V J 11 . !' s .-1 if EVENING LEDGEK-PHXLABELPHIA, TUESDAY, SElJTEMlfEK 19, 1916 '1 in The Dominant Medium The dynamic force of 2,000,000 circulation is not the sole reason for the dominance of The Saturday Evening Post. The structure of its distribution is an important factor. The circulation system of the Post is such that where trade is brisk, there the Post is strong. This is because the Post is sold, not by magazine methods, but by the methods of commercial mer chandising. It has not clung to the traditional publishing method, which is, in effect, turning the output over to a selling agent. It has developed an exclusive sales organization. The entire country is divided into six sales districts, each in charge of sales managers responsible for its development. These managers deal with more than 100,000 retail outlets. Half of these are subscription rep resentatives. Subscriptions for the Curtis publications are never bought in bulk or obtained by premiums or club offers. Each order, unless sent in direct, is individually solicited by a Curtis canvasser. Thus the entire subscription effort is directly con trolled and stimulated from the home office. The singlQ-copy sales are even more significant. These are made through a force of 50,000 local rep resentatives, who work under the direction of a wholesale force of 2,000 district agents. Each district agent is in charge of a small territory. He reports direct to Philadelphia. Fifty roadmen are constantly trav eling, studying local conditions, re cruiting new representatives, "gin gering up" sales. This sales system is parallel to that by which any other nationally sold product is marketed: i 1. District sales manager 2. Salesman ; 3. Wholesaler 4. Retailer It searches out the potentialities of each section, each city, each district, even each street corner. It follows the movements of trade. It taps the points where active buyers congre gate. It can be rapidly expanded. Thus Post sales parallel the com mercial opportunity for other products. The Post reaches 2,000,000 fami lies, not only of the kind of people worth reaching, but also located where they are of most value to the advertiser. b ' THE SATURDAY EVENING POST t The medium of dominance j'fSA. What 2,000,000 circulation means will be the subject of our next adver- v ? tisement, to appear September 22. ' ,'. 1' t -V jsrvl & S-i Sfijj us '?4 ' -j i J r . i i'-'i -M 'i r