Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 02, 1916, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
fc-- EVENING- LEDGEH-PfflLADELPHXA, BATtlBDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1016 COBB HAS EXCELLENT CHANCE TO OVERHAUISPEAKER GOLF, TENNIS AND OTHER SPORTS i 7 J American League Individual Batting Averages PUrer" who have taken port In 15 or morn (imtii imes, UP lo ana including inursaaye '"" U. All. 1(. 11. Mil. Oil. X" ..124 440 SO 168 28 13 210 .383 Mih Ian Kit IllJ 4H IS I! Ill .80'.! Fpeaker, Clave. VoDD. ueiro ii, ....Mil. nhie. sko.lSO 48S 74 7 10 13 2J1 .8.17 ilea 11I 423 (10 2l 17 111 17ft .305 "nT.IM 422 40 Jag 12 13 100 .80.1 ;.Ynk. Athlet ! IP.!S .SV" SS i-t iS Tit 55 13 188 .80 ffiSr.ru!.:! 471 ,5 11 23 17 11.5,2,0 II un null jl n II 23 111 .207 Oharrltr' Wm. 23 71 7 21 2 S 211 .21111 127 440 W 181 20 81 17 .SIM ;. uoiiinn, lullftl. N. V.;....iS 120 11. 88 7 0 41 .;";- noiion oil " -'-' " --. -y. i -i ...!! Lt. .. 1-1' 11 9" -"- -? 7 YT: 'T...T, .. ;i it..i.a r.ii I lilt I I ill II 11 ! tUin. ,loiu" , V;: i T n 1 7 'MI'J nunrnnn". vs rv, ,; v, .; v it I 88 95? 24 71 3 2 101 .283 each. Detroit... -3 Mj II g? 7 f tgS !2Si SS m II 8 'l 5 g :SN irnwiyru, woi.M 7n 1 4 01 .275 looper. .! 255 Y? ,5 - 11 I42 .204 sat KKffi ss : h -is 0 2 ,o .21.3 . flavn . ,.1111 .1.1.1 iti is " " 121 303 Oil 103 10 25 128 Illlejv St. u. t. Y.7,...122 433 B Athletics.. 40 00 ' Wash... .12! 472 4 DD. .N. 0.. 114 1J II IIJJ Iters. A .' - -i T .;: lllfini Wa l'J JJU O 14- Ylnff.rt. N. Y 102 382 50 (IS 23 15 120 Morc-in. , Wash tarsans St. 1...12. 448 40 114 3- -- lrJ .-JJ , Khnnlcs Clio 430 42 114 13 17 140 .253 At iai H 4A H 12 40 .252 J.ewlS. HOSlun. . tcMullen. Chi. Oa nor." Boston... jiaker.'N. Y.... 72 lank.',8t. I..... 30 I.lebold. CM 2J Fmlth. Wash..... M r- ijnin tv mil. ill 111 10 :7U a;i 04 3 40 2 !0 28 80 1 70 13 114 .251 in i) i 17 .250 10 3 1 11 .250 03 3 0 DO .250 0 I) 0 12 .230 IH il 10 80 .240 ltinrv: Vvoih.... . 257 ?! Inl 42 115 11 22 151 .240 rum 1 . t-t. liltlVa-1 IS 420 33 100 14 134 103 tuur,r" Ch :?::-J3 28H 34 71 MtElwer. AtMV,. SJ 11.1 4 SV St"? V.-. 30 12 18 i-l? Wh AtfliV.., 23 01 B J. Collin". Chl..ll7 3011 B.t Bhottcn. lioiton.. 83 J3 n O'Neill Cleve....l07 310 38 3 31 2 25 3 34 2 10 13 137 1 15 8 00 R 103 Cr-nney. Clave.... isn 477 u isi l.r.nrfai- N. Y. 24 41 5 10 5 13 i or 0 15 Ale Jlaya. Hoaton.... 37 34 Oldrlnr. N. Y'....,7 ?70 18 .241 4 n: Vnatmr. Waah. . 123 488 38 110 10 7tt mi in no 3 n 148 0 BO Thomas, noaton, :. Mi... ! "l :i r. il 0 5 liuah.. DetroltT.'o 454 r.0 100 18 2: Hartley. S;, Lou. 03 153 14 30 3 123 42 jAtinmn waan... i. ill a. . " Janvrln. 'Doaton.. 82 101 2i Jamleaon. Waah. BO 144 15 Moeller. Cleva... 88 202 30 SlcKce. Detroit.. 28 71 3 Coveleikle. Det.. 37 102 0 Waleh. lloaton...ll5 301 45 Uorton. fit.. Lou.. 54 83 p IJohnaon. Bt. U... 74 247 25 Viimhv Phlrnrn. 4r. 00 12 43 4 33 3 r.n 14 in o 23 0 87 27 17 1111 10 1 2 25 55 12 11 70 20 8 1 25 Menrs. Athletics, r.2 140 0 ir..... m.n.M 1" Jul. A3 31 4 4 30 W.ov.r Phlrniro.ll.'S 480 03 100 18 84 14 .X-l ""lot. v.i..vMnu..' " XV a iA. ii.t.i i Penal. Chlcao.,112 372 an n. Dlf 111 IW ..." B2 2 0 08 .220 03 8 T 125 .210 Rl.n.iFA nrrnlt 711 "3(1 15 Wilt. Athletics... 110 424 43 Jicnriae. wqan, ck. Atnletics.. Wash,. 120 42 27 00 3 14 112 .218 1U4 3.1.1 4U 14 1U n ,1. .-i' ' Judse. Waah... Phlrnsn. 74 'I13 a4 HI 111 n II .-I, Jerry, 07 185 15 40 3 8 ,54 VIII. Tlnlrnlt--. 124 BOS 03 100 10 32 141 Bhaw. Waah 18 14 0 3 4 La van, St. Lou.. 83 258 20 Tobln. St. Lou... (1 137 IT ifarrlgan. Boston. 23 38 5 ' Daley. Clave 27 07 3 .Oedeon. N. Y...!l02 303 44 Jlarcer, Waah... 34 82 II Slarber. Wash.... Id 34 .4 Lapp. Chlcaco... 27 08 3 Austin. Bt. Lou.. 103 121 4R i Chapman. Cleve. 81 281 43 Henrlksen. Dos.. CO 00 13 Jlarry. Boston... 03 320 20 Pcott. Iloston. ... 01 200 23 Cady. Doaton... (13 133 5 Haley. Athletics. 21 73 3 ABTiew. llnaton... 28 04 4 J.HWry, Athletics. 34 8(1 7 lUnr, Athtetlca.. 37 124 H SlcNally, Doaton. 04 109 24 54 20 8 05 45 U 17 no 10 12 14 75 15 10 17 1 2 7 O 0 14 1 1 60 14 10 HO 10 32 20 2 2 15 88 87 .205 7 .):; 73 .202 114 .100 37 .105 111 .102 HI .188 11 .1811 20 .177 10 .174 0 27 3 1 O O 3 4 8 PITCHERS' RECORDS O. W. L. SO. DD, H. WP.Ave. T.nv. N'aw York. 15 2 O 1 in 34 II l.UIIO McCabe. St. L...11 10 3 D'mgardner. 8. 1.. 4 1 0.4 Cullop. N. Y....22 12 H 03 iCoob, St. Louis, 24 U 20 loland. Detroit.. 37 7 H 50 Jorton. CIevel'd,22 li 5 85 Caveleikle. .Set.. 37 10 U 00 Chore. Dostdn..,.20 14 7 43 aber, Chicago,, 27 12 II 01 Jlanz. Chicago,. ,,23 8 4 37 Maya. Boston. ...Si 13 7 HO Russell. Chicago. 48 14 8 78 f'oumbo, ClevelM.24 7 4 81 Oroom. St. 1,...,3H 12 7 77 'jlaoba. Cleveland, 14 5 3 29 Mitchell. Detroit, 10 5 3 42 bhawkey. N. Y..41 18 11 02' l.nonard, Doston.30 14 0 101 Pausa, Detroit,,, 31 14 o 70 Jiuth. Doaton. .,.85 17 It 131 Williams. Chl., 43.1 10 7 80 Clcotte. Chicago. ,34 10 7 61 Hamilton. St. L.13 7 B 20 Johnson. Wash'n.41 22 HI 180 liagby. Clevel'd..37 15 11 07 5 18 3 12 25 1'J4 47 115 48 83 '20 118 B3 227 35 18.1 411 111 27 77 53 142 34 153 IB 102 73 14ft 2(1 73 30 811 58 131 54 107 83 171 118 171 ns iu3 55 103 23 70 73 23S 48 1S7 63 233 BO 108 44 170 1)1 102 75 133 83 210 45 133 20 37 18 37 0 12 R2 1V1 50 148 27 72 81 lio 2S 0 1,000 0 1,000 4 .800 I) .750 .700 .(188 .07!) .007 ,0117 ,007 .030 .031) ,030 ,G32 .025 ,H23 .021 ,000 ,U0'J ,(107 ,588 ,388 ,583 ,570 ,577 ,577 .571 .563 ,500 ,530 Inia ..545 ,500 .501) .500 ,180 ,4.1 ,487 1420 .417 :oo ('oveltskle, Cleve. 4 1 15 11 Oil Wellman. St. L..38 HI 13 in Fisher. N Y.,.,2ll 7 52 Harper, Wash!n,34 14 li 131) Foster. Doaton... 20 11 a 42 Davenport. St. L.f.l 12 1(1 113 Klepter, Cleel'd.28 (1 B 58 tamiiion. uctroit u 'J pumont, Wash'n.17 2 2 lioehliir. Detroit. 5 11 Oallla, Waah'n..40 12 13 Plank, St. Louis. 30 It la Could, Cleveland. ltt 4 5 James. Detroit,. 23 7 9 Danfarth. lhl y'J ft 4 8 0 1 SO 08 29 53 Mogrfdje, N. Y..24 B 7 Jlu.li. Alhletlr. .80 14 si Dubuc, Detroit. . .31 a 12 5i 38 l"ll 188 1113 1 03 10 SO 137 4 31 COBB'S SPURT CARRIES HIM TO. WITHIN THIRTEEN POINTS OP SPEAKER'S .382 AVERAGE f. , , Georgian Gains Ten Points on Indian Star and Creeps Within Striking Distance of Top. ; Hornsby and Daubert Tied THE race for batting honors In the American League Is creating. almost aa much Interest as the race for the pennant. Cobb has a chance to set a record that will be difficult to equal In tho future If ho succeeds In leading the league In batting for ten consecutive years. Only a few weolts remain and he made his greatest spurt during the last week, gaining 10 points on tho Indian outfielder. " One week ago 23 polnt3 separated Cobb from Speaker. Now Just 13 points eepnrato the determined Georgian from his mark, and once he reaches Tris It will be a hard task to hold him In check. Speaker at present has an average of .382 and Cobb claims .369. If Ty can thrive on western pitchers as he feasted on those In the East It will bo only a matter of days until he Is back on top. Joo Jackson also Is In tho raco and very much so. Ho continues to gain, and while he picked up only a point, It served to boo3t his mark to .356, only 14 points Jn tho rear of Cobb and 27 behind Speaker. In tho National Leaguo Daubert was out with an Injury, and In the few games Hornsby saw service he lost ground and dropped from a live-point lead Into n. tlo with the crippled Brooklyn s'tar with an average of .325. Robertson Is seven points away with his .318. Tho other .300 hlttera are Wagner, Wheat, Long, Chase and Hlnchman. Strunk and Mclnnls nre hitting tho ball hard for tho Athletics. Strunk Is one of tho few players In tho select and ho added two points to his .302. Mclnnls ad vanced from .264 to .271. Stock and Paskert aro tho Phils' leading hitters. National League Individual Batting Averages Plavrm wlin hiv. fnban n,r( In 15 or more cames, -: --' -". y v.'".." .v- ".-..- "" - up 10 ana inciuainff inuraaay a same O, AD. D. It. SD.SIt.TD.Avo. Daubert, Dkln... 07 873 01 122 18 20 130 .323 Hornsby. St. L. 117 4 ill 50 133 13 10 101 .323 Uobertson. X. Y.110 431 0(1 137 10 14 183 .318 II. Watncr, Pitts 03 33(1 42 107 0 7 140 .818 Mccarty, X. Y. 57 157 10 40 4 7 50 .3 2 Wheat. Brooklyn 114 444 50 133 12 0 102 .3 1 Loni, St, Loul . 04 323 31 00 13 0 121 .307 Chaae. Oln 112 418 47 128 14 7 171 .300 'Hlnchman. Pitts 110 480 51 130 7 13 100 .302 Zlmmerm'n, N.Y 100 404 54 110 13 11 107 .203 mocK, I'lllllle. . . O.i 370 40 p. Hums. N. Y. 115 4(l I7 I'n.kert, llilllles..lil 410 50 Fisher. Cln 51 120 n p. .Miller. Hkln.. 411 144 13 Alexander, I'hIU. 30 100 R Farmer. Pgn. . .341 130 lo V. Schultc. Pih. . On 320 42 Ilenrfer. Phillies. 20 30 1 Mlilttcit, l'liillles 111 3iio 48 Mitchell. Clncln.. 43 04 10 H. Smith. Hkln . 20 03 5 Jnhnsnn. llkln , . Kft Ml A1 100 15 7 137 .205 183 27 8 170 .2SS 120 15 14 170 Mi 30 fl 2 47 .280 41 3 3 33 .283 SO 1 2 42 .2B3 30 1 5 40 .280 80 10 4 123 .278 10 0 1 14 .278 111 20 25 158 .278 2(1 t 1 28 .277 18 1 8 23 .277 Rn 1(1 7 120 .270 rrnvnlh. PhllllealOO 820 47 00 (I 8 132 .274 N. flnHn 110 J M J.. 1'-'0 17 10 180 .27! Kletcher. N. Y. . 05 302 82 08 f 11 123 .271 M'Kechnle, Cln.. 85 304 23 82 7 8 113 .270 Doyle. Chicago,.. 113 440 55 117 15 15 107 .200 8tenel. Uklnr.. nil 2.15 4S 04 7 12 140 .205 J.C.Smith Dost'11.111 870 37 10(1 11 ,5 182 .204 Carey. Psh ..,.,117 471 S 124 40 11 172 .203 l.llderus. I'llltlles.lOR 380 37 100 3 9 130 .203 Kauft. N. Y 112 410 48 100 30 8 152 .202 Konetchy. Doston.121 417 53 100 13 15 153 .201 Herzoir. N. Y... 114 437 40 113 23 17 140 .2.10 Dlllott, Chicago . Ill 34 4 14 1 2 18 .210 Plack. ChlcOHO ..113 374 r.2 07 20 34 121) ,230 Mnnn, Chicago .101 324 30 83 7 5 111 .235 2(12 Williams. Chl... 02 323 40 83 4 Oroh, Cincinnati. 12 1 441 04 112 10 (ioo.l. Phillies.. . 04 120 22 32 7 Oonzales, St. L. . 91 243 27 (12 .4 Baler, Chicago ..121 403 47 101 17 Connolly, Doston. 52 02 10 23 4 J. Miller. St. L..114 400 38 10(1 14 Clarke, Cln 73 100 11 42 4 OrlfOth. Clncln.. 123 471 43 117 13 Klllcfer. N. Y... 73 235 80 B8 8 Snoilirnss, Dos. . 83 2H8 211 11(1 12 O. Wilson. St. L.100 2S0 24 71 3 Oowdy, Boston. . . 88 273 ST 07 3 Meyers, Dkln ... 00 1R4 14 45 o Betlel, St. Louls.llB 422 43 103 22 Mwk lllrln . . 84 alR 30 77 1 18 147 .2.13 II 150 .231 5 44 .234 4 83 .253 202 200 mi II 14S .'.'IM at) :.'.! 132 2.10 240 241 247 21(1 240 245 243 214 241 3 r. B 13 8 n 4 7 34 152 72 83 na RO HO 134 0 8 2 0 (I 12 7 14 0 7 S 3 1 0 7 0 11 21 0 2 1 " 1118 Knabe. Chicago . 72 230 22 B(l 03.244 Wlngo, Clncln. 08 .24.1. 71 .242 30 .242 20 .242 10 .242 70 .242 110 .241 20 ,211 17 .241 45 .240 50 .240 30 .230 03 .230 12 .230 53 ,238 ii .inn '.i 70 222 '22 54 42 120 20 211 oison, imin . . Byrne. Phil lea , Pteffcr, Dkln . niackburn. Dos. Solder. Chicago Mowrey. D'klTi Tvtsr llnslnn . 40 24S 218 24(1 240 240 24.1 245 245 243 33 01 5 24 112 5 ,77 277 23 l0 378 44 28 UII If Lobert. N. York. 83 58 4 Fltzpatrlck. Doa. 57 150 14 McCarthy. Pitta . 08 200 15 K'clly. Chicago. . . 38 1011 12 Mo see, Doaton... 80 303 37 Traresaer. Bos,, 83 40 3 K. Hums. Phillies 0 183 13 Deck. St. Louis.. Bl Hit R PAAmh Tlrnnklvn 10 42 2 3 10 8 0 44 .240 .238 .238 .238 .233 .232 .231 .230 .220 .223 .225 .225 .223 ,224 .223 48 .231 11 ,238 ,23d ,23.1 ,23.1 ,285 ,234 ,233 ,233 ,231 ,231 ,230 ,228 ,227 ,223 Merkle. Dr'klyn..ll 410 50 08 14 144 141 Outshnvv'. D-klyn.110 438 45 113 lfl NAnna. (Tt i inr n. -ii n in i Butler. St. Louis. 08 08 7 10 1 2 10 BeachVr. St, L..121 4R0 07 100 24 H 152 Nlehoff, Phillies.. 100 424 Bl 00 14 17 147 Allen. Boston. s.. 10 SO 3 7 () 2 0 A. Wllann. Chl.. 113 100 14 37 0 7 48 Cooper. Plttab'Bh. 34 52 J 12 0 5 31 J. Smith. St. L..108 304. 37 70 14 17 00 Mollwltz, Chlcuso R4 829 12 32 8 12 05 Maranvlfle. Boa. 117 403 5(1 10.1 20 1R 140 itousn. uincin ... t -" k u o .. ,i ,221 Kgan. Doston 47 121 21 27 1 Kvers. Doston. . 71 241 33 53 5 Wllholt. -Boston.. Rl 2B8 33 30 12 Archer. Chicago. Oil 178 11 30 2 Klllefer. Phillies.. 70 202 15 44 2 Louden. Clncln. . .115 374 34 Rl 8 Itarlden. N. York 08 313 18 08 4 Jasper. St. L... 21 33 2 7 0 Hunter. Chicago. 22 33 8 7 .0 Halrd. Ilttab'Bh..inil 301 33 70 HI Fischer. Plttsb'gh R7 242 24 51 1 Bancroft. Plilla. .110 371 SO 77 R (Virhiin St L...101 280 27 00 14 40 .210 6.218 1011 ,217 77 ,217 10 ,212 7 .212 102 .211 7t .210 01 ,20S 70 ,208 00 .208 22 .207 14 .204 55 .202 47 .20(1 21 .200 10 .102 5 .100 13.180 32 .189 38 .188 in .107 16 .103 .210 .sis 214 213 212 211 200 207 207 200 200 Johnston. Pitta. . 0 3.10 27 72 13 HI lletz. Drooklyn... 33 82 8 17 7 4 Hendrlx. Chicago 30 54 8 11 0 1 Collins. Doaton... 21 218 30 44 2 7 O'Mara. Drooklyn (10 100 45 38 8 8 Mimaui, Plttab'h 3il 83 0 17 (1 2 Barnes. Doaton.. 27 47 1 0 0 2 Williams. St. L. 2S 21 3 4 0 0 Dugey. I'hllll ..20 33 8 10 3 4 Wortman, CHI. .. 40 138 11 2( 4 4 Schmidt. Plttab'h 53 134 12 20 1 II nlley. rhllllea . .. 28 72 5 12 0 8 Cooper, Phillies.. 44 80 7 14 1 2 (111 PITCHERS' RECORDS O. W. L. SO. DD. H.WP.AvS. 20 0 1,000 18 0 1,000 Rucker. Drooklyn. J Evans. Pitts 5 2 Carter Chlcogo.. 3 2 Hughes, Boston. ..87 12 Allen. Doston.. ..1(1 8 13 O ll II T 3 89 2 HO II 134 0 117 0 100 3 00 0 129 0 02 14 I) 1.IHMI 48 112 ,800 ,8(111 .73.1 ,727 .727 .727 .070 ,7 ,B7 H32 .047 ,043 ,025 ,015 ,015 ,588 ,583' .571 ,583 ,5.111 ,55(1 ,520 :&oo ,5i)U ,500 ,500 .300 ,.101) .500 ,481 ,402 .4112 .450 ,43U .444 ,444 i437 J429 ,'420 !420 87 HO 2 30 230 4 88 132 10 53 137 0 r4iexnn'r, i-nuii'3.flii - rh.nv lllcln. . .31 HI WUey. Phillies.. ,28 10 Marauard, llkln.. 80- 8 Mainaux. Pitts, ..33 10 Pfelter. Bkln 31 18 Schupp. N. V., ,21 4 Rudolph Boston.. 30 13 Tyler, Do.ton... 24 11 Coombs. Dkln 10 0 Cooper. Pitts.,.. 32 10 31 115 107 202 411 200 23 53 31 188 43 120 20 R2 41 13(1 20 124 31 82 BS 181 26 120 51 170 J u oi.. BO 114 72 84 8.1 84 58 74 83 88 811 43 i 74 8 II 5 A n 5 Ragan, Boston... 10 .8 Denton, N.Y... Bender. Phillies poak. St. L... Perrltt. N. Y . Sailee, N. Y. Nehf. Doaton... U Uml.t, ttlfln. .28 HI 7 .21 7 B ,.20 12 II .33 13 1(1 ,.2.1 10 8 ,.17 5 4 27 138V 20 78 31 1H2 33 176 4ll 1011 39 136 30 121 25 47 8 33 18 40 ,.n, li. ' ., Dem'ree. Phillies. 80 18 18 Tesreau. N, V...80 12 12 Dell. Dkln.......-0 li Jacobs. Pitta 27 tl II Reulbach. Boston. 13 4 4 tirnwn Chtcaro. .11 2 2 Watson. St. L...0 Chlcago.'s.l 13 14 110 Vauzlin, 53 228 39 173 Mitchell. Cln 24 8 J 41 Tomv. Cln 81 13 14 114 75 180 Beaton. Chicago,. 31 rt T 43 4a urn Lavender, Chl .,,30 0 11 78 83 114 Anderaon; N, Y.. SO li 11 7(1 83 lil Amea. St. l.'..,.,S8 8 10 3 43 177 Mttyer. Phillies . 20 4 5 42 si 00 Jasper St. L.. .Si 4 n as 41) F. Sillier. Pitts... 5.1 7 0 73 40 ..,w. Ht. L..44 12 HI 00 109 sin Williams. St. L. .28 H 8 22 22 103 Mathowion. Cln.. 12 3 4 in 7 00 Prendergast. Chl 27 5 8 40 18 111 Schneider. Cn.,.4rt 0 10 HU 78 21R Steele. St. L.....23 B 0 41 33 103 ,883 .S5T PETEYIf They Pulled That We'd Cut 'Em i . - bf . ..I ..I - " ... . .. CHURCH REFUSES TO DISCUSS HIS TENNIS CHANCES Conqueror of Kumagae and McLoughlin Willing, How ever, to Talk About Golf j'MAC" MAY PLAY AGAIN Bu a Staff Correspondent WEST SIDE TENNIS CLUB, Forest Hills. L. I., Sept. 2. Tlia keen golfer, In speaking of tcnn'.e, Invariably Blaps himself on tho wrist and cries derisively. "Forty lovo." Tho keen tennis player calls Rolf an old man's game. Rarely does the follower of one sport put In a good word for tho other. But Qeorge M. Church, tho "man of the hour" In the tennis world, aspires to be a golf champion, Tho Evenino LEDar.n correspondent saw Church at the West Side Tennis Club yes tcrday after tho latter had vanquished Maurlco E. McLoughlin. and reminded htm of n conversation at Wilmington lastsprlng, whero Church was playing an exhibition match with Miss Molla DJurstcdt, the wom en's tennis champion, against W. T. Tilden, 2d, and Mlsn Marie Wagner. "Oh. yes," said Church. "I remember. Geo, I'd llko, to play golf all tho time, at that. Say. do you remember that match I played with Oeorgo Statzcll, of Aronlmlnk, at Atlantic City last fall? Playing tho sixteenth hole, I got a bad slice nnd was stymied by tho clubhouse. I then pulled oft the most wonderful shot you over saw clear over tho clubhouso and on to the green; dead to the hole." Real Contender This from a man, who, within three days, had eliminated Ichlya Kumagae. tho Jap, nnd Maurle McLoughlin, two really "real contenders" for our national tennis crown, and had established himself as a prime favorite. Modesty Is part of Church's make-up. He Is willing to talk nbout his golf, for he realizes that, as a golfer, ho Is perhaps a good tennis player, but other than to say ho Is In- good shape, ho dislikes to talk about his tennis. McLaughlin was not In a very talkative mood yesterday, either. Tho "Comet" doesn't know whether he will return next year or not. But tho chances are that he will. You can beat McLoughlin, but you cannot crush his spirit. A year from now, with the papers of the land full of tennis "dope," tho old lust for battle will almost certainly bring McLoughlin back again for still another try at tho championship bowl, which wilt becomo his permanently If he wins It again. Never Went 'They say I have been trying to como back." said tho Davis Cup hero. "I never 50 went anywhere, so that Is all nonsense. 1 can still ulay my game. Only thcro arej others who nro playing better." t But Is tho "Comet" still playing h, game? Full 7000 souls who saw him go. down to defeat at the hands of Church yea-i terday doubt It. Hla ecrvlco Is nothing like. tho cannon-ball delivery of old. Church broko through It eight times In four sets; nnd In one set "Mao" failed to win It evert once. , WAITERS TAKES FIRST SET Beats Williams in Opener, 6-3, After Rain Halts Match Inside half an hour the skies cleared ond the sun came out. Williams and Watters returned to the courts at 1 o'clock and shifted over from court No. 3 to court No. 4, which had dried out thoroughly. On the re-start tho Phlladelphlan had the service, and driving well from the baseline for pretty sideline passes, he drew further ahead at 3-1. Williams volleyed outside the lines as he advanced to tho net In the next, and Waters scored his second game. The New Orleans star drew applause from the stands as he smashed through Williams In the Btxth game and drew level, nt 3 all. Ho quite surprised Williams by making sev eral sensational "gets" that caught the for mer national champion unawares. His serv ice was again successful, and Watters took the lead at 4-3. He followed this up by capturing Williams's service once more, and. keeping up the pressure, he ran out the set at 6-3, Score: First Set. 123 120 100 Williams 0 4 4 4 1 3 3 5 E 2253 432G Watters 4 112 4 Williams's backhand shots wero uncer tain at the opening of the second set and his forehand was responsible for most of his points. His most effective shot was a forehand drlvo, cross-court, rrom corner to corner, so close to the line that Watters was unable to get far enough back to handle It. Williams took hts first service gamo and (hen captured Watters's delivery at 2 love. Tho erstwhile tltleholdcr made short work of this set. capturing four straight 'games after Watters had won his serve In the third game Williams gave the spec tators a fun for their money, displaying the dash and "pep" that carried him to the fore of national lawn tennis two years ago. The set was won at 6-1. SECOND SET Williams 4 4 14 4 4 4256 Watters 0 2 4 2 0 0 2121 The first game of the third set was a long-drawn out deuce battle, with Williams finally winning It on Watters's serve after the latter had double-faulted twice. In the next three games the New Orleans man won but three rolnts and only one of these was earned. Watters took the net In the fifth game In an attempt to head off the Phlladelphlan, but Williams whizzed the ball over the net as though shot out of a cannon. , Williams handed Watters the sixth game, but then steadied down and ran out the set at 6-1, Score; Williams 8 4 4 4 4! 430 6 Watters 6 l I 1 l 4 J is 1 Off Without a Shilling Mi ns Scored in a Week by Major League Clubs "DUNS scored by nil teams in "American and National Leagues from Saturday, August 26, to Fri day, September 1, Inclusive. Only runs that figure in official averages arc counted, Scores of incomplete games nre not counted, but the scores of games of five inning3 or more aro Included in the tablet American r.nvotn S. S. M, T. IV. T. F.T1. New York 1() 1 2 3 728 ilftrolt 2 13 2 7 21 Athletics B 0 n 3 I r 23 Chlrairo. 5 1 2 7 7 22 St. IlllU (1 -13 0 2 21 lVnolilniton 3 2 0 3 S 4 17 Itojton 1 8 4 1 314 Cleveland n (1 0 4 1 3 '13 NATIONAL LUAOUi: ft. S. M. T. IV. T. r.Tl. nolnn 8 1 I) IS 7 2 a 13 ritt-bii-rli l 7 (i 7 s r 30 Thllllm 3 B 8 0 0 28 Urookl-n 0 13 0 7 4 0 21 Chlcn-n 3 B 2 3 2 8 23 rinclnnntl .,,.,,,1 n S 2 3 1 20 ft. Ixiiii- 4 4 4 1 1 14 New York 1 3 3 6 113 WHAT MAY HAPPEN IN BASEBALL TODAY NATIONAL I.EAOUE ,. drib. Won. It. I'M. Win. Ijm. Split. llrcinkljn 72 40 .010 .014 .00.1 .... llnXon 70 40 .00.1 t.HlO J.S0.1 ,002 I'llllIlM 00 40 .B8B ,BR8 .BBO ..,, New. York BO Bl) .487 t.4!0 .47l) .402 l'ltlliurcll BB 65 .458 .107 J.4B1 .450 Clllritltn, BB 08 ,417 AM 1.440 .448 Nt. l-ould BB 08 .447 ",4B(1 i.410 .418 Cincinnati 47 78 ,370 .380 i.3?0 .378 AMLIUCAN IXAOUE .. Club. Won. Loot. Trt. Win. I,o-. ltnton 71 A3 .B73 .57(1 .508 Detroit 70 S7 .B51 .55 .BI7 Chicnito. 01) B7 .B4H .BS1 .SIR St. Lolll 01) 08 ,S43 .547 .519 New York 07 BO .532 .535 .527 detrlnnd 07 00 .528 .531 .523 tVimlilniton .. 01 03 .491 .400 .488 Athletic 28 03 .228 .231 .228 tln two. tLAM two. SCHEDULE FOR TODAY NATIONAL LEAOUE nrooklrn nt I'lillmlelphla rloiidr. New lnrk nt llonton (two names) clnnilr, Chicago nt Nt. Loula (two names) clotidx. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh (tno tames) threat ening. ASIEniCANJ-EAGlJE Athletics nt Washington elonrlr. Hoston at New Xork threatening. Clilrngo nt Detroit eltnr. 81. Louis nt Clevtlrindfelouu'r. INTEKJfATIP-"Ac LEAGUE Newark, atiToe i, games) clear. Rlrlini'ritfijIr,T roin-Htwo games) clear. I'rovhli'-;),1.1'. ..VatA'"-" gomes) clear. Malllm. Jr more " dullwo gameir-cloady. .aponslblllty anrir Yfto'Slrn'ffl RESULTS . J tSTra tW?0 Wnshingi p 218, ici, 1, Athletlcc ' , Aim. 1 (second game). Utherclii,; , ... itftilgd. (. XEAOUE riilMI llll mi OVEifrlc"'T Tt :.!.:.. " taiHirkiii' ii . 1 .- .:urK. 1. Ht. Iure"l yfr r.n. 1 auartt' ' T. PBTEftT ..M,'. ' Association Cm 2.?:?t Mi sioo.oa t : 'i v 1 . t . , . aoodaifs I 'lirior League Games , v6iJLAAItd COUNTY ' IXAOUE Chester nit Media. , 1'anch loll at Upland, nVnt.Ilclli. t -ditto nLmBIDOE LEAGUE Mnrtlnsburg nt .rhambersburs. Ilagerstonn at Hanover, l'rederlck. at Gettysburg. DAUmiN-SCIIUYLKILL iEAOUE Tower City nt Wllllamstown. Tremont at Lrkens. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY LEAGUE. Roxborpugh nt Norrlstann. Consholiocken nt Spring Cltr. ALL-WILMINGTON LEAGUE. Enstlnko at Urnwnson. Ilrandywfne at Newport. Kden nt l'toneer. Bancroft at Vandnrr. 1NTEKCOUNTY LEAGUE. West Chester at Arondale. Henuelt Square at Rockdale. LANCASTER COUNTY LEAGUE. Qimrrjvllle at Ephrata. Mountvllle at Lanranter. New Holland at Columbia. TRENTON CITY LEAGUE r. n. S. of A. nt Laurels. V. & G. at Maddocks. St. Joseph's at F. Si C. Agasote at Cottage. Fowlers at 1. & I. MANUFACTURERS' LEAGUE (Mercer County) Jefferson nt Empire. Oukdalc at Stokes. Rubber. Globe Tire lit Uelchert's. ' DELAWARE RIVER LEAGUE Mercer at Morrlstllle. Uoebllng nt Globe. Empire at Florence. INDEPENDENT LEAGUE I.elperillle at Eddrsfone.. Highland at Marcus Hook. Texaco at St. Paul's. P. O. S. ot A. LEAGUE Upland nt Media. Rockdale at Chester No. 281. Chester No. 43 ut Marcus Hook. MAIN LINE LEAGUE Dun & Co. is. West Phlla.. at Central llltli grounds. . , Uon-AIr ut Narberth. Autocar at Ilerirjn. Paoll (1'. R. R.) ut Wayne (2 games). LEHIGH VALLEY LEAGUE I'almrrton nt Summit Hill. Lehlghton at Slatlngton. INDEPENDENT GAMES Slrawbrldie S. Clothier vs. Chinese, Stetson vs. llrooklyn Royal Giants. MONTGOMERY COUNTY LEAGUE Ambler at Glenslde. l.n Mott at Fort Washington. Willow Grore at Wyndinoor. Jcnklntown at lleth Aires. BUBURIIAN LEAGUE Tjiwndale at North Philadelphia. Iluild ut Olner. Fern Rock ut IlrUU' SHOE JLVNUF.VCTL.tERS' LEAGUE U. K, 31. at Edwards. Laird hcholier at W. W, Lennox. Glrard at HalUhan. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE South" nrk Foundry at Henry Dlsston. Keen Kutter at A. J. Reach. Hale & Kllhurn at Mldiale Steel. AtUntle Reilnlnx at Electric storage. . NORTHIiVST I.ILVGUK llustleton ut WUslnomlng. Fruukford at Kensington, llrldesburi: ut lloluic.burg. fr.V ' M- J V W? 3t r.iiinti.,i Clni'lmtrfi Iltutnn. :-. ! .-ilea sk LADY ASHLAND WINS IN BYBERRY CLASS C PACE Free Mason and Lady Natalie Also Triumph in County Fair Races Three harness horss races and two run ning events made up a splendid afternoon's rnclnB program at the Philadelphia County Fair yesterday. Tho light-harness horse events were raced by members of the local driving club, nnd they presented a good exhibition of speed. Class A trot was won by Free Mnion In Mi night heots from King Boy, ww jtut up a game race at all times, CLA88 A, TltOTTINO FOR rniZES Free Mason, b, g., George A. Doan, Ash ton .,,,,. ....,,.., , ,., 1 1 King Iioy, li, k John Vsneony 2 2 Miss Pandit, b. m.. A. It. Nicholson 8 3 Time 2:32l4. 2.35. CLASS D, MIXED HACB FOR TRIZES Lady, .Natalie, b. m. Entwlstlo 4 1 1 Sarah If. b. m.. McDowell 12 8 Prlnro J., b. g , Jams Keenan 8 3 2 The Norman, b. tt.. M. it. Fretg 2 B 4 Oueen IJeck. b. m., F. L. Illshop r. 4 0 Alpm. b. g , Ralph Blmono U 0 B Time 2:23, 20, 2:23J4. CLASS C, PACINO FOR TRIZES Lady Ashlard, b. m P. Peacock, En- twlstle 1 i Denton Norwood, b. g.. I, D. Iluck...... 2 2 Walter I), b. g.. Tcacock 4 3 Easter Hoy, b. g.. M. 11. Fretz. Natcher. , 3 4 Time 2il8, 2il8'4. STEEPLECHASE RACE FOR HUNTERS About 2A miles, for Dyberry plate. Itedgley. b. it.. W It. Mulford 1 Polly, b. m.. Rodman Wanamaker. 2d, John Wanamaker. 2d .. . . .' , 5 Irishman, b. g.. W. a. Sibley., 3 Donley, b. g., J. It. Rldgway, loft at post. Time 3:25, SWAYNE REACHES FINAL Meets Dunham in Titlo Round of Jersey Tourney Today BAT HEAD. N. J.. Sept. 2. Lindsay Dun ham and Norman W. Hwayn will meet to day In the final round of tho Jersey coast ten nis championship. Dunham yesterday eliminated o. c. nun-win, while Swayno won from Joseph 11. Rowland. MEN'S SINGLES Semifinal nound N. W. Swaj-ns defeated Joseph K. Rowland. 0-0, fl-4i Lindsay Dunham defeated CI. c. Burgwln. 0-1 0-1. Phillies at Woodside Park The members of the Philadelphia and Brooklyn national League baseball teams, who nre now engaged In a titanic struggle for the champion ship, have accepted the Invitation of Bandmaster Thomas F. Shannon and will bo his guests at the evening concert to be played by Shannon's famous band Sunday night at Woodslde Park. Bandmaster Shannon and Charles Ebbets. presi dent ot tho visiting ball club, aro friends of many years' standing, their organizations fur nishing recreation nnd amusements for countless thousands of llrooklynltes. The members of Shannon's band will bo tho guests of President Kbbcts at the morning gamo of tho Labor Day series pi the Phillies' car. Zbyszko in Shape for Bout Tho catch-as-catch-can wrestling match be tween Zbyszko, the bis Polander. who claims the championship of tho world, and Karo Mus tapho, the. Terribly Turk, will take placo nt the Cambria A. A., Frankford avenue and Cambria street, on Monday night next. This match orlg Inally was scheduled for last Tuesday, at Central Park, but a slight operation on Zbyszko's nos neceasltated a postponement, and the open-Mr arena of tho Cambria Club was engaged. The other match will bo botween Renato Oardlnl. tho Italian champton, and Carl Stelnbach. the Austrian. The last meeting of these two re sulted In the disqualification of Btelnbach for rough work. SCRAPS ABOUT SCRAPPERS By LOUIS Joe Tuber was as a New York far from being a sick lad. paper stated this morning. wnen n scored iwo-rounn KnocKout over Whltey Fitzgerald at tho new Washington Sport lug Club last night. It was Whttey's acid tea and the result proed that he was being rushed too fast. The victory of Tounc JIcGovern over Young Dlgglns, at the, Cambria, was aomewhat of a surprise. The nearest Wlllla Ketchell ever was to Can ada apparently was when he was splnned dream ing to the floor of the Washington ring In tho first round br Patsv Wallace, former amateur champion. Ketchell had been Informing us that he was the Canadian flyweight champion. It seemed aa If he never had a. glene on before. At that Wallaco walloped him Rood and plenty during tho few seconds tho bout lasted. Tusla. Okla.. will lose the Carl Morris-Frank" Moran match, but the heavyweight tilt sch-d-uled for. Monday afternoon is not off alto gether. It wilt bo postponed for about a fort night until definite arrangements can bo made for the staging of the contest at either Denver or Kansas city. If Oeorgo Chaney's confidence can be used as a criterion, he will return to Baltimore with tho reatherwelght crown atop his brow. In talking to Bobby Reynolds the other day. the latter writes. Chaney said: "I wouldn't take 130.000 for my chances to defeat Kllbane." And some body did say years and years ago something to the effect that conndence w as half the battle. Betting In this city favors the champion at 5 to 3 odds to defend his title. The contest will start about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. . Benny Kaufman came off the road this morn ing after a long and hard run, took a good rub down, stepped on tho scales and announced him. self below weight for his tilt with Johnny Ertlo ai ma uiympia juonnay nigm. lien also lntl inniru inui inn lit-pouna. 110-pound, ringside, weight wouia not nurt mm. ri rankle Clark and Young Dundee ODen tha show, follower! hv hnnf h. tween Jimmy McCabo and Al Nelson. Jock Ma. lone nnij Rita Walters and aus Lewis and Billy Fltzslmmons. When Orover .Hayes entertains Ryan Club J.1S . Tuesday night In his endeavor to .lis tribute a lacing to Fred Kelly. It will he the veteran's first exhibition here for more than a ??alJ.. H." rcn.!l' returned from a trip through the West Bml New England. Johnny Shea and A1.F01' "foilflnal principals, are evenly matched, with the latter a slight favorite. Tickets for the reopening of the National A. C. next Saturday night have been on aale for sev eral days and. Jack M-Ou'cin saya there has been a grand rusn for tr.e coveted paste boards. Eddlo Jklr.Vnlri.wi -.Idled the port. sanctum of the Evemno Ledou 5 "terday and he never looked In better shape. He Is trained dawn fine and says he will be In even better form for his Benny Leonard mix than when he showed so nelt against Fred Welsh, Ad Wolgast. Joo Shugrue and Willie Ritchie. Joe O'Donnell looked so good against Johnny JfcI.on5-MUl?Mii?" wa". "M01!?! to meet Cham Vi n iti?. wJ!",n,fu I ,h 9topI September Ml.fcTA1 w".1lS "" ?na meeting, and the tltleholder will be up against an opponent 100 SC cent.. "?f seasoned. Williams may beat O'Donnell. but the Kid will know In was in a real tough scrap. VyillUma weighed lit. pounds when he knocked out Young Mendo In Lurilo. There Is no truth to ihe recent report that Robert Maxwell Covers KilbaneGhaney Bout fdr Evening Ledger Fans Rob ilwrt W. Maxwell. Sports Editor of tho Evening Ledger, .ls.cn the. scene . of the world's' featherweight championship rmttie at Cedar rolnt, O , Monday nfternoon,. between Johnny Kllhnne. the tlllelmliler. nnd George tnaney, contender, lie win giro nn necnraie Account of the contest, round by round, in the sports extra and final editions of the Etrnlng Ltdgrr Monday. .After the contest Mr. Maxwell will Inter view the principals for, n special and ex clusive story, which will he printed for the Evening Ledger fight fans Tuesday afternoon. GARDNER AND EVANS PLAY AT MERION Continued from Page One phenomenal on the last nine holes. As a rulo Evans has trouble with his putting, but this morning no fault could be found with It. On the twelfth hole he got Into the sand trap, but played a magnificent (shot out to tho green and holed out In 3, one under par. NATIONAL LEAGUE STATISTICS TEN LEADINO SLUGGERS. 2B. 8B. Hn. TB, Ell. Williams, Chicago 10 0 10 Hornsby, Bt. Louis 13 in r Wheat. Brooklyn......... 24 O r. Slenxef. Brooklyn U2 n 1 147 04 1P3 11)2 140 170 107 1S.1 In? Paskert, Phlllle ,... 2.1 (I n Doyle, Chicago 24 10 2 Robertson, New York.... la 11 s Carey, Pittsburgh 14 II (1 Zimmerman. New Tork... 23 4 r, Nlehoff, Phillies 81 4 3 147 TEN LEADINO BA8E STEALERS O. ' 117 112 115 111 117 121 114 US (17 113 SB. 40 30 27 20 20 24 23 22 IS 20 Ave, .31 .27 .24 .23 .22 .20 ,20 .11) .10 .18 Co rev. Plttsbursh. Kauff. New York . . 1(1 rns New .York. VMlltted. Phillies inei Maranvllle, Boston.. noscner, ti. L.ouis,,. Herxog, New York., fletzol. St. Louis.,.. Daubert. Brooklyn.., Flack, Chicago CLUB BATTING RECORDS . . O. AB. Tt. H. SB. SII.Ave. nrooktm lis snn.i 4.tl 1021 isi lr.r. .2M Cincinnati .... 12.-, 4212 ans mil m ino .231 New. York 11", 8883 43(1 D72 144 00 .24ft I'llllllen lid 2704 437 B47-107 184 .217 fit. Loula 123 4002 400 1188 187 SO .247 Pittsburgh ... 121 4007 31).' lilt!) 1,12 18!) ,242 Chicago 124 4120 421 083 07 137 .230 Boston 117 37(13 414 807 107 100 .230 CLUB FIELDING RECORDS O. . 117 ..117 . 118 , 12.1 . 115 . 121 . 123 . 124 PO. 3130 3170 3542 8.12.1 .1123 3311 8274 3403 A. mm ibos 1482 innn 18.13 1402 100!) 1CD4 n. ISO J09 171 180 175 190 222 240 TC. 4707 4847 484.1 5320 4853 4(100 5 1 0.1 C330 Ave, .073 .003 .1)0.1 ,004 .0113 .002 .0.18 .055 Boston . . . , Phillies .... llrooklyn ' , Cincinnati New York.. Pittsburgh . St. Louis., Chicago ... LONO HITS BY CLUBS 2R. 3B. ITR. TB. EB. 342 815 832 83(1 848 208 2B7 273 Ave. .340 .314 .330 .328 .822 .310 .310 .301 Brooklyn . Now York.. Phillies .... St. Louis.. Chicago . . . Pittsburgh Cincinnati Boston . . 15.1 140 105 130 158 108 1.1(1 110 184,1 I2nn 1204 1300 1310 1277 1341 1130 Stiles Lifts "Western Links Title CHICAGO. Sept. 2 F. E. Stiles. North western, defeated A. N. McDonald. Illinois, for tho western Intercollegiate coif championship nt Evanston yesterday, 2 up and 1 to play. In the .18. hole final. In tho second night Thomas Kaiser. Dartmouth, defeated Howard McGulre. Armour. 1 up. In tho third night D. I. Brown. Illinois, defeated II. Lobdell. Wisconsin. 4 up and 3 to go. ' Curt Gosncll Dies CLEVELAND. O.. Sept. 2. Curt Oosnell. of Muncle, Ind.. well-known grand circuit driver, who was Injured nine da) a ago at tho North Randall race. track when ho was thrown while driving tiazel Armstrong, died nt noon today at St. Alexis Hospital, lie never recovered .vijav.wuojicaa. H. JAFFE Evening Ledger Decisions of Ring Bouts Last Night WASIUNOTON S. C, Joe Tnber knocked out llhltey Fitzgerald In the second, Jimmy p'llrlen on from llddle Dunn, Patsy Wal lace knocked out Willie Ketchell In Hie first. Jimmy Austin drew wlin Hurry KUburn, Young Monroe beat Nick lirouse. . CAMBRIA A, C. Young MrRovern w a from Young Dlgglns, Jack McCloskry de feated Al Fox, Prankle Oulnlnn stopped Voung Allen In the fourth. Mike Daley Knocked out Biker O'Neill In the third. Young Chaney stopped Jimmy Qulnn In the third. NEW YORK Walter Mohr and Wee Wee Barton were chased from the ring In the fourth. Knockout l.ew William easily de feated Knockout JalTe. BUFFALO tie ne Deluiont won on points from Rocky Kansas, James J. Jeffries, one time heavyweight cham pion. Is to have his right arm nmvitated aa a result of blood poisoning-. "My rleht arm to be amputated? Not on your life. Aslds from a slight cut. which I sustained while sharpening a knife, my arm Is as strong as ever. I am able to go about my work as before. The Idsa that the Injured member would have to be amputated Is preposteroui," Is a message received In Phila delphia from Jeff. Eddie Mack, "champion of the world" as a pantomime boxer, will start tils vaudeville ca reer, assisted by Babe O'Rourke and Oap Gallo way. In two weeks. He will make his final rehearsal at the Olympla' Monday night before Kaufman and Krtle step Into the ring. We aro Informed by Joe Blum that Larry Williams fell out of the ring In his recent match with John Lester Johnson und struck hts head, thus being rendered unconscious. Williams uas In town the other day and said he was ready .u continue ine ouui wnen ne came arouna. but the referee, who Larry says also managed the negro, would not allow It. . Another new arrival In Philadelphia's pugl llstlc circles Is Johnny Gallant, of Boston, He was one of the leading lightweights down East and has met the leading "33". pounders In the country. Gallant Is hers for matches with Eddie McAndrewa and other star lightweight promoters may see fit to select for htm sum mi 12 Reduced from 130. C3 and 13 Sea Our 7 Big Wlndowi PETER MORAN & CO. Merchant Tailor s, e. con. Ni.vm and arch bt. NATIONAL LEAOUK PARK PHILLIES vs. BROOKLYN (1AME AT 2:30 P. M. Seats on Sale at Ulmbels' and tipaldlntV. DEMARKE PICKED TO HURL THIRl) DODGERS' FRAY as.- 4. s iiii Larry Cheney is Robinson' Choice to Try to Stpp the Phillies dAME SCHEDULED 2:30 P. M. Al Demaree -was chosen to hurl the third game of the etrila against Brooklyn this nfternoon. Demareo has changed his stylo of' pitch' Ing since the opening of the season and has been pitching: splendid ball, Last sea son Demareo generally -was batted rather hard, but his teammates hit harder behind him than any other pitcher on tho staff and he was endowed with tha nickname of "Lucky Al," but this scaeort he hag lost fco many low-scoro games that ho should be called "Unlucky Al." In Pittsburgh Demaree lost a'j-to-1 gams after holding the Pirates to five hits, only two of which were clean, while he lost to tho Cubs 2 to 0 after pitching a game. Demaree, In his present form. Is a hard man to beat under any circumstances, and Is doubly effective on the home field when a large crowd Is present, as he pitches In such a manner that tho crowd In the center field seats hide the ball until It Is so close to tho batteri that he cannot take a free swing. Larry Cheney, who has been Brooklyn's most effective pitcher slhce Pfeffer started to skid, was Itoblnson's choice. Tho game was scheduled for 2:30 o'clock. NAPOLEON DIRECT SETS MARK IN GRAND CIRCUIT Pop Geers Drives Speeder to New Track Record in 2:003j,. Murphy Winner POUOHKEEPSIE, N. Y Sept. 2. Na poleon Direct, driven by 33. P. deers, broke the track pacing record here yesterday and won "the Directum I" 2:00 pace. Hs best time was 2:00, against a former track. record of 2.02, held by The Eel. 'Napoleon Direct won In straight heats. It was tho last day of tho meeting. , Thomas TV. Murphy drove two horses to victory. Mirthful In the 2:07 trot, which was a hard-fought contest between the win ner and Ksperanza, and Sis Blngen -In the 2:13 pace. In the second heat of the 2-07 a tire came off bne of the. wheels ot Mtrth ful's sulky near the finish and Esperanza, nosed her out Worthy Prince was down after tho second heat on account of lame ness. Alllo Watts won all three heats of the 2:13 trot, the Murphy entry, Pittsburgh, being the principal contender. The best time was In th'o second heat, which was trotted In 2:07i. A. S. Hodney, a Foughkeepsle trainer, won his first race ot the week with Brescia In tho 2-lG-class trotting. - - , Summaries: 2:13 trot. 3 heats , curse 31000. , by General Watts. Aliie watts, ch. m. Edmin l riltiburgh, ch. f.. Murphy natiy Doll, b. m.. Rodney Tresantla Kins, hlk. h.. Tallnun v. Sombrect. bile. h.. McDonald Kitty L. nelllnt. jr. m.. Hinds.......,., Time, 2;0!. 2:6. . 2:08 M. 2:18 pace. 3 heats, purse 11000. FIs Bing-en. blk. m.. Hlng-en. Murphy,., Rayo de Oro. ch. c, Durfee Marjorle Ray. b. m.. Cox Time. 2:1014, 2:12, 2:03 U. 2:07 trot, a heats, purse f-1200. Mirthful, b. m., by The Star of Patchta Murphy .......-....... Esperanza, b. m. , by Carlokln, Durfee.. Worthy Prince, b. h.. Cox Time, SflOM. 2:11. 2il0. 2 1 8 da POINT BREEZE MOTORDROME Grent Racing Event Tonight 50-Mile Motor-Paced Bace BOBBY WALTHOUR, of Atlanta MENUS BEDELL, of Long Island GRASSY RYAN, of Ireland GEO. COLUMBATTO, of Italy 20,000 Seats, 25 and 50 Cents HOW TO GET THERE; No 6 on 10th at. direct to Track. All cara South, chance at Voyaraenslnc are. Autos take Broad it, to, Moramcnalnt ve. f"- "M"M"TTirT .... OLYMPIA A. A. J'gaw-Sfc-lE,. MONDAY NIGHT, PKVT, i. SiSO bit AX I' Vouos Johnnie Dundee vs. frankle Clark Al Nelson t. Jlmnir McCaue Jack Malone vs. 4UU Walter lllllr riUilmmona vs. (Joule Lewis Johnny Ertle vs. Benny Kaufman Ad. 23c Hal. Res, SOo 75. Arena Bes. 73.l I By C. A. VOIGHT I ?ll'll,,ll',M'xgc'sissiSisiiiiisusagBsaesjjsMejtffrB I Ack for ii'TT7nisi a! It V vwe couldn't: Woone sommE So .H- .1 0h M Pokm? How AR-s?)- DovrrN S I - & ' " K, : V AMD VOO fiOTTTER DO T Jy Lo V ' J ' . m , -s i i j i w- i ii iijussusiphji iferHI