Ve u EvVBNIG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, .1916 PHttADELPniA MARKETS RAIN AND FLOUR IT-NmlMl. 12.,4A bushels. Th It wnt lo lower, but afterward ad Ma lo gaw a good export Inquiry, Quota i Jf lpt. In escort elevator. No 3 red. . ILH0r Xo. a southern red. tl.45t : steamer No. 3 rwll.$l.4IOi.4ti No. S ..441.4i rejected A, 1 41CP1 44i r- uwii Receipt. i3 bushel, rrices wer ftoMlly maintained, but demand wa light. Quo tfttlAfl' Cr Inta for local trade. to to"- IH Weelern No. 3 yellow. sCri7ei western yeiiew. mphci wiiirni no, a reuow. SBfeS i wMittrn No. 4 ytllow. t0Pe, 1MB. V3.BQ3 tunia. IMI Xmnd wan writ moara;t and thr wan no cnanir l ortc, l. In sacks. Trsde mi clow and price anwoa no important, manse, quotations, per IN lbs, in woof: winter, clear. (iifl.-.V do. atrasght, t.759r.loi do. patent. if.lsVT.Mi KtMu, clear, cotton cks. I6.70ae.00t do, tralaiit. cotton ssek. 7.4ua7.n0; do. patent. Mtttnn upii. xT.Mia7.1ul' anrlna-. Hrat clear. raVT.iaido. patent. T.TSVH.siKt do. favorite nda. lO.novi): city mills, choice and fancy rtailt. I soft: cltr mllla, regular grades inter, clear. !6jM 23, do. straight. 10.00 l do. patent. HTS FLOUR ws Jn amall upply and firm, rt lt, We quota at 10.60V X per bbl. DAIRY PRODUCTS MUTTKH TWeetpl were Hint and the market ruled firm with demand fully equal lo the offer Intra. Quotation follow-) Western, olld-parTtsd, fWarMrr. fancy specials, Snes extra. 34031c; aia nrsi, Bsvasnci nrsis, sv?,ai eeconoa. tl31Hci nearby print", fancy. 8fci do, aver japa aalra, S3J(5c: do. flrata. 33t)34et second. 5hid Inhblnv ! f fanrv tirlnta 4nu4e 3K The market ruled firm under llaht flerlfues and a good demand for Ane new-laid So-a. wuoauona: in rreo caeea. neerpy extra. le per doa,; nearby flrata. to. HO per atandard eae; nearby current recelpta. (9. At) per cVsei veeetern. extraa, Sao per dox. weatern extra flrata. 19.00 ter case: do. flrata, IB 80UB.60 per caaei refrigerator egga, extra. SB 30 per caae; do. ririta. ".70Bi do. aeconda. I7.80W8.40 per aaaet fancy "elected candled fresh mi were jobbing at 40942a per dox. . CHi-lKMB Offering wero light and the msr ketia.Jd Arm. with demand fair. Quotation,: New York, full cream, fancy. 19 422oc. ipeclala nw'fri uo, laiir iu kdoq, ivvivncj pan saiius. 11V riij. PROVISIONS Th market ruled firm with a fair lobbing demand. Quutatloni: City beef. In aeta, emoked and air dried. 32c: western beef. In aeta. emoked, S2c: city beef, knucklea and tendera, emoked and air dried, 33r; weetern beef, knucklea and tendera, emoked. 33c; beef hams, 2t)UR0: pork, family.. t28OSU.B0; hama. 8. P, cured, looee. 20920icj do. skinned tooae. 2t2tVic: do. do. moked, 22022Hc: other hama. emoked, city cured aa to brand and ayeraee, 2lHc. hama, amoked. weatern cured. 21Hc; do, boiled, bone- ' leaa. S3ci plcnlo ahouldera. B P. cured looao. 14Hct do, amoked, 15WCI belllea. In pickle, according to average, looee. 171ic: breakfaat bacon, aa to brand and average, city cured. 32Mc: breakfaM baron, weatern cured, 22Vic; lard, weetern. refined, tea, 104.C: do. do. do. tuba, lOVc; lard, pur city, kettle rendered. In tea., lc; lard, pur city, kettle rendered In tuba. ldVo. REFINUD SUGARS Trade waa quiet, but prlcea were firmly main tained. The Pennaylvanla Suiar Company waa withdrawn from the market. Heflnere' llt prlcea: Extra fine sranulated. Q.40c; powdered. fi.SOc: confectlonerar A, 0.80c; aott srades, 6,03 e,2Sc. POULTRY DRESSED Offerlnn were llaht and the market ruled Arm with demand fair. Quo tatlona are as follows: Kresh-kllld dry packed fw.ti 12 to box, drrplcked. fency elected -. do, welrhtnc 4H OS lbs. apiece. 28Ha. d. nlne 4 lbs. apiece. 23c: do. welshtnc n lw apiece, 22c; do. weighing 3 lbs. apiece . 1 21c Fowls. In bbla., Ice-packed, fancy, tlry-plcked Northern Indiana and Illi nois, welching 4(76 lbs. apiece, 23c: southern Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4Qr lbs. apiece. 22Vso: amaller alzea. 19022c. Old rooatera, dry picked, ltlc. lloaatlng crnlckena, weatern fancy. 2ntf920c. Broiling chlrkena. Illinois, fancy, 2fi0?8c. do, Indiana, fancy, 24V25c: do, amall alaaa. 22023c Urollera. Jersey, fancy. 3UW S2c- Urollera. other nearby, weighing Hi &2 bs, aplete. 28G30C ilrollers. nearby, amaller laea, 20027c. Duika, nearby, aprlng, 21c. Hquaba, per dozen White, welghlnx 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen, Jt,73t: do. welching 0 to 10 lbs. per dozen. J4.S508.5O; do, weighing H Ibe. per duren l4t4.a.V do. weluhlnjc 7 lha. per dozen. 1.1 Me.1.7.-,; do. weighing H&OVi lbs. per dozen, I2.7S02.BO: dark l2.S0O2.B0i amall and No. 3. (!cftll.25 LIVE There was a fair demand for desirable atock and aluea were well maintained under moderate offerings. Following ara the quotations: Fowia. aa to quality. 20O22c; roosters, 1413ca aprlng chlckena according to Quality. 20tf2ct wnue ijegnorne. accoraing to quality, invuc; ducUs. aa to alze and quality. 16017c: pigeons, .old. per pair. 252tlc; do, jounx. per pair, IS 22c. FRESH FRUITS Choice atocka aold fairly and values general ly were well auatalned, aa follows' Applea. per 11. Northwestern Ureenlng. 303.r.o. Blush. 18.6004.60. Smokehouse. j.7M3'J6: Weslthr. J--.7S32.1: UrUnes' Golden. 12.76U3 S3r Duch fss 2 2302.76, fair to good S202.RU. apples, lelaware and Maryland, per hamper rancy, Slai.2.1r fair to good. 33076c: lemona. ner box G7i pineapples, per crate, florlda. II 02.60' peaches. New York, per baskrt, .V.irH.V: do New York, per bushrl-bssket. 11.2301.50: reaches Virginia, per carrier niberta. 11.60 fr2; Ilelle, t 5002: peara. New York. Iiartlrtt. yer bbl . S35: grapea. Delaware Concord, per crate. 700900- do. per 4-lb basket. 8010c. VEGETABLES Trade waa quiet and prlcea generally fatored buyera. Quotations; White potatoea, rennsy)a nla and New York, fancy, per bush., $1,160 1.18, Whit potatoes, per bbl. No. 1 East ern Shore. 12 S0O2 75: No, 2 Esstern Shore. Sl.2301.50; N 1 Norfolk. 12.61)02.76: No. 2 Norfolk. 11.2601 60: white potatoea. Jersev. per basket. 70)H0c. sweet ratatoes Eastern Shore. pr bbl No. 1. $15001.75: No. 2. $10160; cmlons. Pennsylvania, per hamper. Il-ul. 15; do, l'ennarlvanla. per 100-lb. bag, $202.23. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Sept. 10. niiTTEn Recelpta. Sl.OBJ tuba. Prlcea on beet creamery grades. U c higher. All grades firm. Extra, 33 034c: hlaher ai-orlng. 34H 035ci State dalrxt 330 884 ci Imitation creamery. 2902O4c. KOOa Ittcelpu., 16.203 crates. Generally atrady. Considerable accumulation of medium srades. Quotations unchanged. 'V BAR SILVER , In London bar fllvcr today waa quoted lit 32 H1', off 1 l-16d. Commercial bar silver was quoted In New York tody at 68 c, oft He. , Elkton Jlarriagc Licenses ELKTON, Md., Bept. 19 Marriage II eeme were Issued at Ulkton today to Wil liam J. Hill and Sadie 8. McDonnell, Law renoe B rosea and Anna Bomls, Joseph II, DoUElaos and Bessie R. Barnes, all of Philadelphia r-MkhaeJ G. Pleasanton, Wil low Groe, land Lavera C. Curran, Philadel phia ; John Clifford Workman, Philadelphia, and Florence II. Brennan, Elkton ; Irwin &,' Wharton and Madalyne K. Heed, Up land'; LouIb IL Lawrence and Amelia C. JlotHsrts, Fort Washington, Pa.; George li AKman and Irene L Marceron, Washington, and John li. Bpetcber, Jr., Cumberland, and fannlo Rebecca Toulson, Chctertown, Md. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Henry Hrhmltz. League Island, and Anna Itlach, aswi n at. lea A. O'Donnell, Jr., 6340 Itaca at., and Elis abeth U. Caasldr. ISO N, 63d at. faaaee Owens, 314b N. 17th at., and Anna Ly- oa, 2412 N, 2Bth st. a v. rioe, jr. euv w uircn St., ana iaun , Heynolaa. Olney, Pa. I Zlemer. AO07 tlermantawn tvt.. and T.ulu reveling. Rerantan. la. Clarence B, Hendricks. Jr.. 214 V. 00th at., and tary P. MeCrea. 3US N Itlat at. Tre4 W. Kelfer, Jr.. 218U N. 7th st., and Minnie Karastadt. 2133 w, Susquehanna ave. aVarauelBalttberg. 8347 Ilartvllle St., and Annie Kolkar, 61U Bouth at. , Fred ttaww, Boon's lane. Philadelphia, and Anna A" 1 liiln, Wast lierlln. N. J, lamivtM, jdcLanUan. 4141 lildae ave.. and Ella C. Durkln. ifTu V. Clearfield at. Mlehael j. Urennan, 1932 llllton, at., and Mary . tanrey. o.ui n. Iin si, Clartnoe C. limit, Beverly. N. J and . Afi' NMarvWe aV eteaa rincsu, ?s w. uiraru ave, Meyer. 147 Orkney at. Uiut O'Neill, 2209, Orernwlcb at Tnompson. ziu rsrv ai aUwoteJ mTmmell, 1 Hit ner at. and Minnie f. Taylor, IIS Hltner at Jem B.II, 'all N. s7th at , and Maggie I ffe "S Financial Briefs Owlrnf to the Inability to obtain a quorum, the meetlne ot the Heading director will not be held tomorrow, but will be held on i.Frlday. The annual report of the TUadlng Company Philadelphia and Reading Rail way arid the Heading; coal and iron Com pany will be considered at the meetings of the respective companies. The second pre ferred regular quarterly dltldond or 1 per cent, provided for by the action of tho directors last June, will be paid on October 13 to stockholders of record September 16. The earnings of the Tork Railways Com pany continue to show expansion an com pared with last year. For August the cross was 179, 3t0. anUnerease of, 17100, and the net rose (5699 to. 139,914. Nino months' gross 1701,781, Increase 1111,708; net 137,977, a gain of $91,170. Raymond Eastwood, formerly with II. W. Ilalsey & Co., has become associated with the Philadelphia offlco of William P. Bonbrlght & Co, Inc., In the capacity of bond salesman. There has been withdrawn from the New Tork Subtreasury 1100,000 gold for ship ment to Spain, Durlnir the last week tho Baldwin Loco motive Works received orders for tho fol lowing locomotives: Four 0-4-0 type, for tbo Bethlehem Steel Company, and one 04-0 type, for Standard Oil Company, Bay Way. N. J. , Banks gained from New Tork subtreas ury yesterday 113,847,000, making 118,1:5, 000 since Friday. The London Stock Exchange committee has decided against continuing the holidays on Saturdays. Including the 110,000,000 'received last week and 110,800,000 In the first week of September, a total of 185,000,000 gold has been deposited at the Philadelphia Mint since early last May for the account of J, P. Morgan & Co. v JDcatfjJi &eportct AM.KLY. THOMAS. ALEXANDER. LUCIR.V n. ALT. OKOltriK O.. 70 yra. ARMSTIIONO. JAMES. 64, SOtS X. 13th at. IIAI.I.ANTINE. MA11V It . IS yra. HASH, WILLIAM. 20. 2321 N 18th St. IinitnT. SUSAN fl , Chester, re. niBHMANN, VICTORIA. 7tt. 2!31 N. Franklin. HONK. ISARl:t.I.A L. IMimUS MALCOLM. Jr.. 2014 N. 12th at. BROAIJI1KNT. ALONltA P. 71. 1227 Adams. nnnWN. (IOWAN K . 1122 Kdceley et. UURT. ADDIC fl, 2N St. llernsrd at. CAItPKNTKIl, KDWA11D H . 13. Clifton Ills. t'LARK, MAHY A.. 2143 Watklna at. CLARK. SARAH J , SB. 609 Tabor rd. CI.KNIJKNNINO. JOHN. COLLADAY. 8TKPHKN IJ. CONOVKR. CIARA P. fOX. JOHN I, 62. 2424 N. 4lh St. DAVIS, HANNAH. 75. 171 Oay at., Manayunk. DKW.SNOI'. ItOOTIl. 251 fi. Alden et. DIlVriHCK. COUIlTE.MAYi: LOOISB. S Wks 419 H. 43d at. DOUOHERTY, SARAH. 2544 Karp at. DOUVII.LK LEON. 820 N. 27th at. IJIJPPi:!.. I'RKUK, A.. 78. 1600 S. Llndenwood. KRDMAN, PHILIP, KAUCnTT. J1ARY O. FELL KDWARI) R. FETTER, LIZZIE. (13 yra. FLICK, LOUIS II. riAKHKR. DAVIS, Hurllngton, N. J. OIVKNS. JAMES. 1930 Callowhlll at. OLACKIN, MARY A. (1RAEF. ItATTIE M . 4R. 837 E. Chelten ave. HALVES. HA I, LIB A. E.. 80 yra. HARPER. MARY A. HEI.hltlCH, K.MII.Y J.. 102(1 W. Susquehanna. HODOSON. WILLIAM H . 73 ra. IIOl'WOOD, EDWARD. 1531 Sellers at. HUllTTEIt. MARTHA E. 4 . J, Avon. N. J. IIOTWOOD, EDWARD. 1531 Seflera et. JONES. WALTER SCQTT. 28, Wyncote. Pa. KELLY. OEOROE S . KENDALL. MAROARET. ' KORN, LOUIS. LEWIS, AMELIA, 3043 W, Dauphin at. JJcOANN. PATRICK, 1508 N. 4th St. MlOILLIN. THOMAS F. McOOVERN. JOSEPH P. MAHONKY. DENNIS, 82 yrs. HALI.ON-. JOHN. 2318 N. Marahall at. MANNING. OENBVJBVE M.. 727 E. Clearfield. MARICLEY. JOHN, 74 yrs MITCHELL WM. N.. 1127 S. Franklin st. MOON. JOSEPH T.. 09. 3445 Hartvllle st. MOROAN. MARTIN J.. Jr.. 2. 6843 Maater at. MI'BLLKR, KATE. 3137 Rorer at. NELLINS, ISAIIELLA, 2622 Wharton at. NELSON. HENRY. ,vti.f, rv i-i qirntiia 11 QUINN. J6SEPH A.. 631 N. 23d St. HAMUO, MARY IRENE. 4521 Ritchie St. HEILLY, MARY V 17.18 S. Tavlor at. ROniNSON, JOHN R Oil. 1)27 8. Water et. ROnCKKL. MARIE L.. 52. Lawndale. SCIIULTZE. ELLEN. 2480 K. Gordon St. SEMIIELLER. LOUISE K West Colllngswood. SHORT, CHARLES J., 22. Darby. 8HUHTKR, THOMAS F.. 4037 Old York rd. SIMPSON, WM. II., 30, Camden, N. J. SINEX. HENRY C. 40. 1B13 tf. 17th at. 81SK, DAVID A.. 71. 2014 Dreer at. SLACK. MARY J., (15. Camden. N. J. SLACK, ANNA E.. 540 S. 49th st. SMITH, JENNIE. 2301 N. Hancock at. SMI.TH. ilAUY COIIHS, (14 jrs. SNYDER. MARY ANN FINNEY. 83. 2017 E. - Madison st. STACK. MAHY J.. OS. Camden. N. J. STENSENBEROER. MARY M.AODALEN. 2122 E. 11th st. STERNE. JOHN L. 21(11 N. Colorado at. STERNER. HELEN JONES STEWARD. SAMUEL. 63. Camden. N. J. 8TIEFEL. THELMA. 4. Camden. N. J, TAPPEN. MARY E., 91. 4349 Main at. TITUS MARY T.. 05, Paulsboro. N. J. VAN PELT, AIinlE ANN T, VELTRUP. SIARY. 27, 1810 Oermantown ave. WAHL. OEOROK. 58 yra. WATERS. MARY E., 717 Wallace et. WHITE. MICHAEL J. WILLIAMSON, EMMAr 814 E. Thayer at. nd Marlon and Helen and Sarah 74. 2BeatI). aienn '. SsWaia I'mfi. f "ar II. ATI K 41d at r4 H. HtuUvi.11. 41Ttt UermaQtpwn av..t and and Elfi 1 jn ituiiiVeSUt 1110 tjrrrfnaiiipwn bydi M; JlSt. 13. N, I'rk V rffHintvoH. grriacmxou i yi r.llH. mm- eW 1 . a Hi Wi jvh AHof i., ana Btrta uar- WtJ&S iMI M. CV.fateulauinca Mil 8uMUhvnB ave.. Mn, flAtrartSt AiwquvHunna v. WH'i?m2r,n!,V410 N Jti tf, and Rm H. M4 KiU 1 t. tviliarlM ft, pm s a m icftL Llarkiferaaiaa Wi..fl Mae'R. k&k igrSr jj js7ctharls i WuHaJf flier ?i Hr, aad aakM Sw fMy. , ElsBfc TPfanrftn r " UMM&jra JbtUM U, aid IMttta 5vaC ItVs sfct IPs., mai Mar- TajsVuTst.,, o4 iUui BARSCIL On September 16. 1018. auddenly. MATILDA, dauihter of fellx A. C. and Acnea Uarsch (nee Denxlnjr). ared 2 yeara 7 months. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Wedneadav, at 1 ii. m.. from her parenta' residence. 2843 S. Krankltn at. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery. Friends may cull on Tuesday evenlne. Aulo service. BERRY. On September 15. IBM. auddenly, at Crlanald. Md.. SUSAN BCIIOVJELD. wife of William H. Uerry. Kelatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at her lata) residence. 007 E. 13th st.. Chester, Pa. Interment at Cheater Rural Cemetery. BUOADIIENT On September 17, 1910. ALON ZA PUTTER, son ot the late John and Eliza leth Jlrpadbent. ased 71 eare, Relatlvea and rlends, also Hand'ln.lland Lodse, No. (13. O. of O. F. and emploiea of the Philadelphia Water Department, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thuraday. at 2 p. m . from his late residence, X227 Adams ae,, Frankford. In terment at Ureenwood (K. of 1 ) Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday, after 7 p. m, BROWN. On September 17. 1010. auddenly. "at Ida late residence, 1(122 Edxeley et., OOWAN :., husband of. Llllle E. Drown. Relatlvea and friends, also Phoenix Lodse, No. ISO, F. and A, 1! : Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, K. A. M.i St. John's Commandery, No. 4. K. T., Philadelphia Consistory; Lu I.u Temple, A. A. O. N. II. H . Traxelers1 Protective Association. are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at David H. Schuyler's, llroad and Diamond ats. In terment at Weat Laure) Hill Cemetery, Auto mobile funeral. CLARK. On September 17. 1010. MART A., wife of Patrlrk Clark and daughter ot Rose and the lata Michael Mooney, Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Ihursday, at 7:30 a. m., from her husband's residence. 2143 Watklna at. (below Morris). Solemn requiem maaa at St. Kdmond'a Church. at 0 a. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. COI.LADAY, On September 17. 1016. STE. PilEN 11. COLLADAY, Relatlvea and friends, alao employes of Henael.Collsday Company, are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Thursday, at 2.30 p. m., at the Oliver H, llalr Uulldlnr. 1620 Chestnut st. Interment private, DIETRICH. On September 17. 1916. at the parenta' reeldencs, 410 S. 48d st . COURTE NAYK LOUISE, only child of Clarence H. and Anna C. Dletrtck. ased 6 weeks, Interment at Uerryvllle. Va, DOL-flllKRTY On September 17, 1010 SARAH. wiuow oi vJusiave uousnsrty, iieiativee ana friends are Invited to attend the funeral aerv. Ires, on Thursday, at 2 p. m , at her late residence. 2244 Earn at, Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Wedneeday evenlne DUPPKL. pn September 15, 1910. FREDER. ICICA, wife of (Jottlhtb Duppel, ased 73 eare. Relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wedneeday, at 2 P. m., at her late reeldence. 1600 8. Linden wood at. Interment at Hillside Cemetery, Remains may be viewed Tuesday, from 6 to rKMi-On September 15 1918. EDWARD n FULL. M. O.. .son of the late Heeee D. and A&ua Uarla Veil. Services nn WAnmmAmv at 11 a. in. at St Stephen's Church (10th aoova Chestnut at.. Interment prhate, Usif fWill DAWsrfes uddenly, a zed na: are Invited to attend lb at 11 a. in . at at. Stephen's Church ar. above Chestnut at.). Interment pi 1OTHf.i!u lV,?;r.'.ba Xeeanve and friend are Invited to attei ST)tAMBHIP8 frr$Afn'id rim 4tt45 Ui-Hteli m 8. in at.', and Diana ute hi, .-4ii . auaxsra m,, aa) il a, assswrn et. .' eiueinar te, Tualll n ITII l.luyffidM. K i "J U ( triulA I. J ('4teTtiai Jr iwifj Mynw , Mi IWUV H- .is irfi--:.... .. apt a i m. nua r" ' VACATION TRIPS HY SKA , rHILAlHsU'HIA TO - BOSTON SsVANNAH-JACKSONVILLE KLrGHTPOL SAIL ere. Tynw Fare. Hwat rvl Fta Meaaaere. Is Tar stooh Free aa Meuuset. Mb- Tnm. Cm, wrjsim- . - vsisjs-saa asw uaa i dfaths funeral sertlces. without further r-bllce, at ".TL'?wn l'reebrlerlan Chapel, on Wedneodey, at 3:43 p. m. Interment private. Trains for Newtown leave Headlnc Terminal at 13S f' m Trnlnefor Newtown (via Lanthornt) rave Readlnr Terminal at 1:03 p, m FLICK On. September 16. 1916, LOUIS P., husband of the late Sophia Flick (nee Kins, ley). Relatives and friends, also smployea of Hanrila pletnllnr Company Chippewa Tribe, No. 61. 1. O. R. M.i Coamopolltan Lode. Ne gas. K. of Y , are Invited to attend the funeral aervloes, on Wednesday, at 2 r. m , from hts son-in-law's residence, Harvey Sllnalufr 2936 W Susquehanna are. Inter ment, at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remains may be viewed Tuesday, from 3 to 10 p. m. IIA1NRS. On September 17. 1M6. RALLH3 A. 1! , widow ot Franklin Haines (nee Uondl, ased 80 years . Kelatlvea and frlenda are ta ttled to attend the funeral, on Wednesday. et 2 r m.. from the parlors of William 11. Htrlnaneld, 3001 Susquehanna ave. Interment private. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday, trom a 10 iv p. m. JONr;. On September 17. lui 4. nusnano or nyi in of Walter and Sal laid. WALTER SCOTT, husband of Evelyn Clarrett Jones and ton of Walter and Sallle Scott Jones, seed In J ears. Relatlvea and frlenda are invited i me runerai aervlcea, on Wednesday, to attand ..j m fct ,h t'sldene of hts psrents, J14 Woodland are., Wyncote. Pa. Interment private. K1XLY. On September 17, 1916. OCOROH S . son of Ihe lata Andrew and Martha Kelly. Relatives and friend of the family, also St lV!:Jr'. Lod. No. St. F and A M.. of New Mil (or d Conn, and Loose No 120. n. P. O. F.Iks, of Dsnbury, Conn., are Invited to attend funeral eerMree, on Thursday, at 2 r. m , at reeldence of his sister. Mrs. A. Smith, 223 8. Rucklnthsm Place (46th and Walnut). Inter ment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. McCANN. On September 1. 1016. TATRICK. hushsnd of Sarah Ann MrCann (nee McOrath). of Derry Alio. County Tyrone. Ireland. Rela tltea and friends, also the ortti-ere and board ot dlrectora or the Rose Pulldlns and Loan Association. St, Ml-hael'a Holy Name So ciety, St. Michael a Younr Men's Society. St. Michael's Reneflelal Society, Ilranrh No. It a, C. K, of A.t San Sslsdor Council, No. 2M, K. of C I Division No. 18. V. O. H.i L. O. O. II. Lodse. No. 64. and all other nreanlia tlons of which be was a member, are Invited to attend the funeral, nn Friday, at 8:30 a. in., from hla late residence, 1503 N. 4th et. Solemn requiem mses at St, Michael's Church at 10 a m. precisely. Interment at New Cathe dral Cemetery. Automobile funeral. , RKH.LY. On September 10. 1910, MARY V., wife of John . J. Rellly and dauBhter of Thomaa and Mary Hrady. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at HJ0 a. m., from her late reel dence, WSI 8, Tailor st Solemn requiem Fiass at St, Edmund'a Church, at 10 a. m. nterment at Holy Cross Cemetery. SEMrjIIM.KK. On September 18. 1910. LOUISE K . wlfo of John Semueller and mother of Mrs. Frank It. Whlteley Due notice of the funeral w 111 be slven from her husband'a resl derro, 700 Colllnsa ate.. Weal Colllnzswood. New Jersey. Slll'STEIt. On September 18. 10111, st his resl. dence, 4017 Old Aork rosd. TH0SIA8 F.. hue. .bsnd of Helen M .Sinister. Notice ot funeral later. S1NF..V. On September 18. 1010, HENRY C, husband of Rosanna M. .Slnex (nee Hoffner) and aon of Ihe Into Henry C. and F.llrabeth Slnex (nee Youns). seed 40 jeare. Relatives and friends, also William R. Snyder l,ndg;e. No. 41li. I and A. M.i Lu I.u Te.iplo, Mary commandery. K. T.t Coliseum Chapter. No. 240. II. A. M.i General John T. Reynolds Camp, No. 4t bona of Veterans ond lloostcrs' Club, sre Intlted to attend the funersl serv ices, on Thursday, at 1 r. m.. at his late residence. 1013 S. 17th atWnlerment at Trinity- Lutheran Cemeters-. Remains may be Mewed Wednesday, 8 p. m SEMUEI.LKR. On September 18. 18111. LOUISE K,, beloved wife of John Semueller ond mother nt Mra Frank K. AVhlteley, aired 58 years. Relathca and friends, also atl societies of whit n ane was h member, are InWted to at tend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 1 :.10 p. m . at her hu'band'e residence. 7no Colllnas aie.. Vet Colllnaewood. N. J. In terment private. Friends may call Wednesday, from 7 to 9 o'clock. SLACK. On September 18. 1916. ANNA E . daughter of tho late Richard and Isabella Slack. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to at tend the funeral eervlces. on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence, 640 8. 40th st. Interment pritate. SNVIir.R. On September 18. 1P16. MARY ANN FINNEY, widow nf Oeorse Uushar Sni der, aged 83 sears. Relatlvea nnd friends are lmtted to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, nt 1:30 p. m.. at her late residence. 2017 K. Madison st. Interment private, at Westminster Cemetery. STACK. On September 1, 1910. MARY J., wife of W. U. Stack (nee Needhaml. ased I3 5 ears. Relathes and friends, also all eoclettes of which she was a member, are Imlted lo attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 3 p. m., from her late residence. 327 Washington st., Camden. N. J. Interment at Harlelah Ceme tery. Friends may review the remains on Tuesday, from 7 to 9 p. m. STERNER. On September 17. 1016, HELEN JONES, formerly of Philadelphia, Pa., wife of Clinton O. Sterner, of Zlonvllle. Pa. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the fu neral aervlcea, nn Thursday.' at 2 p m,, at the Oilier II. Hair liulldlna". 18J0 Cheatnut at,. Philadelphia, Pa, Interment prlinte. STERNE. On September HI. 1010. JOHN I... husband of Martha Sterne (nee Eurardl Rela tlvea and friends, also employes of William Cramp Ship and Engine Uulldlnr Company, the church and all other organizations of which he waa a member, are Invited to attend the funeral eervlces. on Vednesdayr at 2 p. m . at his late residence, 2361 N. Colorado st. Interment prliate. at. North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Frlenda may call Tuesday evenlne. STBRNEB. On September 17. 11110, HELEN JONES, formerly of Philadelphia, Pa wife of Clinton O. Sterner, of Zlonvllle, Pa. Rela tlies and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at the Oilier H. Tlalr Ilulldln. 1820 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Interment private. TAPPAN. On September 17. 1010. MART E.. widow of Ueorso Tappan. In her l)2d year. Relatives and friends are Imlted to attend the funeral aervlcea. on Wednesday, at 1 p. m. at her late residence, 4149 Main st , Manayunk, Interment prliale. Kindly omit flowers. VAN PELT. On September 18. HUB. at New llrlahton. Staten Island. Miss AUI1IK ANN T. VAN TELT. Funeral services ond Inter ment prliatr. WALKER, On September 10. 19H1, HERBERT WALLACE, son of the late William II. and Jane Mawaon Walker, aged 50 yeara. Rela tliea and friends, also Qeorce W. IJartram 1-odce, No. 21)8, r. and A. M.. and Media It. A. C. No. 234. are Invited to attend the Juneral sen Ices, on Wednesday, at 2:80 p. m,, at his slater's rraldence. Mra. John 8. Uutter worth. Walllnsforu, Del. Co.. Ta. Interment at Media Cemetery. Automobile service. LOST AND FOUND DOO Strayed from Latches lane. . Merlon, on 16th. Airedale dor. JM years old. Reward If returned to W. L. Supnlec. Merlon. Pa. TRAVELING CASE Lost, gentleman's, on P. R. It., at W. Phlla. new. 5023 Carpenter at! PERSONALS THE FOLLOWINO PERSONS are herehy noil fled: J. lllalr. A. Llpsrhltx. Carton Jackson, Wm. If. Judklns. 11. Feldmen, llenj. Snyder man. Max Levy. Mra. J. Ulack. that their fur niture and household goods will be sold for storage charges and loans on Friday, Septem ber 22. 101U. 10 a. m.. unless charges are paid before sale. Ooods will be sold on ih premises of the Northern Storage and Ware house Company, 1818 8. 11th, I WILL NOT be responsible for any debta unless c-omracicu uy smeeu. jiarry uonon. .1237 i-uilBuciimia l ., Arlington St., oanna. va. and Ur- AUTUMN KESOETS rocoxo MOUNTAINS Shawnee-on-llelawara i, ........ ,,,,., ..,,............ ,,, iSisf BUCKWOOD INN Pueproof.Slffl?tIEoNDlUtJ.REJ'A( For the Autumn Guest "An Opportunity Ideal fall resort affording excep tional accommodations and serv ice. Situated in private park of 1 0,000 acres, embracing moun tains, streams and wide view of Delaware Valley. Modern construction and ap pointments. Every outdoor rec reation. Guests permitted use of the famous Golf Course of the Shawnee Country Club by in troduction. Trap shooting. HeoUtt en 'Kfjurit A. J. MURPHY).. iV. MURPHY J Mner AU UVXEL HOUSE, UUwJ. K 1 HELF WAXCTD JBMAjVE noOKKrRPER. asalstarit. bright, capable, office wholeeale houeei reL required' atate age. com pensstlont etc Llip. Iidger Central. noOKKKKPER, assistant, young tsdri slate ex perience and salary expect'd M 16,LdCen. CASHIER and bookkeeper Middle-aged woman wanted 183 South at CHIEF NURSE wanted in hospltali experienced good reference V 414, Ledger Ofnce.j CHILDNURSR, white Prot.i must hsve1 ref. Call between 10 and 13 at 21 Walnut. COMPANION Assist light housework, rare et 2 sons over 5 yeara; good hornet Protestant. 60 Ledger Ilranch, 8701 Oermantown ave, COOK, experienced Proteelant. Tleass call W. W.. Room 1214, Commonwealth llulldlng, 12th and Chestnut, Tuesday. 2 p. m. , COOK,' also chambermaid and waitress; small famllyi reference 2020 Green el. COOK, to assist with washing and Ironing; 8 In famllr. 217 N. 34th at COOKINO and downstairs work Reliable col ored woman wanted; reference required, 16 Ridge aye.. Darby. HELP WANTED MAWS .St!lLfi. rout rrecedlag Cotama CI1ANR mCPAIRMEN and KNOINB Ttl'' MEN, first class men only. Apply M 4800 Wlesahlckon ave. 1R. LB, DRAFTSMAN Wanted, experienced ",,t"m"n on etrurtural steel work! location, llaltlmore. Apply with sample of work to Mr. o. A. wis man. .on Tuesday evening, between J and o'rlocli. at Continental Hotel, lh and chest nut sts. KLECTRICIANS and WlREltKN. VALE. 1300 Wlssshlckon ave. Apply MID- DRESSMAKERS Expert waist and aklrt drapers, finishers and Improvers, with references from Ihe most fsshlonahle establishments only; good wages, short hours, long sessosons: vacancies for neat young girls aa apprentices tn dressmaking. Apply all week before ia,a. m.. Trench Dress making Shop, Fifth floor. West store, STRAWUIUDOU U CLOTHIER ERRAND (11RLH wanted for dreaimaktni es tablishment. APPly 1520 Spruce. FORRLADY wanted to take charge of shirt factory out or city; one who understands Ihe msklng of all parts sklrta and capable of In structing learners; good opportunity for right P-rsoni reference required. Address A. C oatofflca Hot 3443. GIRL for general housework! family of 3. N. 17th at , 231 OIRLS mer 10 ears wanted for light work) no experience necessary; $.1 week paid while i learning. Apply Sin N.32datt (HRLI. experienced and learners, on cslendsr work. Apply Wolf A Co.. 12th and Csllow hlll. third floor. ORISWOLD WORSTED CO. DARBY, TA. Starting up new machinery, wants girls: good wages; steady work and will pay while learn ing. r- HOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED on topping, knlttlnc. mending and on string machines. We furnish first-class Instructors. and pay girls while learning. nnd hao plenty of work all the time after they hale learned, This Is a fine opportunity. WALLACE-WILSON HOSIERY CO. 4335 Orchard at., Frankford. ENOINKER WANTED,, for day dulyi t'dr work. Apply W. L, Cummlngs Chemical to., Unlon ave. and RslleosdjI.sndowne; ENOlNEERTllcensed, Hay work, S70 per month. 718 Wood st. FITTERS AND MECHANICS wantedi boiler and lsnkwork. Cruse-Kemper Co., AmhlerJj INSTRUMENT MAKERS, SS.24 to S3 per day of 8 hourst tool mskers.SS.32 to II I" rhlnlsts. S2.7B to 5 assistant machinists. S2 to S2.0O, bssed on experience and capacity! au tomatic turret lathe operator. Cleveland. Itrown Shsrpe, S4,30i Totter A Johnson. 1.60; hand turret lath operators, S3 to S3 10 higher compensation when on Piece work! skilled laborers. 32 to S3.24I solderers. tt i .,niv l-ennicfoed Arsensl. nreferabiy in ..-.--a- li-I,ll.tie. m.UII, 1I,IHBUUI,, LAHORERS for oVtslde work. S2.24 ,Per ly ot A ...... .kI V..Kl.fnnl In.nBl. llrieShlirg. O nnure. tiyptf ;" '. ," ..-.. . j -,,, LAllonKltH wanted for general work! steady ji)jltjon-Apnly N. , 8th and Rrown.. LAUOREHS. 60, wanted. Cruse-Kemper Co., Ambler. Ps. MAN AND Wim. WHITE. TO CLEAN ORKHOOM AND . PARLORH IN LAROH DRKSStAKINO, ESTAnLIP I MKNTl MAN MUST I'NnEIt.STAND HOT - WATER, HEATING! OSUX TIIOE WITH JANITOR .EXPHHI ENCK NEED APPLTt OWN'APAIIT MENT St'PPLtBDt PERMANENT PO SITION TO 1IIOIIT PERSONS. CALL 2012 WALNUT 8T. HOUSEKEEPER. WORKING. OER MAN OR SWEDISH PREFERRED: MUST HE OOOD COOK AND MAN. AOER. IN APARTMENT. FAMILY OF TWO; OOOD nnt-ERENCF. HE QUIRED. CALL 2012 WALNUT ST. HOUSEWORK .Maid for general housework In family of four at Ocean city, N. .1., no wash ing. Write T. P. M., 1012 Wesley aie., Ocean Cltv. ' HOUSEWORK Young white girl, Protestant, for light housework; references, 22 8. 21st. HOUSEWORK, General Wanted, experienced white girl; family of 2. 224 8. 43d st. HOUSEWORK, general, white; sleep In: amall family. Phono Frankford 129 W. HOUSEWORK Girl for general housework! good wm,i Vj!liI15?..B-1l- LADY Well-bred, well-educated, actlie woman ". " wanted to assume responsible position 'with a large concern: must bo able to furnish unquestionable city credentlala and work hard to learn new business; salary J2u weekly. A 2, Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS, experienced. Protestant. Please all W. W.. Iloom 1214 Commonwealth Illdg.. 1"'"andChesmt,Tiesday,2 p. m. MENDERS Exp. hosiery and underwear mend ers on white goods; paid bv the week; steady work; good wages. John E. Hanlfen A Co.. MarlhojougliandThjmipson; NURSE GIRL wTnted tq take care of 3'iunaTl loin's1" """ nale "cm experience. Apply (MAN for general work In oil warehouse! per- a." a Ul.i .a.Sk !. il a ll T VTTla maneni poeilioni ,iem u v,iiw,.. . --- t-- ploied! reference rejulredi wages S14. 1" 4-. ledger Office. , .. MEN WANTED Rollermakers. locomotive ma chinists, car repairmen, laborers, 0n,0,' cleanrsIVnnaIJlJRallllrL1,riJ,H MEN, in, wanted to learn the sausage and pork packing buslness:"22o per hour. Apply 3116 Oermantown ave. . - orriCE" nbV wonted by large manufacturing concern In North Phlladelpnia! good hence for advancement. Address A S'J. Ledger UrnnchOfnoe. Urosd andClra-fJeld. omril HOY. re"sl-llng near 22d and All'5ni'! goo4jjppor; MirfyPvSi 2'-"0X "i43' OFFICE riOY In lawyer's office: Protestsnt. IS to lB:jitse.salary. lfl IOJeJeerntrsL ORGANIST for" a We'st Philadelphia Methodist church. ApplyAJll. Ledger Office. PACKER. exoerlenoedln packing department of a wholesale warehouse, list remanent pos.i adisnee: rieef.atidjgFJ3J.eCeni. PAPER DOXES Man. experienced, as paper cutter.Apply KcJiolsJJFlorljtsL. PIKCER8 nsnted on fine woolen ysrn. Jon athan Ring V Son. Inc.. Hancock and Mont- gomeryaie. . QVILLERS wanted. Apply to James Desn. care John 4 James Hobson, Inc., jcarpet and plush mlllsj Falls ofSchuj!JI; REAL ESTATE office In North Philadelphia wants man! some experience aa solicitor pre ferred: position will suit party looking for something that will occupy eeversl hours dally aa a aide Issue. Address P 421, Ledger Office. SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED, TO TRAVEL NKAR1IY TERRITORY: GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIVE HUSTLER TO MAKE CONNECTION WITH A RESPON SIHI.E MANUFACTURER OP STAPLE LINE; REPLY AT ONCE. GIVING AGE. EXPERI ENCE. piio.NE: must run- . NISII HIGH-CLASS . UU81NESS i P.EF3. F 052. LEDQER CENT. OPERATORS, experienced, on men's neckwear. T. P. McCutcheon A llro . Pltcalrn llulldlng, 11th and Arch sts. OPERATORS Shirt and drawersHnlshers: learners taken John E. Hanlfen 4. Co.. Marl- ,,ruK"ha nd Thompson. ' OPERATORS, experienced, wanted on silk dresses. A. H. Caolsn A Co. 019 Walnut at. . ORDER TAKER Tall and clever woman, aged 25 to 33. to take orders for hllh-clses dressmaking and tailoring, and sell French gowns; those having had experience In o fashionable establishment"r", 'w French Dressmaking Shop, Fifth floor. West Store. STRAWBRIDGl- A CLOTHIER SALESWOMEN ' LIT RROTHERS REQUIRE SALES. WOMEN FOR VARIOUS DEPART. MENTS. APPLY EMPLOYMENT 11U- SHOES Wanted, packing room help, crowners. packers and tip Uxors. 315 N. 12th st,, sev enth floor. STENOGRAPHER Rlsuner's require Ihe services of a thor oughly competent stenographer; one who hae had cxeoutlie experience preferred. Auoly Superintendent's Office. 833-H35 Market at" STENOGRAPHER wanted: glie extended traln Ing and previous experience: salary 110 per wock. 31148. Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHKR and 'typewriter wanted' In mercantile office: hours 1 to 5:30 p. m. Ad dress A 117. L-dger Office. " Aa STENOGRAPHER Hrlght young "hTdy "vlth some exp.tjitate sal. desired. M 153, l-d. Cent. TEACHERS wanted for grades, high and private schools; positions waiting. National Teachera , Agency. D. H, Cook, Mgr., SJ7 Perr lluJIdlng. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Hell Telephone Company offera positions aa operatora to In telligent oung women between Is and " jeara old: salary 10 n week while learning! with rapid advancement: a aready position aa aured, with pleaaant eurroundlnvo and unusual opportunity of promotion. Apply In reraon to the Hell Telephone Compony'a Operators' nviiuvi. " Meresi si , uany u-tween R30 a. m. and 6 p. m i Monday, Tuesday and Fri day evenings between 7.30 and 8 Jo o'clock. SALESMEN to aell "C E-Z" lights. Apply to tbo United Gas Improiement Company. Mr. Carney. Room 010. Metgrer llulldlng, N. W. ccr.13lh und Cherry sts . SPECIALRErRi:SENT.VTIVB wanted, to Pre eent nationally adirrtlsed article to automobile ownera In this city; splendid opportunity for good salesman, glie full Information about nest experience III first letter. Address M 019, Ledger Ofllce. 3PR1NOMAKEP.H. both coll and elliptic wanted: steady work; bost wages, no labor troubles; transportation furnlahed Apply by letter, flvlng experience. V. C. Lach. auperlnlendent, "OUT PUT SPRING AND MNUFACTUIt ING COMPANY McKee's Hocks. Pa (PlllsburghDIstrlct.)" STEEL WINDOW SASH MAKERS In addition lo experienced hands, we will accept men who haie worked on ornamental Iron work, blacksmith Ing. bollermaking and kindred lines. Will pay S12 while learning ' Can make 120 per week when proficient. Slat age and experience. ADDRESS "S. Y..'" T, O. IlOX 3500, PIULA. TURRET I.VTHK Experienced men on selling up. Apply MIDVALE. 43UU Wlaaahlckon ave. UNIVERSAL GRINDER HANDS, lst-o'sss men only.Apply M(DJALB14300 Vlssahlrkonnve. UPHOLSTERERS wanted, experienced', on box suits and couchea; union ahop. Greenspan, 208 E.104th st.A NewYork city. YOUNO white man to assist butler; must have experience and reference; permanent place In country. Apply303 DrexcllHdg. YOUNO MAN wanted, with some typewriter exp.ieteady pos assured Call 4- N. 7th su ENCYCLOPAEDIA DRITAfNICA COM IANY wants nrat-clasa aaleamen (any line) for Senrs-Roebuck edition: great eat selling proposition ever offered; get In now while we can give ou new ter ritory and all the-trade nu ran work: drawing account. Dexter llulldlng, 16th and Walnut sts., Philadelphia, TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dlsi lancet experienced. Apply Keystone Telephone Co , 185B. 2d St.. Room 403 "'" YOUNO WOMAN wanted as aecretary lnsrTiata professional office; a desirable position for person of refinement. M 007 Ledrer Office. TWO MAIDS, cook, upstatrarw. PhUa. Phone Woodl'd 216. 342 B. 67th. near Ualto. ,. HELP WANTED MALE jltM(tMSHISMSSMSIMMUMSIHIIMM(lfsMMH Tf-VNTlO CITY, N. f. - -TeNT18 ?TV sas oiinkexomhrjbbmHf tvrir , ar laVsM i UiartkrotKili'IMiiilKiin ATI-ANTIC CITY.M.a, tmtmnmm auwwiktsssrr ADVERTISING nEPRESENTATtVE WITH EXPKRIENCE. MI80IBDOEn"cENTRAL AMATEUR WINDERS. Orst-clsss men " only' Apply MIDVALE, 480ft Wlssshlckon v. " ATTENDANT or orderly 'for an InstltutloV; salary 122 a month i hoard and room. Ad. dress B, Ixird. Stamford, Conn Aa IIOOKKEEPER Assistant In office of larxe hosiery manufacturing company, good oppor tunity for bright, accurate oung man Ad. dress II. I Postotflce llox 860. HOY. ACTIVE AMniTIOFS irOR OKFiCW WORK WITH CORIH1RATION. MI'ST HE OVER HI. AND HAVE OOOI1 fidlfof.1NO GOOD OPPoflTIINlTY FOR AnVAVCE MKST CALL LEDGER OKFCB, OTII AND (JAIiiK iTOY wanted, mer Id yearai position Is ossn In n.w,,1,''.r!m, ,':v".,nl Ledger, Apply II. K Raleigh, fourth floor, Washington !luldlnf 003 Chestnut t. sningion HOY. over 10- 'or office work and operate tele, phone awltchboardi must be rood at nr-. L 140, Ledger Branch, 3338 Ocrmaotown r; . - . ; Y. 13 to 18 year, living In West Phllsdef. Phla. tp learn real estate, Ituslnsaai good op portunity for right boy. 4005 Ualtlmora avaT BOY, neat, for flower tore, must furnish' refer- ence. Century Flower Bhop,112 . 12th. BOY wanted around office and factory, ApnTy Jwa'I - c?' "i,r4 noori '. CallowhftlJ titSSSSSAjSSCuiSi irSSV"'"' "' AN OPPORTUNITY Is open for young man lo enter the organisation ot a welt-known manu facturing company through the credit depart ment; requisites, ability to operate typewriter tn nome extent at least; some high school education: age about 18; give telephone num. Iier In reply, A 1400, Ledger Ilranch, 722 Erie aie i General OrFICE EXF.CUTIVF. and ACCOUNTANT, high-grade menr, 13000-14000: ACCOUNTANT for permanent ataff, c. p. A.. S23-S60 week: 3 good IIOOKKEEPING positions. 115: must Iw filled Immediately; PURCHASINO AGENT ASSISTANT, metals, 120; CLERK. oung ml lege man, Sl5: other positions open. 112 up, EMPLOYMENT MANAGER. welfare and safety first work. 123: STENOGRAPHERS, 5, excellent opportunities. 116; DRAFTSMAN, machine ahop work. 11200. STATIONARY EN UINEER wnrki other posltlona open for HIGH-GRADE MEN . BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE I1LDO. BrntNCl GARDEN IN8TITHTB AUTOMOBILE SCHOOLS COR. BROAD AND hTHINO OAHDEN BTS. Opens Sept. 23. Students enrolled now. DAY AND NIQHT SCHOOLS Day classes Tuesday and Thursdsy. 4 p. in. A combined Electrical and Mechanical Course 20 lessons S40. Night Electrical Auto Course Tuesday and Friday at 7 JO p. tn, 28 lessons S23. Night Mechanical Auto Course Monday and ee. Thuraday. 7.30 p. 20 leasons- SITTJATIONS WANTED ITEMAL SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Cenfliwra frem rrtttilnit Cettmn R8E. nrs"ettraCTeslres" position ;h"''n.,: nyaild Isdr or a molhtr" .'r'iTdser Cent emolovedl exo l ref. r 337 M4IW IWlj '" Jr.lM vAiin vrhlto afrl NtlfiS ! "J,?" or ..vnni"ur'''w',,il! n-H nel,. Wlsne postllnni reier. iiv, .";- fJTmsERYOOVKfWDSS fr nurse, Oermani good sewer. 1213 N FrsnltHn. SECRBTARlALposillon desired by college gradu ate: executive abll , mod sal F041. Ld. Cent. 8MOCKINO, ewlng nd mending done by hnd; reaeonssb)t reference. Ixicusl 8604. STKNOaRAPliKH. years" experltncej Perl enced machinery- llnsi permanent or "hsl Rul ing pos.isal'y 1181 best ref F 041. Irfd. tent. STF.NOanArilKR. thoroughly qualified rfn"I office detail, legal anJ commercial. V 033. ledgerCentral STENOGRAPHER B'evP'Lrlnw 'S.Jiyr.V lng. desire position rj42. Idrer Central TEACIII-.R. graduate, prefera teaching pollers prep. In prfv homes day. even. A , lrfd Off. TOUNO ni'S WOMAN employed during the. day desires roflllc;i evenings, Wyoming ICoO R. TOllNO WO(AN. cotore.1. desires day" work of ny kind 01S 8. HUh . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT with good business training and eiper.. 8 jears' ccountln. constructive nnd analytical, sales, purchsses. nrnductlon. pe dal records, costsi good knowl'ge of cornmer Msl A mfg. methods! American, age 32. F 412, Ledrer Centra ACCOUNTAN-1 ym audit, ai-stematlxe and keep small seta of books; moderate charges. Roberta, 821 S.61st t .-, ADVnnTISINO MANAOER wide experience with msnufncturlng. rrlnllng nd publishing concerns; capable ot taking full charge of advertising and aales promotion campslgns: csn produce evidence, age 34! mar- rled. ga4-lLed-er Central. ADVERTISING, correspondence and mall aales promotion! college graduate; 31: married; 7 yeara' New York experience: sslsry. 140: com ment on sales-letter worth eendlng for, Lewis, 1600 Cuyler llulldlng. New York lasMTlKT Third-year U. of P. Eienlng School of Ac count and Finance student: emploied 5 years aga 22. desires position where push counts more than pull. , , K Q4T, t.fqgcr wenirai BOOKKEEPER, experienced, will audit accounts. open, close and write up hooks day or even'g; modorateterms. 1111 phone, Walnut 4090. BOOKKEEPER. 21 jear old: 3 eara' experi ence bonkkeeplng nnd general odlce work, ref- . erence. M 012, Ledger Office BOOKKEEPER. 23. married, 10 years' experl encejgood office manager.F 58, Ledger Cent, BOOKKEEPER, high school grsd , 7 yr.1 bus. expx cap , desires change. F J47I.edgerCent CHAUFFr.UR, colorcdr wTshea position with private family: don't drink or smoke: can fur- njsh Al reference F 845, Ledger Centrnl. CHAUFFEUR wishes posit Ion f strictly sober: IB jears In last place; first-class reference; age 34 ears. Box 11. Narberth. rj . CHAUFlEUR. mechanic. English. 84: present employer going west! 13 ears' experience! ex eelfent ref. 2(110 W.JIostoij ave., or Dla. 0180. CHAUFFEUR, colored, aober. do own repairs; Wlnton car pref.; refs. F 611 ledger .Cent CHAUFFEUR White. slnRl-:, 8 year" exgerl ence:Joit of refererce. JlcKtnon 4802 ESTiMATOrfExrerlenccd estimator .on build- Ing construction desire,; jos. F lUHId. lent;rLORIST. "competent on lines: good greenhouse man, hardy garden: willing to care stock, poultry, furnace. A 10. , Id, OIT, GARDENER, "alnele, Ihorounhly understands gardrnluz all branches: care prliale place! highest reference. I 046, Ledger Central. GARDENER, coachman, single. Protestant, long experience both branches; ref, A 27, Led. Off. JEWELRY Young man desires position retail or wholesale Jewelry firm: 2 cars' experience registry work: A-l reference-: state position and salary; will call, r 064. Ledger Central. IAN,"r28. experienced, wishes office position; haabest references. A 113. Ledger Office. MAN. rolored.'-w'unt work as Invalid's nurse: references. 3020 Market at. SALESMAN Three eara' fsitlsfnrtory sales record: open for staple line or good specialty. In southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware. P. O. Box 24. Chester. Tn. SALES MANAGERS ATTENTION! A jounc man. with good, personality, who Is willing to be trained your way, seeks change, having reached maximum In present feld. fired with all the ambition, progresalve ness. purpose and firm determination that modern Industry demsnds: I am 23 eara of age, a college man and have all the Incentliea necessary to a dealre lo win. A 17, LEDGER OFFICE SECRETARY nnd financial man. age 40. would llko to make connection with hlgh-cses mer cantile cstabllahment: capable of taklnir en lire chirge of office: familiar with department accounts In every particular: experienced In conveyancing of deeds and mortgages: very best of bsnk and commercial references, M UI0. Ledxer Office. YOUNO MAN. 21. C. II. 8. graduate. S yeara' practical experience as bookkeeper, bill, order nnd credit clerk, typewriter, accurate, ener getic, best reference, ivanta poaltlon with ad vancement, preferably with Jewish eraploer. C. W. (L, 628 N. 4th St. YOUNG MAN. married, hand? with any kind of tools, wishes iwsltlun: strictly sober and In dustrlous, can furnish recommendations as iharacter and ublllty. A 109, Ledgor Ofnco. YOUNO MAN.22 years of age, high achnol cfiiKMtln t. deslr-a otvlce position: small office preferred; exper1enced.A 110 Ledger Of flee. YOUNO MEN (S). kitchen or housework, to gether: good reference. 2025 Ellsworth. WANT A JOB! With experience In advertlalng detail, ac counting and aatematlxlng. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER In the way of u permanent position with advancement? Young man, 22 ears, enthuslsstlc. willing and rellable. FP45 LedgerCentral. COLLEOE MAN. 28.7 jeara"" office and ielllng e-porlence. wante to make permanent connec tion with reputable frm. In office or coierlng territory adjacent to I'hlla. D 315, Led. Oh. JAPANESE AND WIFE wlah positions, cook and maid In amall family or bachelor'a place, long experience. l"ugle, 1030 Vine at. Lo cut 27U0 J. I EMPLOYMENT AGENCIi-b POSITIONS wanted for excellent laundresses. Hcotch Protcatunt and other cook; oung cook and waitress, together, on Main Line: trained English Protestant chambermaid or Parlormaid! competent Cathollo chamber maids! English-teaching governess, elementary French, drawing, music, etc.! chaurfeur and wife, together! all highly recommended. Mrs. lloKerj-jyj H.2Uth st. NICHOLLS, 1020 Balnbrldge at,, wants' pol tlons for excellent chauffeurs. English and othtr butlers. Prot. and Cath. took, first class German cooks, Swedish chambermaids for city, English and German infant nurses, etc. Wanted, thla morning, butlera. second men, rooks. 37 to Slo; girls for chamberwork and walling! aeteral set ot help for city. Phone Locust 2130, WANTEDTwo flrst-clsss"butIersTexrerlenied nocond msn and valet, 360 to SCO; white couplea aa butler and cooks: Mtchenmalds, city and country: gvod wages; several oung rouka. waltreases, parlormaids for country; French ins Ids and nurara: also rrotrstant help waretd In every capacity. Mrs, Roger, 313 8. Ilith ' 11 IMS IIARKIN8. 2004 Balnbrldge. wants 130 cooka. kltchenmaldai also a number. of S3 and S10 cook for ( Ity and country: butter, wait resses, psrlormalds, chamberhialda. nurses, girls for chamberwork and walflnci references jqulred Phone Spruce 3G27, WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, chlldnuraes, housework girls, girls for Institution worki all klnda of first-class help want positions, Misa Ross Dougherty, 1313 Olrard ave. AUTOMOBILES Vut Sale BOl BOYS STRONG WANTED AT WUNIH-RLF .om iYoD- t?-m K$ st. nd Bnxler an. ' ,,'",r BRICKLAYERS, experienced on furnace work AtH-ly M1DVALB, 4300 Wlssahlcken v. AfeofehstTi u I ITI.IS-. Wanted f!ra4"ft .SLSv " f.: 'SsiBMUtT kUa rapabie' ot Mtupltng'ind' n". !&, Stnt4."ai.'"i"K OkjK M . JaBaesB.l ,: . A ll LSSSJsr ucaa. - BOOKKEEPER, clerk. 10 er" hotel xprl ScesjresjUjon!jsLF 848. Ledger. Cent. CHAMDERMAID. thoroughly experienced, wsnls situation! reference. OJ0, Ledger Centrsl CHAMlfERWOlfK or chlldmirs Olrl wnl posltloni no washing. 140 Pleasant st , Mount Alry. , COMPANION or sslstnt housekeeper, young lady, 21 yar of s, want position nr Phllsdelphlal 2 years' csoerience leaching!, knows domcstlo aclenco and can lake charge of chlidreh. Addreaa box 0, Bwsrinmoro oi- !? wrhmor,'-.r T COOK Olrl wlhe a podllom private family; good reference. Addresa A 110. Ledr Office. COOK, competent Engflah Protestant, dealre po- sltloni good, jef erence. .1233 Jrmountave JjOOK wlne position wTfliprlvIt fmlly In vuourb. 1213 N. rjjiklln. . - COOK wishes posltloni good "rsfersnoe: wsgsa 110 or 112 80 Jd Br lth snd Hrown DAY'S WORIvT any kind. waahlng"o'r Ironing! 2 col. womenwlshpos, 781 8. Cleveland ave. DAVtTNvORKOF ANY KIND KKFERBNCK. 1880 rKHNON,tlT, . DRESSMAKER, expert ropier and remodeler of Imported gown, dealre engagement In private fimllTe! first-class work ooasldersd only" reference. Philadelphia and Paris: 14.60 i. S.V V 4.1. Liuleer OITIce. rTK'E8SMAKEirdrslrea"ngement In Otn, vl. clnltyi fancy amocklng, F or.8 ledger Central. UIRL, colored, wanla situation caakltur ersThpusework. loyu Chrlsttan. g. GIRL, experienced, lor nouseworg. ltth at. . 120 N aOVKRNESS, vlatllnri Fre'ncli. German cUsssa or prlval lon. V TS, Ledser CMttraU UOVKHNKKS. " 'vtoltlnr.' ynf wej with IratntM and uoeFul eiawrlesr la directing chll4rn's ply and teacMw mulc MfWeaoe! cocvtMef retlclent jsltlou. F Ml. Led. Cent. HOirnKWOrOTer oslo.-. t'lf!VWi' JtXJiriXS,aMUtJtnxJilfiJitm:i ' st-"S .! tMLH taa r wiia sumum ipsHsiseiv V7 Slightly Used 5-TON MACK TRUCK taUARANTEED) For Sale at Sacrifico . Bteel dump-body; excellent mechanical condl- loni used less than 8500 miles; list pries, 147001 will sell very ihean. 1914 Autocar, reasonable price for a quick sale; good mchnlcl .ahape, FEDERAL SALES COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA 8S03 CHESTNUT STREET . Baring 304. West S3, CADILLAC 1S14 touring car, overhaulsd and repainted! full equipment! price tb6U. AUTO BALES CQIlPORAflONt 142 M.Brpid t- HUDSONB Phaeton, roadsters and caorliirel? equipped with electric.. light and (tarter. jOomeyi8jrJajrtii263.3jlroadst PAiaW Fairfield model, In flrat-claa "condition', guaranteed. 1HOBI.OW-WILT.EY MOTOR CO..304 N. Urosd. AUTOMOBILtft rr Sal J -.i Ccslinurd (rem Pmtilno Cslsma" LOCpMOIIIt.R. 1014 " "" ' -3. n-psssensef. with Sedan top. ,i, ,., . equlpncd trlrtly up to date, anV hj.'v thoroughly overhauled. and newly mIms i blue wlthperfect blue strlplnij Sle-e gnaranteed aame as new, S2n0(l if . fooklng for a family Inclosed oVlV c.?"J2 In nd see thl. a It I the only car ?! type w haw. cr w thl ... ,. , .LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market si Lev-nti i HA .JE.NKS Mr ExehancVV dJ,,, rORD carburetor that will save. y.Ue .TT" bills 60 p-r rent A3. lde? Ortlc. " FOnD roadster tor salei practically 1"V "- 11. Haerele. 325 N B2d at. r n,w' llr AUTO LIVEIIY AND cSAfI?r INDEPENDENT TAXICABCO" 1316 w. ntmonriuvv, ... Ui AijTOMOiiiLEa of quality w hi Diamond OIII8 Never elo.Vl1 S. '5J 2n PULLMAN SLIGHTLY USED 1016 MODELS SRVERAL DEMONSTRATORS. USED LESS THAN TltnEK MONTHS- SAME OUA1UN TKK AS NEW CARS l0TfVil.Y M10llf IN EVERY RESPECT, PJltcka AB SUIl. STANDARD MOTOIt CAR COT POP. IfM. t HACB 2078. siaAnns nriiMiir touriiu run l . L. B. VOW WHITE. 40 2 Autocr 1 1 S-ULAHOeV WjtSs to.. 246 N. llroad si 40 II, l,t i.psssenger touring, IltKH).' 48 LAROB. 7 -seated tour tag. lM-'lnch wtee base, slectrlo Hkls and slaJW. awlr wh-iii n.wir Pfotf. iJtSSSSa t.tV?. ropi "i ah co . PHONE DIAMOND 74 ?i7yt'i'J5iftTUr'"lMQUR1N Nei'r.closed Formerly Jitney Rats r. TAXI OPLAP." 1(117 OTnTiIre (open'dar"a"t--' ParK 1 432), nf .nd-new fft"... 'tmM,."1!!.!! Bl'Y MOISTFH Portable asraies-TsTSr15' stucco. On dlsplsv ssai N. BthfTTerra'" AUTO TAINTING AUTO PAINTINO of th better cTsis .1 i. prices, oeo. W. Psrvls. Jr., iBl AiSK' et. Phone Tlogn 2702. Alrdrle AUTO BEPAIRINO T SPEEDOMnTER TROUBLES T 6eel HILLY, at his new locstion. 610 NORTH BROAD ST. CYLINDERS HEIIORED, new pistons'snd rit furnlahed! welding and braxlng. 1L fi!S wood a Co 1(123 Hamilton at.. Phlla i"" AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old car or want any parts to repair, call, write or phone. P. It. AUTO PARTS CO. 8ia-17N 12th st Park 1141. TIMKEif-IIEARlNQa HYATT H M'.T Departure Sen I'e Sta. The Owilllam CaS 1814 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 8487 Rscs SMI' PAnT8 " - lo build or repslr sny car Thtt Atifn rra-, ,-A If m. .--.. .... " """ - " . .uui. ITS ltll. AUTO TIRES rtlLLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 35uo miles. Compare prlcea ORIM'S. 23(1 N. Droad st. K BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATENTS Send for ""our "Tree beslT t? ... . . "l'enta and Trade-Mark." We will help you deielop your Inientlon: al. vice free: reasonable fee; open Monday eve. ntna until '10. . FOSTER & WEBSTER 8U1""B ". lpilJChestnut st. rtell phone Wslnut 1541. PICTURE THEATER Completely equlppedTlSI month rent: aood manufacturing toieni no com- ij i"-,,iiii. irai ii.ranin. unrri-i .01 m, iiroao. ,-w PARTNER for thicken farm: suburban "home: " iiiu-iiv i-upiiai, u o.t i,eager uince BUSINGS PERSONALS DIAMONDS ROUQHT Dank leferencts. Appraisement. I per csnL HARRY W. H M ITU. 717 Sansoin St. HVSNLNO CLOrilES Ti". "JRB Late-i etv.os. rhone Poplar 233. Open evrs. LElDNKlVs 1(itiiandfllraxdai.u- W. eirt St'PKpri.t'ors HAIR removed br electrolyslti the only prrmnnent nay: eyebrows arched. MPSSS!ITII.iiS Keith Theater Building. srnfHIUN iToMf! for""rerined deficient chil dren; trained nurse, doctor. D as. Ledger. CARETCLr! ANINO continental" CAP.PKT CLEANINrj HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Hell Phone Locust 1060,, WEsrrPHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEPT PIIII.A. So PER YARD WESTPH1LA. 3870-72 LANCASTit AVB. DREgSMAKINO AND MILLINERY the Mcdowell dress.makino schooi. Indlildual Instruction, short courses, easy par- m-nls. patterns cut. 60c up. 307 jENCKLA m.DO.. ljthsnd Msrket sll. COLUMBIAN DRES'SMAKINO SCHOOL tiv' clnl rates; easy payments. C. Hartman. 1714 Columbia jave. (rormerlywlti McDonell.) GOWNS Also remodeling on high-class worC 827 Welghtman Uulldlnr; Spruce 2J23. EO-t, SALE 138 LARGE TALKING MACIIINB Edison with cabinet for holding 200' records1. enUh,il In a. heautlfill ouar.ered naif: ceil new S84: can be paid at the rate ot 76 cents weeKly; an excellent bargain, in gooa condi tion: equal to new. write tor complete list st bargains and special 20,daa' free trUl offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor Cthjind Thompson ats. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second hsnT bousht. sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; euppllea. Iife Kefer, American manufso- lurer, Jin Olrnril ave. Phone Kens. 2313. blLLiAllD. lioul tables, new, second-hand bowl ' Ing alleja; easy payments Ros-itto-Barry-' btreet Co .,,2-2 3. 8th st.PhoneVal. '2S, UILLIARD AND I-OCKKT TABLES Alls" bowling alleys; easy payments. BRUNSWICk. HALKE-COLLENHER CO.. lOOJArch. CASH RFGISTERS bought, exchsnged. repslred. replated; supplies; new and fsctory rebuilt, new total adclcra as low aa ISO. Call ao4 ' aee our new models. Register sold by essv piyment- and fully cuiranteed. the Rational cash tifgister CO. 730. CHESTNUT STREET Mi'LTIORA'PHS""iit l-. costr"neWi gusranteeX Phnn J.nm. 4no nuasellBsumi Rours.. OFrici:7urnltiire cf every d-acrlp. wanted. l ttnuahnll fitrnlhip. Tlfillntf Centrnl Second- hand Furniture Co.. P04-nQ.fll4 Clowhlll J. g OI'reilA CHAlKt. sts per iuiii rowers n-i me lnir.plrture machine, used only 2 months, , CHAIR EXCHANGE, tor. (1th and Vine. SAFES fireproof, closing outdo." slightly usM. tn nu si7es ana xnaxes nig oarKnui". -i '. . Fourthst. (betiyein Usee nnd Vine). "HUGHES. HTlft n'UTTONWOOD . ties the largest and best assortment ef need offlco fur:ilturo and fixture In thl part of the country. Anything in equip an ofHre. st nrlces that, will please iou. Free delivery anywhere. HEATING HEATERS, range rebuilt all ma 1K2. I llhert at, boilers; tuirgalnsln new sn4 T akes. MAKlN-KELSEY CO. "fl HORSES HORSE for sale; one bay horse; rsn be een In the afternoon. Lumber yard, 1160 N 3d n. INSTRUCTION Musical TEACHER, successful, gives lesson la voles. -M piano ana elocution: puphb visiiea. 11. moderate, M 147. Ledger CentraL MACHINERY AND TOOLS YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL for llnlaf machine bearings always satlsfles user- be cause it is ouraoi ana aiway uniionii g OIIAf quality wnd price, IRON and tULNDlUES, no Norm n. JAMES YOCOM SON., POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT" , Dmsmos. motor, boilers, steam and oil to gtnea. pumpe, air compreaaore. . , FRANK Trah.iliT, Inc., 127 k. 3d atret. DKNAMOH. motor end machinery. bought, sell ana renteai armaturea!1 ." Sdft. and rented! armaturea repaired. Market 80H5. Yearaley Co., 224 N HOISTING ENQ1NES 8 8UxlO-lii America D. a:. D. II., with holler, L. F Seytert'l Bona. 437 N. 8d at. , WOOD PULLEYS" (OUbert): thousand's In loekl II diameter. CUAHLES BOND COM PANT. 620 Arch street. 8KXb SCRAP METALS TOJHJNRY K. J"Q!tT CO.x 222TN. Amee, A PIPE l FITTINGS all site. P1IILA. SD-IIAOT I'IPU SUPPLY. 1003 N. 7th Botn pnoass. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS ffie.PTICMIIir.rt RAT.1R HEPPES UPTOWN 8T0RKS The summer rentsl piano ar rapidly rent ing back. Many of th finest Hevp. llsroslluj. Ing back. Many of th finest Hsvp. Msresiiw. i Jules and Bchomackcr plno. good ss afi,-J will be sold at reductions of SCO to 1160 UWW.'I In new price. uuarahleeu Ior w sit 'ayrncnts of 15 monthly and upward. About 20 upright piano by auch mksr unicKsrina. aiaaon iiai nun. isr. i - . Haines. Blaslu. takto w ' blanola-Dlanoa. vlctrola. . v hesn msrlcail down ta ITS. 15. Il-S, 1 r.A r.- i.-M-L"" " -- -- . - Ciov. sic. iv raomn. Ulngnam-Olrard. Haines Ban parineni on lie tievral playar-pisnos, (lightly used snd ref ducsd 1200 and 1S0O belo regular prkrack 'itrms of IB monthly and unwsrd. Fivs ptaoo-playtr at 13. 180. 175. 4 a enll- nf mln f. XUIII Al al,1 !. 100 new tii.iuua, .itv- .. .; ftchomackcr, lruicc, at cu t,i,Uuiu ? tb.r round. vowpici line or inciroi. rccoros, " j CU or writ for complete llt. Illuatrs catalogusf aad special plan ot, payment. COrMPS ,A,GD0T'orpN, ftaUMIs-cd 1M5. ST. VroJ,vTa..?FDT.f:rd.' excellent owtM for one who. I looking fa good .UMchln at reaonb!.pilcI USB weekly aooepted. Call or write fur fogfJSx Oascrlot on and lerse II ustrsled catakaxuM Vffi VRi mCHH:KUU israe acoebts 0 I'fR ii-i. MM U IOHT P1AM 1, liOWAstU V1MC.-NT il N 4Uk.