'V EVENING LEDGEK-PHILADBLPHIA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 191ft V;W mtg FINANCIAL NEWS mr POMMON. R"RADTNfi A7m tvta vrv IJJ VW"'""-1) " ' fc-jL Af.l.XJJL'l A, OTiUiiJK lbpuiiis Jin iNjJiw HIGH MARKS ck Market Ignores Unfavorable Crop Report Most of Strength in General List Due to Public Buying, Orders Coming Prom New Quarters TT!I. Dntnlo in Tnrlrtn'a PJnnnntnl Ar. xr.in iofc MCOrrfs'esfafcJwifd 6 Reading, United State ?,,f Mm- iU teveral other issues tn Wall street, with active trading. Wheat weak ZU. while cotton was strong. Moderate activity in foreign exchange. "Smm rates unchanged. New York bank statement showed increase in Etrege and actual loans and a decrease tn average and actual reserves. SS clearings throughout country for week smaller than last week, but '55 ".! M-ln$TZlBP&2&. te?"di?.f "e V arrived UNtw lorn jrvm isuimuu. . ..-v..y.o wubcv aeciarra extra dtt'idend J per cent on common. Pncc o tar if vcr higher in New York and London. NEW YORK, Sept. J. The week wound up with the display of strength that carried many Btocks fa to new high recorus, wnue oun.ru mio naa oecn in tne low rut for years r st the mgnesi ih. iuu..... ... .-.. p.. United Btaieo dicu ............. .--w..-. ... .... ,u vllu ul 0 nays session, rlfti a ealn 0l rM ovor ,lB Pilous nign record, mado on Wednesday. Jinr was In urgent demand, with buying coming frm Important banking- In. -! here ond reflecting accumulation and additions to previous accumulations. Another new lilgh record was mado by this stock at U2Vi and new high u wero also mado In Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies, Inspiration Copper and lumber of other issues. International Paper, which rose more than 3 points, i si SI, It" "P P"co Ior ' ul "" ' "" never soiu since until today. ' invanc'8 of 1 to s points In tho general list wero numerous, with the brokers risf tu more buying orders at flxed prices than they could execute, and the; Ion prevailed inai mo auppiy irera realizing sales since tho resumption of m oh Tuesday has been complololy absorbed. Hears complained that the market Igflored tho unfavorable crop report and ,kw o'f the traders made a demonstration against St. Paul, which they offered i to 92. omi u quicKiy recovereu uns toss on me next rew transactions, rtran femeltlng was ono of the strongest features on the floor, and strength i that Stock, Mexican Petroleum and Orcene-Cananca was regarded as Indicating oMence In the new conditions Doing esiaousnea in Mexico and In the creation of ftaony between Mexico ana mo unuea mates. Most of tho strength in tho general list was due wholly to publlo buying, ttsdmand coming not only from tho Wall street district and sections in close Wh wlth Wal1 8treet' but from ent,rc,y ncw quarters. One Important factor Sjtfwred to In this connection Is that Cuban and South American fortunes have jgught new blood lnto-the Street. -.J Extra Dividend of 2 for Reynolds Tobacco Company WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, Sept. 9. The R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company has Sectored the regular quarterly dividend of 1 per cent on tho preferred stock tad the regular quarterly dividend of 3 per cent on the common, together with an ikra of 2 per cent, all payablo October 1 to stock of record September 20. $2,800,000 in French Gold Arrives in New York NEW YORK, Sept. IB. French gold Coin valued at $2,800,000, received from nfcMiJa, was deposited this morning In tho Assay, Ofllce to tho -credit of J. P. 6rgan & Co. New York Stock Sales Net High. Low. Clo, ejiga. Am Hide and I... ton oh lVfc H do pref so sin se ' Am Icp ,. so iy, jo M Am Unseed t",i it it i do pref so SO BO lVt Am locomotive.. 1 ti 7H Am Smelting ,...103 loV4 ion -ft Am 8tel IMy ... SO S BO W Am Tel and Tel..l8Ji, iss iss Am Tob pref ,...losvi losH, losi W Am Woolen 40 46H 4fl do prep 91H 0JV4 ' Am Writ Pan nref 94 aim S4 Va Aincr imo ...... 40H do pref I Anaconda Copptr.. H Alaska Gold Mines 14 AUHka Juneau .. 7 Allts Chalmers ... tSH do pref 10V4 Am Ait Chrm.... 1yt Am II Sugar .... DIU Am Can t. Am Car and Kdy. esix. Am Coal Prod .1S1 1S1 Aicnison 104 At Coast Line ...IIS At Quit & W I... St 0H S3 400 oett S 74T4 11 1 tSH H 70 0 s 40 tyt is -fsw sH v 14 M, 7, ai Vi 7BH 70i4 M. 01 64V. M 0H 151 1VA 10JH 10S lis lis H ltt Mi M SS. lVi s H 400 t 70 1J4 176 177 94 S0H SOU 1 79 00V4 t 400 68 09 1 fcOTTON PRICES RISE r ON GOOD PURCHASES Room 'iraaers any, iuukuik rTone Steady Hedge Selling by Spot Houses Decreases COTTON BELT WEAT1IEB CONDITIONS vvw vnnK. snt. 9. Ralna were re i tmU4 la (he rentnl and )ioutlitrttrn por- l Un ef the ration belt mm marnins. Arddf UtTlUe, 04 NanhTttlf. Mrmphle and OUabuu Cltr, 681 Knorrille, CbKttanooia. SHhTw, VltViburs. Baielfh. 70i tlerjd. u. 1 ni. hai.aiinA and Atlanta. 72i Mobile I1 MentrMi7, l. AMK Wllmlncton and Aucumo, 74) tbna. tanina OhrUtl. TlKmatTllle. ana 1 rjw f 1 H.n Antnnln. hlirevi '-" -".;--'..-. .i. Ckarintn. 78i l'eneatola and JaekOD. ' , Mi Tampa, 8aannali and Ualveswn, -tieir Orleann, St. . . ,,.., . JMtn WO .01 into 01 prrnpiMiiMM. nms. ,03 men aj 1 mniaoyo. u. p .1 Little Roek. .06 Inrh ot KnoUle. Iw at Balelih. .IB loeh at SaTannah, lofi at bhrereport and AjheTllle. .4 t Jntkonrllle. 1.4 Indies at rolettlue 1.71 Intbee at Tampa. , 1' new vnnif. Rent. 9 Rood nurchasea by ihm traders caused a steady tone on the Msvmma cxcnaiine iiua inurmiiB, hm ...v L IfeleM were 1 to 8 points net higher. There nt some Hedge selling ty spot nouses, oui t wti much smaller than recently. .Uptown Interests also sold and some MUatlon was noted. Commission ana ifill itreet houses purchased. ..The Liverpool market was closed and. K ironi a small sale of December, fc.ng j. Interests ("it nothing. be' advance to IS. SO for January attrac- realltlnc and there were reactions of I or I points from the best after 11 o'clock. telllne. however, was far from oggrcs 1 and tb market became comparatively rOAtlet on the setback, with the undertone ay. Spinners were credited with having Mitt condderablv here this mornlna: to f-Jk. prices. Tb receipts of cotton at the ports fo 1 aay were estimated at 26,000 bales. BMred with 2n D0K linlon last week. JW,1I) bales last year and 7107 bales In ' Tri'daya Clon. Open. 10.14 .. IBJO .. 1B.XS .. 1S.B-2 .. 15.70 15.60 5.D0 18.12 1B.J7 1S.SU 18.02 18.75 1B.7S High 18.27 13.43 10.81 15.67 5.S2 18.67 Low. 14. 9.1 18.13 15.21 10.31) 15.1)0 18.67 Cloee, U.A 15.18 15.24 18.81) 1 8. IIO 18.67 is.oo ,ty Cotton. Buyers and Sellers Si-NEW TORK. Sept. , October nieien- w. ocniii ana Orvls bought ; ueran, Mc nr.. S-Slev and WlUnn inM. Member McKadden, Bartlett, KelfTer, L Hubbard, Shearson and Waters bought J Ur. R. Hubbard, McEnany, Wilson, Mar- ioyce, Hopkins and Watklns sold. aury Oifford. Orvls. Cardoia, C. . waters and w. Oumoens bought ; HMteln. Kalffer. nntvnn Tt lliilihnrrl V, Rountree and H. Hubbard sold. ' swrchTNewman' pardosa. nosenberg, hS" nd Wenman bought s Ilooklns. Mar. Dd Lowensteln sold. WllIlach bought J Smith and Hents JJyOrvls, Parrott. ilenti. Hartoorn and vougnti iioyce sold. f'--Wrtcorn and Fllnn bought ; Downs tnun sota. SWW YORK DUTTER AND EQGS " tab. ?, . 8epL- BUTTEIl Hoeelptf. kSr ssas, pr,c" w'" mrnulue1- iT...;c,,'!f 'I0 eases. Firm in all i,.5r'"? sstbsred. Lower vrsdes Ulily sua storsse Strom, Quotations un- HVE STOCK QUOTATIONS lMiiim iSrJf A.IJU?. "'-I tPI. W.IIIXI8 ll0Vcnb,r;- j.Mn.5i VoSd bfayy, tUTi? 11 Bcelptt, 000. Market slow and Will to?v:fA-l""l-0' fowaind bilffrs. "n u:WYrUma"iiWiTsh. " itoot UH,..t ci ri . , . ; ft s-irm on ivcrpuui Km iSEySh Su SPol wle wa m r VHLN " rfr.,rJ"'tf-ttd - lLkfLf' JtorhernManltoba. ISs Jd i fo. Al. V "MhaJHtd ,VM American OUOtsd lfla IUd and llnl .1 Flour wa umhansed.at Ca. , DnkaH ..". . : ' TMW'"1 Ihla mnrnliuf tkal lb. Iln'i4.1 J rpor.tlon Purch-apf tba (KT Th MI W,U I"""4 " to bjuJl. tKa aa - - L th. ?. u' t kisuuMl ukut a Li l- ' ilit: -,.-- WHEAT GETS WEAK ON SELLING ORDERS Buying on Decline Is Sufficient to Bring About Partial Reaction From Bottom CHAIN rtEI.T WKATHEB FORECAST CHICAGO, Sent. 0. The weather forecast for SS bourn follows! Illinois Fair tonlsht, wanner west) Pan day, unsettled, with shoners north and central. Missouri rartlr cloudr. Drobablr show ers northwest tonlsht and north and west tomorrow! cooler Ntindar. Wisconsin I'nsettled tonlcht and tomor row, probably shower! warmer east to night! cooler, soul burnt tomorrow, .Minnesota 1'robablr showers tonight and tomorrow! cooler west tonight, and west und south ttundar. Ion a Unsettled! showers tonight or to morrow. Iowa Unsettled, showers tonight or to morrow, warmer east and central and cooler extreme west tonight! cooler Htmdar. North Dakota Hhowera and cooler to night! tomorrow, partly cloudy. Mouth Dakota and Nebraska Unsettled tonight and Sunday, probably ahowers, cooler. Kansas Unsettled, with showers tonight1 it tomorrow! cooler Sunday and west and north central tonight. CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Selling orders that accumulated over night weakened the wheat' market this morning. The Govern ment report was so closely In line with fore casts that the trade fljured It had been discounted for the time being and the technical position was considered softer. Tho political situation abroad checked bull ish enthusiasm. There was sufficient buying; on the de cline to bring: about a -partial reaction from the bottom. September opened at J1.54 to $1.53 H. against J1.S494 at the close yesterday; December ranged from 11.65 U to fl.Gili at the outset compared wlthtl.SBU, yesterday's last price; May started at S1.57U to el.E55i, against I1.G7H at the end yesterday. Leading futures, ranged as follows: Wheat open. Sept. . uee. , 1.84 l.BBU Yes'day's Close. close. 1.5SH Mar... 1.B7U 1.5 Corn (new de nepi... Deo.... Mar. . . Oats Sept... Dec..., Mar,. Jjra Sept... 14.20 Oct.... 14.23 Dec.... 18.011 Hlbs Sept... 14.48 Oct.... 14.10 Jan.... 1S.00 Pork ReDt... 27.58 Oct.... 20.08 2 Deo .... , . . . IliJ. tAaked. wb. Iow.. DO l.AZ l.fl2& l.OIK 9U 1.084 1.88H 1.B8U 7H l.B4Vi M.04V4 1.67K nvery ntfTl 01,711 !? BO TSWJS 74C 74T 78 78; 78Ti 77W 7714 77 774i '788 40K 48Vi 4H t40 t"K 4UH 4Mi 48U 4SK t4UK Vi B7Vi SIS B1K 02H 14. BOH 14.20 14.30 U4.22 14.83 14.17 tl4.27 14.20 14.03 tlB.87 18.00 tlB.BT 14.47 t4.42 S14.40 14.43 14.12 14.06 14.10 tl-4.1T 12.00 12.80 12.80 12.87 27.70 . 27.B0 27.00 27.80 ' 6.80 28.80 20.75 t20.70 24.80 24.80 IKCKEAIBE OF 00,765 TONS IN STEEL UNFILLED ORDERS Total on August 31, 9,660,357 Tons. Far Above Year Ago NEW YORK, Sept. . The United States Bteel Corporation today reported unfilled orders of 9,610.357 tons 'as of August 81, and Increase of 8,785 tons as. compared with the end of July. vTha August 31 or ders are far above the same month of last year, when they were 4,908,455 tons. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAII BTOCKS, Jim Mutter Mac nid. AT i.K.m.M ......a............ t Midway ...,.......,.,.... , ,1s Mlipsh Extension .., ,,, ,20 J.1QIIIKII . North titer Tonopah Tonopah Mining Hssous Eula , ...i West End .,.,,.,.,.,,,.,,, .24 er ,..,,.,. ! ,,,, i,. .17 Dslmont 4K RiteDslon .., ,.,,'M Ml..lnir AC i2t , , (. t . A llahl. iilus Hull aOLDrinLD BTOpjCB. .08 .09 .02 Slooth . ,.,,...,, ,,,.. .12 liulldoa . ,.,,,,,,,,,, .01 COD. ,.,...,,.. ,.,l,,i , .03 rmhiri!lon fraction ..........'.. ,08 ,,.,,,,, ,0! ,,,.,,,, .w- Comblnatlon Kraetloii IJiaHUIl!UIJ, ,...........,,., ,-- Klorencs x"";.".'3i""" 'JJ OoiinJ C0BS0lld(Sd ,...,...,... ,78 Qoidneid Merger .,,,....,...,.... .07 Jumbo Bteoslon .... .40 Kewanas ,,.....' ...,,, ,iu Oro ,. .,,, ,,,..,,.,.,.-, .u HanJ Ken., , ." Sliver rick , ,,.,,., . Ul;mi.itAnmjuo, Arlsona United ..... .. . .0 .IS Dui Queen ., .iiiiminnii ." ,1H Nevada Hill ... ,,...... .M fievaS Wonder ,,,..., .0 J.Io Teoaga Ml"jjr ,,,,.., . .12 Ore hlwt" Prave jltl Activity MONTREAL. 4. . Tio Ws Iron or falueaoBta Ik Or! LakM km pkUR av. iuiSr M4tKy UK-airy. i"K TSSSS 121 do nref Baldwin Loco , Halt A Ohio .., Methlehem steel Ill-own Shoe . , Ilutte A KUDerlor. 71 California Petrol. tl Canadian Pacific,. 177 Central Leather., eov. Chandler Motor.. 110H 100Vi 110V4 U Ches ft Ohio 81H lVi OIH v;nio ureal w..., 12 Chic Mil & St V.. ,i Chic & North W..124 Cont Can to Chic It I & 1'ac... 17H Chill, Copper 30V Chlno Copper.... .,86 Col Fuel ft Iron... St IS oh Corn Products do pref. Crucible Steel. Cuban-Am Sugar. ,'t4S Cuban Cano Sugar 87 lien ft Rio Or pf . . ss Dlst'.llers' Secur... 45 Dome Mines 23 Krlo 374 do 1st pref S3 do 2d pref 43 Goodrich Co .... 72 Ot North pfd.. 11 SIM 114 SB NV4 10 58 40 14H 00 S3 244 67 31 45 15 37 81 43 70 lltt S3 II .H S6 10 to 50 B0 1 14 80 4 1 143 5 B7 fc 33 Ii 43 13 37 81 43 72 at Nor Ore ctfs. 42 110 110 110 Oren-Can Cop Oulf Stato Steel, do 2d pfd ... Ill Central .... Inspiration Con . Inter Harv Corp Interboro Con 51 81 88 101 63 78 16 do pfd 74 Inter Paper 'IBMi do pfd 80 30 B0 Bl 88 101 67 7B 16 74 IS 85 48 41 3- 50 1 81 li 88 101 67 Ik 78 1 18 74 17 3 85 43 1 48 FRENCH CHAMBER TO FACE PROBLEM OF NEW TAXATION Must Meet Deficit of 28 Billion Francs Caused by War t RIBOT'S PLAN UNKNOWN By YVES GUYOT Spe da Cable to the Evening l-tiger PAI11S. Sept. 9. When the Chamber of Deputies meets attain, on September 15, It will have four questions to consider: First, the vote of credits for the Inst quarter of the year: second, taxes; third, lean; fourth, renewal ot the charter of the Dank of France. Credits required for the last quarter year amount to 8,347,000,000 francs. - brlnnlnit the total for the year to franc. As taxes for the year brought In only 4,005,000.000 francs, this leaves a dec eit of 28,000,000.000 francs. In regard to new taxes, all nibot'a pro jects placed before the Chamber last spring were thrown out with the exception of the alcohol tax. What new plans he has have not yet been revealed. I have spoken In previous articles nbout the new loan. The habit has grown up In recent years to Impose new burdens on tho Dank of France every time Its charter Is renewed, but this time there seems to be a tendency to let It alone, and even to give It greater opportunities for expansion. The general tendency of the Bourse was slightly less firm this week, with consider able realisation on certain French stocks, prices of which went too high In the last rise. .111 111 112 1 .128 118 128 JI4 1 88 1 88 L tt Int Nickel 43 Int Mer Mar t c. 40 do pfd Kelly Spg Tire.. 83 83 83 Kenne Cop 88 51 63 1 Lackaw Steel ... 81 80 81 IVw Lee Itubber 48 47 48 Lehigh Valley ... 78 78 70 -4- Loumv & xasri Mackay Co 84 84 Max Motors 83 84 do 1st pref .... 80 85 do 2d pref .... 60 56 May Dept Store.. 61 61 Mexican Petrol ..112 111 Miami Copper ... 37 87 Missouri Pacific. . 3 3 National Biscuit.. 118 118 Nat Cloak ft Suit 78 78 Nat Enameling .. 26 13 Nevada Con .... 22 21 N.Y Air IJrake...lS6 136 136 N Y Central ,...101 104 104 Norfolk & West.. 110 110 120 1 Norttj Pacific ....100 100 100 Ont Silver 0 e 6 racinc Man 28 Penna H It IB6 Pressed Steel Car 63 Hallway Steel Spr 48 SO 01 37 3 118 70 1 26 1 21 Itay Cons Heading do 1st pref. . do 2d pref .. Itepubllc I & 3. do pref . . . . Shat. Copper .. Sears Rpebuck . oioss Biiemeja So Pac So 'Kwy fUudebakcr Tennessee Copper. Texas Co .s Tobacco Prod .... Union Dag & Pap. do pfd 27 68 8S 48 25 17 55 65 48 25 13 .112 111 111 .43 43 43 . 47 47 47 . 01 50 01 5 .113 113 113 . 30 80 30 .310 210 110 . 62 60 62 . 08 07 08 . 24 23 23 124 123 124 1 27 26 27 1 200 200 200 1 61 61 BI 10 8 8 BO 64 86 1 United Cigar Strs.102 102 102 united Fruit ....ioe ios 103 1 Union Pacific... 140 130 130 do pref ........ 80 80 80 U 8 C I P and F. 11 19 12 2 U S Undl Alcohol.115 lis 114 1 Un Rwy Inv 8 8 8 U S Hubber 68 57ft 58 U S Smelters .... 73 7 74 1 U S Steel 10 U0 103 3 do pref 118 116 118 ...'.. Utah Copper .... 87 86 87 "i Va Car Chem ... 43 41 48 1 Va Coal I and C. S4 63 S4 3 Wabash pref A . 48 48 48 do pref D 26 16 26 tt Western Union .. 06 08 U6, Westlnghouse El.. 61 61 61 -r-H West Maryland... 10 18 10 tt Willys-Overland . 47 46 47 2 do pref 108 104 104 Woolworth 138 188 138 -J- Total sales, 61S.70O shares, eompared with 370,600 shares last Holurdarj this week, 3,087. 600 shares) Isst v.rek. 2.831,700 shares. New York Bond Sales iiooo yooo iuoii lltKHI 1BOOU tx BOuo 18SU0 . SHOO m lies cuyq BoOO 1110 7. 'i . m ail 07ft Utah. Low, Close. Amir Asr deb Cs Anglo-Kr Bs Vi Am-f Vnrm He As.. Ill Amer Hmelt Sec &S..110 Amir jei eii is y lm Will Pan Bs.. H Armour Co 4Hs ,. 03' Atchison gen 4s 02 ao cv 4s ivaa in., Allan Co I. Ins 1st 4s.. 1111 Ualt Ohio SHs ... 02U BrMoV a:uu:iU llrookn Un Slv 1st 6s. lot Uan uovt os ivzi do ins luoVi mi li wK un; a a. 1S2H .In lUSl I ral timm A Klmc Bs I r-na1a Routh Bs ...1 I Cent Leath 1st SS...102K I Cent Par 1st 4s. , ...J; I Cent 1IHNJ Bs.,.,116 i Chill Copper 7s... ,.U'y i Ches (into cv 4Ha,. KS i Ches Ohio conv Bs. . H2K i Chi East II 4s.,.,. 94 Vj i Chi U Q lolnt 4s... B7 i Chi II 9 "jsv 4s.... uitf i Chi M 8t l rfd 4tts U2g C M l I cv us, . . I Chl M BPcvtHi i r M 1 HI P 4s 1023. 1 Chill J J? rfd 4s. . 7t R hi ft I A P Bs. BJK on Oss conv ns,,..128 , I Del Hud rid 4s.... OJH I Kris eonv 4s Bsr D.. 78 I Hud Mtn In Bs .. . 27'i I lock Vjl 4H JO i InterbMet 4 ..,,.. 73 I Inter tier Mar ct 4Hs 100 I do w 1 Bs .....,.,. 07J4 i .-. l-llv Tr 1st 4s.. 87tf s i '.-.-.-. ,, r a.a"- nlW ICaa Dlz-Ws p,v,.,!3i7 ,l( 1 I is 'Isy orlllard 0s ........ ,10l . lanbattsn Sis 4a .., MIH .trnntft I' B B I 4g 014 t K t T 1st 4, ,,,, 7u lo Pac cv ct 6s , ... 48J4 T u ii us . I1JTS do con 4s is do 4HS ..., O'.'S NY Ctlx 4Via 1000, .1033 do 4Us 1004 104H So 4Rs Nov 103T..1OOH KTOi W 1st 4s.,,, 78 fir7.1.Mjl .I." S7J4 Mor PJ n Js, Vi Psnna 4s lu18--.i,S?u .TisyeVftfKlMT. ,11118 lok 1034 m'A vii 110 l 04 .117 112 lustl 1"0 H ? lit 78 100 sj'4 AM m ilrff .Ins oron 4m &S T "K. :ii ' . !. or . a "H lf t wVi 4 ia f Aa Amr- H W t.a.... H4 kan Aft .Aran P lt i M t-mv r v fif as 8fl fit Rwr sea 4s,. . 70K Ro Bs 4 7S fiirf27.:':'i m 2V f-Tl'stVl'l-'if .sits,.,,. Tft&r&anAjttAftLi PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Sales in PMladclphia ... .High. I,ow, Close, thge. 10 Acme T pf t C .... S3 SB S3 I 100 Am Zinc. 40 40 40 -fty. IB Mrlll J O . 18 38 38 60 Col F ft Ir B0 811 80 1V4 140 Klec Stor. . 60 68 63 100 i:rle ..... 86 37 38 BS Ins CoNA 16 16 16 300 Int Paper. 17 27 17 3 15 Key T pf. 68 88 68 1310 Kenne Cop 81 Vi 63 83 -ft BI I.eli Nav.. 7S 75 73 H 40 I.eh Val.. 80 70 7 ISO Nev Cons. II It II 317 Penna It II 36 SO 36 10 Phl'm. Co.. 30 30 S 430 PUT tr cfs 10 20 10 ..,.. 100 Hep Ir & S (6 66 66 860 Heading. ..11! 112 III 10 So Ilwy... IS 23 23 100 Ton IleU. 4 47-16 4 10 Ton Mln . S 5 8 4- 16 Un 0 Imp 86 86 88 8500 U H Steel. 108 100 108 3 '1303 Cramp & S 83 84 88 U Total sstes. 14,634 shares, compared with 3700 shares Inst NotiirdnM this week, 6I.BIS shares Isst week. 41,003 shares. nONDrl Net High. 7.0W. Close, chge. 1300 Am O&K Gs 06 B3 S6 1000 1M i:icc 58107 107 107 8000 l,VCt!4 2001 . . 007. 1)0 00 S000 Ph Klec 4s 84 64 84 1100 do Ss ..104 104 104 1000 Read gn 4s SS 83 OS Decrease, -f-lncrease. Total sales, 318,000. compared with 86100 Isst fletiirriari this week, 816O,700 last week, 8331,030, Local Bid and Asked GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts. 78.784 bush. Eiport de mand was fair and prices were well sustained atHhe late advance, Quotstlons: Car lots. In si. port elevator lo, 2 red, spot. ll.fiifM.&V. No, 3 southern red, ll.OOMl.M: steamer No. 3 red, tl.4IIVl.B-.; No. 3 red. Jl.4fttfl.Ii:; rejected A, tl.4B01.4l! rejected It. II. 4301.40. COHN Itecelpts, 11.463 bush. The market ruled stsadr under moderate offerings, but trade was qulst. Quotstlons: Car lots tor locsl trade, as to location Western No. 2 yellow, U7tfUHc: do steamer yellow. OriODDc: do No. 8 yellow, PI VOSc: do No. 4 yellow, vlOD2c. CUTS Receipts. 13.407 Imsn. The market was dull and lower, with smple offerings. Quo tations: No. 2 white. M4Mo: standard white, B3tp33ijFi No. 3 white. B20n24c: No. 4 white, BOW WBlVici sample oats. 414 C48Hc. FlXJUIt Receipts. 1310 bbls, and 810.774 lbs. In sacks. Trade was alow, but mill limits were well maintained. Quotations, per 100 lbs. In wood Winter, clear. IU.l.NW0.ii: I do. straight. 1U.0O1M; do. patent. 707.Mii Kansas, clear, cotton sacks Jtl.7OC0.0Oi do, I -leal hi Mltnn ak tlnlAll! At. nil.nl. CntV ton sacks, S7.30W7.UOI spring, first clear, fil.73 VT.At no, patent. f.awo..o; ao. Sa.oii3TU3 cuy mill wr ci . mini 7; do. patent, IiW7.5ii rs tent. IS. Ml! winter, clear. favorite choice and fancy r city mills, regular grades .1B06.4U! do. straight. IV.AUtf livn FLOUR waa oulet but firm. We quote at IS.B0O7 per bbl. PROVISIONS The market ruled steady, but there was little trading Quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked and air dried. 28c: western beef. In en's, smoked. 28c: city beef, knuckl-a and tenders, smoked snd air dried, 20c: western beef, knuckles and ten ders, smoked. 29c: beef hsms. f:3(l; pnrk. family. I28.B0O20: hams. 8. P. cured, .loose, lH',i19c: do. skinned, loose. 10V4 20c: do, do. smoked, 20tt 021ot other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, lOHc: hams, smoked, western cured. lOHc: do, uoll-d. bone less. 34c: picnic shoulders. 8. P. cured, loose. 14c: do. smoked. 1BC: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose, 17Hc: breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city curd. 2!c: breakfast bicon, western cured, 21c: lard, western, re fined. In tierces, IBVic: 'o. do., do. In tubs. innc) laru, pure city. Briiiw rFiiuriw, in uritrs IBHc: do. do, do. In tuba, K,4c. REFINED SUGARS The market was quiet but steady. Refiners' list rlces: Kitra nne aranulated, il.20wn.2Be' powdered. 6.30VO.f.'ict nmfectlonsrs' A. d.lou 6.13c: soft grades, 3.4306.10c. DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER. Wholesale trsde. as usual on the last day of the week, was quiet, but supplies were smsll and values were steadily mstntjfneil. Quotations: Western, solid-packed creamery. tsnry specials. :iuc: exira, .MtTaac: eiira nrsis, 33V33Mc: tints. 82uS2Hc: seconds 3l81Hc: nesrliy prints, fancy. 87e: do. average extra. 830800! do, firsts, 33084c: seconds. 31032c: Jobblnx sales of fancy prints. 4r4Sc. BOOB. The limited offerlnca of tine fresh eggs were kept well clesned up at top prices. Following are the quotations: In free cases, nearby extra, S.'c per doi. : nearby firsts. li.lU per standard caso: nesrby current receipts, 10. AO per case: western, extrss 33c per doz.: western extra firsts, ID. 00 per esse: do, firsts. I0.8IIW0.IIU per case: fancy seircted candled fresh rugs were lobbing at 30041a per dot, CHEESE The market ruled firm under light offerings and a fair demand. Quotations; New York, full cream, fancy. 104c: specials, higher; do. do. lair td'aood, loHtflOc: do, part skims. 11017c. POULTRY LIVE Offerlnca were moderate but ample and the market waa quiet and without Important change. Quotations! Fowls, as to quality. 10H 21c; roosters, 14013c: sprlnf chickens, ac cording to quality, weighing 1 02 lbs. and oer apiece. 22&28c; spring- chickens, small slses. lstf21ci white Leghorns, according to tiusjuy, loof.ici qucks, as in size ana w iBOUc: pigeons, old. per pair. 25w2n young, per pair, 18d2Jc. DREHHEI The market ruled firm under light onerings anu a uur uemsna. wuoisiions: f rein Klliea. ary-pacgea lowis, i 10 box fancy apiece, welghli nuullty un. dry-packed fowls, 12 to box dry-picked. selected. 2aH c: do, weighing 4ft W.'i lbs. ;'3c: do, weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 23c; do, ng S lbs. apiece. 22c: do. welghln 8 lbs. snlr. (lUL'lc. Fowls, in hbls.. lCH-narlcsd. fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and llll tols, weighing 4G4B lbs. apiece, 2Vsct Southern Indiana and Illinois, wrlghlns 4Un lbs. apiece, 22c: smaller stzra. 11I&21C. Old roosters, dry picked, Hlo, Ilrtilllng chickens Illinois, large, 23V20CI do, Indiana, large, 24U2,'ic tlo, small sizes, 22V23c. ltrollers, Jorsey, fsney. k 82c. Ilroilcrs, other nearby, weighing lit 02 lbs. apiece, 28030c. Urollers, nearby, smsller sizes. MitP21c. J lucks, nenrby. spring. 21a Hqusbs per dozen White, weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per dozen. IS,7BU; do, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. par dozen. ll.K3wB.BUi do. weighing 8 lbs. per dozen. I4V4.83; do, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen. I3.30t8 73; do. weighing OOO's lbs. hi doten. 12 7,12.fi: dark. l2.304i2.S0l smalland No. 2. AOc0tl.23. i FRESH FRUITS Choirs stock met with fair sale and values generally ruled steady. Quotations; Apples, per uui, r,ruiwri-rii urrcninv, ivfl.0iii Jliusn, I30.T3U; Hmokehnuse. I2?B(3.25; Wealthy, i:.(3irj..d uueness, 9..n I 75, fair tu good, J.i.Yi'.i...,i ui-iirBB, d.iiv. m, isir iu guoa, 2O2.B0. Apples, Oelawar and MsrylHnd ier humper Fancy. IIO.25t fair lo itood. S37B lemons per Imx, IOC'7 Pineapples, per crate. curs, virKiiiiM, per carrier lelle, ltd 1,25. Hears, New bbl.. 13 ft 5. Orapes, Dsla. crate. 75000c, do. per 4-lb. per car. iiuuv lfnuins per .Hi, iuwi invaupira, ivr craie. Florida. II M2. Peaches. Vlrnlnla. per carrier Kioria. Iivi.xo: iseue, York, llartlett. per ware Concord Uer basket, BVlOc. Watermelons 9IHI. VEGETABLES The general, market waa dull and weak with fairly liberal offerings. Quotations; Whits po tatoes, Mr bbl. No, 1 Eastern Hhore, li.now IMDJ no, 2 Kasiern rinpre, ei.xowi.iiui no, i N'orfolk" I2.B0W2 78; No. 2 Norfolk. 11,230 1.3(1. While potatoes. Jersey, per basket- Huff St Bubo, t c ... do wref t e Rrlll J u Iisidwln .. ., , Klec Nterege ...... Uen Asp do pref ......... Ke stone Telephone do t c do prer ,sk Hup Corp l,hlgh Nsvigatlon lhlgh Valley .... l,eniKh Valley Trac do pref Penna l'nlla Kles l'hlla Cn da B per cent pr. ao per c-nt pr. Phils Rapid Transit Heading Tonopah llel ,... Tonopah Mln , Union Trao .. II () I tr H Ste-l Tork Itny do pfd Cramp t c Teaterday. Hid. Asked. Bl oz n7 SDH Today. Hid. Asked. . Bl 32 . 0 B7.. Oil . 311 . 8lH 8K . szh ea't ni-t vi , 3 u.11, UuV no . 211 8M 2)4 8U , . llll 70 nuts Wli , 13H 14 13S 14 . ISS 14 13S 14 . UK (10 OS.. HO., . 10J4 11 13H l3t . 73H 711 75k 70S . 70V4 7Bi 70,, 7U . 204 21 2(Vi - 2t VIA. AS 1'IU S3 f K Kil Kllti 284 2Vl 28H SV 311 39t 30 87 89 4UH 40 4(4 L'tl'. "II 211 B 11-10 BV IP .Iu onTi loo 13 14,, 87., S7H 82H 83 SI-IT. :: 2s , . . XII ... 37 ...4U t c Zll ...Uli 111 ...17-10 4h ... BH A, ... 44t 43 . ... 8S Hs'i ...1U3H 103't ... IS 14 ... 37., 37H ... 83H 80 CROP CONDITION LOWER; LEVEL OF PRICES HIGHER Cost on September 1 Increased 9.3 Over August WASIIINOTON, Sept. 9.-rThe composite conditions ot all crops In the United States la G.4 per cent below the ten-year average, and 11.9 below last year, the United States Durenu ot Crop estimates announced today. The level of prices (or tho principal crops September 1 was 21.9 per cent higher than a year ago, having Increased 9.3 per cent during August. I'rlces aro 18.6 per cent higher than the average of the last eight years on September 1. Tho Index figures of prices of meat ant main on-August IS was 19.4 per cent higher than a year ago. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Average and Actual' Loans Increase. Resorvcs Arc Smaller NEW YOnK. Sept. 9. The New York bank statement tin's week shows an In crease In nverage loans of 354,903,000 and $13,265,000 in the actual. Demand deposits Increased in the average statement and the net demand deposits decreased In the actual. The reserve was smaller In both cases. AVERAQR. l.oana Iiemand deimslta Time deposits . . . Reserve ACTUAL. Loan Net demand deposits Tim deposits Heserve Decree se. Increase. l34.mi3.onn 2O.M.0,0U 8,471,000 42.303 020 113. .:,. ooo lll.MKH.0tl0 1BH.00II 20.1128.0711 WEEK'S CLEARINGS SMALLER Considerably Above Corresponding Period of Last Year Bank clearings throughout tho country during the week, although smaller than last week, were far In excesi of those of the corresponding week of last year. The totst was l, OG9,OC0, 943. an ngalnst 34,920, 291,681 last week and $2,835,394,843 the corresponding week of 1915, Philadelphia's gain of 6.9 per cent over last year leads tho country. Details follow: New Tork..l,003.712,B30 $1,238,788,073 Doiton 7" 11B.B47.I1J etl.310.uiu Philadelphia 1B-I.UJM.42J lUO.j55.7fiI chic.o ::: s5j.'6irir -:u:um. Bt. L-.uls.. 70.348.11112 a-j,r,iii,NM New Ur.eans 23,41)2.013 14,IUH,81 Seven cities o asyu Other, cities .12.633.702.648 $1,748,083,077 4-61,8 i days... 600.014.418 482.070,241 24,5 Total all title" r, las..,!3 All cities 1 day 253,710 001 $2,230.1B0,'.,18 4-43.11 D.ROinilU'. flA till (I1 ilil , ,, PmiPIUiUO. TO.,..,U.U I".- . Tfor "week'.'M, 000,0(10.1143 $2,833,384,843 4-43 3 AnfftnBc. flweet 1,1.1 No. I. 1-J." unions. pnisloes, 3W2. rrnnsyivania, Kastern Shore. ill no. x. ll. sngj per hsmper B1U1.13- dn dn. per tlMI-lb. bag, l3.2302.Bi). NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOniC, Sept. . Tho market tor coffee future opened this morning at an advance of 2 to 4 points. Trading on the call was active, with sales amounting to 11,500 bags. September October ... November . Today's opening. TodiV Uecemher January ,, February March, April .... May ,.-.. June ,,.. July ..... August . . Wd. P'-$3?- i. V.4IVV.OU ! o!bbco.b7 . u.nn&o.n.i , . t. "IT WD. OS ,0.72 ,. .72(t0.7S Test. close. close, 8.40OS.31 8.5Ut;HE2 0.40f0.50 8,48Q.tC 0.410.42 844l8.45 0,42D,48 8.43A8.4U 0.4H'5-47 M.bSAS.SI V 40QU..VI H 84WS.B3 0,ri4.n3 M. Stiff!. llll B.H40II.81 N.nil8.7ll s:.3tS:H ?:!S,,T1 Sugar Futures Higher NEW YOJIK, , Sept. 9,Sugar futures opened With a steady undertone, 2 to 7 points higher. Sale .on the call totaled 150 tuna, On leading broker was a con sistent .buyer thought to be for account of European Interest., with Wall street veiling a little. October sold at 4.24c, December at 4.20o and March at MSo. Anothef Frtweh Loan Contemplated JTAKlal, 044, -Ln4rs P. Rlbpt Krinveh mtiUaditr of flnanoe, annuun4 that tit 4Hrirtiiliin oormultu ot Mm Oiusbr of Jseotttstai wtosstl lntroduaa a law an Ttsea day nest grMs$risl4r a mnt -irfiMl a. T .rqalrm4as tor tho lost quaJrUr c 11 in nJ8e4 aj ,$47,.lt traoaas, FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Sept. 9, The market for foreign exchange this morning wos only moderately active, the 'features Including further advances In French exchange, a low flgiiro for relchsmarks und Vienna kronen and a firmer tone In rubles. Sterling was unchanged at 4.75 tor demand and 4.75 7-16 for cables, sixty-day bills 4.71. ninety-day bills 4.6914; franc cables 6.87. checks 6.87 ; relchsmarks cables 69 6-16, checks 60 U; lira 0.4 li for cables, checks 6.42U; Swiss cables 5.31 W. checks 6.11 ; Vienna cables 12.00. checks 12.03 ; kroner 28.25 for cables, checks, 28.16 ; pesetas cables 20.22, checks 20,15: guilder cables 40Tt checks 40 11-16. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clenrlnsa tpdsy, compared with cor responding day fcyt tw rw.fa Philadelphia $411,212,103 $20,f,84,n2a $23,032,207 Itnston..,.. 82.03.iKa 28.27.VD0I -JO. .-.Ill, 101 New York . .4P0.V0M1U 888.572,413 183,213,001 RATES FOR MONEY MARKET FOR STEEL PRODUCTS IS STRONG Orders Refused Because of De liveries Cramps Advances on Local Exchange Strength and activity continue to rule In the market for steel products. Con sumers are purchasing large amounts where the sellers are willing to take the business, but refusals of orders by steel companies are still being made, due to the fact that the deliveries requested can not be given, the mills being booked for many months ahead. What Is probably the feature ot the situ ation Is the activity on the part of con cerns in this country that took war orders within the last few months. It In stated In the trade that these consumers are still looking for steel, not having covered their requirements: but the larger of theae war orders are said to be protected In one way or another, no thnt there will be no delay of shipments on the part of the contracting companies. On some products tho United States Steel Corporation and many of the Independent concerns are booked so far In advance thnt they are not willing to lake further orders. This situation reflects the large demand of recent months, and, ns some Interests point out, all the Inquires have not yet been taken care of. Some steel companies report a large In quiry for light rails, bars, shapes and bil lets. It Is stated that some export orders for light rails are available, while the other products are wanted for war muni tion purposes, both abroad and In this country. luteal Issues predominated In the trading on the Philadelphia Stock Exchnngo In the two-hour session today, but business was not on a large scale. On the turnover ot nearly 800 shares Cramp Shipbuilding moved up 3JI points to 85. Aso on previ ous occasions when the stock has been active and strong, there was no news to account for It. It Is known that the com pany's business Is large and compares very well with the previous year. Buying of the stock was good. Reading again lifted Its high mark, cross ing 112 In this market and reaching U2 In Ncw York. Ten shares of Acme Tea preferred changed hands at 95, off 1 point ns compared with the last sale a month ago. Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust cer tificates, United Oos Improvement and a few other Issues wero unchanged. IMPORTANT STOCKS MISS CURB ACTIVITY Niw York Philadelphia ..,,.,.. Iloston ,..,,,-.,,, unicsgo Call. 2 if3H a OH 04 Commercial paper, three to six months, l'hlla. delph'.s. VA 4 per cent. 8 4Ah 4 Z4U Financial Briefs The effect of the expiration at midnight last night of the Federal stamp tax on aecurltles was not clearly understood In the financial district today. Many inquiries were made during the day In regard to the changes. The Federal stamp tax of $2 for $100 shares is no longer required Only the State' stamp tax Is to be paid on trans actions on and after today. This leaves the situation exactly as It was before the intsaagc of the Federal stamp tax law There was another stamp tax on sale con tracts, but It bearing was not clearly understood at any lime. Tbli, of course, Is eiiminaiea witn trie expiration or tne law, The grow earning of Rflsteen railroad during the fourth week of Auut were $15,771,571, an Increase ot $$,4:,() over the correapoaaiR w w .year. (maud imvtnt rewtmu ilk weak Aug.,.. .tl.eae.g $4U.84 Popular Interest Centers in Standard Oil Group, Which Makes Further Gains NEW YOniv. Sent. 9. Bullish enthusi asm was shown In many quarters on the Broad Street Curb during the half day with which the week ended, but for reasons this bullish Interest did not Include the Impor tant stocks which at other times were In the group of market leaders. MIdvale Steel swung close to 64 and there was little specu lative Interest shown In the trading in that stock at any time during; the session. Popular interest was concentrated to a great extent In the Standard Oil group, with many of those stocks making further substantial unlns. Ohio Oil 'sold at 250 nnd Standard Oil of Kansas at 470, with Pierce Oil, now an Independent corpora tion, actively traded In around 14. In the mining stocks United Verde Ex tension was a prominent featuie, acvanc Ing to 40. and Big I.cdge 'Copper sold at 6V4. Kathodlon Bronze preferred continued strong, selling at 20',i. Other changes were In nearly all cases to higher prices. INDUSTRIALS Aetna Explosives Am llrlt ilfB.......... Am Marconi Canadian Car Co Can Car & Kdy pref.,.. Cherolrt Motors Curtlss Aeroplane Kmerson monograph . , Haskell L llarker Car.. Ilendre life Knlley-Sprlnfrneld .Maxim Munitions Manhattan Trans Mldvsln Steel Otis i:ientor lVerlcss 31otors I'onle Knx rl 8 Kresxe w I Htand Motora Htrnmberg Motora Ktuts Motors , Hubmsrln Triangle Film United rrottt Sharing ,..., United Motora U H I, and It com do pref White Motors World Kllin , STANDAItD Oil Illinois Ohio l'rslrle Plpo , 8 o Cal HON J HON Y , OTiirsn on. stocks Cosdrn Oil ,.,.... Cosden Co Inter Petroleum; Houston Oil .,.,. Mldn-rst net Sapulpa Ref MININO BTOCKS Atlanta Itutte Copper and Zinc Hints N V Orro de l'asco Florence Ooldtleld ................ Plret National ,,.. Qoidneid Mercer :.,...... llerla Mining ., I tone Hound ....., Jim flutter ,,.. Jumho 12xtnelon ,.,..- McKlnley Dnrrah Magma Copper ,.. Mln-s Co nf America. .., Nlplsslng San Toy , , Ht Joseph Lead West End Con White Oaka 110NOS Orro fia MIdvale 5s, Russian HVis Old. Asked. Ills llli 12 211 :Hi 3H 4ti r.o ns 72 103 2iio in 2.1 ou n'i :::::::: 0i IV1 :::::::: xi'J "SB ;;;;;;;; tun m ....f... OS 70 23 24V4 , Ktl II.-, ia 7 4l 42? 7--"4 72H ...,'... self an, :;:;: - 5, :::::::: K 4 . STOCKS ,.,i7n ISO 247 -'4ll , 240 --nl ,2Nft 2K8 0.111 831 ,.. 223 227 is 03 8 n 414 4 S-10 U Rl 811 7I in 10 "4 . 4 Is Hltl mis in ci ,111 . ii. i .100 in 8H 80 30 r, 8 B 1-10 c no inl ,1 H'.i 1,7 n..'i 100K BAR SILVER Bar silver In London today was quoted at 32 5-lOd. a gain of 1-lCd. Commercial bar sliver In New York was quoted today at 6! He a gain of Vic. entljs &cportcb AI.IIUltOKR. KI.1ZA v ATKINSON, rilll.il' V.. 03 yrs Cemetery lane, nesr Snmerlon. ATKINSON, SA3IUKL. HEIUlEItT, Wlsslnomlnu, noillY'l.KV! a.. 70 vrs . 2233 W, Indlsna ave. IIItKNNAN. WILLIAM K.. 27 yra.. 10.' N. S3th UniTTlN, JOBL 1.. 314 Solly ave.. Vox Chase, imoW.NINU. MAItY 1-AI.MKH. R46 N. 18th St. nili'KI.BY. TIIKUMA MAY. 11, SU00 Vlstcbrr. 1IUDDK. ItOHA. 1IUKNH, OKOItaB J., 1010 Columbia ave. CAMKRON. OKO. OlI.lir.RT Provldenre, n. 1. L'Altai K.-nr.(M. iiAnim r.. as. 1020 Htauu St CAUI.Ey JAllr.3 'D,. 4807 Vl. Merlon ave. ' COTTMAN SARAH A 78, Tison at., Tscony CUI.I.RY. CHAKI.KH D M lrs. '"' nxmiKPie IIAIIY M 4i.10 Ij-ln-r DK CAIIIA l'ASQttAl.lNA, 08. 7B0 H. Xth St I'Miii!"-!.. !? i"J -jsi weasr si. iK.vr.rii. jtiv i .,,.. i.yr Kiitknv' 'fa lTON. FRANK D.. OH its. TrTKNdKR. JOHN .73 yrs fTK' KMaNUBL. 7(5 rs, f lygBrtALO. JtilfN &4 1810 tv ,AMA a.ii. .. ....,. ,. rWNAusn. jiinn.iuin sno inomuaAn sta. t-UiWEUH HANNAH It.. 70. Wayne, pi. ORT IIOHACK 3(1 yrs. i-UIIH KLIKAIlrTTH. T4 24U Orrrnwlch at. OAI.I.AOIIKR. JOHKPII, S KOO NV tleechwood. OKAliY 1'ATRICK J- 2220 fl. 10th at. nltAMAM JQIIS W M378 Overhrnuk a vs. OKEltN 8yiBi.A2.fi H American sU UROVKr. KRAhlKLIN R. IAI.HTKAt. CATHARINB 81 yrs. IlilllKH ROSKNA T BII28 H 4b St. IIL'HN IAlT.i'..t?,j. in at. JOHNSTON. J15NN1K. 71S Belgrade at, JoIs'as; MilllH A isja N IHih fcANSS, WILLIAM T .18. 280 Wlfflln i Mier-IIT MARY K.. Marllon N. J. t, lion. N. J. trriin st. dARY kf.i Marllon AHKINS. MARY. 161 lUrmltaa. at, APi:TINA ISAllRLLA, 7, iWcmtvtoU W1ANT. ajCORUM M 81 'WrchauCS,' MMTWS i IS MUtU'HT.' KLllAffflTH, 7 tJIsVaa at. ShV t!XTVArt7TrVf1i4rUi mi ..Chest nut. St. NRWSOMR. JANB R. William U BlkhM -..sonle Orpnanage. . N0TTAl.L.iMAa. 824 Old York ra4. NeiI.U MARY n.. 6334 Peron M. v 1 AI.MKH. THOMAS II.. Clifton Melsrht. Tt rilAIIES. HARRY W., Ill mns. 3 y. I'UOII. CHARLKS. 80 yr.. Newtown, Ta. KA.V.'lj WILLIAM, 89 yra. 4320 WIlA. sL RKII.LY 3IARY ANN, , LloiiE.n5,IKSIK"i 82. 506 rrankford a. SATTI.nR, ANTOINETTE. SIHKIlOTIlAM, CHAH. ALEX , 110 N, Reew St. STEWART. ROTH ANN. Tosmencin townsMsi. Montgomery County, Pa. STVHHIIITON. IIOHACn II.. 27. Rlrerton. W. J. TATIAm. CURTIS. 38. 4710 I'enn st. THOMAS. IIAV1D, 80, 170 East st. TJ,At1t,aTliVA1 tv b" D" WALLS IAURA M. WAIU), ANNA JOSEPHINE MARIA. 217 M. 24lh St. w.A?,,.!i5iPTSl.MA.BM7"L "Si n- ClearHsld st. WARItKN. ELIZA, 02 yrs. WKIIKll, ItARHY. 28 yra. WKIlKlt. CHARLRS V.. 01 xr. iXKV- JUAIIT ANN. of yrs. Wit. I. a tin t a v n ...... . a s lin sa, sin S , I H'l"" 11(111 1,. I Hi WOLTEns. KtAlRENCK ,, 2218 N. Lambert, "5'".Bi'jv.UKOKU, r. yrs. Heights. N, J. YARNALL. MAItT A.. 68 yrs. lladdea JDentlji. nRKNNAN. On September 7. 1018, WILLIAM K , son of Msry and the late William F, Hrennan. ared 27 years. Relatives and friends aro inilted to attend tha funeral on Monday, at 7.80 a. ra from his lata res. denre. 102 N. 33th st. Requiem msss at BL Jstnes s Churrhi at O a. m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. RROWN. On September 8, 1918. of anterior iKilionuclltla. .MA1IKL. daughter of Allen snd llestrlce llmwn. aged 1 year 11 months. Parents' residence, 8170 Sugden piece. Falls of Schuilklll. Interment Mount Vernon Cem etery. No funeral. CA.MKItON. On September 7. 1018. BUddnl, ?.V..f,JlrJ?",1w,t 'lr. It, 1.. JE0ttOK OIL llEllT CAMERON, of I'rorldence. R. J., hus hsnd of c nmllne Itateman Cameron, lneral serlces at the chspel of West Laurel Hill Cemetery, on Monday, at 11 a, m. DAVIS. On Septeml-er 7. IS1B. suddenly, at Calssauqua. 1-a., ANNK McKlUDEN, wife ot David Hails, In her 08th year. Funeral San day, at 2:80 p. m.- Interment at Kalrvlew Cemetery. Catassuqua. DI5 ,JAinL0lT-n' Septemlier 7. 1916, rASQUA LLNA. wife of Vlntant de Carlo, aged S !""-. .ReislRes and friends are Incited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8:80 a. m., from her late residence. 730 8. 8th St. Solemn high mass at St Mary Msgdslen de I'aiit'a Church. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, nOR'KY.On September 7, 1010, suddenly. JOHUl'lt KRANCIS. son of Peter I. and Mar saret Oorsey. ot 803 N. 11th sL, aged S If.r". .Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 7ao a. m., at tbi Oliver II. llatr llnlldlnr. 1820 Chestnut Jl;. Msss at the Church of tha Assumption. :hur srde 12th and Spring Garden sts.. at 0 a. m. In terment at llniy Cross Cemetery, rrteods mar view the remains on Sunday evening. riHClint.-On September 7, 1010. at Norrls mn, Va.. ELLEN J., widow of Krnest A Plscher, in her 82d yi-ar. Interment Saturday, .ttfio p. m.. nt Mount Peace Cemetery, riTE, On September 7. 1010, at the resldeno ?. his dsuahter. lrs. 6. w. Pelrson. .Long nlsr at. tu Hranch N. J.. flAMllfcl. 'mfe. ti nf Phila delphia. 1'a.. and East Orange. N, J., aged 78 l?V"- Relatives and friends, also C. D. llsker Post. No. 8. a, A. 11. i Philsnthrcptq Idge, No. 18. I. O. O. F.. snd ofneers and tnmstes of the United States Naval Home, ar Invited to attend the funeral services, on Mon- iiair iiuiiu- eral seryl Oliver It. Phlladeli phi a. day at 2 n. m.. at tho Ollv ma. miii .-nestnui at., ment private. n.OUKRN. On Eighth day. Nlhth Month, 1018, near Wavne, 1'a.i HANNAH R . wtfa ot Joseph Flowers. In her 77th year. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, without further notice. at rrlends' Meeting House. Newtown, llucks rountr. Pa., Second Day. Ninth Month. Eleventh, 2:43 p. m. Train leaves Reading arrminai, rnua. ror Newtown, iss. p. m. Servlcea also held at late residence, Wayna. from 10 to 10:80 a. m. GRIOKR. On September 7. 1010, at tats real tr.CC- 20S2 North llrosd st.. MAR! SCHWENK. widow o Dr. Henry Oelger, Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., n.t First Church of the Hrethren, Carlisle and l'suphln sta. Interment strictly private. Omit flowers. GRAHAM. On September 0, 1010. JOHN W. ORAHAM. son Vif the late John II. and Henri etta Warner Graham. Relatives and frlenda fro Invited to attend the funeral services, on 2LlTJ.d!"- "' 2:30 p. m.. at his late residence, 0378 Overbrook ae. Interment private. CROVKS. On September 6. 1D18. suddenly. FRANKLIN R. GROVES. Due notloi of thu funeral will be given, HAI.HTEAI). On September 7. 1016. CATHA RINE, widow of Albert IUIstead. Sr..- sged Ml years. Funeral Monday, at 2 p. m.. from the residence of her son. Oeorss. Halatead. 430 Orlscom st.. Frankford. Interment strictly private. IIVIIKR. On September 8. 1010. ROSENA T. IIUUER (nee Haas), wife ot Stephen J. Huber. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend th fumral on Tuesday, at 8:30 a. m., from her late residence. &023 N. 4th st. Solemn mass or requiem at the Church of the Incar nation at 10 a. m. Interment, private. Friends may cnll Monday evenlnr. LKOANT. On September K 1010. OEOItOE !., son of Frederick W. and Caroline C. Legant. aged 21 J ears. Relatives and friends ars In vited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Sunday at 2 u. m., at hla parents' residence. 0838 Chestnut st, Interment at Westminster Cemetery MATTHEWS. On September 0. 1018. WILLIAM 11.. husband of Margaret A. Matthews. Tba relatives and friends, also Robert A, Lamber ton -Lodge. No. 487, F. and A. if.t Harmony Chapter. No. 02, R. A. C.i Jefferson Council. No. 81.. I, O., and employes nf the P. R. T. Co., are Invited to attend the futwra! services on Sunday, at 2:80 p. m.. at his late resi dence .1033 Melon su Interment at West, Laurel Hiss Cemetery, Remains may be viewed Citurday. 7 to 10 p. m. Automobile, service. 1,A.V;rPj ?'p.t.cn2!r. 7- 10"1- ' Scranton. Pa., HENRY J. MAY. formerly of 033 N, 62d at.! West Philadelphia) survived by his wife. Mary May. funeral on Saturday morning, from hla late residence. 4Ui Madison ave., Scranton. Servlcea at St Peter's Cathedral. Interment at Cattdral Cemetery. Scranton. . JleKENu ., On September 8. 1018. JOHN J. McKEBNA, son ot Frank and Kathryn Mo Kenna tnee McCulloush), aged 2 years. Funeral private from Municipal Hospital. MOURISSi:V. On September 8. 1010. ELLEN, wife of Domtnkk Morrlssey tnee llyrns), Rel stives and friends are Invited to attend aha funeral, nn Tuesday, at 8:30 a. m., from 1K12 N. 23d st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Ellzabeth'a Church. 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. JlimrilV. On September 8. 1018. RLIZAUbTTH; widow of Francis M, Murphy. Funeral serv ices on Tueeday at 2 p. m at bar lata resi dence, 783 Union sL Interment private. NUTTAI.l. Oa September 7. 1018. EMMA C. wife of William Nuttall. Relatives and frlenda are Invite' to attend the funeral aervlces, on Sundsy. at 2 p. m.. at her late residence. 3624 CM York road. Interment private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Rl'.lIKH, On September 8 1910. OERTRUDBI n.t wiupw oi ivuuam Kssex Apartments dsv at H D m.. a ins. in.-u inestnut William F. Reber. formerly ot tents Fuaersl services oo Mon n.. at the.Wllver HI 'Oaft Rulld. cstnut .st,5Jlntermehtrat' Uelio- tuiiir. , mu wi, .ur.uui-TnuiiiinH, ' KF.II.LY. -On Heptembei", IIIHl. MARY ANN ItUlLLY. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at HAS a.m., from the residence ot her niece. Mrs. John Taylor, A33I Woodland ave. Requiem rials in Bt. Clement's Church at JO a. m. nt-rmvnt at New Cathedral Cemetery, SAiTI.KK. On September 0, 1010. ANTOI. NETTE. daughter nf the late Joseph and Bva Ssttlir and sister ot Morris Sattlsr. Rata,. Uvea and friends are Invited to attend tba funeral services, on Sunday, at 3 p. m. pre cisely st the parlors ot Morris Rosenberg's Suns. 2IMI9 N. llrosd st. Interment at Adataj Jeshuri'n Cemetery, WAKKKN. On Ninth Month, 8th. at the sum mer home of her son Wra. C. Warren. Sprlnehouse. p. a, ELIZA WARRKN. widow of Joseph T, Wsrren, In her l3d year. Rela tives and friends are Invited tn attend the funeral aervlces, at Mansfleld Friends' Meet ing House N J on Second day. Ninth Month 11th. n I III ii m Trains leaving Marks? st. ft rry st 12 m. and Trenton at I2.J3 win oe mei ai imrnentnwn. WE1IKR. On September 7. 1010. CHARLES' IS. iber inea 'ri celsior Ixidge No, 40. huabsnd nf Emnii We ni years, iieisiives iVeber lne . ri orl EX- 'eufell rlends. alao . ir una vnsn- S. of A. are Invited la aervlces. on Monday at stlend the tuners 2 p.. m at the Oliver 11 llatr Hulldlng, 1H2A Chestnut st Interment private. WKYI. On September 8. 1010. MARY ANN WEYI-. uued 07 years. Relatives and frlenda sre Invited lo uttend the fanoral services, fss Wednesday, at 10 a m. at the David K. Schuyler llulljlng tlrnad and Dlamnod sta. Interment private at Northwood, 1YORSLKY. On September 8, 1B10. ot InfaMHa Hirulmls, at parents' residence, lot 7th ava,, sddou Helahts, N J nCOHOB F. WOMl LEY JR. son nf fleorg" F and Clara r. Worsley aatd 3 vears Nn funeral Charles J. Bendr & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Memhsre Philadelphia mots gscMnot NORTH AMEKIQAN BLDC. "r tf 4 Do You (atHt tt Partiw nowsdas unlesa ytm JLsftJfl. .HrsiB charters under laws a all Males at sauD m, nrnse. Send for lew .Cwsoeale MMwl. kTallst Free nn Ritiuest. 7 U. S. INCORPORATIPIt 00. I'lNANOK slUILlllNO, ftflLA.' jm-ku&smwm KS- N4iTHK I AMW ibe aarOMe-ssalB imIsm itf .sVr liJSsrtBR "if i rri'iP?B?&l t?ui rrST'gSsCsVsviiwJer'VSt Im nails? sf.. LSLI feta ilue wt S Of. 4M illutsrst s F: RCHlSHlVSN CXA mMvmamtm, i wlWj ,ie-k,n.