V-" t, J 0 EYEING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE1MBER 13. lflip JOTTINQS OP FILM WORLD BRENON WANTS LEVEY AND MILLER FOR FILMS KaxlmoVa's Director Now After Legitimate Star and Musical Comedy Favorite By the Photoplay Editor r Not content with hl neaulslt on of ,Ait Ifftstmavft unit Mary Garden nir am for Jfarthcomlnfr film production. Herbert Jinon hn his eyn on other ta(ce notable. Hoport hug It that th producer of "A UftWhter or the GoiIjO to be shown by Vox f the Chestnut Street Optra Itouae this Huon Is BtiRllnB for Henry Miller's crv I, and that a law salrv was offered the star of "Middy Lon&ieKV for one fea ture, Kthel Levey, once Mm. OeorRo M. Cohan and Immensely popular In Iondon, arms Is wanted by Mr. Drenon Vnt sums a.r being band ed about on paper. Js'ow It's sard that Alexander Tantanes. ' California vaudeville misnate. will follow the lead of Messrn. LaM:y, Vox nnd Cluno Into the Held of picture production. Ho malne Fielding, lone a Lubln "j.tronK-man" pla'ycr, Is mentioned as a fllrectoniu ikj.v blllty. Mljr features and comedies would form the staple of production. Theda Bara's wolfhound Is dead r.r.d her press agent Is sorry, So Is tho vivid vam Tire. Deceased was a Itusslan, and It Is alleged that his demise was due to heart failure on hearlnic a false report of a Slavic .defeat abroad. Need one add that a Ger man police dog spread the fatal rumor? Ono need. The announcement that Mary Tlckford's ' first release on the Artcraft proRram would be "Less Than the Dust." suRRcated by the vrell-known poem by Laurence Hope, has Riven r'se to some curious theories as to that writer's sex in the trade Journals. Lau rence Hope was a woman. The new feature will bo directed by John Emerson, a Orimtn graduate, and was written by Hertor Turn bull, who Rave fans that passionate picture play, 'The Cheat" Miss IMckford will piny a. low-caste Indian Klrl. something , quite 1 new to her, though sho used to bo an Amer ican Indian often vr th the Ulograph. Margaret Deland'a reputation In the film1 la looking up. Her "Tho Awakening ot Helena Itltchle" Is to be done by Kthel Jlarrymore.and "Tho Iron Woman" Is slated for production -with Nance o'Xeiil. Iiotn Metros. Mrs, Poland la a noted novelist. Marie Dressier can't get away from "Til He." She played that bucolic maiden first on the stage In "Tlllle's Nightmare." Then came flying pastry and shattered crockery In Keystone's "Tlllle's Punctured Ilo mance." andvmora of the same In I.ubln's Tlllle's Tomato Surprise." Now It's to be Taile'a Night Out" on the World program. Wlllard Mack braved volcanoes In Ince'a "Aloha Oe," but his wife, Marjorle Ilam beau. Is not so keen on the stunt stuff, ap parently. She has declined an offer from the Wlllamson Brothers' Submarine Film Company to be "shot" amid polyps and devilfish. Features of the Evekimo Ledger Ani mated Weekly of current Issue are as fol lows: Prot'atanta "March for Preparedneap Giant demantratlon take sven hours In pia grand stand. Pittsburgh. Pa. Winning $.',000 OoM Cup Takra mtle-a-mlnute bout to rapture North American champMnahln, Detroit, Mich. Favlna; Child "Slavea" Prraldtnt alana Mil to bar chil dren from factory work, WaaMnalon. D, 0. llattllne on United Statea Soil Frrahman make vloJent attarka on sophomore trenchra, Unlvrr Ity ot California. IWkrlrjr. Cal. National Champions win ITndlnn Club capturra eight oared race at MMrilw states raaatta, Waahlnnr ton. D. C. What Milady Will Aar Latest fall trlas. as shown at l,onir Peach fashion show. They'll Hstlle Mexican Disputes Mexican and United Btatra commissioners on way to eonfer nc. New York city. Ilattla for Tjnnla Title XpH'a champion wrrsts honor from lBl.Va atar, Forest Hills. 1 I. Mova Germany to United Ftates Interned sailors from converted cruisers Kronprlnz Wllhalm and i'rlr.s Eltel Prledrlch build mlntatora city from acrapa of wood. Nor folk Navy Yard, Vtt. Heady for Football Har yard aijuad starts practice for fall, Cambrldae. aiaaa. Destroying Tnleves' Weapons Pollra throw Into lake seized revolvers and dvnsmlta Chlcaa-o. lit. Train in lrirht Arnln Wounded soldiers in convalescent camp strensthenlna Homewnero in cngiana - osaulto Fleet Studies War Motorboata cruise Ian to protect roast, ursvesena selves for mora war Mosquito in Drenarednea n Bar. N. Y- Hallnra leivht HMal Vire Yachta. .men vainly battle to save Prquot Casino In spec tacular blaie. New London, Conn. Cartoons by II" Mayer. Theatrical Baedeker rortREST ."Little Miss Hprlmrtlms." with 8a-l Pet-ass. John K. Haxsard and Ojorso MatFarlane. A Vlctrolaful of delirious Vlsn- "fate music, with good comedy added. GAKHICK ''Sport ul Ijiw." with Mary Bo land and Frederick Tru-sdell A drsma by Stuart Fox, baaed upon the motive of revenca which takes possession of a young- woman a mind. The first metropolitan production of a -Jfovlnclal and Insenuoua thriller. . ... LtUIC "Koblnson i-rusoo Jr.." with Al Jol son. Lawrence D'Orsay and Kitty Doner. A Winter Qarden show with n plot and all the owrininil. JOIson at nis beat, .w-m --Kxperience, nninir. Wtllliim rn.,i A "modern mnrallfv nlnv.' with mnn rr-aMtv and humanness about it than a raced "Every- woman.-- uienqinninK acts superDiy NEXV FBATUIIU FILM3 aTTANLEY First half of week- "The Parson of Panamtnt." with Dustln Farnum, a Pallas'1'aramount production , a llurton Uolmes traveletta to "i:nallsn Towns and Country 1'lacea " a comedy ard newa plo L tures Last .half of week: "The Victory of Conscience," with Lou Telleceu, a Laakr .. Paramount, and others AliCADIA First half ot week "Oretchen the Aresnhorn." with Dorothy Olsh, a Orlfflth Triangle production, Ijist half of week: "The Little Liar." with Mae Marsh and hobble Harron. a nrifflth.Trlancle film, and others. rALACK First Half of week! "Holllng 3tonea." With Owen Moore end Martruerlr iVilrtot. a Famous I'lsyrrs-I'aramount production, and nners. last hsir of Meek) 'Tn. llnorsoie Jrlerd." with Hessue llnyakawa, u Lsskr- xirouni nir cm, Cllen- ADKLPHI "ExDerlence." with Ernest ainning. William Ingersall and a large cast, -moaern morality piay." witn ; and othere JBJMl- llenre. Ilm. a.nd others. f-net nulf nf , LUht of Happiness " with Viol First half of week; "The Dark who ciara r-imoau xoung, voria Metro nrodtirflnn. he jAhn If ("nlllns. aTUKiA nrst pair week! "The uana, a nf week. Charles Itay ami Leslie llarrlsrale, d "rim and Home." with ula. an Tnra- itroductjoa by r. Onrrilner Hulllvan. witn Wliue tanner a Tjiat half nf weekl The i.isni or iiaoriness with viola uana, a Metro production, and "A la Cabaret." will) rord Sterllnr. a Keystooa comedy. JIAMlllU First half of werU. ''UttU Ijtdy BUeao," with llarurlie Clark, a Famous 'Naer A rain " isngia comeor. PARCEL POST ,, OLD RELIABLE MALONS MML1MS.MIA WCYCLB ! it MTAMW Z 'axJM.addr &v t . HCWIP-iUlH m..m d la rrts bf All SuodrUs. JUCYtXsM. M.M Vf aki)wUa. HiaBiellwr ytilaaaialM. dT klMla ( rassur week guaraiiUMl. O. C. UAIMHM. Itm OleaMgLM, T. . 1' FWU, M,' Mii - - -. 9f - p "ii" Mi, .v i iKr-; I, wn-Biurn tuuiy. In Phikdctphia-Mitd. .KEiltaluaia toavta. r I i' . (. Ipala aawaatML,, AMwir ejiwia are nsaje . lun i by Ma Wf m vers nmluctlon, and a .vaudsvllle bill i naii oi weeai 'I'ODllo innnion,-- wun iisgy proauciion. ana a IMa Itr; vsu K?.C25 -Jr-S'ii'? iv 1-Thti World lisncers Tom Dingle. "Prosni anehM )!( Tsuueviue Dill VAVDEVH.t.n aew and tlllllo .Tsjlor; with i;mllle .l-ea ana if Itr' wun l;ira Ma- intws Anna viiawner. vnnnsxr. Toney en.i K",rm"P- n '.'''?k Ll"ln..and Lsmsk". I.tlllan'a eorneje dg l-w Wilson, "Diny dlls tf Vin1'le ' l.rn-llo Asurls and ronv rany and the .allg Tribune Pictorial Nws IXJ1IL r It l.esil ann ramiunt. In "Itiiann afjo ili in ,4niiun slnsinc mmedknriet te lie 'ar: Karnes In 1v Ilnr- Vash. ah. Dls Haftaurt, the 1 ngllsn i-nnet te Minstrel ,Ji t.artw'1 , fanflMM a -el. In V Ymv on the F.irm 1 unltrr XV ard and romp.in; Minstrel Five, the mti-id and nsrn-s. UlllSl The Two DfMlers Jonn anil Ma iiurke. in anv. dler' and tti Wll fin Va liar and ilnrdnni Tin llsatlm" nol le two Van brothers, In "Can Jimmy i'' the Knur I'atlcttrfi. Alvln and i: the Trin-e ritclnera; and Path Newa iial 1-nM.n.ll TAM..PESN opening lis sessnn .wlthi half oj week. MI-eM 4.11" with II.. .11. S Jlltlsirai .inn. "aerla Thalehee 'A Houthern llreefe" ; Anthony and Mirk Warner, a Trltntl" rilm Hill atreis, (l-irft - liirbl-r and In "A Hnuthorn llreeee' ? Anl "th" Italian and the Hosa." and Oobll ml fctln CrtftHfl KnVeW-nrtt half of week! The OoMen Troupe Itimslan rtunrera, KHIott Hpears llarry J. Kell the Four. Itubesi Iiurke and Harris, nnd JUrry nnzllsii, in '"the Kvli Hour.'' AT FOrt'LAP. PMICF8 WAIJIIT "tok Who's Here." with Jllrkel nnii vatson sna a gooa sueu. company, ins lans nt tno "iniuis, - in u former corned tniislcnl cr.medN roncrnlnif two KNICKrRIUK'KRH "That Oth with Edna Archer Crawford ai roncrnlnif two tramps. wo: k'ntnitl." and nthn s. A drama by lm Parker, showing a hushind "without a balance wheel," who comes to wreck through "that other woman." ZDcntljs ftepovtcb ALLEN. lUllllIET A., 02. Prospectvllle. Ta. ANHIiltSON, ALFONSUS A . 130 Carpenter St. llAltn. .KltlN W.. H, S N. '.'Uth si llAKNAUIl, ML'IllEL Jf.. 13 moe., lis W. Irv ing nve, V ni-'AMEll. THOMAS H , (110 8. (S7th St. 1IF1.L, Kt.I.AIIETH J., Palmra, N. J. IIK.NK.BOLi:, HA11AH HOMAN 8(1 rrs. llEltnlN. JOHN J., r.r,.1U Morton at. Iillli-I Y C'ATHIllilNi: E, r,n yra. I'"' MAIttie ClIeAHUOW. J3ll 8. 10th St. HOWND, SA11A1I. I) l,AJ c, A.V. llltOOKH, ADEI.K P.. 1HIR N. 5Sd St. 1IIIUWV, JOHN. Wllrlwood, N. J. UltOWN ANNIE M., L'lUl llraddock St. IIHOWN, PATIllt'lC. CA1III.I, WILLIAM T , 1I10H Cahot at. CAMl'llULL, IIElttlKHT M., 41, HHI K. Thomp son at. CLAitl, JO.aKPH P., TKH N, Crcskey at. CLOV.'8lN, ELLA it . 11.1 SMI Pulaski eve. S)NllO, rlAUAII 'Jiioa W. Norrls st COOI'EI: tl IIOWAItD. C'lltSON NOltMAN H. .. . I lAH'Wmil IIPO M mil N Howard St. DANICWOKTU COIINELIUH It., . 3H.1.1 W, CtinNELIUH "it. W.INN, til yra. 13511 Jerome at. .Mustiue.iuna srve.i it- i;i,ir.Aiit;i iri,!.,. iiun unvnm nt, ALDHON, nOHEltT. T. Camden. N. J. IHVIH F,. ItKll. CAM'EIl Fl. NAtlAN. JOHN V Fill ., kl,f.A II., 01st and Locust sis. OOODELL. EMMA L ailllaANUVIUll, JOHN. 7(10 S. Front st. UPOH.S JULIA UULLlTT. IIAAH. CIIAH. E . 62, lsll W. Venango at, HAItllAIlT tAltV V. llt'JA N lAtn St. IIAHI.KV, KDWAKI) A. J . 025 Corinthian ave. J. IIAltnt.-!. lll.ltr!r(A ltlS7 v. loth at. HATCH. FLOHLNCK M , 41. Delalr. N. HECKMANN ANTON VTW Salmon al. llENDEUHON. ELI.AUETII 1.AIIIU HIIOWN, 1 moa., 3KI3 Falrmount are. HEIN3. ANNE VAUOHAN. HIIIHT. JOHN. (IS. (IH52 Hegerman st. HOIIAN, JOSEPHINE E H.'ii4 N. 18111 St. llOOVEIl. IIICNIIIKTTA. 1002 Cayuga St. llL'NOKK, KAT1IEHINE, 28'10 lluth st. ItL'ltl.KY WM. NICHOLSON 4 re. JOIINHTON, MAHY. WW Wharton st. JONKM. HlrtVAHIl RUKSELL JI'LIAN, EDNA O., 8033 Cedar ae. KEItsllAW, EVA. 3. 709 W. Cambria st. KKHW1CK MAItOAltET. KNHCUIEM. EDWAItD. ill.(i .tioiti. Riiwinn J.. 5r,0t Ellsworth st. LANODALE, THOMAS W. B4 3720 Kodman St. I.IND. llKNtlY CAUL. 311, 21)38 N. Oransback. LINDSAY MAHOAHKT T,r CllltOII lleuals. LIMEUICK, JENNIE 11.. 811 N. 40th st. LOUOHEEri. THOMAS. 74. Ilala, Pa. McCarthy maiiy e.. 1114 e. wilt st. McFALLH. MICHAEL J., 1848 8. 40th at. McMKNAMtN, OKHTKUDn K. MAHAN. El.LEN L. MAIDEN. EDNA. HO, 2048 N. 13th at. MALLKY. HELEN TAYIAIH. 1433 Tasker St. MAltHALL. THOMAS, 811, 14U4 Adams ave. MILLKlt CHAItLEH 82 )Ts. MOELLBR, JACOU. 143 Ogden st. MULLEIl. MAIUA A., 34. 3H18 N. 2d St. MUHHAY, PATH1CK, 32. 20211 H. Norwood St. NAYLOH JOHN A Jr., 13 Hharplown N. J. NEWMAN T1LLIE. 48, Colllncswood, N. J. NOHDMANN. UEOHOE W., 72 yra. NOItHETT. MAItOAltET. 1313 Melon St. O'lKlEOHKllTY, I1LH11I. O'HAltA, FHANC1S M . 3330 Rtnuton St. l'AltKEH, J. THOMAH. OB, 417 Orchard at. PEACOCK. EVELYN. 8, 3231 Market at. l'KSOT. JOHN 11.. 3170 Livingston st. lOTTElt. MAHY E . 3330 Queen lane. IIOIIEKTH. JANE 1, 4U. BuUJ Dultleld at. IIOSH. KOWAltl) l:.- 4 vra. UOM8. RAYMOND C, II rs. ROTH. LOLA. 143 V. Wlsbsrt St. RYAN, WILLIAM O,, 2b33 N. 23th St. RYDER. IIRHKIET, 8AIM5R ELLEN M HAI'RMAN, MTANLEY W.. Southampton, Pa. FCHNAITMA.V. CHRISTIAN. 1040 Point Ilreeze. SCOTr. J. HARRY, Lambert st. and Susque hanna ave. , 8ERVA18. NICHOI-AS. BO jts. SJHTH. AMY, 08. 4038 Hedge st. bOLOMON HTEPllEN L., 72 yrs. HTOVELL. FREDERICK, llaverford, Pa. Hl'l.LIVAN, JOHN, 70. 8311 Media st. HUTTON. L0U18 ELLWOOD, 35, 107 W, Sey mour st. TAMNEY. FRANCI8 K.. 2330 8. Warnnck St. T1IIKMH. WALTER. Jr.. 10 moa., Collingdale. THOMAH MADELINE. 47 yra. TINHLUY. I.OUIHA II. TRIHDORFEIt, JEANNE H. TIIAMPR, lfERMAN'. Br. 1S0 W. Clearneld at. VIKBKIL MARIB VHlONlA, lfl moa.. .840 E. wIlJaThIIEV JAMEB ,. BSth st, and wbuIrvnTiDK. lwhown are. and Oak lane. 3Bcntfj. AnNOM On, Srlmb-r It...It-tO- ANSA s!.y wirr or uorns a. A""ia "! "MB"ir of JintM mrl Annl AmriiR Htratiiinr tlm Btifl frlrnda mt? lnltfd to attend the fiinprftl frvlcf hr r-nrrtiiai nil n?ii fteU- Mt S P tn Thtirau1siy. rfMnr. I all XIeKtrri.fi 1I..' 1" s ' s, ... o. ilt nt Ctmtty lUmnlriB mv te vlewM on i z.'i vej: i:NI'."(II,li. On Heplcmlier. 11. tll KARAtl Ho.lAN. wlifew of Frank f. Ilenesole, In iter sist year lte.tlrca and friends are In- .(. . .a m,,&h., 1. ff,.nal ...vliw, ntl TlllirS m. tnjrlsely. 11 llalr fc Con, 10th and Arcn sis at .Norinwooo cemetery. nt Hie chapel of Auto dsv at Andrew J Interment llftonm On Beniemlier 15 101(1, ADEL1 l widow of James Ilrooks. Relstlvrs and friends nre lnlled tn attend the funeral serilcea, on Friday at It a hi , at her late residence, 1818 N. 23d st. lntsrment strlrtly prlvnte. IMNhlHlllTII -)n Heptemlier 11. I)H aud lenlr COUNELHT.S It husband nf Cora II. Dankuorth nged 4') rars. Relatives and friends, Apollo Idgr, No. 388, F. and A M., and Tristram II Freeman R. A. Chapter, No. 213, are lnlted to attend the funeral senlres. nn Thursday, at 2 p m , at his late reslrtenre .10.13 W Husciuehanna ave Interment private at Westminster Remains may be viewed Wednesday. 8 tn 1(1 p. m. DlVil, On Sepiemlier 11. mill. In Nnrrlslown. Pa . EI.I.AHETII LINN DAVJS. wife of Al'cn 8. Dltla. Relatltes nnd friends nro ln It-it to attend the funrrnl, from her late residence. IKiH DeKalli st on Friday, at 2 P. m. In terment tirhnte nt Illeride Cemrterr. illH'K. On September 13, 1018. ELLA It., wlfa of Ororco M. I'rlck. Relatles and friends nre Inilted tn attend tho funeral serv ices, on Thursday, r.t 3 n. -m., at her late r , Imie. His; nnd locust ats, Interment private, .. II. tit it. On Heptembrr 12, lull!, FLOUENCn .M , wife of li.ilnh 8. Hatch, aged 41 Jrars, Relatlies nnd friends an Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at .2 p m., al hla late residence. Delalr. N. ,1. Interment nrhnte. nt Arlington i'emeter. Remains mny ! ilewetl nn Thursd.iv evening. . liriNf. On September 10, 1MB. ANNE VAWOHAN, widow of John Helns, late ot Media. Pa , nt tho rrsld-nre of her sister. Emetine . Taylor. 1327 Wolf St.. Phlladel. phis. Sen-Ires nt 1327 Wolf St.. Philadelphia, on Wednesday, at 8 p. m. Interment at Wood lawn Ctmetery, New Yorlt. on the 14th Inst, Ill'KLEY. mi September 11, mill. at. Wil mington, Del. WILLIAM NICHOLSON, son of Rsjmon.l I und Ray P. Hurley, aged 4 ears Relatlles and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m,, rrom his grandparents' restd-nce, William J, Nicholson. 1323 Morris st Philadelphia. In terment nt Fernwnod Cemetery. Remains may V '"" 1 o" Thnrsdiy exenlig, .....w JOHNSTON. On September 11. 1010. MARY, wire of William J Johnston, nged 30 years, ttelsihes nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral senlces, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at her late residence. 2910 Wharton st. In torment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remains may bo lewed Wednesday from 7 to 10 p. tn. Jl l.l.X.-s Un r..-ptnn.r II, mm. l.DNA o.. daughter of .1, Henry and Lrdla E. Julian. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Thursday, ot 2 P- m precisely, nt her parents' residence. 5033 tfdsr ave Interment private. KAtlFFMAN. (In Julv 13 11110. In East Had dsm. Conn . CHARLES II.. lieloved husband of Maria V Aiers. age 04, Interment In Alonnt Parnassus Cnnn, I.OtlC.HEED. On September 11, 1010. at the Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples and Men. at Ilala, Pa.. THOMAS, husband of Harriet Lougneed nged 74 cnre. Relatives and friends aro Iniltrd to attend the funeral ervlcea. on Thursday, at 2:30 p. m. Inter ment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Auto will meet 2:10 train from Ilroad St. Station at Hals. Pa. MAHAN. On Peptember 11. 1010. ELLEN L. daughter of the Into Ororge and Ellen L. Mahan, Relatives nnd friends, also Pennsyl vsnla Rescrie Circle. No. Ill, Ladles of the O. A. R.j star of the East I-odge. No. ,2. Shepherds of llethlehem; Ilattleneld Temple. No. 27, O. of U. A., are Invited to attend the funeral senlces, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at the residence of her cousin. Mrs. Laura V, Clark, 47 W. Seymour at., dermantown. In terment prltate. Remains may be viewed Wednesday, from 7:30 to 0 p. tn. MALLEY. On September 0. 1010. HELEN TAYUm MAI.LEY, daughter ot John and the Isle Jane llrodle Malley. Funeral servlcea. on Thursday, at 3 p. m.. at her late residence. 1481 Tesi'-r st. Interment prliale. Friends may call Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. Mrl ..ItillV. on ferpteinber lu. 11)10, MARY E. MCCARTHY ln-e Johnson), wife of Wll. Ham McCarthy. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral ser1ces, on Thursdsy. at 2.30 p. m precisely, at her Isle residence, 1114 E. Wilt st. Interment r-lvste st Nerthwood Cemetery. MEItltlMAN. On September 11. 1B10. of cere brospinal meningitis. JOSEPH, son of Josenh and Mary T. Merrlman. nged 11 years. No fimernl. Residence. .1400 N. OtS st. MILLER. On September 11. 1010. CHARLES, son of the late Henry nnd Margaret Miller, aged 32 years. Relstlves and friends, also Vigilant Council. No. 00, Jr. O. U. A. SI., are Inilted to attend tho funeral services, on Thursdny, nt 2 p. m.. at the Oliver H. Dalr llutldlmr. 1 820 Chestnut st Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. Remalna may be viewed Wednesday, from 7 to 10 p. m. SEItVAl-. On September 11. 1018. NICHOLAS SERVA18. aged 0Q leara. Kflatlvea nnd friends, also members of Southwark Labor Lyceum and other societies with which he waa affiliated, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Irlday, at 2 p. m.. from tho fu ""rn Imlldlng of Jotn C. Klinmerle 1001 S, Proad at. Incineration at Cheltcn Hills Cre matory. Remains may bo viewed Thursday, 8 to 10 p. m. Auto service. MIILI.lNO. On Srntemher, 12. 1110. HARRY A., husband nf Elizabeth M. Shilling. Due riotlce of the funeral will be given, from his nte residence, 11)40 E. Oakdale st. 8TOVELL. On September 12. 1010, at his home, llaverford. Pa., FREDERICK STO VE l.L TIIAMPE. Suddenly on September 12, 1018, HERMAN, 8r.. husband of Pauline Trampe. Relatlvea nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Friday, at 10 a. m., MIWMIIMKIIira Prominent Photoplay Presentations .iiasxynsi Wmk Sovim Grmww THE following theaters obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Hooking Company, which l a guarantee of early showing of the Uncut productions. All plrturr reviewed before inhibition. Ask for th theater In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY 1IUOKI.VU COMPANY. ALHAMBRA?a?: 7 1-4 ra i Morris & Paasyunk Ave. dally at 2: Evgs.. U:43 A 0. ramount Pictures. MARGUERITE CLARK in 'LITTLE LADY EILEEN" ARCADIA ijelow 'ioth DOROTHY GISH in "Gretchcn, the Greenhorn' A Dm I r 2f AND THOMPSON ArULLU matinee dailt Clifford Bruce and Dorothy Green In "THE DEVIL AT 1118 ELUOVV" HIIIP OF EVIL" (0) nri nl,a'"rVi-T md adovb market DIliLilVlWlN 1 Mats., 1 :30 t. 3 130, loo Kt(s, 0 30. 8, UiSO, 13c Fannie Ward & Sessue Hayakawa n "THE CHEAT" pPnAD 00T1I AND CEDAR AVE. LAJl. PARAMOUNT THEATER RUTH ROLAND in "Comrade John" FAIRMOUNT 20Tl!tANi?D aven.-b LILLIAN WALKER iri "The Kid" LIBERTY SERIAL FRANKFORD "" "Ti "THE NErER DO WELL" With Kathlyn Williams & Star Cait SfiTH CIT THEATER. MAT. DAILT. OVllTl iJi. u, Dprura. Ergs. 7 to 11, MARY PICKFORD in "Hulda From Holland" JEFFERSON 20TH AND DAUPHIN K'ntDETH LOUISE LOVELY in "The Gilded Spider I FAHFR rorrrv-niisT and TirU-'Ctl. LANCANTEH AVENUE CHARLF.S RAY in Tlia riosi-lnr" ut oaanuia mM. OI Mltlt ' ' twrri hi,. ,1'Uta tn stack ahce b.soe a4 as ur at,juk .. i Me4'A44. M nd m CQLUliafA i PeveriiT LIBERTY W0AD ANP, H)tart H.'nifiv and Clara Bevera'IW 'TKairTATlON AND THK UtV . t CHAHLIK CHAPLIN In "THE COUcW" f ) A .! eiT ir A eTir iaio sr." v IRENE, FENWICK in ? , "THE PMILD ,OF DESTINY" Market St. Theater S Virginia Pearson ,n "DAl???lh Marie Walcamp in "LIBERTY" I OT I TQT !w5and locust LiUIUJl Mats. 1:30 and 3:30,,j0e. Eigs.. 0:30. 8, 0:30, 15. Francis Nelson & E. K. Lincoln in THE ALMIOHTY DOLLAR- PALACE 1SM MAI,KIjr STREET OWN MOORF in "ROLLING STONES" PARK KIDK AVE ft" DAUPHIN ST. i rtivrv MAT 2llBi ,:VOi 0:15 0 u CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE COUNT" PRINCE SS S"" MOLLIE KING in "TH UMMER GIRL" RPTIPIMT 13 MARKET STREET iL.vjcii l iivuAN voice ono AN CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "THE DARK SILENCER RIAI Tn UHRMANTOWN AVE. V'T-L I J AT Tt'Lt'EHOCKEN ST. BESSIE BARRISCALE in "THE PAYMENT' RllDV MARKET BT.'EET UD I HELOW TTH STREET PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE WOMAN IN THE CASE S A V O Y u,uBTJtAE,ETET LUCILE LEE STEWART in HIS WIFE'S GOOD NAME" t J o G A ,TTU AND VEh,ANCI0 aT8 DOROTHY GREEN in to "The Devil at His Elbow" VICTORIA ""Kffvffj, , nF.Tit ,. . ., at hH late residence. 1S.1H W Clearfield st, Interment nnratr Remains mar be viewed innrsiiny i i 7 In O t tn VTILLIAMS. On September 10, lSln, the Rev. JMIHK Vfe. brss WaT FIWltLl'HI.V FjtRtJC WUWETTE in JjytfTO THOtEWHOSIN" r.lBIVN " LANIX)WN- AviL' VSeVeTaf rVKNIMa ' TO II. WAIIDA 3QWAJU) Wwt Swr-f .- 4r3Slim.-r '"1 t T U--t lUOVH V'tMTU HAKHt6ALlli (lUDMCM Wer in 'NEVER AGAIN' MARKET ABOVE ltTK '"" If-1R A M .. .., n -LjTJ.ijij.i -- --1--'- '" a UUSal 'KWUM in "The ParN off anantint" JlTPWLAliy.Wj O L Y M P I A - ?wmwtM FDWINXRDW in "THtJqTf MASK" m taj MM to M 4MM Jt&Ffjffft, .,-. ,'jJsjSmsmm .YM-LTt ". ''.sA JAMKH M. WILLIAMS, son of Patrick W. ana the late Catherine A Williams, nersrsna cUrgr, relatives and friends are Invited to t)E.Tlts lni, mem at New Cathedral L'emeterr. uio WOI.l!,,lr,B?p'tember 11. 11. FnKDEMCK. nK-lTHS husband of Anna.M Wi.ll ne Lange) and eon M the lets peter ami Anna .r...;---" w view nf dence, lane. Kll rieUt rei snA friends are Invited tn ,wSheROT"n" ThorsAar, between the hU f 12:30 and 13H P., m . at his late resi. free. P W earner Lawnton wad Oak Immedlatelr followed by nervlces at - n"e"ATHs John Evangelical Lulhei CJa IPS M. nn K.Tsns7ejieai lAllhefaa. eotwt Alelrose- ave and York rK Psrk. laterment private. i1YV X.V2'?.r ISl'mA arnrr, i -., uajinu i W1I m ,lPnr.r , mfnt Cfnetrr. dTAlagg SrrEKKS&2S "N The Mystery L of the "Busted" Smoke! You buy a package of ten little cigars. How many out of the ten are cracked, broken or frazzled 'before you smoke them ? How it Mv: , . u i Q --4 happens is a mystery! They just , break naturally. Too brittle too dry flavor gone before you get them. All this trouble is ended with on the ADMIRAL LITTLE CIGARS A little cigar rolled in fragrant, unbreakable, pure tobacco! Get Jhat! PURE TOBACCO, AND NOTHING BUT TOBACCO. More than an idea. A discovery that will revolutionize smoking in quality, satisfaction and economy. !!'::::::! No mystery here. A jitney proves In foil-lined packages. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ri0jy ::::?: l:nZZVA : : s &:! Zrf7 KaIttti tEsfkl v, 0 V9Acr E&4 .f t v(w m e " inir - L-, ?-2. fo)onfg Vie Standard ofWaeand ' Quality lygi.a, T "" ' mBLmBmWLWkWUWgtkWL9m "Value and Quality" We have persistently claimed that the New Series Paige Fairfield MSbc46" offers more actual dollar-for-dollar value than any other motpr car on the American market. This is no mere exaggeration. , It Is a deliberate, cold blooded statement of rorcf. and can be proven with mathematical precision by any comparative investigation. If you are interested, we ask you to compare the "Fairfield" with any other .motor car at any price. Put the two cars side by side. Check them up, feature for feature. Pay attention to the small details quite as well as the big ones. Then, be guided by your own judgment. On this basis we are quite content to abide by the result. You will find, we believe, that each dollar of your automobile investment will go far ther if you select a Paige. FAIRFIELD "SlX-ib" SEVEN-PASSENfiRn ti.7 n f FLBETWOOD "SIX.3a"iyE.PASSENGER T1090 f! O.bI DETROIT .PAIGEDETROIT MOTOR.CAJ COIMPANy, DETROIT, MICHIGAN V BIGELOVv-WIL MOTOR Co.? 304-North feroad Strr W.tl flvr--, Snp 1410 Ky4oiw,tlU 4l0 Wt a AJ TMJ- iA. i ,:. f tJf''A aSSi $1