Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14
l u Police Court Chronicle Dave a 111 has nn exhaustive supply of Unrs, Ho bin err on tho sllehtest provo cation. If he hud -only lived many years pro ho e6u)d have easily made a living as a protei elottat crier at funerals. Davo has found that his tears are a (treat asset. Many persons pity him; the tears therefore urease the way for a touch. QUI known where and when to cry and believes In grief of the spectacular and con spicuous kind. Let a white-haired old man of prosperous mien Btand on a corner to wait for a car and Davo will Ret right beside him ami burst into teat'j. Of course the man Is deeply touched. Davo has n ready tale, which usually concerns a faithless woman who left him atono with fhfl small children after drawing alt ho had In the world from the bank. In tho midst of hs grief the heart-broken Pavo will admit that he took a drink or two to try and forget. Then conies a lecture from the white-haired stranger, an n cool Quarter or half dollar Is pressed Into tho hand of David. Encouraged by his success, 0111 tried his came In many directions. Tho climax camo when Davo wheedled ah applo and a stick of candy from two .children who were playing' on Lancaster nvenuo. Ho cried loudly on seeing tho children. When they heard that had "notliln' d'eat" for four days they Im mediately gavo him tho applo and candy and wore about to go homo to get him something moro substantial when a cop arrived, Ho lugged Dave before Magistrate Har ris. "I'vo often heard of a man who would tako candy from a child." said tho Judge, "but I never Baw one. Tho fact that you can cry so much showa that you must bo strong, so you can try your hand at a pick at the llouso of Correction for tho next 30 days.' LOST AND FOUND BLACK MOIIIK BAO Ift In Haa-Cynwyrt taxi, containing railroad ticket to Illrmlng' ham, Ala,, owner's card and other valuables: return to Hotel Adclphla, or J, II. Uritchard, H2 Upland terracot Halo, llcwnrd. JTOACKLnT WATCH Loat. diamond bracelet watch, platinum square, one row of diamonds around fare, silk wrist bind, on Monday or Tuesday, August 28 or 20. In Atlantic City; liberal reward. . Return llalley, lianlts k Uld dlo Company, 1220 Chestnut. CUFF BUTTON, with small diamonds, lost! ro- waru. rcu Aaains. a;i3-, uroaa st. GOLD WATCH FOB Lost Saturday. 20thi Inl tlals J. F. ; reward. 123lMorket st. GRIP Lost, a small grip, containing photo graph, coming from Manuyunk. H D. Itlch ardsifaZl Creadon. . POCKHTDOOK Lost, on 17th street ear. nt Market st. ferry. 3 o'clock Thursday, lady's pocketbookt conlalnlnff money. Ileward 1012 Chestnut st. 11INO Lost In Chestnut Hill, cabochon sapphlro and diamond ring: snpnhlro weighs 2H 1-1U carats, surrounded with r.O small dia monds welchlnc i of n carat; platinum and gold.settlnir; stamped II. II. 11. 32022. Liberal reward and no questions asked If roturncd to J. K. Caldwell & Co.. U02 Chestnut at v UNCLAIMED TELEGEAMS -TTKSTnitN union Tnr.EnrtArH co.. inoi CHESTNUT ,3T. L. 15, Skinner, l'enn. .Lu bricating Co.. Mrs. W. It. Harrison. Mr. Chris. Wolf. Charllo Trucliress. T.B.Johnson & Co.." Maud llootle.. Oermantown Canning Co.. flrottrl Itothman, Miss Helen A. Smith Mllous Means, Meyer Cohen. Mlaa Agnes Mi:Donell. James W. Kohlnson. narmnnilC. Jones, Ullda Cannon, tho itev., Hamuel Upjohn. Ucofgo T. Lyo. Charleo n. Wllllar. ft. W. Ayres & Fens, lng aullermo. N. It. Lumbor Co., John Khnock. manic & Son, Miss Beryl Head. A. V. Parker. Mrs. if. Mooney. Gcorco C. lleclier & Co., Drenent ft Dougherty. PORTAL TELEanAPH CO.. 1120 8. PENN BQUAnE Joo U. Marshall, WIUlo IJ. lloldo rough. W. II. Crawell, Mrs. Corco SmallwooJ. John Langaner, C. Loncstreth. HELP WANTED EEMALE ASSISTANT Thoroughly experienced offlco na statunt: ono accustomed to pricing or billing (grocery experience preferable): must bo ac curate, rapid and mentally alert: comptometer cxd. dcalrable: good onoortunlty for right party: state exp. and salary. .J, t50. Led CenL.j bootcrecper and stenographer: perminent po sltlont Btate aye, exp. and ref. E 42,Led Cent, CARETAKER, small apartment houso: no pay, but froe heat, light and apartment, Taulune, , 000 Walnut street. -- COOK and maid. American rrotestnnts. prer I orably sisters: small adult family: desirable Buumion. n iif tjouger wentrai, I COOK, assistant wanted, white. Apply office building No. 8, dlrard College, 21et and Olrard nvenuo. COOK First-class experienced woman: refer- vntq injuiimij iimuiua year rouuv. Ledger Ullice, . ' COOK and chambermaid. 2 Oerman girls, Prot eatanta. with reference. 012 Lincoln drive. COOK and chambermaid, mother and daughter I n preferred; while. H 120. Ledger Office. SININO room girls wanted, white. Apply of fice building No. 8, Qlrard College, 21at and viirarq avenue. t FINISHERS on paper boxes. Miller's, -152 I York ays., between 4th and fith. below Noble. OIHL wanted Inl largo office: must bo expert- 1 enced In.geperal office work, preferably with bookkeeping; experience: rapid and accurate at "'' "i1-0 expedience ana salary wanted. I. 331, Ledger Ofnce. . ; '5TRL wanted, white, for general housework In family of -' 1713 N. 18th. OIRLS over Id years wanted for light work! no experience necessary; x.t week paid while learning. Apply 811) N. 82d st. GIRLS. 10 years old. stocks, wholeaalo millinery housa. Apply 030 Market st. CRI3WOLD WORSTED CO. DARBY. PA. ' Btartlrur or.new machlnery,"want girls: good wages) steady work and will pay while learn ing, IIOSIERT I Experienced menders wanted, as well as learners, who are paid while learning. Plenty work, best pay In city. WAL7.ACn WILSON-noaiBRT COj 433ft Orchard St., Frankford. .HOSIERY Top oppera ani nd standar nd knl nittsrs on Scott a Williams and standard F full automatic ma. uilnes; team's taken. n's taken, pah aid whlls learn'g. Wal. laea Wilson Hosiery Co.. 4353 Orchari lTid. EOSIERY Experienced rtrls wanted to run Standard and lianner string frames; we take learners and pay them while learning. WaU lac Wilson Hosiery Co.. 4335 Orchard. Fkd. UOS1ERY -Experienced examiners, as wli & etrU to learn, we-pay whlls learning, WalleVa Wilson Hosiery Co., 4355 OrchardtFkri HOSIERY Experienced winders: plenty work Col4y3t3P0,o1..'.'nk'fo0lI"1Cry MOUSmvORK Eniflah or JJcotch Protestant: 2inv?ll.Wgne3ny.7nttd '00d """"' ' HOUSEWORK, general! young, capable woman: ref. requlrsdl small fam. yhons 788 Cynwvd. IN8PEOTRSBSBS Tounr women tfl wrap ajid Inspect mer chandise. Apply Employment bureau. Lit Urlhers. MENDERS on Levers laces; aUo girls to learnT Apply Jota Bromley Sons, Lehlgt. av?. & KfF- S ' MILLINERS XJt Brothers require mllllasrs. Apply Bm- S'.?.i1H,!'d"1?:??.,exMr!. C.plan Co.. H Walnut Bt. ,-tii.;a..i, ..f:.',.1 ' j1:.. ii'.t Ln . .i. iBTBNOaPU'HBR; Dri laM. wU'Berloce; , sood opportunity for advancement Address la vrrjtlnjf. wltl rsfererufca and. full parttsa- , lara. Carnegie. Steal Company, wldeder '. Uuildlnrf. PhiladelphU. , ' ""susr SALESWOMEN U,t nrothers require aaleswotrten. Exaplaymsnt Bureau. Apply 7F I jBC3pByO SB. gall .very day. 1 a, m.; Siiirffif MliLuS " sukr City IBt3eMfJjgMpS&ft tjcat aadjaar dK xiot MnlSmSm' . ahpIt JCejsttujuyfebeM HELP WANTED FEHAM Continued from Frceetlna Column r TELEPHONE OPERATORS The Bell Telephone Company offers positions. fl operations to In telligent .young women between IB, and 23 years old. salary J a week while learning, with rapid advancement: a steady position assured, itllh nlaaftatit N.irrrmd1rcfl and un usual opportnnftyjif promotion. Apply In per ton to thn uen iviepnono V ompany n mfh,- . 400 Msrkt St., dolly between torn m school fl So a, m. nnd B p. m. Mond'ny, Tuesday, and Irlday evenings between 7i) and 8:30 o'clock. WAITRESS, asalat with chamtwrworlc: rrotes. tsnt: country until October; reference rcqulved. Writs Mrs.. n"y. I,clper. Areola, I'n. WOMAN, white. wanted with beet references as Iiirai-t-iann cook; permanent position, ior winter a Atlantis Cltyr wages MO a month. Address 01 8outli Albany ni. YQUNO WOMAN who understands cllo and em bossing or flno staflnnnrvt normanenf nosltlon. sood wares. Telephone Walnut 7100 W. be- . tween tho hours of 0 and 7 p. m YOtWO WOMAN wanted, clean, respectable, to ucip witn euro or young ennarent goon nome. f.') f? w.ibi Rood treatment. Address "M. V. UOX 5IJU. , . General WANTED teachers for high school and grides, poa tlons waiting. National TEACHUItS' AGENCY. I). If. COOK, Mail., 1)27 Terry Die. HELP WANTED MALE UOV, .Protestant, fnr AfflA Mnrbi mnnai 4(1 aio WOOK. APPI) :. Apply In own hanawrltlnic. statlna experience, If any, and references. J 030, er Central. neo, ledger HOY for senernl office work! muat havn irood education; stnto ago and references. 1" 110, t ledger Office, HOT, 10. for of Acs of. laree manufacturlne eon. corn: bright, ambitious. Industrious, u S3 1, . Idgor O.flco. COY Wanted to wclk nlilit work. Apply after O p. m, 1'ubllo Ledger Office, fifth floor. . DOTS Neat-appearing boys. Iff to 18. BBC ers. Apply Employment Uurcau. Lit llroth- CAMtnilS AND ntVr.TnnB wanted, Kemper Co., Ambler. Pa. Cruao- CAUD FECDEna ArPLT JOHN ti JAMES DODSON, INC. OLD MILL SCOTT'S LANE. TALL9 OF SCIIUTLKILL ciiAurriiuits Experienced autocar chauf- feurs: steady work. iir-'it camnriogo st. CHEMIST. comDetnnt. wanted. familiar with Iron and steel business; piense stnto educa eauca Addrcss tion, experience nnd salnry expected. v ,ni, linger uince. CHIE1 nccnuntant and nfllco manager, capiblo of develonlnc eeoniimtpnl efflelenev in modern niethndai manufacturer. J BM, Ledger Central. COAL MEN wanted: good wages. Apply aYony,.iun unu nuoy.ao. DltAFTS.MAN Wanted, by n Philadelphia In stitution, i manual training graduate, with practical drawing experience, to check stu dents drawings and keep records: must lo a neat letterer, nppllcant must submit a samplo of ma work nmt stato age, education, pxtierl enco and salary desired. J Ht4. Ledger Cent DltAITSMAN. etnetent and quick for patent of nee work. Address J DSl, Ledger Central. DUUO CLl.ltK Yountr mnn, experienced with soda, Stout, 'OJS Woodland avo. ENOINEEIt, LICENSE, TO OPEKATE SH-II. 1". r:OH.7-,Iia AND H-TON HEriHOEKATlOV PLANT. APPLY 2.1.1:. HEDOI.EY AVE.. HAT UHDAY. SEPTEMUElt , J1ETWEEN U A. M. AND 4 T. M. FITTEns AND MECILVNICS wanted: boiler nnd tank work. Crusc-Kcmpcr Co.Amole r. Pa. 4 UI.J.JIJ11, kK , 1Vl U.tf U. a HUUIBi L'A)CIKIVrU on laying sewer plpo lines. Apply In person . at Franltford Arsenal. Iirldeshurg ' OENERAL REPAIR MAN nround ofllco build ing: must bo sober. Industrious nnd competent to make general repilrtr In workmanlike man ner: uno familiar with steam boilers preferred! steady position! stato nge, nationality, quali fications and wages expected. J 7111, Ledger Control. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, S3.24 to IS per day v of 8 hours; tool makers. $3.32 to Jfi: machin ists, $2,70 to $.": assistant machinists. $2 to $2.00 based on oscprlrnco and capacity: auto motlo turret latho operators. Cleveland. Rrnwn & Sharpe. New Tlrltaln. S 1.30; hand turret lathe operntors. $3.10; Htelnto machine oper ators. 52.70. lilgner ronipensttinn when on fiiecovvork: prlntrs' helpers. S2.2I: skilled atwrers, 12 to $2.24. Apply Frankford Ar senal. Ilrldesburg. Prefirubly In person. l..Ht)lli:itH WANTED LAROltKltS b-OR SEWER WORK l'H'K AND SHOVEL MEN ROCK MEN AND DRIVERS - APPLY aim N. 13TII ST. CONTRA t 'TORS' ASSOCIATION I,j BORERS for outside work. $2.21 per day of S hnttra Apply Frankford Arsennl. L.MIOHERS wanted for general work. Apply N. W. ror. bth and lirown rts. LAOORERS. 00, wanted. Cruse-Komper Co., Ambler. Pa. "UACItlNIBTB WANTED FIRST-CLASS LATHE. M1LLINO. PI4ANER. RORINO MILL .VND SHAPEIt HANDS; ALL AROUND MACHINISTS: TOP WAOES: STEAD1 POSITIONS 'ON HNOINE WORK! NO LAUOR TROU 1ILKS on MUNITIONS. APPLY 203 B. UTU ST. MACHINISTS, toolmakers, unlversil grinders, lattvaand milling hands. Apply Industrial Mfg. Co.. 117 Federal at., Camden, N. J. MECHANICS" Experienced- "automobile. me-rhanles- wanted ut once. Applv Overland Motor Co.. aer icodept.jlst and Ludlow. MAN wonted, experienced, reliable. In shipping uriwnm.in, jxinwr juij wcr niiiiuo.vn vp. MANAOER for book and supply store In educa tional Institution: state age. reference and salary desired. J 0411. Ledger Central. SiEN WANTED Hollermakers. locomotive ma. rhlntats. enr repairmen, laborers, locomotive cleaners. Penna. It It. Call 1711 Fllbejt at. MEN. 10. wanted to learn the sausage andl Sork packing business; 22a per hour Apply 345 Oermantown ae. v J A1EN. reliable, single, for care of saddle horsea; country, s. W. corner Ijth and Cheatnut. MONOTYPE KEYHOARD OPERATOR State work: poaltlnn permanent: union Write Tribune Printing Co.. ' Charleston. Kanawha County, W, Va., stating salary and experi ence; OFFICE ROY with soma experience: good op portunity for advancement. Address In writ ing, with references and full particulars, Car negie Steel Company, Wldener llulldlng. l-niiaoeipqia. OFFICE BOY Good size boy to work In largo office; must ba over 18; salary JB. P 230, LedgerOftlce, ' Patternmakers, first ciasa, lathe hands and door hands. Walter Scott t Co.. Plain- Held, n. j. PIECERB wanted In yarn mill. Apply Jonathan Ring & Son. Inc.. Hancock and Montgomery. FIECERS wanted In woolen mills. Apply John it James Dobaon, Inc., old mill. Bcott's lane. Falls of Schuylkill. RIVETERS Hand work on light steel frames. Experienced men can earn JlJ to $20 per week. No labor trouble. Oood working conditional long lob. State age and expsrlenco. Address "L. W" V. O. Box 8143, Phlla. SALESMAN Traveling . man . of ability ad hustler to sell flour to Jobbers and bakers; permanent salaried position to one who can WUU ,. . - ... . mm1r ..,,. W.MVU, 8ALS8MAN Youiui man with sales ability for KULViuuvuia, ..wtwitt wyuv.tuuiiir will COUTS4 van or write air. jjavu. B3S N. SALESMEN WANTED YOUNO MEN, 25 TO 83 YBAR8 OF AOB, WELL BDlCATBI) ULEAN OUT: MUST HAVE OOOD ftBiei KllKNCES. ADVANCE AGAINST COMiHS fiiPNil Pt?, kEQ9ER. CENTRAL. " STBNOtJRAPHER. first class, with experience; good opportunity for advancement. Address In writing, with references end full particu lars, Carnegie, Steel Company. Wldener Build Ins'. Philadelphia. TELEGRAPH OPERATOR, Drat class, wlthl? isfkhw. , w , wvyvnuiiij ur ftoi eoccment. Address la writing, with references and full ciartleulars. Carnegta Steel Commnv ri ner llulldlng, Philadelphia. "" TOUNQ MAN. age 17. Intelligent. wUUo and louuaY,. aw i4w bvl VOSIIIOQ IQ rot- 11CS U M'H WUfcWl, CUWim V il 233, YOUNO MAVl for stockroom uj Kens log ton mill. Address L. S.. PostofBtabox tU&T General AUTOMOBILE COMPLAINT ADJUSTER. claaT leal, meshaalcal. as well as sales experience, aesuary; $31); assistant purchasing agent metal business, excellent opportunity, about $20; several tcry tin clerical positions open. $13 up: other posltlona opeu for hlsh-gJadi Sen. Buslsesi Service Ct.. 1301 land Titld BITTJATIONS WANTED PEMAIiE ASSISTANT Doctor's or dentist's office; lllgh gcaooi graa. : accurals, rer. J M4S. Led. Cent. COMPANION Position as cdmpaalon, purse to Ky.ui'j?r l4?.ry P01' ' referAu-e. u 120. Ledger Oflce. OOVHUNESS Yoocg, educated Oerman, ladr waau poedUos aa vialUaa eovwaees; can JIOUSBWORK Experience IrtatwortaTySiiSr isr,v Tgrrw .'x "ef r"r EVENING LKDGER-PHlLABELPniA, 3ATORLUY, BlTEMBEBj, r 1 " ! SITUATIONS JwyLNTEDt;EMAtB CrtnllmM fnn Preceding Ootnmn- tCINDEnri AflTKN graduate, experienced, withe position. J M.1. ledger Central. , MOTHER'S HELPER or comp-tnlon for ehlldreA. evenings end Sundays, In return for home. 1 1 J Medger Of ncs. private secretary Educated yeun wom- an fl years with present omployer. desires position! li eomp'ent atenrgraplier. booic Wpr and Accustomed to central corre spondence ahd charge of officii .ecepllon;l refs. gUcn and required, P 2. . l?jter0!L XOIWO WOMAN who has hid experience as tjplt, wrltlnir up Invoices, handling eor"" epondene. Wing, telephnno rperallng and cen ernl detail clerical work) diplomatic In hand linn tho puhllo by phono or nt nftleei excellent reference from .present employer. II " ledger office. " SITUATIONS WAJ1 1?3P MALE ADVIIIITISINO MAN, oun, collftro trained, enpablo of monagln? campnlitn, d'slrer, poi tlon where remits are appreciated! principals only,M S12. f.tdeer Of fli e. AUVEItTISINO" Ruccesafut businessman, coU leiro Kraduate, will wrltn nctvapnper copy, cir . ciilar lotlers, etc. M. T, I ruber, Amblr,ra. ASSISTANT TO KXKCUTlvn Tonne man, .19 years of one, Vlshes poiltlon as nsslttant to erecutlvo or other reiponslble noslllon 'jUh reputable concern! Iilahast refererfco fur- nlMicd. neply St Sin, ledger Offloe:. AUDITINOANI lNVfaSTJOATIONS Bysims instcllM Expert unrk. rieaeonabl rates. i osmincij iox ui. ci I2j. BUTr.nn, waiter, steward! 10 years' experience! publlo or prlMite: light colored, neat appear nncel best references. J 910. l.crifi-erCrntrnK ClIAUVKKPn and gardener, joumj ftttlfan. 1 , tl,, iZ4 H. (Ill SI. COOIC. Jntwnee, wishes position! best refer ences nnd experience! prfvnto family! city or country. OJ. irLJ!Slfl S. Ilkltsst. ECONOMICAI. labor saving deviser specialist Is fc-rPHnrnX. prop. I results prcd. JlHil, LcdCenj IIOUSRMAN, white, elnnle. eiperlencedi first :las leference JB.51I,edgor Central. MAN. colored, soutfiern, wants situation! all- round mom rererenco. niu . uin si SALESMAN. II cars' exporlenco selling coal nnd real estate capable correspondent, de sires to make connection with reputablo houeo. J UIO, Le.lger Central. ,' TJMIIEri EXPnnT, collego graduato, forestry antl civil engineering, 3 years practlcnl ex- Serlenec: chargo timber operation 4 lenrs! tato forester wishes position outside city with lumber concern. C 2(1i. Ledger Office. WANTED Auditing Spanish accounts by com petent accountant, Industrial or banking! 15 years' experience! best of reference. It. L. Mourey. .'IdiiiI Locust st. YOITNO MAN, 22. collego graduate, seeks posi tion ulth rellablo firm as salesman. C 220, Ledger Office. ALEftT"' AND AMIHTIOUH young mnn, 28. single, country-bred, total nbstalner, of proven ability and unquestionable reference, desires to make connections with n well-established com mercial, llnenclal or manufacturing concern of fering n future. Lifelong business experi ence as stenographer, bookkeeper, correspond ent nnd executive. Fourth year In present position ns bank clerk, handling many accounts without error. Willing to como on one month's trial with right party, putting It up to mi self to provo inv worth. Am nn trlfler, Wrlto If Interested. M 811. Ledger Office. AUTOMOBILES For Sal CADILLAC, 101,3, n-pnssenger touring! In A-l condition Hon, pi S. ill 'Olnt nnu iires new, I IOWEIIS CO . 243 N. Rroad St. CADILLAC 1MI touring car. overhauled nnd repainted, full equipment: prleo $830. AUTO SALESCOItPOIlATl)N.142N,Jlroadst. HUDSONS Phnetons. rnndatcrs nnd cabriolets. ,milnnetl tilth eiertrlo lights nnd starters. nomorv-rcnwnrtz. .m i. iironu hi., i .-,.. -..:-.----.--- ...---.--..--- . --.- -.i;:i.-r- aper rAIOE, 11)13, rnlrflold, 0-40 In perfect order! at a Inrcaln prlre. lllOELOW-WILLY MOTOR CO., 301 N. Rroad. 8. S. Rogers. Mgr. Exch. Car Dept. WHITE. 40 If. V. 7.posscnger Touring. $inno 2 Autocar delivery trucks, l!i ton each, $600. L. II. O'NEAI.. 2111 N. Ilroail St. WINTON touring or, 1D1.1; full equipment! bargain. Apply 1011 Chestnut. Room 720. CHASSIS Wo havo a few cheap cars of which the chassis would bo ery suttablo for truck or delivery work of any kind: don't fall to como In and look them over If jou want something at a bargain prlco for delivery purposes. I.OCOMOlllLE 2314 Market st Locust 430. H. A. JENKH. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. DELIVERY WAOON thoroughly ourhauied nnd guaranteed: very attractive prlco. equipped with full panel body! others built to order, , LocoMonir.n 2314 Market at. Locust 410. II. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. LIMOUSINES Sultnblo for funeral work or hacking- of nny kind, suburban or stutlon work: ranging In prlco from $300 up; Locomobile and other makes. LOCOMOBILE 23U Mnrket at Locust 430. If. A. JENKH Mar. Exchange Car Dept. HENRY C. KAIN formerly for B jenrs with the local branch of the Ford Motor Company at Ilroad and Itohlgh ne.. Is now connected with tho Santa Maria lllddlo Company for Bales and service 3302 Chestnut Bt. HUDSON G 191G CHEVROLET PARTS ECHORER 3341-13 MARKET SEND FOR FREE RULLETIN OF l'HED CARS CORSON AVTO EXCHANOE, 238 N. DROAD. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO. 1315 W, SUSQUEHANNA AVE. AUTOMORILES OF QUALITY TO HIRE Ulamonii im,t. -p.ovcr cioseti i-ark 7a. STAR TAX IP All CO rHONE DIAMOND 74 TAXI TOUR1NC1 LIMOUSINE HALF IIKCJULAR RATES Never closed Formerly Jitney Hate Co. POPLAR, KU7 To hlra (open day and night; park 1482), brand-n-w 5-paas. touring car, $1.23 hr. I also brand-new 7-paas. limousine, tl.60 hr.i weddings, funerals 1715 Qlrard. 11UY MOISTUR Portable airagcs bteel or stucco. On -dlspIay3U31 N. Dth. Tioga 2084. AUTO PAINTING "PAINTING" Tho Best-Equipped Pltmt Tho Highest Grade Automobile Work We do everything In connection with coach work, upholstery, new work of the very latest deatgna. Invitation extended to Inspect our plant and work. Chas. S. Caffrey Co. TENTH AND MARTLET STREETS CAMDEN, N. J. In Business Since 1833. ATJTO REPAIRING 1 SrEEDOJIETER TROUBLES Seel HILLY, at his new location. Kin wnilTIt tmnirt cm M." ...... ....... a. CYLINDERS HKHORED, aew pistons and rtnfs furnished: welding and.braxlng, II. li. Under! wood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton St., Phlla! unaer" AUTO SUPPLIES IF YOU WANT to cell your old car or want any parts to repair, call, wrlto or phons Vs . & ATO PARTS CO, 818-17 N. 12th st. Park ll 44. PARTS to build or repair any car. Phlla. Atltn Parts Co n. jam. park HI. riMtvRN.T11-ArtIVnl living" New Departure Service Sta. The Owllliam Co 1814 Arch st Ph. Walnut 8107 Race 3002, " AUTO TIBES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 8SOU mllss. Compare prices PRIM'S. 23tf N. Broad s" BUSINESS 0PP0BTUNITIE3 luadlns It. It.; two large warehouses; 2-story of flea and lumber sheds; good reasons tar iSfr lug. will sell It altofthor or wlaeli'lurn. br and coal buslncsa BtDnrnta nH trjLl.rt4r bualneaj separate with one warehouse is.?" Urte elevator in bulldliu. very suitable rXi tactury. fud and ala IulV an wSStloK ally fine building 7or garage and automat?!!.. pusiosa, wsii lecaisu, bunt lor'larga udahiv. A. PIIJLApBLWIIA company manufacturing which Is dally Increasing, desires to !, ... . --. : 7. . ' - .-.. UIIU4UU rop small amount or their tl pr cent partlcipaf to earn 10 per cent on entlro partlclpatlnji -art. .rted stooki interview "by apMuTtmSnt iiw yrcu , wuua on nana sufficient PATENTS .SSn'1 ror oat 're. book. ZT, , , Pa'enta an4 Trade-MarkT'" Ws wUl help you deeKp youx taveotion; ad- Sny'Stu'Sjr" fW,; a -FOSTER & WEBSTER s"a . 1011 Cheetnut st Bell phopa Walnnj -IS114 WANTSp. awn with sever al thouaand doilafs JUSTNESS LPEBSOKAia Max HARTtia wtt,viv .A!torS8Lftt bw geoeraTpracticei n unyn. tiAimi.r vrvmrusg & BUSINESS 1?ER50NA1S Oonlfsneif from rrttnq Cotnm Kvr.NiNti rr.oTHnt to limn Lstest surles .I'tione Poplar aafl. ,PrUJj; LtrNKft lbM and ITIrord avo.. S. Wcor. Btjrnnri.UOfS'liMll rfmored Iv eleetrolrl, the only permanent wavi evsbrowj nrrneu. MI8H BMITII. s02 Keith Theater 1'Mir. CAlVPEt CLEANING nei. " ST' Anovnns-rNu WET WiTui. " M6.NAHC1I STOllAOB CO. WKrtri'iiiru. n970-73 IjAncabti.k avb. DHESSMAKINCr AND MlMINEIvy cot7mrBi,CNnnnfl"S.iAKiNS ff""sfm elsl'Titesi easy payments c. "t'HJ5'.iV it,nii.tM fiv. (Forinerlv with Mcuowen.i FOIl SALE Bll.f.tAnB, fOOr, combination, second hand, "V-!.k. '.n Intit erchanr"d repairing lwMisht sold rented exenanjeut rr,,i.,,, SS??fi. life Jt". Amlrn mannfae lurer. .12(1 rilrardne;rhonoIens. ii.i. IintO A-BRAC. .clock Bet. law wriaip". "r" liiles, oil , paintings! omcr uu - E" 7h 8. -HUh st. CAB;tnrqiSTEnaucM.e?fhnns MAiea: aUPPlie, nan' in,-. i,"rinll nnd iv fowl .adders as low as l.tn. fal and i our lnlo models. Jleglsters sold, by us on elBy p-iymenls and fully guaranteed. the national rAftt nnoisTEn CO. 730 CHESTNUT STREET CHURCH PEWS. l PER JOOT Any length! solbloak: gooil ns "jew, TtrjNCitES AND SETTEI'.f. IjOc 1 'l.R 1 OOT C11A111 E.CHAN(IHiCORnTltNp VINn. DESKS SAFES Typewriter, bookkeeper desks. JlUn etb nets, tele, booths, files, safes, household fu"imirj; bul ng Central 'Jd-Hand I ".r."''""..?" "" uini'Uls lyaiiowniu. twiiiuu . ij: ":" Fireproof i 00 . sllBhtly", usod .all sixes and makeai big bargains. 21 North Fourlli st.. betwpen ltnro and vino, sAn:s JLtJIIlll.n. Hill k iMJi."..;-"-- , Hon the largest and best "?' mest pt used offlco furniture and nxturrs In this part of the country. Ani'lilnc to equip nn ofdee. nt. prices that w ill pleaso ou. Freo delivery anywhere. ....n.i.... ..n... HI IYTOK H III nEATINa HEATERS, ranges boilers, birga Ins In new and rebuilt, nil makes. MAKIN-UI.LSE to., 1827 Filbert St. . MACHINERY AND TOOLS WITH convenience of "VOCOM FIUTtONT CLUTCH pulleys nnd FRICTION C LT Ol h couplings, machinery In any room or divisions of a factory can bo stopped or atnrteil with out Interfering with other pirts. 8IIA1TINO and MACIIINJJ VtllHIca. l .nqrui -' JAjjIES YOCOMABONs Y,rt.t.T-T-w ixrv irfttPtPNT Dynimns, motorsijuiillcrs steam and oil en otitht. sold main ui. Market 30in.YjdTT N 3d st LEATHER HELTf-foJ nninn H.JSWlA'S fttllv guaranteed.'!'. Willys OND COM' PANY. 320 ARCHl LARUE stock slnglnV ?itiii. siot'K Biimi'iiiv. , . ,. Y.IC1 v.... tiirferent sizes, also V"r .li" ."")"- Nuttal 1718 N Bth t f AHJstea. uiuV; ther belting, 11, -.?.$ym TO HENRY : TAmer. st. .. , .i''T:T''es ln!7? -TB 'JA-ll...ie nn-Vl, half on MUSIC inir on tt-pTrpcj the nffrli2 $83 CHICKER1NO VfnjW last p-N0 ' eH lipwJvRDJlC for nutcgj?-!- sept. victor nv.tr )N BALL -. W 1123tCIflif citib. V Aoles. Orerbrook. 0Til.pl'"'! Hunt ng- pPJft ball prizes castitiFr'!,..,.., OLD OOLD Cai nntlque clocks; .wlltl'fW V!' njlVUI Lejust OLD OOLD, silver.) blaffrtliny ware old l" n imm'.HH A.rihii i"iva, ,. stlo Jewelry. eeih,JtatV.B holtr,fir '' Est 187aJarlJJV!2ia0J?,',,, CASH PAID FOR. DfAMONDS, ' PMCl 107 Sansomi torn. Clous nnlil nil !) tJnurRIm i :als teeth; Phlla Smelting & Ref. Co.iylCS A-Lltl. STORAGE tontinen'tAl STORAOn WAUKIIOIISn 20TH ST. A ROVE CHESTNUT rACKINO, MOVING. SHIPPING Rugs, CarpeiB cleanetl. pcourcd, stored. nell. Locust 1 000 rhones Key.. Rnce 4100. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2t30 MARKET ST. FIDELITY FlREPROOr WAREHOUSES 1811-lftlll MARKET ST. McCANN'S STORAtlE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th st .Moving, packing, shipping; auto vans: both phones. Iit us estimate. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, fnlae teeth, feather beds, broken lewelry, gold. Blher, diamonds bought.7,'l,S Walnut. Walnut 7f)2U. Est.180(l. BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, nlslols rnlnsT coin books, with prices I pay, mailed 13c. J.B. Ross (People's Store). 2I1H f Hth. Wnl 44t(). CA8T-01' CLOTH1NO Highest prices paid for Indies' and men's clothing, bats, shoes, etc, Phono Poplar 8"71.IHiVC'Ki:n1. 123'J Poplar. PURNITURE pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses liought for r.ish. no matter how large. J. Rernsteln. 1331 Rldgonenue, IlllhT PRICES PAID I'OH MEN'I CAST-OrP CLOTHINO. SIIOEI, ETC SAML COOPER, iiiiu uiuauu Avti. t-iitti i-m'UfTt 11342, ALL KINDtr second-hand building material, pipe and -plumbing supplies highest prlt-ej paid. Central Houaewrecklng Co.. 6UO N. 7th at. BOOMS FOR BENT ARCH. 2023 Housekeeping- suite, 2 rooms, sideboard, china closet, dishes, linen, etc.; phone. . BEAUMONT AVE.. 48IH Unfur . cheerful suite to clean, quiet, retlned person. Woodl'd 2IS2J. BROAD. N.. S20 3d story front rm., furn.. hot and cohr water; private family; phone, CHESTNUT ST., 2001 DEHIRARLE "ROOMS: PEHMANENT Oil TRANSIENT. "' LOCUST, 1318 DESIRABLE ROOMS; EXCELS LENT LOCATION. Mw PARKSIDE AVE.. B2 12 Newly furnished single or communicating rooms In handsome corner house. oterlooMng I'alrmount Park: clean; high claas. at moderate rates, exceptional ad vantages: free trarfera north on 02d at.. from elevated or any crosstownllne, POWELTON AVE.. BbuS AttractlvV large sec ond floor front, two oilier smaller rooms: con venlent o 1, and subway. Phone Preston 2242. BAN80M. 2123 Large front ropm adjoining ..nth fn nna me fu.. ..nll.m.m ,o :.. . H " " -' -z-'ii'.'"""iiiainoniniy. SPRUCE. 1312 Attractive 2-room sulte.ilaa mjmo ....... n.... ........ g.TtJ. Bin( pnong. RUC13. 2Ui' i-urn. com. rooms; prl. bath! southern expos.; open flrplace.Locust 1083 J. WALNUT. B228 Newly furnished room, genfto. men pref.; reasonable, Belmont TjOS J. ISTII. N. 1307 Large second-slory front room' .lectrlo llghtt constant hot water: phina. ISTII. N.,i042 3 rooms, bath, heat andTTrhT $20 per month. TAUbANE,0mv.lni),',j' 1.7TH, N., 1932 Deslrable-vacancles'slniiro"? en suite, furn. or unfurn.; exceMent tahlj board 1 hot-water heat. elec.JIght; Dli. coil 18TH. N.. 138 Attractively furnished douhlo and single rooms, all conveniences. Loe. .13iit.i furnished LAROE second-atory front room, attractively furnished. 2 closets, ninnlnv ,,- -".TJ uously hot; also large extension room: su 1 1 able for 3 people, running water; centralis? cation: phone; references. ouu umn a:. BROWN, 1311 Ideal, coxy suite for centlemiH guest. Owner's well-appointed home. "Jjati: BOOMS WAKTED THREE ROOMS, bath, unfurnlshedi permanent" Spring Oartlen i'alrmount ave.. Broad, 101K BOABDINQ CHESTNUT. 3812-14-J8 Beautifully furni.ti. 2d-floor sultee of 2 large rSoS," andS ,! 0.,,n;: '."f,"1 ,nfl- eiectrio lights; table iin.: celled; 1 block from LPhim. pVeston 07 UHOAD. S.. 421 &sffirasar 4srrSssts?F water, LOCUST 3930 Desirable front roomiauth' eipoaure: excellent table; reff2c,e.,"pt? -resion onu. ' t - SPRUCE. 1028-30 Second"floorTuTt.. .i.JYZ pain, cnoice lauie board. Walnjjt 7233. '"-" SPRUCE. 1224 2S baths; table boa 1-TJrnlihed rooms. pTlvata H ?h?Se WaJaTiW" Suburban QV-ls'$IEH5 BOABD WAJJ-TED OENTXEMAN desires home, laeludbig board in SANITAKlUjarg BBATJTIFUL LOCATION . special aoieatlflo car nervous, elderly, every comfort, tuZtSE? So let. Dr. RaUl. City Line, Caestaat Hlff ' care. i COUNTRY BOABDEBS VAVVSO rfssstm&LWj& Ujr,I,tA11D, .pool tables; new. . secona-nan.i ".. iau nllevsi niy Poynienls, Itosatto-llarrv. Street rp,, 222 sthsr Phon"m. --" irn.CfAiTt5"7Ni)"roc'KBT TAm.hS I Also howll-K olf)8. esav imMiienls llitliNHWiLiv-fiAt.lR.r-ril'.r.fcNnEll CO . iOOJ Arch. gines, pumpe, nirpM'1 '"VIBi. n , . wnilK rnriMR-t'aitio .1127 N 3d street CONCRETE MIXEIVT '"t ,nAfJS!rS!. Js"! lino driven! barrojr j- Ji'3'.14i''fi,t. m'jer. L. F. Seyfcrt's 80) . ( 41 il5sdjtrt''t; DYNAMOS, motors 1 nn.1 rrtntml. OMTlJ APARTMENTS TItn KRNN1NOTON AHrae.lv. S?ytS l(r7 & Yne 2 rooms., with private JiWnit system. ?!'.' r!L.''"'"."S.ffe5roof 'bulldlni! eiecirio iigni, imprnvni m" -. t,ui elevator service:, strictly flrepro' ? rent M0.nidlj.fe refcrenfo JKf 25s"7' ufn' an- cliESTNtniJ s.'.. . - .-irs-rn-SS-h W. tor.) Mod sulieas eveentlonally "e.l';v,!n lighted on Jlre. rreste fli-07 and 7t Janitor m prem ises. IIAIlDlin, IIAimtAN & "' anltor on prenj. nff. II tiU- nbfiJnTT'tf APAimfENTs. 02a Tm n. ibw st Suites of.l and ,2 rooml. wn bathi furnished or unfurnished: """Isr- LOCURT; 1210-ATTRACTIVR 2-'l".UN VACS! fiUlTlf. , PRIVATE A7UST VAf 1050 ADAPTAHLEFOR8TUDIOS.VAI "" lSTII.""s.r 328 New Fy renovated li.-Ji,.; hot- stilts "bath, kitchenettes. ." ' -!f JIS o VTfce 9. water heat: also prof. orhulnessornces CJIi:STNiJT7D2l Attractive 2d;lloor3-room suite; prlrale bat!i.PhoneBpruce2I8. aFESTNirrnMn Desirable front. 2 rooms ana talh, Steam heatJiardwoodJloorSi. . Chestnut St. ' NEW JERSEY BI-ASIIOIUl ATf.ANTrr' CITY . . , ,. ... ,ml rnM FURN. AIT., fi rooms, electricity, hot an.J com silt water. Reach Court Apt. No. , 1. Mary land ne, and Uoardwalk. UC0, Sept. 7 to Nov. 7. FURNISHED AJKTMENTS 20TH BT.. S., 11B 2 rooms ana cam. ttch - . . I, -it riirnisneu: exeiti bio ".iiBLr WiaT flllLADEH'HIA, THE litTTLE TEA ROOM, Clermont Apt.t "th TandWan;.t4outhern cooking. exceUentserv- Ice! refined ntmosphere. Phone Daring 75 w. "TTfTuSElTEEPINQ APARTMENTS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS $25 to $70 Per Month CENTRAL Tho LYNDHURST N. E. COR. 10TH AND GREEN STS. Tho WILTON N. E. COR. 1BTII AND TOPLAIt STS. The LA SEDA N. E. COR. ISTII AND MASTER STB. The ARETTA 1010 MASTER ST. WEST PHILADELPHIA The BRESLYN S, 15. COR. 47TH AND WALNUT STS. Tho FULTON N. W. COR. 48TH AND CHESTNUT STS. GERMANTOWN Tho WAYNE AVE. 4013-18 WATNn AVE. The WYNEVA WAYNE AND WYOMINO AVE3. SEE JANITOR ON PREMISES OR SAMUEL STERN 1201 Chestnut Street N. T3. COR. 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story Apartment Houso la built of concrcto nnd steel, thoroughly Ilreproofed and of tho most modern architecture, Suites of 2 rooms nnd 1 bath to 7 rooms nnd 3 baths, Inpludlng 2 bachelor suites with oory modern cnvenlenco nnd facility. "only a few of the laroe house- kei7pino suites left. they are the finest fn phila . having southern, eastern and western exposures. lono-term leases will re dated OCTORKR. 11)10. All things considered, tho rentals are mod erate. For further Information, arrangement for Inspection and reservation, apply to MERTON W. OREIMS 210 rrnnklln Rank Illdg. Phono Walnut 0020. THE WARWICK 1000-fl-lU RANSOM STREET A modern sexen-story fireproof building, con taining suites of apartments having 4 to 0 rooms, with nil convs. for hskpg. The entlro water supply In tho building Is littered. Two or 3 desirable vacancies. Ono suite on the second floor, containing G rooms, nt Str, per month. Thero Is n cnterer In tho hulldlng who will rere meals when wanted either In tho publlo dining room or In tho npartments WHITESIDE & McLANAHAN N. W. corner 15th ami Pine. NEW CORONADO CHESTNUT AND TWENTY-SECOND STS. Extcnslvo alterations, now being made, In cluding servlco clovator, additional story for servants' quarters, houso telephone system, etc. Apply at building or to SAMUEL J. HENDERSON 001 MORRIS I1UILDINO 1512 N. 15TH ST. Modern housekeeping apartments; reduced rentala; just renovated throughout. Apply to Janitor on premises, or LEWIS A. TAU- LANE. S. Vf. rorner Dth and. Walnut eta. ELEOANT SUITES. neIy appointed, electric light, ateam hent. Janitor service; 2 and 3 rooms, bath and kitchenette; 2 blocks from Tark. 2022 Spring Harden st. MODERN APARTMENTS, nil sizes nnd prices. Call or wrlto for complete directory, free, APARTMENT BUREAU. Frunklln UankJHdg. "PEQUOT." 8. W.cor. 13th nnd Tine Dealr. apartments. ,'l rooms, bath, kitchenette; reus. rent. Willis-Winchester Co., 1001 Chestnut. PARIC AVE., 200J N. Second floor, 5 rooms and bath, modern conenIences. Frederick W. King Co.. 1031 N. 10th. Poplar 3183 WEST l'lllL.DKf.PHIA 31TH AND CHESTNUT (Tho Essex) S rooms, buth, pantry and reception hall: elevator, day and night aervlce: Colonial finish, with rhlna gloss paint, rnahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, acuum cleaner: roof gardon: watchman all night, $33 tn $0.1 month. 431) AND CHESTER AVE. (The Monterey) Very desirably ultuated. oppoalto Clark Park: 4 and 3 rooma and bath; hardwood floora, laundry, roof garden, etc. , $35 to $41 month. 34T1I AND SPRINO UARDCN (Tho Ilelmont)--3 rooms and bath, hardwood floors: part has private porches; $21 to $20 month. All oboo being desirable modern house, keeping apartments. Sea Janitor, or CRESSE, 80S Hula Hulldlng. The Powelton Apartments New Ownership and Management Powelton nve.. 3Gth to 3Gth st. S40 Thoroughly modern; each suite has 3 main bedrooms. 2 baths and servanta' bedroom. TO Itooma are largo and floors ure hardwood. S90 '"n evening by appointment. Apply at t" Office, 30th and Powelton ave., or Wm. H. W. Quick & Bro Inc. 8 SOUTH 40TH STREET OVERBROOOK APTS. 20 MINUTES TO CITY HALL On 03d st. (Boulevard), a. e. cor, Lanadowne ave.. offers the best location, appointments and service; handy to elevated: 3 rooms and bath: Ideal suite for doctor or dentist: $10. ' .w.o p. uiiianijim, i.m t'neatnut a t. KINOSCOURT STH AND CHESTNUT STS. . SEVERAL ilODERN HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS-TOR HENT: ELECTRIC RLE. VATORH. PUBLIC DININO ROOMAPPLY E3T. THOS. M. SEEDS. JR.. 1207 RACE ST THE WYNNEFIBLD", B8th nnd Lanadowne ave.." 6 rooms and bath, front and back porches: pood Janitor service; this Is a nlca place to live and the cheapest apartmenta In the city. at tha price of $28 and $30. Apply Janitor. Tim WAT.T.tvnimnn S0TII ABOVE CHESTNUT ST. New. 8-roora apartment for rent; eiectrio els. ator. acuum heathot jvatejvtaiindry J,", a Hnn.0 k.n. Kn.u -rrri. .- R rnnm. hatt. nnw.1. a.& . .' THE QIRVIN gas. electricity, ' " " "'"' jjiu jiamiuon. gee isnltor. THE SEVERN. 8604 locust st Kecoud floor. & Su?utna,40ih!b' "" 'xtM'- Tb' Son. HOUSEKEEPINO APT3. WANTED Furnished WANTED By mother and daughter, moderate. Priced furnished housekeeping apartment, near University. J 841. Ledger Central. r APABTMENT HOTELS THE TRAQY . 36th and Chestnut (Elevated Station i PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS Appeals to families ond seekers for QUIET SURROUNDINGS THE GLADSTONE 11TK AND PINE STS. Absolutely Fireproof LONQ AND SHORT TERM LEASES THE CLINTON ilLow 200 ROOMS Rvcnv nnmrLiiXizS Furalahed-or ."unf uVaisfcdV ' SUiT by leaae or transiently, suites a ana S? four rooms, tTgtt,1 THE COVINOTON. S7TII AND CHfSTUtn, IN THE BEST PART OP WEST pilllSk1 COVINOTON CO . K F. TENQLE p-raSP DEnVaND MANAOER: AlOjf'xifi'f.y OLESIDE. REACH IIAvtelsl " " N- nRr.nf ATt.tntTa WHERE TOWN AND COUNTRY inn CHELTEN AVE. AND MORRIS ST T.?IJSMOND 8.NED csr Qviiao ur x. g Jtrip 4 ROOMS AND liixir NEWPORT SPRUCE ANO 1 T ROOMS AND BATH JH iaviNaHOT8i4 Atneriro jlaa. tS-00 fiarsesaa, Jl,6 sg. vi tramUk t 1910. HEAL ESTATE FOR JAXE.. C1T5 iLI-IWS 4r"t?S',4,Soo rented st 12. , SNVmlrrlceKducedyepassesament. jm N' 17th rorneri stone rront. ?,?2? &.J5inhSa?n slde'yarar est.. brownstonel, cheap. ll"" !"- tilfm ow price to ckiob v.. II rooms! reduced. fans oar'nen' side yard! est. jn;2ft;28.3.0 Flneu mh N. W, COR. tOTIt AND, MARKET ST3. Directly opposite proposed new theater! low Prj? A? J'a'tTERSON, 130 S. Mlh t. SACRIFICE by 'daWn,th5U,iiectrTe Kht. au- ro0,"! lAoTwster heatl 'AI wndlt Sm coat , KmSSI 5eirfor'f0000i 'make offer. Consult mY """liOOD A QUINT., INC 10th and Cherry. - The house with a guarnhteel 5og belterl KR. fed BSSfa'ffi z SS rets, psrauetry floors: rloss to Bin sLl .' oo 13800 vntrnvnTltr. 5724 N. Bth.. ". 1,ioSt$00;hO,.,a-r.r?ilpa0y'm7nRtn,o0nTy ".'erntjonjrubtco. 1103-OT .Bhackamaxon it., a-story brick store and dwelling, bakehouse adjoining! stable ana 2 dwelllngalnrearnotOxUto rear street. 431.407 Commonwealth llulldlng. $1000 , New homes, with. Irlck garsge! new, ur.-to-date In every particular! lots 1 03 ft. .oePln few feet from tho boulevnrd; only 3 loft; tno best nrnroslllon n tho cltj-. Kuhn & IjOwery, fith nnd Hocitland sis. Open unntiay. 1820 W. VENANOO ST.. cor. OrMs. tflsWO feell 3-story brick dwelling. ID, rooms. 2 bathsi In closed laundry, with tubs! hot-water heat, sas nnd electric flint: MopO. ,, n-ttr. r Vn o-tTr.n AMU TTIUST CO. Trust Department. Rroad nnd Chestnut, CENTRAL PROPERTIES for salo or rent. """"jaaTvAN'raw , N. E. cor. 17th nml Chestnut sis. Phono 3180 Spruce or 20711 Race. SIDE-YARD HOME AT RAROAIN fip"" 032 Chew St.. Tabor; I) rooms. 4 bedrooma, wide street; large lot; two trolleys; block from AimilNETHY?272 N. 3th. 133 B. 12th. PRICE Jflino 1721-23 N. Mnseher st. and li2I- 20 IN. Waterloo St., nnd rear: 8 three-strry brick dwelllngsi total rent frtl.no per month. CHAS. W. CHILLER 401-407 Commonwealth nulldlng. 322-24 W. DAUPHIN ST.. 30x120 feet, with 23IS Fletcher st. on rear. 18x120 feet! as Beesed at JnonOi monthly rental. Mil. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. Ilroad and Chestnut sts. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Hulldlng Association nnd Trust Tuns. TAULANE. 000 WalnKt St. RENT $20. ASSD, $2200, PRICE $1000 Oood, whlto neighborhood, N,..,E. section; underdrnlned: tine condition: little cash re quited. MORRIS A CO.. Rldgo nt Rroad. 1417-10-21 FITZWATER and 1410 Scnato, In rear, 40x73: assessed J73O0: rents $87 per month: must bo "MnTSLh 710 8. g0ln. 1011-13 BRISTOL ST. 2 2-story brick dwell ings: asaessed $3200: total rent $30: both occupied: price $100!)., North Philadelphia Trust UP., Jironii a-nn xim i.,,.-. 16T11, isTif. 14TH and lnjii Ward ruy- EI fl. SELLERS AND RKNTERfl SEE ritlEDRlCH ft CO.. Bill N. 12T1I ST. MUST BE SOLD 1721 North 18th., a $7000 house reduced, only $4300. MARSHALL HI SMITH. 1011 Cheatnut. REDUCED 1017 Fnlrmount nve.. 3 baths: trnted $340; only $300 cash required. 5TARHIIALLH.SjnTH. 1011 ChestnuL 2300 N. SYDENHAM 0 rooms: assessed $2300,' SirAlts!bALL If. SMITH. 1011 Chestnut. "000 FT. SCHUYLKILL water front, suitable to use for manufacturing purposes: good gravel foundations, P 203, Ledger Office. WATERLOO ABOVE BERKS Tn-story brick dwefll"g.r, rooms. CHARLES W. MILLER, ,.,,.111? enmmnn,rnhh Vtnltfllnr'. "130 TRENTON AVE. Two-atory brick dwell ing, I rooms. CHAS. W. MILLER, 401-107 Commonwealth llulldlng. 2223 TIOOA Best location In Tlogat aacrlflce quick sale; assessed $8000. Ruetcr. 1703 Tioga, ALLECIHIISY, AVE. WEST OF 20TH ST. rooms. porch: hot-water heat: only $J500. OI.ENN. 1B17 Columbia. nve. ; 1428 N. I0TH ST. lOr. : front lawn, side yard: write for particulars for this unusually flno property. Wm Sadler'a. Sons. 132tl Columbia. 2031 n3-3.1-S7 MrCLELLAN Rented 111 each! price, clear. $1100 each. Parrel, 710 South :nth WILL exchange two good central properties for fine residence. J U33, Ledger Central. Building Lots, Factory Sites, etc. Delaware River Fronts Pennsylvania nnd Reading sidings; near chan nel; 20 ,0 1000 acres; J2G0 Per 4cre up. II. B. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut at. SITES. RAILROAD for sale. Pennsylvania nnd Rending; $2000 per acre and up) according to location, inquire ior lerms. DIETERICH, 737 Walnut N. IJ. COR. 2D AND .DIAMOND STS. Well located site and building adapted for fnetorles garage, etc.; 00x101 to Palethorpe st. LEWIS A. TAULANE. S. W. cor, uth nnd Walnut sts. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, city nnd sub- urbs: ml Improvements: rie to build: ad. vances; list on req. Kennedy. 1001 Chestnut. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS and large tTacts ground In alt parts city: alsosover 200 mfg. Bites. Melvln 1515-1(1 lteqlEst. Trust lljds DESIRABLE ripe tracts; can arrange advancesT ABERNETHV', 2721 N. gth. 133 H. 12th. " 1424 BAINBRIDaE ST. !Ux74; nsscsBed $120u: make offer. TAULANH. 000 Walnut Bt. Fnetarles FOR SALE Plant and equipment, machine shop, power plant, utflcea, well equipped! approximately 52.1)00 bi. ft. floor space; In spection by appointment. Santo Mfg. Co., 2 1st nnd Allegheny. Kern Dodse.recolvor; 14H N. 3D ST.. 4-s'tory brick building."" suitable for any business: bargain far quick sale. CHARLES. W. MILLER. 401-407 Common mealth Building. Slores and Dwellings BIST AND WOODLAND AVE. Just completed and they are beauties; 8-story etores and, dwellings; hot-water heat, open plumbing, electric lighting, tiled bathrooms. MARSHALL II. SMITH 1011 Chestnut. WEST PlIILADELI'H IA $70008804 HADFIELD AVENUE; bouleiard corner, with beautiful view, overlooking Cobb's Creek rark; new two-story house, con talnlng rooms' and bath, laundry In base ment: latter .subdivided and can be used a". pool and billiard rooma: steam heat; elec tric, light and gas: oak finish: beautiful deco-j-atlonsi hardwood floors; line neighborhood: every convenience, which makes It the moat desirable location in the Cobb's Creek sec' tlon; only a small rash payment renulri PEiiRERTON ESTATES. ?138 8. BsllV tl t Woodland 47S7. Open eenlngs. jiiht cnipr.v.Tt.-Ti etlh at.. Walton ave. LOT 100 FT. DEEP EVERT KNOWN CONVENIENCE mrriTn. JAMES c. ENBURO. BUILDER Conenlent to 82d st. cars, also Baltlmn ave. subwav car u m ' ' "" 'inor - r - . --. 1251 N.5GU1 St. f,-'0.." iwhi 443N,B2d St. p?A "TSHSS 1123 S. B2d St. SfSi f'?Si Chester Osborne1" aJen,,'3:! inn Reitn.it .on...'...- icataUT ST. A roost attractive brick and stucco i.,t,... -"JjOUTH 40TH STREET """' 14ROO S - atnrvl Ldleno. I it r ar 13. U TOWN8END. SOUTtr lot; southern ex- EAST CORNER 40TII AMr; posure: fruit trees: RALTIMORE AVENrtn0 Sff tro'll.V10 t"gSPWWB. WOQDlYn3.? UBq0 small Wmmss- .. 6023 qiRARD AVE. JO roonu ' adTatb, all cinvenlwc,,. , yt-407 Commonwealth Bulldlnr- 1 4200 88J5 HADFIELD STREET- .. -house: modern in every resiS:i ' j,.2".',0? street; Onest nelghbifhood: Snty'-anilif UJA'U3 fWmHn,sS?attlr.,1-.i'E1,Bl'KTON KSTAJ Ivflln,,881" " noat Wopdlaad 4I87offn wJJIH.gOLD IN A WEEK- BLpCK'sSuT,!.0 md$& AVH Lowest-prlced homea In West PhlS YS' . f'W andccav., slmpirhtouL'"fe:r ?'". E4Xt?VrUgiy,BSJO.IXfibMfis fclgrT" uiWUtf'breaiVSr '- ISfrOO .Jl rAnme) V,- ''Ll" " ' trio lights. Pa'roSVtw f&r" JkoRJ ""jC KAY.. S.r iriii, in rooms 2307 Nl .18th,' 10 rmo.i 2232 1 alrmount ve.t 1 iri-XS tt de-yard borosrioT"OiiM. r- 0M3 8TIWDSTBfeTirJtiont 71F fiEAIi ESTATE FOR SAtj WEST PIllMllKLriUi'l lnut,l rem Prccrdla, CotJSTj Con (lit $2100 EACIIO modern. 2 Bio,, ..,-7--nss'd iS0(); rent $1R will sell i!5m ADOLPH B. C.MPAI! nnVBf" l myyfii 11. v.nit'Alt 11032 Lans&j- B032 Ti'f,SS au VJW "StMii? iott's' 4nn.-, rinjii .i.is K2d nnd Halttmn... .. WEST PHILADELPHIA ItOMpf .. .tor. Snlo or for n.. MES r, .r AV?cTe.R"J0 Sr.J" Kent .'l ... '--"J mjjLt,;--' '""" ana 8prhttlMni $0000 .t-STORY. 3 baths hi ... "tSSIM Air.i-ir r.011. .-;-" .3TxlOT. ..MAOINNISS. r.DOd nltlmore'l Ilnslnese rroperlles pnd 8(07,7511 I HAVE A DANDY store nrnn -?-KI ?0,1.n":,..?ilr.',rt,J!1VP '"' 2 rnerth.stVKKJ limit mjuiu 1'iiivnnro ni OnCfl If !he-L;IH SlonV TAT "H"' """"BH in:nyA? ANTOWN LARGE ATlRA0TIVEu8 of properties In all seeilin r,."'M a number of new single hoi "KSS"! gnrago: price JtS.ono nnd unworS J.,l,i rent $.10 to Jloo per month. rd" """ SMULLEN & BARRrl .rnANRLINJIANIOH.DO Wio, jljl vviuu x'Ai: Y0U': to cxnmlno this atlmll, ..... . ' with 14 rooms, s hatha ami all conv.sW oca ted In n convenient section "nt ntV'SH WM.H. WILSON &nnnd GERMANTOWN HOMESS 1 SALE OR RENT "J Advise) us of your rcqulrcmenla e.f , 'Jim iisi upon rcqucac. uns CHARLES J. HOOD & Col (MORRIS HLDQ.) Iiaw Detached Colonial House, sioS Greatest vnluf In Oermantown: all simtVt? vcnlent location: tl chambers 2 batkV? showen.modern In every detail anaaw Vtl SMULLEN & BARRY S . FRANKLIN. nANlt RLDa. Walnnl si HANDSOME ColonlaF'resldelSnvitn oyer V4 aero of land: 14 rooms. 4IK5 highly Improved ns Bhbnrhnnfl ' WARNOCK A E.MLEN ' ftj commercial -rruat Hldg. M1ICIM W-. ?nPO-lto'crlcketclubrb '..; fc " -Ja duhivh iu micen i.ane atstinm Waj-ne nvenuo (13th st.) trnlleyi new 2L!l Barogoprlvlleges. HANDLE. 2i S;v?"l Orii liirttnKa. "T." for oermantown' and ritnsTYii?! IIILLllEAIESTATlJ I 3"1 uu'Vm" . titi ""ro ,si 01 uermtttt ti nil .dicn.ui,, jiiii fiuycrilPS SGiil On inii. . tlon. 1). II. Lister A Son. f,0l2 OcrrnanllHS r,tt T11-.T. WUTtTII lltll f t.,,.,'1...-. .. VtJ. ,.... ,,.,.,,.. .,w.,l,r,li Will tM te th Vrtii liV ttiftll nn nnn .ntUn r..-L..-t Truat Co.. Chelten nnd aermnnt'own 1 s!ffl , "- ' --. :ZSJ" mull HW IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HriwEnr?- mnntojvn. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, cctSM mo. A. R. Meehan, 0747 ncrmantowil ifi?sB TA,r... , ,.,,- ...i , , -. -,--Mass) (ILi.tt.r, jv.i.. uiiM-nucKPn si, east ef ft mai.tawn nve. . J. II, CIIADW1CK ro 00J2 tlcrmantown ave. h NEW DETACHED DWELlInos",' llr.oOMrt WARD. S. C. TOURISON. 7014 llOYKR Mt. Airy. OermnntiYwn i"sb! NEW SALE AND RENT-LTst" RRADll Pelhnm, Mt, Airy and Chestnut HIU.4f! PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 qermantiiiyg Chestnut Hill This Attractive Stone 1j$ ncro of ground. Is .-ell worth tho low Jm that wo aro authorized to quoto for ILvS houso contains 17 rooms nnd a btthroooi'j heated by hot water. lighted bv gas ana tia every convenience to tho discriminating be of n comfnrtnblo liome. Might ho excoipS ror a smaller place. Seo us at once. ii WM. H. WILSON & CO. S TVTnaf "r.nait'f.l-.lrt Tnni,1.--SiZi ATA.VOV Avuui.mii ituaiucutt, ... - "'-. tii'tiuumiij JHUUtftn. coma Inc lo roomn, i Imu.s; Karnso; about 9 acm JrlU.KKiN.c-SS & STETSON 18.11 LAND TITLE RUILDIN'O.-! aavE$Ah.W$lfS'i!f!?rWnP"zm Morris Eulltllng. I Lagun STORES. DWELLINQS AND APARTMcra ', Tor salo or rent M In best sections ,jm of Losnn. TH WM. DCHAMRERS 4033 N. Droad i'tS ANOTHER IILOCK of thoeo maimlnceiit hem.-t with garages, almost completed. 10th .Mm Iluscamh: $-l"l(i0; thoroughly-mortem: ae tlea A11UUNETHY, 2724 N. Bth. 123 S. IStaJly Tioga WE HAVE Till. HOUSE YOU WANT il w.r. ,.-r, -.t. t r.. - KENNEDY A RAIO. 3740 OHRMANTOTn Oal; I.nne LOOKI 2'4-alory stnn dwelling, detached; rleH at J4&00; vnmo $.",.",00, Medary ave. tait:t Jiiin; pcautiiut eection; largo lot; garase snn lege; will flnnnco. AnERNETHY,'2724 N. M Olney DEAUTIFULjIIOMES. 18700 to $2250; aoie t race privileges. Clet list. 'im ARERNETHY. 2721 N. Bth. Wt PENNSYLVANIA SUmiRIIAN iW DALA yr- DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR RENT AT BALA AND CYNWYDJ Let Us Know, Your Requiremeil SAMUEL G. WAGNER, JES ' 201 RALA AVE.. CYNWYD. 'M AND COMM.EItriAI. TRUST RUILDINOJ 1BTII AND MARKET STS. ha la m Attractive stone house, with garsn.fu rooma. 2 baths: high vroundr lot size, o3x7lc all conveniences. Apply tu 3H LOWER MERJON REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ M DROOKLINE Rrand-new detached dwelllnrf.1 rms. and bath, water heat, electricity. i0il?. 13830: only Jl.'.O cash required: will excluuut J. J.l.3ir. Hflilfl. opp. tirooaiine mi- CYNWYD Fine stone and stucco house, with 2-M i-ni-nf-M, 10 rnnma f Imtha. larrn .InreraOialS- modern appointments; lot 120 feet froBULU ceijeni conumon. ror particulars can LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINO CYNWYD Beautiful 10-room home, large IttrlnJ room, beam celling, open fireplace, hot-wx'" neat, gas ana eiectrio iignt, gas ui-" large cioseis. eiecirio itogrpiuas u i" j7i perfect condition; practically new. J "ij Ledgen Central. f DARBY May we get you up a special auborw sale llsIT Any price any part Delau County you desire. BWOPE I: BONSjDarl ELKINS PARK tragel sntainalll Stone Residence and Garage .,... .a, -a . a. k... AntalnSl rooms, 2 baths, and Is heated by hot "' and hot air; all con,venlehc-s, opportunimj, secure fine suburban home IK one of the im residential suburbs or i'hiladeipma, w; WM, H.WILS0N&CO, ffiS FT. WASIIINOTON Nice home In the iB,tai 10-room Colonial house, stable and saratoi fJJ loux'juu; near station! all inapro $4000; terms to suit. II. f. SECOH. 1012 Walnut st OLENSIDB HOMES and building sites, ewrfl description. HENNINOER b ItENNlNaij Olenslde. Pa. BETHATRE3 TniNTTNrririnNr vateY To close an estate; large stone farmhouse jj IBS acres; charming place, with JH;J2 shade! large running stream) H mile aWuwrj Ktntton: U mlla Huntingdon Valley Sttii only IIS.OOO, 1 HERKNESS & STETSON 1831 LAND TITLE BUILDIW" HOUSES TO RENT AND BELL. IN JENK' town. Wyncot. uak una ana im - HERKNESS & STETSON 1 831 LAND TITLE BUILD INU. MEDIA Stnnn TrpnirlpncA ATifl S AcreSi within 5 minutes' walk of Media. SWtWii beaxitlfully shaded by old trees W.""- on aa elevation overlooklna- the vaUW. i2 house contains 14 roams and 8 baths. Mnegl by hot water and lighted by If" -sjj vextlences. Might b exdiaag.ed for 'JJ thltn,trtlnilK rHldnN In trood location. VT. at our omca and sea Photo. WM. H. WILSON & CO. H8 itf iiV 1;ftjTL 43 8llv ave-. B-r dweUtsff. s.11 ccorlj da - -i7 ...... b - T a...iii.i ail I Mnv. . m X-tAfia. mwW.. Q-aT UWCUU14 4MI .wu - - (1151 W rhaftlF nV K-i- HwkII ftlL CCUtY C13T V Clieter pk . 8-r dwlt ail JI-tB QVAUANTBK THUST k SAFE DKVOSl? j jut-aia .oifiut t NE.WTOWN SQUARE FARMi out-lieru exposure ,um,uniki by t7 aa B.crsn lui4julki nuuM on uacu ? "" HERKNESS & STETSON LANJ3 TtTLSi BUILDlNa