Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 29, 1916, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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m Take Jonescu Pnrln della Pra-
iellanza Italo-Rumena Che
Ha Portato alia Guerra
Contro l'Austria
nOMA, 29 Aeosto.
La dlchlarailono dl guefra da parte della
Iiumanla all'Austrla, semilta prontamento
qnclla dell'Italla nlla Qertnnntn, lm pro
6cato llllri)Itato cntuslasrno In Italia, st
gapeva cho un trattato dl alteanza calstcra
tr 1'Italla e la numanla, trattato che
Hgava lo duo naslonl latino contro gll lm
perl centrall, ma ora si o" certl che Italia
e Rumania nslranno dl pleno concerto In
tutto lo qulstlonl cho aglternnno la Bal
canla. Tnlto Jonescu, I'lnstancablte propagan
dleta antl-tcdceco In Itumanln, ha fatto at
torrlspondente del Corrlero della Sera lo
aeguentl dlchl.iraalonl!
"La Rumania ha sempro apprezzato I
lentlmentl dl vera fratollanza cho 1'Italla
ha mostrato verso dl nol. IItalla fit la
prima nazlono cho rlconobbe 1'lndlpendenza
della numanla o ct ha"8empro appoggtatl In
tutto la nulstlonl rlguardantl lo popolazlonl
rumeno della Macedonia. Nol slamo ben
lletl dl vedoro 1'Italla stnbltlta a Valana
e eperlamo cho cssa nan abbandonera' mal
quel porto albaneee. Nol non abtbamo lllu
' elonl su do'. L'ltalla potrn' rlmanere In
i Albania soltano so l'Austria o la Qermanla
garanno battute. Una Qermanla vlltorlosa
' avrebbo bleogno dl Salonlccoo dl Constant!,
nopoll do' cho sarebbo un colpo mortnlo agll
Interesot Itallanl In Orlcnte. Ora I'lsteBsa
lncompatablllta' dl Intercast cslsto tra l'Aus
tria o la Rumania."
Telegramm! da Dcrllno dlcono cho lo
truppo rumeno hanno Incomlnclato l'lnva
lono deirUnghorla o cho tra rumenl
ed austro-nnBarcl b! combntte dl gla' nollo
Alpl dl Transllyanla. 11 prlmo ncontro si
fbbe sublto'dopo la notlflcazlono dcllo stato
dl guerra, domcnlca sera, ma non paro si
bI& trattato Ul fatto d'armo Importantc.
Bembra cho re forzo rumeno tendano ad lm
padronlrsl Hormannstadt, ox capitate della
Transllvanla, cho si trova a solo IS mlglla
dalla frontlora. I-u. Translhanla o' da
tempo presidlata da circa 1GO.00O atiBtro
tedescht. Intanto si nspotta che 1 runal cho sono gin'
conccntratl al conflnl dollo Rumania si
dlrlgano vorso la Bulgaria, a si aspetta pure
cho la Oreola scgua la numanla, spcclal
mento dopo l'occupazlono dl Kavala da
parte dollo forzo bulgare.
lerl sera It Mlnlstcro della CJuerra pubbll
cava II scgviento rapporto del genomic Ca
dorna circa la sltuazlono alia frontc Italo
ustrlaca: Sulla fronto del Trontlno 11 nemlco
esegul' plccoll attaccal contro lo nostro
poslzlonl dl Vnl Farollcln, dell'Ada
mello, del Monte Zezto, deU'altoptano
dl Aslago, della zona dl vat dl Fassa, del
l'Avlslo, dl Vnl Vlsdendo c do l'alto
Plavo L'attacco su Monte Zeblo fu
preccduto dall'uso dl gna asflsslantl cho
pero' non ebbcro alcun effctto essendo lo
nostro truppo fornlto dl maschere. It
nemlco fu rcsptnto dappertutto con
perdlto notovolt od ha nncho lasclato
alcunl prlglonlorl noiro nostra manl.
Nell'nlta vallo del But lo battcrle pe-
santl nemlcho hanno splcgato grando
, Xella zona dl Gorlzla o sul Carso tlrl
occasional! ma porststentl sono statl ill-
rettl dal nemlco contro 1 sobborghl della
cltta', I ponti sull'Isonzo o lo nostra
Unco del Vallone. La nostra artlgllcrla
ha rlBposto vlgorosamente dlsturbando
, 11 nemlco nel suol lavorl dl consallda-
I mento.
CentlimM from rare One
?,?hi!,n? 8Ld hr lde- '"we chcclted the first
ruan of the Rumanians which was under
taken before the Teutonic soldiers ltnew that
iiumanla had formally declared was against
Tho prompt declaration of war against
Jiumanla by Germany shows thai this coun
jry b going to take an Important part In
the operations precipitated by tho Interven
tion of the newest enemy of the Central
Pow ers.
Long before Rumania opened hostilities
"ifl German Ocneral Starr, foreseeing the
swing of affairs In Rumania, began massing
AUstro-acrniAn troops and artillery along
the Hungarian-Rumanian border and along
mo Danubo in Serbia. The Rumanian had
concentrated a heavy force of troops at
Turnu Severln, on tho Danube, with the
evident purpose of beginning a drhe Into
horbla. However, belief hat been expressed
by some military critics that tho Rumanians
will not Undertake any extensive operations
against the Austro-Qerman and Bulgarian
armies In the Balkans until tho Russian
army, which hns been stationed upon tho
Rumanian frontier In Bessarabia, has Joined
tho Rumanlano
Turnu Severln Is 7G miles from tho rail
way line which constitutes tho chief artery
of communication between Germany and
Rumania lost no tlma In striking her
first blow niter tho declaration of war, nnd
tho fighting which developed nt Rothen
thurm pass, south of Hermannstndt nnd
Tomas pass, south of Kronstadt, Is becom
ing more violent as reinforcements of men
and guns reach both sides.
Thero hae been exchanges of firing be
tween Rumanian and Bulgarian troops
across tho Danube, hear Rustchuk.
Tho Kaiser, who has been Inspecting tho
defensive works In Qallcla, will return to
Berlin this week. Ho will Immediately con
fer with the Vnr Ofllco and other Govern
ment orriclats upon tho military and eco
nomic results which may bo expected from
Rumania's entry Into tho conflict.
Berlin Is keeping cloto wntch Upon de
velopments In, Greece and tho press ha-?
begun to warn tho people that "further
embarrassment" may be expected In tho
Balkans. A similar tono was adopted con
cerning Rumania for two weeks before
King Fcrdlnnnd'H Government declared
Significance Is attached to tho fact that
Prince Androw of Greece la now in I2ns
land and will bo the guest of King George.
A special train was provided for tho
departure of the Rumanian Ministers and
their stnffs to Oermnny and Auatro-Hun-gary.
Tho Rumanian Minister naked for
a farewell Interview with Doctor Von
Jagow, tho Gorman Foreign Minister, but It
was refused.
Germany, It Is statod. Is going Into tho
campaign against Rumania whole-heartedly.
There was not a dissenting voice In
tho Federal Council when It was proposed
that Germany Bupport Austria.
rCTROaUAD, Aug. 25. Rumania has
nlready put an army of C00.000 men In tho
Held, supported by 1000 guns, says a dis
patch from Bucharest today. Tho main
Rumanian army will bo commanded by
General Ilcsko.
145 miles of Rumanian territory before
reachlnir tho nulgnrlan border.
It Is reported from Vienna that tho Bul
garians liavq blown up a number of bridges
across tho Danube.
Dispatches from Germany say that Tur
key and Bulgaria are expected to declare
wnr against Rumania within 24 hours.
The entrance of Rumania has lengthened
the eastern front nearly 900 miles, which
necessitates heavy reinforcements In that
zone of hostilities,
BERLIN, Aug. 29.
A great battle may bo fought along tho
Rumanian frontier within a few hours.
Rumania has been concentrating Inrgo
forces along tho Transylvania border for
several days, tho Tageblatt reported today.
Tho Teutonic forces took prompt measures
to guard ngalnst a BUdden Invasion nnd
havo massed sunlclcnt troops to meet the
Rumanian nttack.
Tho patrol skirmishes reported In yes
terday's nniclal War ortlco statement may
mark tho beginning of nn Important en
gagement. The Berlin newspapers commentod with
great restraint today upon Rumania's
cntranco Into tho war. Tho general opin
ion of German critics Is that Rumania will
play no Important part In military affairs
except that It will bo noccssary to regroup
tho forces of tho Central Powers to some
extent to meet tho now enemy. Tho Lokal
Anzclgcr points out that tho Rumanian
declaration does not nffect the food situa
tion bocouso Rumania has exported littto
food to Germany and Austria lately.
Chancellor von Bcthmann-Hollwcff held
n lengthy conference today with the lead
ing ministers, Including Doctor Hclfferlch,
Vlco Chancellor, and Acting" Under Secre
tary of Foreign Affairs Treutlcr llran-tecstrat.
TUB HAGUE, Aug. 29.
Field Marshal von Maclccnsen, who led
the successful 'Austro-Gcrman campaign
through Serbia a year ago, will be In com
mand of tho German-Bulgarian armies
operating against Rumania, according to
Borlln advices today.
Russian troops havo entered Rumania
from Bessarabia to reinforco the Rumanian
Army. If the Russians Intend to attack
Bulgaria they will havo to traverso about
PARIS, Aug. 29.
Increasing violence marked the r.ghtlng
on the Verdun front last night. Tho
Fiench mado conslderablo progress In at
tacks. The, Germans renewed their efforts to
recapture Flotuy, but their attacks wcro all
repulsed by tho French, the War OfTlco
nnnounced In Its communique today.
Tho Germans also attacked near Fort
Vaux, cast of Fleury, but there, too, their
assaulti broke down under the fire of the
French artillery and machine guns.
South of Thlnumont Work tho French
made a strong counter-attack near Hill 320,
gaining somo ground. Tho success in this
zono has enabled tho French to extend their
position northwest of Fleury,
LONDON, Aug. 29.
Eighty thousand Rumnnlnn troops al
ready are moving toward tho Transylva
nlnn frontier for tho Invasion of Hungary,
Advance guards of this Rumanian force
have crossed the Hungarian boundary In
a swift ndvanco on tho two Transylvanlan
cities of Hcrmannstadt and Kronstadt. It
Is theso forces which engaged tho Teutons
In the Rothcnthurm Pass, 15 miles from
Ilormannstadt, and in tho passes a few
miles from Kronstadt.
The whole Rumanian troop movement Is
This Week Only. Daily From 8:30 A. M. to 10 P. M.
A Sale that Saves 20 to 60 on
High-Quality, High -Priced,
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We are exhibiting on our main floor an especially fine
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strating cars. Locomobile,, as well as Pierce-Arrows,
Lozieri, Wintons, Chalmers, Willys-Knights, kissels, Stude
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There is, a wide variety of cars from which to select. .
Far Better Value than Any New Car
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The prices arc very low. There is no prof to us. You run no
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this sixteen-ycar-old branch home of the Locomobile Company of America. .
There is no satisfaction lite that of owning a fine car that will always
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Take advantage' of this opportunity. You receive the same courteous
attention and treatment, no matter what car you buy, .
Remember that at a similar sale held in New York city receritly, we
a fin non worth of cars. Many of the very finest people of New
York-trustc mjany officials, bank" presidents, prominent lawyers mer-
chants dStow. professional men and families prominent socially bought
Scars Th , is your chance to get the car you want to get at the pnee
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The Locomobile Company
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Market Street at Twenty-third, Thila.
J5 (? lESHaK
Commander of tho Rumnnlnn
Army, who hns nlrcndy struck n
blow at the Teutonic forces by
lcndlnR the troops of Kinjr Ferdi
nand toward the Austrian strong
holds In Trnnsylvnnin nnd tho
eastern Carpathians.
Koine forwnrd llko clockwork, tho monger
Advices received hero today Indicated. Klnu
1'erdlnand's armies, almost completely mo
blitzed and awaiting the word of war, nro
prepared to atrlko quickly on whatever
front tho Rumanian General Start deter
mines to start ItH major campaign.
The Germans acted with equal swiftness
In mectlnir the now enemy In tho Dalknns.
Dispatches from I,ausanno today Bald Hint
the Teutons closed tho Swiss frontier less
than nn hour after Italy declared war on
Germnnv. Thn nrrmnn 3rnnrM UMff Ifti.ii.
this preceded a declaration from Rumania'
nnu 11 is Del loved hegnn Bhlftlnc troops
eastward to reinforco tho Austrlans sov
oral hours beforo news of tho Riimnnla
declaration of war was generally known.
Tho tlrst official statement reporting tho
capturo of Rumanian prisoners camo from
tho German War Olllce, Indicating that
German troops already nro stiffening tho
Austrian lines along Rumania's frontier.
Tho Whole Balkan war theater has been
set aflame by Rumania's entrance Inlo the
war. Several pro-Ally dcmontratlons oc
curred In Atlyns when the news wns re
ceived there early yesterday and the
Vcnlsetos newspapers nro renewing their
demand that Greece enter tho wnr. Tele'
graphic advices from Berlin today Indi
cated that Germany Is watching tho Greek
situation with somo anxiety.
A dispatch from Copenhagen today
stated that Chancellor on Bethmann'
Hollweg wilt receive tho Greek Minister
From tho same source It was reported
that Rulgarla has taken "Important mill
tary steps" to meet the expected Rumanian
LONDON, Aug. 29. The British pressed
still closer to Thlcpval last night, advanc
ing southeast of tho vlllngc, the War Offlco
nnnounced today.
Tho ofllclnl statement referred to tho
fighting In tho Sommo front as minor
On tho outskirts of aulllemont nnd
Olnchy tho British forces havo been busily
engaged In consolidating and strengthening
their new positions.
SAI.OK1CA, Aug. 29.
Serbian troops havo captured more Bul
garian trenches nnd Inflicted heavy tosses
on tho enemy In lighting on tho Vctrcnlk
front, It was ofllclalty announced today.
Their success wbb won In n night attack.
PARIS, Aug. 29. Tho now Serbian army
Is fighting gallantly In a vigorous offenslvo
In Macedonia, and Is not being beaten back
by tho Bulgars, as the lattcr'clatm, tho War
Ofllco nnnounced last night.
Near Vctrenlk, west of tho Vnrdar River,
tho Serbs have made considerable progress
In hard fighting with their old enemies
N'cnr Kukurux tho Serbs havo inndo nn
Important advance, tho Wnr Ofllco Bays,
nnd have ropcatcdly defeated tho Bulgars.
Tho Bulgars announced n few days ago
that on August 21 tho Serbians had made
IS successive and fierce counter-attacks,
which the Bulgars repulsed, In this region.
Tho War Ofllce expressly contradicts this
In tho region west of Kavala tho Bul
gars havo occupied scleral points that the
Greeks havo abandoned. Tho British havo
bombarded enemy forces at the mouth bf
the Struma, where the British took up their
positions after Kavala was evacuated by
the Greeks.
The British statement, telegraphed here,
says that the nrtlllery fire about IJolran,
where thft main offensive Is likely to start,
silenced Bulgarian guns, which were bom
barding tho British positions.
The statement says that the Serbs re
pulsed three Bulgar attacks further west,
on tho Bantcn-Ostrovo road.
PETROGRAD, Aug. 29. Strong German
attacks against the Russian positions In
Volhynla havo been repulsed, says "nn oflU
cist statement Issued by tho Wir Ofllco
The Germans arc using vast quantities of
shells containing poison gas. During one
day's bombardment tho Germans fired 2000
such shells.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 29. The German
Government, through Its Minister nt The
Hague, has denied responsibility for virtu
ally all of the Incidents growing out of
tho destruction of Dutch shipping, nnd thus
far has not seen Its way clear to offer prom
ises of Indemnity In the principal cases at
Issue, tho Stato Department wns advised
today by tho American Embassy at London.
Semiofficial dispatches to tho British cap
ital, these confidential advices, said, told of
Sow Grass
Seed Now
For 25 years we've specialized in
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Lawns, Pleasure Grounds, Golf
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Michell's SRJSH
ftfeat unrest nmontf tho Dutch patuhBojl
because of their unheeded protests.
Diplomatic messages from The1 lliu'
also said that the Dutch people are becom
ing more restive under tho Apparent lacK
of protection given their lives nnd property
by their Government One dispatch from
Minister Van Dyke, contained this" com
ment: "The history of the Netherlands Govern
ment's foreign relations since thd war be
gan plainly shows that the Government's
protests havo been entirely impartial to
each belligerent. Most of the questlqps re
main undecided, Kngtahd continues to de
tain neutral malls and to make endless diffi
culties to Import trade."
The department also was officially advised
bf the Issuance bf a supplement to the
Orange Book, describing Injuries suffered
by Holland through mall seizures and ves
sel detentions.
Germany Slops Beet Seed Export
WASHINGTON, Atig. 29. Germany wilt
permit no exportation bf sugar beet seed
until her own demands have been supplied
this nutumn Tho Stato Department today
so ndvlsed Senator l'hctan, of California,
uho hns been making representations on
behalf of western farmers.
Believe Me
is a distinct charac
teristic of Kuehnle
painting. There is only one
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Get our eitimale no obligation
Only 2 More Days
of the August Sale
17E have in our storage warehouses over one hundred (100) sq'uare
7 pianos which we have taken as part payment for our Matchless '
Cunningham, Girard, Forrest and Painter & Ewing uprights, players and
grands. All of these have been put in good condition at our factory and
would be desirablefor learners. Prices range from $7 to $40, and delivery
will be made free of charge anywhere within fifty miles of Philadelphia.
We are offering the following slightly used, rebuilt and shopworn
uprights, some of which can hardly be distinguished from new instru
ments :
Was Name ' Stylo Now
$250 Marshall & Wendall Rosewood
$250 Mallei & Gumsion Rosewood
$250 Bogari Piano Go. Ebony
$250 rYlyer Piano Go Rosewood
$260 Lyon & Kealy Piano Co.. Mahogany
$260 Winter Piano Co. Mahogany
$265 G. H. Litchie Piano Co.. .Mahogany
$265 Geo. Baker & Go Mahogany
$275 Hariman & Lanshe Mahogany
$275 Chicago Piano Co Mahogany
$275 Harvard Piano Go. Walnut
$275 Lindeman Piano Go. Mahogany
$275 H. P. Nelson & Go. Mahogany
$300 Mansel & Green Mahogany
$300 Marvin Piano Company. .Mahogany
$300 J. Doll & Co Mahogany $1 10
$300 King Piano Company. . .Mahogany $110
$300 Krell Piano Company. . .Mahogany SI 10
$325 W.W.Kimball Piano Co.. Mahogany $M5
$ 65
$ 70
$ 70
$ 75
$ 75
$ 75
$ 80
$ 80
$ 85
$ 85
$ 85
$ 85
$ 85
$ 95
$ 95
Was Name Style Now
$325 Hobart M. Cable Mahogany $115
$325 Bennett-Brefz Mahogany $115
$325 Kraemer Mahogany $115
$325 Krans Smith Piano Co... Mahogany $125
$325 Mafhushek & Sons Mahogany $125
$325 Shaw Piano Company... Mahogany $125
$325 Steger Piano Company. .Mahogany $(25
$350 Bradford Piano Co Mahogany $135
$350 Goehn & Hughes Piano Go.
Mahogany $135
$350 Davenport & Tracy Mahogany $150
$350 Decker Bros. Mahogany $150
$375 Est ey Piano Company ... Walnut $ 1 60
$375 Vose & Sons Mahogany $165
$375 Newman Bros Mahogany $(65
$375 Blake Piano Company. .Mahogany $170
$375 Fosher Piano Company. .Mahogany $(75
$375 McPhail Piano Company. Mahogany $175
We have also on sale several slightly used and shopworn Matchless
Cunningham, Girard, Forrest and Painter & Ewing upright pianos at
bie: reductions.
11th and CHESTNUT STS.
Factory; 50th and Parkside Avenue
West Philadelphia Branch North Philadelphia Branch
52d and Chestnut Streets 2835 Germantown Ayettue
' ' ' I .'I l ,mft,...l'...lMmmro ,:.,.n..,,1l..'..' - '"' Nil, .,..!. .. ,,aL , .,,. IMly,