Jonta i ,v..uv 4v. Kiiu powi vieinsr and .,, ! M. JS1 Danclns Teacher"! Oorceo Clniur-1 HAND Th. the Uter, BsanlrA Vtiatal ntmttmt Are Lansdor.e In "John's New Car'! Ki nuaiwa ana.Kuter In "Willi Jones's ,t VXirZl Aoooit ana wnttei Joe Mrownlne In "The Rfeurn of Molomon"! Neher and Kap pellei th. Path News and Mutual comedies. WILLIAM PJfN Laat half of we.k. "Autumn Pays"! t6 Van Lion Trio i Morris and Camp SS". &..1HH. a TTlanji. flJm, and "Tba Olrl With a Thousand Eyes." '-Afe.rabmi Wiley and Lrnri Phllbrlclc 2 X ,VV. xTW,ar aB4 O'vso and Uuerlan MDeflTRBlLB, " H!n;ir1et " Fata 'faaSWar hem of black-face fun. Oimt-ta&M at Philadelphia 1A.M. " --..-f ..-.. ....... OT -f-..f ...... . (irx W9WV tit.v.f ..., aw ...Ff.f tm I Isresasty , sy JSMkVS i lr . ,l,a. B" ' t Igmr to Be Llghtsd spsxeT TSsWJFl ) a fin f'j . Wl9Q ttaM Tjlej TUft SbSTsSSL etfmi.wee... a SJ.BS. 1 CatsWTNUT WCsHMaT WKAWf 'f t.-.rf seas a.sa. iNi,,tM"M4tyMt tax JwSJL ,i.a,....r;.k-.f ,,... SSSl .. H '!&(- ssaaswATW f water ,,.......,, tMlikg. Hutchinson Funeral Tomorrow The funeral of Henry Tale Hutchinson, who died yesterday, will be held Friday afternoon at the home of his brother-in-law, Joseph Priestly Button, 24 S West Upsol street. Ml Airy. Mr. Hutchinson wan tho lineal descendant of Rllhu Yalo, the founder of Tale University. He was a speolal agent pf the Northwestern Insurance Company. He Is survived by his sister, Mrs. Joseph Priestly Button. Mr. Hutchinson was a member of the Oermantown Cricket Club and the Philadelphia Cricket Club. E. B. Coxe, Jr, Funeral Tomorrow Funeral services for Ecltley Brlnton Cexe, Jr., of 1S04 Locust street, one of tho founders and a contributor to the support of the University Museum, who died yes terday at his summer home at Drlfton, Pa., will be held tomorrow afternoon nt 4 o'clock, nt St James's Church, 22d and Walnut streets. The Interment will be prlvnto. Mr Coxe Is survived by his mother. Mrs. Charles B. Coxe. Father of P. R. T. Head Dies Word was received hero today of the death nf C!nrr-n Titian .... nn.. B. Mitten, president of tho Philadelphia iiawm irunsit company, at me residence of his son, Arthur Mitten, In Chicago. Ho was nlnetv venm nlri. A wMnw an, in children survive. JBeatljS &cportct) BACON, JOSEPH I... 2, Camden. N. J. llAnRAS. JOHN W 8033 N. 4th St. I1IS3UOQER. JOHN J, IIOLAND. THOMAS K. U1UNNAK. UtllNAUD H.a OS TTS, UltlOOS. MALCOLM, Jr.. 2014 N. lith St. PROADBBNT. ALON70 TOTTER. 71 yrs. piltuiin'T r. rmti r .twit... ... CAMPBELL. PKTER T. J.iii.V'c7.,.;ir.-?.-.u.i?A'i-".aM Dans aves. CATTKLL. CLKMENTINB O., 69. Gloucester. CLr.MENT,lllCHARD O.. 71, lladdonneld. n! J, COHN, EDW. M.. 63, Lancaster. Pa. COLLADAY, STEPHEN W. COXE, ECKt.EY IMUNTON, Jr. CROSS. FLORENCE M., 22 yrs. CUNLISSH, JAUR3 8. DAILY, JAMES P. DAVJCNPORT. ELEANOR. DAVIS. HANNAH. 78. 171 Oay St., Manayunk. DEHR. JOHN, 40 yrs. "7UM, DILLON, PATRICK J. DOYLE. WILLIAM F. E0R,N"ibA'v! 272 at' KOItMAN. JOHN D . 03 TTS. frORSYTH. ANNA B. fullv:hton. john d,. es yr. OARTNHR. FRBDERIClC. 4S yra. OAtlOHAN, MARY L., 11 yrs. GEOROK, El.I.nN M 0 yrs. UIVENH. JAMhS. 1020 Caflowhtll at. OLACK1N. MARY A. SJ.'KJS1?' "NBBN CARR. yrs. flORDONj. JOSEPH. OROSAKT. GRACE. 83 yrs. "ALL. SUSANNAH D. HAMILL. CATHARINE, liEiRNMite ?r Suffo,k-u x- HEIN. ANNA M,, 60 yrs? HENREDSONi A. 13., HuntlnSdnn ViIIft p. IIKKHLUIN. CLARA IUISA ,78 1 yri l ' H GOINH. CATHERINE. T " HINKLE. DAVID, 05 yrs. HORNIO. JOHN. HL-OHKS. LILLIAN D . 8 yra. 1IUMMHL. EHNliST. Sr 83 yrs. HUTCHINSON. HENRY VaLB JEFFERSON. IRA H 41. 68BB Glenmor av- iausssa: jjasa k:- " 2" w?vsssa : KELLY. GEORGE S. !!o,NG!,iw?ifLi5M,ST8r.,vV..Vvii",,on' N-J- McCANN. PATK. i. a. McCLENAHAN. ANNA E. McCONAGHY, ANNA. 68 yra. McGOVERN, JOS. P. JIcKENNA nRIDOET E. MACDONALD. ANNIE, S3 yra. MA n"dr. joiin D..4Tyrs. AiAunrjjt, utiujtUQ M. MITCHELL, WILLIAM N. MORAN. ?ATHERINE M. 5EAA&:l,,1i5T,0.l;KL.K,r- B2 Chestnut sL TROTT, WALTER M.. 41 yra. TYSON Kev, ROUT T VELTntJP, MAIIY. 27 rs. WALTON, JOHN, 74, Ilorsham. Pa, WALTON. JOHN U. . WnSTRY, HMIAII FRANCKS. WILLIAMSON, EMMA. ZIEC1LKR, HORACE T, 5Bentfj( BISSEnm. On September IB. 1018. JOHN J husband of Lillian Thorn lllsseser. Relatives and friends, also tho members of Corinthian Lode, No, 808, P. and A, M are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at his lata residence. 1041 N. Robinson st. Interment at Ml. Mortah Cemetery. nOLAND. On September 20. 1018. THOMAS n. IIOLAND. Relallvea and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Friday, at 8:30 p. m., at his lata rosldenr. 688 Orden ave., Swarthmore, Ta. Interment private. CAMPIIKLI.. On B-jitemW ID, 1J18, at Itar. rlsburr. Pa.. EMMA VIRGINIA CAMPRELL (nee Spertns). widow of Dr. J. Moor Cams, bell, of Philadelphia. Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral services, on r Saturday, at 2 p.m., at daughter's residence. Mrs. Robert A. Taylor, 6112 Spruce st. In terment private. COXi: On September 20, 1018.' at Drlfton. Ta., 1SCKLEY nfilNTON COXE. Jr.. son of the late Charles Rrlnton Coxo and Elisabeth Slnklor Com. Funeral services at St. James's Church, 22d and Walnut sts., Philadelphia. Friday at 4 p. m. Interment private. DAV12S'P0nT. On September 20, 1918. ELE ANOR, wife of J. Oliver Davenport and dansh ter of Annie and th late Patrick Hopkins. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 7:30 a. m from the residence of her slstsr. Mrs. Sarah Q. O'Don nell, 128. Paatorlus St. lllsh mass at St. Vlnrent do Paul a Church at 8 a. m. In formant at Holy Sepulchre. ly,"'V. On September 10. 1018, PATRICK HENRY, son of Patrlok and Ma Dnffy (nee Oppnhe!m). ased 7 months and 4 days. Rela tives snd friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Friday, at 1 p. m. precisely, from his rarenta' residence. 2720 Oermantown ave. nterment Arllnston Cemetery. rUIJ.nnTON. On September 20. 1018. JOHN D. FULLERTON, aced 08 years, at his ?5yFh,.'.r residence. Mrs. J. s. Williamson. 6244 KInctesslne avs. Duo notice of the funeral will b shrn. aADOHAN. On September 10. 1018, suddenly. t: . uin.r ui ingmii r. ana reiua McCafferty Gauchan. In her 11th year. Rala. lives and frl-nrta aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Friday, at 8:80 a. m., from ber liww roiiiiciigo, uuio isioya St.. uormsn- tpwn. Solemn high mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre. OiiOMAKl. On September SO. 1018. GRACE, widow of John Qrosart. ased 88 years. Fur ther notice of tho funeral will be slven from tho residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. Klrk patrlck. 2228 Christian streeu IirnRT.riN On September 18. 1918. at Atlan tlo City. N. J., CLARA LOblSA. widow of Gustav Herrleln. aged 78 years. Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 8 p. m.. at her late residence. 1724 N. 10th st. Interment private. MNKLE. On Sentembor 18. 1018, suddenly. DAVID, husband of Matilda ninkls (nee Oemp her). mred 03 years. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral service., on Fri day, at 3 p. ra at his 1st residence. Beth lehem Helshts, Flourtown. Montcomery County. Pa. Interment private. HUTCHINSON On September 20 1918, sud denly, HENRY YALE HUTCHINSON. Rela tlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 4 p. m.. at .. residence of Joseph Priestley Button. 248 V. Upsal St., Mount Airy. Interment nrlrate. JrPlSi.0izP', September 10, 1018, IRA II.. VS;.. !V.Dl vioia u. jenerson (nee Husted). of p3(l Ulenmoro ac. ned 41 Tars. Itela. tlves and friends, also Independence Lodce, No. 68. 1. O. O. 1-., ara Invited to attend the run-ral ervlc-s. on Saturday, st 2 p. m , at th Oliver II. Hair Bulldlntr. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at Mount Mnrlah Cemetery. Re mainsmay bo vlowed Friday, from 7 to 0 P. m. 10ini?,0,?riRr .S'5th.a MoMb. 10th. 1018. ?II5;a,J9i4a.ND' 8d..mfant son of Walter J. and Edith Warner Johnson, at his parents' residence. 23 w. Winona ave.. Oermantown, of Infantile paralysis. No runenl. HYS.a$7n.S.e1??' -20- 1BI8. -cnrtis- -J:V w. t.i... sea o oars. relatives aSdr.fL'n(U Ma Invited to attend the funeral, on I rldjy, at p u. m.. from the residence of her brother-in-law. Mr. Joseph Morath, 1842 Rii!Vo1aV '. Interment at North Cedar Hill. Auto senlcs. "mil'iiVir-?," September , 1. 1810. IDA yilHA,HAM'i..w'f8 S' Benjamin Ketchom. Jr.. nnd daushter of tho lato John H. and iru?Jrt.tta Vtarn.'r Oraham. Relatives and friends of tho family aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon. fk,S olock precisely, at her late residence, prlvat?" r ' 0vMbr0k. Ta. interment M.UIN. On September 18, 1018. auddenly. at Altoona Pa.. Dr. JOHN B. MAHN. son of Henry B, and tho late Fannio Mahn, ased 47 roara. Relatives and friends are Invited to at tend the funeral eervlces, on Friday, at a p. St" .at.th.s 9'fyer H. Hair llulldlns. 1820 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Interment private, McCANN On September 18. 1818. PATRICK, husband of Sarah Ann McCann (nee Mcarath)! of Derry Alio, County Tyrone, Ireland. Rela. Prominent Photoplay Presentations - tton&iu Bbo&tw Corwamu TJiT'J't" bUta .th,,r. "'etures throoth the STANLEY Booking Alt Skla4liaaa haailAw.! aWa.. I.IL J Al . biaUUs picture- threacb lb ttx!NLEY BOOKiNf. rnui-Avv irlr showing of the floeit prodactlons. ? aiuli'i,wnh,rnif,te J" 0ar tecsllt A1HAMRRA I3th Morrl rassyunk Av. ALnAIUDKA Mat. Dally at 2; Erg.. 8:45 A 0. Paramount Pictures. HAZEL DAWN and TTJ f. -. owen moorb in Under iwover ARCADIA CHESTNUT BErXJW 16TH NORMA TALMADGE in "THE SOCIAL BECRETARY" C2D AND THOMPSON MATINEE DAILY APOLLO VIRGINIA PEARSON in "DAKJSDKVIL KATE' 1317 T MnMT MD ABOVE MARKET JQHiJLilVlwlN 1 Mats., isso a s iso. hx Evgi., 0:80, 8, 0:80. 10c QERALDINE FARRAR AND WALLACE REID In "MARIA ROSA" rrn a n win and cedar ave. wEilSAK PARAMOUNT THEATER MABEL TALIAFERRO in "OOP'S HALF ACRE" FAIRMOUNT S4t,GiarD avkn DUSTIN FARNUM in "DAVY CROCKETT" 4711 FRANKFORD AVENUE FRANKFORD I If I IAN WAT.rTFTJ Jr. "niE 1UN DEHIND THE COUNTER' CCTI4 CT . THEATER. ODlnOl.' Boi. epruc. MAT. DAILY Bel. Sprue. Evgi. 7 to 11. HENRT B. WALTHALL In "PRIsrs of Boel.ty" Added Attraction BII.LIB BURKE In I5th Epl- aods of "QLORIA'S ROMANCE7' JEFFERSON m" BT,REBTaWKIN EDITH STOREY in TWO-EDGED SWORD" I 17 A ftp R iroRTT-FmST AND UUfUJdtS. LANCABTEIt AVsxNTJB UONEL BARRYMORE in "THH UPHEAVAL'' LIBERTY BR0AD COLUMBIA Wrtfred-Lucas and BeMwia Love in 'HELL-TO-PAY AUSTIN" 4810 N. BROAD LOGAN THEATER Drtby Graa and Clifford Brace A4T9.4W it.IfM ? BtrlHinr I OPI IQT BJr AND LOCUST t'UUi! Mats, 1:30 and 8:80, 10c. Kvs., 0:80, 8, 9:80, 16a. noUSB PETERS and GAIL KANB In "THE VELVET PAW" Market St. Theater ""bt?" SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "ALIEN SOULS" PALACE 12U MAKo?TO,:,5,r Lou Tellegen and Cleo Ridgely in "THE VICTORT OF CONSCIENCE" PARK m1?R. AYE.-. DAUPHIN 8T. , . MAT" 3ls- EVO-. I48 to 11. Wilfred Lucas and Bessie Love in "HELL-TO-PAT AUSTIN" PRINCESS HOUSE PETERS in 1018 MARKET HTKEBT "THE RAIL RIDER" REGENT 1M "ARRET BTREBT Harold Lockwood & May Allison In -MISTER 44" R I A L T O OERMANTOWN AVB. av a a-a 1 1 w AT TULPEHOCKEN ffT, JOHN BARRYMORE in "ARE YOU A MASONt" RUBY MARKET BTPEET ,. BELOW TTH BTREBT VIVIAN MARTIN in "TUB BTROMOER LOVE" SAVOY 1211 MARICBT RTnww MARY MacLAREN in "WHERE IS MY DAUOHTEnT" TIOGA "J" AND VKNANOO BTS, MIRIAM NESBITT in "THE CATS PAW" VIC TO R I A. MAKKET ST. ,,, ftlA ABOVE NINTH Harold Lockwood & May Allkoa In "M16THR 44" ' STANLFY MAKKET ABOVH 18TH LOUISE HUFF U 'THTB REWARD OP PATIENCE" an A VM ?, arsasf stifOUVT I ' WMT PHILADBL1-HU OVTHVUU 4TH MAKICST m, EUREKA NAT GOODWIN in "A WM Sr4et Trafatdy GARDEN " IfigBffjt TW Aimi&y M OLYMPIA"fflS.. Ijy SWJH4 T?ig& DEATRa ! and fclends, ! th efrtcers' and board Of aIraAtaB ff tha It.,, n.iltilln. a m 1j.aM -;i,i.:r -:.. "'?..'?'".. -"-ia .t-" --" Aasoclstlon. St. Mlchsel's Holy Nam So. fifty. St. Michael's Young ifen's Society, St. Michael's Renenclsl Society, llrsnch No. 118. nun Bsivsnor council, no. B9. IS. A. U, II I U l. Michael's Rem a k. o? a.i I?. o' K. of c.l Division No. 18. A. O. 11 I L. O o. II, lodge. No. 64, and all other orranlia tlOn. Of whln ha Mraa a maka aa la,la to attend th funersl, on Krld.r. at 8 30 a, rn., from his lata residence, 1B08 N. 4th st. Solemn requiem mt. at St, Michael's Church at 10 a, in. precisely Interment at New Cath. oral Cemetery. Automobile funeral. RintlKN. On September 19. 1818, EDWARD, husband of Louisa M. Illehen (neo Klein). Duo notice of the funeral will ba alven from his 1st residence. 208J W, Cumberland st KCI.KPT. On September 10, 1010, suddenly, KRANCIS DUDLEY RUI.KKF, ared (19 years. Itelstlves and friends, ales th Athletla Aseo clatlon of University of Pennsylvsnla, are In vlted to attend th funeral services, on Krldsy, at 10 a m, at hi. late residence. (11 Hsrtrsm ave., Lansdowne. Pa. Interment at Arllnston Cemetery. Friends may. call Thursday eve nine. TEAS. On September 18, 1918, suddenly, ANNIE. 8TOCKLEY, daushter of th 1st tleorse II and Harah K. 'leas. Relatives snd friends are Invited In attend the funeral serv ices, on I'rlday, at 8 p. m., at her lata reel dene. 8249 Chestnut st. Flnsl services snd interment st Mllford, Del., on Saturday, upon rrlT5l ct ,r,ln Isavlnc Ilroad Strest Station at 735 a. m. TROTTOn September 19. 1910. suddenly, WALTERM.. son of Thomas D. and Elisabeth Maxwell Trott. ased 41 years. Relatives snd friends are Invited to attend th funeral eerv loss, on Friday, at 8 p. m.t st his parents' residence. 281 W. Rltlenhouss St., (lermsn. town. Interment private. Remains may be vlawsd Thursday, from 8 to 10 p. m. LOST AND SOUND BAfJ Lost, black travellns bss from antorBo btls, eontalnlns clothlnf, on September 13. be tween Roulevard and IJroad St. Station, Lib eral reward and no questions asKed If re- mrnrq to nip riorines.t iiouievara, lllNOj Lo.t, Tuesday, on Walton roof rarden, plain sold rlnr ensraved Inelde. Liberal re- wwrgu returneq i ox. Oatf Hprucs st. hARTY WHO I.OST 101 In a box at Phillies iau crounds Wednesday will split 60-60 win th finder. Call at 1188 Stock Exohants Bids, PERSONALS TUB FOLLpWTNQ PERSONS are hereby not. (IMi J. Blair. A. Llpachlts. Carton Jackson, wm. H. Judltlns, 11. Feldmen, nenj, Snyder man. Max Levy, Mrs. J. lllack. that their fur nltur and household poods will b sold for atorare charces and loans on Friday. Septem. Mr 22, 1910, 10 a. m unless charges ars paid before sale. Goods will be sold on ths premises of ths Northern moras and Ware house Company. 1818 S. 11th. HELP WANTED PEMALE BALLET TEACHER and Instructor In phystesl uuuki vrgiiTKUiy line will! loiiawiimi uiier- eatlnt proposition. O 160. Ledger Central. BILLINO CLERIC, female! Smith Premier ma- cninet rererenco requirod. nblllty and charao ter. n. F. Dewees. 1123 Chestnut st. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, experienced! rei.j email ramiiyi no wasninr. i!210 bt. James plsce. between Walnut and Locust. CHILDNURSE, white! must be able to sewi reference necessary. P 431, Ledger Office. COOICOood. Settled, white slrl wllllns to help with laundry; must have experience and refer enco. Call Thursday afternoon or Friday mornlnr, 08 E. Penn St., Germantown. COOK, white. In small apartmenti 2 In family! must be rood manager! excellent reference re- .mreq. .e.u ama walnut st. COOK1NO and downstairs worki reliable col ored woman wanted; reference required. 16 iu,n ,i,n Awriiy COOIUNO and downstairs work! colored slrli t7 per week! no washing-; references. 1300 Hunt In; Park ave. DRESSMATCT-n WANTS KXPERIENCED WAIST TRIMMER AND FINISHERS. M" ST DO VCRY FINE WORIC! ONLY THOSE WITH nnST-CLASS EXPERI KNCE CONSIDERED. AI.RO IMPROV Kff.9., AtJD APPRENTICES! PAID WHILE LEARNING. CALL REAR 2012 WALNUT. FORELADY wanted to tak charge of shirt factory out of eltri ona who underataads th making of all parts of shirts and capable of Instructing learners; sood opportunity for right poreon; reference required. Address A. C, FjslqfncHox84J3. OIRLS over 10 years wanted for light work; no experience, necessary; 15 week paid while Jearnliur.Apply SR Nj82d auj OIRLS. experienced and-learners, on calendar w..rk:,..A,,,!:ljr Wo" Co- -" and Callow- urn, uiiluiioor. OIRLS with office experience! good pay and chance for advancement. Miss Mallor. 240 W. Somerset St. 0RI3W0LD WORSTED CO. DARBY. PA. Starting up new machinery, wants girls; good wages; steady work and will pay whll .earning. nosnntT learners wanted n topptrur. knitting, mendlns and on string machines. W furnish flrst-clses Instructors. and pay girls whil learning. .. and havo plenty of work all the ttmo after they hav learned. This Is a fins opportunity. WAJi.9F-Trir'SON hosiery co. 4355 Orohard st.. Frankford. nsUJ?,55W-AKComi?t"nt housekeeper by September 25 In a home for boys at Hosemont. Pa., who has some knowledge of bookkeeclna' must belonir to the Episcopal Church , Tav. f Slawr"CPa Rawl. Box 80. "?U.lEur:i?Pk,l'.work,n,rv?n ntleman's farm fa.rWaV ch'tU' no pWsctlona to ono child. M 1 64, ledger Tentral. HOUSEWORK; experienced girl. German or Swede preferred: no laundry work; cood home, best wages. 21tf Esst Sedgwick St.: take Oer- msntown ave, car. Phone Chestnut Hill 87B. HOUSEWORK Maid for Benersl housework In family of four at Ocean City. N, J.: no wash oXVn ni" T P M" 1012 Lesley ave.. HOUSEWORK Olrl for general housework! rexerwnrtB! R Adult. In fumtlw -!.-. a j Ish or Polish, Call 6201 Carpenter st"' w" p. .iuuar.iTuniv-jini mu.c us good cook: no ?,",? ?r Imnlng; wages 18 per week. Apply 811 Old Lanoaster rd . Hryn Mswr. Pa, HOUSEWORK, general White woman: family 4 adults. Phono Otn. COO J; 6432 Wayne ave.. Oermantown. HOUSEWORK, general Wanted, experienced whits girl: family of 2. 224 8. 48d at. HOUSEWORK Olrl for general .housework! goodwsf"s, Cajl17ta N, 62d. ""","'rK' mPANTS NURSE Whiu. capable! good ret- erence. 812 Carpenter lane. Mount Airy. MAN AND WIFE. WHITTJ, TO CLEAN WORKROOM AND PARLORSIN LAIIOD DRESSMAIONO E8TA1IL1S1I MENTl MAN MUST UNDERSTAND HOT - WATER lUSATINOL ONLY THOSE WITH JANITOR EXPERI. KNCM NEED APPLY. OWN APART. MENT SUPPLIKDjERMANENT PO- sffal0TA3&t?r?u PE"80NS' " MENDERS Exp. hosiery and1 underwear mend, ere on whit goods; paid by tbe week; ateady work! good wages. John E. Hanlfsa Co., Marltoroush and Thompson ' MILLINERS wanted Ions asasont good pay. & ...l.. 4ll.tt W .1 a, a, -. . AVflf av-a .., a. a.. MURSB OIRL wanted ta tak oar of 8 small lB40,rNn'l8that.h,tV m eII"rl,nce' Apply PAPER-BOX KS Exp. lid strippers and finish. er. Apply Schottl(. 810 Klorl.t t. OPERATORS ""Bhlrt arid drawers flnlshsrsi learners taken. John B. Hanlfen A Co., Marl. borough and, Thompson. ' OPERATORS, iprlencd, wanted on"slik dre..es, A. II Csplan a Co U1U Walnut it. OPERATORS on alngie-needl machines; stetdy work. Apply Oreeowald Bros t 241 Hi Sd. SALESLADY for Isdles' and men's furnlshlnsT dry goods and notlons.2730 Oermantown! ' SALESWOMAN Joseph O. Darlington "aTCoT require saleswoman for trimming departmehti thoroughly xprlencedt permanent position. Apply Superintendent, llio and usac&estl BALKSrWOMAN for outside worki must h. Ob6l4'.d.rXc:nlti "'"g'g.ug SALBSWOUXN - LIT BROTmiRS REQUIRE BALER. WOMEN FOR VAHfOUS I DEPART. SEA1ISTRBSS ProLieapablei not Ust ret. Writ E. iWhln. Torre.' orre.dale, Phlla. -- --"niaiwi, Aorreso suuiar-nasiN, PacKina-,room hslo. rj-owi.V packers ana up oxers. 816 N. Xilh L. sivi mn aow. JtojWd. Apply IwSu'cl Bmploymwi, TniAWBRnxiB a clothier . wmimii axrJBTsrxi M ftfOll to axaxWtalAAval1 a. xim sLBsfl K a sW J.J..TwaMf aw urea, wits i Jt.JPgW'SM AppTy H-S-LL ! .waBuri mmrwn n., dally t UKi-rwifw - - eavant - IDELP WANT3SD PKKALS 0MM.bal h.a PrmtMtkB (7oIatnn STKNOanAPItKR Protestantl recent Htfh SohooT graduate! sa arr IS to start. A 202. .ledger Offlco. TnACHRRfl wanted for grades, high and prlvat sohoolsi posiMons wsltlng. Nstlonal TeacheM r'ney.l, II. Cook, Mar , 937 rerrjr nulldlng, TELKniONH OrnilATORS. local and long dls. tancei eiperlenced. Apply Keyston Tslephon Co j 185 H. Bd St., Room 403. WOMAN, managerial ability, married er slngl. to tsk charge of a business renter In Phlla- ueipniet snort hoiirsi good income: experience unnecesanr2,q44. ledger Central. WOMAN. TO WORK IN DRUO BTORB. APrLT JB.-n WAIJ4UT. TOITNO LADY In mill office! hours, from 7:80 A. F r. O. POX 8443. to 8, Address HELP WANTED MALE ATTENDANT or orderly for an Institution; salary 122 a month: board and room. Ad u rr n, iorn, Btsmrord, conn, "QLnA0!'.' AMniTious .for office XV.V.n.lC .W,T,f CORPORATldNl MUST JIB SXiV1 1 "" Iiavr oor BCHOpMNO: SITS0. PPfOllTUNITr FOR ADVANCli MENT. CALL LKIXIKH OKI' ICE. 8TH AND CHESTNUT STS. ASIC FOR MR. BOUR- BOY. over J 8 yesrs. for reneral offlca work, fac tory In .West Phlla.: must be nest. Intelligent and write legible band. Apply Overbrook Car- . pet Co., Both and Lancaster ave. BOY. bright, energetic, for general offle work! must have good education: steedy work and opportunity of advancing. A 203. Ledger Oince BOY. 18 to 18 years, living; In West Philadel phia, to learn real estate business; good co portunlty for right boy. 4C03 Baltlmor ave. BOY. bright, gentlemanly. 10 years of ars. for office worki permsnent sosltlon. with advanoe- ment. Apply M. In Belting ye., 18(1 Carpenter. BOY, neat, for flower store: mu.t furnish refer- , nnce.i.Tntury. i' lower bnop. ivj p. jam. BOY wstited around offlca and factory. Apply won vo.. tnird noor, lg;n sna amowniu. BOY of 17. In light manufacturing business. v., i, ii.ncoca t;o.. stn and Maryet. BOY. 18. wanted In publishing house. 804 8. ,-a"iiiiiiun oqu.re. BOY. 18. to make himself useful. 181 N. 2d street. BOYS, near IB, continuation eohooj, steady post. tlon, advancemsnt and trade. P 482, Ledger BOYS wanted for box shop: steady work; good imy. yippiy rt. y. cor, utn anq iirown sis. CHAUPKEUR-a-ardener, whits, wanted on gen tleman's small country place, Writs fully; reierences required. Address A sob. La. un. ERRAND BOY wanted, good thance for adv. Williams. Brown t Earle. 918 Chestnut St. DltUO CLERK, registered: state salarV ex- pected. silk's Drug Store. 600 Bo. Broad ai . imntBn, n. J. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wanted: boiler and . tank work. Crusc-Kemper Co , Ambler, Pa. FOREMAN A man familiar with motortrucks and the car of offlca to take charge of stable and garage: citizen. Apply In person, Frank- ford Arsenal, Brldesburg. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. 18.24 to 13 per day of 8 hours; tool makers, 18.62 to 15: ma chinists. 12.70 to 18: assistant .machinists, S2 to $2.80, based on experience and oapaclty: au tomatic turret lathe operators, Cleveland. Brown A Sharpe. 14. HO; Potter A John son, $3 50: hand turret latne operators. $3 to $3.10: higher compensation when on piecework; killed laborers. $2 to $2 24: solderers. $2 24. Apply Frankford Arsenal, preferably In per- non, iirioesourg. Intercity secretary coiier srad., 22-30 years old. actus church member, organiser, able to sea and meet needs of students and strangers and to enlist men In volunteer serv- ice ror otners. Y. M. c. A., H'Jl Arcn st, LABORERS for outside work. $2.24 per day of 8 hours. Apply Frsnkforrt Arsenal. Brldesburg. LABORERS 60, wanted. Cruse-Kemper Co., Ambler, Pa. MAN AND WIFE wanted, white, to clean and make themselves generally usefuli couple with Janitor experience preferred; own npartment supplied; good wsges. Apply in person, rear 2012 Walnut at. r MEN wanted for rolling mill work: finishers, roughers. sticker-Ins. strstghteners, hester helpers and laborers. Apply at once. John .Illlngworth Steel Co., Lewjs and Tacony, Fkd. MEN WANTED Boilermakers, locomotive ma chinists. cAr repairmen, laborers, locomotlvo cleaners. Penna. R.H.Call 1711 Filbert st. MEN, 10, wanted to learn the aausage and pork packing business; 22a per hour. Apply 8945 Oermantown ave. NIOHT WATCHMAN, experienced, wanted: must furnish bond. Apply M. Silverman A Son, 0th and South. Call bet. 10 &lla.m. OFFICE BOY, about 18 years, wanted by largo manufacturing concern: good chance for ad vancement. Apply V. Sutro A Son Co., East Thompson and Clearfleld. PACKERS wanted In toy fact good wages. Ap. the A, choenhutjCo Adams andSepvlva sts. P1KCBHS wanted on fine woolen yarn. Jona than Ring & Sons, Inc., Hancock and Mont- pomery avo. PLtlMnnn. first class wanted for lobbing work. JM.J. Egan, 32 S. 33d at, QUILT.ERS wanted. Apply to James Dean, cars John A Jamas Dobson, Inc., carpet and plush mills, Kail, of Schuylkill. RIVETERS v Hand work on light steel frames. Experienced men can earn $18 to $20 per week. No labor trouble. Oood working conditions; lone Job. State age and experience. Address "L. W.," P. O. Box 8148, Phlla. , RUO REPAIRMAN Experienced, on Oriental rugs. Apply Bureau 01 Employment. 4V4 floor. STRAWBRlDOla & CLOTHIER SALESMAN A man of experience, strong per sonality and with ability to earn $.10 per week; stats nee and experience. O 63, Ledger Central. SALESMEN IT IS LIKE LOOKING FOR A "NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK" TO FIND A REALLY NEW AND SALABLE PROPOSI TION. WE HAVE ONE. CALL ON MR. SCHENCK, 1313 WALNUT ST. SAWYERS, experienced on cigar boxes. Sheln A Vandtgrlft. Ino.. 814 N. Lawrence. SECOND HANDS Wanted, several cood second hands understanding woolen cards: good pay to right parties. Apply 4923 Royal at.. Oer- . mtniown, petwern i anqwp. m. SECOND. HAND In worsted mule room: give full particulars about age and experience. Apply to Pierre Daudeseux. Waterloo. Seneca, v-puntr,-!. jj SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE wanted, to pre sent nationally advertised article to automobile ownera In this city.: splendid opportunity for good salesman; give full Information about past experience In first letter. Address M 919. Ledger Office. STENOORAFHER. about 21. wanted In sales department of large manufacturing concern: atate experience, ago and salary expected. Address I' 433. Ledger Offlca. 8TENOOUAPHER and bookkeeper, experienced wanted In Camden: state experience and sal- rywanted. p 484. .Ledger Office. STENOORAPHER and typist! experience not I'tZi"' state salary sxpected. Address A 203, Ledger Office. YOUNO MANWoseph O. Darlington A Co. re quire young man. thoroughly experienced men's hosiery and underwear; permanent position. Apply superintendent. 1120 and 112S Chest- YQUNO MAN. about 18 years, for office work In lsrgs manufacturing concern; sood chance East Thompson and Clearfield. ' YOUNU MAN wanted as clerk and weixhmaster: Aha aawa.-.a.laa. - J A Aaa S .44a. C h . - Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Richmond YOUNUMAN In offlc. of a larg manutsoturlng B,.t'J!."1'?'on.tBox,30of M "" Ad!i"" YOUNO .MAN wantsd with aema typewriter exp.i st.ady pos. a.iured. Call 43 N. 7th " ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA COM. ' PANY wanta first-class salesmen (any line) for Seara-Iloebuck edition: great est selling proposition ever offered! get In npw while we can givofyou new ter ritory and all th lead, you can worki drawing account. Dexter Bulldlns, lith and Walnut sts., Philadelphia. (leneral BPRINO OARDEN INSTITUTB a AUTOMOUILM SCHOOLS COR. BROAD AND BPRINO GARDEN BTB. Opsns Sept. 23. Students enrolled ttow. DAY AND NIOHT SCHOOLS Day classes Tuesday and Thursday, 4 p. m. A combined EJectrlcal and Mechanical Course 20 lessona $40. Might Electrical Auto Courss Tuesdsy and . Friday at 7.30 p. in. 20 lessons 128, Night Mechanical Auto Courss Mondsy and Thursday. 7:80 p. m. 28 l.ssons- ndsy i 12: hincnuDinu RUl,luiluns, gooa ones, 20 salesman, young man axperlenoed In paper or envelopes, 125! salesman. Inside, out of town, hardware, $20-$22i clerks, s.v.ral attractive opsnlngs: stenographer, beginner, $12, ex perienced, 8, $1G; bookkeepers, 4, sood po.l- iioos, eio UL USINES8 SHRVICB COMPANT OUl aaUtq litis SfUliaiBS. PTTUATIONS WANTBD PKMALB ATTENDANT-COMPANION Bspsrlecwd nurs. wishes psrmanent pasttloni good samstr..si adsptab., d.pana . 4ucatd. 1IWM. 16th. SOOKKJCltPltR COtaTMIiaCtAL. OOsjT. CON. .., UITIUS, AAUSK, IXJM. IT SXBJ. aisr. raun.i BiHtJ, VVtU. giS IB TV, PTHUCT-JJI wiTaSDNMiifi,. Ifm OBrvW. IBOOKKKEPKR. 8 ysars' TO,, Jfu. aocurat at itourss. wlaksf a posltios V itt, L3 Qa. CHAMBJBRMAID. taaroufkjy ssparlMead. wants altuattsn) ref.r.aoa. O 40. I. taster Cantral. CKAMBaRMAlD 4str pltloo, 84S8 SbawnW , '., ,rlr.M M. , ' . . OOOX, o-rupeUBt .sWUfb ProUetajJt. 4Itm poiTtlon; goad nt: 1H sVlfHunt av, rVVIlf wtaJaaX DaaillaUi: BuSJl ISSSMMin. SSI oa 32 5! 1W"WW"' IAmt-u Brsvnnh. ItLk k.1 " - ! -.- I I I $ . COOK, oolor-4, srst via., d-atrss) liWIsiig frjrwMJMtirifmmjsLje aiaui SITIJATIONg WAXTBD PBMALK ConKnufit from Prresdlns Colamn Dnr.flRMAKER de.lr.s ensst.m.nts In Otn. vl- r.ln SSMAKRR de.lr.s etjfsx.m.nts in I"n. ti. Ity; fancy smoc.lng.FC63. Idgsr Central. DRKSSMAKEn wishes work by. daylnndr. stsndsall partsj ref, A 121. ledger OIBra, DRHSSMAKKR Colored woman will sew by th dayor home. 1724 Kater. OIRU with" good reference, wishes position as cook. Call 881 N. 46th, 55VERNES3. visiting, young womsn with trslnlng and successful experience In directing children's plsy ana teaching music; references; u..i,.. ...iJ.a, u.iil.. r. ..ft T mA f'anf i uii.iu.l ir.iuiiu yj.mmi, . .mv, ..", "" 1 ilOU8EKI3EPKR Position wanted where other help is kept! best reference. Otn. 3289 W, MAID desires position; hotel, apartment, fight chamberwork or sewlngi slsep out. 15. Ledger urancn. iptn ann Mtswater. NURSH wants car of Invalid: elderly lady er g.ntleman. or car of child; best reference. l'none i.ocu.t .ma j. kunsi; or rhamberwork, young white girl wl.hes position: refer. P 416. Ledger Office. PRIVATE SECY, translator Span., Fr.. 111.. Portuguese, sten.. bkpg. O 48. I.ed. Cent. SEAMSTRESS Young colored woman desires employment. O 141, Ledger Central. SECRETARIAL position desired by college grsdu ate; axeoutiva aoii.l mod, sal. F- P41. Led, went, STENOORAPHER, 8 years' experience: expert enced machinery line; permanent or substltut. . Ing pos ; sal'y $I8 best ret. F 944. ld, Cent. STENOORAPlfCR, high school graduate; capa. bis of handling oorrospondenee: 1 year's expo. rlencei csn furnish ref. O 68, Lodger Central. STENOORAPHER and secretary, competent and reliable; 8 years with Isst employer. A 201. 4V-"J.gr yia h.-t BTENOHRAPHER, upert. good, faithful worksr. desires position. A 204, 1edger Office. BTKNOORAPHER. high school graduate, wish ,.1 iuaillll injHIllon. OPP1CB O.U1 Woman, OMAN, colored, wishes place; plain cooking; come home nights; reference. 2019 KtmbaU. WOMAN wants day's work, washing, ironing. vi. ii in. wr a.n iimv. ioid timnarn. SITTTATIONS 'WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT-AUDITOR. 81. ex ecu! I vs. 10 yearar wide experience In manufacturing Industries. In stalling coat systems, expert on wage systems, perpetual Inventories, detail .costs, controlling accounts, monthly proftt and loss state ments, ststlstlcat .records, desires to connect with reputable firm need ing an energetic, ambitious, ana lytical snd constructive man of proved, ability: Al references from present and former employers In above capaolty cheerfully sub mitted on request, K 240, Ledger central. ACCOUNTANT, era. bknr. chsrge, Lngllsh, German, etc.. wanta position: best references.' competent to take A 133. Ledger Office. A i!S!iT.,8mo'..corre,lon'Jn and mall sales promotion: epilog graduate. 31, married. 7 lfifi,,'wi To.rf "rsrlence: sslary. $40: com. uinii1 n?. ",'' nl,.r. Cr,n "ndlng for. Lewis, 1000 Cuyler Building. New York. ' AI;..8VJr,n:IllNTn?,DKNT or Iraftsman: 10 Ivflf -Pt p'r,ence!. Patternmaklng. roa. ?5 K-Tm'"' a?rwJ.n". Bnl d"lgn: accu.tomed to handling men: beet refs. M 027. Led. Off. B i?5L'B5t 9' married ' 10 years' experU ence: good office msnager. F 68. Ledger Cent. ,VTLI;eV.S.nnLl0UVnJiS' TO-- Of town ' -- v" " --. Aj-juurr central. CHAUFFEUR. 27. desires position: msrrled ;'-" ti,.l I " """T" position: msrriedi shop experience; good reference: sober, willing hone.t nnl nii.f.i... n, ,- m Jlr.iL' "iiiiii.. - "M.....ua. ., ,1 Appieiree at. totsl ab- U1IAI1ITF-F!lin A1A.. aZi -. he.t S' r?rtWX RP.a ""aMe; can produoe best of refs 420 Winona ave.. Oermantown. aJmUioF.1,Uan!.,Jn'cn?nl,0A English. 84: present SSP.1Srirlc,SS,r,8A??Lwrlec-.;.x. - -. --"aw H. 1IUSLUII M.V.. OF- lilt HINII 10 CHAUFFEUR, married coo't: reference yeara' experience. LedgerCentral. S2V" K?.,-,i,.n 'Si rrlvte. 'amtly; wife aa wiAurrauJl- Mechanio: married: total ab- .cret,c?.y,rng?.altmann!cly y SSSW h" ' - a. UCU8CI LPri. lTSTIXfATnTt ITw.- t j . -r-r- i V7" r:v'ccu ""maior on build- Ing congtructlon dflry ppg. F 98. Led Cen ?ii?-?Viiali!?A hth?'wWV tinderitandi hlehMt Mf-lin" "w'SiVi !-J"5.m."a,'5 T JSsYsrsasa gA. i U?rSr:iil'KC?KC!;m'lnL "lnl9. Brotestant. long experience both branches: ref. A 27, Led Off UI?iHTfcEAIAN' w,th "utlvo abllTtjraTrd"TraTnt S Tcfn'nfn? r?.l.MU,B worl(1- wouldesiraposl- LSdrr' CrStral" r "al "Ut" man- 3 " MAN, "ft a.-l-.a .-- 1,.- l-i - .' Ilr,l-U-. w,snes oinco position) has liest references. A 113. Ledrer Offlc. ' MAN, colored. 40. Wlahe. nn.ltlnn a. ..,.... man: cin milk: ref. (1 lrArnrXV ' iXl- Practical: country newspaper cxperit Si.SKil7?larti,llLr.fe Maxtor - -.- -Vf sh-'wm mririiira. ji iiii ian iir A..5'.AN Three years' satisfactory) sales TaC0.r,d.i?Iwn. for !.la"ia llne or good specialty. P. aUB1oCx"a4fncn;'s'!?ras,Snla Bnd OeUwart Ea,-D.T-MlY. "nd "nanclal man. are 40. would JJhf.ii? ".-.connection with htKli-class mer cantile establishment: capab e of taking en tire eh.rir. nf nM... ..lll.. i.t. JL--1-Tr'J. accounts In eery particular: experienced In 2n,veJ?,flrf f lla and mortgages -er? ...w.-....ie. u. uceu. ana mortgages; "ery flLjedgerofflnclcommrclM Townees. M STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced and educated young man. aged 22 - . . m, ....ar. .iiiiai, TRANSIT, letelman. exp In construction, rail- Jfly.hjghwayjandjiuildlng.A 120. Led. Off. VALET and butler. .first-class, wishes poo. with pma"iprii5i,JR'f,ivi "-:"" "f. Armenian. .T.?"' ,a,?.,0r?i..v?"ire-.Ki'.?n. boarding ""- -i . rin ii i-iiiinneiDnis. YOUNO MAN, 20. eeieral yeara' atudv .t l desires position In law. real estate office claim or legal department: 8 years' business experience, r 058. Ledger Central. . . INTEGRITY DEPENDABILITY FoT !7.,J,"Lr.1 fllle1 a place of trust and responsibility with a manufacturing concern which changed hands this year: a new staff, from another city was brought In and my de partment practically discontinued In the reor ganization: I am now out of employment, am Jl years of age. healthyand capable: I can Jo..f1'.'.ca,.yLor'i.th.ou'f!, not a bookkeeper, and y'll 1"w.Un satisfaction any position wher dnxndablllty. Integrity and earnestness are the chief requirements; size of salary Is less Important than work. A 8, Ledger Offlco. WANT A JOB I With experience In advertising detail, ac- you TO OFFEIl In the way of a permanent position with advancement? l Young man, 22, years, enthuslastlo. willing and reliable. F 945. Ledger Central. "unx EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. KANE. 811 B. ,18th, wants several chambermaids, girls for chamberwork and waiting, chamberwork and laundry, chamber work and sewing, ladles' maids, cnlldnurses. housemen, first-class cooks: must have ret erence. Apply at once. Spruce 3401. POSITIONS WANTED by 2 Swedish girls, young cooV, chambermaid, parlormaid: also young Swedish man, lately arrived, for housework: excellent cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, lady's maid., sesmstresses, dsy or permanent; gale help, every capacity. Air. Rogers, SIS WANTED Capable couple, butler and cook, $90; other couples, $00 up; butlers, second men. house men. number of young cooks, girls for prlvsta apartments. Protestant nurses, gov ernesses, kitchen malde. 313 8. 20th st. WANTED Cooks, chambermaid.. chlldnursesT hous.work girls, girls for Institution work, chamberwork and sewing; all kinds of first- ."" "..K -7ruJ..po",."on' " os Dough. erty. 1313 W. Olrard ave. MRS. NICHOLLS. 1928 Balnbridn st. Compe tent,ro, ,n(S 'enala help, all nationalities? supplied: want several full ssts of help, also valet. Phone Locust 2180. E)a,.CA,TI2Nkik Domestln Employment Club? 2.25.,st. 8l"1nham (16th Walnut German A English purses destr positions. Spruce 3728 AUTOMOBILES Tor Bala CADILLAC 1814 touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment; prlc $850 AtiVri BALES COBPORA'flON. 112 N. Boad .tT0 WllD touring; Just overhauled "and"palnted; make offer. Llpman, 2401 Hamilton. ' SlUDSONS Phaetons, roadsters " and 'cabriolets" equipped with eUctrlo ..lights and start.rs Oom.ry-Schwarts, 258 N. Broad t. "''"" a.ss squlppe. iipftMniiii.w mi B-passenger. with Sedan inm t,i. ... ,. id atrlrlltf nn tn .,. -V'L?-r itrlctiy up. to date. . and has be.n inorousiiiy overnauiea and newly painted dnfii blue w th perfect blu striping; pries of cl guaranteed same as nsw. $2000; If you Sri Wing for a family Inclosed drlvs car com! ,,w .., ... II. A. JENK8. Mar. Rveh.SV.'. iP-. "?ArIu.f.n,t!.d'!eW TTn.t-cl..,'cTndUm7 filOBLOW.WILLEY MOTOR CO..804 N B-a.. PIJr,T.MATJ SLIGHTLY USED 1016 MODELS 1-niBimii.T WW, " 6TANARD MOTOR OAH CO. VSAtilr iiSIWlH twajsULa L. U. VsTiLaTr iia V aTC'.r"" l. I II U J jl I. jT T". "' ."an- ATTTO LIVrSitr rT "- Ann 0js, INDEPENDENT avt5 uiamonq 8(08. Na.rUA.l'iT -- i- iilliftlMa.- -.jpfPJfiavf? TAXI ToiiiTiW,f,!hT 7( .K-rer j8gj hK POTLAP.. J17'rrhlrar2aJs JIS2 Ul an. branaiai "? lew -""" "r'l '"JL'ngs. fu.r.V.!a. ... . ---!lS W1T lintaaa. stucco. 6ndi;Blior..S,,Oar.r5 . r, .,a ritgy AUTO PAYrT-- Tops and Slin2 COMMERCUL OR PLEa, ) An airtight inn.,.., ca .?? ha flneit work S.'V?-?-. .In nil Iti i M.lilOI. iihi,;. "no demwi ,"Sa . than any oth.r WJXQ -- ...vi in .fun. M GEO. W. PARVI? ii 1 1321 Airdrfr, Rf iSl1SL. -"" nrodASS.a. i'"!!i" UHUAD t3tTI,lnn3 nKnOREDTnewTTa-1" furnished! welding and brs7iatW wood A do,. 102.1 HSmiuan'lr' jj-, ATJTQ SUPfLrEa D'.T2i;."7ANT.t h rour""oid . r: t. tu repair, can, wrltit ! V r w M8-17 n: ia.rfj"..'&q j0 nrgy5- -. . - 1814 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3487. g PAHT9 " Phlla.Auf.'pa'rVcoJU.: ATJTO TIHE3 Ou.r.nt.edr8Vo,e,..T,ffiTrr' PRIM'S. 230 N. BroSf 'J W8.. HORSES uAnnm ... a.i.. . , . - kl 1 , ' "ici wuu u.y norse; csn U the afternoons. Lumber yard, llio j ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNiri PATENTS .?'" .'or our freT W. will help you S." Sp'KurtavSftS v ce free: reasonable fees: nSi-'ul?.1??! nines until 8:30. """ii FOSTER & WEBSTER wan 1011 r-k. ...... .. ... . s -"""'" t. nen pnone W.l. i PISIU,nE T'EATER Completely eali-l3 town n 201 ).. BUSINESS PERSONAM EVENINO- CLOTHES TC vnRB I'S.'.'j;t..'''f"-.rhone Poplar 233. S. , nmunniiB, turn and Olrard ave.. 8.W , RIlPI-lih-r.iTniTH ,., .-v 2 .,. --i- w"" .in, iv removea ny slectraKi ivJl, J'nJ.. Permanent wayi eyebrow. ii3 MISS SMITH. 402 Keith TheltwM'aigS CARPET CLEANIN8 CARPET CLEANING HOUSfl 20T1I ST. ABOVE CHEstmiS Bell Phone. i;, .a WHST PFIirA. MOTsranr-iT oTnor WHSTPHILA. So PER TAlfh"? WEST PHILA. 8870-72 IJlNCASTrS AT1 1 DRESSMAKINQ AND MILI THH UnnftWVTT. Mireailivm. . Individual instruction, short courses. mSb menis; patterns- cut. 00c up. qui uLci.iii.n. iil.uu.. Ilth and M.fkrt I GOSW7N-7A? "m,o.1f.". on 'Ulj.t ' . .. ... ,..n..nll xauiiuiiiKi OPI7UCO m19. TOR SALE BILLIARD AND POCKET TABI.B8 , nnTJvl Ino liivrg !. n ...atKai ... ,J lAi:icTl.nY1lvnA'A,0"Snun31l - -.waa-s. -a-.-a.a-, -,1., iw. Area. CAS" nKOraTEIlS bouxht. TChnjelrn new total adders ai low ai ISO. Ct eb our new mnn if srits .i aii ,S.?.pJ,W.'.W?,.,in'l.fu"'' susrant.H. $1 THE NATIONAL CASH RF.OlSTEtt 0lll 780 CHESTNUT STREKT ' M BILLIARD, pool tables; new, second-has. b .... niiBjrs, ..x pnymeius jlostttfr-8i Street Co . 222 8. 8th sL Phone Wit." $88 LAROE TALKING MACHCfS Kdl.nn ..lti afilmaf ... u.t.l.. nA. ------.-...... uu...y. .u, HUIUtil, W I, ini.nra in a Deautirui quartered o; new $84: can be, paid at the rate ef 111 weekly: an excellent bargain: in. nod a tlon: equal to new: write for compUL lS barsalns and special 30 days' free trial i IIEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES or. mn ana Tnompson sta BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second uuuBiii. soia. rentea. exenanrea; rei muvvHvB. iMo (veuicr. Amerirsn turer, 329 (flrard ave. Phone Keni OPERA. CHAIRS. $70 per 100: Powers 4-A a ,iiB-iitiuri in.cnine. usea onir . isi CHAIR EXCHANQE. cor. Oth and Vine. SAFES, fireproof, closlns out 80: sllabllr dm all alxes and makes, bis barsslns. ill 1 Aiii.ll. a, ,l..ln..n n. . ,11.. I - "". ... ... t:incrn n.n miu uic .. JIUUIII23. 11TH & UUTTONWOOD . Has the largest and best assortmsst si used offlco furniture and fixtures. I this part of tho country. AortUss to equip an .office, at prices that wfl pieaso you. Free delltery anrwesra HEATING HEATERS, ranges, boilers; bsrgslns la as tttellti .. makes. MAKIN-KKLSKT 9 ib-i Mioerc st. INSTRUCTION Mnsleal TEACHER, successful, gives lessons Is ' piano ana elocution: pupils visitea, moderate. M 147, Ledger Central, i MACHINERY AND TOOtf sapettt hpi.it rnr.t.ins .nd HANCirRH mnA TTr.IlV TimPKfl. ' Inshed ball and socket bearings, ere JM i ior an snaning purposes. oiiAriinvf MALiimii wuitlVD, I. A jonn iwini. J All KM IUTOM vimwcn .01 lum -nfTtnxmrvT Dynamos, motora. boilers, steam and st ainee, pumps, air compressors .. , FRANK, TOOMET, Inc.. 127 N. d l DTNAMOS, motors and machinery boujtt. sinfl rsantsail pmstnrss i-stna lrii. MM. Market S06.V Yfaralfy Co., tt U J 1IOIBTINQ ENQINB 10x10 'Florr D,.l aeyrtrt'i Donji, w T alft.S '. s.aiciuui aa at. I-. F. wffii&sft "STRMT. PITr.r.TCVH m.rlr..nll thei . r- - i?- r.- ----.vi'. . a. stocic, all diameters, uunwi company, B2Q Arch, st. 20 TUHRKT LATHES. Warner A 8" otner maitea) yox lames, speea i.i-, NUTTALL. 1748 tf- "'h. PIPE FITTINOS. all sixes. PIHI.JgJ i-iris HUPPLT. lous . nn. " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIAN03,. SEPTEMBER SAL innTE'S UPTOWN BTOKM Thb summer rantal pianos srsrsp inx usea. iany oi ins iiuc.fc iww "Lzji juies and KcnomacKer Piano.. ..r1i will ba sold at reductions of 150 to III th new prices, Uusranteed f or Payments of 15 monthly and upwara. adoui iv uprignt piano. u "fjtV Chlckerlna-. Mason ASHIamlln. Lw", nln.h.m.lllH.4 If.ln.a 11I..1US. ' part payment on planola-planos. vlcttollJ ljsva been marked, down to 'i P i J?..n?.,; ....mi. mU sst $150. etd, IS month. .... ., M Several player-pianos, sightly uses is. ..M..WU ,.UV MIIU fUW vf " --j - Terms ef $8 monthly and upward, ,, Five l,l.nn-Dler at tit, $, P 25 rolla of mu.lo fre. Will W "y'?"J 800 new planoa. llepp. "'Siffiji.i HrhAm.rbap Vr.mvul. at on WW" ' in. year round. Call mr.toi'lne of vlctrols. rscerAs..tJ uau or writs ror oomvi... j " catalogutis and special plapJ oi para- iivPsrB uptown gTSSrs . BTH ANII Til"" " ' ' EaablUhsd 1 MAHOOANT VICTROLA OVSTOt Reautlful MahasMj-VIctroIa K.JJLI wkh cablnat at IWop and 8 ."'.'"J reoor $4.8, Bnlr.out8t J f raywanta l.so wsaaiy.v." XLa ci sfrletloa .and lars 'lllustratsd os totrTasnio Pbaxss for estlmat. HSPPB'fl UPTOWN BTOW Cont-4- tHh 4 TboAP- vicraoLi. 'ourriT. is lars fuu.ii a, rr ocwtml l 9n.Jta ona i g,SM sfwrsr svewj