- . ,J W SYBNTG r,D0BB-P,HIliAl)ELFHIA, THUBSDAY SEPTEMBBB 14, 3,010 fARRARONBIflS WANOFAfUrflLto -. Prima Donna on Way East After Enacting Saint's 1-ifo for Laaky - Bjr ike Ptoteftlajr Editor &Wk the completion of the cinema, t0Ucte. "Joan of Arc." a.rnMlne Farrnr M loft California, and Is on her way to Kw York city to prcparo for the Benson f concert ami opera In which he will take Irt. Miss Farrar (or Mrs. Lou TcllcRen. . I-ther), wilt arrive the latter part of thla ' mK, I-urt season the sinner starred In three tky production, "Maria lta, l'emp tat I on" and "Carmen." Asldo from Una 'C-Vall.rl, she Is about the only feminine per alio artist to mako a protrncted pop ular success on the screen. Mrs. Tellenen tun been posing; for the movies most of the wnmer. The nature of the picture on trhtofc she was working; was guarded, and Mm title of her new film has Just been nn nouneed. The life of the French saint, kWMl at Houen, white rich In cinema poa sMIfUea, has hitherto evaded tho director's ., ye, curiously enough, The nenrost np jeroach to 'a treatment of the subject that the photoplay editor recalls was the eerlea f ezqultlts "visions" Interlarded In "Susan Hocks the float," a 1'Ido Arts feature with porothy Qlsh. V Miss Farrar has alwtiys been Interested Hi the story of France's "flRhtlnir maid," and she assisted Cecil B. De Mllle nnd Jeanle Macpherson In preparing tho scenario. Scenic cities were erected near Los Angeles for the production, nmlthou hs of men and horses used, Broadway, ami perhaps Philadelphia, will see "Joan of Aro" thla autumn. The daughter of Clay M, Greene, well known In Philadelphia as a script writer for Lubln Miss Helen Greene Is at work on a serial, "rerlls of Our Girl Reporters," for the Nlacnra Film Service. Harl Mot calf, former lending man at Lubtnvllle nnd director of. Ulllle Ilceves, Is ptaylng the principal male role. Miss Greene, a re- ?lt from the legitimate, whe.ro she played outh In "Experience," made her film debut with Lubln. Has a really formidable rival to the ubiquitous Charlea Chaplin been found? Forthcoming releases of the Essanny Com pany will answer tho question. That firm has engaged the famous French comedian and pantomimic artist. Max Llndcr, nnd French Journals estlmato his salary while working In "tho States" on an amusingly titanic scalo. Before Ford Sterling, Itoacoe Arbuckle and John Bunny wcro heard of. Max was making Americana laugh. He was Pathe'a great comlo card back In 1910 and 1911. Indeed, rotne of his business" - eet present-day fashions, and has survived In "Tho Count" and other modern films. Linder'a facial groteaquerle Is, or used to be, both subtle and. broadly droll. Now for the farceurs' baVtlel . Oscar C. ApfeU who has directed nine of tho fifteen William Farnum photoplays, was burned severely last, week In directing "Big Bill's" latest western drama. The accident secured In the Stiver Lake district, about 200 miles northeast of Los Angelos, whither the William Fox director nnd photoplayers had gone fpr "atmosphere." The nearby lake proved an efllcacloua ex tinguisher. Sidney Olcott, one of the best of contem porary directors, has left the Famous Flayers. Theatrical Baedeker FORREST "Little Miss Hprlngtlme." with furl Petraas, John 1). Hazznrd nl aona MacFarlane. A VlctroUful of delicious Vlen. net music, with good comedy added. GARK1CK -'Sport of Law." with Mary Bo. land and .Frederick Truesdell. A drama by Stuart Fox. baaed upon th rnotlvn ot reiengs which takes possession of a .oung woman's mind. The flrat metropolitan production of a provincial ana Insenuoua thriller. LYRIC "Roblaaon Crusoe, Jr.," with Al Jol son, Lawrence D'Orsay and Kitty Doner. A Winter Cardan show with a plot and all the other things Jolaon at his beat. ADKLPIII -'Esperlence,'' with Urnest Olen alnnina. William lncersoll nnd v Isrgs cast. A '""modern morality play." with more reality and humanneaa about It than graced "Elery. woman." Utsndlnnlng acts superbly. NEW rnATURE FILMS BTANLEY Lai Itldgely. a Leaky-Paramount feature, others. ARCADIA Last half of week: "The. Little -Last, half of week: "The Victory ence " with Lou Tellegen and Cleo na ARCADIA Last half of week: "The. Little ,Llsr." wlthMao Marsh and Robert llarron, ITtmA rf B.TrtanrrlA Him rA nlh.H PALACE Last half of week; 'The Honorable Prlond." with Heasuo Harakawa, a Lasky Paramount production and other. JtKOENT Last half of weekt "The Light of .-ppins, wnn vioia ana a jioiro pres- entallon. by John It. Cblllns. VICTORIA lt half nf wwkl "The T.frht Happiness." with Viola Dana, a Metro, am "A la .h--t." with Pried Mf.ll' a !.. t Of and atone rnmedv ALHAUmtA Last half of week: "Public Opinion," with niancha Sweet, a Lasky fea ture, and a vaudeville bill. . VAUDEVILLE KEtTirs Stella Maybew and Plllls Taylor: Tim World Dancers," with Emllle Lea nnd m j. inst., "lToaperil thewa. Anna Chancllert Vfllli ijiaien Willi Ira. Ma. La1Ipib1v Tnn.tf n ml Norman, in "Look. Listen and l.a!lrxh"! Lillian's, comedy dosa Lew Wllaon; "Duffy- dlla of Vaudeville"! Krnette Aaorla and com- Sn?4 P" O'? "'H Tribune Plrtcrlal Newa. miJUE Hert Lean and company. In "Ilonan i"""i i Jrtiiy jtarrouri tne t.nsutn tusinv romwiienm; ine Alinatrei Jrive, me faynea. In "The Party" s Cantield and ilurnei, Dave luteal. In "A Day on the Farm") Mat Walah. and Walter Ward and company. fJBANU The Two Dooless Hay and Gordon John and Ma llurke. In "Trm Itaitlme Hni qler"; the two Van brothers. In "Can Jimmy rnma in!' the Kour Pallettes. Alvln and lVIJllama: the Three Htelners, and I'atba News and Mutual Comedies. WfLLIAM PRNN Lnet half of week: "Hell. to-Pay Austin' with Wilfred Luraa and Hea. fie 'iove. a Flno Arta-Trjanxle feature: tha it Hotfarda. the American Comedy Four. Charles praw and company. 0erholt and tha . . Tounsr 8lters. . . VMOM K12yu Last half of week: "The pool. roeni." a one-act drama, the Carrell-aillette Trio; Jo KleWe; Hnowi Jlaybclle? Kdmunda and Ludham, In "Uolnc to tho Wedding-." -' and the Novelty Minatrela, AT POPULAR PRICKS WALNUT 'Look Who'a. Here." with nickel ?n4 Watson and a irood'SUed company. The ormer. comedians of tha "Follies," In a mnaical comedy concerning two tramps. JtlllcKhlRiJOVlCKR What Othr Woman." with Gdrm Archer Crawford and otlie-s. A drama by Lent Parker, ahowlnc a buaband ''without a balance wheel," who comes to wreck throush "that other womap." JOHN HAMPDEN COATES '' flUmber of Banking Firm Dies From Attack of Paralysis John Hampden Coatcs, until three years feo a member of the firm of Charlea Fearson Co., bankers, died yesterday at his borne, W Lanhorne, Pa., after an Illness of a Week. Death was due to paralysis, Mr. Coates was forty-three years old. He hael been In the 'banking business twenty years. After he left Charlea Fearon & Co. he Jjecame connected with Sullivan Brothers & Co. He Is survived by his widow, who, before her marriage, was Miss Mil 4red Wessels, and two children, Charles, isn years old, and Mildred, thirteen year M. The funeral will be held Saturday after- t' 2 o'clock. Interment will be la Vmw Ion. Cawr Ktecher of. Xeiwlngtoit died Tuesday night i Mtfure at- Me liom. ( Jerome Me wa eighty-two years oM. Mri M wall known throughout tb,e l aana'titii ai fk wrmiritini- at.. it Ullttrtner eMbkmM. n tier- aveaaei abava Pfthiimeite ain,i ffjtlroil. Mm aatlve a)wns fourteen at aero. Mr. Vlaehar wu --- '- aJ aivAlAa txiitin thai Abftaal luu -...- 4 the Phtladelpata. TyrnawnataHa. He wae a iuaaaajr 91 "H aisaans an) f stasia; aweMiwa. n n aurvtvea aoas aaul three dsnatarteea. 1 ' .' il 1 1. 1 J .. w, Btatb eportcb HfTH ' "'"w. . 7n 1 Mae Muitea as. JSJ3 li lu ti rs ItIS H. Mai aa. UU Wi!.l...l NT I ' MNts) M .'SS4 rWa dMUkflUNNt I. ki A V! A. T JJ1I.I'H P 1M N I'raeliri JUSaM ttjVTU" k.lHJN 4t w TB2S m amitimf tern . m. UU Ue) AKATHft MAVtR, KLtrXBETH I.tNN, U0 DeKalb L AT. AAnAlt J.t 40. 4k Illdt ava. DONALDSON, HOni-'.nT. TS, Camden, N. J. jisciiKn, cAspntt, Tt. r lftd liram. mt. PI.ANAOAN. JOHN . ' l-"ttl(K IM.f.A ir ift-i -Ma tJU.l ! .;....i.f :!?-::. :i."'". "'v- -"-- -.- l"V'tIAIII. UUT, A A(1 A I.I K,.J!l.t.A II.. lit at and Lofott sts. KNHAlxlll. dPNTAVJIS. .yr. t'l.t'IJAS. R . 6 ltl v, Vrnanso at. J.atAN. AOIIAM T. S. SO.'l 8. lth at. LI.XtAtf AOIIAM 1 . . SO.'l 8. lth St. .U)vkl1a Hbwij, Ys jr. IITMAN, iltANt-fS ALtll5T dlS Orar's A A AllTStAV. ' ATf'II rrnhD-vft t RWH, tllAm.OTTU L "j 3L rl..r M. J. -1 1 ' xj luveriiae. n, i. IHSwAVflAf.1!..5! ero" '. iisa.a tflMli, ? ea Iff I Tills. II Va OI1A.-. JOHKPI1INI1 K. S&4 N, lflh St.. . OLpiiWOltTll HAHAlt B . 81. Camden, U. 3. .wl'Ksi. bl'han t . na vr. S?QYi5'5. HJjNItlRTtA. IBOi Carusa. St. urim.N, i;tiie:l ADIillAIUK. I'i, i noinp aori at, ... I!ic;",i! KATiirjniNR. nz. ?9 nutn at. itmi.Kr. wil.LtAM. NihtQLfioN. 4 yrs. . IUS:ltO)N. SImEoV. S3, l.ambertt Is. N ifinii.ynl .Mi.t. .'-. r- ll.lt . ,1 I. 4. K..AB.AH.n T. iiii.iunm .-a ISIO uniiiti'ii a. nniuMi a .. iii lit Jl'I.IA.Sf, KDNA O . BOM Cedar are. . KICnnltAw. P.VA. 8. iot W Cambria t. KHAMicjt. t'ONRAD, 4S, SOIS Mercy St. L:iiMAr LuriifLi;. A2 rs. .. . !I.U'IR. JOANNA. HI. Camden. N. J. LINDSAT. MAftOARKT T.. Clifton lteltht lAll'UltKRn, THOMAS, 14. llfla. Pa. .Irt'AIlTHr. MAIIV K. il4 (I. ll St. . 1.1.H iiiuiiAKi, j., lata o. eoin i, llMs. Hi-l-Al.t.M KJMiAltvr.r, miimiaf: L.l.U.Atl MctNTIRH, Jennie I... IS, 40JT N. tfber st. MAtlurtNcORNlSLIUS, Jr., 1!7. ndd)stone. SlAIIAN yj.Lr.S 1a. t MAMKIt llttlDUBT M.. !2I3 N. 15th st. MAIilRM. KD.VA. 80. 2043 N. tth t. MKHIlYWliArllltrt. WM , 1M0 Fltswater st. m.l.l2lt ciiAiti.i'.q. m vra. a-r.-.f . . .. - -I . :;.-rrr . :.r -... . Itiio.usn-net JlllLt:n. JAtll. r ,.. i imipi1 i A.LIA'l IVA tf . f.4. u:2 w. Z7 yrs, NICHOLAS, rirth st. in. s:st New York. 23th St. i.i. rulfRIBON. JAMKH t... JUrKl.I.lUI. ANDRF.W n, en st. MUM.nll. MARIA. 61, "018 N. Id st. MtlltRAY. PATRICK S2, 2050 S. Norwood st. P'Dot'cmfinTr. iiunti. O'HARA. FRANCIS M . S639 Stoulsn St. (VNreil.L. MARY K . t . . . PARICIlll, J. THO.MAa.Hn. 410T Orchard st. POITI.R MART li BtmilKR. I1S50 Queen lane. QUAY, DOROTHY MARION. ".. IK64 Webster St. OUINt.AN HANNAH. S540 '.V. Sterner st. RIKKR, ANNA 1'.. 0) III. .... ROHBRT8 JANI3 P., 10 r003 Duffleld St. noniNSON. WILLIAM, 2124 B. Dauphin at. UI'Xtlll.K t.iti;i.i.a T. RYAN. LtZ7.IIi L , Hollls. T.. I, RYAN. WILLIAM O., 2833 N. Itllll.lt, llltllJUl'.l RAl'KIl. I.LI.RK M, HCIINAITMAN. ritltlRTtAM, ll Point Brene, nniUMAN. Al'atlST H M. ??J7 n. ClejLrf1d. BCOTT. J. HARRY. 68. Lambert St. and Bus. nuehanna ne RRRVAIS. NICHOLAS. 0 yrs HXIITH. AMY. 0. 4nG lledee st. UOtXlMON STKPMKN i... li vrs STAIRKRIl. JOHKPII VINCV:NT, 731 Wolf St. OTOVKLU FRICDKRtCK. na-erford. Pa. . THlH.Mi:. WALTER JULIUS. Jr., 10 mos.. Col- llnadale. Pa. THOMAK. MADKf.tNC. 47 yrs. THOHNn. FRANK. TIMJLI1Y, I-OUIHA II. TOON, MARY. 40. 2263 N. Mote st. TRAMPH, HERMAN, Br.. 1H80 W. Clearfield. WALKER, OKOItOH 8., 48. Cheltenham, Pa. Wlt.Ki: HLIZAUirri! ft.. 6.1. Woodln. N. J. WILLIAMS. Rev. .IAMK8 M.. church ot the TrHhsMffuratlon, Rlth atwand Cedar ave. WOL-I.. PRUDLIRICIC. Iwhtnn and Oak lane. IN MKMORIAM ANDRKSR (101.1.) In lnvlnjr remembrance ot my dear wife, LILLIAN 1RENL'. and our dear sister. HUSRAND, BISTERS. lEDentfjs. IIRnOKH. On Feptembr 12 ISIS, ADKLT! D.. widow of James Ilrooki. Helames and frlendi are Invited to attend the funeral services, on I'rlday, at It n m., at her late residence, ISIS N. 23d st. Interment strictly private. COATES. On September 13, loin, st Ms rest. denr, Lshzhorn. Pa.. JOHN HAMILTON COATES. aged 43 years, further not'oo o( funeral will be ln. COTTnU. On September 13. 1016. EDWIN O.. huabond of Julia Cotter, Relatives and friends also Local Union, No. OR Inter national Ilrotherhood of Electrical Workers, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at R:.10 a. m from his late residence. ODin ualton ae. Roltmn liUli mass nf renulem at St. Carthaire's Church at 10 a. in. Inter- -inent Holy Cross Cemetery. DAMS. On September 11. 1010. In Norrtntown. Pa. HLIZAHETH LINN DAVIS. Wlfa of Allen S. Davis, Kelatltes and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, from her Ute residence, lion DeKalb at., on Friday, at 2 p. in. In- '"mnt private nt Rhersld Cemetery. -x ORKKNIIALGII. On September 13, 101D. OUS TAVUS J., husband of Mary Oreenhalsh. aged 40 years. RelatUea and friends, also Wash lnctor, Camp. No. 23. P. O. S. of A.! lnde- Eendeiica lxde. No. 65. I. O. O. P., and lelaware Council. No. 663. O. of I. A., aro Invited to attend the funeral serlces, on Fri day, at liia p. m., at tbo Oliver II. Hair Hulldlnr. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment at . Hlllalde Cemetsry. HAAt;. On September Z, 1018, CHARLES E.. huaband of Mary F! Ilnsc, ns-d 62 years. Relatives and friends are InMted to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 1.30 p. m. precisely, at his lata residence. 1H11 W. Ve nansa st. Interment private, at tho convenl -i.rw oi ine ramuy aon of the late Chris- 1I.MJTMAN. On September 13. 101(5, FRANCIS iiiiuinL iiaiuman. un nr ine ihia I'nria. tlan und Hettle Hartmin (nee Trlmnell). Rehv tliea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Saturday, at 1 o'clock, ft hla late residence, B12 Oraya Ferry ao. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Auto mobllo sen Ices. Friends may call Friday, 8 I!ATt.l-01n September 12. 1016. FLORENCE ,M.. wife of Isaiah a. Hatch, aged 41 tears. 'Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Frldey, at 2 p. m., at his late residence. Delalr. N. J, Interment private at Arlington Cemetery. Remains may h- vi-wed on Thursday evening HOOPns. On September 13. mln, at her homo In Dawntngtown. Pa.. SUSAN T HOOPBs, In tho C2d year of her ace. Funeral from her late residence. Slith-day, the 15th, at 2:30 p. m. Carriages will meet the 12.40 train from Droad st. upon Its srrlval at Downlngtown; alao the trolley leatlng West Chester at 1.30. Interment private. Ill ICL11V. )n September 11. 1010. at Wil mington. Dal., WILLIAM NICHOLSON, son - trKATHS ot iisymnnn r. and Ry r, nurisr, sgea rears, hetalttes snd friends are. Invited te attend ths funeral on PrMsy, at S..P. m., from his grandparents' restd-nre, Wllllam.J. NlrhAleAn 1S9. Ar-li ml rhlladethhta. In term-nt at Fernwood Cemtr. Remains may be viewed on Thursday evening. Ia,NIY. On September it. lOIrl. NICHOLAS J . mnn nt jAhn mttii (he IkIA Anne lindy. aged 33 jears Thejrlatlres and friends are Invited to attend the funeral " .Fr'""., " nn a, m.. rrom ine uuver it iisir iiunoins. 1820 Chestnut st lllsh mssa or requiem at Pt John' Church st 10 a m Interment al New Csthedral Cemetery Remains may be viewed Thursday from 7 to 0 p m M1II.M N On September 12. lflln. LUCILI.R LEHMAN, widow of Harry Lehman, aged 63 ears. Relatives snd friends era Invited to attend her funeral - services, on Saturday, at 11 a. m . at the residence of her nephew, Wllmer McDowell. 201 Congress eve.. Osklyn. N. J. Interment private at Uethel Cemetery. Remains can be seen Friday. trlNTHlB. On Sertember 1.1. 1016. at her residence, 4M7 N tlber St., Oermantown, JENNIE L. MrlNTIRC aged TS years. No tice of funersl later, RIKIIt On Reptemlier 12. 1018. ANNA A. RIKKR (nee Miller), widow of Colonel George H. Rlker. In h-r 0t year. Relatives and friends, also SlUer Crescent Council, No. 8. D of L., are Invited to attend the funeral services on Sunday, at ,2 p m., at the rel. detice of her son in-law, ltsrry lleck. 1001 S. Psxon St., nesr 82d st. and Hprlnsfleld ave. Interment private, al American Mechanlca' Ometery. 8KRVAIS, On September 11, 1016. NICHOLAS SI3RVAIS. aged (10 jears. Relatlvea and friends, also members of Southwsrk Labor Lyceum nnd, other societies with which he was affiliated, are invited to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Friday, at ii p, m., from the fu neral bnlldlnr of John C Klmmrl 1601 8. Rroad st. Incineration ot Chelten Hills Cre matory, Remains may le lewed Thursday, n to 16 t. .-;. ADto service, SIllLLlNn. On September 12, 101(1. IIARRT A., husband of Elisabeth M. Shilling. Rela tives and friends are. Invited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 6'3o a, m., from his late residence, 1040 E, Oakdals St. Requiem mssa at Church of the Visitation at 8 a. in. Inter. lnnt private, fiCHUMAN. On September 12. 1016. AUGUST II . hmband of Radio Schumsn (nee lltack). sued 64 vears. Relatives snd friends, also Ponca Trllw, No. 241, I. O. It, M , and Pen body Circle, No. Sti. II. of A. of Ta., are ln Mted to atlem! the funersl services, on Satur. day. st 2 p. m., at his lsts residence, 2717 E. ciearnetd at. Interment at North Cedar Hill. Remains may bs Mowed Friday, from 8 to 10 p. m. STOVE!.!.. On September 12. 10111. at hla home. Haverford. Pa., FREDERICK STO- , VE!.,. TRAVrE. Suddenly on Scrtemb-r 12. 1016, HERMAN', Br., husband ot Pauline Trsmp. Relatives nnd friends are Intlted to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Prldsy, nt 10 a m.. nt his Into residence. 13.1'l W. Clearfield st. Interment private. Remains may be viewed Thursday. 7 to 0 p. m. X.OST AND FOUND RINGS Lost, four diamond rings, Ppt. 6: Bsutters. 1226 Chestnut st.t one heart-shaped green stone, surrounded with diamonds; nno aquare nolttnlrn dlsmond ring, set In pint Inum; one cunrd ring, with 14 diamonds; one prlnctya ring, with two diamonds In oen ter. surrounded bv diamonds. Finder com muntcMte nnd recehe S360.0O reward, Mrs. R, I, Lathlsn, 3S0J X. 23d. Ph. Tloca 4510 J. TEnniER lost, on North Highland ae., white tnalteio terrier; collar nnd Deliwnre Countv license: ansners tn Trlsle. Reward If returned toJ.J.MBrtln N HlBhln.1aye.,Merlon. WATCH lost, a gentleman's gold wstch. open fnee Initials on back, going from 1208 N. Hrnnd st to 02n N. 15th st.i liberal reward. 120S N. Rroad st. TERSONALS I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts unlee contracted by myself. Harry norton, 3237 rnuaueipnia, ia., ona ur- Arlington st. A.. mm. Ta UNCLAIMED TELEORAMS WESTERN UNION TELEORAPH CO, 1101 Chestnut st Mrs. II. 11. Eldrldae, A. C. Win grove, 11. P. Rlouch. Johr. Elchleay Co., Tro ato. Walter Jlorton, Mrs. Jenny Daniel. Ar thur Ltmar, Fred llrowne. llllam J. Wright, reward Lane. J. It. Glnder, Jack OalMer. Dr. O. A. Ssrg's, Chick Evans. McLean Oonstr. Co., l'ranhlln L. LyU, Hen. Wm. C. Croser. Ceo. II. Harris. CroArollaknrf. Cot Hebe Rurkhart. Schuvell Ellis. Wm. L. Saun ders, M. II. (irubo & Co.. Ravmond Roblneon. Dr. J. W, Holly, Monica Redmond. Mangano POSTAL TELEGILVrll CAIILU CO., 1421) houth Tenn bq. C R. Filbert, Anthony Dougherty, C, Arthur Hums. Mrs. Rosa Lad don, Mrs. Hartel, 11. ft. Howell. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and waiting: one white Protestant girl. (U14 Wane ave., German- town. mTwq In family. CIIAMREIIMAID. WHITE CITY; REFER ENCE. APPLY 1H&8X. ItTUBT. CIIII.DNURSE. experienced, white, Protestant; willing to travel Mrs. William Whlto, I'aoll. Pa. Telephone Panll 108. CLEANER wanted, white. Apply office? Ilulld- log No. 8. Olrnrd Colleje 21st and Glrard. CONTRALTO for suburban church quartet; 12.50 a Sunday; 2 services. F 161. Ledger Central. COOK, colored, southern birth; "family of 2 In city; stato wages and experience: must fur nish satisfactory reftrenco and wait on table when other maid Is out. D .105. Ledger 6f- nee. ' COOK. RELIALILE; REFERENCE REQUIRED! KAMILY OF 4 ADULTS. ADDRESS 1 IIALA AVE,. HALA. PHONE QVERIIIIOOK 1034 . COOK, chambermaid and waitress, 2 experienced maids; 4 In family; no wash. Address, with full I par.. M.. enro poatofllce. iVlllanova. COOK and general housework: family of 2; state wages and experience: best references re- imrr. a- aim,, iA-tuT i. entrai. COOK, white, wanted for downstairs work and rn'muili, euuuru, rrierenccs. u 1UI, Ijeager Offlce. iWrii!iiiiiilMa?im wnin:ii'iiriiiiiiiiiimwniiii'imia ltsg-iBrairiiranf lfinfintnir 9vtrrYl-lrn-nn H. i luiiuiicm i uuiupiajf jl icaciuaumss ,S!HE!iMlEa!lffiHaTin giUiuiiiiiiiiiU,iii,)iiiiAiiiiiiuiiiU.iiiiiiiaiiMuiii iom&u uot&m Grmpomu THE following tlienlers obtain llielr nk lures through the STANLEY Dooklns S ( X t'niup.nr, wlileli Is, a guaraiilee of early shotting of the llnrtl producltons. S All picture, retimed before. eiMbltlon. Ask for the theater In your loiallly C V obtaining plrturea through the bTAM.l.t IIOOKINII COMl'AXv" '"" Pararooiint pictures , Blanche Sweet in "Public Opmion a l- -i A T"m I A CHESTNUT ARCADIA BELOW 10TII MAE MARSH llJhB uie Tjar " a ri.-M T r 63D AND THOMTSON APOLLO MATINEBDAILY Dorothy Bernard and Glen White in "sroRTiNa niiOQD" BELMONT Tl r.i'n Ann vra MARKET Mats., 1:3'J ft a.au. iuc t-.... A.sn tt fl :tn 11o FANNIE WATO.jana, BgBIlB. H AYAKAWA V,t-r-k a r ' corn and cedar ave. CEDAR HAHA1IOHWT THEATER nnROTHY GREEN In THE DEVIL AT 1118 ELBOW" FAmMOUNTS6T,IA Donald Brian UIRARD AVE. In "The Smugglers" FRANKFORD raANKXvl.Nun LEAH BAIRD in "THE LIGHTS OF XEW YORK" AM CT THEATEIP Matlnes Dslly OO in O A n-lnw Spruce Kvgs 7 tp 1 1 . H. B. WARNER in "SHELL 43" RILLIB BURKB ln"Clorla's nomsnes," No.12. JpFERSON 8?T ?Kun,,M NAT GOODVIN In "WALL ETBEET TRAtlKDY;' itJllTY-PlHST AND J." viiAlM l'.II A V riff u Market St. Theater 10c 13c. LOCUST .B.SD D locust g-.Velk3 I ,,, i!3r .na 3.30 . . Kvrs.. ll'.trt M n.m '".nl A ,KCOLN u - - ' - -j; -f-4rtH 333 MARKET ANrVAHPmnT"BET !2!AJ?AJB J'A PJ1E8IDENTE' PALACE iSU Sf1" 6TREE? SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "THU 1IONOJL4BLEFR1END.. PARK -T. jgsros: Bess.e Bamscale -nSLsEAND . - -.r-z?z "v -vn c. u PRlNr.F.S.; 10 MARKET LMHESTin ...jui.ouip KAME REGENT 1M4 MAMKKT STREET1 ' 'THE LIOHT OI" HATPIviroa R I A L T O aERMANTOWN AVE. UinUlU T TI'LPEHOCKESJ GAIL KA1MF. "OCKEN PAYINO THE PRICE BT. LEADER v WJl4w in "The Prevtenders" ti xsufwrn i-a tnorw m j.miivej tni s iBtf BTV KKOAD AND LllLr 1 COLUMBIA DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in HIS .pICTUrtlC IN THE PAPERS' LOGAN THEATER "",5 IRENE FENWICK in "THU CHH.D OF DESTINY" jaw kmA RIJRY MARKET STREET- " HKLOW TTII CTitprr MARY PICKFORD n TflT n A imnis ..- . . . "'""A I'ltuin nuLLAKD't SAVOY ""Algw WILLIAM GILLETTE in e"Difi-riv'iy ....,. " iiuw nuiir HlCLr WAXTBD TXMALK Cenllsseet fom Ftierdlna Colsmn COQTC an1 cbsmbermaM. white. In, family of 8 at 81 pnTlJ si best ret, rei PtJJdjCenL COOK, assistant, wanteili. whits, .Apply office. PulldlnrNo, 8 airard LtMlejceiSi'L Olrsra, fsnl tnr downstairs work m ref req rail le1 CenL COOK, while. Prnb , at Wa yn; S In fa COOKINO an downststrs worki alsot Blrl for ehambenvorW an1 waiting, must hae ex. perlenre PR! Oreens st Oermantown. CllKDlT Cl.Eftf Young Isrty to sydlt s.sies reports Apply t. J. Heppe A Son, 1117 . Chestnut st DRESSMAKERS Expert wslst an1 sVIrt drapers, with .ref erences from the most fashionable establish, mente: cheerful surroundings I Jtood wages) short hours; long sesson. Apply French Dress making Shop, fifth floor. West Store. BTRAWnntDOB CLOTHIER EXAMINERS wsntedi steady work. Ureenwsld Rros t 817 B. M. OinL wanted In Isrrs offlcet must be expert. enced In genersl offlcs workl preferably with tsxikkeeplng experlencei rapid and accurate st figures: state experience and salary wanted. rM3.Lnger Office. i. iviiiibs. in fipsjini i work In smsll famllri good homei state sga and give nearest thone number. M 83A. ledger Of flje OIRL. competent, settled, In real estate office! fair salsry. Harris, Real Estate, opposite station, Nsrberlh, Pa, GIRL, rreneral housework and cooking: wagea l. Ph. Overbrook lSft., Family of 4 adults. OIRLS li tA IS nt ave. tnr various densrt. ments. Apply Employment nureau, Lit Ilroth-I ere. OIRL1 Two white girls wsnted Jer pantry work, preferably experienced, wirn good ref erences; wares 117 per month, room snd board Address by letter, giving sge. expert ence and reference. Elweli Stockdale. Whits H a en, Pa , , OIRLS, oer Id. for labeling, wrapping and fin ishing medicine! light work: eperlenced and learners. Apply lliw wa aninmonwy. OIRLS over 10 yeara wanted for light workt no esperlenco neceesiry; in weea paia wnue learning. o.rpiy JKffi. Jue. OIRLS. eirerlenced nnd learners, on calendsr work. Arply third floor. Wolf A Co.. 12th nnd Oallowhlll. GRISWOLD WORSTED CO. DARI1Y, PA. Starting up now machinery, want girls: good wsges; steady work nnd will pay while lesrn- IIOSIERY LEARNERS WANTED on topping, knitting, mending end on string machines. We furnish flrst-clsss Instructors, and pay clrls while learning, and have plenty of work all the time after they hae learned. This in a fine opportunity. WALLACB-WtLSON HOSIERY CO. 43S5 Orchard st., Prnnktord. HOUSEWORK, experienced girl: must bs good plain cook: no latfndry work: good home; rood wages. S10 n. Sedgwick ot. Tako Oermsn- town ave. car. Phono Chestnut Hill 07U. HOI'SEWORK Oenersl housework snd cook: prefer mother and daughter or huaband and wife: reference. S01 rrjinklln llulldlmr. HOUSEWORK Qlrl. white, wanted for genersl housework with cooking; good wages. 1030 W, Erlo ae. Phone Tioga 1'3S1 V. flOI'SPWOHK Wanted, neat while girl, not over SO, for general housework: 10 per week. 1)20 8. 40th st. HOUSEWORK, aenersl; exp. white girl, 2 In family. 207 E. Jlowcn ove.,Jlt. Alry.rhlla. LEGAL STENOGRAPHER, accuracy essential make written anp., stattng previous exp. and cmp. undaal expected. K 48.I.ed. Cent. MAIDS', 2. colored, wanted for dustlnx furnH turc. Inquire at tho mall order department. 200 N. loth at. , MILLINERS wanted on wek work: steady cm plomenL Apt A Co.,72lArch. OUERATORS. experienced, on men'a neckwear. T, P. MeCutcheon & Pro., Pltcalrn Rulldlng, 11th nnd Arch sts. OPERATORST" experienced, wanted "on silk dresses. A. II. Caplan & Co., t19 Walnut st, OPERATORS, exnerlencecl" on Turkish towels, Apply Ward A Icchan Co.. Howard & Lehigh. OPERATORS on slnslo-needle machine; steady work. Apply Clreinwald Pros.. 217 8. 3d.' ORDER TAKER Tall snd cleer woman, sge 2.1 to 33, to take orders for high-class dressmaking snd tailoring Hnd sell French aowns, those having hail experience In n fnahtonahle establishment preferred. Apply "French Dressmaking Shop, fifth floor. West Store STRAWHRIDail & CLOTHIER SALESLADY wanted to solicit snd lnterlew West Philadelphia territory for retail coal ard: sslary and commlaaton to tho right party. .11 mti. i-coger central. SALESWOMAN for French lingeries and wslsts in largo prlate dressmaking establishment: only one with high-class experience and good selling ability need apply; good salary to right person. Call 2H12 Walnut. SALESWOSIEN " Lit nrothers require saleswomen for various departments. Apply Employment Bureau. SHOES Wanted, packing room help, crownera packers and tip fixers. Seenth floor. 315 N. 12th st. STENOGRAPHER. 17 to 22. soma knowledge of fookkeeplng preferred, fcr temporary position i real estate office In Oermantown. Apply Al D IIWA HJIMA J j , A 1 .Till IUWII HC, STENOail PIIEIl wanted In office of manufac turing concerns experienced quick and good ref. Apply Mfg. Co. of Amerlrn. 4.11) N. 12th bTENOortAi'HER-y-Must bo well educated "and fit for position as seoretary; reference, p 4ul, ledger Office. TELEPHONE OPERATORS Th Rell Telephone Company offers positions as operators to In telligent young women between IS and 22 eara old, salary 10 a week while learning, with rapid advancement; a steady position ss sured. with pleasant surroundings and unusual opportunity of promotion. Apply in person to lbs Hell Telephone Company's operators' school, 400 Market st. dslly between H 30 a. in. and S p. m. Monday Tuesday and Fri day evenings, between 7:30 and (1.80 o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long die'.' tiii-o, CA. j-'m. . ivrrvinna Ciepn0nO Company, inn 8. -d st., Room 403. TYPIST wanted; must be accurals; permsnent position; stats sslsrjr. l8Ledger Centrsl. YOUNO WOMAN. 20 to 23 years old. "bright, neat, for general office work, with knowledge of operating switchboard. Apply steward Jefferson Hospital. Kith and Hansom sts. x rtii.rt srtfsj ....I -n .a . rrr . r- iwum'. "."iv. r" ." Jt". ": neignt n in , oust so to asi must hsve ctirefto dlaplsy 'king establish. II 2012 Wslnut 4 In. to 3 ft 0 good figures; pretty snd attractive gowns in large prliste dressmaktn ment' exp. not necessary. a Gsneral TEACHERS wanted for grades, high and private schools. Positions wsltW. National Teachers' Agency 1 H Cook, Mtr . 327 Parry Rulldlng HELP '-'AKT-0-XAI.X Otnttnurit rem Precerflse Cotwma STTTEnS AND MECHANICS wantedi boiler and lank work. Cruse.Kempe: :8 war r Co.,. Amblen ra. FLOORMEN LIT D0THrR8 nMfESYMETnnyAi?En9' Tinwiiena TifertlftntS. SERVICP.R OP SEVF.RA1, .KXPEIII; THB r.ttt. ArrLY INSTRUMENT MAKEnD. M 84 te IB W of B hnursi tool mskers, IH.M to.lni rnarriin. ists. IJ.79 to IB! ssslstant msehlnlsts, M to sa.no pssea on experience sna cspacijy matle turret falhe operators. Clevelsnd, Ilrowri A Sharps, New Prltatn. M.B0; hsnd turret lathe operators. 13.10 Slelnls mschlns opsr ators. 1.1.70; higher compensstlon when on piecework! printers' helpers. J2 -. sklll laliorera, 12 to li.24. ArWy Frsnkford Ar. sensl, Hrldeshurg. Preferably In rrson. INSURANCE! MEN wsnted to learn the pjsno business. Apply to C. J. Heppe A Sons, 1117 . Chestnut st. JANITOR and Jsnltress, whits, married couple preferred, wanted Immediately at Uryn Mawr cotlere. Dryn Jtawr. Pa. , recent excellent rf. requlrrd. Apply at business orflcs, Taylor Itall, from 2 to 4 p. m.. Sept. IS or 13. or from Pi. m to 1 p. m , Sept 14 LARORERS for outside work. 12 24 .per dsy of Apply FranKfnrd Arsensi. .o, wanted, cruss-ivempsr -o.. TIZLV WAMTUD MALE RUR'EKA vtH MAKKKT rr"' Aj-SUr Vr1.4sri.pli CaW in , "BltfTTON OF THE 7TH" r A DlSoVM MP L-NSDOWNH AVK. AvAarl KVKNIMO SlIO TW II. ltbl CUtcf and Holfanek tOUk to "ruaANu anu wirw mmMw IssbTu TIOGA 1TT" AND VKNANOO STB, I I J CHORALCJSLO MUSIC mrs. nKe .VANJTY FAIRU J VICTORIA ma,SItninth Viola Dana ,n 'THE wwP " SJSSi in .a'iaDC,a,VaARPEtKE8S" STANLEY- "iMth- Lou-Tjlleem and Cleo Rldgelvin TMH 1CTPRY OP CONSCIENCE" 8QWm PMIL.II) KLTHI l nf VUHIl BROAD AND V-" " MAlNBHIIk3 'THE fj.RH OT EVIL" VJVo.Kgss Wm sV Kaswr W-sm to SsMMMi ksM Tkir. IMItr r-stftoav (MMsf BOY. ACTIVE, AMRITIOUS, FOR OFFICF. WORK WITH COHPORATlONl MIIST 1H OVKll 10 AND IIAVK (KV1I1 HfwJvt tJ!,j ,tr Ttnlll'IIJl'I.- i?rn . r."i'."" CTXn OPPORTUNITY FOR Anvivra MENT. CALL LLoai;n OFFICE. UTII ANn Ulll"ltJ AW, AV A"! avja.a r ik, UTII AND ASK FOR MR. WEST. J56V7" about in years'old. Jus"t through scEooT to wurk In ofnes. good ihancs for advance. rnii.- apnr (') u'lmrirnem. jinston Mv.j.ljps MacnlTe Co 21th and Locust UQX MliteA ''"VMS'! ,n.d- tcory. XppTy JYolf , Co. third floer. 17th and Callow. Sf .,.,,"5, J" U1X oleei must be 10 years. M SM. Idgy Central. . 1JOYS. 10 to 17 jeors. wanted In toy factory. 4 light work, steady employment and good pay. Apply the A. Scboeahut Co.. Adams ?r.J LAD for an offlcs; stats ags, schooling and jrererencee Afidresssnz. ledger ;i:entrsiJ MACHINIST wante'd". Apply 8 a. m Rer'nsteln . Mfg. Co , 3d and Allesheny. , MAN 'AND WIFE, white, wanted to go to Wll- mlnftonDel.. October li must bo excellent cook end good butleri reference required and ..Food. wsges M 824, ledger lOff Ice. MAN wsntedt thoroughly familiar with cloth printing and the handling of dras snd wster. proof compounds, give psrtlculsrs In full. Address Lock Hot No, ti2J,Toledo, O. MEAT CUTTER. APPLY 0J1EA8T OIRARD AVENUE MP.N WANTED Ilollermakers, locomotive ms. ohlnlsts, car repairmen, Isborers, locomotive rlesners Penns. It. R. Call 1711 Pllliert st. learn the ssusags snd MIN in wnhted tn pork packing business; 22c per hour iti't.t iirrmsnionn aie Apply OFFICE HOY. bright, 10 or 17 eara of sge. wanted by largo mercantile house, excellent casnee for adisneement! sslary 10. D 807. IcdgT Offlce. OFFICE ROY Wanted in a manufacturing establishment In Kensington. Reply, In own handwriting, firing full particulars. Address . ii.. a v itis a-to. Sons,MH7 " FRAMES Chestnut St. Apply PIANO SALESMEN, with experience In Piano Willlama, or Insurance business nreferreil. iieppe a Mona,,in7 Ch PICTURE FRAMES Cutters and Joiners! r,rn,iT J'iiw, Appij- in ig l, iir, iiiuci ui'iaiiwiu ICKpTnojOKS-rYouns; men with some oxn. lVolf4Co,thlrdfloort12trandCallowhlll. RECEIVER Ilrlght young man to take charge of receiving department. Apply Ilernsteln Manufacturing Company, 3d and Allegheny. ROUNDHOUSE MACHINISTS AND CAR REPAIRERS LOCOMOTIVF! EXPERIENCE CAR REPAIRERS ArrLY BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD FREE LAllOR Ill'llEAU 510 S. flJTH ST. (OrEN EVERT DAY) " SALESMAN wanted to einllclt and Interview W. I'hila, terrltorv lor retail coal yard: salary nnd commission to tho right party. i-eager ventrni. M 040. SALESMEN for clothing first-class, experienced men only: exceptlomlly good wspes: Imme dlnlely. n. ain)eman. I2th snd Datnbrldge, I'hila. Clothing Dealcra' Association. SPRINO.MAKKRS. both coll and elliptic, wanted: steady work, best wages; no labor troubles; transportation furnished. Apply bv letter, flvlne- experience F iC, Lech, superintendent, OUT PITT SPRING AND MANUFACTUR 1VO COMPANY McKee's Rocks, Ta. (Pit tsburgh pistrjct. ) , STA'nt.EMF.N. 3. wanted: 4 drivers Apply esrly. 220 Hread st. between 2d nnd 3d, Racs nnd Vine. In- I.. Tllton Transfer Co. STEEL WINDOW SASH MAKERS In addition to experienced hands, we will accept men who hsve worked on ornsmen,taI Iron work, blacksmith Ing, bollermaklng and kindred lines. Will piv $12 while learning. Can make J20 per week when proficient. State see snd experience ADDRESS "S. T.." P. O. BOX 3300, riHLA. STENOGRAPHER Man with at lesst 2 or 3 sears' experience for order department, offlce Urge miinufacttirlng concern near Ilroad and Chratnuti state age. experience, reference, salary expected for Pat year: also telephone number. M !I4 ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, nhout IS or 20 yesrs of age. Christian good at composition, hones' and polite, possessed of ability: opportunity to lenrn all branches of banking. P 403. Ledrer Offlce. STENOGRAPHER Young man. about 211 years nf nei Mtnunl Tralnlnr School grsdiiato pre ferred. Apolv V. cisrl A Sons, 8, W. corner mtllsrd Callowhlll sts. STENOOnAPHER. msle. "cspnble of handling rard setem and follow-up work. Apply C, J. Heppefi Sons, 1117 Chestnut eL STOCK SALESMEN to handle a hlgh-efsss p-oposltlon; rood commodity Irjalncss; com plete line; libersl comm'selons: no stlvsnces. Room 011. Msr'ne- pnd Merchant Rulldlng. Phils.. Pa Csll Saturday only. TOOLMAKERS WANTED r I. A. T. rouaiiKEEPsiu. n. TOOLMAKERS Termsnent positions open for rood men with xperlence on dies. Jlgo and 'fixtures: plant situated In Newsrk. N. J,. 40 minutes from New York cltyi not a munition n'ant! stadv employment, (lean , factrry and hlsh-grods workj, applications to le considered must stats age. experience reference snd wages ex peeled, T. M,. 810 Broad St., Newark. N. J. WALL TAPER SALESMAN ACCUSTOMED TO FIltfT-CLAPS TRADE. APPLY BUREAU OP EMPLOYMENT. 4 li FLOOR". BTBAWBRIDaE CLOTHIER WINDOW CLEANERS. 10. OUAKF.R CITY HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEANING COM" I'ANY. ROOM 01. HOUItSB BUILDING, YOUNO MAN. shout 22 years. brlghtT wanted for clerical workt must be quick and sccurato at flgureai man with pntklng room experience preferred: satisfactory sslary to right man, John Morrell A Co.. 18 New Market st. YOUNG. ACTIVE MAN wsnted In doctor's fam? Ilyi general houe and ofloe workl South German preferred! v.ne tC. with raise if satisfactory. 1132 Spruce. YOUNO MAN, aged 10, In iarge office: no Ex perience necessaryi hours 7 to nt Saturdays 1 o'clocki salar 18. D 214.Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN wsnted In optical storsf high school graduate nr student. Apply J. L I.lmeburner Co., 1720 Cheatnut. YOUNG MAN, bright and quirk, to do flllngr ensnee to aavance to aocouniani. Appiy u. J. Iteppe Bona, till wneatnut st. Y3UNO MAN aa clerk and bookkeeper wanted at once by a Urge corporation. M 043, ledger Central. YOUKO MEN anted at painting la toy fsctorri stesdv employment and good pay. Apply tha A. Bchoenhut Co.. Adsms snd Sepvlva. General ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL MANAOER. liOOft-IIOOO ACCOUNTANT C P. A. STAFF. BOOKKEEPERS AND STHNOOHAPHKRS WANTED. Other ooslllona open. BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1801 Land Title Rulldlng. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER. 4 yesrs' experience) goodpen mon-'accurats at figures. F 234, Led, Cent. f COOK, first rises, desires position, eltx. or coun. elu, tryt take lull charge, wsoa erenccs D 233, I-edger Offlce. , highest ref. Hep viva sts. BOYS. STJtONO, WANTED A'f WINDKHLKti OANDY FACTORY. Hh-lJJ PEGO BTV 01J POSITB 440 N. 2D ST. " ' "' ' BOYS wanted. 18 ysars or older, le work in wallpaper factory Hecksr, Smith A Page, Water at. and Snyder avu. -. HBICKIjAYKH, by !( tbous.ndi alP1ral7FiiV furnlsln-d: largs bulldlpgs. K jia Id, iu CHAUFKBUB foa private wb k,'ui froW. lr.'AA,""rci"S.irtSfC RS'.!!i,i.iMai- "i i,.,i. hw.mh .w,er OTaraeu CilAUrFEUK wanted. 'vhltsTTTvliuT'oo Unm Line -r,.Brvo Mawr preferred. Aooly noow ,-- ynssinvn at, CIJ8RK. s 18,JtT3,'Utiwn. ituaUAee lo'fraT wrinog. isvciuoiac stMiswrspay l,refrrsdt e-o4 -8aLiSJ5 wwi' wmm COOK end chambermaid! mother snd daughter work togstlier. ret. D803 IxKlger Offlcs. COOK and cTsmbermsTd want posltlonslogethtr or' aeparati4yjrefcrsnces. 1SS7N 0th, s DRESSMAKER wants engagemsnts. 12.30 daTlyi references 3008, Ltdger Branch, 00h and irrA. wishes t-ITTJATIOlfg yfJMTB-l'r. In and eredlt detriment or mui or j doing annuel tsjsfness relween is" t tsoo.eoo. My modern mJh"hSllwhere nr history of your business and nJ?- 'iifts logs can b. effected. . am a rmin cm s trslned msn snd "',h1 ,p',riS?y to start, proving position) m-minsi ssiary F 140, Ledjtejf Central. -? - ARLB ADVERTISING MAN, can bejp you gej tip attractive elrcu'SM and cataiogu . ran writs sales letters for you In clear, to clss. convincing English. Address n, - ger Office, -. i AUTOM0DILE MPRS. TAKK NOTICEI American, sge 37. desires to connect with J concern thst produces "' 'ntends to proouc 20.000 or mors cars yearly. Abso "t'Y " " the body fender. one-pleM shreed and lon nesit business step bT, "''PinP,,h.nd and preducta. equipment, floor 'space, wm ana re? tt.r..?M3.H,s2 hnnTo.n!..P,S,2U.7,.,nLedV.ro,fflc,.,:d ' " RAeso. scknowled-ed srtls'. open for church eholr poslllon.M OOl.MOger innce. M-F'T, rn"c'TBP ".?!; THOnotTOIH.T CXPERlENrr-n: r iiu in .. RECOtMENnED BY tyjJTJA.'f.R,,,!?''.'.' ArrtlltVTANTi 7 YEAR1 BUSlNI-eiH I.A rciutwcR. r .lUedoercentra . . BOOKICEErEn. with stock brokersge and bank Ing eipsrlence of more than 20 ,",,:, " present employed In a private capacity, " to make a Changs; references. 15 037. Ledger Central. . BOOKKEEPER wants evening work! books r.nen.,1, nmtitrd eineed, rtst system Installed. r 401, Ledger Offlce. , . BOOKKEEPER snd ger.ersl office man "wishes clerical position with part outside duties. D 103, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, 30, married. JO yrs. exp.,good education, wishes pos. 20. Led. Br., 3101 Otn. BOOKKEEPER, 20. msrrled, 1" rears' expert- ence: good offlce manxser. F OS. Ledger Lent. BOOKKEEPER. 12 years' experience, desires position evenlpgs. E 033. Ledger Central. CHAUFThim Reliable, competent, young, sin- Sle chsuffeur wants position, pr Irate or light silvery can experienced In repolrrnBl'strletly joberi Pa.jind N.I. license. F240.Id.lent. CHAUFFEUR and wife wish positions: cook, thoroughly experienced; good mechsnlc: no washing or Ironing: good reference: write or phone. 12 N.42d st. Baring 7037W, . . CHAUFFEUR, 12 rears' experience, wants posl Hon: csreful, sober: reference: does own re pslrlng, N. AriL ittll N 28th at. Phone. CHAVFFEUR Young man. whltrPdeslres po sltlon with prltste faml'v; 3 yesrs' exii. drlv lngandrepsjrlng; ref. F 40. ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR RellsTile "man. white, married, ose S3, cool-headed: 0 yrsrs" experience; Pierce. Ixicomoblls pref. M P01, ledger Office. CHAUFFEUIl. mechsnlc. English. 34; present employer gomr Avest; in ears- experience; Ajia. nimi, rxcellent re fa. 20 10 W. 'Roston ate. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, single, wishes posl. Hon! willing and obllclng; best references. Box43.8tpaM'a.l 'a. CHAUFrnUR, ags 21. sober, reliable, careful driver, desires position In town. Address E B48, Ledger .Central.. CHAUFFEUR, co!orcdr"soher, msrrled, prl.ate or truck; can repair. 819 N Cajiltal. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, denartm-nt store exp.. desires position: office bide, pref.; Alref.Jt9 Ledrj- Brsnch. 17thand Wharton. EMPLOYMENT MANAGER would"ll!ce" an "inter view with a firm considering opening employ- ment office. F 241. ledger Central. EXECUTIVE POSITION OF TRUST Broad business, financial and legal experience: college grsduste, American: would also con sider position wllh possibilities rs assistant to busy executive. M., Box 704. Jacksonvll p. Fls. GARDENER German, married. 2" children! wants sltiistton Ishlng charge private p'nee; honest, sober, good worker: greenhouse or with. out. Add.flB40Cro.vson st., Gormantown. GARDENER-COACHMAN. English single, long exp. .both branches: rots. D 31, Led. Off. HEAD BOOKKEEPER, capable tsklng full charge, desires chsnge. I) 230 Ledger Office, MAN anil wife, English, experienced cook "and butler, want positions together; reference. M .23S.S. Cecil st. MAN. 27. salesmanship or'clerlcsl. afternoons 3 to 0; best references. JT 302, Ledger Of- flee. MAN. middle aged, present employment book" kecper.lslres position D 210. Ledger Office. PORTER Reliable colored msn wlshea position? storeoroHlco.n. .Jlro-vn. 2022 Carpenter. SALESMAN acquainted with grocery trade In Phllaand surround'g cities sell'g line of cskes and crackers wants good line. F2l2.Lcd.Cent SALESMAN Young married man. 2.1 jcam o'd desires position; 3 jears' experience. D SOI I-edgerOfflce. STENOGRAPHER Experienced, educated Joung man. with Initiative, tact nnd ability, desires position with manufacturing concern, F 141, I-edger Central. STENOGRAPHER." experienced, cnllege'trraduate, desires permsnent position nrferlna. rood sd- vsncement; salary 118. F 248, Led.-r Cent. YOUNO MAN. 2.1. grsduste of tec'inlcal college. 8 j'ears' experience In Insurance offlce snd so. Ilcltlng work, desires permsnent position of. ferlng good adtancrment. F 40, Led. 'Cent. YOUNO MAN, good penman. .experienced In ship ping nnd exporting buslne-Ss; references; typist and bIlng clerk. F 2I1X I.cd.rr Central. YOUNO MAN, colored, wants position " bs chauffeur or general work around place. Ad- dress 08 Good st., Germantown. YOUNO MAN. 27. Wharton School student, (t .ears' offlcs experience, wishes. position with opportunlty. D 282, Ledger Office. YOUNO 'MAN, 2lhlgh school education, desires position to odvance. v 230, Ledger Central. YO"NO Its. 20 trood education dealreg nosN Hon In office experienced, F233, Led. Cent. GENTLEMAN at present has a good, successful" line but wishes tn lake hold of another prop, nsltlon In the building lino; best of refer ences WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER! B 031. I.EDGEIU CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICIIOLLS. 1020 Ralnhrldze st., hss competent male and female help, all nationalities: va cancles for couples, second-men. rooks, 130 to 100, waitresses, parlormaids, chambermaids, nurses, kllohenma.ds, housemaids, etc. Phons l-ocust 2130. WANTED, cooks, chambermaids, -hlldnurses, mothers and daughters, housemen anil gar deners. Miss Rose Dougherty, 1313 W, Olrard svenue. ' WANTED st Kflsconal Offlre,"" it2"8. lth" st.T cooks, wsltrcsses, laundresses and bouse girls. AUTOMOBILES Tor Sals USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE 3-passenger touring; used 7-psssenger touring. 7-passenger limousine and 1010 OVERLAND. lery little. PACKARD. 30 h. p., PACKARD, 30 h. p., touting. , S'.1 ?-ei.,"n-.r- "'PaBsenger touring. PANHARD. limousine. i-TiWl---i !.""'-," m 'soellent condition. i.cnir.ri r if 'a l',"""'r touring. jai ujuuil.l, 48 h, p., D-psssengcr TRUCKS WILCOX, dellxery; panel body. OVERLAND. 1014 delivery; .oel body, THE WHITE CO. L, If, O'NEAL. Used Csr Dent. j,ii, ppmc. ap., louring. CADILLAC IU14 touring car, Key., Race 1734. AA-iA..A, lull louring car. overhauled rri-if xm. ..! 11 ''".- - - - ""- cTiuvm "V,uu.,p,-;,tn,t?i..iL.,v'?i.t.: Oom.ry-Sehwarts 2 w. .".7 .lff. Trn I phaln.1rlvi !.. -i- .... .i . fcr.fc.nW,.te.nV.oVr . LOCOMOUiLE -111 11. A ...,. KxchiBji PULLMAN SLIGHTLY USED 1916 MODELS SSMAKElt iJitr.nniAcie-i wian.a engagemeni in copy JienchbopliS) remodeling sis.cl.lty. 1224 S.lfith iADir. peifeUI. c'apab's and' with goodrefe7 ones, wishes position ss nurss, companion to i nervous Invslld or old Isdy, E nj, Ledger Central ' VlOTHKIt 8 helper by day or hour; Protestant! .Ef'-S'JS"1! reference D 233. ledger Office. fJL. HEAMSTllESS dsalrea ensannntB In irm.. town aud l-lnllL smocking, p lf2Lsd. jCsnt. BTENOqilAPHBR. a'yssis' espsrlcacercom i. . s i.rinoi posiis-ii! iiraiiy n l. . r, ,5. ledger niral. catedt STF.NOaKAPHEU. thoroughly asH. ur,rsl offlcs routine! fsgal and commerclsl. JB Ills' lxdrec Central. ' OI CAVD 'POIT. ntArr. J..M PH imtftfL '. toe! V.ist. 4- .- BTENtHlHAl'llBR wishes pos. AdJress Ulaa H w C. McKsy, B. Mildred atChirlStoa, ,yva TKWnArnK, wita mtni slres permanent poeltUm. F STENOOHAI-HBR,. sipulsAeed, i a, nsnt position; sslary 18. SI52 WIFE AND HUSBAND.jjwttlUHit obtldrsa. Alll-iie VH MTII1 ITISMSW s jiip; AN 1 lMM utility, c or auVurb. WOMAN st-Jot!' Pr Prraa. ... ' vt " r yiiuwiww m MM! wit i '.' Xsstaasr waS" Ji45Sa ?&$& gjrjstt m wsts slay's work) ref.sT 'sv.eeea(raA a.. vi-o 1IIA UIIIN IIUI. n STANDAIID MOTOR CAR CO 063 NOMTII Hnri.i-, i,r.:.v"-'" i ssii " ''..'.. POP 1S1MJ STKARNS-KNIOHT, itAcn rgn. rKAKNH.KNIOHT. tourlrigi 7actlrlT TT run less than eiitfml.es. ' prc"l)r nswj " ..A1.. :. '-Passenger Tourlmr. Iinnn . A.-tVi.,iv.ry t.uckj.I.tonTiach-i.bo. ijanaers PartST-SCHOBER . 3341-4,1 MARK1IT -5SKOM A"TO(a N. BROAD LOCO 30 PARTS-SCHOBER" """ -. t. AUTO 1.IVBKY AKD OAKAOag YOUNQ )UNQ WOMAN sssu gassUVsa at INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO JTxicrc7 --- ...WBHr . AtTTO 1. AIimKO AUTO PAINTIMH"" Tops and Slip Covers' COHMERCIAn on PLEASURB CAm ft aa ! Vlt .l1lttS . ... TRIMMING AND, r, j i-or I nose no oemanq the Ka my prices are a third lee?- than any other shop In Pmi GEO. W. PARVIS to 1321 A.rdrio St. Tiogg J "rosq Abo.. yy ATJTO. HEP AiniNO SPEEflOMETHn TROtinr.i SeeiniLLY.at his new iocsii i0 NORTH BROAD sV.8 CYLINDERS REBORKD. new putos.T fumlshedj welding and brsxlng it i wood - Co 1023 Hsmllton s( , i 'n? st. Wis, AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old ee, r . parts to repair, csll, writs rt nLV"1 ..J.' ..!! l TO. TARTS co.' '"" s. a. in at rark Jilt, TIMKEN-REAIltNna iiv". T New Departure Sen Ice Sla. The Owiiu.. 1814 Arch st Ph. WalnutfVc J t ... PARTS to build or repair stir car Phils. Auto Psrts Co . fa N lathV. AUaO TIRES rULLMAN TIRF.S Ouarsnteed SViu miles. leed 81UII miles, Comnara i.. onlMS. 230 N Brci TteH' BUSINESS ori ORVUNITIEJ, S.ive Your Private Prppertfy from llsbltltv for business obligations J i corpora ting your ente-prlse. We furntsbMJ lers under liws nf all States at small s Corporste Mnnnsl mailed free on re.. U. S. INCORPORATING C.C FINANCE BUH.DIN'O. niHApELMJlfl PATENTS Stni fr ear fr-, ,,, . 'Patents and Trsde!,t3 l11i l.ln -ni liv.1ft . t...r.'.B,BS . xlcn frMi reportable ff. open llondiS1 n1ni until n.3(j, ' - FOSTER & WEBSTER 8e J,01 lChrstnutst. Bell pbonnain jtAiiM oiTimTiJNiTY for. a young nuTi understands the wholesale "' business to secure an Jnteresti 500 to is! ncceefan'i our aecretsfryand treasurer, owl to n severe illness, had to resign, sni i position Is open! stand strictest Invest tut .. mh-ii ,,,., . ,. win, ii l.l. e t200 .T0!'00.0 to "nvest. with services, Wi r.ll. nl h, ,.! n. ( .,, ' I facturo of specialties, now In ooerstloaT! romblninn small manufactories, thst. i iir.ifni iiiuuti, un ur.reHiireu. Aaartsi. 1 particulars. D 18t Ledger. 6fflce. 13000 WANTED for Interest In a copper .iii(ii, it, in u inns ot nisn-graas ore d dump: monev needed for machinery! this I ,,ii w. . . Auiuiy iu ae ii ihtvb oiock 01 SIS in h inmiuuns nun., run particiari, a(h K HBO, Ledger Central. . MILK ROUTE In prosperous suburbsn tovn i: weekly profits 100: price. Including ( . equipment, 11700. For particulars sddntil Y.liirlnger. Perkssle, Pa j tun bak or rent, oia-estatillshed retail e market doing at least 1300 weekly, F i-TM-. ,iii. TtnSTTJ'PRCl TT.TC'nraTQ i HAVR YOTI A WTT.T.? 1 Mop. Import nt bunln.sa In lift, la tn a will leg-ally prepared, rrotectlnr thoM ou want to set our eitate.Revtrdlit Bmouni i your prupcrij, wg ir-iu arw , win ior :.ou; expert service. inon or i ior ppninimeni. it ci i vrft!.rf.n HTfvn rr FINANCB nUII-UINO. PHil-VUElPHU DIAMONDS nOL'CIIIT Bank reftrenci. Apjtralfm.nt. t wr ftti HARRY W. PMIJTH. 717 .anom tt ,t1 .ms Open ti s7v. a KVGNINO CI-OTHES TC TntePt p tyifa. Phona t'tiplar 233. l l.EIDNi:iVa loth an Rlrard a- SUrEnn.UOUS IIAin removM y- electrolyi n-i miiv jis-ritiniit-iii. wb, j.jxur. w, ri j-iioa .iiiiii. .u ivnn inraier iiac CAKPET CLEANIKQ C O N T I N n N T A L CARPKT CLI-ANINtl IIOHSR otii si. aouv iti., iruur i nll t .... l A3-1I l li,"lt. -,. .u - Wr...TPHII. WCST PHIIa.,. WESTriULA. MONARCH 8T0RA01. CO, ntrn vinn ' 8870-72 LANCASTPt JIYB. DRESSMAKINU AND MILLINERY tub Mcdowell drhssmakincj sciioi individual instruction, snort courses. tin. & Msrket its. . payments: patterns i ut, 30c up, u .r,..ii ULini , win F01C SALE J3S LAROB TALKING MACJIIKB Edlson with cabinet for holding 200 newsi finished in a beautiful quartered oak: cm new SSI; can bs paid at the rate 01 ia ..Alv, -.!!. nt hnrffnlni in cood O tloni equal to newt write for complete list i bargains and special au aa.s ires irisi HEPPK'3 U1TOWN 8T0RE3 Cor. 0th and Thompson sts. ADDING MACHINE, visible listing, perfect c der; cheap. Klein. 1318 Chestnut, ii,i,.,..u. ruoi com-iiitiiion second ou.ci!t aold. rented, exchanaed, reoslr un.iliua I tfm I.'.alj, lm.rl.in miTiall turer, ..Jl Ulrard sic. Pnone Kens. -J 111 f.l.l A Itll. im,I tl,l.at aecind-hail-Is Ing alleys! easy pmeiits llosstto-bsrl Btreet Co., 22 a. btn at. mono tvsi i ill l IIUI, AVI, Wl. L'PT 0AIII.t.a bowTlnc alleys: easy payments. BRIJNSWICI " HALK-COLLI-NDER CO.. 1002 Arch. , CASH RPOISTHRS bought, e. changed, rtsild reD'ated: supplies; new ana feorf-v,1 uf tnli.t ,lr t1V AM ISO. CSll I am. . mni ii. vist. rs sold by tn I essv pnvments and. fully guaranteed. il THE NATIONAL C .HH HEOI8TEU C0.O 730 CIIIS-ITNUT Bin.,l OPERA CllAIUS. 73 per 100, Powers 6-.il ....,.... -...!.-. ...ail rtnltf ? tnSS IMS't'l' ,UI ,nni,",,,r., uv -'" ,m. I'llin I- .-mi A wim ,rn.i nth and tal HAPIIM Ilrcproof. closing out 00 sIlihtTTB" all sixes urd makes. Tils bargains. . !-.,. -t fh.tween Its- nnd Vlnel. hTiihi. iith tuTrroNwoop v. Ha the iiir-t snd bvst ssrtment-i,3 ttsea oinco turuiur. ana uiuL,,l , this port of the Country. AertbMfj II nricea hia. wm. to enulD an offln. plense ou Krre delivery anywhere- HEATING HI.ATKRB, 'ItMlIt nilsArl st T-llHll l7 rsnges, boilers: bsrgslns la sf II mates. UAKIN-KUI-Bt J -INSTRUCTION Musical ixrirt ... e. rnnt church cholri Inatructlon In best churrt n return for two services per Bunds.. Pi Ledger oince, MACHINERY AND T00I8 iiAPnTT BPLii' coiuns ml llA-l.iil',ltn ana ri.ii a.aa--w...-. - j. . Inshed ball and socket osarinss. jr. .g. for all shafting purposes. . BKAFTUiO A HO norin niw JAMES YOCOM I for all shafting purposes. Bit " .IACH1N1. WOK8. 145 NorthHeni Tff5hJelS?i?, i'owk-i'Jaapi i E',u.rrr's i Dynsmos. motors, boilers, steam a s , ,cTXN.rlr.Y?rn.7V2yHjs CORLIB8 UNOINE8 14, 18. 24 In. strictly modern-girder frame, i. fert's Bona, 4S7 N. Sd sL . IITTff.u .lr msrhlnsry bOUSSt- I snd rented, armatures repaired. um itsrsei aima vearsiey .. . ... , J. ?H. 8, 470. 8 INCH power plte Il. .. 2W Inch Poll cutters. NUTTALL. 174U N th FOR BALK Used Lorlmer sksln y cnesp. Apply Overbrook Carpet Ce.. sew incaster ave. BTll.l. l-ilt I leva ' a ...!! thoa stock, air diameters. CIIARLM . :uu'a-.a D-U Arcn I SKLL SCRAP METALB TO IIBNUY I-7 FORT CO.. 222AJ TiTTiie e. T.T-TW. ,v,n n TA1III.A 2D-sl PIPE BUPPLY. itMMI N. 7th. Both MUSICAL INSTBUMENW is PIANOS EPTI1HII. SATE - IIBPPE'8 UPTOWN .TOKM fifW Th summer refit a 1 piano art T$ ina dck. Jai.r oi ine nntat jivvtw- juiea ana menomtcutr pian ilea and hnmarkr nlsrins. aa g will be sold at reductlona of ISO to lbs new rarsaenis Al ibout JU Clilckerlni. nlngba to -Ulrard, pari uayment on Iiava bsan marked 1 1 Ml. .10, f month. Lestsr. prlcas. Guaranteed for J at K monthly and UP. ti uarlglit pianos by suih u r Us-n., A Hamlin. LSSt . Iialoas.' j-Uasiu-. ,rs n ptaiKila-planos. kirls.l rksd down la 75, ! Vt-v, -AU. Ill MIUIAAll. A a lisiers. Plaisr-planos, slightly use4 II duc-d IJ0 snd MiM. 'belo' tegular isrme oi munttiiy ana upfrsi-! . , - !....,. ut 1S. lu ff . eiSlste irwl of vMrolss. rsra'ds si Cairer write Ir com. iet , list iJ -iihsi ana seecisi pius u v .. MKPPK'B n-.. i SNC ITH AND KIU rm. MJ'eu" KeLablUbad lfS W: