Me W " ' Ljj " I , MB ) 1 THE L 3T If X " W. 7 ASK W. , 5 7 .1 IT f vaoah.srw& mill mitft l . I aflk Wn PHJb H Make fc flVPflBro DQER-PIjTJDApBLgHlA, MONDAY SEPTEMBER X, 1916 m FW Repairing and Remodeling at a 20 Re- Z,dim,ltHS'tde!ay m" '" of work? It is very difficult to qet prompt delivery in season. WmsmMk Charge Customers and Patrons desiring to open accounts may have bills rendered Decem ber 1st upon request. Mason & DeMarry 1 1 15 Chestnut Street Opp. Keith's GREATEST SEPTEMBER SALE OF - . FINE FURS -- p -- If J t A BEGINS TOMORROW w x f 2 . ' . i 9 iyy -Nx.v JEfc- -4 " s,. 3 -jfoitf Your Own 20 Reduction : Every Piece Bears the Original Price Ticket Regardless of the Advance in the Price of Skins, Regardless of the Scarcity of Labor, Regardless of the Scarcity of Dyes, we will make the prices in this September Sale of Fashionable and Luxurious Furs Command the Attention of Every Woman.' 2000 Coats, Muffs and Scarfs in This Sale. A Set or Coat to Fit the Purse of any woman. This is Our Way of Turning an Unseasonable month into a Busy one. A Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Purchase in Our Storage Vaults Until Desired Fur Sets consisting of All-Fur Animal Scarf and Barrel Muff r October Septtmber Rl- Price " Sah fflc 37.50 Black Fox 30.00 40.00 Skunk 32,00 50.P0 Natural Raccoon .....".... 40,00 55.00 Red Fox ....".'. , 44.00 0.00 Taupe W.ojf . . , 48.00 60,00, Pearl Gray Volf , 48.00 75.00 Battleship Gray fox. , . . . . t 60.00 75.9O JCarnchatka Blue. Fox. ,,,,. 60.00 80.00 Black Lynx . 64.00 , 90,PO Pointed fox..'. 72,00 95,00 ' Bauni Marten Fox. , . . . . . . . 76.00 110.00 Fisher .'.... ,. .. .',," 8Se0P 1?P.Q0 Dyed BJue Fox ;...v...v 6,00 v. t '9.00 CrpwFqx 06.00 Rjid fgx and prmife 188.p0 Natural Blue Fox ..... ( . .. 288,00 ilypr Fpx , , , , , , , it. . 1 . 6&0,Q0 I20.Q0. t Slate Fpx I20.Q0 235;0Q 36p,qo -850.00 Hudson Seal Coats in a Wonderful Variety of Models October September Reg. Pr(co Sale Price 1 20.00 Hudson Seal Coats 96,00 (Self Collar and Cuffs) 1 60.00, Hudson Seal Coats 128.00 (Self Collar aYid Cuffs) 1 65.00 Hudson Seal Coats 132.00 (Inch SKunk Border and Collar) ' 1 70.00 Hudson Seal Coats 136,00 (Skunk or Weaver Collar) '1 85.00 Hudson Seal Coats 148.00 (Self Collar and Cuffs) 190.00 Hudson Seal Coats 156.00 (e-lncli Skunk IlorderandCqllar) 2 1 0.00 Hudson Seal Coat 16800 (6-lnch Skunk Border and Collar) 250.00 Hudson Seal Coas ....... .200.00 ' (-lnch. Fpx Border and Collar) iv,w,v'v' 300.00 ' Hudson Seal Coats , , . .240 00 (0-lnch Bkunk Borderand Cqllar) " 3 1 5(QQ Hudon Seal Coats ,.,,,,.. 252.00 (S-lnch .yn Vorder. Collar and Cuffs) r'T,v' v 330.00 Hudspn, Seal Cpat , . , ,274 00 (-lncl Bear Border, Collar and Cuffs) ww 450.00 Hudson Seal Coats .. , 360 00 (.nch Skunk Border, Coljar and Cuffs) "W?MV' Fur Coats October September Reg. Price I Sale Price 60.00 French Seal Coats 48.00 70.00 French Seal Coats 56.00 '(Skunk Collar) 80.00 Natural Muskrat Coats 64.00 95.00 Natural Muskrat Coat 76.00 (Hudson Seal Collar, Cuffs and Belt) " 1 50.00 Caracul Coats j 120.00 190.00 Nutrja Coats ,....' . -152.00 200.00 Sable Squirrel Coats 160.00 350.00 Moleskin Coats . . , . , 280.00 350,00 Beaver Coat 280.00 (60-lnch Model to Order) 400.00 Moleskin Coat 320.00 475.00 Mink Coat 380,00 440,00 600,00 Mink Coat , -480.00 850.00 Alaska Seal Coat ..,.,,,. ,680.00 (40-Inch Model to Order) 900.00 Mink Coat , 550,00 Broadtail Coats ... ,0 , , (Clnc!i Model to Order) 720.00 T NOlE-Due to Lach'qf Spqw lye'Qyote Only Specimen Values, Assortments to Select From in Every kind of Fur. Misses9 (Joais and Extrp horye Size, Coats up to 50 Bust. PURCHASING AGfeNT' ORDERS ACCEPTED Fur Sets cqnsisting of f Lony Straight Scarf land Barrel Muff October Reg. Price DU.UU 65.00 110.00 110.00 150.00 160.00 160.00 180.00 3?5.00 950.00 September tpt ale Sale Price Hudson r48.(K) Australian Opossum v 52 00 Mle ,88.00 Kolinsky , 88,00 Ermine ,. 120.00 Battleship Gray Fox ..,,... 128.Q0 Skunk -128.00 Pointed Fox ,, . , 144.00 Hudson Bay Sable 260.00 Hudson Bay Sable , , . 760.00 Misses9 Fur, Sets October September Reg. Price Sale Price 20.00 BlueWolf 16.00 20.00 Natural Wolf , . . . . lgf00 30.00 Natural Raccoon ...'..,.. 2400 30.00 Squirr.el . . , , , , . , 24'.00 3740 Leopard , 3000 45.00 Beaver ,,, 36.00 65.00 Dyed Blue Fox 52i00 Fur Coats for Motor Wear October Reg. Price 85,00 Wombat 12,0,00 120.00 MP.PP 160.00 September Sle Prie 68,00 . W5.00 ,,....,,,, ...,.,.. SfA.fJO Najuraj ,ccoon , f ,.,.,,,, J ; l-pRTw ft)ff3ft4 ii tyuW$ , f Ocelot T" wr m 1 . -1 :-