9THfc 8&' SATURDAY September 2,. 191'6 iffy &; 3v?nttuj 1 f. '. f a ? ' $RS 'JUJUF- ', VL . - K I eto-.. ' ' THERE ARE LOTS OF THINGS WE DON'T. SEE UNTIL THE CAMERA MAN POINTS THEM OU IJJJJJM CjUiS ' LET MEAT FAMINE STRIKE us' WE CAN TURN VEGETARIANS ' J y WKmBSjaSSmliii " ?- iih-P Wk-: ? rfeffV JS Tncn t'icre 3 Prcservinj; time hero upon us, but Dock street provision merchants' nro prepared and - m , 'ISKlSSKmSStBiS0m'0,mStii r S"'ISw I r-jd&T v - the Jersey farmers daily ship or bring the products of the "Garden Stato" across the ferries. J THOSE IRRESISTIBLE GAMES OP CHILDHOOD 3,fHJtAJF8M' ul $ ; had a, conspicuous-part in the. cloainjr PfORram of the summer playground at - tag "WA!j:9ffl4 Sjtti asd Noble streets. Eveij the 'older children" took a hand In the merry sport. .f"?Pi T - V A GREEN MOUNTAIN GOLFER Svl'10 Athe Kat and CountryClub, f who is Vermont! hope, fa the national tournamtot H Is shown tryinjf hia sfcUl oa tn Haverfo4 grew. f NUTMEG STATE GQLP CHAMPION active anj?Ugfi&a 0 yggya"!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers