Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 08, 1916, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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'W nT ATT OrXrva AW n--.
XjW ixiaxj vyxvxo jy SUUlALi DOINGS
"(iCilitury Camp ff)r.rlg Pen38t Nurragansqtt Pier
unaer jxuayio wi f 'i o kwuuqji qi mvy League
i Movies Cause Excitement in Newport '
TMS Miliary CamP JrOrn M ffp, 4,
J.mtoJ P"-V)c School, opened on
sTjaritrP ftt Sunset Farm, Narrseansett
SSwiw tbe lP,CM of Ul Wopen
jZJrtM of the KavK Leoflfue.
H George Harriett, wife of General
JLfO Barnett, u- B- L C- rPPTesontpd
'ST MtloP commlttpa at tho flag rais
Z irhch ww accompanied with much
Ewflony. Mrs. Irving- H. Chase, with
aLm Mrs. Harnett has b&en Btaylng for
'Htrtl ypi hftS been """nod commis
sary feneml of thP camp and repre
fjlij 'tho ocl committee. The equip
t pf the camp was eent to the Pier
thi Vntf4 States Marine Corps of
WWMftSton, a q' Bot!' GenorB Bar
mm and h Wife hava been' enthusiastic
Liters Pf In Peparedne6 pampalgTi,
d hu also had the backlne of many
. "T" T . t., lnttnH, t,A ITnlnn
1 A number pf Philadelphia Blrla have
,Ja4 the "rooufes" rants, bo that I
4 JZpot there W,H b muc soldierly de-
wtiMmt n society tbls scasop, and that
debutant Blpuch will have peon Its
Jftkh, or which let us be truly thankful,
fer sufely there has never been such an
Lgalnly and ungraceful fad as tho loose
and floppy cnrrlago pf the past years.
.- fepeaklns of the soupb, which has beep
principally noticeable In the dapces of
4 the last four years, I seo that the pro
, feasors pf the terpslchorpan art are hold,
in j their apnual convention In New Tprk
Jaai that the Jitney Special and pork
Ipwrqilde will share equal honors dur-
Itur the coming ypftr a8 new foatvrf
daaiff. Wier9 I" thB worja d you PUB
bom thy et iho awful pames they glvo
'the! dances; which, after all, ono sees
paly Pn the stage, for society goes dapc
Ipf fln '" ope-'stap, tro and wat,
.-vtih at) occasional tapgo, and Is highly
!eau0ed with Itself In the matter, caring
jwt to dlB" deeper Into the labyrinth, of
The first pf a series of meetings Jn
preparation fpr tho annual market day
ana country fair for St. Francis's Pouptry
'House for Convalescents was held this
'week at Darby. Despite the fact that
many of the Woman's Auxiliary, under
whose auspices the affair s tQ be given,
were still out of town, tho meeting was
most enthusiastic ope. The fair wl"
U held at parby on Friday and Satur
day, October P apd 7.
i Among those actively Interested In the
piarket day are Miss Julia V. Laguerenne,
prejjpent pf the "Woman's Auxiliary; Mrs.
I J. M. Quepnell, Mrs. John J. Coylo, Mrs.
iJimd, MrB. M, P. Qqlnn..tho Mlsfles
iTnifel, Miss Margaret Coyle, Mrs. James
uopner. Airs. 11. u. pi(ns aiis3 u or
'nc plbjey, Mrs. A.
' Junes MPnJy
ff. Burke and Mrs.
Tfee movie which ppb Goelet Is con
CoctlQf at tfewpprf 1 pausing much iY
. ani plaastirabla qnt(clpatl9n, In so far
aa the plot of tho play has not been made
Jpuhjjc at all an4 t s not eyep known
who is the heroine or who the villain.
jOnt scene was taken qn Wednesday on
itbe Vincent A6tor place, and 'tis rumored
yhlipers, however, that Ethel Harrjman
If a maid lq the performance, and our
(a Bose polan has a prominent part
Thtre, was great excitement on Bailey's
Beach on Monday, when George Warren
bad tQ respue a drowning couple i street
garments, who had been thrown into the
water from a canoe. Much to the amuse
ment Pf the onlookers, the, canoe was
tipped oyer In suph shallow water that
I J;rpper effect, NANCY WJ'NNEJ,
!An Interesting autumn wedding will be
ttt Bf Mls Albert Caven Ilppsel, daugh.
r of Mrs. a Caven Hepsel, to Mr. Joseph
1. P 'r- P" the afternqop of Saturday,
September 23, at the home of the bride's
IWOUjer. n jrRVrord. Mlas ?lensel wll
be attended by her twin sfster, Miss Edwlna
mmmJMM k
.. t TboU by Mtrcttu
lira. Favorite, who was Miss Hnr
net Leaf, is cntertaininR her
mother and sister, Mrs. Edward
Bowman Leaf and Miss Frances
Leaf, at Deybn
Henael. and by Mr. pew's sister, Mss Mabel
Anderson Pew, as bridesmaids.
The Art Association of Newport will hold
a repeptlon tomorrow evening for a new
president, Mr. Harrison S. Morris,
Miss Caroline Itulon-Mlllrr, Miss Bertha
Clark and Miss Frances Clark were guests
of Mrs. William Wheatley, pf Washington,
at ap lnfonnal brldt-o given yesterday morn
ing at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.,
Mrs. Joseph P. McCall and her daughter,
Miss Lonore Adah McCa)l, wjio have re
turned from Peaver'CamP, last Union, Ma ,
are spending a few days at the Philadelphia
Country Club, pending the completion of
alterations at their home, 4101 Walnut
Mrs. Park Painter, of Haverford Court
who Is occupying her house at Watch 111)1,
Jt I., 'for tho summer, gave a luncheon of
in cojers, recently.
Mrs. Edward Ilsley is spending several
weeks a( p.dgevllle. Conn , while Mr. Ilsley
Is in Maine. .
Miss Iorralre Graham, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Edwin Eldon Griliaip, has re
turned from a trip to Milwaukee.
Miss Catherine Cooper Cassard spent sev
eral days this week in Cape May, as tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs- Uenry B. Patton.
Bala Gynwyd
Mbs Brace Vandlver and Mss Ethelwyn
Vandlver heve returned to Bala after spend
ing the surnmer in Ocean City, N. J.
Miss Catherine Thompson, of Cynwyd,
has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Iv.
Ilaynes at Brant Beaph, ff, J,
Mrs. William H. QIUIs, of Bala, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Barth. of
Cynwyd, at their cottage lp Ocean City,
N. J.
Girard Farms
Mr. apd Mrs. William If. Montgomery,
of SE25 South Eighteenth street, has re
turned from a trip to Montreal and Quebec
coming by way of Lake George and Lake
Mrs, Joseph Bent?, who will. be remem
bered as Mss Ethel M. Collins, of 2517
South Nineteenth street, has retqrped from
ap extended stay In Atlantic City,
Delaware County
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Comerford. if ss Mary
Josephine Comerford and Mr. Boy Comer
ford motored to Atantlp,Clty last week and
are spending some trrje at the Chalfopte.
Mr. and Mrs. Goprge Corcoran, Jr., of
4330 Josephine street have Mrs. It. C. At
kinson and Miss Aline Church, pf Columbia,
Tenn , as their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Farr, of 1?J6 Sellers
street, are receiving congratulations, upqp
tho birth 'bf a son,
The marriage of Miss Mary Estelle Bot
toms, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Abel Bot
toms, of Hll Walnut Street, to Mr. Roland
TueMll, of Plttston, Pa., took place last
night at 7 o'clock In Ail Saints' Protestant
Ep scopal Church, Wynnewood Manor. The
Hev. Mr. Burk performed tho ceremony,
which was fpllowed by a reception at the
summer home of the bride's parents, 820
Merlon avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Tuehlll left
op a brfdal tour of poverel weeks' duration.
The marriage of Miss Maigaret It. Itus
sell, daughter of Mrs. Thomas ltussell, of
18IS Mount Vernon Street to Mr, Edward
11 MacCoul, of New York, was solemnized
op Wednesday evening at th home of the
bride's mpther. The ceremony was per
formed at 6 o'clock by the Hev. Dr. Philip
Stelnmetx, headmaster of tho De Lancey
School, The bride wni attended by Mrs.
Stanley Le Mar Wltmer as Matron of honor.
Mr. William Wilcox, of New York, was
hint man. The service was followed by a
reception. Mr. and Mrs. MacCoul, after a
trip through the South, will be at home
after October 1 at 3(7 Clifton place,
NOrmiSTOWN, Pa.,.Sept. 8. The mar
riage Of Mies Caroleen Stycr, daughter of
ir. Horace ii atyer, or ipi us jtaip
street, and Mr, Walter B Wenrlck, of pak
Lane, toqk place Wednesday evening at the
home of the bride. The ceremony was per
formed b the Hev. Thomas It Beeber, D.D ,
pastor pf the First Presbyterian Church. A
large reception followed the ceremony. The
bride, who was given In marriage by her
father, was attended by Miss Margaret Tol
hemus, of Somervlllo, N. J., as maid of
honor, and the brldetmalds were Miss Linda
Styer, Miss Marie Styer. sisters of the
bride; Miss .Margaret Walton, of Willow
Grove, and Miss Buth Wenrlck, of Oak
Lane, a slater of the brldegroorn. Miss
Frances Styer, tho bride's cousin, was rjower
Mr. Charles Wenrlck, of Oak Lane, acted
as b08t man. The ushers were Mr. Ronald
Styer. tho bride's brother, of Nprrlstown;
Mr. Gcorgo McConnell, Mr. Claude Zimmer
man and Mr. Horace Wolstepholme. After
a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Wenrlck will
the at Chestnut and Central avenues, pak
Lane, where they will bo at home after Oc
ber 1.
Miss Flora C. Anstett, of 3321 Fraukford
avenue, and Mr. Alfred O. Schacfer, of 231S
East Norrls street were married on Wed.
nesday at St Bonlfaclus's Ropian Catholic
Church, Hancock and Dfapiopd streets, by
the Hev. 0. Olert, C S8.lt They will bo at
home at 2338 East Norrs street after Sep.
tember IB,
Mfss Florence Farley, of 2412 Howard
street, and Mr. Boy T. Taylor, of 2466
Amber street, were married on Saturday
at the home of the Rev. Mr. Hawthorne,
pastor of the Union Tabernacle Church.
An Interesting double wedding took place
in the Congregational Church at Berlin Cor
ner at noon on August 30. when Miss Vio
let Hernanije?, daughter of Mr. Melqulades
Hernandez, of Waitham, Mass , was mar
ried to Mr, Robert G. Crandall, eon of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Crandall, pf 19 Mill
bourpo avenue, West Philadelphia, and
MLbs Marian L. Crandall was married to
Dr; Hugh William Close, son of Mr, B. O
Close, of Philadelphia, The Rev, Frank
BJoornfleld, pastor of the church, performed
tl)e ceremonies. The dqub)e-ring service
was used in each ceremony. The maids
of honor were Miss Alliens A. Madden, of
Ildgewood, N. J.,' and Miss Dorothy Jack
son, of Waitham, Mass , while ll(tle Miss
Mae Andrew, of Bldgewood, N, J was
flower girl. The ushers were Mr. Edward
B. Crandall, Mr. Herbert Wnslow, of Ber
lin, and Mr. George C. Currier, of Arling
ton Heights, Mass.
I l i i i I I I III I u ,
vx-ks' ii Hi i vvi if iisn -w r vi
a w X rf", 'iifii-eC''
Iracu SSliiih
- J" V ST'C,J
$2e "WING S
. Thft ft. 6. Slrdsr. nn d( tha lrrtt vm1i ef
th London nd linnskonr Compnnr. la wrokl
Amonr Ihoir;
usnttr or
llrohAon In lh Plilna H,
en board ari Iris Utana. Ida onlr daui
5!r tthur U'ana, nwnrr of tha rompuny, and
ft jonn and L.ady Tortr. rrlnda of tha Xanra.
j-unnB convaraanon in tha aalon 6
bfor tho
marrr Lord Vralnnr
alalant steward lrtr
,nft ha nburs aom Ico on Sir John's had,
m Hiraar naa akuirull)p rlddan through
worat of tha lyphoon and la trncadlns i
At this quratlon an aa
iiy naconn
on I
Fornparatlia safety, whan It atrlkra a liiiabl-d
Chlnaaa lunk. Aa the amall aaal whlria about
In tho aaa, It crnahea Into tho BlrdaVa rudder.
iiu luy nntr aruta heipiaaaly upon aomo rocxa,
Whr It Is tprn aaundar, Irla and Hol-rt Jenka,
tha at. ward who waa ao datplr affected by tho
inaallon of tord Vantnera noma, r tia only
fu'vlere. Tty find tbemaelvcs upon a dtaert
Janka In aiplorlnv tha island fnd a quarry
7.1. ? "umn'r oi oKaiatona. iio inn rtaris ip
KL1'! a much or tha rttki u poaalbla.
ilh'!l" apcure.) aufdclrnt to aseurn auatntnc
for the tlnia belna ha continue hla axrl'iratloii
of tha laland and nnda a well with err at M clear
water near a ooy. Vletwaen tha two la tha head
Raa akalaton of a man. Janka In.-atUalta tho
;.'. RniJ fnda that It was once usad as a habi
tation While Irla la preparlnn a meal, Jenka, totally
exhauatad. faints, irla laavta the cooklnc to
revive him.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wilkinson, of 432
Lyceum avenue, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Naomi Alice Wit
klnsqn, to Mr. Charles, Alvln Cox.
JJorth Philadelphia
Mrs. Laura Angus, of 1880 North Marvlne
street, announces the engagement of her
daughter, Miss Maron Angus, to Mr.
Clarence Hunt, of Beery. N. J, The wed
dfng will take place this fall.
Miss Buth Johnson, of Fifteenth and
Summer streets, has returnod from, a two
weeks' stay! in Atlantlo City,
Northeast Philadelphia
Miss Anna Smith and Miss Marie Ken
nedy havo returned from , a two weeks'
stay at Clementon, N. J.
Friends of the Lebanon Hospital have
scheduled September 29 as the opening
of its season.
n??r ChiWrenWhen I wps Ijpjr I was a very pud speller, Then I went
lte gchooj wljero wo studied the dictionary and my mother offered, me $5 f J
lVpald get 100 (perfect) In epclllng in ono month,
I lefU preat many letters during a year && I flm VtJ o aee-so many
rords mlaspelled. No, I do not blamp tltp pchoola or tho teachers.
r H It leeati tq mo tha way to teach spoiling should be changed,
. Johnnie Jones h8 n pe;llinT Jesspn today of tfll words, He learns to spel
iftW like a narrot would. One' of tho words Johnnie has to spell is
(8TATIQMBHY. Now the dear PPy PpeH" H with an A, which Is, in that par,
j lar case, wrongr, Johnn Ib corrected. Tie nexf day he writes a letter to
ymer Smith and paysi "I have some beautiful ptotlpnary an4 am goln to
jH,write to you. I spelled stationary wronr Jt gdjogl yestprday."
"o you thlnV the misspelt wprd njadq an impression or jonnnira ininai
Of course it if quite a long time plnce I went to gchqoj and I may ba all
wrong-f so, write and tell me. FARMER 8MITIC,
, Children' gior.
P. SYes, I got the B.
?pr Farmpr 8pMh
la, r WP9 r1
ii-irv lTOUw- m WW, BTtr DJW
was teasing eoreeooay. tie was,
ty BO hlrh that K.I..H Vrfa. nlnffa ama
he was a few tnahes aboye his head.
. Mgn to plngi
he Olraffa has a big Jong neok,
It raaohee to the sky,
" "rrirH'f H '
a(A Mtatef airafte.
HWH y' Wt UVW'
It sseatm-
,r T
' if ..-,
4 1
About Lotiua Muttons
AW Wwwtor who J I U pr
tJ$r JWWm lttHw y 4U(.
- l Tllin UV laaiua mJ a IW
nilij. j) ,', lit. I'i11 liani'.'J I"1
stand good poetry when you hear It Oh.
yMl rfprget! Qlraffes think in ther
ihw whatf1 MWr OlrP WM ,ntr-
'1 fl4 jdrA(f( think p their throats.
We learned that m our geograuhy claoa-
Fourth Grade B."
"What has geography to do with gi
raffes?" asked the fellow with tha Ions
Everything-, everytWnfl All olr fn!
rnaU are fwe Just animals, but giraffe are
so long neeke4 they some under the head
Bf wmjtoti, Jf ym PHfht J yyr Jr4
you.wuM HWrtwli P feu think In your
deck and dea't understand?'
Mltr Sir was fee urwhfd t speak.
Jimmy oilmbed dewa 1M tre and when
Uletar 0H wap Mt UhMbsc Jimmy
stuek la W m awl wfian the big
felpw jutaged ) eHJ
Tbefp. Mister CHrsJCl I tfld you yo
Thl W& V4 P$
Our Postoflko Box
Here Is little Katliri'n Countryman, fJorth
Thirteenth street, dressed up lke a fairy
In a lovely dancing costume This small
Balnhow girl soes to dpnclng school and Is
ao fond of t she never mlpves a day. Of
course, JCatliryn doesn't spend all her time
tripping about on her dainty toes. Ho In
deed Just listen to the ret of the fun her
letter says she has, ''apd we al dress up
like ladies and ie play house every day.
We are all making cushions now," A
cloture Pf "mother's ekjrt" and ''done up
hair" owns bafsre owr eyes and somehow
we pan't help thinking of the mornings in
pu youth when we. In '"ulaylng houie,'i
werp irly pllowed to he "tlie Ipeman "
J wish to become a, member of your
Bafabow Cub. Faa seed me a
beabtlful Bainbow Etuttyn free. I agree
fa ? t.iie
ipdarsss tto !" t f '(
4J ,ltl,flytli)lt)HIM
CIIArTBn IV (Oontlnurrt)
IBIS was watchful. She had never In her
life cocked even a potato or bojled nn egg.
The ham was her first attempt.
"My cooking amuses your she demanded
"It gratifies every sense." ho murmured.
"There Is hut one thing neodtul to complete
my happiness,"
"And that Itr
"Permission to smoke."
"Smoke what?"
He produced a steel box, tightly closed,
and a pipe.
" 'Sublime tobaccol which from
east to west
Cheers the tar's labour or the Turk
man's rest.'"
"Tour pockets are absolute shops." said
the girl, delighted that his temper had im
proved "vhat other stores do you carry
about with you?"
Ho lt his plpo and solemnly gave an in
ventory of his worldly goods. Beyond the
Items she had previously seen he coud only
,nupiernte a sliver dollar, a. very soiled and
crumpled handkerchief and a bit of tfn. A
box of Norwegian matches he threw afvav
as useless, but Iris recovered them.
"You never know what purpose th- may
servo," she said. In after days a weird
significance was attached to this simple
"Why do you carry about a bit of tin?"
she went on.
How t)te atmosphere of deception clung
to hlrfi! Hero was a man compelled to lie
outrageously who, )n happier sears, had
prided himself on scrupulous accuracy even
in small things.
"Plague upon Itr he silently protested.
"Subterfuge npd deceit are as much nt
homo In this deserted island as In Mayfalr,"
"I found it here, Miss' Deane," he an
swered. , Luckily she Interpreted "here" as apply
ing to the caye.
"Let me see t. May I?"
lie handed it to her, She could make
nothing of It, so together they puzzled over
It. T)ie sailor rubbed It with a mixture of
kerosene and sand. Then figures and letters
and A Mrt of diagram were revealed. At
ast they became decipherable. By exer
clsfng patient ingenuity some one had In
dented the metal wth a sharp punch untfl
the marks assumed this aspect:
.9.16N. A
m ! - w J
Ins was quick-witted. "It is a plan of
the Island," she cried.
"Also the latitude and the longitude."
"What does tha 'J, .' mean?"
"Probably the initials of a man's name;
let us say John Smith, for Instance."
"And the figures on the Island with the
Jf and tho dot?"
"I cannot tell you at present," he said.
"I take It that the line across the Island
signifies this gap or canyon, and the small
Intersecting line the cave, But 33 divided
by L and an 'X' surmounted by a dot are
cabajlBtlo. They would cause even Sherlock
Holmes, to smoke at least two pipes. I hayo
brey started one."
She ran to fetch a glowing stick (o enable
htm to relight h's pine.
"Why do you give me such nasty little
digs?'' she asked. "You need not have
stopped smoking just because I stopd close
IP yuu.-'
"Hcally, Miss Deane
'"There, don't protost.
I like the smell of
tobacco. I thought sailors Invariably
smoked rapk, black stuff which they call
thick twist,"
" gm a beginner, as a sailor, After a
fejv more years before the mast I may hope
to reach perfection."
Their eyes exchanged a quaintly pleasant
challenge. Thus the man r"Sho Is deter,
mined to learn something of my past, but
she will not succeed."
And the woman "The wretchl He Is
as close aa an oyster. But I will make him
open hie mouth, see If I don't"
She reverted to the piece of tin, "It
looks quite rnystarleus, like the things you
read of In stories of pirates and burled
"vet, he admitted, "jt ts unquestion
ably a plan, a guidance, gyen to person
not previously acquainted with the Island
but cognlysnt of some fact connected with
It- Unfortunately none of the buccaneers I
can bring to mind frequented these was,
Thp r Ptsser who left It here mut have
had some other motive than searching for
m cache,"
"Did he dig the cave and the. wl, I woni
'Protobly the former, but not the well.
No man could do It unaided "
"Why do ypu aesume he was alone?"
He strplled toward the fire to kick a
stray log, "It hi only (die speculation at the
beat, Miss Deane," he rrplled Would you
like to hlo p dr" some timber up from
the. beach? If wo get a few big planks
we can bu(ld a prethat will last for hours.
We want eame extra cjothes, too, and It
will soon b dark
The request for co-operation gratified her.
She compiled eagerly, and without much
exertion the hauled a. repeetbe joad of
firewood to their new eamplng ground
They also brought a number of coat to
serve as coverings. Then Jnks tackled the
lamp. Between the rust apd the soreness
of his Index finger it was a most dimoult
operation to open It.
'Before the sun went down he succeeded,
$d made a wleg by unraveling a faw
strands of wool from htt jerfcay-, When
nlgttt fell, wth the udaens of the
troplM, Irie was able to illumlnato her
Mitt sail dOMftlll
They were both utterly tired fad ready
to drab wm fatigue. Tha gtri sptf "Oood
! - I a4T 'ska to
'Mmsw yewaaU, Miss Onus jtottet-aot,
perhaps. It will burn only four or
noum, any way,
Soon the light vanished, and ho lay down,
his pipe between his trtth. cloo to the
enve's ontranco. Weary though he was, ho
could not sleep forthwith, tills mind was
occupied with tho signs on tho canister
"32 dllded by 1 1 an X' and a dot," he
repeated scleral times. "What do they
buaaeniy lie sat up, w th every sense
Impelled him to took toward the spot, a few
feet away, where the skeleton was hidden.
It was tho rustling of a bird among the
trees that had caught his ear.
He thought of tho white framework of a
once-powerful man, lying there among tho
buahes, abandoned, forgotten, horrific
Thon-he smothered a cry of surprise.
"lly Jove!" he muttered. "There ts no
X' and dot. That sign Is meant for a skull
and crossbones. It lies exactly on the part
of the Island where we Baw that queer
looking bald patch today. Flret thing to
mcJrow, before the girl awnkes, I must ex
amine that place"
trees. I tasted one of n lot that looked
good. It was first rate." -
Ho had not tho inornl courage to begin
the day with a rebuke. She was Irrepress
ible, but she really must not do these
things Ho smothered a sigh in the lm
lrolsed basin which was placed ready for
him , .
Miss Deane had prepared a capital meal
Of course the ham and biscuits still hulked
large In the bill of fare, but there were
boiled eggs, fried bananas and an elderly
cocoanut These things, supplemented by
clear cold water, were not so bad for a
couple of oastaways hundreds of mile from
For the life or htm the man could not
refrain from displaying the conversational
art In which he excelled. Their talk dealt
with Italy, Egypt. India, He spoke with,
tho ease of culture and enthusiasm. Once
he slipped Into anecdoto apropos of the
helplessness of British soldiers In any mat
ter outside tho Bcopo of the King's Regula
tions. "I remember," he said, "seeing a cavalry
subaltern and the members nf an escort
sitting, half starved, on a number of bags
piled up In tho Sunkln desert And what
do you think were In the bags?"
HLHHn '?sBmwlaliiBBBBH
a ,: -uttVa3iSSvK3P!iw Ttt f ' ' ssW'ff ifwmBWisWssifT
and bnod-thlrMy I
even mention nils If It Wre a ;
Urgency. As mattere Mand, jm pmkt
know that such a thing may liapjeg 1
us irmi in urae gooaneeM lai i
may come soon. The Island has
been deeerted for many metitlM. aad i
lies our best ohance of eaeaae. BtK
obliged to warn you test you sjmeM H
taken una warps
Iris was serious enough now,
"How do you khow that euc danger
throatens us?" she demanded. ,
He countered readily "Because X happen
to hao read a good deal about the CMm
Sea and Its frequenters," he paid. "I
am the last mart In the world t aajtSM
you needlessly Alt t mean to eewef si
that certain precautions should be taken
against a risk that Is possible, not Twos
able JVo more "
The sailor wanted to tell her that he
would defend her against a host of savages
If Jie were endowed with many lives, ht i
he was perforoo tongue-tied. He erefl re
viled himself for having spoken, but r
eaw tho nngulsh In his face, and her
woman's hoait acknowledged htm aa her
protector, her rhleld.
v "Mr. Jenks," she said slmplr, "we at
In Clod's hapds. I put my trust In lift,
and In you. I am hopeful, nay more, oefl.
fldenL I thank you for what you have
done, for all that you will do. It you u.
not preserve mo from threatening perils
no man could, for you ore as brave and
gallant a gentleman as lives on the earth
IS'ow, the strango feature pf this ex
traordinary and unexpected outburst of
pent-up emotion was that the girl pro
nounced his name with the slightly empha
sized accontuntlon of ops who knew It to
bo a mcro disguise. The man was so taken
aback by her declaration of faith that the
minor Incident, though It did not eeeape
htm, was smothered )n a tumult of feeling.
Iris was the first to recover a degre
of self-possession. For a moment the Had
bored her oul. With reaction came a
sensitive shrinking. Her British tempera
ment, no less than her delicate nature, die
approved these sentimental display, fehe
wanted to box her own ears.
With Innato tact she took a keen nterset
In the felling of the tree.
"What do you want It for? she In
quired, when the sturdy trunk creaked and
Jenks felt better now.
"This is a change of diet." ha explained.
"Soi wp don't boll the leaves pr plbbfe
tho bark. When I spt this pam open
you will find that the Interior Is full
of pith. I wilt cut it out for you, and
then It will bo your task to knead It with
water after well washing It, pick out all
the llbef, and finally permit the water to
evaporate. In a couple of days the residuum
will become a white powder, which, when
palled, Is sago."
Good gracious!" said Iris.
Suddenly ho sat up with every sense olert and graphed his revolver.
'Tlrfora mln ayts In ODDOBltton alts
Qrlm death." Mi ton.
AWOivM to find the sun high in the
heavens. Iris was preparing break
fast; a fine fire was crackling cheerfully,
apd tho presiding goddess had so altered
her appearance that tho sailor surveyed
her with astonishment.
So soundly had he slept that his senses
returned but slowly. At last he guessed
what had happened. She had risen with
tho dawn, and, conquering her natural
feeling of repulsion, selected from the ntoro
he accumulated yesterday some more-suitable
garments than those In which she
escaped from the wreck.
Ho quietly took stock of his own tat
tered condition, and passed a reflective
hand over the stubble on his chin. In a
few days his face would resemble a scrub
bing brush. In that mournful moment ho
would have exchanged even his pipe and
tobacco box worth untold gold for shav
ing tackle. Who can say why h's thoughts
took such trend? Twenty-four hours can
effect great changes in the human mind If
controlling Influences are active.
Then came a sharp revulsion of feeling.
His name was Itobert a menial. Ho
reached for his boots, and Iris heard him.
"Good morning," she cried, smiling
sweetly, "I thought you would never
wake. I supposo you were very, very tired.
You were lying so still that I ventured to
peep at you a long time ago,"
"Thus might Titanla peep at an ogre,"
he said.
"You don't look a bit like an ogre. You
never do. You only try to talk like on
sometime "
"I claim a truce until after breakfast.
If my rqugh compliment offends you, let
me depend upon a more gentle tongue than
my own
Her angers face
As Jn the great eye pf heaven, ehyned
And made a supshlne fn the shady
Those lnes are surely appropriate. They
come from tho "Faerie Queene,' "
"They are very nice; but please wash
quickly. The eggs will be hard."
"Eggs 1"
"Yes; I made a collection among the
aj PiaBMBnLrr7'aUB lisV?
iff AVKltHv. 1 iPm W nil
$1 Per Week
I Vmwi Far A
Mad up in blue and white, black apd
Men's $30 Curls' $33.S0
HflflhKI oV ai-VkAvAi,
to Aut-ol'town custom? m raaelct
IS, Yqi examlna on arrival and, Tc not
satisfactory, urposit win m raiunaea
without (uo'tlon.
Quaranteed for B '
(fpatpleta catatag ba reauaat,
Hftvrford Cycle Co.
tfeMMAKKstr 8
fc. iMH. " E --
Pi ill
I - . aLc la. t ., m,...t ' W... .... Ill
I 1 aBsMsVaaBBBBaVZ iISbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. BsaVfiBSBl bbbbbbbbbbbb.. i I I 1
lt -,Ty. ,,. MRiitr
" ' ' ' " ' '" aiasaaaaiajaaBaiajjaaaiajaj!
) ,'fc.
.4 ,J.L'A :.'1V rVi-ifis.it ,,,,,& IT , ' "I IT,. n'ltiVistAlMflVsi iii -ii ii Mat
"I don't know," said Iris, keenly alert
for deductions
' "Biscuits I They thought tho bags con
tained patent fodder until I enlightened
It was on the tip of her tongus to pounce
on hm with the comment; "Then you have
been an officer In the army." But she for
bore. She had guessed this earlier. Yet
tha mischievous light In her eyes defied
control. Ho was warned In time and pulled
himself up short-
"You read my face like a book," she
cried, with a delightful little moue.
"No printed page was ever so legible."
Ho was gplng to say "fascinating," but
checked the impulse. He went on with
brisk affectation:
"Now, Hiss Deane, we have gossiped iou
long. I am a laggard this morning; but
before startlpjf work, I havo a few serous
remarks to make,"
"Mora digs?" ehe Inquired saucily.
"I repudiate Mlgs.' In the first place, you
must not make any more experiments In
the matter of food. The eggs were a won
derful effort, but, flattered by success, you
may poison yourself."
, '"Secondly?"
"You must never pass Out of my sight
without carrying a revolver, not so much
for defense, but as a signal, Did you take
ope when you went bird's: nesting?"
"No. Why?"
There was a troubled look In his eyes
when he answered I
"It Is best tp tell you at once that before
help reaches us wo may be visited by pruel
m Onlr beat te Aaxustla Utatli, Laodlnr la
front of GrOTf. 4 li.ur. on llw' Beael. Bali
rlUfritt KV'SKrL 1o1.u' belhroea...
DAM'IriO ALT. WAY on lout A arvuoits. riant.
tables, beaibes and shad. ArtitUn i water.
Fare W 50c .Children M" 25c
teatr. ArehfitWg. .:SOA, M. D.tl,
Cape May
J. cJfp" V.V'. Wlldwood and Iwrs.
?'.?.. 't:.1'. ?"" trip. It no, fu.erva
tlens of staterooms by mull or pboot.
Pbon No., Market 1017.
Mayes Cape Mar Sunday, a( S P, U.
Stop both ways at Chester and Iw.
tiannrs. Low Fares, Bei
, Flryour vaeai
jour nrf T'
MefchHta Me. Mistcfn Tnaw. Cv
wiLl "-' SaafWsaaal
fvl ssff . W f
rf$u9Vl bsTiii
agree that
a round of the 18
holes, nlaved in
the bracing autumn air ajpsus
at tho hospitablo Club Buffet
(sometimes called "tho 19tk
hole") a dip in tSalt water or
fresh water pool and then solid
NEW MONMOUTH'S coneenial jL i
Grill comes prcrty neor hpvfrfrF' .
Spring Lake's golf coarse is SS folS
os any on the Atlantic Coast,
And the Club Jlpusetfromjiesmrsfc
ters to cosey settle Jiy Xhl r5rePt WoH
chiruney-pjace, is as wtereptipg af its
case of ivpr golf trophies won at the;
rate of about twp n ilay I
Tlie NEW MONMOUTtf fakes good
care of the week-end golfer. A numbor
of single rooms, each with bath t
4aclied, are reserved for hi choice.
Stay 'over for a crack a? tliepriieita
bo awarded at theNEW MlJIDUTU'8
18-Holo Jfandicap Prise Sojf ToUTSa
meat, bcld during September,
fbaii.i s.m fbank r, sntrrp
upon Raipurt MuMgtr
Where Infereitipg People Da
interesting Things
September 8th, 1918.
jTrrrWHsraSi flssMVflssassassaB
iai.w aoJSJslfcJPSSiJaJslSP(P
oAMEnu riAMaosassHr.
s Bet iv rve
. offtervicexom!
v w .wp S?np Taamttoji fw.
r itmmjrWjjX ' FtaMa. VaJ. aaia
For the Autumi Gh1
Ah Opwfmfy
Ideal fall rsMTt a&ordwf; xssf
tional accemmodatlsM sd Htm
ice.. Situated in private park ft
10,000 acre, emtwacing wamv
(ains, itrsanw and wide viaw sf
Delawaie Valle.;- f
McxUre Mnttrwitjsa ssm) s4
powtmsiits. JEvfry s'wislsar Mt
raatiw. Gussto ysrriirtW tt jf
Utc famow Golf'Coum of tKt
Stawe Ceutstry Clwb by h
UodyesisH, rap MWtn.
9JsUir tm aaiaMf