SvUllS?. . " iRvHir '1 ' 'FINANCIAL NEWS 1 1 EVENING LBbGBR-PHIIiAElifrjPHJA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 181 .. MARKET FEELS EFFECT OF REALIZING AND STOCKS TURK WEAK LATE IN DAY ftdyancea in Railroad Shares Brings About Increased Supply Stwl Common at Another HighEx pansion in Short Interest c High Points in Today's Financial News Stetk tAartctt ivas strong in morning, but realizing earned declines In - yttrmon. There was a good demand for railroad thares, and United States Steel cemmn hit another pew high record. Cotton and grain strong. Foreign exehange dull. Monty rates unchanged. Philadelphia bank state ment shewed xnertait tjt individual deposits, loans and surplus. Loaded er movement of Pennsylvania Railroad larger. Two million and a half more gold arrived m New York from Canada. Price of bar silver higher m New York and London. NRW YOIUC, Sept. 18. The stock market today flt tin effect! of continued liquidation to a greater stent than had been shown on nny day .during the last week. The advance In the railway stocks brought nn Increased supply frotn many aourccs and a display of strength nt the opening In some of those Issues tva followed In the last half of the day by pronounced "weakness. Similar conditions prevailed In many of the miner steel Industrials, which, after making; early galna, wcro freely supplied at emceIon and In soma case closed with a net loss. This was due not only to the constant realizing referred to but to the fact tha many or the aold-out bulls, after disposing; of their long stock, put out con irfderable lines on short account and, with a aubstantlal following, persistently worked for a material reaction. These speculative Interests had much to nay. obout further advances In the market depending on the war's duration, but in opposition to their views the opinion wm expressed In strong circles that this is the first market where values are .based on past records and not on future prospect. The leading Industrial, United "states Steel common, again made a new high record, selling at 10S54, but did not remain at tho high level long. The copper etocka nlso displayed strength for a time during the nrst half of tho day, but later lost all their gains and similar movements occurred in many of tho spe cialties. There was a continuation of tho contest for control of Crucible Steel, which rose from 8JU to above 07, fpllowed by a reaction, on which It lost nearly all its gain. The paper stocks were both active and strong, with International Taper moving up 4 points. ' Tobacco Product common, Vlth nn advance of more than 3 points to M, sold at the highest point touched sines it has been traded In on the board. Aocordlng to reports from the loan crowd, the short interest has boen greatly Increased In the last ten1 days and this morning a number of brokers defaulted on deliveries. Heading moved without reference to the rest of the market, advancing xnoro than joints to abovo in and ,then reacting; more than l point, ,"7g- . " OWOO.OOO in Gold Arrives From Canada &$& NEW TOItfC Sept. II. There has been deposited nt tho Assay Office 2,600,000 gold received from Canada by J. P. Morgan & Co. This makes a total of 1297,000," 000 cold Imported on this movement slnco May 12. tjCtSSu KOVTnvATSmRrnwdnSomapan,l' Ltf J8" Back DWIdendi 'SMB " ZIONTIIEAU Sept. IS. Tho Smartwoods '-Company, Ltd., has declared a reg ular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent and a. dividend of 1 per cent on account of baclc dividends on tho preferred stock, payable October 1 to holders of record Soptember S7. N .TRADING ON CURB IS MUCH QUIETER Evenly Balanced Between Out- elde Buying and Realizing; by Inside Interests NBW-YOniC Sept , Trading on the Broad Street Curb today was a good deal quieter than It has been during the last week and price movements In the leading Issues were narrow, with the trading again evenly balanced between outside buying 'and realising by Inside Interests. There was a continued demand, however, fbrMlflvslo Steel, which ranged from 71 to 72 M, With most of tho buying based on an understanding that as soon aa the cor poration finds its way clear to publish, etatemtnts of earnings, application will be made to list the stock on the Exchange. The widest movement was In a new chemical stock, Butterwoftli Judson. That stock on Saturday rose from 80 to (17 and today continued its upward movement, sell In et 7 to 73i American International Corporation ranged from &Q to t, with banking interests apparently accumulating these certificates. There was a strong open ing to Atlantic steel, which sold at 7. but later reacted to 7C. ' The motor stocks were Irregular, Chevro let advanced from 207W to 212, Willys Over land from 46 to 48 and Scrlppt. from B to 62. Oeneral Motors ylejded from 188 to IBS and United Motors declined from 68U to 07. Metropolitan rroloum was the most prominent of the oil stocks, with trans actions at 17 V4 to if. INDUBTMAIB . Aetna Exp oalres ... ift uh :; -,., Canadian Car Co ..""It!!!.!!!! 4o Canadian Car & foundry pret .... 7i( SSLV'K..1.!?" !l v:::i"i,"K"r "" m j )Ulfil A Darker Car initM iir ., -p. .,. nittOQion Iironxa pfd Si Ulan1 illdvolo. Hi Ml 4ft f 23 V takfm Munitions. GtlM Klevntnr PeerUaa Motor 8 ti KrfirA wc ,, Htandard Motors . Ntrombertr Motora . papminnf .(mi 4 B ;: ft a tjDP'Jt'irs ::::.:!:::" 8Bn.y Aa pf4 JVblld Motors ..uiiu turn .,.,... u snaring ,;;;;;;;;:; u com ,,,.....,.,.,,. 2S ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4h if t,t,, ,,,,, ,,,, DJ iinuAiiu oil, lou SO 8 ".-!, m New York Bond Sales ,;!!R! Adams Expreii 4s....IsfM H Am,r " ,,l U1, oooo Anwr Cot Oil Be.,.,.. T 1S0OO Ainer Forelimitlag Ct.-. VVH BTOUO Amcr Kinolt flto a.:.UljS 1SOCO Amer Writ Tap Hi,,. SH atoyo Armour Co &.."... iS 14000 AtchUon ncn 4...... ilJVi 1300O Atlan Co Use 1st 4a.. 2000 du rlt 4a saC -nOl) Halt A Ohio aki UJH to "Jo Ja lDiiil 7(100 da ,..,.... l)ll 4TWiO da 4.. 05 14000,1140,1' I.KWV 4... 85K IJOiio llrook nan Tr l18.10o!I 83000 can Govt pa 1921.,, 100 '5 do 6i w f lsh.."lou ljooo pnt leather lit t..l"H 6000 Cent l'ac let 4a,,.", 8S low) Chta & Ohio cv Mi.'. S4 . r.ooi) do 4Mb ...,; o 107000 do conv Sa U3V4 KHXMj Chi at Weat 4a .....I mi'l ,OUO a Jl Q Joint 4a .... 914 SIMM do een 4 V2H CMiiK) C M A St I conv Ci.,107 . - : - ' ' M um ..,.,.. ow iuvx, ion uaa conv ua... ooo Cgban.Am Buear Oa .2IHH) DiJ it Hud ranv 4a luoou vJa 4 Alo Or 4a,., 7000 )la So Corp Ba ,,, 200O Erlo conv 4a her A 17000 do conv 4a Ber 1) i.uii yen r 12000 Jturt 4 Ixiw. Cloae. IV 'A MI.. uow vu ?ff ) 818 i in m U VIJ V7i V4I looft 108 HH u4 HUH lot) 102JS Krjjl if HT ou oj; Ujft 07i U2H 02K I06U 1011 HM) Siiu'a t nu .1000 pen Kleo deb HUH A & 1000 do rM na Rnnn in stMi ,ih 83000 Interb Met 4 4uuuu intern It 1 juinn, ini 4lr a lt ua'4 lOU 10 o.'iH 106H 10; 7M 77tfc 1 I ?oS ORM 101'i 3I ST.. .,, UU't MH 44a,.... tilU Ha 7Si !( fia 7i Ian In Be T ret Ba..... B7 Mar cv 4lia,lm) .UW . do Bs 1050 US Tx)uli 1 4 Nash 4a. AlO Kan A T 4a.. u4; "ft 3' llm BOOO do ss ., ,,. no lliiod Mo Tar w V4a.r."." ii 71MK) Mont rower ra 0 eooo iv r eiiMio N Y 10..11 do ftrr. .:::::::::: si ."8. -!. jJ!Mf..2Va .....aa j. ,T- Tr. --.-r-n ,:! nuuii rooo 1000 1101.0 eiM.0 Nor Par nrlor 8000 do KCT1 3s lilt 80W) Pacific Tel Ba ,, 102 21000 do cen ct i woo Iteadins en 4a ran r i 73i 07S lll'l 1)3 lU US 1.3K 72H r,u Ut'J ?if?u I) 7 74 701 0 11)4 3S i' 73'1, 7S loa U4 HI. 1)5 04H 7JJJ4 h'iS 118 i. ."..:::::::::: 8fu Sif2 Si2 4tsi 0'!t ll')li ii! n v qtr 4m :: for; n floklff..1?!!::1! J! wi IJM n li'l.K 15AOO . - hb; Jiv" '"MIHIIIIHIIIHMimilM 10 i'.IT.ii "Mil SB? 9BT g O "Callfarnla ,590 ! X 0 of Mew York ;:; i3u OTJIER OIL STOCKS, Coi4an Oil ,,...4.. 12J1 iM!reiro(.v.v.v..'."i;;",".;; I18 Jlfjaton Oil 14 aulo juontn ,,,, AiMRia. SufU Ct. JpuUa H rnac imuM at 8K WININQ STOCKS, ft 6 ti aaco, ,.iMi (m.iiimi 1 it r trttt t,f 8 rsr ,,tiit.(r,,i 7 .,,..... war 4 Zinc 1 . .t.. , ,,,, f,nt,f,,,t. ff,t,tf. JlaC,lPtKir. ,.,,,-,-, .,.,.,.... 8 MB JuaA atealon MclTWr DrTh 4liK Co lin7 t mrlci fftftttt4 f tlM . tltllllllXilaiiiiiiiiid H ' --'----" T-- a.K' Sittfirai!:""""! If.' ' nprW WVara tt e B Q BONDS, Vidral Heel .....,.,, 04. 8AU Auaaten CtoveratmBt ..,, ,.10utf 100H NEW YORK COFFBK MARKET NKWTWUC, fMrt. 1 At the opening thle mwnlg CM market "was steady 4 g4MfaMy 1 to 4 potts higher. Trading cm tat eIJ wm fairly aetlve, with salM aggregaWsg (M bag. Teuri epeainji ,,. t t t Kmator ssaiB' 37 fiitim.iiii. I,, ,,.',,,,. f , 9f f ,' j,04) .f ,ftititif 8.M09.OO Mf A'tl - r, ,,,,,(' Betontars elona e.iaaca.ig lis1 $M ji il.m M?t,l. DfYlWCXM IMCLARKD. HUr4. r teSESS pvv nw t&&tt&srism tf e? tfw aiy 6rtf i. i scn r c4Mtc m fm mm ueuiwr 10 sVvjcpMiasjn ,tS mUvu 4ono Ht t- r m a m ntf i :.7.,i7. -- -:. J" . " 41ihiif q u tt o r vn . 1COOO :;::::;Ji 'SW 8 8 01) , HI) 00 i&H! iSia do Her A w I r,8'4 on do Mer II M1T4 MIU Ran A 4 A I' let Ba.. in flrtC Htand Odi fla 1nn inn 71.00 8ralard A I. adl Ka.. IllU lllU 44000 South l'ao cv 4a...... 88 H7M 180000 do cv ret t n r. JO',4 10 jiin, ooutn nwr sen ., )i yi OS...... li'l 1700(1 Jo K TjWO Ran A 4000 Stand HlU Set H'J MfKH) 2000 Th rd Ava let , . lni iniiH in! it &..., 100T4 loitfC lOA Un K of O II 1 fei. uflU .. fit ITntnn Hair A V Ra UftU Oftlt OA' MS ilnton I'lv.crji.,,;, 14U Oi'l f4' ?J;W -Vn w,ir" " c 5 uw v na urnwn 4rov Steal s r l 000 y rl Jl fc? 1000 Va Car Chem let Ba,,lm r.noo v Uwr na . on'l Ami n'.t...k ' aj.i.47 SOW) Weat Sbora rrs'4i!! 86 81 5. loo'i innK wt unM 7 4".T KiilTfe W 8Va Cd . FOKEIGN EXCHANGE NEW YOItK. Sept 18 The market for foreign exchange opened steady in the main on a moderate volume of business. Quotations: Demand1 sterling 4.7SH, cables .704; sixty-day bills nominally, 4.71: ninety-day bills, 4.89 ,i ; frano cables, B.85, checks B.IBH : relchsmarks cables, (9 15,11, checks, (9?,: Jlre cables, M4K, checks, 0.4BV4I guilder cables, 4.BQT, less 1-12, checks 4011-10, less 1-lfli Kvflaa cables 8.32i, checks B.HHi Vienna cables i:,0l, checks 12, rubles cables J1.B0, chocks 11.70 kroner cables 21.75, checks, 28.SS; pesetaa cables 20.17, checks 20.12, Around midday the market generally was slightly heavier in tone on a very limited ToUme of business. The only quotable change was an easier turn In franca at B.85U for cables tnv B.85J4 for checks. Sterling was unaltered at 4.75 for da. mand and 4.70 , for cables. RATES FOn MONEY a-ll MSVi Phlladtlp&U , 4 .... ' -'---" ---, wpayW 4tle4 phU, arehi rjaoer. per cent. ,,,, Ollfl to 6 nioDtlii, Time, Hi : 7, S'blladc, ft No CanadlgR Btwd Issue Coming MONTOEAL. Sept. 18. 8lr Thomas White. Minister of pinanoe, declared today that there la absolutely no foundation far the report current In New York to the ef. feet that a large lww f Dominisn securi ties will ba made in that city after the new year. Ho said that won a matter bas imer even had a eeoelderatlen, r ) f Sugar Futures Am Quiet JMCW YOKJC Bvpt, ll-The mirlt for sr future nd quiet, with nrst prices Mowing X polios dectliM to points ad. vane, with btMeiMa ttte Mil amounting t 4f toc Wall street sold a IMtre and fewer was a little sowxwt coming from Ctsta taterMta. but ftte naarket wag lr NMMr, with flowvtrars wataklmr for Wjflsjpisli to aujjj after, t hoU- New York Mock Sales IS 3I1 )( 7IJ 20 6) HIK 103 02H WK fi8 113 103 r.Ui 28K 2.1K Mil '8H 1)0 15.1 C09 83f 80)i 10S mi mi ISO 03.',' 1:1 30',' OOJf 120 C4U Mi 128 10J 5.'i! C1U 31K 10 OUf 110 255 C8!( 01 OUf 2J0 33H 130 4SH 112 39Jf G1H 40)i 43i l-et ctoaa. Hlth. tint. Cloae. ACBMTfS. 69 fisjj Jisu MJJ ot nnmeiy ...,.. 10 1R 13 Roniclpf D4 aw ."Mli Alaska QoIlM,,.,, 4) 141 jl AlMka ; Oold M, 7U 71 7 AIM Chatrorri Mfg 5ft) 20!f 20 Aim' Chl Jiff pf 80)5 80 80 Am A CTemicai 81H 82 80K Am Ac Chem pf )oi; 102 103 Am H?it Bojr....,..,. 02IJ 0.114 oi) A Can...... () 05 OW Am Ctr A J'dr C3 08M OS AmCatAF.Irrf 118?f 110 113 AmCottoaOUpf 101 lo-J 102 Am Hide A h tf ClU 02 cUC Am leu BecilMlcj , 28H 20JI 28JX Am Unieed , 2.11 2i 2.1)4 Am Uutjcd pf C.1 63 62U eAm Locomotive 70)4 ui th) Am IcomollTS pf looj low 10114 101H AmbmcltftKcf 10SX 10U 1U3 108H Am Bmelt A It pf 114), H41j 114 11411 Ambmc.tpfA 00 00 09 mi AmBugsr JtcfiDinj m H2)f UM H2X Am su iter pf nbj, mm nojj no ArahUrl Foundtlcj.,.,. 60, 69 Cfl!l C8H Am Tel ft Tel ...1M lai 131 131 Am Tobacco 222 222 '( 222 222 Am Woolen 47J 4J 4S 4S Am Woolen rf OSJJ DOW Wl't DO), am ""ll".- r pi ;ki 34jj ,T3 a4JI Am 7ic I, A Sm 41!f 42)4 41 43 Ansconds top it K)Jf vl'i W)) 01 AssxiatcdOU GSJi 08j CS14 0Si AtchTopArJK 100H 107X 100M 100)1 AlChTftHFpf m)t im 103 10) All font Line mj, lUH 113)4 1131a AUau.fftWl. 01 01)1 01 01 AUCJftWIpf 08)J 08 07 07 Dild Loco Vfkt 89JJ objj 80J 02 Bald Loco Wki pf 100 JOOU 100 10U um unio oo doj ml liatrett Co 151 153 153 Dcthlebem 6teel 647M 580 603 Brooklyn np Tr &IJJ 8011 85W Burin lira 80 80Ji 60)a Baih Tcrmlnil no 108 108 Butte ft Superior 03t,' 04J 03)i Cl I'etroleura ( 2H 215 Canadian Pacific 180 lSOJf 180 Central Iz-ather ,. 03)1 (MM 03H ChwAOhlo 0414 05H OIM CWeiip) Oroat West... 12J, I3)i 13 Chi Great West pf 37 37 30)i CM Mil A St Paul 07), 07)4 Ofijf Chi 5111 ft St P pf 123 120 125M O O 0 ft St L 5.M1 65)f MU OCO&HtLpf 8J S4U 84)f Chi ft Northwestern 12751 128!f 123 Chi It I ft I'ac., is( io)i in Chlno Copper 63)4 61 63lf ColKuclftlron 65! 60 MW Col ft Soullern 31 3W 3HX ConsoIIJatyJ Oi 37) 14U I38H 138)4 uoaiiDcnui van 1UU 100)4 105 105 Cora I'roJucti lief loif 10!i 10 Corn 1'rod Jijf pf 01U 01)4 01)4 ituciuio awei U3U U7)f UJU cruel Die meal pr iiujj 110 110 Cuban-Am Sujar 251 255 265 Cuba Cane Sugar 6S!4 50U 6S)X Cuba Cans Sugar pf.... 03)4 01 04 DecroftCopf 00 03 01)4 uei LACK ft west.. .....232 230 230 Den ft lUo Or pf 34 34)4 33)4 ueiroit KOlson I3U1X 130 139 Distill Boo Corp'a 48) 48J4 48)f Drljji-SeaboJy 113 iinir 112 Erie :i3!f 40H 39)f Erie lit pf 6554 65 J, 54U ri02dpf 45)4 40)f 4054 Pod MIn ft Sm of aX ait j.tu General Electric... 170)'l73J4 17154 172M Goodrich B F..,, 72)4" 73)4 72)4 72)4 uranoy uxisoi Klii 08 bo 88 Great Northern pf..,, 120 121 120)4 120)4 Q Ncfs for oro prop.,., 43) 44)4 43 43 Grceno-Cauanea 40 , 4054 40 40)4 Gulf States Steel 01 03 03 03 Illinois Coot 1. ..104)4 104)4 103H lUl!4 Imp Con Col 01)4 (52 , CO . 01)4 Int Ajrtcultural pf 49 40 47 4SJf Int Jlarr Corp'n. ....... 78 78 78 78 Int liarr N J 117)t 110,'f 118 110,'f Int Con Cot t t c ah... 10)4 18)4 10H 17)4 Int Coa Cotp'n pf 72 74J 73 74 lot Paper 27)4 30 28 30 Int Paper pf ,, 03 05 03, 05 Int Nickel vtcfj,. .,'.,, 45)i 45)4 45)4 4554 IntMMeof dp.,...., 4SH 49)4 48 40 Int M M Bf C of dp,., ,122 123)4 12154 123 Jewel Tea..., 89 89)4 8954 8954 nan city tsouincra ?mi 20)4 20H iscny Hpring Tire 62)4 82)4 Kelly Bprlag Tire pf,,.. 09J4 00 Kcnnecott Copper 6254 63)4 Lack Steel Co 1... 85)4 85)4 Lake Erls ft West pf... 44 44M Lehigh VaUer 81J4 83)( Loose-WUci Ills nt pf .. 80)4 80 Louis ft Nash 133 132M 132)4 Maxwell Motors 01)4 0254 01)4 Maxwell Motors 1st pf.. 6SH 87 60)4 Maxwell Motors 2d pf .. 63 60)4 6554 May Bept Stores. ....... 01 2 03 Mexican Petroleum. .....113 T13H 112K 113 Miami Copper 3754 3754 3714 3714 Minn 6t P ft S 8 M.,.. 1243s: 125)4 125)4 12554 Missouri Pacific 434 4)4 4)4 4)4 Missouri racuic tr crs,. 41( 4)4 4)4 Missouri raciflc 22JX 235 23 Missouri Pacific pf w I ,, 48 40 40 Mo Kan ft Texas 4)4 4)4 4)4 Mo Kan ft Tixai pf ,, 13 13 Nat Cloak ft Suit 84)f 83 83 Nat tnam ft S Co 20)4 30)4 20)4 Nat Lead Co 7054 71)4 7054 Nat Lead Co pf 112X IM 114 Nor Con Cop 2114 21)4 Sill New York Central., ,,.,10054 100)4 507)4 10754 nt lorn uk ,,., 10)4 1U 16)1 JU NYCblft&tL 30 30 30 , 30 NewYorkNHftU.,,. 0154 0354 02 02 Norfolk ft Western 13254 133 133 132 Northern Paclflo 113)4 113)4 113 113 Ontario sure; Mia. ,.,.. 75j 7)4 734 754 raclucMall ,28 29 28- 28 Penn Railroad ,.,, 60J4 67J4 67)4 67)4 People's Gas Chi 10454 10734 105 107)4 Philadelphia Co 39)4 30)4 3054 39)4 Pitts Coal c of dp 32)4 33)4 33 3354 Pitts Coa. Co N 1 33 33 33 33 Pitts OO&BtL 83 83 -83 83 Pitts Steel pf 09 100 WH 09)4 Pressed S Car Co.,,,.,, CO 01 00 G0)4 Pub 8 Corp'n N 1 131 132)4 132)4 132)4 Pullman Co 107 107)4 10754 1G754 Quleksllrer 4 4 4 4 Hy Steel Sp Co ,,,.6434 65 64)4 64)4 Ilajr Coa Copper ........ 25 25)4 23 25)4 Keadlnt; , 11254 114 111)4 11134 llepubllo Iron ft H 08)4 08)4 0734 07)4 Republic Iron ft S p'....110! 11054 100)4 109)4 bhat Ariz Cop 31 31 30)4 31 Saion Motor 82 8334 83 83 Seaboard Alt Lin' 15)4 10 10 10 Seaboard Air Line pf..,. 37 38 37 37 Sears, I(03 ft Co 210)4 200)f 209)4 209)4 Southern Pacific 101)4 102)4 101)4 101)4 Southern Itr 25 26)4 2654 25)4 Southern Ity Pf C854 00)4 00 09 St Louis ft S V w 1 10 10 10 10 Sludcbalcer Co 12054 132)4 131 131 Btuti Motor.... 73)4 74)4 73'4 74 Tenn Copper...... 20)4 20 25)4 20 Texas Co , 203 210 203 210 Texas 1'tciac, 11)4 11)4 1134 11J4 Third Avenue CO 01 00)4 01 Tobacco l'rolueti 5114 63 61)4 61M To StL&Wcst., 7 7 0)4 7 ToJBtf'A Weitpf.,.. I3H 13W 13)4 13)4 Under Typewr ,.,100 103 102 -102 Union Bag ft Paper 034 10 054 10 Union Ha ft Paper pf., 60)4 60 CO 60 United Clear Stores.,,. .101)4 102)4 101)4 10234 United l-rult ioi)4 10354 101)4 103)4 UnoaPaclfle , 147)4 14734 145)4 140 Union Padflo pf,, S3 83 82 83 US Oil' 4 V 23jj 23)( 231' 2334 K I I VW BK B 85)4 65 4 U H lad Alcohol ,131 132)4)30 129 United rtys Inr Co,,,,. 8 8 8 8 USUubb;r ,,, 60)4 ft) 604 GO U 8 Rubber 1st pf.M.j.lMJf 11414 1MJX 114)4 U h Sm K ft M 76 73)4 74)4 76)4 UBSmRAMpf 63)4 83 61)4 63 H i S.leeJ Corp'n.,.f,,-107J4: 10S) 107)4 10754 US Steel Corrn pf..,J20W 120)4 120)4 120)4 WHEAT IRREGULAR, BUT CLOSES FIRM Large Clearances From Sea board and Bullish Canadian Crop Advices Help Prlcc3 Sales in Philadelphia 82)4. 00 6234 85)4 43H 81)4 SO 2054 b2J 09 63M 85)4 4434 8154 L32J4 92 8054 60)4 02 454 23)4 49 4)4 12 83 30)4 7054 114 2W UUh Copper,. t &.j 80)4 HJ una BMuiinj,, iu 2U V-Cro Chem 4114 4W Va-Caro Cheat pf ......111 113 Vs Iron, Coat ft O...... 67 63 Vulcan Dctlnnlnjf pf;, 23 20)4 V.!M?"i '' !' WabaabpfA ,.,. 61)4 52)4 Wabart pf ......., 37J4 3M We4eiUaiTel 101J1 108 WsitKftM CAU MM W H J, M t.i Kf mn m . wi. V W H tt,, U Weetwn MarjUad,...,, 30)4 ...,..; 46 WlUjs Oret5ad sf 10a WWOrteUwHU,,,,, )( Wieoosn CafltraJ.,.,., (to WoeiworthfW ,137 WMtMttftOfl i'wap,, ., M WtHttt fsaip ef H., (M tuU4l H 44vt44. 80)1 ,'U 44)4 113 645 2034 1154 61 274 1014 4434 113 67 90)4 14)l! 61 27)4 100)4 101 74 74 30)4 3054 4654 47 104)4 1(5434 10154 8 ll it 74 3034 48)4 TM Fedsfel JU4rve er4 baa approvf a IJi per oettt, rate foe tUUm tut nail Wiiitii Mmiis. WF-lTHrB COKDITIONFI Nr.W MIRK. Flnl, ll-AdTlrn rerHrrd at lh, ,il,r.Hortii thla tnnrnlnc Indl Mini the follonlna weather rondlllonat Tfmn,rtnra 111,.. Im. ; naaian loriuwffi.,... ,rifar an 0"r,')r- ........rlrar 4" riiaai na rtbwrst,,...,'far ...,,.,,,...,rear .............elvar K.. ,,-.. i::,-L"v '-v ;." ri ..'!''"'r.llalpnt ral. llddl. Cpnth lipwr it t TSM TJ. ti ...tlrrir j) M thl Vailrr ,..rlrar -M all Th follatttns rn-rrlpltatlni tin lnrtra) was rrporl-ili ,01 at Tolnloi .ti nt Podta Cllr. nd .01 at Unrlnanrld. III. CIIICAQO, Sept. II. Wlieat was Irrettu, lar today, but closed firmer. The market started strons; because of a large falling- oft In receipts In the Northwest as compared with the movement a year ago, and there wnn some reinstating; of lines sold out laat week. After the demand had . been supplied prices saKRed, partially on n fairly Inrge carry over of unsold cars nt Kansas City nnu umnna. leaning; Jonps as well as prominent canlt houses Bold quite lienvlly. .Sentiment was Influenced by tha Vatican situation to romc fxtent lluylntr on the break, Although moderate, jrai sufficient to rally the market nboe Saturday's close. It wns helped by large clearances from the seaboard and bullish Canadian crop advices. Outside Interest was lacking:, owrnc to Increased ngltptlon over tho tnlk of ad' ancltiR prJceA for bread and the tightening of British restrictions on shipping to neu tral countries. Thero wcro no important developments over Sunday. The market at Liverpool de veloped firmness after an easy start. Ar rivals In the United Kingdom for the week were small nnd stocks there declined. Ad vices on tho world's crop were bullish, nnd tho Continent continued a ready taker. The visible buddIv In the United Rtetes Increased 1,481,000 bushels for the week ta. e,4si,goo bushels. Corn generally was firm, although the market at one time Ragged with wheat. There were a number of unfavorable crop reportB from that part of tho belt ox tcndlntr from Ohio to Nebraska. Hhorts covered and a few of them took to buying side. Oats were well maintained. A better de mand was reported abroad, where prices were harder. The Continent is a good buyer. Tadlns futures raried as fallows I Saturdays SO Am Rys pf V 10 Atchison ..lOfl',1 10 Anaconda,, SOU 1A0 U & S t C. 81 lit.l do pfd .. B so n ft o.... pdh 2S0 J O Drill.. 104 1100 Chic 11 lr54 100 Cam Steel. lU4 10 Crucible St K lioi.'Klrc Stor. eVi 400 do 'cash 70 1000 Trie 40VI soo Oen Asph. soyt 1t Ins Co N A lift 100 Inb Cons .. 114 0.130 I,k Sup Crp I45J, XO JxhNnv .. 10V4 as 1-eli Val.. atH 10 Mex ret..llS54i SI North Cent 100 Nev Conn. aiH 4111 renna It 11 67 St Va Salt M.too soo rhlla Co.. 30 i S3 do cum pf 41 llto PUT tr cfamji .10 Phlla Trac 11 00 Heading,. 114 1IJ0 So llwy... ssa; 100 Ton liol.. 4 3-10 143 Un Trnc. 4 130 Utah Cop. S07i SI Un Q Imp. iW I un u N J.C4 K.I Iiir. Cloee. eh'. et yt 1MV1 19V4 W l0H H Vt ss ss ... to ' tt S054 0054 94 S9 S lVa 1ST4 SIVi "i S4 SO' 10 SDV4 sou SI 54 lltt 14 16V4 si 113V4 s St54 tW siy 54 100 t sH 1 41 soV4f... 77 ..... 11 1 Ji T 45i 4 7-10 3-10 43 . 43 set; sen sy ss4 V4 (4 124 l 315 PSH 113 lb 10 305; 3054 nv 11H 11 754 81 lisvi SO S1H 67 y D9 S,4 41 S054 17 lit 33 lb 51 54 I t 1W y 54 1 54 S10 IT S Steel 1054 10754 IMS 100 Weat Kleo li OSH "i jooWarlr&H 814 OYt ) , SO Westmor C 7S54 72)1 15i 473 Cramp ft S Sin 3Vi 'T Kx dividend. 14 54 y '?4 Net cbse. 54 Wheat Peptetnber u -iiirt, Own. II la 1.41. eri.iaii. 1-A-MK.a , i.H ,u,f May ....... 1.40 Corn tnew dellverr, ncitiemur ..F hi December .. 731a May ,. 70 data 44 4? CO ft ,.14.4.1 ,14.43 .13.1)2 Raptember , lererober Way ...... 1-ard 8eptemlnr , October .., December . Itlba . Pentamber October ... January .. 1'ork fiaptomber ucioner , Ueremlxr. ..53.00 Uid. ti fiT cull 14.R0 14.43 13 B2 4154 1.47 1.40 Noon, rlnap. 1.4?Htl.4I.. i:iiw nu 44J4 14 42 tl4.43 4 .15 14.33 13.77 13. 6U '.'ll'io ii'26 i4!is iilii 1.47 1,48 tm 17054 BOS 80H 13. UU 14.70 ii 77 .28.05 Makad. .,,, .,... ,... ...8.Q3 tA.IR 23.03 28.00 23.00 23.4V Spot Wheat Firm jVLiverpool LTVEnpOOI Sept. 18. Spot wheat waa firm today with No. 2 bard winter quoted at 13a lid, a decline of Id; No. I Chicago 14s 2V4d and No. 3 red winter 14s 4d un changed. No. 1 Northern Manitoba 14s 6d, a gain of Id, and No. 2 Northern Manitoba 14s 4d, unchanged. Corn was Bteady with American .mixed unchanged at 10s 4 ',10, whlla 1'lat showed a gain of J,id at 10a Cd. Flour was unchanged at 61s. ;Financial Briefs The Canadian locomotive Company re ports Its total Inoome for the year ended, June 30, 1574,611, an increase of 3439,598 over the previous year. Tho surplus In, creased 1332,010 to 1101,520. , Gross sales of the Acme Tea Company for flacat year ended July 3, last, were 316,705,316, resulting In net profits of 1C85,. 277. After nllnwlnr for a full vnr'a ivt. dend on both preferred, stocks thero re mained ttn,ut, wnicn is equivalent to 313.19 a sharo On the 33.600.000 scommon stock. Slocks of copper In London at tho close of business on Friday amounted to 7111 tons, compared with 7614 tons at the begin ning of the month, a decrease of 355 tons. The supply afloat was 6950 tons, against 5000 tons a fortnight ago. an Increase of .650 tons, making tho visible supply at present 12,668 tons, contrasted with 12,512 tons on September 1, an Increaso of 184 tons. There have been placed on the regular list of the Philadelphia Stock exchange 1143,700 additional American Telephone and Telegraph Company stock. Thero have beon stricken oft the regular list 366,000 Pennsylvania Company 3 per cent guar, nntted trust certificates, series A, canceled In the sinking fund. The Market Street Title & Trust Company hna declared a. regular semi-annual dividend of 3 per ctnt o the paid-in capital and an extra dividend of 33.60 oer share, both payable November 1 to stockholders of rec ord Ootober 14, An installment of 35 per share has been called, payable between No vember 1 nnd November 15. Thero has been added to sCrplus 6ut of earnings 325,, uuu, matting ir.o surplus JITD.QJO, which equals the increased capital. Hanks gained from the New York Hub treasury Saturday 33,219,000 and since Fri day 14.479,000. WANTED PHILA. UNDERLYING PASS. RWY. STOCKS MfclXOR & PETRY Members N. Y. 4 I'MIa, Stock Eiehanres S3 COHMKBCJAI, TRPST DP1I4JWQ INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut Street 9 3h AKNt'Af, HEKTINOS WON fgp HAUMOTH 1 VKIN mCOAL ANI General, QMre. .XtajHnr Terminal. j-ni.aa, pnia. neutember IN. 1 IIS. wf maellnjr of the etockholdera nd Jor.fiff J?lrtora. to nerve for the The a&nua an riaciwn v.. ..-.... . ..-..- -r"- ih rra war , annus year win pa una under the Charier of iniu,H lk Wi OfUUr.ltb, J: 8? it U KLVWIE 5fli.,,fS(? " Wlir,bi. - .7. '. T. -'V':T I..-WIM 4,,,, Ml, ' IWI eel 0 I Iha a. m "Vf7", eaerttary. tar abere aetata a4D4.' an 1 rw eaniieaii etaiw W A. UttlAI, 4PVKKTISSMptMI JsWIlAaTBl UM" HAH If T- I'lULty 11L -A 1 ttZ7Zzz - .;? "ri"7T.."T..?Jr" BMiLr OB VI&aT (rrattlal a. .. J .ZJZ iZjTI ,"l. Mi &" lrf. '. Bi l2rt,S.iS.iri i&mvMrvw& mez&j&mish.. unw 1 1 ssi.eeo 'wmmzsijissssmiSBL ' Itlah. Trf)W. Cloae. 11000 A O&Bl Es US 1.0 00 1000 B& P Tr 4s S094 so?4 ho4 200O KUIa Kl-6aI07 101 101 S000 IlarwKl Cal0tV4 lot 101(4 41000 K Tel 1 6s 3B14 !4 SS 1000 I-eh Nav cons 44s.l01 101 101 1000 I-ah V cons tsreg ..lotVi 10014 100)4 1000 Leh V Tr rcf 6s Dl 91 01 ... 1000 Pa Co cons 4 ',4 s ...101K, 101 101 11000 Pa&U R Gr.1004 106H 1VC"4 i 1000 Phlla Co cons 6s, 17 67 87 ..... 10000 Un Rwy Inv 6s.. 70 16 70 2000 X It 1st 6s 0814 SStt 0354 . 4.y tW Ctfjsjat.., ''J" Local Bid and Asked A Fuji t cur t c . . Btornuo mlt . Iturf da Drill J UIJwln El,rlrir. Ueneraf Aaphai no prei KevBtone Telephone.. Jo tr ctfa do pref ..,....,.., I.aKe Sup Corp lhlsh Is'av Uhlsh Valley l-ehlh Val Tr .... Io rref. Today Jlld,.Asi,d. 'mfti" !., 11 H Saturday J. Aekrd. S0J4 i 3S., '. uo xvK. h eu OuM !!. 2. '. It'.lV IS IS ns 13 70 HI 5SU 13V4 09 14 21 011S la 13 (18 18J4 SStt M U0 n 14 n 21 3 - .6 ft LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAU STOCKS Jim Butler .87 Bid. .0.1 .2 .21 .24 .17 4i a MacNamara Midway Mlmah Bitenalon Montana North Star Tonopah lielmont Tonopah Kitenalon Tonopah Mining ,, Hescue Euli Weat End aOLDFIULD STOCKS a y a .06 .02 .02 45 Atlanta , lllue null JJooth ... llulldog ,, U U If Combination Fraction Dlamondlleld U li ... Dalay Florenro floldneld Coneolldated Jumbo Kxtenelon Kewanaa Bandstorm KondtU ..,. Oliver littt a f ,U4 ,04 .20 MISCELLANEOUS Nevada Ttlll Nevada Wonder ., 2.03 Tocopa Mlnlns ,, 10 Condition of U. S. Treasury "WASHINGTON, Sept. H. Tho condi tion of the United States Treasury, accord ing to a atatornent Issued today, was as follows: Net balance In general funds, S190, 032,839; total recolpts, 130,640,772; total disbursements, 347,306,350; deficit for year, 110,770,716, exclusive of the Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Da ink idlm Ttdston ..,. l'hlUcldphia New York.. BANK CLEARINGS clearlnsa today compared with corre-. lei iwo laara: 1U1 10t5 1814 ponjlni day laat two esra,mft S1H.H33.37A .1M,.nn.K.13 1.1, 7U7, ,839,033,818 230,530 37ft 14,1133,881 77H t8,S35 353 21T lat.7IIO.U3i BAR SILVER TTOSpp Bar Sliver was quoted in Iiondon today at CS li-16d, up J-ld. In New York bar silver was quoted today at 6S"i a ealn of hi cent Income Tax Chart The new Income Tax law Introduces Important in creases in taxes levied upon the Incomes of Individuals. For the information of those subject to tax we have prepared a chart comparing old and new tax rates and ehowln'g the amounts col lected upon Incomes ranging from $5,000 to $3,000,000. ana 'for Cbsrt I'E-Sl The Nationality ' Company 1421 Chestnut St., New York Philadelphia Boston HEckERfCo. BANKERS and BROKERS etn GrlKBTNUT 8TS-, N. E. Cor, Direct Wtre to Naw Tor Save Your Private Property from liability for bualneaa nbllsatlona by Ineer. uoratlnji your enlerprlaea. We furnlah cbarura vnder Uwa ef all Statea at amall expenaa. Corporate manual mailed free oa rwiveat, U. S. JINCORPORATING CO. V1NAKCK BUU)INO, HIIIDKLflllA WANTEB " Mkhrgan City No. Ind. Gas Ss REED A, MORGAN & CO. WT UMB THU8T BUM1., 1' It I LA. HaaaUni ef tea I'bHu. IHaak Kaebusse Frazier) iy Gx INVSTMNT HANKKitg STARTING OF DIVIDENDS ON P. R, T IS DISCUSSED IN FINANCIAL DISTR! Somp Interests Insist That Action Will Be Tat. .Wednesday, While Others Say NotLake Superior1 it v. n CS Picoin Two Years Titers was much tnlk In the financial dis trict today on tho possibility of nn early berrlnnlntf of dividends on the Philadelphia Jlapld Transit Company stock. It was In sisted In some quarters that tli directors, nt their regular mcetlns; on Wednesday, following the annual meeting-, will take up the dltldend question. The regular direc tors' meeting should have been held today, but In accordance with tbe usual custom. It was postponed until after the annual meet ing. What the amount of the initial dividend Wilt be no ono seemed to know definitely. It was said that It would either be U or 1 per cent. There were some people In the street who were equally certain that nothing will be done with regard to a divi dend until the January meeting. It wns agreed, however, that the company would very easily pay one out of the surplus, it la understood that there are some mem bers of 1ho board who favor fi Hon of dividends atthl tim " i ' nanna ,,. ....., y itan rl on certificates showed soma n- '""H fraction, more than U00 snari hands In the first iB i,.:..ifl,s two blocks of E00 shares wail JS With llm l,n...-. .. " Mt shares, Lake Superior rcaer,' .v?. ro,nt "which It has aold in th t"" years, 14. The advance and .Jf this stock, which hi.. r. -.".a , Inst few days, was still i.n.tVX.c", in the day the stock lost iii ef ,JT Pennsylvania llallronrl ...I"." for more attention tnnn for semi 2?H' morning"' BrllT advanced iTto'a&l In the arbitrage m.m'VI? Steel common reached anoth.', mark, scillngyat 10IH. ouw PHILADELPHIA MARKED mir onennvs na GHAIN AND FLOUR . WflEATneeelpta.. HS.tOS bunh. Tha Kft MnvAnttil In una si llsrht nrTrtni votxl jfortlffn Inyulry, QuotAtiomi Cr Joti, t-jLuori. rifninr .-in. -j. ran. inni. l.aiisrn i.u i (ojithfrn, rd.,ll.44(yl.4ft atearrwr No. i tl.tjtti.4qi. No. S red. H.4awi,4S: re A, tl.4Utl.U rejected If, I1.St1.0. CqnN pecelpte. 40IS bueh. ma aieauywun . red Jected do. VSOlMc learner yelli 4e: do. No. OATS UccrlpH, moderate olterlnaa. lota for local trad' yeiiow, uowvic) How. U5 a T,.,"' ct do. No. V"VV1 Tha market but traoa S yellow, ..-.. local irag ra waa quiet. Quotatlonn Car lot aa to. location VVolrrri No, 5 U U( A law. iince6i- l.vtl buih. . Trade siuit wnn nmnia nnstrinsrsi ear niiATariAna Kf n""ui."vif -v :.'-. r;JsL,rs,i"".".7r tVi imv ui'i W4c; mangBru vhu4j, ItfttthuHc; Bamplf oati, itandard 'Whin was vli.t Alt' wblte. Friuntio.iniM acKa. Trad waa aa tersely nominal. Quotationa in wooui winicr. cioa tralfht, i0.tAg)7,10; do. jvauaae. Clear. aaa. Isht. CS1. bble. I22.050 lbs. In quiet ana vaiuea were lojations.. per iiio ma, clear. So.4O0Q.tifi: da. naiym, T.iDM7,a: vo.vui ...I.. . ',.d .1. 'J. stralsht, cotton aerka iT,UO7,60; do, patent, 52'L'l'i,JS.k-. 7.UHWT.SOI eiirjnjr, rlret'ciear -n isoi.rai ao paiem, li.iai brnnda. SS.Soeeoi city mllla. chi ratent, (8,00001 city rnllla. resular sradea wlAlmr c,enr eo.iwi"'1 n0 airaisoi. au.oov l.iWI UO. I patent, , niBFf)Un.waa quiet, but ateady under if y?r vui. llsbt offcrlnsa, demand. and air dried. S2 17.15 rll , We auota at lu.GV PROVISIONS 'uotatlom Tin .market ruled uuotatlom 'ImI. A2n; w,tprn twMif. In -( SVo; city beef, knuckles anil tenders. Arm with a fair City beef. In Beta, amok. smoKeg. imoKM Jobblnr mm w,tprn lwMr. in -( imnlt, and vlr dried, 83e; weetern beef, knucklea and tendera. nmnb,i1. IXet h,f ham, 19HHHII! nn.k .--.-. ...--j---:: --.-.---. ..-...-,,--.--. vv.. lnrJUlfi. ivvv oui nam, o. -. curea, loose, 3UO20Hc: do. ekinned loose. 3t2U4ci'do. do. amoked, 22tP22He: other hama, amoked. city cured, aa to brand and aytrase, amoaeo. weatern curau. lriC lesa. mci picnic :; uo bami. do. boiled, bone. Bhoulilnra. H. 1. nired. ooaa. 1414 e! An. nmn1f,d. lftUni hlll,a. In nlrkl,. Rccordins to average, looae, 17 Vic: breakfaet "tlfpn. as to brand ana average, city cured. 22Vict breakfast bacon, weatern cured, 22hc; lard, weetern. rennect. tea., lOVc: do. do. do. tuba, lesft lrd- Pure c'iV, kettle rendered. In tea.. lap: lard, pure city, Jiettle rendered, in tuba, loVc REFINED SUGARS .. The market was quiet but steady, neflnera' Hat price I Kxtra Una sranulated, 6.856,40c: powdered. 0.4500 50c: confectioners' A, 0.25& U.SOci -way. sradea. 5.8000.250. DAIRY PRODUCTS DUTTEn Demand .waa fairly active and tho market ruled firm under moderate orferlnza. Quotationa nro aa followa .Western, eolld-rmrked creamery, fancy epeclalf, SQoi ettra, S4085o: SJtrav nr"t. 83USSV.CI flrata. 32032401 aeconda. 3tW3lVic: nearby prints, foncv. 37cj do. aver 5(r ejtra. S330e: do. rlrata. SSOStci aeconda, SlOSic: jobbing salea of fancy prints, 40048s. KOaS Choice freoh stock was scare and wanted at full prices. Following- are tha 3 notations: In free cases, nearby extra. So per dos.t nearby flreta. 19.90 per standard case; nearby currant receipts. 19.60 per case: western, extraa, 35o per dos.; .western extra nrsta, 0 SO per case; do, firsts, ttt.SOU 0.00 per eaaej refrigerator eggs, extra. Jo.SU per case: do. rlrata. ts.7Utf9: do. seconds, I7.80U8.40 per j kEf ' "fanlSfs.10 CBna,ea iresn eess were ,VNUU4 St S9e41o per doze ket ruled nrm. with demand CHEESE Offerings were light and the mar- uuotatione: New York, full cream, lugner; qo. xair 10 ,,iy&ic. 3emand fair. dfYJ'bl.L0; POULTRY 20ai sp part iclals Una, I.IVE Deelrabb stock was In fair demand nnd Arm under moderate offerings. Quotations: Fowls, aa to Quality, 20O22e; roosters, 14015c! aorlna chickens, accnrrilnflr in flimlltv vnnoj.. whlta Leghorns, according to quality, 18020c ducka. as to alze nnd quality. 15tpl7c: pigeons, old. per pair. 25023a; do, joung, per pair. It 2: .. DrtESSED The ' market ruled Arm light offerings and a fair demand. tatlona are- as. followa I Fresh-killed. IS under fled. 3rUy: g sH It 20O21 n apiece, 2UU21c. Fowls, In bbla.. Ice-racked. lunsy, ury-uicaea--rtorinern inaiana ana Illi nois, weighing 403 lbs. aclece. 23c: southern Indiana and Illinois, welching 400 Iba. apiece. 22Uei smaller sues. 10022c, Old roosters, dry. picked. 10c, .llrolllnc chickens, Illinois, fancy. 25020c: do. Indiana, fancy. SiOSS"-! do. small sins, SS923e. Broilers. Jersey, fancy, 80 it 82c. llrollera. other nearby, .welching 1H P2 Iba, apiece. 280800. llrollera.' nearby, smaller Bliei, 20027s. Ducka. nearby, spring. 21c. weianinir. xi to iu Hauabs. per dozen White. eo.iowo: no, weigmna O In wtlghlnar Iba. per dozen 10 Iba. ner dozen. N lbs. per dozen, 1404.85; do, weighing- T lha. per dozen. 8 80va7T5i do, weighing to6Vi lbs. per dosen, J2.75ej,o0: dark, I2.50O2.8U; small and No, 2, OOflOH.25. FRESH FRUITS I'earncs were moi a ugni nemnna u. r;.Plentlfol nd i vi-u were generally fln bbl. Northwestern OreJnfni is i.A. IS.r,n4.Bo: Smokehouse. 5nIt!J"L 12.76.W8 25: Grimes' OoldeS ijfaSV J' ;sa I2.2S255! fair, to amd; iisft'slf1 MjrSI? .". Maryland. j2r hSiSL ' 0OJ:SpirS.,prpl?.f WS6i t u 2?., tSCi bjjehes. Virginia, per carrle'r 1 per.bbl. J85 arapea. D,b,wiV, crate. 70W00ci do. per 4-lb. basVetjJ VEGETARI.E3 Demand was only moderate, but v.1. rJ-W'STJ rally were ateadlly held on cl , ,,uii,. ,v,,i,o II. Norfo bo inakft tier hhl Mrt 1. 11 onion... Tenruyh ania, A'eunsyivania. per ftfifo1.?. per Jiamcer. iT, it loo-lb. bag, t; e tair. LIVE STOCK QU0TATI0N8 ICHICAQO. Sept. 18. HOGS Ttecelel. a 000 head: market, alendi. eJTiiSi'W. J lUTHHIIXk, -, t -- -.,. WW, RU.HI neay butcher.. rougn fin irirfll i utt.s atead .& . In fl,JA' 501 pigs. t7.836v.eoT bi bead; CATTLE Itecelrts. 23.000 i'i ,d.iuuu,iu: ro.,, , aysirfjL0.4ojjPv.i-s iMiii.Vfi" " WMt,fn- ,4-"'"'-mH NEW YORK DUTTER AND B MEW Tnntr. R,nf. IB mirrtn 0333. MarketBteady but trading quiet Boorins. S4U 034'ic: Imitation crsamerV S93se: .other grades unrhanred. A KQOH Itocelpta. 7007. Firm on fresa ered. afedlum aradea lmnrnved. r,a.h. Extras. 87oi extra flrata. 83080c: CriU. 14 s-itni trraAam iinnhanaa 4 P.-R. R. Loaded Car Movement The Pennsylvania loaded car morn at ten junction points from September tj it were isu.azs, against 428, 312 la an increase or 3574 cars. Of th I cars passlnsr Lewlstomn Junction, all 1 ,of freight, covering; bituminous coaC'i anajeaBc nna wes bound tnlscel freight, show an increase. u B.Ai . . M public sm SECURITIES Public Service Securities with the success of municipalitits,; Of necesii'ty' the success of -miblie 1 ice eompaniei is predicated upof I growin or tne communities they 1 an3 if efficiently managed, are as a stability of income and increpMttl earnings that make their ucmA worth-wkile higk-grade- invcitmcWI We specialise in the iccuritieiofW he Service Corporations, and ,t , present wntintf have teveral xm examples that yield a very high 1 security considered. We will be pleased to preient 1 tor your consideration, Land Title IHdg.Phil&d 91 1 1 ' tt Pii UNION NatiojudBank 1 Third and Arch Streets STATEMENT September 12, 1916 RESOURCES W Loam and Investments v. 17.368.832,71 Duo from Banks....... ...,,..,. 1,416,920,19 Exchanges for Clearing House 484,611.2$ Customers' Liability on Account of Accept- , ns . , , ....,,,,,' 26,690.84 Cash and Keiervo 1,226,016,76 $10,521,971.75 $500,60,00 483,487.14 466,397.60 26,590.84 9,045,49647 J& $10,521,971.7 ?uit Nt Spielberger, Cashier UAB1UTIE5 WPltftl HMMIIMMtMMMIMIIIMIMII Surplus and Net Proiits, ,.,.,,.. Circulation ......,,,, Acceptances Based on Imports and Exports,, 0 ?N. Y, Chicago ti gt, Louis 1st in, 1937 IndUnspelk Xrac. Si 1rmluf S 1933 ' . fcrfl,g5 V"eyRwy. First Mtge?4',s, 1948 &Y.Hk , ?f,e.Flr7t Mtge. Bxt. 4s 1947 wrn jf. y. & PmH. j,t 6s, 1937 BolUwore & 0Wo aulp. 4i,g UM & New YmV lrt' 4f W.5 CHARLES FEARON '& CO 3 UMJBiJTNUT ST.