Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 19, 1916, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7
EVENING' LEDGEI-III!ADEL?HIA TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1MB 3 -y?i IT wife Here is the New Self Starting' Typewriter A new era in type writer construction. Protected by Remington patents. A built-in part of the machine. No add ed cost. It saves 15 to 25 on ordinary correspon dence. Its time-saving is au tomatic on- every busi ness letter. The machine does things your typist is do ing now. It will pay you to look into it. ?" r .. tectrr Offln. Remington Typewriter Company 32? 0rtM4w.j,tfr.rii CO "" ' " mu. f m riiM ni i RjflRBn w mrii ltl.1. 1 h Ika ! ':::':!:'-' . If jt la U rAinu . lvrAr.Mniie. iW tttrr i r, u i ..I I 7)t U timlu ; I'v"' u 7 .. vaiiint um Itlu IT.If! ' '" ! M tti on tk .. . ll " ttp li. ..rJ 9M"IM Em ! ri Mnt ftr mr ix nti kr nmi F ir if l.iurt U riih' rw m' ! 1. ' f n "il nioilH m i la atnarJ r i . t i fUM ii m -'-ifr I lill llllMtf i i Mrnt irttf a " n, I iiin.r ( .! V aTirrtr "'SII aaw. , .. la J ; - il an ll ... "I" it fQ try tr 17 rim It 7 $- w J iaBfaiU' tlaPS HBKIfiaiLaaaaalilaHkrTlTl aVVT Frying' Starts Until the invention of the Self Starter there were ah average of 12 "slow -down" places in every letter with envel ope. The Remington Self Starter turns these "slow downs" into flying starts. Saves several seconds' time several times per letter. This time-saving soon pays for the ma chine. Also, it standardizes tlie appearance of your correspond dence. Gives every letter ship shape, businesslike uniformity. See what it will accomplish on your own work. Grand Prize Panama- Pacific Exposition j r r tt SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER Can be seen in operation in our showrooms below. Or, we will be glad to mail you descriptive folders. Better yet, have this business time saver demonstrated in your own office. Telephone us today. f a. H REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, incorporated . 110 South Ninth St., Philadelphia npanMqmnMiMV'w E wmmmimmiimmmmmmm wi iul .-J-" w " ? rs l . r r ' -'....'.,' J, , v-.r. yfe1, fi -n iirttnilfthffiiiif f Bit IMTftfyiHtftf T MrtMMMWMmaM LJLi I Sf Lttkd iHRPiMPPMPiHaiPPRHpl . . ' .J Z' 2L, . J i 'ii to'ifll'liatii(lMWBlllliMBMB!BtBlW M