SflfEpB -, -i"" s -JsSys 3T tt. BVEMNO- IBDGHK-fKItADBLPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTBMBEB 1, 1016. GOOD FORM-M'LISS CONSIDERS BUSINESS WOMAN'S PROBLEM-QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS -f-t - i . . - 1 "r ' ' " MOB JUMPING AND ITS PHASES ARE DISCUSSED BY M'LISS Stenographer Wants to Be Advised About Chang ing Her Position for a Better Paying One "TEAn M'MSS," writes a correspond' . -' ent, "I want your advice In my tmslnepn affairs. I am a young 20-yc'ar-otd etonofrrapher. 1 mako $10 ft week and Another man lias offered mo $16. 1 ahalj have to work one hour a day longer If, I Change positions. My present employer Is very kind to and considerate of me. Every Once In a whllo I get an afternoon off, His work is not very bard and I do not leant very mucli, Even if I changes positions, though, I will havo tho same kind df work. 1 do not know If my em ployer will raise my salary when he hpam fit ihin ntlin. nffnt. lillt T frtnl (1.fi Sf' If I sneak tn lllm n limit It nml lin tlnivm't raits mo I will havo to leave. What would you do about It? A WOIIKINQ GIRL." Tho reason, I believe, that so many wpmen do not havo tho samo success In business as mate competitors with no moro ability than they themselves havo Is because of their lack of courage. I do not say that you Bhould tcuvo your present position. It may bo that your best opportunities will como from "stick ing," but I bello'o that your obvious fear to leave It shows a weakness which, un less you use strong measures to overcome It, will Intcrfero with your development. Do not be afraid. "Trust yourself," says Emerson In his stimulating essay on Bolf- rouanco; "overy honrt vibrates to that Iron string." Weigh tho advantages nnd disadvan tages of tho two Jobs you nro considering. Do not let tho prospect of a present In creaso in salary overshadow thoughts of tho future. No Job Is a desirable ono which does not promlso advancement. You cannot stand sttli and maintain a high standard of ofTIclency. That which ceases to grow withers and dries up. vve women nro too apt to bo satisfied. Pleasant environment, courteous employ- era, Interesting work which docs not bore us and yet does not tax us too much, de velop In us a spirit of content which Is fatal to the accomplishment of any very spectacular nmbltlon. If wo mako money enough to houso ourselves ' comfortably, to feed ourselves according to our tnstos and to dress becomingly wo slump Into tho slough of happiness, from which, nftor a while, all tho king's horses and all the king's men will not bo able to rcscuo us. It takes so llttlo to mako tho average woman hnppy. Two of tho most successful business women I havo over known hold exactly opposlto views on tho question that yotl ask mo to solve for you. One, whoso salary Is written with four ciphers after tho 'first number, declares that Bho now owns her car nnd her homo and can take frequent trips to Europe by virtue only of tho fact that sho always had the cour ngo to leap. Sho never refused an offer of moro money, providing tho now Job held tho same advantages as tho old ono. Tho second woman, ono of tho most trusted buyers for a largo concern, be lieves In Rtlcklng. Her theory Is that tho ambitious woman can malto herself bo invaluablo to her firm that they will pay her any reasonable nmount of money to retain her servicos. When I pointed out to her that unless she had tested out her employers, however, nnd found them to bo appreciative of intelligent, con scientious work, this policy might not havo been a wise one, sho agreed with mo. Do not try to force your employer, but If you are getting only $10 a week and bcllevo yourself to be worth $15, and If you havo an offer showing that another firm rates your services nt $1B, lay tho matter before your employer In a busi nesslike mnnnor. If ho cannot meet tho . .... . . ... . .. ;. I Diner man h oner no win tell you so. Tlicn I I should "Jump." M'LISS. SEEN IN THE SHOPS i MARION HARLAND'S CORNER INEXPENSIVE jtJVENILE OUTFIT A1 Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Page Address all communlcntlotn to M'JMm, cxp of the Kvcnlnn Lrdcrr. oi inr pnprr oniy. Write on one utile S Dear M'LlsB TvlndlV exnl.tln tn mn thn .llf. flFSTlrfl hflVn ..Mm ann tn..h... n., I . hey may bo told apart. TEXTILE. Calico Is either plain whlto cotton cloth or printed. Gingham Is a cotton cloth, usually In two colored chocks or stripes, the cotton having beon dyed before woven. ToU can tell a. woTon cldth from a print by examining the wrong sldo of the material. Printed figures nnd stripes, of In course, appear only on the right side; u ivuvcn cioiu mo colors may do seen on both sides. i.fiT"p SL'1,1.?'-DM 'he comlnit of the neutsch Innd with It- cnrim of dyes from Germany materially relieve the dyo altuatlon In Amer ica? JOir.V J. In the wordB of a manufacturer, tho dyes brought by the first transatlantic merchant submarlno were only "a drop In the buclttt." GOOD FORM FltCTTY llttlo dress of whlto llncno may 'jo depended upon to Bult every occasion nnd season. This ono Is ery slmplo and attractive In Its style. It comes in sizes from 1 to 6. Tho Hnmburg embroidered edge on tho turnover collnr nnd cults and strip of In sertion forming a yolto In front give a dainty touch. Two tucks form a panel In front nnd tho back opens under a box pleat. Tho belt Is worn straight around tho waist and Is fastened In front with one button. Price, 85 cents. This attrnctlvo llttlo washable plquo hnt, so cool and childlike for tho warm days, has n scalloped edgo finishing tho lirlm ; this buttons on to tho circular crown, which may be detached when laundered. iTice. ccms. Tho name of tho shop where theso articles may bo purchased will be supplied by tho Editor of tho Woman's Page. nvENlNO Lkdouh, COS Chestnut street. Tho request must bo accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, and must mention tho dato on which tho nrtlclo appeared. Good -orm queries should be ad dressed to Deborah Jiush, written on oit tide of the paper and signed with full name and address, though (nlMali nNZiY 10(11 be published upon request. This column will appear in Monday's, lYcdnesdaj's and Friday's Vvening Ledger. .Ask Pastor's Advice Dear Deborah ttunh At a wcddlnir reception Una two weeks ofler the ceremony snd nt which the officiating pnator and his wife, will be. present, la tt proper to have danclnc? What should the dinner conalat off How should the evening- bo properly spent? M. II. II. It seems to me it would bo best to con sult the clergyman In question, nnd If he objects to dancing not have It. Probably tt will be all right, and It Is by far tho easiest way to entertain one's guests at audi an affair. I do not quite understand from your letter whether you wish to make It a dinner-dance or to have refreshments served during the dancing In the form of supper. Tho latter way would be better, as It Is easier to servo a buffet supper than to have a course dinner. If you decide not to have dancing, .It would , be pleasant to have an orchestra of several nieces nlay durlng.tho evening. Glvo lY'tho reception from 8 until 10 o'clock, and .I.A.. n n ,!. 1..aln ...111 whI..j ... ln.Aoa.nl.. during that time It will bo unnecessary to provide any other entertainment. For supper have sweetbread patties, deviled crabs, chicken croquettes, lobster and chicken salad, rasp rolls, tco cream and cak.s. If wine Is to be served, cham pagne or sparkling moselle would be the best to have, but sauterne or sherry would do as well If lighter wines are desirable. Linen Shower Deor Dtbarah Rush Will you kindly print In Tour Good Form column a form of Invitation (and state If same may be written on a vUltlna card) for a linen shower at which there will be about S3 slrls. Also, please give siutzes ttons for refreshments not too elaborate. Also several unusual methods of presenting: the sifts. jnanaimr yqu tor ids vaiu-oie ui column naa civen Thanklni column this matter. As you are yqu for the valuable assistance your iu aim lor your neip in II. In only Intending to invite 25 "Iris, a visiting card woud be sufficient to use for an Invitation. Write In the unner left band comer of the card "Linen shower for Miss - " and In the lower left hand corner write the date and hour of the proposed party, Light refreshments, such as sandwiches, ealada. Iced tea, lemonade. Ice cream and cakes, would be appropriate, A Jack Horner pie would be a novel Idea. Place all the packages in a large dlshpan and cover the top with a crust of brown paper, through which several holes are punched and the ribbons attached to the packages, drawn. Have the pie. car ried In during the afternoon and placed before- the girl to -whom the shower Is to be given. Plenty of entertainment wilt be afforded the other guests In watching the opening or me pie. or you might .spend the afternoon playing cards, and when the time- comerf for refreshments have all the packages brought In on a large tray and placed before the guest of honor. JDrop JJim Dtar Dtborah RmhZ know a. younr man ''W ?.? Tffr of "" J1.1 vtfy handsome Jid llke him very much. I h..s tried to get mor acquainted with him. but have not suc ceeded Hometlmea when he aeea ma he speaks and sometimes he just look blank Into my eye. Sometimes he make It appear as though k likes, me and, en the other hand, he makes It .PKir aa Lno-xt. hs does not rare - rap stout nw. Haw ehall I go about mist Shout? tpealc when be does not? Tour advice wUl $4 etly ppriatei EVELYN. The biggest mistake a girl can make la tor seek ta further acquaJqtance with a wan unless he shows very positively that h wishes to do so. Never do anything to lew? your dignity or self-respect iyota what you tell me, the young mutt a pot tenly Hl-V-red, put very moody J would ( give nun & second thought and cer tnlnly would not acknowledge his acquaint ance, If ha is so rutlo ns to Ignorb you nt ono time and speak at another. DBUOftAH RUSH. Satisfactory Shampoo Hero Is a splendid shampoo, warranted to mako tho most oily hair beautifully IlulTy, and also to keep It from falling out. ono ounce of castllo soap powder, a table spoonful of borax, one ounco of alcohol, the beaten yolk of ono egg and a pint of warm water. Mix tho powdered Ingredients first, add the alcohol, then tho beaten egg. and lastly tho water, nub thoroughly into the scalp with botli hands and rinse the nun- in ai least tnreo waters. A good way to shampoo tho hair without spattering water all about Is to set a chair In tho bathtub. You can draw nil the water you need in a pitcher or tin Jug. and no .....,.i uuiv inorougniy you drench air in mo rinsings no water about the floor. your will slop Removing Shine To remove tho shine from serge, sponge the dress or ault with hot vinegar and press in the usual manner. No odor of vinegar will remain and all shlno will disappear. The vinegar leaves no stain. To Kill Roaches ailx well together In n dry state half a cup of oatmeal and a cuprul of plaster of Paris, fcprlnklo around the corner Infested by these vermin. Household Hints Kcry tidy housekeeper would like to keep her cooking stove clean nnd new looking. Sho can do so if sho will waBh tho stove whllo It Is warm with a spongo dipped In soap and water. Charcoal on tho shelf of , the refrigerator will kocp the refrigerator sweet nnd pure. Then thero Is tho sliver thnt will tarnish. If the good housewife will lay a little cam phor in the drnwer where she keeps her sil verware, she will at least help tho trouble. In Iho nvnnf (lint sho wlsllCR to ClCItll lior silver, a mixture of equal parts of vvhltlng and nmmonla with a tlanncl cloth will do tho work satisfactorily. Sho will perhaps avoid falls when she goes to the cellar IS she will paint tho lower step whlto so that she can better sco It As to sweeping, let her soak a newspaper In water, unfold It and lay It In the center nf tho room Much of the dust will bo absorbed. A llttlo milk added to the water will nlvn n tiollsh to on oilcloth A llttlo turpentine In closets and drawers will pre vent moths. A little sweet oil In the scratch on furniture will Improve tho bruise. When you Iron, If you will place your Iron on u hot brick whllo you nro Ironing It will stay hot longer. If'your Irons are not clean, rub them on emery paper. If you will keep a paratun candlo with a whlto lawn cloth over the end and rub over the Iron occasionally, you will thereby add luster to your linen. Somo of these suggestion nro pcrnaps well known, but I trust there Is something among the number that will be helpful to somo housewife. Egg Plant Recipe Peel and cut the plant In slices less than one-half Inch thick. Immerso In salt and water half nn hour, drain and dip ench slice In egg batter. Kry nlco brown In ojlve oil and butter. Convenient Handle i! , J --Z4ifV fi-5 rteadlnir the various recipes for 'fooklj; In the corner, I am vain enoush to '" ,-HS may find a niche for kone which we have tried and liked for ream m Kuaar Cookies Two ears, two heanln cupa of euaar, one cup of short rnlnir. one heaping teaspoon ,ofooa, one .c spoon of eat. one and one-half cupa of aoiir mllk or buttermilk, n. llttlo nutmeg, or one tea spoon of vanilla, or any navorlns thai la pre ferred! Just enoui-h flour to enable one to roll It out easily. "ns- Al We can hnrdly have too many recipes for cooklcr. Whllo children hove tho proverbial sweet tooth and mothers like to gmtlfy It, tho small cakes are sure to be popular. They ore "pockotable" ; they do not crumble In the handling, and aro eminently cuuvc.n cnt for plcnlo and lawn leas. Real Dandelion Wine I send gnu recipe for dandelion wine! One quart of dandelion (lowers. preMed owni one quart of water! steep at the back of the J stove ror 12 hbura. It mint not boll, si""'; "3", every drop of Juice. There should be about one quart. Add three quarts of water, three pounds of sugar, Juice of three lemonSj- rut Into i Jun- and lt It etand until II has "one working usually all summer. Durlnir the working ProceM eep nlllnn dally with jater to ""I've""; nhlch haa worked off. Then strain Into bottles through nitcrlnit paper ami fork tluhtly. Use a Jun with a small neck. This Is very good as a aprlnir tonic. i. v Thli recipe received at first hand from a country neighbor. deserves tho title It bears. It Is really "dandelion wine," nnd not "cordial" or "bounco" or anything else thnt nwes Its nroservntlon In nnrt to brandy. Having made personal test of Us ylrtues I Indorse It heartily. It Is palatable and has tonlo properties. Here's Buttermilk Pop I nm eendlna you a rcclpo for buttermilk pop that was asked for porno time ago It Is the real old-fashioned nrtlclo I'ut on tn boll two quarts of buttermilk. Wet three tnhlepoonful of flour with ono nnd one.half tablcepoonfuls of buttermilk, nnd. after cleaning onr hand-j, rub the flour dry until It la fine 'crumbs. When tho buttermilk begins to boll add tho flour slowly until It Is of the rlabt thlettneei , Just lefore taking from the flro odd n little salt and nUKNT HI IHHl- .11-lKf" 11 II-" lllU'n l.n ,ui, ."'i Homo prefer It made thin This Is rrnlly an old recipe, as they u-ed to innke It when my mother was a little girl It l- line. Do not ndd salt until ready to tnko It from tho fire, na tho salt will curdle It. 1 hope thli genuine old fashioned formula will bo ncceptnh!" MRS. M. B. You need not havo doubted tho accept ance of tho venerablo formula, lluttermllk Is rapidly growing In favor as a fashion able beverage, and housewives nro nwaklng to Its valuo as an Ingredient In tho com position of excellent dishes for family con sumption. Tho number or recipes conino uted by practical cooks proves this. Leftover Beef T enjoy rending tho letters from the Corner Ites and have made good uio of many of tho recipes. Here Is a good way to una leftover roost beef: Cut the bef from the bones nnd mince rather coarsely reel nnd boll some po tatoes, nnd when tender mash with a llttlo milk nnd butler Haco the meat In the bottom of a linking dish, ndd nny leftover gravy should you have It. then cover with the mashed po tatoes nnd bake In u hot oven for 30 minutes. MUS. H. C. O. A dish closely resembling yours has beon tn use In our household for years under the name of "potato pie." Into the mnshed potatoes intended for tho top of tho "pie" Is worked a llttlo flour Just enough to bind tho potato and a tablespoon of melted but ter. These are stirred togcthor nnd beaten lightly with a tablespoon of milk In which has been dissolved about a quarttcr of a All eommnnlcnllons ndo!reisei! lo Marlon Harlnnd should lncloe n stamped, selN ndilreesfd e ntelope nml n clipping of the article In which joti are Interested. teaspoon (not more) of baking powder. Thli soft dough Is spread over tho meat nnd the wholo baked, covered, for hAlf nn hour, then browned lightly. Both dishes are good and wholesome. The Lost Recipe T have lots of good things if they are wanted. nnd my bread reelpe never falls me. I will gladly pass It on. I lost my recipe for cream puff-i and should like to get another. Here are rood dishes for the Corner, our true friend In need. MRS. M. 8. So worthy a member ns yourself cannot ask anything tho corner can bestow with out receiving It. Here Is tho recipe you lost or ono ns good, If not better; Cream puffs Melt hnlf n pound of but ter In n pint of ncntding water and when this bolls stir In thrce-qunrters of n pound of flour. stir stehdlly for a minute, or until tho flour docs not stick to the sides of tho Baucepan. llemove from tho fire, When this mlxturo Is cool, whip In, ono nt a time, six eggs beaten light. Set on Ico for nn hour. Lino pnns with buttered paper and drop tho mixture by oven spoons at regular Intervals far apart upon this papor. Unite In a hot oven Until the puffs are a golden brown. When cold cut a slit In tho sldo of ench and fill with a cream made by tho following recipe: Cronm puff filling Thicken a cupful of hot milk with three tablespoons of flour, wet to a paste with cold water. When it has boiled for a minute, 'nnd Is free from lumps, remove from the flro nnd pour upon three eggs, well beaten with n half cupful of THE CHEERFUL CHERUB a-sa-sa---a---a-M-a-aaa---aIs-asa TKa worlds Ul. cluttered op witK folks I crvt esct.pe tVrrr Z.tsy pta.ee,, But tKer except in crowded ct.r ra-thcr like. tke ktfrYVrv r.ca rVTCnn" . f r.thcr like. " KW s9)m powdered sugar. Stir over the fire to a thick, smooth cream : remove, flavor with vnnllla, and when cold flit tho puffs. jljuluj m p;,o. ui,: jiu JLU A S11U rTllllV UltU Perfect Diamonds Flno Sapphlrn platinum setting. In $525 Other Diamond Sapphire rtlngs. upwnrfl. nnd 433 1. rmnni THOMPSON 35 ?6 So. 8th St. mot rmrnmMrM FRBENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL gives a quality of instruction best evidonced by the chnrncter of its Graduates and tho standing they tnke in College and Business Life. Business Houses turn to the Graduating Class for young men to enter their employ and Colleges report high standing of Its pupils when they enter their Freshman year. wnrrn ron trar took op jiates and gene-al Information of tho Friends' Edu cational System from Kindergarten to College. To facilitate pouring, a detachable handle for ordinary milk bottles has been invented, Popular cience Monthly records. Vi a ii ui The Wish Venus, tako my votive glass ; nmco j um not wnat I was, What from this day I shall be, Venus let me never see. Matthew Trior. I Any Pc. of Cloth in the J 1 House, $1.50 yd. j 1.50 H fa) filewslies Removed '! those- rtAurnlnfif from th Beaaknr .Mkau -J0s is lazuied or IrtcUlni. I'll euiaklw- sTTmrrnrn naary cgmtnajion- "unnz dcuiv i f tL.. fi.:t -All .! ffjtrtUitfeit h.&Mtowij&&& pMf fm'iaut Pact SneeUIltl 4n Ww Waluut t Ulh ta """5fl9"""s-sss--aSi 1 1L High-Grade Woolens T 1 1 1 rlavmg purchased woolens tJL YARD of the cargo of the Steam ship Berkshire that was sunk on its way to Norfolk, we will sell any of this cloth at $1,50 a yard any piece in the house, These goods are all-wool men's suitings, some of them worth $4.00 and $5.00 a yard. Blues, Blacks, Grays, Browns, Silk Mixtures, etc. 500 styles to choose from. It takes only 3r yards to make a suit, so the entire cloth for a suit will cost you less than $5,00, v They will be placed on sale Saturday, Septem ber 2, 8 A. M, Come early and get first choice. Store open Saturday evening till 9 o'clock, The Philadelphia Woolen Co. 52 NORTH UTH STREET (Two doors below Arch street) ASK FOR and GET 'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED I. IK Cheap substitutes cost YOU same price K The safest soap for babies is esinoi .Tliis Is so, first "because it' is one of, the few soaps which contain no free alkalitliaf Jiarsh, drying chemical which so frequently causes eciema.drotherslcinirritation. But even more Important, It contains the soothing1, healing Reiinol..medtca .lion to keep the delicate sfcirfsoft, tl car and beautiful. You can safely trust your-'baby's slchv health to K'cs'mol Soap. j Soldbyilldrogghti, For trill IeeiVe free, HU to Ptpt. -V, Bcilnol, BalUnors, li. rctKTibed if doctors, for bvkr M yein. In JUilnol Ointment, to hMUVlajiffectlOni. JOHN W. CnriR, Ph. D., Principal lBTir and ru.cn sts,, Philadelphia. VLEMEXTAUV SCHOOLS OP THE BYBTElt ltith and Itnce fits. 35th St. and Lancaster Ave, 17th St. and alrurd Ave. Oreena St. and School Lane, Gcrmantown. Schools open 10th mo. 2. Enroll now. BANKS BUSINESS- COLLEGE Our graduates step from our school rooms Into the factory or tho count Inir house with the confldenro that l horn only of conscious nblllty and efficiency. Bay School Night School I'nter nnr tlms 925 Chestnut Street Public Speaking Fluent Self-Eipresalon before larce or small audlencen a necessity to many and a cre-at aid to success for nil people. Morning, afternoon. eenlng nnd 'Pri vate Classes. Instructive Literature. Silas S. Nert. Ph. D.. J. Warren Neff. President and Founder. Manager. NEFF COLLEGE 1730 Chestnut St. Spring Garden Institute DroaJ and Sprlne Garden. Phlla. AUTOMOmi.n ELKOTRICITT AHl'MITECTUnAL Positions Guaranteed TVe train students for eood positions as Mtenocraphers. Bookkeepers. Becro. tarles and Halcsmcn and find sood po sitions for them. Slay we serve j-ouf Lxperts as teachers. Chnrces mod ""' .u-' ' Night School now open. Why not begin now7 Strayer'o Business College . 801-807 Chestnut St.. Thlln. ttnlnnt 384' Main 23-90 PALMS SCHOOL Thirty years at 17th and Chestnut Streets. Business. Shorthand and Secretarial Cours-s. Young Men and Boys MACH. SHOP PnACTICE MACK SHOP MATH. PATTERN SHOP PRAC. MECHANICAL $e FREE HAND DRAWINO EXCEPTIONAL FACILITIES Hi EQUIPMENT. Hay and Kt. Write for Illustrated Hooklet. 11O0K ILI.US. AIlITI!.,ALOEDRA, OEOMETKT MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1808 Kl'IHICE STREET MAIN LINE I1IIANCH AltDMOIli: ELIZABETH HILLS LYMAN. Principal. Y. M. C. A. 1421 Arch St. Booklets on request. Central Business School DAY AND EVENING Thorouchly eroded courses preparing-boj s and men to nil responsible and well-paid stenographic, book keeplne nnd secretarial positions. Btrone English courses. Eniclent Employment Bureau, Teachers are !i"'?i,"1Krle1c."1 men- Tuition mod. 123 other hlsh.rrnda courses tnnlneerlnir, Preparatory, Muslo. Day- School opens" Sept. 18. Evenlnir School Oct. 2. CHESTER,. PA. MERION. PA. MERI0N' COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL AN OPEN AIR SCHOOL FOB GIRLS ,AND SMALL I10VH GERTRUDE IIARTMAN. Dlreclor. A. II. Urjn JIawr College, JfEyWOJIFJELDirA. nim?MLi)X '8"TUTn-78tli Year New Bloomneld Academy. Courses; College Prepar atory. Jluslc. Business. Normal. Junior. Sen arate modern buildings V ht .i?' .?.".? fSn-s) iiii ,.. ., ." n,vini Kiiciiiion. rerms IJVO. ami up. Juniors lass. 'npn i . Mr.. U ,. . U h Watches tha Ekctt Ff nappy Homeijjaker, atWorhj: V I Ii 1 !'- rsT --! -.. J.- isrisssssisssi i " .-ii j TS jS fB W Pupils under 12 t'2'jO and tin. Inttllute. Ilor V, e Illoomlliild. TOItRESDAI.E, l'A. youngMennd3oys "The West Point o (ho Keystone Stats" ffENNSYLVANIA Yl Military Colleffe nepnrate I'repnratory School Inr A nunv.al lruu TltAIKB MEN TO COJfJ.t.VO Crack Cavalry. Artillery and Infantry. H.n.8' ir,mv.9T!c,,r 'stalled. Best eSiij: civil v 1 L.th.l6,lc" U'lreea In Chemistry, o.'.V1 .Unslneerlns. Economic-, and Finance. fraftln0 "Ch.0Ja.""c- ""J"""'! and 'mSfa trainlns to develop superior men. Col. Charles E. Ilvntt, Commandant BOX 855. t'lllMTint. PA. vir.ijyNqyA. pa. VILLA10VA 1 AM certainly surprised to see how quickly and easily 1 youhave wed this house of ours for Electricity," said Mrs Happy Homemaker to the electrician, as he put the finishing touches to the work. "Lots of people think it's a long-drawn-out, messy job to wire an already-built house," he replied; "but reallv as you see, there's less dirt and tearing up when wir ng than there is when papering a house. "Maybe that's why folks call me the 'Dirtlejs Workman h continued, "You see, nowaday, when we e lectHciansTet out to wire a house, we go at it in the easiest possible way We may 1 ft a-board in the c oset or attic: then we fir. L,:, j you to w the furniture or take p .iKSWlSiS nor will you have to dean up afterus. We cJo the iffiaST easily and -without causing any confusion in uTMSo? A copy of booklet-DirtteSs Workman"- telling about his methods of work, will be sent to you upon request GERMANTOWNlTOlENDS" , Stanley n.jrliJ The Phillins Brnnlr ;e,nni Unexcelled for Classical. Commercial Civil ModifC,"h,?.T?.nl'non!CI" En--WrlnB Course": ?V.n rh ''i'n"" "deiulpment. Athletics: siXitfffiMi&raSW.Sfr OVllOV'rAy OETTYSnimo. PA. adYolalnV build?nPr,",VS r.k St!' hM, "" hirLL. lfradu.ater. HU Ball mi ilnn?' UKUVVIN PREP Parkway BIdr. , BALT8DOBO. PaT IINHSSPM Amert'nUnlV.",a.i;!acoUeg.,Drr.y wrus for canloni. n..,' Km tor Am 1 Pennsylvania College of Gottyiburi Offers ten college courses In liberal arts and engineering-, all leadlrur to a bachelor5! degree. Permanent Btato Teacher's Certld ca.'' Annual JUed charges about IS00. 81c "'.'A "J ?& an1 48P "tudenta. Fully .quipped with buildings and apparatus. Suldent Oov. ernment and Honor Bystem. For Bulletin v'leVS'wrlt,111 Uoa ot '"" n"Bttl.fl.!3 President W. A. ORANVTLLB. Ph.D., I,ID.. aETTYflBUno. PA. " NAZARETH. PA. H1Lh.J- 1,T.-'"'U' OABBIHUima, PA, IPHIlAPElPHlAi iECMRrW HARRISBURG" A r inPMv I Bmall classes and inniJlj?. -?Jn?i-.. Thorough college preparation niVf'.T?,;0? 1500 for single "room am .."."i .ate M0U to schwl for youngs Uys1 NvieJi,B,pf,r, investigation a persona-! llJiiU,ivUS,lo,i,t For catalogue addreaa U u P0' BiyUtTJHUIOine. pA. '" Swarlhmore PreparalorTscilooi , Every facility In modern J!n J, 4juuu lags, recreation and rtflned" I,eJi"',u,lPpe'1 build, trained to the ver hlghsst .Hr.'nnlndJns!' Boy jean cltUenihlp. Bound mfnd,inn.d.r'1 ot mer tha I. T9ur BviTthSSrF&i nd rone body llSN,eaamaster Swuthmore. Ivn-a-M .-." ;.r.!T.-J:"t?TEB. PA. STATE N0BMAL SCIliih51 r5- Prla. Nazareth Hall Military Academy naAnbiii, i'a. -rounded 1743 A Military Academy. for Boys. College Pre. saratory and Business Courses. Military life at. fords healthful exercise and strengthen orderly habits and obedience. All Athlfltft... a ..... that Is better because It Is different, and differ, ent because It Is better. Address Bey. tAWC13 K. flUPNKKT. Principal. CAKL13LE. fA. CONWAY HALL"""' sZ tory School with ap proved success, experienced teachers .and com plete equipment. Alms to develop Irons men. Catalogue. W. A. IlUTCHJSON.lIeadmastjjC Younp Ladlesand Qlrls PENNHALL SCHOOL iOB GIBLS Modern fireproof bulldunj. new gyronaalura. swimming pool, College preparatory, modtra. languages, muslo, domestic arts, etc. Certificate' privileges. Rooms with private tath. .Hotel iJladsione, Atlantis City, occupied by school eacU !? .IxSf continue without Interruptleo, II At a S moo -.JSANKi s MAQIIJ. A, M.. Principal. WALNUT LANE SCHOOL WENONAH tVEKQNAlri MIUTARV ACADKlifV Ulled. Special ach5,i Jj- A,, Omcsr "d" vwiiiy.1 A. bMDFtt bLc.!wn KaSjfWt MJeowgV'Sf J.' Sup), Si?"2N ACADEMY Chapia,. Lower tlo&3?? Krt. Refirt??; ,r I. wlT" TOIUIZiF kit: T ttarT" "" '" licadouuUr. memS'Ssffs Far It. I. nam year uenerai, iiutg fxtv. iiign ecnooi Orad Intermediate Primary, Muslo. Domestfo Science. Interior Pecoru'n. Becretarlal.Athletlcs. Phiia. School of Design for Women REOPENS OCTpnFK X. 11 BJ0AdXNO ma&teu btbeets ftAK IWeTpA. Miss Marshall's School OAK LAKE, PHILA. Xav ami Xlardlnr Tlnnartments. through college preparatory courses. Muslo. Expression, Domes tin Science, to every 0 girls. Campus ef 4 acre: YOB out u Primary ro Art. Teacher Area iverrr 11 vtrl.. fmnum at 4 meres. urn. airy study rooms. Outdoor stbletlca. Apcotst- mu,s may now n maa wua toe pftocjsai. BU telephone. Oak Lane 10Z0. MISS E. B, UABSUAUu Principal GEKMANTOIVN, PA. The Stevens School for Girls . ti Vf. Chrlten Arena, pernsastowa 19th. year opens Sept. 21. Kindergarten throuih college preparatory Special course tn Domeatln Bclince and Conversational French for girls and women. Manual trrur. MUa Mary Ilentley. Prln. BODTII UETHLEIIEM. PA. Bishopthprpe Manor kl ftaishtaa, eoursef far bUli aefceo! .frafaate. Muj Ic. LW-outiii $dUic. te. Individual attatt. C, U. WTAHTr IRi m. ft. SmUUSUSM, PA. X'l I I 11 .