Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 07, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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irtiEAT riffi-lpta, lll.TSJ biiah. Ppwulallon
kilt twit w rUIi Mill vtr htr ile
Jimlil U Quotations Car low. In fport
iKSefi-No. U.rJfawt. tl.B091.S3i No. a
ffiih nW. It.l.lt M.inr No. 3 rod,
rrjrciru a.
Prto wer
IihVrn red, tl aal.nlt atMtnar
L'JitM 4T rriMKi II. Sl 41&1.41.
a.i.Yd r licM, but trnrta wa quirt. Quotatlona;
JnTr V 'or '0''!, trarte. im tn location WVatirn
ktft to. t,a. 3 jollow, OtftMci ilo No. 4. ellow.
jATS Itecelpta,
Traila waa
flK .nT! but prlf ro atfadiyr inainiainru. uuo.
W Sffilna No 2 whlta. MVi Wide. atandaM whltr,
litfMf No ? wh""- 253n No. -1 white.
inSor-lHc. aaitaia oi, 4lU .Hc.
W FLAIUJi " ivrvr
b ti. In ( Ufl
Jtlll irmlta Kerr airailtiy h'olil.
trade wa alowr and vnluea wore la rely
rinmlnaU -Quotation per Hill ll. In wood
I h nter. clear, iwn , uo, airaiani. u nn
lido, patent. ITWT.uUi Kanaaa, clear, rotton
!rk ift.70vtl.00i do. atralgtit, rotton aarka,
jftl'M). flo. patent, rotton aarka, (T.nilOT.Iiui
iJrlnV flrst clear. tl "Stf 7.SSi .In patent, ST.T1
Kg sis do. favotlte liranda, H.5oi rlty mllla.
T anA fancy patent. l&.r.OVii; city .mllla,
rjrilar rraifa Winter, clear. tn.lftftii.IUi do,
KatMM. n7L do, patent. 7.S).
IIYB Wlfn The market win .quiet, but
Brnt. luoto nt tfl.uUM7 per bbl.
n1 In tferrpa. invbc! no. an. iln. In Itiha
lime. lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tlercea.
101 c, ao.
The market ruled (lrm, with n fair Jobbing
emand. Quotation! City teer. In aeta, amoked
nd air dried, l"e. weatern beef. In aeta, amoked.
inc. city beef, knuckles and tendera. amoked and
Sir dried. 2ci weatern beef, knueklea nnd tn
leri amoked, 2Pc. beef noma. i'Ntt'iO; pork.
lamllr, 128.B0ft2f: hami, 8. P. cured, looav,
.184 0160, do, aklnned, loose, 1HH (if -joe. do, do,
limoked, 204 WlMc; other liama, nmokml, city
cured, aa to brand and aerage, lu'ic. hama,
limoked, weatern cured, lll'ic; do, boiled, lione
Un, 34c: ptcnle ahnuldera, H, 1. cured, looae.
, ltd do. amoked, ir,c; bailie. In rlckla, kecordlnir
inriH. looae. 1714 r! breftkfaat haenn. nn tn
iVand and aerace. city cured. 22a: bnaltfaat
Saonn. weatern cured. 2ic: lanl. weatern, re-
rnea. in ii?ii-b. j7s
do, do. In tubs, 10 Vic.
The market was quiet at tho recent decline.
Bttlnera" Hat prices: i:-ctra fine Rrnnulated, 0.20
426 2SC! powdered, II 3iiQn.a.1c. conrecllonera' A.
.lOOtf.ltci soft Krndes, D.4S0U luc.
nUTTCIt Offerln;a wero llirht and valuea
were well maintained, but demand waa onl
moderate. Quotatlona: Weatern. aolld-parked
creamery, fancy apeclale. SScj extra. .14W3Sc:
eitra tlrata. S38.1.1H a tlrata. IctiJ.'Vr; aec
onda. 8131Hc! nearby nrlnta. fancy. 37ci do,
average extra, 3W3Mci do. Ilrata, Jl.HfRlc; aec
onda. 81W32CS Jobblne aalea of fancy prlnta,
E0U8 Strictly fine frrah cs wero acarce and
firm with demand falrlv acttic, Quotatlona: In
free caaea, nearby extra, 83c per dot.; nearby
grata, tu.tio per atnndard ensoj narby current
reeelpta. t.0 per cnae: neaiern. extras. .Vic per
dox . weatern cxtrn tlrata, tit.PO per caac: do.
Brata. tu.30W0.uo pr caae: fancy rclected
candled frcsli circa were JobUnc nt 3UW41C
per dox
rilKKSE Demand waa fairly active and,
with atronjt country ndilora. the market ruled
firm and higher. Quotatlona: New York, full
cream, fancy, ltl'ic apeclala, hlsher; do, do,
fair to good, 1HV &VJQ, do, part aMiiia, 114P
I.1VE Fowl' wero quiet, hut choice atock
ruled steady. I'hlckrna wero In ample aupplv,
dull and veak. Quototlora l''ow1, na to
tuallty, 2021c: rooatera, Hti'ISc; aprtnic chick
ens, according to qvallty, ehihln8; 1 oi". iim
and oierupkce, 2Ci'23e: sprlnc chlckena. amall
slzea, 1DQ21C: wnlto iK'Khorra, according to
quality. 18W21C: ducks, ns to alxe and quality.
ISWlJc: plKiona. old. per pair. :3V2dc, do,
joune. per pair. l(Gv22e,
l)HESi:i) Fine deslrnble-alzed atock waa
well cleaned up nnd nrm. Following are
toe quotatlona. rreahUllled dry.packed
fowl". 12 tn box. dry-plckcd. fancy se
lected. 23'4c: do. weighing 4V S ll.a. nplece.
24C. uii, vi'ikiiiiik v it's. ufi?cu, .ic; uo, vreign
If Inir SVj Ilia, apiece. 22c: do, welchli'K ft in.
hi apiece, 20021c Fowls, In tibial.. Ice-packed.
tA. fancy, dry-picked Northern Indiana and I tit-
Ola. welthlnK 4wri lbs. apiece, 2.'fic: Houthern
Indiana and Illinois, weighing 4015 Its. nplece.
Z?c; smaller sizes. Indole. Old roosters, dry
picked. 10c. limiting chlckena. llltnola, larae,
Str20c: do. Indlatin. large. 24($22c; do, small
sizes, 22&023c. Ilrollera, Jcraey, fancy, a1
82c. ltrollera. other nearby, welchlne 1H 2
lbs. apiece, 2H30c. Ilrollera. marby, smaller
sizes. 'Mil 27c. Ducks, nearby, spring, 21c.
Hounhs. per. dozen -White. . weighing 11 to
12 lbs. per dozen. 13.7500; do, weighing 0 to
10 lbs. per dozon. tl.R.'tf 3.50: do. neighing
8 lbs. per doren. $4 3M.35. do. weighing 7 lbs.
rer dozen, 3.50Cj3.7S. do, weighing nUO'i
lbs. per doren. t!'-79(t!.Pii: dark. t2.50Ol'.S0;
mall and No. 2, 00cOtl,23,
Demand nos only moderate, but Mucs were
well auatalnnl on choice stock of moat de
acrlptlons, Quotntlona: Aiiplea, per bbl. North
western greening. .'! e 3JiH; blush. 313.311,
smokehouse, tS.733.2.1. wenltl-y, 12.71'if S.2"
dueheas. i2.!!.'Vf?!1.75; fulr In rnnA talrili All
Apples, Delaware and Maryland, per hamper
fancy, tlm1.23. fnlr to (rooi), ,13 7.1c.
Lemons, tier box JOW7 oo. IUncapplea, per
rrate Florida, tl2. l'eiches. Virginia,
per carrier Klberta, ttWlJSi belle. tliil.-J.'i.
rears. New York llartlett. tier bbl. J.'lW .1.(10.
Grapes. Delaware Concord, per crate, 7590c;
Concord, nor I-1S. basket, sOlOc. Wntermelona,
'njt car. tlOOW200.
The general market waa quiet and the
potato market wus nvutn raslcr. Quotations:
jVhlts potntoea. iier bbl No. 1 Haatern Hhore,
I2.30e2.75. No. 2 Kastern Hhore. tl.2.101.50:
1 No 1 Norfolk 2."iO02 ""1. No. 2 Norfolk,
ll.23Wl.r,n. Whlto potatoes. Jersey, per has-
ket, o0nv. Hwet notntoen Ivaacrn Shore,
per bbl. No. 1 f2.riOf2 75, No. 2, tl.'-'.'i Wl.7..
I Onions, Pennsylvania, per hamper. $11.15;
i onions, Pennsylvania, per 100-lb. bag, l'-'.-.'.'i O
J 12-50.
English Bank Loses Bullion
LONDON. Sent. 7. The weekly stnto-
tnent of the Dnnk of England ghows a do
crease of 855.095 In bullion. The nronortlon
)tif the bank's reserves to liabilities Is 23.86
per cent, against Li.uu per cent ust wcelt.
The discount rate waa unchanged at 6
per cent.
NEW YOHK, Sept. 7. The market for
foreign exchange in the first hour of busl
Cess today was dull und uninteresting.
There were no appreciable changes In rates
from? Wednesday's final figures.
Quotations were: Demand sterling, 4.76i,
cables i.7 7-1C. GO-day bills nominally
4.71, 90-day bills iXO'A', frano cables
0.874, checks 5.88 Vj ; relchmarks cables
HVt, checks 6974 ; lire cables 0.44, checks
t.45,' Bwles cables 5.294, checks 5.30;
Vienna cables 12.15, checks 12,10; kroner
cables 28.3S, checks 2S.10 ; pesetas cables
10.22, checks 20.15; guilder cables 40.13-16,
checks 40 s, ; rubles cables 32Ta checks
A considerable scarcity of French ex
change Is noted and predictions are of a
sharp upward movement. An International
banking house, which Is regarded as a
prime authority on French exchange, Is not
selling and has advised other Interests to
hold their francs with a prospect of con
siderable profit later Of course, political
considerations have some bearing In this
The foreign exchange market nround
midday was dull, but In the main steady,
Jlthout quotable chango from the opening
In the early afternoon relchsmarks re-
"ted to 69 for checks nnd 69 M tor cables.
1 French exchange made a further advance to
Mi'i for cables and 5.87 for cheeks.
Rubles rose to 82.10 and 32.90. Sterling
a unchanged ond there was little of In-
" Wrest It) the other market.
New TnrV
Call. ,
4 044
Chicago ';;;;;; ;;,' swot
.M.IPm!?W Vlri 'hree to six montha, Phlla
lphla, tii tlH per cent.
u". DslnV rUnrlnn tAa.V nnmntrail with Via aap.
'- s ! wa( . w ntiu a,sav vv
t WfBaatiainw ilav lajit turn vnarii
isit ' ini tnti
Ht. Louli
f!f'on ., ii.Hli.wa I22.0M.sIO 110, 042,747
t-RliladelphU, 4S,s0,7yil 2S.01S.V80 23.6711. 10
r ?'f'WVotk BOo.S24.ii4S ISA 8110 1ST 1II5.1S'- nod
ds . 17.274,185 12,03a.5Ui U.133.4BU
fe NEVv yohk niTTTRn AKn v.r.r.a
' . NEW Yfimr n.n t Tirt'cri-n n..lni
BIkSJI? aloderate trading an! market about
r - m- u., .(.d tiinAi. t jiicimi inns unrnsnfM.
leaar on tl,D gradea.
Ouotatlona unchanged.
V fi'OS--Rclpt. 12,78li. Fanoy and top
I IV, ,,.'al.rllC'"'P?i medium gradfa steady: ex
tra flrsta, 8434Hc other grades unchanged.
CHICAfWV HaXra V IllVlfl nwina Iffllfl
fSaWrw--KSSi. tToTo&Ti.oSfKugh'
iAitiS' T.r-'.'x Ri"'vv. . . . ..
KV?"'. 8-8wtju'"iw Pd n.ifers, tl.iuii
uIBlCt--Raeelpu. lN.ooO Market :rynr.
U5 aD4 wttcrn, lt.C5B.;5 lambs, UV
Und SleamBhlp Pays Hack Dividend;
ViriXTl''OT7 T -. . M . II a -
or -j Canada &tamhai Comimny hvo !
sf mitef rrul B.aVnk- .. a &ar a. a.
WV 04 nooftl iM'ttol: Hn Mi ri-
h. back tovtm e Lkit''MM to.
Blood Flowing From Mouth nnd
Nose Arouses Suspicion
of Physician
Herman niters, 2010 Howell street,
Camden, was nr rested today after liU wife,
n brldo of six weeks, wns found dying In
tho kitchen of her home with blood flow ng
from her mouth nnd nose. The young
womnn died In nn nmbulance on tho way
to Cooper Hospital.
At nbout 1 o'clock this afternoon Wal
ters summoned Hr. .T. M. Mnrtlndale to hi
home. He told the physician ho had found
his wife oercomo by gas. Doctor Martin
dale could find no evidence of gas olson
Itig, nnd IiIb susplc.ons were nroused by
the blood which (lowed from tne vromnun
mouth nnd nose,
Immediately nfter Mrs. Wallers's death
the Coroner wns notified, nnd Walters wns
arrested by Detective Schreglcr. 1'ndcr
cross-examination, the police say, Walters
admitted he struck his wlfo during n rmnr
rcl. Walters Is employed ns a clerk In a
grocery storo at Twenty-fourth and Federal
Continued from rate One.
33 miles from Bucharest, tha War Orflce
announced this afternoon. The prisoners
Included 400 officers and four generals.
More than 100 guns wero also taken. The
text of tho War OfTlco report follows:
German and Bulgarian troops havo
captured Tutrakan by storm. Tho num
ber of prisoners taken, according to ac
counts already nt hand. Is over 20,000,
Including two generals and more than
400 other olllcers. More than 100 guns
were captured nt Tutrakan by our
PETItOORAD, Sept. 7.
llumanlan troops have evaluated tho
town of Tutrakan on tho Danube, 33 miles
southeast of Bucharest, under prcssuro by
superior forces of Germans ond Bulgarians,
It was officially announced here today.
The Rumanians withdrew to the north
bank of the Danube nfter beating back
heavy Herman nnd Bulgarian attacks In a
three-day battle. Oerman artillery bat
tered In tho advanced positions of tho Tut
rakan bridgehead.
London dispatches yesterday said It was
believed there that the German-Bulgarian
blow against the Tutrakan bridgehead
marked the beginning of tho German at
tempt to march on Bucharest nnd selre tho
Bumanlan capital. Tutrakan is regarded
ns the key to Bucharest.
LONDON', Sept. 7.
Tho Allies on the Ealonlca front nro now
assailing tho enemy both by land and sea.
The British "War Office today Issued tha
following report on tho Salo'n'ca operations:
On the Struma our patrols raided
enemy trenches and captured prisoners.
Naval forces successfully shelled a
battalion of tho enemy oppos to
On tho Dolran front tha nrtlllery
was active. Hostile guns shelling
Vladoja were sWinccd.
An enemy acroplnno was brought
down In flames In the Dloran region.
Greek troops stationed at Salonlca have
Joined the Allies nnd will fight with tho
Anglo-French troops against the Bulga
rians. The ICIeventh Division, commanded
by General Klmbranak's, was tho first to
align Itself with the Entente.
Two Brltlshaeroplano raided the Turk
ish neroplano at El Arlsh, on SJnal Penin
sula, east of tho Suez Canal, on Tuesday,
dropping 12 bombs w th good results, the
War Olllco stated today, Turkish nero
planes gave battle, but the British machines
returned safoly to their base.
Tho railway lino leading from Hallcz to
Wodnlkl nnd Semlkovltz has been occupied
by the BusBlans.
General Tchorbatchcff's forces havo driv
en the Austro-Uermans out of n Ecrles of
fortified positions and have reached the
Blver Narnluvka, crossing it nt soveral
points. Tho Itupslan advance In the Car
pathian woods near tho Hungarian frontier
nlso continues. In yesterday's operations
the Czar's troops took 564G moro prlsopors.
QUN'nVA, Sept. 7.
Austrian troops continue to retire along
tho Moldava Blver, Jn the southeastern part
of Bukowlna, beforo the Rumanians, ac
cording to telegrams from Austro-Hun-garian
LONDON, Sept. 7. According to a Buda
pest telegram, says tho Kcuter corre
spondent at Amsterdam, Tuesday's session
of the Hungarian Diet was extremely
stormy. When Premier Tlszn entered tho
House he was greeted with loud shouta of
"Resign I" from the party of Count Michael
Karolyl. Tho three other opposition parties
remained quiet.
When order was restored Premier Tlsza,
who was Interrupted repeatedly, said that
the attitude of the Rumanians was without
precedent In the history of the world and
that he hoped measures which had been
taken would bear fruit booh.
Count Julius Andrassy, former Premier,
agreed that tho entire energy of the nation
should be exerted In the fight, which was
In self-defense, but ho criticized the manner
In whlclw the Government carried on Its
business and Its lack of foresight. Tha
position of the country, tho. ex-Premier said,
was serious, but not critical, and while ha
had confidence In the outcome, there must
be a new leadership.
PI3TROGRAD, Sept. 7. Russian nrtlllery
Is bombarding the Oallclan city of Hallcz,
69 miles southeast of Lemberg and the
keystone of ttje Austro-Oerman defenses of
the Gallclan capital from the south. An
official statement from tha War Office to
day announced that Hallcz Is In flames.
Russian armies are closing In on tha
formidable fortifications of the city from
both north and south of the Dniester River,
In the last few days the Austro-Oerman
center, fighting desperately, has boon pushed
back on thi Hallcz north of the Dniester,
tha Russians taking large numbers of prls.
oners. Today's ofdrlal statement, however,
revealed for the first time that the Czar's
troops were within gun. range of Hallcz.
Russian troops havo also forced a cross
ing of the Dvlna River north of Drlnsk,
capturlnc German trenches on the western
bank. This Information, which was con
tained In' today's offloial communication of
tha War OMce, Indicates a renewal of
fighting on the northern, end of tha eastern
Jn Qallcla tha Rust-Jen adveno oantlnuoa.
P.UMlan forcw under General TckerbatonefC
have Mptured Atotr-Grm naslHflw
wart tiM MmsOwi, trthMtaaT mt
La-aU Um W ' O
Otnartl BfUtmtrt Mv-Mt Mow to tha
Auatro-Gcrman nrmles defending the) ap
proaches to Lemberg has 'come qulto un
expectedly, as the prelous ones came, nnd
In accordance with tin HusV.m comrrnnd
er's strategy of dealing blows here nnd
thero apparently nt random, without a
definite objective, but really with n view
of wearing out tho enemy nnd eliminating
ns noon ns possible tho second In Importance
of the Teuton nllles, Austria, Though It
wns genernlly known for some weeks thnt
tltncrnl Druas, loft's armies were slowly
closing In on Hnltct, no Intimation what
ever was given, by Pctrograd or Berlin or
Vlennn, that they were so cloac to their
objective ns to bombard tho city nnd set
It on fire.
The loan of Hallcz for, apparently, the
Russians are likely to capture It In a
comparatively short time will be the first
real step townrd tho capturo of Lemberg,
probably of, tho whole Gallclan fortified
line extending along the Pan Rler from
Przemysl to Jnroslav. While tho San lino
form tho point of support for tho Austro
German left wing, Hallcz, which has been
strongly fortified lately, supports tho right
wing. Onco Ilnllcz Is captured by the
Russians, the whole barrier formed by tho
Dniester River must necessarily crumble
nnd with It tho linn along the Gnlla Llpn,
nn affluent of the Dniester. This menns
tho uncovering of Lemberg, of which
Hallcz "rightly has been called "the key."
Continued from Pate One.
to laranvltlo. Ragan threw out Bancroft.
No runs, ono hit, no errors.
Rlxcy's throw retired Mngcc. Konctchy
went out tho samo way. Smith filed to
Nlchoff. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Magce pulled down Klllefcr's long drive.
Rlxoy lifted to Snodgrass. Kgan'a throw
retired Taskert. No run1!, no hits, no
errors. '
Kgan out, Nlchoff to Ludrru. Stock
made n beautiful play In throwing dowdy
out. Illxey throw out Ragan. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Nlchoff went out, Ragan to Koncy. Ra
gan nlso throw out Stock. Cravnth sin
gled to center. Whltted forced Crnvath,
Koney to Maranvllle. No runi, ono lilt,
no errors.
Mnnmvlllo wns easy for Stock and Lu
derus. Snodgrass was nafo on Nlchoff 's
fumble, although the official scorer gave
him n hit. Wllhnlt popped to Luderui.
Magce filed to Stock. No runi. no hits, ono
Ludcrus singled to center. Bancroft
bent out n perfect bunt. Klllcfcr nacrl
flced to IConcy. Illxey .singled to center,
scoring Ludcrus und Bancroft Paskert
lined to Magce. Nlchoff singled to center,
Rlxey stopping nt second, Niehoff was
caught napping off llrst nnd when Rlxey
tried to reach third, he was retired, Gowdy
to Koncy to Maranvllle to Smith. Two
runs, four lilts, no errors.
Koney sent a long drlvo to Whltted.
Stock mado n beautiful btop nnd threw
out Smith, ingan funned. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Maranvllle mado a bare-hand stop of
Stock's grounder,! but Stock got n hit by
beating the throw. Cravnth waa called out
on strikes, nnd Stock, was doubled stealing,
Gowdy to Kgnn. Whltted filed to Snod
grass. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Bancroft's throw retired Gowdy. Ragan
fanned. Rlxey threw out Maranvllle. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Britain Recognizes Importance of
Threatened American Reprisals
LONDON. Sept. 7. Officials of tho British
Foreign Ofllce have not yet had tlmo to con
sider the general rovenuo bill as affecting
the various blockade nctlvltles, but news
of tho possugo of tho bill by the United
States Senate excited cont!dcruble In
terest. A Foreign Office ofllclal said the depart
ment fully recognized the Importance of the
legislation. It Is expected one result of the
action of Congress will bo to hasten a reply
to the Washington protest against the Brit
ish blacklist.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. Tho attitude of
tho Fntento allies toward American trade
retaliation legislation will bo determined by
the Grand Trade Council of tho 10 bel
ligerent governments nt Paris. Entente
diplomats hero said no action would
bo taken until authority had been received
from the council, and In the meantime all
Information on tho subject obtalnnblq was
being forwarded to Paris.
It Is thought probable that no formal
nctlon will bo taken unless the President
actually puts Into force the discretionary
powers of refusing clearanco papers to ships
discriminating ngalnst American goods,
withholding tho use of telegraph and cable
lines from subjects of discriminating gov
ernments nnd denying Import privileges to
countries which restrict American trade.
Mother Falls Downstairs and Joins
Daughter Who Attempted Suicido
Mrs. Mary Bassett, 826 North Slxty-slxth
street, and her daughter. Florence, occupy
adjoining beds In tho West Philadelphia
Homeopathic Hospital, tho daughter as a
result of attempting suicide, thd pollco say,
and the mother, as tho result of a fall
downstairs when sho was In a dazo fol
lowing the finding of her unconscious
The daughter turnod on the gas In n
stove and leaned over it till she fell un
conscious. After sho had been sent to the
hospital, Mrs. Bassett was descending the
stairway nnd tripped over a carpet.
Superintendent Calls Noiscma'ters
"Empty Heads, Thieves and Grafters"
SCRANTON. Pa.. Sept. 7. J. C. Taylor,
superintendent of county schools, addressing
tho County Institute today, said he would
not shoot wide of the mark If he called
the echoolma'ams thieves and grafters for
accepting $3 per day for attending tho In
stitute and then fooling their time away.
Ho was very much worked up because
of the Inattention of the teachers. He
called the poise-makers "empty heads" and
said he would get results for the remainder
of the week or know the reason why.
Elkton Marriage Licenses
I5LKTON, Md., Sept 7. Couples pro
curing marriage licenses In Klkton this
morning were Benjamin R Barnett and
Anna Salles, William J. Hullne and Maria
C. Lynch, Louis OuemyeA and Elizabeth
O'Donnell and Jesso Krrlckson and Marie
Trotter, nil of Philadelphia ; Alfred J. Jones
and Caroline Fischer, Chester j Robert Hill,
Havre da Grace, and Hllzabeth Simpers,
Elkton; William H. Delbler and Mildred
i;. Uoyer, Sunbury ; J, Harold Gallagher and
Jana Worrell. Kennett Square: Edward
Mousley und Clara Mclfonney, Chester, and
Andrew J. Grollle and Frances Farrel,
Trenton, N. J,
Distinctive Tailoring
Fall Stales Daity Arriving
A Dependable Service
61NCK 1M
4inwJut "
Centlnned from Tate One.
Tho Germans claim 31 officers and 1117
prisoners south of the Somtnc, nnd assert
thnt 400,000 French and British troops nro
engaged In the attack.
All the offlclnl statements speak of heavy
artillery flr nil along tho Pomme front, nnd
particularly north of tho Sommc, where
the British IS nnd 16 Inch guns havo been
busy all day throwing hlgh-cxploslvo shells
Into German trenches nnd Into Comblca
All Indications are that another attack
In to be made today.
LONDON, Sept. 7.
tn savags hand-to-hand fighting last
night a German forco nttneked Leutc wood,
near Comblcs. under cover of darkness, was
driven bnrk, IcaNlng ptisoners In the hands
of tho British, General llnlg reported this
Fighting continues In tho outskirts of
Glnchy. Thero were nrtlllery duels during
the night. Tho olllclnl report rends as
Under cover of dnrkness tho enemy
counter-attacked at Leuzc wood. After
linnd-to-hand fighting the Germans
wero driven back, leaving two officers
nnd 17 men In our ranks. Fighting nt
Glnchy continues. Thero was consider
able nrtlllery dueling during tha night
nnd morning, tho enemy using gas nnd
"tear" shells.
Hast of Neuvllle St. Vaast, In Artols.
tho enemy exploded a mine,
Ijist evonlng wo effectively bom
barded enemy trenches west of Lens.
BHRLIN', Sept. 7 Russian forces, Bays
tho oftlclnt statement Issued last night at
the German Army Headquarters, havo
pressed back the center of Archduko
Charles's front between tho ZIota Llpa and
tho Dniester River In Gnllcla. The text of
tho statement follows:
Group of Prlnco Leopold of Bavaria
Russian nttneks north of tho Zlo-choff-Tnrnopol
Railway lino failed un
der our fire.
Group of Archduko Charles Between
tho ZIota Llpa nnd tho Dniester tho
Russlnns ngaln begun their nttneks.
After vain storming nttneks they finally
pressed back tho center of our front.
In tho Carpathians the enemy gained
a small advantage In the fighting al
ready reported southwest of Znblo nnd
Shypot. At many other places ho at
tacked In vain.
A report received from Austrian Army
Headquarters under date of August 4 says:
Archduko Charles's front Tho Rus
s ans continued by day and by night
their efforts to break tho resistance of
tho Teutonic allies In tho Carpathians.
Thero wero violent engagements nt a
number of places. Hostile uttackB
were repulsed by our flro or by bayo
nets or hand grenades.
Small local Russian successes south
west of Fundul Moldowl and in tho
sector of Tartar Pass wero mostly neu
tralized by counter-attacks. Tho ene
my's losses were heavy.
Hostile attacks southeast of Brzezany
caused tho enemy heavy losses, but
gave h'm no advantage. An engage
ment In a email portion of a trench Is
still going on.
Unn Fortczzn Rumerm In Peri-
colo per gli Attncchi del
Bulgnro-Tcdcschi. I Russi
nelln Gnlizln
ROMA, 7 Settembre.
ail austrlncl hanno tcntnto un nttneco
ill sorprcsa contro le miovo poslzlonl Ital
ian dl Punta del Fornme, ma 1'attncco
e' stnto prontnmrntc resplnto dalle truppe
del genomic Cadorna, nnnunzla un bollct
tlno urtlrlale pubbllcntn oggl dal Mlnlatero
della Oucrrn, cho nnnuncla puro die gll
Itnllant hntino dlspcrso truppo nustrlnche
cho si erano conrcntrato nolle vlclnante
dl Hambarl, In Albania
Notlzlo piTvemite qui da l.onrtra dlcono
che le forrc itnllane contlnuano nd avnn
zano, le nutor.ta' grecho cho Bono prcposto
In quella p.irie cloo' che la conrerenra dl
Iondrn nssegnava all'Albanln c cho In
segulto la Grecln occupava mllltannento
nonostanto le protesto ilell'Italla. A poco a
poco, a mlsura che le forze Italians nvan
zaro nolPlnterno dell'Eplro scttentrlonale,
zano lo autorlta' grecho cho sono" prcposto
aU'ammlnlstrazlone del coinum eplrotl sono
spodestnto o rostltulto con funzlonnrll
Italian!. Dlspnccl dn Atcno dlcono cho
questl proibiscono ni clttandlnl promlncntl
do pacst occupatl dl Insclaro I comunl dl
loro resldenza. Gil llnltnnl hanno Incomln
ctato lavorl per la costruzlono dl stradc o
per nitre opere dl utlllta publillcn.
I,o stesso dlspncclo dn Atene dice cho gll
nbttnntl doll'Kplro scttentrlonale o per es
sore plu' slncerl I grecl dcll'llptro setten
trlonnle stntino preparnndo una protesta
che Invleranno a re Costantlno dl Grecla ed
nlle nitre tro potrnzo dcH'Intcsn, Russia,
Francla cd Inghlllerra.
A Berllno c stnto unnunclato I ufflclal
mento cho setto dello opcrc cho dlfcndono
la fortczza rumnna dl Tutrakan, comprcao
nlcuno batterle corazznte, sono state prcse
dnllo forze bulgaro-tedesche cho hanno In
vaso la Rumania c che Imnno nncho resplnto
lo forzo russo che rtnforznvano 1 rumcnl
I .a fortezza dl Tutrnknn sl trova a circa
trcnta mlglln a sud dl Bucarest a cul o'
unlta da un fcrrovla.
Un tclcgruinina da Pctrograd dice oggl
che I rumetil hanno pvneuato la fortezza
dl Tutrakan ctio era stata nltnccata dnllo
forzo biilgaio-tedesche I.'artlgllerla russa
bombarda la cltta' (.nllzlana dl Ilnllcz che
o' In flumme, o a Pctrograd si crcde cho la
enduta ill questa cltta' o" lnimincnte
Como sl vedo la sltuazlono mllitnro sulla
front Icra meridlonnle della Rumania non
e' ancoia chlara. Pcro' non blsognn dlmcn
Home che quel tratto della frontlera che I
butgarl nvrebbero pnicntn o' partl
colarniculc vulnerable essendo quasi affatto
Indlfcsii, nnchc perehc' o' vlclna nlla ferro
vla bulgnrn cho porta a Varna.
Sulla frontc ruaso-teutonlca le forzo del
generale Brusslloft contlnuano nd nssestaro
colpl qua c la' alia frontc nctn ca, dl sor
prcsa, sonza un oblcttlvo, appnrentemente
chlnro o ben dcflnlto. Nelle lclnanze dl
Ilnllcz I'lmportanto nodo ferrovlarlo cho e'
consldcrnto como la ch avo dl Lemberg, le
forze del generale Brusslloft hanno attacato
dl nuovo II nemlco, 1'urmata comandata dal
I'arclduca credltarlo d'Austrla, l'hanno
rlcacclato Indletro ed hanno cntturato altrl
4 GOO prlglonleri, dl cul 2000 sono tedeschl.
Lo strsso comunlcato ufllclale a tedesco
rlconosce che II centro teutonlco e' stato
forzato a rctrocedcre dalla fortlsstma pres
sloiio del russl.
LONDON, Sept. 7. The Russians con
tinue their advance In the region of Ognott,
In Turkish Armenia. West of Lake Van
they drovo tho Ottoman forces out of s
cral villages by using British armored miV
torcars. The ofllclal statement recording
these successes reads:
Caucasian front In the region of
Ognott our troops are advancing and
Inflicting great losses on tho enemy.
In the region to tho west of Ognott
we found corpses of our soldiers ter
ribly mutilated by the Turks.
To tho west of Lake Van British
armored motorcars drove out the
Turks from the villages situated in the
region of Chukhur NorBhen.
Martin Again to Coach Torr.o Golfers
POUT DEPOSIT. Md.. Sept. 7. Herbert
Martin, who at present la eoachlnir nt tlio
(Juokuo Field Club, I.onr Inland, nicaln will
have fliarae of the irolf Inatrucilon at tha Tome.
Hchool. This will b Marlln'a fourth consecutive
year at Tome, and under hla aultlanco the same
has become very popular among tho atudenla,
Arlington A. A. has Beptember 0 open for a
atrons aemlprofeaalonal horns club offering h
guarantee. For games phone N. II. Kdclaton.
Lombard 4870.
joint, a
ferv 7?tiiL ctnfui
fle, AcoZT
jmr vrtvrr Si S I
mrrscuus &qts J
VyAmerian UaJjncil CoJOC
a mzmmi&mxgm&x-xi m ts jum
&'nmmvmtmMizm e
II II Bentl ini Straight 1 UJ W
a Bones kHI Don&s W &sf
V IhatVroSaBAThatCrew H; Vff ,
II BentJby KBgstrokjhtin Mi M
II Pointed SaBli Educator I H -I
"ShoS fBlMsh0,JiaH 7
When Are Your
Feet Happy ?
CERTAINLY not when
crowded into narrow,
bone-bending shoes which
make them suffer from corns,'
bunion9, callouses, ingrown
nails, fallen arches, etc.
Get foot happiness forHiV
by wearing broadtoed, sen
siole Educator Shoes, built
to fit feet, not shootrees.',
tut Mtn
Made for Men, Women, Children
Not every broad-toed shoe h an ","lcti the feet grow at they shouW.f
EdiCator. Tbetcfore, tec that Made only by Kice& Hutching,
EDUCATOR w branded on the Inc., 15 High St., Boston. Maker
ole. It guarantee the correct alsoof All-America and Signet Shoe
wtbopaedk Educator shape that for Men; Mayfain for VVobmh.
RetaiUrs om be supplied at wIiolsleN
teom s4ok on wtr low,
.lot. L Mwmy Co., PhHtacklphk, Ttu
Entente's Pcnqe Terms Also In
elude Demolition of German
Border Defenses, Wash
ington Hcnrs
WASHINGTON. Sept. 7.Tho Allies are
illscttsslnir nmoni? Ihrmclves moro drnstlc
peace terms tlian ever before hinted. Hero
aro some of tlie demands likely to bo made
on Oermnny:
Viral, Tha ceding tn Knglsnd of llrlgo
Und. Heeon.l. Neulralltatlnn of tlie Kiel Canal.
Third, lleinollllon of anme f tlie atrnng
eat fnrttnrntlnna nn the (lerinnri hnnlrra.
This list wns obtained today from nn
offlclnl In close touch with Allied sentiment
both In this country nnd abroad.
The fact that they bellcva the military
situation Is constantly Improving, from
their standpoint. U responsible, this orfMaM
said, for the Allies allowing somcthtat
he known retarding the conditions urssr
which they will consent to moko. peace.
There are many brr.cInU among the AHMsI
nations whose desire to see Oermnny "at
lutely crushed" leads them to propose rH
harsher terms than those listed. In order
lo break down the power of centralis
Oermnny, It Is said, these men are In favor
of offering lenient penco terms to adjoin
InR states willing to sever their polltll
connection with the empire. nuttarK
said to bo less In sympnthy with Prussian,
rule than many of the other federated
Mntes, mny accept such an offer, Allied
diplomats think.
Fancy Chocolates
and Mixtures
at 28c and 38c lb,
1232 Market Street
And H ranches
A Beautiful Apartment
Piano of Extraordinary
Tonal Quality
YOU can depend upon the quality, the durability, the
appearance and the tone of this perfect instrument,
knowing that it will be as pleasing to your grandchildren
as to you and yours today. We manufacture thousands of
these instruments to meet the ever-increasing demand for a
piano that will cozily fit in the smallest apartment. It is
The Daintiest Piano in the World
and is obtain
able in eight
woods and
finishes. The
Ludwig Apart
m e n t is a
Full - Scale
Piano and is
the only in
strument of its
kind that is at
once compact
yet full-toned.
ln fact, this
wonderful in
strument is un
surpassed i n
Price, $315 to $350 either volume
or beauty or
tone. Come in and hear it played.
BllS BB n'fv KAN9rV f-.SBBg SB AM
mW Pl', ," mi w, Jmkm' m.M
Hi?. Vi ? .MK.rSl M w tl
marks the latest step in the development of the
It has been a long journey. But it is here. There are
six ways of playing this novel, wonderful instrument of
the age. Come in and hear it demonstrated.
Ludwig Pianos from $315 to $450
Ericsson Pianos from $270 to $325
Perry Pianos from $248 to $285
Ludwig-Made Player-Pianos from $450 and upward
Cath or Monthly Payment Arranged to Meet Your Convenience
LUDWIG PIANO CO., 1103 Chestnut
Edieon Diamond Dite Phonograph and Record
(Saysjthe -jbusmess Builder k
QUITE RECENTLY," remarked The Business
Builder, "I talked to a storekeeper who
. was not using Electricity. He had made
up his mind that Electricity was not necessary.
As we happened to be near one of the large
department stores I persuaded him to walk in
and have a look around.
"I thowed him that Electricity wa$ being ued in countleM ways
in this big, modern establishment. I asked him to explain to me
why the progressive, far-sighted business men who owned depart
ment (tores, and why the men who owned all of the prominent
shops used the 'electric method' as opposed to the method of
ten or fifteen years ago. He had no answer.
"Finally I said to him: 'Don't you think, after all, it is a question
of service to the public?' The public demands Electricity, it
insists upon cheerful surroundings, and a light, bright, spick and
span equipment. The public shops in stores which at least have
the appearance or prosperity.
"These are but a few of the reasons, and underlying thm is the
fact that employes work better in such surroundings, sell more
successfully, do their work more efficiently,"
With the new low rates, Electricity i$
not only the beat, but the Umst expend?
store lighting medium. Wire your sterm
now for the fall trade.
" "ill
0'! '"a
ETmiw ,it iJtiJ33.