( EVJaKINa IiBIGERr-yHIL.ADELPjaiAt TUESDAY. SlOTEMBElt 10. jlo r- I, .FINANCIAL NEWS fiBEL COMMON MAKES ANOTHER' HIGH, BBAWJNG CLOSER TO PREFERRED STOCK Banking Interests Again Persistent Buyers, Taking All Offerings at, Concessions Movements of Prices in Nearly All Cases to Better Levels fie High Points in Today's Financial News Movement in stock prices nearly all to higher level. United States Steel common reached a new top mark. Cotton prices higher, grain lower, foreign exchange dull and money rates unchanged. Crucible Steel paid 1 y. per Ht on back dividends on preferred stock. American Agricultural Chcm m and Saxon Motor increased divTdends. Price of bar silver lower in New York and London. r NEW YORK, Sept. 19. The first Hem of Importanco In today's stock market operations was the fact that United States Steel common, after selling 10TH. again made a new high record, advancing In the last hour to 109. The utock Is drawing closer to tho preferred, although tho last-nAmcd Issue also showed strength and sold nbovo 120. Thta made apparent the futility of bear attacks nt the present time. Early In the. day tho room traders had taken an aggresslvo position on tho bear aide and some of tho uptown operators also offered stocks at concessions dur ing tho first few minutes, but banking Interests were again persistent buyers and there was no decrease in the outside demand, bo that before midday all the offerings at low levels had been absorbed and from then on the movements wcro In nearly all cases to materially higher figures. There were no desertions from tho bull ranks as the result of continued profit taking sales that have been In progress for nearly two weeks, but those sales now constitute the only supply available outside of tho few lines of shorts put out by the small bear contingents. The war-order stocks were directly Influenced by the advance In the price of zinc, and nil those Issues were In good demand nt advancing prices. Nothing has been said In the way of offlclaliannouncement of new war orders, but those concerned in tho various companies confirm reports of a few days ngo, when, at tho close of last week, new contracts for largo amounts of munitions and munitions steel were made. The sugar stocks ns a group wcro also active and strong, although Cuba Cane Sugar was In supply from one Bource In largo volume nil through tho day. Union Pacific was tho strongest of the railway group, advancing from 145 to above 147 Some of the buyers mado positive statements that tho dividend dis bursements on Union Pacific will be Increased at a meeting to be held on or about November 3. General Electric was unusually active, making a gain of more than 2 points, and there was a demonstration of strength in Tobacco Products, which rose moro than 2 points to nbovo 66, also making a new high record. The largest interests did little In Reading during tho day, nearly all the transactions in that stock being between professional traders on tho floor. New York Stock Sales 08U a4 82), 17 04 OSK 13 3GK WW 120 04 J, 13 30U 00H 120 128U 20 20) . Vi 10S fiSlf 57 Crucible Steel Makes Payment on Back Dividends PITTSBURGH, Sept. 19. The directors of tho Crucible Steel Company of America have declared"' a dividend of 1 per cent on the preferred Btock on account of back payments. It will be distributed October 31 to holders of record October 16. 6 American Agricultural Chemical Increases Dividend NKW YORK, Sept. 19. The American Agricultural Chemical Company has declared a quarterly dividend of IVi per cent on the common stock, payaCle October 16 to stock of record September 25. This Is an Increase of Vi of 1 per cent and places the stock on an annual basis of 5 per cent. The regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cone on the preferred stock was also declared, payable October 16 to stock of record September 25. Bigger Dividend for Saxon Motor Corporation NEW YORK, Sept. 19. The Saxon Motor Corporation has declared a quar terly dividend of 1 per cent, payable October 2 to stock of record September 29. This Is an Increase of Vi of 1 per cent over the Initial dividend of 1V4 per cent paid In July. COTTON PRICES JUMP ON STRONGER CABLES Bullish Advices From Georgia on Picking and Ginning Also I Influence Market New York Bond Sales COTTON BELT WEATHER CONDITIONS NEW YORK, Spt. 10 Temperature were alUhtlr hither throughout the rotton belt tlila tnornlrur, with onlr tlliht pre cipitation, and that not In the Important ft-rowinr eectlona. . , The fallowing temperature were reported! Ahftllt. flftt MfmnhlM. KnnVTlllft Mild aatt- Tllle. 4Jt Little ltock. Illrnilniham and Cost tanooca, 01 Atlanta, iiuieitn anu nurs. ooi DureTeporp. ThomaeTlll. Umln dure. 60; HUreYeport. 681 l'ort rtralth. (10 1 ThomaeTM, wumincion. nan ,nionio. Oklahoma Ultr. Del mo. -Ma con ana jiiont 62 1 Moble. somerr. 62 1 Aloblc nod Marannah. 60 f?hnrffton Jacksonville. I'orpua Augusta TaiDplco, 74 ChatUnoora .0. Tampa 1 a rh .08 at Montromn Clirlatl and 1'enaacolu, OM (Jalteaton, 7VI 1IDP1CO, 7ft. There wu .01 Inch of precipitation at .22 at at Blr- I at KnoxTllle and .70 Bingham. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Gains of 1 to 7 points were recorded on the Cotton Ex change at the opening this morning", the late months showing the smallest upturns. ha tone was steady. Better Liverpool cables and bullish private advices from Georgia, regarding picking and ginning were the Influences. The feature of the trading was the cov ering of some of the largest shorts. Includ ing uptown interests. Wall Btreet Interests purchased. Hedge selling was almost en tlrely absent, but some profit taking was noted. Advances of 14 to 16 points were re ported from Liverpool, and private cables stated -i that there had been considerable hadge," Selling, which was easily absorbed by trade and continental buying. The prices abroad were due to come 11 J to 13 points higher. The market showed Increasing strength toward the end of tho first hour. The failure) ,of the advance above fifteen cents f er January to bring out Increased southern offerings seemed to stimulate local cover In', while there was heavy buying by Liverpool and New Orleans. The buying- movement continued active and general and prices showed net ad vances of 29 to 31 points before midday, January selling at 16.26c, or 117 points above the low level of a week ago last Monday and within 22 points of the sea sen's high record, established on Sep- t amber 1. October Mure, it TM'dtl cioc. r':::.io.8T ,,,,.15.V ..;.,, 1a.11 in.IT ,,.,., ..10.3J ,,M,,ilf.H Open. li.71 16.94 10.04 16.10 10.83 10.40 Illfh. leoa 16,18 10.28 10.44 18.00 18.69 I,oir. Cloae 15.71 10.05 IB. 87 16.95 10.11 10.28 18.38 10.17 10.20 10.42 10.57 10.0S 10.15 Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Bept. 19 Spot cotton was in ivderate demand tyday at 11 points a4roee, on the basis of t.SSd for mld UBlnnd. The sales were 8000 bales, in tmtitaf 6009 bales American. The receipts wr 6M bales, of which 4700 bales were AsnaHp. The market for futures closed fcjjsitHiii at a net advance of 10921 LOCAL MINING STOCKS ,-. TONOPAH STOCKS IMM Anur Agr cv 5a .....103 (HiOO do deb Ra 09 4000 Amor Ice (la .'. 7 S4$uoo Anslo-French f,a ..... 115 OVUUO Amer Foreign bee oa. lilt ouuO Amer Hmelt Hoc (11...11H 23000 Amer Tl rvi lU ..ml 200(1 Amer Writ Paper Sa.. 8,'V muto Arraour uo 4A a... 3UU0O Atchlaon sen 4a . . . 1000 do adj 4a .1000 do cv 4a 1900... 2U0UO Argentina flnvt fta low Allan Co Lino lit 4a. I12C i?XXX ""J1 Ohio 3tt I2 l&yoo do Ba 100H 1000 do 4a :..::::::;:: no 8000O do cv 4Ha ... U5H 11000 do P L, E 4 W V 4a. Wl 4000 do 8wn Otta 90H L?ffi Ph Steel rW 5, ....aooS looq Urooklyn 11 T 5a ....101 1SX81.! r. ,0.' 1Bt8 l'? M0 grook On Uaa lt 6a.l0ilJ 100(1 Can Oovt. Ba 19J1... UV 2000 Can Oovt 5a 11)20.... i)9S 6000 do5al31.... 100 0000 Cent l'ao lat 4a .... ShK 22000 Chill Copper 7a., ... 122 -100 Chea ft Ohio cv 4Ha.. 84 , 33000 do cv 6a .......II 93il 80000 Chi ft Eaat 111 4... 1 1 04 il 1000 Chi Ot Wcat 4 9 11000 Chi H ft Q olnt 4a ... 07H 2000 Chi Ind ft Weat 4a. 1 1 7flK 5!0 Chi M 4 Ht P gen 4.. 91 5000 do dlv 4a , 00V4 2000 do gen 4'.ia Ilolii ,j'on cm n 1 ft pVfd 4;: . 12 15000 do 5a 60 5000 Col Midland ct 4ali:. 7 1000 Col ft South 4Wa..I. S3H 10000 Con Oua cv 0a....I..124 (1000 Del ft Hud rv 4 103 ,1?, -do qulp) 4H 101 XJ00O Den ft Itlo Or 4 78 1000 do na 8254 10000 do rfd 5a .,..,..,. 00 2000 Detroit Tunnel 4Wa.. ooji 80(M) Detroit United 4(a.. 80 1J000 Dla Becur Corp Ba... 74H 1000 I)ul 8 8 ft A Ry Ba... V2Y, 0000 Erie gen 4a 71H 10000 do cv 4a Ber D HrtU 7000 da ra col 4 a 89 5000 do prior 4 .,..,... 83U 42000 Fla ft Kaat Co 4Ua.. 93 20000 3en Kleo deh 5a 14!4 000 Hud ft Man In 6a..... 27 3000 Iowa Central ref 4a... SO 4v0 do Sa 80 5000 111 Cent 6a 1P33 84 'iiuini no t;n Ht i. u Da, ion 7000 Interb Met 4Via , 78 iiwhiu intern 11 t rer oa,.,. 07 r.onnoo In Mer Mar ct 4Kb.. 100 213000 do W I Oa 07 8000 Inter Nav Ba ins HXio K C Ft B t II 0 10D 2000 Kan City 80 Ba 80 150011 l.ackn Hteel 5a 1030., 94 6000 I.lc Sh deb 4a 1928,,. 93 100') do drb 4a 1931..,. 04 jiKiiii) ien vai eon 4HB.....100 1000 I.orlllarJ U I..101 2000 Manhattan 4a., 90 70110 do ata 4a. ,, OQVi 1(100 Max Tat Co Oa aer C.llA 0(UH) .Minn ft St I. 4 r,H 7000 Mo Kan ft T lat 4a... 731 200O do 2d 4a 4BU :: m ,. 4AK Low. Cloae. 10.1 103 UOU 99K 87 87(4 113a 11 H J. Ill 111H 103; 81) H Laat cloae. Hth. Low. Clote. Adr IXnmri,1. ...,...,. la 10 IS 10 Ail nuober CO 05$. CSH Wi AlukaOoldM 14U 14 14K 14i AlkaJOolJM 7)4 714 7)4 7)4 A1IU Chflmen Mf 25J4 20K 23)4 20 Am Ag Chemical. 81 82 ! 81 82 Amneet8uesr 02) 04)4 02 4)( Am Can 0.1)4 04 M 0'1'f 04 Am Cat 4 Fdy 07 M 07)$ 08 Am Cotton 011 , MM 65 55 53 Am Hide ft Leather 11) ll4 11H 11)4 Am Hide a L pt 02 01)( 01 M Am Ire Secntltlcs 2014 20)4 30 20MC Am Unwed 23H 23)4 2.114 23 K Am'MnifCd pf C2)4 02)4 C2 B2W Am I)forootlTO 78)4 7H 70 71))i Am Locomotive pf 101)4 105 105 105 Am Smelt A lUf ,.1084 10SJ4 103 108M Am Smelt ft ;t pf 115 IHU 1H 1144 Am Smelt pf A 00 05 05 05 Am Sufar IteflQlng 112)4 I10,'4 lln)4 110J4 Am Boor Iter pf HOJt 119)4 110J4 110)4 Am Steel Foundries 0851 58)4 57)4 57K AmTrlATel 133 I3'i' l.'U 133 Am Tobacco 222 224)4 222 22474 Am woolen 474 4S)4 484 4S)4 Am woolen pi OGH Am Wrlllnz l pf 3174 Am Zinc L ft Sol 41)4 Am 7. Ii&Bpf 77)4 Anaconda Cop M 00)4 Aswclatnl Oil 08)4 Attn Top ft s f 100 AtchTft 8 F pf 100 AtlUu.f ft W I H'iM nildUcoVYks SOU Halt ft Ohio 80)4 Bait ft Ohio pf 74)4 lUrrett Co 153 Bethlehem Steel COO Burns Bros HOH Mutte ft Superior 04)1 CaU'otroleum j.1 Cal rctroleum pf 48)4 Canadian Pactric 170)t Central Leather 03)4 Chos ft Ohio 04)4 Chicago Gnat West.... 13 Chi Great West pf...... 3074 Cht Mil ft St Paul 00 Chi MU ft St 1' pf 120 Chi ft Northwestern 128)4 128)4 Chi It I ft lac 10)4 20 ChUo Copper 10)4 20)4 Chlno Copper 53H 53)4 Cluctt 1'ca ft Co pf....lOS 108 Col Fuel ft Iron 5-1V4 55)4 Col ft South 1st pf 67K 57 Continental Can 105 109J4 100 109J4 Consolidated 0 a 137H 138)4 138 138 Corn Products Kef 10 15)4 15! 15)4 Corn 1'rod R;f pf 01M 01)4 91)1 01)4 Crucible Steel 04H 05)4 01)4 054 Crucible Steel pf 110 1201' 119)4 120'1 Cuban-Am Sunar 255 2 0 250)4 200 Cuba Cano Suj-ar 58)4 '00)4 50 00)4 Cuba Cane Sugar pf.... 0-4 94)4 04 01)4 Deero ft Co pf 91)4 92 92 92 DenftnioOrpf 31)4 34 33J4 33)4 uisiib hec corp'n 4H)f Dome Minos 25 OrWcs-Seabody mii 1134 112 Erie 30)4 3i;4 39)4 Krlelstpf C4H 544 544 Crle2dpf 40 40 40 Fed Mln ft Sm 24 21 21 Fa) Mln ft Sm pf 43)4 43!4 434 General Electric 172)4 175 173 General Motors pf 120)4 127H 127 Goodrich 11 V 72H 73 72)4 Goodrich B F pf 113)4 113J4 113J1 113J4 Great Northern pf 120 120)4 120 120 O N cfs for ore prop.... 425 43)4 43 43H Grcene-Cananea 40)4 40)4 49 49 Illinois Cent 103)4 103M 103)4 103)4 Int Agricultural pf 48)4 49 484 49 InspConCol 01 OUi 01)4 01H Int Harv Corp'n pf . ..108)4 109 109 109 IntllarrN J 110U 118 117?4 118 Int Con Cot v t csh... 17)4 18)4 18)4 18)4 Int Con Corp'n pf 74)4 74U Int Paper 20 30 IntPaperpf 01)4 05 Int Nickel v t cfs 45)4 47)4 Int MM cot dp 4S)4 48)4 Int M M pf c of dp. ... 12 1J4 122)t Kan Citj Southern cttSls 20)4 Kan City South pf 01 GO Kolly Spring Tire 824 Kennecott Copper 52)4 Lack Steel Co 84)4 Lake Erie ft West 18)4 Lake'Krle ft Wen pf... 44)4 Lehigh Valley 81)4 Long Island 35 Louis is .Sua 132)4 132H Maxwell Motors 01)4 93)4 Maxwcl, Motors 1st pf. . 80)4 87 Maxwell Motors 2d pf.. C5)i 57)4 Mexican Petroleum 115)4 110 Miami Copper 37)4 3754 Minn ft St Louis 4)4 OH Minn St P ft a S M.... 124)1 124)4 Missouri Pacific 4)4 4)4 Missouri Pacific tr cfs... 4)4 4 Missouri Pacific w 1 22)( 23)4 Missouri I'acinc pi w 1 .. 49 49 07)4 00)4 90)4 31)4 3.1)4 34)4 43H 41)4 43 78)4 77 78)4 01)4 0014 91 71 70)4 71 100)4 1054 100 100H 100 100 90 8)!4 8?"4 91 89)4 90 89)4 89)4 89)4 76)4 76 75)4 153 163 153 00)4 500)4 500)4 0i 80)4 B0J4 634 Ooh 22 tl 4954 51)4 1784 178)4 03)4 04 04J4 13 30)4 90 120 128 18)4 19J4 53 108 64)4 50)4 MIDVALE LEADS IN TRADING ON CURB Reaches 74 on Understanding That Dividend Will Be De clared Next Month 48)4 24)4 48)4 2454 112 39JI 54H 40 21 43! 1744 127 7.5 NEW TOnit Sept 19. Activity and strength prevailed on the Broad Street Curb today, with Mldvr1e Steel attracting meat attention because of continued accumulation on which Ita price advanced from 71 early In tho day to Above 74 In the laat hour. The general understanding la that the etock will be placed on the dividend list In October, starting, perhaps, with dividends at the rate of ?G per annum. It Is also understood that as soon as tho company sees Its way clear to begin the publication of earnings, that application will be made to list It on the New Tork Stock Exchange. Substantial advances were also made In several of tho motor stocks, llepubllc ad vancing from Ct to 69 and United Motors moving up from C6 to C8U- Tho Standard Oil stocks continued the upward movement which started n couple of weeks ago, Ohio Oil ndvanclng from 250 to 264, and Standard Oil of Indiana rising from 700 to 720. Tho Independent oil stocks wero In good demand, with Oklahoma Producing making a new high record, and selling nbove 8. Muskogee sold at 4. Met ropolltan was actlvo with sales at 17 Vi to 17U. -. Tho strongest of the Industrials was At lantic Steel which was traded In nt 80 to 86. N'tplsslng was In demand, selling at 8U to 8tf, and United Verdi extension roso from 39 Vi to 40K. Ilex Consolidated sold nt 27 and 28 ccntB. Aetna Explosives was steady with sales at 10 H to 10 . INDUSTRIALS . , , Did Atlted Am-rlcan-nrltlsh Mf 1-' 2U American Marconi 8V. . Canadian Car Co 43 r5 do pM .15 M Chevrolet Motors 208 !U Curtlaa Aeroplane IB, SI Kmeraon Phonoaraph U Sales in Philadelphia ltlah. I Alliance In ioh 00 Bald Loco. 91 lit J a Drill.. 40 A Cam Iron,. 44 ell Klec Stor.. oo H -0 Erie SOU 80 Q Asphalt. 80tt 244 do pfd i. 10 40 Tnt M M t o 48 100 In-plr Cop. t 48 Ins Co N A 81 H 100 Kenne Cop BIT 8481 I-k Sup Crp 14V. 18 Leh Nav .. 1H 48 Leh Val .. 81H 101 I V Tr pfd 48 80 Miami Cop S7)4 S Nor A W.1S1 10 N V Cent 107i 88 Ta II U... 01 7 ra Salt ...100 IS Phtla Co cum pref 41 413 I 14 300 I'li.ln It T SO'h 845 do tr cfs 20!f, 1S8 Heading.. lltVt 100 So rac.101 411 m T2J (l.'i 11 Htromberir Motors 4St rlubmnrlne Hoat o? Ilaakell t Darker Car llemlee iUK Kathodlon lironze ptd Maxim Munltlona ... Manhattan Tranalt . Mldvale Hteel Otla Elevator Peerlean Motors .... l'oole KnK H rl Kreate w 1 ... Standard Motors Trlanale Kllm Inlted Motora 74 29)4 94M 45)4 40)4 74). 29J4 04 H 47K 40)1 U9)i 119H 20)4 20)4 B8S 07 in 01 uou 101'i 72 58)4 7 83H SOU 124 103T4 101H HO 88 82)4 63 85)4 19)4 43)4 81)4 34J4 00 82)f 62)4 84)4 19H 43)4 81 34)4 00 82)4 52M 85 19H 43H 81 34J4 132)4 1324 91)4 O-'S 87 87 65H 57H 114)4 116 37K 374 SM 6)4 124 124)4 4)4 4)4 4)4 4)4 22M 23)4 49 40 07 I'nlted I'ront unarm 't L' H I, t II com -t do pfd .4U Whlto Motors 03 World Film lU BTANDAUD OIL STOCKS Illinois 150 1 Ohio 232 2 Knlrla t'ln 202 2 .standard Oil ot California 209 8 Standard oil of New Jeraey MO 1 Standard Oil of New York 227 2 OTIIEH OIL STOCKS Coiden Oil 12T4 t'halmera Oil 10 International Petroleum 11T4 Hnuaton Oil 14 Mldwoat lleflnlnsr 64 HHpulpa Ilcnnlng; 8)4 MINING STOCKS Atlanta 0 Ilutte Copper It Zlno 7 Ilutte New York Itt Orro de Paaeo 39 Klrat National nil Florence (loldneld 47 OoldHeld Mercer 7 Hecla Mlnlnir M 1.16 Howe Hound A Jim Butler 88 Jumbo Intension 84 McKlnley-Darraxh 0 Macma Copper 17H Nlplnalnjt Mines Co . K)i San Toy 10., St Joseph Iead 1BV4 Weat Knd Consolidated OH White Oaka 5 BONDS Cerro De Paaco 118 Mldvale Steel 00., nuaslan Government 100H 13 184 12U IS 08 04 02 80 0.1 1 22 18T4 74 0 30 So Itwy 800 Ton Del.. 280 Ton Mln. 41 Un Trao. 88 U O I ... 4100 U S Steel 200 War Ir & S 8o York Ity. 25 4 6 45 sou 108!. 0 14 Low. IH 0 sow, 44 884 80)4 80H 10 41 82 17tt 82 4 18V4 18 80-i 48 87)4 181 ioi,i 81 100 41 - ' 20H 20 US 101 28 4 6i 1414 80 101 Vl 0 1314 Net Cloee. erute. IOH V, 01 40 44 oH 19 V4 80H 10 41 8 tlH 8214 1V 1 y4 1 H V 14 1 U Mi Hi lWi - 80 IV 43 "A H V V 131 107 V, S1H 100 41 ..1 .Hi t 20'd 204 1124 101 28 4 BW 44)4 son 108 OH 14 )i 4 4 V i '10 H H 1 M " ANOTHER MEMBER ON LAKE SUPERIOR 4 BOARD FROM THIS CITY SEEMS ASSURE Two Names Arc Now Under Consideration No Opt TM r 1! T.4n,nnfn P v.r. ,1 ,' CI l."1 uon rrom vjunauma j.jiuuicoi,o naumg oraau on Philadelphia Stock Exchange From what could be learned In the flnan- , clal district today It now seems virtually assured that Philadelphia will secure ad ditional representation on tho board of dl rectors of the Lake Superior Corporation at the annual meeting which will be held In Camden on October 4. While those Interi ested In the company's affairs In this city have not as yet settled on any one man ta place on the board, It Is understood that two names are under consideration, one being a steel man and the other a financier. Canadian Interests In the company have let It become known that they would not offer any objection, and, In fact, would wel come another member of the board from this city to fill the vacancy that now exists. A quorum for the annual meeting Is as sured, the management having acquired proxies representing about sixty per cent of tho capital stock. The affairs ot the company are under stood to be In very good shape, and It was said today that It was expected the two railroad companies, the Atgoma Central and Hudson Bay and the Algoma tri. would be taken out nt .Z.i-JL.V tho next thirty days, providing the J.?1 rearrangement iroea thtit. ...pm I hitch, noth rnmnanU. ... . t , " " -. .-.. .... niq HOW their fixed charges. The action of the Philadelphia m,. . ket today was In striking contrast wwv , nf VMlanliv TtM. .. .-... w0 I was very small, the market ,.. lH row and price movements were Irretrul? ArllvKv. what 1IIII. th.. . . divided between Lake Superior and tjj BiaioB aicei uutnmon. Wlln tha Ku slightly In favor of the latter, jj?.! eased off below the close of ... ..,. u.t. . "wx ma "natoryMter About the only feature ot the trior, linum vrna - munu Haul in inSUranC C pany of North America to the hliheat , at which It has Bold this year. Th. i' est Issue was Baldwin Locomotive i?2 aold up IK. United Oas sold up i J! Lehigh Valley was oft 1. ' BONDS Net lllsh. Ixw. Cloae. chse. 81000 A O&El Bs 88 M, 88H 08)4 V4 1000 Anglo-P 6a 05V4 0V4 05V4 3000 Choc gll Bs 00 00T4 08)4 H 100 Edls i:i BslOl 107 107 7000 int nys 4b 07 si si 1000 Lk S Ino 6s SO 39 30 0000 Leh Xav cons 4'is.lOlH 101H 101H 1000 Leh V cons 4VSs 2003 00 00)4 00 1000 do ann Cs.138 13S 18S sooo Pa Co gen His .. .1011 101K 1014 sooo do cons 4Hs ...104 1044 1044 3500 Ph Eleo 4s 84 81 84U 4600 do Bs ..105 104 Vi 105 8000 Read gn 4b 03V1 05ft 05U Va 2000 Y It 1st Bs 00 06 00 V, Decrease. Increase. H n Local Bid and Asked Hurt & Sues, t c... do pref t o Drill J a jlaldwln lSlectrlo Storas e Ueneral Aaphalt . . . do pref Keyatone Telephone ' e. Today . lid. Aaked. 03 CO 804 3. Yesterday uiq. Aexea CSV. OS fin nref Lake Sup Corp . . I-ehlrh NavUatlo 118 110 100' 8M WHEAT STRENGTHENS ON GROWING DEMAND Profit-Taking Cuts Early Gains Somewhat, but Buying Pre vents Great Losses Nat Biscuit pf 12514 120f 120W 120)4 Nat Cloak & Suit 83 Nat Cloak & Suit pf...,110K Nal Knam & 8 Co ;(0H Nat Enam & S Co pf... 05 Nat Lead Co 70)4 Ner Con Cop 2114 New York' Air Brake.. ..142 New York Centra. 108 New York Dock 10 New York N II AH.... 61 H New York O & Went.... 27J4 834 83)4 83!i 110K 11014 11014 31)4 30)4 30H 05 05 05 7014 70 70M 21W 21)4 21H 142i 142!4 142!4 109)4 103 108H 14H 14H 14)4 01)4 01 61 27H 27M 27H 2000 do 4Ua tnoo Mo rao ct 4 a 1II0O do rv oa . jnooo aiont Power St IW.KH) nai Tuba Sa . ... . ' 1 8000 N TAIr Hrake crt Oa.lO-J1 47000 N V C If 0,.,,...ll5 6000 do eon 4e ., 2 do 4Uja ..,,..!. 101 100s mi 0 00V4 118 III 48U Hft 101' m 1600 10000 01 .101 i. P 4a. " Ml do Ba 104VJ .! . i"y 8V1 6000 N Y City 4a 1050 2uou n x uaa it 1 BS flSMpaaA i C&SZs' ofsiaLr Did. w i ' ffl" . Bfi8Winw 'Eaaaaali 4Jf -S 4VaA4Kftjt tj ft,t'9 Mt "4 BI4Pt;l4t ffff v MMFfMf tftiratfi 9, f 44t a - 41 OaUHTiMJE STOCKS -a, ?r ..-. -1 ;-. t t f p t Vii'Vi '"V f ' 1 4JtJ)i41 !!) I f 44)aaCafr4t f4t4t' MMlft tta-t4 mmcvuj. 'I I as 2000 N Y M k It .I.'UlO 7000 NYOaWui 4s "! 70 21000 N W Hwy adl Be ,.,, 88 l,vw ii ai pen mna 4000 Norf 4 Wast 4a 2800 Nor l'ao prior 4s avvuu ao son aa. ...,..,.. on SOOO Ont Power Ba 1 8000 Ore Hwy A N epn 4a.' 3 HxniO Ienna sen el 4 Via . , 101' 10000 do en .4 a 104 2000 Publle fiarv N J Ba,, ... 02 0000 Haaalac ran 4a J It 28000 Rep IrtH Sa 00' SOOO HloOr it W clt 4 78' 4O0O H1L.IM B ftn Ss.,101 SOOO 81 L 4 8 f ) I,, US' 1000 do rfd 4a ,., , !.V 3000 da pea ct 4e ...... 72 SOOO do In w I ......... BS1 rooo Bt L Hwn 1st 4a 78' 1500 do 8r A w I .,,., 7' 4000 South Pae er 4e.,,.. 87' 25000 do cv ret r p Oa ....104K lfni 104 .4000 torfd 4a ......... 8 aft juuuuu noutn i-ao lerin ba.. n) H4a m 41.W nouui rwjr aen ia ... 4i Tl 71' 1?2 Li0 cJZn -. t.tlpl , 100J4 101 1000 T.nn C ret f p ...... 024 02 H 83' 8000 Tex ft Fao lat Sa .., 6 sag Ofl' SHAftO Taxaa Co ey 8a.. i.,, .105 05 105 1( Third Ave lat Sa .,. 107K 107 107' 1090 Teklo Sa ,.;.. 78K 781 7' lioaa ir h 8tMi in, '::iu.l! inxil tin 807OAO tl K of Q B ft. I Sa. 68-10 i fill do ev a . ..... i ilC Va Car Cfcam lat Ba.. M 9 Va Bwy 8a M ft i wibt t tat n ip Weat W0 Sa . , rvwi ara lav a ..., '.iVW:"::' Oeot cea 4( is 70 lhlch Valley H(H4 Iehlah Valley Traction. 20K do pref 42H Pennaylvanla B7H rhlla Klcctrlo 28U Phlla Co JJVi do 8 per cent pref... 87 do 0 per cent pref... 41 Thlia R V t o W)i Heading 1UL Tonopan Belmont ....4 0;10 Tonopah Mlnlne SS Union Traction 4414 United Oaa Improv... 89 tl H Steel ltlS York Railway 14 do pref S7V4 Wm Cramp t e 83 Ex dividend. DD 67 08., DO., 40 80H SK HO HI) 1HI l m m 1SH 13 18H n im no 13?; 18J4 14 70i 74 74 soir HI RtH 31 20H 21 43 42tt 43 B7J4 S7 874 2HH 28U 28S 40 8DU SDK 30 87 89 414 40V4 41, 20J 20V4 20H 112 lll 112H 4K S 5-16 4 7-J8 OS 8 S 44tS 44t4 45 WK 884 84 108H 107K 107S 14U ifsVl 13tt 87 87., 87S S3H 88V4 84 RATES FOR MONEY 1 Call. Time. New York. 2 SH 2 04 PMIadelphla 4 18?,, chicanM-v.-'-.-.-.:::.--.-.-.aH04 14 Commercial paper. 3 to 0 montha, Hhlladei nhla 1. W4W per cent Norfolk & Western 131)4 131)4 131)4 131)4 Northern Pacific. 112)4 U2K 112)4 U2!4 l'eaa Hanroad 57)4 57)4 57)4 57M People's Qas Chi 100 100 100 100 Pitt Coa. c of Up 33H 33)4 32)4 :)4 I'ltts Bteel pf 100 100)4 100 100M Pressed H Car Co 60)f 60)4 00 60)4 Pressed S Car Co pf 101)4 103 102 102 Ity Steel Sp Co 53)4 1 55)4 54 i4 14 Sy Steel Sp Co pf 101H 100)4 100)4 10()'i Kay Con Copper 24H 25H 25 25 Heading U1I, 1134 111( 112 Heading lit pf 44)4 44)4 44)4 Un Hepubllo Iron A S 67)4 07)4 C0!4 07)4 Republic Iron & S pf....KX! 110)4 110 110)4 Baion Motor 82 84U bV4 81)1 BhatArltCop .31)4 30)4 30 30 Sears, Hoe & Co 200 207)4 207)4 207;4 South Porto It Sugar.... 160 180 180 180. boutbern I'acoc 101H 101)4 100)4 101) Southern Hy 25 254 24)4 25)4 Southern Ity pf 68)4 (W4 OSU 08H StudebakerCo 130 131)4 130 131 Stuti Motor 73'4 74H 74W 74)4 Tenn Copper 254 20)4 25)4 204 Texas Co 217 21H -J15)a 215H Texas l'aclflc....u 11)4 13 11)4 13 ThlrdArenue 61 61)4 61 61)4 Tob&oro Product! ,53)4 50)4 04)4 50 Tobacco Products pf.... 105 103 103 101 Twin City OT OOH 07 B.07 07 Union Bag & Piper 0)4 10 014 OM Union Big & Paper pf.. 66)4 50)4 66)4 66)4 United Cigar Stores 102)4 105 102)4 105 United Fruit 102)4 103W 103)4 163)4 Union Pacinc 140' 147)4 145)4 147)4 Union Pacific pf 82)49 83 82)4 B83 U a Ind Alcohol... 130 132)4 120 132 United Rys Inr Co...... 8 8)4 8 8 United Hys Inr Co pf . . 17 18 18 18 Uoltubber 60!4 69)4 60 60)4 U S Hubber 1st pf 114)4 114)4 114)4 114H UOnmllSM. 74U 74)4 74 74 U 8 steel corp'n 107H 100 U S Steel Corp'n pf 120)4 121 Utah Copper 85)4 86)4 Utah Securities 10)4 10 Va-Caro Chera. 444 44)4 Va-Csro Chem pf..,....112 112 Va Iron. Cos. ft 0 68)4 65 Vulcan Dctlnnlng, 0 IOH Vulcan Uetinnlng pf.,., 20H 20)4 Wabash , 14)4 14)4 Wabub pf A.. 60)4 61M Wabasb pf 0 .... 27)4 28)4 WelU Fargo Exp 127 127)4 127)4 127)4 Wettero Unoo Tel 100H 101 100)4 100)4 0 l?l WM 1 .yw i$3 && K 81 m Mitfkttiti Uw4 ffiftW'e W0 " " WQ Wf 44 "r ,ri S!!l?'W 107)4 108)4 120)4 121 85)4 86 10 10 44)4 44)4 112 112 65 65 10)4 IOH 26. 26H 14U 14 H 61 51)4 28)4 28)4 GRAIN I1EI.T WEAT1IKR TORECAST nilCAnO. Sept. 10. The weather fore rant for 88 hour followat Illlnola. MIourl and W Uronaln Fair tonltht and Wednradayi rlnlnit temperaturea. Mlnneaota. North and Houth Dakota. Ne braaka and Kanaaa Fair tonlsht and Med netaayi warmer lonntat. Iowa Fair tonlaht nnd IVedneadayt . warmer tonlcht, ana eaat and eouth ed needay. CHICAGO, Sept. 19. A demand from shorts and leading cash concerns and com mission houses, following talk of a good export business and firmness In tho cash article, strengthened the wheat market de cidedly today after It had been heavy. The losses were more than regained, but final prices, while above yesterday's last quotations, were below the best because of profit-taking. The session was tame, there being no Improvement In the outside demand. There were reports that two cargoes of Argentine wheat had been sold at Gulf ports considerably under the prevailing price of native grain. A reduction of 10s In freight rate? from that country was announced, the present charge being 132s 6d. There was a decrease of 4,720,000 bushels for tho week In the foreign visible Vupply to 76,752,000 bushels, but It was believed that this would be replenished soon. Re ceipts at points In the Interior were 1,344,000 bushels. It was believed here that foreigners were buying late positions. Sales for shipment abroad were estimated nt 800,000 bushels. More numerous reports of damage to the crop rrom rrost neiped corn after the mar ket had sagged. September ended H cent lower, but December and May finished above yesterday's close. Leadlnc futures ranged aa followa: . . r. .ii u t Yesterday's Wheat Open, Illjrh. 1,ow. Cloae. cloae. ocpicuiucr '.i"7I -""J? J'll' .1 71.411 May 1.40 1.81W 1.47K ELKINS, MORRIS i& CO. BANKERS Land Title Building PhU.tdelphia Pennsylvania Railroad Consolidated (Stamped) 4s, Duo 1948 Price on Application South America Corn (new delvery)- 70 Hentember December May Data September December May Lard-September October December Hllia . 8eptamber14.A0 October .,,.14.17 January ...1U.U2 i-ora i September October ...2rt.TR 2(1.80 December ,.28. TO 28.70 2, Did. tAaked, (Nominal, 1.80 1,48: 1.00)4 U.4DH r .,14.82 14. .,,.14.48 14. er ..13.75- 18. RT 777 87 82 DO ?2?i in 784 t70U rH co(i tsi 00)1 14.80 14.20 12,07 14.80 14.40 18,87 14 63 14.01 12.63 14.67 '14.60 13. bl) 14.80 14.60 14.42 T18.T0 Mis m 12.05 '12.0 t2S. 2(1.70 t2R. 23.83 J28. 28.07 128.03 03 J23.82 Fine Granulated Sugar Firm NEW YOniC Sept. 18. Fine granulated was firm and quoted by all refiners at 4.40c The last sale In spot Cuba raws was at E,52c, an advanco of 25 points from Mon day's opening. West K a M.., 64 65)4 West it a M lit PI.,,, 74 74 Western Maryland . . 29)4 30)4 Western Maryland pf... 44 46)4 Wheel & L is 1st pf.... 14)4 12)4 W lljOTerUnd. ....... 47t 48 Willys Overland pi 104a 104)4 10414 104 W Wucoaiu Cenuil..... 60f o04 60 0)4 o4 73)4 29 44 12)4 474 05 74 30)4 40)4 12)4 47M LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS UNION STOCK TAB .huub naceipts. !. 1106 a ft feNw Sept, tV.t.-. Til Vievaavi 4 Ilea dcpVe irKt bo biKiiar. ,(ll mtitJt havv. ssxiwwwaa'w tobert. . CATTI.B BjUt. ppoo. Market 100159 rmifyW!:MxWM: 100 k)WM. SaMva tH weatera. J.408.B( UmVa, BANK CLEARINGS Kiniiiial WANTED PHILA. UNDERLYING PASS. RWY. STOCKS MELLOR & PETRY - Member N. Y. St rhlla. Bteek Kirhauat tM COMMERCIAL TKCBT BDIIJJINO WANTEB Mkhlan City No. In. Oa U REED A. MORGAN & CO. WaaST HND TKDBT KU)II PHILA. Mebera f Hi fhHa. Sleek Kirhans HaVatCTOHr Of AUftMIWTANTI awaAaaaal flaaUr - -. " " "nwajff 'F "I "si1 14P araw stBt-naraji Y WjpBpijpBgH September Invest ment Suggestions Our September Investment Circular Is ready for distribu tion, and will, be delivered oa application. In addition to the display ot many attractive Bonds, the circular continues our series of explanation of banking phrases wltb a brief discus sion of The Investment Return Edward B.Smith & Co EeTiBusntD 1891, BANKERS JfemDera Niw York and Philadelphia Stock Krctaap 1411 Chestnut St.. FjiiLaon-rau BO pins Utssr Naw Yoist TT p.- Investment ftw Business Men ' We have selected for the special consideration of'busl. ness men four securities; A Lone Term Mortgage Bond A Short Term Note A Convertible Collateral Bond A Preferred Stock These securities offer a lib eral yield, diversification, a ready market, and should. In ?ur opinion, appeal partlcu. arly to business men with either a large or small sur plus now available for Invest ment We shall be clad to furnish complete Information tq those sending for our Speolal Offer ing No, 431. William P.BoBkight&CtJic. MOXKIe) WtSTAR 8TKQ0B. V, 437 Ck.stBut St., PMUcUlplUa Xw Ynrk Haataa ,94f Pa WUUaJB P Baatbrajht Oa, Hsskrt Q.l LH iwUUaJBP ' t,,h To care for' the growing" trade with South America and the West Indies, this bank has , established direct connections in the following with banks towns: AT.VF!An AMATUTA ATACUCHO AZtll, I1A1IIA m,ANCA IlALCAItCF: 11AHAVILDASO HBLOUANO llRLIA VISTA DELL, VIL.I.B Arcenllne. NECOCHEA NKtIQUEN NOOAYA NKUVU DB JULIO OI.AVARHIA OMVA OHAN OIIIKNTB PAIIANA PASO DniflS UBRE3 I1ACA DEI, IlIACHUKM) PATAOONE8 I'KIIIIAJO PKIIOAMINO POSADAS PUAN PUKHLO TACEDO PUNTA ALT A RAFAELA RAMALIXJ RAMirtEZ rtEAI.ICO HECONQUISTA ItESISTENCIA UENCA THO OtTATtTO RIO OALLEO03 RIC IOJA HOLIVATl nnAOADO IlllANBZEN IIUHNOS AYRES CAPRERA CAFAYATE CANADA DE OOMEZ CAPITAN SARMIENTO CA8ILDA CATAMARACA CHAOAnUCO CHAJARI CHASCOMU8 CHILEC1TO CHIVILCOY COIX1N COMODORE nrVADAVIA TtOJAS CONCEPCION DEL URU- ROSARIA lUAT CONPORDIA CORDOVA CORONDA CORONEL TRIMOLES CORONEL SUAREZ CORR1ENTES CRUZ DEL E.TB cirRtrzir-rtTATiA DEAN Ft'NES DIAJIANTE DOtX)RE8 ENHENADA ESPERANZA ESQUINA iIIUWT PrOREH FORMOSA FRIAR OALVEZ OENERAL ACJtA GENERAL LAMADRID GENERAL PICO GENERAL URQITIZA GENERAL VILI.F.OA8 GONZALES CHAVES GOYA OUALEOtTAY OtrALEOWATCHU INO WHITE JUAREZ JIIJWY JUNIN IABOULAYH LA CARLOTA IJ. PAZ LA PIATA LAPRTDA LAH FLORES LAS ROSAS LINCOLN LOROS LUCAS GONZALEZ LUJAN MAR DEL PLATA MARCOS JUAREZ MENDOZA MERCEDES METAN MONTE CASEROS MONTEROS MORON NAVARRO ROSARIA DEL TALA SALADILLO RALTA SAN ANTONIO CESTB RAN CARIXiR RAN CRISTORAL HAJ1. FERNANDO SAN FRANCISCO HAN JAVIER SAN JOSE DE LA ESQUINA SAN JUAN RAN JURTO SAN LORENZO SAN LUIS HAN MARTIN HAN NICHOLAS HAN PEDRO RAN RAFAEL SANTA FE SANTA ROSA DE TOAY SANTA TERESA RANTIAOO DEL E8TER0 8ANTO TOMB HAN URDANO SARTRE HUNCHALES TANDIL TIORE TINOOASTA TORNQUIBT TOE LEW TRENQUE T.AITQEN TRE8 ARROYOS TIICHMAN UCACHA UnDtNARRAIN USHUAIA VKNAUO VICTORIA VICTORICA t VICITNA MACKENA VIEDMA VILLA rONBTITUCiriN VtLLA DEL RORARPD VILLA DOF.ORES VILLAQUAY VILLA HUIRODRO VILLA MARIA VILLA URQUIZA ZARATE ROTUrATU CURITYnA ESPIRTTI SANTO DO PINHAL .IAHU M.ir-OCA PONTA OROSSA nraxll. RIREIRAO PRATO Hill UK. JANKlltU SAO CARLO! HANTOA 8AO PAULO SAO JOSE DE PARDO RIO OEOROE TOWN NEW AJlISTEUDAlI ANGOL ANTOFAOASTA I1ULNES CALERO CAUOUENES CWLLAN CONCEPCION CONSTITIICION COQUIMRO CUIIACAUTIN CURICO IQUIQUE LAIITARO LINARES I1R 'ANDES IIS ANGELES , MEI.PILLA OSORNO British Onlana. ROSA HALL Chile. OVAI.LH PARRAL OUILIXJTA RANCAOUA RAN FET.tr E HAN FEI".NNDO SAN .TAMER RNTfAGO SERENA TALCA TAT.CAHUANO TEM"CO TRAIOUEN VAI.DTVIA VALT.ENAR VALPARAISO VICUNA Colombia. DOOOTA ASUNCION CONCEPCION ENCARNACION AREqUIPA CALICO LIMA Eeoador. QUITO Faracuar. PARAOUARI PILAR VILLARRICA Pero. CHINCHA ALTA MOLLENDO PATSAunrr RIVERA. ROCHA ROSARIO HALT Urortiar. cahmelo COINIA DOIXDRE8 PURX7.N0 FIflRIDA HALTO OIIADAI.ITPE RAN CARI1S FRAY nENTOB RAN EUOENIO S. BATLLE Y ORDONEZ BAN JOSE "' MALDONADO r-ARANDIDEL Tl ME0 TACUAREMBO J!ri',l.CJ?DES TALA $!&A'U..n.. TRRNTA T TBE9 MONTEVIDEO TRINIDAD Veneiaela. XATtACAS MARACAIBO LTAORACIA DB ORI MARACAY . V V AIATUIIIN l 1 ,t RARCF.I)NA I1ARQU1RIMETO CALAROZO CARUPANO KSJ1I''VAU CORO ORI8T-C0LON CUMANIA IJl GUARIA La, victohia UKntni OCUMARE DEL TUT PAMPATAR PTO CA11KLLO 8IO CHICO AN CRISTOBAL RAN FELIPE BAN FERNANDO DB APURB VAL Dahamas. NASSAU CAIV1IAITIBN TORT I.II1ERTIB .LENCIA WEST INDIES. Cnbai HAVANA OONAIVES JEREMIB 1IRL :EM1F KS CATES IlIRAOOANB MOLE ST. N! AU PRl DB PA 1 MAJtS NICOLAS I'reTITJOAVK PORT TORT 8AINT ITNCB RLACK RIVER KIN08TON MANDEVILLB MONTEOO RAT POUT ANTONIO Jamaica. port MARIA an a mm' a RAY BAVANNA.LA.MAB 8PANIBIIT0WN Poi to II lea. BAN JUAN Letters of Credit (CommrWj and Personal), Drafts and Trai lers' Checks Issued. Collectic Made, Trade and Credit formation. Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia CVMJmrf SVHHl SAMt iP