L0.1U.M. CONVENTION JMflGS 300 DELEGATES FOR ANNUAL ELECTION tlvor Welcomes Visitors and Address at Opening i Session fANY ENTERTAINMENTS ' nd.les from alt parts of the State, 00 '. ?SlV ...ornbled today In tho Hotel ":"'? ...-- .n,ni invention of this ? Order United American Monies. T' .in saretms were held at 9:30 H w ,..- n n musical RStSrwnowed by a welcoming nddrcsi IteRvoV Smith, of Philadelphia: a re IS. lo Mayor Smith'- aj"rec, was jnado Frederick J. anoy.er u ...-. - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1916 MISSING MDTE FOlflD Detectives Pick Him Up Near Easing- tonNot Known Where Ho Was Isadora Zallessna, a slx-year-eld mute. nmnP"4 from hls hom" " ?ouTl'VT on Sunday ""ontlng, was n.Ji. Vl,Bnrnoon at E""ton by ?hS.a-rdnfr. " OKnlied the boy !" der'P'ona In the newspaper ',,l"dlc''ei1 y " tht he would be glad to go home L i. s.1,xly'"tth s'et and Woodland nve nuo stntlon. brought him home this after noon Ho received a Joyous welcome from his mother and five brothers and sisters. Another brother of Isadoro. who Is also a mute, will endeavor to learn by tho sign language whero Isadora has been since Sunday. IMfs. M r. Dlckeson rendered a violin 1 2H followed by an address Dy uniicu Jtate, tmvra "t n P,nrifae. The IXev. ffi P lTasialso made an address to tho faaibled brothers. ii.J. .n.rnnon was aevoiea 10 a wur vUfL city by the out-of-town members f V." .- fTKi nvnilnff thn members or -ft tM-orae . ..,.,.,.., bv the SDrna 'rden Council In their rooms at 121B rth Sixth street. Am of the most Important meetings to i tela aunng iu " "" -" " Ldnesday morning. This meeting will ermine tne eiecuuu i ""? , " : ..J.,, rnr tho coming year. So far few liMites for tho many oftlces havo offered ir names. ir kkik " V SO far Qiaciuaeu win " " y . Same, vlco councilor This contest. Is jLic4 between A. M. Fording and Samuel liwbay. ... jTbb present Stato ylco councilor is a u, lialairln. and It Is rumored that ho will Zirt up to the position of State councilor. This afternoon's meeting will disclose the linea of those who will be Candidates for tke offices of the order. Tb bulk of tne t,me t0 ue 8nclu '" tnla Ky by the members of tho order will, with exception of a few business mectlngs.be Jtroted to entertainments and sightseeing. wdat sightseeing tours navo ocen ar i and the evening program shows that ,lk visiting members will be well entertained arftn receptions ana inumu. Wednesday evening they will be received it the Eagles' Temple, 1336 Spring Garden Itrtet, where a oinner una emeruwiiucui, u beenarranged for their benefit. ITHREE CONVENTIONS AT STATE CAPITAL Sealer3 of Weights and Meas ' tires, Postmasters and Coroners in Session at Harnsburg HARIUSBURG, Sept. 12 Three State nT4irtIons, tho Pennsylvania Association f Sealers of WelGhts and Measures, tho Bute Coroners' Association and tne renn- P jlvnU Postmasters' Association, are In Mtalon here, nui nAttmflMpra' convention oDencd at ilto'cloQlc In the caucus room of the House M Representatives. Sessions will continue "'ntUI tomorrow afternoon. Among the sub ' jeeti to be discussed are rural mall service, stamtlng by parcel post, retirement ot su ftrtsnuated employes, postal savings and ptr postage. Postmaster W. D. McGln tk,t McConncllsvllle, presided over the eeeabif session. Speakers this afternoon lndirfe J. T. Cortolyou. of Philadelphia; ,I4or Sobel, of Erie; Lewl3 B. Flohr. of LWuhlagton! Clyde S. Yothers. Mount &nt. and Harry TV. Fee. Indiana, ra. The sealers met In the Senato chamber addresses were made by State Sealer Sweenev. Senator Bcldlcman ana Tetary of Internal Affairs Henry Houclc. aore F.- Seraphim, of tho pnuaaeipnia rau of Standards. In an address on slewing and sealing of gasoline measuring piKUfiM.. this afternoon, said that Phlladel- f SUl Tnotorlsts paid half a million dollars h lUi and a quarter ot a million last year ' fr gasoline which they did not get be- j't&UM of defective pumps. Charles F. llorjel. of .New York ; Thuro Hanson, Com- EWwloner of Weights, of Massachusetts, ,tad George B. Marquart, of the Pennsyl sl Bureau ot Stindards, were other I Walters this afternoon. Marquart declared ltat every public market place should have . a correct public scale for tho benent or con imera. 1 TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES and Anna and and w Norman, HOMEOPATHS DISCUSS INFANTILE PARALYSIS I)ifty-third Annual Convention Begins in Reading Many Philadclphiana on Program nCADI.VO, Pa.. Sept 12. Infantile pa ralysis Is tho leading toplo on the program of papers to be road at the flfty-tlilrU an nual convention ot the Homeopathic Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, which opened here today. This Is the llrst gathering of Its kind since the epidemic of Intantllo paralysis has been sweeping over this section of the country. Dr. Samuel O. Dixon. State Health Com missioner, Is expected to tell the convention what has been learned out of Its experience. The pipers to deal with Infantilis pa ralysis will bo rend by Dr. C. 8 Rane. pro fessor of diseases of children nt Hahnemann Modlcal College, Philadelphia ; Dr. Charles B. IlelU, pathologist of the Btate Homo opathtc Hospital for tho Insane, at Allen town, and demonstrator In neuropathology at Hahnemann Medical College, and by Dr. w. v. uaKer, also or Philadelphia. At the opening of tho convention the so ciety was tendered a formal welcome by Dr. Frederick Wilson, president of the local Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. D. C. Kline, for the Hahnemann Society of Berks Coun ty, These were responded to by Dr. Q. BT Moretand, of Pittsburgh. This afternoon the ladles attending the convention vvero entertained at a tea at the homo of Mrs. C. II. Buhl, and this ovenlng thero will bo n reception for them In the Berkshire ballroom, while tho visiting physicians will attend a smoker. ! Mr WJr S43 E Thompon it. uimDci. anv tu. Tnomrson ii, lnir. '2 Ptmlnlck V. . KlUMrrn 1 wltr Gorman, ills S Warnock 71mlnir. M. O'lUra. 2 PlHBant at. ",3f, tjchurz it. S Wurnock at. ffl' Norman, eiu vvoir at. . - ., ".S.4. Po'tnoy MU Jacliaon at., and Cella WU(Jr. 822 S. 8d ak , wHr Carvtn, Jr.. 1310 N. Frailer at., and m. tiirnw, liisu w. Allison ai. . (JTX.X. Bbarllp. StUU Fontaln at., and Anna and Char- Wr. Bbarllp. SfJU Fontaln at.. Mntrr. 1123 "rw.J at. raueNlT, Doak. 100S N. 15th al.. Mt Airy. Pa. , . lami kith Tl nhMi.' jfannond Dorsar. ir . 11-T lialnb'rldn at. and prima Dumon. 112T Ualnnrtass at. 5 T. Woolmlnaton, as N Blat at., and ' VWJ!,1 Davla, iWi Lancaater ayt., and -Olga I li&.Ke,,S ,408 Lancaater ave. i,"?'1 K- Falconer. Darby, ra.. and Floaale 8. 2f"? J1918 Chrlatlan at. -"lul.l Kralteuk. 4030 KdmunJ at. and Joilo ii!IilltJ, " 8t it fJffi,,In1''' Jamkowalca. 4T14 Cambridge. ' VU Komarnlckl. 200 Bt Jamea at., and Wyk- liZfr. Ms'tsowaka. SOO 8t. Jaraea at. " ,'.' Barcalovr. Hharon mil. Pa., and !-" Vi0,nli uiaarylaw, fa. "tS lljiy 1800 a. Idtn at, and Annlna . Krl. 107 B. oth at. P. Whalan. 211ft Ht Jamaa limu. and JoSifni1, Je&nston. M N. tawrence at. riiiu".?1""""! v curtmuni ai,, aiiu VHSS., 'iaaaaiyroaka, Mia N. aa at. tuff,'," ??ck."r' 2210 N Hancock 1 Wiir.. ;wcroir. saw N. oa at, "'!?' Zby.tnlewlakl iblS Halmon I ij3JL'- "D". 4B2aparin at., and Mae r Witu"",",'! 2S J'.ner -. ar iZZXL S.'MMijL. Itv ijrs?'"i. m vvoir at. wlwVXVi"' -u ,u n4 mne" iV ti?li.l'ateli ?OB0 Cheltan ava . and Anna . v.m$$Z!r3..ms Maun. Oirtir "? iA-W. (,'umbarlana at, E-.SWt.n'cTaV..,? 1 uilr,jA'lSnt,1.?.,.S Chadwek at,, and M fciiah rV ft'"!"',2! Uoon at llSiiP-V, "'u Qlya Ferry road, and and and 2U Jtltncr at., and Sadla at. and Mildred FRESH PAINT jgeieve Me -r 'f We believe that one painting job well dont will result in another; In fact, we've , rovn it. Tht' why c,KuhnI quality nevr ,viHr. J Kuehnle PAINTER -a PHI BETA KAPPA OPENS "IHIENNIAL CONVENTION Distinguished Men Present at Meeting of Great College Honor Fraternity The national council of the Phi Beta Kappn, the college honor fraternity, whose members Include men and women with rec ords of, notablo achievement In literature, politics, education nnd other fields, met In triennial convention this morning at Drexel Institute, Thirty-second and Chestnut streets. The convention opened with a session of the senate, closed to outsiders. Attending this were such men as President Ixwell, of Hnrvard Dr. Hamilton Wright Mable, of tho editorial staff of the Outlook and of the Ladles' Home Journal, and Dr. Talcott AVlllIams, director of tho Pulitzer School of Journalism, , The society, to which belong such men of divergent pursuits a3 President Wilson, Charles Evans Hughes, Elbert If. Gary, chairman of the board of directors of the United Statpa Sfeel Corporation. Secretary ot Stato Lansing. Senators Lodgo nnd Boot, Pj-ofessors Gummere and Schelllng and other prominent persons,, was beginning lt one hundred nnd forty-first year when It met tills morning for the two-day session. Prom tho fceglnn'ng, In a little room the Apollo room, to be exact of the .Raleigh Tavern, In Williamsburg, Va., It has been closely Identified with tho progress of the nation. Washington, Jefferson and other Presidents were members of the society, which was the direct descendant ot the "Flat Hat Society" started by Thomas Jef ferson. George Wharton Pepper and Morris Clothier are two business men ot this city who are members. In addition to men ot letters and academic distinction, Owen Wlstcr, Bliss Perry, Dr. Hollls Godfrey, president ot Drexel Institute; Prof. John Bach McMaster and Dr. L. W, field,, of Swarthmora College. A luncheon was given the delegates at 1 o'clock this afternoon at Drexel Insti tute, to be followed by a council meeting at the same place The big meeting of the day, to which 1400 Phi Beta Kappa men of this city and vicinity have been Invited, will be held at 8:30 o'clock tonight at the Institute. As has been the custom, It. M. Hughes, rector of William and Mary Col lege, the Alpha chapter ot the fraternity, will deliver the Invocation after Dr. Hollls Godfrey, chairman of the committee In charge; Dr. L. W. Held, president of the Philadelphia Alumni Society, and Dr. Edwin A. Grosvenor, national president, have spoken. Those associated with Doctor God frey on the committee are Doctor Iteld. of Haverford College, and Dr. George D. Had Elts, of the University of Pennsylvania. m WE TAKE T T pleasure 1 n announc i n g that our Autumn and Winter stock of materials is now on display. The fabrics shown for this, our 69th year of good clothes making, surpass, we be lieve, any hereto fore offered in Philadelphia. HUGHES AND MULLER 15?7Wal'nut St. HUH Fur Rtpairtng and RimoJtUns at a 20 Rf ttuctton. Do not dolay fnia cfa of work. It h vtry difficult to g f prompt dtlivry in aton. MaWson & DeM am? Chargt Cuilomtri and Patron deiiring to open account may have bUU rendered Decern ber isf upon request. 1115 Chestnut btreet Opp. Keith's Theater September Sale of Furs M flVvWva aVaaalaaaak V V9aaftVaaaHaJ.aaaaEaaaaaaaaiWf6i' VtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBl.W. wKh ell&iVlls.Mlfur' JflMaWinw l ' '-V-T v3aaaaT I aaaH aaB S7Sv2 JJ aaacm aaaaaaaaaaS mvEO" "vJWRlX:WM3aaaamYSf 4 ? JuH I 9H Al WiJaJaLaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBHJrVKif Nfflhuwr vFTms iwFVreL miiW' tTJ rhJmtMlK Trrr3 $A Make Your Own Reductions Every Piece Bears the Original Price Ticket -Specializing in Furs In matters of importance, seek an expert. Our business is furs the year round. The knowledge of our experts is exemplified in thissale the most important economy event7 in the city. We entered the market very early in the year, selecting only the choicest skins, bought to great advantage for reason of early choosing; manufactured them into Coats and Sets when labor was at its lowest cost retailing them at a smaller profit in order to turn an unseasonable month into a busy one. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Desired If flf-TEmV'V' ,'"" JBBfeEaalUa- FUR COATS. French Seal Coats 40 inches, long-flare model. September Price $48.00 November Price $60100 French Seal Coats j 45 Inches long. Skunk collar. Very full model. September Price $56.00 November Price $70.00 Caracul Coats 40 and 45 inches, long-flare style, flat moire skins. September Price $120.00 f November Price $150.00 Hudson Seal Coats 40 inches, long - flare model. Selected skins. f.A September Price $96.00 November Price $ 1 20.00 Hudson Seal Coats 40-inch model, full-flare effect". Very fine quality. September Prico $128.00 November Price $160.00 Hudson Seal Coats 42 inches long, smart flare model, . new collar. Extra select quality. ' September Price $148.00 November Price $185.00 Hudson Seal Coats 40 inches long, 6-inch border and collar of skunk. Selected quality. September Price $132.00 November Price $165.00 Hudson Seal Coats 42 inches long, 6-inch border and collar of skunk. Very full model. September Price $156.00 November Price $190.00 Moleskin Coats 45 inches long, 6-inch border and collar of skunk or Jaupe fox. September Price $280.00 November Price $350.00 Natural Mink Coats 43 inches long. finUhed at bottom with mink tails and sable paws. Choice dark skins. September Price $380.00 November Price $475.00 -"- Muskrat Coats 40-inch model, Hudson seal col lar, cuffs and belt. September Price $76.00 November Price $95.00 Leopard Coats t 42 inches long, badger or raccoon collar and cuffs. v September Price $128.00 November Price $ 1 60.00 Hudson Seal Coats 42 inches long, 6-Cnch border and collar of skunk. Extreme flare. September Price $240.00 November Price $300.00 Hudson Seal Coats 42 inches long, 6-inch border and collar of taupe fox. Superb qual ity. September Price $200.00 November Price $250.00 Sable Squirrel Coats 40-inch model, collar of taupe fox. Selected quality. September Price $160.00 November Price $200.00 v i " FUR SETS Hudson Seal Sets . ' Barrel muff and novelty tailored scarf. Selected skins. September Price $24.00 November Price $30.00 Black Fox Sets Barrel or pillow muff rand sall-fur animal scarf. September Price $26.00 November Price $32.50 Skunk Sets Barrel or pillow muff and all-fur . animal scarf. September Price $26.00 Novepber Price $32.50 Natural Raccoon Sets j . Barrel muff and all-fur animal " scarf. Very fine quality, September Price $20.00 x November Price $25.00 Black Lynx SeU Barrel or pillow muff and all-fur animal scarf. ' September Price $84.00 November Price $80.00 Natural Fisher Sets Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf. Choice full fur, September Price $88.00 November Price $110.00 Red Fox Sets Barrel muff scarf, and all-fur animal Selected skins. ' September Price $44.00 November Price $55.00 Battleship Gray Fox Sets Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf. Unusually fine grade. September Price $60.00 November Price $75,00 Kamchatka Blue Fox Sets' Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf. Very full-furred skins. September Price $60.00 November Price $75.00 Hudson Seal Sets Barrel muff and straight long scarf. Extra fine skins, September Price $48.00 November Price $60.00 Dyed Blue or Slate Fox SeU Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf. Finest quality. September Price $96.00 November Price $120.00 Gray Wolf Sets Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf. Finest quality. , -September Price $48.00 November Price $60.00 Kolinsky Sets Barrel muff and straight long . scarf. Imported dye. ' September Price $88.00 November Price $ 1 1 0.00 Pointed. Fox Sets Barrel muff and all-fur animal scarf, Very silky fur. September Price $72,001 November Price $90,00 Beaver Sets Barrel muff and novelty tailored scarf. Selected pelts. , , , September Price $30.00 November Price $45.00 a ik 1 ' . . . NOTE Due to Lack of Space We Quote Only, Specimen ryaluu, Ateortmente to Select From in Every Kindl 1PV -. S of Fur, Mitee' Coot and Extra Large She CoattUp to SO Butt, PURCHASING AGENTS' ORDERS ACCEPTED 'ash L- i-M RWlf x if