;y.s EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 191C. ' REAL ESTATE FOB BALE t-KNJJim.vANiA RununnAH Continued irom PrcceAlno race. OAKMONT. DKbAWARB CO. 1 am JM! W"t for -the fe. T. StotMbury tract at Oakmont, Suotnlnc hleh achool and tatlon near S eMrcnei 'and store: property la Mir .rel; Sr4 rmvlni Baa. snr nfle 1 waif r, tleetrle fltht'a. mlcatlam itreeta Snd broad a dewalKji inducement ortored to builder! houtea now toina n and for aale. Writ or call for II; fustrateS booklet. "Facia .About Oakmont." 85,8, Darl. office. South Ardmore. nt ta tlon, of A. Howard hitter, arent, 200 8, Tth , I. lnimuciyium " RYDAL Exceptional r attractive alone Colonial heus: is room. 8 baths;, thorouahly modern naraire! 4ft aereil Plendld view over Iluntincdon VaHERKNESS & STETSON mi land TtTr.nmrn.DiNO BWAnTTtstonf-ii'nooM nouflns reception ha!MBnre?Uce,.ii&Te1ec,rtcIty.eo. jnSfiiisil ?ntd ifeMff jtA.FrjfcMTHn.v,if.i;-ifidW. Absolutely Nothing Missing in thl well-appointed, up-to-date detached ie.ldenw. with more than 6 ete nt round, raraaa. liardtner'a cottaue, fine old ahade and shrubbery! heated by the rtew vapor vacuum Intern with pressed ateel radiation through, out: llhted by electricity and containing a modern, excellently eo.ulrpd bathroom.. There eVa'mlnWo'aft fhii blaM. eMfttiS. WM. H. WILSON & CO. g YCTNNEF1EI.D i Handsome, atone Colonial house. 18 rooms. 3 bathst mivdern: lot 80x290) rood vegetable garden and,rult treeaj train or trolley near. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINO ' , DrECIAU OFKERINOS OF J. T. JACKSON COMPANY r BRANCH OBTlCn. OAK LANE See These Real Olney Homes M. E. Cor. Front A Wellene. lot 72 ft. front. 11 Vooma. KarnKO. every modern convenience. Tour own Itrml. rteduced price, 18500, 1M W. Tabor Road, very beat location: 8-atory modern -6ouei hot-water heat, hardwood floora. May bo aeon today. P.'lce lOOOO. 8S4 Vi Tabor Road, a real coxy houeo. better than new: 8 large rooma: owner leaving for ykiti quick aale necessary. Trice. $4200. MM N. Front at. New modern porch front: -"handy to train and trolley: beat condition; hot-water heat. Price) 8300. JIB K. Wellena, 2-atory porch front on fully Improved at.: owner ha left city. Trice 13300. B231 N. Front, adjoins beautiful residence: southern exposure; not brand new. but very attractive. Laundry tuba and aldo yard. Price, 13200; Ttnnls nvenue. north of Tabor -road. Brand new housos with every convenience; nothing bet- ler. iTice 3U. Will Divide 30 Acres of choice land. There la a IB-room mansion, large barn, tenant houeo, etc.; elegant old trees and plenty of f.-ult. Thla la a fine country home, close to city by train or auto, and can bo bought "riant." Seo photo and arrange to Inspect thla property. Terms made to ault. WM. H. WILSON & CO. f COUNTRY SEAT Attractive reeldence. 18 rooms and S baths: on hilltop, commanding fine views: 1)0 acres: one et the most beautiful suburban estates offered for sale In the vicinity of Philadelphia: H hour from City Hall. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING Truly Colonial Residence Jnd six acres of beautifully lald-out Grounds, louse contains 18 rooms and S bathrooms: garage. Thla la well worth your Investigation as an Ideal country home within easy access of the city. Might be exchanged for Chestnut Hill property. WM. H. WILSON & CO. mowus TOLL SACRIFICE 0.1-acre country seat, near Ambler, for quick aale: new Colonial mansion. 3B rooms. 0 baths: designed by Bavery. Sheets A Bavery: remodeled Colonial farmhouse, with Revolutionary War associations; s tenant houses, large burns, poultry houses, garage, with living quarters, etc.; lawna. shrubbery, shade and frreat abundance of fruit) a rare bargain: full details on request: will show by 'appointment. It. J. PAPER. Inc. Ambler. Pa. 6 Acres at Meadowbroolc Highest elevation In Huntingdon Valley: old hade: fine views; surrounded by attractive suburban homes: flprtngfletd water: el ctrlc light: phone; macadam roads; near station. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDlNO feAFETY FIRST Tho safest Investment on earth Is tho earth Itself. Invest at North nienalde, the superb suburb, and play safe. Lots ilO foot front, with all Improvements and conveniences. We build bungalows to your plans. Two new onea completed for your In spection. Train and trolley. Officii right at Ardsley Station. Write for particulars. W. u. uienn. Agent. 1431 L,anq Title miliums. Colonial House - acres vuiuyiui iiu"aeaTAnLE. hennery. c. Rural section of Del. Co.. on HaltQ. pike and riear ata. and trolley; ctt" convenlenres; shade n abundance; fruit; elev. : stone walla. 24 In. C. P. PETERS a. SON. 608 CHESTNUT1 ST. S Uli VR HAN TO WN CO UNTRY Send for catalogue. anuwM a ui.uud. Morristown. Fa. BUBURBAN HOMES FOR HALE OR RENT WENDELL & MAS.1EY . Real Estate Trust Building. CHOICE RUILDlNO SITES and arrears. ARTHUR P.TOWNBEND. Langhorne. Ta. bELECT PROPERTIES County seats, farms) list orders now. LEWIS T. nnoOKB & RON. 1414 Pouth Penn Hfluare. FOl'NDED 1876. BUNGALOWS 5 rooms each. J1200 and 11800: ran make terms to suit. SCHUMACHER. Welsh road. Willow Prove. ii- fiuburban Lots LANSDALE 27 bids;, lots, best residential sec tion in Lansdale; also 3 large bldgs., all for 18800. A. H. TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. BUILDINO LOTS 133 up; some have street Improvements; cash sr time. SCHUMACHER, Welsh road. Willow Prove. SIA1N LINE. P. R. B. ARDMORE IP YOU WANT TO BUY an up-to-date detached suburban' residence. with garage and one-third of an nrre of around, within 7 minutes' walk of the Penna, R. R, Main Line Station, you cannot do better than to examine thla hot-water heated, elcc-trie-lighted residence, containing 14 rooms and 8 bathrooms. Call at our office and see photo craph of this unusual offering. WM. H. WILSON, & CO. gS? BRYN JLVWR S Exceptional opportunity at Hryn Mawr. andsome Colonial house. IS rooma. 4 hatha; rge stable; 1U acres of grounds exception, ally located near station. Full particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO HRYN MAWR Stone and stucco house. 14 rooms. 2 baths; electric light, ateam heat. Newly papered and painted. Lot 110x100. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO Devon Unusually Attractive tone and frame residence., with carage and nearly 2ft acres of ground, well shaded by una old trees. The property la Iq excellent condition, with very lame, spacious rooms. high ceilings and unusually Urge Inclosed open and covered porches. It Is heated by team and lighted by electricity; contain IS rooms, of which d are chambers, and 3 baths. We can offer thla to you at a very reasonable price, and advise you to Investigate. WM. H. WILSON & CO,' "18 ilAVERFORD LARGE LIST OF RESIDENCES FOR SALE, ALSO j Furnished and Unfurnished 1 HOUSES FOR RENT ON MAIN LINE P, R. R. UST US JtNOW YOUR REQUIREMENTS SAMUEL G. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUIIDlNO 13TH AND MARKET STS. HAVER FORD ' New Colonial Residence ' I with extended view overlooking Merlon ctff course: 18 rooms, t baths, 8 chambers; all convenience, hot.water heat: garage tor -i cars, room for men. about 2 acres; price Boderata. slo excellent building- altea, .HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BLDO. KKRION North ld Bowman av. 8 bedreom. 7800. I at 114.000, heauUful surroundlog ao4 location, TRANPt,E, Hi3- WtbJu NAKBERiH A new houw"SloBtgoiary ,vs-T i tollaate. wkh all eauveubActi. YiTtL SlOW, ? PrtxeJ wad. 0rttok .HEAI, ESTATE FOR SALE .MAIN LINE, I'. R, It. Continue d ron Prrcrdlno Column . OVERBROOK HOMES nJZviHV fn complete list of properties In SI"ib.ro" for sale at prices from 18300 uo llst, ev'ra' bargains; also complete rent CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. -IMPftfttB m.Dcl.l 1421 CHESTNUT BT. WaVno 'Rprlilrwi fn RrtROfi e H..i: , . r. II . v y-vw- i. ;' , "'" .am I'oniar nve.: ho '"" 12 rooms. 1 bath. 7 chambers. i targe Ilorch carare: lt noLM.-.: will house con es, eieo. 1 rent. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST CO. WTNNEWOOD ti-ifn.'.'ome house, with aarnge, near la. il-i.1'. roora. 3 baths: all modern ennven 'n": ot 114x200:. worth Investigating by any ? t aflrlng a handsome and comenlent Main Line home. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO WINNEWOOD ' RESIDENCE AND ONE ACRE JtB.J 'low coatf house conUtm 5 bedrooms, .PV1- nJ torcroom. with usual rooms on IvJ? .flr8,t.no.'l ara6 for two care, with heat, ti.." ;.l1ma ana in,. .7a had and ahrubbery; near atatlon. lllVCBWeJUlft, SAMUEL G. WAGNER, JR. tUJIMERCIAI. TRUST RUILDlNO 18TH AND MARKET STB. Colonial Residence and 9 Acres with grand old ahade trees. The house has 10 rooma, 4 baths; all charming rooms; there is a stable and a small cottage; fine woodland, owner will accept a reasonable figure. WM. H. WILSON & CO. f SUDURnAN HOMES, country placea and build. a inn u suit an requirements; Main Line. JLC;HUNTER, Wayne.. Pa, 1Q5.V;Vjn FARM OOOD BUILDINGS, OR. . CHARD AND WATER, P 208, LED. OFF. NEW JERSEY SUBURBAN MERCHANTVILLE 18W acrea of land. 000 ft, street front, ripe for development: price low. mem; price ic 8d et., Phlla "c.. a. iioinnsnean. L1PPINCOTT tXYTH AND HOMES ItADDON llEIOHTH. N. J. W1LLET LIPPINCOTT NEW JERSEY SEASHORE WILDWOOD. N, J. 210 E. 25lh at., summer and winter cottage for aale. fully furnished, In best residential section; can be purchased on easy terms; modern In every respect; open ?r.lnt"n. JAMES D. WINCHELL, N. W. corner 17th and Bansom, WHY RENT or board at the seashore when IlO monthly buys n-room hungalow and lot at West Wlldwood. N. J.; 10 minutes to Wild wood's Boardwalk and amusements? Free In spection. HANN, 802 Drexel Bldg.s phone Iximbard 2719. or Maple ave. and Sunset Lake. Wlldwood. N. J PENNSYLVANIA FARMS Colonial House and 43 Acres First floor, living room. den. dining room, library, pantry and kitchen: 0 bedrooms and 2 baths, hot-water heat, electric light: numer ous open fireplaces; surrounded by old shade; sprlnghouse. etc.; tennis court, paddock, meadow, woods, apple orchard, small running stream; 1 mile railroad station: on macadam road: high elevation; .16 mtnutea from city; convenient country clubs. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINP Picturesque Farm of 104 Acres , IS mites from City Halt: atone Colonial house, surrounded by old shade: atone tenant house; apple orchard; woods and meadows; high elevation; Y mile railroad station: an .excollent farm, with wild, picturesque scenery; one stream upon the property large enough for pojuins ana awimming; near sou ana hunt clubs. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE RUILDlNO MAIN LINE FARM 8,15 acres for $.10,000: convenient terms: 2 sets of farm buildings: welt wooded and watered: high elevation: an unusual bargain; owner leaving city, HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO FARMS In the Whltemarsh Valley and In lhe Huntingdon Valley; adjacent to Chestnut Hill and Rydal and Meadowbrook; suitable for country seats. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE BUILDINO 40 ACRES, near Newtown R. R, ; good build. Ings, fruit, shade, meadow, running atream: high ground; fine view: priced for Immediate aale, reasonable terms; possession at once. jum . aiAmj. naiporo. t'a. FARM FOR SALE-MS miles from Philadelphia; 120 acres best soil: 00 'acres woodland; large, modern residence and tenant house; all kinds of fruit trees on property; will sell reasonable. L MIS. Ledger Office. 11 ACRES, on State highway; fruit and poul try farm: I3B0O. j. R. THOMPSON. West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY FARMS ONE ACRE FARMS, nearest to Phlla., train and trolley. Write for pamphlets. BARLOW It CO.. Maple Shade. N. J. BEAL ESTATE 3AXE OR BENT EASY TERMS. "MODERATE RENT. 12TH ST..BELOW LOCUST Four-story, and basement building of great strength: lot 00x00 to rear atreet. 33,000 aquare feet of floor spare. Very high ceilings Fine natural light Vacuum heating system Boiler and engine Elevator of 7800 lbs. capacity from basement to fourth floor, with platform 8 ft. by 23 ft. (would carry largest automobile truck). This property, known aa the Lengert Building. In a central and valuable location. Noa, 237 to 245 South 12th St., Is suitable for retail, wholesale or manufacturing purposes In many lines of business. The present walla would carry additional stories. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 13th st. E. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE 4S1 E. WALNUT LANE. Pin. Modern 2-atory porcn ana terrace ironr aweuinx; nne tor home buyer: will conelder aood Investment dwelllmc; house or piece or grouna. CHAS. L. BROWN A CO 'J17 H. uroaa. 03 ACRES Twenty mile from Philadelphia, one mile from station; sood. buildings; well watered: 110.000. C 803. Ledger Office. BEAI. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PICTURE THEATER, rented, on good business street, to exenango lur amaii nouses ; nigniy profitable Investment. Barrtat. 201 N. Broad atreet. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY ot exchangtns.what you have for what you want. KERSHAW CROWL. 8215 Chestnut. BEAli ESTATE WANTED CAREFUL ATTENTION to collection of rent; real estate sold, mortgages placed. Atvuiun oujuabu, j rt. lain st, WANT Investment properties and home for sale. West Phlla.: we have the buyers. T. H. MAOINNI8B A SON. 8000 Baltimore av. BEATj ESTATE E0B BENT CITY LEASES DATED 8EPTEMBER 15 2112 Mt. Vernon.. ,.M 2040 N. 18th ...... 30 2222 Mt. Vernon ... 80 3313 Walnut .40 1304 N. 17th .!9 1814 Green ..,,,,.,, 50 100 N. 12th ...,,, 40 1402 N. 23d 20 OEORQE L. PARKER, 1783 Falrmount ave. will Sacrifice, rent or u 12-room. mi detached, absolutely modern home; :.' batns, not-water ibi. usw unni in ai present. This Is a decided opportunity; 8 blocks above flermaniown siaiitm, neaainr ji, , 32 E. Walnut lans. Qermantown. llOK NEVADA ST.. 8 room... ,.,....,. ,,U SJOIE. York ... Srftory frame'about Sri. 17 THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Broad and Chestnut sts.. Philadelphia. ,f..i fc.y..n.m. JOS 8. 18TH ST.. i suitable for physician; H rooma anu ... -ur u. .rvss. let Walnut st. 2213 LOCUST STREET, 12 rooms and 2 bath, 2224 Spruce street, 13 room and 2 bath. BAMUEL W. LEVIS, Real Estate Trmt BIdg. 2048-2032 N. MARVINE ST. 3 tory, 11 room; tint order, reduced rent. wm-TjIcraven's, Sons, ia49 N. Ttt, st. LARGE and small residences, boarding and "" . i kniTiaa fnr rant UnJ ,. Iia '""'WORRELL T C6""M5"N." I'TtV'- ?!:,",. SIvslcVn'T'TA 3 att. excellent b7 U. CHAM11ER3, 710 Commercial Tr. BIdg. 1818 RANSTEAD ST.. 28 month: newly paper and painted. D. A J. Russell. gT 8. lgfh at. Basin Properties and a twee. EOT Arch t, 1608 Chestnut t, B 8th t. lJ B. Ilth L $03 Walnut st. IlO Walnut at. 1.. ii.-l., at. ms 101 Market t'. auj vmu ils, tit nut t. t9 a, nin I t. ""j7a. PATTERSON: , j6 South 15th st. im H lltk .. UARKET STREET. HIS Entire buBdln to rear street; lot 25.8x200; Eunedlaw piloo, m Apply Penn. Co.. BIT Chetnut St. STORE AND BABE11ENT. 800 Chtnut L; ius M FRANKUin. store, . "" WEALI8, 10 8- 12th 't. Both phone. 1s53 Stores and DwelUng (ooJ order i .inodtrn 80. sood order. aUnvef..n. ijli JSTH plraU gtor. and dwa: t ateata fctit. WWU'WlMliMWr Co., itl Chestuu, VINE 6T-. 1185-Stor. and 8 room. t tlNCABTp"AVa."--,2L.. store and bannx and 10 room: i BEAt. ESTATE E0B BENT Cotitlnueil rtn Prrtedlna Colamn . rnetorlea. IVarehonses, MfgFloeh . 1214 ARCH STREET New, modern fireproof building, eultabl for light manufacturing: elevator: ateam heat, electric light. The Land Title & Trust Co. BROAD AND CHF.BTMtlT ST3. TTlvl ii4, rvnn In new, concrete, fireproof building, 4500 sgtiare feet on each noon fronting on 8 main streets. , SEVENTH, FRANKLIN AND WOOD Sleam heat. and elevator service Included In rental: low Insurance. , ... . MYERS a BARTlLRlDOE AVE, AND lOTIt LOW" REST Broa'd nboTO Cumberland, manu. fttclurln; pce In the modem fireproof Wrltht Building, near North Phlladtlphta and Hunt Inttdon tit. StuLons nnd freight yards. . WORRELL, fi.'.H JI. 17th. Cohocksink Mills '""cIS..."' Floor. ROOO lo H.009 a. ft.: cheap power. It, . P. McNieftLT, j7MRandolp'i. Metropoii'tan Building ffifig?0 Fireproof rooms, 090 to 40 000 a. ft., cheap power. Ap.-OEO.-F. LA8H KR. 14TN..I0th at. FLOOR SPACE In mcdernbul!d:ng; R. It. slS Ins;, aub-postoClce; superior Hint for menu, facturtng; Ins. rate, 4 ets.: located N. B, cor. ilth and Washington ave. Phone Dick. 1410. MERCHANT8BUiLDINO 44 NORTH 4TH HTIIKET Desirable, room : power and light. 238 N. 11TH ST. 3-itory manufacturing build. Injrt corner property: excellent light. Willis Winchester Co.. 1001 Chestnut t. THREE STORY. 40x0 loll good light! term to ult. J, A. MIDDI.ETON, Factory Special 1st. Wldener BIdg,. Philadelphia. 52 N. 7TH t-etory brick building. 20x1001 steam healed. WORRELL. 3 N. 17th, CHERRY. 728 2d floor. 58x1831 light" four aide; passenger and freight elevator. Oarage OARAOE, 8000 feet; near Trent and Olrard ave.: '. fronts. Wlllls-Wlnchester Co., 1001 Chestnut et. RENTAL LISTS . THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY ... For Insurance on Lives and rjrantlnr Annuities. R17 Phaafnitt ht Roth -. phones. . .sn M.inin.ior.j.us.Sf 63 8. 22d. Ii0r.150.00 ,. - i.v. -t"wi-"i'z-. ."' sue lath.10r.1150.00 .4 S.Broad,23r R1 Pine. I8r....in 2OJ0 locust. lSr.125.00 .129 8,Uroa.jBr.l00.00 1HSN- Hr4."r. 10.00 120 N. lHX'dr. 60.00 1321 OlraMTlBr. 60.00 818 B. 8d. 16r., 60.00 JS2I L'Blr. ISr. 47.B0 1022 Oxford, llr. 45.00 .82.1 Rare. ISr... 45.00 14 84 1HI6 Oreen. 7r. . 5.0O 1010 fine. Ui.. 1A- . . i AT 8. Broad.lBr 00 .00 Ireen, lar. . .012 N. 10th. 12 Wife. 2 Jr. ,.ou 4'.00 42,60 40.00 87.60 .15.00 IT. It. 178.1 N. 18th. 18r, 783 Corln'n. llr, iije tixiora, lir. sloo llr. 87.60 oag , 4th. llr., OWN. llth.llr. nn. lir., az.oo llth.llr. 30.00 1730 N. intn. l io iifrno a. 1 1 OT ir Afl? JVharton. 9r 20.00 aij Master, lir. a.vno 2141 N. lhh, nr. 25.00 517 N, 10th, Or.. 23.00 Us5YJn'- lir... 25.00 020 N. 10th. lOr 24.00 1 1 f mt.il. n m. aa oiiaiyiiHi;,, ... n.r.. llr 28.00 th. 10r. 28.00 Rlh. Dr.. 24.00 630 N.Ori'na.lOr. 21.00 720 New Mkt..Ur 21.00 012 N.Jessup.br. 20.00 IBIOOgden, r... 20.00 .nil Latimer, Or. 20.00 1800 N.Rlng'fd.or In.oo 1421 Rtlles. Tr 7r... 18.00 Bt4 I'arrlsh. Br.. 18.00 r.. in.wi Dr.. 10.00 . wjm ex., or ir,.uu P.13 Nect'ne,. Or. 16.00 023 Fa rairm't, le. Or. m'd.lr WEST 1004 Imon. 7r... 16.00 1731 N.IVrhM, 8r, 10.00 181 W. Cu 15 no ST PHHJVDBLPHIA 84inPow'on, llr.S43.iiO 4218 Ulrard. inr. .13.00 4412 Hansom. 12r 30.00 800 N. Ulnv. 8r. Id 00 7.W N. 40tn, 18r.$83.00 4S1 N. .1.1,1. ISr.. 3.1.00 8S43 Sp. Oar., Sr. 26.00 4718 Olrard. Or... 10,00 DWELLINGS. 1800 Poplar. 10r..l4I.8T 231 N. 2d. 18r. . 40.00 3R4A Parrlsh. llr. 30.00 100.1 ralrm't. dr.. 23.00 818 W.Norrls.Br.. 25.00 518 N. 8d. Sr... 23.00 417 flreen. 7r... 22.00 2328 N.Carllsle,7r 20.00 120 South. 4r.... 20.0ft 216 N. 10th. 4r.. 18.00 1204-0 S. 2d. Br.. 18.00 204 Wharton, 5r. 18.00 .STORES AND -.3 a. loth. i2r.i7t).oo 1012 Oxford. llr. 80.00 ,n. otn. ur.. mo.iiu 1010 N. 20th. lOr 27.80 724 N.Front.llr. 25.00 2515 Ridge, llr... 2.1.00 838 8. I'd. 6r... 23.00 123 W. Oxt'd.Or 21.00 118 Laurel, llr. 20.00 25.1B Amber, Or.. 20.00 1128 8. 2d. 5r... 18.00 SAMUEL T. FOX & CO. 8. E. COR. UT1I AND CALLOWHILL STS. 8TORES 828 Commerce St.. store and 3 floora 860.00 232 N. vth at., large store 45,00 u N. oth st large store. 001 Filbert st., a floora ................ 30.00 STORES AINU UWl,l,mU9 1407 Cumberland. Or. and store, conva, .$30.00 . 30.00 . 25.00 . 15.00 . 10.00 .860.00 . 50.00 . 60.00 ouu ri. utn. o rooms anu sioro. . onit Ituttonwood, store and 0 room .141 N. Oth. 0 rooms 110'J Falrmount, store and l.room.... DWELLIN68 252 8. 10th. 13 rooms. 2 bath 17ir Master. 12 rooma. convenience.. 3120 N. Broad, 14 rooms, convenience 60.00 lttlll Norrls, 11 rooms, convenience.... Di" diarsnaii, Xm rooms 2H.UO 4iu ri 'ln. ef.I 001 Wood. Or ..... 25 818 New Market. Or 20 lo'.'tf Thompson. 8r. 20 013 N. Lawr'nce.7r.8 I.-ii .-. feroi. i r 01.1 Melon. 8r 2213 K. Hunt'ij. 8r.. lxui im. utn st.. or. i 140 p. loin. tr.... 1207 uyrtie, o 1812X60 Reese, TIOGA. 1814 Ontario. 12 rooms., 840.00 DANIEL A. MINNICK REALTY., '1886 R1DOE AVENUE 1715Mater at t50jlit08 N. 18th t .130 105 i:rie ave ? 833 Corinthian ae. 28 202.1 Poplar st 25 1310 N. Alder 18 410 N. Ilth at 12 1780 Olive at 12 2411 N, College ave. 25 11117 W Norrls 23 2337 Jlaster 17 1314 N. 25th 17 1327 N. 24th.. 1M APARTMENTS. 1723 Mailer t.. 4 apartments, f urn.. 130 and 185 1815 Itldge ave., 4 rooms convs. (2d fioorj ).. 80 ).. 30 1815 Itldge ave.. s rooms cuuvb. j-w i,'wwl. 2000 IlldBe ae.. 0 rooms, conve. (2d floor lO00 ltldire ae.. u rooms, convs. i.u iioww.. 1800 Thompson st.. 4 rooms, ron vs. (ja noorj -i STORE PROPERTIES 1223 N. 10th at 1121 Ridge ave i jan tjaiiaw 3SCalowhlll at... $20 18J7 tllrnrd ave 2234 Jetlerson . 412 N, nth. ... 2240 Sharswood st. 14 WM. SADLER'S SONS 152U uoiumi'ia Jjve. 860 N. Ilth 812 N. 20th 152.1 Houvler 1243 N. 15th 1008 N. 8th ...140 1552 N. 18th .. ,...$30 .".27 , ... 25 ... IT :::: 13 ,... 13 ... 80 so 171H norris .... 1020 Ogden 1642 Cadwalader 823 Camac . . . 1600 Cabot . . . . 80 SO 2Q 123H iiurns 14 1218 Potts 18 1211) uyrtie .... .?.' ORES . 11 227 N. 468 N. 8th 18th BUILDINO, N. W. corner 18th and Ingersoll. Stable. 10th and Ingersoll. $50 2005 N. 12th $4011035 Camac 2? 8703 flaring 7 ..... 401103 Ingersoll 14 i"0 Indiana .. .... 15 1527 French 18 840 Holly ........ 12 2818 Catharln 8 ALFRED H. 1VILLIAM3. 822 Walnut St. S X.D.. r.TQ Oin R lTH ST. 230 8. isd'at.-. 0 room: conv 9-59 300 Cypre..; 8 room.: conv. . ......... ., ... 2.1.00 188Tnton av.i Tr.onv.:lr7ontNorTli iJ.no 2185 Webster at.: 8 r,! C21M Catharine) 10.00 (3d Morrfs) 8.00 237 Mountain: 4 OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. CHEAP FLOOR SPACE 1382 Arcb t.. nice well-lighted second floor, 22x138 ft. 1817 Arch t., ntre office room. 013 Arch st.. Sd-fioor front, suit light mfr. 18 N..th 2.rJ,,uJi SH.n?... KJlKttaUt S-KJaiMk. u.,-.m..i v.... nnpvuii. TtT.nrt OFFICES. Annual Rsntals. Single Rooms. 1120, I150.$2.10,$300,S4.10.I Suite! 3 Rma , Il4i.ll60.il73,i200.l225.l Z....1. 5 ;;. ' Joiailnn lino i.tnn.iBOO.i 10U,.nU, f JIMI,.TIF, I'll", a.iu. 750, Corner Suites'.' 4 to 8 Rooms. $630 to 81 830, ELLIS P. WILLIAMS. 560 TJrexel Building. 1118-20 CHESTNUT STREET 2 SUITES OF OFFICES Meara & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. HEED BTJitblNO '" 121MT Filbert t. Centrally located; all convenience; rnt at. rractiveiy iowi cr.i.w u..,.ww.. ARCHITECT'S OFFICE. 28x28 ft.s also ulte two offlcei 10x!6 nd 17x26 ft.: north light, alt modern appointment; reasonable rent. yuiter nunoin. " puum .on. .. CHESTNUT ST.. NEAR 10TH Second floor front: about 800 squar feet) ateam heat: good lifht; moderate rental. Wllll-Wlnchetr Co., iuui tjnsatnm si MEX'HANTS' BUILDINO it nnru 4TH street Very desirable offices; heat and light. STUDIO Suit artiste or musicians; single and en eulte; all convenience; moderate rent. Apply JC. FULLER. 10 South 18th t. DESIRABLE FIRST FLOOR OFFICES Suit DUUutng treats, an vui'T.iii.hu.., ivvy wm.. J. C. FULLER. 10 South 18th St. 1T0O WALNUT ST. Deslrabl office for physician, etc.: heat, light. Janitor serv.t turn. Apply The Pscna. Co.. 817 Chetnut St. MIDDLE CITY BLDO.. 84 8. 1TTH Desirable offleea and studios with skylights; low rent. WllllsWlnchestsr Co.. luui unetnut t; OFFICES $10 per mo. and up: Include heat, light, elevator and .Janitor rvke. J. A. fA.II.1.0"., !" W. .Mil. V. Vi OFFICE; light, airy; telephone anawered; mall torwardedV C. It. Alexander. 110 8. 4th st. ROOMS Low rent for office or light mfr. pur poses. 1018 Csllowhlll st. Inquire 2d floor. Profesalenal Offle CHESTNUT 8T..2028 Prof, office and studios. tsm neat, .itchi" .lain, .mmma w.m. CHESTNUT. 1821 Doctor1 office and rscep. room, first-floor front, else, light. Spruce 2188. Desk Boom IN WELL-EQUIPPED office, vicinity 4th and Walnut; reasonable. Address P 214, Lsd. Off. Desk Boom Wanted FOR RENT Desk room in law office. tr front; reasonable. Room 69, 1845 Arch t tret WEST PHILADELPHIA $105818 WlLLOWeJ AVENUE. 3-ftory home, 10 room and bath, electrlo light end gaa fixture; beautifully decoratedln light color. whit nmr and mahogany fltUih; diardwood 8oor: large porcu, lenaceo ir atriet. clo to trolly. .trln roat. wld Street. C10 HI mviwi "aiua. mnaaaim, church, ftors. Park and boulevard. PEM BERTO.. ESTATES. 1488 8. 88th t. ?bon WoodUnd 47877, Open evening. schools. r$6-1480 BOUTH 8STH STREET, 8 Ury; 'room and bath, wld street; Urracsd front. large ld and rear yard; cloae to cnooT. 68th street Open th itreet Open evening. ' ezTeTBALTIMORE AVE. 14 room. 3 bath. launryT parquetry floorm electrlo .llfht. hot watJr heat, newly papered and painted: rent "tfe?r ROSfcNWEYvJL" Title Bulldmg. V qmrKJt BRO. . INC . 8 .South, 40th t. ro'jSSfitlORa AVE. Str and ceUart ultable for irocery bakery or deltealeaaaa, "" Broail and CSeataut at. 1T47 ft. join, vt au.y" 307 N. inth. llr. 32.60 12JBN, 18th. Br. 28.00 in . U34 80 i n I a n! BEAli ESTATE TOR BENT west riiiunr.i.niL COTitlnued from rrtcrAlna Column SEND FOR OUR IltST of deslrabl West Phila delphia properties. . ... WM. H.W. QUICK A BRO., INC. , 8 Bouth 40th Street. BERMAN BROTHERS. 8010 MARKET House, apartment, store .. Near 60TH BT. "L" STATION For rent or aale. - Bnslnes ITonertle an Store. STORE AND FIXTURES. 4623 Market, and near L station: rent $27. ... . . James n, Mitchell. 46th and Market. GKRJ1ANTOWN MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE 12 ROOMS. 2 BATHS FINE SHADE. LARGE LOT WARNOCK & EMLEN COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDINO THREE STORY semidetached dwelling on Brlnahurst, Archer and 1-aurens t.. ll-reom porch houses; modern plumbing, good heater: convenient to Queen Lane Station, P, R. R. Send for list to the Continental-Equitable TI- tie and Trust Company. 12th et. ab. .Cheetnut, reo COLONIAL semidetached; Tehamber. 2 baths: near atatlon, with splendid surround- Ing. MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO., N. E. cor ner Brod and Chestnut. Tleca MODERN 3-story dwelling. 11 rooms, bath. hot. water heat: will nut In electric light: lot lOr 100 feet: rent 149. YOCUM A TOWERS CO., 58 8. 18th at. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN BROOKL1NB Brand-new det. dw...Tr. A h.. water heat, electr., large lol. 128.60. $28.60 up. J. ELMER WATTS, opp. Hrookllne Sta. JENKINTOWN .... HOUSES TO RENT AND SELL IN JENKIN- town. Wyncote. Oak Lane and Cheatnut Hill. HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE RUILDlNO SWARTHMORE. PA. Fine home on large lot. a vAma anil hafh. a.., "r.nli4. eletrleltv: old ehadei house nowly palmed: near college and station; rent $40, , ,. C, a. Schllchter, 522 North American BIdg.. LARGE BUNGALOW HOME ALT, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; HOT: WATER HEAT. RATH. LAUNDRY. OPEN FIREPLACES, rORtJHESt 10 AUHKB WBUe air rt.i ritiritjrn PIKE. NEAR MORTON AVE.! TinM. Tiirit.r.Mv nifinl?q Tionl niiA uciir uiwuiiio urnvriu i NEAR STA TION: TROLLEr PASSES DOOR: lllOHEBT liWATinn tv nirit.RV paiik. J. o fOG- LER. 623 CHESTNUT ST.. 2D FLOOR. CORNER Large lot, 8r Bleeping porch, open fireplace, steam heat; near station. EXCEP TIONAL for $.13. Thl house h iust .been vacated and will not be In the market long. C. O. Schllchter, 622 North American BIdg. MAIN LINE, P. R, B. ARDMORE DO 8t. Paul'a road, 12 rooms; $60; 2 baths: lara lot, W. H, HMITlI 0002 Drexel road. Overbrook. ARDMORE Colonial residence. . 14 rooms. batns; l ncre: per montn, fino, HARBBRT CI.AOIIORN. 204 Bailey BIdg. COMFORTABLE home-llko Country Homes with all conveniences State your requlrementa. J, M. FRONEFIELD. Wayne. Pa. EOB BENT ETJBNISHED SUBURBAN FAMILY going abroad, say Noember 1. will lease at moderate rental for year or more to adult family of assured re sponsibility and refinement comfortably furnished aemlauburban homo, 13 rooms, modem appointments, library, large lawn, ahade. fruits, garden: convenient to train and trolley: garage nearby. P 213, LEDOER OFFICE HOTEL to let. furnished: 25 rolnutea to Phlla delphla. J 760, Ledger Central. MAIN LINE, r. B. R. OVERBROOK FOR 8 M03. 18-room atone house, 3 baths, garage with man- quarter: well furnished: choice loc, C. P. PETERS & SON. 808 CHESTNUT BT. jUOBTOAQES $100,000 5 FLAT. SPECIAL TRUST FUND FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGES Horace H. Fritz 718 WALNUT ST. Mortgages First and Second I place them quickly: truet fund on hand for 1st mortgagee for any amount on .20 building associations with fund on hand; for 2d mort gates, large and email, try me. Quick Action Is My Motto Chas. Z. Do Young i0XJ FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE Robert Morris Trust Co. 927 Chestnut Street WE CAN PLACE JnUd -.. Repayment of a large mortgage placea at our disposal funds for Immediate Investment In city or suburb. SMULLEN & BARRY FRANKLIN BANK BLDO. Walnut 2537. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In terms of year or on Installment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINO PARPEN $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 Mortgage or note, real estato ecurltyl pay able eaay terms; aeiiicmcu. aama uaj. LEWIS & CO. 1227 W. OTRARD AVENUE $50 TO $2400 To loan en real estate security: Immediate settlement: payable as desired. EDW. M MOLL 13S 8. 12TH ST. MORTOAOES SECUREn BUILDERS' ADVANCES. A SPECIALTY BRUMBAUOH & PARKER. INC. teal nAunui n.j. FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOB FUNDS m JOHN O. WILIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER TH walnut street, MONEY AND MORTOAOES LARGE AND 8.MALL SUMS ' QUICK AN8WEIJB Vf. II. liOOD. 612 W. NORRI8 BT. FUNDS for first and second mortgages. J. J. TURNER. 1201 Chestnut st. 1100.000 TO INVEST In first mortgages. In sums from $1000 up; alao building association money for second mortgage. . .. ,. ,,t. . n. C. BE1DEL CO.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. TATnPnFlT.T. FUNDS FOR FIRST AND VYVjIVtVllllJlJ SECOND MORTOAOES 355 N. 17TH BT. MONEY for mortga; BgckjCounty property. Lincoln uuuaing,rniigeipnia, "TRU8TFUNDS FOR FIRST MORTaAGB HERKNESS 6 STETSON LAND TITLE HUJLOl.'.u "PRIVATE AND TRUST FUNDS iinnn, tn IRn nnfl. iu J. EDWARD LUTZ. 240 W. tun S I. "MONEY ' FOR FIRST AND SECOND xrrmTriAflES HENRY B. REED. 1420 CHESTNUT BT. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Ressnnable Charge. JOHN A. BARRY. 507 Land Title Pldg. ITJL-AMOUNTS. 18T AND 2D MORTOAaES rt Quick answer, MAyRlCEIIL.MlATSINOER!Rl. Est. Tr. BIdg. "" MONEY FOR MORTOAOES ..AAA A. 11AA AAA JACOB A. FRITZ. 1100 Land Title Pldg. -BUlLDINa ASSOCIATION AND PRIVATE ROBERT J. NASH, 1001 CHESTNUT ST. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N, 13TH ST. "FUNDS FOR BT ANDo!D MORTGAOE3 POTT8ATlIOMSONl232l Frankfordave. "lruNDSFOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES rUI,U MORTOAOES FOR SALE THEO. E. N1CKLE3, 2318 Qermantown ave. Sidney for ist anu so -MintruAuta Hlw" T A RFniRNO ft SON AO ' t..t : Bpywn RT toaNS Large or amall aum on real estat. Judgment notea or mortgage; loan on unset. I v. uwlrow o. -i B. lutu. wli AM MuRlUAUfc.tS. ntjii. .oad or split; funds for collateral and short-term loans. AERNETHY18S 8. 12th et 2721 N. 5tb. i5l)ERATB CHARQEa. prompt answers: fund h O. SCHL1CHTER. 522 N American BIdg. Txry AMOUNT, $50 to $5000. to loan to real eatate owner; bot or mortgage. Arthur J, Leupold, 1218 Cbeetnut. FIRST and 24 mtgs .. bldg. and aulck and atlsfactory.r,u1"' CAllERON ESTATE. 2811 Ke bid., and private fund; us. moa. cnarge. Kensington ave. T1IREB "BUILDING ASSNS MEETINa THIS week, with plenty of money for mortgage. yiJMEg KEOOH. 500 Land Title BIdg. OWNERS If your nortg.age ha been called, I EflTER'b.""ROTTNER. 12u-Ch.nuV-.t. EMERGENCY FUNDS, placed at one, any um; immediate answer, lowest rate. F. X. DE LANEY. 1U8 Lincoln. Broad and Peon q. MONEY TO LOAN YOU CAN BORROW MONET ON DuuuNua. jenxu, hi AND tJP 2 $75 ' 1H?4 800 ' ' . IS ETC. RIEDER'9 128 UARKET 8T R1DOE AVE. AND OXFORD ST U AfUJOWiH BJ3. MONEY LOANED to heir of UBaettlad estate. Interests bought FRANK p MARTIN. 124 Zi Busiea Glftii iildiw, SI S. litli t. 'hW SCRAPPLE . ' , . - 1 "'I - - .all r II.!-- --f - ----- - ---- - -- -.-- -a 5T -I... -S-al J. t.. . . T ..,...- The Vounff Lady Across the Way The young; lady across the wn says she sees tho Democrats havo finally succeeded In getting the Progressives out o( the field; but nothing Is so un certain as politics, and perhaps tho ltc publlcans can beat them single-handed. College Education "Tour son graduated from cotlcgo this year, did ho not?" "He did. I'vo sot him In tho offlco with mo now." "That's a good Idea." "I don't know about that. I'vo had to hlro two extra ofllco boys to keep htm supplied with cigarettes." Play Titles Travestied oneio j' fc'isaatu.r.J M " VVARTlne ie.Horoi.-y BAD FORM pur. n.TfflO'" UfV"' London Opinion. "Hobson's Choice." Foot Notes Bootblack Shine, slrT I'll poilsn 'em go's you can see your face In 'em. Gentleman Thanks, my boy; but I'm quite satisfied to see my feet In them. WHY WILLIE WAS LATE WITH THE f h-- ' YOU DECIDE THE-HOUSfr NEEDS aivt up A. OAMEopf0U ar-tiLPAlur ALU 4s!i AklTTLlr PAINT ANO tOU Ar" 1"ART 8f SrAEARlN, OuERTXtS aioeYNAT p -Bryl THINK ou-Lu 00 THE JOB EM?;VrVltlUE MITHIN 0a'tT"eS.p,A,MTINV ff,Zjrn . TW fOURSftUri SO NOU BOf A tl&HT eftSf.L'J'liiMa. Who 1 I.OT op PAINYi ANt PAMH.1 WASHINtr 04 ,jrC73 AND AFTER RUININ& A riO." PAIR 7 Ml Ji OF-TROUSERS CAV.NCtlNACCtJPtEOFftiaS a -. WJrll ?ll-UNCr$-T.'oW0fti,'0HNVNVANr jr S X ' V SpolJNtf AHEWPAmoFTANCHOES JS??rWFrf $$k ll If VOU ENttOfAPERFE-TLY . ' Tr'fSnH L fit, I cooo ntTuA-aue- a. hcx painter V &! v9sffl Ss II TO PINISHTHEO0B- I KJJH 1K I '&$& JflRnuYTyVfarVL CA WKXVM - fn 3L,. . Phiines Si UlMrtOFCOtlW r -VlUU t JL -- SMAKC. OUT? HAKIM" FOURJ -r HTl T7 rrT GO I lv,lto I I f WHMJ CM!"' t I III aa'aWWMstTJaTpsta8iia , tl wl, ,,. .a-T THE PADDED OELli Poor stay-at-homes ytaai "ibu Go A46AR The - fr Ti vATeR -Them's 1 ( Sharks out THERey ' S v VAJOW MIMtiJ , 0tfc At -r :ts ( NOW TELL ME, DOES IT PAY? AVnrned in Time Miss Do Fllrte Oh, don't mind Towser his bark Is v.'orso than his bite. Mr. Softey (who liaa Just been bitten) Good gracious! I hopo he won't barkl SO SAY WE Nervous Sub Gentlemen, I have to would lllto to embrace the colonel's wife Safety First "I live In tho country," "Do you provide railroad fare?" asked the prospective cook. "One way," EVENING PAPERS BY CROSBY &&&'. THAT rte- &L wi?5 'rJb'" &-jy U7- iSjMKj. EnC9UaaHlaaaV!ILBaaaaaaVVT'aaaaH T'rJ Vf I'iiA... nTTTIirji. rzsi-Hav 7'-c?" j& - VtiVZ' Mrs. Malaprop Again Mrs. Brown My 'usband, 'c'a a very dainty feeder. Mrs. Green la "e? Now my old man Is Jest so much tho other way. about; 'e'a a perfeck epicure; 'ell eat nnythlnk. ALL OF US London Bystander. propose our colonel's health and er I I A Barnyard Debutante "You look small for a. chicken leA was hatched out in AprlL" "I was hatched In June; I'm one of the younger set." p ArTTH6"W0l.K:"oPAN E?Ga tmr MSBJSfi BaaaiBmalllIilllllSiya'-liSM W vevWY liiBili I Cioot lmvH Mil USI w4 j LaaePili lO i i, aaiapapaj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers