EVENING LEIXER-PHniABELPHlA; TEUESDA:T, SFJ?TEMBER 14, 1916 MOPBEKzfrKQ AgARTXKKTf , MOPBEKKKglWO ArAXTMBIfT8 BRSB hi- !--&Jil' The Warwick APARTMENT x HOUSE (pIreproofj 1906-8-10 Sansom Street (Extending Back to Moravian Street). Housekeeping Suites with all modem conveniences for 'house keeping, including abundant sup ply of hot water. Apartments equipped with gas and electric light (private meters). Excellent caterer in building. Arrangements ennbo made for cans of npartments. Meals served in dining room or In npartments. Elevator runs all night. Rentals, $500 to $800 per year. Whiteside & McLanahan Agents 15th and Pine Streets AFAXTMBNTS JsMMMIM IIMIIMIIU1WIM SO MANY PROPERTY OWNERS liars sals in i "Tm, I a. or an asalni me la plate mr Tr(nl 5rtMrlr In roar hand. I m RKNT :n or POU. hat I s s manr similar ads that 1 par n. attention I Intm." nra THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT nut suppose. Instead of trytna- all thsaa air f.r.nt "vara, you Just tall at thla omf th mat. moat attractive and .beat equipped In KJladflphU. devoted exclusively to- aecurlnc jurt what they want for particular prop e. Veil ua you.' requirements. Kverr desirable apartment In Philadelphia la Hated with or mar S rented throuth ua. Our automobllea V waltlni to take you to the Hat of nrop Jrtiea you dalnate, and with ,tho least Kiilble effort you will aecure tho one apart Kent In Philadelphia which moat nearly ap prosches our exac,t Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD HjTure S0T1. Hit WALNUT ST. Race S025. kTeQANT SUITES, newly appointed, electric rooms, bath and kitchenette; 2 blocks from vara, -v- ocimi ...... UODEItN APAtTOIKNTS. all alses and prices. Call or write for complete directory, free. APAnTMENTJ)UnEAU. Franklin Uank Illd. T1CK3A, 20S0 Ontario at. Handsomely appointed apartment, larca lawn. S rooma. bath, kitchen ette. Individual porch! Janttor: moderate. APARTMENTS I want yen to rrallM that oinerent we are. larte, ran.nem RdrertLers, and this adrertl.lnr tints otrr a hnndrrd applicants r, day for apartments. awelllnss ana stores to our offlre folks WHO WILL. NKYER SEK snr property unless hare It In sor care. Our problem Is 4 eernr eneosh Properties U meet our clients' de mands. Tear problem Is to ret year trp ertles eeld er rented, Thy do you ronllnoe ta IIOrB and WAIT for results when you ran ret them so quickly 'thronsh usf m "y"kMas"sSfMHBMi ( fkfHunufflfuArfp APARTMENTS APARTMENTS stVt Sprue J071 UnUuWi-t Rate t0t3 Net only best for ArARTMKNTfl. bat for everything In Real Katate. Mortcaies and Insurant. :BtffiluMX'BfclBB!:iU:MBtlllWlliKlHISK An ideal location In the exclusive Ovcrbrook section, within 25 minutes of City Hall via Market st. "L" and 60th st crosstown line tlirect to 63d and Oxford sts. Apartments varying in le from 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette to 7 rooms and bath, ranging in price from W0 to $75 per month. The location is one of the most desirable residential sections of the city, high and healthy and far removed from the smoke-laden atmosphere of the central, sections. The management of these buildings has established a reputation for the careful selection of tenants, so that the social atmosphere is of the best. Public dining room located in building. A new addition, containing a number of suites of 2 rooms, bath and kitchenette, elevator' service ant every modern convenience. A limited number of single rooms, with private bath and kitch enette, newly furnished, at reasonable rates. TELEPHONE, OVERDROOK 3068 APAxmrnrTO APAJMUUsfTC W. H. W. QUICK C& BRO., Inc. REAL ESTATE BROKERS 8 SOUTH 40TH STEKT Specialise In A management end eale of Apartment Haueee A few of the apartments under our supervision. ANGORA TERRACE SS-AS 1 Square below Ilaltlmere Are. Twin apartments. 0 rooms.! prlvat porches, site, Ilnti rentals H3 to 151. THE EDINBOROUQH 4tl8 & 4S Chesfnut 81. 4-atory apartment housei elec, llthtal aleam heatt eleo. elevator and many unique features. THE EDGELYNN 4ttt & t Osaae Ave. Up-to-dtei B-room and bathi hot-water heatt el-r. Ilahtas hardwood floor; rentala MO to 150. THE ANSONIA ItDOO-Ot riprure 8. Rentals 143 to 17.60 per month) 0 apartments of n rooms eacns hot-water eiecirio naii. GIMOR n. r. con. istii anii master One or two rooms, 15 up. NEW COnONADO C1IR8TNUT AND 22a STS. Few desirable vacancies. 16th Street above Walnut High-class apartments, with or without private bath. Entirely renovated and refurnished Excellent Service Telephone Spruce 3700 The New Louella iiocsEKrr.riNO apaiitments, at Wnyne, fa., are located on hlfti croumls. surronndrd with beautiful old shade v trees, Urge tawn and shrubbery, within 2 minutes of the Pennsylvania station mad S3 minutes by the new electric trains to Ilroad atreet. With all the conveniences of modern city apartments, two to sit rooms with bath, servants' storaie room, reception hall, public dtntnr room, lane Individual porches. The prlrea of the npartments vary from 30 to 190 per month. . LOUELLA REALTY CO. WAYNE, PA. REVERE N. W. COn. 16TII AND masteu Housekeeping suites. II un. 1415-14X3 NrinTll 10T1I HT. Simla rooms. 12 to 10. VACANCIES IN SCHOOL LANE APARTMENTS neservallona In KNOX and WEST CHKIVTEN. Individual porrbes. Hents $55 upward. BfllS nnEENK NT. 3 aeparate anartmenta. B rooma and bath each. Ilent 145 upwards, B. B. LISTER & SON SOlt Oermantown Aenue Housekeepino; Apartments West Philadelphia EUGENE L. TOWNSEND S. E. Cor. 49th St. and Baltimore Ave. Jfattfax Apartments rURqrrvioF huildino (IN OERMANTOWN) WAYNB AVENUE AT SCHOOL. LANE Suites nt 7 and 8 rooma and S hatha. Polerlum covering entire house. Maid service by the hour. Elevator. II. J. JOHNSON, BOS nailer Ilaltdlnc PARKSIDE APARTMENTS Miss Mary (I. MrOlade. Mitnarer. Successor to Mrs. Chsrl-s Mcolade. I'nrl'slile nre. at 40th st. hihectly nrroNiTE kaikjiount pahk Four direct lines to center of city. All outside rooms, furnished and unfurnished, Cuisine of peculiar excellence. Telephone Ilarln 221. nesi I i I . Z a Pj 'sW Hll I t.A$svsi V ( 'S. HI yijt' vweiton ATSti nin iw mwn w irourhly modern! each auHe Ks" I bedrooms, 2 batha and aervawta' omi rentala 140 to tt0 pen month. THE POWSLTOM rowelton Are., MHi to tot M. Thorou main be bedroom) THE BARING S50 Barlnc St. Modemlaed. with private porches I h vrnlent to center ot eltyl rental 4e month. THE BRUNSWICK 4ith and locust Sis. Modern S-fsmlly flat hotisja! i lent to I. atatlont rentals tw to per month. THE MERION ISIS Chester Are. One ot the best apartment In I southwest sect Ion I rentals only 120 to I 141. BOj. lije iHorrts! 13th Street Below Spruce,, Philadelphia ;' An Apartment House With Hotel Service FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED Suites arranged, according to your requirements trom two rooms and' bath to seven rooms and three baths. Conveniently located within' walk ing distance to the shopping, theater and business centers, yet sufficiently separated from the business districts to have the characteristic privacy of a residence. J. H. HAWKINS, Manager. BMaWMISamiM r-x MRHmilllMIMIHINM AUTUMN'S DELIGHTFUL DAYS DRAW VACATIONISTS TO ATLANTIC CITY, THE WORLD'S YEAR-ROUND RESORT loainiMn . .7 . f.i if . V -n ffssC7 fTVCf jMaTaTavaaB ' szzT jMfm . r M 1ST WPAim$0&' JM ir ..iJf4Ksi'Jifflt", VTSaaTsaWaT ' IK i. O . "" X W4. 1SfaTM i 1 SEPTEMBER Is the Most Delightful Month of tho Year at ATLANTIC CITY ALL-YEAR SEASIDE KESOKT rnfcn T?nnHnrr'a TVnmtnnr. fnsL fltcel VCStl- bule express trains make it possible to enjoy an indefinite vacation at the world's most famous all-year pleasure and health resort, without neglecting your business or other obli gations in the city. Low Commutation Fares Pullman and Club Cars THE he Line That Save Your Time The Kenderton Open All the Year 152 South Tennessee Avenue ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A. C. CHATMAN Kor the convenience of those who only desire to spend Sunday at the seashore, the. lleadlnr P'"'" '"'' S1.00 excursion to Atlantlo City. Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Stone Harbor, Wlldwood and Cape May, leaving- Chestnut 8t. Ferry 7 1 SO a. m. every Sunday throughout the winter. A dellrhtful Sunday optlnc. ATLANTIC CITY Is at Its best In the Fall and Winter months, and the KENDERTON, being- centrally located, with Its large, coiy sun par lor, a high standard of cuisine and service, steam heat and elevators. Is particularly suitable for those con templatlng a long- or short stay In Atlantic City. Rooms, single or en suite, with or without private bath. Ws will be pleased to send you our Illustrated booklet. B B " World's Greatest Hotel Success TRAYMGRE Atlantic City, N. J. Largest Fireproof Resort Hotel in the World 'T VR. CVjbVjbVjbVjbV . ae"S,l",u ouuuay Ultima. ; & fflnPF JSP! QQl" Jll J' i illf m IIW " - 'II Hi II lyiwHWMifi11 MaMlIrl at iHMliW K v g yqB'aWaWaWaWaWaWaWaaaTjWaWa ' 'aWaB Hp REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Cottages & Apartments For Fall & Winter Months Desirable Properties For Sale If you want to buy or sell or rent, consult us H. G. Harris & Co. Bartlctt BIdg. ATLANTIC CITY ifea !!l, 5?'J fm'ii y.'? .'! ii iii' IML j&$m& m Uxt, tv r-' m a-jfsw R'litf'faTr'H 88 t! ; htt Oiu ta si;M S ..J'- l,.v. -t "! '.;;.'. ,n VhssctI I ':- - --: aTJ.W y-1 it iJ B irf m :f '!0 t 111! A.i is iiiif,'j.:if I "' iU sfif fifVi'iM hiijiisOltt mmm it ski$l tisssJ-Ur m ? i'i'M m mi, s fc ' t. . . M !' (Nellie 31 M fMV fftolo Vu Jo: tf. Plant, Comriahtti The finest product of American Creative genius employed in the profitable expenditure of more than Five Millions Capital Here Congregate the Distinguished Representatives of the Worlds of Fashion, Art, Literature, Science, Commerce and Statesmanship Guests have a choice of the American or European Plan. They are provided with every convenience, comfort and luxury, in an atmosphere of charm and distinction. Dine and dance in the famous Submarine Grill,, the most unique hotel feature in America, ; Visit the gorgeously beautiful Peacock Room, with its matchless mural decorations.'1"'" Listen to the grand opera concerts in the G rand Promenade. L " 3 I r- DANIEL S. WHITE President JOSEPH WALTON MOTT General Manager V Open All the Year GALEN HALL, Atlantic City, N. J. !'' HOTEL AND SANATORIUM ( f Nottid for comfort, wrvice and superior tabte; AUtf 1UC 1H Tl BiUiii for ldU wwl $, with tminW iwrtor8 only , L, YOUNG. r .' V I The Phillips House Mass. Ave., Near Beach Atlantic City Fall and winter are delightful months in Atlantic -City, and your stay will be the better enjoyed ifit'is spent at this hotel, where service, cuisine, cprnfort and every rnqdern conven ience are at your disposition at moderate cost. Send for our illustrated booklet that .giv.es iti detail full particulars of this hotel. Make the Phillips House your home when in Atlantic' C,ty " F.P.PHILLIPS, Proprietor Hotel D e ix ms Atlantic City An American Plan Hotel that for the past ' fifteen years has been under the same manage ment and developed on lines that appeal to persons of refined taste. It has a superior loca tion with unobstructed view of beach and Boardwalk, and is a recognized standard of excellence. WALTER J. BUZBY Jllways Open , Capacity it 'TRY Clarendon 'Hotel Vlrg4fl! Avcnua ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. PavatW !. (w. Witr and Sum- ' OimsU. Alwfya. opn. i-apaoiiy snnpaarp mafifvv sbwhw. in avator. ntaatrla Hf hta. Rooms lay incji avna ooio i-ursmosT wsttar sua rtvU Htha. WrlUlpr Htoklat m MMISaU MDJrCSU.1.. -rcsKir VBSP ' ' , (jaaiasi "" "" ", """ ., t . j ,'. .V . . JUI mmtiMiMmme&BSSmmmWmmmm '- ' , j""' i m'dti.-tlMk A SlL " Jltfi" i rLAj!illaCa3UaMCikaa&a1- a ' ' " " 1klaawmgLsaX ' I THE LWPPBpHHrfTffl AM mi WrVDMil ATLAMTIC jummlMkiluSe WWM.MIkA wwm CITY.N.a. itn rainvit THE RISLEY Dirtlf en th Boardwalk Balaw New Ywk Ave. In lb. vT t .vwHMw. sKroxaa ?" r, OjrW ALL YXAR AtUaih CMf I tm-Wp inascal. al.rt ( . . 4" n.U fe ifej..J- i -TP,T, lpr.....-rW. OrUr tmr Copy ii) , -titte of ywur ncwdatkr mtkt mrt of fettlnf st" JOhCj " r rftf