2, rtr iwfcurtu aii."Mi mi nr itownB" NEWS OF THEATRICAL AND PHOTOPLAY WORLD AT PHILADELPHIA HOUSES NEXT WJM i.na .iia-isi rmSlTwBBm- Managers Worry Over R. R. Strike Many Leave Atlantic City to Bring Companies U logether ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. 2. A big black etoud nppcaretl on tho theatrical horizon this weeki and It betokened such a. Btorm (that many mmin(,cio .w. iHn......... ..... who had been prolonging their vacations ' hero mado a mad rush for .Now York. Tho 'threatened tie-up of railroads throughout 1 the country was a serious matter for a pro i fesslon wrilch gains :tn pronta through con stant traveling, and there was no tlmo for loafing1 when such a condition popped up when least expected. Annulment of passen ,cer servlco throughout tho United States 'would mean tho loss of thousands of dol I Jars to companies making one-night stands, and If tho strike should extend over a week It will ru'n hundreds of managers who have , to move their Bhows at tho expiration of a 1 week's engagement. Even the rays of hopo (thrown out by prospects of a compromise could not prevent managers from hurrying 'to theatrical centers to provldo against pos sible contingencies. Actors nincl actresses, with good engagements secured for the ' corning season, but not called for rehearsals I until tho mMdle of September, also got tho restless fovcr and Journeyed to New York 1 for fear that when tho call camo thoy would not bo ablo to travel. Vaudeville pcoplo resting hero wcro tho only ones not alarmed by strike rumors and orders. Tho vnudevlllo performer, having 'but llttlo baggage to carry, and having lots I of time to make his weck-ond Jump In, al ways has tho nutomobllo to fall back on, and thereforo that clais of pcoplo, who rcldoni worry over anything, .worried less 'over tho strike. In fact, iiulto a numbor of vaudovlllo peoplo now do nil their travel ling by automobiles. Out of their earnings they buy a car, learn to run It, and then Irnako all their Journeys by this method of conveyance As their engagements usu 'ally end on Saturday night and they do i not have to report In the next town for rehearsal until Monday morning, with 'Jumps averaging 100 miles, they have ample ,tlme to mako tho trip In a lelsuroly manner. They usually purchase serviceable cars, 'With amplo facilities for carrying luggage, nnd tho pcoplo who uso scenery In thnr ' specialties have It mado of the noncrackablo painted kind, which can bo folded Into small space and carried on outriggers attached to the machine. Jome3 and Bonnlo Thornton, who havo been pillars In tho vaudcvlllo business sinco the days when It was called variety, camo down hero a week ago for n rest of 10 days. They liked tho place, and said so, and a real estate, agent showed them a cottngo Which Just suited them. Tho result was that Jim drew the money out of a bank, got tho deeds for tho house and hereafter Will call this his homo. lie. and llonnlo went to New York to open on tho Loow time, but after thoy nro through with a vaudovlllo tour thoy will como hero and remain during tho tlmo when work does not call them away. Georgo Monroe, whllo hero this summer, commissioned his brother John to purchaso him a homo this winter, and ho will resldo hero every summer. Walter Kelly will erect a homo hero this Winter, and sovcral managers arc planning to build residences here, one manager hav ing arranged to commute hero every day on tho lato night train. Australia now has an annual "Follies," Just tho samo as the United States, and a Philadelphia product Is at tho head of It Hugh Ward, a South Philadelphia boy, who went to that country as an actor and de veloped Into tho biggest manager there, controlling as many theaters as Klaw & Erlanger and the Shuberts, puts, on one of these frivolous entertainments every yenr to play all of ltls theaters and flio project has been a success. Sophyo liernnril nnd ' Lou Anger, also of tho Quaker City, who are hero resting from a strenuous vaudc vlllo tour, nro exhibiting offers from Wnrd for leading parts In the 1917 production, to be produced on or about Christmas, nnd are seriously thinking of making the trip. Circuses havo been treading tho thorny paths this summer, and a big tented or ganization, which makes Its headquarters In Trenton, N, J., have given up tho ghost ' and shipped to winter quarters In the mid , die of tho circus season. Another show, hailing from a small town In Pennsyl vania, has also shut up shop. Lack of , help caused by the demand for munition Workers, tough rainy spring weather, tho i outburst of infantile paralysis and now the keeping away of crowds through tho ' rumors of a railroad strike, which may I come, even If postponed, beforo the harvest season Is over, has put such a crimp In I the' bank roll of all circus owners that they are all ready to lay down. BOB "WATT. BmipoMimnniiiiiiiiiiniii'ni'iBmiiinnini Prominent Photoplay Presentations Smki BoSm (hruwnu TITE followlne tbenters obtain their picture through tb STANLEY Booking !..?.. ThiVh 1. o. ruarnnt, of early nbowlnr of. tho tlneat production!. 'ARCADIA bSSSSSi HENRY B. WALTHALL in "PILLAHB OF SO CI ETVT APOLLO "D AND TliATS daily BESSIE BARRISCALE in THE PAYMENT" . tJCf ltlf-MMI"" B2D ABOVE MARKET ; BELMONT .... a ago. i , Donald Brian in "The Smugglers" rCnAD OOTU AND CEDAIl AVE. 1JJAK PABAUOVNT THEATER THEODORE ROBERTS in "THE CmCVB MAN" FATCMOUNT "bardavb. ROBERT HENLEY in "TEMPTATION AND THE MAN" FRANKFORD fi"nkAVenue ANN PENNINGTON in aUBIB BNOWFLAKE" 56TH ST. "Theater SS? Below Spruce. Eva;. T to 11. HAZEL DAWN and OWEN MOORE In "UNDER COVER " MAX FIGMAN In j;'Ducksls D,uck." JEFFERSON 20T" &z?BAvem Mollis King in "The Summer Girl" BEATRICE FAIRFAX. MUTUAL WEEKLY. FpAflFR FORTY-FIRST AND L-WUlllV LANCASTER AYENUE Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore in "UNDER COVER" UBER TY"BROAD a&mbia CARTER DE HAVEN in "FROM DROADWAY TO A THRONE" LOGAN THEATER im BROAD MAE MURRAY in TUB DREAM. QIRL" PHILADELPHIA PHOTOPLAY PARAGRAPHS With the event of Labor bay Managers nugeno and Fred Felts, Locust Theater, Fifty-second and Locust streets, enter Upon, their third season. At tho outset bf Its career the management of this popular film house nilontpd a nollcv of clvlnKr the peoplo the very highest class of photoplay productions In conjunction with muslo fur nlshed by nn elllclcnt organist, who Is provided with a splendid nnd modern organ, and from that tlmo to this the program has never beeri departed from. Tho wisdom of this courso was manifested In ever tncroaslng attendance, until today tho Lo cust numbers among Its regular patrons n host of appreciative men, women and chil dren, who come from all sections of the city nnd suburbs. As n mark of appreciation of tho most ganerous support accorded during the last year thcro wilt be provided special attractions durlpg nnnlversary week. World, Pathe, Metro, Paramount and V, L. S. L productions nro shown at tho Cedar. It Is under tho direction of A. M. Taylor, resident manager. Manager W. J. Huebncr, of tho Itlalto, has mado that pretty llttlo playhouso Into one of tho most populnr In Clcrmantown. On Mondny Mao Murray will bo shown In tho clabornto plcturlzatlon of "Sweet Kitty Bcllalrs," adapted from David Bclasco'a famous play. dnce again the management of tho lluby Theater forges to tho front with a pro gram of extreme nttracttvencss. On Tucs day and Saturday will bo shown that dlmln utlvo nnd ultra-popular star, Mary Pick ford, In her latest play, "Hulda from Hol land." On Wednesday Wallaco Held, Clco Ilidgely and a cast Including Jnmes Nclll and llttlo Billy Jacobs appear In 'Tho House With the Golden Windows," wrltton by Charles Sarvcr and adapted from tho story by L. V. Jefferson. For many years Itoso Mclvlllo has ap peared beforo tho world In her original character creation, "Sis llopKins." now sho Is presenting It upon tho screen and patrons of tho Garden will see her next Thursday. No photo dramas will bo Bhown nt tho Olympla on Mondnys, as tho auditorium will bo used for other purposes. Mao Marsh nnd Itobort llnrron, who ap pear nt tho Apollo on Monday In "Tho Marrlago of Molly O," aro to Co seen In D. W. Grllllth's gigantic spectacle. "Intol erance," which opens In Now York on Tues day. ' Tho owners of Bex Beach's "The No'cr Do Well" will give Its first neighborhood showing at tho Fifty-second Street Theater, from Saturday, September 9, to September 10. ThlB play was seen nt tho Forrest In tho early summor. John II. Weber, of tho Park, has lira musician In chargo of the Photoplayer ar rango special music for each day's program. Unusual things aro shown In tho Plcto graphs, which appear at tho Fifty-Sixth on Friday and Saturday In addition to other features. Special preparations havo been made for tho showing of Chaplin in "Tho Count," his latest effort, at tho Jefferson on Thurs day. Barney Bernard, In a character study with a natural human appeal to all, will bo '.jci-. i at tho Savoy on Thursday In "Tho Phantom Fortune" A Bluebird featuro can bo seen at tho Princess on Tuesday, when Myrtle Gon zales Is shown In "The Girl of Lost Lako." Tho Lodger-Universal Weekly will bo Shown nt tho Market Street Theater nn Fridays. ' Tho splendid orchestra which supplied tho musical accompaniment for the pictures last season at the Victoria will return In a fow weelca. Tho special attraction at tho Falrmount next Wednesday will bo Chaplin In "Tho Count" and the first showing of tho serial "Liberty," Although tho program of tho Liberty an nounces Hoibrook BHnn and Ethol Clayton in "Husband nnd Wife," this Is In flints only, for off-fllm they aro not related. A. It. P. BLUtrBIRD PrtCJO flaySus Shown at the Best Photo-Play Theaters mrnmmmmmm swm&ms IMIMBmMM LOCUST 02D AND LOCUST Mats, 1:30 and 8:S0j 10o ISo Evga., H:30, 8, 0:30, Mary Mllea Mlnur In "Lovely Mary." F, !ly Ira X. JUSIHIUlll W J. III9 111 'A Virginia Romance." Market St. Theater 333 MARKET STREET BESSIE BARRISCALE in r J m LAST ACT' PAT ACF kJ MARKET STREET MARGUERITE CLARK in "LITTLE JAD YE1LEEN" PARK 0B -AVH. & DAUPHIN ST." ITJXU MAT. 3;15. EVO.. U;3 to h. WM. S. HART in "HELL'S HINaES" PRINCESS wis market ' r Iim,L,i)J STREET KA0.Mi.SJlSP.I?S..iJiR0 MmDERMOTT in "FOOTLIGHTS QF FATE" RIAITO OERMANTOWN AVn HmmU AT TUU'EHOCKEN ST. GeorgeJBeban ..pj,, RilD V MARKET STREET ' U DELOW 7TH STREET MAE injRRAY and THEODORB ROBERTS In "THE DREAM GIRL" SAVOY I?U MARKET1 STREET MABEL TALIAFERRO in "GOD'S HALF ACRE" TJQQj ITTH AND YENANGO'STST Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Reid in THE SELFISH TVQMAN iT TORI A ARKET ST 1 V 1 W IV 1 AROVE NINTH EMMA WHELEN in "THE PRETENDERS" CTANI FY MAKET, ABOVE f HTH alAiMLJil llitS A. M. to JI:15 P. M, SESSUE HAYAKAWA in 'THE HONORABLE FRIEND" "EXPERIENCE" HAS COME TO TOWN Much-Heralded Morality Play Receives Warm Reception at Adelphl Theater Messrs. William Elliott, P. nay Com Btock and Morrla Q6st call "Experience "tho most wonderful play In America." They ought to call themselves "the most wonderful showmen In America." That would bo nearer the truth. For tho most Interesting thing about Dcorge V( Hobart's "morality play of today" Is not tho play or Ha platitudes or Its pcoplo i It Is tho raro elilll with which It has beon handled from production onward. Its success a BUCcesA which linn been miraculous has beon built upon a recognition of tho play's worth to a certain class of audience, and upon a deliberate nnd elaborate campaign to Interest that clais. A popular price, big advertising, handsomo lithography, gigan tic signs, special performances for min isters with costly nnd excellent refresh ments, havo mado It possible for the man. agoment of tho piece now at tho Adelphl to print proudly tho words "nine months In New Ym-k, soven montlm In Chicago, and flvo mo '-s In Uoston." It hau not been a campaign of bunk. It has been n businrllke matter of sell ing "Kxpcrlcnco" to tho pcoplo who want It. Any review which merely attempts to prove Its writer's superiority to tho morals and tho mentality of Mr. Ilobart. Ignores Its genulno and ultimate Justification. "Experience" Is written, of course, on an old, old formula, almost nn old ns tho church. It gives us a popular nnd accepted moral message through flgurea of every day life which aro labeled with abstract qualities such as Youth, Love. Slander, Am bition, Orouch and Snob. It Is also ad dicted to tho old, old notion that Ileauty Is ns damnable as Deceit and that Pleas ure Is "tho stain of last night's wlno on tho table cloth." This newest specimen of tho sandwich board drama li therefore no belter or no worso than Its much-lauded progenitor "Everyman," so far as platitudes go, how ever far below It Mr. 'lobalt's plcco may sink In tho art of npVylng tho English langungc. It Is miles ntno "Everywoman." It Is better entertainment. "IJvervwoman" rejoiced In flvo "canticle3" full of terribly blank verse. "Erperlenco" Is satisfied with 10 "episodes" of good old prose. Some times It Is fnke-poctlo: sometimes It out vamplrcs Pox's own Thcda Darn and talks about Passion aa tho Queen Ilegont of Hell and tho High Commissioner from his Sntantc Majesty; but mostly It Is decently oxprcislve. "Everywoman" nover got with in miles of reality. "Experience" has a lot of humor and a tot of humnnncs3 to It. when It Isn't tbo busy firmly and loudly declaim ing tho multiplication tnble. On tho technical side, thin ljug nnd elaborate play Is nt tho worst adequate. Tho settings nro necessarily tho Hort that can bo shifted easily and quickly, but they sorvo. Tho lighting Is mostly tho glary old kind, but occasionally In tho cocaine re sort, for Instance It la now nnd richly Imnglnattvo; giving up tho footlights for overhead Illumination behind a gauze. It ncllloves a fine senso of drear nnd desolato ovll. Tho dozens of smnll parts aro taken well In nlmost every Instance and tholr effectiveness Is greatly enhanced by tho minute enro which tho producer has ex pended on teaching each player a bodily moNement characteristic of his name Hut tho finest thing In tho wholo pro duction Is tho work of a Blnglo actor. Ernest Glendlnnlng as Youth Is superb. IIo plays with poetry and humor. IIo drives homo tho obvious points and spends ln fintto flncsso on shadings of emotion. His best moment Is when Youth's deep and truo emotion for Lovo rises through hla drunkenness. Mr. Glcudlniilng keeps every accent of Intoxication ; yet tho exaltation f of lovo and the misery of his fall shlno through. Mr. ulcndinnlng Is tho final stroko of astuto management. IC. M. "Who They Were Henry D. Walthall, tho "Mansfield of the movies," studied law, went to war and be gan In (ho pictures as a ditch dlggor. Itlchartl Buhler used to "sling" soda In a Washington drug storo. William GlUctto took special courses In piiEannfflM Prominent Photoplay Presentations S MBlffllMi WEST I'lIILADELI'IIIA F U R E K A 0T" AND MAnKnx ANITA STEWART in "The Daring of Diana" C ADnCM B3D A LANSDOWNE AVE. IjAIVLUjI 4 EVO., 0:30 TO 11. Nance O'Neil in "Those Who Toil" "Hazards of Helen" SO UTIl I'HILADKLHUA OLYMPIA BROAD AND UAlNimiDGE rbi tntrfnuitii iii comfort, aafetu and amuse- menti at the minimum prion. MATS. DAILY THEDA BARA In "UNDER TWO FUVaS" ATJILUTIC PICTURES. OTHERS Where the Evening Ledger-Universal Be Seen SIOJfDAY Savor Theater. V?'h 4 Market Stj.. Pblla. Jumbo Theater. Front A C.lrard Av. uhlla. Summer Theater, Kentlnfton Are. and Som- eret St.. Philadelphia. Oreat Southern Theater, SJ and Sntdtt Aye. Ker.tono Theater, lot U ft South St.. Phlla. Rex Theater. Philadelphia, Pu. Verdi Hall. 7th and ChrlntUn tits. TUESDAY Plaza Theater. Ilroad & Porter 8t., riijla, VlctoV Theater. Franklin Clearfield. Phlla. Century Theater. Mar.hall and Erie, Phlla. WEDNESDAY Palm Theater, PhlUdelnhja. Pa. 20th Street I'alace. Philadelphia, Pa. Monmouth Theater, 7th A ( IrarJ A..,rhlla. Caruia Theater, Philadelphia, Pu. THURSDAY Stanley Theater, Mlh & Slarket Stf.. Tblla, Tuiedo Theater. Philadelphia. l.i. Kmulre Theater, Frankford, Philadelphia. Itoiborougli Theater, Phlla Jelphla. Pa, rVcit Alletheor Theater, Philadelphia. FRIDAY Stanley Theiter. 10th ft Market Sta., Phlla. Market hi. Theater. 833 .Market bt Phlla. '(ohoVk.lnk Theater 0th 'i Diamond. Phlla. mch"ond Theater, Richmond end Clearneld bt.. Philadelphia. . , . , Falrmount Theater, Philadelphia. Po. Ontario Theater, 1 JiUde phU, Pa. Ulwrtr Theater. Phllfidelphla. Pa. SATURDAY Stanley Theater, 16th ft Market Sti.. I'hlla. Orrrbrook Theater. 63d and? Uayert ord Ae.. ForeDauth'1PThiater. 8th ft Race Sta., Phlla. l'olnr Ureew Theater, Point Ilreozo Ave. and IorrU St., Philadelphia. Star Theater. iK"d Wharton Sti.. Phlla. Majestic Theater, Philadelphia. Tlroll Theater. 11th fol. and I'alrmoant Ave., Philadelphia. Ilaxelatul Theater, Philadelphia. Pa. DANOINO M?CITIC NIXON THEATER BLDO. HJHOi-.r. O 34 So, Kd btrccl CLASS TUESDAY ft FRUJAV, ORCHESTRA mondvv LABOR DAY J&W PRIVATE IXSSON8. DAY OB EVENING Reception Next Saturday Evening wV5oyr Reception Opens "'$?& Hermann's Superb Orchestra MIAPMrD Entire 24 Floor W AvJiNEOV NUoaa Oraad Bid. Hroad ft Montnr ai Montay Ave. Entrance 17S0 N Broad. . Phone bla 833. Extra Dance Monday Evening Gey lavlacibio Orcheatra Danclns Until 12. &, p'aclice Dance SSL'S-. 15 (or Six PrttaU Leuose. Kooo to 11 I' it Top" Dane Wed, & Sat Evgs. the UnlverMty of New York, Massachusetts Institute of Technology anil Boston Uni versity befora Getting out to conquer the drama. Knrld Williams was n phonograph sales man when ho had to talk for a living. A TELEGRAPHER'S KEY TO FORTUNE Gcorco V'. Ilobart, author of "Kxpcrl ence." now it the Adelphl, was formerly telegraph operator for tho Baltimore- and Ohio Itnllroad nl mo llttlo town of Fred crick, Md.i nnd tho step from tho teleg rapher's key to his present position took tlm persevcrahco and unlimited Industry, Mr. Ilobart was born In Nova Scotia, but his family moved to HnRerstown when ho was stilt a boy. There ho became fascinated with tho telegraphic wonders of tho clicking keys at tho railroad station nnd learned how to opcrato through tho kindness nnd courtoy of tho regulnr oper ator. Later ho became operator nt Fred crick, was Biich a quick sender and receiver that ho wns transferred by tho Western Union Company to Baltimore, and then to tho omce of tho Baltimore Sun, tho leading newspaper of that city. In the newspaper omce ho soon becamo a prollclcnt writer, and, being gifted with a sense, of comedy, commenced to write Btorlcs and poems, which wero widely copied, Ills success In Bnltlmoro led to a contract with tho Hearst syndicato In New York, and ho commenced to wrlto humor ous stories for tho Hearst newspapers. IIo created John Henry nnd tho famous Dln kcl.iplcl, familiar to newspaper readers. Whllo In Now York ho began to wrlto comedies nnd 'soon had a string of many successful comedy offerings to lilo credit. Hut whllo managers wcro glad to got comic operas nnd farces from him, no ono belloved ho could wrlto n. serious play un til ho wroto "nxpcrlence," which was first given nt it private Lambs' gambol In con densed form and was afterward given on tour by tho Lambs, being tho big featuro of tho bill of that famous organization. Since writing "nxpcrlcnce" Mr. Ilobart hns been called upon by various inanngers to write serious plays, IIo is tho co-author and dramntlicr of two now plays nbout to bo offered In New York. Ho Is modest, re tiring and unassuming, ono of tho most populnr members of the Lambs Club In New York, nnd ho has been secrotary of that celebrated club for half a dozen years. jj it nn p. m. marki:t iii:l. nui strki:t hub p. m. p FIRST SHOWINGS OF PHOTOPLAYS OF EXCELLENCE REMonw.ini lir.ruRNisur.n redixoratiuj MAV AND MODERN SYSTEM OF VENTILAT1NO RE-OPENS MONDAY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY WORLD FILM Presents ROBERT WARWICK IN TUB SENSATIONAL STORY "FRIDAY THE 13th " rTrttTTPQfrT a in addition to the enlaroed UKUxiHiOllvA ORGAN tWIlt THE IIUJLtN VOICE iraiiBiiMM WALNUT ili SEASON OPENINQ-Com. HERBERT CLIFTON The World's Premier Male Soprana Wri fa. A 11? m W SmA 1 H kH&i ! M JL JL JUL Jf JMpC II li -.... .,- nr ivrimNATIOVAI. INTKKIUE I1Y t i-ri'. MORRISON AM NIXON'S QR A nitOAD AND MONTfiOADZRY T. O. Nlion-Nlrdllnifr ' "" Vl IlnUr Mat.. 10c Eip.. 1 n- '0t- 15c- g8c JUDGMENT rresentea br Katbr rlne KnTanauih Co. lr. anil Mrii. Klo Well, Norworth . Moore,. Slarti n & noreiii Pathe nnd .Mutual. - a nrnnir matinee today GARKlClV TONIGHT AT 8:15 mqInni Holiday Mat. Monday DE31NMMliM ' and ;15. Matinees 23c & 85c Evenings. 25c, 35o 4 60c. LYMAN H. HOWE'S TRAVEL TP.STIVAL HAtvXViPA'lNWAY l'REPARRl)NIS., West Point and Many Others Openlne Heirular Sjaiwn. Monday, 1 SepL H 4,SPORT OF LAW" A Dramatic Thunderbolt by Stuart Fox Seat Sale Opens Thursday, Sept. T. -U BROAD MATXHBB T0TIC.,T AT 8.15 & $1 Matinee Monday "A Corking Good Show" Evening Bulletin. JOHN CORT Presents UNA ABARBANELL In ,she,,n.ornUa FLORA BELLA With an Incomparable Lteht Opera Cast. ft MAT. LABOR DAY and WEDNESDAY C"T A TVTT CV MARKET AT 18TH STANLEY iu.1. SESSUE HAYAKAWA In the SENSATIONAL , P1IOTODRAMA "The Honorable Fnend" ADDED ATTRACTION BURTON HOLMES "Climbing tho Austrian Alps" fllJko Theater u juniper sts. VllVJUC VAUDEVILLE Contlnuoua 14 A M to 11 P. M. 10c. 16c. 25c. MAIDS OF THE MOVIES in "ALL AT SEA" INTERNATIONAL BEAUTIES AND OTHERS nnDUCI 1H Oerroantown & Chelten UKrrlCUiYi m w TAYLOR. Gen. Mgr OPENS WITH A SPECIALTMATINKH LABOR DAY. MONDAY, SEPT- . WITH "Little Peggy O'Moore" MATINEES TUES . THUR3.. SAT., WITH 15CKI SEATS AT 2Sa Vox Office Optui Now Phone. Q't'o S09. DAI A ft? I21i MARKET BT- ALAtt. Marguerite Clark la "LITTLa LADY EILEEN" RATTLER POISON IS MOTHER'S MILK TO W. S. HART "Soma actors nro born nervy, some ac qulro nerve and somd havo nerve thrust upon them." William 8. Hatt believes he must havo been born nervy. And, In sup port of his contention, this noted star cites tho fact that ho never has experienced the slightest fear In performing tho many haz ardous feats by which his work on the screen lias been marked. "I think nerve, with me, must bo of a hereditary nature," declares Hart, when discussing the numerous risks ho assumes In his dally labors beforo the camera, nycn as a Kid I was a daredevil. At least, that Is what they tell me thoso oldorly folk who claim to remember mo no a youngster. They say that when I was living on tho plains of North Dakota I used to go nbout barefooted, with nary a thought of tlio dangers that beset my path. Onco I was bitten by a rattlesnake, but even this, It seems, did not Instill Into mo a fear of that reptile. Of bodily Injury, to bo sure, I am a bit fearful. By that I mean that I don t llko to tllrt with harm. But. nt that, I often risk life and limb to accomplish somo of the tasks lnld down for my by our authors. I nm not a bollover In 'doubles, and that is possibly ono of tho reasons why I always nm willing, nnd, morovor, anxious, to do myself what Is set forth for mo to do, Hart's most recent hazardous "stunt" was performed during tho recent filming ot "Tho Patriot," which will bo shown at tho Arcadia Theater during the first threo days of next week, tho Triangle-Kay Beo play, by Monte M. Kntterjohn, In which ho Is pre sented nB Btar by Thomas II. Inco. It was that of making a Hying leap. In the dark, from the roof of n Mexican ndobo shack to tho back of n horse. Tho "stunt" In volved tremendous risks, yet Hart succeeded In doing It without suffering an unpleasant scnsAtlon, save tho Jarring of his spine. Iichlnd the Screen Georgo Cooper went Into tho movies when ho lost his beautiful tenor volco while with Fisko O'Hnro. IMna Mayo Is an expert sculptor, painter, swimmer and rlllo shot. Katlilyn Williams would much rather play with a wild tiger than with a cat or n dog. THURSDAY, ntlDAY, SATURDAY METRO WONDERPLAY UONEL BARRYMORE With MARGUERITE SKIRVIN In "THE UPHEAVAL" rasnini EtEM.MiS, S5c TO S1.0O. NO IlltlHKIC A! -. l'l'.-l!l ,lf iiiiuau.i& Alt MATINEE SATURDAY MCITED. LllllCKAL TERMS Monday Mat, CO 25c, 50c HARRY CItY RUtNF.V B.F.Keiths Theater Chestnut and Twelfth Streets MAT., !S 1 M. Nltilir, a I'. M. 3 SHOWS DAILY 2 NEXT WEEK! Grand Opening of New Season! Triumphant Filth Annual Tour FOR ONE WEEK ONLY) The Meistersingers In Their Stoat Elaborata Scenic Spectacle, callfd "At tlii, liar Htatlon" llrst Appeuranre la America LA ARGENTINA Bpalna flratwst Pancer and FamouH Beauty Ono Die bcreum of lutujbterl Francls-DOOLEY & SALES-Corlnne In "Will Yer Jim"? Etrrett S. Itnskajt'a New Playlet "FORTY WINKS" Wtth Pay WalUra anil Reran lluihtton Tom Kerr & Steffy Berko With "Their TalUInc PUJIei" K KN NED Y i. IKII.1.1S i.uciiirrr & wai.dkun 1 RANK LV. 11KNT 1LVINU KUSSELLH FREE AT ALL TIMES WEEK Or SEPTEMBER 4 TWICE DALLY. SUNDAYS EXCEPTED The Great Calvert World' Greatest Noitltr Illsh Wlra Artist Shannon's Famous Band Concert Every Afternoon and Evenlnr. MISS KATIIERINE GREY, Soloist FIREWORKS FRIDAY NICIIT SEASON CLOSES SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 E n1 &MM $Hk 1 wJl mm TOMORROW LAST EXCURSION ON THE COMMODIOUS AND SWIFT STEAMER SYLVAN DELL To LINCOLN PARK $gffirAaa ROUND TRIP Adult 25c, CbUdrta I5o, Boat Leaves Arcb St. Wharf t!:30, 11:13 A. M., S. st20 aa) T;80 P M. Ltave Lincoln PaJt 10;S0 A. IL, J3ii5. 3. C V& 8.1S P. U. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR THE COMING WEEK Continued from Preceding Pate. musicians; Kenney nnd HollU, In "Freshy's Inlllallon"; Ffank ho Dent, juggler J tho Plying nussells, Lockett ftrttl Wnldron and the Sellg-Trlbuno pictorial nowR. OLOIW "Wnko Itp, America," ft palrlollo mufilcal plcco; the Willi Duo, musicians I Charles Itllcy, comedian i IMrlrtgo and Harlow, In a comedy sketch ; Vonnell and Drew, dancing act! Mills and company. In songs; Dare brothers, nthlctca; George Allen nnd Company, In "Tho Tin Wed ding"; Clcno Ward Duo, ft singing and planologus specialty, and Edna Wallace Kinney, contralto, CttOSS KEYS First half of week, Hert Leslie, lato star of 'Town Topics," In "Hogan In London"; Dow nnd Dow, In "Tho Party," a skit; Horn and Ferris, singers! Noodles Pagan, and Lucllo Sa voy, posing novelty. Last half of week, Dert Leslie, Gliding O'MearaB, dancers; Lucky and Tost, Ollle White, tho dancing violinist; Jack McUowan and Fore and Gore. QRAND "Judgment," n drama presented by Katherlne KavanaUgh nnd company! Mr. nnd Mrs. Kllso, entertainers ! Wills. Norworth and Moore: Ncwhoff and Phelps; llradley nnd ArillnoJ Martyn and Never in the History of Philadelphia (AND THAT Hns any play scored the gigantic What MAYOR THOMAS B. SMITH says: "'Experience' has my unqualified approval. I think it is a wonderful play, teaching a great moral lesson. It is a sermon in scenes. I'm going to send all my boys to sec it." i:ni)oksi:i uy soo cleroymen op Philadelphia and prominent city and state ofp1clvls ADELPHI LYRIC The Supreme Achievement of the N. Y. Winter Garden MAuiii.r hi-.Wi-jsTjop 4ura SPKCLII. Ir.OR DAY MATINEE HUlKEIS lU-SDHT THUHSDATf SATURDAY 1000 Orchestra feeutH 23c I' fn'i-iW '' -,'.!' 'I Mrbtly at 8.15 I! Ktg'h- ,t"'i,'l'itl-,',lli v ole .'1 Price fll !: ti:i auv uvv fff X 70C WITH NEW POLICY HIGHEST nRADE ROAD ATTItAC TIONH AT NOMINAL PRICES HERE'S THE STARTER vnn i.aiioiiivo I'lTRrn'iKS iixi.v ,i'if i ?,' r-Arijiivhij. i,, a, A Metrauelltan .Muilml CpiuBttuy WUli QUINN & MITCHELL A IACOII 7TJtcKVljnY TICK OP A Chorus of Youthful and Buoyant Maidens Neil Week "THAT OTHER WOMAN" IfHANIBBl jpwflMHi riiwai $, &- 1)aii, n& .H.L hH.Al lOe KVEMNflS. l!5 Ol 10-aOe EAVoNnVHRVs'ViiV MONDAY AFTERNOON WITH ATTRACTIVE UILL OF VAUDEVILLE of Supcrlatlte Merit. Hesded by THE COLONIAL BELLES" A l'rUntiu Vocal and Mwlca! Number IN CONJUNCTION WITH PAULINE FREDERICK IN CLYDE PITCH'S "The Woman in the Case" AND riHST PRESENTATION OF CHARLIE CHAPLIN IN HIS EATE&T "THE COUNT" , 'I'&BlDARl'DAnTlDA'Y' MARY PICKFORD la Hrr Suprenx VJSoi "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" A 13 r A TM A CHESTNOT Btlow I8TK ARCADIA HENRR. WM,U, i I liipifiii Floren! tho Palha News Md ern comedies from the Mtttttct Ostfqasny. PAkH8 WOOtistDE-ThH) rhllaeVhvhla wimltttiw. Area opposite) Falrmount Putfa Mmiv non'a Band, ThomAs F. Bhsnnon, con ductor; Miss KalNrlne ttfey, eoprano, soloist, and ths Great Calvert hlsli-wrm artist. 1WENA. Y1BTA -The hew pteasure e?rwn on the Delaware lUver front and ad jacent to the Jersey terminal of th Gkm ccster and Philadelphia felTy. The J4 ropolltan Orchestra, with A. It Tmrtti aa director, glvea concerts erery evtnltwi and on Saturday and Sunday arternooHe. LtilCOLIT PAnit--The amusement park fl tho Delaware, readied by th eleawwr SyUan Dell from Arch street wharf. Taf usual park features. COMING Beptcmbcr tl. FOMlKBT"Uilo Miss Springtime." CtARMCK "Sport of Law." ltVlTIT'8 Stella Mayhew, "The "Work Dancers," with Emllle Lea and Tom DInglo ! "Prosperity," a new comedy play let, with Ezra Mathews; Anna Chandler, singer of character songs; Vollnsky, rlo llnlsti Toney and Nbrman, In "Look, Listen and Laugh'; Lillian's' comedy dogs, tho Stantons, "Daffydllls of Vaude' vlllo"! Ernette Asoris and company, whirlwind dancers, and others. LABOR DAY MATINEE MONDAY GOc TO $1.50 IS SAYING A LOT) antl overwhelming success achieved by THEATER rrvos, sat. siat.. bo to n.so llurruln .Mat. Thurs. Rent Beat SI -Beginning Monday Night MATS. AYED. & SAT. tflTOi THE ORIGINAL CAST OF 150 PERSONS AND GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS RE l?iAii?B MARKET 8 dUHIPKl 5T3. In tro Heart ot the. Shopplat DUfarlct CONTINUOCS 11 A. M. TO PltlfPH !" 11 p. sr. I . I1"-, tae I A PreparednrM Miulcal Comedy , WAKE UP AMERICA With Lots ot Melodious Ilombardment Pretty Girls, Cutchjr Music, Speelal Scenery WILLIS DUO A NOVELTY MUSICAL OFFEUINO IT'S SOJIEinLVT DIFFERENT And Otbera Offer a DIrenlfled 6how p THE.VTRE Market below 60tb Street Mat. Dally. tO I Jlnnlna. 7 and lle.t Keata 10e I lUe. SOe. tSe IRVING COOPER L'reunU "THE KINO OF SL.Nq' The Star f "TOWN TOPICS" BERT LESLIE (HIMSELF) ' Buypsfttd br MISfi KLVA lUTEd an4 9 Competent Catasany. I4 THE 1.TEST OP THE IIQGAN SEK1WI "HOGAN IN LONDON" A Cony t Stooe Cjt(4 b SfesV Anil 9 O'tfr KtJt yjiudeiW AeU 4- ,.'., Jj-jfea swnoam "T l ADAMS 23 ITfflij .CiK R vm Jm 'ii -r ft. '--- feMMUttUMIMU III .....T-- ir-"l'liMriiii.n,i,nni,M
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