1 burning j$& Hc&gcr PUBUC LEDGER COMTANY CTM H. K. CURTIS, hwrnit SDtTOMAti BOARD I Crao X. K. Cmw, Chairman. TlKWNAUntttoitMM win , Miter C. HAKTtMo.OMWtut Bnslness Manager : ' , .$. fiiMtpfcfil .tty at r-cstio T ctv tlulldlnr. IwemsMenes) ftowan. rhHJlBl.t Catrtsul.1... Broad and Chtstnut streats ltt ........ ,1 .!"" InWm Bulldln .4....k.36 Metropolitan Towtr tiMtiMii.ran Ford Bulldlng a ew-innXTOt nulldln ..1202 Tribune Uulldln NEWS BUREAUS I 'llilKT9tt BetelO,. ,,,,... ...RlfTS Btttldln iou nuug mi 7imrf liuiiams if , Jtraatu ...... .00 Krledrlchetnu.e Mr ntiaaatl ... Marrmit ltnu... strand 'JMt Besaio.. ,..83 nut Louli I Grand SCBSCRIFTION TERMS 9f earrWr. elx rents r ntk Br malt, Tortwld outside of Philadelphia, rjreept hir tfinlgn miuii la required, on month, twenty Mr Mfrfat one year, three dollars. Alt mall aakaertptlena peyabl In' adrance. Wtw subecrlber wlthlna- addreis charred BWMi lira old as wall as now addrass. ' &sa DilHir,., OarrSa i.tii..i L S MIX, HW VALNUT KETSTONE, MAW 1004 ft7 Addvtaa oil rommvwfro'ttons to Jfrealnfl httgtr. Independence Square, Philadelphia. rrntco it th rnruncLrnu ronromca s acooND-cLiaa iuil uirru. THB AVKRA0R NET PAID DATLT CIR. CULATION OF TItR EVENINO LEDGER FOR AU0U8T WAS 117.M4 PhUtdtlaaU. Mnd.r, SaptMsVir It. 1)16. TU euleet lo fitar tha Watch-dor' honeat barh Bay deep-mouth'd ivtlcom at we drain near iom. 'Byron, It la not a question of what Hughes would have dona, but of what tae'a going to do, and that's a plonty. t Pennsylvania manufacturers have to obey a more stringent child labor law than the one about tho meaning of which there is so much dispute. Professor Munstorberg, pro-German, of Harvard, declined to attend the funeral of his colleague, Professor Joyce, pro-Ally, lest he be understood as approv ing It Tho report that Mr. Ford will put a cheap fuel on the market to keep pace with his new machine Is encouraging. It may be, after a while, that tho things will run on hot air. It will be time enough to believe that nearly fprty men havo been ad mltted to the bar through fraud In the last six months when proof la submitted to the Supremo Court. Wo have no patience with those Who assert that there is no strength In the United, States Navy. Any Institu tion which could survive three years of Daniels must have the goods. The French have shot a German woman guilty of espionage, as the Ger mans shot Edith Cavell In Belgium, but the English papers have not yet begun to denbunco tho French for their barbarity. Ambassador von Bernstorff wants It to be understood that Germany will pay no loan that Belgium may contract in the United States. It has not been understood that Belgium expected Germany to pay it unless through the Indemnity which he must give up when the Allies win. Tho plan of selling twenty-five car tickets for twenty-five centa may seem to the police to be legal and simple, but the most simple thing about It would aeem to bo the simpletons who btto. Didn't they have a shoe-buying scheme of thla sort, whereby a man could get a 3 pair of shoes for & feW cents? They did, and those who were left holding the bag are still holding It But there Is one born every minute. Direct service between Philadel phia and South American ports will bo inaugurated with a sailing on October IE. "We have no doubt that ample freight Will bo offered for the trips south. The success of the venture will depend largely en the ability to secure return cargoes, nd the Increasing strength of our finan cial representation In South America Should moke that entirely possible. WHK st A newj epoch In German official re Jfrort writing lis marked by this message i from Berlin, "We were forced back through the villages.' Hitherto the motto there seemed to have been, "Never con 'teas." More confessions will probably be tn order this week, aa the Anglo-French i drive gains momentum. The British on Friday captured more ground and took more prisoners than on any single day adnce the big drive began. Aa they plow deeper Into their foe's llnea the taak be tcomea easier, aa the Germans have not the time to construct adequate defenses. Never has there been such a aat ternaHa of tax-levying aa In the last irear or two. Until the Wilson Adminis tration earn Into power there was no 'men thing aa burdenaocne taxation In tse United Htatea, certainly not In time of peae. We are rapidly becoming the .most Ux-rMden people en earth? In aplte ett unparalleled Industrial prosperity. Mr, PordJUonewe estimate, under the new teooajM tax law will contribute annually set Jean than M.im.OOfl to the national treasury. Penalising success may be , aje4 polities, but heretofore America has f naat opportunity, and opportunity baa eMMMit MtOC6al ,. , " , i, ,. About tea bHUon dollara' worth of ' wealth, to Fat4 jvery year on the flu-ma. The prosperity of the country ! WMhjr'ut ,)q the prosperity of the sawao. Governor Brumbatjgh fa, there for, headed in tho rtat fMreoUen when he flora, m ho, at CfoarfteM, that "We kM to mtod fbe VMeortoooe t of w poaaue etooa to we soil: we gpriiat confer rw Hie," W, as he add, wtt&lp ton yearn the Mate has tost Vty yer mat of 'those who tHl jbe sotl, ao Mum son h kaot in geUIng men.aod wgm hook m the land and in making 4ko aVW, prvducUve- The 'taak of tho Ptoco Opruootit of AaTHowUnro ta aot he, ' It. No BaaU In the Union la hotter ifffr than PonnextrajUa to dMreraiaed J- iWJWtfJLfltt Lii3k-JLJhULAj3j5JbVldlA, MONDAY, ttmTJfiMBTSli 18, 1916 in tho wee( and the greater manufactur ing etty of Philadelphia In the east, and there is a large non-agricultural petmi Hon engaged In mining In both the west and the east. These people must be fed. We have the land which will pro duce the needed food. We are building good roads Sto get the food to market. It Is up to tho farmers. Instructed and guided In Improved methods, to rite to the occasion and show what they can do. THE GRAND JURY ON "DOPE" lack, of futfts. the commission, AnoUSED by the gravity of the sltua- tlon, the Federal drand Jury last Friday took unprecedented action In offer Ing a written presentment to the Court In reference to the Illegal traffic! In nar cotlo drugs. It urged, In particular, the two things proposed by Investigating com mittees and this nowspaper, namely, the enactment of laws, both Federal and Gtato, which will give the police better Instrumentalities for the prevention of tho drug traffic; and, secondly, the es tablishment by the Btato of an Institu tion for the care of unfortunate addicts. The Legislature In 1913 provided for a commission to secure a site for such a hospital, although the Impu'te behind the movement at that time contemplated the care of alcoholic rather than drug victims. This commlsslont was Intrusted with the expenditure of 120,000. It has already secured a site. The location It wisely refuses to divulge, on the princi ple that not enough ground haa yet been secured and speculators would advance prices for adjacent and necessary plots were thoy Informed In the matter. The last Legislature did nothing to further tho plans, owing. It appears, to a Nor Is It apparent that which Is still In ex istence, Is particularly active. Its mem bers seem to bo rather surprised to learn that there Is a "drug" situation. This Is not altogether remarkable, In view of the fact that the spread of the evil has been somewhat stealthy. We suggest to the commission, however, that It would be worth Its while to begin a comprehensive study, particularly of .what such States as Massachusetts havo done In the care of drug victims, with a vtew to submitting to the next Legislature the kind of re port that cannot be Ignored. There aro two things in which society Is vitally Interested: tho prevention of waste and the recovery of waste. Efficiency In manufacturing first cuts down waste and then exerts Itself In the utilization of remaining waste products. The first object of the State should be an effort to suppress the traffic in nar cotics, and the second object should be to cure the victims. Tho traffic never will be entirely suppressed, and not more than a part of the vlcUms will ever be cured. The most that can be hoped for Is progress In each direction. , It seems reasonably sure now that leg islation of some sort wll be enacted next winter. It Is important that the statuto conform, to tho recommendations of ex perts, police and medical, and that It be written In strict accord with the Con stitution, so that no further halt In the fight against the evil may result from devitalizing court decisions. THIS IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR IT WAS .inevitable that political ma. chines Bhould be affected by the high cost of living. The price of everything else has gone up, so why should not the price of power follow suit? The demand on the city employes for an Increased payment to the Republican City Cam paign Committee means that the old standard of expenses has had to be aban doned. Now, why should not the city employes make the payments demanded? Elections are fought for tho sake of the spoils. The workers deserve the offices for whlcjh they have fought. They are re warded for their services by appointment to fat Jobs. Is It not better that the syndicate that does our governing for us should be self supporting and maintain Itself by an as sessment upon the sums taken from the publto treasury than that It should be de pendent on the contributions which It can extort from outsiders who seek favors from lt7 We know there aro citizens who do not like this system, but they vote into power the men who do like It and when it Is too late begin to object. The Campaign Committee has a deficit and It needs funds for conducting future campaigns. Tp expect It to abandon Its old methods Is to doubt the high authority which has assured ua that figs do not grow on hlstles and that grapes cannot be picked from thorns. ' i '" ANY CHANGE IS FOB THE BETTER TUB failure of the combined county and sKate system to care for the In sane la notorious. There are eleven alms houses In tho Commonwealth In which insane paupera are maintained In dis graceful conditions. According to the men who made a survey for the Public Chari ties Association ''they are treated more aa wild animals than as unfortunate hu man beings entitled to evry considera tion and sympathy,' and "they constitute a class of Individuals for whom no possi ble future misfortune can have any tery row." ' The State Board of Charities, which has been oonalderlng the subject, li to meet In this oity en September SO to deelde what it ia best to do. It Is agreed that something must he done. There are ad VoeoUs of an enlargement of, tho State hospitals to aoooramodate alt the unfor tunate and there are also equally expert sntetaHata who favor improving the oouaty hoonUahj." What they agree ueon I aot linoortaat so long aa they And a way to ot tho taeano n koopHala, large W silll, who their can receive Proper lawdtet UooiatoaH. wharo tho sosm oan Tom Daly's Column BATbRDAX'B WOnjC Both trickit Our Stick' Dig ttteki Thev Uckt CM Mck Three-fix An' tlx-nlx. The Philadelphia Rhyme Wo despair of getting any one to fol low the rules we have laid down. For In-stance: "HEY, WHY DON'T YOU CONDUCT A DIGNIFIED CAMPAIGN !." Tt Patmoran VhlI In tna y and ITu ror tna iaa ;- htr clan ara raelns fah! In tha van ara . Alaxan and Trrua. Man 'ii at floMl. fc-Tahl Should l'atrtck win tha Tlrra' akin will hn In l'nlladrjphla, But Huh and Tx will aurelr rr to stab thalr fill o' pair, Eta-Tahl nvn. 4 g TF 3vTfI And yet again: In ouah back yabd Wm' ah Bullln1 ha'd Foah Philadelphia. If Moran wlna. ve-u kick ouan amna And aplll yell fo' yen I C. H. Ij. And what's Infinitely worse: I.laten, Tom. Tou alllr, Hera a a rhyme for Thlllr, MOIUARITT. QUOTINO our comment upon "J. Bar ton MacPherson, acknowledged embalmer of the U. B," the ofllclal organ of tho Walnut Street Business Association says: The MacPherson firm la the only un dertaking establishment having repre sentation in our association. And, lifting our deltcatoly arched eyo browB, we pause to Inquire that proves what? Dear Tom What's in a name? These are culled from the telephone book: Doctor Shoemaker, Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. Is a dentist, while Joe Dentist, on Fifty-second street, is a shoemaker; Wil liam Clothier, Fourth and Walnut streets, Is a banker, and H. P, Banks, of Frank ford, Is a clothing dealer. W. F. M. w: BEWARE THE BUNKHOUND! Serving the City Bcnutlful Ho Bites All Unlovely Things B TOOK a long chanco yesterday and allowed the Bunkhound to run about tho streets without any leash at all. He made straight for the City Hall courtyard, and with loaps and snorts approached the w o o d o n exhibit building there. We thought for a moment that he meant to tear It to pieces, but he probably d 1 d n't consider It wor thy df his tusks. At any rate, he didn't blto It at all. Well, the Bunk- hound Is In fine condition, and ho expects o be busy all day tomorrow eating up two Iron dogs, couchant, on a tiny lawn at Thirty-ninth street and Woodland avenue. MJx(C S Sj -TWiT wootel UniBIT BUUAIK4 M CITY l-OU. COOHTTMD lhpf In an article In the Inland Printer upon "Cultlvoting the Ugly," Stephen H. Horgan takes a crack at the Modern Art Collector, the mouthpiece of the wild ones, and presents theso four wallpaper designs for your consideration but let It not be too near your bedtime: BC9nffft9tffizn 85VsY..ASr h AND here's that sweet sjnger of "Heart . Songs and Home Bongs" back again! AMERICA FIItST Whatever the shores that your forefa thers hailed from. Whatever the flags that they fought for afar, Whatever the lands that yourselves may have sailed from. Today you must cherish the land where you are. Today you are sons of thla nation of nations, Untroubled by war and its spirit ac curst; So, guarding your aouls against racial temptations. Let this be your motto: "America first! " ' This nation of ours every people has greeted, Haa welcomed them In to partake of her cheer) And even the humblest, despised and de feated, Have felt themselves men when they found themselves here. The victims of 'systems and dynasties royal With h'er have found freedom, their dreams to fulfill, . And surely such hearts will not now be disloyal ' To her and her spirit of peace and good-will. God keep from our shores the dread Issue . of battle; ' God keep from our country the curse wo abhor. ' They speak not the mind of the nation who prattle So lightly of plunging the land into war, But if, proving futile our peaceful en deavor, The tempest of war on her borders ehould bUrst Then, then, whatsoever yeur raoe, yon Maafcaassat fisarVoaaT aMaaauBsf .A anrBsVat WABaltMBBBBBSAy 4UaaaeaBojBflnAf. F "T"aow a" aj7J aaaraji aw-BaeBaaBBS'BBBBBrBjp ejaaaBanpaBBB)SBaBaft' THE VOICE OP THE PEOPLE Why the Clearview District Objects to the Way the Car Tracks Are Laid on Island Road Jamaica Ginger and , the Drink Evil The Single Tax This Department ii fr to art reader who u?iH to erprj their opinion on subject 9 of evrrtnt interest. It it an open orum. and th Evening Ledger aa$ume no responaibilitv or the tietoa of if corrftpondentf. Letters mutt o signed V the name and address of the writer, not necessaritu for publfoatOi, but aa a 7uaranictr vj pooa aim. ISLAND ROAD CAR TRACKS To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir So many different accounts of the Injunction proceedings taken against the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company by the taxpayers, citizens and residents of the sixteenth division of the Fortieth Ward, as reported In the dally press, that I take the liberty of requesting you to publish this letter: It was Incorrect, as stated in the news papers, that the residents of this locality, the part of the Fortieth Ward known as Clearview, from Elmwood avenue and Island road to Lyons avenue, objected to a second track being placed on Island road, nor were we concerned because the tracks were laid twenty feet apart Instead of twenty-one feet six Inches, j But what was of most Interest to us was that from Elmwood avenuo to Lyons ave nue, on Island road, there is no aldewalk for the pedestrian. For a distance of several squares the tracks are laid on the (extreme sides of the street, with a bank four feet high within two feet of the track. The bank Is sur mounted with a fence, and on the other side of the street, within two feet of the track, there Is a ditch from about two to three feet deep, and with also a fence on the other side of the ditch, and persons traveling the road from Lyons avenue to Elmwood avenuo must either walk In the Btreet between the track, or on the car 'tracks themselves. By actual count taken for twelve hours on paturday, September 9. there were 700 automobiles arid teams, 425 cars and 1191 men, women and children passed through one square on Island road, from Bulit avenue to Elmwood avenue, not taking Into consideration the persons who must cross the tracks at Bulst avenue ta board the cars. The tracks are laid on the road In such a manner that teams cannot go on them should a congestion occur, for the reason that they are five Inches above the street, with nothing between tho rails, In the same manner aa steam railroads are laid, a high rail Instead of a flat rail being Used, or a flat grooved rail as Is usual In city streets. These are the reasons why we have ob jected to the operating of another track on Island road, and we are Informed that the city of Philadelphia has granted a per mit to the transit company to create these dangerous conditions, therefore, the trac tion company can proceed to kill and malm because of the permit granted. If any of us gets killed or hurt through being on the track, out of the way of team and automobiles, we have no redress we have no right there, and If we get hurt or run over 10 the roadway, there Is nothing we can do. WhyT Because we should be on the sidewalk, and If there are no sidewalks, where, nay I ask, are we to walkT These are the conditions that have aroused the resident. JAMES WAIWEIl. Philadelphia, September IS. INSISTS IT 18 A PANACEA To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Let us hope your designation of the single tax as a "panacea" was not given In an Ironical or flippant manner. We claim It Is a panacea for the evil of Industrial slavery, because, aa all men must draw all their sustenance from land. It naturally follows that If access to land Is made easier and cheaper more land will be profitably used and the production of wealth would Increase. This the single tax will do. Let u ooni.der the situation of today. In all the large oUlea hundreds and thousands et vacant lots abound. No labor has ever been expended on .them, they furnish no" shops, factories or homes to the oommunlty at customers lor we existing capitalist "and laborers, but the prlee asked by tho owners may be very high, because these owners know that If the. pljy continues ;to grow In population some on .will pay the pries t gat tha landlord out'.of'th way. and than fte oan put to vacant iota to work, la furnishing employment to la borers and oapiUlM in erecting sho faMtmrkm and hopes, wolsfc wUl soon he tmMwmmm th. BfOBDBIBBflBBBhUft&UHka JiL Mt . jj "aliii' V, J of labor and capital and would levy a tax (to the extent of the full rental value) on the land. Land would then only show a profit to the holder when used. Compe tition among those who would use land would then be so great to employ laborers that Industrial slavery would cease to ex ist. It would then be the employer, not the employe, who would go around hat In hand asking for consideration. onvnrt m. KNiairr. Philadelphia, September 9. THE DRINK EVIL To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir No sincerely minded temperance man, realizing the blighting effect of the drink habit and the terrible enormity of the drink traffic, can read without some degree of resentment Mr. Qllmore's letter In the Eveniko Ledoer of tha 12th Inst In Its effort to bring into disrepute the tem perance legislation which has been enacted for the suppression of this monstrous evil. Ill does It become any man piese days to attempt to defend strong drink. It has long ago been repudiated by those who are In a position to speak authoritatively upon the subject, among Judges, philanthropists, scientists, physicians, preachers, penal ex perts and criminologists, and It Is a serious reflection UDon a man's lntilllrnp h-., days for him to question the evident Justice -- ...v vuncitui uuii.iiiioui mai society nas already placed upon the booxe bablt and the booze business. No one can plead Ignorance of the formidable, array of sins that lies at the door of the open dram shop Mr. Gllmore's reference to the use of Jamaica ginger In Kansas Is only too sad a commentary upon the shameful weakness ttemaZWh? ""I?1 S Wl" t manclpau- ' AW. oT aVKSSS! themselves from the demon of the still, but '10. Ba.tb.ll haa sraduallr ... u uuicnta 01 inai aemon are being V7- . M" "aid ty aoma to hare been tae modern same In JSS3, but moat uutboMlea Inaultnkli .l...fl .a - "'"""j umuaTou uown to xne aeath In perdition that knows no resurrection. Tha good people of Kansas and other States who uphold and sustain the salutary prohibition laws, and the people who resort to any dangerous expedient to gratify their unnatural passion for tho destroying stuff are not one and the same people. The for mer are the conservators of the best In terests of the Bute, its welfare, Its morals. Its progress. Its health, Its happiness. The latter are the debauched, manla-potu vic tims of a vicious demoralising system that long before this should have met Its doom at the hands of a free, enlightened Chris tian people. Kansas wants to take no back step on this question. There may be some few alcohollo degenerate, in Kansas as elsewhere, who openly, publicly, as well as svrrreptltlously. override Al the safeguards that society has placed in their way to prevent their headlong rush to destruction. It Is only too sadly true that after so oiety has done Its very best to save men from disaster, there still remains enough of the Initiative to the Ill-disposed as to enable the latter to wreak .misery, woe and disaster upon themselves and upon others as well. Never will such conditions ever obtain In an state of society that will transfer the character-making factors from the Individual himself to the corporate body of the State. But one question I should like to ask our friend Ollmore, and It Is this. How can any man professing any re. gard for the welfare of his brother-man ally himself In an attitude ahUgonlstlo toward those forces that are calculated to conserve the highest good of the people to shield and safeguard the weak from their own stlf-destructlve, suicidal hand, and save the Innocent and the helpless from an end less amount of sorrow and sufferlnrT WALTEIt ,W. liUUBAUD. Philadelphia, September II. NATIONAL POINT OF VIEW Mr. Hughes has not only ollmbed the mountain nelghU, but he haa.moat compre hensively overturned the Democratic Hopa fast Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Birmingham is th ieglea! plae for the Government armor plant and deserve the prize, despite tha fast .that It 1 lsoatad in th "oond outh."lrmlnghaBi Aa. Herald, . should be plao4 BOMMwhsr In the central territory, for H than will h safer trow at tack and It atoe wilt b sler to tkT'e? A14 MMTtav Mtuaalneo coal Mir7' It reasonahiy certain that the wlUlag attv must be on the lmt,Utium or ea aatW QWo or nuiaojBaaBBguauB. imZSamimiamm AtfUs&n tfttSk What .Do You Know? OurHes et central interest urfll t answered in tnla column. Ten qutationa, the anewtra lo WAIch .every leell-inormeii ptraon ahould know, ore ashed daily. QUIZ 1. Hew la Coneord, tha name of the Maiaa ehnutta town where the ReTolntlonarr battle waa fooiht, pronounced? X. What la a f'pocket Teto"T , 8. What la meant When It Is said that on ves sel blanketa another? , 4. Explain tho phraae "the Idea st March." 5. What la a Timet 6. What States, or porta of States, are now Included In what was once the Lonlilana TerrltorjT Nam three members of the United States empreme Court. What does the "ration d'etre" meant W1JaA. ', . I1!9, latitude and lonzltade of l'hlladelphla? There are three arks, told of In the Old Teatament. Una waa Noah'a. What were tha ethersf Answers to Saturday's Quiz 1. naahlbaxonkii Irreiular TnrkUh troops. X. A enperdreadnoufht ean hit a turret at a mailmam distance of about eloTen or . twelve mllee. 3. Thomas R. Marshall U Vice I'realdeat et the United B tales. 4. Small cotton crop mean tilth prices and arte ones mull profit. Pari of the crop haa aometlmea been destroyed In order to keep up tha price. 5. Prlntlnc and publUhlnc leads as tha Indus- trr here with the larseat taloe of annual product 0. Fretsi plecea of wood or metal placed tranaverkelr on the nuBer-boards of ftrlnced Instruments to mark off the Inter Tail. 7, Sir Henrr Bessemer (IS1S-0S)! Kntllih In ventor who originated and developed a process (or maklni steel. S. "Crocker Land") reported br Tearr ta hare been eeen In tke Arctic res Ion. A mlrate la an optical delusion rauaed br certain atmospheric conditions which make dis tant object appear uearbr, upslda down or multiple. D. rarthenoni the templo of Athene iSn the. i ' evolved durlnff a cen- WIlAfS BU NAME IN CITY DIRI Suffragists Insist jUiJf InThafcPubHcatW Suffragists want the , nVini. Vp"-"'y. they WM T "'' r-a recognition. efTiT',1 woman that she does net uJH 1 far as the directory hi. St ihin7V"th.,taA7. the unmarried woman CI .Y"W1 in the lists with th. -' "?, . urtragtst." said v, lutimijin, execut ve secnSaX 5 Equal Franchise Society nSl rrrnrtilHnn ... V?l . ' ""linn 1 in the housekeeping nrrn.? stand why women should b?J uoina omiuea rrom public doeiz!S directories while unmarried l!! ,..u .,, i viui triiirri in1 t w CTlavanc. hut AY?.nTi"0l fight. V " "'" ,""K,n' "Surely If Mrs. John Jon'i-' material for di,..i" oa?' V whl!.hh.B,h,."h0..b V documents-wherV'TdVr? human h.nr a ..... J7..CB'fi H William a. Torchlana, president vi Directory Publ shar.- A.:J!ri'"1 1 to gather and pabuh thTnlSS 51 would be Impossible because of th. The city directory of noehett,, ' .., H..aVM, vuutains ths a married women. The Rochester of r!nmmrr 1 taat, A the Innovation In ..."" ""W the amount of divorce miration .decided that, by publishing th. nJ man's wlfo rllr.rtlv or... u ""! directory, he could not deceive uS ROOelhY.. "' " THE UNKNOWABLE CITt urooKiyn js me Asia of ths dtleri mysterious, cnguinmr. Prom ci,Jl Brighton, from the Narrows to &m Av.n, ii oiivuiuijttsses a mna and ii iuu mrso jor one mina to com Many may know a few parts tt1 Fulton Btreet. where all tha -iJ different time and tha roar of ir.nu I ens the traveler from Manhattan, XJ limy wiow uiuuy ia.rui o li; tntst ) are chronic movers or else veteran t conductors. But a man may know il sand places In Brooklyn and yet not uiai no Knows u an or even a Zat I 01 11 xssw xorK Hun. AMUSEMENTS B. F. Keith's Theati FLOriENZ MAIUON TEMPEST and SUNSHW Presenting "A BROADWAY DOUQr TfAnUY BERESFORD A CO Ml; OSGOOD EMMA ROUS; TUB OTI111.K DIU f l&AiUUKSi Globe Theater" 100 ISc SSo-Me 11 V. Al. 10 11 P. 1 UUL.DU1N UKL.UKK TK01 Tha Famous Russian 8 lns:ers and Di "The Pool Room" "SffSi STANLEY MKiM 10c lie T1 The Beat Theatre Orehtttra nmcsitij iUUiNA UUUD1UUH "THE HOUSE OF LIES'! -i Thura.. Prl . Sat LOUISE BlR in "the iiBWAim or tatienc TAT A rCl 1214 MARKET. I jtauxxj FANNIE m In "EACH PEARL A TgAn" Thurs , Frl., Bat. IXJU TELliBQBX ciuu iuLuiii.i in "victory 01 GARRICK Cit "SPORT'OF L A If1: A Dramatic Thunderbolt by Stuart 1 NEXT WEEK SEATS THURSDAI THE HOUSE OF GU With MA11Y ItTAN and OrUlnsI W. 1 T VDTP TONIOHT AT 8H5 XJ X J.VXVJ MATINEE WI "A BIQ WINNER" The Press ( ROBINSON -CRUSOE, The N. Y. Winter Osrden's Dot 1 Extrsvsssnxa. AT T1T DflXT TBI with "- v-uoyiN orl TONIGHT Cf ir. ( UUt IU A 1 T T AUKlUill at 8:15 Pop Mat. Thurs Ueit Ths Most Wonderful Play In Am EXPERIENC cmos. In N.Y..T mos. In Chlcaro.5 pei.li Chestnut St. Opera Hi D.W., Griffith's Gigantic Spectacle turr. tlmt I Tlriusllr the II. H nlurfrf 1 sir the date far "th. T bisUulSi of th. national same a. 18o. Reserve Banks n. A. (I) Every naOonat bank ia re quired to become a stockholder In the Fed. efal Reserve bank of th district in which It Is Bltuated, and any State bank or trust company which compiles with certain sped, fled, requirements Is permitted to become a member bank. (2) Each member bank Is required to subscribe to the stock of the Federal Iteserve bank of Its district In the amount equal to six per cent of Its paid-up capital stock and, surplus. The Federal Reserve bank does not do business with the publlo In the sense that banks usually do It la mad a depository for a certain pro portion of the reserve of all the member bank, and. In addition, may also be a depository for Government furids. An lm TiorUnt function Is as a bank of lasue and redemption of currency, for Jt may secure from the Treasury Government notes known as Federal Reserve notes, which It is au thorlxed ta Issue against commercial paper with a minimum gold reserve of .forty ner cent. Besides this, Federal Iteserve banks are granted certain powers In the matter of op.rs.tlon i in the open market, silch as the purchase tof commercial paper, foreign ex change, etc, and In a general way are ex. pected to perform Important functions as bank h0UM" betwen U"'r 'member Area of Alsace a. McaThe area of Alsaca Lorraine is SsOS square milts. ' " The iDeuUchland to. S. F. Your doubts as to the return .of th, submarine Peutschland to fJeriaw ans hardly well founded. There would be no reason'for the Oerman to keep her at sea, as she I. not armed, and Jf ihi British1 had captured h.r ths fact wouMoubMeaa have been made known. The captain the vessel waa reported to have h.in iU..q ViW by. w5nn,?,t5 and "thU H1ctln &f Judge untv T&TZt.VT", oandldatM b.lng ptaeed on the hSEF ?' Wtltlon. If n u tetwd tbaba iJ' I t ouanntd for TSilXarUr Sf41. wry. a law provhti. that t l" K ' aaU be tIM by olrJ2 I1TT r-..aJV T 2 Weeks Ohljr I.A8T TIMES HERE BYMPIIONT ORCHESTRA OT V) ' MatlriAMj MMnt Aalurdav LOWir and 78c. First Balcony, BOo ssd IA 3 tsaiconr. oc. Mlrhta ami Ratnnl.v Matin. L C0o and 11.00. Klr.t Dilconr, Wo I otcona uaioonx, aoc. FORREST T0NIG"V,. A VERITABLE FimOBB LABT WCUK , KLAW & ERLANGER'H NEW MUSICAL COJIBUJ f MISS ' SPRINGTIiM:itl By the Composer ot ' SAnr Be.t Beats U.BO at W.aneaaaru NEXT WEEK SEATS THU? JULIA SANDERSON I In tns DONALD BRIAN (Muilcsl JOSEPH CAWTlIOnNjComedr DTrvAT TTitrlif at IJWS.J uiwjtxu v"e."su FUNNIE8T FAnCE EVER JfJUt THE TWO JA Ju.t Laufha Pretty Olrls 3Mt ' POPULAR It MATINEES WIEDM TUB ninrKRT. fit. T?OrYVT- "A.MK.U1 l?iatitaa TST.ii'o.-.r. Jtr Artnlir J "THE REVOlt' Thuraday, Friday, Baturdajr '"" TT' "i ' MARKEIT ASMW I victoria & ."THBrA M?TXnXKSS!SKJm a, Thurnday, Friday, gaturday ire.ii'PMflT '. William ... niWffl Add'piorU'.Kom.n-2JjM, Arcadia CA Th.. Vf gat.. Nawia Talroad. Walnut prSAS . "'"'.T"" I. T EUGENIE BLAlIiT .Cross Keys iT . ... - an sVlll "Sow of Abraham' "SfflSSPii Duwoafi MijMtr MAM.'