freest! lit us,, HliliBjWjMjWW WM FORBfiDOTY HOUSEWIVES TO SWEEP DUST INTO STKEETS Jfcr. Howard S. Anders Urges Enactment of Prohibitory Ordinance in Interest of ' Public Health RICH SOURCE OP DISEASE H t r- Mote Decter Anders Would Keep Philadelphia Clean Forbid the sweeping of dust from private houses into tho streets. Require all ash receptacles to bo 00Trd under pain of fine. Fore all street food merchants to cover their stock. Wash the streets instead of merely sprinkling them. , Sweep the streets immediately after the water has been applied. . BVEyiNG LBDaEB-PHILABELPHlA, TUESPAY fiEPffEMBJBB 12, 19tP tLS.-JBXiCAN BOARD NEARING COMPROMISE Conferees Plan for Border Pro tection Finances Chief Problem Rnactment of a law to forbid house fceepers to sweep dust Into the streets anil to require thm to cover all ash boxes was avshrecateet today by Dr. Howard 3. Anders. Doctor Andera Is a leader In the medical profession of this city and hag been well known for yrars for his activity In ob taining tho' passage of measures for tho betterment of public health, especially Iho 'vsantlarilttlnc law. "It IS Impossible for the layman to ap. Vre;Iate just how much dancer from XSIs- Me lurks In dust," aatd Doctor Anders. ".Men and women of the next generation 4 wU laugh when they reflect how loose wo were In our methods of cleaning streets. ., , "If I had my way, I should exact a fine for every uncovered ash box. There Is far too much dust In the streets In Philadel phia, and the danger from this source Is " apparent enough. But when the streets are washed and swept, and when they are kept clean, all of the good work. Is spoiled by the sweeping of dust Into the streets , from private houses. "Or boxes filled with rubbish are placed ihe pavement and the dust from this HMortal flics about, maklnc the work of U -street cleaning contractor useless. .Every housekeeper should flush the pave ment before she scrubs It; all dust swept In the houso and collected should be placed In covered receptacles. Don't forget that you can enforce any law If you have good Inspectors and enough of them. "Philadelphia Is comparatively an un clean city. Tho streets of nerlln, London and Toronto are marvolously clean when compared to .Philadelphia. There they clean the streets regularly and thoroughly. They don't merely sprinkle them at con , lenience. The amount of water used for that purpose, of course, represents an ex pense. ' 'It Is true that the water problem Is a real one here. But water should bo got at any expense and In any quantities when the prevention of disease will be the re sult. Sometimes the streets are sprinkled here before they are swept. I understand that that Is required by law. But I have noticed that tho period of time that elapses between the sprinkling and sweeping Is sufficient to gt the germs a handicap in ur sanitary war. "And wo must not forget that the dust that flies about touches our food. Ve can. not, neglect the fact that tho most careful cook must sometimes buy food from street stands. The Importance of Insisting that the food seller whose place of business Is en the city pavement keep his stand clean and his atock covered cannot bo cxagger- , ated." USE PARCEL POST TO CUT r- HIGH PRICES, SAYS EXPERT , David Lubin Outlines "Farmer-to-Con-eumer" Plan Urges Many Changes The Introduction of mall order principles IB, the parcel post system such as is In vogue In Germany, and tho abolition of red tape. Is given as the most practical way of solving one of the great economic problems of tho country, that of marketing between the consumer and tho farm producer, by 'Dayld Lubln, American delegate to the international Institute of Agriculture at Home. ' Mr. Lubln has come to this city at the Invitation of eminent educators and agri cultural experts. He delivered an address In tho Bellevue-Stratford last 'night. A system of parcel post by which direct mar keting could bo accomplished was outlined by tho speaker. Mr. Lubln said It was due to the fact that Germany has solved the problem of direct attribution of her farm products that she has been enabled to withstand tho war erlela. "Jt seems to me that the parcel post 5rs an opportunity of bringing the ,J farmers and consumers into direct business coatact." said Mr. Lubln. "It offers an op portunity for Just and even distribution; & 'system that will enable the farmer -to obtain higher prices and at the same urn .' yiaca his products In the hands of the onsumcr at lower prices than under the ' a,-lns system." ;- THE WEATHER i t IT. Si TWafhr l)nnii T..11.1 bsfjvatfcn-i taken at ga. m. Eastern time. i'. Low -Valor, ..I n., - ,- its. a.m. n. fall.Wlnd. it- fi'..h-. na . an. k - , -i:.- --' Cll - . All All ir tA flft Rh res, i. u. 4 II 12 PI... ' 5 J9 P'oudy ,. NE 14 Cloudy ,. v. ... ki jb alo. K. T.,,. 84 as I. IH, .... T4 7. H O JUt 1 Bd. p... BJ S3 " i Cat. .... 44 4S .) p.cidy . Clear 16 Clear 14 Cloudy . . Clear 29 Clear .i Clear 13 Clear .4 H MB SIS .... .. M ...a - 3. -JM UK surest. Mien.... TO as .. nw i a r. t.... to et ' mb 24 oiiii . iv.. mt mi .. H . .- PCldv in, i : u u ' ' J.:-1? -.. 74 ire :: nb hi 'ef-S"' K tS ii ! sx P.lodr astlle iaa. to st nam rl&s 22,-52 a. is ;&1? tol1S2 S- B! ' Cat. M S " US !, ."" 12 !" t B ,. Cloudy all lfe H- R-t tackt If. f3 SI! Twi, W, t. M ., NH Ik. Va. ... T8 M ,. nh ipU. Arti ...ex f.; v phhu M M tM o-J ti -hat e KO iFJsr S s f.ff?-' a i" . mam,., e Utaa, 441 13 r.CIdy . , Clear . , Cloudy .. near IS Cloudr IS Cloudy . Clear . . rioudr .. Clear " ., Clear BVy li Clear rf - 13 Cloudy 13 He In 1 le-ar N SW KB HM , B 1 aa m 5 it i 5." cl"r "IS 'i g It Clr IS 32 a .- CJaer B M .. r M r- c . -t f r n'. ir -K. l- -npar ifw a aw . i riii "Clin " i I P awW-B tw effn-MsTVVpslHs . t,,, s-w -.MifmM 4.t4 y .r 4 f . . ttv4,-4,et4y f4(a - f f i f ; , f 4WS.4;, lK-yf.gWi fa- iiMela,.,..,..,,., t,. NEW IX)NDO, Conn., Sept. 13. Agree ment on a plan for mutual protection of tho Mexican-American border was virtual ly assured today. All proposals of ways and menna 'submitted by the commissions representing both countries were tinder con sideration at todayVjolnt session and from a source doss to both commissions It was learned that a modification. Including the best features of two border protection plans. was most likely to be recommended. The need of financing Mexico Is rtlll the foremost consideration with the Mexican contingent. They are perfecting three plans for getting money. These plans arei A loan of (100,000,000 to be nego tiated through American bankers and sold by them here. A domestlo loan, rv part of which will be sold outside of Mexico. An entirely new Internal revenue system, with no chango In the Im port duties now In effect. The first of theso plans, when proposed to American banking Interests, aroused lit tle enthusiasm. Tho Mexican commission rs themselves have little faith In the sec ond plan, except aa a last recourse, be cause of the Impoverished condition of most of the Mexican people. The last-named proposition they believe Is the most likely to meet with success. No change can be made In the Import duties with the Idea of raising revenue, because all of such revenue Is pledged to cover the Diaz and Huerta loarin sixty two per cent for the former and tho re mainder for the latter. William L. Seabrook WESTMINlSTEn. Md., Sept. 15. Wil liam L. Seabrook, the oldest editor In Mary land, publisher of the American Sentinel and for more than half a century a promi nent figure In the political life of this State, Is dead here. He was born In 18J3 and thlrty-ono years later was a delegate to tho National Convention which renomi nated President Lincoln and the Maryland member of the notification committee. He was the last survivor of the fourteen dele gates In that convention and probably the last survivor of all who took part In It. Mr. Seabroow was a personal friend of Cardinal Gibbons, and the Cardinal on his birthday anniversaries always sent through the veteran editor a message to the Ameri can people. General Thomas L. James NEW TOniC Sept. 13. General Thomas L. James, who was Postmaster General In the Cabinet of President Garfield, Is dead here In his eighty-sixth year. He was born In TJtlca, X. Y., and after a career in Journalism up-State he came to New York city and entered the customs service, with which he was long Identified. Louis Sutton Louis Sutton, flfty-flvo years old, a Mu nicipal Court tipstaff, died yesterday at his home, 107 West Seymour street, after an Illness of about n. year. Mr. Sutton was a well-known politician In the Twenty-second Ward, having held many city positions, and had been in the Municipal Court ever since It was founded. Previously he was con nected with the Highway Department JBcatfjs fteporteo AM.KX. HAilRtKT A., 03. Proioectvtlle. Pa. AXDKItSO.S', AI.FONSL'S A.. 130 Carpenter et. IIAItK. JOHN W., 08, 8T N. 30th at. SKAMER. THOMAS H.. 618 8. B7th at, El.L.. MAItGAUBT 11.. R3, Haddonfleld. N. J. jh;nksol!:. hatiah homan. JlKIUlY. WILLIAM. I3 r. HIKKKV. CATHKKINE E , 06 rs. liOnN. JfAUli; UI.AKUOW, ISIS S. 15th at. HOTT. ItO.HK JI., 8, 3435 Aepen at. MYV. ANNA CADE. S3 yr. IIROU'N. ANNIEil., 2834 Uraddftck at. CAltlLU WILLIAM T., 1608 Cabot St. UAMPUULL. HKIIIIERT M.. 41. 8(0 t. Thomp son at. CA8SADT. FLOHENCn A.. 31, 4243 Stiles St. CLAKK. JOSEPH P., 78s N. Croskey at. OLOWSUW. ULLA JI.. 63 rr. CONROY, BAltAH. 3000 W. Korrle at. COOIT.Il. O. HOWARD, 1330 S. Blst at. CORSON. NOUS1AN II., 57 yre. ClLVWrORD. WI. F., B. 8660 Rlakemora St. DB CAIILO. PASQUALINA. 03. 75 S. fclh it. DONALDSON. ROUERT, 75, Camden. N. J. PLYNN. I1RIDOKT. 81 Tra. OARDNER. ANNA E.. 703 W. Kuntlnadgn at. OKIOKIl. ALARY SCHWE.NIC. 3033 N. IJroad at. UOODRLL. KJIJIA L. UREENWOOp. URONTE. City Line, north of CreerenHllle, I'hlle. ORILANOVIvtn, JOHNi759 S. Front aL OROMK, JULIA D1ILLITT. IIANNON, JAJ1RS J. 418 B. Aahmead St., Gtn. HARDART. MARY E., 1834 N. IBth at. HARI.KY. EDWARD A. J.. 05 ortathlan are. IIARPKU REnKCOA. I03T N. 19th at. HKCICMAN, ANTON. 3343 Salmon at. 1IEINS. ANNB VAUOIIAN. HOOTON. MARY JI., Jlooreatown N. J. HUNT, SARAH n., 41, Ilurnalde. Pa. INOI.INO. FRANCIS. 85 yra. JOHNSTON. MARY. &, 301U Wharton at. JONES. EDWARD RUSSELL. JULIAK EDNA a.. BOSS Cedar avo. KALLA8. FREDERICK. 3083 Aramlnso ave. KKRWICK, MAROARET. KILOORE. HDWAItD J., 3501 Elliworth at. KOill. ANNE. 4K. S4:d s. Hicks at. L.FKERTY, JAJIKS P.. 570.1 Cheater ave. LANCDALE. THOMAS W., 04. 5730 Rodman t. LAWRENCE. DUUTON A., 5 moa.. S440 W, Alleshcay ae, li:e. i:dwaiid a.. 73 yra. USD, HENRY CARL. B, 3938 N. Cransback. LIMERICK. JENNIE R., 811 N. 40th at. UI'PINCOTT, ELI2ARETH KERR. 31. Burllnc- ton, N. J. LOUOHNKY, CJIAItLES, 6010 KaverfoM ave. LUKENS, ELIJAH. SO, Fltxwatertown. Pa. LYNCH. JOHN K. 133 E. Chelten avr. McCAUTirY, JtARY E.. 1114 E. Wilt at. MrDEVITT. CATHERINE. 37i'0 Filbert at. itcLAUOHLIN, JOHN. MclIENAJUN. GERTRUDE IC MAHA.V, ELLEN L. MAKER. AONEH C 3328 Jfadleon aquere. JfAI.I.EY. HELEN TAYIXR. 1433 Taaker St. MARSHALL, THOMAS, 39, 1404 Adams ave. MORTON, JOHN U.. 78, 1947 Orats at. MORROW, CHARLES C JIULLEK. MARIA A.. 54, 3018 N. 3d at. NAYI-OH. JOHN A , IB, Bharptown, N. J. NEWMAN. T1LLIE. 48, Colllnjewood. ti. J. NOHDMANN. OBO, W., 73 yra NORRBTT. MAROARET. 1345 Uelou at. OUAHA. FRANCIS II., J53U Stouton at. OLDHAJI. JULIA DUNDAS. 031 N, 10th St. PESOT. JOHN B., S1T9 Llvtuetona at. PFAT1SCHER. MATHIAS, Eaat Jloaelle, N, J. POPE, WILLIAM n 03, Pemberton. tf. J. REILLT, PHILIP J 1430 8. Etttaa; at! HOTH. LOLA, 14S C. Wlahart at. RULUY, MARSHALL W-. 44, Atlaatto City. RYDeJR. WRIDaET. RYAN, WILLUM a., 3833 N. 33th at, SAUKR. Htl-KN M.. BJ N. 10th et. 8ACRMAN. STANLEY W, Southampton. Pa. 81URUAR. CATHERINE, 4, lit Wanton aL HIMPSON. SARAH. 78. damden. N. J. HNYDKK. JtARY A.. 435 PennesTOrs at. SULLIVAN. JOHN. TO S3U Media at. HUTTON. IX)UI8 ELWOOD. S3, 107 W.Serrooor. SUNDHKUI. JONA8, 72, 4939 N 11th at. KWOOPE, RACHEL MARY. 13 N. 8th it. TAMNBY1, FRANCIS K ,2230 8. Warnock at TAYLOR.' I.ETITIA. BOvb. 4037 SprlAVciiFdri TAY1X)H. BARAK A.. Jlooreatown. jiT Vro,u THOMAS. JIADEL1NB, 47 yra. ' TINOLEY.LOU1SA 1L. St. Davlde. Pa. TRISDORFEIL STELLA &. alao JENNIE B. TYSON, RERTIIA. 1234 K. Columbia avef VEI3NF.K. 1LVUIE VIRQlNlA, IS moaT. 1840 i:, HuntlniJon at " WAONBt, 41KOROE, 40 Elmwood av, WAReT'UARIA. 73, Wleelnomlns-. WEAVBR, 11E3SIB E.. 38. Atlaotla City. WKSCOT-r. MAKY CATIIKRINE. I, Woodburr lA-HEATlND. MARIA JI., 470 Frinkford ave' wriIAJJS. , Rev. JAMES.' 65ih and tSili? V,tl WOLL. rytDEKlOK. Jjiwnlou ava. and OaWL catlj ARNOJ.D-Oo Septeraker 11. , 191S, ANNA ilAT. wtfe.sf Utoraa A. AraoU and dauaMer w . Tp -v"""" -'i' jeatiiis. nela. reaMeMe, iMl McFerra'n It Qfeve4 (K- a( IteTlshMi POST MCWax OetD fHAnr . a sa '" I:fc!,- CaUUiTNUi- BTRKBT WKARI' M- ,.,,e)4I a,sa HltSOY iSLAND uaaUKWATKn Hi a aa. ii.u 08. at S4t. Airy. sVP. aae4 M years. igt rw mu, a, a, a. sMatteft iMMaaellf. r4M tn laaVaLaa, -'- - - - fas' " "-" re a JHtMfe rtaTiU4 to Attend thu SUMKI evjiTt-a vn JHWaWJ. m " twmm mwr mi i ih twmr9H f lTJCSt1 wnH, at HAWK 4a 8renUr 19. l rwaaeiie , yoww w. BA Ifteeauva ae rriAa, i fL. a4 asvneT QaraMi letted t attest tfc faaacal Aa. at. &. na..' ai aia W. aacVat. lataelenf ell a laesieekWr 9. .Il jm.a fsswim (aia Lwki. W4H IUOTM tkar aaaatTwei at wa r. ml 4 p. i tlk at. lnteriane m4i,a . sik Taeaaay, from 8 to liiisa. a va auwtaaiavr IB. llf. suae bi fina-iH aeeaiu tl aa vs ; BKATIM avavsaer & py tkm r: ei sear call sinMinly. "M 0Ea4rffkfia4a ir5iai? tb f"i rrl i iiiTlU. m sal. DU taaUam rslallaliii rairo.isaisi an lavltad t sltaart ihu fnaavaL m U at I is fm nla !! teaMaaca. aa nanawu au . ' r l naaly. ra,- Ii.unuinl privau et lull iinialei-y fuUM, win nui u. -' val .f . taa s a. uato irm - csl Wtajnj,t aialiaa. aVtaatas aau t$mmSS.m ClAVTffONvOrl Strtcmher 10. ltlfy FiLLA M.. widow of Oacar P, Claweon. inlatlrea M friends ar Invited to attend the funeral serv i-es. on Wednesday, at 3 p. m at tna Tlosa M. B, Church, 18th and Tlosa ate. Interment private. CORDON. On September 9, 1016. euddenty. at Norrlatown. Pa.. NORJIAN 11., son of the late l.aurnw K. and Mary A. Corson, In hie tltti J'ear, Relatlrea and frlende are Invited to at end tha funeral services, at the reelden of Ma slater, Mra. Sarah C. Oere-d, son K. Cheetnut ( . on Wednetday, at 3 p. m, In terment prlrale. CRIIANOTICH. On September 0. 11. JOHN Oltll.ANOVICll (tireenwlrn). itelatlves and trlenda, alio National Slavonle Society. No, 233. are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 Jo a, m., from Ma late residence, TBI s. Front at. Hlsh rqulem maea at St. I'hllln'a Church at 10 a. m. In. terment at Holy Croas Cemetery. HAhD.VRT On September in. 1918. at den loch. Pa., MARY i:.. wife of Frank Harden. Itelatlves and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wedneeday. at H:30 a. m.. from her husband's reeldence. 1034 N. 16th st. Solemn t-ealllem meee et Plmrt-h nt flh fleeu at 10 , m. Interment at Holy Croas Ceme tery. Automobile funeral, liniN. On September 10. 1918, ANNH VAITailAN, widow ot John Heine, lata of Media, Pa., at the reeldence of her eleler. I.'melln II. Tavler. 1827 Wolf St.. Phlladel. phla. Hervlces at 1327 Wolf at.. Philadelphia, on Wednesday, st 8 p. m. Interment at Wood lawn Cemetery, New York, on the Ulh. Inst. IIKXHERSONOn September 10, 1910, KL1ZA. IIETH LAUtn IIROUN. dauchter of Huean and the late Alexander Henderaon. ared 10 monthe. The relatives and trlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wedn-eday, at 3 p. m . st her mother's residence. 3813 Palrmount ate. Interment private. Itr.ltm On September II. 1910. JULIA l.YNE MAYER, wife ot Urler llerah, at Kprlnsdele, York, Pa Funeral services st Hprlnsdale. on Wedneeday, September 13, at 8 p. m. In terment private. Kindly omit nowera. JOHNSTON. On September 11. 1910 JtARY, wue ot tviuiam j. jonniton. asea ow yeare. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday,, at 3 p. m.. at her lata reeldence, 2910 Wharton st. Inter ment at Jlount Morlah Cemetery. JOXKS. On September 11. 101t. at Hotel Wal. ton. KDWAnb ItUSSELL JONES. Funeral services at St. Mary's Church, Locust t. above aflth. on Wednesday, at 3 p. m. Inter ment private. JULIAN. On September II, 10IS. F.DNA O, daiishter of J, Henry snd I.ydla E. Julian. Relatlea snd frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 3 p. tn. precisely, at her parents' reeldence, 5033 Cedar ae. interment prltate. LAURENCE. On September 10. 1918. BUR TON A.. ounreet eon of Jfartln li. and Ellia Lawrence (nee Tnmklnson), ared 5 monthe Relatlea snd friends are tmlled to attend the funeral eenlcee. on Tueeday. at S p. m , at hla father's residence. 3440 W. Alleaheny sve. Interment at 1'eo.uea jlaptlst Cemetery. Cheeter County, Pcnnlvanla. LIMERICK. On September 11, 1016. JENNIE It., wife of J. Hunter Limerick. ItelatUee and frlenda are Intlted to attend the funersl services, on Wedneeday. at 3 p. m.. at her late residence, 811 N. 40th st. Interment prl LOrciilHEAn. On September 11, 191S, at the Preebyterlan Homo for Ared Couples snd Men. at Hala. Pa.. THOMAS, husband of Harriet Lourhhead. ated 74 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the. funeral senlces. on Thursday, at 3:30 p. m. Inter ment at Mount Jlorlah Cemetery. Auto 111 meet 3:10 train from Broad St. Station at Bala. Pa. SLtHAN On September It. 1B18. ELLEN I... dauthter of tho late Oeorrn and Ellen L. Jlahan. Relatives and friends, also Pennsyl vania Reserve Circle, No. 01, ladles of the n. A. It.; Star of the East Lodge, No. 3, Shepherds of Bethlehem; ltntttetleld Temple, No. 27, O. of U. A., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m. at the residence of her cousin. Jlrs. Laura V. Clark, 47 AV. Seymour st., Oermantown. In terment private. Remalna may be viewed Wednesday, from 7:30 to 9 p. m. MAI.I.P.Y. On September . 1016. HELEN TAYLOR MAI.LEY. daushter of John and the lAte Jane Brodle Malley; Funeral aervlces. on Thursday, at 3 p. m.. at her late reeldence, 1433 Teelter et. Interment private. Friends may call Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. MCCARTHY. On September 10. 1916. MARY E. MCCARTHY (na Johnson), wife of Wll Ham McCarthy. ReTatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, at 3'SO p. m. precisely, at her late residence. 1114 E. Wilt at. Interment prlvste. at Northwood Cemetery. OLDHAM. On September 10. 1916. suddenly. JULIA DUNDAS, daughter ot tho lets James R. C. and Eliza Dundaa Oldham. The rela Uvea and friends are Invited to attend thi funeral services, on Tuesday, at 8 p. m.. at her late residence. 031 N. 16th st. Inter ment at St. James's P. E. Church, Stanton. Del., on Wednesday momlnv. PFATISCIIKK. On September 10. 1916. at Roeelle. N. J.. MATHIAS PFATISCHER. Services at his late reeldence. 814 Third ae., East Rneelle. N. J., on Wednesday, at 4 p. ro. Ktndly omit flowers. T1NI5I.KY. On September 11. 1910. at St. David's, LOUISA II.. widow of Clement Tins ley and daushter of the late Charles L. Scott. Funeral aervlce and Interment private. TRAMriS. On September 13, 1910, suddenly, at hla late residence. 1336 W. Clearfield St., HERJIAN TRAMPB, Sr. Dus notice of fu neral will be ( Ivan. WAUNEU. On September 10. 1910. OEOROE. husband of Clara Warner. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aerv lces, on Tuesday, at 8 p. ra., at hla lata reel dence. 0IO6 Elmwood ave.. W, Phtla. Inter ment Wednesday, at Pottavllle. Pa. WEYL. On September 8. 1010. MART ANN WEVL. ared 67 years. Relatives and friends are tnvlted to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 10 a. m., at the David II. Schuyler Bulldlna". Umad and Dlamund sts. Interment private at Northwood WILLIAMS. ln September 10. 1816. tha Ttev. JAMES JL WILLIAJI8. son of Patrick W. and the late Catherine A. Williams. Reverend derry. relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thuraday, at 8:30 a. m. Solemn pontifical mass at the Church of the Tranenruralton, BBth and Cedar ave., at 10 a. ra. Divine office commencea at 9.30 a. m. interment st New Cathedral Cemetery. Auto mobile aervlce. WOLL. On September 11, 1016. FREDERICK, husband of Anna M. Woll tnee Lanre) and son of the lato Peter and Anna Elizabeth Woll. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to view the body on Thursday, between tho hours of !3:sn and 1:30 p. m.. at his late reel, dence, S. W. corner Lawnton ave. and Oak lane. Immediately followed by aervlces at lbs St. John Evaneellcal Lutheran Church, corner Melros4 ave. and York rd.. Melross Park. Interment private. KBLP WAlfTj0-rKMAM Cesrlssed rem Prcfrfl9 Cofenvri OIRLS, stperlenced. and learners on calendar wort Apply third noor. Wolf U Co.. 12th amCallo hill. . OIRL wanted, while, Prot.," tor chamberwerk In Institution. 321 W. Johnson St., Oermantown. OIRL, reneral housework and" cpoklns; "", J,. Ph Overbrook !6, Famlly.ot. 4ad.ui OniSWOLD WORSTED CO, JAflDY. TA. Starting up new msehlnery, want slrlsi waaesi steady work and will psy while I ina. rood earn- ilOUSEKEEPER Experienced. Proteetsnti out of city situation. Address or call John Henry, .. Ilellevue.stratford, Tuesday. 4 tn a. HOUSEWORK White Protestant; no washlnai references required. Phone Ilsrlna 1BI1. LOST AND FOUND BOOK Lost, deposit book No. 334,479, with the Western Saving Fund Society, 1000 Wal nut et Reward. KEYS Lost, September 10, a bunch of keys, between Chestnut Hill and Wynnewood. throush Park snd over City Line. Reward. Rev, Olbaon Dell. Wynnewood. Pa.- LACE CLOTH Loat. lace cloth, between Bryn JIavrr and Proad St. station on Penna. train; reward P 57, Ledrer Central RINGS Loit. at C. Sautter 4V Sons. 1337 Chestnut. 4 diamond rtnrs, at 9 a. m.. Tuesday; 120H reward and no questions oeked If returned to Mrs. II. I, Lachlan. 3302 North 23d. Phono Tlora 4319 J. WATCH Loat. rentleman'a rold watch, open face, initials on Lack, so In from 1308 N, Broad at. to 920 N. IBth. Liberal reward. 1208 N. Broad at. PEHSONAS HAVE YOU A WILL?, Most Important business In Ufa Is to have a will legally prepared, proteottnr those whom you want to set your estate. Rerardleea of amount of your property, ws will draw your will for 12.50; expert service. Phone or writs for sppolntment. Tj. 8. INCORPORATING CO. FINANCE BUILPINO. PHILADELPHIA THE CONSULATE OF MEXICO will appreciate any. information resardlnr tha whtreabouta of Mr. Ernesto Amador vlllaaenor about 37 years old. of Ouadalalsra. Addrees ell com munications to Josa Rsmlres. Lopes, 210 S. ltth at. DANIEL. COMB HOME. Mother and Father worried alck. All wilt ba fsrslven. HELP WANTED TEMALE BOOICKEEPER. real, capable, wanted where effort counts and merit la rewarded. 919 urexei mar. BOOKKEEPER and atenosrapher; perm.; stats exp. aiwi nrr. wi w,. tewiw v.envra. CLEANER wantad, white. Apply office. Build- Ina No. S, Ulrtrd Colleae. -'let and Qlrard. CLERK Younlr lady to aaelat caabler; must be rood penman; sood opiortunlty for advance ment; atate age, experience, reference and aalary desired. B S35, ledger Central. COOK Wanted, a reliable, middle-aged woman to do good plain cooking; no work outalda of kitchen and dining nom: no wishing; wagea as. r. oeii iy,ie, ittrfim, m. COOK wanted i ISA per ofth. with board, lods- r-rwrvsr" wantjul. kooA ABvarican or Uemun tm. ,. ferred. for private family; olr'theae In went ' ot permanent homer wages 130 per month ; UU adireaa f former employer. Addreas M. K, W.. i lf a., visa I4M. COOK for oaekaaa- and downstairs work; good j-i-r?y3rAr- - i""' Ij . wm. wiBt iweiwieiii wers ana Ledger S9a !' "" ge)sasssa. u IV 1-.OOK a dowaatatra work; tn faaafjjri no ueaklauri Qaerajasar, rassw werlnn 4avtJ. HOUSEWORK, general: exp. white alrl; a In family 307 BjOowen ave... Jit. Alryrhlla. LEGAL STRNOORArilEli, accuracy essential: make written. app . statlngprevlous exp. and emp.sndssj xpectedJLE 4J1Led. JCent. JtANAOER for cafe"ln educational Instttiitloni stats are. reference and salary desired. 1 r 954. Ledger Centrsl MILt.lNER8""wsnted on week work; steady em- pformcnt.Apt ft Co . 731 Arch. MODEL Dressmaker wants girl, model "I.",", uremenl, to try on French suits and gowna, 130ILoeust J - NURSE wanted. French or "ermsn. for two chlldreo. at Jenklntown. Meet employer Tus. day, lltween 10 and 13 o'clock, at 639 N. Slh IVH phone Marketl45. . NURSE, whits. "Protesfant. between 33 and JO, experienced; must hav-e reference. Call be tween I0ond13Jueada3l0y,!Lut-,L--NURSE7 white, Protestant, between 33 snd so. experienced; must have "'"JrS-,,.", S" tween 10 snd 12 Wedneed.y 2IOH Walnut et. OPERATORS, experienced, on men s neckwear. T. P. JtcCutcheon A nro., Pltcalrn Dulldlng, 11th and Arch sts. OPERATORS. Including tuckers, lace workers. trimmers orf all parts of silk, erer- de chine. georgette and cotton shirtwaists. Tho Hage- dotn-Slrrs Co.,8d and nrown. OPERATbRS. exp. on ladles' muslin underwear; also Isce workers and examlnera; a few learn- ...... ..... ihiav en 147.33 vine. OPERATORS; experienced, wanted on silk . ir ,.... m. p. AID Walnut St. orrii-n. . ,,. ,4. . 8ALESWOJIEN Lit Brothers require saleswomen for various depsrtments. Apply Employment Buresu. SALESWOMEN lit rtno-niEns reouire sTi5sw1QM,?y FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. STENOGRAPHER Wanted. In broker a office, thoroushly competent, flrst-clsss s'enographer, Prot.; atate age. exp. ft .refJJ 22jJUSOt1 TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone telllgent young women between IB nnd z years old: sslary 10 n. week while learninc. with rarld advancement: a steady position as. sured. with pleasant surroundings end unusual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person tn the Bell Telephone Company's operators school. 400 Msrket st., dally between 8'3n a. m. and 5 p. m. Mondsv. Tuesday and Irl day evenings, between 730 and 8:30 o clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, local and long dis tance: experiencea. Apply rvej-iom, icivv,ia r-n is.n n ?d et.. Tloom 403. WAITRESS AND CHAMBERMAID, colored. ramllv or a: goon waree; rrirrriiw i,n.t"M. Call 300 w. Uosal St.. Oermantown. WARD MAIDS snd'lsundresiee, 130 per month: atlennemn. sju rer raonin, ,cii i.'Biiiii bosrd. lodging and laundry In addition. Apply to Superintendent, Philadelphia Hoerltal for Contagious Dlsesses. 3d snd Luzerne sts., rhlladelphls. Pa. WEAVERS WANTED APrLT JOHN t, JAMES DOT1S0N. INC. OLD MILL Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. WOMAN, experienced, for general housework; adult iamuy. t'none Aierion o.- rOUNO LADY. good, rapid penman, for office work: permanent position; state experience and salary. P 310. Ledger Office. Oncral TEACHERS wanted for grades, high and private schools; positions wsltlng. Nstlnnal Teachers' Agency. I). If. Cook. JIgr.. 337 Perry Building. HELP WANTED MALE BOOKKEEPER for ledger work with growing corporation. This should ba, ot Interest to one of ability, as advancement will be made as merited. Stste fully sre, reference, ex perience and salsry expected. P 334. Ledger Office. BOY. ACTIVE. AMBITIOUS. FOR OFFICE WORK WITH CORPORATION: JftlST IIB OVER 10 AND 1IAVR OOOD SCHOOLING; GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCE JIENT. CALL AT LEDGER OFFICE. OTII AND CHF.8TNUT 8TS. ASK FOR MR. WESTCOTT. BOY over IS wanted to make himself generally useful. Apply Internatlonsl Art Publishing Company, second floor. 12th and Callowhlll. BOYS Wsnted, 3 boys to work night work! must be 10 years old; opportunity for advance ment. Apply after 0 p. m Public Ledger Office, flth and Chestnut sts.. Bth floor. BOYS WANTED, 10 years ot ago snd over, to learn trade of machinist; thoroughly mod ern shops and best of wages while learning. Address JI S3, I.cdge- Office. BOY8 WANTED to learn sheet metal trade. Apply 133T North 11th. CALKERS and RIVETERS wanted. Crusa- Kemper o.. Ampler, i-a. CANDYJIAKERS Wanted for atlck candy, hard good, kisses and fudge work: can use spinners, twisters and rollers: also operators for kiss cutting and wrapping machines; steady work; good wages. National Candy Co.. Gray.Toynton- FpxfactoryiDetrolt.JIIch. CHARTEUED ACCOUNTANT Experienced ac countant, with knowledge of public utility work: able to take charge of large Investiga tions; good opportunity and prospects for sull ableSnen; atate age. experience and when available, M 833. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR for Autocar who knowa the atreets ot Oermantown and Chestnut Hill; must be strictly temperate and honest; have good ref. from last, employer. Call Tueaday afternoon, after 3 o'clock, at 1 820N20th. CLERK to handle advertlalng details in Cheat nut at. publication office, moderate salary to atart. with excellent opportunity to learn ad vertising business; preference given to young men with high school oducatlon or equivalent. Address In own handwriting, stating ars and experience, hi ooi.jigtr mnce. CLERK Young man. about 21, to keep voucher record anu b-wi viriicei worK; must pa Mnt Mnttitn. rania ana uwurat,t ki ut. tlon offers eplendld opportunity for energetic ana wumia yuuup '"'' ?fc"i" ae, experience, reiercoce anu Miair cii,u. E 850. Ledger Central COOKDfO and general work Honest, sober whits man wanted In family of two adults in suburbs, y. J Rosemont, Ps. 7 DRAFTSMAN by general contractor, one famtl Isr with contract detailing and working draw- ings: piui urn iiiiir i,n nanuung auuoon tract work on building constructions. M 848, ledger Central. DRAWER-JN. experienced on men's wesr. ShsE bourne Jlllls, 11 and Westmoreland. HELP WAyrgP MAMt CoallSNrd Inn Prtctdlng Celamn JANITOR and JanllreesT white, married eoupla preferred, wanted Immediately at Ilryn Jlawr i'ollere, Brrn Jlawr, l'a, , recent excellent rer. required. Apply ,al business office, Tsylor Hell, from 3 to 4 p. i.l . Sept. 13 or 13, or frpm 9 a m le l m, Sept, 14. IM1 LABORERS for outside work, 13.34 per dsy of 8 hours. Apply Prsnkrnrd Arsensl LABORERS SO. wahled. Crnse-Krmper Co., Ambler, Pa J MAN AND WIFE, while, for wsltlng. clesnlns snd cooking, small amount washing. 3 adults, S children snd nurse In fsmlly, only compe tent peopls need spply " Phons Bryn Jlswr 629. ' MAN AND WIFE, wMte. wsnted to go to Wilmington. Del., October 1. must bo excel lent cook snd good butler, reference required and good wages JI 824, ldgerjOffie. MAN wanted, thoroushly familiar with cloth priming and the handling of dies and water proof compounds; glvv psrtlculsrs In full, Address lock Box No.921. Toledo O. . MAN AND WIFE, while, with good references, wsnted In Oermantown: good home for rlsht per ties, stale particulars, D 210. Ledger Of Mce. JtAN wsnted, experienced, to drhe ream, grsln snd baled hay. reference required. Call II Iieldler ft Cf.. 33.19 Oermntownave. MA NA a Ell for cafe In educatlonsl Institution, state sre. reference and aalary desired, E 9.W, falser Centrsl. JIEN WANTEDRollermakera. locomotive ma chinists, car repslrmen. laborers, locomotive cleaners. Penna It. R. Call 1711 Filbert st. JIEN. 10, wsnled to lesrn the ssusase snd pork pscklng business; 33o per hour. Apply KM3 Germsntnwfi ave. OFFICE BOY wanted, high school education pre. ferred. opportunity to learn business. 919 Drexct Building. PIECERS wanted on woolen mulesT Apply John A James Dobson. Inc., Old 3,1111. Scott's lane. Fails of Schuv-lklll. POCKETROOKS Young men, with some exp." Apply Wolf A Co.,3d floor, 12th A Callowhlll, . SALESMEN FOR SHOES Apply at Bureau of Employment, 4H floor. BTRATVnRIDall ft CLOTHIER SAW SMITH wanted on small circular esws: steady work. Address Detroit Saw snd Tool Company. 73 E. FortJt.. Detroit, Midi. TOOLMAKKRS rermannt positions open for good men with experience c; dies, ties and fixtures, plant situated In Newark, N. J.. 40 minutes from ?vew York city; not a munition plant; steady emplojment. clean factory and hlgh-rrade work: applications to be considered must stats sge. experience, references and wages ex pected. T. J! 810 Broad St., Newark, N. J. WEAVERS WANTED APrLT JOHN ft JAMES DOBSON, INC. . OLD MILL Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. glTTJATIOWex WAKTBD MA TE Cenllesrd from rrsff rflHg Cotsini AUTOMOBILE MFRS. TAkE NOTICE1 American, are 37. desires ,"","' iSiSncS concern thai produces or Intends .to rroduca 30.000 or mire csrs yearly Absolutely knows ths body fender, one-piece ahroufland ton nesuTuslness. step by ep. to the IJjtlshM products equipment, floor space, kind and cost of dies, fixtures, wst of Prodticts. having held position of superintendent and superinten dent ot production for the post 10 Iil pUnl doing this work. 11 also' guarantees msxlmum production, of all kinds of ma chine tools. D 317, ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER. D. K.. thoroughly 'SPtrlenred In hlsh efficiency, cost accounting, credits snd correspondence; executive ability. At refer ences D 117. Ledger Office. iibOKKEEPERr experienced, will audit accounts. ' open, close and write-up books, day or even a: modersletermsIlell phoneW alnut4008. BOOKKEEPER and genersl office mjin wishes clerical position with part oulslds duties, , D 103, ldgerOfflce. ,. BOOKKEEPER, office' men, 39, married. 10 yra. ex p. .wje.jwsnl33. C 842. ld. Cent. HOOKKEEPEIt. 13 yea'rs' experience, desires position evenings. E 958, IdgerCentral. IIUTLER First-class Jspsnese butler wsnts po sition In privets ramllvt wngea $60 up; best referen.Nlsh, 30S N. lSjk St. CHAUFFEtm and wife wish position; cook thor oushly experienced, good mechsnlei no wash ing or Ironing, rood reference; writs or phons. 13 N43dstJlsrlng 7B37 W. CIIAUFFEUItr mechanic, English. 31: present emploer rolnr West, 10 j ears' experience; eicellentref:2010W Bneton ave, Dla. 0180, CHArFFEUH Tounr man, white, desires" po" sltlon with private family; 5 years' exp. drlv- Inx and repalrlng.ref F40, IdrerCentral. CHAUFFEUR." colored, wishes position; do own repslr work; best reference; private family preferred. Charles Johnson. 031 S. 30th. CHAUFFEUR, white, csreful driver, good mn' chanlc, 0 years' experience, wishes position. GW., 433JB, Allegjieny ave. CHAUFFEUR, are 31. aober, reliable, careful driver, desires position In town. Address n hvjv. eager vjentrai. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, single, wishes to make change: best references. Box 43,. St. Dayld's. Pa. CHAUFFEUR, willing; Inside or outside work; reference, Phons Spruce 3597. 1 8 8. 20th, COACHMAN AND'OARDENER 'desires position; Al reference. D 133. LedgerOf flee. COST ACCOUNTANT, expert, caahler or book keeper. SO ears old. 9 esra experience, st present employed, wishes to chsnge to position ..with a future. E 044 Irfdger Centrsl, OARDENEH thoroughly competent "on lines: good greenhouse man: hardy garden; willing rare stock, poultry, f urnsce. X 203. ldOff.' OARDBNER-COACHJIAN. English, single, long exp.botbrjmcheBj refs. D34LedgerOfflce. HOUSEJIAN, white, slnrre. experienced: first- class reference. II H3fl. Ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE. Japanese, wish positions: msn ss cook, wife as wsltrens, m small fsmlly; references. IC. T-, 303 N. 16th. JIAN AND WIFE. English, experienced cook nnd butler, want positions together; reference, M 23 B. Cecil St. MAN. young, colored, wishes position ns csr washer: some experience; small salary, 1018 Addison at. JIAN. middle sged; present employment book keeper. desires position D 310. ledger Office. MAN. colored, ss levator operator, bellman, porter or butler; reference. 2049 Catherine. MAN, colorod, wants light work In factory. 738 N. 40th. I . VA UVUW XVVS,VVt.'VVVVVVV.VVVVV'V W WVt.V.Vx.WS, WS '. GO GET a job, man. While you liirk ' The world is busy at its work. Want columns by the thousands cry For help, and you stand idly by. You're sound, you haven't lost your mind, You aren't crippled, sick or blind. Tomorrow hasn't showed her hand, How can you tell where you will land? How can you.know what you will be Until you strive persistently? Try something new and this time aim Ambition at a bigger game. Use a Ledger Want Ad WUh apologies to Herbert Kaufman. Fvvwvwvwvwvwwvvvwvwvvwwv,wvvwwwvvwvwvvvvwvvvvwwvvwww''l WRAPPERS Joseph O. Dsrllngton ft Co. rs- qulre wrappers ior aeiivery ucpbiliuiiim permanent position with advsneement. Ap ply Superintendent. 1126 Chestnut St. YOUNG MAN wanted, about 18 years ot sge. for a clerical position In a bank; give refer ences. Address D 213. Ledger Office. YOtlNO MAN to assist In shipping department of largo electrical lobbing house; state age, salary and experience. P 336, Ledger Office. YOUNO JIAN. need 10. In large office; no ex perience neceesary; hours 7 to 5; Ssturdays 1 o cloc;saiarr $b. vu -it, lituici umw. YOUNO JIAN wanted for sclentlflo Instrument business; rn&nual training graduate preferred, Williams. Brown ft Earle. Inc., 918 Chestnut. ENCYLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA COJIPANY wants first-class salesmen tany line) for Sesrs, Roebuck edition; greatest selling proposition ever offered: get In now while we can give you new territory and all the leada your can work; drawing account. Dexter Bldg., 15th and Walnut sts.. Phllsdtlphls. JAPANESE HOUSEMAN Personsl references required. Apply mi B. eaa, or pnuuo taring IB". General BOOKKEEPERS Seversl attractive bookkeep. ing positions open; stenographer, must bo filled Immediately, 115; clerks, excellent opening for bright, energetic voung men: other positions open for niau-graua men. uusiness service r-mnnanv lHtll I Company, Land Title Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED PEMALE BOOKKEEPER, D, E.. experienced, reference, oeeiree ;wmuuii c ni, ucmtr t,,ntr.i. CLERK File clerk, high school graduate, 2 ygara' business experience; some knowledge of typewriting, ungni. active, wining, reierence, 13 143. I,ler Central. COOK, first clsss. with 5-ear-old boy, wishes K sltlon: small wages; best reference, D 128. dger Office, COOK, good, with rood references, wants posi tion In city. 1737 Carlton- DRESSMAKER and sesmstress. cutting and fit- Ike' work by tha'dsy; price. 11.75 and car- ajr ting, renovating, also children's clothes, would i,ll into worg oy ina asy; price. tsra. . o.l, ingtr i-rmr.i. FITTERS AND JIKCHANIC8 wanted i boiler and tank work. Cruse-Kamper Co.. Ambler. p." FLOOR1IEN MT BROTHERS REQUIRE THE RERV. !fiK8op..a.fiy.,?,,lAi experibnc'kd rwwn wi,K-,. w-x PjX)tMENT BUREAU, EM- FLOORMEN Lit Brothers require ths seve ral siperlencyd floor managers. Apply Employment Bureau. OARDfWSR An honest, soUr, ' Industrious aroaoer wanted on small place near Roa at Htatlon. Fy J.. Rosemon Pa. 2e??, ?zirr$$r& PaVilS Jo IS per day IKaWL.y f se1ts"wtUi sTstT weMe, mi wreei weiies ' lLi uiSS' "tf" aaf out rst ftSTis-Vbmlmmy1p8fiSf aU"sK. 5ssHSfffijS?a' tMSTRUJlBNT J1AKKR8. 8.;4 fjvTurisiirt Ills, to is: assistant machinists, is to tM. baas4 on asperlenoe and capacity: autn. tlo turret Utbe aiteraters. Clsveland Virgin iTaSarp.. New jpfei M.B4T1 ffiSl tlr",? lathe oeeratwa. IB.IB: Stelasi maohlaa Xzlill &C?Ca,,2i7iia ISSr-S5-: BOUMDMOUf) VACHINIBTS AMD CAR HKPAIRWMI L4OOMaTIVat JtXPaWtisKCfs CaVR HssPAIKsWsl AITLT .IUUJWAB ssTsamr UY) DRESSMAKER wishes engsgement In copy French books; remodeling specialty. 1344 8.16th OIRL ' wants housework: references; city of country. 2338 Callowhlll. GIRI.. German, wishes position ss chamber maid. 13J5 Dayst p IADY, perfectly capable and with good refer ence, wishes position ss nurse, companion to nervoua Invalid or old lady. E 047, Ledier STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly-qualified, general offtcvj routine; legal and commercial, IS 833, Ledger ventral STENOGRAPHER wishes pos. Address JIIss II. Sicivay, o, pillared el .vnaricevon. vv. vs. L. OFFICE MANAOER cFn ,3"B'tly handle accounting. ?!!,"' orsdlt and collectlona; have !?. ie"'"1 """' ot organlxa. tlon and management: long expert f.rrJ:.1t.prMent employed j can sat imiT.J ? i,.,.r,."0,n i01: change; now under bond; trained In the regular fi;Loi,eii"?n" of .th. Whlrton School. University of Pennsylvania. C 058. LEDGER CENTRAL ) STENOGRAPHER, first clan. B years' expert, ence. deslrea nn.lttnn. 91 -..Xui- vTi Ledger Cehtraf. "u" - ,,uo' Y0Uvlir?,iiLK,"'',.du.'l,,, of technical college. Iteffi wJKrl,J";" ,n insurance office and ra. fertnSor.d..'?rmn"'n. 1 - 1 ,; -vimiu. f -IU, IjSfU. V.4ns,s T?iIh.?,AJJi 71, Mtii "ch001 graduate. 3 jVara' o'r".'rCuVt XSKS1SS 5nfrS,"'" w'thtbank .7 --"s .""l"ru"'r ' J-nri-in, Z0J?3i?,.il!8; 2h know"lss of correspondence. i"' "vv tk?a-' desires change; best ret. erenceamoosTaij54dger Centrsl. lNJI'S?.IA?.,.'.p,re".!nt I""..11 Kooi successful" niiTln-'i'fJ?" .,0.,t.,,.k r.old ' enother prop, ences building line; best of refer- ,f,AT,"A.Y.I5.",ro" TO OPFERT J!3ijM:DOERCENT7UJ OENERAL bookkeeper and banking man. ex. ESIilSS ' SH'fe,.c?!"n',i excellent ability; Al ..,..T,.. y ,, ,qHr uentral. ' UfmTi u. ,..f .. . . . .. 1 . i.Y.. ""c"" a wanta collector or light . .. .- -., ,jgr eiurai. THIRTY, married. 10 years' exp.. good educa tion, wish pos. 30. Lsd.Br Sift Oermantown. gIPLOYMENT AGENCIES aTENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires perms nentposltlon; salary 18. 8153 J4. 3d st tviKE AND HUSBAND, without children, desire positions on gentlemen's place; wife excellent cook, husband housemsn. butler and general utility, caretakers for first-class family; city orauburb, D 306, ledger Office. r WOMAN, rroteatant, wsnts housework or chsnu lierwork, no laundry. Call for 2 dais, 37 W. Willow Grove ave. Chestnut Hill. No pos tsls, , i WOMAN, colored, wants liampsr wssh at boms or wash by day: flrst-claaa laundresa. Dick-.-("USSi1- t"01 Chrlatian, WOMAN, colored, wants genersl housework": n?sllsm'iri home nights. ISO I gibard st, WOMAN, white, Protestant, wishes genersl housework. Apply bj mall. 1633 Itaoe. WOMAN, colored, wanls""laundry work; city or count ry. 1730 Webster at, fOilNa LADY desires position; experience In svneral office work or assistant bookkeeper) A NoJl referenca. r C 84B. Ledger Centrsl. YOUNa WOMAN wants position st chsmber- work, sewing or chlldnuree; good reference. aiea v-evn,,w w. POHITION aa nurse or governess or cow pan Ion to, elderly lady wanted by re4la4 fining woman: have reference; will travel, write, elating terras, to Norsti Hrean! ll K. Can, arie av. vcuiuor, n. 5 8ITTJATION8 WAXTKD KALK ABLB ADVsWr8INtl JLVNcaS, Uetp you g,( up attrelve circulars and catalasiuea, and can writs sales letters for you la ar, con ols. cwivlnclu- Knllah. Addreas C 17, Last- aBTAW'KX'sTIVf,rus'')aCBal1 uati. a laara of anesal asTlna asut ai aeent eauyrkoos asnbracraf haoklsjer. Ilis M7.-.,J.asis.Aa"aaa.'!-.a-'J"..ir7 - T JT fr i4ll i??.0","",!'"? cook. and chambermaid, als. !'! "'.'J1 ..situations together; asreral excel. il"0"10"0 S00"; chambermalda. waltrJssss Fn'"tV..i'lunr"V"' hatlere. Including S?.i".5'. ,rl,h' Prencht chauffeurs, couples Si,htiSt.Kf.rXSeai w,,n situation 1 also want, ed. 130 and 100 cooks, where kitchen mslda are "kept. French Engllah or Swedish pre! - aoY"' iU- b ' '" i-hg"., M?Sii.,ilAnVBT'.Mla niltenhouss, wsnts large add tlons exper enced. reliable hsip7all nation! alltles; ssversl sets for city and country! r.,?Sr.,,.?!?.r."nr Mii V b0' numb4?of 'JJ fsnts' chlldnurses; cooks. 17 to 115 weeklvt l; Prot, kitchen nislds, laundresses en maids for ants.. IS to JO per weJk; butfer!' bousemeajrt corns well recommended"' WANTED, at ones highly recommended, capsbii vsiet, French nursery governess and latiu.' maids, young cooka and kitchen m.M. i!!J teetant chamUrmald. U,i, Salds Prot tsnt. nurses. pMrs. Roger".', Vfg' MI88, IIAHKINB, 2O0 Balnbrldee K.ii.TI Protestant and Cathoile woks, trained w.k' resets, chambermaids, nurses l.du. mwfJ'" desire position In hotel oe in. ,7i,. alds. iMi-Lm'sci PhSS:r8unc, Su"r N,f J& P'&XJlvi --- - - . u ATJT0M0BILE3 " rrga.' ' - PULLMAN """ STANDARD MflTnii pis U, vni.,, ,V"" NXIV VlVJ. -VVV "eWlAli BfTMJftKT POP. 1 CADILLAC"!? reeiai IAL iv"w r HACK 341711 'wbrloletsT ?.. .wiia cJsotxiTTLr.'; "i, is ry-akcwwsrta SB m IV-.j-T r.wrs miihl, L il " 4 " .. . -""" v rnxti4 . ry. 3wa.ifclliT. Tflfh,Tff."t rupilsjsiftaB tMaBjGf !; avaetkally 34X, , 15$. tew j p,!'r l - , rea4 s. AtJTOMOBItKS Per Sale Cosffsucif rofH rrecedleff Cotsma CADILLAC PARTS""" SCII011ER. K33ft-4 1-48.43 MARKET SEND PQR" FREE lHfl.LBTlv5 ' OOR80 AUTO RXCJIANOR, 3)8 N BH0A SCHOtlER. 03S1.41-48-4S JIATtKET UAROAINWlnton Touring car, nis J-tf emifnfnenf Annie lnll r-h-.Jrl -lula fsl AirrOMOUILE wsnted. Jterrer or SIut.aTi ; 4-pnssenger, Welsh, 200 B, Juniper "" Ul AUTO LIVEKY AND aARAOElT INDEPENDENT TAXICAUaf, ,....w ..,. r.c, , IU--U VHl JJ STAR. TAXICAM CO. PHONE DIAMOND ' 4 TAXI TOIIRINO t.lMoltHWB HALF REGULAR RATES Never closed Formerly Jitney n.- .. I-OPIAR. 1617 To hlro lopsn dsiTind wis Park 1482), brand-new R-pess, to5nn,,,,!'l' nr. 1 niso nrana-new 7-pasa. S... " 1 60 fir. weddings, funersls. 1718 6Tr.;i' ' BUY JIOIHTEH Portahta asrnges siMr stucco. On illsplsy 8031 N. Bth" Tlogg tasf AUTO EEPAIRINQ T 8PEEDOMETER TROUBLES" "" Ll till l.V . t.1- ,l'la I BI0 NORTH "irROAD ST"0"' CYLINDERS REnORED. new matnn. JTS? furnished: welding snd braxlng, 11, n. Bos.. wood a Co.. in"-. Hamilton ., ti.'" vDOtr-iM AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old csr -or wanim ! parte to repair, ral .write or phone W ' . 8l.1.17N12ih4at.r.rk 114, . j TIMKEN-BEARINOS HYATT " i tl .";';-' i,V ' rTZ."Xl??,?. ."-. n," """"amCs..- -" '. ,." . .nuiuiuoii lines SW2, .. v...... .rAJJJ! .... . '" '"" "r i-i'ir anv car. Phils. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N 18th. Park Hl. AUTO TIRE'S PULLMAN TIRES Gusrsnleed 3.M1O miles. Compare prices. ORIM'S, 236 N. Erosd st" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Save Your Private Property from liability for business obligations by Is5 trfl under laws of nil Ktnt'n t s inn 11 exDtni.Al fAv..l. Hf esral h,l I... A . . l' xi4 ,si nic I'iuiiuni tnati'u a rr XJII rTTJUfffil U. S. INCORPORATING CO. FINANCE niTILDlNO. PHILADELPHIA PATENTS .?"? ":. -- .. ... .si a a si-isio g(i ilBUO'JIarill." ) WA will hflo Vfill rlAstnn vnnr InueniUn -jfl,' nines' un,!..r'8"o?ab" "e"! 0Mn i'on"-':;3 FOSTER & WEBSTER SU1TE wA 1011 Chestutst. Bell phone Walnut Hit. .- uiTunryiit ior n jouns msn wltkifl some capital competent to take charge of iS larce ceneral etnre In . ,nhnrKn ,nu .T TIS familiar with the cash grocery business' t,n."H fsrrail as Bnvrl al.e .! .! r .. .M ... e .s - gsii jr mm mi imerrPT. in In Ktiaxlnaiai as 4si,. a -ii" " . Uuc-."Ke" - '- " wi innrfs id rrnre ironic actle Benlcp. Add., irlvlne ref. ep. and 2 amount of capital to lmeM. U 7-tl. Ja. Off J 50 00 WANTL1D for lnttri In n rnnnaF tr.1."- Arizona! 1T In ( tnn nf (ilrrh.irt-c.lA 1 ,2 dump; money needed for machtnvry thU IiJl 4. uv-mnu,,, iu kc. n. inriti morn nr tociC2 In n neAi,.ln a .!-. T1..II ie-S . . -1 E U30, Ledrer Central. " FOR IaAROEPnOPITfl with mt-iv .t tiKti-"J? real tatatft offers the beat form of lnvttt Vr i t0-" lur uur invrsimeni uai t j,m sM4ikiuib is oon, ouuii na ui more ae. BUSINESS PERSONALS DIAMONDS IIOUOHT Bsnk references. Appraisement. 1 per cent. HARRY W. SMITH. 717 Sensim St. r ,IRK EVEN1NO CIvrilKS Latest stvies. Phons Poplar 23S. Open ergsM l.EIDNElSlothand Olrard ae., sTW cJ oui uivruuuua iiaiu n"moi-u ity eifciroiyilf ;tp niw mj,,,r (-i ma us-ii i wit j rw)t;iirnv,H arcuio. .iud3 ajuiii, fu ivciin -iieaier mag CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL a CARPKT CLBANINO HOITRE w 20TH ST. AJiOVC CHESTNUT Pell Phone. Locust 10Ct). WEST PHILA. Wr.ST PIIIIA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. 3c PER YARD 3S70-72 I.ANCASTi-HJ AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINEH?; TlfR McDOWEI.I. nilKSSlIAklXn KflIfVM. Individual Instruction. Bhort courses, eair ayiiiriii.i puiiertia cut, mic up. 07 DENCKLA DI.DG.. 1 1 til & Market sts. FOH SALE 138 LAItQE TALKINO MACHINE Cdlson with cabinet for holding 200 records: nniBnra in a. Deaumui tiuanereu ookj cost new 184; can bo paid at the rate of 73 cents? weekly: an excellent barealn. In eund condt. i tlon: eaual to new: write for comnlate Hat ef. bargains and special 3U days' free trial offer, Vm HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Cor. 0th and Thompson eta. BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second band. bought, sold, rented, exchanged: repalrlngrl auppiiee i.ato theater, American manuisc iwri, j.n umru are, j-nuim i,.nn. .ai.i DILLIARDf Dool tables: new. second-hand bowl, lng alleys; eaav payments. Rosatto-Barry-Aa Street Co., 222 8. 8th st. Phone Wal. 21171 UILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Alao 'if powling alleys: easy payments. UKUNSWICh.- HAL.v.rj' uu., iuu Arcn, CASH REQISTERS bought, exrhsnged". repslred.j repiaieu; supplies; new ana zsciory reouiu.g nsw total addrra aa low aa 130. Call and? aee our new models. Registers sold by us oa, enev, nmf futlv ninp.nteeil. . THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER CO. VI 730 CHESTNUT STREET nt.v-nnx, . i... - .... ,. ,vi chrome rib.; tab. Sternfeld. 1120 Chestnut. J SAFES, fireproof, closing out 60 slightly uiM.jI nil sizes and makes: big bsrgalns. 21D N.J hourtn st. I between Race and Vine). SCHOOL DESKS. tl.r.O EACH Slnirle nnd double, anv aix. CHAIR EXCHANOE. Cor. 6th and Vine. ..HUOIIES. I1TH ft nUTTONWOOD Has the largest and beat assortment of used office furulturc and fixtures . In this part of the country. Anything pt to cuuip hii pi nee, at prices mat win please you. Free delivery anywhere. AT SACRIFICE, 1328: 7 rooms, furnished. a ciuqing victroia with recoras. tiaring as MHLTIORAPIIS at 1-3 coat; new: guaranteed,'! -nono i&m. suu. iiuaaeu liaum. tiourse. WRATTTIft - ". 1 HEATERS, ranges, boilers; bargains In new SM rebuilt all makes, UAKIN-KKLSEY .C0.f1 1 KST Inlhael aat- .1 1827 Illbert at. INSTRUCTION Maalcal SINOERS wanted for prominent Episcopal viiurtu cuoiri ineiruciion in vest cnurco iu in reiurn ior 4wo services per Bunaay, u iuitir uiuca. MACHINERY AND TOOLS PI5ISCXX. "THONO evidence of TOCQM ANTs.1 FRICTION METAL for lining machine besfd Sge. toseiner witn inaisputsbie testimonr ., i long-time users, can bo had for ths ssklej IRON and UllASd I'OUNDlUlis. 144 Mori Second,. JAMES YOCOM J PflWEn.PliNT KOtflPMreNT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil sal ginea, numps, air compreaaors, . . PRANK TOOMEY. Inc.; 127 ff 8d afreet. BRADLEY power hammers: liesudry pows nammersi ju aim presses, dlllerrnt sn .ai Julian, .ISO ft. oin. . i DYNAMOS, motors snaHmachlnery bought, soji snd. rented, armstures repaired. Main st, Market aOW. Yearsley Co.; 224 N. Jh- MUltlS, RET . TURU llOILURS 3-TS-lJ dlam.xlllTfet: "I'enna, Roller Works"i,N f"i.i'S'j. r. neyierjt's sonst 437 ri ". WOOI Pltr.T.Kvn rruiK.k. iTk..... In miam all dlametera. CllAitLE3 BOND COMi'ANl ,, r ,.' eirvei. ARf.r. RCnan iLfnv-.Tai J9!NRY K. FORT CO., SS27 N. ABJ pTpk PPPLY.ri(K)3 N. 7th. Both phonet. MUifTCAL INSTRUMENTS HEP PTK PFANI KUsR UVTO OS . KB RALE WW BIXIIIB9 The summer rental pianos ara rapidly i Ing back. Many of ( an t l Julee and Mcuomaclter i4ano4. ss good as a! rapid y f ;,Heppe. Narcell Will be Bold Bl hldiudliui, nt SSil In tlft.0 II the new nrlrea. nunniMrf r.r to'vi Payments of 13 ssoalMy and upward. . About 20 UfctrUtStt. falnnAa hv uii4i raakerS Chlckerlng. MaaeZT 4 Ilamfln. lister. C n,,ninjrarni XateM. . Blaslus, taken bart Bament On SI.nJj,.,tIanna llflrnlBB. iTbb itc" s?,4,Xhw" t0 "?" ' ,l KatVatrtal nlaa Vacnlauaa lt kllv tmnM ' 4uced fim ana iaui 'l,lo- regular ylcej jb wi an aHuming anq upwara, Ss rails a sal Ir. pVu. VwllTsi ,w nUm Mm new saaaas. Haaaa. MrlluB. Jul fyj".'1'?1 '' ftanoeeoa. at one unllurw " CaSiat? at vWroU Csilrer write for runup eecortta. etc f.ukiij,l. I,.,. IHti.tTata Mtaluavts a ad aowfal plana of H"-" .flWr.'t 1'PTrtWN aiiMteS coftMBa "fejM rjuptsoK am "t- M