fcfc 'I- jfrW- ml n mXlii KwM jrfjsno 2tuotmg jEfcftgper TUESDAY September 12, 1916 , 'PICTURESQUE HAPPENINGS IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY PORTRAYED BY THE CAMERA MA I THE COUNTRY'S "BOSS STRIKE-BREAKER ON THE JOB I ' '-4 Photo from International Film Berrien NEW YORK TRACTION HEADS BELIEVE IN PREPAREDNESS Officials of the Intcrborough Rapid Transit, whose employes are striking for recognition of the union, have provided the motorman's cabs with wire screens as protection from missiles hurled by strike sympathizers. Coryrltht International Film Service. THE COUNTRY'S "BOSS STRIKE-BREAKER1 ON THE JOB James T. Waddoll. who claims tho distinction of having broken moro big strikes than all tho other official strike busters put to gether, is the man on whom the New York "L" and subway officials nave staked tneir all. v THIS WAS ONCE THE PRIDE OP THE NAVY But by the time tho naval rookies who have just returned from the citizens' training cruise got through battering tho old battleship Texas during target practice in Chesapeake Bay, it looked moro like a dismantled Verdun factory than a onco great man-o'-war. ( V-..' Hi 1 JiiBB t 4K If I IMIIIIIiiBIUI IIIIUIUiuailllMlU ' '"-" --" v..wT,nu. au ' - r "' - J iF mml 'iuHllR ' i ii''! '., v?f 4I'W'!? 7 '' .. i:' nf ' 5 i flH. w )we,.irr55l!i lli BBiBBifil ?8lIJS LIM wsl : a- ' jf v r r -x& frw,S'-i ; narHr whhmmm HHHv yPl'v'- ?&y,imi MSII BwwWEfWm'nn&Bfi i mR? l'-r -s??ii? f'll-i-HL BHaHHrHri ' li---B- Mim ;fHS BIK) :nB-W i K-KY 3&It WT 4vi ' 9i"P43BJ-FS5WfiS ' wriy- ' - :.: - -.'; J Wlcfl 4tMiP' ? ! Hr?: ''v$5Hflt v -i&ti&iJi JSf-iMi4 RF 9iRviw' rfki!s. .. 2V 3tfl w v '&fe- '$i& .f 4St Haf JW'i&jr8UfiWQ-'',. . P. ' 3lWr1 --(S93SK'Ju5Wlf5 IK.l& - - IBiriWliv' ti VJ p,Wfe&$rj R ' sP-JJ . , V.iSB? ?' '"SSavSnm'JH. 'if hfyK a?' - t?S t-i2i'-W4'Sff?SirL4S-s HHHiiHHHiKv t.ir ?.,.$ , r-3B!,tj fifH HIp , .. vw iM jB;l -H-Hp BM-t -- -"-- .-in r!PM '''''lWWiMEjM " PLv'f'iP'l 2 :." " -i-Ba-r--i-y-------------l---- Photo by Central Ntwf, FASHION AGAIN REFLECTS THE MILITARY FEVER This is the so-called "pug bonnet," built along the lines of a combined French and German helmet, minus the spike characteristic of the' Teuton headgear. ONE TYPE OF RUMANIA'S SEASONED FIGHTERS The Rumanian cavalry did excellent service during the Balkan Wars and is expected to prove effective in 'the campaigns to come. The Italian uniform is closely followed. M , ' . . ' --RKHlf5 K .-Jv1 '"Braw- ""Jw ..SHH- wtMw mMP'vX T,LJ,f 1 H i l w WQBp lgrT3Mf iSBBBgP,irS-jKaiat RBHaEft9w0VHB 'fv- I H - 'HDffiv jp'4uMktrRBiD r,,lj IS 1 TPSHw-r1 T , rlr- -. " vBSNlli iff Si&9?!lPi HiSli8i I rGrTf tS , VJLiTWMr4PJMf . !."? jiiiia ,ar w li&ESffaaaB i vtMPrv Jt ,lW-JSiHr4f - -,. SiSVfMmUSzr' m t lRu-i-iA 4Paf lfprf0aHiMiWi- pHPI ;, i t W)oHlLllt Y U .,!'., MMHk. '(-i "'',,e'. r ifmr'"if "ftT"" 'ir"- j pj-KB'C 'rv V. JKV 1pi?8wTO liSH-L l ,,,! I 1 r!-H9lUrlB JJllP'NM lir-akrm. iJr)iSHR P l-Hlf7MPBF -M i Bl-lr fJBr !')&C1 1 i ' i i i i i . . . Fboto br Eiinino Lmu Staff Fhotocrapber. J.' ADVOCATES OF INLAND WATERWAYS IN SESSION Scene at tho oneninir of tho ninth annual convention In th npllpviiP.Strntfnrd ' 4 Hotel today- Mayor Mnlir. of Richmond. Va.. is resnondlnir to the address of welcome Jus mado by Mayor Smith. j. K2 P I Lvt ivycv ,k zr &?h ;4. j t-KiS uj-m Z-Jtr,l m B rsfrv l4.Jllliii3&fft'jyjie.riW i-"'l -l.1ri"- i?r.- ".i !! !rmmjfr' A mssmmm . r , - 4 BB fiWWI yHui, , xr'iffi4- V W 4 'W-f'fi c a ,-r'' jr ii-Hyfe ?.- V;ritKf7 i-v '"-; Vs.VT ?; f iWWfti J.-V -' ' &$$&$ t .,-.,--,,-,,,. ,jv... ,- , tiiMMitri llMiTWMM iJi v't"tiHHHi tv .- 'Hiil . &..&; .-.:: T'''V . . - ' ; ' :: flL H ft. ' Bf ! V i - B - BK . MIILXf -MI JT V? VT fA --W' - j.1 e- ; I " L.a- a -. tkJ .( BKACIN(J WtAlHKR BWNG8 OUT THEONGS OF PEDE8TBIANS ON CITY STREETS Thi ilfciLilslliiM vfftwt thut liwk HepUmber wvftther kuiutwtb city' population in,vidiit irom thu photogranli. tcSw M Mukt rtrett ud. TUe atrl nUU dUUiet U erowdttd witk fomlniBe buytru. nod ti fawtMr df IBpMiMl S to fee ,fmiw Ju bM& Uk teait t bwiiaMa ia gwsrti. TON AND DAUQHTEB HAYE AGED FATHER'S BELONGINGS rnf-wJf'? oitffIul0 ,'tro, - by t o hi. dOMrai, Th.,cfa. Ow proptyWM SXl totlhfiIr,,J h" Jf n di.po s. d of 9 ' . ia tkt utihhinhuujT & .Tw uh au cauwd ur