prfpfggw""W STR?V. FRIDAY September 11916' ffrrmttg Urter V v i ssa PHILADELPHIANS ARE ALL OUTDOORS THESE DAYS, AS THE CAMERA ARTISTS DEMONSTRATE ' IBT?. " v vrrTrgjjjsifc "" ' , r " !Ej7 tSff SBv Philadelphia's hope for a basebTll "" '''' rf l"" 1 - '. ' , ' ' aj1 yyv- Hml BHMtefeVV This tho f,rst official photograph taken of Pat Moran's ' , t '! f!" ,s f ",'; ' , 'jr '$" - ; v yvv' HHPI HHHvVS. Phillies this season. Tho players are, left to light, top row , - , - SURELY THIS IS NO GYPSY'S WARNING Tha "gentfemaiden" evinces no indication that the.paimu predicts aiwthimr but irood forlun n n i... ..:-:.. . AN 'AERIAL- .-AL '. '.--.- tha berry FiUr . w lrf-!k?iff.!!Qi1Wto - . r z&i . ,. . ... - - r'-y.:t. ,rr""' ii,K. ?un.ty fa , ARTISTE AT BYBERRY FAIr I Stack viro Mom n l. ..l.t, x. killed performer. SttSgh ewfinSeS: lators always are fearful of a tumble. P , C -., . , ,. BEN SAYERS 1 c a f jlEZ.sJiJBJ c1 ".Iaa