wfa .&. EVENING LEMEtt-PHILADELPHiX MONDAY, SEPTEMBER ll, 116 FINANCIAL NEWS JTEEL COMMON BECOMES MOST ACTIVE U IN LATE TRADING AND HITS NEW TOP Elinor Steel Industrials Are in Vigorous Demand at Same S, Time-jBoard Room Shorts CoverWall Street ' Watches Maine Election High Points in Today's Financial News New York stock market strong and active. New high record price for Steel common and Marine preferred. Wheat prices stronger and cotton lower. Good demand for French exchange in foreign exchange market. Hates for money unelianged. Philadelphia bank statement showed decrease in loans end individual deposits and an increase in surplus. Stockholders of Mer cantile Marine hold special meeting September 29 to act on several things. Two million five hundred thousand in gold arrives in Sew York from Canada. Price of bar silver lower in New York and London. August shipments of anthracite coal larger. NKW YOIUC, Sept. 11. i After belnr allowed to take caic of Itself for a Rood pail of the day, the 'ttock market developed renewed strength with concentrated biding Ute In tho tny, again making United States Steel common tho mcut prominent fcntuie. That tock, after gelling at 1029 In the early trading, roso to tlio new high record of 104?. At the same time the minor Btecl Industrials were In vigorous demand, with Kepubltc Steel, Prensed Steel Car and Colorado IHicl the most active of thin group, making gains ranging from 1 to more than 3 points. Part of tho buying of United Statei Hteel common on the late advance rep resented covering of board room shorts, put out In the first halt of the day, i when the market was Influenced by a discussion of results In tho Maine election. ! which, according to tho traders, should uxert nn Important Influence on the fu. ture outlook of the market. At one time nn affer to wager $10,000 ex-en on Wihon was made and this caused discussion of the political situation, but when news of the offer was carried to the street there was a quick seeking for the principal, and a bid of $1000 was orfercd by one Hughes bettor If such n wager could bo rranged. Then $10,000 on Hughes to $8000 on Wilson were offered without rinding anything In the way of a response, and the effect of tho even olTer quickly passed away. Other stocks besides United States Steel common made new high lerords, Marine preforred advancing to 125ft, and an advance In International Paper to JD9i placed that stock at, the highest price touched since tho "flower boom." Reading's action confused some people In tho early finding. Thorn were no buying orders In tho Heading crowd when the market opened, and a few com mission houses had moderate selling orders, tho execution of which carried the price down from 109 i to 109. Then a fen tho traders became hurried buyera nd there was a quick rally to 110ft. After this movement trading In the stock became of a more Important char acter and there was evidence of a resumption of accumulation, which was tho feature of the trading during the last week. Among tho wide-priced movements were advances of moio than five points In Industrial Alcohol, 12 points In Bethlehem, carrying that stock up to above COO, and 15 points In General Motors. Weakness was shown In some of tho tall road stocks early In the day, when St. Paul was under most pressure, but theso Issues also Improved in the late tnfdlng and at the end tho entire market was active and strong, with this buying in progress at the close. Marine Stockholders to Meet Sept. 29 for Reorganization NEW YORK; Sept. 11. A special meeting of the stockholders of the Interna tional Mercantile Marine Company will be held on September 29, at noon, for tho purpose of taking action on an amendment to tho certificate of Incorporation to Increase the number of directors from fourteen to sixteen nnd classify them Into three classes, to elect a board of sixteen members, to consider tho plan of reorgan ization and readjustment of the indebtedness of tho company and the restoration of the company to Its stockholders, to consider tho proposed Indenture of mort gage provided for In the reorganization plan of October 1, 191C, and the proposed note Indenture provided for by that plan and to transact such other business us may come before the meeting. $2,500,000 in Gold Arrives Prom Canada NEW YORK, Bept. 11. There has been deposited In the Assay Office $2,600,000 gold brought in from Canada for account of J. P. Morgan & Co., making a total of $272,08,000 Imported on the present moxement. .WHEAT CLOSES FIRM AFTER NERVOUS DAY Last Prices Are Above Satur day's Close Covering Causes Early Advances CHAIN HELT WEATHER CONDITION! C1IICAOO. Sept. 11. The weather fore ca.t for SO noura fallow t Ullnola Partlr cloudjr, noealblr alKMrra tomorrow, cooler norlhwr.t tonlsht. Mleeourr Unsettled toalaht und tomor row, posoiblo ebawere, rooler aouthweat to morrow. A leeoniln rartlr eloudr tonliht and tomorrow, cooler ftonthwett tonight, Mlnaeoeta and Ttorth Dakota Fair to night and tomorrow, not much change In temperature. ..... Iowa l'artlr doudj tonight and tomor row, poealble thunder ahowera aolitheaat. cooler cat Konigni, warmer urn tomorrow. Boutn Dakota rsir tonigi irrmo went. Nebraska fair and warmer. lianaaa unaetu aoatheaat. warmer ex- probablr ahonrra CHICAQO, Sept. 11. Nervousness and Irregularity were n evidence in the wheat market today. Prices, however, nnlnshed firm and abo' . Saturday's closo. Kxport sales were estimated at about 1,000,000 bushels. For a time bears had the upper band. Following a rally In the early dealings on covering by short, the market weakened because of Increased offerings for long and short account. The strong supply and demand situation, however. Anally made Itself felt. There was a decrease of 690,000 bushels ftytthe visible stock In tho United States for the week to 53,970,000 bushels Influenced by better weather In the United Kingdom and France, and heavier shipments to the United Kingdom for the week, the market at Liverpool was Inclined to go lower. The possibility of Russian supplies getting Into Europe Is conceded to be remote, Both millers and exporters continue equal com petitory In the cash market. The weather In the Northwest was fa vorable for threshing, and reports from Canada showed Improtement. uaalnjr rutures ranged at tollowai vpon, nign. jow. Dhd. wneai Kent... l.BSK l.M Dm.... l.&liS 1B Mar.. . , 1.B4K l.AS win mew neuter ?! u. Ss n J. . papt... iee.... War, . data Kept. . 4J Oct.... 48 Mar... 81' lrd Sept.. 14 13 Oct.. . 14.SEU IlH.. IS. SO Rlbe Kept,,. 14.35 Oct,,,, 14.0(1 Jan.... yz.1t i"ork tt... 3T.B0 fi: ISIS ' BU. tAakad. ite 7B!i 4 ..8 14.VO 11.62 14 S3 14 00 11.T6 2T.O0 xi. at 27. t0 1 SOU 1.B3 I.oSK 7JS 4S 14 00 lt.OU is.oo 14.3.1 II DO 12.75 27.83 27.01 27.00 C'loae, 1 M rloae. Saturday's 1.33 fl.MH tl.o3tt U.Sat M.01V. .721 7tl tin t4H 01'..' I sift lj.13 114 30 TI4 13 I4. INosalaat. I4.S3 14.00 112.07 J37.S2 S r,o ss.uo 27 1S.00 14.40 14 in 13.80 27 90 20 SO 724.50 I Financial Briefs .J The Twin City JlapM Transit Company rerU arret aaralngi during August of 1 19,7 1. an Increase of lal.Olt as compared yiUh Aufuai ot UM yar. The gross for alM meottw e4f4i August 1 totaled $.Ml.,il, a fain f $,:.. Tfcei PHttWs4 Mbo MlnlBg Company Ium itUtiti an extra dividend ef one and yiarter u. aJiare In addttlon to th rtmmr iarU4y- dividend of three cents a aenr. iuya44 Oetelr 2 to beMers of rec l. JL 1C Wal reports the eijiort en Satur. otor 1.MN In gold from San Fran. IM fr aW, r, Jr. Um wk 44 BpteTObr f ttm At. NrM. TTjpnl . Ml HabU Vp JUHwy Um. sarr-i cmw. aMt tl.MI yav ao 4M M.; two ywf so. UJIMLYXK ttatejr tarattW ih-- New York Bond Sales U1K ..111. :K5 . n-'S . 2Vi .1S . vo .HiojJ )'f UU'i 7xw. 10JS VSU UN 11" : B KpoS no U4U "4 103J4 12.1; -'It llll KM SO 11135; n do cv 4Ha ltiu) 11111V do gen 4Mi 101 1111 31 It I A 1 rfd 4.. 71H 71" 110000 Amer Ar cv 5a .103 'oral Amer Arr deb r,a ... DHll fioooj) Anslo-Krench r,a ..... lr.K 24000 Am-For Ho f.a .....m2 1000 Amer Rai- Hm nil ..,,,, iiicr iti cii tm . loon Amer Tel ct 4V4a,., 12000 Amer Writ Vaper B 14000 Armour Co 4tta . ., SStioo Atchlnon sen 4 .. fflN Obto SHs..:, l.'Ooo dofia ..... . .. 40OO ilo 4a ,, .; 7000 docv4H '?!'.!! JJrknKn r r.a miH Jtioo Can Oov f.a l3l..,., 7000 do 120 ..,'...., loooo C U c sen ('. .. .loon fnl n.. .n t?iu. Itl !?.".". leather lt Ba,.103U Jinhi (-hill Copper 7a 12.11 -.". u, in la.... an loon Chl ot Went 4a in 1.1000 Chl II A Q Joint 4 UH 200(1 G M A Kt i" 3V4a .... o KOOII tif. nnnv R- 4,..l IIIIOO 100(1 Chl ;" ' S."' "W "f "7 i,o, inauairiai na ., II KM) Col A Houth 4H"-. lOoo Corn Prod na iMt. SOiMi Con Oaa ronv (la ., 2O0O Dlj See (U)rp B ... BfliM) Du Tont l'od 4V4a " looo Krio Ken 4a. .....; 200(1 Krlo l' col 4a...:.. 2000 l:rla nrlnp 4 . " . 1000 Qranlir (la 2500 Hud A Man rfd Aa ... 7oU 70J4 ituriu atr -4 711 ..... IJ',1 , a BHOoo Inter Mer M cv -, ion loo 5.1000 do w 1 (la , 8TU 7i Jiioii Inter Nav Ba losS Ion. IBOoii Japan new a H 4H.. 81 HI 5(1(1(1 do new 4H HVi HA BO(ll) I.acka Steel Ba 11)23.. llS I'll. .1000 do Ba 1DB0 II4K HtI 1WHI l.k Sh deb 4a lll.'S.. u.1 .-, 7000 Lis- A M T Ba "103 jo.. 110(10 lAiule A Naeh 4 H.lU 111 200(1 Manhattan Hta 4 no no ,l"M jion J'OWIT fa 20(Mi N Y Air llrake cvt ila -l.i",,, 4 l i 1IUU 41 llU 11IKMI do SUa .,. (,. S1U h(l(l do 4Ha ........... UJlJ list? linon N Y City 4a luJd re..I(iH Kk, 1 HHI An 4. lll.1T . Iii.ilj tiuii Bono do 4Wa lliiio o.l2 inn 23COO do 4Ua luusi 2(1(1(1 do 4Ua May n.i.i, ... , .. ...... a. . ' .7 'v.,, .. . nn Ituj ( ... . l07. .Id-. "(KM) n r Tel sen 4Vi 1174 BTti 774 . MVS . llll .122Ti . 7B .mm IIT mi 122'i 75 iom 72S hll H3!i 104V4.l0tW.101 Clo.e. 108 , 110 , "- lno'i HI) Jfii'Jt IO Vi) H41 uu 102J4 211 ll'l ON SO 10.1 JJS St 77H iki 122 7B iom 72S Kll Kilt 77ii lnw 9V& 1IIHS Ml S74 llS 115 102 ll.'l till .117. U7i 117; ::!i'28 !!'? IS ...W USJ DJ'i r..KMiS loo?, liios . .jo'.iS io unit. ioavi nn), ios1 in IW lint. lniU UK'' iouvi KlliH 103T..KHIS lotiu Hi'l'i ft5 .1(11 Bit I)7 mOOII PJn. I'., hrln. Am ft, Li ..,Lr looo do (ten 3a ... . ... (iii? ?. !ii 1000 Oro Hhort 1. lat li...li74 107V4 lirfi? lmn Faclaa Tel B. loit! iiijfl ifl 3 Soon 1'cnna rn 4'4a. ,,,,,HilJ inJC jiija. 200(1 Peo A Kaat In 4a .... 33 3J 33 ,V!S! V.""!? " 5" 10J! ""! mi A 11.1 Sm ii-vi . ..t :. . ."T l'P4 HN'i ill -""' llCaUIIlI Biril lalaaaaaa IF ' 1(1000 lien Ir A 14 Ba IIM'I BOIMI rtt I, I M A H Olf 4a,, 74 limoo Ht 1, A H K ala w I, M'i aooo do rfd ct 4a 80K .2UIMI du aer A W I....... lls-i 12000 do aer li w I N4 looo Ran AAArun I lat 4a. ml sooo Heahoard A U dj Ba , II4V. 1000 Houth I'ao 4a ,,.,,... H4 70(H) Houtti I'ao tv 4a , So. looo do rfd 4a ... ' kt)C B00O South I'ao Terra Ba., 3Vi 5oo Bouth llwy sen 4a.,! 70 sooo do con Ba looC 4000 Texaa Co cr da ,,.,10 1000 Third Ava rtf 4.,!,; 8ti 4000 Toklo B. ...... ..'.'. t8V4 2000 Toll'eo Vf im . .. 6Jt4 10000 U H H A It ea..,,',11IU 1000 II H Itealty Ba.,.,,!. to looo t H ftubbr '!";. JW't B2000 U H Steal a f Ba, ,.10.1 USoJiO U K of O II A I 6a . 1J" Union ilea A i Ota Ba. 7li B100 Union I'au lat 4a 07'J noon do rfd 4 ui 000 ttn Bri V 4s.,,,.?, S3 limxt Va Itwr Ba ..... fcStt 000 Wab-l' T lat ct t p li. ai? 4000 West Ualon 4Us .": 8(1 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TORK. Sept It. The market for coffee futures opened at a decline of V to it points. Trading on the call was acme, with sales amounting to 15,750 bat. V ! mil ") Ttvlaiv'st . . OpfHllnjr. seetMRbcr ttiiM) , m JliS ? ntf Dcoembw ,.w.,. .Mtt4i JfBwry ..,.... ..,.. M itiTc rf-tf, ........ ,. 40 y titftMMiMMi, VtTw.M tf? fj Bat urdav'a priai:" !ii al U'fV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa V wj ... w mm Ml 8 48 H. 408 47 H4U8 BO ft.oi at. 3:K New Neva Seotia Car Companjr MOHTWSAU S4HH. lie A WW Hfiy baa ta l4ad with a caiHal ef i,M t wer tke defunct Nova aw or PwNtj wJ were rawmlly sM at ateetow fit liHH, 1 torheiM of Mm M W"Wfj W aVfaW kave bM N New York Stock Sales I.ait tlirte. ltlah. tew. Cloae. Al, Gold M 13), 14 1SW 13 AlartsJHoMM 7M 7H 7H 7K AllU-Chslmtrs Mff 24 2l 23'f 24t AllU-Chil Mfr tf 70M 7BW 70't- 70 Am As ChetnlMl 70J 80K 7UJC tOW AmAiChtmpf ,I01M 101H 10 Ui lOUi Am Poet Fuir 01 B1U 00 00' AmCaa fnJ n4)( 03M KM AmCarAFdy 03H ma C2,', 0.1'i Am Col 1'ro.loctJ .....151', IM 151 1S1 Am Cotton on ...64 61 64 M Am Hide & Leather 10 11K 10H 11J4 Amlllde&Lpf M f.9 67 61) Am Ico SeeutltlM 30 30W 29) 3J Ata Linseed 22! S3H 2i5 23 Am Ltnjeed pf 60 HH 61 61 Am Locomollre 78) 79 78) 7H' Am Locomotlre pf IMM 101 10(1 100 Am Rmclt ft Itcf, in. ia.?s lniir 105 Am Smelt ft It pf 113!, 113'f lUH 113f Am nmeu pi , U7 jxt 05)( Ofl Am Steel Koundrloi 6A 671 67 67S Am Siuat Keflnlnf 109 109', 10H imi Am Tel Tel 13.1 ixiii 133 jm Am TohArro 22.) 222'i 221 221 Am Tot) pf new 10SH 109 101 109 Am Woolen 4GJ, 405, 47 49) Am Writing V tf Ml 35?, 31 31 Am Zinc I, A Sra 40 41 40 401 AmZL&Spf 78 VOJj 78J 7HJ Anaconda Cop M RSW SO'f hV( SS' AtchTopftHF 103), 103)( 103)( 103! Atch Top ft S K pf V) 99 09 1)9 All (Julf ft W I HIM H4 8U4 84J Atl 0 & w I pf nciu nni nm now 1101a t.oco kt .8.1 DaM Loco Wki pf 100 halt & Ohio 801, llothlehem. Btecl 490 Drown Shoe orU IlroanShoopf If) Dutta ft Superior 70 Cal Petroleum 2lj Cat retroleum f 4S!I Canadian 1'arlflc 177 Central It!ier fiolf Cent of H A Tel 130 Chandler Motor 110K Chicago (Ireat Went ... 121 Chl Croat West pf 33 Chl Mil ft ht Paul 1J2JS Chl Northctcrn..,.12I Chl It I ft 1'ac I)H 8IH 82!i H3 lOOU 100U 100'f MJi 85U 8J!i 60.1 491 600 07 07 07 09 09 09 70f 70 70 SIH 207f 21). 40 4S 48 177 170'f 170 027, ROM 02J 140H 110). HUH 109 109 109 12J( 35 01)( 121 Kl'f 20 fij'i 70 61 07 12)1 36U 0.4 121 17 20' f 6ft'X 70 62H 07 12!f 36), 02 121 17 20K 60 70 .VJ)J 07 Chile Copper 20tf Chlno Corner 6(1 Cluctt l'ca ft Co 71 Col Fuel ft Iron 60x Continental Can 0(1 Con (1 K I. ft V Ilal....ll()M 111M U1H 111M Corn Products Itof ll 15 14'f 14X Corn Prod ltcf pf W)H 01 OOW 01 Crucllilo 8teol 84M WiH 81! 1M Cuba Cane Sugar 67M 08) ( 67)4 67M Cuba Cane hugar pf 05), 05M 05)4 03)4 Den ft Itlo Or pf 35 35!' 3U4 35M Detroit IC'JIson 140 140 140 140 Distill S( Corp'n 45! 47 40J 45U Domo Mlnrs 25 21! 2t!i 24)4 Drlggs-Soaliury 80 87J4 80 87J4 Krlc 37H 37)4 30',' 37)1 Krie 1st pf 62M 62)4 52!f 62)4 Erlo2dpf 43J4 -11 44 41 FcdMln&hm 17J4 18U li'f 18)4 Fed Mln ft Sm pf .TJ)a 42JJ 39Ji 42 Oenoral Klcclrlc 171)4 172 171 172 (lenora! Motors 571 685 585 585 ficnoral Motors pf 120H 12Q)J 1.205$ 120M Goodrich 11 K 72)4 7234 72 72 Orcat Northern pf 110H )10T4 110)4 110H 43)4 42), 42)4 61)4 60U 60U 82 81)4 82 80K 89 S9J 10034 100J4 100H 03) ( 02! 4 02! j 13 1.1 13 4 1 43'X 44 78 78 78 117 116)f 117 17M 17)4 17M 72) 28 aaa 44 4S 72M 20,'i 01 41)4 40)4 72H 28H 00 44X 40 O N cf 1 for ore prop.... 42)4 Hrrene-Cananra C0J4 Oulf SlatM Slccl 8IJ4 Oulf States 8 2J pf 88)S Illinois Cent, 101 Insp Con Cop 0274 Int Agricultural 11)4 Int Agricultural pf 42), Int Ilarr Corp'n 78 Int Ilarr N J HG!i Int Con Cop t t c sh. . . 17 Int Con Corp'n pf "4 Int Paper 27)4 Int Paper pf 85)4 Int Nickel v t cts 43H IntM M cof dp 48! f IntM M pf cof dp 122K 125M 122)t' 123)1 Jewel Tea OOH 00 00 00 Kan City Southern 24X 2374 23M 23)4 Kelly Spnng Tiro 83H 83)4 83)4 83M Kennccott Copper S3J 54 63) 63)f Kings Co E I, ft V 127H 127.'i 127U 127)f Lack Steel Co 81'i" 83)4 81)i 83)4 Ise Hubbcr Tire 48 47'X 47)4 47J4 LtJilgh Valloy 70!f 79 70 70 Looso W Ills 1st pf 82 81)4" fll)t 81)f Iirlllard P Co 239 235 235 235 Maxwell Motors 85 83 81)4 SUf Max Motors lit pf 80H 83,'t 83U 83H Max Motors 2d pr 50 64 62)4 62K Mexican Petroleum -lll!f 112Jf 110H 110k Miami Copper 37)4 37K 37 37 Minn Ht P ft 8 B M.... 121)4 121H 121)1 121M 3J 1 3!f 22!i 4 79 2fl)4 05)f Missouri Pacific Mo Pac tr cts Mo IMc w I , Mo Kan ft Teias., Nat Cloak ft Suit.. Nat Knam & 8 Co. Nat Lead Co Ner Con Cop 22)4 new York Air urako New York Central... N YN II ft II N Y O ft West Norfolk & Western. .. Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pacific Tel ft Tel..., Penn Railroad.-. Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal CoN J... Pitts O G ft St Im pressed 8 Car Co..., Pub 8 Corp'n N J... Pullman Co Qulcksllror , Hy Steel Sp Co Kay Con Copper.... Heading 111H Reading lit pf 41 Republic Iron ft H 01(4 Republic Iron ft S pf,...113H 114 Shat Aril Cop 30) 30)4 MOU-MH'I H & I , dii Southern Pacific 03 Southern Ry 23)f bouthcrn Ry pr OS Mudebaner Co 121 lenu Copper 27), Texas CO 200 Third Atcnue C2H Tobacco Products 62 Union Hag ft Paper.... OH Union Rag&Ppf 60H United Cigar Stores 102K 102 unueo rmit I05!f 100 4 4W 22)f 4)4 82 27 00)4 22)4 130)4 138H 137 .104J4 104f lODf 104)5 . 60H 68)4 67H 67!f . 205' 20)4 20 20H .120)f 129)4 1295 j 120)4 .1U9U 110 109 110 27J4 27J 31 60 39)4 27) f50)4 685. 131 105 3 CO 25!i 111)4 109 . 35 . C5!f . 30H . 28H . 80 . 68M .1.11 .105 . 3 . 49 25K 43 01)( 67)i 08) 21 07 125 27)1 200), 200 oi)4 nut 62 49)i 10!f 054 68 67)i 102 M414 IA4K Union Pacific 130)4 140), 138)4 140 Union Pacific pf 80 80)4. 80)j 80)j USOIPAF 22)i 21H 23 23 USInd Alcohol 114H 118 114)j 117 UBRubiicr 685f 685j ft8) 68)f U 8 Bin R ft M 74)4 78 78 77'f U H Sleel Corp'n 103)4 104JJ 102)4 104)4 U S Sleel Corp'n pf.,.. 118)4. 110 118), 118 Utan Copper 87, 87J4 87)4 87)4 Va-Caro Chem, ...4354 4454 42)( 42)( a ituu, uov u...... oi. Wabash 13)4 Wabash pf A ,. 48 Wabash pr It 20H Wells Fargo Exp.. .,,,..120 West Union Tel 00)4 West K &M 01 Western Maryland 20)4 Western Ma) land pf.,., 47)4 Wheel ft Lake Erie 4' Willys Overland..,.,.,,. 47 Willys Overland pf 104 Wisconsin Central.,., ., 60f WoolwwUKW 138 Worth in rap pf II , ,, 6054 Quoted ei dividend. 60 65 68 13)4 1355 1355 48)4 4854 48)5 2GU 205 i 20)5 125 125 125 065f 00 0051 ClU 01 Ollf 2051 20H 20), 44 41 44 4 4 4 48! 46J 4.7K 104 104 104 47)5 4754 47)5 137)5 137)4 137)5 00 00 GO Great Gain In Sugar Exports WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. More refined sugar was exported from the United States Curing the first seven months of 19U than during the whole 26-year period from 1810 to 1914, The amount was more than 1,000, 000,000 pounds, according to the Forelsn and Domestic Corpmercj Uureau. The value of the exports was t ,ooq,qqq. The 146, 009,000 pounds exported during Jul alone were more than the amount exported In 1011, Hi:, 191J and 1914. ' . CURB LEADERS SHOW RENEWED STRENGTH Traders Attach Most Import ance to Midvalo Steel, Which Makes Good Advance NEW TOrtrT, Sept 11. The most Im portant feature of the trading on the Hroad Street Curb today was the display ot quiet strength In many of the lending Issues, In dlcatlng absorption ot those stocks and a better appreciation ot their Intrlnslo value. The trading was not large In many Issues, but this was chiefly due to the fact that the floating supply has been steadily depleted at what many Interests assert to be unrea sonably low levels. Most Importance was attached to the manner In which Mldvnle Hteel was takn without any special news. That stock opened at CS and advanced to 67 H. and on the upturn the demand Increased mate rially. American International Corporation sold at 65 to (SH; tlaston, Williams and Wig more rose from SO to 61, and Submarine was traded In at 40 to 40U. International Arms was tho most active of the low priced stocks, moving up from 19 to 21 H. Tho Standard Oil Btocks continued their upward movement, with I'rarle Oil selling at 412 to 420. Illinois ripe Line at 180 to 111, Standard Oil ot California at ."91 to 235 and Standard OH ot New Jersey at 632 to 631. The Independent oil stocks were Ir regular, Sinclair Oil declined from 30 1 to illi, whllo Oklnhoma Producing rone from 7H to7T4. United Verde Extension was the most ac the of the mining stocks and rose from 40U to 41 14. The motor stocks were quiet. Chevrolet dropped from 198 to 190 nnd United Motors, after selling at G3J, declined to 62)t. JNDlISTnlAI.S 11 M Aetna Ksploalvea t 11. Amenrnn.jinuin auk American Canndlan ttarcont uar Co ......... 00 rrd Chevrolet Motors Curttae Aeroplana Kmeraon 1'honoirraiih jlaikell tt ilarxer Car tfendeo Mfr , Kathmltnn llronKe pfd Maslm Munitions Manhattan Transit Midi ale Steal Oil levator l'eerlca Motors l'oole Knit M H Kr'-t- vr I Standard; Motors Htrombenc Motora Klutz Motora Rubmarln lloat Trlanale Film United Motora United l'rnnt Sharing U H I, II torn do prd White Motora World Film STANDAHD OH, Illinois 1 Ohio l'rnlrl" I'lna H (I rf California H o or New Jraey B O of Naw York iy ..HI ..111 .. 10., .. DM ., (n :: .3a . . XII .. 114 4 I; I STOCKS 1811 '.fill 210 l'0'i nsj 14 OH. HTOCKM Coaden Oil 12U Conden Co 1(1 Inter l'otrol In1, Houston Oil 13 Mldvreat lleflnlnK , 04 Mapulpa Itennlns- ' 8'i MINING STOCKS Atlanta II llutte I'oi'per & Zinc r.'i llutte N Y 1 Cerro da l'aaco..... .1.1 Flrat National -Ili Florence (loldfleld .. 47 (loldfleld Merger 7 llecla Mining .1 Howe Hound r,'i Jim Dutler 811 Jumbo Extension Kll McKlnley Uarrah on Marma Copper lll'i Mlnea Co ot America as Nlplaalns 7a nan xoy Ht Joaeph Lead Weal F.nd Conaolldated 'Whit Oaka BONDS Terro tie Mldala Ila Ituaalan Uvia Aaktd 1-J L'o Vi 4(1 :m jo ?sj L'lH u.1 . IP 724 4IJH its i'sa um son n.ii j;o 13 17 llll 111 30 r CL' U S 1-11 la .... l'l'i .... 01 .... 4 ....lit,, .... H.'i'i ....luoil 8H 41 llll lilt, ,1 104 7(1 SK 113 100S RAILROAD EARNINGS MINNEAPOLIS. BT. TAUL & ST. 8TE MAIUE 101(1. Inc. July groia I3.088.eos (I30.100 Net Chicago Ulvlalpn July arroaa Net 850,400 043,1' 1,112.(187 4S4.70J 179.207 128.447 CHICAQO. INDIANAPOLIS AND LOUISVILLE Flrat week September., tins. flu 8 SO.402 From July 1... 1,012,030 210,015 Sales in Philadelphia H'f''; SSTfc IITT SIM 3sVt H 45 OtH 03 M 13H 10i 70 10 4S 7Mi 03 SJT4 40 to TJ . 100 11014 IV 10 Anac Cop, s ion n s t c. sm 10 J a Ilrlll 3H 10 Crucible St 3U 300 Cam Iron. 454 to C M A Rtl 9tH 4tt Klee fitor. . (i 100 Key Tel .. 114 3tt3 I.k Sup Crp 11 10 Leh Nav.. 7H 10 Ih Val... 70 as 1, v Tr pf. 4ty t Mlnehlll .. 07 54 t North Pa. 03 013 Tenna It 11 50 ',4 10 Phlla Co cum pref 40 40 335 Phlla Blea U14 2 ml 700 I'llT tr cfs 30V4 to 84 I'hlla Trao11 17 100 Itay Cons. ts4 Z3m ORO Heading... Ill SO do 20 pf 41 boo Ton Del.. 4V4 ISO Ton Mln.. i 4 Union Tiac 4IT4 00 Un (1 Imp SH S1SS U 8 Steel. 104 102 100 Va Car Ch 434 43f, to West niec IV4 3 Welfbach.. 41 iwjta,, so sis Cramp & H so 10 York It pf 37 Ex dividend. IIONDS ltlah. low. S1000 A n&Kl 68 II UO "300 KfcV Tr 4s St 80H .inoo li V gen 4s 00H 004 10000 fa. co gen 4Hs ...1014 lOl'.t 1000 do cons 4 Us ...10(14 104T4 104T4 13000 l'hll El 4s 81'i 844 '' Dccrenae. Increase. Net Clote. clure. SIH A S1V4 V. US 8314 4 1 43 V otH tt 1314 W 11V4 V. 78 1 "4 V. tt 43 S1V4 OS 8SH tt tt tt tt ttt tt 47 44 894 41 Untt fll',4 41 so S.1 37 47 44 tt s 4114 tt 8n v. lOtli 94 43-4 oih 41 BO 81 37 Clone. VA 8014 00V4 10114 Net chge. tt Local Bid and Asked Hurt tr Sua do prd t U Ilrlll . t e Ilaldwln Kleo Htoraico Uen Aaphalt do ptd Keyatone Tel do t o do pfd I.akfl Hup Corp Nav I,eh Valley Leh Val Tr do pref renna I'hlla i:iea I'hlla Co do S per cent ptd. . do per cent ptd. P It T do t e Iteadlna Tonopati Itel 'lonopan Mining .... Union Traction IT laa lmb IT H Hteel lilt York llwy 11 do pref 37 IVm Cramp t c 8.1 Today PMurday Tlld Asked Hid Asked niv, .. m r'j wis r,S 6" nT.. 3 3Nrt s 3a K1V4 Mi JH h.1 iki 7 111 nn J 2lt 2 30 194 w 70 18J4 13' IS, 14 l.lii 184 13H 14 IlH (III lll 0!) 11 11U KiH 11 7(1 7(lt4 7.lS 7(1 7 704 7UU 70 21 211 l.'(IH 21 43H 43V4 4-'H 41 (i.'i' Ml Ml no 2S 2H 28(i 2S'4 81 3V X 3H 37 ! .37 80 , 411 -tll'4 40 40V4 20 SO'fc 1104 11S 44 41 HHS M) 1II4H 14 2(1 . SnW 1111 1114 4 7-10 4 ; 41; 37W 34 UH 10.K 37 bSVi r,C 4.1 ss'l lull! 14 S714 80 Spot Wheat Easy at Liverpool I,IVnnrOOL, Sept ll, Spot wheat was easy today, with No. 1 Chicago quoted at 14s 7d, a decline of Id; No. 2 red winter at 14s lOd, a loss of 2d; No. 1 Northern Man. Itobn, 14s lllid, a drop of 2. Northern Manitoba 14s lOd, a loss of 3d, and Northern Manitoba 14s 9d, a decline of 2d. Corn was steady, with American mixed unchanged at 10s Glid, while plate showed a gain of lid at 10s 8V5d. Flour was -unchanged at 62a3 Selected Securities OP Proved Merit Bend for Circular MELLOR & PETRY Member. &$rg8 338 COMMKRCIAT. TRUST 1II.I10. 16 SOUTH BROAD STREET wp.Ti.mtfT SHIPMENTS FROM WEST TO EAST CONTINUE TO SHOW GAI Car Supply Is Still Inadequate Money Conditions Ar1 jiasier AwiiviKjf ",,"'f:" r -w Stock on LocarChange OITtclals of railroads operating eastward from Chicago and St Louis report that "St bound shipments are considerably eawler than recently Teporttd and that the car sup ply Is still inadequate. There has been , no particular change In the business 'tu&ton In this territory during recent weeks, and on account of the extreme activity at the mills and Industries other than Iron and steel, there Is added surplus all the way around. Westbound business of the roads con tinues heavy and Is now larger than at any time during the last year and a half. Southern railroad officials report a some what heavier general trafTlo there, being a gain of about 12 per cent over a year ago. Miscellaneous tonnage has Increased to the extent of about 10 per cent., coal shipments have been reasonable and general merchan dise tonnage has held up well. These roads aro feeling the short car supply, owing to the slow return ot empty cars, principally of the box tpc. . ... , Money conditions all Itirough the West gle evidence of some further easiness In rates. JJankers look upon the future with a degree of anxiety as to what the course of tho money market may be. It Is very probablo that between now nnd the end of the year temporary fluctuations will be seen In rates from time to time, but there is little likelihood of any permanently higher rates being seen while bank reserves nre so high, the Inflow of gold so steady and the Federal banks maintaining such largo resources. Manufacturing and Industrial lines ap pear to have sufficient ready capital for meeting all their immediate requirements from current Income, enormous returns from exports now furnishing ready cash In the majority of instances. Borne banks report a moderate volume of grain paper coming on to tho market, but It la of com paratively small volume compared with uhat usually makes its appearance at about this season ot the year. Attention tn the trading on the Philadel phia Exchange today was divided between United States Steel common and Lake Su- R A -a eTll PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES' Public Service Securities are a lien on Vie success of communities. C In making a purchase of Bonds for investment there are several underly ing requisites which are more nearly adequately met in good Public Service Securities than in any other class of investments. C, "We specialize in good Public Ser vice Securities. C, At the present time we have a par ticularly attractive list yielding from 554 to 67. G. Wc will consult with you either personally or by mail regarding them. BeJten Aylitg 8..birvg Land Title Bldg. Philadelphia? KHtafeo. DANKER3 and nDnvea. Oth & CHESTNUT STC, N. E. Cor. Members of Phlla. Stock Eirhm,. Direct wire to New -ork perior worporanon, win stocks ahovu. gains as compared with the last priced Saturday. During the morning nearly m2 shares of the latter stock changed haili? while more than 3000 of the former Zj vuiu. A.v. .. .,u .,cn iu account aw the activity In Superior. In the afterniZ Runerlor lost part of the mnmi. '." I Heading, which made another nJi. .. I mark In the late trading on Saturday 2I one of the weak features, losing ntarlr i2l points In the morning trading, Several 1 I sues were sold at unchanged prices. nLi I them being Philadelphia Electric. Pen!?I , nln nsllrnnd nnil PMlart.i..i.i. il-l Transit iruii ceruncaies. a! Exempt from N. Y. State and Federal Income Taxes New York City Bonds at the market Full particulars on request TheNationalCity Company 1421 Chestnut St. New York Philadelphia Boston mmmi. INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended by BEN T. WELCH 1328 Chestnut Street Frazier 6- Ga INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad and Sansom SU. WANTED Syracuse Gas 1st S's REED A. MORGAN & CO. WKHT KNO TIIU8T 1ILDG,, rtllLA, Membera of the l'Mla, Block Exchaara BOND SALESMEN An establlahed tnveatment houae. deall&r h bonda ot the hlaheit grade, require! addllUui aaleamen having eatabllahed clientele In JMr York Htate or l'enmvlvanla. Remlea mar be ii dreaaed to XV. II.. rare lludolpn (Juenther atV Agency. 23 Broad St.. New York. Save Your Private Property' from liability for bualneea obllsatlona br he porattng your enterprlaea. Wo furnlah chlflm under laws of all Utatea at email expense. Corporate manual mailed frea on reqvwt, U. S. INCORPORATING CO, FINANCE IIUILD1NO. VUILADELTOU UHMlj UVIiltTHmMISNTM USE" IWTATK Olf tUKx- T., UK. sssr eaaeae) Loiters laataBuatary wo te atv.Ma.ts Uaylag bsan granted to M10 Ba4r. atfoe. all peraono titdaMed to tbo said oatato aria, reouaated to make pernaot. ajMl .!M atJtiarT T. badbbub, "" eaeaar esajBsrss7iajoesra;ses OV " WUKTtUY tr A 22!f 22X U'J)!lli I SBaSBVTCaSBllSBSBBa.SBSBS 13811 mWAS .,utenvlM-nus2-Kr;e.-.r fir ft-fflraH 0ut ofi an Quinary H '. m ISM M JImlW-mmBKk steaming kettle came H ' fsn IL- "smBKsM James Watt's vision of 27 27) i I IV rn jMMjBjTrejiiirnrTv rnriirfl : riffi iTayrr iivwiin-tr .r1? infiTir" WjlQL'seWaWwaJiWsBlsWsBSBeael 1 j. SBeaeV S" t'fliV -i 'SmlfmSm a new era m locomotion. B 131 131 iivnwV . ? . " id SMmBSSSsBSlBSm Only tlio plan of a dreamer but ibiH ' w I03. llfcr-- rFP7 i ' MHHsHfSB what possibllitiesJ-what power in a 40K co' jnyfe. rni.Mrflly j&js&F' YAHrsH!$iijJs3 sinBle itlca tllBt couW revolutionize H l no), Ji85SKffiag?Wr5?' stzlWt " ? SJr7'V$lLWKSBtil&Miim .'.:.,i sbHW . : 1131X114 mMMWms&&i -y MMWMmSSmMB.m . What possibilities in Ideas for your ' :oh son fflsmv&tMtiiimffil r ''JyMilMW).WkWSKa9M business if you but follow the example sB m. mH Wr.rnmmMffl M,JfWfmmM0MmmmWm of thousands of shrewd business men tt aw Wi W&!ilMimMM!f0JWr' AhWmlmm MeWM8BmMfflBi who today are gaining from the pages B A i-u iSJ- BWlWffilfS of Systesi the actuating plans and H J- w l5 7 i .mMMfMj methods from business everywhere. ' M mHlwWM Alba Johnson, President of the H ) 40-i I 1 vMk 'Affl.&&' .tfYvsYat&tffiffi Baldwin Locomotive Company, gays; B f mmwiifSit HIb9I "?-b,avo goltcn ,-idca9 s - 102 MWwMKMmiWlmllJiWl .. 'MfMyLmJPtBW!IL which arc suocestivc and interestlnre." alliH . WmtuXEw&If'SM WMjVmSM mP shouldn't you, too, fiain by B iWWtBrnWAS) M MBBmSB atchmg Smai-tome fortune- H SW7riHfjlWVX& WssWHHBiHWMrH niakingidea, perhaps atleastascore . ffilf.WfiWtflj'JirSm -rfSBKSf&BBmlm ofknacksandplansandmctliodsevery B ! MHmttM Is. s&JKMSiWBmBM month that will cut your business H rS-lgSSV uiiJMMLWkmMM ''" li'ffsffWP'ii fWJ C03ls anJ nro suro to makc your iH ' . "'BtsS carnmgs grow. &&&$Ws Get ScP,le,:cr System today at H -f ; y i jWBJoI jMILMIilltl "" ' ' 'fffssm " ?"? J'' u aw, i j oul mdi to 11 r.mjmmB(w .j , i m umssbjm ntm AagsMaaas atisssSMisssssssssssssssssssssssssssaessssssssssSB.'sk ".umrf xuuumk. . " 3gsa tfU MM- aoaxAlS fWUfi 4WsfP, ''"''selslissssilsaSssslssiesssils, '',k"iasettSLjl ... it . l,lswssslsalsWssi'wat fTgfJ &uin4!iVbB4M S ' "afer I