I I EOR SALE niLMARD. root., combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented, exchanged; repairing: snnolles. Laf Kenrer, American manufac turer 829 Olrnrd nve. Phono Kens. 2313. tlLT,lAttD tool tablet; new. second-hand bowl lux alleys easy pivmentv RosiHo-Barrr Street ro M2H lh at rhono Wnl. 2281, BIt.MAnD.AND POCKET T. MMiVN"fitfi"ta.ri TABLES. Also 1 HHUNSWItK- 002 Arch. jintr-A imAC clock tet. locfl curtains, brass roles, oil paintings; other household Roods. Vos S 4Bth 8t . CASH REGISTERS bought, exchanged, repaired, i?Mt ,nwill nw ni' ,i,i'tor rebuilt! new total .ndders .ns low, ni $.10. Call and ,, our lOlfl models. Registers sold by us on eisy payments and fulli- guaranteed. " TUB NATIONAL CASH REGISTER to. 730 CHESTNUT STREET CPEItA CHAIRS. $7.. per 100: Towers n-A mov ing picture machine: used only 2 months. gllAIR EXfliANOIi.jox. nthjtnd Vine. 1 " Fireproof) 00 allgMly used! all aires , BAFES and makeai bis: bargains. 21(1 North I Fourth at., between Raco and Vine. , IIUOHES. ltTIt A BUTTONWOOD Has tho largest nnd best assortment of used office furniture nnd fixtures In this part of the country. Anything to equip an office, at prices that, will please you. Freo delivery anywhere. HEATINO ,e HEATERS, ranges, boilers! bargains In nw and rebuiltall makes. MAKIN-KELSEY CO.. 1827 Filbert st. INSTBTjCTrGT? Muslrnl VIENNA RTttDIO OF MUSIC . Tlono by H, A. Perlsleln, graduate of tha Royal Imperii! Arademv of Music. 1 ' ir.20 CHESTNUT 8T. Interview 1-4 p. m, Telephone Locust 8233. L. ... - . . ' MACHINERY AND TOOLS 1 BAFBTV 8PI.1T COLLARS nnd TOCOM 1 IIANOERS and PILLOW IHX1CKS, with fin- Inshed ball nnd socket bearings, are tho beat for all shafting- purposes. BHArTINO AND MACHINE WORKS, 14(1 North Second. JAMES YOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT r.QUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en glnea, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMiaY. Inc.. 127 N, 3d street. I' DYNAMOS, motora and machinery bought, aold and rcninii Hiiiin'uirn icfiuurui .iihiii v&. Market 8003. Yearaley Co,. 221 N. ild at, PUNCHES No. 1, 3 and 4 vertical. No. 2 hori zontal! "Hllle A Jonea" make. I.. F. Sey fert'B Sons, 437 N. 3d at. EahOB stock single and double leather belting, dirrerentialzea: also lot Oandy belt. NuttaU. 1748 N. nth. TEEL SHAFTINO All slzea In stock. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. B20 Arcll at. SELL SCRAP METALS TO HENRY K. FORT CO.. 2227 N. Atrnr. at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 183 CHICKERINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. fllh. '" SEPT. VICTOR RECORDS NOW ON SALE-" lfAI.I,AK 1120 CHESTNUT BT. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD Cash paid for old Kold, silver, antique clocks, Dell phone, locust 121U. auuijiia, t aoum mn at. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old stylo Jewelry. . teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. li. Clark, refiner. 807 Sanaom. CASH PAID FOR "DIAMOND'S. PRECIOUS' stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting A lief. Co.. 128 8. 11th. 1 STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO, MOVINO, SHIPPING V Ttugs. Cnrpets cleaned, scoured, stored. ueii, ircuai iuuu i-npnra- ivoy., itnco 41UU. ! PENN STORAOE Xnd VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. McCANN'S 8T0RAOU HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st. Moving, both phones. packing, Bhlpplng; auto vans; irfius estimate. WEST PHILA. WEST THILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAOE CO. Auto Packing and Shinning. 3870 LANCASTER AVE. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken lewolry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 785 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Eat. lHfln. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols. coln: coin books.wlth prices I pay. mailed Hie. J. n. Rosa (People's Stcro),200 B. 11th. Wal. 44811. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prlces"paTdfor ladles' and men's clothing, hots, shoes, etc. Phone Poplar S771. BLACKER, 1280 Poplar. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques: entire or part houses bousht for ensh) no matter . how large. J. Bernstein, 1334 Rldgenv;nn OFFICE furniture of every deacrlp. wanted; alio household furniture. Doling- Central Second hand Furniture Co.. 001-000-014 Callowhlll at. 1JB8T PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S-CAST-OFF CLOTHINO. SHOES. ETC. 8AMI-. COOPCrt 1010 OIRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR 131": ROOMS FOn BENT BEAUMONT AVE.. 4810 Unfur.. cheerful suite to clsan. quiet, refined person. Woodl'd 24B2J. CHESTNUT, 1821 Attractive rooms, alngleTor cn suite; ejectrlcjluhtu, ateain heat. CHESTNUT. 1031 Rooms, with prlvateTbathT , inBleorensulte; board optional. ""' "AiXXZ.i?X.iSl : -um ukwiicaul.13 BOOMS: I, PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. l"',ffi,a"IAU1'B ROOMS; EXCEL- ,!,i2JnUJi.'VV1?.-' B242 Newly furnished single or communicating rooms In handsome corner house, overlooking Falrmount Park: clean: 2il.-cla"' .at moderato rates: exceptional ad vantages: free transfers north on B2d St.. frmeWatedoranycrc.sstown llne CrAK?B,f"7"UIA"aB D0UBLKr8!NaLE AND COM. BOOMS FOR GENTLEMEN IN Pitt. FAM.I OAS AND ELtX.! HOT. WATER JJRATimp"ONE: HELKCT LOCATION : 10 MIN, FROM CITY HALL: REF. lVEQUIRED. I 8PRUC1:. n tis,.n - L.' : t rrr .HlPaPosctWlreplaco. Locust 1G03 J l !. suite. . furn. or unfurn.: excellent tuhi. ooarui not-waterheat. eleo. light! Dla. 0071. MhV.SieyE APARTMENTS. slngIooV sulte: private baths: caterer service. FurnUbed WurnShiT ".d-;,'.r '"nt room. ottractUe y uouVlv hf.-.fiJ8'!18' funning water, contln. ih?. ?. "'? ,arsa ,e"lon room. suit. Jiinn.rnfc.r0,,',v ""!" water! central lo Cation: Phone: rffer.nfa lunn Vi.u... . ROOMS WANTED BUSINESS, WOMEN would like room with P5SJ.I 'SfeWnt 'umlly: state terms. 0! U 332 BOARDING BIbaHSF,..l?S4;sa -T Furnished rooms, private -EMUJsM?board. Phone Walnut 717? .nMSFj I" SeeonC-floor front room for 3 .PhomTPipiar 6702 J. -"UB'' w,m Doara- cVnnT:'nf 302 Desirable rooms! good table; convenient to carai Preston 837f W. SANITARITJMS BoufUh95!ATION' I)1, lentlflocare! let ri" nllrJyi eMry jomfort: nurses: booki '" Dr. Randal. City Line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS bith, fJJ,.8iA..an.4..r- f9?- wb private -, -.mu wr UQiurminea. verv conv. b?tVl5iv "20 Desirable front. steam heat, hardwood floors" rooms and JtJJRNISHED APARTMENTS VEST TUIL1DEIJUU ?1I?Ii5TTL? TEA ROOM. Clermont Apt.. 44th f ts rWiSStrrSou,h,,rtt egoklng. excel!" VsVrv. i s. reflnad atmosphere. Phone Sarins 7823 W. fe5?iSEKEEPING APARTMENTS I 'tfcg- ,OR' 17TH AND WALNUT STS. Bncret.,2"nior3f Apartment House Is built of Sot ih. V,,?? ,,,S1' thoroughly llreproofed and III rX5,.mMi modem architecture. Suites of hK5dJci".nh.ihbtth t0,.T ""fV n(1 3 """ 88ffiBU5,!&rfirtM wtn " 0n$ k I olir&iJSl? WESTERN EXPOSUKES. 'rati vr ,SiatT.1- tM rentals, are mod K f;.-f0.? 'ftber Information, arrangement rler Inspection and reservation, apply-to lata u. , IERTON W. OREIMS &"! JTranklln Bunk Bids'. Phone Walnut com t&SSX?0 APARTMENTS Airp"artsbl tormaYl2n? month, call, phone or write tor dal'bl STERN. 1201 Chestnut at. .,: E?' W appointed, electrlo Ri' pteam beat, janitor service. 9 mi a ' n ci? "sAnK. 2 blocks from, rf?4 Spring UarJtn at. OS. desirable Tacanfcles HOUSEKEEPING AFABTMENTg pMHnnrrf from trt(eiino column d bathX m2001 Reeond floor. B rooms KlnJrfv.' m2l'.rn . fonven ences. Frederick W. Kimr to.. 1034 N IIHh. Foplar G483. WJs?T PHILADELPHIA qrvi-rTO AND CHESTNUT STS. AtviriTx? Ai. MODERN HOUSEKEEPING VATnTa"JJtTS.I;on "'"'NT: ELECTRIC ELE- ?BTrisrnfuJ2MC dininci room, apply lst, Tiioa. m. seeds, jn.. 1207 race bt. T,iFivN:N'RrInf'D- B1"" " Lansdowno ve. E?c ,Ti.L'2',',,nltr sorvlre, etc. This Is a in ihff-lo."!f an'' tn0 cheapest apartments Janitor al ,he rr,ce' 2a nml 30- Awir Tim AVoNtiAT.E a ... j !,?T" AND r,OCU8T e. ri'Pi." "raMe second floor, ,5 rooms, bath, ?lli2SiebIn.lr,"'s .ApplJ' Jn"or. or A. 11. CiiilliicerjjOiii and locust. Tn..,2;nn,vr' n2 " 40th Southern cxpoed 22?frl ".fooms and bathj Klnss-lnrlosed un pajlorand porch, Taylor A Son. 20 S. 40th. - ,,,.,, " rooms, bath, porch, steam heatT THE G1RVIN gas. electricity. 3"10 Hamilton. Sea janitor. tPJ?" n.'n.w' Chestnut! Monterey, 43d nnd Chester: Belmont, Sltli and Spring Garden. Inquire Janitor, or CRESSE, 303 Hale Bldg. APARTMENT HOTELS THE GLADSTONE . ,11TK AND PINE STS. 1 Absolutely Fireproof I.ONO AND SHOItT TURSt LEABE3 PELIIAiI COURT CARPENTER STATION. OERMANTOWN . I Ineat location In suburban Phlla. Hotel npnrtmenta of 2, 3. 4 and 0 rooms nnd bath. Itestaurant nnd houso service that will op- real 10 r or 10 who aro particular, i-ricea mon. nil things considered. Apply on prem- Isea to t ritA.KI.I.N li. -VHI,l,h.ltt .Mgr. .. PARKSIDB APARTMENTS Mies Mary O. McOladc, Mannicr. Successor lo Mrs. Charlea McOlade. . Parkslde avo. at 40th st. DIRECTLY OPPOSITE FAHIMOUNT PAHIC Tour direct lines to center of city. All nutslde rooms i furnished nnd unfurnished. Culslno of peculiar exccllonco. Telephone Uarlng 221, DELMAIt-MORRIS WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY MEET CHEI.TEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST., OER MANTOWN: DELIGHTFUL BUMMER HOME ,. rURNISHED ONE ROOM AND HATH UP. THE COVINOTON. 37TH AND CHESTNUT. IN THE REST PART OF WEST PHILADEL PHIA. THE COVINOTON COMPANY. II. I'. IINUI.TI. PRESIDENT AND MANAGER: ALSO OF THE ENOI.ESIDE. REACH HAVEN. THE ESMOND s- " corner 12th BUITES OF 2. 3 AND 4 ROOMS AND HATH NEWPORT BPRUCEvVND KITH STS. I TO 3 ROOMS AND RATH IRVINO HOTEL . U17 Walnut at. .American plan. $2.00; European. l,0?uPi. THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS 30TH AND CHESTNUT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY NORTH nnd West Phlla nnd (iermnntown homes, 1800 to J0U0O. First payment only 1100 to J '.HO. MERCHANTS' UNION TRUST CO, . 7in-717-71ll Cheatnut st, MONEY FOR MORTGAGES HulldlnT Association nnd Trust Funs. TAULANB. U0O Walnut st. 1417-10-21 FITZWATER nnd 1410 Senate. In rear. 40x73; assessed $7000, rents' 187 per month; must bo sold. FARRELL. 710 B. 20th. 1011-13 BRISTOL ST. 2 2-story brick dwell ings: assessed $3200: total rent $30: both occupied; price $4000. North Philadelphia Trust Co., Broad nnd Erie ave. CENTRAL PROPERTIES' -aleor rent. N. E. cor, nth nnd Chestnut. nCAt. ESTATE FOR BALK OR, RENT BARBER. HARTMAN A CO. 1201 Chestnut. lOTIf. 13TH, 14TII AND InTH WARD HUY- ER8, SELLERS AND RENTERS. SEE FRIEDRICH A CO.. 801 N. 12TH ST. "000 FT. SCHUYLKILL water front, suitable to use for manufacturing purposes: good gravel foundations. I' 203.. LedgerOfllce. 25 TIOOABcst location In Tlnga: sacrifice quick sale; assessed $8000. Rueter. 1703 Tioga. ALLEGHENY AVE. WEST OF 2UTII ST. 0 rooms, porch: hot-water heat: only $3500. QLENN. iai i-oiumoia ave. 0.M 03-BS-37 McCLKLLAN Rented lit each: nrtoo. clear. $1100 each. Farrell. 710 South 20th. Building TjIs. factory Biles, etc. MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Lot lOOr 150: within 7 blocks of City, Hall: corner 2 main streets: excellent light! ripe for Improve ment: $100,000. b! A. MINNICK. 1830 Ridge at. MANUFACTURERS' OPPORTUNITY Factory building, 8 floors; wlthln'U blocks of City Half: about bO.OOO square feot: good light; sultablo for any business: prlco, $120,000. D. A. MINNICK. 1830 Ridge ave. RIVER-FRONT PROPERTIES II II. McCOLLOH 1314 WALNUT ST. CHOICE BU1LDINO LOTS and large tracts iround In all parts city: also oer 200 mfe. sites. Melvln 1515-ltl heal Est. Trust Bldg. Binon AVE., near Broad. 40x100; cheap and little cash: Ideal for garage. MORRIS & CO., Ridge at Broad. WEST PHILADELPHIA $70008804 IIADFIELD AVENUE: bouloyard corner with beautiful view, overlooking Cobb's Creek Tark: new two-story house, con taining 8 rooms and bath, laundry In base ment1 latter Is subdivided and can be used nool and billiard rooms; steam heat; eleo trlo light and gas; oak finish; beautiful deco rations: hardwood Boors: line neighborhood: every convenience, which makes it the most desirable location In the Cobb's Creek sec lion' only a small cash payment required, PEMBERTON ESTATES. 143S S. 68th at. Woodland 4787. Open evenings. 1251 N. 56th St. 2-story end house; Dutch halt; 4 bedrooms. AAOTtf KOA Cf 3-story dwg,; lot 20, i'to n, u-u - front. Ripe for store. 1123 S. 52d St. &; -,. "" Chester Osborne chestnut st. 15800 3-story semidetached res idence, 12 rms., ilvlns Tiall. hot water heat- elec" trio light! new Hviii,,,. com- EUOENE L. TOWNSEND. SOUTHEAST CORNER 4KTII ANDBALTIJIORB BELL "PHONE WOODLAND 8200 nletely renovateib I4o0os835 IIADFIELD STREET; , 2-atnry house; modern In every respect; beautiful itreat: tlnest neighborhood: only small cash payment required" PEMBtlRTON ESTATES. ?438 S. BSlh t. Phono Woodland 4787. Open winnings. ftnnoo rooms, JIUl-vvu.cr cui. liaa mm ricu. trio lights, purnuetry floors, shower bath, gas kitchens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CRAWFORD Jr.. BUILDER " MTII AND HADFIELTJ STS; LUXURIOUS HOMES SPRUCE ST. EAST OF 44TII 3-story, semidetached homes: features beyond description: location unexcelled: garage prlvl lege: sample house, fully furnished, open. "SEND FOR OUR SALE ORRENT LIST l JOS. ALLEN POTTS 4005 Baltimore ave. phtll: .kEi?R RENT B2d and Baltlmor ave. WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES For Sale or For Rent. E;1LAPSLE YuJB8thand Jprlngfleld Juboo 3-STORY, 3 baths. hot-waterheat: lot ' MiiuO. MAlliNNlBS. BB0O Baltimore ave. ' OERMANTOWM OERMANTOWN HOMES, all sections. "' BMULLEN i BARRY Franklin Bank Building. Walnut J53T. OUR NEW RENT and sale list of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill properties sent on applica tion. B. fl. Lister Son. Bal2 Oermantown av. OUR REAL ESTATE BULLETIN Willie aem ta you by mall on application. Oermantown 1TU -Qe l?"" s weiuMHtunil H. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME In Ger ' mantown, Mt, Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult ine. A. It. Meehan. 0747 Oermantown ate. CHOICE HOMES, Tulpehocken St. east ot Oor- riVntown ave J. II. C1UDWICK k. CO., aojj utniww'... .... SEE toe raw sample houses 625 S. B4th and 5339 Walton ave.i 100-lt. lots. ENUURO. puiiar. NEWTlETACHED DWELLINGS. $12 800 UP. "wAltD.BC, TOUB160N. 7014 BOYER StT Mt. Airy, Cermantewp NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelh&ni. Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAS1 TRUST CO.. B740 Oermantown av Chestnut Hill 8EVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES MINTURN T. WRldllT Ca Morris Building. Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA OR LOGAN "" KENNEDY RAMBO. 3740 GERMANTOWN Logan REAL ESTATE, f M gR couv.yanclnr. 4933 N Broad st. PENNSYLVANIA BUUL'KUAX BROOKL1NB Brand-new detached dwellinx, T ruyi. n4 bath, water teat, electricity. B0xl!a bAfiMYiWi Set SOU un, irfc!rSi t JCSvr EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, HEAIi ESTATE 30R 3AIiE Pennsylvania suburban "ConHnuen from Preceding Column FT WASHtNOfON Nlco hnmer)n he country: 12r!.nm Colonial house, stable nnd garden! lot 100x200! near station; nil Improvement! t000i terms to suit , 11. F. SECOR. 1012 WAlnul at. OLENSIDI) HOMES and bulldlnjr sites, every dcrlptlon. IlENNINUCtl A ItENNlNOKn, tnsldeLjrn. MIM.tintmNn Price. 415 Sellers a-e.. 8-r. dwelllne. nil eonv.$3500 ..sr Jlnrk.BW., 8-r, dwelllnir, all ronv, . 0300 "J!'1' :K- Chester pk., S-r. dwell. .all conv. (IBOO sV.?I.Y;!ihl!Jr.Fk't 8-r- dwell., nil ronv. B500 OUAllANTHB .T1UI8T A SAFIJ DliPOSIT CO. . 3111-318 Chestnut st Wtt.t, HACntrirn OS-acro country seat, near Amhler. for nulclf sale: new Colonial mansion. 12 rooms, 3 baths! designed bv Savery, Sheet ft Savexyi remcKieltd Colonial farmhouse, with Iteolutlonnry War nsorlatlonst 2 tenant houses, larra Inrns. poultry houses, carnge, with living nunrter. etc.! lawns, shrubbery, shade and ureat nbumlnnce of fruit! n rare bargnlni full details on request! will ahow by appointment. II. J. DAOr.lt. Inc., Ambler. r-. IOU OUOHT to bo n real estate owner to bo ft real citizen. We know where you can put jtntr money and be aafe. North (llenslde Is the attractive suburb wo have In mind. Hun galows and tola for sale. W. O, Olenn. 1431 . Land Tltlo Dldg. nnd 1517 Columbia ave. J St'IlURIIAN TOWN COUNTRY Send for cntalogue. DROWN A CLOUD. Norrlstown, Ta. 8UUURI1AN HOMPS FOR BALE OR RENT WPVm:i.T. A XtAHftP.V Real Estate Trust Hulldlnc. CHOICE I1U1LD1NO SITES . nnd acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Lnnghorne. Ta. Mf!iit?rnAM mit. iTAtn Anv price All locations. Sale or rent. CHARLES J. HOOD A CO.. Morris Rlrtg. CITr AND 8UI1URRAN REAL ESTATF1 .MEARSA imoWN, 202 S. 13th at. I 1IAVR a 10-room cottage: would make n great boarding house prop.; worth 18300 of .any man'a money; $4000 will buy It; comp. furn, See 'Matthlaa nboutltO N. R2d. Helm. 710. SELECT PROPERTIES Countv sats. ' farms! Ilt orders now. LEWIS T. IIROOKE A SON, 1411 South Tenn aware. FOUNDED 1870. LAROD LIST OP SURUIinAN HOMES, salo or rent, on the Stain Line or Reading n. 11. WM. 11. WILSON A CO.. Morris Dulldlng. SUIHTRiiAN REHIDENClifs for sale or rent! attractive locations! Prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust Ilulldlng. MAIS LINK. P. H. It. NARRERTH A new house, Montgomery nve near tailgate, with all conveniences. W. II SMITH. 11002 Drexel road. Overbrook. . SUIlUitHAN HOMES, country places and build 'Ing alten to suit nil requirements: Main Line. It. P HUNTER. Wavne. Pa. 10O-ACRE FARSf OOOD RUILDINOS. OR CHARD AND WATER. T 203, LED. OFF. NEW JKKSr.V SUnilllllAN LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HADDON 1IE1C.HTS, N. J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT nf.w ar.imnv se.shori: VHY RENT or board at tho seashore when !0 monthly buva n-room bungalow and lot at West Wlldwnod. N. J ; 10 minutes to Wild- wood's Boardwalk nnd amusemcnts7 Free In spection If ANN, 3'iJ Dr.'Tel Illdg.; phone Lnmbnrd 2710. or Maplo no. nnd Sunset Lake. Wildwood, N. .1. . PENNSYLVANIA FARMS roil SALE A fertile 21-acre farm: largo house: pood buildings; plenty of water; located near a trolley road: tcrnls reasonable. Address. FRANCIS W WAC'K, Bchwenkltle.Pa. 11 ACRES on IlaltlmoVpiko." bargain J3500. T. 11. Thompson. West Cheater. Pa. NEW JERSEY FATtMl ONE ACRE FARMS, nearest to rhlln.. train nnd trnllev Write for pamphlets. BARLOW A CO.. Maplo Shade. N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Renlty Company, I.ana Title Building. 1'hHadelpliln. Pa. CITY CENTRAL PROPERTIES For silo and rent. JAMES I). W1NCUELL, 17th nnd Snnsom sts. SUBURBAN SUBURRAN HOMES KOR HALE OR RENT. ALFRED II TRANIC. JENKINTOWN. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BAI.A-CYNWYD Ijrgo list houses, sale or rent, at all prices. Samuel C. Wagner, Jr., Commercial Trust Blag.. 13th nnd Market. NEW JERSr.Y SEASItORi: Furnished Bungalows for Rent During Sept. at $8 Per Week Will accommodate four; electric lights, arte sian water, sewer connections, near ocean and channel. Sept bathing and nshlnir nro tBt. Frequent trains on both railroads. Fruit. vegs.. Ice, mtlk.etc .delivered nt your door. Write for circular, etc The Secy.. P O. Box 002, Phlla. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE SIAKE A SPECIALTY of cxchanglne what you hae for what you want. KERSHAW ti CROWL, f2ir. Chestnut. riCTURE THEATER, rented, on good business street, to exchange for small houses; highly profitable Investment. I, 717, Ledger Central, REAL ESTATE WANTED CAllEFUL ATTENTION to collection of rents; real estnte sold, mortgages placed. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13th St. WANT Investment properties and homes for sale. West Phlla.. we have the buyera. T. H. MAG1NNISS & SON. SUUO Baltimore ay. RENTS COLLECTED Central Business Properties Solicited C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT ST. WANTED To rent yard on railroad, suitable for contractor's storage. E 240 Led. Cent. REAI. ESTATE TOR RENT CITY WILL SACRIFICE, rent or sell 12-room, semi detached, absolutely modern home, 2 baths, hot-water heat. Owner living In at present. This Is a decided opportunity: 3 blocks ulxne Germantown station, Reading R. R. Apply 432 E. Walnut lane, Germantown. $7B FURNISHED, central, 13 r. and bath; my home for 30 years, best condition; consult my agents, FLOOD ti QUINN. INC., 10th end Cherry. STORES AND DWEI.L1NOS in all sections ot city. See our list In the Ledger Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX & CO., 8. i:. cor. 0th and Callowhlll. 1023 N. 12TH ST Fine 3-story slde-yard dwelling, 12 rooms, choice location; convenl- nni,ii! low rent. WM. I.. CRAVEN'S SONS.J540 N. 7th st. HKND KOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO, llruad and Chestnut sts. 220 8. 1UTH ST.. U rooms. 2 baths, excellent location for physlrlan, $83. P. B. CHAMUERS, 710 Commercial Tr Bldg. 1813 RANSTEAD ST . $28 month: newly papered' and painted. 11. St J.JtuBselt37S.18th St. SPRING HARDEN. 3728. 1st 4 2d tl.. U rms. (I bath. $28 Phone Baring 1U42 W for Interview. RENT $241035 N. Camac. A. II, WILLIAMST 822 Walnut st. RENTAL LISTS BUILDING, N. W. corner 10th and Ingeraoll. utame, turn ana inserooti yao 2005 N. 12th 1035 Camao .. 1023 Ingersoll . . . 37U3 Harms 320 Indiana 4U IS to. r-rencn 040 Holly 1212616 Catharine ALFRED II. WILLIAMS. 823 Wain Walnut st. T. P. NEALIS. 010 S. 13TII BT. 230 S. 33d St.: 0 rooms: convs,,,., $10.00 300 Cypress; a rooms, convs... 33.00 1803 Trenton av.; 7r.;conv,:(Front.Norrls) 12.00 213.1 Webster st.: 3 r.: (21st & Catharine) 10.00 237 Mountain: 4 r. (3d & Morris).. .... S.00 Business Properties and Stores MARKET ST.. 631 Entire building through . to Commerce st. ; suit retail or wholesale business; Immediate possession. Avyiy rt.ii v. iv., un iieatnm st 040 N. FRANKLIN, store..,,.... $800 1 NEALltf. 010 S. 12th st. Both phones. Fuetorles. Warehouses, Mfg. Floors Cohocksink Mills "'"cohTnVb,!"- Floor., woogi ooo i7 j-saaajg""- Metropolitan Building vVa'llace D Fireproof rooms, 8000 to 40.000 sa. ft,, cheap power. AP. GEO. F. LASHER. 14? N. lOth St. FLOOR SPACE In modern building: R. R. ,i'. tag. sub-postofflce: superior light for manu facturing; Ins. rata, 4 cU. i located N. E. cor. 11th and Washington ave. Phone Dick. 1410. MERCHANTS BUILDING 44 rtuiiiii 4Ji aitusis'r Desirable rooms, power and light. THREE SIORY 400 lott good light:" terms to suit. J A. MIDDLETON. Factory Special- IBfc. IT Wtutl WMj' U.l.HViyHWi HAVE PARTY who will erect building-, central sr other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETER1CH. 737 Walnut st. OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS ETO. DREXEL BLDO ilnsla rooms. $10t JlKJ.im m-v V-.-V.V". ,u,ul nEuuu. ,iEcfr-Tna a..i n... Single rooms, $iuu. Iizy. iiou. l-'so $300. tsuo ultes. 2 rms.. 1144. $150. $ eiou, flfo, UU, S223, 280. TRA Suites. 8 rms.. $275. $400. $110. $500. 1800, Corner suites. 4 to 8 rooms. ItlSO $50 to $1830. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS BOO Drexel Building. HEED HUILDING I211-1T l'licert sl Centrally located, all conveniences: rent at- KU.WJ WW. W,,HB .UUUWIW. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NORTH T STREET very aesiraoie ooices beatand light OFFICES. $10 per mo. an9 up. .Includes b,t, light, eletator and Janitor service J. A PATTERSON ISO S.Bto at. WALKUT ST.. 40 XPsDJi BaUdEg) Large oioeeB, taw rents, ror uuturuccet Mokersj sad law rents, for Insurance broker. t. LiA E4JTATES,, 7JW SWom st; reaTjjdstate ron beni CoMffntird rotn Prrccf(no' Column Professional OfflcM PnOFKSStONAti rtOH.DlNO. 1831-33 Chestnut St. A few suite for physicians or denttsta. J..T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and 13th. CHESTNUT ST.. 202(1 rrof, offteea and studio! steam heat, electric light, running arater. Desk rtoom IN Wnr.tKQUirpr.D office, xlclnlty 4lh and Walnut! reasonable. Address r 214, td. Off. . AVF.ST IlIILADr.I.l'HIA 40-i-3818 WILLOWS AVENUE, 3-story house! 10 rooms nnd bathi electric .light and, pas fltturesi Iv-nullfulljr decorated In light colors: white enamel anil mahogany flntsht hardwood floors! largo porch; .terraced .front! .wide Jtret: cloao to trolleys, trains, schools, Ihurches, stores. Park nnd boulevard. PEM HERTON ESTATES, 143S S. f,8tll t. Phone Woodlnnd 4787. Open evenings. ISO 1131 SOUTH r.lTH STREET; 3 alory: I) rooms and bath, wide street, terraced front: large side and rear yird. close to schools, churches, trnllejs trains, stores Pork and boulevard. PL.MUEKTON ESTATI'S, 1138 S. J18thtroct. Open evening. SEND FOR"ottR"t,IST of dealrablo West Phila delphia properties. W.M. II. w. OUtCK A tlRO.. INC. it south 40111 street. HERMAN IIROTHERS. 0010 MARKET .. Houses apartments, stores Near GOTH ST. "L" STATION For rent or sale. .Ilnslness Properties nnd Stores STORE AND FIXTURES, 4022 Market, and , FIXTURES. nfsr i, alatlon, rent 127. . .. , . . JAMBS N, MITCHELL, 4Htli nnd Market. OERMANTOWN .. TWO MONTHS RENT. FREE m ., 310-18-20-22 HANSIIERRY STREET Slodern semidetached atone, dwellings, 12 rooms, 2 baths) conveniently located nrnr Manhelm Cricket Club. . II. 11. LtSTER A SON 0I2 Oermantown aenuc. MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE IS ROOMS. 2 BATHS FINE SHADE. LARUE LOT WARNOCK & EMLEN COMMERCIAt. TRUST Bl'ILDINO THREE - BTORY aemldetnrhed dwellings on llrlnghurst. Archer and Laurens sta.. 11-room porch houses; modern plumbing, good heater; convenient to Queen Lane Station, P. It. R, Send for list to tho Continental-Equitable Tl tleandjTrustCompanyth st. ab. ChcstnuL QUEEN LANE STATION 3 s'torea. semide tached dwelling, hot water bent nnd electricity. ..... va.un, ui-n OU4 1 UUI, 1,(111,. . ."I.'VI . walk from train or trolley. Oummey & nu nurd. B0 W. Chelten ne. . Oermantown. 100 COLONIAL semidetached 7 chambers, 2 baths: near station, with splendid surround ings. MAURAN. DOLMAN A CO., N. E. cor- ner Broad nnd Chestnut. LAHOh HELECTION OF DESIRA"BLB HOl'SKS OI.YNDON riHESTMAN, fiSOIl Otn. nve. Tlocn MODERN 3-story dwelling. 11 rooms, balh. hot water heat: will put In electric light! lot log 100 feet: rent $4o. YOCU.M A POWERS CO , 2(1 B, HUll at. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOKL1NE Brand-new det dw 'BS., 7r. A D., $2l!.r,0, $28.!10 up. J. ELMER WATtB. opp, Brooklino Sta. ivitinr iiciii. Piprtr.. iiimn linn, s.ii.iiir- MOYLAN Attractive country residence nt Moy lnn. Roso Valley: nmplo shado nnd lawn: about 3 acres; houso stands on high eleva tion, commanding extensive Iowa; has 10 rooms, -I bathrooms, hot-water heat, electric light, etc.: chauffeur's dwelling, with enrage attached; rent, $1000 per annum. Whiteside A McLnnahan. 13th and Pine sta. MAIN LINE. P. R. ARDMORE 30 St. Paul's road - uatna: largo int. W, li. SMITH 0O02 Drexel road, Overbrook. ARDMORE Colonial residence. 14 nnths: I acre: per month. $123. HARBERT tr Cl,AOIIOH?J. 201 Bailey, Blilg. MAIN LINE Best lino of Main Line houses. Either for sale or rent, nt all prlcea. HIRST & McMULLIN. West End Trust Bldg. COMFORTABLE home-llko country homes with nil conveniences. For fall renting. J. 21. Froneflcld, Wayne. Pennsylvania. FOB. RENT FTJKNISHED SUBURBAN HOTEL to let, furnished: 2.1 minutes to Phila delphia. J 750, Ledger Control. MORTGAGES $100,0005 FLAT SPECIAL TRUST TUND FOR GOOD FIRST MORTOAOE3 Horace H. Fritz 713 WALNUT ST. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Itopayable In terms of years or on Installment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO OAItDEN 160 TO $2400 To loan on real estate security settlement, payable as desired. EDW. M. MOLL 138 H. 12TH BT. MORTOAOES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY BUUMBAUOH & PARKER. INC. 1481 WALNUT ST. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN 0. WILIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut atreet. MONEY AND MORTOAOES LARUE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. 11. HOOD. H12 W. NOKRIS BT. FUNDS for first nnd second mortgages. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st J. Ii:" MASS BY e. SON, 18TH AND OR HEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES BUII.DINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS $100,000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from $1000 up; also bulldlns association money for second mortgages. G. C. SEIDEL a CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. WORRELL FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES BBS N. 17TH BT. $100, , 1200 TO $8000 TO LOAN, LEWIS & CO. 1227 W. Olrard ave. $50 MONEY for mortgages; Bucks County property, ARTHUR P TOWNSEND UV Lincoln Building. Philadelphia TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAOB HERKNES3 d STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS I10UO to 160.000 J. EDWARD LUTZ. 310 N. 17th st. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOES HENRY S. REED, 1430 CHESTNUT ST. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. JOHN A. HARRY. 507 Land Title Bldg. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick nnswer MAURICE H. MATSINQER. Rl. Est. Tr. Bldg. MflNKY FOR MORTGAGES $1000 TO $100 000 JACOB A. FRITZ. llOtl Land Title Bldg. BUILDINO ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE r UNDH ROBERT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT ST. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13TII ST, FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUJST POTTS THOMSON. 2521 Frank ford ave. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO. E. NICKLES. 2513 Oermantown ave. MONEY ron.M mnM,Ba too waLnut St. 5205 spruce st. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY 'VOl'". .-" 518 W. walnut ST. LOANS Large or small sums on real estate, Judtment notes or mortgages: loans on unset tied estates. DEMPSEY & CO.. 27 S. lath. ANY AMOUNT. $50 to $3000. to loan to real estate owners; noto or mortgage. Arthur J. LeupoldXaigJIbesinut. FIRST and 2d tntgs.; bldg. and private funds; Sulek and satisfactory results; mod. charges. AilERON ESTATE. 231 1 Kensington ave. THREE BUILDING ASSN'S MEBTINa THIS week, with plenty of money for mortgages. WM. JAMES KEOOH, 500 LaSd Title Bldg. WE WANT MQRTOXaES, rfrst. second or split; funds for collateral and short-term loans. ABJERNATHXl33S J2th st . 2124 N 6th. READY FUNDS for good first mortgages; bring us your application. CHAB L. BROWN A CO.S17 S.road st. OWNERS It your mortgage has been'ulled. I will take It up. also 2d pnortgage money. CHESTKRp.J lOTTNER. J 420Chjstnut at. EMERGENCY FUND'S placed at once, any sum; Immediate answer, lowest rates. F. X. DE- LANEY. 1113 Uncola. Broad a ad Peon sq. LOANS Large or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgagee, kuns on unset. tlef estates. DEMPSEY t CO.. 37 S. ljth. MONEY for first and sacond mortgages, building association and Installment mortgages. Willis Wtncaester Company. 1001 Chestnut st. FUNDS for flrst and second mortgages; any amount; quick answer. CHAH. W. MILLER. 401-407 CommonwealtU Building. """, MONEY TO tOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONBY ON DIAMONDS. JEWEl3. ET, pra $25 AND UP. ...... .2V 5 :::' M" RIEriKfi-st IIS MARKET 8T 1UDQB AVE. ANn OXFORD t -ST.. ID SOUTH ma. Ofe . j kvxjiicJi. x jljjuj mi mm I . N ? I 'flH The Young Lady Across the Way ' THE PADDED CELL ' iH , V Si y S S, pS (f'Sh VEEK-EMDS For ,1 ' U'&Vr;7v POOR STAY-AT-HOMES. SimfraJS M Jm frWCAJ-r lr s-ssh! VB ajervous out P" H Nfj W hear The m HER ,n ThE W li PfecJJ F AAOUMTAIW LlOriS BF N MlLDWERfJESs! 'I Pi I MAR-r? Ooaj't' lb m 1 UPmt ru L B&PRiGHTEMeo! i. -5flH I Tim lady ncrosa the wny onya . jm " Bt. certainly la sntt to tlilnlt what a. KT - VV J rcono of ttovnstntlon tho silk flctda ot vIHRMtHHP- J Kranco must preaont by this tlmo. njKS V . , S I "-1 w-rt- . v V :-N f M Lowering the Ante Scone A vlllago concert. Young girl is announced to sins "Autumn," nnd, unfortunately, when ncBOtiatlnn; tho first lino, "Ten thou sand leaves nro falling," finds that they koy In too high for her. Thero is tho usual modified np plauso when ti singer breaks down nnd tho accompanist gently modu lates Into a lower key. Tho local auctioneer takes advan tage of tho pause by exclaiming: "Start her at ftvo thousand!" WASTED The Gentlewoman. Vicar (to Charlea, who has Just re turned from a week's holiday) Well, Charles, have you had a good time? Charles Kipping, sir, thanks; Dad went back to town the first day ; Gover ness was taken 111 with whooping- cough on Tuesday; the hotel next door burned down on Wednesday, and we had a Zeppejln raid on Thursday. THE DAY AFTER THE CIRCUS HAD r C OW I.0OK AT THE- II iNtM .. . fter?Km OP THE CAR. ANOTHAT 8NCINe-WJiVlr"3MaSrN. wwM's3.eoo.- comparb Iftr' -'ft! M5',B?iiSv 13 rooms: $80: SSnaBWRIVTl uoui Miitil J S3rrB27K-. L-aIj i?HSe.. A1gBB?S -' wouid you 6F- K-mm.mSM Mil It x HliSww f fir E gegegegeHB" LffifeJ'li O VW '' WJt gete. TO A MAN .nsaa iNjjrtl WUL' V mSSmiKSSSfUi-'.!!m. VMITH NO BANKAttOOHT v ' Ml If gSy Hjffi immediate -tR- ' ZT& J H gifil JPS V5, y nv Bystander. , I ' ' 1 t,B.E. ' , "Come In, Clarence, Don't stand ' SIDNEY WriM"0 shivering there. It's grrand!" . I "I k-lc-Itnow. I've b-b-becn In once." Poor Dad! THE WONDER OF IT "Why do they call your father-in-law 'Sllenco'?" xi3?5fS?1 XSu "Bocauso ho eavo his consent." " I fH I 3 c)Wi III 191G. ENERGY be 8oTtayeheennt?IpAop317,U'S daShed fUnny The Adjutant And still you pop In 1 Like Poker "We live this life Just once," said the philosopher. "Yes," replied-the pessimist, "and the trouble U that a lot of us die be. fore we even learn the rules of the game." DEEN TO TOWN By CROSBY 1 1 1 ii 1 , ; , ,1 1 ,1 , 1 1 , , -'-frl: -ftf J i3ji 1 " A 3 CLOTHES P0L6S 1 1 plos i Bed sheet I S v' v awa.i y 1 4 ' ,i How Divorces Begin Willie Paw, aro thero any women" aviators? Paw Yea, my son. Tho, married ohes aro always going up in tho air. Maw Willie, if you ask that old fool another question I'll beat you within an Inch of your life. How Divorces Bcp-ln . . J1 ,h,n to ' " -way - to LIGHT OCCUPATIONS Fl&UtJwa WHtUiTi SPlHp f OUR YACATIOH , WM,M VOU VACATTeN IS ALL. VoU HftVt To SPLrsP-l "TVlS0NlHCf 3ll&jts 4 BMk. - ' 2I N lra ffisOsit FRtNifi JSa2fK "RttiTBtfrSSfcl d H f tfrltri JHUUMB x,uw rfnt for oinrea er usi mfe. vur Is- vu par- VOKa. ivjj vuoyisui at a $telt Brr4 liulidla, 1