M - 'STWMWKBCCiOVlE iWljMENACING STAR SL H Sohern in Danger as Vita graph City la Destroyed By the Photoplay Editor A efty was completely destroyed ".rut Jl ths.rn, the nctor, narrowly encftped akHmM Injury In the storm which last week "1H New York and l'hllailelphla, dolng ftTMt ropcrty (Jamaica. 1 destroyed city, It Is true, w one lBt for motion-picture purposes, but Its MMMtHf meant bl Inns nt thniiRAriria of dnl. ttn to the Vltairraph Company of America, on M.a it especially constructed Tor the Ktmc of the screen drama of the medieval "An Knemv In tha Klner." In which Mr. Botheri. had the leading role; with -Nnth Storey as his co-star. Immediately after the sky had become vveraaat and made the further filming, of Mitres at the Vltatrrnph Studio In Long Mand Ylrtjally Impossible, n seventy-mile -wind struck the motion-picture city and ytayed havoc with the buildings. Wooden ltd stone battlements were crumbled to frtinters and dust In the twinkling of an eye,, and fragments of the debris struck reral of the screen players, Inflicting painful Injuries. Mr. Sothern was Mdlnfr a horse at the lnel of a cavalcade of brilliantly costumed participants In tha picture when the storm Appeared. The triumphant entry Into thu elty, 'Which occupied two square blocks, etmo to an unceremonious ending. Falling timbers struck the star's mount and the animal later had to be killed. The city Immediately will be rebuilt for the (liming of the final episodes of the drama. , To look on the more optimistic side, out at the Sellg studios, Los Anegles, Cat., there la being erected at the cost of a small for tune a complete Oriental village. This vil lage well proves the time, thought and ex pense necessary to film a modern photo drama. For weeks forces of artisans, under tho direction of Gabriel Poltock. art director for the Sellg Company, have been working . dally transforming California scenery Into true-to-llfe Oriental environment. The village Is being erected for utiliza tion In scenes for the forthcoming Sellg production of "The Garden of Allah." Tha ttectaclo Is to feature Helen Ware and an all-star cast, and Is to follow 'The Crisis," the latest Sellg feature drama. "Tha Garden of Allah" Is to be pre sented In twelve or more reels and will be made by Colin Campbell, who also directed the Sellg feature plays, "The Spoilers," 'The Rosary," "The Ne'er Do tVoIl," etc. Confirming a rumor to the effect that Sellg and Kssanay had withdrawn from V-T-t.B and would In all probability form It new combination with George Klelne, comes an authorized statement from Mr. Klelne, made In Chicago, to the effect that the new organization was Anally completed a Saturday, September 2, the several ele ments being Klelne, Edison, Sellg and Ks sanay. The surprise comes In the Inclusion of the Edison company, which had not been mentioned In the numerous rumors of the Impending combination, and which now properly entitles the now organization to the appellation "The Dig Four." EVENING LEDOBR-PHILUELPIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1916 Theatrical Baedeker FORREST "Little Mies Sprlnttlme." with Barl Petrass and Oeorge MtcParlane, An operetta by Emmerich Kalman. who, com posed the delectable "Sari." The Ensllah version la by Guy Ilolton and P. a. Wode- v house. Julian Mitchell and Herbert Ureaham n have staved tha production, and the scenery ta by Joseph Urban. Premier. GARRICK "Sport of Law." with Mary Ho land and Frederick Trueadelt. A drama by Stuart Fos, baaed upon the motive, of revenge which takes poaaesslon ot a young woman's snlnd to the exclusion ot mil other feelings. i The ftret metropolitan production. HYRIC "Roblnaon Crusoe. Jr.," with Al Jot son. Lawrence D'Oreay and Kitty Doner. A new winter Garden show, with book by Har- " Atterldge and Edgar Smith, music by sigmund Romberg and Jamen llanley, pro duction by J. c. Huffman. Mr. Jolaon plays .. Jjrlday 'nuf aald, AD EL PHI "Kxperfenee." .with Ernest Olen dlnnlng. William Ingersoll and a largo cm. A "modern morality play." with more reality and humanneas about It than sraced "Every woman." Olendlnnlng acta auperbly. NEW FEATURE FILMS TTANLET First. half of week: "The Parson of Parmamlnt." with Cuitln Farnum. a fallas-Paramount production' it llurton Holmes travslette to "English Towna and Country Places." a comedy and news pic tures. Last ha f of week: "The Victory of Conscience." with Lou Tellecen. a Lanky . .Paramount, and oth.ru. ? -.jr ASjCADIA First half at week: "Oretchen the greenhorn." with Dorothy Olah. a Griffith. ?r.'.1,n,?,prcriuc".0.n.' Jaat half of week: "The Llttls Liar,'' with Mae Marsh and Robbie -WES' S. Orlfnih-Trlansle nim, and others! AifAfcS,I'J.t half of week: "Rollins, Stones." with Owen Moore and Marguerite Courtot. a 7amoi Players-Paramount production and -AUTUMN BES0HT3 ATLANTIO CITY. N. 3. Ti:ANTI0 err-v V IRAYMi oira m uii nm r v-vu KTMnna., w. C rvf inrirrt oamfmrt m. un.... BKU?JWWlB.mTt(kaati """'.w jS.MottS7.Ve, I TMElMXNG RESORT HOIELOF THF usioi rV HaiI5oroujli'B(enMm ATLANTIC CITY. JV. J. OWNERSHIP MANAOIMENT. .VM-I-H WHITE SONS COMPANY rarssiuust mm. and others, TV. Mn-ee-bla yakawe. a LaslrY. BT?iI--Tir1rX J?1' .' . "The Dark J lence." with Clara Kimball Young, a World PI"', and others, Laat half of week! "Tha Llsht ot Happiness." with Viols, Dana, a Metro production, by John It Collin., v,J5?JHl,ATrr,r" M" ' " '!." with rharles Ray and liesel ilarrlscale. an lnca TlLn.,l? Pfoductlon by C. Uardlner Sullivan, and "Never Araln." with Wllile Celller. a Kfratone rnmedr. Ijtst half of week. "The Light of Mecrfneaa with Viola Dana, a wiIcVr,,!V"'",n'.and "A la Cabaret." with AIJIAMIJRAFlrft half of week: "Mttls Klleen." with Marguerite Clark, a fi Players roductlon. and a vaudetllte Ifssl half'ot .week: "Public Opinion." vaudeville biTr """ "u"'"" VAUDEVILLB KKJTH'S Stella Mayhew and nulla The World Dancera, with Emllle Tom Dlnglei Prosperity," with Ei Idy moua bill, with and a Te.lftr, la and ,nltr . will. nvB If A- thewat Anna Chandleri Vollnakyi Toney and fofman. In "look. Listen and i.auh"i ..,..b, rumrnj H'a romutv Anmm, Ih. Vllann. .t. -i .,"-'.:" :t. ."..'. "T" ......, um. a, vnua.Tine-"i i-;rn and the Se Ig Trlbu t Leille and t f' I Daisy fla rj" OLOuVrliert In Irfmdon" 3i55B?', elnslng comedlennei the jd Faynes. in 'The party": Ca ..aV,t,t,f?1iJn. "Apay.on wal;h. and Walter Ward a Johr dler' aUAND th9 Two boolera. 1Y"" aim iin iiurK, n.fTr. rnette Atorla and rom- buna rictorui Nfwi. company, m "iiorin rrnuri. ine Kniuan (nnttrri fivti tn nnlti and ltarnrm on th rarm', Mae nrl rrirrtnanv. liar and Gordon! Doolfi-i, t liar and Oordoni irk, in "Th Haatlmfl HoU ft rirnlhara In i'i'sh flsntvts V.VRIT ,nT'.'t '. "Mr .Falletteei Alvln snd Mlllamai the Three Htelnera. and Tathe Newa ?:' -ivuuni y-nmraipi, II.L.IAM t the two Va Police Court Chronicle Tom Oellls has the habit St making him self happy without cost. If ha wants to laugh he manages to start an argument with any one whom he chances to meet Should he desire music he sings for himself and takes great pleasure In listening to his own voice. At times his taste runs to Instrumental harmony. In such cases one might think that Tom hunts for a brass band or a hurdy-gurdy but he doesn't. In addition to his other talents, Oellls Is a human or chestra. Ills Imitation ot a bugle Is Just like tho real thing, and when he starts a one-man concert you can hear the horns, lollns and other Instruments In realistic tones Should Tom feel like going to a play he 1?y& WI1.LIA PRVHluntn. , b-abmm ltt.. ;;, . " ,- .vt ,,,,, ,,n w .,. ..,., i ii. fc iin Di wpfm - nneu .a: Warner, a Trlenrle fllmi Hall's atrelsi Oeorse W, Ilarbier and Ca with tf. II. Mualraf Mln. r.e V. IlArhl.e ,nri raerlM ThiFfh, a. .i-:..t-'.;: ":." ----- -. jf. I" ..Gtno?lne'n iireeae-'i Aninony anajMark In "The Italian and. the Ho.a," and Ooldle and Keating. Laat half of week: "ltell-lo-Pay Auatin." with Wilfred Luraa and lies fie Love, Triangle nlmi the His Howards: the. American Comedy Four: Charlea Drew -T A vv;lt?nr A'vernon ana tne xoung aimers. CROSS KBVS First half of week! The (Jolderi Troupe. Ilue.isn . dancers! Elliott Hpearai Harry J. Kelly: the Four. Rubea: Ilurke and iiarrie, ann iiarry Englleh. In "The Evil Hour,'' l.ai.1 half of week, 'The Poolroom.'' a one-act iir,m,i ,h ra-r-ii.niiiA,,a n.i. The Pnnlrivnm m p,ri nrmmmt , n i'.,f.Luiii.ii. Joe Fields. Snowy Maybellei Edmunds I.udham, In "doing to the WedJ nr." "The Novelty Minstrels.' AT POPULAR PRICES WALNUT "Look Who's Here." with nickel and ataon and a gnod'Blxed company. The former comedlana of the "Follies." In a .Jr,yf.,S!.rom?.(3r..?onrrn,n two tramps. KNtCKEItlKM K1SR "That Other Woman." with Ted llrackett. Eilna Archer Crawford and others. A drama by Lem Parker, ahuw Ing a huaband "without a balance wheel." who rornea to wreck through "that other1 woman. Lancaster Tobacco Sells High LANCASTER Sept. 11. About sixty per cent of Lancaster County's new tobacco crop has been bought up, but not moro than fifteen per cent has been, cut. Many growers nro refusing to sell nt prevailing prices, IB cents for wrapperB and 4 cents a pound for fillers. A good many crops have been sold for 16 and E cents, a few for 17 and G, and high-water mark wns reached when Daniel Shurnan, residing two miles from Lancaster, sold to a Philadelphia cigar company for 18, 8 and 2 cents a pound. AUTUMN BESOBTS SPRINtl LAKE PEACH. N. J. recites Shakespeare and passages from ths romantlo classics. Like many men of ar tistic mind, Tom loves animals. Its can neigh like a horse and whistle like a whip poorwlll. Often ho wanders through the streets communing with beasts and birds In their own language lie was thus engaged when a bulldog growled at him from a yard at Forty-first and Market streets. In a flash Tom Imitated the dog's barks. They were so real that the dbg was puz zled. He didn't know whether Tom was actually a man talking like a dog or a dog dressed as a man. The dog's owner, a woman of tempestuous temper, thought that her pet was engaged In deadly combat fllh a rival animal. When she discovered that Tom was ths opponent she expressed her wrath In words that made his hair stand Tom Immediately lost all Inspiration and gave the woman a "tongue lashing," Words finally failed her, and she assailed Oellls with a flock of flower pots, dlshrags, broken dishes and milk bottles (not quite empty). Ity way of excitement she yelled murder. When a cop arrived Tom endeavored to explain that It wasn't a crime to dodge "painful" objects, but the policeman com pelled him to tell It to Magistrate Harris. The Judge decided that Tom was the victim of circumstances generally and fem inine wrath particularly. He cautioned him to limit his Imitations to more peaceful neighborhoods. Tom promised to obey and went out whistling. Excursionist Killed by Train ALLENTOWN, Pa., Sept 11. As he was passing from ono car to another of a New Jersey Central excursion train last night, Antonio Demasso, of New York, was jolted from the platform nt Catasauqua and was almost Instantly killed. His wife and daughter were on tho train, but Demasso was not missed until the excursionists reached nethlehem. PERSONALS HAVE YOU A WILL? Moat Important business In life Is to have a will legally prepared, protecting those whom you went to get your estate, ltegardleas ot amount of you property, ,wi will draw your will for ti.BOi espert service. Thone or writs for sppolntment. . ti. s. tNConroRATWO co. . FINANCE nUlt.DINO. PHILADELPHIA . THE C0NSULATB"OF MEXICO will appreciate any Information resardlng the whereabouta of Mr Ernesto Amador Vlllaaenor. about 27 years old. of Ouadalalara. Addreas all com munications to Jose Itamtres Lopes, 218 8. 11th st HELP WANTED FEMALE JL03T AND FOUND RtNOH Lost, st Baulter ft Sons, 12S7 Chestnut, 4 dlsmond rlnss. st 0 s. m.. Tuesday: J200 reward and no questions e.ked If returned to Mrs. It. I. Lachlan. 8502 N. 234. Phone Tioga 4511) J. NECKPIECE I-oat. Tuesday, small sealikln neckpiece, trimmed with brown ellk balla, from 1.1th and Chestnut to S4th and Areh. lie v.srd If returned to Mra. Wallace, 107 N. S4th. MBiraiiMrairaiBMiK Prominent Photoplay Presentations iAMBE jjomhi Bou&ow Grmwrw rplir, following theaters obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Hooking -a. company, wnirn is n guarantee pr etnr .liowlng or the flneet production. ,i.i All nlrtiir-M rnrl,n,j before ethlbltlnn. obtaining pictures through the rlTA.M.EY'DUOKI.NU COMPANY Jsli ; for the theater. In your locality X YOU may win the Prise Cup VEN the novice has his or her M-J opportunity in the new kind of 18-Hole Handicap Prize Golf Tournamentinaugurated for the NEW MONMOUTH'S guests exclusively. Prizes will be awarded on the aggregate of the six best cards of play turned iu by each contestant at the end of September. You play as often as you please, dur ing the month. A handsome Silver Cup to tho wom an, and one to the geuUeman, victor! On tho nufpiificent ocean-side golf course you enjoy Autumn's fresh tsng to the ozone breezing in from the Pine Belt and the salty breath from the sea. The million-dollar NEW MON MOUTH, a minute's spin distant, is a hotel of metropolitan lavithness and luxuriouincES, set down in the great outdoors yet only a short 60 miles from New York or Philadelphia. Boolttt Seal upon Rttpttil FRANK F. SIIUTE JUanagw THE NEWMONMOUTH ITAers ateruliag FnpU Da Inurutlng Tning, SPRING, LAKE BEACH, N. J. September 11, 1916 AIUAMDDA 12th, Morris A Pasayunk Ave. ALnAillDKA Mat. dally at 2: Egs.. u:45 ft 0. tnrumount Pictures. MARGUERITE CLARK in 'LITTLE LADYE1LEEN ARCADIA HELOYVIOTH DOROTHY GISH in "Gretchen the Greenhorn" A PrtI I fl G2D AND THOMPSON ArULLU MATINEE DAILY Marguerite Clark ,n "0t7.,?driftS BilHeJBurke in'GIoria's Romance" nrl rfIsrlI'T, 62D ABOVE MARKET OlliLilViVJlN 1 Mats, 1:30 ft 3:30, 10c i:gs, nso. 8 u:ro. iftc Mae Murray & Theodore Roberts In "THE DREAM GIRL"' rCrtAD OOTH AND CEDAR AVE. lE,LI PARAMOVNT THEATER MOLLIE KING in "The Summer Girl" FAIRMOUNT MS, avenue Ethel Clayton & Holbrook Blinn in "Husband and Wife" FRANKFORD 7U FnANYvEnNuE FANNIE WARD in "The Cheat" CGT14 QT THEATER. D Jl. Del. RDruce MAT. DAILY. Bel. Spruce Etgs. 7 to 11. MARY PICKFORD in "Hulda From Holland" JEFFERSON SOTII AND DAUPHIN STREETS Winifred Greenwood ..nBCLAi?ATI0N.. Billie Burke in "Gloria's Romance" IPAHPR FORTY-FIRST AND -.I-jfVLSl-jiX LANCASTER AVENUE Mary Pickford ,n ",IULDA ll'and Charlie Chaplin in "The Count" LIBERTY BR0AD Columbia H. B. WARNER and ENID MARKEY in "SHELL 43" LOGAN THEATER "10 MARIE DORO in "Common Ground" UR0AD Market St. Theater S3lTJnfET John Emerson ln 'THE FLYJSrED0.. Jackie Saunders ,n "THB GR0,P Evn WEST PHILADELPHIA I CC1 TGT B2D ND LOCUST LiVUUtJl Mats. 1:30 and 3:30, loc. Kgs., 0:30, 8. U:30, ISc. EmmyWehIen "The Pretender." ADDED ATTRACTION CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN HIS LATEST "THE COUNTS PALACE 12 MAUKP STIIUET OWEN MOORE in "Rolling Stones PARK RIDaK AVE. A DAUPHIN ST. VKI MAT.. 2:lB. EVG 0:45 to 11. Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid in , . r, "THE SELFISH WOMAN" Final Chapter or "Secret of The Submarine" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET WILLIAM GILLETTE in "Sherlock Holmes" REGENT ,034 MARKET STREET llJK.n 1 1IVUAX VOICE OHOAN CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in "The Dark Silence" RIAI TO 0E1MANT0WN AVE. LirllJ AT TUU'EHOCKEN ST. BLANCHE SWEET in . . . "The Thousand Dollar Husband" RIIRV MARKET STREET w m RELOW TTH STREET WALTER LAW in "The Unwelcome Mother" SAVOY "" MARKET " T j STREET Francis Nelson and E. K. Lincoln in "The Almighty Dollar" TIOGA 17T" AND VKNANG0 STS. HAZEL DAWN in "Under Cover" VICTORIA MAnKJT st. va vsvsa. ABOVE NINTH BESSIE RAnRISCALE snd Uf"Mlir?l ,. CHARLES RAY HOME" Wilhe Collier in "Never Again" EUREKA 40TH& MAnilET STS. LOUISE LOVELY in "Betty Loved a Soldier PARriPN s3d"a lansdowne ave. VJAlVl-'lll EVENINO 0:30 TO 11. FLORA PARKER De HAVEN in "THE WHIRLPOOL OF DESTINY" QEOItdE ADE FAULE STANLEY, SKOT.iljnF DUSTIN FARNUM in "The Parson of Panamint" SOUTH PHirDEI.PH I a. M. OLYMPIA droada NO PERFORMANCE TODAY Bn,DaB Tuesdav elen holmes in A UCOUUY 'WIIISPERINQ SM1TIT" "MYSTERIES OF MYltA." BMITH When You Want to Know Where to See GOOD I'botoplsys Read Tills Dally Photoplay Quids In the Evening Ledger. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR KVERY MONDAY SUIUECT TO CHANGE er SEPT. 11 to 18 jUAAMBIU AMLLO JAADIA WLMONT f WW MBBteA nuyKFQRD MTMST. Ibakpin JgffKRSON IAuhcr IrTUSlT V MONDAY M.WrJ'.cl,r,t- ln Llttls Lady Eileen Olorla's Romsnes Out of tho Drifts Dorothy Olsh. In OrsUbsn, the Ureenborn Murray and Roberts, la Ths Dream CJlrl Mollls King, ln Ths Hummer Olrl Louise Lovely. In Betty Loved a Soldier Clayton and Winn, In Husband and Wife Kannle Ward, in Tha Cheat .Mary Pickford. In Hulda From Holland The Whirlpool of Destiny OeWsa Ade fable Reclamation ulorla'a Romanes Hulda From Holland Tbe Count W,r8r SellS""7' 'n Beamy Wehlen. In Pretenders Starla-Doro. In CtiBMion Uround Th JVlag Torpedo Ths rlp of Kvll ' N perfenaasas i today (pWng Wanes Sssret jftVe wKuiarU sm sy sfrea syvrmssrs ii nim i r1 9m i TTiTfl'ijfr Dssfar MwaiU WaHer Lw, ta The UnwvteoiJM Motber TtrAaUr8i5ur1, DfUa rwsnut. lis, TWe rtvmtm of Fanssstot Kul pawa. Ii tJike)ar Cave- Hfffe m Am TUESDAY Msrguerlto Clark. In Little lAiy Eileen Pauline Frederick, In Tbe World's Oreat Snare Dorothy Oleh. In Oratcuen, tha Ureenhorn Murray and Roberts, ln Tbe Dream Qlrl Cleo Rldgely, In The Belneh Woman Orrln Johnson, In The Light st Dusk Sweet and Melshan, In Tha Dupe Dlanrhe Sweet, In Tbe Dupe Mary Pickford, In Hulda From Holland Tba Secret of tha Bwamp Orlfflth Drama Theda Dara, In Tha Galley Hlave Hulda From Holland Tbe Count WEDNESDAY Marguerite Clark, tn Little Lady Eileen The Devil at His Elbow drip of Evil, No. B Dorothy Olsh, In Oretchen, ths Oreenborn Ward and llayakawa. In The Cheat Ruth Roland. In Comrade John . Frltxle Brunette. In Unto Those Who Sin Lillian Walker, In Ths Kid Ths Ne'er Do Well s-ltn Kathryn Williams Msry Pickford. In Hulda From Holland Ward Howard. In That Sort. Other subjects I,oulse Lovely, In The Ullded Spider Nelson snd Lincoln, tn The Almighty Dollar Emmy Wehlen. In Tbe Pretenders Msrle Dora. In Common Ground A. rhlld of Destiny Ths Village Blacksmith Whispering Smith Mysteries of Myra, Owen Moors, tn Rolling Stones Shell 43 Keystone Comedy Dorothy Davenport, tn Tbe llMUalnaWe ""Tteft's&nol' ,0 Oa US! offte Mountains VaSlsSoVanU UUle Mi HPBlfts TOO CHMt ?&t&lgiu 1ttarS, wAMla Charles Ray. In The Deserter Temptation and tbs Msn Tbs Count Nelson and Lincoln, In Tbs Almighty Dollar Irene Fenwlck. In The Child of Destiny Dare-Devil Kate Liberty Edwin Arden. In Tbs Qrsy Mask Owen Moore, in Rolling iitones Cbsrlrs Chaplin, in Ths Count Mollis King, In Tbe Summer Olrl Clara Kimball Ypuag, In Tbs Dark Silence Jlesst Barrlscals, la Tbs Payment Pauline Frederick, In Ttte Woman In the Cass .frpcyf P sttewsrt. In KG Wits7? Oood Nasni . DwMIn Farnum. la nrws trt ransBalst .RTflS-Jw THURSDAY Blanche Hweet. In Publlo Opinion Bernard and "White, tn Uportlng Blood Mae Marsh, ln Tbs Llttls Liar Wsrd snd llayakawa, tn Ths Cheat Dorothy Oreen, tn The Devil st Ills Elbow All-Star Vltagrgph Csst, In Brltton of the -7th Donald Brian, In Tba Smugglera Tk 11. I.J Tbs Lights of tievt York , . . Bl.ell 43 Olorla's Romance. No. 3 Clayton and Bllnn. In Husbsnd and Wlfs Nat Goodwin. In, W'all Street Tragedy , The Pretenders Olorla's Romsnes. No. 14 . Douglas Fairbanks, la Ills Picture In ths Papers Nelson and Lincoln, In Tbe Almighty Dollar Irene Fenwlck. In Tbe Child ot Destiny Anns Held. In Madame I Presidents The Orlp of Evil and a Surprise Feature Sessue Hayskawa, ln Ths Honorable Friend Bullets and Brown Eyss Keystone Comedey L.W'"A..IJ Wrt. tn Ills Wlfs's Good Name Viola Dana, In Tbs Light ot Happiness Oatl Kane, In Paying the fries . Mary Pickford. In Hulda From Holland William OUMts, Ii Wwrlock Holmes t Vfiu. Tellegan, li newj ci uhii "ttfFti UajM FRIDAY Blanchs Sweet, tn Publlo Opinion Myrtle Stedmsn. In The American lleauty Mae Marsh. In Tbs Llttls Liar Dawn and Moors, ln Under Cover Donald Brian, In The Smugglera Virginia Pearson, In A Tortured Heart Emmy Wehlen, In Ths Pretenders Donald Brian, In The Smugglers The. Ilouae of ths Golden Windows The Silent Battle Comedlea and new reels Rupert Julian. In Naked Hearts The. House of ths Golden Windows Edmund Rreese, In Tbe Weskness of Strength W.lllam Olllete. In Sherlock Holmes Mary Pickford, In Hulda From Holland Ituabsnd and Wlfs Tbs VUlsge Vamplro According to the Code' Secret of tbs Submarine ?essus llayakawa, In be Honorable Friend Duattn Farnum. In Davy Crockett Mabel Tellferro. In Uod's Halt Acrs Viola Dans. In Tba Light of lisepi eplness frank Keenan, tonor Toy Ni In ams Kadjnuad Breess, In Tbs Weakness of Strength Marry Carey, In SeMad the Lines Tbe Lu TelUgan, la Twory ry t Conscience iSttjil iiffinf 'w'srrffie SATURDAY Blanche Rweet. In uuuo upinion aa-,o Mae Marsh, In The Little Liar Dawn, W Moore, In Under Cover Edith Storey, n Tbe Tarantula The, Count The Medicine Man IHi ,V,rk. t Cain and Beatrice Fairfax Mry Pickford. In A Olrl of Yesterday The House of the Lillian Walker. In The Man Behind tbe Counter Husband and Wlfs w.iwii eesiy The House of the vwmwn y inuoWS I'UcNIeJ.ee Htewart. In Hie Wife's Good Name Wllilsm Qillete, Sherlock Holmes ln i. Ml"6 Today Hulda From Holfand Bullets end Brown Eyes The Count Sporting Blood Also Athletic Pictures Ressue llayakawa. In Tbs Honorable Friend rbe Heart of Nors Flvn Keystone Comedy Dorothy Davenport, la Black frlJsy .,. Y,olA. Dana, In Ths Lit tit of Happiness Fannls Ward. In X Outter Magdalene ,H,Iy Pickford, In Hulas, From Holland WKMSfrJ Prstsnders Ths vsWy erconsclsnos ATTENDANT! Wanted, at fltats Hoepltsl for the Inssne, Norrtstown Ta., women attendentsj wsges begin st lis per month trstnlng clsas rourae Included, Write for sppllcatlon blank to Jessie M Peterson. M., D.., Mll . CltAMFIERMAID, white? esper.i Protestsnt: Scandinavian or Scotch preferred: high wages) write or call between 2 snd 4 Monday. W. W., Room 1314. 1801 Chestnut at. Walnut S8q CHII.DNURSE, whltei Proteetsntl mutt be ex perienced! write or cell between 2 and 4 Mon dsy. W. W Room 1214, 1S01 Chestnut it. CI.nilK Toung lady to milt cashleri must be good penmani good opportunity for advance ment; stats sge. experience, reference and sslsry desired. H SSi, Ledger CentrsL COOK Wanted, a reliable, middle-aged woman to do gooil ptaln cooklngi no work outside of kitchen and dining room) no washing) wsges S. .Mrs. Stella Kane, 1'erryvllle, Md. COOK wanted, 1 33 per month with board, lodg ing snd Isundry In addition! must gls good references. Apply to Superintendent Phlla delnhla Hoarllsl for Contagious Dlseeies, 2d and Luierne-sts.,l'hlladelphls, Pa. COOK, white, wanted for downstairs work and rooking) suburbs) references. D 101, Ledger Office, COOK and downatalra work, white; family 4, no washing, WJ37 Seminole s-e.. St. Martin's. DEMONSTRATORS WANTED Demonatrators who can teach the art of knitting and crocheting of wools) only those fully qualified need npplyj some traveling) neces sary expenses paid. Apply Tues day, September 12, Olympla Mills, 21th and Ellsworth. DRESSMAKER wants experienced wslet finish ern, lsot l,ocuBt. D,.,i?,s?.IAK.c,V-Krrnd slrl to shop, Apply , iw Chestnut st. OIR.L Young girl, white, to aealat wtlh house- wPJk .ln small family: good home: state age oiil" ne,rc" Pnon number. M33, Id- OIRL9. over 10, to aeelat n fsctory. Ap.P'y, T. P. McCutcheon & llro . Pltcalrn Building, 11th snd Arch sts. C1IIL8 over 10 wanted for light work: no rSfcH' SLX"V.r. 5..week raid while rv ,,. ttLvijf o.i. oioet. HOSIERY Loopers and'wlnders wanted, stesdy jork: good pay. 2240 N. Iith ORISWOLD VORSTED CO. DARBY, PA. Starling up new machinery, wants girls: good wages: steady work and will pay while learning. ltotrsnKnKPKii. house: suburbs. P 3JU, Working- housekeeper: priest ledger Office. HOUSEWORK White Proteatant, no washing: references required, Phone Baring 1011, HOUSEWORK. Dlaln cooLlns: position: while girl. Apply Monday and Tues. ay, evening, 22J3 Oreen at. Pnone Poplar 4101. HOUSEWORK White girl, Eood wages; 2 In family, good home. Phone C'ynwyd 1211 .1. MAN AND WIFE, white, experienced, do entire ?l0oE0'. bouse: suburbs, referenco required, MSM, Ledger Central. k MILLINERS wanted on week work; ateady em- Ployment. AIT ft CO., 721 Arch. MODEL Dressmaker wants girl, model meas. Vir.m,n-' to ,ry on l''remh suits and gowns. . 1301 locust st. NURSE. Proteatant, between 25 nnd 80, ex perlenced. tako charge of boy. 8, and girl. ,i.!. "J.V.I1 ,?avl references: 140 a month. vv rite 22.1 Kemp road, Ardmore. NURSE, white. Protestant, between 25 and 30, experienced: muat hae reference. Call le tween 10 and 12. Tuesday, 2100 Walnut st. OPERVrORS. experienced, on men's neckwear. T. P. McCutcheon I Bro , Pltcalrn Building, 11th and Arch sts. OPERATORS on all parts of ladles' wash dresses wanted: If you hale anv knnwl-riir nlmut sewing come with us and we will make It nappy for you. Apply ngni sanitary rnctory. 2.1d and Chestnut OPERATORS. Lt our beautiful day- Diuerman uromers. Including tuckers, trimmers on all parts of silk, crepe de chine. KTuiKi-iiD uuu cuuan eniriwaiais. uorn-aiers Co.. ad nnd urown. lacs workers, e ae enme. The Hage- OPERATORS, exp. on ladles' muslin underwear, also lace workera and examiners; a few learn era taken. Zerrer, Bradley Co.. 1427-33 Vine, OPERATORS, experienced, wanted on-silk dreaies A. 11. ('apian ft Co . I)ll Walnut st. TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions ss operators to In telligent oung women between 18 and 22 esra old: salary to a week while learning, with rapid advancement: a atendy poaltlon as sured, wtlh pleasant surroundings and unusual opportunity of promotion. Apply In person to the Jlell Telephone Company's operators' school, 400 Market st.. dally between 810 u. m. nnd 5 p. m , Monday. Tuesday and Fri day eenlngs, between 7:30 and 830 o'clock. TELEPHONE OPERATORS, .local and long dls. lance; experienced. Apply Keystone Tele phone Co.. 135 8. 2d St.. Room 403. WARD MAIDS and laundreaaes, 120 per month ea,cn position w ln addition. Api iDhla IIosDltal and Luxerne sts attendants. 130 per month:. ea,ch position with Hunury in auauion. Appi I'nnsaeipnia nospitsi rr board, lodging and laundr; to HUDerlntendent. Contagious Dlaeases, 2d l'hiiaoeipnia, 1'a. ii WEAVERS WANTED APPLY JOHN b JAMES DODSON. INC. OLD MILL Scott's lane, Falls of Schuylkill. YOUNO OtRl, as kitchen maid, to speak some English: Norweslan preferred. Call Ard more 002 or address 1 O, Box 316, Haver ford. Pa. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT wanted for out-of-town posl tlon beginning October 2 nexti state full par ticulars as to age, experience and salary ex Kcted: good position for right party. M 323, 'dger Office. BOOKKEEPER Thoroughly uxperlinced man to take charge of books fn msnufscturlng plsnt. Address, giving experience, age. reference and salary expecteq. ' n, ai.." l'oaiotnco uox aouu. liOV wanted. 10 years, to lesrn general ofIce work; large grocery bualneas; center of city; good opportunity for advancement; salary to start. 10 per week, Addreas I. O. Box 1288. IFOYB wanted. 16 years of ags and over, to learn iraoe pi macninist; tnorougniy modern wnna learning, shops and beat of wsges Addreas M7 82,- Ledger Office CALKER8AND RIVETERS wanted. ivemyer p.. Amoicr. r Cruss- i'a MnruivKiiB Wsnted for stick osndr. hard good, klaaei snd fudge work; can uss spinners, twisters mi ruiisrei nil ana wra wasea. Fox factory. fudge work; can uae spinners, twisters rollers: also operators for kiss autllng wrapping machines; steady work: good s. National Candy. Co., Qray-Toynton. factory, Detroit. Mich. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Exnerleneed m7". countsnt, with knowledge of pubila utility work, able to take charge of large Investlga. tlons; good opportunity and proapects for suit, able man) Jtjte age, experience and when p ...ii.ui,. ft n.., iruier ui nee. CLERK to handle, advertising details In Chest nut st. publication offlcs: moderate salary to start, with excellent opportunity to learn ad ertlslng business; preference given to young men with high school education or equivalent. Address In own handwriting, stating ags snd p.iii.iiti. in ..,, iunr iiuca. CLERK Young man. about 31, to keep voucher record and general clerical work; must be , good penman, rapid and accurate; this. posl. tlon offers splendid opportunity for cnergetla and willing young man: stats ags, experience, reference and salary dealred. J: 8&0, Ledger Central. CLOCKMAKER Experienced man. The Bailey," Banks t Diddle Co., 1221 Bqpaom. DRAFTSMAN by general contractors, one famll. Isr with contract detailing and working draw. Inge: must bs familiar with handling subcort. trsct work on building constructions. M 818, Ledger Central. INSTRUMENT MAKERS. 18.24 to IB per day e.'l,r,',i0 ,6' "'stant machinists. (2 to xg,6p, based on expsrlcnos and capacity: auto. ffaL'sAurr,Mth,?r?i,rCrci""''d;B?SiS; A Sharps. New Britain. 14.00: hand turret ators. 12.70; higher compenaatlon when on pfeeework: printers' helpers. ?.24 skilled laborers 12 ta 12.24. Apply tfrankford Ar sensltJirldesburg Prsfjwauly Tq person. cof i,rS.'t?rtnutvw w l w LAB0BKKS for, outside work. 12.24 per day ot rr. ApplyFrankfo4 Arseetal. T " iffimtiWiH HKIig WAXTBP XALK Conllniinl from Prtcedlnt Colsms MAN wanted, thorouthly fmlllar "1th'0,1': printing and the handling of dyes sn"",''.' proof compounds) 'sire fsrtlculars In full. Address Lack Box No, 021. Toledo. O. StEN WANTED Bolletmskers. lorom1"'iT!n chlnlsts, car repairmen, laborers. l?K!r,0,,.i cleaners. Penns. It R. Csll lll Mlbert st. SlEN. 10, wsnted to lesrn the ssuasgs nnd fork psrklng business) 22o per hour. Apply 945 Oermantown ave. . M0T0R1IEN EXPERIENCED ON AIR BRAKES: OPEN SHOP CONDITIONS) OUT OF TOJVtfi FIlr.B HOARD AND TRANSTORTAT ONl HIC11I EST WAOESl MEET K.MPIX)YER AT LI.D C1ER CENTRAI BROAD AND CHESTNUT, MR.LOOAN. - ORDERLY Wsnted. laborstory orderly. Ap ply In own handwriting, giving references and experience, If sny. Addreaa Laboratory, Jef- leraon iioapuai I I ' I ATTX0K0BIT.tg For Sals - PIECEHS wanted on woolen mules. Apply John A; James Ittbeon, Inc., Old Mill, Scott's lane, Falls of Bchurjklll. . I-OCKKTIIOOKS Youngmen, with soms exp. AppyjiVoirCOJia noor, i-in lbiiowiiiii. HtlVATK SECRCTART" for Y. M. C. A. offlcs; high school grsduats) abls to deal with men. iwiArcn st. IIOLI.INO. MILL HELP wsnted"; men to work on bar mills, sticking In. catchers and sheer men: rood wages; eieany worn; no striae. gppir jienry Tacony, I"a, pply Henry Dlsaton It Sons, Inc., time office. SALESMAN Wanted, leather belting salesman, experienced, to trawl eastern, l'ennaylvanla for long and well-eatabllahed leather belting manufscturer, Addreas D 118, .Ledger Office. SALESMEN Vsnted. detslfmen to sell drug glats for South Dakota firm advertising veteri nary liniment: 13 per cent commission; merl torlous product. . Addreas M W2Q, Led. , Of flee. SAWSMITH wanted on small circular sawsT steady wnrlr. ArtHreae Detroit Haw and Tool . Company, 72 B. Port st , Detroit, Mich. SOLILITOR lirge eastern commercial school rise vscsney for first-class, experienced so Icltor: one with teaching experience pro ferred: permanent poaltlon and good sslary. . Address D 204, ledr Office, TOOLMAKERS Permanent positions open for good men with experience on dies. Jigs and fixtures, plant situated In Newark, N. J.. 40 minutes from New York city; not it munition plant: steady employment, clean factJry and high-grade work; applications to be considered muat state age, experience, references and wages ex pected. T. M 810 Brosa at., Newark, N. J. WEAVERS WANTED ArPLY JOHN & JAMES DOBSON, INC. OLD MILL Scott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. lOUNO MAN, 17 vesrs old. for general offlco work. In stock broker'a office; muat have knowledgo of typewriting, D 120, Ledger Office. JAPANESE HOUSEMAN Personal references required. Apply 317 S. 43d or phone Baring 1071, . Oeneral lmniAIL'L.ntu .. -l ,R ... .,.n. nr ren.-a ,,wiihi,,i aim, pr.nni, .,., ,,, .v, v..,r.i,0, seeral, 115 to $20; STENOGRAPHERS, sev eral, 115 to 120. Other poeltlona open for HtCIH-altADE MEN BUSINESN SERVICE COMPANY 1801 LAND TITLE BUILDING SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK, first class, with 8-year-old boy, wishes position: small wages; beat reference. D 128, I.edger Of.lce. , COOK, French, best reference, wants poaltlon. Wrlto M. il., llllj Lombard st, COOK, 'reliable, with reference. 6030 Nor- ,wood St., Oermsntown. COOK or genersl housework by Southern girl. o08 S. 15th st. DRESSMAKER and seamstreaa, cutting and fit ting, renovating, alao children's clothes, would like work by the day: price, $1.73 and car- iare. i uif, i,eager central HOUSEWORK wanted by French woman: knows cooking. Wrlto M. II.. 1409 Lombard at. NURSERYa0VERNESS. German: references; good ecwer. Inquire 1233 N. 0th. STENOGRAPHER wishes pos. AddressMlas IL L. McKay. 8. Mildred st..Charlestown, W.Va. STENOGRAPHER, high school graduate.wlahes permanent position. Phone Spruce3401. POSITION as nurse or governess or companion to elderly lady wanted by refined young woman; havo reference: will travel. Write, statins terms, to Norah Breen. 110 N. Cam- oriage ave,, venmor city, N. J, WIFE AND HUSBAND, without children, desire positions on gentleman's place: wife excellent cook: huaband houseman, butler and general utility; caretakers for flrat-class family; city or auburb. D 200. Ledger Oftlce. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ABLE ADVERTISING MAN: can help you get up attractive circulars and catalogues, and can write sales letters for you In clear, con- clsej convincing English. C 17. Ledger Office. ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE, age 20. college grad. uate, ti tears ot general office and sales man eirement experlenie. embracing banking. Ufa Insurance, achertlalnc and brokerage; poaltlon of responsibility desired. B 840, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, office man, 29. married, 10 yrs. exp wishes poaltlon; J25. C 642, Led. Cent. BUTLER First-class Japanese butler wants po. sltlon tn prlvste family; wages 200 up: best reference. Nlsh. 308 N. 18th st. CHAUFFEUR. Maine, desires position further south or traveling in South; joung Yankee, strictly temperate; best references; now haa good poaltlon. but will change before Decem ber 1. Address II. T. J.. 41 High St., Port land, wMe. r CHAUFFEUR. whlteTmar,, ll enrs' exp. "pierce" I.OCO.; city preferred. E 450, Ledger Central.' CHAUFFEUR, willing; Inside or outside work: reference. Phone Spruce 3397. 18 S. 20th. COACHMAN AND OARDENER desires position: Al reference.D 123. Ledger Office. COST ACCOUNTANT, expert, cashier or bookt keeper, 20 Jeara old. U years' experience, at present employed, wishes to engage to position with fiitnr 1 flU I.ri... ,-a....i ...... .......... -... -. m..p. v.c,, a,. GARDENER, thoroughly competent on lines; good greenhouse man: hardy garden: willing care slock, poultry, furnace. D 205.LedserOfflre. HOUSEMAN, white, single, experienced; flrst claaa reference. E 030, Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK general Japanese wantspos. tlon at general housework In small family or bachelors; beat city ret. Jamane, 308 N. 18th. MAN AND WIFE. " Japanese, wishpoaltlons: man as cook, wife as waitress, in small fam lly; city references If. Y.T 808 N. 18th. OFFICE MANAGER Csn definitely handle accounting, costs, credit and collections: have made a special study of organlxstlon and management; long experience; at present employed; can satisfy ss to reason for change; now under bond; trained In the regular day sessions of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. E 633, I.EDQEIl CENTRAL SALESMAN Young man. 27. la desirous of making change: S yeara' sxperlencei refer Jn",i.lT10u'1 K"Mto lrn bu.ln,..".,. :---.. --.....,, M,T -Uqcr central SALESMAN. 7 years retail shoe bualneas! "d." aires oulslds poaltlon. P 810, Ledger o"lc. YOUNO MAN wishes position gentlemen's club as msnsger snd stsward; highest tmt i Fni- . llsh, with xp. AddJjxah 44, VllUnlva.pr YOtlNO MAN, 21. high sohooiTraduate, 2 years' clerical experience, desires position wh bank or trust compsny. E 841. Ledger Central. K 1 ilS AN EXPERT STENOGRAPHER 5ntHl1!,Vi,2,r ".P'lvste SMrstir" t" 2 well-known locsl corporation heads factory'' W Pro Insntly satl!: J'an undertake responsibilities. telSSSSe cSafogu;?. && a'ndr ?nrSU'pV,ntrngUdrM.,,,.?1U'J,n' "ti !nt.Vr,vr.w,d,npr,o'.te,ntlon "" Am young man. (80) and deslrs to ron. nect permanently with high-grade firm or roan as an assistant, is Els trlvIS secretary or a. on.nof"th"w('orkfn; Salary "sry. Opportunity desired. M 880, Ledger Offlcs. , j?i.,,C!a.y en.rt.U",' rfVr,nc..,.H01S "ffiiaSSail. rtS- SSSS i?r r' light JHtoJKLMger Csntrif Wf moo,r'w COLLEGE QRADITATie ..i "... - i Coellsufil from rrtetdlnp Colsmi, CADILLAC 8-psssener automobile. lstsTii" clsss conditions new top) Jiffy curtalnai JtC sbsnrbersi good tires : complete In rmi apecti run about. lfi.OOO miles. It. F i.r?' lIIYorkroad Jenklntown, Pa, "ALL, CADILLAC 1014 touring ear. 0verhaTiiii3r-r repainted: full equipment) price IIM Jl rfALESjJORPORATIONj 142 N, "road? , rTIstcA-a ,, .-..- ..l'.a ". . " equlppert with lwtrle. IlKhu SnfrSSSt tlfimry-prnwwr. nan r lirofld M(, phiiV' ....ll.vtlt t'-".'r. 'ass .".- .i,J"3. llUi'MuiHiiii.. 11'ui.w ttoaaiieri tine conrTmXr? A 830. UfiZM rf painted. i"inmi ook llkt new. T-nrntnnif.w Trr T chain-drive chassis, nultnh! fn ff.JiOT.Kn!"i.a unt. rniB" ' IXJCOMOUiLB 2814 Market st. T.ncuat lin iA JENKS.Msnsger J!xchsngV C'.r iV. STEARNS-KNIOIIT touring) praclicallvJ run less than ffno miles. ""icaHr n.i I H. 1IUWKIOI CO.. 245 N Brosd st. IVJllil. iu-ii. A -. -pnaaenger i ouring. Iinffir 2 AUTOCAR deln-ery trucks.fH.tonTesch Jsea I0'NEAU 210 N. iTroad at ,W CADILLAC PARTS '" RCHOnER.n.130.41-43-45 MARKET SEND FOR TREE fltll.LETlN' OORSON AUTO EXCHANaiJ, 288 N. BROAn 'I Tn.AT.iV PA PTC l'fl SCIIOIIER. 838n.4I-48.4S MARKET HAROAMN Wlnlon Touring car. lots! Cs :hestmir. T,. ..Z1 i equipment. Apply 1011 Chestnut. Room Tn AUTO LIVERY AND GAltAQE3 INDEPENDENT TAXICABCfT AUTOMOnll.ES OK QUALITY Tt) lltnia Dlsmond 0408, Never closed parV7jJ OKin frllVt(-iT -.. PHONE DIAMOND 74 TAXI TOUR1NOI.IMOI SINE HALF REOULAR RATES , Never loaed Formejy Imey Rn fa. rqP'HVlOlT-To hire Conairr-SiS ic.i, m.iHi'iiew o'pnBs, tourlna ririKJ I1.S5 hfei also brand-new 7-pass. llmmilJI' m $160 hr.; weddings, funerl-.17jBmr;ra jui Aiuini&id i-orinnie u am tea Stla:,q -.-,..-, .. ,., AIOK yB. AUTO REPAIRINQ srnr.DOMETEn trouble3 8eel nil.TA. at his new location. uiu iXKJimi. 1JIUALJ or. CTLINDEUS nEnORED. new nmtnn.nr ... furnished: weldlnir and brarlnir. H. ll, Undtf!ti nums .-. ,.. -... Iinilllliuil of let) A Illim. AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to sell your old car or want any parts to repair, call, write or phone. Ii I'. 11. AUTO PARTS CO 813-17 N. 12th st. Park 1140 TI.MKEN-11KARINOS HYATT" &'.w rJPjrture- Serxlee? Sta. The Owllllam Co. 1314 Arch at. Ph. Walnut 34B7 Race 3ni. . ... PAIlTfi " fn niltlfl fir rsna If nn v miw rhlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th. Park 14H.I AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 3300 miles. Compare prices. ORIM'S. 230 N. Broad at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED under laws of all States by only Pennsylvania n Vtnnrt Ari lr !rulur( a ra ra Pneiw.ai. l- ; -.: z-i ii-.i ' -"- ZH..Z1V- vt 1 i isit-iiutti liiniiru mo m icyuvni, U. S. 1NCOKFOKATING CO, FINANCE 11UIT.DINO. FHIIADEl.riUA fl a r-as-V-.,- - . , I'M PAJ liilNTS arnQ Ior our r"8 w. ft1 ..... . "Patents and Trade-Marks 4s ve win neip you ueciop your indention: aa-, ' lc free: reasonable fees: open Monday tv IllllKB Ulllll O.I1U, FOSTER & WEBSTER SUITE . 1011 Chestnut at. Belt phone- Walnut 1564. sT.i s. wi ji t x . ior a young man who fome capital competent to take charge of .v ; ianrn ireneral storn in n miiiitrhnn tnum . familiar with the cash urocery business pre 'a ....,. n ,ww nt,,aijr uuu uii iniereBl in IDS'! bualneas. as the owner wishes to retire froror nvi..D Bv.r. uu,, Kititis rei., exp. ana amnuntof tnpltal to inveatL L 720. Led. OS. aiuai nreueni opportunity to embark in a erM .......hw.w .k.,..,.....n uu.uma wii jour own ac- J count for nartv either ratiltntlat nr ht,.ln.-.' man with J3000 to 10.U0O; demand already Created llV national nrtiertlatniT, nl.m.l.. .1 ' atablllty; large' prollts. Add. E 943. Led. Cent, tj fin oaul-tatahllsneo waeon. truck and au-J' tomolille body building- business at 1011.4 k rimiRior.i aye.: real estate optional. Urelt. )1 ..,-. m. ui.utiiiiti, mmnifya, xjq a. l.tn at. ts PARTNER wanted to lneat JflUOO to 110. 1100 la u i-uctj iiwiiuiutiunnK concern in lJntla de.pnia. Particulars given at pcreonal Inter. ; view at our place of bualneas. Wrlto conJ.J , jiiiiiii)io.,iMifferuiiit. ' FOR LARGE PnOPlTS vill. m-,fntT w.. T.,iir? real estate offers the best form of Inveat-V ment. Send for our Investment list. T. 'HVl v.a,iii.iaa sc own, it.iiiir xianimore ave. BUSINESS PERSONALS nnuONnq ijnfTitn. B,,1lf Jt.f .re.n.?es- Appraisement. 1 per cent. Ta lIARRr W. SMPl'il. 717 San.om at. J EVENINO CLOTHES Ti". -.IRE ?'f.,,VA,S.t.il"',.p.,!.01e.,l,SS'r.-,33. Open evra. . ui-tsij,u p, ilii itiiu viirgru ave.. o, v, cor, m 8UPEnFI.UOUS HAin remove.! hy elect rolMlslfl MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theiter Hldtr" DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY THE MrDOWELL DRESSSIAKINn si-irnnt7 .M Individual Instruction, short courses, easy Daymenta: natterns cut. r.lln tin SOjIJENCKLA-IlLEa., 11th & Market sts. COI.UMHIAN UliESSMAKING UriltJOLSps: M .iu, ,n,f, niar iiaymenie. t.'. llfirtman, 1731 . Columbia ave. tFormerly with McDowell 1 - EOll SALE r;; i..'tJ " i fry"' -nirai. jTpakikuw ,1a ,. ".lt-JB-SifSi, as --- XUUKII, EMPLOYMENT Anv.-anrva "S'SK: b.u.nb''.J.P.but..r7 wner cooks, wsltressea ; W-i iTi..Jf'' "na AUTOMOBILBB rer Sale TT! PULLMAN ' iy9TLY USED 1916 MOnRT.H aE.J' PONIrTHA'ioi' i7T.T af. XHHHB MOSfTSfi '--f..'-.r.v.t;'-" AB HEW rTiKi "K-BMai.lUiMW ( KVBHT llafai Ti-l.-.J ARlfiiE m. E- m, 138 LARGE TALKING MACHINE Edison with cabinet for holding 200 recorda:"3 .iiaiiu ,1, w-Huiiiui quarierea oaK, coat new SH4: can be naM nt th ,,i. nt ik ...n. Weekly: an excellent hnrimln- In rAAl nrfi. tlon: equal to new: write for complete list of ti ,., Dim in,vi, av us)s iree trial oner IIEPPE'8 UPTOWN STORES Cor. oth and Thompson sts. 1JIL1.IARD. POOL, combination, second hsndT bought, sold, rented, exchanged. Tepalrlnil supplies, lfe Heater, American manufao- .turer, 3211 Ulrard ave. Phone Kens. 2313. UILLIAttD. pool tables: new, second-hand bowl ine alleys! easy payments, Rositto-Uarry. Mreet Co, 22J S. 8th st. ThnneWal. il. H'''VI1AUD AND POCKET TAUI.ES Alio M , HALKK-COI.l.KNUER C(l1002 A -in CASH ItEaiBTERS bought, eschsnged. repslred. repiated: supplies j new and factory rebulitc n iu,i auuers as low as sso, call ana 4 !!.olir new '"txtels. Registers sold by us esjj eaaypayments and Mv aruaranteeil. H 11IE NATIONAL CAHH REGISTER CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET 01i'JlA,E,IAIaa- J7S r 100: Powers 8-A miT .Pi?"?!tuRWc&y!fi u,"l only - montha. .CHAIR KXCHANdli. mm.r lltl, iM Vine. SAFES, fireproof, closing out 60 slightly useJT Vn..::Z'. ",na...tnKesj oig bargains. 21 K. ; -..,,... .,. mmwwn ace ana vine?.. ir.'.u.hi"P' "Til HUTTONWOOD ?..." th largest and beat assortment of "hfi1 Si? 'urrjlturo snd fixtures In 5l.,,i,rt of Ah country. Anyth n to equip sn office, at.nrlces (hat will please you. yfea del very anywhere. HEATINO ? .7. Si" S fi,nfMi boll'tsi bargains In new and IS.7 Gilbert it11"' MAKIN-KELBE CO., INSTBUCTION Musical 8IK?.?.Iis t wsnted for prominent Eplscopsi " r"-,... ' "ruciion in oest cnunn roues. LsfrlrOfnce.,WO ,ttyict " Sunday, D 201, ,1 MACniNEIiy AND TOOLS BiYFZXr.n27 99kts3 -P.? JES2! 4 inah.,1 I.Jl, j .'" ilUUVD, Willi "-T,J inahed ball and aocket bearings, srs ths lstsj ifAPitiNH wSS.J?Hrl,0,,. HUAJTINO ANDf MACHINE W0RK8, 145 North Second. . ' Tlllvu vinntt m. unit i ..q ,,m pv... n -, ruwER-PLANT EQUIPMENT FImn,','mS"ot0' boilers, steam snd oil s1 tl!fJtfISe,A. r-eopiPrsssprs,. ...., - '"""-'i 'no., 1.7 tf. d streer -.ji DsT?dAli0nt..i,?ot-'r .nd mschlnsry Uusbt, sold t.r!cl?nan rJtures repaired. Msln tJ M,ri"t 80B3. Tearsley do., g-24 N. Sdst, nnnr.ri a t-r,,...... ' '' i . jyi 1 , i f "j. o.f xj-9 .i. eg ei- ' RU.clSru?.?E.niMn.DT -"tomatlo gear outteT mlll.r..UrA?.r?,yt,m".'.r cutters. Us -a..-.- -""" mfWO , Din. a t0idTloUBlPO.,.LEP? PN -KIDS-BO, B0, tt. J r'.P.1 FJTTINaS. TirSS7i.irif-i en:rf mhmmA CHAtHJM liONlo'MpT1VnTB.h .L ' MTJBI0AI, INBTRUMENTH MAHOQANr VIOTROLA OUTFITS usriitM i. rr,."rr: ."''".- VtCtl uuv 1S .wTTfT "..' vmfium t-Jiris, Jlo clr for asHlmats.1 l"lar UWOSYW TOii ?