vSTR o WEDNESDAY September 6, 1916 ibtmtut 4 4-1 M5lillplS - THfe VERSATILE CAMERA MAN FINDS A PICTURESQUE ABUNDANCE WITHIN NARROW FOCUS 1 Elil ' ' MS-m ' WELL- YANKEE DOODLE RODE ONE iMSSSS& AhSlSmm liSriill ' Z-$"m So why shouldn't Minnie Sabo and Lillian Rose, two fair visitors to tho Cannstattcr Volksfcst, enjoy PWM ' r'iW UNLOADING OYSTER FLEET AT POCK STREET Th retain f ts Maurice Rive tiUa after an abienee of 25 years finds the stevedores of the oyster wharves as expert Ths return m im lighteriaje as If tf rrlv4 of few million bivalve was a daily event LADY EGLANTINE'S RIVAL This introduces Betty, the champion egg layer of these parts. She js the property of John Michell, of JIaddonfield, and Is the pride of her Qwner and the envy of all south Jersey's poultry raisers. SHE IS pROUD OP HER PRIZE WINNER Maybe you do not recognize the precious treasure exhibj Ued by this Jersey fanner's daughter, but it is a squaia and took first honors at the Camden County Fair,