EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, lOlrj FINANCIAL NEWS J 5T00K MARKET ACTS REMARKABLY WELL IN VIEW UF imAV X REALIZING SALES BW Issues Show Reactionary Tendency, but General List Cannot aa itepresseu uenerai motors Again Shoots Skyward I New York Stock SalcT High Points in Today's Financial News Stock market in New York strong and active. Another new high mark iwo way, xjnxcago nan exchange weak Prices of cotton ?rnin. Hntintn. Pihk tarter. "" .- r rt ' 'n- ZfbartUvir higher xn New iortc ana isonaon. lJ General Motors, wmwt .. ... c "-Lin marA:t doi because o nnmarj efectiona. fltig, " .;n exchange market. Money rates unchanged. ". ' t... tnillinn mora in cold arnvfd tn New 1'orfc I NEW YORK, Sept. 13. Ii.hni.eh It was n matter of general knowledge that the Street had been called m to absorb a huge supply from realizing sales In the Inst week, the stock mar r. toiay boro the burden of Increased supply remarkably well. A few stocks Shoved a reactionary tendency, Including the Marine Issues, but It was evident Sat the general list wanted to go up and some stocks could not bo repressed. A. feature of the trading was tho violent advance In specialties. General Wors mnde an ndvanco ot B5 P,n's t0 697' ono brokor buying 100 at G45 and ianedlately after selling nt ou. uemienem oieci rose sou points to 554, and Mini of t P"'"UB - tui ... ....... i ..w , Accompanying the advance In General Motors there was talk In tho Street of the formation of another giant nutomobllo merger. The talk was evidently duo to fact that several ui uio uuo "" "'"""' " 1110 tuuiury nuve ncm con wa recently. Atlantic. Gulf and West Indies continued Its rocord-breaklng movement, sell- las at 9 an advance of 6 points, and about tho same amount of gain was mado hnlh Maxwell Motor and Studebaker. United States Steel common ranged all Srough the day from 104 to 105. ' American Smelting odvonced more than 1 point. Tho Marino Issues were weak, theso stocks being directly Influenced by recent heavy realizing. At times taring the day the railway stocks wcro forced Into prominence and somo of the jading Interests on the Street were active buyers of these Issues, especially Union Piclnc, which ndvanced moro thnn 1 point. Hading puzzled tho talent on the Kurdroom floor, advancing sharply and then reacting, but gaining now ground i wain, and In tho lato dealings was selling at around Its high record at 112. j The International Paper issues were exceptionally weak, and thero was t jy, vigor to the trading In American Hide and Leather 'preferred. Industrial l Alcohol was forced Into prominence, with an advance of moro than 4 points. The munition stocks developed strength In the late trading, when Cruclblo Steel sold J up more than 5 points and Baldwin Locomotlvo moved up from 81 to 85. New ? v.t Air Brake also showed strength. '? . .1.11.. ....... n Inma 1.. ...A. rf nlerl nil .l...., rfe 4i.n An.t 4h fnnAnnil eVm s this source more than offsetting the supply from liquidation of speculative lines. $10,000,000 More Gold Comes in From Canada kt.w YORK. Sept 13. Gold to the amount of 110.000.000 has been received It from Canada and deposited In tho Assay Ofllce for the account of J. P. Morgan A Co. i Electric Doat Pays 159c Extra on Common and Preferred ' NEW YOItK, Sept. 13. The Electric Boat Company has declared extra dlvi- P dends of 15 per cent on Its common and preferred stocks, payable September 29 to stock of record of that date. Acme Ira ,, . 55 Adr Romelr AJ Kubnef .,.,, CO Alajica iioii M 14 Alaska J (lold M 71 AIIIM halDirri Mf...... oft AlllvCbil Mff pf 7Bf Ani A IhrmlC! SO Am At Chcm tl 102 Am llert tiMt a-l! Am ft Smarpf...... 09)4 Am Can... ft(jj Am Cat Kilj... ,,..,, (an Atn Colton Oil . .,'.'',,'. 64 nin llicif , I.vatDr, Am Hide A L pf... Am lev -ucjtltics . Am t.lnwul Am LmPtd pr Am ixKDnmUTo lllitti. Ixiw, 12) i 01' 29)4 a Hi 624 7j . 14 00 14 7)1 24'4 7!t Ml 103 can MM 0I iVIU IfilM 150J lIJt 64H KJ' M)4 12! ill)) 29 21 o.l S Vi 14 O0M ISH 7U J.1 70H Ht 102 04)4 mi ntu 13U 110; 20) j 2-Ut .V1W K)'i Clus. Aft 14 M ISM VI 24 7BH Ml 102 P3)4 II0H 05 oa)4 12 r. 2'JX 21 P0W mi ; hn Am Loeomollve pf inn', ltmu looi looli Am Malt orp't .... ( o h 8 Am Malt Cotp'n pf 4t,H 4tl) 40)i 4lHl AlnSnie. -.lid 107 lllSJk 107' 18 Am Mnelt , it nf 111 ii, 111 111 m omen pi a 00 Am vtl Koji irlei rjh Am tusai ttcr.nltie urn Am Tel &Tel lMlt Am Woolon., .,.., 6uv Am Woolen pf ust Am Writing I' pf :t,jt, Am ZincL A bra....... gi Am 7. L ft a pt 7sX Anaconda Cop .M...... syij Alctt Top ASK 10.14 Atch Top ft S P pf 09 All liuil ft I. ....... ,g Attn ft W I pf (S')'J Atl Coast Llna 113 llala Loco Wkj n,)W Halt 4 Ohio 8.M1 licthK'hvm Meel .yiu F.MU rox Burns rtros 78U 78U 7S"i Uutte ft nuprrlor r.9' 0JJ 08Ji Canadian I'aclflc K) 177M 177 Case J 1 Th M pf...... 83 84 84 Central Leather 02' OMK 01H rninu i.eamer pi Ill' 114 Chandler Motor lnnr 111 Chei ft Ohio 01 02Sf Chlcaco Ureal West.... 12)4 12); Chi Great Wejt pf 35)i 3(1 Chi Mil ft St Paul U-) 94 Chi Mil ft St ! pf 12 IK 121); Cb 1 Northwestern. ...1J4 12 Chi It I ftl'ac 17 17H :J)l 40U ;m; c0 104) m mi; m 00 DO 00 .7 .V 67 112'i in in;; l.LMt 1.12'4 I32!i C0H CO f0 VSH DM j HSi 32 Mi 10.1)4 103!.' 1W WJ W 04); Il7!i US 11 Hi" 1121 1UH hOli 82a hOlt W'4 HUH 80H M4h 78' UU)4 177H 84 OJ'i 114 HI 02)f i2i; 30 oj); LONDON EXCHANGE STRENGTHENED BY RIBOrSMOMISES Britain's Optimism Accen tuated by Improved Mil itary Situation KEEN DEMAND FOR MONEY 114 110 02 12); 30 !).)) 121); 124); 123 125 Chile (oppcr MM SOU Chlno Coppor 63!i flO); Col Fuel ft Iron r2h 3) Cot ft South 1st pf 50 CO Consolidated Uas 1301; 137 Corn ProJucts Hef 15H 104 Corn Prod Itef pf 00't 0IH cruciDio steel,.., M)i Oi Bic Four Places Preferred on 5 Per Cent Basis NEW YORK, Sept. 13. The Big Four hns declared a quarterly dividend of IK per cent on the preferred stock, resuming dividends at the regular 5 per cent It rate. it .COTTON CONTINUES TO MAKE BIG GAINS Early Upturns. Cause Profit-tak- irs, But Buying Prevents Heavy Losses 1 COTTON DEM WEATHER CONDITIONS f JW IOKK, Sept. 13. In. the rotton belt tut mornlnt ruin wat reportrd In Tfinn ana n tht AtlantJe root. , . Tk fntinwinr iMnnintimne rrcorarui f Mliliamii, S Meridian. MinliTllle nna Ane- tlHe. eot Abilene, lllrmlnihum. Cbattanaoca. nneiiiue ann auania, o: u not. -.Mle, I'rnsaroln, Macon, MontiromerT and Ha- Mil, Mi Fort Hmlth. Slempnia, TicKaoura. fharaakvllle. AurimtA and Tampa. 70 1 rl Mtrtteport. San Antonio, Del Klo. New Mllrainrlon and Havnnnah, 71 1 Corpua lhH1l and Galteiton. 70. Thr ira nl Inch nf nreclnltatlon at New Orlean. .02 Inch nt Wilmington, .04 lath at Thomaavllle and Raleifrh, .06 Inch , fmiti fhl.l nn.l SB lnfi nt H,nH, m Zkv"""' " "" " SEW YOriK. Sept. 13. Firmness was Uplayed on the Cotton Exchange at the penlne this morning, prices advancing 11 to 18 points on the call. Important room operators purchased and some Southern houses nlso were buyers. ' me largest demand, nowever, came irom Liverpool, where sharp advances were re torted, and these gains were the main ' factors contributing to the advance here. 'New Orleans was the principal seller In inn marKCl, Dut a supply aiso came irom '(onunlaslon houses and Wall street Inter ests sold. "- The earlv unliirna nttrncted Droflt-taklng Mlea by local traders and brought In a larrtr aunnlv. on wh'rh nrlcea reacted 6 r Dolnta haftM i.a .ml nf thn first tpn mtn- stea of bualness. Tba market nhnwud Increased strength , surlnr the middle of the morning. A . lre from Kew OrlennH renorted that the L lateratate Trust and . Banking Company estimated this venr'a frnn nt 12.690.000 ikales,' compared with last year's estimate iW 12.170.000 bales. This may have in- r spired some of the buying, while the failure ' w of Liverpool was a disappointment L J early sellers, and prices worked about P' to H points net higher after 11 o'clock. t temperatures were lower In the cotton , blt and some talk of possibility of frost ,fM heard, Good, soak ng rains have fallen to Texas, but they are too late to benefit tM. OTOD and will nn.1v rffniitt In riftlavlne 6,1 wpj-k of picking. t J, The market was forced to absorb ln- Etfeaaed southern selling In tho early after- "wn. I'rlces. however, held steady on fcu!atlv and trade demand, at 2 o'clock j"""W a net advance of IB to 20 points. i Expotts for the day were 10.J40 bales, tocludlng lt44 bales to Great Britain, 900 ! to other points on the Continent and "II bales to Japan and China. PRICE MOVEMENTS MIXED ON THE CURB Buying of Midvale Steel by Banking Interests Is Chief Feature--Motors Strong NEW YORK. Sept. 13. There were mixed price movements In the Broad Street Curb, but with the important changes to materially higher prices. The continued banking buying of Midvale Steel was the chief feature of the market, that stock being taken from 69 ft up to 70 and al though It reacted to 69 H was quickly put around 70 again. The motor stocks were In good demand with General Motors' new stock ranging from 140 to 145 or equal to 72 S for the present shares. United Motors advanced over 2 points to over 66, and a gain of 3 points was made In Chevrolet, which again sold above 20. Stutz Motor was also In good demand, selling at 73 to 73 H, with the market tone Influenced by the expectations that It will be listed on the Stock Exchange at the gov ernors' meeting tonight. Some of the munition stocks were weak, with Aetna Explosives yielding from 11 M to 10 M and a number of other stocks like Gaston, Williams and Wigmore were offered at concessions. American International Corporation was In good demand, advanc ing from B6H to 57. The Independent oil stocks were quiet, but many of the Standard Oil Issues made fur ther substantial gains. Mtnlmr stocks were Irregular, United Uverde Extension, which sold yesterday at 45. breaking to 39'A, while Hex Consoli dated, on heavy trading, advanced to INDUSTRIAL,! Crucible Steel pf. Cuban-Am Sugar Cuba Cane but-ar , Cuba Cane bugar pf... Delaware ft Hudson... Distill Sec Corp'n Dorao Mines Drtggs-Seabury Krtc Erie 1st pt Erlo2d pf Ocn Chemical pf General Klcctric Genera Motors General Motors pf Goodrich 1) P Granby Consol.. .119 110 .251 252 . iSii MH4 . U3H U5)i .130); 152 . 46)4 47H 24) 24t 10!i 20 30 52H 50 13014 I5i 01)4 8th 111) 250 G$)i 1)5)4 152 40; 24)4 b!) 37 52'f 43;; id; 20 .11 U 52); 50 137 IGH OIH 03 1111 230 50 03)4 152 JO!." 24 80 37H 53 43j; By FRANCIS W. HIRST Special Cable to the Kventng I.tdper LONDON, Sept. 13. Optimism ot tht Improvement In tho military ultuntlon is accentuated by report", that the Central Powers nro anxious to negotiate for pence. The position of the London exchange was manifestly strengthened by Hlbot's an nouncement that the gold hoards of Paris and Petrograd are to be moblllxed and placed here as need requires. Thin Is the torrect policy, slnco we nre bankers for tho Allies. The British Association's economic dls cusilons at Non castle npproxed the exten sion of the Income tax to the working clashes. All the speakers rejected the view that our colossal war expenditure can be regarded with equanimity or that tho war debt raised nt home does not matter. Stock markets were uninteresting, sae the buying by Dutch Interests of Peruvians. The demand for money remains keen, in lew of autumnal requirements. Tho Birmingham Trade Union Congress was unanimous for abolishing compulsory servlco after the war and conscripting wealth by making property shoulder the burden of the war debt. Touching Monday's official notice re stricting nrlous food and other exports to Holland and Scandinavia, tho Manchester Guardian writes: "The object aimed at will only be to make the blockade of enemy countries moro cirectlvo, without interfer ing more than necessary with the Interests of neutrals." The Swedish list is the longest of the four, and alone Includes margarlno materials. Newly published correspondence shows the mnll and parcel post controversy re mains unsettled, though tho dUergence has been narrowed. . 1 Sales in Philadelphia New York Bond Sales Great Northern pf 116!; 117 . 88 M! . 37H 37Ji . 52'4 6.1'j . 43 43); .110 115)i 115H 115,'f .171; 172'i I71H 171!i .012 007 015 GOt .120)4 127 126; 120!4 . 72i; 7.1'; 87H 88)i G N cfs for ore. prop.... 42); Grecnc-Cananea 50 Gulf States Stool 87H Gulf State 8 1st pf 03 Gull States S 2d pf 04 Illinois Cent 102 Insp Con Cop 01H int Agricultural pf 51); int Harr N 1 117 42)f 50)i 02 O0M OIH iod; 01H 52); 72)i 73 87 88); now no;; 41!i 41 10); 72)4 30H 05 45 43); 82) 53"; wmbr (ansarjr & ' .'' M , ... Yei'day-a Cloaa Open. . ID 14 1D.J , a.nu . ft. 4 1 ,. o in ,. IS 78 i 16.00 It .m. J2 m. Jp io.su 10 "M in. m ii6 18,50 15.05 16. OS 10. 85 s n.40 Liverpool Cotton LIVEJIPOOL, Sept, J3. Spot cotton to Jr was In good demand and 14 points -, on me uas& of p.47d ror mia-up-". Tho sales aggregated 10,000 bales, "chiding 8000 bales American. The Im- rU Were fiOOA hlB nil Im.rlrnn Th fe'S!ttk' 'or futures closed quiet at a net Mnc of Hi at 1 iwlnts. 36. Aetna Eiploalvea Am-llrlt lit Am Marconi Canadian Car Co ...... Can Car 4 FiJy pfd ... Chevrolet Motora ....... Curtlia Aeroplane. ...... ntneraon 1'honoaraph , , Haakell Uarker Car ... llendee Mtr ... Katnoaion uronso yu Maxim Munitions .,... Manhattan Trans ,,,, Midvale Steel Otll Elovator leerlee Motora Poole En H 8 Kreeie w I Stand Motora Btromberc Motora . ... Btuta Motora .., Hubmartne Trlan le Film ,,,,.,. United Motora ....... United Froflt Sharing U B I, a 11 com ....,, do preferred White Motors , world nm BTANDAnD OIL 8TOCK8 Illinois .- 15?. Ohio S?S l'ralrle rip ih.,mi.,; H O Oal ;; h o N J "31 S O N V , OTIlEll OIL STOCKS Coaden OI( ,,,.,. Coaden Co, .., Inter reiroi ,.... , Did. Aiked. 10 11 12 20 V. i 8)4 SO 40 eo to ;.. io8 2os it; ss 0 UK . 88H SUVi 24 20 (l IT ::::::::::: 8 to 55 js m ; :::;::::::: m r ...I.. I'Yt H W 82 6 0 C n1 , ,(4 7 J , ,., 4H Oh S4H B3 1U 1H 1ST 2S5 ?U 8U0 037 Int Con Cop t t c sh Int Con Corp'n pf.. , lut Paper Int Paper pf Int Nickel v t cfs.... Int M M c of dp IntM M pf i of dp., Kan City Southern... Kelly Spnn Tire.... KrnnecoU Copper..., Klne CoEI.il'.. Lick Steel Co , Xako Erie i. West... Lot Itubber Tire Lrbmb Valler Louis & Nash Mackay Cos pf Maxwni Motora Max Motors 1st pf.. Mat Motors 2d pf... May Dept Stores... . Mexican i'eixolruro... Minn M 1 & 8 8 M....121 Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Mo Pac tr cu Montana Poaer Nat Biscuit Nat, CkuK &Sult Nat'Enam & s Co.,., Nat Lead Co Nat Lead Co pf...... Ncv Con Cop New York Air Urake New York Central.... NVNIls II N i U & West Norfolk & Western..., North American Northern Parlllc Ontario SUrer Mlo... Pacific Mall Penn Itailruad Pitta Coal Co N J.... Pitts Coal cof dp..., Pitts G pf cof dp..., Pressed a Cat Co Pressed 8 C Co pf... rub 8 Corp'n NJ... fly Ulctu bp Co Ity Steel Bp Co pf ... hay Con topper Heading Heading 1st pf Reading 2d pf It'epubltc Iron &. 8... Itcpubllc Iron & S pf. ribat Ariz Cop Seaboard Air Line ... Sears, Iloo & Co bloss-Shef 8 & 1 40); 8Ji 09H oj); 101 mn 5114 no); hoi; no); 101 10H 10t 72'1 28; 02 45 47); 40); 02 00M 91)4 101 )i 00)4 51 It 72U 2Sj; 04 45; 47)4 llouiton Oil . Mldweit lief Sapulpa lief g,L Financial Brief s Btephan is. ntith .mtr.trtrA guiitani Sr of the foreign depattmsnt. was MrappolnUd an aawlstant eashler of tne WMWhla Ulllnnil tln.,1. VJ ln fJ.I68,00 from the New wk Subtreasury yesterday, and since ' Xwy 110,014,00. -Ju.New York Block Ectnge HMlng 2"u roelvd applloatlon to list Mis. (iiT' ." Rnd Texas Railway Company rrity Trust Company jit New York navV...0' Pt ff .,.W 8rt JJJ jj1"1" eWr4eB 4 P4W cost boU, Ulr LO tlUk DruLLiBvA & tKAtk AAA has kuit yejyl fro Hm ttHbtfuHiry tor a4p- HAH SILVKS sr silver wu aixatMA &t lasi l toAom y4.?.t jm i' umaPmSVW-'V x, . fyr 'ii MiNiNO '8T0CK8 Atlanta ...... Uutta Copper ana scino .,.,,. Dutte N Y C'orro le Paoo ...,..., Klrat National , , florente Oolanelo ,,,, OuliiniM Merier ........ ...... IltcU Mlnln , jlow buusa ,,., Jtm llutler Jumbo Bx ..i..,,u,.ii,.t Melnly-lrran .,.,,,., ilaam V'""?' , lines Co of America .? , Nlnliiln .., ,,,, San Toyw---. .- St Joaaph Lead it......... f Wel Knd Con Ltfftii White Oaks ,,. , HO.ND3 Ctrro t ihiihimiihiih Midvale. "., "".'""iou2 fluHlan 0s ni'H""ii"n"i'a IS P h M 4 T 4'', 0 5 Sil i AM IS ll a in OS 10 10 H 8 K St ii M so m, mi ,JK 15 70 IIS looS, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS "l"!'1 ".j i .w Slt).0 ll.Mi rtMi iukvv. 'i4"Q',A.J,,..rt",,, - fldi r" ttmtil&M'W1" S.srP IOUi 'ililT.Tt. IS.nSA! murkat CA" VfStfil SiY eowi ao Eii rirV. ii. H4- pfM GrauUtMl r Advawd NHV 'YORK. . l-i Th'rim 8u- .Jn-enM Cmpwr trfvaawMd him graau- auAmVH pKU U. (, mU, War- "' rrri. M aaote I ots aw li othtr 72); 30 04j; 40 48 i2i); 121;; 120;, 121 24H 25i 2 Hi 25 82)4 82)4 82)4 54H 53'i 63!4 127j; 127J; 1275; 127); 84 84U b3j; 83)t 18 18 18 18 40); 40; 40 40 70 80); 70); so); 128H 128H 128)4 128)4 07 07 07 07 , h2; 87)4 S3); 87 , 63); 87H 87 87 54 G! 54)4 55U 61H 01 01 01 11254 113); 112 113 122)4 121 122 37H 37J4 37)( 37 4)4 4 4 4 4 4 3?; 4 02 01K 01); 01) 120)4 122 120i 122 82)4 8J 83 63 27 20); 27J4 20 r.7j; os 07 07); .113 113); 113); 113)4 22); 2J 2214 2) ,130)4 140H 134); 140)4 ,104)4 1115); 101)4 105) 58 5814 53)4 38)4 , 20 20); 20 20 120 130 120 130 08 08 08 03 ,iuo;i 110)4 loo;; no .7 7M 7 7H 28); 30 20 29 , 55!4 30 65i 55'i Illlh. Low. Ull lll-'Ji nil 5Ji usH .112 Ull4 NJ vi iK II.1H IB . ... V.' V.H Vlt Aicnieon cv 4s 11131 .10.H1 liUVi 1S4 Atchtenn cv 4a IDHU 1114 liliW 104 Atch Trans 8 J. it.. H0U Sll'i SOU Allan Co l.lns lt 4a. Ill, tll'i U1H Unit Oh As Knit- InnU IlinC 4H IU'1 04 H SOS 85 SBC llldVm lOOU lIMlii 100t KMiia 101 loo 7); 31 . 28 3r)4 .101)4 103 . 5814 58)4 .100 .133 31 31 29); 30 102)4 103 S.H)i 58)4 100)4 100)4 100)4 133); 133); 133); 50)f 52)4 51i 52 100); 101 100)4 100)4 25); 25; .5); jjh no;; U2) nu); 112 42l 42)4 42)4 42M . 40)4 40 40 40 00)4 07)4 0514 00 in;; U5); us;; us); 304 -Mi 30)( 30)4 IS); 15)4 11)4 15)4 210)4 210 210 210 58)4 58!; 58 58 07)4 97); 07H 07j; Hlou-Shef 8 4 I Pf. South Porto II Sugar ...184 184)4 184)4 Southern Pacific 07); 03)4 07)4 bout hern Itj Southern lty pf. tttudebaxrr Co. Teon Copper... leian.Co , Texas Pacific Third Avenue tobacco Pro mets..., Twin City n T .... Under Typer Union Dag Paper, Inlon Hag P pf.., United Cigar Stores 2o. 2314 CO1; 1.7)4 I2JK 120 20)4 27 23 1.7 03 . 23)i J7J .203)4 ... II ... 01H .. mi; ... 07H ...100 . 104 ... 57; 102 -05 11 01)4 51 14 00)4 101 ll 5S 123)4 120 20 20)4 203 201 11 G0H 50)4 00)4 101 io); 57U 102.1; 102 11 01)4 60); W)4 1 1 1UM 67); 102 united Fruit 104)4 101 103)4 104 Lnlou lucillc 140); 142U 110)4 14.! Union Pacflc pi- u a 1 1 I' r l a lnd A.cohJl ... US Reality & Imp..., o a j.uDoi-i . . U S Kubbor 1st of ... U dam H M.. ... L ci bfoel Corp'n U n Meel (.'orp'n pi l.tan looo-r ...... Utah Securities r. 14 1 44.4rw t-ne.11 -.. 43)4 Va-Caro Cbem pf Ill V Iron. Coai & 0 55 Wabiih. ......... km.. 13; Wabash pi A. 'H WaUh pi 0..... 0)4 .NVcsl Uuun rel. ,.,,.,,, 07 Weal UM ........... 02l; Wi-ttrrn Mcryland .... 24) Wheel 4 L K lit pf.,., 15 Vtl)lr ("irlauu, . . , 47); Wortblngtou Pump 31); WortM I'uuip C2)t so mi); sou to); iH .'24 22 2J I171( 131 II7'4 120 24 23 20 23 01 III); OJ'4 01 .112 HI 112)4 113 Mi 7714 774 f7'4 101W l)5)4 101)4 105); UK; uu)4 110 uu4 N7 "ijlt r)7 ". 1)1 13)4 1'J II 43 41 111 111 111 54 54 51 !.))( ld)4 13)( 50 '. 48)i 50)4 i74 20; 2714 4ii4 00; oo; ftlli 02)i IU 28H 28 28)( 14)4 14)4 11)4 47H 47 47)1 33)4 32 13I4 '6 3)1 05 07 P74 7000 Al Gold cv 0 aer A R1100 Amer Ab cv Si . . . 2UUU Amer Acr deb & . atiotl Amer Cot Oil t 113000 Analo-Kr Si. ... 23OO0 Am For Heo !i . 4,'.0(M) Amer Hmelt Sec On DOtm Amer Tel clt 4a 2000 Amer Writ 1'ao n.. AIHMI Armnnr f?i, IU, i.iwiy Aicnieon sen lUUtl 1000 2000 iiiuo 2MHIO 1S0II0 Unit A Oh CV 4H a lllOll IliO 1- I.IUWV 4a 8IIUO lleth Steel rfil Sa. 20011 llrkn lip Tr hi.. . . .. .JOO'i Kiuil lirklyn n T hi IniS.lotiVi 1000 llrkn Un Kl lat atn As. 101 loon Can Uov Aa lll-'l .11111 noon do 1020 ttli'i 3(1000 do 11)31 ltVo 1000 Cat (laa & K.lec Aa. . HOI 1)000 Cent lath 1st Si lojt, 1300O Cent Tao 1st 4s 8S 4000 Cent Hit N J Aa. , .11H .10000 Chill Copper 7a. , . . . .l.'3H 1000 Ch.s A Ohio cv 4)4 a.. N1H 1000 do As 105 C800O do cv As , V2T4 4000 Chi Ot Welt 4 (i .'ooo, Chi & Nwn 3)4 a .... 1000 do ren 4s 04)4 11000 Chi II & Q gen 4a.... D3V1 Kino Chi lnd A Lou As,.. loo 17000 Chi lnd A West 4s... 77 3OO0 C M St P sen 4s. . . 80K 1000 do cv Sa Kin 1700O Chi II I A I S A 1300O do rfd 4s 71 2."iOOO do 4s . , h 8000 do 0s 10IU 11 ooo Col Industrial As 80 OPOO Col Midland vt 4 IU lAftflO Chi Un Hta 4H 00 2000 Con Uas cv 0s...... 122)4 HUM) Del & Hud conv 4a...IolU 2000 do rfd 4s ORH 3000 Detroit United 4Hs.. 80 1000 pis Secur Corp As... UK 6(100 Krla cv 4s Ser n 73 , AOOO do.cv 4s Ser U 83)4 Aot.o (Iranby atn lis . ,..in4Vi 1000 Uen Klea deb Cs...,.10tH ouoo Hud A Man rfd As .. 7t! 10000 do In As , 27)4 1)000 III Steel deb 4)4 s .... HI. 1000 Inter Ii Met 4Ua 73U 2A000 Interb 11 T ret As . AAOOOInter Mer M w I (Is. 2000 Internl Taper Os... 100O Jan new a 4)4 s.. 10000 do 4)4 s 2000 Kan City Bo 1st 3s. 2000 Klnxs Co l:lv 4a... 4000 Igarka Steel Aa 1U33 48000 do Aa 10A0 .... tiooo t.aclede (las lat Aa noon I.k Sh deb 4a 1028 . 1000 do deb 4a 1931.. 1lii.il J.U at M 1' Aa ... 3000 do 7a 2uoo Lone lila ml rfd 4s. 1)000 Ixuls A Nash 4s .. 10000 Manhattan ata 4a . AOOO M St 1 H H M 4a.. 1000 Mo Kan A T 1st 4s. 2000 do 2d 4s 24000 Mo Pac w I 4s... 2000 Mont Power As ... AOOO Nat Knim A Stp Aa. (1000 N Y C 1-8 SHs... 12A000 M T C i II AOOU do 3)4 a rex 3000 da 4a 2000 do 4)4 1 zuou x ui loi.o ao 40001) do 10011 N Y 100U N Y N II U II lis.. lr.OOrt N Y Ont I W lit la.. 70 24000 N Y Kwy adj Da..,.. A0)4 A0000 N Y Telen 4)4 Ul'X 1000 Norf A West 4s 02)1 2700U Nor Pas Pr'r 4a 1)1)4 oiw aa nn u . 2000 Ontario Power Ca,, 1000 Ore Short I. ref 4a! 1000 do 1st Ua ..... 7000 Ore A W II A N 4s 1000 Or A Cal Aa 8000 Partflo Tel Aa 13000 1Mb Hvo N J Aa 8000 Itto Or Jet Ca .... 11,000 ht L, 1 M 8 4s 10000 St Ij A S V aji w 1., looo do rrd ct stu 4s,,,, loooo st I. Hwn con 4s,... 24000 8 A U adj As 8000 South Pao cv 4a ..,, 80000 do cv ret t p As,,,, 2000 do rfd 4s 1B000 South Ilwy gen 4s,,,, 2S0O0 South Hwy ion As,.., nuiiu icnn vj rci n pa.,,. nuuj lezaa t-o c 10DO 17000 20000 04 UOOO Un llwys a f 4a St noun va vs jirown iiroa,, bi oo 102J1 t)' tin H.Vi 1)8 oiI Cleae. 00 KU. U81 HI) nr, om iu; 00 OOH 12J' 122 105)4 103)4 08)4 08)4 OIK 07S 101 81U 87 IIS'4 t; 04 lOl P4T 03)4 R;1 H inl' '4 01' !l 03' H114 lUl- 111.- 2iSi 125)4 12'lft 80)1 80'i 80(4 tiz ., ..j ., ,r 4a City 4s 1058... 4tt 1000 .... 4Hs May 1057 On II i p 4a A040UO II I 2000 (Jn Pac lat 4a loooo Union Pac rv 4a v-71 U.71 ., , not; do po , ms OIH BlH , 73 73 78 i IP i P :.? 1I2& .I2S '.. "S B . t)0 804 00)1 . S-l'i W2)i I)J1 ,101 101 101 lotti Jiviu "SH ,108)4 100K 10914 84 84 84 111 111 111 70 70 AX AA "IK "lit 021 I)! OIH BlK Ml mi 1,(1 ... 82K 02H 92 , ,. t)U)4 !)'. Dl)1. ...10744 KI7H 107 ... 94 H3S MS , ..liKIH 100)4 100 ..10.' 101 104 l2 HIS BlH 80S 8t 80S nj KtS IH 83 83 8314 73 73)4 7(i 7UH 70 78 111 64 01 H7 8(1 80 loiH loji; iot! HB fU 89 70)4 70)4 70 101 100 100 11214 02)4 DM Teiaa Co cv Os 105 104T4 101 , Third Ave. 1st As.,,,, 100 100 106 U H B t It 6s, 112)4 112( 112)4 U S Bleel a f As. ... 103)4 101 low 0 K of U It A 1 Sa.08 13-1(1 P8T4B8 10.1B l)H on 01 80 B4 31 ". 10 Acme T pf 03 ,1 03 lto Am Ity pf OS DStt 08 lV4i to Anno Cop. 88H 88H ""H H on rruo Stl . 80 84H 80 4H so Ch & Ohio eau etvt otH ! 450 Kite Stor , 88 07H H 111 Inn Co NA t04 5H SO1) 1005 I.k Sup Crp 11 ll4 11 M. 86 lll Nnv .. 7(1 76 76 101 Ieh Vnt. . 80 70W 80 V 80 U V Tr pf 48 4S 4S S0 .ev Con SSV4 itU tY 083 Penna H II 3)i, ASi 88 10 Penna Salt 00 00 00 H 178 Phlla Kleo J8V; J8 Y 28V4 074J PUT tr cfe son, soi JOi Mi lOOPhlla Trac 77 71 77 .... 100 Ilep I A s 0K 00)4 08)4 Vi 1160 Itrndlna;, lit VU 110)4 11114 1 400 Ton Ilel., 4"4, 4Vi 4 V4j 10 Ton Mln,, & t Rli 10 Tetm Cop (l"i, 16 tmfc V4 118 Union Pac.141 1414 14 1 Union Trao 44iyi 44i 44-4 Vt ISO U O I .... 80 80 80 1 7106 V S Sleel.105 104V4 108 100 Utah Cop. 88 88 88 Vt SO W Cramp. 8.1 85 85 ... I10NDH . Nx. Utah, txiw. Close, change flSOO A n&m 5a UO 03)4 06 S000 Ie CV 4s Scries D 85 83 85 1000 Kills CI Ss.lOIVCi 107)4 10714 1000 Lch N Ken 4V48 ...101 101 101 8000 do cons 4V4B 2003 0014 0014 0914 Va 1000 do Coal Gs a P. 104)4 101)4 101)4 1000 Lch Val Tr lat Es... 103)4 103)4 103)4 3000 Pa Co gen 44s ...101 101 ipi M. B00O rhlla Co ens 1st Ga.101 101 101 Vi 10000 Ph Klec 4s 84); 64 844 11000 do 5a... 103 104Vt 104)4 1000 Rend rtn 4s o&y4 03)' 03)i 4000 W N Y & Pn gen 4s 83 83 83 Decrense. Increase. RAPID TRANSIT TRUST CERTIFICATES MOST ACTIVE IN LOCAL STOCK TRADING Lake Superior Next in Line of Activity Feeling rThat Philadelphia Should Have Larger Representa tion on the Board of Directors Moro attention wns devoted to local Is sues In the trading on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange today, with a large part of tho imlnes made up of transactions In Philadelphia Itnpld Transit trust cer tificates, which moved up a fraction during the mornlnsr. Moro than two thousand one hundred changed linnds on the upturn. In the afternoon they became the most active of any Issue, mora than 6200halng changed hands by 3 o'clock I.nto In the day the stock lost Its gain, but recoered before the close. Not In line of nctlvlty In the home shares was Ijike Superior, In which there was considerable business done yesterday. The price shaded n trifle nti compnrcd with esterdny's close. It Is the general opinion In the Street that thero should be more Philadelphia representation on the board of directors of tho Lake Superior Corpora tion, and It la not unlikely that anotHer dlrector from this city will be named at the annual meeting on October 4 In C4m44. Since the start of tho European war th holdings of the company' stock In this erty havo been very largely Increased, due to the fact that there has been much llquldaHem by foreign holders. At presciit the company Is enjoying very good bualness, but direct Information nn to what Is being done can not be given to stockholders In view of th munitions contracts with the Canadian Gov ernment. The bulk of tho trading, as Is the caw nearly every day, was In United State Steel common, and the price advanced A fraction, Heading made the largest gain, 1'4, during the morning session. Many Issues were unchanged, among them being; Philadelphia Electric stock and the com pany's; 4 and G per cent bonds and Tonopah Mining. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Local Bid and Asked LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS nid, Jim llutler fm MarNamara ... .03 Mldwajr 25 Mlipah Kxteneton 20 Montana 23 Northern star 17 Tonopah llelmont 4 Tonopah Hxtenalon A)4 Tonopah Mlnln D Kesrue Kula 22 West End 07 QOLDFIRLD STOCKS Atlanta , lilun Hull noolh , Holldn , , C O O , Combination Fraction ..., ruamondneid ii u Datiy Florence ......,,. Ooldneld Conaolldated (loldOeld Merger Jumbo Kxtenalon Kewanaa Oro Handstorm Kendall Bller Tick MISCELLANEOUS Hyps? Queen Nevada HIM Nevada )onder . Tecopa Mlnlnc ,00 ,02 ,12 .(II .03 ,(ltl ,OJ ,02 ,45 .75 .07 ,80 .10 .1)4 ,04 .20 Aaked. .00 .nit .30 .23 .30 .11) 41 nJ 04 .24 ,10 .12 .22 .24 ,05 2.1.1 ,10 .12 SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities wero sold at nuctlon today by Barnes & I.olland: Interest of William W. Wilkinson In tha Estate of Kllas I'axson Wilkinson $100 STOCKS lOahrs Land Title and Trust Co.! par tlOO 510 20 ahrs. nrst National Hank. Woodbury, N. J.; par ISO , 100 2 ahrs. Montaomery National Dank. Nor- rlstown. Pa.! par lino 230 15 ahrs. Commonwealth Title Insurance and Trust Co ; par 1100 281)1 5 ihn. O Irani Trust Co.; par ttno..,., 1)00 10 stirs. Mutual Trust Co ; par 150 30 0 shra itobert Morrla Trust Co.; par 1100 ,, 70'i 4 ahrs. Itobert Morris Trust Co ; par 1100 10M 100 shrs. Camden I"lre Insurance Asso ciation; par 13 lOW 1 ahr. Fire Association of Philadelphia; par 450 ; 337 40 ahra. People'a National Fire Inaurance Co.; par 125 18 10 shrs. Little Schuylkill Navigation, Rail road and Coal Co. 1 par 430... 04 10 ahra. Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haen Railroad Co.: par 50 6714 2 ahra. Philadelphia and dray'a Ferry Paaaenser Railway Co 78H 3 ahra Philadelphia and Gray's Terry Passenger Hallway Co 78H 2 shra. Second and Third Streeta Paa senaer Rallwny Co 23S B shrs. union Passenaer Railway Co .. 180)4 7 ahrs. Glrard Avenue Karmera' Market Co: par ISO , 2 1 ahr. Mexican Plantation Co B 2 ahrs. First National Dank 200 BOND3 American Telephone and Telearaph Co., 4)4 per cent. Convertible. March and September Due 1033. 100 Electric and People's Traction Co.. 4 per cent. Stock trust. Interest April and October. Due 11)43. .. 80 Wllmlneton and Northern Railroad Co. 4 per cent Gold atnek trust certlflratea. Interest March 1 J 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 quarterly.. i-hisn vai ey itanroaa uo.. 4s r rent. First mortsaae. Interest alley Railroad Co., 4 per Juna and December. Registered. Due 1018 Naahvllle Gas and lleatlna; Co., S ner rent. First mortaraire. In- tereat May and November. Dus 1BS7 . North Sprlnafleld Water Co , ft per cant. Flrat mortsaae. Coupons January and July, Due 102H..,., City ot Plttaburati Rrldse Loan. 4 per cent. Due 1025.,.,,, 101'i 102)4 84 100 RAILROAD EARNINGS SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Southern Railway! DIVIDENDS UI5CLARED Bsrlnc'eM Body Corporation., refular quar terly ot Pr cent on Ik preferred atock. pay able October 1 to n14rs el record Septcm- '"National 8ua;r enal Comiwuy. regular Quarterly of 1H V' cent C4) tu preferred, ways bl October 2 to hplilwa ( record lep- ltlHAbM' lfl. National P.4Jr aa4 Tr Chm. uaual auartariy ot 1 per cent oat tha wrrsd aa4 fr wisi a SeWnsaKtir to UvCrary atarw itorpuratieai. , rwular auar' tarTy u( IV r ." ffViJr .P4 Amirl -in stark AmVI.an T 144 prf "1 aaaa sipmi a2ir, P4r ifJS&r TrpWuMxtors, racoiar nuairisrtr ! BTiltirrva aaus x ar avK i aoaa- .rasas varosaaaj u 1 aiau W Mi noon v Hwy Gs.,,. ...,,, vaU usU Pa); 5000 Wab-P T 1st ct 4s . 1)4 1)4 lC 1OU0 Weat B A M cv 8a,...123U 123)1 125U NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NDW YOniC. Sept. 13. The market for coffee futures this morning opened at a de cline of 4 to 6 points. Business on tha call was moderately active, with eales of 6000 bags. September October .,, November liecemoar , January . . Aorll Jay Todar'a Yeeterday's X June ju openlna; 0,80911.50 6.26 ( till ti.sioe.ss i!4io.43 s'.ftooe.BJ c.oae 0 420B.4S t),ijipV.4 0 279D.2 0 24 Ok 23 V V'SftU 20 V Si('.8. 0 S7ft as B42g,48 O.4708.48 ft 3108 52 S.D0O0 57 NEW YORK DUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Sent. 13 IltlTTRIl Raealnla. 10,118 nackaseat free bulnr and allsbtly atronir- er market for rearly all aradea. Extra creamery. 00 Yt voiq ouvjumci imii.im chana-ad aatlMUrt lllher dairy.) SOtralHci acorlna. Imitation) 84)4 ci Stat creamery, un KUlIrt Heealpta 18.030 raaea. Market wner. ally firm, but medium srad of freih fathered not actlye, Quotations unchanted. REAL B6TATE FOB SALE Victer a-iwi Home rtw COAL A aww prlBcipi, ova start uppaVi M to H ala., lc Heats FU4U lta. 4s. Acjmhk aa sabatHltU. Tkaff la aolhlM JJLMaaasL3L- mmJSSSSAm. . loin First week September.. tl.411.lH0 From July 1 ......... 13.203.003 Alabama Great Southern: First week September.. 03.707 From juiy i ........... i,i ,.u Increase 1183.332 1. 232,07.1 0.023 133.318 Cincinnati, New Orleana and Texaa Pacinc: Irat week September. 202,783 30,205 1Tli.a From July 1 ..2,002.223 nu,..,. Hmnn.rn hiii. r lurid,, i 410.80.' 102,ni2 2.11D.774 First week September rrom juiy i ...., Mobil and Ohio: First week September rrom juiy x 373.080 478 18.013 81.180 04.040 RIO GRANDE SOUTHERN 30,121 17.2V! 71)11 Juna gross . . , Net ,. Surplus ... Twelve months' gross.. Net Deficit July cross 'Net ,...,,., Dstlolt ROCK ISLAND LINES July sroea ,?'J??'8?li Net 1,054,870 Decreaae. 803,022 185,203 04.890 42,841 11.11 4,435 13.200 1,078 2,001 0.723 IS OOO 15,033 a.hUll 4,83,1 5,058 1088.003 806,030 September Invest ment Suggestions Our September Investment Circular la ready for distribu tion, and will be delivered on application. In addition to the display of many attractive Donds, the circular continues our aeries of explanation of banking phrases with a brief discus sion ot The Investment Return Edward, B.Smith & Co t KsTlstllMSD 1802. BANKERS Member tfiw 1'orfc aad rilfailclpkia Stock Kickongtt 1411 Cumtmct ST., rmUnsLrnii BO Il drain Nsw Yobk Vrr - aa aaaa - , n I Frazier 6- Qx wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm GRAIN AND FLOUR WimAT Recelpta, 80.700 bush. The market ruled steady at the late decline with demand fair. Quotations; Car lota, in export eleiator No. 2 red. spot. It SO IT 1.3.1. No. 2 southern red, I1.4S01 Mi steamer No 2 red. tl 47W1 50. No. 3 red. 41.47U1 .10 1 rolected A. 81.44V 1.47; re jected II, I1.41U1.44. CORN The market was quiet, but aleady. at the late decline Quotatlonas Car lots for local trade, aa to location Weetern No. 2 yellow, 0007c; do steamer yellow, nr,ci do. No. 3 cllow. 03004c: do. No. 4 jellow. IIOUOlc. OATS llontnta OB 501 l.uah. There waa lit tle trading-, but slurs were steadily held at th recent decline Quotations. No. 2 while. 08tf o3'4r, standard white, 52)4 4? 53c; No. 3 white, CIV, .1Jc; No. 4 white, 00 W 31c; sample oata, 474148c. FLOUR necelpts S07 bbls. and 1.8R.1.102 lbs. jn sacks. Trsde was quiet and vslues were laraely nominal. Uuotallona: follow, PerlWl lbs. In wood: Winter, clear, d.lr.W04u: do atratsht, J0.MIM71 do. patent. 7W7.r.il; Kansas, clear, cotton aarka, IH70OII00; do, stralaht cotton sacks i7w7.60; do. patent, rot ton aacks, 47 60M7.UO; snrlnir, flrst clear. 10.73 li'7.2."i; do. patent. 17 73W8.23; do. favorite brands. $8 50et; city mills, choice and fancy njient. lanown city mills, reaular aradea Inter, clear, to 1.-.MH.40; do. atralsht. tu.&utl 7: do, patent, i7.r,0. RYD FLOUR was quiet but nrm under. Ilfht olerlnss. Wo quolo at to 5007 per bbl. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady with a fair Jobblnir demand. Quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked and air dried 28c: western beef. In seta, smoked. 2hc; city beef, knuckles nnd tenders smoked and air dried, 20c: western beef, knuckles and ten ders smoked, 2Vc; beef hams S28W3H; pork, family. t28 B0W20: ham. S. P. cured, looe. lRYi wive; no. skinned, loose, mvt w.iici no. uo smoked. .0)4 21ot other hams, smoked, city cured, aa to brand and average, luc: nama, amoked. western cured, 10V4c; do, boiled, bone less. 34c: picnic shoulders. H. I, cured, loose. 14c: do. smoked, 15c: bellies, in pickle, according to aeroae. loose. 17)4 c: breakfast bacon, ns to brand and sternse. city cuied, 22c: breakfast bacon, western cured, 21c: lard, weetern. re fined. In tlercea. 15)4 c; "o, do. do, tn tubs, 1514 c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tlercea 10 c; ao. ao. ao, in tuoa. lone REFINED SUGARS The market ruled Arm and 15 point a hUr.r tindrr a fnlr demand and tn ajmpulhy with" tho atremrth of raw u(tar. Reflnera lint rrlcea; JaXtra nno Krnnutated 0 33(1(1 40 iiinvdered, (t -.50 SI), confectloncra A. O.'JSOO 30; aott cradea, 0.00&0 13. DAIRY PRODUCTS IHITTEIl Temand waa fair and tha market ruled firm with auppllea mH under control. Quorutlona: Western, aoltd-napked creamery, fan cy RiieetMn, 3uo: extra, B3(tf 34c; extra nrnt. lW 32Hc; tlrata 313lV4r. iconila 30W30Vic: nearby prints, fancy 3itc. do nverann extra. 34y 33c: do flrata. 32.13c; aeconda. 30O31ct Jobblnr sales of fancy irtntn, 3HG'4-c. KOQS- There was n icood outlet for the limited receipts of strictly line fresh eggs and prices ruled firm. Quotation follow: In free cases, nearby extra, 33c pur dox . nearby firsts. Ill t)u Ser standard case, nearby current receipts. 9 00 per case: western extras 33c Per dox.; wentern extra flrM l) 10 per case: do, flrat a, tu. 30 00 CO per caso; refrlceratnr rsca-a. extra. to. 30 tier capo; do, firsts, SB 70&0; do. seconds. I7.80v8.40 per case; fancy selected candled fresh ecg-s were lobblnz at 3041o per doa. CHKESn Itrcrlutu wero Iltfht and the mar ket ruled firm u 1th demand fair. Quota tions New York full creiun. fancy, lflH tt2uc; speclals hlffher; do. do. fair to good, lOQlOVxc; do. part skims. IltVlic. POULTRY LIVE Fowls sold fairly and ruled firm. There waa little trading In chickens and prices wero weaker. Quotations Fowls, as to quality. 10H GP Sic; roosters 14 & 13c; aprlmr chickens, accorfllnar to quality, -OdYij2c: white Lea-horns, according1 to quality, ISC-'Oc, ducks, as to size nnd quality, 15 17c: pigeons, old, per pair, SStXPSBc; do. puna per pair. lKWc nURBSKD llKclpts were llasht and the market ruled firm with demand fair. Quotations: Fresh killed, dry packed fowls, 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy seuueu, J4c. do, we urn. nit A HPU lbs apiece, J34c, do, welshlns 4 lbs apiece. 1'Sci do, welchlnff 8i lbs. aplecv U-c; do, Helghlna 3 lbs apiece. 'O021c Fowls, tn bbls,. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and 1111 not", weighing 405 lbs. apiece '16c. southern Indiana and Illinois, weigh I im 4 6 lbs. apiece. 1! c, smaller sizes. luftfl'Jc. Old roosters, dry picked. Kic. lirolllnc chickens Illinois, fancy. .,tt;jilr: do Indlnna fancy, IMCfyBo, do. small tzes. S2023C. UroIIers, Jersey, fancy. S" H'lc. M rowers, other nearby, welghtns 1H 02 lbs, apiece. StfOSUc. Urollers, nearby, smaller alzes. '2iiU'21c. J lucks, nenrby. aprlna:, 'Ilc. Hquabs, per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. pei dozen, S3,75fJP0. do, weighing U to 10 Jba per dozen. I4.h3tfA.30i do. welxhlng 8 lbs per dozen, 1404 33: do, weighing 7 lbs. Kr dozen, S3.30&3 73; do, weighing AOtm s ti dozen f J 7.'J 0". dark. t2.00Oi.90; mall and No, 2, flfk-0 11.23 FRESH FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and , apples and peachea were a ahade firmer. Quotations. Ap ples, per bbl Northwestern Greening; 13 3,60; lllush, 3 3004 CO. Bmokehouse, 2.7.3 231 Wealthy, 'l 7G&3.2S; Duchess. l2.25C92.73t fair to good. UV2.30. Apples, Delaware and Mary land, per hamper Fancy, S16M.23: fair to good, 354275c. Iemona, per box, $007. Pine apples , per crate Florida, S1O2.30. Peaches, per basket. GOj&0c; do. per bush, basket $1 30 its 23 1'eaches, Virginia, per carrier Elbe rta, $1.732 50; llelle, $1.7302 30. 1'ears, New York llartlett. per bbl., $93. Grapes, DU ware Copeord, per crate, 730600; do, per 4-lft. oasKei, oviuc. CHICAflO GRAIN MARKET CLOSED BECAUSE OF ELECTION Declines nt Liverpool Results in Easier Tone in Northwest CHICACJO, Sept IS. There was no MS slon of tho Hoard of Tradrs today on no count of tho primary election. There was some Interest, however, In the wheat "mar kets of the Northwest, wh!ch were easier following n decline at Liverpool and fa. vorablo news for the Allies from the Bal kans. No Important development wai re ported In the political situation. A well-known English authority said that It was recognized that Importing countries must get fully 240,000.000 bush els of wheat during the season from North America. Not much difficulty, however, was looked for In obtaining this amount. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were $37 cars, against 138S care a year ago; at Winnipeg, 2T4 cars, compared with 676 cars', at Chicago, 133 cars against 346 cars. Spot 'Wheat Easy at Liverpool MVnnPOOL. Sept. 13 Spot -what was easy today, with No. 1, Chicago quoted at 14b Ed, a decline of Id; No. 2 hard winter 14s Ed. off V4d; No. 1 Northern Manitoba 14s SHd nnd No. 2 Northern Manitoba 14s 7Hd, a loss of lHd; No. 3 Northern Manitoba 14s Ed. down 2d. No. 2 Rio waa quoted at 14s 7d. Corn was steady, with American mixed unchanged at 10s 6d. while Plate showed nn advance ot Via at 10s 7 Ho. Flour waH unchanged. VEGETABLES Trad waa fair and valuta aentrallr war wall maintained on fancy atpeka Quotatlona; While potatoa. pr bbl. No. 1 Eaatarn Hhore, l3S001'7o No S Eaattrn Shore. 1. 2501,60; No. 1 Norfolk. I3.B0O2 73: No. 'i Norfolk. $1 23 fl 50. Whit, potatota, Jersey, pr baak.t, 63 073c Sweet potatoes, Rastern Shore, pr bbl. No. 1, tl.7fU2i No. 'i, 1101.60. Onions. Pennsylvania, per hamper, ll&l.lo: do, do. per lUO-lb. bar, 4202.25. Exempt from Federal Income Tax CITY OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Coupon AWfo Bonds Prices according to maturities selected Yielding 3.90 to 4.00 TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St., PhilbdelphU New York Boston FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Sept. 13. The' feature ot the foreign exchange market In the first hour of business was weakness In Russian exchange. The only explanation volun teered for this situation was a lack ot de mand. Ruble cables declined to 31 70 and checks to 31. SO. This shows a decline from 34.E034.60 a little over a week ago. Scandinavian kroner and francs were Arm and Bterllng held steady. Lire turned a shade easier. Business wits on a moderate scale. Quotations; Demand sterling 4.7Sa cables 4.78 7-16, 60 day bills 4.7H4. 90 day bills 4.69U, franc cables C 85, checks C.86H: relchamark cables 69, checks C9U ; llro cables 6.43U, checks 6.44 ; S,wlss cables B.31',4, checks 6.32Vi; V enna cables 12.0S, checks 12 : Scandinavian kroner cables 28.80, checks 28.70; pesetas cables 22.22, checks 20.15; guilder cables, 40, checks 40. In the early afternoon rclchsmarks Im proved, advancing to 69 ll-16469s. Rubles recovered to 31.70 for cables and 31.6E for checks. Sterling held steady and French exchange advanced fractionally to S.85H for cables and E.86V4 for Checks. The market, generally speaking, was very dull. V RATES FOR MONEY New York. I'hlladelphl Iloston ... Commercial pa pi) la. 4Vi CMft p Call. , .... -j tisvi ... 9H04 paper. I II V months. per cent. Time. 2 94 j is., 4 h rhllade?- BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlnss today compared with corre sponding day last two years: mill idi& inn Phllad-lD'a 141,2-Ul.fini 2H,lllVn94 t23.Xln.l7t Iloston New York.. 610,8n0,a2 S24,S3B,2'S 214,7.1B.820 ai.-uuwau 24,u.i,au5 2i,sus,U4T Sugar Futures Advance NEW YORK, Sept 13. The market for sugar futures had a Arm opening this morn ing, with flrst prices showing advances ot 11 to 14 points, sales on the call amounting to 12,900 tons. There was heavy trade buy ing, supposed to be largely In the way of hedging forward sales for export. Business generally was active. French Rentes Unchanged PARIS, Sept 13. Three-per-cent rentes, 64f 25a: unchana-ed. Txrhanc nr T.nnrinn 27f 1)2 Mc; off 2c Organized 1807 Capital $2,000,000 Surplus & Profits $1,541,000 Dividends Paid.. $13,827,000 Fanners and Mechanics National Bank 427 Chestnut Street ' sfi ' d! Corporations Organized Under lawa at all Btalee by only I'snaurlraaU Inrorporatlnc rompany, KatublUlird Ittm. U- -' pert aerylea. Moderate rates, rprata Mawbal mailed free en reqoeet. ; U, S. Incorporating: Co. V1NANCK llUILDINO. rHlIvDEUHIA. DIRIWTOBV Ur ArCHUNTAMy 1I1B CartMad fuhlla Aoualuli itMAWs a T Brown Brothers & Ca Fourth and Chettnut STHwn phIlrbelpwa BtWtls ftW C44U4MrV(rtiv4l lslVIilSst Con4Ji4kt4Kl Mortgag. 4VX Stufrc ftmASBtfBmk t PaUd Jamr 1, 1114 Psja flsltillt 1 rtmm of PaMkM M4Matt pitw,pvs ""'i9.iHHKdraMHP: mf9HKk . &