HNESS ON CURB JIGGEST IN HISTORY fly All the Leading Stocks Ice Substantial uains iuia- ! Steel Continues Advance TOntC, Sept 14. There waa an demand for stocks on the Broad Curb today, and bus'nta In that . was tll largest in ia nisiurv. all the leading stocks maae sun- ftl gains, and at the same time reads s, fn large votumo The day's record many vigorous Advances, as well ri-ro declines. EaaUt Importance waa attached to the BZm accumulation of M dvale Steel. 1 hal Den BIWUII wwu aniv ... nlnr of the Week and today sold II. . , .. . greatest auvance waa 11. uoncmi i' new atocK, when Issued, which rose ! feints to 16". equal 10 ouv tor mo pres-L-sMres, which were traded In at 7S0 . li .tenantro during the forenoon. afati Motor rose to 78. a new h gh rec- ifand BncrB "" ""j " k. Including nasKeii iwintr, Anion Kt.mntlonnl Corporation and Interna- al Continental llubber, Indcpcnueni on aiocaa were irregular, -,rvlltm Petroleum being the strongest file; group and making again to 16VJ. a reoort of the Mexican manager, who fcw In New York. Biasing acaumea tno leaaersmp or the a croup, 'with transactions at Stt to United Verde dropped from 42 ',4 to 40. INDUSTRIALS Hid. Asked. frit Mftr ia J"., t!. rn. Co SO 40 Car Fdy pfd no 70 alat Motors -19 Aeroplane .... au a mn rhonosTBDh I) 8H til Barker Car 41 41ft i u fr jlon Dronie pfd . Munltlona attan Trans .... steel ........ terator i ttotora Star. ..... Krrn w I ra wowii ..... Ktlt' fit Film Motors Profit Sharing U 11 com ..... trtf i Motors mm STANDAKD OIL t3 . 4H I .1B1 kit Pipe , 558 Ml siu J ,,..,.1114 T 228 !ri OTHER OIL STOCK8 le oh la k9 Co ISM r Petrol -..... aiii ton Oil 15'h tat KM , 04 . fa e( '.... 9 MI.N'INO STOCKS ati , 10 . i copper a zinc bm N T lh i de raaco .. fin National , ?. 4VI r (lomnpia 47 laM Mercer 7 limine a i Bound ft Butler SO E .in Uler-Darrah HA topper leu i Co ot America 2M lata H'J iTor 13 Btppn leaa in End Cnn :........ eft I MR 4 ISONDS Cs lin nn'.i us UU B?i , look louH S Wheat Quiet at Liverpool t'.WVERPOOL, Sept. 14. Spot wheat was Vftet today, with 'o. 1 Chicago quoted at ;14TH. a decline of Hd: No. 2 hard twtaier. lis 4d: No. 1 Northern Manitoba. lIHi. a losa of Id; No. 2 Northern 14s od, down lWd, and No. 3 tern Manitoba, 14s 4d, a drop of Id. Tas steady, -with American mixed un. ed at 10s Cd, and plate Hd higher i Id. Flour was unchanged at 52s. EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THXJESBAY. SEPTEATOER 14, 1916 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND LOUR 5- nu? tTi aE4-J1 3 Mi "imS Jii M .irarnfr l-'llow. Oftttnor. rto. .:i uo. jNo. 4 niow nOMnir A 4 .atljitf. mlND... " - iy""i .. E no. .No. a yellow bSfi FQHEIGN EXCHANGE ' YORK. SeDt. 14 Th nntnhta rt. ment In the foreign exchange market 4 first hour of bualn inrtnv . ler strength In French exchange. Franc H rose to 5.8S and rh1r tn r ecu. 4rwle the market was dull and In the v sieaay. notations were: Demand t,riin .cables 4.76 7.1 ? noiav hiiia nnn T 4,71 30-day bills 4.69U; reichs- S 0.43'A. enrrten n iiif .... i, checks B.32i : Vienna cables 12.02, ; Kroner carjies 28.80, checks V Pesetas rariton 9n 01 AtiAAt. qmr. Pr.cyes 40. checks 40 13-16; rubles H 11.70. checks Si. en f continuing feature In the market In kaV... S 'f10 Btre"B'h In French wire. S'rntin i.nh .AHA -, v ... (check nt Eitu tj..-i -i.J r !...' B.., ---7W. ,kuui JUJ11CU lO 01. QU M; and 31.70 for checks. Swiss ex- in., j .. ' " 'one "-roner cables &ST ...m"-40 a"d ":smarks cablea and .a";,;,.,.tva.r l -76. 'or "'. lew ror cables. I llrenKtll of PrAnrh -i,.... ,. ... 1 scarei.v n.. " :v Z'" ?? "." " uue bt i.iiui . ,",ltu "J' " improved Ucillties and the political news. RATES FOR MONEY 'v ...... Call , 2 Otri S4 "wh&'fiZZ;, ,0 '" monthl. Ala4. Per cent. BANK CLEARINGS R-W ap.T i.o!ft.. a.-:::iaBtS? taSs BS Financial Briefs I SSlTJ?.' "- ' of nh. """ '" iiaisey, muart r .."" 7"u Miiwuunee lull 1. ThiS J' 6 per oent -yr I of Honannnn a,wl " "umoruea SlaUrA; '5 .0,00 and aro callable on Qwerest date at 10B and Interest. !cuJnTOne3e Pa'co CoHPer Corporatlon'a W 000. ,LC0Spr ,n Aufc-ust amounted I'-- VWUtUU W. W. Vrf::V' InPrr ""CCiated i th pWiivi .'u. ,'0 ,a now connected f Young Phla 0fflC6 of Daker. Ay- 1 sained imm k. vr.. r - n..- ry ye.i.;d.T ..;,i".."-".w "" u0" r ",v"','wv' "na mc t ifi'i ,MUe.of cew.lvlck Com- bond, Zv p8r cem BlnklnK fund M i,J r, . """""i . , ia oeinaT riS?th,; Tyler and Kissel, KlnJ t MiIh.wlM ' 9 ""! accrued """ per cent, fitTv a CTTV. pAOATION TRIPS I-HILADKLim. TO BOSTON HANNAH.. JAcksONvniK OELICHTPW. lAtt 9&ni?h- rt. iu - iM3R!JBi. U A Mkaaw. Ta a-- paw, IW 1 au. at au. iMut ay HMgai jpBl aliIrnSiM,l lo:! J buhelO Tr; WM&aassmSte ii!i f r!!r n,om"l Quotailona. rr 1B ade waa e lower wuota- nrhllM. 4 while. Iba, da. Kanaaa, 1 IVlil.a t... ! ItiK ... .v?wa;'-j :-tr-Bjj?.s.. iralvht M...J. "" .S1i5"i- ai uaau mi art r!r.,,n..-coHon.'Sa, ITOT.SOida. ratent. rot. iS'i iiY"j' w?...Kln. Jlrat clear. IB. 75 7rinrt. ..'"'.. .n.y.!ll. do, favnrltn ana ra ..SUA. rnuia, remjiai Ifl.lAUA ill. rfA trall 00. patent. I "7.E.ri-Qun waa oulet but ateadr. We ouot oranaa. IsnOMDi rllr mllli. rhnlr. '.... ,p,iirv. cr 101 da. atral n.nurju iw h.iii. ..i.. .- Win... ir.i..V.lUA. I,.'.'"V 5"u," i i. V;' J "iiSY"''"! rini. " '-jru r.tlMi w i.uu. ncy 111.. Ml (I at I9.60W7 per bbl. PROVISIONS 5lt.drLtc .S""." ; knucKIe. and ten- famiiv " tSa MthaSVm CL nTO, shwiii rorK. xarninr. SR.oOfrUfti hnma. a. 1 ruril Inn.. JVt. WlBri do. attlnnnl. lnna. IOU tiaJfVt iIa 4. oinar 11 a ma, ainuKeu. city molted, iOH OHlc CUrad. ai In l.rnrf fk J w1"?, ciira.1. lB'le. do. bo 1 A j8"' Wen 0 abnnlder H. I eur i .'. moi,,,, ISej.bertlm. In plehle. .11.1 .. . ' . T--. -- .... , ....W..CU. 1 ImiSii" ;. u"0 ana )iu, ic. hm. Dura, nc fant city cufrd, 21'ct breakfast ok lo K.V'IK- '??".?! bwakfa. -. -..m iiu nrcrara. bona' red. looi., . arcorriln bacon, aa to nn2n i"T,lrn cur,Ji Jlct'lard. weatern. re ?nu?;. 'il.?1"' .in'c. do. do. do. In tuba. i5vlJ! ifri,'Jpu!? " rendered. In t ercee 15Hc. do. do, do, In tuba, lBiic. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled nrm at the recent advance, pnnera list nrira. i . nn. ..i.t.i .1 . "fl.4"ei powdered, e.4.10,.Vi'i ronfivtlonera' A. DAIRY PRODUCTS UUTTEIl The market rulad nrm and lc hlsh. er under a fairly active demand, which absorbed the. moderate ottering. Quotation: Western, jolld-r.ijked creamery, fancy sirtclals. SOci . !.ri SI035C-, eitra flrat, SSOSJHe, Hrsta, 32 .J-'Hc, acconda. 31U81Wc: nearby prints, fancy, sic! do. averase citra, 33W30C! do, flrsts, B3U 31c; aoconda. Sl2ci Jobbing sales of fancy KUOS -There -waa a sood outlet for tho Urn !tid rece pta of strictly nne ess and Miluea uero tlrmly held Quotations follow: In free caace. nearby eatra, 35c per dos., nearby Hrata. lu.liu v.n,"",,1, ease: nearby current receipts, per caas: weatern. eitraa aftc Mr do..! ST.'!ifS!!. '.".'ra firsts iii.Imi per ensn, di. ftrsta, ,ii,jiiuii,i ilT??.StrJF.a",i d0 flr,t" -7UCU: do. seconds. H'-".B.4U per esse; fancy selected candled 1?.h.rJK!."wCJr" lobblns at SO t 41c per dot. CHEB6E Trade waa fair, and the market rilled firm under Ihrht oRerlncs. Quotations : pa'ri isrjnT..cilisn??' t"Ky-, 02uc- "CM POULTRY LIVE Fowls sold fairly and values were well aAstalned. Chickens er aulet at the late de cline. Quotations: fowls, as to quality. luH it lo: roosters, 14UI3C; spring chickens, accordlna to quality, 20Oi2c: wnlto Leahorns. accorrtlnn to quality, ISOi'Oc, ducka. as to alio and quality, 1S017C plaeona, old. per pair, 23028c: do. younar. per pair. lS22o. UHESaUD Uecelpta ot fine deslrable-slied stock were light and the market ruled nrm under a fair demand. Quotations follow: Tresh Kinea. ury-pacaeu lowu, iz to box, tiry-plcKeil. tuin.y av apiece, z, weighing apiece, i fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and till- ling, ivt ma. apiece, '.'ac. souinern wetahlng 400 Iba. apleca. nola. welshlnv it Indiana and Illinois. J J Vic; smaller alr.m. luti2Jc, ()) rooaters, dry. iiicKeu, xuc. urmiins cnicaens. Illinois, tancy, 2102110 dp. Indiana, fancy. 240 l&TB. ..VOC, J , I r. Ufitf7. ,1(1. Illl.ll IlrollerB .lemev fanrv Mt 3.'c Urollera, other nearby, weighing 1W 0! lbs. aplec, 2s30c. Broilers, nearby, smaller sites. 2UU27C. 1 lucks, nearby, spring, tic. Jl'iuabs. per doten White, weighing 11 to 1. ioa. pei aoten. sa.ioasn: ao. weigning v to . .M-e? pel ill and No. 2. onoffll.2S FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with fair sale and values 1 nrm Apples. generally ruled Arm under moderate offerings orthwestern nmoKe- Quotatlona: Apples, per bbl. Northw Oreenlnr. 1303 Su. Illuah. la 8004.50. I house. .7St33.2ft: Wealthy. I2.7fta -JS; Diich ess. f2.23&2.7B: fair to good. I2W2.S0: apples. ueiaware ana Aiaryiana, ier Hamper rancy liwi.xo: rair to gooa. sow 700; lemons, box, Bt7: pineapples. , per crato. Florida. I ilr .SO. peaches New York, per basket. HO0OOI "Ir" do. New York, tier bushel-basket. il.SOtC! 2.": peaches. Virginia, per carrier Ulberta, 11.73 3.00: Uelle. il.7SO2.ft0: peara. New York. IJart Tett. per bbl . J3W5: traMa. Delaware Concord, per crate. 76V0c: do. per 4-lb. baaket. 8O10c. VEGETABLES Totatoea sold fairly and ruled Arm. Onions were plentiful and weak with trade quiet. Quota tions: White potatoes, per bbl. Nn 1 Eastern Hhore, 2 602.73j No. 2 Eastern Shore $1.23 Wl.SO; No. 1 Norfolk. 12.50W2.75: No. S Norfolk, tl.3301.50. White potatoes, jersey, per basket, 05075c. Sweet .potatoes. Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. 11.7502: No. 2. $10 l.sti. Onions. Pennsylvania, per hamper, 110 1.15; do, do per 100-lb. bag. 1202.23. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Union Switch and Signal Company, regular quarterly of II. 6U on common and tl-SU on preferred atocks. payable October 14 to stock of record September 30. American Oaa and Electric, regular quarterly of 2Vs per cent on the common stock, payable October 2 to stock ot record September 20, and 1H Per cent on preferred stock, payable No vember 1 to stock of record October 20. American Power and Light Company, regular quarterly ot l'.i Per cent on preferred atock, payable October 2 to atock of record Septem ber ii. Olrard Trust Company, regular quarterly of jer cent. payaDie uctoDei .rrA U.nt.mW 1 ft. liepubllc Trust Company, quarterly of 1M ctober 2 to atockholdera of pericent, payable October 1 to atock of record September 25. Franklin Trust Company, regular semiannual of 2Vi per cent, payable October 3 to stock of record September IB. United Oas Improvement Company, regular quarterly of 2 per cent, payable October 14 to stock of record September SO. Westlnghouse Air Drake Company, regular quarterly of 12 a share, payable October 21 to atock ot record September 30, International Hart cater Company, of New Jer sey, regular quarterly of lti per cent on com mon atock, payable October 1U to holders of record September 23. Wilson Co., formerly Sultberrer Sona Company, regular quarterly ot IS per cent on preferred atock, payable October 1 to holders ot record September 20. Philadelphia Company, regular quarterly of 14 per cent on the common stock, payable No vember 1 to holders of record October 2. Joalln Schmidt Company, 3 per cent, payable October 10 to holders of record September 20. Hell Telephone of Canada, quarterly ot 3 per rent, payable October 14 to atock of record September so. pay- American Coal Products Company, regular quarterly or 114 per ccm un common atocK. pa able October 2 to stock of record Beptember 2 n1 IV Mr cent on Dreferred. nnvahle rw-tnn, )(i tn stock ot record October 0. These are Payable on the stock of the American Coal 'roducts Company and of the stock ot Uarrett Company, Hunerlo October 10 to atoc Superior Copper Company, tl. payable ica ok recorq oepicinoer si. DAR SILVER Bar silver was quoted at 32 Hd In Lon don today, up Hd, In New York commercial bar silver was quoted ot 68Vic, a gain of Uc COTTON ADVANCES ON BETTER CABLES Lower Temperatures in South and Henvy Consumption Fig urea Also Add Strength COTTON ItltLT WKATIir.R CONDITIONS -JiniW .lOtK. Hept. 11. Italae were gen tTil.'l " ",."on B1 ' morning, with ewer temperatar-. H, "a .-y."",, ;v'.,."",ur" were rrroru nn rer'i,""? Mklnhqma. S Vt Vmlth. I11 . tHi Hoek and lemihl. Bit Aahe ! f' .B.'?,"n Ant"nle.A If kaburg and Na.h. n.m' 6m !iV0It"ll',bfsnoea, lllrmlnt- i. .'L.r"'lV"tfL-f "! . !." nreeperi anu IIH. ivi anouin-Tlue. llnleleh. Alalille. icnaarola. .ilacen and Montgomery, lsi fin-iont."'' J41 New Orleans, famoa. 7 Wnmlngton, BaTannah id hatleaton. 1, Ti7.f-rt WJ' .',1 .'V ( JwlPlliitlon oi'ta R!tl,a,iiK,'lin, lnJ ?nu Uirletlt l!;.!' "vA" and Jifkacntlllei .04 at At lanta and Jlaeoni .00 at Naahrllle. aran- AUTUMN KESORTS 8IIAWTKK-ON.TllE-DCTWAKB BUCKWOOD INN aeprocf.SffirTMi)nMEfe. For the Autumn Guest Ah Ofp&ituaily Ideal full retort affording excep tional 'aecommodationt and tcrv ice. Situated in private park of 10,000 acre, embracing moun tain, .ttreanw and wide yiew of Delaware Valleyv Modern conttruction attd ap poitmU. Every utdor rec reation. GimU permitted ut of the fartveut Golf Courte of the Stawnee CaMtttfy QV$ by m trtductioB, Trap theaMug, attt-.tJ tm 9, m aVBJsaisafaBat aaraaj scaapvsg tvllttrllri m urn, mm. if, hcj. ..nana ia iniiiliiitsjsjsiasaajaljp nan ami .anerniei .14 nl Tumpai ,ta at ni MmnttonT At at ,'.'"'l!i, V4.0 ". ifeWll ,4 at Hlrmlni: ham, and .34 nt lliomaarllle. NEW YOnK. Sept. 14. Influenced by better Liverpool cables, lower temperatures In tho SoUth and heavy Government con sumption riKUf t' 1 .mm market this morning- opened strong-, with prices of the months up to March snowing- pains of 11 to II points, May being 22 points higher and July 2S points. The late options wcro nrfected more by the consumption statement than the others because trading- had already started before the report was received Uccent large bulla were the leading buyer and there was a de mand from Liverpool for the near positions, although foreign aalei were noted In the distant options. Commission houses also purchased. The early ndvanco carried December con tracts up to 15.78, or 26 points above last night's clonlnff, figures and 80 points nbove the low level of Inst Monday morning. The market met rather heavier offerings at this level and there was some selling, which looked like hedging from the South west, but there wa a broadentng fresh de mand, which looked as though the bull proposition was nttractlng renewed follow ing. The realizing encountered nround 1B.86 for January was sudlclent to cause re actions of 3 or 4 points from the best, but offerings seemed to be rcndlly absorbed and tho market was steady around midday. October , December January March . May . . July .... Spot . . Tea. close. Open. 11 a m. 12 m 2 p.m. ao 14 13.87 IB 04 15 (13 15.7B 15.07 ill 03 13.40 15 03 15.75 15 BO 111 14 1C.2U 13 04 13.72 1A.7B 13.01) 1U 17 1(1.23 13.57 13.75 15.83 1.1. UK ltt.18 13.RB 13.7(1 10.B5 10.14 10.23 Liverpool Cotton LIVnnrOOL. Sept. It. There was a fair business doing In spot cotton today with prices 7 points higher, on tho basis ot 9,S4d for American middling. The sales ag gregated 8000 bales. Including 7000 balos American. The Imports wcro 7000 bales, none American. The market for futures closed firm at a net advance ot 15V4 4P20 points. Cotton buyers and Sellers NEW YORK, Sept. H. October Lowen steln bought; Oeran, Ilagedorn and Hess sold. December- Mitchell, McFadden, Sellar, Norden, Wcnman, Hess and W. Oumoens bought ; KeifTcr, Allen, Schanz, Hyman, Schlll and Newman sold, January Norden, Wlggln, Ilentz, Downs, Shutt and McEnany bought; Wenmnn, Burnett, Hartcorn, Hyman, Holmes, R Hubbard and Hentz sold. March Lowensteln, Norden, Orvltt, Sellar and Itlch bought; Downs and Gcer sold. May Wenman, Shearson, Schlll, Clifford, Munds, Wilson and McEnany bought; It. Hubbard, Hentz, Waters, Cone and Lester sold. July C. Hicks bought; Fllnn and Hentz sold. Cotton Consumption Grows WASHINGTON, Sept. H. A report Is sued today by tho Commerce Department showed cotton consumed during August, ez cluslvo of llnters, 558,617 running bales, against 464,392 In 1915, of which 319.826 bales were consumed In cotton-growing States, against 248,287 In 1915. Llnters consumed during August were 67,862 bales, against 61,561 last year. Cottton held In consuming establishment's on August 31 was 1,359,380 bales, against 1,166,681 In 1916. Cotton held In public storage and at com presses was 969,304 bales, against 1,712,504 In 1915. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YCJRK, Sept. 14. The market for coffee futures opened at a decline of 2 to 8 points. Trading on the call was moderately active with sales of 8500 bags.- Today's opening. Test, close. September u 0.300833 B.380H.4O October , B.3R0V.4O November -a---- V.25tiiu.27 December , 0. 1800.19 B.2300.23 January ! 0.2200.28 U.270.28 February 8.3100.112 MarCh, B. 3009.83 0.3$0.87 April" 0.4000.41 May 0.88O0.40 B.45O0.48 Juno .. 0.30B.B1 July B. 4000.60 0.S4O0.5S Fine Granulated Sugar Unchanged NEW YORK, Sept 14v Fine granu lated sugar was quoted at 6.40O, by all the refiners this morning, excepting Warner, who Is asking 7c The last sale In spot Cuba raws was at 6.62c, an advance of 13 points over Wednesday's opening. Notice to Members of Fraternal Orders rpiIE department of Fraternal - News will, until further notice, bo printed only in the first editions on Mondny and Thursday. This chnnjrc in the method of publicntion is made necessary by the reduction in size of Philadelphia newspapers, agreed to by nil publishers, to meet the serious condition created by the shortage of news-p-int paper. In order to be sure of fratcrnnl news editions plnco an order with your newsdealer now. WHEAT GOES DOWN ON HEAVY SELLING Strength Is Shown nt Start by Longs Adding to Their Hold ings Clearances Small HT.XTIir.R CONDITIONS at the Mlhee Itueeni, I rated the following weather conditions NEW, ORK. Sept. 11. dlcea. received nia morning tndl- Diiuitionst Temnerjtiirca J.OW tt t 4N r,4 so fanadlnn Northwest,. Sorthweit , ,, SllUille Meat .," Hnntlinrat , . ,. . nper Mlaalaalptil Val. Oliin Vnlley 1 "h .preelii, 40 , elenr 34 ,. clear 50 nrecln, 74 nree t, 7? nrecln. 7a preein. .71. The 'oliotTlnr nrcrtnttjtilnn Mil tnelieal 'f,'!':,l .i-."'. Ilelenai .In at Wlimlrvem to nt Derll'a Ijikel .04 at Moerheadt .It at '"rorit IB at tf. I'niili ,f! at , ItntutEi .01 at Toledo. Indianapolis and IjjuUillle. ' CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Heavy selling broke the wheat market today after It had shown strength. Early In the session longs added to their holdings, having derived en couragement from a continued demand for tho cash article at stiff premiums In all markets, Including those of Canada, Thcro also wns some Important new buying then. lint'iuslasm of the .bulls was checked by conditions In the llalKans. Clearances from the seaboard were small. Shipments from Argentina for the week were estimated nt 800,000 bushels, against 1,080,000 bushels last wook. There were reports that sales of nbout 200.000 bushels of durum had been made to the Greek Government. There was a good deal of excitement. The closo was well above tho bottom. Export sales wore estimated at 1,000,000 bushels. Cargoes at Liverpool were firm. Cables confirmed heavy ' Import requirements abroad. Italy's neetos will exceed those of the past season, when they amounted to 67,920,000 bushels, as harvesting returns are disap pointing. Holland will require nt least 24,000,000 bushels compared with 14,820,000 bushels In the season Just ended. leading futures ranseJ as follow a: W heat- Open. Illah. Sept. . . l.BO'4 I. .12 Dec 1.52 1.5.1 May . i.o;; 1.33 -orn tnew nomer; sept... K3Mi Dec... 72H May. . . 75! uais rye 72K 70 Sent Iec. . 47H May. . 50V4 Lard Sept... 14 50 Oct.... 14.50 Dec.... 13.00 Illbs Sept... 14.03 Oct.... 14 311 Jan.... 12.07 Pork -Sept... 27.01 Oct ... 2B.B5 Dec... 28.4.1 Hid. tAsked 47J oo; 14,40 14.47 13 07 Ixm 1.40U 1 40 1.411 K lii. 44H 4fl' 40Ti 14.33 14.27 13.82 Yei'ilji Close. clone. 1.4BU T1..M l.ttf &.-, Tli t74S 44 t 130 114.33 14.40 14 31) 414.03 13.82 13 02 1.51S 1741. I 14.50 12.70 20 01 23.7.1 14.20 12.05 20.3.1 23.43' tNomlnal. 14 22 12.70. 2.o 23.00 14.30 tl3 113 12.30 27.87 20 43 t23 03 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS itpti bu CHICAOO. Sept. . 14. 1IOOS Recelcts. 12.. WntliiTi. '""Lll"- s' 3.A"d butcher.. nra' 18 .7BW11.40: good heavy, lin 3111. 3.1; rough ay?. I0.7010 20: llshi. J10.10li.40: ptA ft 50: hulk l02niifii.2. p ' ITATTl.p: .. nuvlHia r.ftnn ..-,.. .,V'.r."' """-., ?! "'rpni -.-.. ". v .a;.y, i... nu neiiera. 1 rnu'a u n.1 h.l.. 9 SO; Blockers and feeders, f1,23f7 75." tOnOWM-lo. cnlves. tit) Mfl 12.7S 8III:KP Iterelpta 23 000. S I IT- J.73& exans. Native and weatern. t4.B0Cf' a. IV, .Market stron lambs. onr. IB& FU11S IN VARIED STYLES ATTRACT AUTUMN BUYERS D. R. DoMnny, of Mawson & DeMany, 1115 Chestnut St., Tells of Opportunics Purs In bountiful quantities and In de signs both pleasing and artlstlo featur the exhibit of Mawson and DcMany, fur riers, at 1116 Chestnut street, who are liav. Ing one of the most successful annual Sep tember sales they ever had. ncsldes the display of fur coats and sets, the most successful feature of the sale, according to David U. DcMany, Is the fact that twenty per cent reduction Is al lowed on nny purchase made until the end of this month. To add to the convenience offered customers, he said, furs purchased this month will bo held In storage until the customer may wish them, upon tho pay ment of n small deposit Dills for pur chases made this month will not be ren dered Until December 1, upon request, Tho discount plan, Mr, DeMany said, was prov ing very successful The display Includes nn enormous assort ment of Hudson seal and moleskin coats, which Mr. DeMany said will bo In vogue. Many of these- have the new Puritan col lars, which ura both nrtlstlo and warm at' the same tlmo. Many of tha coats nro flare or loose style, while coats with tlght-flttlng walata also are exhibited. Another feature Is the contrast ing borders, collars and cults, which will predominate next fall. Kox sets In at tractive modeH are shown nt various .colors. Including battleship gray, slate, blue, rose and white. Many Itusslan sable sets also ore attractively displayed. Increase tt.i.nti 4U5.65B 1181.330 123,233 28.1,874 RAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO CHEAT WESTERN r'lrst week September.. t3in.8 From July 1 a.030.070 OI1AND TRUNK First week Beptember. . tl.2.0.001 COLORADO 4 SOUTHERN rirst week September . . t203.473 From July 1 2.U21.03.1 LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE Tlrst week .September. . tl, 102,103 11,615 From July 1 Il.71ti.e30 1.B13.B70 CHICAOO, BUnt-lNOTON A QUINCY July gross t8.27S,32n IPO 1,221 Net 2,324, 2U7 604,020 CHICAOO, INDIANAPOLIS & IX5UISVILLE July gross nto.3r.3 1112.414 Net 244.007 74.109 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS m NKW YORK. Sept, 14. mtTTEn Receipts. SStO tubs. Consldriblo trading with market about Mc higher. Ettra creimery, 33; r; high er scoria. .14 03H.C. stato dairy, S2H 083ei Imltatloit creamery. 2S20c. c' EOOS -Receipts. 13.BJ3 enses: high grade fresh and storage both nrm. Medium grades steady. Quotations unchanged. Freehold Gas Companies Merge TIIENTON, Sept. 11. An agreement of merger nnd consolidation nnd n stock Issue of J59.000 by the Freehold Gas Company nnd Standard Gas Company, under tho name of the Standard Gas Company, has been approved by the New Jersey Utility Commission. Tou will get prompt de livery and entirely satis factory service without the bother of going downtown If you buy your Edison and records here. Alwaia a complete stock. Come In MBit and our salons. STARR & MOSS EDISON SALESROOMS 3027 Oermsntown Avenue Just below Krle Ave. Open Eienlngs iV i 1 y Wi jl The Edison. Diamond Disc Should be in Every Home Because the Edison Diamond Disc actually re-creates the voice of the sinner and the tones of the orchestral instruments. Al though each Edison reproducer is equipped wnn a genuine diamond point, the Edison ,-"' i " Diamond Disc is within the reach of all. Our modern monthly payments make it fjr-.' jAr- casy for any one to own one. Call andijiear the voices of noted singers, the genuine playing of great orchestras and the re created music of famous bands. Ludwig Piano Co. 1103 CHESTNUT ST. Makers of Grands, Uprights and Player-Pianos Weekly Record Llat Mailed 10 a ou xree. invmt firs 1 KB? I raMS fjeppe-ictor tervv0 Of Lamias Heppe's deliver free to any point in the United States Records purchased from Heppe's will be promptly livered (all transportation charges prepaid) to anj any Vlctrola Va, ao point in the United States. Everv Record from Heppe's is guaranteed to be new and perfect. The Records used in the salesrooms arc never sold. Write or phone us your orders, and if you need a Victrola, the Heppe Rental-Payment Plan will offer you any style at the cash price, with no extra charge for the privilege of partial payments. Heppe Special Outfits VICTROLA IV. ...$16.00 6 10-ln. Records... 4.50 Total cost ....919.80 $1 down, $2.50 monthly. VICTROLA V!,.., $23.00 6 10-ln. Records,. , 4.80 ' Total cost ,...$29.50 $2 'down, $3 monthjy. VICTROLA VIII,.$40.00; Kecords, your selec tion 5.00 Total cost ...,$45.00 $4 down, $3.50 monthly. VICTROLA IX,... $50.00 Records, your selec tion , 10.00 Vletrola IX, a&9' Total cost .,.,$60.00 5 down, $4 monthly. ' tMtWKTOWN 111,-tlU Catsatuul fat. WRITE FOR CATALOGS C. J, Heppe & Son (Fmlf4 18S) Philadelphia " t . at S4. UH. SfMMWK Ma stflwaiHHt Me, BAND SEASON IS OVER, BUT WW SHOULD PHONOGRAPH FANS WORRY? Recent Recordings Furnish Fine Program Material for Concerts These Cool Autumn Evenings Variety of Numbers Described More Listed in Catalogs 4f Dy tha Phonograph Editor Although the park concert band eaon ended with Labor Day, owners of phono graphs have tho opportunity alvraya at hand to havo their band programs at home these early autumn evenings when the chill In the air makes the veranda, too cool for comfort A very Interesting record Is "Iluy Dlas Overture," played by tho band of 1!. M. Grenadier Guards, which has Juat been Is sued by the Columbia Company. Mendels sohn aald of the composition: "It gave me more fun than anything I ever composed," Though It only occupied him three days, the Muse worked hard and wonder muslo result ed. It opens with a buret of sound; trumpets announce tho approach of royalty ; the mualc takes on a majestic Tone ; and toward the end n. solemn melody wanders up from tho bass. The Victor Concert Orchestra offers two porta of Grieg's ever-popular Teer Gynt Sulto, No. 1, "Anltra'a dance" nnd "In the Hall of tho Mountain King." The third movement of this popular aulte, scored for strings, accompanies the dancing of Anltra, the beautiful daughter of a Bedouin chief with whom Peer Oynt, now disguised as a prophet. Is enamored. The music la charm ingly expressive of the sinuous, lithe, grace ful movements by which the dusky maiden rivets the chains of Infatuation round the heart of the false prophet. Tho American Symphony Orchestra plays a double Edison record, Inclusive of the three porta of Alexander Lulftnt'a "Bal let Egyptian," which was dancod hero In spectacular fashion by Paxlowa nnd her corps de ballet at tha Metropoli tan Opera House at the opening of the last musical season Of all the many bal lets Lulglnl composed, the "Ballet Egyp tian" Is the most popular. Tho ballet Is In three parts, the flrat two Riven on one aids of the record, and tho third on the other eiue. I'arts l ond 2 are In n"TapId, whirling tempo nil through. The basio theme has that mystlo charm suggestive of Egypt, nnd tho rhythm calls to mind a nimble corps of dancers flitting to and fro. Part 3 of tho ballet opens with an andante movement. In which the harp Is prominent, The ensuing theme Is In a melancholy mood, slow nnd sedato. Later on the allegro rhythm Is heard again, but only for a mo ment Two double records are performed for the Victor by the Iturtado Brothers' Royal Marimba" Band. These are on ono "Caval lerla Itustlcana," Intermezzo, Mascagnl. and "Fading Leaves," sercnata, Carroll; artel on the other "Artist's Life Walts," Strauss, and "American Airs," medley. Including "Dili Pickles." "Sleep Baby. Sleep." "Amer ican ratrol," "Olrl I Left Behind me," "Dixie," 'Tankee Doodle." When Sebastlsn Hurtado, of Queriallenango, Guatemala, flrat began experimenting with th MarlwlB It had only one keyboard, with but elgh,t notes n the seals. Mr. Iturtado added other keys and greatly Improved tha tone, gradually perfecting the Instrument until It became capable ot producing beautiful effects. His boys became Interested, and some of them began to play the marimba at six and seven years of age. The young men soon beeamej famous In Guatemala and finally decided to make a tour of. Europe. Their success on the Continent was Immediate and crowded houses greeted them In Pari. Vienna, Budapest. Berlin, London and many other cities. After their triumphal tour Ui Hurtados returned to Guatemala, but were soon encaged for tha Panama-Pacific Expo sition, where they made a success, and were awarded the Medal ot Honor. 'I Hero Is a record for the patriots of it: "Medley of American Patriotic Airs," a new record from Columbia. The Co lumbia Band excels Itself in this stirring rendition of tho battle songs of our fore fathers. If those who believe America Is not "ready" will turn this medley loose anywhere In the U. a A., they may hava cause for embarrassment. We all love to hear these old patriotic airs. Even the baby Is enough of a patriot to ap plaud them. If the man from Missouri wants to be "' "shown" a new waits that will overcome his skepticism and make him feel right at home, ho has but to listen to Colum bia's late recording, "Missouri Walts," This cnarming waits waa adapted from an original melody procured by J. C. Appel and arranged by F. K. Logan. Prince's Orchestra plays It In the usual Prince fashion, and It Is predicted that "Missouri Walts" will prove most popular with the dancers of every State In the Union, TkeldealSboefbr BOYS and a WnderfmJ&lue 'WE PRODUCE shoes for v boys that are specially deslgned for two purposes. (1) to give the growing feet of the boy every comfort, so that when he has grown to manhood he will not have foot troubles from which so few escape. (2) Tov stand up and keep their shape under hard us.ije to which boys Eut their Si.oes and wear ONGER than the average shoes for boys are intended to wear. Trv a nalr nf MF.WATJTC t-ftA In. ,tH it.., mm J a... a a-.tlf - - pugv.iui uiv avjr auiu yuu win be gratified over the results. NewarK Shoe Stores Co. Philadelphia Stores: 1221 Market St.. between 12th 18th Sts. m South St.. near 4th St. 42 Market St., between 4th a Cth Bt. ttlS Kenauifton Ave., bet. York & Cumberland. Z7S1 Oermsntown Ave., bet, Le- nlah Ate, and Somerset St. 203 Stores SOtS Oermantown Ave,, near Cnel tea Ave. !t36 N. Front St., near DaiiDhtn. 1ST -V. F.lllilli St.. near Cherry tit. Manarunk Store, 4530 Main Nt.. nrar Levering-, Atlantic. aitr More. ISM At lantloAve.. nr. Tennessee. In 07 titles. lb 5m srilF i HS lEIlm BaaaaSalaSaSsBBaaalaSsSL'aT H sVA .aaaaaaaBaW Scttf $1.50-2.-2.58 accordiag to size. v " ' '' ' IV SBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW.ia'---. bbbb6 l 3&f The Japanese Navy's Part in the War A clear and comprehensive,, account of the condition of the Japanese Navy and of its activities during the war has been specially prepared by the Japanese Admiralty for the Public Ledger. It will appear in the lyiagazine Saction 'of Sunday's Ledger. wmsna &r,mr tm ii&ms, , ,t t . Uu-.u.'XiJ.!' t, J I --.? - M MJ