Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5
ttt 4 EVENING LEDGERPHII;ADEPHIA; SATURDAY, SEPTEltfBER 1910: FINANCIAL NEWS BUSINESS LIGHT IN WALL STREET; SHORTS COVER IN THE LATE TRADING Market Presents Oversold Condition in Pinal Hour. Many Houses Seek to Recover Stocks Bull Position Has Become Strongly Intrenched High Points in Today's Financial News New York bank statement for week showed increase in average and actual loans and a decrease tn reserves. Country's bank clearings smaller, than hat week, but above corresponding week last year. Price of bar silver lower M New York and London. Municipal bonds growing in popularity. Additional foreign loans to be placed in United States in next few months. Loaded-car movement of Pennsylvania Railroad larger. Trading in stocks light, with market oversold. Wheat advanced. Foreign exchange inactive. NEW TOniC. Bopt. 2. Thero waa little effort to transact actual business In tho Wall Btroot district today, tho ofllces being almost deserted, and thero was only, a slim attendance on tho boardroom floor. Sotno of tho room traders, who had sold stocks yesterday afternoon to ovon up contracts, bought from other traders at tho opening and bid prices up mod erately, but with this flash of apparent strength half tho day's activity waa measured. Afterward thero wero declines from offerings by somo of tho bearish element on tho floor, which mado Studebakcr an object of concentrated soiling, but tho decline In this stock was offset by a bullish demonstration In Marino profcrrod, which carried tho prlco of that stock up to 109, another new high rocord. In tho later trading tho exlstonco of a largo short Interest was reflected In a covering movement, and at tho close prices of a majority, of Issues showed gains ranging from fractions to moro than t point. In tho lato trading tho scarcity of stocks caused general comment It had been supposed that when Studebakcr broko below 120 stop-loss orders would bo reached on tho selling sldo, but instead buying orders appeared, and thero was a quick advanco of about two points from Its low level. Other stocks ncted In tho samo manner In tho filial hour, with the market generally presenting an oversold condition, with many of tho houses that had sold lines of long Block In order to bo on tho safe sldo endeavoring to recover their holdings before tho opening of tho market on Tuesday. Apparently the bull position had become strongly Intrenched by purchases made for Important Interests on declines of tho preceding days of tho week, and tho belief prevailed among tho trading clement that thoso Intorcsts would arrango for substantial and plentiful buying ardors If tho labor situation Is cleared away, as expected. $55,000,000 in Securities Arrives for Allies' Use NEW YOniC, Sept. 2. Approximately $56,000,000 in securities from the Bank of England has arrived hero to bo used as credit In purchasing war munitions for tho Allies. Tho Adriatic brought $30',000,000 and tho Carpathla $25,000,000." Price Bros. Declare Initial Dividend MONTREAL, Sept. 2. Tho directors of Prlco Bros. & Co., Ltd., havo declared nn initial quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, payable September 30 to holders of record September 12. TRADING ON THE CURB IS EXTREMELY SLOW Changes Few and Narrow Mo tor Issues Are Neglected. Maxim Munitions Advances NEW YOItK, Sept 2. Trading in tho market for outslda securities was of a holiday character, with very little chance in prices. Business was extremely slow. Aetna explosives was traded In at from 10 10; Maxim Munitions, on dealings of 700 shares, Bold down 5 6 VI: MIdvale Steel moved within n range of H with dealings light. Cosdcn & Co. sold at Ui. Omar Oil and Gas showed somo Im provement and sold up from 65 to 58. The motor stocks wero neglected. Other se curities were quiet and held around tho previous level. INDUSTRIALS. . ... Hid, Asked. Aetna Explosives 10H 1054 American-British Mil I",. -'',, American Marcont 3Vi .'. Canadian Car Co...., 40 CO Can Car A Fdr prof.. .70 70 Chevrolet Motora loo 10(1 Curtlss Aeroplane 10 25 Drlns-Seauury 70 78 Emerson 1'honoirraph OH 0 Haskell Darker Car ,.. 37M 38 Hendee Alanufacturlng -4, - Kathodton llronia prof 1H 1'' Maxim Munitions 4 5i Manhattan Trans MIdvale Steel 02tt S?,V Otis Elevator J5 8?,, Peerless Jiotora 23 si l'oole Engine 83 HJ,. B S Krraae w I lift 12 Htandard Motors 0?i 7 Submarine 4Vi ?? Htrombtre Motora ;l 44 Htutx Moiora 07 08 . Triangle Film 3U United Motora 6H Unjitd Profit Sharlns UsXtllcom 2Ji do prof 4i White Motora - B2i World Film .' , S STANDARD OIL STOCKS. Illinois 173 Ohio i "-l Prairie Pipe 242 Htandard OH California 274 Standard Oil New Jersey... BIB Standard Oil New York,..; '.'11 OTHER OIL STOCKS. .., Cosden Oil ..,.. 11 Cosden Co 14 Inter Petrol 10 Houston Oil 13 Midwest Itef ..,( OU DUi bapuipa iter MTNINO STOCKS. Atlanta liutto Copper - Zlna jiutte m r .... Cerro de Pasco First National , Florence Uoldltetd . ... Goldfleld Mercer Heels. Mining- Howe Sound Jim Butler Jumbo Ex McKlnler Darrah .... IK. S3 38 Slums Copper 13 H Mines Co of Amarles...... .......... 2H Nlplsilng- ....,,,.., 7 Ban Toy 18 8t Joseph Lead 1U West End Con 74 white Oaks ., 4 BONDS. Cerro 6s ....................... -!; MIdvale Sa us Britten oa ..... v Russian 0H ....101 fft Financial Briefs The New York Subtreasury this morning transferred to New Orleans SUO.OOO for account of local banks. New York. Custom House figures show that the importations of gems In August amounted to $5,635,714, compared with 31.861,502 in the same-month of 1315 and 31,123,446 in 1914. So tar this year the Imports of precious, stones total $35,433,811. Gross earnings of the Detroit United Railway System during July were 31,445. 019, an Increase of 3239,138 over the corre sponding month of last year. Net Increased 184.765 to 1405,342, There were 1894 strictly commercial failures during August Involving 320,128.- 000, according to B. O. Dun .& Co. This compares with 1207 suspensions for 111, (29,000 In the previous month. Thirty-five railroads report gross earn ings during the third week of August to uting 316,813.607, a gain of 53.021.174 over the corresponding week of last year. The New York Cotton Exchange and the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange wero closed today. New York banks gained 1303,000 from the Subtreasury yesterday. The Bank of England reports the amount of currency notes outstanding as 119.623. S24. compared with 119.334,331 last week. The amount of gold held for the redemption of such notes remains at 28,500,000, The Pittsburgh Steel Company has is sued a, call for payment on October 1 next of J J. 000,000 of its 6 per cent coupon gold notes. erlea ".G," due January 1. .920. These are the last of that series of nates and tha last of the entire Issue of 35,000.009 of notes which were dated January 1, 1916, and were, to mature; 1.60v.OOO on January 1. 1918; 11.690.000 oa January , 11, and 2,969,099 oa January l, l0. WHEAT ADVANCES; DEMAND IS GOOD Trade Is Disposed to Take More Bullish View of Strike Situation GRAIN BELT WEATHER FORECAST. CHICAGO. Bent. S. The weather forecast for 30 hours follows; Illinois rair tonixns nnu proDnuir to morrow, somewhat warmer. Mlssourl l'nrtly eloudr tonliht and to- '?X morrow, not murh chance In temperature W Isconsln Fair tonlrht and northwest to- nlxht, Minnesota Partly cloudy tonight and to morrow, warmer tonlxhl. . , Iowa Partly cloudy tonliht and tomor row, not much chance In temperature. North and South Dakota Unsettled to nliht and tomorrow, probably sbowers, warmer tonlcht. ... . . Nebraska. Partly cloudy tonlcht and to morrow, warmer west tonlcht. B , Kansas Partly cloudy tonlcht and to morrow, not much chance In temperature. CHICAGO, Sept. 2. A continued good demand for September wheat was quoted at the opening this morning, that option starting with an advance of two cents, ranging from 1.431.12?i. December was one cent hlghor at J1.4C01.45 and May was up c at J1.48 01.47. The latter options, after the first few minutes of trad ing, advanced c for December and o for May, while September fell to tho early levol. There was a fair demand from commission houses and fair buying from other sources. Apparently the trade was disposed to take a more bullish view of the strike situation as the news from Washington pointed con clusively to the passage of tho eight-hour law. The cables were easy, however, and the Balkan situation was considered an un settling factor, which may become effective at almost any time, and for this reason traders were disposed to.be conservative. The receipts at Minneapolis and Duluth today were 370 cars, against S63 cars a year ago; at Winnipeg 305 cars, compared with 382 cars; at Chicago 94 cars, con trasted with 374 cars. Corn was only fairly steady for the September v position, which opened un changed and then declined He. Other options were fairly firm. There was a little pressure In September, but the demand for the later months was fair. The receipts here today were 186 cars. Statements that about 1,000,000 bushels of oats had been Bold fon. export Friday caused a fairly firm tone at the opening this morning, and prices were Ho higher after the start. There was a good scattered demand. The receipts here today were 412 cars. Leo dine futures ranced as follows i Yest'd'y Wheat Open. High. Low. Closa. clcu. nepiemoer , i.ia a. to x.s-tt xiecemoer .. i.-io ., i.so May ....... 1.48 1.49H 1.47 iMra Inaur (11 1 varvsH September 1 P uecemoor , May Oats September . December . , May iaro September . October .... December Itlbs . 14.20 14.22 13.83 tl4.50 U4.17 T14.45 14.15 14.03 13.82 Septemebr October , January . Fork September 14.40 14.1ft 13. 0J 14.60 14.87 13.1 27.60 23.00 14.23 14,60 fl4.23 14.20 14.37 14.15 13.02 13.17 12.03 27.40 f27.60 '27.10 24.83 25.00 2,4.53 27.40 Decemoer il 75 Bid. tAsked. Extend "P. X." Bond Deposits Announcement Is made by the Philadel phia Electric Company that the time of deposit of trust certificates under the plan of retirement has been extended from to day to September 15. In the last few days deposits have been unusually heavy. The plan provides for the exchange of the Edi son Electric S per cent stock trust certifi cates and the Philadelphia Electric i per cent gold trust certificates for a first mort gage on the entire property of the company In the city of Philadelphia. Cotton Statistics NEW TOIIK. Sept. a, The, statistical posl , of cotton foljow.: ,' rSMt. '."J: ,2.607.227 2.774,438 8.837.170 0 Ican".,. r :" 1.830,227 1.847,438 2611,170 TS?ptimb?tJL- 8T8.41g 460,731 469.048 IIAILROAD EARNINGS BEADINO COAL. AND IRON COMPANY " ISIS. Increase. July receipts l2.eiq.4U isot.isu Expense 2.6SI.423 775.805 Lois laoperatlnc ..... 14.937 8o823 lotsrest and Uses (tstl- matsd) J.0OO 1.000 Surplus 6.987 83.323 July receipt. , 3S0,m Expanses .. ..I'rVs I'roiit V.,- 073,113 intsrest ani taxes leatl- mated) ??2-fS2 Surplus - HB.aoa 112.073 '2.814 10.329 iiJisi DIVIDENDS DECLARED Draslllan Traction. Light" and Power Com pany Ltd.. recular Quarterly or IVi per cent on preferred locfi payable OctoUr 3 to holders of "western Canada Ktour Mills, usual Quarterly cf 3 per cent, payahl September IB. bosk close (jsntcfflbu 5 and nowa SsiUatxc 13. i.ia "l.-tUTi 1.48 1.43K 1.40K lUeS sa sa; sou 724 t73 7S 70 70 17S 45S 44U 45ft 44H ill ill ill too 14,63 14.40 14.4S 14.33 14.15 13.83 RUMANIA'S ENTRY INTO WAR IMPAIRS GERMAN SUPPLIES Bulgaria's Exports Insig nificant Since Hostilities Started PARIS MARKET HIGH By YVES GUYOT Bvtclat Cablt to tfcs Evmtno Ltioer. PAniS, Sept 2, The participation of Ilu manta In the war will greatly rcduco Qer many'a resources In cereals. Uefore tho war Germany Imported an average cf 2,2 .000 tons of grain a year, a great part of which camo from Rumania, nnd sine the begin ning of tho, war she has bought largo amounts from Ilumanla. Bulgaria exported only nn averago of 225,000 tons a year be fore the war, and stneo she entered the conflict her exportation hns been Inslgnlfl cant, whllo Turkey has not enough grnln for her own population. The Central Empires thus will be greatly pinched by the cutting oft of tho Rumanian grain supply France's grain production fell oft one fourth last year on nccount of tho lack of farm labor. She, however, has tho markets of tho world to call on, and there Is no fear of a lack of foodstuffs In tho allied coun tries. Unfortunately It seems Impossible today for farmers to buy American agricultural Implements that beforo tho war wero freely sold hero and almost universally used. As to bo expected, recent event havo con firmed tho French financial world In con fidence. Paris markets have retained the high level reached a few days ago, but havo become, moro calm, with evidences that the new high level Is not merciy a tempo rary gain. Conservative bankers, however, conslCcr prices now high enough and say that conditions do not justify a further rise for tho present A new French loan Is expected. This probably will havo an effect on tho gen eral market, as many persons will sell stocks to put tho money In the government loan. Tho price of the ruble continues to mount, nnd tho entry of Rumania Into the war will tend nlso to help the prices of n good many Balkan Investments. Tho question of rc-cstabllshlng Industries In tho Invaded districts Is being taken up In a practical fashion. Tho presidents of tho great Industrial concerns have formed a society to dcat with tho re-establlshment of Industries ruined by InvnBlon, and the government has promised Its help. This Is really a practical step toward dealing with tho question. New York Bond Sales Iaw. Closo. bill UT 113000 Alaska Gold cv B DOOO do A ..1000 Amer Agr Bs .... 1B7000 Am For Sec 6s . 811 U SOU U2V) 1 02 ft ijouuu Anclo-Fr I. ni IL nr.U. 1000 Amir Hrrn.lt Hoo Il...1n7. 1n7i 11174 uuu viiicr xri conv hb 2000 do ct 4Ma II0OO Amer Writ Paper Bs. 23000 Armour Co 4&n ... 70(10 Atchison Ken 4s .... B0OO Bui to and Ohio 4s .. 20U00 do cv 4j4s 1000 Brooklyn ltop T Bs,. 7UOO Can Uovt -Is 1V2U... 7000 do 4s 1031 0000 Cent Leather 1st Bs. BOO Cent l'ao 1st 4s .... 0000 Chili Copper 7a 4000 dies L Ohio conv Cs. 1000 Chi Alton 3a 1000 Chi II & Q joint 4s M II & Q Joint 4s... I)7t l)7?i 1174 :hl II & Ht, I conv Bs.lo.lW inj4 nn(J do fd 4"As utf 0li iil do cen 4Vjn 1U1U Kilt, loljj :hi n i & i bs, and biih r i uuuu uni liuoo 11)0(1 30000 Chi 4000 Clee Hh L.lno 4U Km 100(1 Ills Socur Corp 0.. 711 uuu liua sc Alan in 07,, , 7 2UUU in steel deb 4Vis... 1)1 2000 Indiana. Steel Ss ...101! 2000 Interb Met 4s 73 10000 Interb it T ret Ss,. 03 41000 Int Mer Mar 4 Via ct 108' 4000 do w 1 Us Oil 3000 Lackn. Steel Bs 1030.. 03 1000 Ixirlllard Bs 100 2000 Mich Cent SUs 1)2 XOOi) .Mo Knn s T 2d 4s.... 41 0000 Mo l'ao 4s w 03 1000 Mo l'ao Oh 1D17 ttty ct 04 0000 do Bs 1020 . , 01 llnnfl TsTn, Tuhm R . llll S3000 N Y Cent Oa..., lllji 1)2? 02 ii j a 02 S 02 8 0-' UUOO NIUIl IIUU IDS.. B00O N Y City 3 Ms May 'si 03 II. I 1KI ll.I uuu ao 49 IVAI soon do 4s lll.'.l) 1087. 108 108 100 100 100 4 104U 1044 104 ?i 8000 do 411s 10U4 2000 tin SUs Nov 1034. IKi Vd U3 112 122 112 B7 B7 57 1)74 07. U7t Ol'l 01 01 104 H 104 104 0U OIlU 1111 Tilt rf.iZ fitl 1000 N Y KH It Us.... B000 N Y ltwy adj Bs,.... 47000 N Y Tel sen 44s... 1000 Nor Pao prior 4s ... 1000 I'enna cv 4Us 5000 llepub Cuba Bs 1014. 4000 Hock Island rid 4s . 2000 St I, s S F In w l, 1B000 St U Swn en 4s ... 17000 Stand Qas lis noon Hpuhonrd A I, rfd 4s 7 B4 00 00 07 7 2(1000 So Pac cv ret t p Oa.,103 2000 do rfd 4s 80 ttnnn C.....V. II... u mm An Tl .UUU ilUU.II ..J 4SCI, la.... ..; 2000 Texas Co cv 0s KMU 3000 Tokyo Bs 784 lllOO Trl.Cltv Bs 100 ?nnn it h nubber us iul' 84000 U H Steel S 10.1 SOOO Union l'ao cv 4s 03 11000 Un Kwys s f 4s 84 1 1000 Va Car Chm 1st Bs... U7 0000 Va llwys Bs 08 M(ift Wnb.P T lit ct 4s.... 31 SOOO Went Electric nota Bs.101 Total sales. 31,433.000. compared with Sl. 033.000 Isst Saturday) this week, 13,7S1.0O0 lust ek. l.10J,O0O. NEW YOBS BANK STATEMENT Big Gain in Average and Actual Loans. Reserves Decrease NEW YORK. Sept. 2. Tho Now York bank statement this week .shows an Increase In, average loans of 317,930,000 and an in crease of $48,435,000 In the actual. De mand deposits In both cases and the tlmo deposits and reserves decreased. Details follow: AVSRAOB" Increase. Loans . , 117.038,000 Demand deposits ., 38.0J7.00O Time deposits 23.08H,00O Reserve ,,,, ,,, 12.538,040 ACTUAL Loans ....,,, .148.433,000 Net demand deposits ...,, 42,217,000 Time deposits , v), 162.000 Reserve 29.8tll.000 Decrease. DANK CLEARINGS DECREASE, Below Last Week, But Far Ahead of a Year Ago Bank clearings throughout the country were not quite as large this week as they were last week, but continued much greater than a year ago. The total tor the week I was 34.2S7.219.246, as compared with S4, 237,175,143 last week and 13,027,600,436 the corresponding week of last year, Phila delphia stood second In the list for the gain over the previous year, the total here beirg $186,414,283, an Increase of 28.7 per cent Details follow; 1918. 1015. P.C. Nw York. .t2.08J.480.8fl 11,865.818,388 4-10 6 lloiton ..... 117.811,770 103,968.277 - 8.1 Philadelphia. 188,414.238 144.808,658 --28.7 Baltimore .. 29,828,20) 27.781. 168 -- 6.8 Ch K ., 81g.fcgT.g7T 280:4j8 6 . -21 1 Bt. Louis... 77.768.875 (12.618.050 -.21.4 New Orleans 22.330.220 14.181.423 61). 4 Be6'8ays!!!'.l2.8S3.19S.173 12.504.807,737 182 t'days!", 062.014.431 633,042,481 23.6 TOtes!&'dfys.i3,197.212.604 13,040.850.188 15.0 A1day!'":..1. 790.000.042 888.750.288 31.8 Total all week ".4.2S7.219.248 I3.627.600.438 18.2 RATES FOR MONEY ' Call. Tims. New York ? 3i ?,,?? Philadelphia . 4M g Boston ,,...... .3 4 j Chicago 3(4 04 4 04tt Commercial paper, three to U months. Phlla aslpbla. 4 tie its Vt cent. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearings today compared with oerr. .paadla. day lay t. ,,. , , PoUaoslphU.348 W2.205 l2a.o5j.3M I3l.lij.12l BMtoa ,V7, 88.317,898 Si.Wl.iW J8.1,fi2 Hlsh. .. 87 ...8i . .1U2WI 1 . vn us 914 111 074 107 1U.I 1VJ 1U1 111) lOU'-i 110 mm tm hoy; 03 5 3 nsM M2j VM U2 KI'Js HUji KUli tut! in, uift loosl loojl luofj UN OSTs DO V0 UU 1)0 looJJ looW KioJS N7J H7J4 7f 123J4 12SJ4 123j llOlJ Hull Coil luu luu "r i.' U ",74 ,tT4 Yt Ziyi S754 ft UlVi lltft 73 7.1 07 117 ft H WW !U8i )l Oil! 0114 K loos l(Hi4 82 82M V 4'. 45 S U3K (WH 4 04 H 04 H 4 l"i 014 iZ ini lin il . 7B l.TB B4 Bt no no'; 00 1)0 117 117 J 1U3 1031s a 80 80 78 78 100 100 i 102V4 102 103 10.1 K 03 oa; 34 34 07 07 08 08 31 aiu 100 101 f New York Stock Sales it ,...... IIIh. Lew. Close, elure. Alaska Gold Mines lift 1176 l Allls-Chalmcrs .. 23 22 4 22V& ' Am Ag Chem prcf 101'4 JOt lot ..... Aln B Sugar 0Tfi Si BOTj, 2U Am Can 01 r,oi)i 01 i Am Car and Fdy, 02 GO), 02 1H Am Hldo nnd L., r.2t t,l 624, 1 Am Ico 27 27 27 1 Am Locomotive .. 70 78i 70 -f- Vm Am Smelting,. ,., 07 07 07 H; do prcf ...,.,, 112 112 112 Am Sugar ;.. ....I08U 108 1087J, 1 do prcf ., 118 118 118 ?'. Am Steel Fdy . ... 83 63 B3 Am Tel nnd Tel i.J3l 131 131 Am Tobacco .,.. 21074 2104 210 2 Amer Zlno ...... 33 31 33 1 do prcf , 74 71 73 2 Anaconda Copper. 85 84 85 1 Asso UU .,,,,.., 08 08 08 1 Atchison ...102 102 102 Atl Coast Lino ..113 113 113 ..... All Quit and VT 1.72 72 72 1 do prcf ,..,.,, 03 03 03 Baldwin Loco .. . 78 70 78 1 Balto nnd Ohio ,, 8,1 BS 83 do pref 73 73 73 Burns Bros 78 77 77 ,,.., Butto and Super.. 01 05 07 1 California Pet ... 10 10 10 ..... da pref 40 40 40 Canadian Paclfio .177 175 177 2 Cent Leather .... 30 50 60 dies and Ohio ... 00 60 60 1 Chic Jill nnd St P 03 03 03 Chlo nnd N W....124 12 i 124 do pref ....... 108 108 108 Chic n.I & Pac 17 17 17 Chill Copper ..... 20 20 20 Cltlno Copper .... 62 62 62 Col Tuel ft Iron.. 48 40 48 2 Consol Gas 130 130 130 Crucible Steel ... 73 73 75 1 do prcf 117 110 110 1 Cuba Cano Sugar. 65 05 63 do pref 03 . 04 04 Del & Hudson ...140 140 140 Distillers Sccur .. 44 44 44 Dome. Mines .... 24 21 21 Detroit Edison ...140 130 130 Erie 30 30 30 -f- do 1st pref .... 62 52 62 1 General Electric. .107 107 107 General Motor pf.128 125 127 2 Goodrich Co 71 71 71 Vn Granby Consol .. 87 87 87 Great North pref. 117 110 117 Gt North Ore ctfs 37 37 37 III Centrat 101 101 101 Inspiration Con .. 67 60 67 1 Int Agr Corp prof 41 41 41 4- Intcrboro Con ... 10 10 10 do prcf I 73 73 73 Intcrnat Paper pf 72 72 72 Int Nickel 41 41 41 Int Mer Star t c. . 42 41 12 1 do pref 100 105 108 4-31, Kings County El.. 128 128 128 4-1 Kan City Southern 24 23 21 Kelly Spring Tiro. 81 B0 81 Kennecott Copper. 40 40 40 Lackawanna Steel 70 75 70 Leo Rubber 10 40 40 -f-1 Lehigh Valley ... 78 78 78 Liggett & M Tob.274 270 274 4-7 Mackay Co 85 85 85 Mnx Motors 83 82 83 -f-1 do 1st prcf .... 85 85 83 May Dcpt Store. 01 01 01 Mexican Petrol ..103 101 103 4-1 101 103 Missouri Pacific. 3 do t c 3 do prof w I.... 48 Nat Enameling . . 23 Nevada Con 20 N Y Air Brake ..135 N Y Central 104 N Y O & "W 20 3 3 3 3 48 A 48 23 23 20 20 134 135 102 104 1& 20 20 Norfolk & West.. 128 127 128 North Pacific ....100 108 100 Paclfio Mall 27 27 27 Penna II P. 55 65 65 Phlla Co 30 30 30 Pressed Steel Car. 63 52 63 Pullman Co 104 101 104 ltwy-Steel Spring. 45 45 43 1 Kay Cons 24 24 21 Reading 103 103 104 1 Itcpub Ir and St. . 03 68 53 1 do prof 113 113 113 Seaboard Air Line 15 15 15 Scars Roebuck ...207 207 207 So P It Sugar pref.115 115 115 Southern Pacific. 08 05 05 Southern tty .... 23 23 23 do pref 07 07 07 St L & S Fran w 1 10 10 10 Studebakcr 123 110 123 2 Tennessee Copper. 25 23 25 4- Texas Company. ..104 104 104 2 Tex Pacific It R.. 10 10 10 Un Bag & Paper. 8 8 8 United Fruit ....103 103 103 1 Union Paclfio ....138 137 137 do prcf 80 80 80 U S Undl Alcohol.110 108 110 1 U S Rubber 57 50 57 4-1 U S Smelters U S Steel .. do prcf . . Utah Sea 71 70 71 00 05 00 4-1 117 117 117 0 83 83 83 4- Va Car Chem ... 40 40 40 Wabash pref A.. 48 47 48 do pref B 20 20 20 Western Union ..05 04 05 Westlnghouso Eleo 50 68 60 4-1 West Maryland .. 28 27 28 4- Willys-Overland... 44 44 41 4- Total sales. 270.600 shares, compare, v 257,600 shares last Saturday: this eek. 01)3,000 shares 1 last neck, 6,123,700 shares. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK, Sept. 2. Dealings In for eign exchange today were Inactive and quotations for the most part were nom inal. There was llttlo of Interest. Quotations were: Demand sterling 4.75, cables 4.76 7-10, 60-day bills 4.71, 90-day bills 4,69; frano cables E.88, checks 6.83; relchsmarks cables nom inal C0T4, checks, 69 ; lire cables 6.47, checks 6 48; Swiss cables 5.28, checks 6,29; Vienna cables 12.30, checks 12.25; Scandinavian kroner cables 28.50, checks 28.40; pesetas cables 20.22, checks 20.15; guilder cables 41, checks 41 1-16. Rubles were a very uncertain market, with nom inal quotations 3333.60. BOND OFFERINGS CLEVELAND, O.. Sept 8. C. J. Neal, director of finance, will receive sealed bids until noon, September 25, for the follow ing 4 per cent semiannual bonds: 31,000, 000 49-year public hall; 3460,000 6-50 year serial water; 3276,000 1-46 year serial funding, and 3100,000 1-20 year (serial road. A certified check for 3 per cent Is required, SCHENECTADY, N. Y.. Sept 2. W. E. Walker, treasurer of the Schenectady Com pany, will receive sealed bids until noon September 14 for 3100.000 4 per cent semi annual 1-20 year serial highway bonds. A certified check for 2 per cent Is required. SCRANTON, Pa., Sept. 2. Charles P. Savage, controller of Lackawanna County, will received sealed bids until 10:30 a. m.. September 25, for J20.000 4 per cent Im provement bonds. A certified check for 110,000 ia required. LEOAI. ADVKKTIS INQ IN THE ORl'IIANS' COURT FOtt TUB CODN ty of I'hlladeluhUi. Term lulu. Estate ot lulg t'artr. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Kuts t'artr. widow of said decedent, has filed In said court her petl- tlon. inent of tha neraonal untt fhA ral .i,i. a. -!., ,w.w. ,.. iii'.ihuo' ttiiu upprsise decedsnt. praying that, thero ba set aside and awarded to her absolutely under the provisions ot the act of April 1. 1900. and Its supplements, stock of Unity Stock and Loan Association ap praised at tl014 and cash la the amount of 1 liuriut fier under the said act of Assembly, and that tha sama will be approved Dy the said court 8ei Umber 8. 11)18. at 10 a. pa., unless exceptions thereto be tiled before that time nu.i.u ujiuiVN. Jit . Attorney lor rctltlo-w. 604 West End Trust BulNJag Charles J. Bender & Co. INVESTMENT BONDS Members Philadelphia Stock Eichanxs NORTH AMERICAN BLDG. OIKECTOEY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certified I'ublle Accountaats ..,.X.FIJE?,PB B- BROWN - CO. J818 HBAL -S'fATH THUS? E-yiLDlKO, RUMANIA EXPECTS TO HASTEN PEACE, LONDON'S BELIEF Stock Market Helped by Re cent Intervention Cotton PHces Fluctuate HARVEST SATISFACTORY By FRANCIS W. HIRST Special Cable la the Evtnlna Ltdotr. LONDON, Sept '2. Rumania's policy of conquering with a minimum of fighting by Joining the probable victors at this late stage was Illustrated In the Balkan War, and naturally gives great encouragement hero. With nearly nil the Rumanians under ono flag, Rumania would become easily the first among the exhausted Balkan States. Just as she ended the Balkan War, accord ing to her own declaration, she expects to hasten tho terminating chapter of Arma geddon. Although Rumania's nctlon Is the most encouraging event of the war Blnce Italy s adhesion, the stock market's response was at first feeble, probably because tho Industrial situation Is overcast by tho threatening height of food and raw ma terial prices. It Is many years Blnce bread was so dear. Nevertheless, Rumania's co-operation opens the prospect of the Russian surplus finding Its way beforo winter to Italy nnd southern France, thus rellevli.g tho prcs suro on American supplies. These possibil ities explain the hesitation nnd tho specu lative fluctuations In tho wheat market and In ruble exchange, Tho harvest hero Is very satisfactory, but a Bpell of dry weather Is badly needed. The exorbitant fluctuating prices of cot ton render the market "tery dangerous nnd consequently attractive to speculators. In tho bank returns the gold loss Is not sur prising, considering that It Is nutumn. Stock Exchange sentiment Is Improving with the military outlook, but Ib held back by labor difficulties hero and across tho Atlantic. Sales ii in Philadelphia ., -r. . Hlsh. Low. 0 Bald Lpf. .103 105 4 Ins CoNA 20 20 Close, chfrp. 105 20 20 IntM&Mct 42 42 42 1 100 do pref. .100 100 100 2 60 Leh Vnl... 78 78 78 B L V Tr pt 42 42 42 ..... 260 Nev Cons.. 20 20 20 381 Tenna RR 50 53 60 10 Phlla Co cum pref. 30 30 30 10 Phlla Elec 28 28 28 Y 20 PRT tr cfs 20 20 20 4- 200 Reading... 105 103 105 4-2 J'JflV1"'" 6' c' "w 233 UGImp.. 88 87 88 1013 U S Steel. 00 05 00 1 13 Wcstmor C 71 71 71 Total sales, ares Inst Sr nonn i.... ........., ,.,. w,w shares last Nnliinlnri this week, 61,130 shares! last week, 73,515 ill ares IIONDS. ..... . .... HUH. Low. Close. 33000 A G&E1 Es 00 00 00 1000 L V ens Gs.110 110 110 Not chirp. auuu i-ii uo gen 4s ....101 101 101 100 Phlla El 4s 84 84 84 1000 do 5s... .101 101 101 4- 1000 Read gn 4s 05 05 03 iuuu o-jm i bS'o: 102 102 Decrease. 4-Incrcase. , tal. ' ,8100. romnnnsl nllli S22.000 la."Jn SS,,,uniaJ I thl week (300,3301 last k. SBV,7Uv. I Local Bid and Asked Today's Bid, Asked. Buffalo Susd t 0. S4 ao lirei. , . ... ,, Brill j a Ilaldwln Klectrto Stora; uenerai ABpti alt ua prei Key Tel do t c da preC Lake .Hup Corp ... L.eh Kav , I.eh Valley Leh Vol Tr do prof, Penna .., I'hlla dec rhlla Co do 5 per cent pr do 0 per cent pr Phlla RTto Heading Tonopah Ilelmont. . Tonoph Mlnlnc .... Union Traction .... U Gas Imp , .. 20 2(1'. 10H L'OH ...103 105I IOStI 103 ...4 3-10 4U 4 J -Hi a uju u 11-iu 0 u-iu fift 44. 45 HH 4 4 87 i)Mi 13 37 77 43 538 ?8H u a mcei. "0. 14 37i 78 YorK llwj ivy .... cf da Dn 37 77 Wra Cramp t o. Local Reserve Bank Statement " Ths condition of the Federal Reserve Hank of Philadelphia at the close of business September 1 compares aa follows: RESOURCES September 1. Gold coin and certifi cates In vault 10,088,602 Gold settlement fund, balance 15,773.000 Gold redemption fund.. 60.000 Legal tender notes, sil ver, etc 802,404 August 25. 110.833,280 17.231,000 50,000 701.032 Total reserve .. Commercial paper llank acceptances ..120,013,007 ,. 1330,421 ,, 10,3011,061) 128.808.212 151)7.804 0,0(11,103 Total bills discounted 1 and bought 110.753,490 United States bonds and notes 13.708,000 Municipal warrants ... 2.lH7,81'd Total Investments ... 13.733,320 Federal reservs notes on hand 3443,130 Notes of national banks and other Federal re serve banks 40,233 All other resources ... 402,378 110,238.708 33,708.000 2,650,030 t6.258.O00 1384.340 83.120 883,084 Total resources 144,070,588 118.204,510 LIABILITIES Capital paid in 13,221,400 13,220,930 Proflt and loss 42,482 42,482 Reservs deposits (net).. 32,400.786 82.088.050 Government deposits .. 8,003,111 0.813,813 Due to other federal re- serve banks (net) .... 889,502 2,293,032 All other liabilities .,, 6,288 80tl Total liabilities 144,070.688 348.204,615 AUTUMN HES0BTS MArLEtVOOD, N, It. The Social & Scenic Center of tha WHITE MTS. MAPLEWOOD, N. H. MAPLEWOOD HOTEL Cottages : Casino : Inn NOW OPEN NO HAY FEVER Ona Thousand Acre Park 18-Hole Golf Course UN8UIIFASSED 0000 YARDS. DAILY CONCERT. DANCINO. X.EON II. OIL-BY, Mr. ATLANTIC CITY, N. CKKSCO. VA, U-il'LE LAWN. Facana Mts. Cseaedu fa. I It's the soot to Kfn4 your Mcatlon. Specut I a. b. couRTRiaar, 310 rate par wee! Yesterday's Hid. Asked. ., . r,uy, si! 011 nti'A r, 1 kt :m .'174 ao s 7BS 7H4 7UJ1 77 UU (!! 5W 00(4 I'll illg SH ; , 7 H4 Ui 13 141 13Ji 14M 13K 14ii 134 J4 OS 00 08 00 inA lo ion 10K 75,, 73li 75 75U 78W 711 77 78 42V? 43 42H 43 BSW 60 . 53VS 53H 2S 18W 28S 2SU 33 30 30 3UV 37 3D 37 3U H'l 411 HI, .dll . t. tvas set a rvevJ standard -orservice.comortjGbeau-ty fa""J1'JTTriTIMinfMIII-yMaWBMlMlsii II IIMiH HmMjUJJs-l MUNICIPAL BONDS TAX EXEMPTION MLPtfUL FACTOE 4 Large Funds Available for Investment Additional For eign Offerings in Next Few Months 'Penhgylvania, Railroad's Loaded Car Movements Larger Bond men are drawing attention to the fact that municipal bonds have grown materially In popularity with tho investing public during the last year or soIn fact slnco the passage of the Income tnx by the Wilson administration. Municipal bonds are exempt from tax, and as a result many persons have Invested largo sums of money In them A striking Instanco Is the fact that tho last Issue of New York State bonds was taken by two or three persons for Investment While It Is true that large amounts of foreign bonds hnvo been offered In tho American market at a much better Interest return than American stock or bonds, thero Is a leaning to the municipal bond. That thero are largo funds available for Investment Is shown by the rapidity with which tho $260,000,000 5 per cent British loan was floated. Another interesting fnctor In the general situation, bondmen point out, Is the fact that foreign bond issues are being received with greater favor. Prominent bankers pre dict that as time goes on still greater progress will bo made In this direction. During tho next several months there wilt be additional offerings of foreign Issues. One of tho first. It Is understood, will be PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT Receipts, 118,001 bush. The market ruled firm and lc hlaher under n fairly active demand nnd stronger outside advices. Quota tions: Car lots, In export elevator No. s red, spot, tl.4401.47i No. 2 Southern red, $1,428 1.43; steamer No. 2 red. Jl.41ffl.44: No. .1 red, )1, 4111. 44: rejected A, ll.3801.41: re jected U, 11.3501,8". COllN Hecelpts. 27,1)14 bush. The rnarket was quiet but Ilrm under llsht offerings. Quo tations: Car lots for local trade, as to loca tion Western No. 2 yellow, t7B08c; do, steamer yellow, Il6!l7ci do. No. 3 yellow, 4 iiOUc; do, No. 6 yellow. nlfJU'-'c. , OATS Receipts, 81.712 bush. Offerings were ltaht and values wero well sustained nt the late advance. Quotations: No. 2 white. tiiVi W n.V; standard white. r3(i S54q: No. 3 white, MSpMc: No. 4 white OOMGFSlftc; sample oats, 471 (BUN'sc. FLOUIl Receipts. 200 bbls. and 021,673 lbs. In sacks. Trade was slow and alues wero largely nominal. Quotations per 19d lbs. In wood: Winter, clear. 811 W 11.23: do, straight, I0.4O (tO.SO: do, patent, 377.C() Kansas, clear, col ton sacks, U.r,OWU.7u: do, straight, cotton sacks, $707.2.,: do. patent cotton sacks, 87.406 7.0D: spring, first clenr. J0.fiu(!7.23: dd. patent, t7.50QB.25i do, favorite brands, 18. 5008. Tr.: idty mills, -choice And fancy patents, 98.60 99 'M.75: city mills, regular Krades Winter, clear, infen.'.'o; do, straight, S0.0OWO.8U: do, patent, 7W 7.6(1. im; rLOtin was In small supply and Ilrm. but quiet. We quote nearby at I0Q0.D0 per bbl. and western at I0H7. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm, but there was llttlo trading. Quotations: City beef, In sets, smoked nnd air dried, 28c: western beef, In sets, smoked, 28c: city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and nlr dried, 21)c; western beef, knuckles and ten ders, smoked, 211c: beef hams, "284P30; pork, family. J28.50W20: hams, U. P, cured, loose, 18Vi OlVc: do, skinned, loose. lUVaS20c: do. do. smoked, 20H 21c: other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, lDHc: hams. smoked western cured, 10Vo: do, boiled, bone less, 34o: picnic shoulders, fl. P. cured, loose, 14c: do. smoked, 16c: bellies. In pickle, according to average, loose. 17Vic: breakfast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured. 22c; breakfast bacon, western cured. 21ei lard, western, re- fined. In tierces, 15V c: uo. do, do. In tubs. 134c: lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces lattc: uo, ao, ao. in iuds. iuuc REFINED SUGARS The market was nulet and u-ichanged. Ite flners' list prices: Ultra lino granulated. 7c: powdered, 7.10c: confectioners' A. 0.00c; soft grades. t).25O0,83c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nUTTER As usual on Saturday, thero was llttlo wholesale trading, but offerings were light and values wero firmly maintained. Following oro the quotations: Western solld-pucked creamery, fancy specials, 30c: extra, 34(P35c; extra firsts 33033ic: firsts. 82082ftc; sec- UUU9, Divdi7i;i' ncniujp ,(ii.d, ,kiii;j. ,u. uu. average extra, 3SW3Uc: do. llrsts. 33034c: sec- onas. ill itfu-c: jouoing sales 01 xaacy vnuia. 40SM1C EGOS Receipts of choice fresh eggs were light and the market ruled firm under a good demand. Quotations: In free cases.- nearby extra. 33a per dox.; nearby firsts. 30.00 per standard case; nearby current receipts, J'J.UO per case, western, extras. 35c. per dos. 1 western extra firsts. 10.00 per case: do. firsts. I0.30O 0.00 per case; fancy selected candled fresh eggs were lobbing at 3Uv4tc per doz. CIIEESU Offerings were light and the mar ket ruled firm, with demand fair. Quotations: New l'ork, full cream, fancy, lt'Olii'ic: spe cials, higher: do. do. fair tu coad, 18&18VsCi ao. part skims, iicxvc. pouItry LIVE The rnarket ruled steady under mod erate offerings, but there was llttlo trading. Quotations: Fowls, as to quality, 2021c: roosters, 14015c; spring chickens, according to quality, weighing 14 '2 lbs. and over apiece, 23024c: spHng- chickens, small sizes, lou22c: whlto Leghorns, according to quality, 1821c: ducks, as to size and quality. 13t717c: pigeons, old. per pair. 25(028c: do. young, per pair. IH022O DRESSED Demand, white not aettve. waa sufficient to keep ths limited receipts of de sirable stock well cleaned up at nrm prices. Quotations: Fresh-killed, dry-packed fon la. 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy selected, 23lc: do. welghlnjr 4Vs G?5 lbs. apiece, 23o: do. weighing 4 lbs. apiece. 23ci da, weighing &V& lbs. apiece. "2c: do. weighing 3 lbs. apiece, 20021c. Fowls. In bbls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-packed, northern Indiana and Illinois, welghlnc 405 lbs. apiece. 22Hc: do. southern Indiana and Illinois, weigh ing 4 05 lbs. apleco. 22c; smaller sizes. 1&0 21c. . Old roosters, dry-picked, 10c: broiling chickens. Illinois, large. 25P28c; do, Indiana, large. L'4&23c; do. small sixes. 22023e. Droll ers. Jersey, fancy. 30O32ct uo, other nearby. weighing 1W W2 lbs. upl-ce, 28O30c: do. do. smaller sizes, 201727c. Ducks, nearby, spring, l!lfS?flr Hnuaha. oer dox -White, wefrhlnir livpi- 10s. per aoz.. lng l)t?10 lbs. per I5.30O5.75: do, do. v.elgh doz., 4.0000.23; do. do, AUTUMN BESORTS WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. II. Autumn Is Glorious AT BRETTON WOODS WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H. GOLFr-TENNTS-MOTORING HORSEBACK RIDING THE MOUNT PLEASANT OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 2D. C. J. Dunphy, Manafter. THE MOUNT WASHINGTON OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 1STH, D. J, Trades., Manager. ItATLKOADIt Throush service via N, Y., N. II. - H. R. n. and 11. A SI. R. R. STEAMBOATS STRHtE OR NO STRIKE WE 1VILL BUN THE UEST TWO EXCURSIONS OF THE SEASON TO RIVERVIEW BEACH Sunday and Labor Day 1 . 1 1 11 1 i Take advantage 0 this opportunity (or this pleasurable and appropriate outing to one pf the best resorts on the Delaware, A beautiful park with plenty of shade trees, tables and benches and a number of first-class amusements, vti; Boating, Bathing, Carrousel, Swings, Raule-D&zzle, etc. ON THE T1IHEE-DECKED IUON STEAMER QUEEN ANNE HTOl'FINO AT JIILLINqSl'OUT AK CIIESTEK ROUND TRIP PARE, 50c CHILDREN, 25 Bast leaves AltCII ST. WIIABF SUNDAY. SspU I.IIU, MONDAY (LABOB DAY), Bepr, 4. 0. A. Select Evening Trips iff the beautiful murium EVERY - J SATUJSDAYANDSUNDilirmni cif TnxrrnTTm adults, as vs v . vJ-iivaj.. CHIIOIBEX, Se. MOKE FOPTJ&AlCi , , one of $100,000,000 for Russia, Klnftt de tails have hot yet been arranged, hdwer. Several South American countries sire ane endeavoring to borrow money In the UnrHsl States and It Is regArded as likely tr something will be accomplished alone IheM lines beforo the end of this year, Movements of loaded cars past 10 junc tion points of the Pennsylvania Railroad continue to show up well as compared with last year. For the month of August th total was 976,002. This compares with, 914,998 In 1916, hn Increase of 63,719 cars. The dally averago was 31,503, compared with 29,616 In August last year, a gain at 1987, or 6.7 per cent Business on tho Philadelphia Stock Ex change tn the two-hour session today was confined to a few issues, nnd the trading done In them waa very smalt Irregular price movements wero the" rule, but th trend was Inclined to be to higher levels than to lower points. A fractional gain was recorded In Phil adelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates and a few other Issues. Most of the trad ing was In United States Steel common, which gained n half. weighing; 8 lbs. per doz, t3.75S74.10j do, flo. weighing 7 Ins. per dos., 3.2r.O,i.0: do, do, weighing R0OM lbs. per doz., i2.B0O2.75: dark, 2.26(12.75; small and No. 2, 00eO1.2S. FRESIt FRUITS The general market was quiet nnd without change. Quotations: Apples. Virginia and Wt.it Virginia, per bbl. Wealthy, 88W3.50I Blunn, 33(93.51)1 Smokehouse. I303.Su: fair to good, 2WLr0, Apples, Delaware and Maryland, joer hamper Fancy. 1101.25; fair to good. 35$75c, Lemons, per box, t)(!7. Pineapples, per crate, Florida, II 2. Peaches, Virginia, per carrier, Ktberta. 1.2.tai.7!l! ltAllfl. Sl.?nA)1.7nt lnL men, Pear tt(41.60i Mountain ttose, ti.23rtl.76. Pears, tevr York. liartlet.' per bbl.. MUD. uraDea. uelaware. concord, ner crate. 7n&con.f do. per 4-lb. basket, 84110a. Watermelons, per car. I100O223. ' VEGETABLES Prices ruled firm on choice stock ot most descriptions, with demand equal to the limited offerings. Quotations: Whits potatoes, ver bbl. Eastern Shore, No. 1, 33.G0; do. No. 2, I U.D0W2: Norfolk. No. 1. f303.6Or do. No. 2, S1.60O2. White potatoes. Jersey, per bskt.. 75WOOC. 8weet potatoes, Eastern Shore, per ddi. no. 1. j-'.ouif .,a: no. .-. iii.zatPi.Tn. Onions. Pennsylvania, per hamper, tlifil.: .ir; do. do. per 100-lb. bag. 12.8502.60;. do. Wash- lngtan. per 1UU-1D. nag, I.WJ..3. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS UNION STOCKTArtDS. III., Sept 2. HOQS" Reci'lpts. 25,000. Markets. 16 to 23o lower. Mixed and butchers, ID.DOQU: good heavy, ll.H5W10.llU: rough heavy. I0J23GO.S0; light, UO.2S0U: pigs. l8.60Ub.oa: bulk. S 10.-20 lo.no. CATTLE Receipts. 1200. Markets. 10 to 25a tower. Ileeves. 17010.00; cows and heifers. I3.60O8.60: stnekers and feeders. 3407.30! Toxans, t7.60O9.50; calves. 18.60012. oiii' ueceipiB. ovutf. fliaraeis, oa lowers Native and western. 3307.23: lambs. 4UW 10.75. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Sept. 2. DUTTER Receipts. 8003 tubs: market very quiet; tone fair ana steady. Quotations unchanged from yesterday. EQQS Receipts. 8720 cases. High grade scarce at close and prices nrm. Lower grades quiet. Quotations unchanged from Friday, Spot Wheat Easy nt Liverpool LIVERPOOL. Sept. 2. Spot wheat -was easy today, vlth No. 2 hard winter quoted at 14s 4d, a decline of Id; No. 2 red win ter at 14a Gd. n losa of d; No. 1 North ern Manitoba at 14s 5d, and No. 2 Northern Manitoba at 14a 4d, a drop of 2d ; Karracht 14s 7d, unchanged. Corp waa cany, with American mixed 4d lower at 10s fxd, while Plate showed a loss of Id at lis Id. Flour was unchanged at E2s. BAR SILVER - In London bar silver was quoted at 3IUd today, oft 3-1CJ. Commercial bar sliver was quoted In New York today at 67, oft 3-8. STEAMBOATS 'Vvj't'i j i - iv? " -.y.i'V'j!1 sTsfA ttcA n iriei ttmi 3B as9b-B&W 1L-MIINC.TI FOR THE HOLIDAYS Take adrantare of this hot weather and the last holiday of (he season iar die ursi doui trip on mo ufHii tlful DelaMare an the best blr iron and steel tbrre-derk steamers and Incidentally take the trip to Urnndy wloe bprlnes l'ark. IlEflULAK KATES tnUIINHTON I rilESTER Kxe., 50c. , I Exc, 25c. Slnxle. 30c. I 81nxle. 15c. l'er l'ennsxrore. Connections oa IVIlmlncton tVharf. New Moon This Week 0 and 7 V. M. floats make round 25r. except haturdays, tiqndaxji ana holidays. Lean CHESTNUT ST. WIIARF hand Uilmlnrton dally and rlunday j at 7:30, tl-OO, 10:30 A. 31.. 12:00 zi. i:u. sju. 4:10. au, 7:09, nuu uuu UMV MT. ju, mm mi" n - ; J- snmiisi J, , ,-iln, jg' sin ii-ls Sea-Golnr "amlly Steamer CAPE MAY SPECIAL TRIP LABOR DAY DAYLIGHT RIDE OF 100 MILES ON RIVKR, BAY AND OCEAN to Delaware Breakwater, affording- view of. U, S. Government Harbor of Refuge and giving tour hours at i-ewea, Del. Fine bathing beach. Leaves Arch St. 8 A. M. and Chester 0:30 A. II. Arrives back at Chester at 5 A. M. and Philadelphia at 1 A, E Tuesday. Fare $1 each way. Itegular trips to Cape May, WHdwood and Lflwes made on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturuays. leaving Arch St at F M. ltound trip, JI.60.' Resiiv vations nf staterooms by mall or phone. Phone No. Market 1(17 BtlVa Ach t "Wwil m-1 , HPePPHHIMptj - - P