NT II l'i FINANCIAL NEWS jMARKET MOVEMENTS ARE RULED im&.i: Declines Occur at Start of Trading, but Reports That Postponement of Strike Date is Probable Cause General Buying and Stocks Advance High Points in Today's Financial News Fiii copper companies declared extra dividends, they being Bulle and ?"WF?Me VJda cMtcd,RaVand Chino. Dels of 1 to 8 made ,n Wall street that there will be no railroad strike on Monday. Bullion hold ings of Bank of England smaller, discount rate unchanged. Bank of France gained gold, lost silver. Price of bar silver unchanged in New York and Lbndon. Big inquiries for steel rails. Wheat turned strong in afternoon and cotton advanced on Government report. Stocks in Wall street became strong after prices started lower. Bank clearings smaller in Philadelphia during August. Stock and bond trading m Philadelphia larger in August than in July, but below August, 101s, NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Market movements nil through tho day woro ruled by hopes and fears In regard to tho railroad labor situation. Tho character of tho morning's jiows had nn unsettling Influence at tho start, when declines wero sustained In tho majority, of tho actlvo Issues. Shortly beforo noon, however, reports asserting that a postponement of tho Blrlko dato la probablo started a general buying movement, on which somo stocks roso to new high records, and nearly everything traded In mado substan tial gains. Beforo thoso reports were current tho market was full of points to buy United States Steel common and other stocks, and, ns Wall street phrases It, theso points wcro quickly, mado good. United States Steel common, after selling below OG, rose to 08V4. ,, Tho declaration of tho copper dividends, with tho Increase In tho distribution on Nevada Consolidated, caused vigorous buying of nil tho copper stocks. In spiration roco moro than 2 points to a now high record of C7, and vigorous up ward movements also occurred in Utah Copper and Anaconda. Marino common and preferred both sold at now high records during tho fore noon. Tho short Interest In thoso stocks Is said to bo extremely largo and a good part of tho buying on the early advance represented covering of part of theso shorts. Lato In tho afternoon United States Steel crossed 99, approaching Its high record of 99, mado on August 23. Tho munition stocks showed renewed strength, but trading in these Issues, as well as In many specialties, consisted to a great extent in a covering of shorts which had been put out on tho strike and war news earlier In tho week. Copper Companies NEW YORK, Aug. 31. The Ray Consolidated Copper Company declared tho regular quarterly dividend of BO cents and nn extra of 25 cents. Chlno Copper de clared tho regular quarterly dividend of $1,25 and an extra of $1. Tho Butto and Superior Copper Company declared n dividend of $1.25 a sharo ond an extra dividend of $5 a share, payable September 30 to stock of record Sep tember 15. This Is a quarterly disbursement, being an Increase from tho previous rato of 75 cents, and places stock on a regular annual dividend basis of $5 a share. Threo months ago ?10 extra was declared in addition to the regular dividend. Tho Utah Copper Company has declared a regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 n sharo and an extra dividend of $1.50, payablo September 30 to stock of record September 15. This Is the samo as tho declaration threo months ago. Tho Nevada Consolidated Copper Company has declared tho regular quarterly, dividend of 50 cents and an extra of 50 cents, payable Septombcr 30 to stock of record September 15. Threo months ago tho dividend was 37& cents regular and 37',4 cents extra. This Is an Increase in tho regular rato from $1.50 to $2 a share. Corey Refuses to Discuss Possibility of Midvalc Dividend NEW YORK, Aug. 31. President Corey, of tho Mldvnlo Steel ond Ordnanco Company, arrived In tho city today after a trip through tho "West. Ho refused to discuss tho question of whether Midvale stock ls to bo placed on a dividend basis at tho meeting of tho directors on September G. ;WHEAT ADVANCES ON BRISK BUYING Nervousness Over Labor Trouble at Start Causes Declines, but Confidence Brings Recoveries GRAIN BELT WEATHER TORECAST CHICAGO. Aiib. 31. Tlio weather fore taut for SB hours follnnHt ,, Illlnolt .Shnnem tonight nnil rrlilajvet ceut fair noutliciifct tonlclitl warmer tonight south nnil centruli cooler Krldi. , MUnourl Hhoern tonight und probably Friday! warmer tonlelit south, east and eat central i cooler Friday. ... , Wisconsin Unsettled. with thunder shouent this nfternoon or tonlshtl went and south cooler tonight! .Friday, tinrtly cloudy and cooler. . ... Mlnnexota Generally fair mid cooler to nlnhtt l'rlctuy. partly cloudy, cooler south. Innn Showers thN nfternoon nnil to nUhti coaler tonight northwest! lrlday, lirnljably fulr. cooler, east und central. North Dakota Unsettled tonight and Frl day; proliubly shoncrs north; cooler tonight southeast. ... . A South Dakota Fair tonight) cooler casti lstiln tkfiktltf Jhffsvlrtl? I Nebraska Generally fair tonight )nd Trldjy. except probably unsettled extreme eut tonight: no decided change In tempcra- , "Ifansas I'artly cloudy, , with thunder j showers this afternoon or tonhrht extreme westi cooler tonight wetti Friday, sener ully fair und slightly warmer. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. There was a de cided change in sentiment in the wheat market today and tho tone was firm, with net advance of 3834q at the close. Tho Initial feeling was nervous and small declines were reported. There was a dis position to hold off and await developments In the railroad labor situation. The point was mnde 'that everything now depends on a strike, and should one actually be started It would bo considered bearish at least for the distant months, while a set tlement or postponement would tie bullish. This feeling, however, did not continue for any length. of time and, after weak holders had unloaded, the buying became moro brisk and advances were recorded. A demand that absorbed the early offerings was considered of a good character and absorbed nearly all the supply which came from speculative 16ngs. Elevator houses and export Interests took substantial amounts of September, Cables received stated that an ofllclal report gave tho acreage of wheat In Great Britain as 258,000 acre3 under last year, while ac cording to another ofllclal report the har. .vesting in France has been finished and yields are small, with the quality unsatis factory, A semiofficial report stated that the Im port needs of France would amount to 120, OpO.000 bushels. Vlrtualy the same Influence ruled In corn, which showed advances of to lUb nt ho close, with tho largest gains recorded Jn Sept-mber, Early prices were some what lower on porer Liverpool cables, but themarltet later moved Jn sympathy with wheat. Liquidation and Bhort selling caused early losses in oats, which wore later re covard on commission house buying of the distant options, with shipping concerns tak ing September. At the close prices were M to o net higher. Leadlnx future ranted as follows: Yes. Close. Wheat Open. High. 1.4Si 1.4T 1.41H4 Low, 1.37 ! 75 43U 4ttU 49tf Close. Pent... 1.4 tt l.SBfe , joiZ Dec,,., l.4t! ilay... 1.4(1 M . ?.4? l.lMt .! UK VQ orn (new delivery HSDt... K.1V. KT tfi sn; 8.1H 72 7Bli 44 , 60S pec . , Ti 73 m r - (ttls ( 7tlU uais Sept. , 43K 4(1 : um tyI t30' UK Best... 14 09 Oct . . 14. IT De-.t J3-7T 14.15 14.20 13.60 13.80 IS M 13.43 M-19 1S.8T 13.03 J3.63 14.32 tu.orf 12.81 t2T.43 t23.C0 J-i.ia 13.80 14.45 14.22 13.10 2T.53 21.00 &f::: Mil .:S. Jn .. 12.80 IS.IO Pork 8Pt.. ST.SO ST TO Dee . . . 23.0D 24.10 B14. ifAsked. 14.30 14.00 12.01 2TB0 23.0(1 Denver and Rio Grande Payment Date NEW YORK, Aug. 31 Tho Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company announces that semi-annual Installments of Interest on its adjustment bonds, amounting to 3 per cent-, represented by coupons 18 ond IT. will ba paid on and after October 1 next, at the New York Trust Company. New York; X John K, QiUlat & Co., London; Deutsch Banii, BrUn, iua. Adolph Botsaevain & Co., Annterdacy HollSJid. . BY RAILROAD LABOR SITUATION Declare Extra" Dividends New York Bond Sales High. B. Sf, ..111-!' ILL Low. SIIV4 ll,-Jr U.'iH us., titH 1U3 U3'4 lu-ft HI) 14 UK) 8UJ4 til UUji luiiU 1I)U ui)V win i bf. 1)7 i Close. HT 1II2U l)."i'i !H 10d 1)2 'j 1U2'4 80(5 100 80T4 D4Vs hB'js OO'i lOO'i 1009s t)0'.i HHVi 82 l"-?r till, M.. U7i 034 J8000 Alas Gold cv As er 304UUO Anslo-l.'r lia WJ? (11UUO Am ForelBn Hec Ss... 111)00 Amcr Tel clt 4a Uli liooo do conv 4b 1". 14U0U Armour Co 4V4a .... (Mm Mono Atchison sen 4a .."rS D00U do cv 4a 1DUO 102'(4 1UUU Atch Trnna b Li 4a... blity 14(100 1U O il ltiOVS 2000 do 4a Mji 10OU do cv 4'4 "ji 1UUO nto 1- 1.U4WV 4a .. 5J. li)()U 11 & O Swn 34 .... UOU 15000 Ileth SSteel rfd (is ...loon 3000 Urook It T 5a 1018 ..1""J 121100 Can Govt Bs 1U2U.... 1)U 140(10 do lis 1HJ1 J'O" 2000 C C C Ut Ij 4 h2 10000 Cent Leather 1st 5a...l(JJH 400(1 Cent l'ae 1st la ..... 88 llKIOO Chcs & Ohio conv Bs. . IKS'i 100)1 Chi & Hast III Oh .... !. 100(1 Cht II ft Joint 4s.... IT3 1000 Chi II. ft. CJ, Joint 4s... .'4 1UOO Cht Alii & tJlf rfd 4W" JJ 1000 do een 4y eJUJ 2000 du cen 4!4a l'jo 1U000 Chi BUI' 0 g.8 81) Ji, lool 5H 'Ak Ul'l USJ4 UO'iK i5 1034 102i 8U? 1)7 Ji IOS',4, UUT4 K74 34 1U2 II.". H4W IOITi 1-.. 1134 73! rioii cnineso rcis un ' T. SOOO Col Industrial Bh .. 70011 Col & Mouth 1st 4s . 1000 Del & Hud rfd 4s... S.iouu Detroit 'tunnel 4Va 11000 Detroit United 4V4s . 'laooil llrla uen 4s ....... fiuoo Krlo conv 4a aer IJ. BOOH Uranby atas .... 3000 Uen lilen deu. 5s ., 00OU Indlanu Steel 5s., iiouu 111 Cent rfd .4a .... 2U0O Interb Met 4Ws..., 20000 Interl) It T ref Bs . 1)5000 Inter Mer M ct 4',4s 7UV 7Uji ui;v UlU tiKH l4 : in , 81) , 71 72'4 .io4; ,103i .102. 70. 724 lot; 10.14 1(I2 . HUU wi is . 7 Ji 73., 4 los; . U7 ,10S 13(100(1 do w I us 1000 Kan City Ter 1st 4s O, koiii l.u.tri. Mtttnl r.9 lllrill. . !I7 1)UI H7 03?; 102 05 87 W 100(1 L,acleae uas riun..."; 1000 Lk Hh deli 4s lt)28.... J , ,...! .... .1... l .(It, ..-- 1I1H. U44 "000 Liu a Jl T 5s l'llft 1U1 10011 do 7b .''V'.'l. u-'ii' 11)000 I-nuls & Nash 4s .... VVa 3,a MIII1II Mn Knn i T 1st 4s... .74 . . 'a R'liilllk Mn Pau w 1 4s U4U.. 01 dl ... OOOU Slo Poe Bs 1020..... OOVj 20000 MP col Ss'lT Uu ct2;ta 01 4000 Mo lao 1U1T col tt.. u , 1000 Mo Taclflo cbns Os.. 101? 1000 N Y Air UraUe cvt 03 103 100(1 N Y C L H Sfts.... 74U Saooo NYCi Hud Os 111V4 1000 do con 4s h-, 400O do 4V4s . V.r.l loooo N Y City 3s May '51 r. Jg loou do 4s 1U50. I""1 1U0OO do 44a 1000 103 004 004 04 01 I)U ioi; 10.1 iTl'i ll)"8 103 ills'; ion; 11)3 74H 11IU "-? 024 1124 looK II) J 103'i 33000 do 4b 11)115.. . J'l.,l inn 100! Jnun NTnrf &. West dlv 4s 88a; h8 014 88i 22000 Nor Pac prior 4s... 01 U 1U 5000 Ora, Short L ret 4s.,.ui; jj -j. 3()0(l Paclflo Tel 6s 1 1 J : r Sert-:::: gjjiisglSiS 111!) UlU B00O Phlla Co cv lu-'i..., 1000 Public Berv N J Cs., - 0000 IteadInB,B.en 4s 2000 ltepub Cuba Bs 1014, , UdU TOOU St U & B ?' ftdJ S?,Q BOOH do rfd ct sta 4;.. 7-Jj 200H do ten ct . " 00110 do fcer-A w I OSg 200(1 do Berll w I.. ,!?? 30UU South Hell Ba ;...... U,l.. 2O0O( South Pao cv 4s ..,"' H8 II y iS ,'54 UU 4 834 72S N44 lOOJf 8dfi 103,. 8!)H 71U 101 054 tmu 83 o ii; 84 1110 8U4 ins 70UO do rfd 43.....,,.. 'J 804 71U luo4 01 4000 South Uwy sen 4 ? 800(1 to con Bs. .,.....,, l" 5000 Tenn C rct.f P. ."'.r, 01. MS loooo Third Ave 1st os,.,.i'; 1 IH'A Vt 1000T0lSti:W4s 53 05 oa 10U0 U SU0Vt2S. ..,.,,...; "u HS: oouo U H Hubber Os 102U 1 - j - 23000 U 8 Steel s f Bs 1054 1035, 1U3 55 j '1 11)34 ill)' 4000 Union fact r'u , ... "" oooo Un Rwysf !;.,,,,. aj B000 Un llws ft L 4s . ... t 800O Vtt Itwys.Ss.......... 2000 Va, llwy & Power 5s., 87 700U Wabash 1st 6..!.,.,103 00 33T4 111 084 314 01 084 874 1034 1034 T9 34 iI i 1 rxxrt vrr. pi.trio m 1024 lui iu; ..--i9 .., n.,a. IIUU .. S M......... --.-.". ' , , fci .... -.,.. x, v x. i.f. am nt n 72 72 73 CUUO lYCSl fiAU ci.,, August Securities' Sales Bigger Transactions Jn securities on the Phlla. delphla Stock Exchange during August wefe much In excess of last month, but not nearly so large as during August of teit year. The greatest sain qver last month was made In stocks, there being transaction covering 2S1.538 bhares. as compared with 168.820 in July and T.4 during August, 1915. The total par value of bonds sold during the month ended to day was ll.4J6.300, against I1.Q50.650 ast month and Jl,178,l8 during August of last year. Local Bank Clearings Lower Bank clearings In this city during August, although the lowest of any month since February, were, far in excess of those . tha corresponding month of last year. They exceeded those of August, 1915, by 1313.651.165. maiuus nm wi y iT?Ph total was 1J38.4S0.1Q6 for the month as eoaj,pared wiih, l,0?0,STS,gi(Hast monta. , , , , , t , , , EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TH0KSDAY, AUGUST 31, New York Stock Sales Last close. Hlsh. Low. Closo. Acmo Tea 1st pf 03J 05. U5 05 AlasM J Uola M.....,.',S7)i V,i V.i VA Alaska Cold M 13 131f 125C 13H Allls Chalmers Mf2...i. 22 H 23 22U 23 Am A Chemical 75,'f 70J 7d 70H Am BcetSujat S054 S8M SSlS 8SM Am Can , C9H 02 H 50H 01 Am Can pf 113W 113H 113i MM , , ,, ,,! AmCar&Fdy ,...01 C2JJ 02 02! 8 Am Coal Products. ...il45 143 . 143 143. Am Hlde&r,pf........ 51W blH cm ClH Am Ice accur.tlM....... 28 28 27U 28 Am LlnscoJ.... 2M 2M 2V,i 21! Am Llnsce.1 pf 40 40H 40Jf 40 M Am Uxwrnotlve.... 74U 70Ji 7fi!f 70W Am I)comotlTOpf......l05 105 1044 105 Am Malt Corporation,.. 7 7ii 7J 7ii Am Mad Corporation pf 40 40 305 3HH Am Smeltlnst n ltc. .... U05f 08H GH OSH AmBmcltpfA 055 05H 03JS 05), Am Buear Ilcflnlng 100W 111. 10314 110 Am Tel &Tel 1301, 130' 130U 130JI Am Tobacco 220 220 210)4 210U AmWoo.cn 44)4 44 41 44 AmWrltlnePpt 27 20J 205S 205$ Am Zinc L A Sm. 32H SV,i 33 33H Am Zinc L& Sri pf.... 05)5 C0'-J 08) GOM Anaconda Cop M Si HM 83U 85 Atch Too &S P 102! 102)f 101f 102 AtchT&MPpf 08JI Mi 8U ,II3J Atl Coast Lino Ill 113 AH (lull ft W I 71 72' At a &WI pf 05K 05)f Ilald Ixko Worlcs 70!f 70 Halt & Ohio., H4H HQH Hclliloliem Steel 431)5 4S3 llrookiyn Hap tt 854 5)a Hums Bros 79M "!MS Uutto& Superior 03!f CHH Cat 1'alroleum lSJf 10 Cal Petroleum pf 45)j 40 Canadian Pacific 177 173 Central Leather ,, C5)f 50 Chos&Ohlo GO Gllf 113 113 70V 055f 70 f41i 7215 C5!f 78 i 80 iSO 4S3 85! 70 02) i 18!f 40 SUM "OK can 10 40 1705X 178 mi 50 59W 0055 35H 354 Chi Hroat West pf 35,'f 35H Chi Mil & Ht Paul 113 05 II J!.' 05 CM &North03torn....l20 1204 1204 120h Chi It I & Paclllc 17K 18' ( 17 IS Chllo Copper 10JJ 10JX 10f lOJf Chlno Copper r,U '3 mi C2 Cluott Pcabody & Co... 70 C9JJ (lOJi dW Cluctt Pea ,t Co pf....,109 103 103 10S Col Fuel & Iron 404 48H 45?( 43lf Continental Can 07U 074 05 07)5 Consolidated Oas 135)5 1354 135)5 135H Cruclblo Steel 74 704 734 75!f Crucihlo Steel pf 117)5 118 117U 118 Cuba Cano Susar 54 55! 5 53)5 53! ( OubaCanaSuearpf 044 U1JJ 04 01) Delaware & Hudson 1514 1504 1504 1504 Dcncr & nioOrpf 334 33 324 33 Dotrolt United nwys....li74 115 115 115 Diamond Match 110 115 115 115 Distill Sec Corporation.. 44)f 404 Lili 404 Dome Mine? 25 ,. 214 244 214 Electric Storaeo Hat .. 03 01JX C4l 014 Erlo 304 37)4 35)5 37 l.'rlolstrif 524 534 524 534 I'cdMln&Smpf 38 39)5 30)5 304 General r.lcctrlc 10915 170 ICO 170 General Motors pf 121 127U 121 124'J Goodrich UF 714 724 704 724 Goodrich B F pf 1134 1134 1134 1134 Groat Northern pf 1104 117 1104 117 (I Ncfs for ora prop.... 304 374 304 37)5 Groene-Cananea 45 414 404 404 GuU Slates Sccel 73 74 71 74 Gulf States S 2d pf 85 81 81 81 HclmoO W & Co pf....H0 117 117 117 Illinois Contra! 101 1004 1004 1004 InspConCo'p 55 53 54!f 671 f IntHarvNJpf 118.114 114 111 Int Paper 15! 154 15 15K Int Paper pf 70 72 70)5 72 Int Nickel v t ,cfs 404 424 40)5 424 IntMMcofdp 12J5 44)5 424 43 Int M M pto ot dp.. ..1034 10-14 1034 304 Kan City Southern 244 214 244 214 Kan City Southern pf . . 594 59 59 59 KascrJ&Co .OS OS OS OS Kelly Sprluz Tiro 7G4 704 774 70 Kcnnecott Copper 48)4 404 47)f 494 Lack Steel 754 77 75 7 LaclcdoGas 105 105)4 105)4 1054 Leo Kubbar Tire 454 47 45 45 Lchlch Valley 784 784 7',i 78 Llgcctt & Myers 204 207 207 207 Louis & Nash 1204 129 12J 12J MackayCospf 074 G74 074 074 Maxwell Motors 82)5 834 81)4.834 Maxwell Motors 1st pt.. 854 85 85 85 Maxwell Motors 2d pf... 55)5 54 51 54 May Dcpt Stcres G04 Gl 01 01 Mexican Petroleum 1024 1034 lOUf 1034 Miami Copper 344 344 33JJ 34! 1 Minn St P & S S M ....122)5 1224 122 123 Missouri Pacific 3)5 3)4 3)4 34 MPactrch S)5 34 3)5 34 Mo Pac w 224 224 22!f 224 Montana Power pf 112 110 110 110 Morris Essesx... ...... 81 81JS 8'))5 80)4 Nat Cloak J Suit pf.... 109 109 109 109 Nat Lead Co pr 110)5 113 113 113 Nov Con Cop 134 104 184 104 New York Central 103 103)5 102)5 103)5 NYNH&1I 6S34 694 60 504 NYO&We3t 204 20 20 20 Norfolk Southern 23 23 ' 23 23 Norfolk & Wcitcrn ....1294 1284 12S4 1284 Northern Pacific 1C94 110H 109)5 1104 Ontario Silver Min 04 035 034 04 Pacific Mall 254 204 20 20 Pcnna Hallroad 6335 554 5535 55'4 Philadelphia Co 39)5 39 3) 39 Pressed Steel Car Co... 52 54 514 61 Pressed S CarCopf 101!i 10H4 10 IK 1014 Pullman Co.. 100 lu-iu ih-vi tutu .... 454 40)4 45 43)4 .... 244 25)5 24 25)5 ....1034 1054 10235 103)4 .... 43 43 41 . 41 ..... 614 534 ill .34 lly Steal Sp Co... Kay Con Copper. Heading Ilcadln: 1st pf... Itepubllc Iron & d , Itepubllc Iron &S pt...H34 11334 11334 11334 Scars Hoe & Co 205 20S 20235 208 Shat Ariz Copper 27)4 2834 274 2S34 South Porto It Susar.... 181 180 170 17i) oouthera-Pacltlc 0734 074 SI534 97)4 Southern Kv 23 234 22)4 23)5 Southern Ry pf.., 074 GS G74 OS StL&SFwl 1555 10 10 10 Studebaker Co 121W 125 122)4 12334 Tenn Copper 234 20)5 23U 25 Texas Co 101 191 191 191 Third Avenue G24 03 03 03 Tobacco Products 40 Under Type wr 101 Union lias & Paper 8 Union Has & P pf 40 United Clsar Stores 09'X 40 45.4 40 100 10O 100 7K 73f 74 45)4 45U 4531 994 194 C94 103)4 102 102 United Fruit..., 1024 1034 102 Union Pacific 140 111)4 139)4 140)4 Union Pacific pf 82!f 82 82 S3 U aind Alcohol 110 1114 10734 111)5 USOIP&F 104 194 19)4 104 United Hys Inv Co 834 014 84 034 Ud Hubber...., 504 60)4 51 G)4 US Hubber Istpf..,., .111)4 J10)i 11034 11034 U S bra H&M.. ........ 0S)4 70)4 094 7034 U S Steel Corp'n ,.004 00)4 u5)5 0735 U S Steel Corp'a pf 117)4 11734 117)4 117)4 Utah Copper 814 83 804 83 Va Caro Chcm 3034 Va lly & Power 45H Wabash... ,. 13)4 Wabash pf A 4S)4 Wabash pf D., 20)4 Wells Fargo Exp .., 121 WestB&M 634 Western Maryland., ..... 28 Weymaa-Bruton ,255 Willys Ovemad ,, 45)5 WUlys OverUnd Df 104 40)5 40)5 40)5 47 47 47 1334 1334 13)4 404 4SH 40 27J4 204 27)5 124)4 1214 121)5 68)4 6S)4 68)4 28)4 28)5 28)4 205 235 205 41)4 45)4 40)4 104)4 101)4 10414 WOOlwOrUJ If Vf, ..,.,, J35)5 1354 W34 3S Worthlnston Pump 31M 30)4 30)4 30)4 Worth Pump pf A 00)5 004 004 2M Quoted ex dividend, ENGLISH BANK STATEMENT LONDON, Aug. St. Tho weekly state ment of the Bank of England follows; To tal reserve 38.495,000, decrease f 1,565,000; circulation 136,161,000, increase 615,000; bullion 56,197.000, decrease 9(9,000; other securities S1,941,0Q0, Increase 3,894.000; other deposits 103,140,000. increase 389, 000 i publlo deposits 52,361,000, increase 933,000; Government securities 13,188, 000;, Increase 1000. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liabilities Is now 21.90 per cent, against 26.10 per cent last week, and week last year 24 H per cent. The clearings through the London banks for the week were 357,170.000, against 259,150,000 last week and 275,985,000 in this week last ycar The Bank of England's minimum rate of discount remained unchanged at 6 per cent today. NEW VORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW STORK. Au. 31 BUTTER RecelDts, 913U tuba; aucply abort sod market higher and strosuer. Kitra creamery. 33Vic: higher cor hw. 3l03lSo; state dairy. S232Mc; Imitation creamery, 8)jo. t. t KOUS Receipt!. 11,129 ciuei: values higher and unsettled. Extra. SO 037c: Mtra Grata. 33c: firau sQSici white- gsa, 43010c; brown ess). 3SW10CI rnlied color. 3037c BAR SILVER Bar silver today was quoted in London at 3 2d, unchanged. Commercial bar silver In New York was quate4 -t 7ilc uacbangwi. . GOVERNMENT REPORT MAKES COTTON JUMP Many Options Reach Record Prices Soon After Publica tion of Condition of Crop cotton nr.ir weather conditions. ,NKW YORK, Anir. SI Very little rre; ftnltsitlon won .reported In !le,oJ'enllvi till motnlnit, but It wo rioudy In Trtna nnd Oklstlinmii. Temuerntnrea ranged Irom CO to 70, , . . The following temiiernture n ver reported. Nnhillle, Mt Ailietllle, Oil J'lmttnnooEn, Knorvllle nnd Lit tin. Rock, 0l Memphis nnd Atlanta, 68t Rftlelh,k Slireveport. Iprt Hmllh and Mnfon, 70 Auguita, Hmnnnnh, Ullmlntton, Han Antonio, Oklahoma City, pel Rio. (ffc.biirir, Meridian and WrmlnK linm. 72 ThnmnnVIIlo nnd MontKomrry, 711 Mohlle, rennenla, . thirlenlon, Tampa. ,lnrkontlllo nnd (falrmton. 781 htvr Or lean, 8O1 Corpna t'lirMI, 82. .. There na .02 Inch of P"'1!"'"',1"".,?' Tampa. .08 nt htrle Man. .to nt Onlwton nnd Meridian, ,U nt llel Rio ond .41 nt Jacksonville. NEW YOnK, Aug. 31. Cotton jumped J3 n bale above low prices of the day this afternoon following announcement from Washington that tho Department of Agri culture estimated tho crop at 11,800,000 bales. The world's demand for American cotton Is estimated hcrq at 14,000,000 bales. October cotton was bid Up 51 points to 16.10 cents a pound, whllo excited bear traders who had been selling for a de cline rushed to cover. January cotton wns up 53 points nt 10.33 centB and July up G2 at 1G 03 cents, alt record prices, soon after the noon hour. The report mado the condition 61.2. Add InR llntcrs to tho estimated crop of 11,800, 000 bales would mean a totnl yield of pos sibly around 12,000,000 bales. It wbb ex pected that tho ultimate result of tho re port would bo n heavy resumption ot trado buying nnd nn Increased demand for goods at advancing prices. Added to the fact that tho condition was tho lowest on record for the period was f- - further bullish feature that, judging by tho last weekly weather report, the crop has deteriorated since August 25, tho tlmo tho report was compiled. Tho market continued very nctlvo and generally strong In tho afternoon, although under free offerings from several of the leading bulls, understood to represent an effort to check a too rapid advance, prices eased oft slightly, January reacted from 16,42 to around 1C.30. At tho high point of tho day prices showed a net advance of C2Q)CC points. October contracts sold up C5 points, largely on covering on tho rnllroad situation nnd tho bullish view of general supply pros pects. Kxports for tho day wcro 22,529 bales, Including 19,444 bales to Great Britain, 12G0 bales to Franco nnd 1900 bales to other points on tho Continent. Clearances for tho season aggregate 3GG.055 bales, compared with 150,761 bales for tho cor responding period last season. Yes. rloc. Opn. 11 a m. 12 m. 2 p.m. October ir..ns ln.sa l.'.os in.7'J 111.111 December ... ir.,75 in.es ir,.m in.7() lfl.i.', January .... ln.Nl in. in ir,.7.l 1.1.70 l.3l March in.n.T ln.Hi! ifi.six in.ni) in.4.- May 10.07 1S.IIII 10.01 10.07 1U.3S July Hill 10. Ul Spot 1&.S5 . ... ..... ..... ..... Liverpool Cotton IjIVrirtPOOI.. Aug. 31, Spot cotton was dull today ot a decline of IB points on tho basis of 9.47d for mid-uplands. Tho sale3 aggregated 5000 bales. Including 4000 Amer ican. The imports wero 1000 bales, nono American. Tho market for futures closed quiet at a net dccllno ot S10 points. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS' GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIHAT Receipts. 7B.280 bush. Tho market advanced lc under Hunt offorlnga. nnd stronger western ndvlci'B. Quotations: Car lota. In export eleator No. I" red. spot, ll.l'JWl.'.i; ro. J Rnuthsrn red. ll.tllOl.43; steamer No. y red. $1,311(1.42; No. 3 red, Jl.SuWl. 1'J: rejected A. tl.3ilWl.3li; rejected ll, tl.a3tpl.30. , . CORN Receipts, lL'.Rl buih. Tho market advanced lc under small, supplies and a fair In quiry. Quotations: Car lots for local trade, lis to location Western No, a ellov, liTUOSc: do atoamer yellow, UilWl)7c; do No. 3 yellow, UIW UJc; do No. 4 yellow. UKBlil'c. OATS Receipts. 0,0J3 bush. Offerlmrs woro lluht nnd tho market was lc hlcher. Quotations; No. y white. CMfBlUc: standard white, riJJji n.tr: No. 3 white, 51'4WnJ14e; No. 4 while, SUSi'.llc, samplo oats. 4,((il8c. .-., FLOUR Receipts, 830 bbls. nnd l.BSi.O.'iD lbs. In sarks. The market was dull and Inreely nominal. Quotations per 11)11 lbs. In wood: Win ter, clear, tufiid -'.',: do, stralBht, $0. I0u.8o: do. patent, t7M7.50; Kansas, clear, cotton sirks. $U.nOH 73; do, stralsht. cotton sacks. $7W7.23: do, patent, cotton sacks, tT.40O7.ttn: sprlnir, llrst clear, ttl.r,uT.25; do. patent. t7.r.D ifKl'j; do faorlto brands. $s SiHPH 73: c Uy mills, choice and fancy patent. $(j.n()W8.T..: city mills, regular (trades Winter, clear. $!'' -3j do. stralcht, $R.SUUU.80; do. patent. $TtoT,30 RY12 FLOUR sold slowly at former rates. Wo nuote nearby ut JU4fU.50 per bbl. and western at $U7. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled firm, with a fair Joblilns demand, nnd somo kinds were a simile higher. Quotations. City beef. In sets, smoked and nir dried. i8c: western beef. In seti), smoked. 28c: city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and nlr dried, Hue: western bee!;, knuckles nnd tenders, Binoked J'Jc: beef hams, UH(I30; pork, family, $li8.uOW21i: hams. S. 1. cured, loose. lbVj Olllc; do, skinned, loose. ll)'j 21)c; do. do. smoked, Mi 4)i21c; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to Vand and aerae. lulici hnms. smoked, western cured, llH4c; do, boiled, boneless, jio; picnic shoulders, a. I. cured, loose, 14c; do. smoked. 13c: bellies, In pickle, according to uner ase, loose. 17Vjc; breakfast bacon, ns to brand und nerage. tlty turccl. 'J-'c: breakfast bacon, western cured. -Jlc; lard, western, refined. In tierces, 134c: do. do. do. In tubs. 154c. lard, pure city, kettlo rendered. In tierces. 15V4c; do. do. do. In tubs, lS'.jc. REFINED SUGARS The market was dull and weak. Refiner;' list prices. Bxtra fine Kranulated. 7c; powdered. 7.10c confectioners' A. O.UOc; soft erades, d.23 mM"' DAIRY PRODUCTS RUTTER Receipts were light and the mar ket ruled tlrm and lc hlKher. with demand fairly actle. Quotations: Western solid-packed creamery, fancy specials. Sites extra. afWrfjc, extra tlrsts. siCMUc; firsts. 3J32Mr; sec onds. 31G31HC nearby prints, fancy, 37o; do. averoEB extra. SaOSilo; do. firsts, 333lo; sec ondi. 3l032c; Jobblns sales of fancy prints. KGUS Thera was a nood outlet, for tho Urn ited receipts- of flna fresh eegs and prices wero 30o. per case higher. Quotations: In free cases, nearby extra. 35c. per doz ; nearby firsts, $ i.l per standard case; nearby current receipts. Jli.bO per case; western, extras, 33c. per doz; western extra firsts, $!).!)0 per case; do. firsts. $U,30O O.tlO per case; fancy selected candled fresh eses were Jobblns at S'Jfflllc. per doz. CHBKSK Trade was fair and the market ruled firm under light offerings. Quotations: hlK .ft'do. 'fUl!r Cto';smdd.'aini81b?ci dTr! skW 10Ola p0ULTRY LIVE Tha market ruled firm under, light offerings and a fairly, actl demand. Quota, tlons: Fowls, os to quality, lUllc; roosters. 14 M15c; spring- chickens, according to .quality, weighing- lsi02 lbs. and over aplegs. !!304c; spring chickens, smaller sixes, 10O2c; white Leghorns? accordlnK to luallty.' lStiTsio; ducks, as to slie and Quality. 15lTc: pigeons, old, per pair. ji(C2a; do. young, per pair, l22c. DRESSEP Receipts of fine deslrable-slzed stock wera light and tha market ruled firm un der a fair demand. Quotations; Fresh-killed, dry-packed fols. 12 to bo, dry-picked, fancy selected. 23ic; do, weighing 4Vs MS lbs. apiece, a3c: do. weighing 4 lbs. apiece, 23c: do. weigh In? 3H lbs. apiece, 22c; do. weighing 3 lbs, apiece, 2u62!c, Fowls. In bbls.. Ice-packed, fancy, dry-picked. Northern Indiana and Illi nois, weighing 4 OS lbs. apiece. 22 Jjcj do south ern Indiana and Illinois, welshing ,405 lbs. apiece, 22c; smaller sizes. 10&21& Old roosters, dry-picked. Itic. brolliagichlckens. Illinois, large, 252tic: do. Indiana, large. 2423c: do. small sizes. 22&23C. Urollers, Jersey, fancy. 30032c; do. other nearby, welshing 114 412 lbs. apiece, 28030c; da, do, smaller sizes. 2UP27c. Ducks, nearby, spring, luff 20c. Suabs, per doz. . White, weighing 1112 lbs. per doz.. I3.30G 3.73; do. do. weighing 11010 lbs. per doz.. Jl.liO S.23: do. do. weighing H lbs. per doz., S3.73(j) 4.10; do do. weighing 7 lbs. Per dot., (3.230 3. 110; do. do. weUblng 0Uh lbs. per doz.. 2.30 2 73; dark, $ 2.23 2.T3; small and No. 2, 60c 0$1.23. FRESH FRUITS Choice stock was In fair request and generally steady under moderata offerings. Quotations; Apples, Virginia and West Virginia, per bbl. Wealthy. $3B3.30. Riush. $33 agrsmokehouso, $363.30: fair to good. $3S2 30. Apples. Dela ware and Man-land, .per hamper Fancy. $ltt, 1.23: fair to good, 33073c. Lemons, per box, $(I6T. rineanples. per crate. Florida. $102. t-eacnea, yifiii. v ...c,i.., i.,ww 2- Utile. $1 3002; Carmen, J1O1.00; Mountain Rose, tl 2301 73. Pears, North Carolina, per bbl.. 1393. urum, .,u, orth Carolina. Delawara. per era per car, per crate. 11 VSwl-30. Watermelons, southern. , jiuvw. 23. VEGETABLES Potatoes sold fairly and ruled firm. Onions nero dull and weak to sell. Quotation: Whits Sotatoes, per bbl.- No, 1 Eastern Shore, $2,300 ; No 2 Eastern Shore. $101 23. No. 1 Norfolk, 1.5Ol. No. S Norfolk, $11 25. Whit potat tc4s. Jersey per basket. O30T3c Sweet pota toes Eastern Shore, per bbL No. 1. tl 73l2. No S. $1 Onions. Pennsylvania, par hamper, tiei IS: do. do, per l0-lb.tba, J2S5.aU; dS. Washington. r .WV1 1202,251 da, Vlrsints, Wt casket, HOI.S3. Sales in Philadelphia Net . High. Low. Close, chre. io Allls Clial. 2S& 23?6 23 10 Am C&Kdy 62yt 62 V 0214 W 10 Bald loco 78 1 7R 1 SOS Buff AS to R0V4 40'4 80 V4 41S Klec Stor no os obta M, 300 Krla ..... 30(i 30 30 V 820 Gen Asph, 28 27$4 28 1 30 do pref, 00 00 09 100 Int M JIttr 43 43 43 . 1... 100 Ins Co N A 20J6 20V4 20 25 Kcnne Cop 48ft 48 48H -- if, 233 Lako S Cor 10 10V4 10 101 Loll Vol . . 78 78 78 300 Mo rnclfle 3J4 34 ZA ...... BIO Pcnna 11 It BS7i BV4 f,r,Vt 10 I'hlla Co . 30-r 30 30 -- 00 Phlla EIcc 28 UV 28 ..... 23 PUT.... 10 10 111 V 130 do tr ctfs 20 10 10 ..... 33 Phlla Trae 79 78V4 10 240 Heading ..103', 102W 103a', li't BOO Tenn Cop. 2SV iRV 88 W -Hli ISO Ton Bel... tVi 4V 4 1-10 23 Union Trno 4iJi 41 44iJi 4no U S Steel c nov f- now 3 7880 do .... 07 03 00 9i Ex dividend. IIONHS. Net High. Low. Close, chue. $1200 A G&E Bs 1)0 03 00 3 8000 KI&P Tr 4s BOW SOVi 80 Vi 4000 Kills El GM.107 107 107 7000 Int Hys 4a 87 B7 B7 Vt 1000 K T 1st Bs 07 07 07 2000 LehVcons 48 2003 00 00 00 60 N PCo4-Cs 70 10 70 iooo Pa C3 4.4s.ioiyi loinj loia', 43200 Phlla El 4s 84 81 84 1BB0O do 5s... 1041', lop, 104V'i 4000 Itenil T Bs,lll 111 111 2000 Un It tc4s 70 10 70 1 Decrease. -f-Increaso. CURB GETS STRONG AFTER STARTING BU3 Changes Follow Exchange Trend Are Generally Small and Without Importance NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Tho market on tho Broad street Curb followed tho course of trading on tho Now York Stock Exchange closely. A weak tono prevailed In tho llrHt hour, when many stocks sustained severe losses. But beforo midday tho market tono suddenly changed and recoveries were In order. Tho net changes for tho day, how over. In tho majority of Issues wcro small and without Importance. Drlggs-Scabury continued tho weakest feature because of tho passing of tho divi dend on Tuesday and dropped from 7S to 65. Mldvnlo Steel, after Welling nt Clsi, rallied to C2 and Aetna Explosives, which declined from 11 14 to 10?i, roso to UU within the next few minutes. Zinc Concentrating continued In good de mand, with sales of 4 and 4H, nnd Sub marine was also ilrm, selling nt 33 Vi and 334, In tho oil stocks there wero irregular changes. Metropolitan Petroleum sold nt 13 and Sinclair Oil opened at 40 and then declined to 39 ',. Tho motor stocks wero Irregular, Chev rolet yielding from IDS to 18G4 and then recovering this loss. Peerless sold nt 23H nnd 23. nnd White Motor declined from B3 to 52 V4. United Motors roso from 57 to 57 -i. Tho mining stocks wero generally quiet. British notes sold ot 99 and 98, and Russian notes sold at 101. INDUSTRIALS. rid. Aetna Hxplolves 11 U Am llrlt .Mfc 12 Am Marconi 7S Asked. 11 20 3K nn 75 111.1 .11) 118 II) :m 28 1H Canadian Car Co ,-, rnf Jtr v.ltf nrpf ..... ......... '. Chevrolet Motors 18d Curtlss Aeroplane - Driges-Senl) b; Kmerson Phonograph OV4 Haskell & Ilarkcr Car 3, Itcndeo Mfir -,, Kathodlon Uronza prcf ir.ft Tnvlm IfonlHnna .. . ll Gi. Manhattan Trans 11:10 1. ?-).' Midvale Steel Otis Klevntor Peerless Motors Poole Knc H 8 Kresge w 1 Stnnd Motors Hubmnrlno Htromben? Motors Stutz Motors ....., Triangle Film United Prnflt Sharing U b Ii 6 II com do pref Whltn Motors (12'i or, 23 S3 "JA 33 42 01V4 ? B2H 2Vs 113 24 U3 12 33i 43 0.1'i A World mm STANDARD OIL, STOCKS. Illinois 174 Ohio 22S Prairie Plpo -I- H O California ;7j S O Nw Jersey B2 S O New York 211 OTHER Oil. STOCKS. Cosden Oil Jl'4 Cosden Co International Petroleum JJ) Houston OH 13 Midwest ItcOnlns HI) sapulpa llenntni; , lu MINING STOCKS. 17T 10 Jll i!7T M'S 213 11J1 14H IOVj 13 02 b'.i Atlanta -.;,: llutto Copper and Zinc . llutta N V C'erro da l'asco First Natioml Florence Goldfleld Goldncld Merger llecla Mlnlns Howe Sound Jim Butler Jumbo Extension McKlnley-Darrash ..... Magma Copper Mines Co of America ... Npi9slnz San Toy Ht Joseph I-ad West Hnd Consolidated 10 l8 34 an SI 7 Sh 63 4H 31) 15 2ii 13 i; 77 I 11 1?I 30 4U DH I) . 4? E1 r,i GO in?; 61) 7 White Oaks BONDS. Cerro de Pasco 0s , MlrivnlM Tim ................ .111 113 U5H I) I) luiH imj .in.k -.- trnlL Il.l.lS'l ua .......................vim Russian UVis 1U1V Bank of France Gains Gold TAIUS, Aug. 31. The weekly statement of the Bank of Franco shows gold Increased 4.G47.00O francs; silver decereased 717,000 francs. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Auff. 31. HOGS Receipts. 23.000, Market 10iH2Uc higher. Mixed and butchers'. I1O.4U011.45: good heavy. 10.4USPll.-ia; kooii neavy, jiu.uiibjiii.hu; rougn heavy. Jlo.3U0lO.bO: light. Slot jio.auiiiiu.tiii: nsnr. jiu uotfii.o; visa. IS.nsww uu: iiuik. iiu.uuioiii.yj. CATTliK Receipts. 7000. Market lluiu,, ITlTdll.SX, mwa and helfi-ra strong;. O ui); stockers and feeders. 15 23 43 7,73; Texans, zu &ut)iH 4u; raives. iu.ioiori.. SHEEP Receipts, 17,0(10. Market strong. Native and western, 11.3007.75; lambs, zs,23t? 10,83. RAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO. ST, PAIH,. MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA. AND 19 111. St.MKl.hll ,,., aort.1177 ..... t3 535 YrXikoi's "central,. Increase. t2i)tl,I-Jil 142,145 1W.7UJ 10(13, nca 491.301 Julv gross. Net ...,, Surplus ... July gross , 15,8 r.',4i) J Net 1.022.C01 ATLANTIC COAST LINE. July gross ,.,w, ...... 12.607.180 Net ,....,,.,....... 433,781 BALTIMORE! AND OHIO. July operating reenue.tn,l53,0ll Net operating revenue 3,057,04!) 1420,703 222,231 ll.4S3.int 10.13? . SHIPWRECKED on an uncharted island, Iris Deane found herself alone with Robert Jenks, steward of the steamship "Sir dar" the daughter of a baronet'and a "man of the people" alone together on a desert island in the China seas. That is the situation from which Louis Tracy has evolved a wonderful romance. It commences in ' SATURDAY'S lEu enfng tmMh Wrftger 1910. STBfiL TRADE ABOtJT UNCHANGED; ' HEAVY TONNAGE OF RAILS WANTEp I, - , 'it Almost Impossible lo Supply the Demand Large Demand for Tin Plate Trading on Small Scale on Phila delphia Stock Exchange Conditions In the steel trade remain much the same as in recent weeks, bookings by various companies being considerably larg er. This Is not duo to any particular In crease In a given line, but is made up ot nil sorts of miscellaneous tonnage. A heavy tonnage of rails Is wanted In this country, but Interests identified with tho trado say that It Is almost Impossible to supply this demand. There Is also an urgent request for car materials, as a result of tho car shortage all over tho country, but to date thcro has been no change In prices, bars now being quoted nt J2.60 per 100 pounds, shapes $2.70, and plates 3, Thero has been nn unusually heavy de mand for tin plate. Shipbuilding materials aro being actively purchased, orders hav ing been placed during tho last few days for tho bulldjng of three boats on the Pa cific coast. Cramp Shipbuilding Company has taken an order for two bo:.:s for delivery In tho third quarter of 1017. It Is stated that owing to tho unusual activity In the steel trades, ns well as In the shipbuilding Industry, thero Is no shipbuilding material available until tho third quarter of 1917. It Is reported thnt a number or otner biiip bulldlng concerns have recently taken orders for boats, the Baltimore Drydock and Ihlp building Capital receiving one for two Nor wegian vessels. The Bethlehem Steel Corporation has pur chased nbout 40.000 tons of shipbuilding material recently foi use nt Sparrows FOREIGN EXCHANGE JCnW YOItK, Aug. 31. The market for foreign exchange in tho first hour of busi ness today was, In tho main, dill but steady. An exception was an easier turn in Scandinavian kroner. Francs, In which thcro has been recent selling, steadied. Scandinavian kroner declined to 28.60 for cables nnd 28.40 for checks, Thero was very little of interest. Dealings In relchs marks and rubles wero rather nominal. Thero wcro Indications of selling of rubles on the last fractional advance nbovo 34. Quotations were: Demand storting 4.75, cables 4.70 7-16! franc cables 6.S8?i, checks 5. 89 '.4; relchsmarks cables 70, checks 71. Thero wcro unconfirmed reports of sales of cables Under tho above figure. Italian exchange was quiet at C.47U for cables and C48 for checks. As against nominal high figures yesterday of 344iT34.G0 for rubles, tho market was 'quoted this morning at 33U334. Other quotations were: Vienna caoics 12.20, checks 12.18 ; pesetas, 20.25 for cables and checks 20.17 ; guilder cables 41 3-10, checks 41tf. In the early afternoon tho market was very dull. Rubles wero reported offered nt 33U Relchsmarks wcro nominal at 70',j). tho low point of rocord, established on Wednesday. Sterling held steady at 4.75 11-10 for demand and 4.70 7-16 for cables. Francs wcro slightly easier at 5.80 Vi for cables and 6.89 for checks. RATES FOR MONEY Call... Tim. New Tnrk z HUM, l'hllnttelpma 4 lloaton S f-hlnffn . nUCll uomercini paper, mrco 10 six moams, x-nua delphla. 41i (iHVi per cent. BANK CLEARINGS Bank clearlns today compared with corre sponding day last two years' 1010. mis. v 1011. Phlladelphla.JSO, 335.1)03 3B,(i!),732 $23,BD4.02 Itoston ..... Ul.ML'.aBU 4,803.41)2 18,843,0!) New York . .414,21)4,11)1! BC3. 214,033 172,733,118 Sugar Futures Advance NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Tho sugar fu. tures opened with a rush today and cover ing by Wall street and local Interests sent prices 11 to 35 points higher on tho call, with trading very active. Tho advance uaa due to strength In spot sugar de veloped at tho closo last night, with a well defined buying interest shown by refiners and operators. Sales on tho call' wero 12,500 tons. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Standard Oil Company of Kentucky, rejrular quarterly of 4 a share ana nn extra ot tl a share, payablo October 2; books close September 13 nnd re-open October 3 rettlbcne-Millllten Company, regular tprlv nf 191 ner cent nn the first and quar- preferred stocks, payable October 1 ma secona to holders ut recorn nepiemoer -v. International Salt, quarterly of 1 per cent, payable October 1. Books closo September IB, reopen October 2. Edward B.Smith &. Go ESTlBUsnio 1802. BANKERS liemlcr) New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange! 1411 CnuTNDT Stkxtt, Fmunrtniu 30 Pine Stsiet. Nbv Yens INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.4 Recommended bj BEN T. WELCH 1323 Chestnut St. Frazier 6- Gx INVESTMENT BANKERS Broad ond Sansom Sts. D1UECTORY OP ACCOUNTANTS Certified 1'uMlc Accountant UAAVltUNCB H. BllOWN 4 CO. 1015 RVU EfaTATfi TRUST DUILDINO. "THE WINfeSl OF THE ivrri?MT "sJ. JtJLJ. Jt 1 Tfffir T"jp - - iTE&H - rarr ! fr ,.,. . -1 - wrTiiiiijjLi Ji ' ' ' - Ill '"Hik uijiiMi 11 unpinr. 11 1 in irniiii iiiir'irTijj""ajiitLiL-iLJ"3lffl mn " iiniiiirwiniTiiini umlnn iniri mi TiTiTflTnii ipf4 "h.ihT y t&k Point nnd other yards, whllo the Chester Shipbuilding Company Is In the market to-e plates. The Southern Itallway Company last week purchased 26,000 tons of rails nnd the Cuba Railway 6000 tons for delivery nbout n year from now. Prance lias been a heavy purchaser of railroad materials recently, taking cars and rails, eta, and a few days aeo an order Was taken for 20,000 tons of axles. It U estimated that mdre than 100,000 tonsl ot rails havo been bought in tho United States by that country. Great Britain has ptir- chased 60,000 tons and deliveries are noyr going forward. The wlro business Is very good. It Is estimated that orders now on books for agricultural business run nt least 100,000 tons. Price changes were few In the trading on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange during the morning cession today. There were two weak Issues Elcctrio Storage Battery and General Asphalt common the former selling off a full point, whllo the latter de clined 1U before noon. There was no news to account for tho weakness In tho two Issues. Later In the day Storage re covered the loss. TJIsewhere In the list the changes were small, and were divided between advances nnd declines. Philadelphia Electric lost il fraction, whllo Philadelphia Rapid Transit trust certificates gained slightly. Trading was a trifle moro actlvo In the afternoon. United Hallways gold 4b sold off 1 to 70. American Gas and Electric Cs roso 2 to 06. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. . Sid. Asked, .Tim Butler 84 .80 MarNamar OR ,00 Midway IS .2(1 Mlspali Ext 10 .20 Mantana ,.,, ,,,, .2.1 ,20 Nor Star .14 .IS Tonopah Belmont 4ft 4U Tonopah Kxt BH ' nji Tonopah .Mining ,., ttV, DS Itoscur Rula ,... 22 ,23 West End 70 .81 OOMJFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta 10 .111 Illuo Dull 02 .03 Iloolll ,1S .14 Uulldocr 01 ,oi! C. O. D 03 .01 Comb Frnc 03 .Oil Dlamt 1). II 02 ,03 Daisy 0-2 .04 Florence R5 ,0I( Uolflf Con , , SO .82 Goldt Mere ....; OH .in Jumbo Ext v .30 .Mi Kewanas 10 ,11 Oro ot .0.1 Sand Ken ,03 .0(1 Silver rick 17 .IS MISCELLANEOUS. Ariz United ,. .4.1 ,B0 Nev lllll .18 .Si) Nev Wrier 2.10 2.1.1 Tccopa Min 10 .12 Money and Discount at London LONDON, Aug. 31. Money on call was iV per cent today, unchanged. Tho rate ot discount In tho open, market for 'tioit T and three months' bills was 5 5 per cent today, unchanged. J3.A, o sdtiri rr Qcmnrn -.V-ir WJ-SUI VJJL.1. IVli SECURITIES' The dependence of Municipalities an Public Service Corporations is tn: strength., or their securities. When efficiently managed and locate j in thriving communities, their growt'i is in proportion to the growth oi the section that they serve. In consequence, as there is usually little or no competition, and as output is stable, the element or risk is reduced to a minimum in the purchase or high class securities of that class. "tyc specialize in high-class public serv ice securities, and have several that we unqualifiedly recommend, yielding from 4'& to 6 per cent. Send for detailed description. Barken Ayliig &rbiig Land Title BlcT . Philadelphia. wXKINS, MORRIS & CO. BANKERS Lahd Title Building Philadelphia High Grade Pennsylvania Tax Free Railroad Bonds Equipments and Puolic Utility Bonds NEW YORK AUJi rillLAnUU'HLl STOCK EXCHANGES BONDS Carefully selected securities, of proved merit Send for Circular. MELLOR & PETRY 336 COMMERCIAL TRUST BUDO. 16 SOUTH DROAD STREET f; W"iS i 1 - 1 1 mii ii " r j ; P" , ft I j-viurt is -. . Tfe- a MMtMui - m 1 f ; 1 ii 3 . 4 -,