Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 04, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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m -
Frightened Creatures, Having Filled Their Minds
With Vice Literature, Fear to Venture
Out After Dark
VICE, duo to the extraordinary acllvl
ties of tho investigator and tho
crusaders, seems like tho poor to be nl
vraya with us. Veiled accounts of n
vicious world come to us In tho dally
papers, which must report the nows.
-Novels, loss reserved, draw asldo the veil.
Is It any wonder that a Umld woman feots
herself beset on nil sides by an en
cronchinff evil which any feeblo at
tempts on her part to avoid will only
Tho hysteria spreads. To jro Into a
movie Is to bo stabbed with a hypo
dcrmlo ncedlo wielded by a livid villain.
To bo abroad In tho downtown streets
after 10 o'clock In to run tho risk of ab
duction. To cct Into n taxltab Is to
jeopardize ono's future ono may be
whisked away and never be heard of
again. Tho man who rescues your
dropped parcel' may havo tho hypnotic
eye thnt Is going to place you In his
, power. What Is a poor, weak damsel
to do any way?
ForKet It, In tho language of the gut-
' ten Substitute common senso for hys
teria, and, as Uoosevclt would say, Fear
God and take your own part.
Tho other night It was my mlsfortuno
to bo caught out lato without tho shield-
' lng grnco of a good right masculine arm,
At tho reprehenslblo hour of 11 It was
necessary for mo to bo abroad In the
downtown district. Revolving In my
mind tho romantlo and perilous udvep
turo that1 would surely besot mo wore I
ft movlo queen or, tho heroino of a novel
of the Little Sister typo. I clipped along
i nt a buslncssllko pace. I am hero to toll
this tale, having arrived safely at my
It Is truo that nt the corner 'of Ninth
nd Chestnut streets I was ogled by a.
sad specimen of knighthood. Ho stood
limply on one hesitant foot, a perfect
picture of ono all dressed up In his Palm
Beach suit with no place to go. He
chewed a toothpick meditatively. As I
pasort him ho cleared his throat. Ho
was such n tlmldy men. It was pathos.
Ho will never get a lady, thought I, If
ho doesn't pork upl
At Eighth street a man nnd a girl
wero hnvtng a vociferous quarrel. In
language not exactly adapted to tho par
lor sho was accusing him of membership
In tho Ananias Club. Her brand of Eng
lish was contagious. Ho caught It and
camo back at her. But did I havo to
como out for thls7 Of courso not. My
Janitor nnd his wlfo often forget them
selves. To swear as well as to err Is
At Seventh street two obese gentle
men paused In their tracks to observe
my progress down tho street. Perhaps
if I had smiled at them they would havo
bought mo a planked steak with truffles.
Unless I havo misread my O. Henry I be
lieve It Is with planked stcalr snd tru
fles nnd effervescent liquids that the
bloated rich tempts tho poor llttlo work
ing girl. But I did not smile and tost
out on the beef.
Tho story books and vico pamphlets
notwithstanding, I did not nrrlvo homo
panting and breathless as tho hart In
tho chase. Nothing hod happened to dls
turb my equilibrium. Nobody flashed n
hypodermic ncedlo or a chloroform cone.
No knockout dropB wero surreptitiously
slid Into tho soda I purchased at Broad
street. I was not stalked to my very
doorslll by a villain In a green Alpine. I
found vlrtuo quite triumphant, as I
Imagine sho always Is when wo want her
to bo. M'LISS.
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page
Addrraa all communication lo M'l.lss, care of the. Etentnc ledger.
oi me paper onur.
Write on one side
'WMKri?t'jyrl,w1?at hllMfot Meals 7011 possess!
' tV. 1? ,cha"n," naliete ou write. ,flt takes o
llltlo to make the averase woman happy."
iJl'SS'il.'iJ1 nni .'!?"! "veraca women? Or
Wi P." fT V1 ot . ! ' aia-rn from mine.
. .U..",tl" J want '? "Pn B PT cent of
v. 2?" ilnss on c!othea7 Does It denote
?i?fpi?."..w'1n. ? woman continually cnll to
f?J. ,hen".in.of hr hard-working- husband the
J"i ,,!SL,n;,,,r, n''hbo" hav automobile and
? -; -."". iu privnia Bcnooisr
The only way a man can make his wife happy
n these days la to Rive her all ho make and
then ko out and, make more. Take It from one
who eigne hlmielr EXPERIENCED.
Dear M'Llsa Pleau tell ma how tn get a J
on a newspaper. if. f. T.
Tho preliminary step Is to make applica
tion to tho city editor or tho managing
editor. This, however, is not getting the
Job. To do that you must Impress upon
him the necessity that his staff feels for
your services. It is difficult.
1 I t ?4 M&?'frt! I' ,$rf
.taaaaassW I -.' C5B 1-S ';Jr J
jUSSMSMSyJ w , - 1 -tv-' ' j.iaA
vC- ya7 Par. lit- ' ' .i VHakf. 11 l.SJv.lWJJ T&
on ay -j
Coed form queries should he ad
dressed to Deiorah Hush, urttten on
en side 0 the paper and signed Kiln
full name and address, though InlHoM
nxLY utll be published upon request.
Tnts column will appear in Mondays,
Wednesday's and Friday's Evening
Forget Self
Dtar Deborah Rush In. mr , ellmation you
have helped othera Immensely. Aa I am sniioi"
to have you aaslat me. I am wrltlnr to ask you
to pleaae let me know what to say on srJtJn
on the birth of her Oral child, a father- w ld
It be necessary to congratulate the uncle ot
the child? What should I say whn I am com
relied to arologlie? I rea lie that there are bo
set greetings or congratulation, but although.
I sincerely wish the bride every, happiness. wen
the time cornea for me to apeak, speech 1 "Jf'i
upon seems; an arriTai t unvj. .";- ..;
the first time, should I admire It bf?" 'he
motherl It, I amt not asking; oomuFj ."h
do you think of the composition of triljtMer J
Tour not knowing Just what to say under
the various circumstances cited In your let
ter shows a certain sclf-consclousnos'?,
u-Mrh la thn flrat thins to overcome If you
nre to meet people and team to be gracious
with them In conversation. It would be a
mistake to tell you any phrases to use for
these occasions, as they would only sound
decidedly sot and, therefore, give nn lm
nraaalnn of Insincerity. Of course, It Is the
gracious thing to admire n llttlo baby be
fore Its mother and to say kind and cordial
things to the relatives About congratu
lating a bride and bridegroom, there Is
usually so llttlo time to have any conver
sation nt a wedding reception that a word
wishing them all happiness Is all that Is
Tour letter, though neatly written and
carefully spelled, la rather Imolvcd In Its
meaning. You mix your Ideas Into discon
nected questions which have no bearing on
each other and make one sentence out of
the whole. Always finish one subject before
starting on nnother.
city. She braved notoriety several months
ago when she denounced Wl Ham Butler,
who she charged tried lo blackmail her
under threats against a memucr -
Zaeatljg &cjportcft
ADAMSOtt.nOBERT J.. .. 1803 N. 8th St.
t,r5BB.Ei ;..B25ff..fiVnrJrk.r art.. Col-
BA'flJF.'if: ORLANDO. Woodland Ave.. S. Lan-
nAnhv: ificiIAEL. MULN.. M '
.Nl.A ,
a. or a , are
a ah as, Tl
Kit T"idence."2siJ'Kr"far5n,y ft ,..
at Pernwood lnir if' '. It.
viewed Tuesday, rfrom 7:30 to 9 1? 2"tfl
tomobite service. ttui'i
r Invited to attend id
Wednesday, at 2 2 lS?,
,CVn'tery.. Hem'tln '
ItANXE. On Sentembe- 3. mi ..
wife of Joseph.?.', llance and Aa.,.i'.'?Wl
late Jonn ana Marirnret Daley nli7f
frlenda are Invited to attend tha f&Jwi1
fiUEH .ALtnmr. 40 jrr "s
,'ONNM.L, JAIBSv,a7pfl O at.
jfJAl.MIN6s.MARV. .... M
43 yra., Vlncentown,
2080 N. Judson t.
.U.l. C.I. I5.A
Yi V. mW 0 & Alhans ave.. Atdmore. Pa.
JilAO?NBTr" UILDA. 21 yra.t 1015 S. Broad
EAtEjSCV, PHEDE MA33ET, 2004 Mt. Ver
non at
;.;;.;. -it.itria ra vri . i!n' rc. iiPKner ai.
no triil.G'r. JAMKST..ft.jre JS1 8. 20th at.
(IIIANT. MARV.H17 S. 2tn at.
ilrVffiinON, II.VA AtlSJAN. 1848 U. 16th it. ,
Jfll'u ritBSTON f-EVlS, 101 States ave.. At-
ItOSHAClf, VfAHOLb ntJVEU 10 yrs.. 442 E.
iiiranj mr,
IIUV. .'MAll
MAnfn.. 59 T. 119 N. 3d at.. Cam-
ltirn!jll3btf. .flAMUEt. . 202t Wlnls r at.
VEt'.t.V. THOVAfl J.
KKNNlir, DANIEI.,p.. tlO B. 23i
Ktilt.. FREDERICK. 40 rs., J
Ices. on. Wednesday, at 2 n. m VSS'iriWll
nA Mr nai iaaa r " . ina t .
SI04 Mantua ate . 'tAHT. E.OlfS
Cemetery. ' al " My
attend the funeral.
from ner
terment at
ffNSoSfJElJrfe&ow JR& JIB
.ate "ftiT&iS. ,S,y Lfj3
at Adath Jeahurun C?m.,Jll 'MsK
lltr.T.. On Seplember 8. 1BI0 .1 si. ., fl
-"-.' r.; i-.v.v --m. nuHDanii :?.
Itaret A. Hill. Relatives 'and
1311 Wharton at.
m at.
1317 U.
mos., 65)3
JOHN ft. 10 ra.
iatmn ntnwn.
tn jr. du.tu itirnru ve
Could you cleaso give ma the nama of fancy
work macazmea7 And also tell what Is the
HVVi. Ln, La,,.lr. ndtfhere one la likely to
ret the hlihest prices for such? I should tlko
to correspond with somebody who alla denims
ana who may sle me "polnta" upon the sub
ject. C U K
The rules of this paper do not allow the
, publication of tho titles of magazines or
' of business houses except In tho regular
advertising column. The means ot our
command of compllonco with your wishes
are narrowed down to passing along the
wiah to correspond with a dealer In tatting
designs. If there bo ono among our
, readers, It will bo a pleasuro to the Corner
to put your address Into his or her hands.
Lady Baltimore Cake
i 8.l?i'T?''.f." nBO ou published a recipe for
.12)5. B!llr cake." I wish to ask about
. WlltftP Until If Knlna n rh,...l bh.. .
the blanched nnd chopped almonds "' The till-
J,v'.V-'1'.icr.'bua" "rt anJ creamy. I aup.
pose the all In the nuts must take the placo
I i.,5S.uual. wh,t' ot hut my fllllna- waa
SJ5. !2'!. and c.r,i'im,i .l wonder. If tho printer
i ad..ma.d0 a mlstakeT .1 am clad of the opnor
1 tunlty to consult you about It, for I ehould like
o much to set It Just rleht. AUNEH It.
First, do not put too much water with
tho sugar. Half a cupful to two even cup1)
i of sugar should be enough to dissolve the
I sugar. Put over the flro and do not stir
j until a little dropped from the tip of the
spoon "spins a thread." Take from tho
I fire at once, set In a vessel of boiling water.
. and begin without delay to stir In tho
I chopped nuts, etc., which Bhould bo ready
j at your hand. A little lemon Juice faclll-
tuico ma worn, .-so, me wnue or egg does
not enter Into tho mixture, which ought to
be creamy and "sugary." Practice and
, mg um icijmrcu 10 e uie tonaanf just
f right
Lonely Pauline
I Wrlfft fa rtUlUatr lh nnmai nf Panllr. a
I ih.?i.youI"t Jwlah srlrl . wbp would set Into touch
J,thK.a 00'1 'rl" c'ub- ' "l'1 ho "'ad t write
iu im. uuiib w
I an.orranliatlon
All rommunlrat on; addressed to Starlon
ITnrland should Inclose a stnmped, aelf.
addressed envelope and n cllpplnc of the
article In which you are Interested.
First put the chicken (or chicken and pork)
Into a frying pan with fat and fry until
done, but not brown or hard. Add the
sliced onion and cook a llttlo. Add mush
rooms. Sow pour enough sauce over the
ingredients to make them brown: add more
water and stew a few minutes. Add the
celery a tew minutes after the potatoes;
Anally the floured water to mako a gravy
using the water which stewed It. The
Chinese potatoes, mushrooms and Chinese
sauce may bo procured at any Chinese gro
cery. If the rice Is not cooked properly
WL creatl' detract from the good taste
wi ui. tuujj ouoy. umerwise u is a pa
latable dish. There ' Our Dart of the work
Is done. We can trust you to keep your
word. The formula Is too long for much
Apple Sauce Cake
of A.?,,SiB Caker-Ha!' cu" f lrJ. one cup
?.'"' "J18 C.UP "' "PPle educe without auear;
two cup; of ralslna. two cupa of Dour, one teal
ypoon of cloyea. half teaspoon cinnamon half
.XDOa'nd0'abf,,,,iC.'.01?.'1- "llf "Fv',?'"
A good recipe for tho well-known deli,
cacy and novel, Inasmuch as it calls for a
liberal admixture of raisins, which, by
tho way, wo assume must be soaked,
seeded and halved, then dredged with Hour.
THIS attractive suit Is fresh from tho designer's hands. Tho broad collar Is topped
with one In white a little smaller, showing the buttons and buttonholes In the under
one. The note of whlto Is carried down tho coat by tho largo buttonholes In tho
front and also on tho sleeve. Black buttons ore used. Tho gores of the coat flaro out
from tho waist down, adding Just enough full to mnko It hang gracefully.
The coat is lined throughout with satin. It comes In sizes 34 to 44, and may be
bad In black, as well as navy blue. Price. 325.
Tho large round hat. with a brim that suggests a droop when worn at a slight
angle. Is very fotchlng. Bright silk appllquo at the side in different colors makes an
effective trimming against tho black velvet and ribbon of tho hat. Price, 15.
"he name of tho shop where these articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by the
Editor of tho -ft oman s Page. EvENiNa Ledoer. 608 Chestnut street. The request must
KinuC?iTpani?d. by n 8tamPed tclf-addresscd envelope, and must mention the dato on
which the article appeared.
Ask Her Parents
Dror Deborah Hush Is It rood form to take
a young lady lo a cafe or root garden after nn
eitnlnu nt tho theater for a little supper? .lust
what can one order? YOUTH.
Strictly speaking, It Is not good form for
a young girl to go alone with a man to a
cafe In tho evening, though custom ha-
nllowcd It more of late. It depends largely
on the wishes of the parents of the young
lady in question. You wilt bo safe fh con
sulting them first. If you do take her, a
Bltnple supper consisting of a salad and Ices
would bo an appropriate thing to order, but
It Is usual to consult the young lady ln
question as to her preferences.
Deor Deborah Iluh When calllnc on a clrl
friend one night she asked me to como eiraln
the following nlsht. but 1 did not so. How
ahall I set back villi her In order not to hurt
her feelings? J. N.
If you had accepted tho Invitation to call
tho following night, you should havo sent
an excuse ln a letter nt tho time, As It Is,
tho best thing to do Is to call on the young
lady as soon as you can possibly do bo and
explain why you did not keep your engage
ment, with apologies for your rudeness.
Ii. '-.
.iiurimi ai. urn
tiTfia mirv ir il? tr.. anr.fl filpi
l ttT7 Wii i fllf 9 .. 1704 Wnif Mf
McKblVKE. DANiEIV 2fl4fl Ann i at.
McGUE. DENNIS, 317 Washington St., Bristol,
EMZADETH A., 2013 Dickinson at.
MA'UARUI.fc, FOSTER E , 67 yrs.. 1002 N. 63th
MIISHEIt. AMY. 4011 B. I'enn at.. Oermantown.
.MILKS, 6KO, HENRY. 3340 N. Howard at.
.MOI.K, AMULIA C, 70 yra., 080Q N. 11th at..
MONDILLO. LOUIS C. 21 yra., 110 W. Qlrard
MOOKB. MAItr A. 2549 N. path at.
MOOHt:. ELIZAUETH K., 1111 Stratford ate.
MOORKlfbAD, THOMAS. SOON. Dambrey at.
MOHEK. OEO. Wj, 03 jrs., 24Bl N. Opol at.
.MURROW. WILLIAM. P.. 111 B. Dorrance at.
MYER. HAROLD C, 18 yra., 20J W. Alle-
aneny ae,
uarri s him. iteiatives and fruM '
vlted to attend the funeral "
Wednesday, at 12 m., at hli fata nSC'S
States ate.. Atlantic Cltr, ft. J t3"l
nb ,.wVu...v,o -w...ct.7i?, .rniiaaeiDhla.
IIOSflAClI. On.Brptamber 2, lgifl tri.l
REUEL, son William A. nnd ilsftni c-
bach (nee Unas), aired 10 jeara. R.ifii5:R
friends, also memb-rs Kenilmtan?."
Uhurch and 8. S.. are. lnvlt?d "oattin?
funeral services, on Wednesday, it IS
nt parenta1 residence. 442 E. dlrird ,J4
terment private, at Westminster r'.VL1
Remains mny be viewed Tuesday frS5irt
10 p. m. ' ,r6" lit
HUTClllNflON. On AUust 31. lata ..?
eon of the late James and Theresa i,c'i
Inson. The relatives and trlnda t I"'
to attend the funeral, on Tuesday . TO
precisely, from his late residence. 2oil wi?
at. Interment ,priate, Remains i SVte!
viewed Monday, between T and 0 " m 'ii
Kr.LT.V. On September. 1..1DM, MAnV i.w
wiaow oi jonn iveny, in ner 88th year ,
lives nnd friends are Invited to attlXra1
funeral aervlcea. on Tuesday at 2 "
her late residence. 1381 Wharton at iJ"
tiiss -- w - - U1.UICIVIJ, jU
LUCAS. On September .8, 1010, luddentr inl!
II., nusnana oi Amelia i.ucis, aced 11 liZ;
Due notice of the funeral will be ilrenHl
his residence. 3060 Olrard ae. "n '2
I.IITZ. On September 2. 1010. WILLUU 5
.S and 'fiaftZE. "A")lw
SOth year. .Relattvea and friends, s Is. n!?
hand nt Mabel
son of ueors
- 1 1 !-
ALHERT J.. 78 yrs.,
Montgomery County
llat. s.. bo
Myers Homestead,
rs., near llurff-
mnnv Council. No. t,3. A. nf T !' ,,,?.
ton Camp, No. S3. P. O. S. of A. iiraimS
to attend the funeral, on Thursday .1
n. m.. from his .parents' re.M.r,.. . V.'
Wolf at. Herilcea t the Evannellst LitbtS
In Church Ground. Remains may be tis.3
Wednesday evening-, ("J
Mlr.R. On .September 2, 1D10. sudd..
AMY. wire ot ueoree D. Messer. HeliiiSi
and frlenda are InWted to attend the fm5
aervlcea. on Tuesday, nt i! n. m . . v. ,
p. m,, at Vr lul
ra . 2342 N. Mar-
to tbla younv woman and tell her about ajch
a organization. TH1 la not excluahe Any
aTtrl nf Hnr faith nr ! nr.Unn,. n...ti.
t would fcw cordially received. Th tnembn of
m.i v . iw iii anu are eapeciaiiy
tstitu m iratigcraT.
h ino wrimr nays
iroMalpa and hr eitpecUlTy
The letter appealed to me,
ha f .TasUf.Bh a ml Inn alar
t Into my heart a rrat lovo for the
.!e. althoucb I am (lentlle. I am
pman of about 13, and hopo during
c. itoA has du
f Jawlah peoL
I W woman of about 23. and hopo during
I cally. mentally, aoclully and splrliuall 1 ei
I pact to become a nurse and feel that my oppor
i tunlty to net Into touch with Klrls with lonely.
I aehuur hearts will bf great. ,1 should consider
It a prtvtlesa to wilu to this little srlrl.
I yield to the strong temptation to Insert
I your letter In full because In tone and
terms It Is so human, so womanly, and bo
.catholic. Wo who do not forget who were
(God's chosen people and how great Is our
J debt to the wonderful race of which the
(Saviour of mankind was horn the notable
a achievements, of the Hebrews In art,
'science, literature, commerce and states-
"vmanshlp an sympathize Blncerely with
t our correspondent's interest In the lonely
Pauline. The address went to her by mall.
Mexican Recipes
We promised last week to print the sec
'end of the following Mexican recipes, for
which we hae to thank, an esteemed
Mexican Rice Wash and drain a cup of rice.
SS UUA."- ,aui?pali J tabUspoonful of butter.
- X'1"n tnl?i. meU ?d " ',c". "1 aitlr well.
Cover, while you (.hop onet peeled tomato an.
Remove tba cover from the rice, stir la tlw
.!, w.1,1 .ufj, Kiui coo, wna tna rice
tnas punea ana u sort, season with salt and
ftranca ao thsrj will bo no dancer of burnln.
C- Hv.w .wo fia yh ioy ory, aaa mora
. Mr ir. jr.
A formula that seems odd to readers un.
fsicqualnted -with Creole and Spanish cook-
. cry. Mne tomato snouia be large and
very Julpy, and of course minced into
-little bits. Kvery drop of juice Is required
to moisten the rice sufficiently.
v A Chop Suey Repentant
' l auppoaa you will scold beutuaa I did not
keep aafsly tie recJpo for chop au.y pfijiishid
oma montba axo la tho Corner. It lot loi lu
soma unaccountable war And I want It na
Lorrtbhrl If you wiu l, ma blvi fi wUpE
,'i 'I0? f"Wully ta Pasts it Into my ooo
' book too mluuta In ft. I know ou du not
j. atnd reBpe by mall. '
Chop suey One-half chicken for ouae.
tr of a chicken and as much fresh, pork,
or mako It all pork, but chicken is much
Letter), one large handful of mushrooms,
a stalk of celery, eli Chinese, potatoes, u
bowl of rico, a small dessert dish of Chi.
fmu saoca twhlcij aniwers fpr salt) When
the. chicken Li cleaned scrape Uie meat from
th,e bone and cut into strips about one
and one-half Inches ions If pork Is used,
u the trU ttbout tbe same, length, Slice
tw ootow tta, ioak th iDushrooms for
Un mliiaf ta watw, ifyu rimoa the
Keuj , isaiL t4 wttfy te p'tc oa asA
WK momm mm- mm$ pwntaM r-
ypmmn- tux, usiairaro, aaaMr nil 8
Some Other Recipes
(nI.?.B'i-B 'ew recipes which I hope will appeir
in the Corner. Hnread between slices of thin
HTSJk1 m.br?"d ,hs "llowlns mixture: jiiah 23
much butter aa you hava voiiia r V... ,,..",, -J
i!;f.nvft.nd.'W, wltn P"Prlka. nalt and a
aprlnkla of whltn ivtin,, I i. .,. i.. V.t
the sandwich molat. Thesa are nirTt.iI.T;
In Four Years Miss Edith V.
Righter Rises From Clerk to
Head Advertising
Interest the Woman and Your Adver
tising Is an Assured Success,
She Says
uw sanuwicn moiat. Tnesa nre particularly
nice for nlrnlra wh.n u,r.nn... tn .?..J vJj!f lr
fi,Vwr:fl two thin slices of brown bread Uy a
iW?. ""S-l ' wh,lte ,re", buttered on both
;!&. ?jrt7vss,jssituM B,M1"nt "nij-
JSSttVtVl. P?oUunrd,.o0d'a CchraDc1?,ar."KUeni!
crumbled tivo well-beaten tm. one Urn laMe'
!W of,.b.VUer-.a tablespoon of choppVj piFsleV
and a little onton. If desired. Mut wall nS
put Into a doublo boiler for at liaai tire hojrs
This mains It dellcloua .Turn out on a baklni
?.U.',,HRna.i'aH" V,nm u delicious browH. o? ,"5
tirSSj'L.'.'l8 .b.ro."er- Her.ve "" "Heed tomatoes.
hen cold It la even better than hot
if. A V
Thank you I Aa you see. we have printed
the recipes you were kind enough to share
with the Comer.
Rhubarb Wine
-J "!..'! "! Corner a. recipe for rhubarb
MaThf." l b"' l0, Vl'"a "nv' . 3555
Boll the rhubarb In a double boiler, add.
lng no water after you have washed It
and cut It Into bits. Press out all the
Juice and measure this. Add as much
water as you have Juice, sweeten to taste,
and add a cup of brandy to a gallon of the
Ihiuld. Bottle and seal. This recipe was
published some weeks aro, accompanied by
the remark that It can hardly be classed
with wines, yet It goes by that name. It
Is a pleasant drink and highly medicinal
for weak digestions. We cannot send reclnes
by mall.
To Prevent Burning
When you have anything In the oven and
you wish to be working In another part of
the house. Just set the alarm clock for the
time to open the oven and go about your
work and at the appointed time will come
the loud and unmlstakaoie call from the
kitchen. '
I wouldC riot strive
With. ivrwnrM?.
For mpre.v or fbn
Were- kere. For .suck
"h. little. Urile.
wfcj-tt to live, not.
Nowaday It doesn't take a fairy god
mother or n prince plus n sliver slipper to
transform the modern young woman to the
heights of her profession. In the days of
Cinderella, when the only career open to a
woman was nugging the fireside, n miracu
lous pumpkin pIub the happy prince, was
n great help. But today business and big
business, too opens Its door to the ener
getla woman with common, ordinary, earth
ly perseverance and intelligence, who may
reach the top level In a profession open
only to the keenest and th wisest.
Four years ngo Miss Edith V Itlghter
started in ai a clerical worker In an ad.
vertlslng agency. Today she Is tho buyer
of apace for one of the largest firms In
Philadelphia, and handles almost 1,000,000
worth of space for her firm.
"Of course, there are school wlierA' n.
vertlslng and campaign methods are taught, '
uui my experience at the bottom of the
ladder lias taught mo the theory of adver
tising," said Silas Illghter. She Is a young
woman barely halfway between the second
and third decade of her life.
"Merchandising must be the forerunner
of every advertising campaign," continued
Miss Righter. "To merchandise means that
the Btores In the district Into which the
campaign Is about to he carried, whether
It be local or national, must be supplied
with the object about to be advertised. For
Instance, what would be the result If one
worked up a demand for nn article only to
have the customer told that the stores In
her town or village did not carry the goods?
The sales manager of the product must
first see that the advertised product is to
be had for the asking. That Is merchan
The art of conducting a successful ad
vertising campaign Is as Intricate and the
accompanying issues ao closely Interwoven
as the "house that Jack built." He or she
In whose hands Is the buying of space must
Judge whether the campaign Is to be local
Ued or spread, whether the best results
can be obtained through magazine, street.
car or newspaper advertising.
"If the product has been distributed over
the United States we may likewise dis
tribute our space throughout the country.
But If we decide, for various reasons, to
concentrate our campaign, we stick to the
newspapers. We place our advertising copy
In the columns of about 7000 newspapers
and weeklies In the United States." eald
Miss Righter.
The buying of space In a city newspaper
is not a simple matter. Space is bought and
paid for according to location and position.
When space. s bought according to post
Hon tho paper guarantees to tdace the ad.
.......... v.j um iu iwu columns or read
lug matter, "location" is another asset to
the advertising man, and he Is willing to
pay for having his copy placed on the sea
ond or third page of the paper. If space
Is contracted for merely ln the "run of the
paper1 the advertisement may be placed
anywhere, "
If some ona with an ncadenjlo mind do
elded to write a book, of axioms for the
adY!?1!fr V l5m on oi th t page
would be. "Consider the woman, for she.
w wtiujtcr.
- , r,' - "vy "
Carrot Dish
Cut four or flo slices of bacon Into
small pieces nnd fry; when brown add car
rots cut into Quarters nnd some small
onions to tho grease, taking out the bacon ;
when onions and carrots nre brown, not
cooked, add water, ono tnblespoonful of
extract of beef, salt and pepper: put back
the bacon nnd let the whole simmer for
ono-half hour; just before serving put In
bonio chopped parsley.
N. J.
AN.' JAMlis. UTS May st
PAKKb'R. JAMES C. 62 r
yra.. Pennypack Mill. Pa.
I'OHTKIt JAMKM A., 22 lu S. Hombcrger st.
niNOKi.sTiriN, Catharine:, si yra , 1340 n.
Mnnrher nt.
ROMMEL, SARAH, 41 E. 8d at., Moorestown,
RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM,, 432 E. Thompson.
SCHAUDER, LENA, 43 srs.. 030 W. Cumber
land st.
N. Randolph at
SHAW, WILLIAM J.. Sr 00 yrs.
SMITH. EDWARD ALLEN. 0 yrs., 139 S. fJ3d.
8TAN.flRK EMMA. 74 re.
8TBVENH. MARY A,. 330 N. flMh at.
STIER, JOHN. 70 yrs . 32R0 B. Thompson st.
STUART. HANNAH W., 71(1 W. Lehigh nt.
niuunii, ur-.uuui;, ivto c. i'aimer st,
TAOOART, ANN. 11737 E. Leh sh ae.
WARD. JlARY A . I.li N. 00th at.
WARD. HELEN E., a yrs.. 0120 Ludlow St.
WAHTMAN, JAMEH. 20 yrs.. 8521 N. 2d St.
WHITE, ELIKARKTH. lSOl Frankford ave
JVENTZEL, CATHAltfNE. 314B N. Hroad St.
WILSON, JOANNA. 4H yrs.. 3331 N. Front St.
WOLFERT, SlATILDA 0..-28 jrs.. '4717 Tacony
at.. Frankford.
WRIGHT, KATHARINE V.. 633 S. Conestoea
at.. West Philadelphia. v-o"eioEu
AI-nXANDER JESTINA D.. departed this life
Sept. 4, 1009. Daughters.
ory of our dear mothor, who departed this
life Septomber 4. 1010. "I heard a ico
from Heaven, sajlnir unto me. "Write, From
henceforth blessed are tho dead who die In
tha Lord; even ao salth tho Spirit: for they
rest from their labours."
41)9 Eaat Penn at.. (I.rm..,.l
intermeni ai ineiirn jiiua uemeterr. ift.1
..... ...... w ..w..u ...w..UUll UfCllillg. H
MOOUE. On September 2, 1016. ELIZaBicm
K., wife of. Oeo. W.II. Moore and diSS
ot .nno nnn mo lato I'rnnK u. waack. mimi
aerilccs, on Tuesday, at 2:1ft p. m.. it li
. ., ,llll,',u'u1 ave., iicitta.
late residence.
Train lealea Readlne
Lana 1:33.
MORRIS. On Septomber
Terminal for
1010. at 6om
iekl.. .."""
Cltr. N J.. nUTII. oldem daughter (10 S
nf John V. it nnrl Chnrlottn Kfri-v Hfi- .1
Ztfy flp an Inn. Ilnvhnrntiirh Pnnasai J
Tuesday, nt 8 v. m.t at 40th and CntrI2!
ininririsinr nritain wa...j."
prltate, Wednntu
in xeirA
1. 1!)1$
Cake Recipe
One nnd ono-half cups granulated sugar
two-thirds cup butter and lard mixed, thrco
eggs, on teaspoon each of cinnamon, all
spice nnd nutmeg, ono cup sour milk, three
cups flour, ono teaspoon soda. Cream but
ter and BUgar. Add eggs, beat Tght, then
spices nnd stir. Xow add sour milk with
soda dissolved In it nnd lastly flour. Bake
ln loaf or layer pans.
"Almost" Cherry Pie
There Is a mock cherry pie possible at this
season which, In flavor. Is an excellent coun.
terfelt of Its prototype. Mix n cupful of
boiling water with a cupful of cranberries,
half n cupful of chopped raisins, a cupful
of sugar, half a teaBpoonful of Bait, a little
vanilla and three level tablespoonsful of
flour. Bake between two crusts or with n
strapped top.
Ir four years sho rose from a
clerical worker to advertising man
ager of a largo Philadelphia firm.
line tastes only, ten to one the women of
his household will do the purchasing there
of for hint. For Instance, we bring before
the public a certain liniment that first
of all appeals to the athlete and to men
doing active manual work. But we aim
to attract the Interest of the women. Get
the women Interested nnd your product Is
But the buying of space and tha e-enemi
management ot the campaign Is only one
of the many angles of the advertising
agency. All newspapers In which adver
tisements are placed must be scanned daily
and the advertisements noted. An analysis
of the expenditure, month by month, must
be made and the total placed In Juxtaposi
tion with the sales report ot the salesman
coming the same district. Both reports
must be studied to deduce whether the
advertising is the right kind and Is reach
lng the right people. A comparison is made
and from the results the success of the
method used Is Judged and the foundation
w ... ,.c.v iiijjj;iign lata.
"Here is where my practical experience
as a clerical worker and stenographer comes
In handy. In the early days I typed the
reports of the salesmen. I studied at first
hand the results of distribution and mer
chandising. I learned the detail work be
fore I began to move. While still a sten
ographer doing the same w.-k as 20 o ner
girls In tho office I was asked to go to Chl5
cago to study the method of advertising
used by a concern which my flrrn waf
.....,.. ... ...wvj.vuia imo jig own
I Bpent several weeks In Chicago and
on my return took entire charge of the ad
vertlslng branch and handled about 1100
000 worth of advertising for them"
This was the first Clnderelia-llke move:
the second camo when .,.,, '"!"
was Incorporated Into the original firm and
&! e"t,r ?vertlslng. at the Sst of ?L00 -tract
Ver l Ml" R'Shter to n.
The subtleties of tho advertising anneal
the appeal that Is made primarily to th.
fkebook of the prospective customer
through the eye. nil lead toward one "b!
Ject The analytical distribution ot space?
the adequate merchandising avalleth not
unless thereby the desire to acoulre Is
aroused In the mind and heart of the
women, for the women of the United Btatts
are tie spenders.
Keeping Buttons
-,iJ alLd vnIuablo time looking for the
different buttons In your button box take
a wlro hairpin and straighten It out: then
shape the wire in a circle nnd bend each
end back after stringing all of one kind
of buttons on the pin. nnd hook one end
through the other. It takes but a minute
r?gVanVda'8 th Wnt k,nd3
Freshenipg Skirt
freshen a skirt that h t,.
wrinkled and mussed from packing or
otherwise, brush carefully, ao that all dust
may be removed, and hang over a tub of
boiling hot water. After It is thoroughly
steamed It will look like a tailor cleaned
garment. "
Potato Uses
h??hAp'tal0- D"' " Place It In
U bread box. It keeps the bread frlsn for
A grated notato wilt n ,.. .,
J2Xr!SBi !JtWS
fto matter if tha artleU adyartlssd 1 I ! t,JSlirv . ?T Bra - xiver th,
thesa tn& bjrfcbtwr.
My Love
MV.l0?!ir the water bend3 dreaming;
It glidcth and glldeth away ; '
She sees there her own beauty gleaming
Thru shadow nnd ripple and spray.
O tell her, thou murmuring river.
tt;! P.81" " your light wavelets roll
How steadfast that Image forever
Shines pure in the depths of my soul.
James Thomson."
Ninety-eight Years Old Yesterday, but
Uflable to Preach
The Rev, Dr. David Tullv was ax .
old yesterday.-and he wis tnV.fl "pSI!
c'hur'ch8. SSSHJSSL nSE&
bers of his congregation called InfonnanJ
,CJ,nra,t,u!it0 hlm UP" tha 98th 2SKJX
sary of his birth and upon the 65th anT
TWondltlo1 t0 th m,nl3t"- &
' '"' a condition was reported a- ..
atnyrrgaXt,e0ld W ""
many churches in this vlclnltv ir..Jf
Society Woman, Member of Several
iortouc uoaies, Succumbs
Xtonnpnnl;, TR?'
she failed to rally, and yesterdWe SS
such a turn for tho worse thatVer thr
were with their mother at tha nj iu
I?Kort ? 5"? he? U?eolh.e
l-tjz North Broad street, and th iW. . '
sss be pr,vau at Wta
American Revolution and the Society of thl
Mayfiower ascendants. She waa it yeSJ
Sarah Wisnr ffiiwnv.. t ..Trr1 ?"
A. K- M aa a4tato deSti f , ti
HAXTiat. On Sentembar 2. 1016. after a ahort
Illness. JENNlll M. BAXTER (nee Young),
ylfe of Wllllsrn H, Baxter. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m.. at hor late real
dence, 820 I'arker ae . ColilnsJale. ra. In
terment at Arlington Cemetery.
nORDIW. On September 2. 1010. at Oerman
town. EUGENIA, HEEVK. widow ot Francla
Ijorden. Funeral services at St. Luke's
Churcn, Oermantown, on Tuesday, at 11
a. m. Interment private.
""JJjn&T0? September 3. 1010, ALBERT
OUE1IL. husband of Mary Buehl. 2b0!i Dia
mond street, aced 40 years. Relatives and
frlenda ara Invited to attend the funeral serv
Ices, on Wednesday, at a p. m. precisely, at
his lata residence. 2930 N. Judson St. -Remains
may be viewed Tuesday, from 8 to 10
p. m. Interment private.
C'VJIT'9.Ji;Trn- September 2. 1016. PALMER
T.. CAMPBELL, osed S3 jeara. Ilelatlvea
and friends, also Covenant Lodge. No. 114,
I. O. O. W. anil thn KTanttCT.a n. .... nAA 1.-.I
Iowa Home, are invited to attend tha tuner
?J' ?Ja.u.e?dtty.ttt. 1 O- ra- Preclaely. from
tha Odd Iiellowa' Home. S. E. ror. 17th and
Tloca ats. Interment ot Mt. Morlah Ceme.
CUMSIINfiS, On September 3, 1010. MARY,
wife of James Cummlnss. Relatlvea and
w.'J1- ' fTa Incite to attend tha funeral, on
Zrtev?!abr'Al,la? m'i 'rom apartmenta
H.iJt,1?1? A' "ooker. 2404 Frankford ae.
solemn requiem mass Church of visitation, at
? n. Interment ot New Cathedral Ceme-
D)X'Ont?e,,t"nlrS.,1010, suddenly. DAN N.
ir.-rj.. lrlnls are Invited to attend the
iihan".1 .;iv,ce.aJat Ws late residence, 1 c
Athens ave.. Ardmore. Pa., on Tuesday, at
a P. m. Interment at Eaat Hampton, Conn,
iSJ,,"w).K.8epLeDl,5er 2- ,018- Bt his aummer
m"d.wo.odi if-.Jv TJIOMAS. son of the
Notice of the funtral .ate?. ' w"norul ulem-
E'siAsp,vr'rMn N1?th Mo5,h lt.l0IO.PIIEDB
a5A ?H..widow. J?.ne.a Eavenson. Relatlvea
-vleunnn VA 'M1 'u tt.Ueni1 the funeral
aervlcea. on Third-day. Bth lnst,. at 2 p. m .
at late res dence. 1'004 Jit. Vernon at Interi
ment private. Kindly SmltflowerS? ' '"
tSVi?fT,n. September 3. 1016. ANDREV..
husband of Bridget Olerin. Relatives and
We'dlieUy9 i?W. ,0U',na " ? SI. on
1840 p VS'.USI? "i a"i trom '' residence,
of VliliallonCld."rn"au'em. ma" a' Church
clthedrni'cVete" a m Jnterrae" a New
OfJUDOJir. On September 2. 1010 TltrnrAQ
liel"abtl?,Js 0a'ndn',Tcar alrdSa. 'aged "yVaAr?:
iteiatlvea and friends, also Camp 016, V, O,
Ocean City. Interment
wesiminaier uemotery. ( f
MOISEK. On September 2, 1010. at UtiS.
dence. 40U E. Penn at.. Oermantotrn iJ
wife of Georgo D. Mosser Further'noilisS
MUMFORD On Sfptember 3. 1010, siidiS
ELIZABETH HUHIIARU. dfughter of a,
31. Thompson and granddaughter of Jlr. .2
,...o. .... a., ..uuwntu, ... i.e. A. .11 JJiT,
1'nnnrkr Mills. Pa.. HAMULI
AKER PENNTPAClfER. In the aeventr.fuSa
year ot his age. Funeral senlces at oina
Church, on 2d at. nboo Market st., rnlUla.
phla. on Tuesday, at 1 p. m. Intorment uv
ate. o
roOLE. On September 2. 1010. MAnTItiVil
wlfn of Charles P. Poole. Funeral J-rrtiS
u .UCDUU n..c. ...(...a, cl m L. ,,(., Ub Ofr atl
residence. 000 S. 48th at. Interment at &
ton, Mass. t-ajg
TORTER. On September 2. 1010, JAJIES'AJ
iiurwhu ui .uzauc.il it. I'orier. lieiatlvel tsl
friends are Invited to attend tha funeral un
ices, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m precliely.'tt
his lata resldenco. 2240 a. Hcmbcrser at!,,
terment at Westminster Cemetery. Krlttai
may call Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p. ra. Mu
service. n
IlATVTK.rt. On Allodial .tl inift TnOPHPitV
It-VINIER. son of the late Jedlah and Ansa
Rainier. Relatlvos and friends are Invited ta
nttend tho funeral, on Monday, at 1 p.. m,
from tho residence of his brother-Gut-;.
Nathaniel Cottlneham. 3110 Cedar at. low
ment nrlvate. ..sal
nun.uiir.u. un aeptember z. iib, LOI
wlfo of Charles Schauder nnd dauihter.et
Mary and the late John Nowack. ased.H
ycara.- Residence. 030 W. Cumberland at!
Due notice oi tunerai win tie given.
3.. 1010. MAWn
You can get butter
insurance just as
well as health in
surance, and many
times they both
inean the same
nies you pay for
are really paid for
butter insurance,
You are guaran
teed a full pound
of pure, fresh but
ter, made from
Pasteurized cream
No hand touches this
MS0 Huladelphia
.Btll Phone, Market 3741
jwfWe "Mtrlfoll"
STF.VF.NS. On September 3. 1010. MARt'D
air.vr.i--a inee i-ustarai, wiuon or John tt
vens. Relatlvea and frlenda nre Invited to at
tend the funeral services, on Thursday, ai 1M
fi. m., at her late residence. 330 N. 00th aU
nterment nt Fermvood Cemetcrv, Itetaitu
may be vlened Wednesday, from 7 to 0,p. a.)
STUART. On September 1. 1016, HANNAH ffj
widow of William J. Htnarf. rtalntlv.. -J'
friends are Invited to attend the funeral ail
Ices, on Monday, nt .8 p. tn.. at her lata, rati
dence, 716 W. Lehigh ave. Interment prlvsM
at convenience of tho family. 'm
U.MtUII. On September 1. 1010. at haf'tttT
residence. 03S Carpenter lane. Mt. AUr.l
MART, daughter of the late deorso and Bat-l
nor Unruh. aged 81 jenra. Relatives sal
friends are Invited to attend thn funeral, ta
Monday, at 11 a. m.. at the Church of Us
Brethren (Dunkard). Main above SUtnM
a.. n..man.nttfn nh..& ..m.... .... k.
Mewed. v3B
WAONER. On September 2. 1010. lERtSiJ
wiaow ot ituaoipn waxner. Relatives u
friends are Invited to attend the funeral, a
Wednesdoy, at 7:30 a, m . from ber un
residence, 2224 S. Clarion at. Requiem man
at tha Church of the Epiphany, at 0 a. ta.
precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cent
tery. Automobile service, m
1VARTMAN. On September 2. 1010, auddwW
JAMES, aon Oeorss II. and Annie SchsSat
Wartman. In his twenty-Drat ear. Relatlrai
and frlenda nre Invited tn i.tfenrt the ftinaral
services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at paratf(
Chfilten Illlla rtn,l,v K.malna nil. ol
Mewed Monday evening S
tl-T.-rsaTlrn-rir n. c...Mk.. n in. a .. h?
fantllo paralysis. HELEN MAT. daughter (
Henry and Mabel Wegatroth (nea Mayer). UN
5 lears. Residence. 110 Wentz at. No funeral'
1VI.NTZEL. On September 3. 1010. CAntf
Aiwat. wiaowr of Charles w. Wentxel. Beu-j
ttves and friends are Invited to attend the fu
neral aervlcea, on Wedneaday, at 8 p. ro:t
lata residence. 3145 N. Rroad at. Interment at
convenience of family. "9
WINPENSY. On September 3. 1010. SUSA.V
O. 8.. widow of J. Uolton Wlnpenity. arod it
yeara. Funeral seArlces Vednesday, at J P
m, Interment strictly private. J
I' ' w M 'L I
Is Your Baby Pre
pared to Withstand
the Summer Heat ?
If your toby has the right Cod
ot regular feeding hours If
he Is dressed In loose, eomfnrt-
I able clothing' and has enough
f sleep and fresh air heUprelfej
eureto be alioppy.heallhybaby.
JjictZ& 73oren,
has stood tho grilling lest of
nearly slxhi years. If has been
safely used by thousands of
mothers vho could not nurse
their babies.
"Eagle Brand" is made of care
filly selected, rich milk from
heallhu cows, kept under thor
oughly sanitary conditions. A
rich, nourishing milk tor cooking
as veil as a pure food iorbaty,
Wash baying mlUk or milk
products annoy ask for
Cfcfj mbUtuti Mt YOU ss-wr fiil