EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1910 aarmnsB! Gimbet Brothers Stoic Opens at 8:30 IMWHHBI m. V IT' ' " U-,,. Lui Tetraiilnt John MeCbrmkck Copyright H. fcVS"olr sSsT'N. .bbbbbb(n. x -a gX jBBBBBBBBfi r fi bbbbHbbbbKv jUI bbbbbi5 H Gimbel Brothers BHWmnBtiffilSP 5ore C7W,r rtf 5: JO Gimbel Brothers mmmammmmmmmmmmmmm Wednesday, September 13, 1W6 Gimbel Brothers K ' - Charles Clllbert Copyright Dupont Rodotfo Ferrari Copyright Dupont Antonio Scolti Copyright Dupont Rinatdo Graiti Enrico Caruto Copyright Vatlschl Cor right Mtuhkln Knrl Jorn Copyright Dupont Charles Dalmorei Copyright MUhkln Alexandro Bonci Copyright Dupont Amndeo Basil Coryrlght MUhkln Pol Plancoa 7 Coprrithl Dupont Mme. Emmy Destlnn Copyright MlihVln Mmt. Genrille Reache Coprrlint MUhkln mmmwrv Mme. Maria Labia, Coprrllht fchnldr Mme. Belta Alten ' Coprrlrbt Bang Mme. Anna , Meitichik Every Grand Opera Star Shown on This Page Endorses the HARDMAN Creation The AUTOl ONE. Most of Them Own One A PROPOSITION A Limited Offer of Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia Two Wonderful Values TO FURNISH THROUGH CO-OPERATION WITH Messrs. Hardman, Peck & Co., New York AND AT A LOWER PRICE THAN THIS INSTRUMENT BRINGS IN SPOT CASH ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE UNITED STATES, THE PERFECT PLAYER-PIANO '" 7' Mme, Bernice tie Patquali Copyright Mlahkln Mme. Henrietta Wakefield Comlsht Campbell Mme, Carmen MelU M.Ol.rttFremtad Cowrfitht Mlahkln nBs. Orenelo Constantino . Copyught NUhkln M. Mario Maltfe.J ' Copyright MUhkln 'LiiBwiHiiv i sBjSLjBjBBfir U3lUak The "Harrington" Autotone and by co-operation with the makers I "Milton" Upright Piano one of the fine styles exhibited at Panama-Pacific International Exposition the San Francisco Exposi tion. Both player and piano arc Sold Under the Economical Gimbel Club Plan based on the principle of co-operation that makes the combined buying power of the many earn a lowered cost for each individual. This is the 42d, Gimbel Piano Club, and under this plan we Have saved several hundred thousand dollars for the thousands of purchasers who have shared the benefit. Several splendid makes of pianos have been thus sold. The great majority of musical instruments are bought on partial payments' bought "on time." Outside the Gimbel clubs purchasers pay something above the usual cash price to obtain the easy terms. In Gimbel Clubs the total payment on the easy terms is less than the cash price obtained anywhere. It is justified "has made good" for you and for us because the club plan centers attention on this House and on one or two particular instruments and thereby greatly decreases the cost of selling. For remember, the retail price of an article is the cost of making plus the cost of selling. Each end of the busi ness is a trade an expense that can be regulated but never eliminated. If a maker retails his own goods, the case is the same and nd real saving is effected thereby. Choose $495 "Harrington" Autotone, $107.50 less than regular partial-payment price. "Milton" Upright Piano, $270 86.50 less than remilar Dartial-Davment nrvce. tt i . . . . . f $2.50 Weekly on Autotone -we have the instrument put in your home and have Pay $1.25 Weekly on Piano That is all. No interest; no extras of any kind- it kept tuned for a year. . The club price pays for insurance on this debt. If purchaser dies, payments cease the instrument belongs to the family. Nobody pays another cent on it. And this is set forth clearly in thcwritte.n agree ment we give you. At any time you can pay more than the $1.25 or $2.50 and we pay you a cash sum for inch advance payments. We write that into the agreement, too. Harrington Autotone Music Is more than mere "tunes" music that li,ves must be born within the laws of harmony. The exceptions that prove this rule are songs of patriotism or sentiment. Musical instruments are only noble and really worth-while if they are built in accordance with the laws that give purity of tone throughout the scale the keyboard. It Is the real intrinsic goodness of a piano that raises it to the cla?s "artistic." Claims of goodness will pot accomplish that end; advertis ing will not. The piano must pos sess, the goodness the soul. It is so with the violin and it is no mere sentiment that ranks cer tain makes as truly worth having. The slightest variation in thick ness of wood, in shaping, in the quality of the wood, reduces the per fection of results. Every particle of the violin in pregnant of good or evil as measured by purity ,of tone. A piano a real piano is not a mere mechanism set in a case. That is the mere "commercial" piano yielding music as far from real as doggerel is from true poetry. The "action" must be met by harmony of the case the sire and shape In proper ratio with the power of the actiont and sounding device. Screw a dust pan inside the piano and you have destroyed to noticea ablc extent the musical goodness of the Instrument. And yet the aver age Player-Piano is entrusted to some such luck.' One concern makes "players"; an other makes, pianos. The pjano maker buys the player -maker's mechanism, screws it in and yokes up the pneumatic pressure. It plays, but in nowise certainly does it combine as an artistic entity. Messrs. Hardman, Peck & Co. loved poetry and hated doggerel. They did not weaken to the mere commercialism of assembling a player and a piano and calling It a "player-piano." Instead, they cre ated a mechanism for "self-playing" and built the piano and the player mechanism as a unit every. opera tion checked up by the known laws of tone. The result is the AUTOTONE and the charm of its music the true purity of its tone has won for it the "most valuable friends that a musical instrument can win. The Autotone Endorsed By All the Artists Pictured Think of these great singers, whose fortune is their voice and who realize how a great voice can be led into dangerous, damaging tricks by singing with an instrument of imperfect scale; think of these, the world's coterie of greatest singers, haing flocked to the AUTOTONE. They Use It and Love It Their choice may safely be yours. You and your loved ones will never be better musicians than the quality of the musical instrument you use. Price might forbid ownership, but in the Hardman, Peck & Co. pro ductions, price is not repelling. The company produces two lines of instruments in their two New York factories the "Hardman" and the "Harrington" and of each line there are several "styles." Added frills of the cabinetmaker and the value of "pattern," or grain of the wood, In the expensive veneers can sum up a big price just as you can multiply the cost of a dwelling by the interior "finish" but no frill or furbelow is allowed to change the construction of the Hardman-Peck product or to affect the acoustic goodness. There Is a ''Hardman" or "Har rington" Piano or Autotone (as their unit-built player-piano Is called) to fit every home and every purse an Autotone for Caruso and for Tctrar- zini and for you; for the smallest boudoir or for the concert stage, in proper tone volume. It is a distinct pleasure when good fortune permits a merchaut to so magnificently meet a demand to of fer instruments at a price devoid of any suggestion of extravagance in your outlay, yet supplying your mus ical needs not alone for today, but for years. Your musical taste Is not better than "Hardman" or "Harrington" tone. It can grow and grow to more fully appreciate' it; to approach its purity in expression if you sing with it. Caruso and sTetrazzini and Emmy Dcstinn and Didur and Olive Fremstad and Cavalierl have nbt ad vanced beyond pleasing, profitable companionship with the instrument we offer you. ' Prominent Musicians Act . As a Tone Jury . Prof. William Sllvano Thunder, organist of the Cathedral and master of piano, organ and harmony and Prof. Stanley Muschamp, organist of Spring Garden Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, and accompanist Philadelphia Chpral Society, Have agreed to personally test every instrument for tone, balance, voicing, and to certify In writing your Instrument. However perfect any make of goods, It Is still a comfort to know that what you buy has bn approved after personal Inspec tion by experts. ' v Every Grand Opera Star Pictured on This Page Et l A . i. the great unit piano and ndorses the Autotone player produced by Hardman, Peck & Co., New York under their two factory names "Hardman" Autotone "Harrington" Autotone This Offer Cannoi he Long Continued There Is a tiny booklet setting forth the plan more fully. We shall be very glad to mall you one. Simply fill In the Coupon. Hardman Hall, Seventh floor, and The Thoroughfare, First floor, Mail This Coupon Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia Without putting me under any obligation, please send me pic tures and descriptions of these Harrington Instruments, with fuller particulars about the club. Name I! Address ...j,,..., E, U S-lt-lS Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, are factory representatives of Hardman, Harrington, Vose, Packard, Milton and Conreid Pianos and Players i r , MARKET CHESTNUT GIMBEL BROTHERS EIGHTH NINTH IsBBBTmBBt BBBBBn iBBfi&jwjiSBBBBai Hermknn Jadlowker Oorrrtxht MUhkln Paiquale Amsto Coprrlcht Ermtnl IIsi&'j!k"&IsiiiHi BBBBBBk SBBV Maurice Renaud Coprrlcht Mlitikln MbbbbbbbbbbbbN bbbVYbb7 G. Mario Sammarco Copyright Mlthhln VbHbbb JBBBBTv BBa fBBBf ' -' BBBM IffBBB'VlMBBBBBBff' VbK. bbbbbbT' fUccardo Martin ' Copyright Dupont AbBt HbBBb r'BB '-. ObBBVV Leon Rothier Copyright FakUo VbKbbbbbbK Andrea P. de Segurola Copyright MUhkln I BBBBBBv SvbBBBbI Dinh Gilty Copyright Dtrt VbbbbBpvJB bbbKBB&Iv Mme. Una Cavaliert Copyright Dupont (bbki ' Lbbbbbbbw IBBBSB SBBBBBBBal Adam Didur Copyright MUhkln Iffl aBj MtaJU RfcHW W.OI 4E W win! i Him, iilafc I VBBBBBBBlrBBV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ' tIbBCWIbHbBBVV ftSBBBBHriwT BBBBBBBBB7 Vrc&9PJl BrV1 SbbbbI HbbBTbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbF i MbbbbbP! llrBBBBBBBBWli XBBBBBB lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk' H3I PH" Mvw Mart DUt CM WfcHeaiH Mb Jea Nori Mm. UU SaatlliMr GiMtUaa'lttus MbW tUoaora de CUr MaU. Jue Jomelli Mate. AW ZeppUIi Mata Elvira ate Htdal MW P u i4,u i ..uwri-i.t Haas uaartknM MtalBu OefJlH ttesaktii utifc uuhkio"' Coavrisjfet Wabaui iuvriii Miafakii. . ..riiu inw Wwrh MMMIMMMMMaMBM tSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbFsbJbbbbbbbbbbT rM AM CWote Csli)iiiBji PM BMNt C'ijiM mtt4J