IVENItf G LEDGBBr-PHILADBLPHU fcOHpAY SEPTEMBER H XW JOHN M'GRAW'S RECONSTRUCTED TEAM LOOMS UP AS MENACE TOOTCLUBS IN 1917 t 5 NEW YORK GIANTS HAVE POWERFUL. CLUB EXCEPT IN THE PITCHING DEPARTMENT ' .Ytotorias Over Phillies Not in Nature of Flukes. r Champions Were Outplayed From Start to Finish by McGraw's Men . WftWf the Qtonta took three straight from the Phillies', tho fan throushout the eewntry were .shocked. The Philadelphia had Just won eight con srentve games from tho Dpdsrprs and Brave and It was thought that the chanv fciefw WiM iBcrfaso their lead In tho National League race, but Moran' mon Mtve tho preetest surprise of their Uvea and 10 vrlll six other team when they Meet ht reconstructed New TorJt club- Ttie Giants are now one of tho moat powerful team In elthor league, barrlpsr Mtehe,rs. Tho "White Sox, Tiger" and Dodgers generally are considered the most f.q)feb?e frana In the major leagues, but they are not In the tame class with fee Chant, now thnt Zimmerman nnd Ileriog have been added to IcClraw's roster. What McOraw will do with this aggregation next season I a question, but f l Hkely that Tat Moran cpujd tako tfre same teairi and clinch tho National league pennant In July. In New York they believe that Mcdraw still K tho Jeapoleon Of managers, but It looks very much as though the veteran pilot ha Vt his grp. Even before Hfintog and Zimmerman were added to tho aants's roster McGraw had the best all-round team In tho National Leagueion papor, but tfkejy oHd pot pay up-to-date major league ball. McOraw lpssted that he did not have 'the pltchern. The result of tho games yM Indicate that he was right, but tho work of several of his hurlera recently proved conclusively that McOraw has tho pitchers, but that he has not worked them properly. Perrttt, IJpnton, Tcsreau and Schupp are top-notch pitchers, hl!e Anderson nd & f pw moro of the second-string pitchers oro os good as tho average second strlngora. Ilolke Is Playing Great Boll P' 'TOUNQ Ilolke. tho Rochester recruit, can continue at hi present clip, McOraw will nobneed to do any experimenting next season, as his team a lined up can hardly be Improved upon. New York critics insist that Holke is going to be Smother HaJ Chase. He has been batting at a terrific rate, but he will not do 50 'erell Jn this department after ho ha taken ono swing around tho circuit. Ho appears' to havo a weakness for curve balls and pitches inside, but Just now tho '""pitcher are experimenting, with the result that Holko Is clouting the ball hard. There was nothing fluky about any of the (Hants' victories over tho Phillies. The champions were outplayod In every deportment and no team could have boaten McOraw's all-star cast as they- played Friday oid Saturday. Tho only consolation the Phillies have is that the Dodgers must play tho Giants five game Inter on in the season and it Is safe to predict Uiat McOraw'a team will get better than an even break. The present scries, ha brought one thing out clearly. It Is tho value of Charley Ilerzog. The former Cincinnati manager supplied the punch and ginger Jhe Olants needed. Ho is the Uvo wlrp of the team and has put the needed fight Jn McOraw'a team. Just what Zimmerman will do fpr tho Olants remains to bo seen. At the present time ho is ploying the game of his life, but after he has been 1 with McOraw for a time his enthusiasm may wane and perhaps he will start JMktng trouble. About the Sad Slipping of St. Louts AS MANAOEIt BILL, CAItniQAN, of the Boston Red Sox, remarked before he x. left here, "The Browns are through.'' It seemed for a time that Fielder Jones's crowd was going straight to tho top In ono of tho most phenomenal base ball runs over staged In the history of tho game. Three years ago no one would have really believed that the Browns had a chance to win tho pennant consider ing their miserable start, but after George Stalllngs staged his famous drive in 1914 and beat out the Olants tor the National League pennant. thefans and ex perts realized that anything can happen in baseball as long as it Is not a mathe matical impossibility. , As a matter of fact, the Browns havo not been greatly weakened by the loss qt any'pltchers nor havo they had hard luck to.whjch they might attributo their downfall after their fine sprint in rnldseason. The entire trouble with the Browns is tljat they have beon outgamed by tho other clubs against whom they hove had to fight in the final atages of the American League race. Jones Is a good manager, but neither he nor any one else can put the fighting spirit into a team when there is no place to put it. The Browns simply haven't and apparently never did havo that Insoluble athletic quality which makes ono -sttMeto stand above tho field when thero is no evident difference between tho told athlete and his competitors. Great Player and Comedian Passes Out of Baseball WHEN the New York Yankee management announced that Germany Schaefer, alonp -with Rube Oldrlnp, had been released the fans of Gotham nnd else where realized that ono of tho roost picturesque figures of baseball had passed from the diamond nim. Schaefer was onco a great player, but tho rnajorlty of (ana of the present know him as a comedian of the bait field Qermany played all of the infield positions' for Hughey Jennings when tho Detroit Tigers wero nt tho height of their glory. Schaefer was not only an exceptionally clever mechanical fielder, but he was a brilliant and quick thjnker en the field. He has pulled off as many btzarro plays, much to tho discomfort of tho ppposlng team, as Eddie Collins, Jack Barry or any pthcr player In tho an nals of the national pastime. Furthermore, Schaefer, while neyor noted as a lugger, was dependable 'in the p(nches, and even in later years when he was With 'VVaahlngton he often went in to pinch hit. It wao at the national capital that Schaefer became noted throughout tho country as a baspball comedian. Associated with Nick Altrock, the erstwhile Wljlto Sox Jeft-hapded hurler, Germany drew crowds to the Washington ball park when the team was in a hopeless rutnd when, but for his and Altrock'a pres ence, there would not have been a handful of fans at the game. Because of hs ridiculous antics on the field there are thousands of fans In the United States who think Schaefer was employed by Washington solely as a 'fun maker. Bqt a a matter of fact Germany knows more about baseball than Clark Griffith ever did, nnd his advice from tho coaching line, though often clothed m ludicrous language, was always sound from a technical baseball viewpoint. Penn at Last on the Right Track THOSE! who have followed the varying fortunes of the University of Pennsyl vania' football teams since tho passing of Big Rill Hollenback in 1908 are rejoicing that the halcyon' days appear to be here once more. Smooth sailing should be encountered by the Red and Blue warriors this year and in the years ' to 0010 as long aa Bob Folwell, or some other coach who has complete and Anal ay, Is on the Job. ' Tf Penn team", under tho direction of Folwell, Qaetop, Dickson and Captain Mathews, began work a Langhome today. The material this season is as good M any coach and captain could wish. Consequently, the only thing in the way of a. hsjnplenshlp team Is tho old trouble of having various influential members of the alumni butt, Into the business of the coaches. This year it is not likely that atny such condltlbns will arise such as prevented George Brooke from making tho mecae he might have made. Folwell took charge of the Penn eleven with the satinet understanding: that he and he alone was to be the boss of the team. Folwell Is willing to stand or fall on his, own Judgment of tho men and the plays to, he given. Unquestionably a coach even of far es abljlty than Folwell euM stake a Rood teem at Penn if he had full control, qqnsequenfly it does not tfulre a great stretch of tho imagination o see tho. r?td nd Blue triumphant In H46 wltif a wan of TeleU's type at the helm. Btby Jones Craves National Honors ROBB3T T, J0HE, JR., the sensational young golfer on whose head fame has f9 several hard-earned encomium, has returned to Atlanta, He Jm 4ierW4 to win the amateur golf title if lfc takes Xlm gevtral years and his. Whole ambition will he directed toward that end. As Bobby was born on March IT, lMt jt tii ? to see that when he determines It ts some determination. Young jfoiMW has playe4 football and baseball, but he says that Ty Cobb is bring nc tnauarh Umfrrl htmsr to Georgia so he seeks fresh woods and pastures new. Be wants Sift J hasa Mk champion golfer of these United States, and he has a m T jjgpvtfcat th mho, m sign's name Is likely to be Jones In the sweet by and by. fjM thhHf nVsTit tip JjayepWe sauthron he is merest without being affected, boy A wtthoal Una: wturtit 04 sensible without being preterpaturally precocious. S 8MM SftSjn SB) Q0JMS4 SAPn py naittws win yuvw, jww m gmra oun-awjun aBJ haen apt; fisfreyhe mtftak,, aw hi no unmistakable mannrJ suss KsHWnii says the Baseea neaWMSJ are jiM, wWh two tenant contenders -, fttMltJlttt JbsJsJa at ,tha tea) of the maieclesue hep, ' That Wfig the case, Ath- sjtj sassl swenitt ae xe wrapei mhi w i wfpj' - WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND Top Your uihiWI w I. Il3fe. fno Pot, TTiosa shobs y,. . Z'ammK on- tmbVU nc ah. J ; :Mu R.KSHT SFTBR YPOV IIM f', 4? tWtUKCX 'J3- Oljjmpia's Boxing Bouts Scheduled for Tonight I"rankle Onlnlan n. Terrr Ketf hel. JBfk Dunlry ts. An Kabakofl'. t1Ut Journ yi. obonr Mealr. rrvllmlnartes Scmlurlud-ap Temrar Ruck ti. Larry Ifanxn. Wlndup Kid tVllllams Ti. Jo O'Donnell. NATION AT, CXUll'8 11ESCLT8 Willie Hpenter won from rt IIswcJI Eddi iionao ftopixM iiu Donovan, u to vvriin afrravca iiarr dl ltonio ttopprd 1UH Donovan, taita iiarrr prirvi. Charier Iyronard toppnl Mlllln Ilannon, nt. ihlrd. llennr Aitdreivs. Tonard knocked Hill fth. oat Eddie Mc- LEONARD'S KNOCKOUT OVER , W ANDREWS LEAVES NO OTHER ' OPPONENTS HERE FOR HIM " 1 Out-of-Town Boxers Necessary to Meet New York Phenom Bouts at the Olympia Tonightr t Some Scrapper Scraps By LOWS H. JAFFE PUILADCliPIHA matchmakers must seek other pastures for talent to be the party of the second part in competition with Benny Leonard. Following the New York knockeroufs elimination of Eddie Mc Andrews at tho National Club Saturday night by the dreamland route, there appar ently remains no Quaker City lightweight competent to vie for prestige In Fred Welsh's division. Leonard has punctured the Quaker City "thlrty-thrco"-pound class good or rather bad. like a large nunit 01 eweiizer buw He had sidetracked Joe Weigh, Jimmy Mur phy, Charley Thomas and Sam Robldeau, besides McAndrewa, Ipavlng not a single boxer who stands out as a worthy opponent for him. If Leonard Is to add any more oi Philadelphia's lucre to hie already large hank roll It will be a case of envclgllng out-of-town glovemen Into the ring with him. Leonard polished off McAndrews In 'won derful order and proved conclusively what a phenomenal workman he really is with tho gloves. The man from Manayunk gave Benny the best and hardest flght he has had In this city, and not until after McAn drews had made Leonard extend himself to hli utmost was Eddie laid low. Leonard on Jump McAndrews ws knocked out as cold as n doornail, as t were. For tho first tour rounds Leonard was kept pretty well on the jump eluding fiddle's vicious pokes, some of which landed on Benny's body and head. None of the punches, though, affected the othamltr, as ho took them while going away or after partially blocking them. Neither had any advantage when Leonard and McAndys stepped up for the fifth frame, but when the visitor from the big town assumed aggressiveness it whb appar ent that the match was all but oyer. He backed McAndrews against the roues and dealt out a series of punches with right and left that would have felled a less rugged and game fighter. Eddie didn't hold on or run away. He tried hard to give as much aa he received, but Benny ducked, was In and out, and made McAndrew's fierce lunges cut the atmosphere. During the mlx-up Leonard and Mc Andrews fought across toward the letter's corner, and, measuring a straight right hand punch, Benny crossed Eddie on the Jaw with a mighty wallop. The local en try reeled, spread his legs, but was unable to keep his equilibrium, and dropped to (he floor. McAndrews Is dame Bobby Caloun .counted nine. McAndrews gained hl feet. He was weak. It wasn't n.ofnarv for Leonard to finish his re markable performance with tho two pile' ai..i a.f. thnt aant' nTn s nrl rsaWsl liQtr. PHLLIES FINISH ', WITH THE GIANTS THIS AFTERNOON Eppa Rixey Scheduled to Do Hurling for the Champs at Polo Grounds By CHANDLER D. HICIITER NEW YOUK. Sept. 11. With the playing of the final contest of the series with Mc Oraw's maulers this afternoon, the rhlllles will wnd up their road trip and will leave for Philadelphia, where they will open a large stand on their own grounds against all'of the western teams. While Uvs Olants have made a clean sweep thus far of the series with the pennant-aspiring Phillies, neither Manager Moran nor any of the plnycrs ercn the least discouraged by the thrco defeats nero anu tne loss 01 ma n. All are sure they wilt win tho final battle of the series today and then return to their own ball field, where they will regain the lead and keep It until tho end of the sea son. Eppa Itlxey has been returned a winner In twehe of his last thirteen starts and he will endeavor to contlnuo this winning streak nt tho cxpenso of tho Olants. Ho has had a long rest and should be able to get away with n victory with his port-side slants. Opposed to him will be another southpaw, Itube Benton, olao worked In a double-header against the Dodgers, but who did not fare so well as Perrltt. rprrltt has shown effectiveness In all of his last five starts, and Manager McOraw Is almost certain that ho will bo able to take the last game of the series and make n clean-up, thus duplicating tho dose ad ministered by the Phillies to tho Olants. Just before the latter went West That blow deprived tho Olants of all chanco of the pennant, and now tho New Yorkers want to give the Phils a taste of the same tnriif-ln. In all of the games here tho Phillies have not displayed any of their vaunted prowess with the wHIow. They havo faced somo of tho finest pitching Been during the fcntlro season and were lucky to escape a shut-out In all thrco of tho en counters. Lew McCarty, the hard-hitting backstop, will be behind tho bat for the McOraw out fit, whllo tho old reliable Bill Kllllfor will do tho receiving for Big Eppa. AT.T, HAIL. THE CONQUEROR! NEW GOLF CZAR KILLS FABLE IN AMERICAN LINKS ANNALS rTrilEIlE Is no need to mention hi name, JLIt's about as long - Today he stands haughty Pr. y' all he surveys In tho realm of AmerlcM golf, his newly won and h'ghly sparkUng crown as amateur champion WhT" Ishly on his youthful brow, his other crown dangling from his belt, his purple mantle thrown bark from the medals on his breast, his putting sceptre in his hand. In the finals at Merlon Saturday this carefree Utile conqueror accomplished what no other .AmerKan Ker ""'-" '" ,, do win the amateur and the open golf cStonshlp of the United Bute In the same short twelvemonth span. He proved .1... .. . nn nnlv tho greatest "medal n. SANDY McNIBLICK way the crowa leu mm 11 migm well fc I proua 01 ing nun. in im uuutiur wmen nw produced two suoh splendid represeMetlVei tp battle for Its highest glory. 1 Estimates on the size of the r!ttrr varied, as usual. There ts one safe bet. i2 that Is that Its llko will not be seen In tu. city for some time unless schemes lint, (001 anu sccrck uuubui imimiuiisa, Tha automobile tags given out In il. parking space numbered up to nearly Uto according to one statement. ' Nearly all came laden right up to the ! back wrel, and It Is safe 10 say that fro Runs Scored by Majors for Week RUNS scored by all teams in American and Notional LcoRues from Monday, September 4, to Sun day, September 10, inclusive. Only runs that figure in official averages are included. Scores of incomplete games arc not counted, but tho scores of games of five, innings or more arc included in tho tablo: AMEBICWN I.EAODE SI. 1KW. T. K. 8. 8. Tin. Detroit IS 4 S 3 It J Iceland IS 8 3 t 4 0j4 llo.ton ., 10 0 808 1 8t. Lonla' S 3 6 0 8 6 S5 t'hlcano , 15 2 5 i-?J Nrwlork 8 0 4 t 8 19 Ma.hlnston 8 2 1 O 8 1 Athletlra 10 8 0 8 1 IS NATIONAL LEAGUE M. T. W. T. F. S. 8.T1. New York 10 8 106 M lMtUburlh 8 0 8 O g SI thleufo 11 4 n 1 9 ltroik"n . . 4 S S 1 10 8 28 Clnrlnnatl 10 3 1 0 7 2J fhllllea 1 4631 86 Ht. Louis O 8 B 4 J 16 Ilonton .......... 6 2 2 2 0 It Did not plor. player In amateur ranks by "Inning the open title when ho onco before had been runner-up for It Now he has stunned thousands upon thousands of golf fanatics .11 ..... ik. r-nnntrv for admiration at nis prowess at match play. Shows His Jlcdal It Is no light task to go over the thirty-six-hole route with any go ter. and his dally grind for a week egalnst the very royal family Itself, despite the jinx that was commonly supposed to hover over his match-play efforts, shows what Is the mottle of this new ruler. The two proudest honors of American golf rest well on the brow of this young links titan. He will keep them both a year before he must bo their lone defender against the hundreds of lights who would wrest them from him. .!, Whether there Is any one good enough to tako them away from him, now that ho has won them, remains to be seen. He showed a peculiar sircan in mo hw nt Morion. Scorning to show again for the morbid watchers his outrageous putting schemes of the early week, this little gray- .i .v.. nuhm n was rolllnir them up from all sides of tho greens, hard on the Ho missed them many times f rom Mara thon runs and made Gardner's heart turn right over In Its socket by the close, shaves ho had from bottling out his long ones. Notorious os a three-putts greensman. the new ciar of the links took soldom more than two. nnd as often only one He used a' tourney blackened aluminum mallet putter, and swung It with the firm est of pendulum strokes with nil the con fldence in the world that It would find the basket at tho end of the line. that a lot of welterweights will have t do some tall hustling to beat htm. Williams vs. O'Donnell Kid Williams's mix with K. O. Joe O'Donnell nt the Olympia tonight will bo tho bantam champion's first appearance in this city for more than a year and his second meeting with the Oloucester caveman. The tltlehnlder apparently Is boxing In great form again, and It Is prob able O'Donnell will be on the receiving end of a majority of the punches. ' O'Donnell has conditioned himself faith fully for this tilt HI trainer, Joe Blum, has boxed with him' dally, and while the consensus of opinion favors a knockout vic tory for the champion, both Joe boys are confident that the dope wilt be crossed. When Williams, beat O'Donnell In four rounds In their first muss Joe was only green In the ring. Now he has Improved greatly, and It remains to be seen whether he can make Williams step high for 18 min ute. A bout that looks like the best on the Olympla's program is scheduled tor one of the prelims between Johnny Mealy and Wil lie Jones. The latter has appeared here be fore. Ha knows nothing about boxing, but his bulldog battling makes matters Inter esting for the spectators and his opponent even more. f Kid Williams hap anottitr, match on for this week. ffrWar, ptibt ha will box in liurtato viilKjaeq in ajivk ,amnii in h VHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY p. NATIONAL LKAQUE Clnb. Won. Lojt. Tct nmokirn 77 ni mime j? lloatan U A- burgh . fn . . . . . n,tf ......... AS nnatl OS i n 91 ns 77 St m $iW?& .n .600 .415 .1?0 ,893 Nw ritufc Clncli AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. Lout, rrl. Win. Io. ,,ton ., ti .7t .88 .675 I.l. '.. it Rft -Bflfl -nsu .lie Chicago 10 89 .80S .8(6 .689 it lorn it "i ."2 iii in AlWrtlca. .......... 30 10J .XS6 , Not acheduted. I TODAY'S SCHEDULE NATIONAL LUAOUE GAMES. PhUllri at Nw Vork-rlMr, llrookly Trtirht nrr the Bat Tho bets were lata that the match would be decided on the greens, and so It was. But In an entirely different way than the dopesters had figured. For the double champion, as Is. tinned a beauteous fifteen, footer on the very first hole of the thlrty-slx-bolo grind, over many parapets and un dulatlons of small propouions. Gardner watched It drop and heard the klup-klup without batting an eyo, but what must have been his thoughts? He had figured If ho reached the green In tho eame number of strokes as did the "little feller" he woum nave oeiier mm u c en-Stephen chance to extract the -winning number from the can. The shoe was on the other foot", for he soon found that his own brass-soled wooden mallet was falter ing badly, and he was always. In hot water till he had his pill safely in tho yawning goal. Tho new-found tltlewlnner showed a game throughout that was worthy of the honors he won. He made some mistakes, which was only natural under the strain nnd under thn handicap of the unwieldy gallery, always crowding, talking, running from shot to shot. But he always Beemed to have the edge and wagers starting tho morning round even' up soon began to sag down to him, under the Weight of his br.lllance. Gardner ehared the sentiment of tne multitude. "I'd like to see him win out," said one veteran In the gathering. "He's a nice roller and he plays a nice game. I don't see why each of 'em can't have his own title and be satlsned." Gardner showed splendid sportsmanship at all times, superb courage, and In every betweon fire and six thousand fans toek the rubber-tire route to the arena, Thk number was almost doubled by the feu arriving by car line anu railroad. The?. was also a gooaiy numoer arriving . , ... t.-l .ntftwanfiv !... h. -r- . Henry tl ....- -v.,.w, vj IftUT ho and by pedal express. ' H It was hard to count tho mob that ooatej tho hillsides. One count we made reachel ' 107, but went all to ssjiash after Chick holed one out from the edge of the gren. ana mo gainering uidm in a wua Dedlus I to pack around the next green. , Former American Champion "Blip 5 Fownes, one of the gathering to follow ti matches, said that It was larger by tho. ' sands than tho gallery at the finals laJ ; year at Detroit And this seemed to be tat general erdlct. We placed the count tt ' 10,000. Any one can raise it, or drop oh we will not be alarrrjod. 1 Chick Evans, a golf player from Chirac. Is playing today at Pine Valley, reart k. ' experts as one of the best golf courses is 1 this country, if not in any other. Evans la "1 BlVllllfc IUH IMUIOV ill? up uuu uown. JIICIIAILOFF, RUSSIAN GIANT, TO MEET HEVONPAA AT CAMBRIA Gnrdinl Wrestles Lo Collosso on Samej liara aaiuraay jNignt Ivan Mlchalloff, the Russian Cossack, anj Sulo Hevonpaa, the Finnish heavyweight i and Itenato Oardlnl, the Italian chamnlon and Plearrd Le Collosso, the Frenchrna,,l will be Manager de Bouvler's card nf wrestlers at the Cambria A, C, Frankfori! night. Mlchalloff has performed well lately and he Is considered a contender for tke title. Ills greatest performance was In m. match with Joe Stecher in Kansas city J ootuiui .l""nia uftu. AiwiiuilUIL gave lflr Nebraska Cyclone a terrlflo battle for thirty i two minutes before he was forced to iu. ' cumb to Stecher's terrlflo le lock, with ' which Stecher woij nearly all ha mat to- lUllCi Ironklvn At UOILOD Citar. ..T.Tr-- -r- - -, ' --- unir mes) oour AMEUICAN MCAOUK GAMES. Detroit at Clavaland clear. Only iatl today. OAMES. Newark at nirhmond (two same) -clear. .lunula nt Itocuritrr (two ramea clear. -imawaH-BaanKa-n fSl -3f TH onnoaed Thl. hoi knocked out Younr aadman n t len.rminrf tvitit Tola, bout wji arrtnetj after the- champion 1 iutnao in liulTalo. When nobby Calhoun tcava Eddlo McAndrews and llenny Ionard Inatructlona nrvtn.iN in their set-to at tha National Saturday ntsht It waa hl flrat appearance aa a ri'fore for about sixteen montha. Ilouert. Ho atappfd around as un in Doierainemaeivea ape It waa apparent that he baa loet none o( ha agility aa a refarae. , ' " aa a referee. The lame enow which waa poatponed at the ifS"" driving blows that sentv MoAndrew hack- ward, dropping un uniui wi ma ncuu resting on the bottom rope and his arms outstretched. Eddie didn't stir a limb as Calhoun finished the regulated, toll. McAndrews w completely knocked out Whit the big crowd gave Iousrd a rous ing ovation, It atsp felt fpr McAndrews. Ed die had given the spectators a great run for their money, and while the victor was handed rnost of the applause, the defeated OHQ WP Vfc C""l' a,w.aj- Charley Also "NY'ps Charley, another ueonara ooy, aiso wop by a technical knockout, when Iteferee Mo aulgan stopped his set-to with Willie Han non In the third round. Hannon was out clesaed from U)9 oupwt. but he was o, poor match for Leonard, as the letter, Instead of being jsp-pounder, looked even bigger than hi brother Benny. I,ocl fan saw Harry ReUel, a new New York time. nf hta result that Joe Weleh. his ppponent, won a csieap-cut victory, SelgeJ was too anxious to wake gd o hls,flrt trip here. He was wild," wore or le mostly more and mUsed blow tbaj looked lke haYmeker. yeieh feunht a. greaj battle, and be proved 1, , 1 1- ... 1 Weat I'ft uaelphlawaen ntton aportlor Club wllf.ba "alaaed Friday nlht, with Owrtli Neither boyliaa broken tralnlns. .A lam crowd lacKiiurn an wnriwn in ipa wind-up. r ppy nua pru.cn ir.ininc. A. larsa CTOWC n band, to aea the ahow laat week, bul throuin a miaunaeratanaine it waa iiectiaary to bold tba bouta over a week. The Etxkino I-xueii anorta department has efetttt tsr Yoyn Jack o"Urtp. bll?d.Ml.nrctw;i nifht Hart haa a INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Toronto st Montreal j-leor. l'rovldenca at llaltlmoro clear. DUBBOROW SETS RECORD Charles Durborow established another record yesterday when he finished one of the hardest swims of his career, covering 4 J 6 Vi -mile course In tho Delaware River In 1 hours 20 minutes. Samuel RlohardSr another noted long-distance rotator, was unable to come any where near this distance for the eame time. After Richards was Immersed for 13 hour and SO minutes the distance he covered was 33 VI miles, which Is 3U miles less than that covered by Durborow. Durboow broke his pwn mark, which was Jltt miles In 13 hours and 40 minutes. RYAN'S OYSTERS lyiaurlce Covea, West ern Snore, Oak Islepd and Genuine Fire Island Blue Point. --V " Terry McOowra. the oratwb will meet a cievar opponent tha Tlvan A. corklnr rood c tomorrow nlr left hand, licuovern la !l fan saw arry Heisei, a new ew K, 0. phenpm. In action for the first but Mr. Slgel prpbably lost control s 'sleep slam on his trip over with the puncher, but no win nave to get to cinae auar- Morris Wel I tb aerej. tirt Horn va Charley O'Leary'a . claim .to of the llshi who iry'a claim to tnt Canadian Itahtwelrht chamclonahip. no saya, no hold the belt fpr the tine, .will be aeen In action here tma (all. lie liaa been, in trsioln sad ready tar soy .iwciffnia. FALL OPENING VmHsaaW .sst 1 lsesa B wA sas-.aW .atBSE .. . M iSSBBJ ee kaff I .a -M OrtDCR- aiso IJslJel' t .aafa'a --&-, AttMMIKT rOftH M6HOA.Y tf SATUBeAV tVNINflS ims) it;-.ri iema.K.i RACING AT Havre 0e Grace Tuesday, September 12th to Saturday, September 30th Seven Races Each Day Special Bare Trains direct to courtel renna. K. K. leere Hrpad fit. l.UM p. m.. Weat lblls. J:M. B. O. leare Xttb A Cbeatout gte., lilts p,'m. AdmUiton, Grand Stand and Pad 'dock, SJ.60, Udiei, $1.00 fir4 Race at 2:3Q Pf M- I lz. i.ne Deat vo iia.vo rcccivcu a MB- In thirty years. Received I sjsjsja lncarioaas aireci irom tno r , H beds. Fresh dally. IT BBaeaeal 1 a-a bUsbH MallTiaur I Rvan rLirt"e k9 Wholesale Only Wmm tt&k Front & Dock Sts. W&!& 11 W sjJjeaSgAlst I r Irom the &yaaBWH I JSapitwy Huipidor by al( dealers OAYOh linos., t1t)ifa'ctuM:rs Pick Your! Suiting Now TIjis -season put the kibosh " on readymade as you've al ' ways promised yourself yo would. But, remember you'll want the suit in a couple of weeks, so we ought to be measur ing you right now, cutting the cloth and getting along with the'taiior work. If you wish samples to show the folks at home, just say the word. For $20 we will give you all any man wants in fabrics, linings, tripiming and tailor work. Or, we'll build you the suit at $16, $18.50 or up to $35. The $20's are crackerjacks, though! Styl Book and Sampler on Rquti Newcorn & Gre Merchant Taitas '1032 Market Street Open Monday and Saturday Evenlnf CAMBRIA A. C- niWTJUiA !Mfii,iw'' WRESTL Ivan'Michniloff vs. Sulo Hcvoni Huaalan Coeeaek C ban) plan, of ) rrisrfes. n-wftwah Itenato Gardlnl P. LeCelloMO otcT Italian Champion World'a Meojliy . , V elaht uil lbs. M'r'etler Sat Upy Mk & IK". 6t, ff. et Beat, fl SUITS TO ORDER S Our 7 Keduced from H.- iv; j,. SB1 aaa-xn .j ... -,. .,-,-, -.-awv -r--.. Att, riu ISSSBpnOar. PETER MORAN & CO ? oWv u vK h. v. rntt atu a wh ivnu utb !."' .t. r ' rTr. ... a T:. w.e y., w. e. finmihMC HVeWN9. 8T. 1. If" OLYMPIA A. A. Baitf ., Tonla-he. at S;SO Sharp' ' innir. uijini.in ti, l i.k TOMMY BUCK vs. LAKI KETCfl ,iuiva TOANKIR "v?V TOMMY BUCK a. LAKKX HAS Kid WllUams vs. IC O. O'Donn Aim.. Se. Hal. Bea. 00c. 15c. Arena Be. ?M x nr. uaai rSftViW IMP i , K. EVENING PLEDGER MQVIES YESr 10C0, GO AHEAD AND SLIP TJ$ A LITTLE MASSAGE), TQp THAT rtaicnDa i-i - - - Af V. a yup saBsrn vmi .vuAUfc r & SiVsw J --v ,tiuoRK., YoUrtiSgUFf JZ,vly f " & ... v JT I. A .L H T & ?r & H mmmAmmmmmmmmmmkmmi M ,Wm i ' i WPmsjsuselii intW -.i in- J",-1""' ut t'tieep's Yo", (r THAT'S1 ) THJf CjB 1 "T!P su- ij. Jsji "-9Hesssai GO. powNToyyyj Toot- CHC5T NV ( CrKT A CTCK. nrri A $QOp 1 A"a - -W w t , , TT'-'-VI ere MH mssswvtm HAT DOES A CATC HI , J)0WHEN HE N'EEDS- shavk ? HE.' WEAr t$ AAW THAT WIUL TAE CAI BFH afFACir! TAKf HAlfCpppHICN AY )T WAST 1,60.