'4 BTBNING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1M i Woodrow Wilson sees the govern ment as the to bust and vigor ous friend of Ameri can business of necessity after this war is over. Read his pfans for indus trial preparedness in a remarkable authorized article by L. Amos Brown In this week's Colliers ft MAT10HM. WB1KIT .GLIITALIANIPRENDONO LOTENSIVA CONTRO I 'J BULGARIA MACEDONIA Success! Inglcsl sullo Struma Francesi nella Valle del Vardar II Nemico in Pericolo LA VI'TTORIA ASSICURATA nOMA, 13 Settembre. Dlspaccl da Parlgl dlcono cha le fori w Italians opemntl nella xona dl guerra delta Macedonia con le truppe alleata hanno preso Voffenslva e combattono om contro I le fori bulgare nella vlclnant dl Hutko- i vodzuma, Nel tempo medeslno anchs le l truppe serbe hanno preso vlgorosamente Voffenslva e contlnuano ad avanzars. DEACON DORSEY HAS HELD HATS , OP MANY MIGHTY PERSONAGES Celebrates 39th Anniversary of Connection With Top Piece Department of Union League "Toppers" Going Out, Veteran Hatman Declares Deacon Dorsey Charlea It. Dorsey, to o the proper but lr familiar name In celebrating- tho thirty-lilnth anniversary of hi ftonnectlon with tha Union League To day bjr "Jess wotkln' " Deacon Dorsey has been hat man there "ever klnce thar was skh a Job," he says, and although he appreciate th responsibility- of such an ofilca h doesn't any uso of making a fusj About th anniversary Tn members of th oiott Insist, however, that this Is n teal occasion In the history of the organization, and It was whimpered about the clubhouse today (hat more than one multimillionaire broke the rule against tipping today Just becnUeo It wan Deacon's holiday. Deacon has held the hat of every Presi dent of the United States since the term of Grant excepting Cle eland and Wilson, and as ha explains It, "They're Demmlcrats anyway and I'm one of them black Repub licans " John O, nockefellsr, Andrew Car neglo and J. I'lerpont Morgan are just a few examples of the sort of men he has served "And they're gent'men, every one o" them," says Deacon, "The moh Impotant man's always kindest to us humblo folks." Dorsey has a sens of humor and hs re members rvery Joke and. amualnir Incident In which hs has been Involved In the thlrtv nine yesr. But the story he delights most to tell concerns ex-rrealdent Taft. The late William T Tllden. then president 6f the League, whom Deacon describes as th "most finest man that eter lived," was entertaining Mr. Taft at the club. They hd dinner together and Mr. Taft was Obliged to leave hastily to keep n speaking engagement Ito called for his hat and Deacon had left lust a moment ''to fetch a sandwich for myself," and the president couldn't wait, So ha reaches for the hat himself as Deacon was returning "I'leasa let that hat alone; thai belongs to tho President," plodded the negro. "Well, I'm the President," responded his Excellency, surreptitiously pressing a new half dollar Into Deacon's hand, "Scus8 me. Mr. President." he apologized. "Tou see, I don't get to Washington often." Jlut Deacon has more than a sense of humor; ho Is really of a scletrtMo bent. He hasn't been hat man for thirty-nine years without noticing, for Instance, that almost alt mentally big men hae small heads. "Tho bigger the: than the smaller the hat." Is the way Deacon expresses It Ha Is also A student of styles and announces with an air of authoritative certainty that tho high lint la a thing of the past. "I knows," he explains, " 'cause I handles hundieds of em. Even on theso State 'en slons folks Is wearing derbies moh and moh." Nella gtornata dl lerl 11 generals Sarrall, comandanto In capo delta forze attests nella Macedonia, II quale aveva lnli a to la sua , offenstva, contro le llnee bulgaro-tedeso'', , esteso la fronts del suot attachl, e mentre Kit tnglesl tenevano vlvl la battagl A lm ' pegnata suite rive orlentall dolto Struma, I 1 francesl altnccavano nella valle del Vardar J dove appunto si svolgera" secondo tutt la apparenze, l'offenslve prlnclpale degll alleatl 4 La truppe bulgnre sono state battuta su dl una fronto dl duo mlglla a sono state rlcac 1 elate Indletro per circa un chltometro, men tre gll Inglcsl conqulstavano altrl due vll laggi ad est dello Struma. Quests operazlonl costltul scono una xnlnaccla per le forze bulgar cha hanno avanzato verso VEgeo, cha aaranno cos trette ad abbandona ro le loro position) se I successt della truppo lngleil contlnuano. Nella Dobrugla contlnua la battaglla, I nisei, hanno aumentato la loro reslstenxa nella vlclnanze delta costa del MAr Nero von Mackensen non ha fatto alcuno tforxo per estendere la zona dl occupation delta sua truppe nella reglone del Dsnublo, nella i zona dl Slllatrla. Sembra ch egll stla ora concentrando forze per arrestar l'avan sata del russl nella reglone costlera. Accanto at bufgari nella Dobrugla com battono ora circa 60,000 turchl che vl aono state trasferitl dalla fronts delta ClAltzIa. Nella Transllvanla le truppe rumens avan sano sempre, ma aBsal lentamente ora dopo la rapldlta' lnlztale delta offenslva. E probablle cha I rumenl attendano ora I dl operare 11 collegamento con la forze c ruase operantl dalla BUcovlna terso la .Transllvanla. , Intanto contlnuano a correra vocl sec- ondo cut II re Costantlnd dl Qrecla sta per ranza dopo che It presldente del Conslgllo Zalmls ha dlchlarato la sua Intenzlon dl dlmettersl. H rltlro dl Zalmls farebbe dl nuovo largo a Venlzclos, ed II ra non potfebbe regnare avendo a capo del govtrno un uurau cno 10 na aiiaccaio per ia sua politico. Pero' si dice che Zalmls abbla rltlrato le bus dlmlsslonl In scgulto all In slatenze del re. CJLI AUIIESTI Dl SI SOCIALISTI I glornall si occupano dell'arresto del capl deU'assocIazIone Soctallsta Qlovanlle, Morara o Prlnottl, nella cut abltazlonl furo- no trovate clrcolart eccltantl ad una dl- mostrazlone contro la guerra per II 24 . del corrente meu, I glornall credono cha questa agitazlone sla stata provocatu da agentl delta Germanla, o ricordano che von , Buelow, prima dl lasclare noma, ftea alutato certo persone che non erano ammo animate da sentlmentl patrlottlcl, a ptoprlo quelll che ora sono statl arrestatl. Alcunt aiornall affacclano perslno l'lpotesl che i alcunl deputatl soclallstl che recentementa 1 tornarono In Italia da Zurlgo slano Interes- satl netl'agltazlone. . Pero' tutte quaste ma- novre non sono cha la confessions dell'lm I potenza, teutonics. . SI ha da Vienna che 11 generate Pflanzer I "Baltln. cha comandava le forze teutontcha nella Transllvanla, si e'dlmeaso a le dlmls i slonl sono state accettate dall'lmperatore j Francesco Giuseppe. , Tetegramml da Parigl dlcono che In oc- easlone della rlapertura della Camera fran- cese, 1 presldente della stessa, Deschanel, pronunclo' lerl un dlscorso nel quale, fece 1'aloglo delta Rumania e che tutta la Camera ) applaudl' entuslastlcamente. II mlnlstro dells Flnanze, Rlbot annun- ftln4n 11 ttunvfl rrlnilA nritntlln ttiln itm disss che la vlttorla era ormal; certa a cha yortera' una pace cha compensera la Kran eht del sacrlflcll cha essa ha fatto, II 'presldente del Conslgllo, Drland, fara' 4MaiiI lmportantl dlchlsrazlonl circa la sHuazlone diplomatic. GRAND DEFENSE, KAISER'S ANSWER TO FOES' DRIVE Continued from Tire One, slating British and Serbian attacks In Greece. The capture of the Rumanian fortress of Slllstrla Is regarded as of special Im portance by th German and Bulgarian commanders. The positron ts considered the ksy to Bucharest. Th council Is" of vjtal Interest to Ger many, because It Is bollcved that upon It depends the eoonomlo as well a the mili tary welfare of tha Teutonic allies. It Is understood that tha Kaiser and his asso ciates are considering the conservation of tha food supplies And similar steps, as well as military problems, Tha matter of food Is a serious one In Germany, and mora so Among her allies, Austria-Hungary, Turkey And Bulgaria. Tne economic ronamons wiinin tne coun tries firs being taken up by tha council, ns well as the matter of food And heavy cloth ing for tha armies. Von Hethman-Hollweg will announce the result of the conference when he makes his opening speech In the Reichstag on Septem ber 21. LONDON, Bcpt 11. The greatest Im portance Is attached to the present confer ence at tha Kaiser's headquarters on the eastern front by correspondents stationed In Holland and Switzerland. Besides the Kaiser, Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollweg, King Ferdinand and Crown Prince Boris of Bulgaria and Enter Pasha, Turkish War Minister, several leading dip lomats of the Central Powers are reported In, consultation. Tho Amsterdam corre spondent of tha Exchange Telegraph report ed today that tho German Chancellor will reveal some of tho resuttsof the conference when he opens the next Reichstag session September 21. Rom heard from Swiss sources today that the Kaiser called the conference be cause ha was disturbed by rumors that But aria was threatening to sue for a separate peace. Ona Swiss correspondent reported that the Kaiser ordered King Ferdinand to attend the conference with the Crown Prince As hostages to give Assurance that Bulgaria wotlld not abandon the German forces within her boundaries to attacks by the Allies. VARE AND DOYLE ARGUE ABOUT ARMOR PLANT RACIN'fl FEATUIIE TODAY AT CHESTER COUNTY FAIR No Gambling Ia Permitted Horso Show to Bo Held Friday WHST CHESTHR, Pa. Sept. 13 This h the second day of the fair of the Chester County Agricultural Asioclntlon, and the attendance Is on n par with that of former Vears, while many new exhibits arrived since yesterday, tho opening day. Thn chief feature of today Is racing, ns will be the case tomorrow. A point Is being mado of permitting no gambling deUces or Wagers on the races on the grounds. A first-aid corps, composed of young men of thin place. Is on duty, and a hospital tent, with rent houses, Is being well patron ized. The women of the W. C. T. U. haa their Usual tent with lunch, and there arc many pjaces of rest provided about the grounds. Displays for tha horse show Friday are arrUlng, and alt the noted stables In this section of the Stato will be represented Many cattle and swine arrlcd yesterday afternoon and are In the pens on exhibi tion President 'DM. Goldner and his asso ciates aro moro than pleased with tho line elates nre moro than pleased with the good weather, expect fccord-breaklng at tendance tomorrow and Friday. I MYSTIC CHAIN ORDER ELECTS Mldwood, of Morripville, Commander, Philadelphian Inside Guard , LANCAHTBK, Pa., Sept JI The follow. Inc oMeM ware AMiatwced. as elected at ( the moriwHC' nttla; of the Select Castla j f PaoBsrlvanla, Knights of tha Mystlo , sWeot Aoromaftasr, K J. Mldwood, Mor ;rtvtlU; vtaa emnmanair. Y. F. Cahlll, I M4vrtta; marshal," William M. Little. I L woaster; treaswrar, 3, T, Jarkl, Plt- . cairn; outr ,finass K. 8. Lp4s, Scran 1 ; Jnshlt arsVlCaary BUWr Phlladsl ht; trusts. X, j; Smith. Johnstown. Tfcey will be lasUltad tomorrow, Aaaeru, show lbs Mat membership Is 1I.W4L fT yaar's raealpt were 174,101. sat tMTt was paM In relief, lbs yalua i W ssitjMsHmti oastUs is 1114,911, lira I T i ley Comfort 7Sim !W CtriH Lmtei Stodung : ussorl i A SSIIMIHIM MW IOK1 tjri wn b4 i tsffrt. has su tteajt MaS Is !ir two fi a W rut sailr V ' wrs for nur S31 TS tmvh eg him lw . cWn MSSiireo frss, r rilflt W alo iosbuB4sAt fcH f Mi Unm Cm ti c Ml?SE sWS' .am' ML JVB UpgW BSSSst 4JlPWS"s sssssssr asasfs Continued frsm Psse'On. tlons. Among the other Senators, present to represent their States were Senator Chil ton, of Wt Virginia, and Senator Swan son, of Virginia. In a statement prepared by Representa tive Vare, as an argument for the location of the plant In Phlladelph'a, the attention of the Naval Board was called to the recom mendations made by a congressional com mittee that an armor plate plant be located at the Philadelphia Navy Tard. He quoted from the report of the committee, rw hlch was headed by senator Tillman, of South Caro line, chairman of tha Senate Naat Commit tee. Mr. Doyle presented a list of reasons as to why the plant ahould be located at the l'h ladelphla Navy Yard, "It Is close to deep water, while at tho same time It Is adequately protected by reason of the fact that It Is not directly on the Bcacoast," lie saia, "It, Is the best labor market In the United States, where there Is an abundance of high grade mechan cs, tool and model makero. "It Is close to th manufacturers of guns, armor plate and ahells. "There Is adequate space for this plant at the Philadelphia Navy Tard without the expenditure or a aouar ror land." tiMiiiiiihi .ansuix &,-.. Ready to Muster Out N. J. Troops SEA GIRT, N, J., Sept 13. Mustering officers of the regular army this morning met with the officers of tho First and Fourth Regiments and went over In detail with them the procedure or mustering out the troops. The work of preparing final lecords of the tour of duty nnd straighten ing out property accounts was glvon par ticular attention. AUTUMN KESOBTS BriUNO MKE, N. J. flttjimmmrmmmmmmmtm'mgmmiS&g! BbV Ah mH te Yes9 do ton again for my week-end "I need a sniff of salt air and a whiff of the pines a round or two on the good old Golf Course then maybe a round or two at the Club House, with the boys. "Can't stand the week-end jam at the neoal clote-to-Nature resort. And I yearn for tho metropolitan brand of entertainment, too. "So I just motor down here to the NEW nIONMOUTn jpet the finest Nature stuff you can nnd anywhere and solid comfort Henri's incom- E arable menus, interesting company, alls, concerts with Metropolitan Opera 'talent,' and Rood orchestra music This is the lifeP "Bass are rising; fine, sir and there's good snipe-shooting in the marshes." "Yes," laughed the Tired Business Man, "I will tote the old fishing-pole over to Shark River Inlet" NOTE: Tho NEW MONMOUTH'S 18-IIole Handicap Prize Golf Tourna ment for men and women, is being held daring September, Exclusive! for guests, BtcUtt Stnt FBANK F. SIIUTK ttpon ibfiMll Mammgtr THE NEWMONMOUTH Wbmt IiUtritUtg PfU D Imtwtttwg Thing SPRING LAKE BEACH, N.J. September 13, 1916 ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. nt UAUNQ RCSORT HOItLOC THE WORLD fflatltoiijiil3ailteiiii ATLANTIC C1TY.N. J, OWNCKSHIP MAHUCMINT. JQglAH YHJTeii SJONg COMPANY jfhLIgrfcjL'rLr'tr'''c-?'Ty-"""'" as set&rvevlstB ofSMVice.comJbrtz,bMur cwir STEAMBOATS IDEAL FAMILY EXCURSION Iron StMmcr THOMAS CLYDE To AUGUSTINE BEACH , 100-MILE RIDE FOR 50c U Astutttu Heath. LsbKw U ;b and taao. Artetln wntwv Far. d 50c Children W 25c JAHM K. MM, Ms,. I AKCM SMUHrT wn mnn KArPA delf.oates GUESTS OP U OF 1. TODAY i 300 Attend Triennial Council Pica for Discrimination The lOIWdelegates Attending the triennial council of the Phi Oeta Kappa Society are guests of the University of Pennsylvania Today's sessions are being held In Houston Hall, with Provost Udgar Kan Smith as tho host A plea thati members of the society guard AgAlnst granting charter for the "bllsh ment of chapters of th. Ir "' American Institution of learning "which disseminate intellectual plague" wa mad last hlght by Dl Robert Morton HughM, of William and Mary College. Williamsburg. Vo. Doctor Hughe was on of tho PeA era nt a reception In Drexel Instltut to tit delegates. He represented th Alpha Chap ter, of Virginia "I want to Impres upon you that n tnllllon-dolar endowment, a larg library, beautiful buildings nnd hundreds of stu dent are not the only things that malt n colleg worth while. If w ro ,0 ? but th. tradition of rouna.r. o. ir. society, w must Htabllsh ehtM At coiHges which! have more to recommend Sim than tha thing. I ".""""' It must Jiav atmosphere and character Trolley Car Injures MAn John Mllltr, thirty year old, of s'6 North Front street, whll at SlJtty-rtr.t strett And Woodland Avenu lat nlsht wa struck by a west-bound trolley CAr. Ha wa taken to the I'nUerstty Hospital, where physlclAn ay hi. condition I not serious. Fermer Baltimore JwJteTnk.r' tfnhui risnnla. etlp4 k i .. I nrsm Bench of MjIm.. k 1 front third strok of bfu!T; ' was seventy years old ai!? t nru shtd anoektrr of ik .. . ColonlAl stock. After gradttTC!1 Princeton In 11(4 ha atiMiJs A University of Virginia, in iis.,,7. 1 mltted to the bar and In n J to tha Supreme Dench and contlnZi h.hfh until ha retire i ..U,.H ph)slcAl Incapacity. flaljr bMk tabtM.Tew s?i HVBAXSXIP8 AMERICAN EXPRESS &a iUTfrttt Aitatr RFK1MII1A A rn U yaosMoa ...i. ......,. Os Olutltuf"$Ii pgMr IU1 WW t" jW SBBBffiaffl sCQNQjgjx & x3 lafo JiVl Formerly Berg Bros. r Opens Its Doors Friday V It has been a subject of some criticism of large stores that a busy man or woman is delayed in making purchases because of what, was thought to be necessary clerical routine. The New Earle Store has installed the latest electrical equipment, so that the purchaser may not only finish the transaction promptly, without waiting for clerical entries to be made, but by simply making the selection and obtaining the information as to the price, may depart from the counter. i I . Moreover, a battery of ''on-the-minute" delivery wagons will deliver merchandise to any part or the city or suburbs, upon moment's notice, either by phone or request at the counter a ; ?r ' Packages a purchaser desires to take aWay from the store can be wrapped, marked and delivered under the new system with- out any of the delays which heretofore have been so annoying in great stores. In other words, when you enter this store, from the usher who receives you to the small errand boys, the watchword from all to you shall be "your service," ' ncuojvc umw ucpurtiticu 8tore can be made just as personal in its .relations with its customers as was the habit in the old days of Philadebhia when our Grandmothers went to one store for their muslin, another store'for their dress goods, another shop for their boots and shoes. -. 5 v.. j if.. ....:. i . .,, ZaZT"" T"ea. " exa""!'e our " .. see for yourself "'"', -3 V"" -".'- s The Earle Store IE